PEN Trio | Biography
PEN Trio | Biography
Mailing Address: Telephone: Contents: Email: Website: http://www. .co Trio Biography PEN Trio | Recent Appearances Biography Nora Lewis PEN Trio | Biography 5IF1&/5SJPXJMMUBJMPSUIFQSPHSBNUPTVJUZPVS TQFDJGJDOFFETXIFUIFSUIBUJTBQSPHSBNPG BVEJFODFGSJFOEMZXPSLTBQSPHSBNPGBMM DPOUFNQPSBSZTFMFDUJPOTPSBNJY'SFRVFOUMZUIF FOTFNCMFQSFTFOUT1&/5SJP'SJFOETDPODFSUTJO XIJDIUIFUSJPJTKPJOFECZPOFPSNPSFBEEJUJPOBM JOTUSVNFOU5ZQJDBMMZUIFTFDPODFSUTJOWPMWFB QJBOPIPSOPSGMVUFJOPSEFSUPQMBZNBTUFSXPSLTCZ DPNQPTFSTMJLF.P[BSUPS#FFUIPWFO PEN Trio |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h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ora Lewis | Biography . Phillip O. Paglialonga | Biography Eric Van der Veer Varner | Biography Eric Van der Veer Varner has enjoyed a particularly rich and varied musical career. He has held principal bassoon chair with the Windsor Symphony Orchestra since 2004, appearing as a soloist with the orchestra on numerous occasions, where his playing has been critically hailed as that “of ineffable liquid beauty”. He has previously held positions with the Ann Arbor Symphony, The Michigan Opera Theater, the Sarasota Opera, and the Mannheim Chamber Orchestra in Germany. He performs in numerous summer festivals, including the Bellingham Festival of Music, the Michigan City Chamber Music Festival, and the Interlochen Arts Festival. Currently the professor of bassoon and wind department chair at the Lynn Conservatory, Varner has previously held faculty appointments at Miami (Ohio) University, Heidelberg University, and the University of Windsor. Additionally, he spent fourteen summers working at the Interlochen Arts Camp, where he was the Assistant Director of the High Schools Boys Division. Varner is also the owner of TrevCo-Varner Music, “the world’s foremost purveyor of fine sheet music for double reeds”. TrevCo-Varner Music is the largest company in the world dedicated solely to double reed music, with over 12,000 titles in stock from publishers all over the world. In his capacity as owner, Dr. Varner is at the forefront of the new music scene, commissioning new works, creating new editions of forgotten gems, and striving to make all more accessible to the public. Dr. Varner holds the Doctor of Musical Arts (2004) from the University of Michigan, where he also earned a Master of Music (2002) and a Bachelor of Music (1996) degree. Additionally, he holds a degree in Artistic Education (1998) from the Mannheim-Heidelberg Conservatory in Mannheim, Germany. His primary teachers were Richard Beene, Alfred Rindespacher, Hugh Cooper and Michael Dicker. When he is not busy playing and teaching, he enjoys watching college football, reading, and playing with his dogs, Lulu and Oscar. PEN Trio | Reviews The ensemble gave a stunning performance, with really remarkable blend, precision, and artistry. The students I talked with commented on how impressed they were with both the virtuosity of the ensemble playing as well as the solo lines. Bradley Wong, Professor of Clarinet and Coordinator of Graduate Studies, Western Michigan University With a growing reputation as fine pedagogues as well as performers, the PEN Trio brings a new energy and fresh approach to the reed trio, playing with intelligence and scholarly insight Nancy King, Professor of Oboe, University of Michigan It is rare to come across musicians who are so musical and thoughtful. They know the repertoire but more importantly they know how to communicate their repertoire to an audience. Aleksander Sternfeld-Dunn, Assistant Professor of Composition, Wichita State University