HDMSe00202713 - DTSC-SSFL
HDMSe00202713 - DTSC-SSFL
SPECIFICATION NO . 00000-91796-T26 SS ME SUBSYSTEM TEST FACILIT Y CLEANING AND TESTING OF HIGH PRESSURE CRYOGENIC RUN VESSEL S FOR COCA TEST AREA SANTA SUSANA FIELD LABORATORY , CALIFORNI A ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION Rocketdyne Divisio n 6633 Canoga Avenue , Canoga Park , Californi a Facilities Engineering Department . H . Mdt(aghan Manager SSME Subsystem Test A . E . Moor e Manager SSME Facilitie s June 197 3 VELLUM RELEASE IIII I IIIIIIIIII BNA0540058 3 HDMSe00202713 Specification No . CC000 - 91796-T26 Page 1 1 . SCOPE OF WORK 1 .1 The Builder shall furnish all labor, material, tools and equipment to move and install vessels V-145 and V-1180 on Coca 1 Test Stand, to perform-all operations on V-79, V-39, V-145, V-1180, V-142 and V-1181, including helium mass spectrometer vacuum leak testing, internal cleaning of annular space and inner vessel, installing perlite ; installing check valves and all other modifications as specified herein . 2 . CODES AND SPECIFICATION S 2 .1 The latest editions of the following codes and specifications, with their current revisions, shall form a part of this specification . 2 .1 .1 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code , Sections VIII and IX . 2 .L 2 American National Standard Institute , Code for Pressure Piping ANSI B31 .3 . 2 .1 .3 Califo rn ia Administrative Code, Title 8, Chapter 4, Indust ry Safety Code . 2 .1 .4 Califo rn ia Administrative Code , Title 24, State Building Standards, Part 3 Basic Electrical Regulations , State Building Standards Electrical Code . 2 .1 .5 ASTM Standards , Part 1, "Steel Piping, Tubing and Fittings" . 2 .1 .6 ASTM Standards , Part 3, " Steel Sheet, Strip , Bar, Rod, Wire ; Metallic Coated Products" . 2 .1 .7 ASTM Standards , Part 4, " Steel-Pressure Vessel, Forgings, Railway, Reinforcing, Structural" . 2 .1 .8 ASTM-A312 - 72 Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe . 2 .1 .9 Occupational Safety and Health Act . 3 . GENERAL REQUIREMENT S 3 .1 On Coca IV there are two vessels , one 1 , 200 gallon LOX Vessel V-1181 and one 4,500 gallon LH2 Vessel V-142 . On Coca 1 there are two vessels , one 2 , 000 gallon LOX Vessel V-145 and one 3,950 gallon LH2 Vessel V-1180 , which shall be moved from CTL III and installed on the valve deck on Coca 1 Test Stand . 3 .1 .1 The vessels are setting in a vertical position on the valve deck at the 19`- 10" elevation above the roadway . 3 .2 Gaseous nitrogen and helium at 150 psi will be furnished by Rockwell at the test site . III I I IIIII I IIII BNA0540058 4 HDMSe00202714 Specification No . 00000 - 91796-T26 Page 2 3 .3 Pipe supports shall be provided for pipe runs between vacuum cabinets and vessels . 4 . SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 4 .1 Vessel V-118 1 4 .1 .1 Remove all dirt, cleaning . debris , etc ., from the annular space by vacuum 4 .1 .2 Seal all saddle holes and inspection holes in the outer stainless steel vacuum jacket by welding formed 1/4" thick 304 stainless steel plates over the openings with a 2" to 3" lap all around the openings . Grind and dye check as required by Rocketdyne . 4 .1 .3 Remove miscellaneous brackets from the outer jacket as by Rockwell Field Representative . directed 4 .1 .4 After the inner vessel is cleaned, install the stainless steel heat shield in the top nozzle per SK4, page 12 . Use all necessary precautions to keep vessel clean and .submit procedure for approval . 4 .1 .5 Remove the existing damaged 20" diameter expansion joints and insulation sleeve from the top and bottom nozzles , and install new 20" diameter expansion joints in accordance with SK-1, page 2 . 4 .1 .6 Fill the annular space between the inner and outer vessels, approximately 390 cu . ft ., with dry perlite, 8 lb . per cu . ft ., compacted density after Mass Spectrometer leak test . 4 .1 .7 The perlite shall be installed through the top 6" - 150# outer vessel rupture disc opening by the vacuum pack process using Builder furnished pump ( KT300 or larger) . 4 .1 .7 .1 Furn ish and install a 3" - 150# flanged tee type sintered bronze filter , 10 micron rating, 15 cu . ft . minimum capacity between the vessel vacuum outlet flange and the vacuum shutoff valve at the vessel . 4 .1 .8 Furnish and replace the 6" rupture disc with a duo-chek valve in accordance with SK-2, page 10 . 4 .1 .9 Perform the Mass Spectrometer Leak Test and vessel cleaning per paragraphs 7 .0 and 8 .0 . Remove glyptol and putty and repair leaks in piping connections . 4 .2 Vessel V-14 2 4 .2 .1 Top off the annular space insulation with dry perlite , 8 lb . per cu . ft . compacted density , by the vacuum pack process using Builder furnished pump ( KT300 or larger) . 4 .2 .2 Furn ish and replace the 8" rupture disc with a duo-chek valve in accordance with SK-2 , page 10 . BNA0540058 5 HDMSe00202715 Specification No . CC000-91796-T26 Page 3 4 .2 .3 Fu rn ish and install a 2" duo-chek valve in the outer manway cover and install the cannon seal in accord an ce with SK-3, page 11 . 4 .2 .4 Reinstall the four piece vortex screen on the internal outlet nozzle vortex breaker and safety wire hold- down nuts in pairs with 1/16" diameter stainless steel wire , per MS33540, after screen is clean . 4 .2 .5 Reinstall twenty ( 20) 2" diffusers to the inte rn al pressurizing manifold and safety wire in pairs with 1/ 16" diameter stainless steel wire, per MS33540 after cleaning diffusers . 4 .2 .6 Ultrasonic test the inner vessel nozzle and manway attachment welds ( by Rocketdyne ) . Clean vessel after this test . 4 .2 .7 Remove miscellaneous brackets from the outer jacket as directed b Rockwell Field Representative . Also remove one vacuum fitting from manway . 4 .2 .8 Perform the Mass Spectrometer Leak Test and vessel cleaning per paragraphs 7 . and 8 . Remove glyptol and putty and repair leaks in piping connections . 4 .3 Vessel V-14 5 4 .3 .1 Move and install the vessel , approximately 86,000 lbs ., from CTL III to Coca 1 Test Stand, a distance of 1 .8 miles, on the valve deck at El . 19 '- 10" per Bechtel Drawing S-609 . 4 .3 .1 .1 The vessel shall be orientated per SK6, . page 14, and installed using eight (8) 1-1/2" x 4" heavy hex structural bolts with heavy hex nuts and two ( 2) flat washers bolting, per specification ASTM A-354 GR BC . 4 .3 .2 Remove the internal vortex breaker screening and twenty (20) diffusers , and reinstall after cleaning , per S . W . Welding & Manufacturing Co ., Drawing D-002 . 4 .3 .3 Ultrasonic test the inner vessel nozzle and manway attachment welds (by Rocketdyne) . Clean vessel after this test . 4 .3 .4 Top off the annular space insulation with dry perlite, 8 lb . per cu . ft . compacted density, by the vacuum pack process . ( Builder furnished pump KT300 or larger) . 4 .3 .5 Install and tack weld the vacuum pump cabinet to the valve deck grating at El . 19'-10" per Bechtel Corporation Drawing M-636 . 4 .3 .5 .1 Fabricate and install 4" welded stainless steel vacuum piping from the vessel to the vacuum pump cabinet . 4 .3 .6 Furnish and install a 2" duo-chek valve in the outer manway cover in accordance with SK-3, page 11 . 4 .3 .7 Perform the Mass Spectrometer Leak Test and vessel cleaning per paragraphs 7 . and 8 . BNA0540058 6 HDMSe00202716 Specification No . 00000-91796-T26 Page 4 4 .4 Vessel V-118 0 4 .4 .1 Move and install the vessel , approximately 206,650 lbs ., from CTL III to Coca 1 Test Stand, a distance of 1 .8 miles, on the valve deck at El . 19'-10 " per Bechtel Corporation Drawing S-609 . 4 .4 .1 .1 The vessel shall be orientated per SK6, page 14 , and installed using (16) 1-3/ 8" x 5-1/ 2" heavy hex structural bolts with heavy hex nuts and two flat washers , bolting per specification ASTM A-354-GR BC . 4 .4 .2 After the inner vessel is cleaned , install the stainless steel heat shield in the top nozzle per SK4, page 12 and submit procedure for approval . 4 .4 .3 Furnish and replace the 8" rupture disc with a duo-chek valve in accordance with SK-2, page 10 . 4 .4 .4 Remove the 1" thick x 2'-0" wide carbon steel shipping ring by torch cutting approximately 1" away from each pipe support ; grind edges smooth and break all sharp edges . 4 .4 .5 Install and tack weld the vacuum pump cabinet to the 45'-0" level grating as shown on Bechtel Corporation Drawing M-636 . 4 .4 .5 .1 Fabricate and install 3" welded stainless steel vacuum piping from the vacuum pump cabinet to the vessel . 4 .4 .6 Remove miscellaneous brackets from the outer jacket as directed by Rockwell Field Representative . 4 .4 .7 Perform the Mass Spectrometer Leak Test and vessel cleaning per paragraphs 7 and 8 . 5 . MATERIAL S 5 .1 Materials shall conform to their respective designated specifications as follows : Vacuum Piping . . . . . . Vacuum Plate Flanges . . . .ASTM A-312-Type 304, Schedule 10 . Vacuum Fittings . . . . . . Vacuum Gaskets . . . . . . ASTM A-240-30 4 .ASTM A-403-TP304 . . Buna " N" 0-Rings 6 . WELDIN G 6 .1 All welding and welder qualification procedures shall be performed in accordance with the applicable paragraphs of the ASME Code Section VIII and IX for the material being welded . proposed 6 .1 .1 The Builder shall submit for review , five copies of all welding procedures . UA BNA0540058 7 II HDMSe00202717 Specification No . 00000-91796-T26 Page 5 6 .2 Welds of carbon steel to stainless steel shall be made with E-310 or E-309 electrodes . 6 .3 Gas welding will not be permitted . 7 . MASS SPECTROMETER TESTIN G 7 .1 Complete helium mass spectrometer vacuum testing shall be performed on the run vessels with a mass spectrometer helium leak detector set at 10-9 Std . cc/sec . sensitivity . 7 .2 Equipment shall be operated in accordance with manufacturer's operating instructions . 7 .3 Prior to testing th mass spectrometer shall have been certified for accuracy at 10- Std . cc / sec . and the certification presented to Rockwell for approval . 7 .4 Builder shall evacuate the annular space down to 10 microns or for a minimum period of 72 hours . 7 .4 .1 Builder shall use a roughing pump 50 cfm minimum size in conjunction with the vessels equipment in evacuation of the annular space . 7 .5 After evacuating the annular space, the vacuum pumps shall be isolated from the system . 7 .6 After 24 hours, the Builder shall measure the annular space vacuum , using the vessels vacuum equipment . If the rise in pressure does not exceed 150 microns , the vessel is acceptable . 7 .6 .1 Builder shall spray with a fine jet of helium, all fittings, lines and weld seams of the outer vessel , and test for leaks with the mass spectrometer . 7 .7 The Builder shall evacuate the manway annular space of vessels V-142 and V-145 to 10 microns, isolate the vacuum pump . Spray with a fine jet of helium , all fittings , weld seams and flange connections , and test for leaks with the mass spectrometer . 7 .8 Acceptable leak rate will be determined by Rockwell Field Representative . 8 . INNER VESSEL CLEANIN G 8 .1 The Builder shall perform all cleaning operations indicated . 8 .2 Protect all sealing surfaces during chemical cleaning . 8 .3 All cleaning and rinse solutions shall be sprayed, circulated, or applied in a manner that all surfaces of the system to be cleaned shall be completely wetted with the solutions . Rinse water shall not be reused . BNA0540058 8 II HDMSe00202718 Specification No . 00000-91796-T26 Page 6 8 .3 .1 Since vessels V-1180 and V-1181 do not have a manway , a jet spraying system will be required through the top and bottom vessel openings . 8 .4 once water solutions have been introduced into the system, the surfaces to be cleaned shall not be allowed to become dry between the steps of the procedure until the drying step has started . 8 .5 All sections of the system to be cleaned that can trap or retain any liquid , shall be drained or emptied between the application of each different solution or chemical mixture . During or after the final rinse and prior to the d rying step, each connection shall be opened to assure the removal of all contamination from the faces . 8 .6 The Builder shall seal all systems following cleanliness inspections . 8 .7 Cleaning Sequenc e 8 .7 .1 Inner Vessel , Inner Surface 8 .7 .1 .1 Degreas e 8 .7 .1 .2 Flush 8 .7 .1 .3 Dry 8 .7 .1 .4 Inspect, visual for Vessels V-1180 and V- 1181 and use white nylon cloth examination for Vessels V-142 and V-145 . 8 .7 .1 .5 Sea l 8 .8 Chemical Cleaning Material s 8 .8 .1 Trichloroethane , III solvent : solvent flushing grade . Stabilized , vapor degreasing and 8 .8 .2 Mild alkaline cleaner : detergent type cleaner such as Turco No . 4090, as manufactured by Turco Products , Division of Purex, 24600 South Main , Carson, Califo rnia , or equal . 8 .9 Chemical Cleaning Processe s 8 .9 .1 Degrease : Flush with a mild alkaline cleaner solution at a minimum temperature of 140 degrees F or trichloroethane solvent until all traces of oil and grease are removed . 8 .9 .2 Flush : Rinse with distilled or deionized water until effluent water pH and influent water pH are equivalent . 8 .9 .3 Dry : Purge with dry nitrogen until a dew point of minus 50 degrees F is reached or until moisture content of discharged BNA0540058 9 U HDMSe00202719 Specification No . 00000-91796-T26 Page 7 8 .9 .3 (Continued ) nitrogen is 30 ppm by volume . Test dew point , if so directed by Rockwell Field Representative , with a Consolidated Electrodynamic Corporation Moisture Monitor, Type 26-301 . 8 .9 .4 Inspect : Inspect by visual examination , and wipe the cleaned surface with a clean white nylon cloth . After wiping, no evidenc e of oil, stain , rust, scale , solid particles , or any foreign material on the cloth will be accepted . 8 .9 .5 Seal all openings with existing blind hub, clamps and seal rings after cleaning . .6 Authority for determining adequacy of cleanliness of all work 8 .9 rests with Rockwell Field Representative . 9 SKETCHE S 9 .1 Pages 9 thru 14 comprise the sketches . IIIIIIIIIII V BNA0540059 0 HDMSe00202720 Specification No . CC000-91796-T26 Page 8 10 . MISCELLANEOUS VACUUM EQUIP MEN T 10 .1 Vessel V-79 at Coca I V 10 .2 Fu rnish and install the following equipment in vacuum cabinet : (a) Liquid level gauge, Barton Model 200 aluminum. body, 0 to 10 feet water scale , calibrated in gallons , plastic face and blowout plugs for LH2 se rv ice . (b) Compound gauge, Helicoid 15 psi to 30 " Hg ., Model 412R for 1/4" line, 6" plastic face, safety blowout plugs, black face with white letters and Acaloy flush-mounted case . (c) Pressure gauge, Helicoid 0-200 psi, Model 440R, (stainless) 6" face, 1/4" connection, plastic face, safety blowout plugs, black dial, white face, flush-mounted for LH2 service . 10 .3 Remove existing Kinney Compound Vacuum Pump and replace with new Kinney KC-15 Vacuum Pump , furnished by Rockwell . 10 .4 Furnish and install vibration eliminator, new gasket and piping as required for vacuum lines inside of vacuum cabinet to flange connection at cabinet walls . 10 .5 . Vessel V-39 at Coca IV 10.5 .1 Furnish and install in vacuum cabinet, a Helicoid Pressure Gauge 0-100 psi, Model 440R (stainless ) 6" face, 1 / 4" connection , plastic face, safety blowout plugs, black dial , white face , flush-mounted for LOX se rv ice . IIIIIII I I I II BNA0540059 1 HDMSe00202721 SPEC IFICAT ' ON Nn . 00000-017%-T26 PAGE 9 182 O-D Hut (>'} Zdd SCN ;,lOS EXPANSION j JO NTH 3 M ;N, :ON7RACT,ON , MIN. OFFSET, FULL ACUUM SERVICE 8( W17-H EXTERNAL PRorEc r SLEEVE . CUT-OFF EXIST. IPSUL . SLEEVE AT IRIS LINE 1Ǹ LO TO EXIST. STUB END USING \ BACK-UP BAR I VESSEL V-1181 SCALE-- =JV SK- I ui uuinuiiu n 2 I 0I i iBNA0540059 HDMSe00202722 SPECIFICATION NO, CCOOO-91 796 --r26 PAGE 10 C/STL., RETAINER PING &,,BO LT)NrA REPLACE EXIST. A5KST 'ri4x. *WA- 'W .t «o-R/NG AS R REPLACE BURST DISC WITH MISSION DUO - CF#EK CNECK VALVE (SANDWJGH Type) S/STL . 5ODY $&TRINh .F FACING & SUNA N SEAL . V"-!5O FOR VESSEL V-1181 d -15G'F F012' YEtS E L' V-t te' 8-f O*FOR YESSEL ''V-14z ANNULAR SPACE RELIEF YESSELS V-118), V 1 180 & V-142 SK-2 IIIIIIIIII IIII BNA0540059 3 HDMSe00202723 SPECIFICATl O I NO, CCOO'-9t795-T2€ PAGE I oTL. BETA I NFMK R;Nq & SoLrING 2°1500 M ISStoN DUO-CkEK CHEC K VALVE (SANDWICK TYPE) S/5TL . I,! ~ BODY TRIM, R .F. FAC1K . 81 BUNA N SEAL . 2'-',ISOC/Sr WELD NK, FLCR, 0-RI4 FACING & B(P(A N SEAL . „w______ SCH -4O PIPE C/sTL , aUTER MANWAY COVER, F T-1 MANWAY 9"t FOR V-142 ONLY REMOVE )'CPLG . H"& IN STAL L CANNON gLA9S SEAL 'ITJ3FH • 24 .28 PS- WO 1"9 CONN . P) Ns ON EXTERNAL ME SOCKET ON INSIDE(FURtwL SY ROCKWE .LL) MANWAY ANNUL! U5 RELIEF VESSELS V-14Z 8( V-144 SK-3 IIIIIIIIII IIII BNA0540059 4 HDMSe00202724 .S PECIFICAT ?ON h'O. -,COO' -9^1796-7 G PAGE I Z 5EAL WELD Vjr TOP JO"NOZ . ON YES5E L PACK SLEEVE 7-0 KEEP VESSEL CLEAN DURING WELDING / to INSTALL 7t l z. W.=AT SN?EL SLEEVE : ;a ,NOZ . SLEEVE TO 8E "!GNT PIT 19 I VESSEL V-1180 & Y IIIIIII I I I IIII BNA0540059 5 HDMSe00202725 w g" BorTOM OUrLEr 0. ,0PRESSURiZlNG NOZZL E VENr 8"AN9ULAR ELI EF i 9'-9"TO 4 5TAKD (REFS VACUUM CABINET O f VESSEL V-145 ORIENTATION S K-5 IIIIII I II II II 8-~`~To_¢~ SrAr1D~R~F~ 6"LIQ, LEVEL & TEMP NOZ. VACUU M IeNOZ . To& so,- CABINET (q) 45'EL . 3MVACUUM .voz. ~~ 8"ANNULAR ELIE F I VE55EL V-1180 ORIENTATION K.-6 4 II