Representations of the Hungarian National Tourist Office


Representations of the Hungarian National Tourist Office
Hungary is characterised by a very rich natural heritage:
there are still nearly untouched patches of pristine steppes,
marshes, bogs, river flats, pastures, forests and meadows
populated by the flora and the fauna of the region. This document provides information on the areas that are open for
the general public. For easy reference these areas are indicated under the names of the offices of national parks, listed
in alphabetical order. This layout is intended to provide visitors reliable and updated information about nature preserves
without address or phone number. With regard to these
areas the offices of national parks should be contacted for
information or advice.
The reader should keep in mind that these data and information are not applicable for good. New areas are taken under
protection or the extension of the existing ones may be modified, but visitors should primarily obtain information about
the opening hours before the trip or the excursion that may
vary according to the weather and the popularity of the
place. Before we visit a cave, an arboretum, or any other
exhibited natural sights we should enquire about the possible changes. These offices also provide permissions and
professional guidance for restricted areas. Publications,
maps and souvenir items are on sale at the locations of the
exhibition sights and in the training centres.
At the end, here are a few pieces of advice for our visitors.
Visitors should follow the written and unwritten laws of hiking
in nature, they should not collect plants or insects, not even
seeds, in the protected natural areas. They should not leave
the designated hiking routes and paths. There are certain
rules that apply for all kinds of natural areas - not only those
under protection - such as, fire should only be made at designated areas, playing a radio or tape recorder loud scares
away the timid animals of the area, littering results in serious
damage done to the protected natural sights.
of Contents
Visitor Guide, Table of Contents
Aggtelek National Park
Balaton-uplands National Park
Bükk National Park
Duna–Dráva National Park
Duna–Ipoly National Park
Fertő–Hanság National Park
Hortobágy National Park
Kiskunság National Park
Körös–Maros National Park
Hungarian National Tourist Office
Őrség National Park
Írottkő National Park
Useful Information
National Park
Here a dragon stares benumbed, there a witch
practices magic, over there a giant gazes
fixedly… Who wouldn’t be attracted to the
miraculous dripstone fairyland of Baradla
cave, the greatest and most beautiful dripstone cave of the temperate climate zone, in
the Aggtelek National Park, part of the World
Heritage. Not that this would be the only scenic
spot in the area. In addition to visiting the cave, we can
participate in mounted- or bicycle tours, demonstrating the
inventory of the natural and cultural values. We can walk the streets
of villages, try our hand in artisanship, or in the traditional baking trade or thousands of other programmes.
Cave Tours
Exhibition Sites
(Aggtelek, Jósvafő)
Short, long, medium …the choice is yours. Are you for the
1-1.5 km easy walk? Or would you prefer to join the 2-hour
tour along the Styx stream, which touches on the tallest
stalagmite of Hungary, the 19-meter high Observatory, then
the Hall of the Giants, where you will listen to music? Or will
you rather choose the 7-kilometer one, walking through the
entire main tunnel? Either way, the Baradla cave will not disappoint you.
Open: Daily tours, April 1 to September 30; between 8 a.m.
and 5 p.m.- October 1 to March 31. between 8 a.m. and
3 p.m.
Folklore Museum (Jósvafő)
As time passes by, the original meaning of such words as
barn, stacker and chaff cutter is only preserved in the few
Folklore Museums including the Jósvafő Folklore Museum,
where an exhibition of early 20th century interiors, handicraft
utensils and the exploration of the neighbouring caves can
be seen. In the granary a chamber stage awaits actors, performers, in the stable we can handle tools of the local handicraft, while agricultural machinery is on display in the yard.
Open: April 1 - September 30;10 a.m. - 4 p.m., between October 1 and March 30 by prior arrangement 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Phone: 48/350-084, 30/32-52-822
Vass Imre-cave (Jósvafő)
Exquisite stalagmites and straw stalactites, colourful drip stone crust
and dripstone flows, curved
drip stone formations prove
that Baradla cave is not
the only sight worth visiting in the Aggtelek
National Park.
Its most notable formation, the Orange
Cascade reflects the
cave’s unique spectrum.
Open: April 1 - September 30 daily at
3 p.m.; October 1 March 30 by prior arrangement.
Baradla Gallery (Jósvafő)
The dripstone pillars, the characteristic vegetation and animals of the karstland, all are worthy to be depicted on a
painter’s canvas. And once the artist painted them there, the
painting is worth being exhibited. Baradla Gallery displays
works of fine art, inspired by the environment.
Open to visitors by prior arrangement 10 a.m to 4 p.m.
Phone: 48/350-064
”Jósva” Forest School Basis (Jósvafő)
The inventor of the Forest School must have loved children
very much. Without the school's benches, out in the open air,
but learning must go on. We must develop knowledge about
the world around us, but perhaps in a playful, freer way. The
”Jósva” Forest School Base provides an ideal venue, where
all sorts of events can be organised from 1-2-day field trips,
5-6-day Forest School programmes to the prolonged summer
Open to visitors throughout the year.
Phone/Fax: 48/350-053
be viewed if we follow the educational track out of Jósvafő,
along Tohonya-Kuriszlán educational track. This stud farm is
the only one in Hungary, and is kept up for gene preservation.
Open to visitors all year long, every day, between 8 a.m. to
3 p.m., daily
Phone: 48/350-052
Educational Tracks
Tohonya-Kuriszlán educational track
The hucul herd is not the only one you can hunt up on this
educational track, marked by yellow strips, and starting from
central Jósvafő, but manifold geological formations, numerous botanical, zoological and hydrological phenomena can
be studied in course of the tour.
Baradla educational track
(Aggtelek – Jósvafő)
The Baradla cave offers a special experience under as well
as above the ground. Along the educational track that runs
on the border of the covered and open karst, between gullies
and springs, we learn about, the area’s geological, hydrological, zoological, botanical and cultural historical characteristics in a wonderful environment.
Manor House (Jósvafő)
Bells are ringing, snow crunches under the sledge, vapour
freezes in the air….you can sleigh-ride or, if the weather is
pleasant, you can ride cross country or pleasure drive at the
Jósvafő Manor House, where a few specimens of the hucul
(an ethnic Slavic group) horses, reminiscent of the Eurasian
mustangs can be seen. The major part of the hucul herd can
Guided Tours
Participants of the tours will learn about the harmony
between the land’s built, cultural and natural environment, of
the karst area’s geological, zoological and botanical characteristics with the aid of the guides of Aggtelek National Park.
National Park
Geyser cones and bird reserve. Marshlands
and sea of stones. Hillside full of vineyards and
swamps. And many other things prove that if
we roam the ”Hungarian sea” region, it is worth
the trouble to get away from the lake, from bathing,
and discover the world of the Balaton uplands.
Not even then do we take leave from the shore, no matter where we walk, the waters of the lake flash in sight again and
again, and we wonder: what colour will its smile take this time? The same thing
over again, when we set eyes on it for the first time sitting aboard the train.
The National Park stretching from Tihany peninsula to the Kis-Balaton (Little Balaton)
was founded in 1997. Some of its areas are known and recognised beyond the
borders of Hungary. Such are for instance the geyser cones developed after
volcanic activity ended on the Tihany peninsula, or the avifauna of the Kis-Balaton.
Exhibition Sites
Lóczy-cave (Balatonfüred)
What is it under the grass, underground, under the stone? In
the western side of the Tamás hill in Balatonfüred, the limestone strata hide a cave. The lukewarm waters, breaking up
from the deep, created it. The cave was explored in 1894 and
opened to the public in 1934. It is worthwhile to inspect the
kettle-like solution shapes and the pea-stones still
appearing here-and-there.
Open: May 1 - September 30, daily
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays closed.
Farmstead displaying
traditional breeds
A little of the indigenous
Hungarian animal species – ”rackajuh” (a
Hungarian variety of
sheep, water buffalo,
”szürkemarha” (grey
cattle), ”mangalica”
(a breed of pigs with
curly bristles), Hungarian sheepdogs; a
morsel of traditional
agricultural instruments,
carriages and photo ex-
hibition, presentations, programmes, utilisation of a farmstead in the 21st century.
The National Park Administration developed the Nature Conservation Farmstead, where a snack bar, souvenir shop, bicycle-hire are also at the visitors’ disposal. In the Rack-room of
the exhibition site a ”Novelist park” narrates the past hundred
years of the Balaton uplands.
For getting better acquainted with the natural values, expert
tour managers should be requested.
Open to visitors throughout the year.
Hegyestű (”pointed needle”) geological exhibition site
As if these were toy blocks and sticks of giants the basalt formations of the Balaton uplands, the Hegyestű between them.
An awesome sight. At the exhibition site in the abandoned
basalt quarry there is more to learn about the development of
the basalt mountains, the natural and geological valuables
of the surroundings, about the tradition of the small-stone
block hand mining. In the one-time strip pit we can take
pleasure in surveying the stone-park, displaying the characteristic minerals of western Hungary.
Open to visitors from April 15 to October 31.
István Fekete Memorial Place and Matula-hut
(Kis-Balaton, Diás-island)
How we lived the adventure of learning rowing, how we were
scared by the grass-snake, discovered the reeds, the highly protected vivid avifauna of the Kis-Balaton when reading the novel
Tüskevár (Thorn Castle) by István Fekete! Now at last we can go
Open to visitors from March 15 to April 30 and from October 1
to November 30 daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and from May 1
to August 31 between 9 a.m and 6 p.m., from September 1 to
September 30 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mondays closed.
Forest House and Woodcraft Learning Base and House
of Crafts (Bakonybél)
Bakonybél attracts the visitor by more than its picturesque village, interesting pieces of cultural history and a variety of
excursion possibilities. In the Forest House one can find a
forestry and nature conservation collection, in the Learning
Base the Bakony trades and natural virtues can be studied
by those interested, in the framework of the open-air school.
Open: from April 1 to September 30: Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturdays from 12 to 4 p.m.,
Sundays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; between October 1 and
March 30 Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.,
Saturdays from 12 to 4 p.m.
Educational Tracks
to Uncle Matula’s hut, not in our imagination, but in the flesh, to
learn about nature’s gems in the area, as the region of the KisBalaton can be visited, although only by the special permit of
the National Park Administration, and with an expert leader.
The István Fekete Memorial Place and the Matula-hut on the Diásisland is open to visitors between April 1 and October 31, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. Tours start from the research
station of Balaton Uplands National Park Administration
Folklore Museum (Vörs)
Modern bait signaller, lure. …nowadays the fishing rod
catches the fish almost unaided. What was the method
applied in old times? How did they fish then? What tools,
appliances did they use, how did they build their houses, how
did they live? The answer to these questions can be found in
the Vörs socle-type house.
Open to visitors from May 1 to September 30.
Buffalo Reservation Area (Kápolnapuszta)
Before visiting the Buffalo Reservation at Kápolnapuszta you
may not believe how tame, meek an animal is the buffalo. In
our days the only reason for keeping this native Hungarian
species is to show them and to preserve the gene pool.
Open to visitors throughout the year. The site can be also
travelled using a wheelchair.
Arboretum (Zirc)
A 170-year- old white pine, Jurányi linden tree, the Amurside
glowing tree – just a few specialities from among those,
grown and ”nursed” by the arboretum in Zirc. The garden
is outstanding from the domestic herbariums, presents
the trees and different kinds of bushes of the Bakony area.
The visitors can – in addition to the leafy surroundings –
enjoy the song of the birds, the sight of other animals,
drawn here by the vegetation.
We can take delight in the Aranyház (Golden House) geysercone in Tihany as well as in the other special geological formations along the ”Lóczy Gejzír” (geyser) walkway. On the
geological and botanical educational track of Badacsony we
follow the development history of the volcanic mountains of
the Balaton Uplands. We are not going to freeze when visiting the ice cave on the Szent György (St. George) hill educational track at Raposka, on the other hand, if we take a nap
while on the Kányavár-island’s ”Búbos vöcsök” (great crested
grebe) educational track, we probably will be woken up by
the birds’ singing. The Somló mountain is a solitary giant rising from the plane of the Marcal basin. On its slopes runs the
Kitaibel educational track, which introduces the more
remarkable show-places of the Nature Conservation Region.
The Kőris hill belongs to the Higher Bakony Nature Conservation Area. The trail on its slopes offers an insight into vast
forests of the Bakony. The trails of the Balaton Uplands
National Park offer memorable experiences to the tourists.
National Park
It is a National Park, unique – among other things –
for its average height renders it the highest
mountain range in the country. Its flora and
fauna, butterflies and insects is singularly rich.
We know 90 species of birds hatching here,
among these some endangered species near
extinction, which in our country only nest in the
forests of the Bükk range and on its cliffs. There is an
extended system of karst caves; some of them (Szeleta,
Istállós-kő, Suba-hole and the Balla cave) are valuable for science because of their archaeological finds. Wherever the eye can see
there is wood, as the central part of the mountain range is covered by forests in 97 %.
And why is it worth visiting? Because the Bükk National Park offers excellent opportunities for excursions on foot, on bicycle, for recreation, for learning about natural
values. The narrow-gauge trains running in the woods of the Bükk offer an unforgettable experience for grownups and children equally, to seek out the small villages,
hiding in the heart of the mountains provides interesting adventures too.
Exhibition Sites
Szent István (Saint Steven)- and Anna-caves (Lillafüred)
If the journey on the narrow-gauge train and the boat trip was
still not enough, a little cave exploration will not do any harm to
the visitors of Lillafüred. The 710-meter long Szent István cave
was discovered by a dog that suffered an accident by falling
through the natural shaft-like mouth into the deep cave. Nowadays the 170-meter long accessible section can be
reached by a more secure man-made entrance. Anna cave is unique in Europe.
Its overall length is 400 meters, and
its peculiarity is that it was formed
in freshwater limestone. Hence
the peculiar tuffaceous formations that dazzle the visitor. These peculiar tuffaceous formations, the
moss curtains, pine
needles, roots, all covered with travertine
present a wonderful
Open: from April 15
to October 15; Anna
cave daily between
10 a.m. and 3 p.m. the Szent István cave
daily between 9 a.m.
and 4 p.m. The Anna cave is closed from October 16 till
April 14, but the Szent István cave can be visited daily
between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Prior arrangement is necessary
for larger student groups. Phone: Szt. István-barlang 46/334130, Anna-barlang 46/370-239.
Folklore Museum (Hollókő)
Perhaps even if we walked the streets of this village, part of
the World Heritage blindfolded, we could identify the place
by the idiomatic ”a” tone of the palóc (ethnical group) dialect.
But it is best to walk with eyes open to the sights and museums of Hollókő. The various museums display the palóc culture, architecture and national costumes. The House of the
Hollókő Landscape Protection Area devotes its exposition
”Man and Landscape” to the same zeal. There are guided
rounds in the village, and tickets for visiting the Folklore
Museum can be bought during the walk. These Hollókő village rounds are started at 10:30 a.m. and 14:30 p.m. Information is available at Tourinform Office, phone 32/579-011.
Open to visitors from May 1 to September 30 daily between
10 a.m. and 4 p.m. except Mondays and Wednesdays, and
from October 1 to April 30 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Folklore Museum (Boldogkőváralja)
Fire could be crackling in the smithy of Boldogkőváralja, as
the smith’s tools in the Folklore Museum await somebody to
use them, as do the cart and the loom in the barn. The Folklore Museum exhibits the Zemplén Landscape Protection
Area, the historic and cultural heritage of the region, its traditional crafts, flora and fauna.
posterity. Using the collected objects, they furnished
the porch, the Calvinist room, the Catholic room and the
Open to visitors from May 1 to September 30, Wednesdays
and Saturdays between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Also from October 1 to April 30 by prior registration with the Office of the
Mayor. Phone: 49/423-132.
Nature Conservation and Cultural History Exhibition
This exhibition in Ároktő shows the natural values, the flora
and fauna, the protected species and the cultural treasures
of the region.
Open to visitors by prior registration with Gábor Fejes,
Phone: 49/354-333.
Fossils Conservation Educational Track System
Prehistoric animals do not roam the forests of Hungary
any longer, but – especially for this reason – it is worth
Open to visitors from May 1 to September 30 Friday to Sunday between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Arboretum (Erdőtelek)
The Erdőtelek Arboretum, replete with botanical rarities is
interesting also from scientific and silvicultural point of view,
therefore it is a protected place. The arboretum, with its walkways, resting benches, shaded arbours, and the new garden
with the little pond promises a pleasant relaxation and can be
visited every day, but also professional guiding is on offer.
The arboretum has been dealing in growing a garden-tree
nursery for 19 years now. These ornamental trees, acclimatised to the country’s extreme climate changes are here not
only to be seen but also to be bought.
Open to visitors on weekdays between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m., on
weekends between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Professional guiding
can be requested by prior arrangement.
Phone/Fax: 36/496-022.
Orbán House (Szilvásvárad)
A colourful display – “Natural picture of the Bükk” – of the
geology, flora and fauna of the Bükk mountain range can be
seen in Orbán House, a folk historic building.
Open to visitors from April 15 to October 31 daily between
9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Prior registration with the Office of the
Mayor, Phone: 36/564-012.
Oszla Folklore Museum (Cserépfalu)
Cserépfalu and the neighbouring settlements joined forces
to preserve the tools of a traditional lifestyle for the
visiting Ipolytarnóc near the Slovakian-Hungarian border,
where we can get an insight into the long-vanished
world of the dinosaurs extinct for millions of years.
Here we can find the remains of neritic living creatures,
corals, shellfish, snails deposited 21-20 million years
before, terrestrial subsidence deposited on glauconite sandstone containing fossil shark’s teeth. The
lithoidal trees, leaf-prints bear witness to the one-time
tropical rain-forest region. The main attractions are the
primordial footprint places of discovery, fossil prints
that preserve the traces of prehistoric animals (rhinos,
Artiodactyla ungulates, predatory animals,
and birds). These provide faithful representations in the indoor exhibition
Opening hours
of the geological
educational track:
Every day except Mondays, November 1,
the two days of
Christmas, New Years
Eve (December 31)
and the first of the
year. Tours begin
at every half-hour,
between 9 a.m.
and 4 p.m. from
April to October,
between 9 a.m.
and 3 p.m. from November.
Educational Tracks
Geological educational track (Eger-Szarvaskő)
Above all the beautiful basalt formations of Szarvaskő there
is to be admired on this 6-kilometer circular educational
track. Scaling the summit of the Szarvaskő fortress, which,
by the way, can be seen looking upwards from the village,
one can enjoy a truly superb prospect. Following instructions of the guide booklet we learn, over and above the geological spectacles, botanical, zoological and mining things
of interest.
Educational track at Rejtek
This merely 800-meter path shows us the Bükk forests’ flora
and fauna. The path starts out at the Rejtek Research House
of the Bükk National Park Administration. There is another,
longer educational track, beginning at the same spot. This
demonstrates the riches of the karstic forests, rocks, but we
can observe the working of the gully-holes too, furthermore
the former palaeontology and palaeoanthropology explorations.
Educational track at Szilvásvárad
The walk along the Szalajka valley shows hydrological, botanical and scenic values. We can supplement this excursion
with a visit to the Open-air Forest Museum at the entrance to
the Horotna valley, also with a journey with the narrow-gauge
train. Above the Szilvásvárad bus-park by the Information
house opens another educational track. This promises a
magnificent view for those who are brave enough to climb up
to the Millennium lookout.
Educational track in the Mátra
The 9-kilometer walk starts in Gyöngyös city. Passes by the
Szőke well en route to the Csepje-tető (hilltop) and the Sár
hill. Along the way we can visit the Szent Anna (St. Anne)
chapel and stop by the richly illustrated signboards that present the marshland area and its geology.
Educational track on the confines of Miskolc
We begin our excursion from beside the Herman Ottó Memorial
Park. Along the educational track in the Szinva valley we see the
main natural and cultural virtues of Kis (little) platform and Garadna valley. Wandering on the path we can acquaint ourselves with
the typical habitat communities, developed beside the streams of
the central range of the mountains, with the forest association,
illustrative of the eastern side of the Bükk mountain range, with
the limestone rock grassland, the Karst phenomena, with geological formations.
Educational track
in the Karancs-Medves Nature Conservation Area
Romantic sights of the fortress ruins on the Salgó hill, minerals-park and many pieces of information about the environment’s flora and fauna, its industrial and cultural history. Such
things make a visit to the educational tracks in KarancsMedves Nature Conservation Area worth. The fortress of
Somoskő and the spectacular basalt eruption can be seen
only from the Slovakian side of the border, so it can be
approached only if one can show a passport.
Educational track in Felsőtárkány
An educational track starting from beside the new Visitors’
Information Centre of the Bükk National Park, now being
built, takes three circles, and demonstrates the natural and
cultural historical assets of the south-western Bükk. At the
same time the track points out a number of local things of interest and imparts general information. The first circle (Kőközi) strings the Szikla (Rock) spring and the limestone cliff
above it, the rock pass, called Kőköz below, and a lake to the
walk. The second circle (Barátrét) runs mainly in the valley
and reaches the Bujdosó-kő (”hiding rock”) 2.6 km off, has
four stations along the route. The third one (”castle hill”)
offers a pleasant half-day excursion. Takes us to a mountaintop and a long ridge. We can interrupt the tour at the Várkút
rest house. At the Kövesdi lookout we can take a lengthier
rest and delight in the sight of the panorama
Hollókő educational track
The Hollókő educational track network exposes the cultural
and natural assets of the region, part of the World Heritage.
The first section of the trail enables a visit to the historical
fortress as well as to the old village, while from the fork-off,
encircles the castle hill, and has a biological character. It
leads back to the car park.
National Park
Holm woods on the right bank of the Danube,
narrow-gauge railway at Gemenc, Nyék backwater, Mohács… On the left bank of the river Dráva you can see juniper groves at Barcs, ”The vivid
greens at Drávaszentes”, Babócsa… Deadwaters,
washland forests, ox-bow lakes… The two rivers are
running closer and closer to each other. Before – leaving
Hungary – they run together, they enclose beautiful parts of
the Duna-Dráva National Park, to be seen by the traveller.
Exhibition Sites
Historical Memorial (Mohács – Sátorhely)
Memorial, where one can and should remember the sixteen
thousand Hungarian soldiers, our king Lajos (Louis) II. and
the year 1526, when the troops led by the Turkish sultan Soliman demolished the Hungarian army. At the memorial site
over the Hungarian mass graves signboards explain this historic turning point. In the well-kept graveyard wooden headboards, works of numerous creative artists can be seen.
Open: from May 1 to October 31, daily between 9 a.m. and
5 p.m. Closed on Mondays. Open on holidays.
Arboretum and Educational Centre in the Pintér-Garden
Stimuli to the ear, the nose, the eye emanate from the PintérGarden: a beautiful sight of Pécs from the pavilion on the top
of the garden, colourful flowers, orchids, bosset-eye tortoises
can be seen, blackbirds scrape the forest litter, and
birdsong sounds from all directions, we
draw whiffs of violet-fragrance from
early in the Spring, later we are surrounded by a flood of perfume. If
all this is still not enough, we
can pass our hands along
the bark of the oaks, and
we can try our sense of
feeling by fingering
mouse bitten fir-cones.
Open: on Saturdays,
Sundays and holidays between 10 a.m.
and 6 p.m. or by
prior arrangement
on weekdays and
from October 1 to
April 30. Also by prior
request with the Educational Centre free
programmes are on offer, like bird ringing, slide shows
and films, etc.
Kölked Meadow and the White Stork (Fehérgólya)
The Kölked Meadow, one of the largest riverflats pastures of
Hungary, is accessible by ship from Mohács. Visitors are
guided through the flora and fauna of the riverflats and they
are introduced into the traditional forms of agriculture and
lifestyle. The White Stork Museum offers insights into the
habits and environment of these popular birds.
Abaliget Curative Cave
The only cave of south-western Hungary open for the general public is situated in the Mecsek Mountains region, 15 kilometres from Pécs. It is considered unique due to its rocks
formed by erosion and the complicated system of galleries.
The main gallery is followed by a clearwater creek. The presentation sight established by the cave in 2004 introduces the
types and the lifestyle of bats.
Physical Science Educational Centre (Drávatamási)
Is water indeed clear? Where does the River Dráva come
from, and where is it going to? We receive answers to such
and similar questions at the Drávatamási Physical Science
Educational Centre in the course of field exercises. What
does the riverflat forest look like? There are Dráva-cruises,
summer camps, but this is the starting point of tracks and
bicycle lanes to the nearby Borókás (juniper grove), and to
The Centre can be visited by prior arrangement, and programmes will be put together to suit requests.
Phone: 30-474-35-91 Phone/fax 82/461-383, 82/462-590
Trophy Museum (Gemenc)
Trophy Museum shows how the washland of the Danube was
created, introduces this beautiful world, abundant with game
and fish. The centre can be reached on foot from the Bárányfok stop of the Gemenc narrow-gauge railway.
Phone: 72/517-200
fers a great opportunity to photograph the fauna of
Gemenc. Phone: 30- 377-3383
The educational tracks, except the photographers’ one, can
be visited throughout the year.
Educational tracks along the river Dráva
1. Borókás educational track at Barcs
The educational track created in the Darány forest of Borókás at Barcs, can be freely visited. The 2 km long route can
be found by the Darány-Barcs section of the no. 6 highway,
next to the roadside rest top and parking lot. The renovation
of the signboards is in progress. (Remember the fire in
August 2000). In the Borókás (Juniper grove) the National
Park’s long-woollen sheep flock is pasturing.
Taplós-Góga Display Zone (Gemenc)
We meet and talk to people who pursue traditional washland
trades - fishing, bee keeping, fructiculture and other small
crafts, see grey cattle, long-woollen sheep, birds from close
up. These and similar entertainment can be enjoyed in the
Taplós-Góga Display Zone.
Open to visitors by prior arrangement for groups.
Phone: 72/517-200, 30/255-7866
Educational Tracks
Educational tracks along the Danube
1-2. Educational tracks at Malomtelelő and Bárányfok
A little journey by the narrow-gauge train, a short walk, and we
already know almost everything about the Danube bedchanges, the floating mills, washland forestry if we take the
1,5 km long educational track linked to the Malomtelelő stop of
the Gemenc narrow-gauge train. This is for pedestrians only,
but the educational track beside the Bárányfok tourist centre
can be travelled by car to the same place. Leaving the car
behind, a pleasant walk enables us to get acquainted with the
forest-combinations of the high and the low river flats, the fauna
of the water biotope, the past and present husbandry forms and
the nature reservation activities in Duna-Dráva National Park.
3. Danube backwater at Nyék
The educational track that starts from the Pörböly terminus of
the narrow-gauge train shows the fauna and flora of the
washland and backwater from an observation tower.
4. Pandúr-island (Baja)
Progressing from Baja towards Szeremle and turning right
after descending from the Ferenc canal we can reach the
educational track either on foot or by bicycle. A walk on top
of the levee we become acquainted with the flora and fauna
of the Danube backwater.
5. Photographers’ educational track
There are wicker hides for photographers who announce
their arrival in advance. The location of the stands of-
2. Dráva information boards
At the Vízvár and Heresznye campsite large boards inform
tourists about the sights in the region at the Dráva riverside.
Tables in the Vízvár area review the flora and fauna of River
Dráva and that of the backwater forest. At the Heresznye campsite the visitors can learn about the natural values of the characteristic Dráva undercut-slope bank. Both sites can be reached
by half an hour’s walk from the centre of the settlements.
3. Drávaszentes
Beside the approximately 3-kilometer dirt road (passable on
bicycle), starting from the middle of the settlement, a large
sign board explains the history and the flora and fauna of
”The vivid greens at Drávaszentes”.
The path ends at the bird-watching tower on the watery
biotope along the Rinya brook. Here a board and pictures in
the tower help the visitor in watching the birds.
4. Babócsa, Mérus-forest and Erzsébet-island
First we touch on the water biotope beside the Mérus-forest,
as we pass along the marked trail starting from the railway
station. Here primarily the avifauna can be studied from
the bird-watching tower. Going ahead we come to Erzsébet
(Elisabeth) island on River Dráva. Here information boards
demonstrate flora and fauna of the washland. The area can
be freely visited, using the marked course.
National Park
Valley, hill, island, river… The untouched parts of
the Ipoly river, the mountain range of the ”most
beautiful sights”, Börzsöny mountain range,
Szentendre island embraced by the Danube,
the Danube bend, a sight that could be enjoyed
forever, all this entice to adventurous picnics, sunny
cruises, relaxation by forest brooks, romantic sunsets,
in one word: to the Duna-Ipoly National Park.
Exhibition Sites
Pál-völgyi (Paul-valley cave – Budapest)
Sometimes a rock climber or picnicking families, at night
friends around the campfire, from morning till afternoon elderly people, or young ones waiting for a leisurely cave tour
can be seen around the mouth of the cave. Once inside the
caves made by thermal waters, we can enjoy the various dripstones, the globular formations created by the thermal water,
or the primeval shell prints.
Open to visitors from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed on Mondays.
Tours depart at quarter past the hour. Major groups are
requested to register previously. Phone: 1/325-9505
Szemlő-hill cave (Budapest)
A pinch in this sea of asphalt invites us in the Szemlő-hill cave.
Its atmosphere is clear, useful even for therapeutic purposes.
The thermal waters created mineral forms, resembling cauliflower and bunches of grape coating the water walls relax our
souls. These are called pea stones or pisolites.
Open to visitors from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed
on Tuesdays. Tours depart every hour,
on the hour. Major groups are
requested to register in advance.
Phone: 1/325-6001
Alcsúti Arboretum
In olden times fine gentlemen walked the promenades of the castle
arm in arm with their
ladies, rode on horseback, made business, smoked their
cigars. The collection
of the arboretum, consisting of 540 trees and
shrubs contains even
today pretty bridges,
bandstand-lookout, doll-house, bear-house, gurgling brooks,
cave-of-Lourdes, all witnesses of this vanished epoch.
Open: In February and November only on weekends from 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m., Between March 1 and April 30 also on weekdays,
between September 1 and October 31 also on weekdays 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m., between May 1 and August 31 also on weekdays
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and between
December 1 and January 31. Phone/Fax: 22/353-219
Folklore Museum (Ócsa)
Failure sometimes bears success: the botanical and zoological rarities of the Ócsa Nature Conservation region was - at
least partially - saved, because the drainage projects of the
19th century had failed. The Ócsa old village preserved the
original habitation structure and the traditional houses with
thatched roofs, and is part of the protected area. In the Folklore Museum an ethnographical museum works, where furniture, articles of clothing and of personal use, all collected
locally, remind of the people who once lived here.
Open to visitors from 9 am to 6 pm in the summer season, from
9 am to 4 pm in the winter, daily, except Monday. Between December 15 and January 31 it is closed. Phone: 30/948-9150
Királyrét Educational Centre (Szokolya-Királyrét)
Intermatting at the gate of Börzsöny? This is not such a senseless sentence as it sounds. Namely Királyrét is called the gate
of this mountain range, and the centre there offers activity programmes in addition to accommodations. Tour-leading by
expert guide, field programmes, presentations, contests, artisan activities follow each other from one day to the next.
Open to visitors throughout the year by prior registration.
Phone: 27/585-625
Educational Tracks
Sas-hegy (Eagle-hill) educational track (Budapest)
If you want even more than admiring the exquisite geological
shapes of the romantic Sas-hegy mountain area, more than
meeting the rare vegetation and animal species, more than
being introduced to the properties of dolomite hills, then you
Educational track at Jág (Pilisszentiván)
The place marked on the maps of today as Vadász-rét (Huntermeadow) used to be Jági-rét. The educational track forms a full
circle, its beginning and end is at the sports ground and the
parking plot of the Villa Negra restaurant. The walk is some
3.5 km long, and acquaints us with the geological, zoological
and botanical merits and the fauna of a small pond. Before
setting out, it would be best to obtain the guide brochure.
Prior registration for expert guide service: 70/3303-812
Educational track in Selyem Meadow (Ócsa)
The educational track leading by Ócsa introduces the flora and
fauna of the protected forests in the bog through six stations.
There is a rest area and a playground at the end of the track.
Visitors are offered a guiding booklet for the track. The track is
1200 metres long and it takes about an hour to walk through.
Further information: Ágnes Papp: 30/978-9150
Educational track on the Haraszt-hegy (Csákvár)
This 3 km long comfortable path near Csákvár shows the
tourist the main interesting botanical and geological points of
the Vértes mountain range, the beautiful autumn colours of
the smoke-bush, the dolomitic shrub thickets, the hornbeam
forest remained here from the warmer period before the last
ice-age, the grazing-forest in its flower-splendour and thousands of miracles.
can still enjoy the most beautiful panorama of Budapest, as
you walk the Eagle-hill educational track.
Open to visitors throughout the year but only by prior registration. Phone: 70/3303-813 or 70/3303-801
Educational track on Nagy-Szénás mountain (Nagykovácsi)
The Nagy-Szénás educational track is a protected area because
of its flax, which grows here, uniquely in the world. Still this is not
its only merit. The European Council recognised the nature conservation value of the region by awarding it the Europe Diploma.
The trail can be freely visited, expert guide service can be
requested by prior arrangement. Phone: 70/3303-812
Guided Tours
Guided tours conducted by the professionals of the DunaIpoly National Park acquaint the tourist with the following in the
area of the two Szénás mountains awarded with the Europe
Diploma: the vegetable kingdom, related to the dolomite soil,
on the Tápió land the grazing herd of grey cattle and interesting places of the Nyík mead, by the Dinnyési Fertő (a marshy
lake) migrating birds. Booking and further information: in the
Central Bureau of Duna-Ipoly National Park.
National Park
Lake reeds, marshland, washland swamp
meads, one after the other, the Fertő-Hanság
National Park is still not a maze of trajectories.
Lake Fertő – ”Fertő tó” for the Hungarians,
”Neusiedler See” for the Austrians with its surroundings is a World Heritage site, and boasts one
of the largest bird reserve of Central Europe. Using a telescope, one can observe the native birds as well as the
migrating ones, taking a rest here. On the shores halophyte plant rarities
can be seen, a number of rare specimens live on the nearby hills. On the Hanság
area fenwood, meadows, forests, still existing after the draining of the once huge
marshland, enclose an especially luxuriant flora and fauna. Along the river Répce
the washland curragh, the largest gallery forest, habitat of snowflakes waits for
being explored.
Exhibition Sites
Kócsagvár (Egret Castle) – Visitors’ Centre (Sarród)
Following the ”siege” of the castle, the ”conquerors” can take
possession of tourist hostel, accommodating 29 that can be
extended up to 46. They can acquire knowledge by learning
as well as visiting the numerous exhibitions in the educational centre, aided by the staff of the Fertő-Hanság National Park.
The Kócsagvár in Sarród is their headquarters.
Open to visitors throughout the year.
Öntésmajor Museum – ”Flora and Fauna
of the Hanság” exhibition
The Flora and Fauna of the Hanság
exhibition of Öntésmajor Museum demonstrates the development of the Hanság, the
water-flow regulation work,
the archaeological findings surfaced in course
of the drainage and turf
mining, the wealth of
the region’s flora and
Open to visitors from
April 15 to October 15
daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.;
from October 16 to
April 14 daily 9 a.m. to
4 p.m. Phone: 96/250-334
Esterházy Madárvárta (Bird watching post in Osli)
We don’t have to wait long to see birds at the Esterházy
Madárvárta, when we stop at the small clearing in front of the
Post, twittering of thousands of birds already can be heard.
If this is not enough, the exposition in the bird watching post
offers a taste of the world of several hundreds of species,
abundant with birds and insects.
Open for visitors by prior registration. Phone: 96/250-334
Educational Tracks
Hany Istók educational track (Hanság)
Passing by the highly protected Csíkos alder woods, turning
toward the one-time marshland islands, the ”gorondok”,
beyond the Király alder woods, climbing up to the lookout
tower beside the lake Király we enjoy the panorama and we
can rest our pleasantly weary feet after the 10 km trek on the
Hany istók educational track.
Open for visitors throughout the year.
Sziki őszirózsa (salt aster) educational track (eastern
region of the Fertő)
If we perambulate all along the Sziki őszirózsa educational
track, leading across the saline pasture of the indigenous animals, we may come across grazing Hungarian grey cattle,
long-woollen sheep and domestic buffalo. The route touches
on our shallow saline lakes too. Perhaps even more interesting than the animals is the experience, how well the vegetation, for example the salt aster, tolerates salinity of the soil.
The 2 km long educational track can be visited only under
the direction of an expert guide.
Pannonhalma Physical Science Demonstration Route
A pilgrimage to the towers of Pannonhalma is well worth it, if we
admire the landscape just standing in one spot. In addition to the
beauty of the building, which is a World Heritage site, the natural
environment keeps surprises for us in store too. The Pannonhalma Physical Science Demonstration Route provides a bit of this.
The 3 km long linear educational track can be visited freely
throughout the year.
Ravazd Physical Science Demonstration Route
The Ravazd Physical Science Demonstration Route can be
recommended for pedestrian tourists as well as for those
travelling on two wheels. The path shows the characteristic
natural resources of the Pannonhalma hill-range. Length of
the bicycle tour is 15 km, a 6 km part of it is recommended
for tourists on foot.
The educational track can be visited freely throughout the
Gyöngyvirág (Lily-of-the-valley) educational track
(Szárhalom woods)
The lily-of-the-valley educational track offers an occasion to
be acquainted with Szárhalom, the forest of the Fertő-side
The 2.5 km long circular educational track can be visited
freely throughout the year.
Vízi rence (water bladder-wort) educational track
(Lake Fertő)
This is an adventurous, but still unruffled canoe-tour leading
into the world of reed, channels and internal lakes enclosed
by the reed. The ”Vízi rence” educational track offers this and
many more surprises.
The educational track can be visited only under the direction
of an expert guide and only by those above 14.
Ciklámen (cyclamen) educational track
A cyclamen conducts the visitor along this educational track.
Not a living flower, of course, but cyclamen images printed
on the barks of the trees mark the tourist path, demonstrating the natural assets, flora and fauna of the Sopron Zone of
The 9 km long linear educational track can be visited freely
throughout the year.
Rába Backwater
Physical Science Demonstration Route
This round road-educational track displays the captivating
beauty of the romantic environs, flora and fauna of the Rába
The 6 km long linear educational track can be visited freely
throughout the year.
National Park
Saline deserts, romantic water-world, manmoulded environment reoccupied by nature.
Hortobágy National Park is the land of contrasts. Of course an ”old gentleman” such
capriciousness can be tolerated, as this is the
first and largest National Park of Hungary. In
addition, the ”puszta” (lowland, wasteland) is part of
the World Heritage. Wondrous fields and interesting
cultural history is waiting to be discovered.
Exhibition Sites
Hortobágy Herdsmen's Museum (Hortobágy village)
How many ”betyárs” (highwaymen) has the ”Nine-hole Bridge”
seen to come in the Hortobágy Nagycsárda tavern. Still, the real
lords of the puszta were the herdsmen, not the highwaymen. The
Hortobágy Herdsmen's Museum commemorates them. The Museum displays their living conditions, tools, articles for personal use.
Open to visitors from May 1 to September 30 daily 9 a.m. to
6 p.m.; from October 1 to 31 and April 1 to 30 daily 10 a.m.
to 4 p.m.; from March 15 to 31 and November 1 to 30, daily
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Between December 1 and March 15 for
groups only by prior registration. Phone/Fax: 52/589-321
”Puszta” Animal Park (Hortobágy village)
The Animal Park provides interesting experience not only for
those, who never kept any animal other than goldfish, as here
one can learn everything about the Hortobágy animal husbandry worth knowing. They exhibit, among others, animals like
the ”kuvasz” dog, domestic buffalo, the Hungarian grey
cattle, the ”nóniusz” horse breed, we learn
about the ways and instruments of animal husbandry, the development of
the characteristic animal breed of
the puszta from the beginnings
to our days.
Speaking of interesting experience, we shouldn’t
miss the National Herdsman Contest and Shepherd Meeting, staged
on Pentecost Saturday
every year.
Open to visitors from
March 15 to November 15, daily 9 a.m. to
6 p.m., but the opening
times can vary depending on the weather.
Phone: 52/701-037
Körszín (Hortobágy village)
Festive occasions deserve festive appearance. In honour of
the event awarding the World Heritage certificate, the Hortobágy Körszin opened its gates again and since then accommodates periodic exhibitions.
Open to visitors from May 1 to June 30 and September 1 to
October 15 from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m., from July 1 to August 30
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Closed on Mondays.
Nyugati Fogadóház – Western hostel
(Egyek exit on Highway 33)
This exposition in the gallery of the Western Hostel is unique
for the representation of the trades typical of Hortobágy. We
can find here faithful representations of the harness-maker,
potter, boot maker, smith, woodcarver, hat-maker and basketweaver workshops. With the help of the sensor monitor any
age group can obtain new ethnographical knowledge about
the region. The Western Hostel offers accommodation in the
summertime for individuals and groups alike.
Open to visitors from March 15 to October 31, daily from
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone: 52/378-054, 30/278-7378
Szálkahalom Guard House (Milestone 79 on Highway 33)
The former road guard's cabin is the starting point of the Szálkahalom educational track. Here one can examine plants, plantsystems with the aid of the diorama and the sensor monitor.
Open to visitors between May 1 and September 30 daily
from 9 a.m. 1 p.m. to 5 pm. Closed on Mondays and Tuedays.
Phone: 52/529-935
Folklore Museum (Nagyiván)
In the kitchen, beside the chimney the smell of smoke still
lingers, in the ”ben” – the clean room – guests are sitting, the
children mumble on crusts, Sun disappears right this minute
at the far edge of the puszta. In the Folklore Museum the visitors are not merely onlookers but participants of this scene,
as those, who stay here for an extended period, can make
use of the guest rooms and have a taste of what could have
been the life of a family in the Hungarian steppe in old times.
Open to visitors from May 1 to October 15 by prior registration. Phone: 59/415-324, 59/415-659
Educational Tracks
Szálkahalom educational track
(at the 79th kilometer on Highway 33)
Nomadic people, living here back some 3-4000 years created a number of mounds (kurgán). This educational track
got its name from the local mound (Szálka=splinter, halom=mound), and so has the former road guard's cabin,
functioning as display house.
We can examine primarily plants and plant associations,
characteristic of the saline deserts at the display area.
A speciality is the so-called ”szárnyékerdő” an open woodland
sheltering not only a significant crow habitation, but also the
western red-footed falcon, hatching in the abandoned nests.
Visit only with admission pass. Information: 52/529-935
Egyek-Pusztakócs swamps bicycle track
(Egyek exit on Highway 33)
The Egyek-Pusztakócs marshland is a real Garden of Eden
for aquatic birds. Whoever undertakes a bicycle tour or a
lengthier walk, will encounter the bird watching posts and
reach the Meggyes Tavern Museum, the Western hostel, the
Górés farm, where the bird repatriation site and the Filagória
kurgán (ancient man-made moulds).
The exhibitions themselves are open to visitors by prior
registration, while you will need an admission pass to the
exhibition area.
Information: Nyugati Fogadóház Phone: 52/378-054,
30/278-7378 Górés tanya Phone: 30/515-3463, Meggyes
Csárda Phone: 70/231-4073
Meggyes Tavern Museum
(60th kilometer stone on Highway 33)
No matter how much Meggyes resembles the nearly 40 Hortobágy inns, as they operated till the end of the 19th century,
or how it attempts the design and furniture call back the
atmosphere of the turn of the century, there is at least one
thing not true to the original: at the time of our visit no chairs,
no tables, no wine-jugs will fly in the air. But it does not matter, at least we can observe at our leisure the shepherdcloaks (szűr) hanging on the coat-peg, the utensils of the
shepherds, the trestle-table, the bench, the key hanging from
the salvager and the rest of the facilities on display, all recalling the one-time Meggyes Csárda.
Open to visitors throughout the year by prior registration.
Phone: 70/231-4073
Szélmalmi Fogadó ház – Hostel at the windmill
At Karcag we can visit the mill with two sails, the largest of its
kind in the country. The son of the late owner of the mill
exhibits it – expertly. From the mill we can walk across to the
southern inn of the National Park, where we can learn about
the world of natural resources of Karcag and its neighbourhood. If we happen to grow tired, we are free to participate in
an outdoor cooking and have a rest.
Open to visitors throughout the year by prior registration.
Phone: 59/313-200 (Hostel), 59/400-064 (Windmill)
Hortobágy-Halastó (fish pond) educational track
(Between the 64th-65th kilometer on Highway 33)
The approximately 2000-hectare area became recognised by
the Ramsar agreement on account of its eminently important
water-bird habitat. High stands of the exhibition site near the
lakes are awaiting visitors.
Visiting by showing an admission pass. Information: 52/529-935
Educational track of the lake Tisza (Tisza-tó)
At present the lake shows a landscape and a habitat resembling
the times before the river improvement, the flood-swept scene as
it was then, correspondently it still has a determining role in bird
migration and as a nesting place. Those interested can choose
from a number of routes. Information about the possible tour
routes and expert guide service can be asked for at the Tiszafüred
Tourinform office. Information: 59/353-000
National Park
This National Park comprises the areas with
primary natural resources in the land between
the River Danube and Tisza, and to be found on
the Danubian plane, the Homokhátság (Sandtable-land), and the Tisza valley. The acreage of
the Kiskunság National Park is 53.000 ha, and consists of nine separate entities. The majority of its habitats is characterised by saline and sand wastelands
(”puszta”). The wetland habitats are natron lakes, swamps and
marshes, furthermore the backwaters of the Tisza. The farmstead husbanding, the
wasteland stock farming and the agricultural traditions together with the natural systems determine the particular physiognomy of the "Kiskunság" land. Exhibition sites
and educational tracks leading to places to be affected inside the protected areas
allows for learning about them.
Exhibition Sites
”Természet Háza” – House of Nature is the visitors’
centre of Kiskunság National Park.
The exposition in the house introduces the typical natural
habitats of Kiskunság National Park and the national parks of
the country. Here inquiries about the programmes of the
National Park and conditions of visits will be answered, information given. Nature study groups, group programmes, presentations await the visitors. Educational material, tourist
publications can also be bought.
Address: 6000 Kecskemét, Liszt Ferenc u. 19.
Open to visitors throughout the year
from Tuesday to Friday 9 a.m. to
4 p.m., Saturdays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Information and requests for
prior programme arrangement: Phone: 76/500-068,
76/501-596, 76/ 482-611
Here an exposition
showing the material
relics of the herdsmen's life at Bugac
and the animal kingdom of the region can
be seen. The open-air
herdsmen's buildings of
the ”puszta”, indigenous Hungarian domestic animals recall
the times of traditional farming in the ”Kiskunság” area.
Open to visitors from May 1 to October 31, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Information and requests for prior programme arrangement
at Bugac: Phone: 76/372-688
Kunszentmiklós Virágh-mansion, Regional history collection
The Virágh-mansion stands in Kunszentmiklós, the Upper
Kiskunság centre of the one-time Kuman (an ethnic group)
territory. In this neo-classical mansion, built in the 1820s, the
material and spiritual relics of the ”Kiskunság” rural life and
documents, related to Sándor Petőfi can be seen, beyond the
natural history exhibition.
Address: 6090 Kunszentmiklós, Marx tér 1. Phone: 76/ 351-271
Open to visitors from May 1 to August 31, Tuesday to Sunday
10 a.m. to 2 p.m., September 1 to October 31 and March 1
to April 30 only on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Reconstructed village of the Árpád age (Tiszaalpár)
What was the everyday life of an average person like in the
time of the Árpád dynasty? What was the furniture like of his
pit-house, half-sunk into the ground, and covered with dirt or
reed? How did he keep and raise his stock? The reconstructed village of the times of the Árpád dynasty in Tiszaalpár
answers such questions. Here every house, tool, personal
article shown was created to scale, modelled after the findings, unearthed by the explorations, and by using authentic
materials that could be used at the time.
Address: Tiszaalpár, Szent István u. 1.
Open to visitors from 1 April to 31 October from Tuesday to
Sunday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Access: From Apaj down the Kunpeszér–Bugyi connecting road.
Cankó (red-shanks) educational track
(Felső-Kiskunság Lakes-Kelemen-szék)
By walking through the 1 km long educational track, we
can acquaint ourselves with the peculiar flora and fauna,
the biozoenosis of the saline lakes. A descriptive booklet
that the visitors can procure in the Természet Háza
(Nature’s House) helps exploring the sights of the educational track. The educational track can be visited by prior
Access: Along Highway 52, near Fülöpszállás.
Parking facility at Kígyósi Csárda pub.
Kiskunság Bird-watching post – Lake Kolon (Izsák)
This is the basic site of the ornithological research in Kiskunság. From July to November it is the scene of continuous bird
ringing programme. The national park, jointly with Kiskunság
Bird-Protection Union organises bird-watching camps and
bird-watching tours led by experts. For participation in these
programmes prior registration is needed.
The post can be accessed from the Izsák railway station on foot
or bicycle down the tourist trail marked with yellow band.
Information:, [email protected]
Training Centre and Research House in Szatymaz (Szeged)
The exhibition of the Training Centre in Szatymaz displays the
avifauna of Lake Fehér by Szeged. Visitors need to book in
advance. Visitors interested in birds may climb the tower to
observe the seagull population of Korom Island and the
migration of birds in autumn.
Accessible: by turning left to the paved road at the 157 kilometre mark of E 75 highway by the cemetery.
Information and requests for prior programme arrangement:
Kiskunság National Park Regional Office, 6724 Szeged,
Föltámadás u. 29. Phone/Fax: 62/498-058
Educational Tracks
Réce (duck) educational track (Felső-Kiskunsági Puszta-Apaj)
The 1 km long educational track shows the avifauna of the
alkaline land and reed-birds. At both ends of the educational
track a high stand can be found.
Kontyvirág (arum lily) educational track
(Szikra and the Alpári meadow – Tőserdő)
This 3.5 km long loop trail, marked with yellow semicircle,
introduces the backwater and the flood-plain forest. The
educational track starts from the bridge over the backwater at Szikra.
Access: The Tőserdő recreation area can be reached from
Kecskemét driving on the no. 44 highway, also by train.
Prince Árpád educational track
As the visitor walks along the 3 km
long route, he/she will perceive
the interesting points of Tiszaalpár’s cultural history, and
the Tisza flood-plain’s exuberant flora and fauna.
Information: Polgármesteri Hivatal (mayor’s
office) Tiszaalpár 6066
Árpád tér 1.
Phone: 76/ 424-133
Access: educational
track starts from the
centre of the village,
in Árpád square.
Tiszaalpár can be
reached either by driving on the no. 44 highway or by train.
Báránypirosító (alcanna) educational track
(Fülöpházi dunes)
The Fülöpháza hillocks is the most interesting sand realm in
Central Europe, where the wind’s surface shaping work can
be studied very well even today. Both areas have touring
routes marked for both horseback and pedestrian tourists.
Along the 1.5 km long educational track, departing from the
open-air school, we can learn about the geological, botanical
and zoological characteristics of the sand-country.
Access: From the educational centre’s parking lot, at the
20 km section of the no. 52 highway.
Boróka (juniper) educational track (Bugac)
From the narrow-gauge railway’s Hittanya stop a 2 km long
road leads to the Pásztormúzeum (Herdsmen's Museum).
The signboards show the traditions of the animal kingdom
and animal husbandry of one of the best-known puszta of the
Access: From the no. 54 highway or by the narrow gauge
railway out from Kecskemét.
Aqua Colun educational track
(Lake Kolon at Izsák)
The 1 km long educational track at the jumping ring, running along the reeds familiarises us with the fauna of the
huge reeds of the Lake Kolon. An exercise-notebook, related to the educational track can be procured at the House
of Nature.
Access: The educational track in Izsák runs in the vicinity of the
jumping ring, (or Marketplace) at the verge of the reeds.
Poszáta (warbler) educational track (Lake Kolon at Izsák)
As we walk down the 2 km long educational track, we receive
information about the fauna of the reeds and of the reed husbanding, its traditions. The descriptive booklet facilitates the
walk along the path. It can be procured at the House of
Nature. The educational track can be visited by prior registration. The educational track can be reached from the 6 km
long dirt road, starting from the Izsák railway station.
Vöcsök (ducker) educational track (Lake Péteri)
This 3 km long trail shows us the flora and fauna of the fishponds and wooded habitats. An activity booklet, facilitating the
walk along the path, can be procured at the House of Nature.
Access: Along the E 75 (no. 5) highway. First stop of the
educational track is in the building of the national park’s
research quarters.
Vörös-mocsár (red swamp) educational track
(”Vörös Mocsár” Protected Area – Császártöltés)
On the 2 km long educational track the characteristic biozoenosis of the turf-moor and the avifauna of the loess walls
can be observed.
Access: The educational track starts at the Csala csárda
(pub) at Császártöltés, where the 68th km stone of Highway
54 can be found and its end is just short of Császártöltés at
an out-of-service brick factory.
National Park
Long-legged, long-necked birds stroll on the
road, young bustards follow their keepers in
the Körös-Maros National Park. The reason:
in the neighbourhood of the river Kőrös, and
the Békés county territories of the one-time
Nagy and Kis-Sárrét, on the expanses of the
saline wastelands (puszta), on the swamp-remains
and in the forests or, respectively on the Kígyós and Csanád wastelands, the Kardoskúti Fehértó (Whitelake) and the
mud-sea of the flood plains of the river Maros quite a number of protected animals find shelter. Besides the protected animals, we can take delight in the vegetation of the area. On the riverside trees wash their foliage in the water, entice us
for a hike or bicycle tour along the river Kőrös, or a waterside bottle party.
Exhibition Sites
Réhely Visitors’ Centre (Dévaványa)
Before we make an attempt to lodge the highly protected
bustard that can be watched in the Réhely Visitors’ Centre in
its natural habitat, it is well worth seeing the permanent exhibition in the main building, introducing this bird and the fauna, and history of the area. In the ethnographical and cultural history gallery we can inspect the personal articles,
tools of the people, who lived once in the region.
”Armed” with this knowledge we are
ready to pay a visit to the bustard. The
best bustard-population lives in
the Dévaványa-Ecsegfalva range.
The reservation was established in 1975 for their protection. In order to preserve them, the bustardprotection work of the
Körös-Maros National
Park concentrates on
open-air protection,
on peaceful, spacious rutting places,
on providing winter
fodder and on nestprotection. Beyond
the birds, ancient Hungarian domestic animals – Hungarian grey
cattle, buffalo, long-woollen sheep – can be watched from
close-up in the Centre.
Open to visitors from April 15 to October 31 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed on Mondays.
Phone: 66/483-083
Kardoskút Museum
– exhibition ”Natural wealth of the Lake Fehér”
The Kardoskút Fehér-tó (Lake Fehér), considered to be one
of the most valuable protected areas of the country, developed from a Holocene branch of the river Maros as a result
of the gradual salt-accumulation, together with the pinchedoff branch also the neighbouring wastelands became alkalised. The ”Natural wealth of the Lake Fehér” exhibition of the
Kardoskút Museum shows this process, the past and present
of the lake, its archaeological and natural assets.
The Kardoskút Museum can be visited by prior registration.
Phone: 68/429-262, 30/475-1769
Educational Tracks
Réhely educational track (Dévaványa-Réhely)
The Réhely educational track shows waterlogged canal,
pond, fauna of the plough-land and the puszta, habitat of the
bustard. This path has been created in the neighbourhood of
the Réhely Visitors’ Centre. The round tour is 1.5 km long,
and can be made inside one hour.
Open to visitors: The educational track is open in the opening times of the Réhely Visitors’ Centre.
Phone: 66/483-083
Biking Tours
The sun is hot and shining brightly as we pedal on top of the riverside bank, but we can wash off perspiration in the water. The wind
is howling as we cross a field, but we can take some rest on the
fringe of the forest sheltered from the wind. A bird defends its nest
from the wheels of the ”wire donkey”, its companions are heartwarmingly twittering, singing, as we leave behind one mile after the
other. In the Körös-Maros National Park a number of biking trails
await the visitors with the promise of experiences like these.
Alongside the unruly Hortobágy-Berettyó river run two biking
trails: the 48 km long Bala-Berettyó Fish-Ponds and the 43 km
long Bala-Berettyó-Kórézug tour. Birds of the watery plains of the
meadows twitter as we pass along the 15 km long KérszigetBerettyó-Egyegfalva bicycle track, we become acquainted with
the fauna of the flatwoods and the salty forest-heath-field touring
the Gabonás-Szilasok 20 km long hiking route, we can watch
bustards and water-fowl, if we take the 17 km long route
between Atyaszeg, Csordajárás and Dévaványa.
Kígyós educational track (Szabadkígyós)
Characteristic flora and fauna of the puszta can be viewed walking
down the Kígyós educational track and climbing up the observation tower built there. The 5 kilometre long route and nature-educational track, made inside the protected zone starts in the Nagyerdő
(Great Forest), and the walk can be completed within two hours.
Information: Szabadkígyós Területi Iroda (Regional Office)
Phone: 66/247-169
Körös-valley hiking route (Gyomaendrőd)
The Körös-valley route allows an insight into the Körös riverside
water-kingdom, into the life of the birds, nesting at the waterfront
and into the foreshore habitats. Although this excursion is quite
long, it is facilitated by the frequently placed, well-built rest areas
and high-stands assist watching the living places. If you undertake this excursion, put on your hiking boots in the parking lot on
the Zsófia manor side of the Kecskés dead branch. The right
hand section of the route ends at the bridge of Endrőd, crossing
the bridge you should amble towards Gyoma on the path. Later
the trail returns to the right side of the river and comes up to the
starting point once more.
Open to visitors for round-tours throughout the year.
Phone: 66/386-122
National Park
Rolling country, shaped by rivers, streams,
fir plantations and alder groves, bog-moss
swamps and marshland fields, butterflies
and dragonflies, the winding, romantic Rába.
In the villages peasant houses with whitewashed or log walls or beggar-stand fashion,
”skirted” belfries, mowing fruit gardens. Climate
of the region is subalpine, Őrség is the wettest
region of Hungary, but the welcome is not cool, far
from it. In addition to the traditional hospitality of the Őrség
people, grass, trees, flowers, birds, all await the visitors.
Local History Exhibition on the Ság hill
(Ság-hegy – Celldömölk)
The westernmost cone of the Balaton uplands’ volcano line is
the Ság hill. This one-time basalt-volcano retained to this day its
natural resources, developed through the ages, in spite of the
wounds, it suffered as a consequence of the mining works.
The Local History Exhibition in the former mining building,
standing on the slopes of the remnant hill tells tales about the
archaeological findings of the Ság, about its diversified fauna
and about the mining relics. It puts up a memento to the local
geological research and to our famous scientist: Loránd Eötvös.
Open to visitors from April 15 to October 15 from Tuesday
through to Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Chernel Birdwatching Post and Museum
There is an exposition in the garden,
demonstrating the geological assets
of the mountain range above
Kőszeg, indoors a memorial
museum narrating about the
work of István Chernel and
István Bechtold ornithologists. The former established this very botanical garden around the
end of the nineteenth
century at the western
outskirts of Kőszeg.
Open to visitors Monday to Thursday 8 a.m.
to 4 p.m., on Fridays
8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Phone: 94/563-174.
Fax: 94/563-175
Harmatfű (sundew) Nature Conservation Educational
Centre (Őriszentpéter)
The Harmatfű Nature Conservation Educational Centre is
offered for summer camps, conventions, presentations, but it
also welcomes the tired wanderer. In this centre of the Őrség
National Park visitors can obtain information leaflets about
Hungary’s youngest national park.
Open to visitors by prior registration.
Phone: 94/548-034. Fax: 94/428-791
Educational Tracks
Geological and natural history educational track
on the Ság hill (Celldömölk)
The educational tracks provide an insight into the geological
and natural assets of the five million year-old Ság hill. We can
learn about the emergence of the one-time basalt volcano,
about the history of its actions, the process of the later mining operations, the cultural and natural resources, the flora
and fauna of our day.
Visitors are free to walk the educational tracks.
Botanical and bird conservation educational tracks
(Kőszeg – Chernel-garden)
Walking in the Chernel garden it is easy to choose: whichever path will be our choice, we can fare only well. We can lose
ourselves in the secrets of the vegetation of the Kőszeg region or we can watch the colourful birds, and if we close our
eyes, then we can imagine the life of István Chernel here,
what was it like to work as an ornithologist in the garden.
Visitors are free to use the Csillaghúr and Királyvölgy educational tracks, which display the flora of the mountains of
Kőszeg, also the ornithological and bird conservation
routes. On the other hand services of an expert tour leader
can be asked for by prior arrangement from Monday through
Thursday daily 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., on Fridays 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Phone: 94/563-174. Fax: 94/563-175
who are interested in the tiny arthropoda, as here lives the richest
butterfly colony of the country and also a number of internationally protected dragonfly breed can be seen here. Neither will
those regret coming to the Őrség, who are interested rather in
folklore and cultural historic values, as there still are existing characteristic log wall houses survived so far, we can enjoy the sight
of the characteristic details of the rural architecture, the ”skirted”
timber belfries, and small fortress-like churches, with thick walls,
dating back to the centuries of the rule of the House of Árpád.
Everybody finds here programmes to their liking, and will receive
the help of the Őrség National Park. They lead tours to Velemér
and Őriszentpéter to the churches from the times of the kings
of the House of Árpád. These churches with their thick walls
and tiny embrasure-like windows were substitutes to fortresses.
There are guided tours also to the belfry of Pankasz with thatched
roof and the belfry of Gödörháza with shingle roofing, to Magyarszombatfa, the potters’ museum, where we can study the gerencsér (potter) art, what’s more: we are encouraged to try our hand
at the jigger, to the muskeg swamp in Szőce, to Felsőszölnök, to
the Hampó-valley, to the Hármashatár-stone, and Szalafő, to the
village museum in Pityerszer.
Phone: 94/548-034. Fax: 94/428-791
Rezgőnyár (aspen) educational track
Next to the Harmatfű (sundew) Nature Conservation Educational Centre a 400-meter educational track imparts information
about the flora and fauna of the Őrség, the emergence of the
forests, about the methods of forestry, the role of the forestfringe, the fauna of the vistas, the local indigenous domestic animals, furthermore about the habitat of the watering places. Visitors are free to use the educational track or, alternately, service of
an expert tourist guide can be asked for by prior arrangement.
Sárgaliliom (hemerocallis) educational track
This 6.2 km tour leads the visitors from Velemér to Magyarszombatfa, and shows the natural and cultural assets of the less known
and less visited Inner Őrség. The route of the educational track
and the information gained is sufficient for the tourist to discover
the architectural, natural and cultural historic values without the
help of an expert. At the same time it is expected that these sensitive areas will not suffer from this discovering activity. Visitors are
free to use the educational track or, alternately, service of an
expert tourist guide can be asked for by previous arrangement.
Guided Tours
The environment of the national park, criss-crossed by rivers and
streams is greatly endowed with natural and cultural assets. The
venturesome visitor can tour the firs, walk among junipers, white
birch, cranberry trees and blue-berry, among club-moss and pyrola, along the brooks in the alder-groves, where even the rare
ostrich fern (Mattheuccia Struthiopteris) can be detected, step
into the muskeg swamps, but neither will those be disappointed,
Nature Park
Uniquely valuable, and rich in natural beauty
even though it isn’t totally isolated from civilisation, Írottkő Nature Park is interspersed with
Kőszeg; a charming little town. As a result, this
park is rich with historically important monuments as well as protected plant and animal life.
Consequently, there are ample ways with which
one may spend one’s free time. Whether your interests are culturally, historically, naturally, or gastronomically
oriented, it will be worthwhile to visit this area near the western
border of Hungary. Established in 1997, along both sides of the border, Írottkő
Nature Park was founded to preserve and protect the land and culture of the region.
Exhibition Sites
Educational Tracks
Stájerház Museum
and School of Forestry
Bird and wildlife-watching, map and compass usage, team
activities, and nature programs as well as local animal,
plant and fungal exhibitions; lectures and discussions
about the environment. Even if you only have one day, the
Stájerház Museum of Forestry and School of Forestry can
accommodate both young and older crowds. Many opportunities await those who wish to experience the Kőszeg
range’s wild life and natural beauty, encounter the diverse
range of flora and fauna; or learn about forestry,
nature and the environment.
Open: The Stájerház Museum and
School of Forestry can be visited
between April 15 and November 15; Students may attend Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Access: By car from Kőszeg – take the Szabó
Mountain route to the
Kincs Rest area, continue by foot on the
Óház Look-out Path,
following the green
signs until you reach
the ”Országos Kéktúra (National Bluetour)” Path to Stájerház Museum and
School of Forestry.
Csillaghúr educational track
The natural beauty of Írottkő Nature Park, with its plant and birdlife treasures, can be enjoyed within the 3.5 km Csillaghúr educational track which begins just past the Kincs Rest Area. Inside
Csillaghúr is the Óház Look-out where one can observe the spectacular, bird’s-eye view of the outlying region’s natural beauty.
Open: The reserve may be visited anytime throughout the year.
Access: By car, from Kőszeg or Velem, follow the Óház Look-out
(Óház kilátó) signs until you reach the Kincs Rest Area’s parking
lot. Here you will find on the left-side, a gate, and there you will
find the first sign designating the reserve (Tanösvény).
Királyvölgy Natural educational track
Connecting city and nature, Írottkő Nature Park’s Királyvölgy
(King’s Valley) Natural educational track is a good place to
interact with nature’s animals and plants.
Open: The reserve, spanning 1.5 km, can be visited anytime
throughout the year.
Access: The Királyvölgy path starts from Köszeg’s Árpád
Square, there you will find on the right-hand side, behind the
garden’s fencing, a sign, just follow it from there.
Kőszeg-Hegyalja Outings
Írottkő Look-out
”C.B.E.” Comes Batthyányi Elemér – who carved his monogram
on a cliff, is the reason Írottkő Nature Park got its name; Írottkő
means, ”Written-on Rock.” This look-out on the ”new” Hungarian
border was built two years after the end of W.W.I. It was built on the
highest point of the Transdanubian region, 882 meters high. On a
clear day, one can see stunning views of the Alps, Lake Fertő, and
the Lake Balaton region’s hills and mountains. Of course, if the
weather is foggy, it is still worth visiting for the refreshing mountain
air and the peacefulness that the surrounding forest offers.
Óház Look-out
Built upon an old castle ruin from the time of King Árpád, this
look-out provides views of the entire Írottkő Nature Park.
The Look-out can be reached by following the green signs
from the Kincs Rest Area.
Hétforrás (Seven Springs)
Following the path through the woods, either during the flowery-scented spring, under the shade provided by the canopy
above in summer, or while crunching upon the colorful fallen
leaves of autumn, or through the fluffy snow of winter; you will
reach Hétforrás Hot Springs. This so-called ‘Seven Springs’ is
named after the seven founding fathers of Hungary, one millennium ago. This is Kőszeg’s largest hot spring, producing
over 200 liters of water per minute.
Hörmann Hot Springs
Becoming increasingly popular due to its crystal-clear source,
the spring’s name is associated with a tragic legend: According
to local legacy, Captain Mihály Hörmann cunningly made his
way into the Bethlen castle, and in retaliation, the Austrian mercenaries skinned him at this spot to teach him a lesson.
Szent Vid Hegy (St. Vid Hill)
Even today the ruins of an immense water-tower, which stand in
front of a church and well and where hundreds of years earlier
sentries used to stand guard; remain as one example designating the long history of this area. This region has been inhabited
continually for over 2000 years and has seen eras pass as far
back as the Bronze Age, Roman Occupation, the Dark Ages and
Today it is designated as one of Europe’s most important monuments in such respects.
of natural systems, and to promote education, scientific
research and recreation.
Agreement on the Protection of the Cultural and Natural
Heritage of the World: made in 1972 under the authority of
UNESCO, this agreement is put into action by the World Heritage Committee. Member states can initiate the declaration
of their cultural and natural values considered significant for
the entire humanity as parts of the World Heritage by this
nature reserve: smaller, unbroken area rich in characteristic and unique natural sights, primarily functioning to
preserve one or more natural values and their coherent
arboretum: the word comes from the Latin ’arbor’ = ree and
refers to botanical gardens that introduce various species of
arborescent vegetation, trees, and shrubs.
open karst: a karstic area where non-karstic sediment is
washed off of the surface by water due to the configuration
of the terrain.
basalt: basic volcanic rock, the most frequent type of lava. It
is pelitic, dark grey or black. It is formed by the cooling of liquid basalt lava. It is typically shaped in terraces, columns or
open-air school: a unique form of education that constitutes
an integral part of the regular curriculum. The target of investigation is the natural, artificial and socio-cultural environment
of the school. The program is built upon the active participation of the students.
covered karst: a surface covered by not karstic precipitate.
dolomite: it is a name of a type of rock as well as a mineral.
It is created in a marine environment. Most dolomites are
probably of secondary origin: they developed out of limestone under the influence of magnesium solutions. It is usually darker than limestone, and – due to its rigidity – it is often
broken into rubbles.
ecotourism: environmentally conscious and responsible
means of travelling to natural areas, in a way that mitigates
the effects of the visit on the area, and offers social and economic advantages for the local population.
educational tracks of nature conservation: an on-sight
presentation area which consists of a designated route
where signs or other means of information put up at stations
display the natural and cultural values of the region, as well
as the importance and the means of protecting them.
Europe Diploma: an award offered by the European Council to acknowledge the international significance of certain
protected sights.
indigenous species: a species living on its natural habitat.
karst: a development phase of limestone in mountains resulting in natural phenomena due to the complex influence of
environmental conditions.
landscape protection area: larger, usually unbroken area
that is rich in characteristic natural sights and landscapes,
where the interaction of humans and nature created
distinctive aesthetic, cultural and natural characteristics,
primarily functioning to preserve natural and landscape
limestone: usually light coloured sedimentary rock formation containing calcite and subordinated aragonite.
loess: clastic, sedimentary, loose rock formation. It consists
of small quartz grains with lime- and iron hydroxide content.
It usually covers the surface of cold and dry steppes.
peastone: pea sized, spherical, layered calcium carbonate.
It usually appears in large quantities as a result of thermal
water precipitation.
peat: permanently wet soil continuously formed by decomposing plants in a swampy area characterised by low oxygen
content, where the plant components are more or less recognisable.
plant community: the regular community of plant species of
similar environmental needs in certain habitats.
presentation sight: an institution established on the location or in a closed space that serves to improve the visitors’
knowledge about the environment.
protected natural sight: an area declared protected or
intensively protected (that receives special patronage of natural protection) by Act LIII. 1996. or other regulations.
Ramsar Agreement: an agreement serving to protect waters
and wet habitats of international significance.
Red Book: lists to document extinct or endangered plantand animal species and habitats.
rock grass: plants growing on shallow, one-layered soil, that
may be cover plants, fissure plants, open- and closed rock
grass, and rock forest, according to the development phase
of the succession process.
saline soil: water soluble salts have a major role in its forming and characteristics. The level of alkalinity is inversely proportional to the fertility.
sumps: all points of drainage where water flowing on the
surface or in a bed is imbibed by open drainage or
through the clastic rock covering the drain into the karstic
layer of rock.
mortlake/backwater or stagnant water: a reach of
riverbed that has become disconnected in a natural way.
swamp: a shallow still water, usually without an outlet, where
the dead plants slowly decompose in the low oxygen content
under the permanent water surface, and it produces and
accumulates peat. Swamps designate an advanced phase of
sedimentation of still water.
national park: areas of the country, primarily used to protect
significant values of nature, flora and fauna, geology,
hydrology, landscape and cultural history, as well as to maintain the biological diversity and the undisturbed functioning
swamp meadow: soft stem plant communities that grow
in meadows or river flats with no water outlet where the
soil is characterised by low oxygen content. The soil accumulates
peat. There are wet and dry versions typical in Hungary.
Representations of the Hungarian National Tourist Office
Ungarisches Tourismusamt
A-1010 Wien, Opernring 5/2. Stk.
Phone: (43 1) 585 20 1213, 585 20 1214
Fax: (43 1) 585 20 1215
E-mail: [email protected]
Hungarian National Tourist Office
Dublin 2, 2 Fitzwilliam Place
(Hungarian Embassy)
Phone: (353 1) 6612 879
Fax: (353 1) 6612 889
E-mail: [email protected]
Buro Torgovogo sovetnika po turizmu
Vengerskoj Respubliki
123242 Moszkva, Krasznaja Presznya ul. 1-7
Phone: (70 95) 363 3962, ext. 3241, 3287, 3288
Fax: (70 95) 363 3963
E-mail: [email protected]
Office du Tourisme de Hongrie
(Hongaars Verkeersbureau)
B-1050 Bruxelles, Avenue Louise 365
(B-1050 Brussel, 365 Loizalaan)
Phone: (32 2) 346 8630, 648 5282
Fax: (32 2) 344 6967
E-mail: [email protected]
Ta Yuan Diplomatic Compound 3-1-41,
1 Xin Dong Road
Beijing 100600 China
Phone: (86 10) 6532 3845, 6532 3182
Fax: (86 10) 6532 5131
E-mail: [email protected]
Czech Republic
Madarská Turistika
140 21 Praha 4, 5. kvetna 65
Phone: (420 261) 174 166, 174 167
Fax: (420 261) 174 198
E-mail: [email protected]
Office du Tourisme de Hongrie
75116 Paris, 140 avenue Victor Hugo
Phone: (33 1) 5370 6717, 5370 6718
Fax: (33 1) 4704 8357
E-mail: [email protected]
minitel: 3615othongrie
Ungarisches Tourismusamt
D-10178 Berlin, Neue Promenade 5
Phone: (49 30) 243 146 0
Fax: (49 30) 243 146 13
E-mail: [email protected],
[email protected]
Ungarisches Tourismusamt
D-80637 München, Dom Pedro Str. 17
Phone: (49 89) 1211 5230, 1211 5253
Fax: (49 89) 1211 5251
E-mail: [email protected],
[email protected]
Ungarisches Tourismusamt
D-60313 Frankfurt, Lyoner Str. 44–48.,
Arabella Center
Phone: (49 69) 9288 460
Fax: (49 69) 9288 4613
E-mail: [email protected]
Ufficio Turistico Ungherese
20145 Milano, Via Alberto Da Giussano 1.
Phone: (39 02) 4819 5434
Fax: (39 02) 4801 0268
E-mail: [email protected]
Embassy of the Republic of Hungary in Slovakia,
Trade Office
Palisady 40, Bratislava 81106 Slovakia
Phone: (421) 2 5443 3580
Fax: (421) 2 5441 6366
E-mail: [email protected]
Punto d’Informazione
00187 Roma, Via Sallustiana 23.
É/Fax: (39 06) 4744 836
E-mail: [email protected]
Hungarian National Tourist Office
106-0031 Tokyo, Minato-ku,
Nishiazabu 4-16-13, 28 Mori Building 11F
Phone: (81 3) 3499 4953
Fax: (81 3) 3499 4944
E-mail: [email protected]
North Europe
Ungerska Turistbyra°n i Norden
S-114 34 Stockholm, Birger Jarlsgatan 22.
Phone: (46 8) 20 40 40
Fax: (46 8) 611 7647
E-mail: [email protected]
Unkarin Matkailutoimisto, Information Office, Finland
00100 Helsinki, Kaisaniemenkatu 10
Phone: (358 9) 8240 1040
Fax: (358 9) 8240 1041
E-mail: [email protected]
Ungarns Turistkontor, Information Office, Denmark
DK 2100 Köbenhavn Ö, Strandvejen 6
Phone: (45 39) 161 350
Fax: (45 39) 161 355
E-mail: [email protected]
Narodowe Przedstawicielstwo
Turystyki Wegierskiej w Polsce
00-464 Warszawa, ul. Szwolezerów 10.
Phone: (48 22) 841 3024
Fax: (48 22) 841 4157
E-mail: [email protected]
Consulatul General al Republicii Ungare, Sectia Turism
3400 Cluj-Napoca, C.P. 352
Phone/Fax: (40 264) 440 547
E-mail: [email protected]
Oficina Nacional de Turismo de Hungría
28020 Madrid, Avenida de Brasil 17.,
Piso 10, Puerta B
Phone: (34 91) 556 9348
Fax: (34 91) 556 9869
E-mail: [email protected]
Ungarisches Tourismusamt
CH-8035 Zürich, Stampfenbach Str. 78
Phone: (41 1) 361 1414
Fax: (41 1) 361 3939
E-mail: [email protected]
The Netherlands
Hongaars Verkeersbureau
2593 BS Den Haag, Laan van Nieuw Oost Indie 271
Phone: (31 70) 320 9092
Fax: (31 70) 327 2833
E-mail: [email protected]
Komercijnij Viddil Posolstva Ugorskoji Respubliki
Informacijne Bjuro ”Ugorshina-Turizm”
01034 Kijev, vul. Striletska 16.
Phone: (380 44) 494 1900
Phone/Fax: (380 44) 228 0811
E-mail: [email protected]
United Kingdom
Hungarian National Tourist Office
SW1X 8 AL London, 46. Eaton Place
Phone: (44 207) 823 1032, 823 1055
Fax: (44 207) 823 1459
E-mail: [email protected]
United States of America
Hungarian National Tourist Office
N.Y. 10155-3398 New York, 150 East 58th Street,
33rd Floor
Phone: (1 212) 355 0240
Fax: (1 212) 207 4103
E-mail: [email protected]
NON-STOP CONTACT: Budapest V., Sütő utca 2. (Deák tér) (0–24)
Phone: (1)438-8080 (0–24) • Hot-line: (0680)630-800, (+3630)30-30-600 • Address: Budapest H-1548
Fax: (1)488-8661 • E-mail: [email protected] • Website:
Published by the Hungarian National Tourist Office •
DTP: VIVA Média Holding • Printed by: Egri Nyomda Kft.