Social media - West Midlands Deanery


Social media - West Midlands Deanery
Reaching the public
Social and traditional media
for public involvement
Suzanne Rhodes
Marketing and Communications Officer
The bigger picture
Part of our Mandate for Change - Promoting
independence and healthy lives
Full scale consultation New approach to community engagement –
‘My City, My Say’
Phase 1 - city council representatives and partners
going along to pre-existing meetings, forums and
events, asking people for their views and to get
Phase 2 - dedicated and longer engagement
sessions jointly hosted with our partners
Promotion via: website, press releases,
social media, Our City publication.
Other routine feedback
Feedback form –
Web feedback form
Responses on social media
Press releases – comments on
Wow awards
Shaping campaigns
Mosaic – based on census information
Health statistics in Stoke-on-Trent
Specific surveys/insight work that
is commissioned
Big debates – alcohol, health
literacy, obesity
National campaign research
Involving the public in campaigns
National Campaign: Change4Life Smart
Swaps - Local campaign in Stoke-on-Trent
 create relationship with public
 make the campaign appeal at a local level –
choose a subject close to them or something
“The healthy Oatcake competition”
“Bake off”
“Taste the difference event”
The healthy oatcake
Swap traditional fillings for their
healthier alternatives or create a new
healthy filling
 online form to enter
 promotion to media
 promotion to oatcake shops and
throughout city
 promotion on website, homepage
and social media
 promotion through partners
Bake off event
Pre-judging took place based on set criteria
Two finalists selected to take part in Bake Off
Judging panel each with own area to score: taste,
healthiness of cooking, healthiness of ingredients, food
Judges were: local radio station presenter, Director of
Public Health, Councillor, provider (SSOTP) and
Environmental health
Other half of vote/score came from the public voting
Susan Nevitt creating her ‘spicy vegetable’ oatcake filling
Will Cowley creating his ‘mexican marvel’ oatcake filling
And the winner was…
Will Cowley with 64 of the 101 votes!
General promotion of the
Change4Life campaign
Media: press releases, Our City article, partner
Social media: Facebook, Twitter, Google+
Internal: staff event, website, forums,
newsletter, posters in staff areas
External: posters throughout the city,
newspaper adverts, billboards, shopping centre
Some of our advertising
TV listing
Taste the difference event
Our staff are also our customers
45 members of staff came along.
59% guessed correctly which one was the low
fat cheese, 41% got it wrong
44% people guessed correctly which one was
full sugar coke, 56% got it wrong
Evaluation – website statistics
657 page views of the smart swaps webpage.
363 page views of the voting form
161 page views of the competition form
The days most visited were: 6 Jan, 7 Jan, 30 Jan, and 12 Feb
83 came from Stoke Inside (staff)
169 came from Facebook
48 came from Twitter
5 articles in local newspaper
 Article in council magazine
 Features on Radio Stoke and Signal 2 radio
 9 interactions and 4 retweets on Twitter
@nci1 @SoTCityCouncil Don't 'healthy fillings' go against
the spirit of the oatcake? Surely loads of cheese is
mandatory? :)
Thanks for listening
Any questions?