Xavier The X-Man: “I want to help children in need”
Xavier The X-Man: “I want to help children in need”
36 YEARS of Publication 1976-2012 1976 2010 NOVEMBER 30, 2012 La Prensa Muñoz, Inc. Publications Vol. XXXVI No. 48 Latinos, Be Xavier The X-Man: “I want to help children in need” Careful What You Wish For By Pablo Jaime Sáinz Perspective By Arnoldo Torres HISPANIC LINK NEWS SERVICE There is growing doubt today whether our political system is able to deal with the realities that confront us and significantly impact our futures. U.S. voters were uneasy with the two presidential candidates they had before them. The turnout, lower than in 2008, reflects this disconnect. In the country where newscasts and networks speak daily about democracy and its greatness and candidates are compelled to wear a U.S. flag pin on their lapels, 93 million eligible citizens did not vote: 57.5 percent of all eligible voters turned out this month, compared with 62.3 percent in 2008 and 60.4 percent in 2004. I have been involved in Latino politics and public policy since 1975. I have participated in, and observed, national elections since 1976. I have been through the “sleeping giant” claims about Latino political power, the so- called “Decade of the Hispanic” in the 1980s, the steady ascendance to elected office by Latinos in the 1990s, and the recognition that both political parties are committed to the attainment and maintenance of power at the expense of Latinos. Throughout this time, the liberal and conservative media controlled and set the narrative for Latino political growth. We were talked about and analyzed but seldom were we part of that discussion on NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, Fox, CSPAN or MSNBC. Now, for the very first time, I believe Latino voters have arrived at a point where we can claim political power. The role we played in the election outcomes in key swing states of Nevada, Colorado and Florida are proof that we have arrived. The facts allow me to reach that conclusion. We went out and voted probably for the lesser of two damaged products. While our turnout efficiency was less in 2012 (78 percent) than in 2008 (84 percent), we now comprise 10 percent of the national electorate. This is consistent with the constant increase since 2004 at 8 percent and 2008 at 9 percent. Nationally, as demonstrated in these three key states, Latinos made up a growing share of voters. We have spent better than four decades working to get to this position. Many of our political mentors have been in the Democratic and Republican parties. We have run for office on the platform that to be fair and democratic, politics needs more Latinos. Seldom have we pressed political visions of specific policies we would introduce to remedy the problems we have talked about for the last 40 years. I believe we have not prepared to get to this point. We spent entirely too much time talking about our desire to get here. Now that we have arrived, what will we do? Think about it. We have three Latinos in the U.S. Senate, all of Cuban heritage. One each from Florida and New Jersey and now one born in Canada representing Texas. We have 28 in the House of Representa(see Latinos, page 8 ) Throughout the years he’s been a DJ at Magic 92.5 FM. Xavier The X-Man said he’s been able to see first hand how generous his audience can be. For the past decade, thanks to that generosity, he’s organized his now traditional Xavier The X-Man’s Annual Toy Drive, where every year members of his audience throughout San Diego bring a new toy for a needy child, who, otherwise, might not get a Christmas gift. This year’s toy drive will be on Saturday, Dec. 1, from 9 a.m. to noon at Luzitas Taco Shop, located at 60 E. J St., right next to Hilltop Middle School, in Chula Vista. The X-Man, whose show on Magic 92.5 is a classic in San Diego thanks to its selection of oldies, said that he uses whatever popularity he might enjoy to bring light to a good cause. “I want to help children in need. I am blessed to be behind a microphone on the radio where I can bring the attention to help those in need,” Xavier The X-Man said. “This is my opportunity to give back to a community that has given me so much.” Each year, the number of people who donate a new toy varies, but it can be up to 200, he said. Those who bring a toy will enjoy a free bowl of menudo. In addition to helping needy children, donors will also enjoy musica featuring DJ Wicho on the turntables, will be able to take a picture with Santa from Impalas Car Club, and see an array of cool low riders in a great classic car exhibition. In fact, The X-Man said that the low-rider community of San Diego is very involved in the toy drive, and car aficionados make a majority of toy donors. “People from all backgrounds do- Xavier The X-Man, left, with Santa and his helper. nate toys, but most of them are car owners,” he said. Xavier The X-Man said he understands that many in our community are struggling, and even buying a toy can be a hardship. “But our people find it within their hearts to buy that toy, and bring it here for a child that is even in greater need,” he said. “That is proof that my audience is great, that they have a big heart.” Xavier The X-Man y los Impalas Car Club Toys collected this year will be given to two community organizations, one of them being the Emilio Nares Foundation, which helps children with cancer. For more information, visit www. xmanshow.com. Xavier The X-Man’s Annual Toy Drive is not the only toy drive happening in the South Bay. The 1st Annual Auto Truck & Bike Show Teddy Bear Toy Drive, organized by the Swift Car Club and Veteranos San Diego Car Club, will take place on Sunday, Dec. 2, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Funeraria del Angel Humphrey, 753 Broadway, in Chula Vista. There will be trophies, raffles, free BBQ while supplies last. The teddy bears will benefit the San Ysidro Women’s Club, and the toys will be donated to the Emilio Nares Foundation. For more information, contact Toni Royal at (619) 203-2584 or Carlos Jimenez at (619) 921-2115. The South Bay Raiders Booster Club will have its Holiday Toy Drive on Saturday, Dec. 8, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Mama n Papas Pizza Grotto, 988 Civic Center Dr., in Vista, and then on Wednesday, Dec. 19, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the CVS parking lot, 1730 Sweetwater Rd., in National City. For more information, contact Albert at (619) 520-1003. Xavier The X-Man: “Quiero ayudar a los niños necesitados” Por Pablo Jaime Sáinz Durante los años que ha sido locutor en Magic 92.5 FM, Xavier The X-Man ha podido ver de primera mano que tan generoso puede ser su auditorio. Por la última década, gracias a esa generosidad, ha organizado su ya tradicional Xavier The X-Man Annual Toy Drive, una colecta de juguetes donde cada año miembros de su auditorio por todo San Diego donan un juguete nuevo para un niño necesitado, que, de otra manera, quizá no reciba un regalo de Navidad. La colecta de juguetes de este año será el sábado 1 de diciembre de 9 a.m. al mediodía en Luzitas Taco Shop, ubicada en el 60 E. J St., a un costado de Hilltop Middle School, en Chula Vista. The X-Man, cuyo programa en Magic 92.5 es un clásico en San Diego gracias a su selección de rolitas oldies, dijo que usa cualquier popularidad que pueda tener para traer a la luz una buena causa. “Quiero ayudar a los niños necesitados. Soy bendecido al estar detrás de un micrófono en la radio donde puedo atraer atención a ayudar a los que necesitan ayuda”, dijo Mariachi Masters White House Engagement see page 3 Xavier The X-Man. “Esta es mi oportunidad de regresarle a una comunidad que me ha dado tanto”. Cada año, el número de personas que donan juguetes varía, pero pueden ser hasta 200, dijo. Los que donen un juguete recibirán un plato de menudo. Además de ayudar a los niños (vea Xavier X-Man, página 2) PAGE 2 NOVEMBER 30, 2012 Living la Vida Lucha Rosemead’s Laura Salazar, championship Mixed Martial Arts fighter, wins gold in Greece. “Lethal” Laura Salazar This past weekend (Nov 16-18) , martial artists from all around the world converged in Sparta in Greece for an epic contest of strength, skill and warrior spirit known as the world Pankration championships. PANKRATION (translates to “All Powers”) is a World Heritage MARTIAL ART, with the unique distinction of being the only martial sport in existence today that can legitimately trace its roots to the Ancient Olympic Games from 648 BC to 393 AD. and has a recorded history spanning well back to over 3,000 years. The three-day event brought together Mixed Martial Arts athletes from Greece (which is the birthplace of Pankration), Italy, Russia, Ukraine, Canada, Australia, Kazakhstan, Cameroon, USA and countless other countries to participate in a true demonstration of the Olympic spirit from which Pankration originally emerged. Representing team USA was a fierce competitor, Laura Salazar. The aptly named “Lethal” Laura entered this event with a tremendous amount of momentum, having won the 2011 World Super Grand’s, the OC Open Martial Arts Championships, the prestigious Long Beach International tournament and the US National Pankration Championships. This young Latina hails from Rosemead and has only been involved in martial arts for 15 months. On the advice of a friend she joined the UFC Gym in order to lose weight and get fit. After being a member for three months she decided to try a Muay Thai class because she heard that it was fun. She quickly found out that it was also a phenomenal total body workout is well. Admiring the technique and skill of her training partner Monica, she began to train in the private LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO Deportation to Shattered DREAMs: Friendship Has No Borders By Nancy Landa MundoCitizen (Editor’s note: DREAMer Nancy Landa’s first-hand experience of removal proceedings by US Citizens and Immigration Services (USCIS)) I set foot on American soil as I got off the bus which had arrived at the San YsidroTijuana border. U.S. Immigration officers were standing ready to hand over to each of us a small brown bag tagged with a label imprinted with our names. When I opened mine, I notice that it contained my belongings I had with me when detained: my purse with just a cell phone and a small amount of cash I was carrying for the day. I was then escorted by the U.S. agent to a gate where a Mexican immigration officer was waiting. He asked me a few questions to verify if I was Mexican. But with no ID to prove I was one and with a spoken Spanish that seemed to be foreign, I was concerned the immigration officer would doubt my nationality. I was now only a deportee with no identity. I tried to keep myself calm as I answered each question. After with- standing the suspicious stare of the officer, he decided to let me pass. It was past 8 pm and I was on my own. With no time to reflect that it was my last moment on the side of the border that had been home to me for almost 20 years, I walked toward the first revolving door that welcomed me to Mexico. But unlike most tourists that pass through these gates on a daily basis, perhaps with a sense of exploration of what they expect to be a sightseeing adventure, I was beginning a fight for survival in unknown territory, with no family or friends living here whom I could call for help. I began to doubt whether I could endure the danger that was present in a town recently plagued by an outbreak of violence. I continued to walk down the corridor and noticed about 50 meters away was a second gate which I presumed was signaling the end of this transitory space. I was not yet ready to cross this gate, as I felt somewhat protected here. I needed some time to figure out where to go next. I noticed that some of the deportees that were on the same bus with me were forming a line at a small bungalow closer to the first gate I had exited. The sign above the entrance read Grupo Beta. After a brief conversation with some of the people waiting in line, I learned that this organization provides protection to migrants. One of their services available was a free phone call for each deportee so they could reach their family members. As I get in line, I remembered I was carrying my cell phone but was unsure if I could use it for calls. I then make a test phone call to one of my friends, and to my surprise it goes through! In a brief conversation, she informed me that three of my friends were driving to Tijuana to find me and ensure I was in a safe place to stay. At that very moment, I realized one thing: Friendship Has No Borders. Despite having a physical wall separating me indefinitely from the world I had known, my friends were there for me and were unwilling to let me face this situation alone. Although many challenges laid ahead as a result of an abrupt deportation, I knew I was blessed to have a community of friends that did everything they could to help in the transition. For at least a week, Border crossing walk San Ysidro-Tijuana. (Photo: Nancy Landa) I had food and shelter in a relaIn the meantime, we contively safe environment as I fig- tinue to have an exodus of hunured out how to get my feet dreds of deportees on a daily off the ground. basis, trying to figure out how Unfortunately, I cannot say to survive this night. that the hundreds of individuals that get thrown out on a daily Nancy Landa is a deported basis through the same border honors graduate and former I crossed, will have the same student President of Califorluck. Sadly, this type of safe- nia State University, Northguard I received is not institu- ridge (CSUN). Nancy resides tionalized by neither U.S. or in Tijuana since her deporMexican authorities. Both play tation in 2009 and has a role in a system of detention shared her story to highlight and deportation that, if scruti- the need for comprehensive nized carefully, can hardly be immigration reform in the perceived to follow due pro- U.S. You can follow Nancy cess or international standards on Facebook and Twitter of humane treatment that they @mundocitizen. Mundo Citihave agreed to comply with. zen http://mundocitizen.com/ War or Peace in Mexico? Frontera NorteSur Caliente region of Guerrero, the signing troika appealed for peace in Mexico but vowed to act against the Zetas, Zeta leader Miguel Angel Trevino and “all those who support him.” The narco-banners also contained a parting shot at President Felipe Calderon, who leaves office on December 1. Accusing Calderon of being responsible for the deaths of “almost 60,000 innocent” people, the unknown authors blasted the outgoing Mexican leader for being “the worst (killer) of any delinquent group” in the country. In downtown Morelia, Michoacan, the three-headed, anti-Zetas “brotherhood” left another sarcastic message for Calderon last week, recogniz- ing losses suffered by their organizations but also boasting of casualties inflicted on the Federal Police. “With all your power and reach, it would have been a good plan for Michoacan if you could have treated your people with love and true justice,” the Morelia narco-banner read in part. “But given everything excuse us and since we are not going to have you as our ruler in December, we wish you, your family and your cabinet, as ( popular singer) Vicente Fernandez said, a beautiful farewell.” The Guerrero narco-banners recalled similar statements that were posted across Mexico in February 2010 and largely missed by the interna- tional press at the time. Announcing the formation of the Do messages attributed to United Cartels alliance against three Mexican underworld orthe Zetas, the messages were ganizations portend war or soon followed by a tremendous peace? Retrieved by Mexican explosion of violence in the soldiers, three so-called narconorthern border state of banners displayed last week in Tamaulipas and other regions the southern state of Guerrero of the country. and purportedly signed by three If authentic, the latest groups — the Gulf cartel, La narco-banners could be signifiFamilia Michoacana and the cant for other reasons. First, the Knights Templar — announced joint statement implies the not only a truce among the sigpatching over of differences natories, but also a new “brothbetween La Familia and the erhood” against the rival Los Knights Templar, which were Zetas organization. once part of the same organiIn the message, which had zation but later at odds after the the same content written on the death of La Familia co-founder professionally printed banners Nazario “El Loco” Moreno in recovered in the municipalities December 2010 in a fiery gunof Tlalchapa and Tlapehuala in battle with the government. the conflict-ridden Tierra In particular, the Knights Templar group has been very active on the public propaganda front, posting anti-Zetas banners in at least 7 states Volunteer-powered literacy initiative partners with Chula Vista this month including the state of Mexico, long considered Elementary School District and OASIS Tutoring the stomping ground of La FaChula Vista Serves, in part“A student’s ability to read efforts of the Third Grade milia, and Coahuila and San nership with the Chula Vista proficiently by third grade is a Reads volunteers will help Elementary School District and proven marker of future suc- reach a goal of providing OASIS Tutoring, is launching cess in school, leading to teacher-selected students in a program titled Third Grade graduation, career and col- kindergarten through third Reads with the assistance of a lege,” said Mayor Cox. “Chula grade with two hours of readvalued grant from Cities of Vista’s partnership with Cities ing and writing tutoring per Service and ServiceNation. of Service has resulted in many week, one hour at a time, to This volunteer-powered initia- positive outcomes, and the help all participating students tive supports Chula Vista Third Grade Reads program is read at grade level. Mayor Cheryl Cox’s goal to yet another opportunity for Third Grade Reads is a foster community efforts that mentors to have a positive imhigh-impact service strategy in (see Lethal Laura, page 5) raise awareness for education pact on younger students which the mayor’s office lewhile creating a strategy to help through the simple act of read- verages the power of volunLa Prensa San Diego improve students’ reading abil- ing.” teers to help children attain 651-C Third Avenue ity by the end of third grade. Chula Vista Serves is curreading proficiency by the beChula Vista, CA 91910 Ph: (619) 425-7400 The $40,000 grant will allow rently recruiting 100 volunteers ginning of fourth grade, funded Fax: (619) 425-7402 the city to hire a part-time vol- to become tutors for students by Target. Target is on track ¡Gratis: una consulta de Email: [email protected] media hora por Web Site: www.laprensa-sandiego.org unteer coordinator to manage in need of assistance at Cook, to give $1 billion for education community outreach, volunteer Los Altos, Rice, Rohr and Vista by the end of 2015, to help kids telefono! recruitment and assist with Square elementary schools in learn, schools teach, and par888-874-9094 promotional needs. Chula Vista. The combined ents and caring adults engage. Chula Vista Serves Wins Competitive Third Grade Reads Grant Luis Potosi, both strongholds of the Zetas. Second, the apparent willingness of three organizations supposedly hard-pressed by government arrests and killings of top and mid-level leaders, to come together and contemplate a new fight against the Zetas, implies a certain degree of resilience as well as an ability to reorganize and re-focus in spite of major blows claimed by government officials. Third, the content of the newest narco-banners promises the continuation of violent rivalries honed during the past six years into the period of incoming President Enrique Peña Nieto unless, of course, some sort of behind-thescenes peace agreement or accommodation is reached. Frontera NorteSur: on-line, U.S.-Mexico border news Center for Latin American and Border Studies New Mexico State University Las Cruces, New Mexico ¡ Serviendo Todo el Condado ! Servicios de La Ley Familiar: Founded: December 1, 1976 San Diego, California Founder: Daniel L. Muñoz Publisher/Editor: Daniel H. Muñoz, Jr. La Prensa San Diego was adjudicated a newspaper of general circulation for the City and County of San Diego, Fourth Judicial District of the Municipal Court of San Diego. File #4137435 of May 9, 1978. Press releases, photos, and advertisements are accepted. Submit by mail, fax or email. La Prensa San Diego reserves the right to accept or reject material sent. La Prensa San Diego is a wholly owned subsidary of La Prensa Muñoz, Inc. ISSN07389183 Xavier XMan (con’t de página 1) necesitados, los donantes disfrutarán de la música del DJ Wicho en las tornamesas, podrán tomarse una foto con Santa de Impalas Car Club, y verán una variedad de low riders en la exhibición de autos clásicos. De hecho, The X-Man dijo que la comunidad low-rider de San Diego está muy involucrada en la colecta de juguetes y que los aficionados a los autos son la mayoría de los donantes de juguetes. Xavier The X-Man dijo que entiende que mucha gente en nuestra comunidad está batallando y comprar un juguete puede ser díficil. “Pero nuestra gente saca del corazón comprar ese juguete y traerlo aquí para algún niño que está aún más necesitado”, dijo. “Eso comprueba que mi auditorio es grandioso, que tiene un gran corazón”. Los juguetes que se reunan este año serán donados a dos organizaciones comunitarias, una de ellas la Emilio Nares Foundation, que ayuda a niños con cáncer. Para obtener más información, visite http://www.x manshow.com/. x Divorcio x Paternidad x Custodia La Oficina de la licensiada Lola C. Lopez, a Professional Corporation 2534 State Street San Diego, CA 92101 2003 S. El Camino Real Ste. 109 Oceanside, CA 92054 www.lolalopezlaw.com PHONE: 619-993-5778 FAX: 619-286-2231 LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO NOVEMBER 30, 2012 PAGE 3 Mariachi Masters White House Engagement Mariachi Master Apprentice Program and its instructors made the 2,700 mile trek from San Fernando to the White House to share the stage with First Lady Michelle Obama. By Khalil Abdullah NEW AMERICA MEDIA WASHINGTON— Alejandro Ascencio and seven other members of the Mariachi Master Apprentice Program and its instructors made the 2,700 mile trek from San Fernando to the White House to share the stage with First Lady Michelle Obama on Nov 19th, 2012. Had the group traveled by car across the United States through the southwest, the music and traditions for which they were being honored would have been easily available on the radio through half their journey on the way to being feted as one of the National Arts and Humanities Youth Program 2012 Awardees. Coming soon after a brief respite from speaking engagements at end of a tumultuous presidential campaign, Mrs. Obama acknowledged that it took her a few hesitant phrases before settling into a heartfelt welcome that exalted the promise of arts education and her husband’s administration’s continuing commitment to fully developing the human capital of America’s youth. Through the work of the programs being extolled, Mrs. Obama said, “You see kids who never considered going to college, finally saying to themselves, ‘Well, if I can publish my own writing, if I can create my own artwork, if I can get up in front of all these people and perform anywhere, including the East Room of the White House, well then certainly I can go to college, right?” Mrs. Obama asked. “Of course I can continue my education, expand my ambitions and pursue my dreams.” The 12 winners were drawn from the 50 finalists of over 350 entries and ran the gamut from programs that featured African dance, poetry, photography, theater, and visual arts to those like Oakland’s Youth Radio that provided training for internships in journalism and other facets of media. The International Spotlight Award was bestowed upon the Western China Cultural Ecology Workshop for its 100 Dong Songs Program designed to preserve the legacy of the Dong people. Starr Arroyo, a 15-year old Latina from the Bronx, described how being a member of the debate team of the Urban Assembly at the Bronx School of Law, Government and Justice, has opened new vistas for her. She said she is intent on going to college, inspired particularly by her mother and Latina Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, also from the Bronx. Echoing Mrs. Obama’s remarks, Arroyo said that “standing here in the White House, I feel the world is full of possibilities.” The First Lady said the ceremony honors not only the youth, but the instructors. She was struck, she said, by the motto of Seattle’s Art Corp — “Make art anyway” — that it captured the spirit of those dedicated to arts education for youth. “You teach them, that no matter what life throws your way, if they draw on their own talent and, courage and creativity; if they are persistent, and tenacious and bold – bold – then they can truly make something extraordinary of their lives,” Obama said, “because that’s what we expect, nothing but extraordinary.” For 15-year-old Ascencio, messages about ambition, dreams and being extraordinary were as resonant as the sixstringed guitaron he played during his group’s standing ovation performance during a musical interlude in the ceremony. Resplendent, as were his colleagues, in white-trimmed azure suits of the mariachi, Ascencio explained that his love of music began when he was four or five years-old and that he’s been playing music seriously for about eight years. “I started with the piano and then, from the piano, I started playing the accordion. I started playing Norteno music,” he said, describing the popular music that taps the blend of Mexico’s traditions infused with Czech, German and Polish elements from the European presence in the region in the late 1800s. “My father, from when he was small, he used to play with the mariachi. He sells houses and he had clients whose son was in this program,” he said of the troupe. “He thought it would be a good idea for me to join as an accordionist in mariachi, which is not very common. So, I go to the pro- gram; I audition. I made it as an accordionist, but over the years – I’ve been in the program two and a half years – I’ve learned several instruments: the guitaron, trumpet, vihuela – which is almost like the guitar, and the guitar.” He has decided he wants to be a professional musician or to be able to use music in his career for the rest of his life. “I’m looking into sound engineering, anything with sound whether it’s live or studio, or even sound effects for movies, studio tracks for movies — all that stuff,” Ascencio said. “It is so critical that we pre- serve arts education in our schools,” Mrs. Obama said. “It is absolutely critical because we know how important it is for our children’s development. We all know, every one of us who are here in this room will do whatever it takes to make sure that our own kids get access to sports and music and arts and recreation. So if it’s good enough for our kids, it’s good enough for all of our kids.” To see MMAP’s performances please visit http:// www.sfrcs.com/communityprograms/cultural-art-programs/mariachi-master-apprentice-program-mmap CONDADO DE SAN DIEGO AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Community Action Partnership (CAP) del Condado de San Diego, celebrará una audiencia pública en la Región Sur para dar a los miembros de la comunidad que estén interesados la oportunidad de dar su opinión sobre servicios sociales para familias de bajos recursos en San Diego. La misión de CAP en San Diego es reducir la pobreza y aminorar su impacto para los residentes de bajos recursos de San Diego. Una audiencia pública se celebrará para motivar la participación del público y de proveedores de servicios sobre las necesidades singulares de sus comunidades. Hora y Lugar Martes, 11 de Diciembre, 2012 5:30 a 7:30 PM Lauderbach Community Center 333 Oxford Street, Chula Vista, CA 91911 Asegúrese de ser escuchado ¡Lo necesitamos a usted! Testimonio por escrito también será aceptado Para mayor información comunicarse con: Juana Duenas - Community Action Partnership al correo electrónico: [email protected] The Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Don Diego Post #7420 located at 2100 Logan Avenue San Diego, will have the honor of the National President Leanne Lemley visiting from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. on Friday November 30. She will meet with the ladies and she will go through the customary Sombrero presentation. Her theme is: Serving from the Heart for Our Veterans PAGE 4 NOVEMBER 30, 2012 Cierra Actividades Edición 2012 del Programa Tardes de Danzón del ICBC LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO COMMUNITY NOTES................. Art Center Presents Lecture by Acclaimed Photographer Mario Castillo Mario Castillo Grupo de entusiastas danzoneros de Mexicali, Tecate, Tijuana, Rosarito y Ensenada. Por: Paco Zavala El pasado sábado 24 de noviembre de las 17:00 a las 22:00 horas, en el Salón de Danza del Instituto de Cultura de Baja California (ICBC), se realizó con motivo de fín de año, el cierre del programa de las Tardes de Danzón, en el que estuvieron presentes danzo-neros de: Mexicali, Tecate, Tijuana, Rosarito y Ensenada, en el evento Jesús Flores Campbell, Representante del ICBC en Tijuana, hizo entrega de reconocimientos a destacados danzoneros. Este programa se realiza bajo los auspicios de CONACULTA a través del Instituto de Cultura de Baja California (ICBC). Este año, en Tijuana fue coordinado por Don Fernando Tapia Cortés. Apasionados bailadores de danzón de todo el estado viajaron a Tijuana, a participar en este evento de fin de cursos, correspondiente al ciclo de este año 2012 y, durante cinco horas bailaron, convivieron con sus amigos bajo los acordes armoniosos y sensuales de un buen danzón, además de disfrutar de una rica cena preparada por ellos mismos. Tardes de danzón, es un programa instituído desde hace algunos años, bailándose actualmente en las seis reresentaciones que el ICBC tiene en el estado. La asistencia a la realización de este programa está compuesta por jóvenes, adultos y adultos mayores; ellos son personas que buscan una diversión sana, por lo tanto son gentes honorables y buenas, estas mismas personas han apoyado al programa en el estado y a la fecha ya se han realizado algunos eventos vinculados con esta sana diversión: “Bailar danzón” Las actividades de este programa para el próximo año, iniciarán la segunda semana de febrero, incluyendo el Kinder del Danzón creado para niños de 6 a 10 años de edad. Además, antes de finalizar este año, el día 22 de diciembre realizarán un Taller de Danzón de las 17:00 a las 19:30 horas, en el Multiforo del ICBC, dirigido a principiantes y avanzados; este curso será impartido por la pareja ganadora del Premio Nacional de Danzón, Arq. María Eugenia Ayala y el Ing. Miguel Velasco, quienes arriban exprofeso procedentes de la ciudad de Monterrey, N.L. En notas complementarias: en el Centro Estatal de las Artes Tijuana, de los días 23 al 25 de noviembre, inició el V Módulo de Capacitación a Mediadores de Lectura, con participantes de: Mexicali, Ensenada, San Quintín y Tijuana, sobre el Programa Nacional Salas de Lectura (PNSL). El curso lo impartió Gerardo Hazael Piña Méndez, capacitador del Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (CONACULTA). Este programa es ofrecido a personas que de manera voluntaria deciden trabajar en un proyecto de Sala de Lectura en sus comunidades, con la intención de activar el Fomento a la Lectura con una mayor cobertura, vinculándolo al público infantil, juvenil o adultos mayores, escuelas en todos los niveles, instituciones de salud o de beneficencia, entre otros. Para concluir, artistas del estado se reúnen para seleccionar a ganadores del Concurso Estatal de Dibujo y Pintura Infantil 2012-2013. Para este concurso se recibieron 5 mil 961 trabajos de niños(as) bajacalifornianos, de los cuales 12 integrarán el calendario 2013 y 18 más, la muestra estatal. Holiday Calendar of Events: Escondido Choral Arts to Present “Holiday Joy” at Trinity Church A holiday concert will be offered by the choral organizations of the California Center for the Arts, Escondido on Saturday, Dec. 8 at 7 p.m. at Trinity Episcopal Church, 845 Chestnut St. (at Ninth Ave.), Escondido. “Holiday Joy” will feature joyous songs of the season performed by the Center Chorale, a 40-voice adult ensemble under the direction of Dr. Joe Stanford. They will be joined by the 50-plus singers of the Center Children’s Chorus, directed by Dana Stanford. Tickets for the “Holiday Joy” Concert at Trinity Episcopal Church may be purchased by phone 760294-7218, through a Center Chorale member, through the “contact us” form on the Chorale website (www.esc ondidochoralarts.com), or at the door the day of the event. Ticket prices are $20 for Adults, $18 for Seniors and Military, $10 for students and children under 12 are Free. National City’s 5th Annual Christmas @ Brick Row- Tree Lighting Ceremony Brick Row - ‘A’Avenue between 9th St. & Plaza Blvd. on December 13th at 5:00 pm-8:00 pm. Performances by Musical Ensembles-Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony-Holi- day Refreshments for sale. Appearances from Santa, Miss National City & her Court. A canned food drive will also be held to benefit the National City Food Bank. ‘Christmas on Crystal Pier’ set to kickstart the holidays Santa Claus kicks off this holiday season in Pacific Beach with the Crystal Pier Hotel’s fourth annual “Christmas on Crystal Pier” event amid family, friends and neighbors on Saturday, Dec. 1. From 2 to 5 p.m., children of all ages can enjoy free ornament decorating, games, hot chocolate from Kono’s Café and live holiday music by local school bands. At 5 p.m., a beautifully decorated evergreen — donated by Doug Irwin of Christmas Tree Country — will be lit up next to the Crystal Pier Hotel. La Jolla Music Society Presents The Romeros and Concerto Málaga December 2 at Balboa Theatre La Jolla Music Society continues the Special Event Series with The Romeros and Concerto Málaga in a special matinee holiday concert at the Balboa Theatre on Sunday, December 2 at 3 pm. San Diego’s greatest guitar family, The Romeros perform with Concerto Málaga under the direction of Massimo Paris celebrating the release of their new recording Christmas with Los Romeros. Since the Romero family came to the United States in 1957, they have consistently dazzled audiences everywhere and have inspired enthusiastic praise from critics coast to coast. Their program with Concerto Málaga with will feature works by Massimo Paris, Handel and Schubert, with a selection of favorite Christmas Carols from around the world like Away in a Manger, Carol of the Bells and Little Drummer Boy. The La Jolla Music Society and the San Diego Symphony are joining together to honor The Romeros in two different presentations during the 201213 Season. The San Diego Symphony performance will be in May of 2013 after the La Jolla Music Society holiday concert. Tickets are $27-$67 and are available through the La Jolla Music Society Ticket Office, (858) 459-3728 or online at www.LJMS.org. Trolley Dances Coming to Chula Vista Library If you are looking for a unique cultural art experience, head to the Chula Vista Civic Center Library on December 2. There you will find Library Dances created specifically for the library space by San Diego Dance Theatre choreographer Jean Isaacs, famous for her Trolley Dances, and Gina Bolles Sorensen. The site specific Library Dances will be performed at 1:30, 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. and are free and open to the public. One of Mexico’s most celebrated photographers, Mario Castillo, will be speaking about his works currently on exhibit in ‘Heart & Soul of Mexico’ at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido Museum, 340 North Escondido Boulevard. This free event called ‘Journey through Mexico’ takes place Sunday afternoon, December 2, 2012 from 2:00PM to 4:00PM at the Museum. Castillo has traveled extensively throughout Mexico and will talk about his journeys, his encounters and his art on display. To reserve a seat, call Kirsten at 760 839-4138. This is the last day to see the exhibition, ‘Heart & Soul of Mexico’ which also includes works by the late well known artist and muralist, Raul Anguiano. Casa Familiar host a “Tamalada for Books” The children of San Ysidro need your help. Casa Familiar has taken on a project to get NEW books to all the children of San Ysidro as an incentive to continue their education and contribute to their community, during this year, we distributed 15,000 NEW books to all the students in the San Ysidro School District, all the preschool and child-care centers, and the MAAC Charter School (a high school which is often the last resort for our students). Now the community has asked that we continue this effort and our goal is to obtain and distribute 20,000 books. This is major undertaking since it is strictly a volunteer effort. We are asking you to come as our guest to a “A Tamalada for BOOKS” on Friday, December 7th, 2012 and to make a donation to the BOOKS Project. Each dollar that you give will impact on one child. Please be a part of this effort and bring your checkbooks and dollars for our kids. Thank you for always caring about children and the need of our communities to prosper. CarinÞosamente, You are invited to support NEW books to all the children of San Ysidro Special Tamalada for Books Help us raise $20,000 to buy 20,000 books. NEW hardback books for San Ysidro students. Donations Requested. For each $10 you impact 10 children. More info call 619-4281115. When: Fri, December 7, 11:30am – 2:00pm GMT-08:00 Where: San Ysidro Civic Center 212 W. Parks, San Ysidro TeenSpace Hosts Introduction to Turntablism Event Teens Invited to Learn the Basics of Turntablism at San Diego Public Library San Diego Public Library’s TeenSpace at Central Library will host a free Introduction to Turntablism program on Tuesday, December 11, 2012 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. The event will consist of a live demonstration as well as instruction on how to use turntables as musical instruments. No preregistration is required. T h e I n t ro d u c t i o n t o Turntablism program will be led by two well-respected local DJs, Tenshun and Existence76. Topics covered will be the mechanics of turntablism, the type of equipment needed, the basics of scratching, how to get started as a DJ, and more. Attendees will be encouraged to go hands-on with the equipment and try out such techniques as scratching and mixing. There will also be an opportunity to ask the instructors questions. About the instructors: Tenshun has released many positively-received albums on a variety of formats and has worked with artists such as Stuntdouble, Babel Fishh, and Skrapez. Existence76 is a longtime member of Homegrown Blends, a collective of artists and musicians dedicated to the promotion and creation of products built from an independent and freethinking work ethic rooted in a love of music, art and apparel. Learn about other events at the San Diego Public Library’s Central Library and 35 branches, find links to numerous additional resources, or search for materials in the Library’s catalog online at www.sandiegolibrary.org Casa de Oro Library Celebrates 50th Anniversary The community is invited to join the Casa de Oro Library’s 50th Anniversary Celebration at 9805 Campo Rd., Spring Valley. The event is taking place Saturday, December 1 from 12:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. and will feature separate events for kids, teens and adults. The celebration is free and cake will be served. The afternoon will be full of activities for all ages. Library Director José Aponte will speak at 12:15 p.m. The awardwinning Monte Vista High School Sound Odyssey Choir (pictured), led by Sarah LeClair Klacka, will perform at 12:30 p.m. and acoustic singer Joe Rathburn will bring in the holiday spirit with Christmas music at 2:00 p.m. The finale program at 3:00 p.m. will include a Nutcracker themed puppet and marionette show. During the entire event will be balloon animals for kids and a children’s craft. “This celebration is a testament to the support from the Casa de Oro community over the years,” says Branch Manager Amanda Heller, “We’re excited to provide this family friendly event for the community.” Northwest Civic Association Holiday Party On Wednesday, December 12th at 6 pm Northwest Civic Association will host its annual holiday party/fundraiser at Mangia Italiano on Third restaurant, 248 Third Ave, Chula Vista. Our recently departed board member, the late Ted Kennedy, was passionate about assisting the homeless. In his honor, we encourage everyone to bring a cash donation (checks okay) to benefit Interfaith Shelter Network, a non-profit organization which provides shelter and resources to homeless Chula Vistans in need. Representatives from Interfaith Shelter Network will be in attendance to describe their mission. Everyone is welcome. Action for Uniting Mankind is proud to present : Elder Titolopochtli Domingo Días Porta andWife Lupita Abundis San Diego, CA Saturday Dec.1st 2012 Elder Domingo Días Porta Magisterial Lecture: The Return of Cosmic Consciousness 2012 A unique and historic opportunity to experience and hear directly from the source, a Conveyor of theAncestral Wisdom. Founder, guide, and custodian of Action for Uniting Mankind (A.U.M.) ElderTitolopochtli. High Ranking Initiate of our Times. In this visit the Elder Dias Porta shares the For more than six decades he has toured Europe and the Mayan Wisdom to prepare and guide towards Americas collaborating in the awakening of the the awakening of Cosmic Consciousness. Consciousness of the people with a message of Cultural ? ? ? ? PROGRAM: Aztec Dance Artistic Exposition and Chat with Mario Torero Appetizers Conference with Elder Domingo Días Porta TIME: 3:00 - 7:00 PM PLACE: Centro Cultural de La Raza Parque Balboa 2004 Park Blvd. San Diego, CA 92101 Cooperation: $49.00 Synthesis and the Sacred Sciences. Wherever he has gone, he has been received as a bearer of good tidings. Recognized as an Educator, Messenger, Visionary, and Spiritual Teacher. The Elder Dias Porta has demonstrated the special role of America in the global birth of our civilization for these times, emerging from a natural order between the Earth and the Cosmos. In this tour through Canada, USA, Mexico and Central America, he tells us: “This tour is due to the upcoming fulfillment of the Mayan Mandate for these new times: the awakening of the Human Consciousness, which the Cosmos directs from the center of our spiritual cosmic home, the MilkyWay Galaxy. These encounters and gatherings are a preparation for the descent of the Heavenly Light, so much awaited throughout the centuries. This Nativity will be unique for all of Humanity.” FOR MORE INFORMATION 619 273-7758 619 273-7746 619 210-3317 [email protected] LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO NOVEMBER 30, 2012 Cómo cuidar a un ser querido con la enfermedad de Alzheimer Probablemente jamás pensó sufrirlo usted y su familia, pero teniendo los hispanos 1.5 veces más probabilidades de desarrollar Alzheimer que la población blanca no hispana, usted o un ser querido pueden verse afectados por esta enfermedad. Este noviembre, en el marco del Mes de la concientización sobre el Alzheimer, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation desea brindar su ayuda a los cuidadores que desempeñan una función crucial en la vida de las personas que padecen la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Los estudios demuestran que existe un mayor grado de responsabilidad entre las familias hispanas para cuidar a las personas mayores. Ser un cuidador puede ser una experiencia gratificante, pero también puede resultar muy difícil. Por eso es importante que se tome tiempo libre para conservar la salud mental y prepararse para afrontar los desafíos. Hacer ejercicio, llevar una dieta saludable y socializar con amigos son actividades que favorecen su bienestar general. Incluso solo tomarse unos minutos diarios para cerrar los ojos y respirar profundo puede ser un alivio. Cuidar a un ser querido con la enfermedad de Alzheimer puede ser abrumador, pero contar con información práctica y orientación profunda puede ayudarlo a permanecer en contacto con la realidad. Los siguientes cinco principios básicos pueden servir como base para una tarea de cuidado saludable. Hable con el médico. Puede resultar difícil hablar con un médico cuando se está preocupado por un ser querido que quizás está padeciendo la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Anote previamente los síntomas que observa, como cambios en la memoria, el humor o el comportamiento para no olvidar la información que desea compartir con el médico cuando tenga la oportunidad. Ser un cuidador puede ser una experiencia gratificante, pero también puede resultar muy difícil. posible que un cónyuge o un padre que solía ser independiente tenga que aceptar ayuda por primera vez en su vida. Un hijo puede tener que sostener a ese padre que siempre lo ha sostenido a él. Estas adaptaciones de roles pueden resultar complicadas, sobre todo al principio. Pero es posible hacer los ajustes necesarios para que se beneficien tanto usted como la persona afectada siempre que conserve la relación que los une en su mente. Consiga ayuda. La atención del paciente trae aparejadas muchas emociones difíciles de manejar. Miedo a la dependencia, a la soledad, a la aislación o sentimientos de culpa, rabia o depresión por parte del cuidador, todo puede formar parte de la experiencia. Por eso es tan importante mantener abiertos los canales de comunicación con amigos y familiares y solicitar ayuda cuando la necesite. Puede encontrar más información a través de grupos de apoyo locales o consultando a un profesional de la salud mental. que puede hacer por usted como cuidador/a es cuidar de sí mismo, primero y ante todo. De este modo obtendrá la energía que necesita para cuidar a su ser querido. Cuando se trata de afrontar la experiencia del cuidado, trate de centrarse en los días buenos y en todos los recuerdos hermosos que conserva. Conéctese con otras personas. Volver a conectarse con amigos y familiares, buscar apoyo en Internet y participar en la comunidad son todas buenas maneras de mantenerse socialmente activo y ver las cosas en perspectiva. Equipándose con información sobre la enfermedad de Alzheimer, también será capaz de atender adecuadamente las necesidades de su ser querido. Información en su propio idioma, que incluye una lista de los recursos se encuentra disponible en www.alz.org/ espanol. Cuidar a un ser querido es un gran desafío, pero es un acto generoso y puede constituir una experiencia gratificante. Siéntase orgulloso de sí mismo y de la atención que brinda a quienes lo necesitan. Lethal Laura El Soporte Informativo Para Millones de Hispanos Por Luisa Fernanda Montero Si bien es cierto que las preocupaciones de la vida cotidiana a veces nos superan, es cierto también, que tenemos la capacidad de controlar nuestras emociones y el poder de decidir que tanto nos afecta uno u otro asunto. Las exigencias de la modernidad son cada vez más altas, e ir al ritmo del congestionado mundo en el que vivimos se vuelve imperativo. La cuestión es cuál debe ser nuestra actitud. De acuerdo con la Asociación Americana de Psicología -APA- la tercera parte de la población de Estados Unidos vive en un estado de estrés extremo, mientras que el 49 por ciento – casi la mitad – cree que sus niveles de estrés han ido en aumento en los últimos cinco años. ¿Y su estrés? ¿Cómo está? Además de ser un dolor de cabeza y ser la causa principal de varias enfermedades, el estrés le daña la vida, afecta sus relaciones personales y disminuye su productividad. Así que al final del día, cuando nos estresamos, sólo estamos aumentando el problema. No me malentienda, no le pido que sea insensible o que “se haga el de la vista gorda”, lo que digo, es que nosotros y solo nosotros podemos decidir que tanto nos dejamos afectar por determinados sucesos. Para muchos de nosotros el día comienza con el estrés del tráfico vehicular. Para poner un ejemplo sencillo. Seguramente salimos tres, cuatro o diez minutos más de lo indicado y la larga fila de autos a la que llegamos a punto de gemir de desesperación, parece interminable o, de hecho, lo es. Es claro que pudimos evitarlo, pero ya estamos allí. Le aseguro, es más, le juro que por más que se estrese, active la bocina o se enoje, nada va a cambiar. La fila de autos seguirá siendo interminable. La cuestión es simple: hay circunstancias que podemos evitar y hay decisiones que podemos tomar. Si ya nos agarró la congestión vehicular, el taco, o el trancón y no hay nada que hacer es mejor relajarse, asumir las consecuencias y aprovechar el tiempo pensando en cómo las enfrentaremos, que dedicarnos a lanzar improperios. Y aunque el ejemplo parezca muy simple la verdad es que al final, la vida misma es más simple de lo que nosotros creemos. En su recientemente publicado libro The Worry Solution, el doctor y maestro de la Universidad de California, Martin Rossman, nos invita entre otras cosas a aprender a respirar. El simple acto de detenernos y respirar conscientemente puede disminuir notablemente nuestros niveles Luisa Fernanda Montero de ansiedad. Respire, haga ejercicio, busque técnicas de relajación que se amolden a sus necesidades y piense. Muchas veces, nos estresamos incluso por cosas que no han ocurrido. ¿Está seguro de que eso que tanto le preocupa realmente ocurrirá? Si está seguro, invierta el tiempo en la búsqueda de soluciones. Le aseguro que es más productivo, y si no, ¿entonces que le preocupa? Es muy probable que eso que tanto teme jamás ocurra. El Instituto Americano de Terapia Cognitiva ha encontrado que el 85 por ciento de los asuntos preocupantes no tienen un final tan oscuro como se temía e incluso que los preocupados resultan resolviendo el asunto mucho mejor de lo que esperaban. Así que usted decide si invierte su tiempo en angustias y dolores o prefiere darle un lugar adecuado al estrés y dedicarse un poquito más, realmente, a ser feliz. UN MENSA JE IMPORTANTE DE MEDIC ARE Que no se le olvide. Inscripción abierta para Medicare. Ahora es el momento. (con’t from page 2) Someone you know is guarding herself against cervical cancer. To make an appointment call 1-888-743-PLAN (7526) Reprinted from LatinoLA. com. Laura Salazar’s website is: http://lethallaura.word press.com/ LA COLUMNA VERTEBRAL El tiempo del estrés Afronte la realidad. Usted es madre o padre, hijo o hija, empleado o empleada o se ocupa de las tareas domésticas. Estos roles y sus relaciones constituyen una parte tan básica de nosotros que rara vez pensamos en eso. Mantenga una actitud Simplemente los aceptamos, positiva. Una de las mejores cosas hasta que la enfermedad de Alzheimer los hace cambiar. Y con esta afección, es de esperar que surjan cambios en los roles y las relaciones. Es Pankration classes that Monica was participating in with head instructor Anthony Britton. Fast-forward one year, and the shy, nervous beginner has lost 55 pounds, amassed a trophy case full of hardware and has become an inspiration to other women throughout the gym. So what’s next for SoCal’s “Lethal” Laura? 2013 will see her continue to keep a busy competition schedule as she prepares her game to transition to professional women’s MMA as well as compete in more Muay Thai competitions, grappling tournaments, and amateur MMA. With the recent addition of the women’s division in the UFC, her goal is to become the first UFC gym trained athlete to go from training in the octagon to fighting in the octagon. PAGE 5 plannedparenthood.org | tuplannedparenthood.org Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ppaction 8FMMXPNBOFYBNTt'BNJMZQMBOOJOHt#SFBTUIFBMUIDBSF 45%UFTUJOHt&NFSHFODZDPOUSBDFQUJPOt$BODFSTDSFFOJOHT El período de inscripción abierta para Medicare es el momento para comparar su plan actual con todas sus opciones de cobertura para el 2013. Mantenga su plan actual si está satisfecho, pero siempre es bueno revisar sus opciones. Al comparar cuidadosamente, podría encontrar mejorcobertura, mayor calidad o costos más bajos. Con la ley de cuidado de salud, las personas con Medicare podrían recibir: UÊ}Õ>ÃÊiÛ>Õ>ViÃÊ,/-IÊ«>À>Ê>Ê`iÌiVVÊ`iÊV?ViÀ UÊ1>ÊVÃÕÌ>Ê,/-IÊ`iÊLiiÃÌ>ÀÊ>Õ> UÊ?ÃÊ`iÊxä¯Ê`iÊ`iÃVÕiÌÊiÊi`V>iÌÃÊÀiViÌ>`ÃÊ`iÊ>ÀV>Ê mientras esté en el período de “interrupción en la cobertura” I Õ>`ÊÕÃiÊj`VÃÊÊ«ÀÛii`ÀiÃÊV>wV>`ÃÊ«>ÀÌV«>Ìià Inscripción abierta para Medicare: 15 de octubre al 7 de diciembre de 2012 Llámenos al: 1-800-MEDICARE (TTY 1-877-486-2048) Información y recursos en internet: www.medicare.gov PAGE 6 NOVEMBER 30, 2012 LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO School board members need to lead and change the business as usual culture R e-elected Sweetwater Union High School District board members Pearl Quinones and Bertha Lopez will soon be sworn on to the Board for another four years of service. The question is will it be four more years of the same old thing or will these board members take the bull by the horns and bring about changes that are so sorely needed. Bertha Lopez ran her campaign as a reformer, as the person leading the way against corruption, as a leader of the people. Pearl Quinones ran under the cloud of an indictment and had to face the onslaught of attacks against her character of honesty and integrity. The District Attorney’s investigation into Quinones and sitting board member Arlie Ricasa, along with the indictments against Greg Sandoval and former superintendent Jesus Gandara, coupled with the recent scandalous reports coming out of San Ysidro school district, clearly defines the systemic problems within the school board system. The question is will the re-elected board members, along with the board majority fix the problem or will they sit back and do nothing and allow the problems to continue and fester? What is wrong with the system: there are no term limits, there is no cap on campaign contributions, and there is a need for district-seated elections. Running for office is an expensive proposition and running for a school board seat that encompasses three cities, National City, Chula Vista, and Imperial Beach causes the cost of campaigning to exceed $100,000. Imagine raising $100,000 every four years in campaign donations. To raise this much money candidates, in particular incumbents running for re-election, have come to depend on special interests and contractor donations to fill campaign coffers. With no campaign contribution limits, it is not out of the question for a contractor to donate large amounts of money. The contractor knows that in the near future, he will be before the same board member seeking a million dollar contract. Without term limits it is the norm for board members to serve 16, 20, 24 years on the board. During this time the interaction, the line between campaign donors and board members becomes blurred between business associate/campaign donor and friendship. The solutions are simple and straight forward: 1: Put a limit on campaign contributions, no one person or entity can give more than $500. 2: Instead of open elections create smaller seat district elections. Not only will this create equal representation across the district, it will reduce the geographic size of the campaign area and cut costs. 3: Term limits. Two (2) four-year terms should be enough for any school board member. To allow these board members to serve 5 or 6 terms only invites more opportunity for familiarity and the opportunity for corruption and empire building. There are three ways to make these changes come about. One is for the citizens to put forth a resolution or a motion and the school board act upon it. Second, for the citizens to put a proposition on the ballot, it is a costly matter. The better way is for the school board to take it upon itself to bring forth these changes and put them on a ballot for the voters to decide. This would be the easiest and most expeditious way to bring about change. It is up to the current board members to do what is best for the future of elected board members. Election reform can help deal with systemic problems that occur not only at Sweetwater but in San Ysidro. We hope that the members of this board do not sit on their hands and do nothing about election reform. Not doing anything to correct the resulting problems from election peculiarities would be criminal in of itself, with all the problems and issues this board is facing. Mayor Filner’s Binational Office in Tijuana By Patrick Osio Director of Land Planning and many others in public office. In the private sector, the President of the Tijuana Economic Development Corporation, David Mayagoitia, with over 30 years experience in attracting industrial investment to the region, along with Flavio Olivier as the EDC’s Executive Director; Gregorio Goldstein, President of the new state of the art Tijuana World Trade Center; Luis and Hector Bustamante leaders in commercial and residential real estate representation. And on the list goes. Locally Filner will find numerous allies such as Hector Molina, President of CaNeMexA, the chamber of Mexican-American and Mexican business owners; Jason Wells, CEO of the San Ysidro Chamber of Commerce, Cindy Gomper Graves, CEO of the South County EDC. Political allies that he can call on to work with him on the binational endeavor will very likely include SD Councilman David Alvarez, who represents Filner’s old city council seat; Assemblyman Ben Hueso; in Chula Vista council members Rudy Ramirez and Mary Salas as well as the numerous business organizations and agencies, and educational institutions working with cross border counterparts. At a recent meeting of CaNeMexA exploring the topic Challenges and Opportunities for Cross Border Business Relationships, Chula Vista councilman Rudy Ramirez, who is also a cross-border business owner and Jose Antonio Gonzalez, President of the Mexican Entrepreneurial Council for Export Technology and Investment stressed the need for more dialogue and effort by both sides of the border and to jointly formulate plans for our region. As though taking a page from Mayor Filner’s vision, Mr. Gonzalez said, “We are only divided by a political line that should not interfere with our well being, development and understanding.” Mayor Filner not only merits our best wishes for the success of this historic first but also deserves out support as outgoing Mayor Sanders noted, “What is good for San Diego is good for Tijuana and vise versa.” The election of Bob Filner as Mayor of San Diego can have positive trans-border economic growth with his plan of San Diego’s opening an office in Tijuana for direct and timely communications with that city’s mayor, other city and state officials and business and community leaders. It’s long overdue. To be sure, the idea of closer cooperation between the cities of San Diego and Tijuana have been important with former San Diego mayors as most recently exemplified by Mayor Jerry Sanders who had a strong and amicable relationship with the former and present Tijuana mayors. Going back to Pete Wilson who worked closely with Tijuana city, state and federal agencies on the location of the Otay Mesa Port of Entry, and Susan Golding establishing a direct telephone (Red Line) between her office and then Mayor of Tijuana, Hector Osuna Jaime, after the devastating El Niño storms that crippled Tijuana’s economy. Most previous San Diego mayor’s have had a Binational Affairs Director reaching across the border providing communication’s continuity; and the city of Tijuana keeps an office located within SANDAG. However, Mayor Filner’s move establishing the first San Diego office in a foreign country, albeit it’s immediate neighboring city, is not only historical, but it also takes the relationship to a positive new and higher level. It demonstrates the importance Filner gives the relationship and the desire and intention of creating a true binational region in which both cities have much to win. The timing for Mayor Filner could not be more perfect. He will find Tijuana’s present leadership to be dynamic and progressive. Headed by Mayor Carlos Bustamante, a multi-generation Tijuanense highly successful business and community involved family, who has surrounded himself with competent leaders such as Miguel Velasco Bustamante as the city’s Economic Development Secretary, past president of the EDC and Industrial Parks Association, plus the former Federal regional representative of the Patrick Osio is the Editor of Hispanic Department of Commerce; David Navarro as Vista.com. Contact at [email protected] Republicans never really understood the Hispanic voter By Jerome Orlando Torres political power at the state and local level is happening. This certitude stems from the reality that, not since the founding of our State, Latino children now comprise the numerical majority in California’s public schools. For a look into the future, one needs to look no further than New Mexico where 47% of the total population is Latino. Today, the Governor and Lt. Governor as well as 41% of the legislature are Latino – both as Democrats and Republicans. In one or two generations, the same will be said of Texas, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona and Florida. Yes, it will even be realized in San Diego County. The ranks of Latinos eligible to vote are growing unabated. This is a terrifying thought for many fearful of the implications. No vested interest gives up political power freely. So, what do we do now? At the national level, we must seize the moment and ensure Republicans and Democrats enact comprehensive immigration reform. This includes a pathway toward full citizenship for the millions of undocumented Latinos who have and continue to positively contribute to our society. In California, with the passage of Proposition 30, we must ensure that real education reform takes place that addresses the academic needs of Latino children. In San Diego, we must hold Mayor-elect Filner to his word that he will focus on neighborhoods and not on downtown business interests. We must also ensure Mayor Filner provides Latinos a seat at the table when it comes to developing policies that benefit the neighborhoods within which we live. In Chula Vista and Escondido, we must be fully engaged to ensure that City Council districts are created fairly to promote Latino empowerment. With the passage of Proposition B, a framework has been created in Chula Vista. With the defeat of the City Charter Amendment in Escondido, the struggle continues so long as Mayor Abed and his majority are in office thereby guaranteeing further litigation and acrimony. We just have to be patient and relentless. Our time will come. November 6, 2012, will long be remembered as a cathartic moment for the American Latino. Incensed by the verbal assault directed at Latino immigrants by the Republican Party and its Tea Party ideologues during the presidential campaign as well as the legislative assault in Statehouses throughout the South, we used our best weapon in response: our vote. In one synchronized voice, El Grito (or shout-out) reverberated across the American political landscape. After losing 71% of the Latino vote, resulting in pivotal loses in the swing states of Nevada, Florida and Colorado, Republicans were deprived of the White House. Joining the coalition of Democratic voters, Latinos helped prevent Republicans from control of the U.S. Senate and weakened their political strength in the U.S. House of Representatives. In the aftermath, so-called political pundits have suddenly had an epiphany: America is undergoing a fundamental demographic change and Latinos are the primary force. Chastened by the prospect of further political defeats in 2014 and 2016, Republicans in Congress and elsewhere are feigning contrition. They never understood, for Latinos, the primary issue wasn’t the economy, jobs, abortion, or family values. It was about respect. Provide that first. Then, we’ll listen to your party platform – maybe. Locally, the Latino vote was instrumental in providing Bob Filner victory in the Mayor’s race. DiMaio never had a chance with Latino voters. He can thank his friend and mentor, former Governor Pete Wilson for that. Ever since Proposition 187, the California Republican Party has been dying a slow death. It has been reduced to permanent minority status and potential irrelevancy. The time will come when the Arizona Republican Party will suffer the same fate at the hands of Governor Brewer. Why? It’s called critical mass. Numbers count. It is no coincidence 28 Latinos were elected to the 113th Class of the U.S. House of Representatives, the most ever. Or that the California Legislature has 23 Latinos among its ranks. In California, the inevitable ascension of Latino Jerome Torres is a resident of San Diego. Juan Vargas’ seat is open now that he is replacing Bob Filner in Congress which will cause all kinds of political fallout. Hueso runs for Vargas state senate seat, Steve Castañeda and Lorena Gonzalez run for Hueso’s Assembly seat… we shall see. All we know is that the political season is not yet over… Mayor-elect Bob Filner won because of the Hispanic vote… Now we will see if he includes a Hispanic, one Hispanic, in his kitchen cabinet… not some glorified position but a position of importance… So far Filner has selected Vince Hall as chief of staff and Donna Frye to something called director of open government (shouldn’t government already be open???) and he has keep on his chief of police, chief of the fire department, the chief operating office… so far no Hispanics…. Soak City in Chula Vista will soon become Aquatica, SeaWorld’s Waterpark, does that mean they will start selling beer there??? SeaWorld parks were owned by Anheuser Busch which is now owned by some German beer company… our beer company got outsourced???? Anyway, maybe now, that park will start making some money for Chula Vista. Mayor Sanders is spending his last few days in office making the rounds, sort of a victory lap for doing a good job. Don’t know if he did a good job or not, but we won’t forget the time he went on air and praised the minute men for going out into the fields The 4th council seat will be vacant come Dec. 31 when Tony Young steps down for a and canyons and rousting the workers camp better paying job, just goes to show politicians sites, trashing them trying to run them out… qué lástima! That and the San Ysidro don’t see this as serving the community but as a job, in most cases the only job they can massacre we will never forget…. don’t care if he did a good job as mayor or not, everyday get that pays that much, with all those we see his face it just reminds us… benefits… The 4th district became a little more solidified when they redrew the districts and carved out some of the more prominent Hispanic areas of the district making it more favorable for the Black community. So far Myrtle Cole of the UDW - The Homecare Providers Union and Brian Pollard a small business owner and one time candidate for the same seat have announced their candidacy. Sanders will soon be the CEO of the regional chamber, which explains why Ruben Barrales quit or asked to leave. Sanders is going to be making some big bucks, what with his retirement pay from being chief of police, retirement pay from being mayor, and now his salary as CEO of the chamber, Barrales made over $300,000 per year… talk about pulling down some change… LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO NOVEMBER 30, 2012 PAGE 7 Commentary/Opinion Page Control Your Space: It is the message not Reforma Migratoria: ¿a la tercera va the wrapping paper la vencida? By Rodolfo F. Acuña I am often asked what ideology I favor, and what tactics should Chicanas/os use to achieve equality. If I were living in the 19th Century I would take the question seriously. However, while this kind of conjecture is interesting, let’s face it, we live in another age. Ideologies are ideas to explain the mess we live in. Since I have a tremendous respect for the sages of the 19th century, I would not pretend to add to what they wrote; they are as relevant today as they were then. Add to them the descriptions of Charles Dickens in Oliver Twist of the street children in 1830s London, a phenomenon brought about by the Industrial Revolution. It seems pretty clear that the chaos Dickens and the sages sought to explain and prescribe a cure for was good old greed – even Gordon Gekko would recognize that. Greed is nothing new. People have known that usury is wrong for thousands of years. The ancient Hindus and Buddhists said it was as did the ancient Greeks that condemned practice as did the Hebrews and the Prophet Mohammed. The Catholic Church recognized the dangers of banking and loaning money at excessive interest. Usury was against the Natural Law, you could go to hell for it until the Church decided that it was a mortal sin unless the Catholic Church loaned the money, which was then done in the name of God. The only other exceptions were Jews who the Church fathers decided were going to hell anyway. At the same time, greed made it okay for the Church to sell tickets out of purgatory in form of indulgences. Although greed is still viewed as wrong the world is a much more complex and people rationalize it. People stake out beliefs, and justify their greed through appeals to a higher authority. They say that God gave them that right to be greedy. God is the final arbiter. Thus God gave nations land, like “he”, it is always “he”, is a real estate broker. God thus gives the individual level the right to ignore that other people’s children work in sweatshops to make toys to give them to your children at a low price. Aside from witnessing life, my ideas have been formed from a variety of sources. As mentioned the sages and my religious upbringing exposed me to ideas such as usury. From the scholastics I learned that if something is true then something that contradicts it cannot be true. It is just simple logic. Contemporary readings inform me daily. For instance, I always enjoyed the cartoonist/ playwrite Jules Feiffer. I am a huge fan of his 1960s satirical play “Little Murderers.” It is about Alfred, a onetime successful photographer, who has decided to eliminate people from his photographs and just film objects. Under trying circumstances he meets Patsy. Alfred is getting beaten up and mugged but he refuses to fight back. Patsy sees this and intervenes and the muggers turn on her and beat her. Alfred just walks away and does not lift a finger to help her. She breaks away and confronts Alfred who scolds her, why did she intervene? They would have stopped when they got tired of hitting him. Patsy sees this as a challenge. She wants to remake him into an assertive man who will protect her, and decides to marry Alfred. She takes Alfred home to meet her family who want him to be successful. Alfred loves Patsy, but he rejects her family’s idea that for him to be successful and his life to have meaning he has to return to photographing people. Alfred gets angry and says his photographs would have just as much meaning if filmed excrement. For Alfred the world is senseless, and he cannot feel passionate about the senseless urban and world violence, the senseless killings, prejudices and dysfunctional families. Alfred is contemptuous of society. Although some have tried to draw parallels between Alfred and Albert Camus’ “The Myth of Sisyphus;” they are quite different. Camus’ “The Myth of Sisyphus” is about “the absurd.” It is about Sisyphus who is condemned for eternity to roll a rock up a hill only to make no progress and have the rock roll back on him. Camus sees a conflict between what we want from life and the reality (chaos). Thus we can never know the meaning of life unless we make a leap of faith and place hopes in a God. We are left with the option of placing our faith in God or committing suicide. We either accept our fate and live in a meaningless world or give up. The conclusion that life is meaningless necessarily leads us to commit suicide. It can be argued that Sisyphus has resigned himself to uselessness, and the fact that the gods are punishing you. You accept your fate and you keep going. Gordon Gekko is a creature of greed. He says, “The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind…” When Gekko in Wall Street II gets out of jail he says, “Someone reminded me I once said “Greed is good. Now it seems it’s legal. Because everyone is drinking the same Kool Aid.” The positivists with their laissez faire philosophy would have been proud of Gekko; the other materialists would have seen him as the root of the chaos. I naturally side with the others – it is greed that causes inequality and ignorance. Take Arizona. I have found all three models there: Alfred, Sisyphus and Gekko, although most of the latter are wannabe Gordon Gekkos. In Arizona I saw many members of the Mexican American community react like Alfred who is just tired of the chaos and drops out of society. For them nothing is going to change, some went to the service, returned and still there is street violence, racism and a lack of opportunity. Why fight it? Others like Sisyphus choose to place their faith in another world and keep rolling that rock up the hill and accept its rolling back on them as their fate. They buy their lottery tickets and look forward to an afterlife. In Arizona there are very few Gordon Gekkos just a lot of wannabes. The real Gekkos include ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council, and the Koch Brothers who are devoid of any scruples. They don’t care about right or wrong as long as they make a profit. They know Mexicans are not the problem but they demonize them anyway to make a profit. In this way, they can elect their puppets, fill their prisons, their charter schools, have liberal gun laws, sell arms to cartels, launder money from their illicit profits and pay low or no taxes. They know that Mexicans are not a problem but to make a profit and get their puppets elected people have to fear them. Thus they say that the body snatchers are taking their land. To fill up the prisons and reap hundreds of millions they target them and round them up like cattle. To steal public land and control Mexicans they have to keep them uneducated. Cadres of wannabe Gekkos toe the line. John Pedicone in Tucson – previously a school superintendent at a tiny school district parlayed three years as a superintendent there to take over the medium sized Tucson Unified School District at over $300,000 a year. Mark Stegeman, a failed economics professor who would have a hard time getting tenure at a California Community College heads up the board of education. They are willing accomplices. A great pretender is state Superintendent of Schools John Huppenthal whose claim to fame is that he authored 200 bills that supposedly improved Arizona Education. However, Arizona ranks near last in education nationally fighting it out with Mississippi for the worse. The other is Tom Horne, a failed lawyer who went bankrupt in 1970, and received a lifetime trading ban from the Securities and Exchange Commission. Both these losers resurrected their careers by race baiting Mexicans, joining the long line of wannabes. It is easy to recognize the source of the chaos in Arizona. It is going to take an awful lot more to bring it under control. But I believe that everyone has the right to live life to its fullest and to do this you have to control your space. How do you do it? Part of the reason why I am on Facebook is to encourage young people to read about the chaos around them and express ideas — to define reality. The only way this can be done is by knowing the truth and defining. That is why I encourage students to write. Anyone can write. I got a C in Freshman English at Loyola University. Well, everyone got a C. Frank Sullivan was probably the best teacher I ever had. He told us that C is average and everyone is average so unless you really messed up you wouldn’t fail. But to do better you really had to do extraordinary work for an A. Never called roll class and his classes were always full. The Jesuits protected him from McCarthy Hearings, Sullivan was a socialist. I am convinced that we have to write and write and write about what is happening in Tucson. Spread the message; forget about the colons, the semi-colons, and punctuation that will come with practice. Just write, everyone is a potential Gabriel Garcia Marquez. We have to document our struggle and the mendacity of people that want to condemn us to the ovens of ignorance. Remember it is the message, not the paper that it is wrapped in, that is important. WASHINGTON – Con la visita del presidente electo de México, Enrique Peña Nieto, a la capital estadounidense esta semana, son tres los dignatarios que ha tenido el vecino país en los pasados doce años sin que se haya concretado la esquiva reforma migratoria. Y en cierta forma, la visita marca tres diferentes etapas en los esfuerzos de impulsar esa reforma. La visita de Peña Nieto se produce tras una contienda presidencial en Estados Unidos que dejó más que claro el poder de los votantes hispanos en decidir elecciones y cómo el manejo que den los políticos al tema migratorio los define entre los electores latinos. Los resultados de esa elección constituyen un mandato para que el presidente Barack Obama impulse esa reforma e invierta capital político en el proceso, una inversión a corto y a largo plazo que supondrá réditos para los demócratas. Para los republicanos se trató de la más clara confirmación de que sin el voto hispano no pueden llegar a la Casa Blanca y por su propia supervivencia política deben negociar con los demócratas el asunto que por años han explotado para mantener a su base ultraconservadora ignorando los cambios demográficos producidos bajo sus propias narices que no sólo se manifiestan con más hispanos en sus pueblos y ciudades sino, eventualmente, con más poder en las urnas. Esta coyuntura de la visita de Peña Nieto es quizá la más favorable para esa reforma migratoria a nivel político en Estados Unidos. En el 2001, cuando el panista Vicente Fox visitó Washington, todos creímos que se habían alineado los planetas en favor de la reforma migratoria. La Casa Blanca era ocupada por George W. Bush tras una polémica elección, pero W. cuando menos no cambió su apoyo a esa reforma ni cuando buscó la nominación, ni como candidato republicano en la general, ni como presidente, aún a expensas de la oposición del ala más derechista de su partido. Pero los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre de 2001 sepultaron la reforma migratoria. Si bien W. Bush invirtió capital político en su segundo período, el vínculo del terrorismo con la inmigración fue explotado por la oposición a la reforma migratoria y eso sumado a los dimes y diretes sobre los detalles de dicha reforma, impidieron progreso en ese frente. Lo único que avanzó fueron medidas policiacas y políticas de colaboración migratoria entre el gobierno federal y los estados cuyos efectos siguen reverberando entre la comunidad inmigrante. Se dieron los primeros pasos para el clima tóxico que ha caracterizado el debate migratorio y que fue génesis de todas las leyes estatales antiinmigrantes que proliferaron a través del país. Fue en medio de ese ambiente tóxico que fue electo otro panista, Felipe Calderón, cuyas visitas a Washington, particularmente su visita de Estado en el 2010, sólo constituyeron eventos sociales porque en materia migratoria, específicamente sobre la reforma, había poco que decir. Más bien el asunto migratorio se vio desde el prisma del combate al narcotráfico que marcó la presidencia de Calderón y la relación bilateral entre México y Estados Unidos. Es decir, bajo la presidencia de Fox la excusa de los anti reforma fue tildar de terroristas a todos los inmigrantes, aunque quienes perpetraron los ataques ingresaran legalmente a Estados Unidos; y bajo Calderón, la estrategia fue tildar a los inmigrantes de narcotraficantes y de hecho, este argumento se usó para atraer apoyo a leyes estatales antiinmigrantes como la SB 1070 de Arizona. Dos años después de la elección de Calderón, en 2008, fue elegido Obama con la promesa de revivir esas pláticas migratorias. Ya lo ocurrido es historia. Obama permanecerá en la Casa Blanca un segundo periodo con una renovada promesa de apechar el tema migratorio y con un Partido Republicano en el Congreso que está dando señales de aparentemente querer negociar la reforma que representaría más beneficios de los actuales para ambos países. Después de todo, la única constante de los pasados doce años ha sido la población indocumentada en Estados Unidos, mayormente de México, que ofrece mano de obra barata en Estados Unidos y remesas para México, pero sigue sumida en las sombras sin derechos y vulnerables a la explotación. Peña Nieto esta semana hará alusión a los paisanos que tuvieron que salir de su país por falta de oportunidades, y Obama alabará la estrecha relación comercial y cultural que une a los dos países. Una relación marcada por los millones de indocumentados que impulsan en gran medida las economías de ambos países, con su trabajo acá y sus remesas allá, y que esperan que este tercer intento de impulsar la reforma migratoria en Estados Unidos sea finalmente la vencida. Maribel Hastings es asesora ejecutiva de America’s Voice ¡ASK A MEXICAN! conscious hipsters want that? I was with some Dear Mexican: In President Bush’s cousins for a week State of the Union address, he reiterated in Lindsay, a major a need for a guest worker program. orange-picking city What is your opinion of such a program? in Central The program seems like mierda that California. They screws people over in the long run to own a mini-market me, but what do I know. Una Guerita Por Un Mundo Sin Muros :- and I’d go and help ) them everyday and got to know some customers. Many of the Mexican customers would come in and yell Dear Gabachita for a World Without Agooshtoo or wey to me and my cousins, Border Walls: Sorry I’m answering your and we’d yell it back and they would questionwhat, five years later? ¿Siete? But smile and get their beer. When they the sad part about my laziness is that the would leave they would say a rato and question remains relevant, and what we’d yell it back. I asked my cousins but Republicans once dismissed as Aztlanista claptrap from the mouth of Dubya (who will they didn’t really know much except that the first two were probably curse words. remain the best GOP friend to Mexis we’ll Any help? ever havemark my palabras) is now the GABACHO FROM GILROY gospel they’re preaching after the disaster that was their outreach efforts to Latinos Dear Gabacho: Wey is easy they’re during the 2012 presidential election. It’s saying güey, which as I wrote so long ago, in been absolutamente HILARIOUS to see one of the first ¡Ask a Mexican! columns, is Republicans wake up and smell the tacos the ass of Mexican Spanish, even though it over a decade after Latinos became a derives from the word for ox. But it’s not a political force, to see them lamely prop up fighting word, and you and your primos Florida Senator Marco Rubio as a should be honoredMexi men use güey as a presidential candidate (the only position he’s form of endearment among each other, ala worthy of is being Secretary of Coños), to the American English fucker and man. If see gabacho pundits ask themselves what they really wanted to insult you, they’d call Latino voters want without having a Latino you puto, pendejo, baboso, orbetter on their panels or asking said voters, andmost yetpinche puto pendejo baboso. Agooshtoo laughablythe idea of resurrecting the guestworker program. Conservatives love the idea sounds like a gusto (to be at ease), but it very well could be an indigenous language of having Mexicans work cheaply but not being able to become citizens, but it’s an idea like Mixtec or Triqui, since the Central Valley is home to tens of thousands of folks from that’ll fail as badly as it did the first time Oaxaca. A rato is the elided form of al rato, around, from the 1940s until the 1960s. For the last time, America: Mexicans are not just which means laterin this case, they’re telling workers; they’re humans who’ll notice living ustedes güeyes that they’ll be back in a bit for more beer. Now that I answered your conditions better here and will want to stay pregunta, do me a favor and leave some herehow ‘ya gonna keep ‘em down on the cerveza on credit for my güeyes so they can rancho after they’ve seen Paree? A border be agusto, por favor! fence? P-shaw. And while it’s true some Mexicans might want to only work here and go back to Mexico, demographics and history Ask the Mexican Ask the Mexican at themexican@ show otherwise. Immigration reform without askamexican.net, be his fan on Facebook, follow him on some sort of amnesty is like a burrito without Twitter @gustavoarellano or ask him a video question the tortillaand who the fuck besides calorieat youtube.com/askamexicano! By Gustavo Arellano PAGE 8 With th clock ticking on Turner, time to look to the future By Burt Grossman NOVEMBER 30, 2012 times tend to hinder a coach of Cowher’s style. Brian Billick- This is a no shot, but I had to include Billick because everyone does on these lists. Scenario two- AJ miraculously keeps his job as GM. This will seriously handicap the Chargers attempts to lure the best candidate to town. So where and who would that leave us with? People will float Chip Kelly at Oregon as well as Brian Kelly at Notre Dame, neither would take the job or more accurately leave their current jobs for this job or situation. So who would come here under AJ and still THINK they could be successful? Jim Mora Jr, UCLA-I like Jim and think the biggest knock on him is that he wears his emotions on his sleeve. That’s probably exactly what the Chargers need. Similar to UCLA, the Chargers are seen as a talented but soft team with no ability to deliver knock out punches or finish an opponent. Mora seems to have changed that attitude at UCLA in a short amount of time similar to what Jim Harbaugh has done at Stanford and the 49ers. Mike Zimmer, Bengals Defensive Coordinator- We will get a chance to see Zimmer at work this week when the Chargers face the Bengals. Actually with the blackout, we will get to hear it on the radio but not actually see it. But there is a lot of buzz about Zimmer and he shares what every coach on this list does – an intense competitive fire that is contagious. Rob Ryan, Dallas Cowboys Defensive Coordinator- Ryan would probably already be a Head Coach if he didn’t look like Lou Albano or some mess that stumbled out of a biker bar. He hasn’t gotten the memo that the NFL is a billion dollar image machine and that his look while fine for the Raiders of the 1970’s and 1980’s is frowned upon now- a- days. That’s sad because he is a great coordinator and maybe that’s the position where he should stay. Norv Turner was a great offensive coordinator in Dallas also but has been a complete failure as Head Coach of the Redskins-Raiders and Chargers since. My pick is obvious- Jon Gruden - from scenario one as well as overall. But let’s say we are stuck with AJ and scenario two. The choice then would be Jim Mora. Sadly if AJ is still here, I would advise that if you are a hard core Charger fan, you may prefer scenario three Doomsday December and the end of the Mayan long calendar December 21. Now that it’s official, aside from the “mathematically we are still alive crowd” let’s look at the candidates out there that will be in the hunt to replace Norv Turner. This will be an interesting story simply for the fact that there will be two pools of candidates depending on the status of AJ Smith. The first group will be comprised of proven winners that have switched from the sidelines to the broadcast booth. These guys are proven winners but also would be considered control freaks. No one of this first group would even slightly consider taking the job unless AJ Smith was gone and they were given complete control of their own destiny. Believe me there is no established winner out there that would ever sign on with the Chargers while AJ is still calling the shots – that would be the quickest way to becoming an established loser. So let’s assume AJ is also shown the door. Here are the names you will hear floated as the new Charger Czar (Coach/General Manager). Jon Gruden- I would say this would be the best fit. Gruden is young and energetic (49 years old). He has won everywhere he has been, and players like and respect his style. More importantly the dead lifelessness proceeded by panic on the sidelines will be gone under Gruden. He has a competitive nature and style similar to Rivers, and I believe it would become contagious. Does Gruden want to return to coaching, and could he get out of his five year Monday Night Football deal? Stayed tuned. Bill Cowher- Cowher is similar to Gruden except I believe Gruden wants to return, and Cowher does not. Many think the game has passed him by after seven years. With the new CBA, the players, and their Union signed this Grossman is a former No. 1 draft pick of year that may just be true. One day a week in the Chargers in 1989, playing five pads, mandatory off days and limited meeting seasons with the team. Latinos: Be careful what you wish for (con’t from page 1) tives, a net gain of four in an institution that has little support or respect from the public. It has been phenomenally dysfunctional during times when it needed to be at its best. Few of the newly elected Latino members have spoken yet about how they would help change these serious structural problems in Congress. Their campaigns were standard fare as campaigns go. In other words, they were not campaigns of new ideas, vision and specifics. With the exception of the Texas U.S. Senate race, most of these campaigns hit Republican incumbents hard or criticized the Republican position and philosophy. The campaigns were not about competing ideas, solutions or philosophies. The Texas race hardly addressed any of the main issues of concern to Latinos or the fact that the Republican and Democratic strategies had excluded the reality of Latinos that “one size does not fit all.” Before the ink was dry on President Obama’s victory speech, the liberal left in D.C. was orchestrating Latino immigrant groups to call out the president to move on immigration now that Latinos had “elected him.” This is so very disconcerting. Once again rather than initiate, we demand, we complain, we request we react. Rather than propose our version of what should be done on the issues of the day, we demand payment. This history-making contingency of Latino members of Congress should begin a serious and inclusive dialogue within our own large and complex Latino community on the economic issues that have historically hamstrung our future. Since we argue that the political establishment does not take such interest, our Latino politicos should demonstrate how to do it. While we are at it, we should include the issues of education, health and crime in our communities. We should not allow Senators Chuck Schumer and Lindsay Graham to lead the way on immigration reform legislation. They are not solution-driven, they are elements of appeasement! Both members are very far removed from the realities that are necessary to reach reasonable and practical solutions. We cannot afford to approach this challenge from an ideological or political angle. It is imperative that Latinos lead this debate with ideas that solve the human suffering, dilemmas and conflicts, unintended consequences that undocumented flows from various countries to the United States cause in this nation as well as in the countries of origin. Since we have bitterly pointed out the poor leadership this issue has received from both parties, since we have long been troubled by the separation of families, abuse of workers and discriminatory treatment of immigrants, we must set the standard for approaching this complex issue and not forget that it impacts all of society in one form or another. We cannot be myopic! We should be proud of what everyday Latinos and Latinas did this month. We all participated in a process that can lead to change. We must not lose sight of the fact that this is simply the first step followed by the responsibility to govern. The hard part is making things happen, bringing about the policies that benefit a nation, not one group. Remember the saying, “Be careful what you wish for!” Our wish has come true and we better perform a lot better than those we have been criticizing for decades. Sacramento-based public policy consultant Arnoldo Torres served as the national executive director of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) in D.C. from 1979 to 1985. He testified more than 100 times on immigration legislation and wrote several provisions of the 1986 reform bill signed by President Ronald Reagan. He has served as an expert on Latino issues for Univisión network over the last 12 years. Reach him at [email protected]. Nightly Snowfall is San Diego Holiday Tradition The FREE nightly snowfalls from December 1 through Christmas Eve is a must-visit holiday tradition at Village Walk at EastLake, located at the intersection of EastLake Parkway and Miller Drive in Chula Vista. The Eastlake High School Show Choir will perform on Saturday, December 1 at 5:30 p.m. just before the first snowfall of the season, and again before the second snowfall. Children will receive free Santa helper headbands and “magic” glasses to watch the snow fall in rainbow colors. Each December the courtyard near the koi pond at the outdoor shopping village is transformed into a winter wonderland which brings people from throughout southern California to experience the magical snowfalls at 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. with choreographed music and dazzling lights. Between the nightly snowfalls, community caroling groups sing holiday favorites as they stroll through Village Walk at EastLake. December 1-24 Caroling Festival: Scout Troops, school and church groups will entertain shoppers at Village Walk at EastLake during the holiday season. The groups will walk through the center to sing favorite Christmas carols between the nightly snowfalls. LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO Aztec Football Accepts Invitation to San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl The San Diego State football team has accepted an invitation to play Brigham Young in the San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl on Thursday, Dec. 20 at Qualcomm Stadium and will be televised on ESPN. The Aztecs defeated Wyoming, 42-28, on Saturday for their seventh consecutive victory to improve to 9-3 on the season and 7-1 in Mountain West play. The win gave SDSU a share of the MW title, its 19th overall and first since 1998. The seven straight wins is the fifth-longest streak in the country. “We are honored to be selected to participate in the 2012 San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl,” San Diego State head coach Rocky Long said. “The Poinsettia Bowl is one of the best events I have ever been involved with and it will be a tremendous experience for our student-athletes. Best of all, we will have the opportunity to play in front of our fans and that will make for a great atmosphere on Dec. 20.” This will be the 36th meeting between the Aztecs and the Cougars (7-5) and first since BYU’s final season in the Mountain West in 2010. SDSU has lost five straight in the series, which Brigham Young leads, 27-7-1. San Diego State and the Cougars have played three common opponents this season in Boise State, Hawai’i and San Jose State. The Aztecs were 2-1 in those games (won at BSU, 21-19, and vs. Hawai’i, 52-14; lost to SJSU, 38-34), while BYU was 1-2 (won vs. Hawai’i, 47-0; lost at BSU, 7-6, and at SJSU, 20-14). The Poinsettia Bowl began in 2005, when Navy defeated Colorado State, 51-30. SDSU made its debut in the bowl in 2010 against Navy, where it played in front of a Poinsettia Bowl record crowd of 48,049. San Diego State’s 6.8 rushing yards per carry tied a bowl record, while Ronnie Hillman (attempts - 28 and rushing yards - 228) and Vincent Brown (receiving yards - 165) each set individual records. Fans are encouraged to purchase tickets through SDSU as it will benefit Aztec athletics. LEGALS * 619-425-7400 * CLASSIFIEDS REQUESTING BIDS REQUESTING BIDS INVITATION FOR BID SDHC is soliciting bids from general engineering contractors with a class “A” license for IFB#CI-13-05 Remove and Replace Asphaltic Concrete Parking Lot. Interested and qualified contractors, including small businesses, minority, women and disabled veteran owned businesses, are invited to submit a bid. The solicitation packet with complete instructions is available for download at www.demandstar.com. If you do not have a username and password for the Onvia DemandStar website, please register at www.demandstar.com/register.rsp and select the Free Agency Option. A pre-bid conference will be held on Tuesday, December 11, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. at the SDHC office below. A site visit will immediately follow the pre-bid conference. Sealed bids will be received until Thursday, December 27, 2012, at 2:00 p.m. (PST) at the SDHC office below. SAN DIEGO HOUSING COMMISSION ATTN: GREG WELLONG 1122 Broadway, Ste. 300, San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone No.: (619) 578-7571 Published: 11/30/2012 La Prensa San Diego INVITATION FOR BID SDHC is soliciting bids from qualified general contractors with a Class “B-1” license for Project No. CI-13-06 Mariner’s Village Voluntary Accessibility Upgrades. Interested and qualified contractors, including small businesses, minority, women and disabled veteran owned businesses, are invited to submit a bid. The IFB packet with complete instructions is available for download at www.demandstar.com. If you do not have a username/password for the Onvia DemandStar website, please register at www.demandstar.com/register.rsp and select the Free Agency Option. A pre-bid conference will be held on Wednesday, December 5, 2012, at 10:00a.m. (PST) at the SDHC office below. A site visit will immediately follow the pre-bid conference. Sealed bids must be received by Thursday, December 20, 2012 at 2:00p.m. (PST) at the SDHC office below. San Diego Housing Commission Attn:Greg Wellong, 619.578.7571 1122 Broadway, Ste 300, San Diego, CA 92101 Published: Nov 30/2012 La Prensa San Diego REQUESTING PROPOSALS REQUESTING PROPOSALS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL SDHC is soliciting proposals for Quality Assurance Services. Interested and qualified firms, including disadvantaged and women owned small businesses, are invited to submit a proposal. The solicitation packet with complete instructions is available for download at www.demandstar.com. If you do not have a user name or password for the Onvia DemandStar website, please register at www.demandstar.com/register.rsp and select the FREE AGENCY option. A pre-proposal conference will be held on Thursday, December 20, 2012 at 10:00 AM (PST) at the SDHC office below. Sealed proposals marked “Quality Assurance Services (RFP#: RAP-13-03) Proposal Documents — Do Not Open” will be received on or before Friday, January 4, 2013 at 4:00 PM (PST). San Diego Housing Commission 1122 Broadway, Suite 300, San Diego, CA 92101 Contact: Ena Walters (619) 578-7572, [email protected] Published: Nov. 30, 2012 La Prensa San Diego REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR ARMORED TRANSPORT SERVICES The San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) is accepting proposals under a negotiated procurement process for ARMORED TRANSPORT SERVICES for the San Diego Trolley, Inc. (SDTI), San Diego Transit Corporation (SDTC), and the Metropolitan Transit System (MTS), for up to a 7-year period. Proposal documents will be available on or about December 7, 2012 from: Diana Singleton MTS Procurement Department 1255 Imperial Ave, Suite 1000 San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone: (619) 557-4551 Facsimile (619) 696-7084 Email: [email protected] A Pre-Proposal Meeting will be held on December 19, 2012, at 9:30 a.m., prevailing local time at, MTS, 1255 Imperial Ave., Ste. 1000, San Diego, CA 92101. Proposals will be due on February 13, 2013 by 4:00 p.m., prevailing local time, unless otherwise amended, at MTS, 1255 Imperial Ave., Ste. 1000, San Diego, CA 92101. Proposals received after that time or at any other place other than the place stated herein will not be considered. MTS hereby notifies all proposers that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement; Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (as defined in 49 CFR Part 26) will not be subject to discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex or national origin in consideration for an award. MTS reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to readvertise for proposals. 11/30/12 CNS-2412135# LA PRENSA REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR CNG FUELING FACILITIES INSTALLATION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) will be accepting Proposals under a competitively negotiated procurement for CNG Fueling Facilities Installation, and Operation and Maintenance Agreement for San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS). The full Request for Proposal documents will be available on or about November 28, 2012 from: Marco Yniguez MTS Procurement Department 1255 Imperial Ave, Suite 1000 San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone: (619) 557-4576 Facsimile (619) 696-7084 Email: [email protected] A Pre-Proposal Meeting will be held on December 10, 2012 at 10:00 a.m., prevailing local time at, MTS, 1255 Imperial Ave., Ste. 1000, San Diego, CA 92101. Proposals will be due on January 10, 2013 by 4:00 p.m., prevailing local time, unless otherwise amended, at MTS, 1255 Imperial Ave., Ste. 1000, San Diego, CA 92101. Proposals received after that time or at any other place other than the place stated herein will not be considered. MTS hereby notifies all proposers that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement; Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (as defined in 49 CFR Part 26) will not be subject to discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex or national origin in consideration for an award. MTS reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to readvertise for proposals. 11/30/12 CNS-2412267# LA PRENSA REQUESTING BIDS CHANGE OF NAME The County of San Diego, Owner, invites sealed bids for GROVE STREET PHASE 2 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS; ORACLE PROJECT NO. 1016101; BID No. 5835 Sealed bids will be received at the Office of Purchasing and Contracting, 5560 Overland Avenue, Suite 270, San Diego, California, 92123-1294, until 2:00 p.m. on December 27, 2012 at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Contract documents including Plans, Specifications and Bid Forms are available for download at the County Buynet site: h t t p : / / buynets.sdcounty.ca.gov. You must be registered at the site in order to download documents. The Contractor shall possess, at the time of submitting the bid, a California contractor’s license, Classification A, General Engineering Contractor, or Classification C-12, Earthwork and Paving Contractor. The cost of construction is estimated to be from $85,000 to $95,000. Bid security of no less than 10% required at time of bid. Successful bidder shall provide Payment and Performance Bonds for 100% of the contract amount. Prevailing Wage rates apply. The Owner, as a matter of policy, encourages the Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise (DVBE) participation for this project. For complete bid information, go to County of San Diego Purchasing and Contracting website at http://buynet.sdcounty.ca.gov. For questions, please contact PCO, Hugo Mora at hugo.mora@ sdcounty.ca.gov. Published: Nov. 30, Dec. 7/2012 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME (CCP 1277) CASE NUMBER: 37-2012-00079480-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: RAMANE ERICH HUGGINS, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: RAMANE ERICH HUGGINS to RAMANE ERICH RESILIRE THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: 12-7-12. Time: 8:15 a.m. Dept.: 46. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 330 W. Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101, Central Division, County Courthouse A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Date: OCT 23, 2012 LISA C. SCHALL Judge of the Superior Court Published: Nov. 9, 16, 21,30/2012 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME (CCP 1277) CASE NUMBER: 37-2012-00085509-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: MARIA EVY WILSON, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: MARIA EVY WILSON to EVY WILSON THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: JAN 04, 2013. Time: 8:15 a.m. Dept.: 52. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Date: NOV 15, 2012 ROBERT J. TRENTACOSTA Judge of the Superior Court Published: Nov. 16, 21, 30, Dec 7/2012 La Prensa San Diego (CCP 1277) CASE NUMBER: 37-2012-00085651-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: VERONICA GARCIA ISIDRO, filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: VERONICA GARCIA ISIDRO to VERONICA ISIDRO GARCIA THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: JAN 11, 2013. Time: 8:15 a.m. Dept.: 52. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Date: NOV 15, 2012 ROBERT J. TRENTACOSTA Judge of the Superior Court Published: Nov. 21, 30, Dec 7, 14/2012 La Prensa San Diego ABANDONMENT OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Fictitious Business Name: RELMAX HERITAGE HOMES, 6950 Navajo Road, San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92119. Mailing Address: Same The Fictitious Business Name Referred to Above Was Filed in San Diego County On: 6/26/2007, and assigned File No: 2007-022912 Is (Are) Abandoned by the Following Registrant(s): DJ Properties, Inc., 6950 Navajo Road, San Diego, CA 92119, California I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Janice K. Paulsen, President This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County NOV 08, 2012 Assigned File No.: 2012-029472 Published: Nov 21, 30 Dec 7, 14/2012 La Prensa San Diego COMPANY DRIVERS & OWNER OPERATORS WANTED: ELITE TRANSPORTATION INC. * 2 years driving & Reefer Experience. * TWIC Card Necessary * Pulling containers from San Diego to LA & Santa Fe Springs * Great Pay & Vacations pay after one year. For more info call: Sergio (831) 750-7296 TRUCK DRIVERS NEEDED Temporary Employment Start date March 1, 2013 End date January 1, 2014 Hours: 5:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. up to 40 hours per week. Wage: Between $500-$1000 weekly pay. 25 Openings Available. The employment will last a total of 10 months. No Overtime available. The transportation to the worksite is not provided by employer. Willingness and ability to deliver loads To and from Otay Mesa, California to the Port of Long Beach, California and several Los Angeles rail road ramps; and, To and from Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico specifically crossing loads from the Otay Mesa, California port of entry. Applicants to reside, preferably in Southern California. Description of Job Opportunity and Job Duties: Drive trucks with capacities greater than 3 tons, including tractor-trailer combinations, to transport and deliver products or other materials. Class A driver’s license required. At least 24 months of experience required. Employer’s Contact Information: Patricia Guillen, President Rapid Transfer Xpress 10100 Airway Rd San Diego, CA 92154 Tel: (619) 671-2020 ext. 129 Fax: (619) 671-2031 [email protected] Resume’s may be faxed, emailed, mailed or delivered to the contact information mentioned above LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO NOVEMBER 30, 2012 PAGE 9 ~ ~ ~ CLASSIFIEDS ~ (619) 425-7400 ~ LEGALS ~ FAX ~ (619) 425-7402 ~ ~ ~ SUMMONS Signature of Registrant: Guillermo Garate This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious Business Name: a. OLIVETTO of San Diego County NOV 06, 2012 RISTORANTE AND WINE BAR. b. The filing of this statement does not of OLIVETTO CAFE AND WINE BAR, itself authorize the use in this state of 860 W Washington St., San Diego, CA, Fictitious Business Name in violation of County of San Diego, 92103. the rights of another under federal, state, This Business is Conducted By: A Cor- or common law. poration Assigned File No.: 2012-029225 The First Day of Business Was: 10/29/ Published: Nov 9, 16, 21, 30/2012 12 This Business Is Hereby Registered by La Prensa San Diego the Following: Olivetto Inc., 860 W FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Washington, St., San Diego, CA 92103 NAME STATEMENT I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Fictitious Business Name: EJS Signature of Registrant: DJani Ivanov, TRANSPORT, 483 Oaklawn Ave. Unit President B, Chula Vista, CA, County of San This Statement Was Filed With Ernest Diego, 91910. Mailing Address: PO Box J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk 8262, Chula Vista, CA 91912 of San Diego County OCT 29, 2012 This Business is Conducted By: An InThe filing of this statement does not of dividual itself authorize the use in this state of The First Day of Business Was: 10/11/ Fictitious Business Name in violation of 2012 the rights of another under federal, state, This Business Is Hereby Registered by or common law. the Following: Elvis Jonathan Salas Assigned File No.: 2012-028618 Garcia, 483 Oaklawn Ave. Unit B, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Published: Nov 9, 16, 21, 30/2012 I declare that all information in this stateLa Prensa San Diego ment is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Elvis Jonathan Salas Garcia FICTITIOUS BUSINESS This Statement Was Filed With Ernest NAME STATEMENT J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious Business Name: GRUPO of San Diego County NOV 06, 2012 MADRUGADORES DE PLAYAS DE The filing of this statement does not of ROSARITO AC, 3023½ Juniper St., itself authorize the use in this state of San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, Fictitious Business Name in violation of 92104. Mailing Address: PO Box the rights of another under federal, state, 439016 K-III, San Ysidro, CA 92143 or common law. This Business is Conducted By: An In- Assigned File No.: 2012-029235 dividual The First Day of Business Was: 11/02/ Published: Nov 9, 16, 21, 30/2012 La Prensa San Diego 2012 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Maritza Cisneros, Via de FICTITIOUS BUSINESS las Playas #64, Rosarito de las Playas, NAME STATEMENT Baja CA 22710 I declare that all information in this state- Fictitious Business Name: HITECH ment is true and correct. PETROLEUM, 2204 Tyler Ct., Spring Signature of Registrant: Maritza Cisneros Valley, CA, County of San Diego, 91977. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest This Business is Conducted By: A CorJ. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk poration of San Diego County NOV 02, 2012 The First Day of Business Was: N/A The filing of this statement does not of This Business Is Hereby Registered by itself authorize the use in this state of the Following: Hitech Petroleum, 2204 Fictitious Business Name in violation of Tyler Ct., Spring Valley, CA 91977, Calithe rights of another under federal, state, fornia or common law. I declare that all information in this stateAssigned File No.: 2012-029024 ment is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Robert Cisneros, Published: Nov 9, 16, 21, 30/2012 Pres. La Prensa San Diego This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County OCT 31, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS The filing of this statement does not of NAME STATEMENT itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name: SELECT Fictitious Business Name in violation of MOBILE DETAILING, 1871 Alaquinas the rights of another under federal, state, Drive, San Ysidro, CA, County of San or common law. Diego, 92173. Assigned File No.: 2012-028828 This Business is Conducted By: An InPublished: Nov 9, 16, 21, 30/2012 dividual La Prensa San Diego The First Day of Business Was: N/A This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Saud Almotab, 1871 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Alaquinas Drive, San Ysidro, CA 92173 NAME STATEMENT I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Fictitious Business Name: LOLA C. Signature of Registrant: Saud Almotab LOPEZ, 2003 El Camino Real, This Statement Was Filed With Ernest Oceanside, CA, County of San Diego, J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk 92054. of San Diego County OCT 30, 2012 This Business is Conducted By: A CorThe filing of this statement does not of poration itself authorize the use in this state of The First Day of Business Was: N/A Fictitious Business Name in violation of This Business Is Hereby Registered by the rights of another under federal, state, the Following: Lola C. Lopez, a Profesor common law. sional Corporation, 2003 El Camino Assigned File No.: 2012-028732 Real, Oceanside, CA 92054, California Published: Nov 9, 16, 21, 30/2012 I declare that all information in this stateLa Prensa San Diego ment is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Dolores Lopez, CEO/President FICTITIOUS BUSINESS This Statement Was Filed With Ernest NAME STATEMENT J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious Business Name: MR. of San Diego County OCT 09, 2012 RURIBERTOS, 3202 Mission Blvd., The filing of this statement does not of San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, itself authorize the use in this state of 92109. Fictitious Business Name in violation of This Business is Conducted By: An In- the rights of another under federal, state, dividual or common law. The First Day of Business Was: 4/15/09 Assigned File No.: 2012-026733 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Jose Uribe De La Rosa, Published: Nov 9, 16, 21, 30/2012 5672 Waring Rd., San Diego, CA 92120 La Prensa San Diego I declare that all information in this stateFICTITIOUS BUSINESS ment is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Jose Uribe de la NAME STATEMENT Rosa Fictitious Business Name: a. PROLIFIC This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk ENTERTAINMENT ENTERPRISE. b. CATALYTIC INFUSION ENTERPRISE, of San Diego County NOV 02, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of 9155 Judicial Dr. Apt. 5112, San Diego, itself authorize the use in this state of CA, County of San Diego, 92122. Fictitious Business Name in violation of Mailing Address: 9155 Judicial Dr. Apt. the rights of another under federal, state, 5112, San Diego, CA 92122 This Business is Conducted By: An Inor common law. dividual Assigned File No.: 2012-029058 The First Day of Business Was: 09/24/ Published: Nov 9, 16, 21, 30/2012 12 La Prensa San Diego This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Michael Bolivar, 15734 Faculty Ave., Bellflower, CA 90706 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. NAME STATEMENT Signature of Registrant: Michael Bolivar Fictitious Business Name: a. LAVISH This Statement Was Filed With Ernest SAN DIEGO, b. LAVISH., c. MISS J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk BAUSS, 5305 Annie Laurie Ln., Bonita, of San Diego County NOV 02, 2012 CA, County of San Diego, 91902. The filing of this statement does not of This Business is Conducted By: An In- itself authorize the use in this state of dividual Fictitious Business Name in violation of The First Day of Business Was: N/A the rights of another under federal, state, This Business Is Hereby Registered by or common law. the Following: Salvador Pulido III, 5305 Assigned File No.: 2012-028997 Annie Laurie Ln., Bonita, CA 91902 I declare that all information in this state- Published: Nov 9, 16, 21, 30/2012 La Prensa San Diego ment is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Salvador Pulido III FICTITIOUS BUSINESS This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk NAME STATEMENT of San Diego County OCT 25, 2012 Fictitious Business Name: BEST The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of HOMEWORKS, 3355 Ruffin Rd. Suite LFictitious Business Name in violation of 1, San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, the rights of another under federal, state, 92123. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 17648, San Diego, CA 92117 or common law. This Business is Conducted By: An InAssigned File No.: 2012-028284 dividual Published: Nov 9, 16, 21, 30/2012 The First Day of Business Was: 10/30/ La Prensa San Diego 2012 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Yung Che Lin, 3355 Ruffin FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Rd. Suite L-1, San Diego, CA 92123 I declare that all information in this stateNAME STATEMENT ment is true and correct. Fictitious Business Name: a. VALS HAIR Signature of Registrant: Yung C. Lin SALON, 359 3rd Ave. #A, Chula Vista, This Statement Was Filed With Ernest CA, San Diego, CA, County of San J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk Diego, 91910. Mailing Address: Same of San Diego County OCT 31, 2012 This Business is Conducted By: An In- The filing of this statement does not of dividual itself authorize the use in this state of The First Day of Business Was: 10/24/ Fictitious Business Name in violation of 12 the rights of another under federal, state, This Business Is Hereby Registered by or common law. the Following: Alicia Farias, 459 Satin- Assigned File No.: 2012-028846 wood Way, Chula Vista, CA 91911 I declare that all information in this state- Published: Nov 9, 16, 21, 30/2012 La Prensa San Diego ment is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Alicia Farias FICTITIOUS BUSINESS This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk NAME STATEMENT of San Diego County OCT 24, 2012 Fictitious Business Name: AGR The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of MECHANICAL, 3214 Marlborough, San Fictitious Business Name in violation of Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92105 the rights of another under federal, state, This Business is Conducted By: An Individual or common law. The First Day of Business Was: 11/06/ Assigned File No.: 2012-028139 12 Published: Nov 9, 16, 21, 30/2012 This Business Is Hereby Registered by La Prensa San Diego the Following: Miguel Angel Aguilar, 3214 Marlborough Ave., San Diego, CA FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 92105 I declare that all information in this stateNAME STATEMENT ment is true and correct. Fictitious Business Name: BAJA Signature of Registrant: Miguel Angel RUSTIC FURNITURE, 2381 Valley Aguilar Gardens Dr., Chula Vista, CA, County of This Statement Was Filed With Ernest San Diego, 91915. J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk This Business is Conducted By: An In- of San Diego County NOV 06, 2012 dividual The filing of this statement does not of The First Day of Business Was: N/A itself authorize the use in this state of This Business Is Hereby Registered by Fictitious Business Name in violation of the Following: Guillermo Garate, 2381 the rights of another under federal, state, Valley Gardens Dr., Chula Vista, CA or common law. 91915 Assigned File No.: 2012-029202 I declare that all information in this statePublished: Nov 9, 16, 21, 30/2012 ment is true and correct. La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: LILLY’S FAMILY PROFESSIONAL CHILDCARE, 2258 Ridgeway Dr., National City, CA, County of San Diego, 91950. Mailing Address: 2258 Ridgeway Dr., National City, CA 91950 This Business is Conducted By: An Individual The First Day of Business Was: 10/16/ 2008 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Lidia Gaytan, 2258 Ridgeway Dr., National City, CA 91950 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Lidia Gaytan This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County OCT 15, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2012-027250 Fictitious Business Name: SUPERIOR TIRE, 115 W Olive Dr., San Ysidro, CA, County of San Diego, 92173. This Business is Conducted By: A Corporation The First Day of Business Was: N/A This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Superior Tire Inc., 115 W Olive Dr., San Ysidro, CA 92173, California I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Jaime Aceves, President This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County NOV 14, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2012-029865 Published: Nov 9, 16, 21, 30/2012 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Published: Nov 16, 21, 30, Dec 7/2012 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: ASHFORD AUTO CARE, 7490 Beagle Street, San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92111. Mailing Address: 7490 Beagle Street, San Diego, CA 92111 This Business is Conducted By: An Individual The First Day of Business Was: Nov 6/ 2012 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Shahzad M Jamil, 7490 Beagle Street, San Diego, CA 92111 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Shahzad M Jamil, Owner This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County NOV 08, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2012-029492 Fictitious Business Name: SANTI CHINESE HERBS SHOP, 642 Third Ave., Suite C, Chula Vista, CA, County of San Diego, 91910-5720. This Business is Conducted By: Husband and Wife The First Day of Business Was: N/A This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: 1. James Valentino Santi, 642 Third Ave. Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 91910. 2. Alejandra Kim-Santi, 642 Third Ave. Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 91910 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: James Valentino Santi This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County NOV 06, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Published: Nov 16, 21, 30, Dec 7/2012 Assigned File No.: 2012-029261 La Prensa San Diego Published: Nov 16, 21, 30, Dec 7/2012 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: SC INTERNATIONAL LLC, 857 Anchorage Pl., Chula Vista, CA, County of San Diego, 91914. This Business is Conducted By: A Limited Liability Company The First Day of Business Was: 10/23/ 2012 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: SC INTERNATIONAL LLC, 857 Anchorage Pl., Chula Vista, CA 91914, California I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Raul Melo Cabañas, President This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County NOV 16, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2012-030200 Fictitious Business Name: SIERRA EXPRESS INT., 1318 N Santa Fe Ave. Ste “A”, Vista, CA, County of San Diego, 92083. Mailing Address: 1318 N Santa Fe Ave. Ste “A”, Vista, CA 92083 This Business is Conducted By: An Individual The First Day of Business Was: N/A This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Armando Aguilar, 1851 Camino de las Sonrisas, San Ysidro, CA 92173 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Armando Aguilar This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County OCT 24, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, Published: Nov 21, 30, Dec 7, 14/2012 or common law. La Prensa San Diego Assigned File No.: 2012-028125 Published: Nov 16, 21, 30, Dec 7/2012 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: MEGA SUPER FUN LLC, 853 Anchorage Pl., Chula Vista, CA, County of San Diego, 91914. This Business is Conducted By: A Limited Liability Company The First Day of Business Was: 10/05/ 2012 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: MEGA SUPER FUN LLC, 853 Anchorage Pl., Chula Vista, CA 91914, California I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Dominic Sohl, CEO This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County NOV 16, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2012-030198 Fictitious Business Name: a. DE LEON PERFORMANCE EQUIPMENT b. POLE SLEEVES, 17172 Tam O Shanter Drive, Poway, CA, County of San Diego, 92064. This Business is Conducted By: Husband and Wife The First Day of Business Was: 11/1/12 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: 1. Victor Flores, 17172 Tam O Shanter Drive, Poway, CA 92064. 2. Nicole Flores, 17172 Tam O Shanter Dr., Poway, CA 92064 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Nicole Flores This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County NOV 07, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, Published: Nov 21, 30, Dec 7, 14/2012 La Prensa San Diego or common law. Assigned File No.: 2012-029461 Published: Nov 16, 21, 30, Dec 7/2012 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a. PARSMAN DELIVERING SERVICES, b. PARSMAN EXPRESS, 514 McIntosh St., Chula Vista, CA, County of San Diego, 91910. Mailing Address: 514 McIntosh St., Chula Vista, CA 91910 This Business is Conducted By: An Individual The First Day of Business Was: 6/12/12 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Sara Paez Gonzales, 514 McIntosh St., Chula Vista, CA 91910 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Sara Paez Gonzales This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County NOV 16, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2012-030268 Fictitious Business Name: SHOE CRAVE, 472 Smoky Circle, Chula Vista, CA, County of San Diego, 91910. Mailing Address: PO Box 1675, Bonita, CA 91908 This Business is Conducted By: Joint Venture The First Day of Business Was: 10/29/ 2012 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: 1. Kim P. Rascon, 472 Smoky Circle, Chula Vista, CA 91910. 2. Rosa Rascon, 472 Smoky Circle, Chula Vista, CA 91910 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Kim P. Rascon This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County OCT 30, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Published: Nov 21, 30, Dec 7, 14/2012 Fictitious Business Name in violation of La Prensa San Diego the rights of another under federal, state, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS or common law. NAME STATEMENT Assigned File No.: 2012-028652 Fictitious Business Name: ALL Published: Nov 16, 21, 30, Dec 7/2012 SEASONS DESIGNS, 216 Emerson St., La Prensa San Diego Chula Vista, CA, County of San Diego, 91911. This Business is Conducted By: An InFICTITIOUS BUSINESS dividual NAME STATEMENT The First Day of Business Was: N/A Fictitious Business Name: 939 This Business Is Hereby Registered by TRANSPORT, 2102 Hancock Street the Following: Daniel Villanueva, 216 #203, San Diego, CA, County of San Emerson St., Chula Vista, CA 91911 Diego, 92110. Mailing Address: P.O. I declare that all information in this stateBox 742, Bonita, CA 91908 ment is true and correct. This Business is Conducted By: An In- Signature of Registrant: Daniel Villanueva dividual This Statement Was Filed With Ernest The First Day of Business Was: May 15, J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk 2006 of San Diego County NOV 05, 2012 This Business Is Hereby Registered by The filing of this statement does not of the Following: Manuel Leung Rilloraza, itself authorize the use in this state of 944 Adirondack Place, Chula Vista, CA Fictitious Business Name in violation of 91914 the rights of another under federal, state, I declare that all information in this state- or common law. ment is true and correct. Assigned File No.: 2012-029091 Signature of Registrant: Manuel Leung Published: Nov 21, 30, Dec 7, 14/2012 Rilloraza This Statement Was Filed With Ernest La Prensa San Diego J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County NOV 13, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS The filing of this statement does not of NAME STATEMENT itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of Fictitious Business Name: the rights of another under federal, state, a. CALIFORNIA REALTY or common law. PROPERTIES, b. BOB HILLERY, Assigned File No.: 2012-029821 c. INTEGRITY REAL ESTATES Published: Nov 16, 21, 30, Dec 7/2012 SERVICES, 128 South Main Ave., Fallbrook, CA, County of San Diego, La Prensa San Diego 92028. This Business is Conducted By: A Corporation The First Day of Business Was: N/A This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Integrity Real Estate Ser- vices, 128 South Main Ave., Fallbrook, CA 92028, California I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Robert W. Hillery, President This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County NOV 19, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2012-030358 Published: Nov 21, 30, Dec 7, 14/2012 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: CR PROPERTIES REAL ESTATE SERVICES, 128 South Main Ave., Fallbrook, CA, County of San Diego, 92028. This Business is Conducted By: An Individual The First Day of Business Was: N/A This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Linda A Kendall, 128 South Main Ave., Fallbrook, CA 92028 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Linda A Kendall This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County NOV 19, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2012-030355 Published: Nov 21, 30, Dec 7, 14/2012 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: KEYLE INTERNATIONAL FOOTWEAR, 482 West Suite 1-A, San Ysidro Blvd., San Ysidro, CA, County of San Diego, 92173. This Business is Conducted By: An Individual The First Day of Business Was: 11/02/ 2007 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Manuel Muñiz, Paseo de las Lomas #20, Col. Residencial Lomas de la Mesa, Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Manuel Muñiz This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County NOV 02, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2012-029029 Published: Nov 21, 30, Dec 7, 14/2012 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: XTREME RACING SIMULATORS, 4105 54th Place Apt. #102, San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92105. This Business is Conducted By: A General Partnership The First Day of Business Was: N/A This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: 1. Jesus Millanes III, 4105 54th Place Apt. 102, San Diego, CA 92105; 2. Martin Sanchez, 10427 Rosene St., San Diego, CA 92121 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Jesus Millanes III This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County NOV 15, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2012-030142 Published: Nov 21, 30, Dec 7, 14/2012 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The filing of this statement does not of FICTITIOUS BUSINESS itself authorize the use in this state of NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, Fictitious Business Name: MEDICIS COMMUNICATIONS INC, 4045 Bonita or common law. Rd. #207, Bonita, CA, County of San Assigned File No.: 2012-030515 Diego, 91902. Mailing Address: 4045 Published: Nov 30, Dec 7, 14, 21/2012 Bonita Rd. #207, Bonita, CA 91902 La Prensa San Diego This Business is Conducted By: A Corporation The First Day of Business Was: 02/27/ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 2004 NAME STATEMENT This Business Is Hereby Registered by Fictitious Business Name: BLUE PARTY the Following: Medicis Communications Inc., 4045 Bonita Rd. #207, Bonita, CA RENTALS, 1271 Broadway #11, Chula Vista, CA, County of San Diego, 91911 91902, California This Business is Conducted By: An In- I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. dividual The First Day of Business Was: 11/26/ Signature of Registrant: Patricia Ciccone, Treasurer 12 This Business Is Hereby Registered by This Statement Was Filed With Ernest the Following: Jesus Mutio, 1271 Broad- J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County NOV 27, 2012 way #11, Chula Vista, CA 91911 I declare that all information in this state- The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of ment is true and correct. Fictitious Business Name in violation of Signature of Registrant: Jesus Mutio This Statement Was Filed With Ernest the rights of another under federal, state, J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk or common law. Assigned File No.: 2012-030957 of San Diego County NOV 26, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of Published: Nov 30, Dec 7, 14, 21/2012 itself authorize the use in this state of La Prensa San Diego Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Assigned File No.: 2012-030696 NAME STATEMENT Published: Nov 30, Dec 7, 14, 21/2012 Fictitious Business Name: SORIANA La Prensa San Diego LLC, 11 St. Christopers Lane, Coronado, CA, County of San Diego, 92118 This Business is Conducted By: A LimFICTITIOUS BUSINESS ited Liability Company NAME STATEMENT The First Day of Business Was: 5/9/12 This Business Is Hereby Registered by Fictitious Business Name: SISTER’S the Following: SORIANA LLC, 11 Saint CLEANING AGENCY, 4869 Federal Christophers Lane, Coronado, CA 92118, Blvd, San Diego, CA, County of San California Diego, 92102 This Business is Conducted By: Co- I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Partners Signature of Registrant: Edwin Seymour, The First Day of Business Was: N/A This Business Is Hereby Registered by LLC Manager the Following: 1. Tania Luken, 4869 Fed- This Statement Was Filed With Ernest eral Blvd., San Diego, CA 92102, 2. Ana J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk Soto, 8526 Dallas St., La Mesa, CA of San Diego County NOV 27, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of 91942 I declare that all information in this state- itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of ment is true and correct. the rights of another under federal, state, Signature of Registrant: Tania E. Luken This Statement Was Filed With Ernest or common law. J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk Assigned File No.: 2012-030918 of San Diego County NOV 02, 2012 Published: Nov 30, Dec 7, 14, 21/2012 The filing of this statement does not of La Prensa San Diego itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS or common law. NAME STATEMENT Assigned File No.: 2012-029003 Fictitious Business Name: a. A & J Published: Nov 30, Dec 7, 14, 21/2012 PROPERTIES, LP, b. A & J La Prensa San Diego PROPERTIES, 17163 Camino de Montecillo, Rancho Santa Fe, CA, County of San Diego, 92067. Mailing FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Address: P.O. Box 3696 Rancho Santa NAME STATEMENT Fe, CA 92067 Fictitious Business Name: DEVELOPER This Business is Conducted By: A Limited Partnership AND MARKETER HERNANDEZ The First Day of Business Was: 07/05/ LOZANO, 8890 Jamacha Rd #412, Spring Valley, CA, County of San Diego, 12 This Business Is Hereby Registered by 91977 This Business is Conducted By: Hus- the Following: 1. A&J PROPERTIES, LP, 17163 Camino de Montecillo, Rancho band and Wife Santa Fe, CA 92067, California, 2. JA The First Day of Business Was: N/A This Business Is Hereby Registered by EQUITIES, INC., 17163 Camino de the Following: 1. Juan Hernandez Montecillo, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067, Valencia, 8890 Jamacha Rd #412, Spring California Valley, CA 91977. 2. Amalia Lozano, 8890 I declare that all information in this stateJamacha Rd #412, Spring Valley, CA ment is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Jerry A. Hano, 91977 I declare that all information in this state- A&J properties LP, Manager This Statement Was Filed With Ernest ment is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Juan Hernandez J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County NOV 27, 2012 Valencia This Statement Was Filed With Ernest The filing of this statement does not of J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of of San Diego County NOV 15, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of the rights of another under federal, state, itself authorize the use in this state of or common law. Fictitious Business Name in violation of Assigned File No.: 2012-030919 the rights of another under federal, state, Published: Nov 30, Dec 7, 14, 21/2012 or common law. La Prensa San Diego Assigned File No.: 2012-030185 Published: Nov 30, Dec 7, 14, 21/2012 La Prensa San Diego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a. HAPPY HOUR SPANISH, b. STARLIGHT CONSULTING, 4809 Clairemont Dr. Ste 310, San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92117. Mailing Address: 4809 Clairemont Dr. Ste 310, San Diego, CA 92117 This Business is Conducted By: A Corporation The First Day of Business Was: N/A This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Happy Hour Languages Inc., 4809 Clairemont Dr. Ste 310, San Diego, CA 92117, California I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Hayley Boriss, President This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County NOV 21, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Assigned File No.: 2012-030687 Fictitious Business Name: TORREBLANCA AND ASSOCIATES, 2037 Crosscreek Rd., Chula Vista, CA, County of San Diego, 91913. Mailing Address: 511 E San Ysidro Blvd Suite 336, San Ysidro, CA 92173 This Business is Conducted By: An Individual The First Day of Business Was: N/A This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Alvaro R. Torreblanca Nove, 2037 Crosscreek Road, Chula Vista, CA 91913 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Alvaro R. Torreblanca Nove This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County NOV 20, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. Published: Nov 30, Dec 7, 14, 21/2012 Assigned File No.: 2012-030563 La Prensa San Diego Published: Nov 30, Dec 7, 14, 21/2012 La Prensa San Diego Fictitious Business Name: CENGROW, 131 W 33rd St. #2, National City, CA, County of San Diego, 91950. Mailing Address: Same as above This Business is Conducted By: A Limited Liability Company The First Day of Business Was: 08/05/ 2006 This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: San Diego Portable Rentals LLC, 131 W 33rd Street #2, National City, CA 91950, California I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Raul Barcena, Managing Member This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County NOV 20, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of FICTITIOUS BUSINESS the rights of another under federal, state, NAME STATEMENT or common law. Assigned File No.: 2012-030484 Fictitious Business Name: CHULA Published: Nov 21, 30, Dec 7, 14/2012 VISTA TAXI, 639 Corte Maria Ave., Chula Vista, CA, County of San Diego, La Prensa San Diego 91910. This Business is Conducted By: An Individual FICTITIOUS BUSINESS The First Day of Business Was: 3/14/07 NAME STATEMENT This Business Is Hereby Registered by the Following: Jose Acuna, 639 Corte Fictitious Business Name: Maria Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91910 RESTAURANT JALISCO, 1037 I declare that all information in this stateBroadway Ste A, Chula Vista, CA, ment is true and correct. County of San Diego, 91911. Mailing Signature of Registrant: Jose Acuna, Address: 1037 Broadway Ste A, Chula Owner Vista, CA 91911 This Business is Conducted By: An In- This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk dividual The First Day of Business Was: 11/23/ of San Diego County NOV 27, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of 2012 This Business Is Hereby Registered by itself authorize the use in this state of the Following: Mario Flores, 1037 Broad- Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, way Ste A, Chula Vista, CA 91911 I declare that all information in this state- or common law. Assigned File No.: 2012-030885 ment is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Mario Flores Published: Nov 30, Dec 7, 14, 21/2012 This Statement Was Filed With Ernest La Prensa San Diego J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County NOV 26, 2012 The filing of this statement does not of FICTITIOUS BUSINESS itself authorize the use in this state of NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, Fictitious Business Name: IMPERIAL or common law. CAYS LLC, 11 St. Christopers Lane, Assigned File No.: 2012-030724 Coronado, CA, County of San Diego, Published: Nov 30, Dec 7, 14, 21/2012 92118. This Business is Conducted By: A LimLa Prensa San Diego ited Liability Company The First Day of Business Was: 2/6/2012 This Business Is Hereby Registered by FICTITIOUS BUSINESS the Following: IMPERIAL CAYS LLC, 11 NAME STATEMENT Saint Christophers Lane, Coronado, CA 92118, California Fictitious Business Name: MAPAZ I declare that all information in this stateTRANSPORT, 960 Estes St. Apt. 110, ment is true and correct. El Cajon, CA, County of San Diego, Signature of Registrant: Edwin Seymour, 92020. Mailing Address: Same This Business is Conducted By: An In- LLC Manager This Statement Was Filed With Ernest dividual The First Day of Business Was: 01/11/ J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County NOV 27, 2012 2007 This Business Is Hereby Registered by The filing of this statement does not of the Following: Manuel Ruiz, 960 Estes itself authorize the use in this state of Fictitious Business Name in violation of St. Apt. 110, El Cajon, CA 92020 I declare that all information in this state- the rights of another under federal, state, or common law. ment is true and correct. Signature of Registrant: Manuel Ruiz, Assigned File No.: 2012-030920 Mapaz Transport Published: Nov 30, Dec 7, 14, 21/2012 This Statement Was Filed With Ernest La Prensa San Diego J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County NOV 20, 2012 SUMMONS SUMMONS - (Family Law) CASE NUMBER: D537521 NOTICE TO RESPONDENT: AVISO AL DEMANDADO: TANYA FAITH ATKINS You are being sued. Lo están demandando. PETITIONER'S NAME IS: NOMBRE DEL DEMANDANTE: BENJAMIN VILLA RODRIGUEZ You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Petition are served on you to file a Response (form FL-120 or FL-123) at the court and have a copy served on the petitioner. A letter or phone call will not protect you. If you do not file your Response on time, the court may make orders affecting your marriage, your property and custody of your children. You may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver form. If you want legal advice, contact a lawyer immediately. You can get information about finding lawyers at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www. court.ca.gov/self help), at the California Legal Services Web site (www.law helpcalifornia.org), or by contacting your local county bar association. Tiene 30 días corridos después de haber recibido la entrega legal de esta Citación y Petición para presentar una Respuesta (formulario FL-120 ó FL-123) ante la corte y efectuar la entrega legal de una copia al demandante. Una carta o llamada telefónica no basta para protegerlo. Si no presenta su Respuesta a tiempo, la corte puede dar órdenes que afecten su matrimonio o pareja de hecho, sus bienes y la custodia de sus hijos. La corte también le puede ordenar que pague manutención, y honorarios y costos legales. Si no puede pagar la cuota de presentación, pida al secretario un formulario de exención de cuotas. Si desea obtener asesoramiento legal, póngase en contacto de inmediato con un abogado. Puede obtener información para encontrar a un abogado en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California (www.sucorte. ca.gov), en el sitio Web de los Servicios Legales de California (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org) o poniéndose en contacto con el colegio de abogados de su condado. NOTICE: The restraining orders on page 2 are effective against both spouses or domestic partners until the petition is dismissed, a judgment is entered, or the court makes further orders. These orders are enforceable anywhere in California by any law enforcement office who has received or seen a copy of them. AVISO: Las órdenes de restricción que figuran en la página 2 valen para ambos cónyuges o pareja de hecho hasta que se despida la petición, se emita un fallo o la corte dé otras órdenes. Cualquier autoridad de la ley que haya recibido o visto una copia de estas órdenes puede hacerlas acatar en cualquier lugar de California. NOTE: If a judgment or support order is entered, the court may order you to pay all or part of the fees and costs that the court waived for yourself or for the other party. If this happens, the party ordered to pay fees shall be given notice and an opportunity to request a hearing to set aside the order to pay waived court fees. AVISO: Si se emite un fallo u orden de manutención, la corte puede ordenar que usted pague parte de, o todas las cuotas y costos de la corte previamente exentas a petición de usted o de la otra parte. Si esto ocurre, la parte ordenada a pagar estas cuotas debe recibir aviso y la oportunidad de solicitar una audiencia para anular la orden de pagar las cuotas exentas. 1. The name and address of the court is: El nombre y dirección de la corte son: SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, Central Division, Family Court, 1555 6th Ave., San Diego, CA, 92101 2. The name, address, and telephone number of petitioner's attorney, or the petitioner without an attorney, is: (El nombre, dirección y número de teléfono del abogado del demandante, o del demandante si no tiene abogado, son): BENJAMIN VILLA RODRIGUEZ, 1631 Bayview Heights Dr. #1, San Diego, CA 92105. (619) 760-3337. Date (Fecha): JUL 11, 2012 Clerk, by (Secretario, por) V. JUAREZ, Deputy (Asistente) NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: AVISO A LA PERSONA QUE RECIBIO LA ENTREGA: as an individual, (a usted como individuo) Published: Nov 9, 16, 21, 30/ 2012 La Prensa San Diego SUMMONS - (Family Law) CASE NUMBER: DN171950 NOTICE TO RESPONDENT: AVISO AL DEMANDADO: JOSE LEMUEL MORALES ESQUIVEL You are being sued. Lo están demandando. PETITIONER'S NAME IS: NOMBRE DEL DEMANDANTE: JUANA JOSE FRANCISCO You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Petition are served on you to file a Response (form FL-120 or FL-123) at the court and have a copy served on the petitioner. A letter or phone call will not protect you. If you do not file your Response on time, the court may make orders affecting your marriage, your property and custody of your children. You may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver form. If you want legal advice, contact a lawyer immediately. You can get information about finding lawyers at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.court.ca.gov/self help), at the California Legal Services Web site (www.law helpcalifornia.org), or by contacting your local county bar association. Tiene 30 días corridos después de haber recibido la entrega legal de esta Citación y Petición para presentar una Respuesta (formulario FL-120 ó FL-123) ante la corte y efectuar la entrega legal de una copia al demandante. Una carta o llamada telefónica no basta para protegerlo. Si no presenta su Respuesta a tiempo, la corte puede dar órdenes que afecten su matrimonio o pareja de hecho, sus bienes y la custodia de sus hijos. La corte también le puede ordenar que pague manutención, y honorarios y costos legales. Si no puede pagar la cuota de presentación, pida al secretario un formulario de exención de cuotas. Si desea obtener asesoramiento legal, póngase en contacto de inmediato con un abogado. Puede obtener información para encontrar a un abogado en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California (www.sucorte. ca.gov), en el sitio Web de los Servicios Legales de California (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org) o poniéndose en contacto con el colegio de abogados de su condado. NOTICE: The restraining orders on page 2 are effective against both spouses or domestic partners until the petition is dismissed, a judgment is entered, or the court makes further orders. These orders are enforceable anywhere in California by any law enforcement office who has received or seen a copy of them. AVISO: Las órdenes de restricción que figuran en la página 2 valen para ambos cónyuges o pareja de hecho hasta que se despida la petición, se emita un fallo o la corte dé otras órdenes. Cualquier autoridad de la ley que haya recibido o visto una copia de estas órdenes puede hacerlas acatar en cualquier lugar de California. NOTE: If a judgment or support order is entered, the court may order you to pay all or part of the fees and costs that the court waived for yourself or for the other party. If this happens, the party ordered to pay fees shall be given notice and an opportunity to request a hearing to set aside the order to pay waived court fees. AVISO: Si se emite un fallo u orden de manutención, la corte puede ordenar que usted pague parte de, o todas las cuotas y costos de la corte previamente exentas a petición de usted o de la otra parte. Si esto ocurre, la parte ordenada a pagar estas cuotas debe recibir aviso y la oportunidad de solicitar una audiencia para anular la orden de pagar las cuotas exentas. 1. The name and address of the court is: El nombre y dirección de la corte son: SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, 325 S. Melrose Drive, Vista, CA 92081 2. The name, address, and telephone number of petitioner's attorney, or the petitioner without an attorney, is: (El nombre, dirección y número de teléfono del abogado del demandante, o del demandante si no tiene abogado, son): JUANA JOSE FRANCISCO, P.O. Box 354, San Marcos, CA 92079. (760) 715-2063. Date (Fecha): OCT 4, 2012 Clerk, by (Secretario, por) S. MIRANDA, Deputy (Asistente) NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: AVISO A LA PERSONA QUE RECIBIO LA ENTREGA: as an individual, (a usted como individuo) Published: Nov 9, 16, 21, 30/ 2012 La Prensa San Diego ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ¡Anúnciate en La Prensa San Diego! 619-425-7400 PAGE 10 NOVEMBER 30, 2012 LA PRENSA SAN DIEGO FAMILY FEATURES T his year, pop up some holiday fun by making these clever — and delicious — popcorn treats. With these recipes it’s easy to create edible décor, gifts for friends and neighbors, and munchable snacks for the whole family. You can find more creative holiday recipes at www.popcorn.org. Popcorn Trio Yield: Varies Cheesy Popcorn 6 cups popped popcorn 1 tablespoon melted butter, optional 1 tablespoon nutritional yeast or brewer’s yeast (found at health food stores) 1/2 teaspoon curry powder, optional Caramel Popcorn 6 cups popped popcorn 1/2 cup sugar 1 tablespoon light or dark corn syrup 1 tablespoon water 2 tablespoons butter 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract Plain Popcorn Cover bottom of 3 to 4-quart pan with thin layer of vegetable oil. Place 3 kernels of popcorn in pan; cover with a loose lid that allows steam to escape, and heat. When kernels pop, pour in enough popcorn to cover bottom of pan, one kernel deep; cover pan and shake to evenly spread oil. Shake as popcorn continues to pop. When popping begins to slow to a few seconds apart, remove pan from stovetop. The heated oil will still pop remaining kernels. Sprinkle lightly with popcorn salt, if desired, and store in an airtight container. Cheesy Popcorn Follow instructions for making Plain Popcorn. When you remove popcorn from heat, transfer popcorn to serving bowl. Pour butter over popcorn and toss. Sprinkle yeast and curry powder, if desired, over popcorn and toss to distribute evenly. Serve immediately or store in an airtight container. Caramel Popcorn Line large baking sheet with lightly buttered foil. In medium saucepan, combine sugar, corn syrup and water and bring to a boil. Cook syrup over medium heat, without stirring, until amber in color; about 6 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in butter, salt and vanilla until blended. Stir in popcorn until coated. Spread caramel corn in a single layer onto buttered foil. Allow to cool before breaking into pieces. Store in an airtight container until serving time. Festive Popcorn Trees Holiday Popcorn Snowman Yield: 10 balls, 5 snowmen (2 balls each) 1 1-pound package large marshmallows 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter or margarine 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 10 cups popped popcorn Decorations: sprinkles, licorice, gum drops, cinnamon candies, cookies, etc. Melt marshmallows and butter in a large saucepan. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Let stand for 5 minutes. Pour over popcorn and stir. Butter hands well and form popcorn into balls. Decorate as desired. Yield: 10 trees 10 cups air-popped popcorn 1 10-ounce bag miniature marshmallows 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Decorating sugar (green, blue)* 1 tube of white frosting (with decorating tip) Assorted small colorful candies, such as sprinkles and miniature silver dragées Place popcorn in large bowl. Place marshmallows and butter in medium saucepan over medium-low heat. Stir until marshmallows are melted and mixture is smooth. Remove from heat. Stir in vanilla extract. Pour mixture over popcorn in bowl. Toss well to coat popcorn evenly. Line baking sheet with foil. Spray hands with nonstick cooking spray, then scoop up about 1 cup of popcorn mixture. Shape mixture into a cone shape, keeping the base flat. This forms the tree. Sprinkle tree with decorating sugar; place tree on baking sheet. Make the rest of the trees. Pipe frosting on trees to make a garland, then decorate them with colorful candies. Serving suggestion: Place each tree on a sugar or gingerbread cookie, and decorate your serving tray with shredded coconut to resemble snow. Notes: It’s important that this recipe starts with unflavored white popcorn for best color and flavor. *Make your own colored sugar by adding food coloring to sugar, stirring in a bowl or shaking vigorously in a sealed container. Add more food coloring for more intense tones. Holiday Wreath Popcorn Treats Yield: 8 5-inch wreaths 3 quarts popped popcorn 4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) butter or margarine 3 cups miniature marshmallows 3 tablespoons (1/2 of a 3-ounce box) lime gelatin dessert mix Decorations: small red candies, jellybeans, red fruit leather, etc. Spray large mixing bowl lightly with cooking spray and place popcorn inside. In medium saucepan, melt butter over low heat. Stir in marshmallows and gelatin dessert powder until marshmallows are melted and mixture is smooth. Pour over popcorn and mix well until coated. Spray hands with cooking spray and press firmly to form into 9-inch logs and then bend to form wreaths. Place wreaths on wax paper. Press candy decorations onto wreath to decorate. Add a ribbon cut from fruit leather. Serve immediately, or wrap individually in plastic wrap for storage. Gingersnap Popcorn Snack Mix Yield: 2 quarts 2 quarts popped popcorn Butter flavored cooking spray 1/3 cup granulated sugar substitute 2 teaspoons ground ginger 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black or white pepper Preheat oven to 325°F. Spread popcorn on baking sheet and spray lightly with cooking spray. Combine remaining ingredients in small bowl, and sprinkle evenly over popcorn. Spray again with cooking spray and toss to coat evenly. Bake 7 minutes and serve warm.
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