view Newsletter - Boulder Bridge
view Newsletter - Boulder Bridge
Boulder Unit 359 BoardTalk Letter from the President During the recent Albuquerque Regional I was invited, along with other District 17 members, to attend a luncheon hosted by the new ACBL President, Sharon Anderson. The topics we discussed were volunteerism and member recognition. But primarily we discussed how to attract and retain new members. No quick and easy answers here! Jean Hupka and Jim Steele are doing a great job bringing in new players and I applaud their efforts. But what can you and I do? I encourage all of you to reach out to a player that you don't know or know very well. Offer to play with a novice player when you have a free date. Offer constructive advice when questions arise. Some of you do these things very well, others of us, not so much. You who volunteer to help in any way are the very basis of our organization. I appreciate all that you do to help the Unit. Your welcoming smiles and words of encouragement at the bridge table are priceless. And finally, speaking of volunteers, I welcome Paul Haynes as our new publications person. If you have any news items, please send them to Paul. His e-mail address is [email protected] .Thanks, Paul. Barbara Financial Update from Jim Hoerlein The annual financial report and year by year comparison (shown on a separate insert this year) indicate a healthy financial picture for Unit 359. We intend to make money on our sectionals, and by design, lose money on our holiday gift—the Holiday Party. In 2011 we lost money on the Fall Sectional because we were in direct conflict with the rescheduled Phoenix Regional. We believe it is important to maintain a surplus to cover the possibility of another snowed-out sectional, but also will use surplus funds to replace equipment as needed. Please let us know if you have any strong wishes regarding the use of the Unit’s funds. March 2012 2011 HOLIDAY PARTY Curt Soloff and Bob McKenzie did a great job insuring that the 36 ½ table Holiday Party went smoothly. The annual Unit 359 celebration was held December 11, 2011, at the Spice of Life Event Center. Revenue from entry fees was $1550, expenses of $4202.50 included food, rent, directors, pre-duplicated boards, ACBL fees and a few miscellaneous items. The loss to our bank account was $2652.50 but the gain in fun and fellowship is unmeasurable. The Unit received lots of kudos for a great afternoon as well as a few criticisms since the new kitchen staff ran out of fruits and veggies before everyone was through the line. They obviously didn’t realize this was a typical Boulder assortment of people with lots of vegans. If anyone knows of a place large enough, light enough, with adequate parking, in which we might have a lower overall cost, please let anyone on the Board know. The Unit Championship pairs event at the Holiday Party was scored across the field of three sections and 37 tables. Directional first place winners were: N/S 1A Laurel Ashburn & Suzanne Jones 1B/C Doris Drago & Roberta Mylan E/W 1A/B Jane Baryames & Mary Ellen Nickodemus 1C Arthur Lane & Don Tocher (See pages 2-3 for pictures.) Ashburn-Jones placed first overall with a score of 67.24% . Baryames-Nickodemus were second overall, and additionally the overall winners in Strata B and C, with a score of 63.89%. Third-place honors overall went to Bob and Pat Sherman, with 62.25%. Linda Sundbye and Flo Newlin scored 60.83% for fourth overall. The Rita Alkonis award for January through November 2011 (most masterpoints won in club games by a player who started the year between 500 and 1000 masterpoints) went to Sally Ann Rhea. The McKenna Cup for 2011 (most masterpoints won by a Boulder Unit member in the two Boulder Sectionals) went to Gary Greene. Suzanne Jones and Laurel Ashburn, Holiday Party Unit Championship Ann Gruidel, Mini-McKenney Doris Drago and Roberta Mylan, Holiday Party Unit Championship Jean Hupka, Mini-McKenney Betsy Messerschmitt, Mini-McKenney and Ace of Clubs; Vince Bates, Ace of Clubs; Diane Mayer, Mini-McKenney and Ace of Clubs; Jane Baryames, Ace of Clubs and Holiday Party Unit Championship (not pictured: Jane’s partner at the Holiday Party, Mary Ellen Nickodemus) Questions? Comments? Your own “Wouldn’t it be nice”? Ideas for articles or articles themselves? E-mail [email protected] Amar Chopra, Ace of Clubs; Harry Benton, Ace of Clubs; Larry Dolan, Ace of Clubs; Daniel Ziskin, Mini-McKenney and Ace of Clubs Sally Ann Rhea, Rita Alkonis Award Gary Greene, GNT and McKenna Cup Michael Perlman and Gary Steiner, GNT (not pictured : Bob Sherman) Mike O’Brien, Ace of Clubs Roger Miller, Patricia Miller, Kurt Simmons, and Sally Ann Rhea, GNT Amar Chopra, Paula Giarratano, Bill Ashbee, and Daniel Ziskin, GNT First Row: Susan Schweppe, Mini-McKenney; Kate Yates, Ace of Clubs; Sally Ann Rhea, Mini-McKenney; Second Row: Diane Mayer, Mini-McKenney and Ace of Clubs; Jim Smith, Mini-McKenney Not pictured: Jeanne Gray, Mini-McKenney; Scott Needham, Ace of Clubs Mini-McKenneys The Mini-McKenney for 2011 in Unit 359 is awarded to the Boulder Unit player starting the year in each masterpoint range who earned the most masterpoints (from all sources) in 2011: 0-5 5-20 20-50 50-100 100-200 200-300 300-500 500-1000 1000-2500 2500-5000 Susan Schweppe Daniel Ziskin Ann Gruidel Jim Smith Diane Mayer Betsy Messerschmidt Jean Hupka Sally Ann Rhea Kate Yates Jeanne Gray (See pages 2-3 for pictures.) GNT QUALIFYING RESULTS Sixteen teams competed in the Grand National Teams Qualifying game on Saturday, February 25, at Mountain View United Methodist Church. This was a singlesession, four-match Stratified Swiss Team competition, the highest possible Victory Point score being 80. (See pages 2-3 for pictures.) Placing first in Stratum A was the team of Bob Sherman, Michael Perlman, Gary Steiner, and Gary Greene, with 65 Victory Points. Taking first-place honors in Stratum B was the team of Sally Ann Rhea, Kurt Simmons, Roger Miller, and Patricia Miller, with a total of 55 Victory Points. Stratum C winners were Bill Ashbee, Daniel Ziskin, Amar Chopra, and Paula Giarratano, with 51 Victory Points. As usual, more than half the teams qualified for the next stage of the Grand National Teams, to be conducted at the Rocky Mountain Regional in Denver in May. But if you’re looking for another GNT Qualifying game, try the Longmont Duplicate Bridge Club game at the Niwot Grange Hall on Thursday evening, March 22, at 6:30 p.m. Beware the partner by Mike Stabler I recently got to play bridge with my dad at his regular club game in Houston. I’ve played with him off and on and am well aware that some of his bidding conventions aren’t exactly current. We talked about a couple of conventions and settled in to play. Early on I got a bidding challenge. Dad opened 1H. I had S: A-9-5; H: 8-6-4; D: A-K-Q-6-3; C: K-5. Of course I wanted to bid my favorite artificial strong heart raise, which I knew he didn’t play. So what’s wrong with 2D? I bid it. He bid 2H. I bid 4H. He only had 5 H himself but extra values. He made slam. Later he ventured another 1H opening. My RHO doubled. I had S: 8-7-4; H: void (of course!); D: K-J-10-9-8-6-2; and C: 10-7. Ooooooh how I wanted to bid 3D! A wonderful chance to shut out the opps! But my dad and I had actually talked about this sequence and he had said he would take a jump shift over a double as a strong bid…ooooooh! Well, I bid the 3d anyway [Ed: Did you consider a 2D bid?], knowing that disaster could happen, knowing that I was “outside” of our agreement, knowing that I’d have to take responsibility…HOPING that my dad would have forgotten the conversation and pull out the green card! Well, of course he didn’t; he bid 4C, all pass, down a few…and we still got a good board because the opps had a cold Spade contract! Beware the partner; he might well be me! (By the way, we came in fourth out of 17 pairs.) CHANGING EDITORS With this issue of Board Talk, Sally Ann Rhea is stepping down as editor, and Paul Haynes is stepping up. Please be patient with me as I learn the ropes.. — pH CLUB NOTES Jim Johnson’s Longmont Club News flash #1: For 2012, Jim is offering a halfprice entry to any pair consisting of one Life Master and one player with less than 50 masterpoints. News flash #2: Jim is starting a series of Saturday Unit games at the Niwot Grange Hall. The first of these will be March 31. Watch the Unit website for details. The winners of the Club Championship on Thursday, March 1 were Tim Auckland and Jenny Glendenning. Upcoming events at 6:30 Thursday night: March 22 Swiss Team Game, GNT qualifier March 29 Barometer pairs. Jim is asking players to let him know if they intend to play in this game, as it is a matchpoint game where all players play the same boards every round, and scores are posted after each round. He needs to know how many board sets to make up, so it is important that people let him know they are coming. He will be seeding the field, and will try to accommodate N/S E/W requests. This is a game that is a lot of fun, but hard to get into in the regional—and they don't always even have it so you are urged to take this opportunity to give it a try! Suzanne’s Wednesday and FAC The winners of the most masterpoints for the last half of 2011 were these: • • • Larry Dolan in Stratum A Scott Needham in Stratum B Diane Mayer in Stratum C Larry won dinner for two at the Olive Garden, as usual. The others won bridge books, hopefully aiding them in repeat performances. Ace of Clubs The Ace of Clubs for 2011 in Unit 359 is awarded to the Boulder Unit player starting in each masterpoint range who earned the most masterpoints in club games (regardless of club location) in 2011: (See pages 2-3 for pictures) 0-5 5-20 20-50 50-100 100-200 200-300 300-500 500-1000 1000-2500 2500-5000 Harry Benton Daniel Ziskin Mike O’Brien Amar Chopra Diane Mayer Betsy Messerschmidt Jane Baryames Scott Needham Vincent Bates Larry Dolan Director’s Corner by Paul Haynes Alert! (or Announce?) Only six bidding agreements are to be Announced instead of Alerted in today’s ACBL. They are easy to find, too — just look for items preprinted in blue on the convention card: 1. Opening 1NT point range; 2-3. Jacoby and Texas transfers; 4. Forcing 1NT response to major opening; 5. Semi-forcing 1NT response to major; 6. Non-forcing minor-suit opening that could be shorter than three cards. The announcements for these are, respectively, “1517” (or whatever your range is); “Transfer” (for both Jacoby and Texas); “Forcing;” “SemiForcing;” and “Could be short.” Outside of these few items, do not announce any of your agreements. Simply say “Alert” and wait for questions. In particular, do not announce any offbeat transfer, such as (for instance) 2S transferring to Clubs. Just say “Alert.” Brevity is the soul of ACBL wit. Jim Hoerlein 4804 Gibbs Ave Boulder, CO 80301 Unit Clubs Boulder Bridge Club Gary Steiner, 303-494-9518 Jean Hupka 720-255-2136 Every Monday at 12:15 pm The Wednesday Club and FAC Suzanne Jones, 303-447-0915 Every Wednesday St. Andrews Presbyterian & Friday at noon Church 3700 Baseline; Boulder Every Thursday at Niwot Lefthand Grange 6:30 pm 2nd & Franklin; Niwot Every Monday at 6:00 pm The Carillon at Boulder Creek 2525 Taft Drive; Boulder Longmont Bridge Jim Johnson 720-840-6145 Club Mountain View Methodist Church 355 Ponca Place; Boulder Carillon Bridge Club Jim Steele, 303-530-4772 Summit Bridge Club Steve McCammon Every Monday & 970-262-7931 Friday at 1 pm Summit County Community and Senior Center 0083 Nancy’s Place, Frisco Niwot Bridge Club (0-499) Jim Steele, 303-530-4772 Niwot Lefthand Grange 2nd & Franklin; Niwot Bridge on Thurs- Jean Hupka 720-255-2136 day (0-299) Gary Greene 303-682-1237 Every Tuesday at 6:30 pm Every Thursday at St. Andrews Presbyterian 12:30 pm Church 3700 Baseline; Boulder Unit Directory Jim Hoerlein has distributed the 2012 directories to area clubs. Pick one up at a game or if that doesn’t work for you, contact him at 303-443-8082 by e-mail [email protected]. Also contact Jim for corrections for NEXT year’s directory and [email protected] for immediate corrections in the newsletter. Here’s the first one: Michael Cooperman’s phone number is 303-532-9884.