End of the pogie wars? - Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers
End of the pogie wars? - Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers
P.O. Box 1465, Coventry, RI 02816 www.RISAA.org 401-826-2121 MARCH, 2011 Representing Over 6,500 Recreational Anglers Announcing the 14th Annual TAKE-A-KID FISHING DAY M ark your calendar. Saturday, June 18, and don't let anything keep you from signing up to take part in this annual event. Last year, we had 84 MEMBER BOATS and 200 VOLUNTEERS! Over 200 KIDS were treated to a morning on the Bay and great a cookout. Now we need YOU to sign up so we can make the 2011 Take-A-Kid Fishing Day even bigger and better! SIGN UP TODAY! (See page 14) RISAA joins Menhaden Coalition T he RISAA Board of Directors have unanimously voted to align with The MenhadenCoalition. The Menhaden Coalition, formed in 2010, recognizes the critical role of menhaden in the ecosystems of the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean. Accordingly, it seeks responsible management of the fishery so that menhaden are present in sufficient quantity to fulfill their ecological role as forage for fish, bird, and mammal predators. Although much of the work of the Menhaden Coalition is done in the Chesapeake Bay region (over 50% of landings come from this area), we realize the importance of networking with all organizations in stopping the industrial decimation of this important forage fish. End of the pogie wars? Advisory Panel supports Providence River closure A s reported in the February issue of the RISAA Newsletter an interesting proposal was submitted during the November RIMFC Menhaden Advisory Panel (AP) meeting “to close commercial purse seining for adult menhaden for a limited area and a limited time period while removing restrictions on “all other areas”. More specifically, closing the area of Narragansett Bay to pogey boats north of a line from Warwick Light House to Rumstick Point from May 15 to July 15” (the Providence River). Greenwich Bay would also be closed. The proposal offered by The Federated Rhode Island Sportsmen’s Club, Inc. (and supported by the RISAA Board) was to close the Providence River to commercial purse seining, but it would remain open to recreational fishing and commercial cast net fishing. The reference to "all other areas" would open areas that were closed to the commercial harvest of menhaden several years ago. That includes most Bay estuaries including Newport Harbor, Wickford Harbor and the Hope Island management area. (to page 35) R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 Meet new RIDEM Director, Janet Coit March 7 • 6:00 PM RI Marine Fisheries Council Corless Auditorium, URI Bay Campus March 8 • 6:30 PM Fly Fishing Committee Meeting at River & Riptide Anglers, Coventry March 11-13 New England Saltwater Fishing Show Rhode Island Convention Center March 22 • 6:30 PM Board of Directors Meeting March 22 • 6:30 PM Charities Committee Meeting March 28 • 7:00 PM RISAA Monthly Seminar April 2 • 8:00 AM Kayak Committee Event fishing at Warden Pond April 16 Annual Spring Shore Clean-Up April 19 • 6:30 PM Board of Directors Meeting April 19 • 6:0 PM RIDEM Public Hearing Corless Auditorium, URI Bay Campus April 25 • 7:00 PM RISAA April seminar May 2 • 6:00 PM RI Marine Fisheries Council Corless Auditorium, URI Bay Campus When it was announced that incoming Governor Chafee had named Janet Coit as the new Director of Rhode Island DEM I was immediately disappointed because we had a good working relationship with the then current director Mike Sullivan. Who was this person? Would she be favorable to sport fishing? The Bay? Public access? As we all soon found out, the answer was yes to these questions. An environmental lawyer, she has worked for the Nature Conservancy, the Dept. of Interior, and the U.S. Justice Department. So, we needed to meet with her, but decided it would be best to wait until she was settled in and avoid the sure crush of groups that would rush to get "face time". When I called at the beginning of February to make an appointment, her secretary told me that she was inundated with such requests, and they needed to know what we wanted to talk about. I told her it was only to meet the new Director and let her know who RISAA was. Turns out, that was refreshing news since many groups were asking to get in with axes to grind and complaints to file. We were given an appointment for midFebruary, and Rich Hittinger, our 1st VP, and I would be attending. We figured to get maybe 15 minutes so we carefully planned out a list of things we wanted to say, and listed them in order of importance, not expecting to get through the whole list. We arrived to find that the meeting would also be attended by Larry Mouradjian, Associate Director, and Bob Ballou, Chief of Fish & Wildlife. From the first minute of our meeting, Rich and I found Director Coit to be friendly, personable and interested in all we had so say. Each time we touched on a subject from our list, she asked questions, wrote notes on a pad and expressed interest in DEM's association with RISAA. The meeting lasted for two hours! Here's the list of things we talked about, all in depth: • What is RISAA - who we are and what we do • Take-A-Kid Fishing Day • New England Saltwater Fishing Show • The value of recreational fishing to RI economy • The R.I. Saltwater Anglers Foundation • Need for better fisheries data • Species important to recreational fishing • Menhaden • Need for increased penalties for poachers, especially of striped bass • Public access issues • Fishing piers, shore access, renewal of Adopt-A-Ramp, Adopt-An-Access • Artificial reefs and the need to get the state's reef plan completed (she was especially interested in this subject) • Wind turbines- preserve fishing access Ed Cook Charters Fly and Light Tackle Fishing Member SEATOW.COM 1-800-4SEATOW Capt. Kevin Scott (401) 294-2360 Member -2- on Narragansett Bay - South Shore Cell: 401-524-5294 Net: edcookcharters.com R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 One of the most popular species that live in Rhode Island waters is fluke (summer flounder). Here are some tips to help you improve your catch. Locations The Rhode Island coastal and Block Island shorelines are very productive for fluke at certain times of the year. Since fluke spend winters on the continental shelf, the first productive area during the month of May is typically in the 45 to75 foot depths near Block Island’s south coast. Unfortunately, during the early part of the season the spiny dogfish are abundant as well around Block Island. Anglers may have to move a few times to get away from the concentrations of dogfish during this time of the year. Fluke continue to migrate towards the Rhode Island coastline from Newport to Watch Hill, including Narragansett Bay in May before heading back out to offshore waters in late September and October. Other productive fluke Rick Sustello with a fat fluke fishing areas include the center he landed in 2010. wall in Point Judith, Misquamicut Beach and the edge of the channels at the Jamestown and Newport Bridges. The typical productive depths range from 35-60 feet in these areas. The 2010 fluke season was very productive near Clayhead, Block Island for a few weeks in the 35- 65 foot depths. Block Island’s Old Harbor channel and shoreline south of Old Harbor is a very productive spot as well. Block Island’s North Rip is another productive area for fluke. The key here is getting the proper drift pattern and or speed of drift. Fluke can found in depths up to 100 feet in this rip. Another key component to productive fluke fishing in the Rhode Island shoreline is knowing where the commercial fluke draggers have been fishing as well. It is common to have great fishing in an area one day only to find out it is extremely difficult the next because that area has been fished commercially. It may take a couple days for fluke to move back into those areas. Tidal Flow To effectively catch fluke there must be tidal flow and a good drift pattern of your vessel. If the wind and tide are opposing each other A sea anchor can help control the drift -3- or the wind is moving the vessel too fast, fishing will be unproductive. Some fluke sharpies utilize a sea anchor to control the drift for an optimum drift pattern. If the drift is too slow, you can cast and retrieve your fluke rigs or slow troll, bumping the engine in and out of gear to get some forward motion. Fluking can be productive anytime during daylight hours. Bait The fluke’s diet consists of numerous baits. The most common is squid. They will also eat small fish, sand eels, shrimp and crustaceans. Live bait such as mummies, small mackerels and snapper blues hooked to a fluke rig or jig is very productive for these predators. Cut bait such as squid strips, fluke belly, bluefish and skate work as well. Fluke rigs tipped with spearing is another good option as well. Ann Castelli landed this flat fluke off the RI south shore Fishing Tackle The fishing rod and reel last summer utilized for fluke is considered light tackle. Conventional rods are preferred. The rod length should be 7.0 to 7.5 feet in length with a medium to fast tip. The rod should be rated for lines of 15-25 lb. test. When choosing a rod, keep in mind that you will be utilizing weight of 3 to10 ounces depending on the current and depth with the average weight being 4-6 ounces. The reels utilized are bait casting reels or small level winds that hold up to 20-25 lb. test. Some anglers prefer braided line for sensitivity. If utilizing braided line, I recommend several feet of monofilament top shot to create some stretch in the line. The hook sets on fluke can be accomplished with a solid quick lift of the rod tip. Keep in mind that the style of hook also determines the hook set required. Personally, I use two fishing line options. The first is 20 lb. test monofilament and the other is Power Pro Spectra braided line with 15-20 feet of 20 lb. monofilament as a top shot. The braided line with mono top shot provides added sensitivity with a little line stretch and line abrasion resistance. (to page 34) R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 Free Charter Trips Drawings Start in March 82 Members will win charter trips this year! I t’s that time of year again! The Charter Trips Committee How do you get a chance at a trip? Come to our monthly meetings and sign up at the Charter Trip has been at work lining up FREE Charter Trips for Table at the back of the room. We will give you a form with that RISAA members, including three new trips this season. This year’s Charter Trip Program will start at the March 28 meeting and will include two fly fishing trips to Charlestown/ Ninigret Pond for the Cinder Worm hatch in May. There will be trip drawings every month from March to August. They will include trips for fluke, striped bass, blues, false albacore, bonito, shark, sea bass and tautog. Thanks to the continued support from our member Charter Captains, we are planning trips to fish at Block Island, Narragansett Bay, The Cape, RI South Shore, and Long Island Sound. There will also be a “Lady’s Only Trip” again this year on the Razin’ Kane out of Wickford, RI. Some of the trips scheduled this year are as follows: On the Rocks Charters (Fly Fishing); Captain Sheriff’s Fishing Charters (B.I.Combo Trip); Skinny Water Charters (Cinder Worm Hatch); White Ghost Fishing Charters (Fluke, Sea Bass); Sea Donkey Charters (Bass/Fluke); Razin Kane Sportfishing Charters (Lady’s Only: Bass/Blues); Dream Catcher Charters (B.I. Bass); Priority Charters (B.I. Bass/Blues); Seaduced Charters (Cape Trip); Legacy Charters (B.I.Combo Trip); “Stuff-It” Charters (Bass); Capt. Bruce Sportfishing Charters (Long Island Sound Bass/Blues); River&Riptide Anglers (Cinder Worm Hatch); Flippin’Out Charters (Fluke); Snappa Charters (Bass); Heffernan Charters (B.I. Bass); Ogofishing Charters (BI Bass); Fin Reaper Charters (Shark); Adrianna Charters (Tautog); SWAT Charters (B.I. Bass); and Fishtales II (Fluke). Last year there were 20 trips awarded that provided 72 members a chance to enjoy a day on the water fishing with Rhode Island’s best Charter Captains. night’s trips listed on it. The form will list the available trips, the boat and the Captain, the type and location of the trip, and the time and date. Fill out the form listing your preferences, first, second, third, etc. During the seminar we will draw the winners (and a list of alternates) and announce them at the end of the meeting. If you are a winner, we will give you a list of your fellow trip members and more details of the trip. We will also ask you for a $50 deposit (check or credit card only) to ensure that you show up for the trip. If you go on the trip, we won’t use your deposit. Check the “2011 Charter Trip Rules” at the end of this article for more details. Remember, to win one of these trips you must be a RISAA member, so if you haven’t joined yet there is an application form in this newsletter, or come to a meeting and sign up for membership and the free Charter Trip drawing. You can also join online at www.risaa.org. 2011 Charter Trip Rules • Only adult members of RISAA in good standing are eligible. Good standing means dues are paid in full and not in arrears. • Junior members (under 18 yrs) are not eligible. • A $50 deposit is required to confirm your spot, but it will be returned if you follow all listed rules. • The $50 deposit must be paid by check or charge card. Be sure to bring a check or credit card to the meeting with you. • You must be present at the meeting to register and at the end of the meeting when the winners are announced. (continued on page 37) TRIPS RAFFLED AT THE MARCH 28 MEETING Date May May Company Captain River & Riptide Anglers Capt. David Porreca Skinny Water Charters Capt. Jim Barr -4- # Anglers 2 2 Type Cinder worm hatch Cinder worm hatch R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 The Kayak Committee was formed to provide a forum for members to share their knowledge and expertise concerning kayaking and, in particular, the skills, techniques and safety considerations associated with fishing from a kayak, and to engage as a group in kayak-related activities. Golden Baked Fish INGREDIENTS Kayak Activities Schedule Announced • 2 lbs fish fillets • 1/8 teaspoon pepper • 1 egg white • 1/2 teaspoon salt (optional) • 1/4 cup mayonnaise • 1/4 teaspoon dill weed • 1/2 teaspoon onion juice or 1 teaspoon onions, grated • fresh dill • lemon wedges, for garnish (optional) At present the Committee has about 30 members. We meet twice a year off the water, but our principal activity has been conducting outings, fishing from our kayaks at various locations throughout Rhode Island. Mark your calendar! Following is a summary of all outings we have planned for 2011. 1. Saturday, April 2. The first outing of the season will be the committee’s first venture into fresh water fishing. We’ll be hunting for pike at Worden Pond in South Kingstown. 2. Thursday, May 5. We will have another fresh water adventure, This one at Wallum Pond, in Douglas, Massachusetts. 3. Wednesday, May 18. Our salt water season will begin with an outing at Potter Pond in South Kingstown. We’ll be fishing the cinder worm emergence for stripers; this outing is for folks properly equipped (including lights) for night time kayaking. (to page 34) DIRECTIONS 1. Place fish in a greased 13” x 9” x 2” baking dish; sprinkle with pepper 2. Beat egg white with salt, if desired, until stiff peaks form 3. Fold in mayonnaise, dill and onion juice. Spoon over fish. 4. Bake covered in oven at 425 degrees for 15-20 minutes or until topping is puffed and golden and fish flakes easily with a fork. 5. Garnish with dill and lemon if desired. Total time: 50 minutes (30 min. prep - 20 min cooking) Got a recipe to share or request for a certain recipe? Contact Sandie at [email protected] Striped Bass Night Fishing Surf fishing from The Other Side! Fishing Charters make GREAT GIFTS Fly Fishing to Offshore Big Game Member “STUFF IT” Capt. Joe Pagano 401-808-0452 2909 lb. Great White www.stuffitcharters.com Small Parties 4 Persons Max. -5- R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 Official club clothing Tradition of quality and new products will continue in 2011 The Merchandise Committee was originally started to bring to our members low cost “official” clothing and gear which members asked for. Bill “Polark” Sosnicki and Lynn Medeiros have recently taken over the duties of this rather unique committee, and have big shoes to fill. The previous chairman was Capt. Steve "Seadog" Travisono, who worked tirelessly over the past several years. Not only does the chairman and committee have to set up and sell RISAA merchandise at every monthly meeting, they also do so at the 3day New England Saltwater Fishing Show, and also provides mail order deliveries to members throughout the year. Both Lynn and Bill want to give a very big thank you to Seadog for all he has done. Prior to Seadog, Al Amaral was the chairman of the committee and did a stellar job. He still helps out from time to time. And Al took over from Joe Gregoire who was the first to organize and create the merchandise committee. To all those before them, Bill and Lynn say thank you for your efforts and hard work. They look forward to the challenge and will put forth their best effort to bring our members good quality, yet affordable clothing that all can be proud to wear. Your #1 Bait & Tackle Shop!! ONLINE CATALOG AND ORDERING This year we will begin an online ordering capability which will offer convenience to our members. Watch for a future announcement. Visit us in Booths 1132-35 for Super Fishing Show Specials and New for 2011 - Surf Department New in 2012 FLEECE VEST $30 2011 TOURNAMENT SERIES June Moon Madness Striper Tournament June 25 - 26, 2011 Snug Harbor Doomat Derby July 1 to July 31, 2011 Shark Tournament July 9 & 10 White Chinner Challenge Oct 15-Nov 25 The R-Tek fleece vest by Port Authority is 13 ounce, twill-taped neck, side zippered pockets. Available in men, ladies and youth sizes. Nu-2-U USED TACKLE SALE Colors: lt blue, royal blue, navy, red, grey, winter white, dk green, black, light pink April 30 - May 1 Remember this is your club. Why not wear a shirt that lets everyone know who we are! 410 Gooseberry Road Wakefield, RI 02879 www.snugharbormarina.com 401-783-7766 -6- Member R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 The RISAA Charities Committee exists to lend a helping hand to others in need. During 2011, the Charities Committee is continuing its “Gift A Month” Program, when each member of the committee is responsible for selecting and investigating the charity of his/her choice and then presenting it to the whole committee for consideration. LAST MONTH’S CONTRIBUTION Providence Rescue Mission Report by KEVIN MILLER This month’s donation was to The families in need and at Christmas they Providence Rescue Mission. The Rescue provided over eleven thousand gifts to Mission is a private, charitable nonchildren and families. profit that relies upon donations from I was fortunate to be given a tour of individuals, organizations and the the facility and meet many of the business community to supply services volunteers who work very hard to to those in need. The organization was provide these vital services. founded in 1999 to serve the poor with Each evening a chapel service is held dignity and respect. followed by an evening meal. They are The executive director, Sean Carew, open seven days a week, and the mission is extremely passionate about the provides roughly ten thousand meals services it provides to the community per month. I was fortunate enough to Kevin Miller presents RISAA check to Sean and those in need. Their doors are open help serve dinner the evening I was there Carew and then helps to serve the evening meal daily and everyone is welcome. to present the donation from RISAA. The Rescue Mission offers many The people who were there were vital services such as housing, food and appreciative for a hot meal and place to clothing distribution, dental and career sleep. When the chef who prepared the services. dinner had walked through the dining Each night roughly 80-120 men and room, a thunderous applause broke out women are offered a hot meal, a hot among the men and woman in shower, a clean bed, and have their appreciation for how good their meal clothes washed. was that evening. In April they will be opening a Both the staff and patrons of the woman’s shelter in Providence. Rescue Mission were grateful for both Volunteers rehabbed a home and the the donation from RISAA and my time, materials were all donated to make this and could not thank me enough. shelter a reality for women who need a safe place to stay. They also operate a food pantry and clothing room that All of the services of The Providence Rescue Mission are distributes over five thousand articles of clothing a month. available to anyone who comes. There is never a charge for A state of the art dental center is located on the premises that these services. is staffed solely by volunteer dentists. Dental services are To make your own donation, send a check or money order, provided free of charge to those in need. payable to “Providence Rescue Mission” and sent it to: The Rescue Mission also offers education and career services Providence Rescue Mission so that they can make an easier transition back into the workforce. 627 Cranston St. The Rescue Mission is extremely active during the holidays. Providence, RI 02907 During Thanksgiving they provided over 1,800 food boxes to You can also volunteer your time by calling 401-648-6849. -7- R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 MARCH RAFFLE The mission of the RISAA Surfcasters Committee is to promote the tradition of the surf fishing experience, which incorporates and includes: good sportsmanship, skills, etiquette, conservation, education, trust, and camaraderie amongst RISAA members and like-minded members of the general public March is looking to be the magical month. We have our Saltwater Fishing Show, and this is where we pick up the majority of raffle items for the upcoming year. Hopefully in March we will also end all of this snow and cold for this winter. I would like to head into the fishing season. I feel we have had enough of the cold stuff. As is usually the case, we have some very nice raffle items for March, but you must be present to check it all out. Surfcasters at Saltwater Fishing Show Schoolie fishing planned for May Our committee is planning to sell used fishing tackle again this year at our booth at the New England Saltwater Fishing Show. CJ Rice is coordinating the collection of used tackle. RISAA members are again opening their hearts and tackle boxes to help raise money for the MS Society through this event. The featured items for the March meeting raffle will be: Sebile Bonga Jerk 5” lure Surf Fishing Club Challenge in June The Spring Surf Fishing Club Challenge, hosted by RISAA and coordinated by our Surfcasters Committee, is scheduled for the weekend of June 3-5. Club teams from our tri-state area compete each year for the Team Trophy Award, as well as individual prizes for Largest Striped Bass and Largest Bluefish. All proceeds from the tournament are combined with proceeds from our used tackle sale and presented to the MS Society final morning of the tournament. PrecisionPak OSM4 surf fishing bag Penn 310 GTI super level wind reel Offshore Innovations Squid Spreader Rig Diawa Sealine Boat 7’ custom design 20-60 lb class rod Bob Jordan with 20 lb striper that he landed during 2010 Surf Fishing Club Challenge at an Awards Breakfast the Committee Meetings Slug-Go’s The committee held a dinner meeting at the Oak Hill Tavern in January, 2011. This was just a night to eat with friends, relax, and reflect on fishing experiences from 2010. Our first regular Dick Geldard demonstrates a tautog winter committee rig during February meeting meeting was held February 5, 2011. We had an excellent presentation on tautog fishing from shore by a panel consisting of Bob Jordan, Dick Geldard, CJ Rice, and Rick Gallipeau. Rick currently holds the RISAA Hall of Fame record for tautog from shore at 11.2 lbs. The meeting was well attended and many good tips and techniques were presented by the panel. This panel presentation will also be shared with the entire Club at a future RISAA Seminar. (to page 37) Anco Lure All of the above and so much more will be in the raffle. There will be over $800 worth of items. THANK YOU! From the last raffles, I would like to thank the following vendors who contributed to the past meetings: Lemire’s Plugworks • Anco Lure Co. The FishDoc • M&M Fishing Lures Point Jude Lures • Capt. B. J. Silvia Fred Ricci • Capt. Bruce Millar (Otter Tubes) Thank you again to all who have helped with the raffle and committee, and thank you for supporting the Fund Raising raffles. -8- R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 PARENTS: SHARE THIS PAGE WITH YOUR CHILD THE JUNIORS COMMITTEE.... We do fun things with kids - and you’re invited! The RISAA juniors committee is comprised of adult and junior members who enjoy kidfriendly fishing events. Together we share the love of fishing and the outdoors. Another trip was to the Junior Fly Tying event hosted by United Fly Tyers. The kids and adults were able to move around stations and tie fresh and saltwater lures. Each station taught about different baits and each teacher shared a fish story. Again we left with an arsenal of possibilities to try out! The kid and adult members also participate in RISAA events. We are responsible for the safety talk at the annual Take-aKid Fishing Day each June. We also organize the KIDS ZONE casting booth and games at the RISAA Saltwater Fishing Show. Any member, especially members with junior members, is welcome to participate! Visit us at any of our gatherings and share your fishing experience! We always have a table at the RISAA monthly seminars. Stop by to say hello. Check our schedule at www.RISAA.org/JUNIORS The RISAA Juniors committee only has one formal planning meeting per year during the winter. We plan fishing events based on the season. For example, in May, we have fished for tautog at Fogland Beach, Tiverton. Catching squid in Newport and Jamestown in June is another favorite, especially for the “big” kids! We try to pass on a respect for conservation and protection. Beach cleanups, marsh tours, field trips to places like BIOMES and Mystic Aquarium are some of the ways we have accomplished this in previous years. Teaching about the techniques, skills and strategies of fishing is an important focus in this committee. RI Poppers hosted a lure building workshop for us about building your own lures. Each child left with two lures rigged and ready to go! -9- R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 MARCH SEMINAR Monday, March 28 at 7:00 pm Shark Fishing Rhode Island DEM Divison of Law Enforcement and his great white shark tagging adventure of 2010 with Capt. Mike Pierdinock Duties & Mission of the Environmental Police CPF Charrters Capt. Mike Pierdinock has been an avid angler and hunter all his life and has fished the Atlantic and Pacific waters from New England to Central America. This has including battles with the great beasts of the sea including marlin and Pacific sailfish in Costa Rica and Panama to tuna and sharks in New England. For the past several years he has fish near the Cape Cod Bay, Stellwagen Bank area and Atlantic Ocean waters. He is an experienced charter boat captain on the vessel Perserverence specializing in teh catch tag and/or release of sharks. While fishing in the Boston Big Game Fishing Club Monster Shark Tournament last July, he encountered a 16 foot great white shark that he tagged with the entire encounter captured on video for close to 20 minutes. This rare encounter with a great white resulted in multiple television, radio and newspaper interviews for Capt. Mike. Who are the Environmental Police in Rhode Island? Some anglers complain they are never around when they see a violation, while others complain they are around too often. • What are their resources? • How many officers are there? • What are their priorities? • What happens when a violator is caught and sent to court? • How will they deal with the new saltwater fishing licenses? Find out how the Enforcement Divison works, its structure, its problems and responsibilities. The BLOCK ISLAND NIGHT STRIPER FISHING Trip will be raffled tonight! The quarterly business meeting will follow the seminar and raffle EVERY MEMBER WHO ATTENDS IS ELIGIBLE TO WIN THE NIGHT'S FREE DOOR PRIZE BRING A FRIEND! RISAA members can bring a guest to this meeting at no charge FOOD WILL BE SERVED* BETWEEN 5:30 - 6:30 TONIGHT'S MENU Tossed salad w/roll: $2.25 Baked fish, potato and vegetable: $6.95 Cacoila sandwich (Portuguese pulled pork): $5.95 Seminar is held at the West Vally Inn Blossom Street, West Warwick, RI Directions on page 22 Non-Members Welcome NON-MEMBER ADMISSION: $10 donation to RISAA's Scholarship Fund (RISAA members attend free) * Food is NOT included in admission and is provided by the West Valley Inn. Pay separately at the bar. - 10 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 APRIL SEMINAR Monday, April 25 • 7:00 p.m. TWO GREAT TOPICS! TARGETING TENS and TAUTOG FISHING Refining the hunt for doormat fluke Tips, tackle & techniques with by Charley Soares Capt. John Sheriff Charley's program will provide an overview of the fluke fishery the bait, tackle and methods, as well as prime locations for hunting jumbo summer flounder. The discussion will also delve into the mental aspect of the successful big fish anglers who are willing to pass on good numbers of legal fluke to fish the more difficullt areas where the larger fluke feed. Charley has been a field editor for The Fisherman for 35years and he's a feature writer for On The Water. In addition, he has been writing a Sunday outdoor newspaper column since 1980 and is a well-known author having written several books including "Walking on Water", "Stemming The Tide", "Scratching The Surface: and "The Tube and Worm Guide Book" Charley has been one of the most sought-after seminar speakers on the East Coast. When discussing his plans for this seminar he said, "I'm looking forward to spending an evening with my friends from RISAA." EVERY MEMBER WHO ATTENDS IS ELIGIBLE TO WIN THE NIGHT'S FREE DOOR PRIZE For many anglers fishing for tautog (blackfish) provides the first chance to get out fishing each year, and for many the same species is sought to end the season late each fall. Captain John will share his knowledge on tautog fishing and has prepared a Powerpoint presentation that will help illustrate such things as tackle, baits, rigs, tips, etc. "The most important thing in successful tautog fishing is location," he said, and will spend some time talking about the use of electronics and his methods for anchoring and getting the boat in exactly the right spot to put fish in cooler. Capt. Sheriff started his fishing career as a tournament bass angler in Arizona for 10 years, but has fished New England waters for the past 10 years. He's a RISAA member who lives in Warwick who owns and operates Capt. Sheriff's Fishing Charters and Ocean State Synthetics. BRING A FRIEND! RISAA members can bring a guest to this meeting at no charge FOOD WILL BE SERVED* BETWEEN 5:30 - 6:30 TONIGHT'S MENU Tossed salad w/roll: $2.25 Chicken tenders, gravy, garlic mashed potatoes, and vegetable: $6.95 Italian sausage & peppers sub: $5.50 Seminar is held at the West Vally Inn Blossom Street, West Warwick, RI Directions on page 22 Non-Members Welcome NON-MEMBER ADMISSION: $10 donation to RISAA's Scholarship Fund (RISAA members attend free) * Food is NOT included in admission and is provided by the West Valley Inn. Pay separately at the bar. - 11 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 eREC Logbook can help improve Rhode Island catch data by Daniel Costa, RIDEM ACCSP Coordinator and Ann McElhattoon, ACCSP Outreach Coordinator S ince the spring of 2010, Rhode Island recreational anglers have been able to enter their recreational fishing information into an electronic logbook application known as eREC. This web based reporting application was developed and integrated into the Standard Atlantic Fisheries Information System (SAFIS) at the request of the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM). The Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program (ACCSP) is responsible for managing SAFIS. To date in Rhode Island there have been 128 registered users logging data in eREC with an impressive combination of 23,647 catches from 23 species. These entries have helped DEM staff with various management strategies in 2010. Length frequency data was used, in part, to determine a liberalization strategy for the minimum Providing your catch info size of summer flounder after each fishing trip can help for the upcoming fishing fisheries managers with more year. Logbook data was accurate data. also compared to Marine (In photo is DON SMITH Recreational Fisheries with 10.35 lb fluke that he Statistics Survey landed last August) (MRFFS) landings for the fall tautog fishery to better understand recreational landings. As a benefit to the angler, eREC provides summaries of information on all species caught by the angler throughout the year including descriptive tables of their catch. Data elements tracked in this volunteer logbook include fishing mode, general area, species, size, and quantity of fish landed per trip. It is important to note that all information collected from participants in the logbook program is kept confidential and only used by DEM staff. It is the hope of DEM that in the upcoming fishing s e a s o n participation in the eREC application will continue to grow. Through your increased participation, this valuable data can Accurate catch data can help insure continue to be used that there will be a good fishing in the management future for the next generation like process to its Junior Member CHASE SIMAO, m a x i m u m shown with a 2.2 lb scup that he potential. landed last year. To sign up or for more information on eREC you can log in through the RISAA web site. Go to www.RISAA.org and click on the eRec box in the left column. ACCSP is a cooperative state-federal program to design, implement, and conduct marine fisheries statistics data collection programs and to integrate those data into a single data management system that will meet the needs of fishery managers, scientists, and fishermen. Razin Kane Sport Fishing Charters Sport Fish in Luxury Captain Sandy Kane Sailing from Wickford, RI 38’ Blackfin - twin diesels www.kanesguns.com Day: 401-295-0642 • Eve: 401-423-1587 Fishing All Species: Member Captain John Sheriff - 12 - Member R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 RISAA has taken an active role in urging increased fines for violators and is committed to working with DEM Enforcement. “Police Log” will inform members of the activities of the Divison of Law Enforcement. ARREST AND CITATIONS: JANUARY, 2011 Charged Criminally in Rhode Island District or Superior Court Raymond W. Livernois, 57, of Charlestown, RI arrested for Violation of Net Mesh Size-Trawling for Scup and Violation of Net Mesh Size-Trawling for Summer Flounder. Wade S. DeChristopher, 25, of Alton, RI arrested for Illegal Possession of a Deer Joseph P. Mulhall, 46, of Warwick, RI arrested on a 3rd Division District Court Warrant. James W. Whitten III, 41 of Bronx, NY arrested for Possession of Undersize Cod (Recreational). Gerald Almdeida, 65, of Tiverton, RI arrested for Untagged Shellfish, Exceeding the Daily Commercial Limit of Shellfish in a Management Area, and Possession of Undersize Shellfish. Robert W. Flynn, 37, of Warwick, RI arrested on a 3rd Division District Court Warrant. Charles E. Jobin, 51, of Barrington, RI arrested for Dumping From a Vessel. Dennis A. Vadenais, 55, of Cumerland, RI arrested for Carrying a Loaded Weapon on a Recreational Vehicle and Possession of an Illegal Weapon While Hunting. Rhode Island Second District Court in Newport Bertie C. Smith, 32, of Richmond, RI arrested for Hunting Deer without Landowner Permission, Hunting without Deer Permit/Failing to Tag Deer, and Hunting Deer within 500 ft of a Building. Charged with civil violations in Rhode Island Traffic Tribunal Breakdown of the citations issued for the period of 1/01/2011 to 1/31/2011 Violation Citations Issued Violation Citations Issued Boating Safety Violations 1 Recreational Vehicle (ATV) Violations • includes operating where prohibited 3 Hunting Violations (include) • hunting deer without permit, hunting without orange • failure to produce landowner permission 5 State Property Violations • includes curfew violations • littering/dumping 3 Stripers • Blues • Fluke • Tautog Fishtales II Charters Capt. Bob Masse 401-732-1376 25' Tiara Pursuit - 13 - Member [email protected] R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 SIGN UP! For the 14th Annual Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association’s TAKE-A-KID FISHING DAY Saturday, June 18, 2011 Last year we had 84 BOATS and 200 volunteers! We took over 200 kids out fishing! Help us to make 2011 even better! With YOUR HELP, we will hope to again accommodate over 200 children. This year, we have invited various Boys & Girls Clubs, Cub Scouts, Adoption Rhode Island, the Providence Recreation Department, and several agencies that deal with orphaned and abused children. These kids will get to experience a morning of fishing on the bay, followed by a great cookout of hot dogs and burgers. The number of kids that get to participate will be determined by the number of members who sign up. Some of these kids have n e v e r visited the bay. Never had the chance to catch a fish. And most have never been on a boat before! The folks at Brewer’s Greenwich Bay Marina will again host the event at their facilities on Masthead Drive in Warwick. All members, boats and kids will arrive at the marina by 8:00 a.m and fishing in Greenwich Bay will be from 9:00 to 11:30 A.M. Then everyone returns to the marina for a cookout at noon! All members are urged to participate It doesn't matter if your boat can carry only one child and a chaperone, or if you can handle 4 or 5 youngsters, we still need you’re help! WE NEED MEMBERS WITHOUT BOATS TOO! Each boat will need at least one person to act as a "mate" to watch the children, help with bait, taking fish off hooks, etc., so this means that members who don't have a boat will also be needed. We are also seeking members to help with the cooking back at the marina after the fishing is done. All the children will be in the 7-13 year old age group. All children will have signed permission slips, and the organizations involved will provide transportation to and from the marina. Everything is taken care of! All we need is for you to sign up and promise to help out! Sign me up for the TAKE-A-CITY-KID SIGN UP TODAY! It will be an experience you’ll always remember! FISHING DAY! Name: ____________________________________________________ Evening Phone: ____________________ Cell______________________ R I have a boat and am willing to use it. Besides myself, I can take _____ children and ______ adults. Boat: Size______ ft Type/Brand: _______________________ Boat Name: __________________________ R I will bring my own mate. Mate's name:____________________________ R I need someone to mate on my boat. R I don't have a boat to use, but would like to help in one of the boats R I will help ashore at the marina (cooking, serving, etc.) Now you can also sign up ONLINE at R I can't participate but here’s a donation to help with expenses www.surveymonkey.com/s/TAK2011 Mail form to: R.I.S.A.A., P.O. Box 1465, Coventry, RI 02816 - 14 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 letting it swim around. If no fish are harassing the schools, take Marion may be best known as a sailing town, but local anglerssome pogies out to the mouth of the inner harbor, between Ram this scribe included-know it to be a great place to fish. That can Island and Silvershell Beach. Anchor on the edge of the channel be bad for snoozing cruisers. Those slumbering aboard their and fish live baits or chunks. Fishing chunks of pogies on the vessels are often rudely awakened at pre-dawn hours by the bottom of the channel or along the bait-taking activities of nocturnal drop-off can be a great way to score anglers engaged in pogy snagging. with gator blues and bass, even in the But everyone usually gets along just middle of the day. I have found that fine. this area generally fishes best on the Fishing in the Marion area generally outgoing tide. kicks off in mid-May, when school bass Nearby Bird Island is another fish begin filtering into the shallows of upper magnet through June. I like to work Buzzards Bay. The southern shore of the stones on the south side of the Ram Island, with its numerous rocks, island on an incoming tide with softoften produces excellent action from plastics, poppers and flies. A Memorial Day through June. The same southwest wind tends to stir up goes for the entire rocky shoreline of Sippican Neck out to Butler Point. Work False albacore sometimes strir it up in Spppican action, but can also make fishing difficult, as it’ll blow you into the this area on a rising tide and toss 6” Harbor in early fall. (Tom Richardson photo) numerous rocks that pepper the Slug-Gos, Hogy’s and Fin-S-Fish as frontside of the island. If you don’t get a few strikes on your first close to structure as possible. Poppers and stickbaits, especially couple passes by the island, head over to Butler Point and try Zara Spooks and Rebel Jumpin Minnows, work very well. the rocks there. If pogies (aka, bunker) arrive in force, as they have in past Trollers can score with live pogies, swimming plugs and tubeyears, get ready for some excellent action with keeper bass and and-worm combos fished along Sippican Neck and Bird Island huge blues. You can often catch both species by snagging a Reef. This is a great way to pick up a big blue in June. pogy on a weighted treble hook around the schools and simply If squid are plentiful in Buzzards Bay, expect phenomenal topwater action with bluefish up to 10 pounds through mid-June along the southwest-facing shorelines of Upper Buzzards Bay. Cast a Cordell Pencil Popper or similar hard-bodied topwater plug next to shore and rip it back to the boat and you’ll get all the action you can handle. If you are looking for fast action with a great-eating fish, don’t miss out on the early-summer black sea bass bite in central Buzzards Bay. This is easy fishing, and you can learn more here. RI FISHING LEADER NOMINATED FOR NATIONAL AWARD Steve Medeiros, president of the Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Assocation, has bee nominated by Sport Fishing Magazine’s annual “Making A Difference” award, which honors individuals who have advocated on behalf of recreational fishermen and have helped improved and promoted fishing opportunities. The nomination was submitted by BoatingLocal publisher Tom Richardson. (to page 30) - 15 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 The 2011 Tournament Season Gets Underway The Annual Banquet provided a great stage for the winning anglers to demonstrate the value in participating in our yearlong and special tournaments. I encourage all of our fishing population to join in on the friendly competition. It’s a great way to meet new fisherman and exchange stories….who doesn’t love that. The 2011 season is about 2 to 2 ½ months away from getting into full swing, so prep the gear and join in. The complete information on how to participate, event rules and dates for our special tournaments can be found at our website at www.rissa.org/ tournaments/. There are a few changes to highlight in our Yearlong Tournament, Special Tournaments and Hall of Fame fish as noted below. Yearlong Tournament – changes for 2011 include the removal of squeteague and the addition of shad for adults. The committee will add and delete species as they fall into conservation and then hopefully back to replenishment (or will seek to replace with an alternate species). Special Tournaments – the Shore Bass/Blue Combo and Cod fish Tournaments have been deleted for 2011 due to no or little participation over the past two years. Dates for the Bluefish/Striped Bass Combo, Fall Striped Bass and Fall Tautog will have changes to support bay and offshore anglers. Hall of Fame – changes for 2011 include adding shad for boat and shore, yellowfin tuna and long fin albacore. Interested in joining the committee? The Tournaments Committee is looking for 1-3 additional members so if you have an interest or a question please give me a call or email. Congratulations to the 2010 Top Award Winners Charles Bradbury Angler of the Year Kyle Paparelli Junior Angler of the Year The Governor’s Cup Donald Smith Boat Division Ronald Nagel Richard Geldard Shore Angler of the Year Armando Simao Boat Angler of the Year Shore Division Charles Bradbury Tagger of the Year - 16 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 The RISAA Angler Hall Of Fame lists the largest tournament entry of each approved species. Any angler who enters a catch that surpases an Angler Hall Of Fame record shall, upon verification of the catch, become the new record holder for that species. In addition, the angler shall receive 5 points toward Angler of the Year. SHORE DIVISION BOAT DIVISION SPECIES WEIGHT ANGLER YEAR SPECIES WEIGHT ANGLER YEAR Black Sea Bass Bluefish Bonito Cod False Albacore Fluke Haddock Mahi Mahi Pollock Scup Shad Squeteague Striped Bass Tautog Tuna -Albacore Tuna -Bluefin Tuna -Yellowfin Winter Flounder 6.46 17.34 12.20 49.10 16.20 15.65 7.85 37.80 27.70 3.30 3.80 10.50 76.87 16.30 55.00 193.88 112.00 4.40 Barbara Audino Skip Stritzinger Michael Neto Robert Morel Charles Bradbury Kyle Blount Nicholas Blount Jack Sprengel, Jr. Harry Templeton Christine Blount Kyle Paparelli Robert Roy Peter Vican Brian Droney Harley Benton Jack Sprengel, Jr. Randy Pereschino Michael Lanni 2007 1999 2004 2001 2004 2006 2004 2010 2001 2005 2009 2006 2008 2008 1999 2009 2001 1998 Black Sea Bass Bluefish Bonito False Albacore Fluke Scup Shad Squeteague Striped Bass Tautog Winter Flounder 3.85 15.18 9.99 12.22 5.44 2.50 1.75 16.54 48.62 11.20 4.40 Joseph Pearson David Pickering Jack Sprengel, Jr. Jack Sprengel, Jr. Jonathan Pickering Kenneth Gu Jonathan Pickering Robert Moeller Brendan Richards Richard Gallipeau Dick Geldard 2009 2007 2007 2007 2003 2003 2008 2007 2006 2009 2009 2011 Special Tournaments May 13 - 22 • Spring Tautog Tournament May 27 - June 5 • Row, Row, Row Your Boat Striped Bass Challenge - Oar-powered boats only June 3 - 11 • Spring Striped Bass Tournament June 24 - July 3 • Fluke Tournament July 1 - 10 • Adult-Junior Scup Tournament 1or 2 adults and one Junior Member team. Pre-registration required. Deadline: June 28 July 16 - 17 • Team Fluke Challenge Special 2-angler teams. Pre-registration required. Special rules* apply. Top four fish entered. Reg deadline: July 12 July 30 - 31 • Junior All-Species Catch & Release Tourney Special slips required. Adult member must be present during tourney. Two divisions: Ages 7 and under plus Ages 8-17 Aug 26 - Sept 4 • Bluefish Tournament Sept 2 - 11 • Black Sea Bass Tournament Sept 17 - 18 • Fall Bluefish/Striped Bass Catch & Release Tournament Individual event, but must fish with another member/ witness. Sept 23 - Oct 2 • Bluefish/Striped Bass Combo Tournament Must enter a bluefish AND striped bass to qualify. Total weight. Sept 30 - Oct 9 • Fall Striped Bass Tournament Oct 7 - 16 • Fall Tautog Tournament • All Special Tournaments commence at 5:00 P.M. on Friday and end promptly at 7:00 P.M. on the final day (*unless noted). • The minimum sizes for all Special Tournaments shall be the legal Rhode Island recreational minimums. • Entries MUST be weighed in by 7:00 P.M. on the final day and members MUST PHONE the RISAA office within 24 hours of the time weighed. • indicates RISAA member Location Maximum Big Bear Hunting & Fishing Supply (Harmony)........ 30 lbs •Block Island Fishworks (New Harbor)......................... 100 lbs •Breachway Bait & Tackle (Charlestown).................... 50 lbs •Cardinal Bait & Tackle (Westerly)............................... 100 lbs •Erickson Bros. Bait & Tackle (Warwick)..................... 200 lbs •Frances Fleet (Port of Galilee)...................................... 50 lbs Gray’s Boat Yard (Westerly)......................................... 99 lbs King Cove Outfitters (Stonington)............................. 100 lbs •Lucky Bait & Tackle (Warren)..................................... 330 lbs Maridee Bait & Tackle................................................... 50 lbs •Ocean State Tackle (Providence)................................. 50 lbs Pete’s Bait & Tackle (Woonsocket).............................. 165 lbs •Quaker Lane Bait & Tackle (N. Kingstown)............... 60 lbs •Quonny Bait & Tackle (Charlestown).......................... 60 lbs Riverside Marine (Tiverton)......................................... 30 lbs Sam's Bait & Tackle (Middletown)............................... 400 lbs Sandy Bottom Bait & Tackle (Coventry).................... 50 lbs •Snug Harbor Marina (Wakefield)................................. 200 lbs •Tackle Box, Inc. (Warwick)............................................ 200 lbs •Wickford Rod Works (Wickford)................................. 75 lbs Zeek's Creek Bait Shop (Jamestown).......................... 30 lbs - 17 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 GOVERNOR’S CUP CURRENT LEADERS: BOAT DIVISION Future Leader Here Length: 00" Girth: 00" The RISAA Governor’s Cup Award is presented to the angler who catches: • the largest striped bass • in Rhode Island waters • and released unharmed. The catch shall be documented by a photograph showing fish and ruler. There shall be one leader in the BOAT and SHORE Divisions SHORE DIVISION Future Leader Here Length: 00" Girth: 00"" Standings as of 2/28/11 BLUEFISH BLACK SEABASS BOAT DIVISION ADULT (minimum 1 lbs) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet SHORE DIVISION ADULT (minimum 1 lbs) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet BOAT DIVISION ADULT (minimum 8 lbs) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet SHORE DIVISION ADULT (minimum 8 lbs) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet BONITO COD HADDOCK BOAT DIVISION ADULT (minimum 3 lbs) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet SHORE DIVISION ADULT (minimum 3 lbs) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet BOAT DIVISION ADULT (minimum 8 lbs) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet BOAT DIVISION ADULT (minimum 3 lbs) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet FALSE ALBACORE FLUKE • The Yearlong Tournament is a continuing tournament that runs from January to December each year. All RISAA members are eligible to participate, and there are no fees. • Official Weight Slips are available at each monthly meeting and at all sanctioned bait shops. • Only authorized weigh-in stations with certified digital scales may be used. • There are two categories: ADULT and JUNIOR member. • There are also two divisions within each category: BOAT and SHORE. • A complete list of tournament rules are printed on the back of every Weight Slip. MAHI MAHI POLLOCK BOAT DIVISION ADULT (minimum 5 lbs) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet SHORE DIVISION ADULT (minimum 5 lbs) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet BOAT DIVISION ADULT (minimum 2.5 lbs) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet SHORE DIVISION ADULT (minimum 2 lbs) 11. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet BOAT DIVISION ADULT (minimum 6 lbs) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet BOAT DIVISION ADULT (minimum 5 lbs) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet SCUP STRIPED BASS STRIPED BASS - FLY FISHING ONLY BOAT DIVISION ADULT (minimum 1 lb) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet SHORE DIVISION ADULT (minimum 1 lb) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet BOAT DIVISION ADULT (minimum 15 lbs) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet SHORE DIVISION ADULT (minimum 15 lbs) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet BOAT DIVISION ADULT (minimum 15 lbs) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet SHORE DIVISION ADULT (min. 15 lbs) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet SHAD TAUTOG BOAT DIVISION ADULT (minimum 3 lbs) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet SHORE DIVISION ADULT (minimum 3 lbs) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet BOAT DIVISION ADULT (minimum 3 lbs) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet SHORE DIVISION ADULT (minimum 3 lbs) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR (no minimum) 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet - 18 - TUNA Albacore, Bluefin (no giants), Yellowfin Federal minimums apply • 1st, 2nd, 3rd each species ADULT 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet JUNIOR 1. none yet 2. none yet 3. none yet R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 Artificial reefs would provide increased fishing areas, bring more $$$ to RI T he RISAA Artificial Reefs Committee was formed to assist in developing an artificial reef program for the State of Rhode Island that provides a recreational benefit for it’s residents and visitors by: • Gathering, organizing and distributing information which includes environmental, economical, and educational benefits to the State. • Reaching out to other interested organizations in an effort to collaborate in achieving the common goal. • Working with the appropriate State officials to ensure the process moves forward. • Proposing options for financing, execution, and maintenance of the program to the State. To this end, the Committee has been meeting and discussing The State Reef Plan with RIDEM. We are seeing a renewed interest on the part of RIDEM and RISAA members to finalize this Reef Plan within the next year so Black sea bass now inhabits the that the RISAA reef created off Newport with Foundation can materials from the dismantling of participate in the old Jamestown Bridge constructing artificial reefs within the very near future. The Reefs Committee has also been watching and participating in the Ocean SAMP process. (to page 31) - 19 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 E very so often it's nice to go back in time and use some of the old and simple methods of catching fish. Just because they were used a long time ago, doesn't necessarily mean that they won't work today. One such method is simply drifting a sea worm beneath a float or bobber in an area where there is some current moving for striped bass, bluefish, weakfish and other gamefish. This method was once practiced by the old-timers on a regular basis, but over time its popularity gave way to new ideas and techniques that were being developed. It was, however, and still is, one of the most effective ways to catch a lot of stripers in a short period of time; and sometimes even big ones. FLOATS The old method was to take a small bottle cork, drill a hole in the center for the leader to pass through and then tie on a swivel and a bait hook. The hook was usually an Eagle Claw bait hook that had barbs on the shank to hold the worm in place. Some angler's place beads and even spinners on the leader for more added attraction, but they weren't necessary. Today, technology has taken the process of drifting a live, fresh, sea worm, to a whole other level. We now have bobbers that light-up during darkness while fishing. They employ a small watch battery on the inside of the float and keep it lit while you are fishing so it can easily be seen at a distance. Some of the floats are red, green or fluorescent yellow like the Lindy float, and are Lindy float easily spotted after the sun has set. Other high-tech floats will even remain "off" until a fish strikes the bait. The jolt triggers the inside bulb to light-up, indicating a strike has occurred. The floats come in many different variations, some are round, other are oval, but most are classified as "Stick-Type" floats. These later floats have become the most popular because they are so easy to use. They range in sizes from five up to 12-inches or more in length. Most are painted some sort of bright florescent color so that they are easily seen when the sun is out during the day and they can be set to light-up after the sun has gone Stick floats down. The stick-type of floats will offer the least amount of water resistance once a fish pulls it beneath the waters surface after it has taken the bait. When fish are being finicky, this feature is important, as the fish feels less drag as it swims away with your worm. Depending on the size of the float, a standard round or oval float can have a lot of water resistance to it when its dragged below the surface. - 20 - LEADERS Today, leaders are tied from fluocarbon leader material making them almost totally invisible to the fish. The length of the leader will vary depending on the depth that you are fishing at, but usually it's about 24 to 36-inches in length from the float itself. Leader length can be adjusted to the area you are in at any time or moment. HOOKS Hooks are usually on the smaller side ranging in sizes from a 2/0 to 5/0 bait hook. Bait holding hooks are still available today and are much sharper than those of past years. If you can train yourself not to "strike" when the fish takes your bait, circle hooks can be very effective using this method. For me, I still like to set the hook when a fish hits. Getting a fresh, live, sea worm on a circle hook Bait holding hook can be a chore, especially when it's trying to bite you while doing it and its dark out. Which ever hook you choose, try snelling the leader to the hook shank. If the hook has a turned-up eye to it, this becomes even more important, as you will get a better hook set than if you tie a know directly to the eye of the hook. WEIGHTS We carry an assortment of weights in different sizes when fishing live worms. Usually we use a small split-shot on the leader just above the hook itself. You can also use small freshwater worm hooks or small egg sinkers. If there is a strong or fast current in the area you are fishing, a weight might be necessary to keep the worm down near the bottom. If you don't weight the worm, the worm will tend to rise to the surface as you drift along. Sometimes that tactic will work and the fish will come to the surface and take the worm off the top, but most often you are going to do better with the worm just below. TACKLE I like drifting worms using conventional gear, also known as bait-casting gear. A reel with a bait-clicker is helpful so you can keep the reel in free-spool so that when a fish strikes, the line runs freely from the reel with little or no resistance to the fish. Mount that on a medium to medium-heavy bait casting rod of about 7-feet in length. I like a composite rod which is usually a blend of graphite and glass. These rods are a bit more forgiving, not nearly as stiff as a pure graphite rod and usually have a lighter, more flexible tip to them. The "give" and "flex" to these rods will allow you to get more hook ups and will also result in less, lost fish. All graphite rods are much too stiff in my opinion. FISHING This is really simplicity in itself. You simply float the worm and bobber out into the current and let the line go with it slowly as it drifts. Usually there is no need to cast the rig. After a predetermined distance, you then reel it in and start over again. Or you can be real lazy and place the rod in a rod holder and just let it sit there. (to page 30) R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 One of the missions of RISAA is to represent the concerns of the recreational community on regulatory and legislative issues. That means that we have to deal with elected officials. Fortunately, there are a number of legislators who have worked hard on our behalf and others who support RISAA principles. We need to be sure those officials remain in office. It is also important that legislators understand who we are. If we don’t advance our own causes, no one will do it for us. By law, our Association can not contribute funds to any candidate, therefore we have established a legal, incorporated and registered Political Action Committee which CAN make contributions on our behalf. Only donations specifically made to the RISAA PAC can be used. Under no circumstances can any membership dues money - or any other contribution made to the Association - be used for the PAC. It would be a violation of state election laws for any money from RISAA to be used for PAC purposes. Also, all money received by the PAC must come from individual donors. No contribution can be accepted from any organization or business interest. The PAC has an independent treasurer and its own bank account. The RISAA PAC Committee first receives requests for contributions. If the PAC Committee approves a request, it is then forwarded to the full RISAA Legislative Committee, which is made up of RISAA members and delegates from all of the 29 affiliated clubs. The EP Committee then reviews the recommendations, and if the full Committee votes to approve a political contribution, that recommendation is forwarded to the RISAA Board of Directors which has the final vote on all PAC donations. Every PAC expenditure must pass this 3-step process. Democracy is not a spectator sport. To be effective, we must participate in the system. With your help we can continue to work within the political system to safeguard the rights and traditions of recreational fishing DONATIONS MADE DURING 2011 COPPER (up to $49) BRONZE ($50+) SILVER ($100+) GOLD ($200+) PLATINUM ($500+) Joseph Kuyoth John Vivari Charles Dore Robert Oliveira Capt. Sandy Kane Robert Hawthorne waiting for your donation waiting for your donation We need YOUR name here! It's time for recreational anglers to stand up and be counted! Please print: Enclosed is my contribution to the Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE. 1) Name: ______________________________________________________ 2) Phone: __________________ 3) Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ no. street city state zip 4) Place of employment: ________________________________________________________ (required by law) Address:_______________________________________________________________________________ no. street city state zip 5) Enclosed is cash or check for: $10 $25 $50 $100 other____ (make payble to: RISAA PAC) 6) Donations can ONLY be accepted from individuals. No company or organization check can be accepted. (R.I. law) 7) From time to time we will acknowledge the names of contributors in our newsletter, but you can remain anonymous, if you prefer. It is OK to print my name Do NOT print my name Mail to: RISAA PAC, 6 Arnold Road, Coventry, RI 02816 - 21 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 The FRANCES FLEET DOCKSIDE MARINE SURVEY “Catch a Good Time!” Mark Sepe, AMS® #862 Pre-Purchase and Insurance Surveys Damage Claims and Appraisals www.marinesurveyor.com/dockside COD FISHING Sailing daily 3:00 AM - 3:00 PM weather permitting Member Serving the New England Area E-mail: [email protected] Tel/fax 401-942-1006 Visit our shop for live and frozen bait, ice, rods & reels, tackle and more. Locted across from the boats. Fly Fishing • Light Tackle Call for reservations. For more info, visit our website: Capt Rene Letourneau francesfleet.com On The Rocks Charters Private charters available aboard the “Captain Frances.” Call for more info. 401-359-3625 Located in the Port of Galilee, RI (401) 783-4988 Member www.ontherockscharters.com Member Directions to West Valley Inn, Blossom Street, West Warwick,RI FROM WESTERLY AND POINTS SOUTH: I-95 North to exit 11 onto I-295 North. Take Exit 1 to Rt 113 West towards West Warwick (follow directions below) FROM PROVIDENCE AND POINTS NORTH: I-95 South to exit 12B to Rt 113 West (follow directions below) Ea Av e 95 113 en c e St 33 FROM RT 113 WEST off I-95 Pr ov id FROM NARRAGANSETTAND SOUTH COUNTY: Route 1 North, becomes Route 4 North Blossom St to end and merges onto I-95 North, then take to exit 11 onto I-295 North. Take Exit 1 to Rt 113 West. (follow directions below) 2 st Follow 113 west through 3 lights, and cross Route 2 onto East Avenue. East Ave becomes River St (one way). Go to light and turn left onto Rt 33 (Providence St). Go 8/10 mile to West Valley Inn (entrance on right). 95 - 22 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 The Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE presents our 3rd Annual Trip to Fenway Park Sunday, June 5, 2011 (game time not yet announced by MLB) BOSTON RED SOX VS Oakland A's $71 per person includes deluxe coach bus transportation and admission* to the game (*Section 11) • Bus will depart from from the state Park & Ride lot on Route 117 in Warwick. • Bus departs Fenway Park 30 minutes after the end of the game. First Come, First Ser ved LIMITED TO 52 PERSONS! Members and guests are welcome Last year's trip participants all had a great time! SIGN ME UP FOR THE RISAA TRIP TO FENWAY PARK ON SUNDAY, JUNE 5 Name:_________________________________________________ Evening phone: ______________________ Address: _______________________________________________ Cell: ______________________________ City: ___________________________________________________ State:________ Zip: __________________ I want _______ tickets. Others attending beside myself (name):______________________________________ Payment must accompany registration Enclosed is my check for $__________ Charge to my credit card: 1. Card type (check) MasterCard Visa 2. Amount Authorized: $_____________ 3. Expiration Date (mo/yr): _____________ 4. CVV # _________ (3-digit number in reverse italics on back of card) 5. Name on card (print): ___________________________________ 6. Card Number: _________________________________________ - 23 - NOTES: • Alcoholic beverages not permitted on bus • No refunds after May 29, 2011 • Bus departs promptly at times advertised Mail to: R.I.S.A.A. P. O. Box 1465 Coventry, RI 02816 R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 The RISAA Education Committee Presents UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND RISAA MEMBERS INVITED TO PARTICIPATE ON RESEARCH VESSEL TRIPS SEE HOW A DRAGGER CATCHES FISH O these trips, and they fill quickly, so don't wait to sign up. Here's your chance to see how a commercial fishing dragger operates. The cost to each member will be $15 per person. It's actually more, but RISAA is paying the rest. The boat will sail if it rains, but not for rough seas. nce again, RISAA and Rhode Island Sea Grant are making this educational opportunity available to RISAA members. THE COST You'll learn about the various nets and sizes that are used, how they work and what to expect. You'll see how the mesh sizes of the nets can capture more or less species. And you'll see the "catch" as it's brought aboard, and examine a variety of species with the Sea Grant marine biologists. Measure fish and handle some of the local species of the Bay. As the Cap'N Bert steams out of Wickford Harbor, members will be able to visit the captain, view the vast array of electronics aboard and ask questions about the workings of the boat. Then the net will be dropped and towed, capturing sea life from the bottom of Narragansett Bay. Unlike other RISAA-sponsored events when spouses, guests and friends are invited, this trip must be limited to to RISAA members. That's because there are only 15 spots available on each trip, and RISAA is paying part of the fee. Also, those members must be in "good standing" - meaning their dues must be paid up. Members gather around as the operation of a dragger net is explained Although the Cap'N Bert catches fish for scientific purposes, the same methods are used as on commercial fishing boats. . When the net is hauled in, the real purpose of the trip begins: to study the multitude of sea life on the bottom of Narragansett Bay. Every few years RISAA sponsors ONLY RISAA MEMBERS The Cap'N Bert MORE DETAILS Participants must be at least 10 years old. Each child must be accompanied by an adult. No open-toed shoes should be worn. If you want to keep any of the fish brought aboard, you must have a RI recreational salt water license with you. Sign-ups will be accepted at the monthly meetings or you can register now by mail. Members learn a little about lobster biology during one of our past trips YES! Sign me up for a "Cap'N Bert" Trip! Cost is $15 non-refundable, per member. Check must accompany this slip. Name(s):____________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone: __________________ (RISAA members only) Enclosed is my check for $________. The trip I am signing up for is (check) R Saturday, June 11 R Saturday, June 25 Number of people _____ (RISAA members ONLY) Mail this form and check to: R.I.S.A.A. P.O. Box 1465 Coventry, RI 02816 - 24 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 More news on the Mis-Management of Atlantic menhaden In an article written by Mr. Andy Thompson, an outdoor So their commercial harvest is big business for a company called writer for the Richmond Times-Dispatch in February 2011, he Omega Protein, an outfit based in Houston, but with a plant and noted, “What does the (Virginia) General Assembly know about ships on the Northern Neck in Reedville, Virginia. Theirs is fisheries management? Seems like a silly question, of course. the only menhaden harvesting operation in the Bay, and Virginia The answer is nothing. These are politicians, not scientists. So is one of only two East Coast states that allow menhaden to be they leave management of all freshwater fish in Virginia to the taken in state waters. Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. For saltwater fish, however, the General Assembly isn’t quite Smell anything yet? That’s not fish oil. as consistent. It allows all but one species to be managed by A company that employs a significant number of Virginians the Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VRMC). The body relies on just one resource (a public resource, mind you) – a essentially says, “You’re the experts on rockfish and bluefish single fish species – to survive. It just so happens that politicians, and speckled trout, and dozens of other fish species, but we many of whom accept campaign contributions from Omega know better on one.” according to VPAG.org, decide that scientists should set That one species? Menhaden. But the management parameters for all species of General Assembly actually takes a hands-off saltwater fishes except the one vital link to approach to this most important of forage fish. keep Omega in business. “They really don’t manage menhaden. So it won’t come as a shock that in the past They don’t do anything,” said Jerry Benson, couple of weeks, six bills relating to menhaden the Vice President of the Virginia chapter of management were left to rot or were pulled by the Coastal Conservation Association. “There their sponsors. A bill that would have provided is no expertise. There’s no meetings. There’s the VRMC with the authority to implement Omega Protein in Virginia no fisheries committee. They basically hold ASMFC directives died Monday. the menhaden a political captive.” In addition to the VA CCA, reps from the Menhaden are an oily prey species that filters seawater as Chesapeake Bay Foundation and the VA League of Conservation they feed and forms a crucial link in the coastal marine food Voters, it didn’t matter. Omega spoke and politicians listened. chain. Striped bass, bluefish, sea birds and mammals gorge on The Governor of VA also signaled he would block the bills if menhaden as they migrate from the Chesapeake Bay to New they made it through the legislature. England and beyond. Menhaden are a public resource. They swim in our waters. The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, which They feed fish we fish for and many others. Their filter feeding sets fish management policy for the East Coast, has said mechanisms help clean the Bay. To separate one species for menhaden stocks are down 88 percent the past 25 years – a special “management” by a legislative body is to woefully historic low. misunderstand the interconnectedness of species and Humans don’t eat menhaden, except as fish oil supplements. ecosystems. But there is no misunderstanding. This is politics.” Ground up and processed, they’re full of omega-3 fatty acids. From my perspective, very well said. Captain Rick Cataldi Full Service Propeller Facility 401-458-1503 REPAIRS ~ RECONDITIONING ~ WELDING 661 West Shore Road, Warwick, RI 02889 WWW.SEAWARDCHARTERS.COM Middletown, RI Mike r o f 888-430-7767 Ask ALUMINUM & STAINLESS FABRICATION T-TOPS • RADAR ARCHES • HARD TOPS • TOWERS RAILINGS • SWIM PLATFORMS ROCKET LAUNCHERS • LEANING POSTS CANVAS REPAIR • CUSHIONS "Your One Stop Boat Shop" Bring your prop in for a FREE computer analysis SAVE FUEL www.oceanpropsri.com 10% RISAA member discount on inboard recons Member - 25 - Member R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 The purpose of Sunshine Committee is to pass along information and milestones within the membership. Birthdays, anniversaries, events or get-well wishes are all in order. We also let members know of the passing of other memebers. The purpose of the Membership Committee is to contact new members, welcome them to the Association and answer any questions they may have about RISAA and its activities. CONGRATULATIONS Gallison family of public service Welcome to the new members who joined last month RISAA Member and State Representative Ray Gallison and his wife Diane, proudly sent us this photo showing their two sons, both RI police officers. Nathan (left), who was a recipient of a RISAA scholarship, was appointed to the Pawtucket Police Department last year, and is a member of the SWAT Team. Tim (right) is on the Bristol Police Department. He also has is 100 ton USCG captain’s license. Tim graduated from URI and Nathan from Quinnipiac. Both sons are also volunteers of the Bristol Volunteer Fire Department. PROUD MOM! Member LORRAINE DANTI shared the news of her daughter Amanda, who’s wedding photo graced the cover of “Bristol County Bride” Magazine recently. Amanda was married last September, 24 to SSGT Peter Jacquart, and the couple is now living in Fort Collins CO. Lorraine is the owner of Lucky Bait & Tackle in Warren. Bass-Blues Cod-Shark Tuna Captain Mark Petitt Sportfishing Plymouth/Cape Cod Bay www.fireescapecharters.com Kevin Hoisington West Warwick, RI Steven Blakey Pawtucket, RI Matthew Johnson Warwick, RI Richard Blott Newport, RI John Keane Holliston, MA Paul Capuzziello Wrentham, MA Alan LeSiege Holyoke, MA William Chaplinsky Fairfield, CT Thomas Mulcahy Sutton, MA Steven Charron Harrisville, RI Michael Rainone East Greenwich, RI Chris Choquette North Kingstown, RI Fritz Reichle Bolton, CT Robert DeGaetano Bozrah, CT Capt. Mike Schreffler East Greenwich, RI David Grzybowski South Windsor, CT Mike Szostak Bristol, RI Michael Hanley Smithfield, RI Frank Zaino, III Johnston, RI Russell Hanley Smithfield, RI Share the Wealth! BRING A FRIEND TO THE NEXT MEETING. Whale Watching Scenic Cruises 508-326-3185 Michael Beresford Bedford, NY RISAA members can bring a guest to the monthly seminars, at no charge, during 20110 - 26 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 Guide to Common Life on Narragansett Bay nth..... This mo A continuing series that describes the common fish, invertibrates, plants, water birds, and marine mammals that share our Bay. Cunner Colloquial Nickname: Choggie • Scientific Name: Tautogolabrus adspersus Field Markings: Green-gray with some blotching; can change color to blend in with the bottom. Electric blue streaks run from mouth to gill cover. Size: up to 10 inches long Habitat: Along the coastline, just below the tide mark among eelgrass, pilings, Irish moss and rocky shores Season: Year-round Distinguishing Features and Behaviors Although the cunner lives in Narragansett Bay year-round, it lies dormant in the mud - among rocks or eelgrass beds during the winter season. Cunner are aggressive omnivores as well as scavengers. They feed on barnacles, mollusks, shrimp, crabs, amphipods, small fish and almost any other available food, including eelgrass. Relationship to People The cunner is a small, slender fish that belongs to teh wrasse family of fish. It is characterized by a single, long dorsal fin, with sharp spines forward and soft rays in the rear. Closely related to and often incorrectly identified as a tautog, the cunner is generally smaller than a tautog, less stout, and has thinner lips. It also has distinct iridescent blue streaks running from its mouth back to its gill cover. The cunner has large scales and tough skin with a vertically flattened body. Its flat-topped head has a pointed snout and small mouth, generally exposing several sharp teeth. The cunner’s tail fin is blunt with rounded corners. Cunner live near the coastline and are usually found inhabiting eelgrass beds and swimming near piers, docks and among rocks. Although it rarely travels into brackish water, it is occasionally seen in tidal creeks. Some cunner live together in small groups, but they do not school. At one time, cunner was considered a favorite food fish, but it is no longer commonly sought after commercially. It is not a popular game fish, but is occasionally caught recreationally. Cunner can bea nuisance to fishermen because they often steal bait. If you look carefully, it is possible to view cunner in the larger, near-shore tide pools along Narragansett Bay. They hide under rocks and around large clumps of Irish moss and other seaweeds, well-camouflaged due to their color. HOW TO GET YOUR OWN COPY RISAA members can purchase their own copy of The Uncommon Guide To Common Life on Narragansett Bay for $15 from the RISAA Merchandise Committee. Stop by the committee table at any monthly RISAA meeting. P.O. Box 763 Londonderry, NH 03053 Tel: 603-434-4689 Fax: 603-432-3902 E-mail: [email protected] Manufacturer of Fine Terminal Tackle for the Saltwater Fisherman Snelled Hooks, Top and Bottom Rigs, Lures, Tubes, Leadheads, Umbrella Rigs and more.... Check out our web site at www.seawolfetackle.com Owned and operated by Richard and Judy Wolfe - 27 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 The Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association is a member organization of the International Game Fish Association Join TEAM RISAA! Did you know? * It's coming again! In fish, roughly 20-30% of the variation in size at maturity is heritable. That is, the propensity to grow to a large size is a heritable trait. On The Water's 4-1/2 month long striped bass fishing tournament will begin on May 2 and run until September 19. Yes, it Striper Cup time! This tournament is open to anyone: men, women, shore anglers, boat anglers, adults and youth. In 2010, the RISAA Striper Cup Team finished second out of 31 teams with an impressive 501.84 lbs with our top 10 bass. This year we are gunning, or should I say rodding, for 1st! On The Water will be at the New England Saltwater Fishing Show again this year. If you subscribe to their magazine, you get up to $10 off the Striper Cup entry fee. By signing up at the show, you also save $4.95 in shipping costs and you get your pin, t-shirt and Sebile fishing lure on the spot. They are also giving away a Sebile lure if you purchase a one year subscription, and a ESCA Lure Light if you purchase a two year subscription. The past two years have seen a decline in the number of anglers on the Team Armando Simao with 43 lb RISAA. We really striper that he landed last year need help from while fishing for Team RISAA ALL of you to win this tournament. We have some incredible anglers, but we need more! So please, if you are a member in good standing with RISAA, why don't you join our team? This year could be THE YEAR!!! You know, the year we show everyone out there what we already know, that RISAA has the best anglers on the East Coast! We need both boat and shore anglers on our team. If anyone has any questions about the Striper Cup or Team RISAA, feel free to contact me personally at 401-787-2561 or [email protected] If you do decide to sign up to participate on the Striper Cup tournament, please make sure to put "RISAA" in the appropriate area for the team you are fishing for. After you sign up, email Frank Joyal, RISAA Striper Cup Committee Secretary,with your name and email address so we can get you set up to use our exclusive online chat group where we share reports and tips for catching the big ones. You can email Frank at [email protected] Thanks again to everyone that was on Team RISAA last year. You should all be proud. And thank you in advance to everyone that signs up for this year's team. It's going to be a great year for TEAM RISAA! Large fish not only spawn exponentially more eggs than smaller individuals, but often have higher quality eggs that increase survival rates of newly hatched fish. Intensive commercial harvest of the largest individuals of a species can lead to subsequent generations being smaller and genetically inferior. Nearly 40 million Americans fish. That’s more than the number of persons that play golf or tennis combined. Recreational fishing in the U.S. supports more than one million jobs and more than $45 billion in annual retail sales. The total economic output of recreational fishing in the U.S. is over $125 billion annually. *Published in the IGFA International Angler Captain Al Anderson IGFA Representative/RI • IGFA Certified Captain Sportfishing aboard the PROWLER Fast 42 foot Custom NC Express [email protected] www.ProwlerChartersRI.com - 28 - 401-783-8487 Member Fisherman’s Flea Market V.F.W. Post 8502 Route 6, Westport, MA March 26 & 27 Saturday 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am to 12:00 pm Admission: $1.00 Refreshments Raffles Fishing tackle: rods, reels, lines, lures, etc. Marine equipment: cleats, radios, pumps, etc. For more information call George Santos at 774-644-9512 R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 Every member who attends the monthly seminars can win! Monthly Meeting Doorprizes Every member who attends the monthly seminars will fill out a FREE doorprize raffle slip when they check in at the door. After the night’s seminar, one lucky name will be drawn and that person will win a $200 GIFT CERTIFICATE * to the Tackle Shop of your choice! *Chose from any of these member tackle Block Island Fishworks Galilee Bait & Tackle Breachway Bait & Tackle Hook-Up Bait & Tackle Bucko’s Parts & Tackle Ocean State Tackle Cardinal Bait & Tacle Quaker Lane Bait & Tackle Erickson’s Bait & Tackle Quonny Bait & Tackle Frank’s Live Bait & Tackle River & Riptide Anglers shops: Saltwater Edge Snug Harbor Marina Sportsman’s Outfitter The Tackle Box Wickford Rodworks Rules: • Must be an adult/regular member in good standing • Must be present to win • RISAA Board members not eligible • Certificates must be redeemed within 90 days • Limited to one win per calendar year • May not be exchanged for cash. Entire amount must be redeemed at tackle shop February Meeting Winners Winner of the REGULAR MEMBER door prize was The winner of the JUNIOR MEMBER door prize was JOHN SHERIFF KYLE PAPARELLI who selected his $200 certificate to Quaker Lane Bait & Tackle won a rod and reel spinning combo It’s just another benefit of membership in the Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association! REQUIRED READING CAPTAIN'S LICENSE If you fish anywhere, anyhow or anytime...you MUST have this catalog. Call or write for your FREE copy NOW! Or e-mail us: [email protected] - NO TEST AT THE COAST GUARD - CAPTAIN OUPV MASTER 200GT Inland SIX-PACK MASTER 100GT RADAR SAIL TOWING Near Coastal Oceans USCG APPROVED MARITIME CLASSES FALL RIVER - JAMESTOWN - PLYMOUTH - MYSTIC - BOSTON 120 MAIN STREET, KINGS PARK, NY 11754 (Phone) 631-269-6005 (Fax) 631-269-2920 Call CAPTAIN MAX FENTRESS 1-800-321-2977 TERMINAL TACKLE CO. Member - 29 - TACKLE SUPPLIERS TO THE WORLD R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 Public access parking bill introduced in RI House Rep. Laurence Ehrhardt (R-North Kingstown) has introduced bill H.5373 that would require cities and towns to provide free parking within 250 feet of CRMC designated rights-of-way along the Rhode Island shore. The bill was co-sponsored by Rep. Raymond Gallison. This bill had been sponsored by Rep. Rep. Ehrhardt Peter Kilmartin for the past two years, and had passed the House, but went nowhere in the Senate. Realizing the importance of safeguarding the public’s right to the shore, Reps. Ehrhardt and Gallison are trying to get the bill passed this year. The bill was referred to the House Municipal Government Committee. FLOATING WORMS (from page 20) Make sure you don't' forget to put that reel in free-spool so when you do get a strike the line will leave the reel with no resistance. Drifting live sea worms is best done near or around sand bars, mussel bars, points, rocky structure, and other places that fish tend to hold and feed. It is a very effective method when fishing rivers and creeks where there is always some current. You can also anchor instead of just drifting. Anchoring is beneficial once you find the fish. You can then work that area systematically drifting your worm and float over and too different fish holding areas. KEEPING WORMS ALIVE Sea worms are best kept alive in damp sea weed. Don't get them too wet or they will die. I use a small cooler with an ice pack in the bottom. Place a board that has been cut to the size of the cooler over the ice pack with sea weed on top of it. This will keep the worms cool as well as dry. They can be kept for a few days using this method. Light tackle Fly-fishing WHITE GHOST BOATINGLOCAL (from page 15) Medeiros is one of the founding members of the Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association and has served as the organization’s president for 13 years. In that time Medeiros has helped RISAA grow to become the largest and best-organized recreational-fishing advocacy group in New England. RISAA now boasts 1,200 paying members and represents over 6,500 anglers via its 29 affiliated clubs. Medeiros is a tireless supporter of sportfishing interests in the state, and has helped shape RISAA’s community-minded agenda. The group has: • Helped fight for and protect shore access for fishermen • Given sport fishermen a place at the political table in the state • Helped ensure that the new license-fee funds be used to support recreational fishing • Initiated clean-ups of coastal areas used by fishermen • Rallied members to turn out for important state and federal meeting where fisheries management issues are at stake • Created a “Take a Kid Fishing Day” that helps city kids enjoy the water and the outdoors (last year’s event saw over 200 members volunteer their time and boats) • Launched the New England Saltwater Fishing Show, a successful fishing show that attracts marine-related business and fishermen from all over New England. • Offers special fishing outings that introduce kids to fishing • Launched a campaign to create more artificial reefs in RI state waters • Fought for the protection of key forage species such as menhaden and herring • Pushed for stricter penalties for fisheries violators • Worked to forge relationships with commercial fishing interests to protect key species Aside from his duties with RISAA, Medeiros has served on the R.I. Marine Fisheries Council as a recreational representative for the past 10 years. He has also have served on dozens of state boards and commissions and stakeholder groups concerning Rhode Island marine waters, Narragansett Bay and recreational fishing. Three years ago, Medeiros received an award from the R.I. House of Representatives “in recognition of dedicated, committed and enduring service to recreational fishing and preservation of our environment and helping to protect menhaden.” To cast your vote for Medeiros, or one of the other nominees, go to Sport Fishing Magazine’s Make a Difference Award at Fishing Charters www.sportfishingmag.com/makingadifference/nominees/stevemedeiros Stripers • blues • fluke • sea bass • scup • tautog STRIPERS • BLUES • COD • FLUKE • TUNA • SHARK Inshore, Offshore & Canyon Trips Available 35’ Custom Henriques Sportfish Capt. Jim White 401-828-9465 Dream Catcher II Charters Pro Staff for Evinrude • Lowrance Quantum • Wood Boat and Motor Capt. Mike Comerford, Sr. Sailing from Point Judith [email protected] 43 York Drive, Coventry, RI 02816 - 30 - USCG Licensed Captain • 401-651-9600 dreamcatcherri.com R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 HEFFERNAN CHARTERS Aboard the ERIN ROSE 28’ Sea Ray sailing from Lavin’s Marina, Charlestown, RI with Seminars & Outreach EDUCATION COMMITTEE WELCOMES YOU Capt. Bill Heffernan 401-364-9592 or 401-742-4795 www.erinrosefishing.com 8 Scot Circle, Charlestown, RI 02813 Member ARTIFICIAL REEFS (from page 19) We have had significant input to the draft in that we are trying to assure that if wind turbines are built offshore they are constructed in such a manner that they both create additional bottom habitat around the bases of the towers and those areas are open to fishermen after construction. We look forward to having a Reef Plan in place before the end of 2011 and obtaining vessels to create new reefs to enhance fish habitat and create more places for recreational fishermen to enjoy. RISAA has already been approached by people willing to contribute both boats and services needed to prepare the boats for a future as a reef, so we are optimistic that when all of the planning is complete we will be able to move forward with additional reef development. RISAA would like to thank RIDEM Director Janet Coit for her interest in this activity and for her appreciation of the importance of recreational fishing to our great Ocean State. RISAA looks forward to making great strides with RIDEM in the development of more reefs in the coming Director Coit years. If you are a RISAA member and are interested in working on the Artificial Reef issue you can contact me to join the Artificial Reef committee at [email protected] to express your interest. Flippin’ Out Priority Charters Fishing Charters Priority Two • 36’ Harris Sportfisherman Capt. BJ Silvia Fishing - Cruising - Diving Call for Rates & Reservations Block Island Sound • Cox’s Ledge • RI’s South Shore Personal and Affordable - Bait and tackle provided 401.529.2267 [email protected] 50 Mail Coach Road Portsmouth, RI 02871 The main goal of the Education Committee is to provide our membership with a well-rounded schedule of informative seminars. The majority of our seminars are geared to fishing tactics and methods, but not all. We have had speakers tell us how to prepare our catch for consumption or even a taxidermist .In the past we have had TV weatherman explain about cloud formations and other signs to look for when on the water. We even have had a renowned chef speak to us and provided the members with tasty samples. As you can see we try to have a subject for every one. We provide many other services as well. Usually everyother-year we arrange for trips aboard the research vessel, Cap’n Bert, provide CPR and Safe Boating classes. LOOKING FOR MINI-SEMINAR SPEAKERS Do you have a favorite way to fish, or maybe have a fishing tip that you wouldn’t mind sharing with other members? At our June 27 meeting, we are again doing the annual “Fishing 101” night and we are looking for club members that would be willing to give a very short (15 minute maximum) talk on any tip, routine, trick, idea or fishing method that you are willing to share. Don’t be shy! The subject need not be on catching fish. How do you rig your baits? How do you get your baits? What rods do you use and why? What is your favorite knot? How do you tie it? We all know that fishermen (and ladies) love to talk about anything that has to do with fishing. In the past when we have done this we have had some very interesting topics and speakers. YOUR INPUT IS APPRECIATED Do you have an idea for a seminar? If so, let us know, and we will try to arrange it for a future meeting. If you are interested in being a member of this committee, let us know. We only have one or two meetings a year and we do a lot by e-mail. You can contact me at [email protected] Capt. Rick Bellavance 401-741-5648 www.PriorityFishingCharters.com Member - 31 - Member R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS The Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association (RISAA) believes in the sensible management of fisheries and the conservation and restoration of all marine resources. RISAA has accepted a leadership role in order to provide a unified voice to preserve and protect the rights, traditions and future of recreational angling. In order to achieve these goals, it is important for organizations who have the same goals to join together, uniting their voices and votes for the good of present and future generations of anglers. Therefore, the RISAA is proud to be AFFILIATED with these respected organizations. Blue Water Buckeye Brook Coalition Anglers Blue Water Anglers Bowling Green Fishing Club Bristol County Striper Club Buzzards Bay Fishing Club Buckeye Brook Coalition CT/RI Coastal Fly Fishers Galilee Tuna Club Connecticut Surfcasters Assoc. East Greenwich Yacht Club East Bay Anglers Galilee Tuna Club Jamestown Striper Club Massachusetts Beach Buggy Assoc. Massachusetts Striped Bass Assoc. Narragansett Pier Sportfishing Assoc. Narragansett Salt Water Fishing Club Narragansett Surfcasters Newport Cty Salt Water Fishing Club Ocean State Surfcasters Pioneer Valley Boat & Surf Club Princeton Fishing Team R. I. Marine Trades Assoc. R. I. Mobile Sportfishermen R. I. Party & Charter Boat Assoc. Slater Mill Fishing Club St. John’s Fishing Club United Fly Tyers of Rhode Island Weekapaug Surfcasters Old Colony Amphibians Rhody Fly Rodders Rhody Fly Rodders COALITION PARTNERSHIPS In order to promote fisheries management and conservation on a regional, national and international scale, the Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association has associated with these organizations: OVER 10,000 ITEMS IN STOCK! Rhode Island’s Largest Independent Tackle Store All major credit cards accepted Open 7 days Fishing Kayaks WWW.QUAKERLANETACKLE.COM 401-295-4400 www.Kayakcentre.com Member 4019 Quaker Lane, Route 2 North Kingstown, RI - 32 - Member 401-294-9642 800-249-5400 R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE RISAA members may place free non-commercial classified ads with photo for three months. All items must be fishing, boating or marine related. Send ad info to [email protected] or mail to RISAA office. Non-members and commercial: $5 per ad, per issue. Mail ad with check to RISAA, 6 Arnold Rd, Coventry, RI 02816 BOATS FOR SALE BOATS FOR SALE BOATS FOR SALE 17' Angler CC. 70HP Evinrude had top end rebuilt in '05. New stringes & floors, rebuilt console, new wiring, Teleflex gauges, throttles, s h i f t cables, stainless wheel, Eagle sounder, interior paint, nonskid and 25 gal fuel take - all new in 2008. Incl iCom fix-mount VHF and Garmin GPS. 10 rod holders. Runs well, starts reliably. Stored in quonset hut since the rebuild. In the water in Apponaug. Incl roller-trailer. Asking $5,000 OBO. Call Rich at 401-439-7541 --------------------------------------------------------18' North Coast center console, 2010, NEW! Never been in the water! White with wood trim, built-in fuel tank, cooler s e a t , raised deck with locker, rod holders. Includes a brand new trailer. Asking $8,000 or best offer. Call 401-374-1293 22' Blue Fin Pro Fish 220, 2005. 225 Mercury Optimax w/smartcraft gauges and 140 hrs on a bracket. 2007 Venture aluminum bunk trailer. New curtains, new Furuno radar, outriggers, color GPS and FF. Everything new, engine flushed after every use since installed. Asking $19,000 OBO. E-mail [email protected] or 401-769-0596 ---------------------------------------------------------22' Doral Ibiza CC, 1999, w/200 HP Mercury 2-stroke V6 EFI. Live well & bait well aerators, RW washdown, sys cockpit, Nav-Pac, VHF, compass, widescreen f i s h finder, woodgrain dashboard, courtesy lights, grabrail, rod holders, complete CC enclosure & complete boat/motor cover. EZ Loader trailer. Boat is 95% fresh water usage. Pristine condition. Serious offers only. $18,000. Contact Jeff at 401-624-8472 --------------------------------------------------------- 29' Wellcraft 290 Coastal, 2005. Twin 225 Yamaha 4 stroke OBs w/only 148 hrs. Garmin 2210 color chart plotter, Furuno FCV-585 color fish finder, Furuno 1715 radar, Icom VHF. Has 99% of the factory options including a generator. $85,000. Trailer available. Call Mark at 401-474-3363 ---------------------------------------------------------30' Hydrocat twin Volvo diesel, 1999 - good condition, great fuel economy. Rigged for fishing w/full electronics. Must sell; new boat coming. Major price reduction $54,000. Call 401-265-7602 ON SITE COOKING Seascape Clamboils, etc. Will gather all necessary, freshest ingredients, prepare them, then cook and serve them at your site. Check out our brochure and menu at www.seascapecharter.com or call 1-877-646-3474. Special: 10% discout to RISAA members PLUS we will match your discount amount and it will be donated to the RISAA Foundation. FISHING TACKLE FOR SALE Two CMS custom 130 bent butt rods with Pacific Bay aluminum butts and AFTCO Big Foot super heavy duty roller guides. Located in Coventry. Both in very good condition. $300 each. Call Brian at 401-397-4229 DON'T FORGET TO GIVE US YOUR NEW ADDRESS! EMAIL TO: [email protected] OR CALL 401-826-2121 A bad day fishing is still better than a good day at work! Bait & Tackle 166 Charlestown Beach Road, Charlestown, RI 02813 401-364-6407 CAPT. JOHN OGOZALEK www.ogofishing.com Page: 872-0322 Owners: Ron & Karleen Mouchon Member 672 North Main Street Danielson, CT 06239 - 33 - 860-774-6924 [email protected] R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 KAYAKS (from page 5) 4. Tuesday, May 24. We return to the fresh water, for the last time this year, at Watchaug Pond in Charlestown. 5. Saturday, June 11. The Committee’s popular ‘meet and greet’ meeting will be held starting at 10:00 AM at the Goddard Park boat ramp. This is the chance for members new and old to demonstrate their kayaks and answer any questions that anyone may have about kayaks for salt water fishing. We also hope to encounter a cinder worm hatch in the sheltered waters of east Greenwich Cove. 6. Wednesday, June 15. We will be angling for bass over sand eels in Newport Harbor. 7. Saturday, June 25. We will meet at the Point Judith ferry landing, take the ferry to Block Island and fish there in the company of the experienced kayak anglers who had such a great trip last year. FLUKE FISHING (from page 3) The other advantage is the ability to untangle lines with the larger diameter monofilament provided with the top shot when fishing with several anglers aboard, especially when chartering. The fishing tackle utilized for fluke are also effective for seabass and scup which may be in the same areas as the fluke. 8. Wednesday, July 6. We meet at the Colt State Park Boat ramp in Barrington. 9. Thursday, July 14. Evening fishing at Quonochontaug Pond; a good opportunity for sight fishing the flats as well. Fishing Techniques The most typical and productive method for catching fluke is to jig the fluke rig. This means snapping your rod tip upward and then maintaining contact with the fishing line as you follow the rig back to the bottom. The key here is to find the pattern the fish wants. You can vary the speed of how fast you snap the rod tip up and how far you jig your rod tip upward. Fluke will typically hit the rig with this technique. In some Kahle style (wide gap) cases the fish may also bite when the rig is baited with no jigging action at all by the angler or even “dead-sticked” in a rod holder. Vary the jigging pattern until you find what the fish responds to. The typical rigs utilized, consist of three way squid type jigs with khale style hooks. The other common rig is bucktails tipped with strip baits. Color can make a difference, so utilize different colors until you find what the fish want. The most bucktails common colors are white, chartreuse and pink. When fluke fishing, big baits can attract big fish, so utilize big strips of bait or live bait to catch big doormat fluke. 10. Saturday, July 23. Launch at Fort Wetherill, Jamestown Island, fishing for bass and blues. 11. Tuesday, August 2. Early morning launch at Barn Island, CT to fish Sandy Point, Napatree, reefs if weather permits. 12. Friday, August 19. Evening launch at Monahan’s/Pier 5 in Narragansett to fish off the South County shore. 13. Saturday, September 10. Morning launch at Barn Island, CT, perhaps the false albacore will be in again this year. 14. Saturday, October 1. Our last scheduled outing for the year, launching in the Sakonnet/Seapowet area (or Fogland Beach), depending on local conditions. For a more detailed schedule of kayak Committee outings, contact David Pollack at the address below, or Earle Guilford at [email protected]. Kayak Committee outings are open to all RISAA members and their guests, but if you plan to attend an outing and are not a member of the Kayak Committee you will not be on our email list and will not receive last minute notices of changes. We also use that email group to keep each other informed of current conditions, and we hope to expand on that this year. While our outings are not limited to Committee members any RISAA member interested in kayak fishing and sharing information and skills with a group of committed kayak anglers should consider joining the Committee. To do so, contact me, David Pollack, at [email protected]. Stripers, Tautogs, Cod, Sharks,Tuna Capt. Mike Neto 28' Ocean Runner (401) 573-FISH Member - 34 - up to 4 anglers R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 POGEY WARS (from page 1) Wow! This proposal has a chance to revolutionize menhaden fishing and end the annual pogey wars that occur when there is a high abundance of menhaden entering the Bay. Chairman Steve Medeiros stated he would request another meeting as soon as possible to discuss and evaluate this proposal further. That meeting was quickly set for January 6 and Chairman Medeiros began the meeting and stated that the agenda would focus on a single issue. Little did he know that the Ark Bait people would be making a proposal of there own that would make a major change to menhaden fishing in the Bay. The main points of the FRISC proposal were presented. Close the upper bay, Warwick Light to Rumstick Point, to commercial harvesting from May 15th to July15th. All other closed areas south of the upper Bay would be opened for the same time period. All other restrictions currently in place would remain in place including gear restrictions, monitoring, reporting, Baywide cap and threshold amounts. It was stated “that the panel had two options, to remain status quo which would endanger the stock status and possibly lead to future draconian restrictions, or to accept the proposal before them in the best interest of the Bay and the menhaden stock.” Then came the block buster from Ark Bait of Swansea, MA which stated in part, “The menhaden fishery shall open on January 1 of each year and close on December 31, of said year” and that all waters north of a straight line running from Rocky Point to Conimicut Light to Nayett Point, shall be closed to all netting with the exception of an 8 foot casting net. Their proposal also implemented an 85 foot vessel length restriction and a single daily possession limit of 120,000 pounds. In exchange, they asked that the starting minimum biomass (floor) and the threshold be removed. Chairman Medeiros turned to the panel: Mike Bucko, of Bucko’s Bait and Tackle Service, spoke on behalf of local tackle shops. He said that most shops agreed with a Providence River closing and Ark Bait’s closing line, but they have a problem with the possibility of Greenwich Bay opening to seining. George Allen (RISAA) raised concern about removing the threshold, as there would not be a mechanism for maintaining at least a set amount of biomass to enhance the ecosystem in the Bay. Panel Member & biologist, Dave Beutel, restated and supported the Ark Bait’s proposal as he understood it plus minor adjustments. “It is to implement a Northern closure line from Rocky Point to Conimicut Light to Nayett Point plus inside Greenwich Bay with a line from Sandy Point to the flag pole at the Warwick Country Club on Warwick Neck. Also to maintain the 50% cap, but remove the threshold, have a daily single possession limit of 120,000 pounds, an 85 foot vessel limit, maintain all gear restrictions, monitoring, holiday and weekend closures and reporting requirements”. - 35 - The Advisory Panel agreed, therefore, it was a panel consensus. The panel then took up the 8 foot cast net ban of the Ark Bait proposal. A panel member proposed 10 foot cast net for menhaden fishing in the closed areas with a possession limit of 200 menhaden per vessel per day. This would eliminate people going back and forth from shore with 200 menhaden each trip, especially from out of state as it has happened before. The Advisory Panel supported this proposal therefore it was a consensus. RISAA DISAGREES WITH PROPOSAL The Menhaden AP proposals was brought to the RISAA Board of Directors by Steve Medeiros and explained each step. After discussion, the RISAA Board of Directors approved the following position: • Maximum vessel length of 85 feet • Single daily possession limit of 120,000 lbs • Maintain all previous gear restrictions and inspection requirements • All closed areas shall have a 200 menhaden maximum possession limit per day per vessel Permanent closures: • north of a line from Conimicut Light to Nayatt Point (Providence River) • Greenwich Bay: all waters west of a line from Sandy Point to the flagpole at Warwick Point • Agree to allow opening of all other previous closed areas. • Continue Saturday, Sunday, holiday closures The previous biomass caps shall ALL remain in place, and continue stock monitoring and reporting requirements, and continue ALL current requlations in 16.2.5 setting a Biomass Floor, Biomass Ceiling, and maintenance of the 50% rule, with the following change: A Biomass Floor. On an annual basis every spring, the DFW, utilizing approved scientific monitoring methods, shall conduct regular estimates of the weekly standing stock of menhaden present in the management area. On the basis of those estimates, the DFW shall issue a notice when the estimated weekly stock reaches a threshold of 1,500,000 pounds. When the estimated weekly standing stock reaches 2,000,000 pounds, a possession limit of 120,000 pounds per vessel per calendar day will be authorized. If at any time, the stock estimate drops below 1,500,000, the DFW shall close the commercial fishery until further notice. On February 22, RIDEM held a public hearing on the proposed Menhaden changes. Most of the comments were either in favor of the Ark Bait proposal to remove the biomass cap or for the AP proposals. The issue now goes before the R.I. Marine Fisheries Council at their March 7 meeting. Let’s hope the proposal passes. It would finally mean the end of the infamous “POGEY WARS”. R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 R.I.S.A.A. DVD LIBRARY RISAA maintains a library of fishing and boating DVD's that MEMBERS may borrow for FREE to enjoy at home for up to two weeks. Simply call the RISAA office at 401-826-2121 and let us know which DVD's you would like to borrow. You may pick up the DVD's at the monthly seminars or we will mail them to you. Please order by video number and please give at least THREE DAYS NOTICE. It's just one more benefit of belonging to the RISAA! 100 Saltwater Fishing Mistakes (98) Bennett Marine Advanced Trolling For Saltwater Fish (49) James Marsh Art of Castnet Throwing (103) Warren Wheeler Atlantic Giants: The Ultimate Bluefin (75) Dennis Braid Atlantic Speedsters: Atlantic Bonito/Little Tunny (3) Back To Basics: Finding The Spot (92) Bennett Marine Back To Basics: Nearshore Fishing (90) Bennett Marine Back To Basics: Offshore Fishing (89) Bennett Marine Basic Saltwater Fly Tying (46) Jamie Dickinson Better Half of Fishing: How-To Fish For Women (102) Boating Basics For First Time Boaters (4) Bennett Bottom Fishing Techniques Vol 1 - (61) James Marsh Bottom Fishing Techniques Vol 2 - (62) James Marsh Cast Netting For Live Bait (5) Capt. Al Lorenzetti Catch Big Fish from Small Boats (97) Bennett Marine Challenge Of The Giant Tarpon - (87) Chunking For Stripers & Blues -Capt. John Alberda (6) Coast Guard License: Advanced Piloting (59) Dolphin- Yellow & Green Fighting Machine (51) Fiberglass Repair: Part 1 - The basics(76) Fiberglass Repair: Part 2 - Transom repair (77) Fiberglass Repair: Part 3 - Add foam, gelcoat repair (78) Fiberglass Repair: Part 4 - Restoring a 20' Runabout (79) Fiberglass Repair Made Easy - Two vol set (37/38) Fishing For Bluefish (7) Capt. Al Lorenzetti Fishing For Sharks (27) The Fisherman Video Library Fishing For Striped Bass: Live Bait- (9) A. Lorenzetti Fishing For Trophy Striped Bass (96) Capt. Al Lorenzetti Fishing Knots (55) James Marsh Fluke Fishing (10) Capt. Al Lorenzetti Fluke Fishing: Improving Your Catch (11) D.Kamienski Fly Fishing Success: Dry Fly Strategy (82) Joe Humphries Fly Fishing Success: Nymphing Strategy (83) Joe Humphries Fly Rodding For Tarpon - Leisure Time Products (84) GPS Navigation (13) Bennett Marine Handling Your Single Engine Inboard/Outboard (14) Haul Out (64) Stuart Riddell Heavy Weather Powerboat Handling (36) How To Cast With A Saltwater Fly Rod (35) Dr. Jim Wright How To Catch Bait Fish (53) J. Marsh How To Catch Bluefish (15) Dr. Jim Wright How to Catch Flounder (33) Dr Jim Wright How to Catch Sharks (52) Dr. Jim Wright How To Catch Striped Bass (16) Dr. Jim Wright How To Catch Striped Bass: Tube & Worm (99) Jon Tolley How To Catch Tautog (17) -Dr. Jim Wright How To Catch Tuna (34) -Dr Jim Wright How To Filet Saltwater Fish (45) Dr. Jim Wright How To Get The Hook Out Without Pain - (47) Dr. J.Goldey How To Paint Your Fiberglass Boat (65) How To Rig Your Boat For Fishing (56) How To Troll The Way The Pros Do (18) Dr. Jim Wright How To Wire Line Troll (31) Dr. Jim Wright Ice Fishing: The Cure For Cabin Fever (28) Babe Winkelman Interfacing Marine Electronics - (68S) John Owen Kayak Capsize Recovery & Rescue (101) Let's Go Saltwater Fishing - Beginner's Guide (19) Lures & Sinkers: Do It Yourself (29) VanSant Productions Marine Diesel Engine Maintenance (43) Bennett Marine Marine Gas Engine Maintenance (20) Bennett Marine Marine Plumbing, Do-It-Yourself (50) Nothing But Bass (69) 3-DVD set. Northeast Angling Nothing But Blackfish (57) 2-DVD set. Northeast Angling Nothing But Fluke (58) 2-DVD set. Northeast Angling Nothing But Sharks (70) Northeast Angling On The Water's Fishing New England: Season 1 (93) On The Water's Fishing New England: Season 1 (94) Outboard Marine Engine Maintenance (63) Bennett Pop Fleyes: Saltwater Patterns (85) Bob Popovics Powerboat Navigation (67) 1988, John Rousmaniere Reef & Wreck Fishing (21) Capt. Al Lorenzetti Rigging Baits For Giant Bluefin (66) Capt. G. Metcalf Rod Building Basics (02 DVD) Steve Petri Saltwater Flycasting: 10 Steps To Distance & Power (86) G. Roberts Secrets of the Party Boat Captains (71) Capt. Neil Delanoy Spring Commissioning & Winterizing Your Boat (22) Stand Up To A Giant Bluefin (12) Dennis Braid Stripers Gone Wild (42) Mike Laptew Stripers In Paradise (23) Mike Laptew Striper Magic (24) Mike Laptew Striper Strategies: Freshwater Hybrid Stripers (95) In-Fisherman Surf Fishing & Distance Casting (81) Ron Arra Surf Fishing with T.J. & Joe (44) Top 60 Tips Saltwater - Southern Waters (100) Trailering Your Boat - John Owens (80) Trolling For Bass and Blues (41) Capt. Al Lorenzetti Trophy Fluke Fishing (25) Capt. Charlie Nappi Tuna, Tuna, Tuna (48) James Marsh Twin Engine Powerboat Handling (40) Bennett Marine Understanding Fish & How to Catch Them (74) Laptew/Kregh Using Downriggers To Catch Saltwater Fish (32) U.S. Power Squadron Boating Course (60) Varnishing Made Easy (54) When Fish Won't Bite (91) Winterizing Your Boat (26) see also Spring Commissioning - 36 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 FISHING AND HUNTING HOMES! Legacy Charters Formerly BlueByU Chaters 30’ Cruiser fully loaded State of the art electronics FEATURED LISTING: 4br/2ba 2000sf. Log Home on nearly 3 acres of woods and trails. Great condition, close to amenities, Richmond/ Charlestown line, priced at just $279,000! Capt. Keith Sullivan www.bluebyu.com 401-567-5269 Licensed and Insured Stripers, Blues, Fluke, Sea Bass, Tautog, Porgy, Tuna, Shark Full Day • Half Day • Inshore • Offshore Departing Daily from Point Judith Will Litvin SURFCASTERS (from page 8) Broker Associate Re/Max Flagship Fishing begins in May 401-935-9612 [email protected] www.RhodyHomes.com Member CHARTER TRIPS (from page 4) • A seven (7) day notice is required if you must cancel. Winner must first call Gary Perschau (401-828-3464), or second, Peter O’Biso (401-783-2364). If unable to reach either of above, then call the RISAA phone at 401-826-2121. Failure to provide this notice forfeits your deposit. • Upon confirmation that the winner has attended the charter trip, the check/credit card slip will be destroyed and not charged. • A member may win only one trip per year. • Only ladies are eligible for the “Ladies Only Trip.” • All disagreements or disputes will be handled by the Charter Trips Committee and its decisions are final. • RISAA and its Charter Trips Committee are not responsible if a trip is not completed, either by failure of the winning crew, the charter captain or incliment weather. The com-mittee plans to meet at the shore in early May for a schoolie bass fishing trip, and then later in May for some tautog fishing. Other g r o u p trips for t h e season are still in the discussion/ planning stages. F o r more info The committee holds several meetings during the on the year, like the annual lead pour Surfcasters Committee contact me at [email protected]. Spring Cod Fishing Ask about FREE FARE for group organizer 6 Passenger Private Groups Starting at $775 Mon, Wed, Fri • Individuals $125/person • 9 hours Captain Charlie Donilon • 10% Discount RISAA Members • Gear For All Types Of Fishing • Gift Certificates • 40 Years Experience • Capacity 6 - 23 Passengers 46’ Charterboat “SNAPPA” 2 Congdon Dr., Wakefield, RI 02879 Home 401-782-4040 • Cell -401-487-9044 www.snappacharters.com • [email protected] Member - 37 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 Have you ever needed a plumber or auto mechanic and didn’t know who to call? Ever needed to have an item on your boat or home repaired, but had no idea where to call? Rather than calling a stranger or looking in the yellow pages, call another RISAA member! EVERY MEMBER WHO RUNS A BUSINESS OR PERFORMS A SERVICE is encouraged to sign up. It is totally FREE! Want to get yourself listed? Call the RISAA office (401-826-2121) and leave your name and number. Someone will get back to you. ABRASIVES _ Massasoit Tool Company.........800-648-6050 Member: Jim Jaques (East Greenwich, RI) Stock/distribute 3M coated abrasives ACCOUNTING _ Disanto, Priest & Co................401-921-2035 Member: Raymond Marchak (Warwick, RI) www.disantopriest.com ATTORNEYS _ Henry M. Clinton, Esq.............215-851-8536 Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC Philadelphia, PA [email protected] Michael R. DeLuca, Esq...........401-274-6644 Gidley, Sarli & Marusak, L.L.P. 1 Turks Head Pl, Ste 900,Providence,RI 02903 Raymond E. Gallison, Esq........508-677-4235 427 Plymouth Avenue, Fall River, MA 02721 Mitchell S. Riffkin, Esq...........401-732-6500 631 Jefferson Blvd, Warwick, RI 02886 Joseph J. Roszkowski, Esq.......401-769-3447 Justice of the Peace 1625 Diamond Hill Rd, Woonsocket, RI 02895 Sammartino & Berg..............401-274-0113 Member: Andrew Berg, Esq. (Providence, RI) AUTO BODY/REPAIR _ A & N Auto Body Inc.......508-336-5334 Member: Thomas Clark (Seekonk, MA) 32 Industrial Ct, Seekonk, MA AUTOMOTIVE _ Moore’s Motor Service......401-821-4050 Member: Clarence Moore (Coventry, RI) 487 Washington St, Coventry, RI Newport Tire & Auto Service....401-847-1234 Member: Capt. Paul Russell (Newport, RI) Total auto repairs and tires RC Auto Repair..........................401-615-9924 Member: Raymond Vincent, Jr. (Coventry, RI) General auto repair. 10% off labor to members. Star Service Auto/Marine.........401-821-9887 Member: Jay Starziano (Coventry, RI) 10% discount parts/labor to RISAA members BAIT & TACKLE _ Block Island Fishworks......401-466-5392 Member: Chris Willi (Block Island, RI) 10% off bait/tackle to RISAA members Breachway Bait & Tackle..........401-364-6407 Member: Ron Mouchon (Charlestown, RI) Discount to RISAA members Bucko’s Parts + Tackle..............508-674-7900 Member: Michael Bucko (Fall River, MA) Saltwater rods, reels, tackle, reel & rod repair Cardinal Bait & Tackle.............401-322-7297 Member: Michael Cardinal (Westerly, RI) www.cardinalbaitandtackle.com Erickson’s Bait & Tackle...........401-739-7437 Member: Craig Castro (Warwick, RI) 1257 Greenwich Avenue, Warwick Frank’s Live Bait.......................860-295-9659 Member: Capt. John Planeta (Marlborough,CT) 19 West Road - www.frankslivebait.com Galilee Bait & Tackle................401-651-9600 Member: Mike Comerford & Duane Sousa 2 State Street, Narragansett, RI Lucky Bait & Tackle..................401-247-2223 Member: Lorraine Danti (Warren, RI) www.luckybait.com discount to RISAA members Ocean State Tackle...................401-226-6626 Member: David Henault (N. Providence, RI) www.oceanstatetackle.com Quaker Lane Bait & Tackle.....401-294-9642 Member: Mike Bestwick (North Kingstown, RI) 4019 Quaker Lane, North Kingstown Quonny Bait & Tackle..............401-315-2330 Member: Robin Nash (Charlestown, RI) 5223B Old Post Road, Charlestown, RI River & Riptide Anglers............401-392-1919 Member: David Porreca (Coventry, RI) 2435 Nooseneck Hill Rd #4A, Coventry, RI Snug Harbor Marina.................401-783-7766 Member: Al Conti (Wakefield, RI) www.snugharbormarina.com Sportsman’s Outfitter..............508-823-0412 Member: Richard Gunter (Berkley, MA) The Tackle Box..........................401-736-0605 Member: Greg Bruning (Warwick,RI) 443 West Shore Rd, Warwick, RI Wickford Rodworks................401-667-7363 Member: Robert Barlas (Wickford, RI) 7 Main St, Wickford wickfordrodworks.com BLUEPRINTS _ Rhode Island Blueprints..........401-942-3225 Member: Paul Kelly (Cranston, RI) 335 Webster Avenue, Cranston, RI BOATING NEWS _ BoatingLocal.com.....................508-789-6708 Member: Tom Richardson (Mattapoisett, MA) www.boatinglocal.com Boating/fishing website BOAT SALES _ Bassett Boat Company..............401-886-7899 Member: Derek Leigh (Warwick, RI) www.bassettboat.com [email protected] Brewer Street Boat Sales..........401-847-0321 Member: Jay Helme (Newport, RI) Blue Fin Sport Fishing Boats/Suzuki Outboards Cataumet Boats.........................401-245-5222 Member: Jack McMath (Barrington, RI) Grady White, Carolina Skiff, Chris Craft Conanicut Marine.....................401-423-7158 Member: Gene Steger (Jamestown, RI) Wellcraft Boats - www.conanicutmarina.com Inland Marine, Inc.....................401-568-0995 Member: Ross Lemieux (Chepachet, RI) Boat sales, service and repairs Ocean House Marina................401-364-6040 Member: Rob Lyons (Charlestown, RI) Hydra-Sports, Steiger Craft, Maritime Skiff Ocean Scout Marine................401-886-3054 Member: Greg Vandersip (Bristol, RI) www.OceanScoutMarine.com South Shore Dry Dock Marine.508-636-9790 Member: Capt. Jason Powell (Westport, MA) www.southshoredrydock.com Wood Boat & Motor, Inc............401-739-4040 Member: Debbie Wood (Warwick,RI) www.woodboatandmotor.com - 38 - CARPENTRY _ KMD Custom Woodworking....401-639-8140 Member: Keith Breault (Warwick, RI) Kitchen cabinets, home office, entertain cntrs Leigh Betts Carpentry.............401-213-6452 Member: Leigh Betts (Bradford, RI) Everything from framing to finish work CARPET CLEANING _ Clean Rite Carpet Cleaning...401-788-0932 Member: Rod Raso (Wakefield, RI) Carpet/upholstery, residential/comm/yachts CHARTS - DECORATIVE _ Harbour Lights.........................860-933-2810 Member: Carl Welshman (Danielson, CT) www.lightedcharts.com - RISAA discount COFFEE - WHOLESALE _ Coffee Pause..............................800-444-1488 Member: David Fuller (RI/MA) www.coffeepause.com - Big selection of K-cups COMPUTERS _ Computer & Network Services.. 401- 921-4288 Member: Bob LeBlanc (Warwick, RI) 10% off all labor; $25 off complete custom sys. CONSTRUCTION______________________ Bryan Couture Construction...401-792-3672 Member: Bryan Couture (Narragansett, RI) Concrete flatwork, patios, driveways, floors D & M Concrete Forms............401-884-8778 Member: David Peterson (N. Kingstown, RI) All types of concrete form work COOKING____________________________ Gilchrist’s GreatGrates...........401-364-3457 Member: Tim Gilchrist (Charlestown, RI) www.greatgrate.com 15% RISAA disc over $20 CUSTOM RODS _ CMS Enterprise........................508-995-2372 Member: Charles & Susan Ponte (New Bedford) 637 Tarkiln Hill Rd, 2nd flr, New Bedford, MA SGM Custom Rods & Tackle..401-315-5120 Member: George Forsberg (Bradford, RI) Located in Quonny Bait/Tackle DENTISTRY___________________________ Exquisite Smiles...........508-761-5320 Member: Dr. James Phelan (S. Attleboro, MA) www.exquisite-smile.com ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING____________ Freelance Electrical Services....401-623-1231 Member: Doug Lacombe (Coventry, RI) Electrical wiring • 10% RISAA discount ELECTRICAL WASTE REMOVAL__________ Cottrell Enterprises, Inc............401-632-8093 Member: James Cottrell (North Kingstown,RI) www.ewastesolutionsnow.com • Free removal EMBROIDERY/PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS RTS Embroidery.........................401-946-4685 Member: Rosemarie Howell (Johnston,RI) Custom embroidery, silk screen, promo products ENGINEERING _ RP Engineering, Inc.................401-885-7255 Member: Richard Pastore (N. Kingstown, RI) Environmental, structural, civil R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 ENGRAVING & ETCHING _ Ron Nalbandian........................401-377-4688 Westerly, RI 401-932-3890 Shop/mobile ser. - glass, wood, stone, metal ENTERTAINMENT _ The Sleepster.............................401-351-3518 Member: Harold J. Hemberger (Johnston, RI) Stage hypnotist, parties, events, fund-raisers ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES _ Alliance Environmental Group 401-732-7600 Member: Richard C. Hittinger (Warwick, RI) Envir assessment, compliance, clean-up svcs EXCAVATION ___________ Longley Construction..............401-225-0623 Member: Daniel Longley (N. Kingstown, RI) Groundwork, landscaping, stonework FINANCIAL PLANNING _________________ Ameriprise Financial...............508-497-8931 Garth Fondo (Hopkinton, MA) Certified Financial PlannerTM Ameriprise Financial..............401-398-7802 George Hadfield (North Kingstown, RI) Investments. All financial services. Gencorp Financial Services.....884-7800x152 Mark Piccerelli (East Greenwich, RI) E-Mail: [email protected] FIREARMS SCHOOLS _ American Firearms School 508-695-5869 Member: Matthew Medeiros (N.Attleboro) www.AmericanFirearmsSchool.com RISAA disc. FISHING APPAREL _ Linesider Marine Specialties..401-439-5386 Capt. Eric Gustafson (Block Island,RI) Angling apparel. 10% off to RISAA members. FISHING CHARTERS _ Adrianna Charters...................401-573-3474 Member: Capt. Mike Neto (Coventry, RI) Stripers, Tautog, Cod, Shark, Tuna Bottom Line Charters..............401-783-6815 Capt. Fred Bowman (Wakefield, RI) bottomlinesportfishing.com Can-Do Charters......................978-290-0705 Member: Capt. Chuck Casella (Boston Harbor) Bass, blues,cod, flndr. www.candocharters.com Cape Cod Fishing School........781-826-4915 Member: Capt. George Doucette (Cape Cod) Charters, On the water classes for fishermen Capt Sheriff ’s FishingChartersRI.com Capt. John Sheriff (Charlestown, RI) www.FishingChartersRI.com - 401-450-2549 Day Break Fishing Guides.......781-929-1012 Member: Walter Bettuchi (Cape Cod, MA) www.daybreakfishingguides.com Ed Cook Charters.....................401-524-5294 Capt. Ed Cook (North Kingstown, RI) 10% RISAA discount. [email protected] Fin Reaper Charters.................401-255-9630 Member: Capt. Bruce Weinstein (Snug Harbor) B.I.stripers tuna-shark-cod finreapercharters.com Fishtales II Charters................401-732-1376 Capt. Bob Masse (Warwick, RI) www.fishtalesiicharters.com Flukin Sportfishing Charters...401-692-9058 Capt. Chuck Boranian (Matunuck, RI) www.flukin.com Sailing from Lockwood’s Marina Frances Fleet..............................401-783-4988 Frank Blount (Pt. Judith, RI) www.francesfleet.com/ Heffernan Charters, LLC.........401-364-9592 Capt. Bill Heffernan (Charlestown,RI) Live bait or trolling. 10% off to RISAA Irish Jig Charters......................401-499-9182 Capt. Dave McCormick (Narragansett,RI) www.IrishJigCharters.com Legacy Charters........................401-567-5269 Capt. Keith Sullivan (Point Judith, RI) www.bluebyu.com Linesider Fishing Charters....401-2439-5386 Capt. Eric Gustafson (Block Island, RI) www.linesiderfishing.com Lucky Lady Charters...............401-284-2869 Capt. Steve Palmer (Snug Harbor, RI) www.luckyladycharters.net Ocean Sportfishing Ltd...........401-728-2081 Capt. Rich Templeton Email: [email protected] On The Rocks Charters..........401-359-3625 Capt. Rene Letourneau (Pawtucket, RI) www.ontherockscharters.com Ogofishing Charters...............860-774-6924 Capt. John Ogozalek (Danielson, CT) www.ogofishing.com Prowler Charters.....................401-783-8487 Capt Al Anderson (Ram Point Marina, RI) www.ProwlerChartersRI.com Razin Kane Charters ...................401-295-0642 Capt. Sandy Kane (Jamestown, RI) www.kanesguns.com Seadog Inshore Charters.........401-218-3074 Capt. Steve Travisono (Charlestown RI) Fluke our specialty - [email protected] SeaDuced Charters.................508-394-6546 Capt. Robbie Briggs (Dennisport, MA) www.seaducedfishing.co Seascape Charters.........1-877-6-GO-FISH Capt. Donald LeBlanc (Newport, RI) www.seascapecharter.com Snappa Charters...................401-782-4040 Capt. Charlie Donilon (Wakefield, RI) www.snappacharters.com StuffIt Charters.....................401-764-5141 Capt. Joe Pagano (Scituate, RI) www.stuffitcharters.com - RISAA discount. ThomCat Charters................401-828-9424 Capt. Thom Pelletier (Coventry, RI) www.thomcatcharters.com Three D’s Charters...............401-322-0059 Capt. Dave Petit (Westerly, RI) www.threedscharters.com White Ghost Charters..........401-828-9465 Capt. James White (Coventry, RI) www.whiteghostcharters.com FISHING PRODUCTS______________ 9er’s Lures...........................508-822-9650 Member: Eric Ferreira (Taunton, MA) www.9erslures.com A & S Tackle.........................508-679-8122 Member: Steve Abdow (Swansea, MA) www.astackle.com Afterhours Custom Plugs...401-523-5981 Member: Don/Michael Guimelli (Barrington) Handmade custom plugs. afterhoursplugs.com Anco Lures, Inc....................401-438-5860 Member: John Anterni (Riverside, RI) Plastic poppers, skimmers, Silver Streak Androd Custom Rods............508-399-7837 Member: Robert Andrade (Seekonk, MA) www.androd.com - 39 - AquaSkinz Corp...................877-379-8677 Member: Kadir Akturk (Lindenhurst, NY) www.aquaskinz.com Fishdoc Custom Plugs........401-829-2967 Member:Richard Mandeville (Greenville, RI) Built for the fish! www.customstriperlures.com FishingForBeginners.net....401-349-2977 Member: Adam Stanley (Foster, RI) See fishingforbeginners.net Fishing Solutions.................508-528-4898 Member: Tris Carpenter (Norfolk, MA) IFly Rod Holders. www.iflyrodholders.com Lemire’s Plug Works...........401-641-4885 Member: Alan Lemire (Clayville, RI) www.lemiresplugworks.com Line Stretcher Tackle Co....617-666-FISH Member: Ray Jussaume (Somerville,MA) Surface Tension lure & Squid Chow squid jig Little Rhody Tackle..............401-826-1023 Member: Bart Wagner (Coventry, RI) Hand-made fishing rigs and jigs Lonely Angler Lures............781-572-0921 Member: John Wilson (Lexington, MA) Custom wood lures - www.lonelyangler.com Millard Wire Company........401-737-9330 Member: Dan LaCroix (Exeter) Inconel Wireline for trolling “The Real Deal” Phase II Lures..........................203-226-7252 Member: Dick Fincher (Westport, CT) Hand-carved lures that catch fish. www.phaseiilures.com Point Jude Lures.....................401-846-1808 Member: Joseph Martins (Newport, RI) www.pointjudelures.com Rhode Island Poppers..............401-762-1884 Member: Armand Tetreault (Woonsocket, RI) Hand made wooden poppers. 10% RISAA disc. SurfHog Lure Co....................401-864-6069 Member: Bob Neilson (North Kingstown, RI) www.surfhoglureco.com Terminal Tackle Co................631-269-6005 Member: John Richy (Kings Park, NY) www.terminaltackleco.com or call for catalog T-Man Custom Tackle............860-668-1302 Member: Capt. Pat “T-Man” Renna www.tmancustomtackle.com - Striper tubes HOME IMPROVEMENT_______________ Got Wood?..........................401-749-9990 Member: Pete Giegerich (Exeter, RI) Free wood pickup Miller’s Interiors.................401-497-6794 Member: Kevin Miller (Cranston, RI) All types of remodeling Quality Tile..........................401-826-9700 Member: Bill Place (West Warwick, RI) Granite counter tops - 69 Aster Street Quik-Fix Handyman............401-374-8281 Member: Frank Joyal (Cranston, RI) Home repairs/remodeling. 10% RISAA disc. ICE CREAM _ Frosty Freez......401-846-1697 Member: Mark Pachico (Middletown,RI) 496 Main Rd, Middletown -10% RISAA disc INSTRUCTION _ American Boatschool.........860-295-9634 Member: Capt. Max Fentress (Mystic, CT) e-mail: [email protected] Boatwise Marine Training..800-698-7373 Member: Capt.Rick Kilborn (S.Hampton,NH) Recreational & Captains license classes R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES _ Land-Tek Maintainence......508-252-3795 Member: Ken Anderson (Rehoboth, MA) supplies, paper products, cleaning equipment LASER ENGRAVING__________________ Kell-Strom Tool Company.......800-851-6851 Member: Robert Kelly (Wethersfield, CT) General machine and laser marking LAWN CARE________________________ Ocean State Lawn Service......401-732-8182 Member: Paul Karcz (Warwick, RI) Fertilization programs. 10% RISAA discount St. Germain Lawn Care.........401-647-2028 Member: David St. Germain (Foster, RI) [email protected] MACHINING________________________ Hartwell Mfg. Co....................401-567-7720 Member: Jerry Finkle (Chepachet, RI) Custom machining small parts, plastics/metal MARINE ELECTRONICS______________ Seaport Communications.......401-783-4778 Member: Manuel Medeiros (Narragansett, RI) Sales - Service - Installation MARINE FABRICATION_______ _______ BJK Aluminum Creations......401-624-1422 Member: David Potter (Tiverton, RI) T-tops, radar arches, towers. 20yrs experience Essex Marine Fabrication........860-554-0044 Member: Harry Angier (Haddam, CT) T-tops -hardtops -arches www.essexmarine.com Seaward Boatworks.................401-739-5286 Member: Rick Cataldi (Warwick, RI) Aluminum fabrication and canvas work MARINE ENGINES _ Marine Engines, Inc................800-786-7639 Member: Jone Keane (Holliston, MA) www.1800runsnew.com MARINE HOSE AND FITTINGS__ _____ The Hose Connection Inc........401-624-2921 Member: Art Marshall (Fall River, MA) Any & all, 1/4” thru 8”. RISAA discount. MARINE REPAIR__________ _________ Snug Harbor Marine Serv Ctr ....401-789-7680 Member: Joe Mollica (Wakefield,RI) Authorized Penn reel warranty repair center MARINE SURVEYING____ ___________ Dockside Marine Survey.......401-942-1006 Member: Mark Sepe (Cranston, RI) [email protected] Down River Marine Surveyor..401-364-6400 Member: Roe LaBossiere (Charlestown, RI) Master Marine Surveyor MARINE TOWING SERVICES__ _______ BaywatchRI...............................401-398-0388 Member: Capt. Gina Lynch (Wawick, RI) www.baywatchri.com Safe/Sea...................................401-295-8711 Member:Capt. Phil LeBlanc (Wickford, RI) www.safesea.com Sea Tow of Rhode Island.......401-294-2360 Member: Kevin Scott (N.Kingstown) www.seatow.com TowBoatUS/New Bedford.......508-990-3997 Member:Capt. Clint Allen (Dartmouth,MA) www.boatus.com MASSAGE THERAPY _ Seaside Massage Therapy......401-573-1911 Member: Karen Lucas, LMT (Wickford, RI) www.SeasideMassageTherapy.com MORTGAGE/HOME LOANS _ First Home Mortgage...401-751-0800x5309 Member: Paul Kennedy (Providence, RI) Email: [email protected] P.D.H. Mortgage Company..401-529-4488 Member: Paul Harrison (Lincoln, RI) Pawtucket Credit Union.......401-541-7003 Member: Brad Sudol (East Greenwich, RI Purchase/finance great rates. c:401-465-7345 PAINTING CONTRACTORS____________ Certa Pro Painters................401-921-6655 Member: Will Donnell (All of RI) Resident/comm painting. 10% RISAA discount PAINT & SUPPLIES _ ICI Paints...............................401-751-7300 Member: Bob Marco (Pawtucket, RI) We sell interior and exterior paint PEST CONTROL _ Best Pest Control..................401-437-1274 Member: Dick Hess (Riverside, RI) Certified & insured. 10% RISAA Discount PICTURE FRAMING _ Crestar....................................401-885-0300 Member: Jason Dittleman (E. Greenwich, RI) www.crestarmfg.com PRINTING _ M2 Design..............................401-484-5120 Member: Mark Mingain (Pascoag, RI) www.m2cd.com Printing & web design Tiffany Printing Co...............401-828-5514 Member: Christopher Couture (Coventry,RI) www.tiffanyprinting.com PROPELLER RECONDITIONING________ Ocean Props.............................888-430-7767 Member: Michael McMillin (Middletown, RI) New propeller sales. www.props.com.au/ REAL ESTATE_____________ __________ Randall Realtors....................401-932-2315 Members: Mari Ann & Rod Raso (Wakefield,RI) [email protected] RE/MAX Flagship....................401-935-9612 Member: Will Litvin (S. Kingstown, RI) e-mail: [email protected] RE/MAX Centeral...................401-465-0263 Member: David Tatangelo (Coventry, RI) www.tatangelogroup.com World.net Real Estate Group.401-323-2424 Member: Charles Petras (Cumberland, RI) [email protected] or www.TeamPetras.com REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS _ Lawrence A. Rainey.................401-439-9083 Certified commercial & residental RISAA discount RESTAURANTS _ Luigi’s Restaurant..................401-861-3850 Member: Ralph Battista (Johnston, RI) 357 Hartford Ave, Johnston. Fine Italian food. Slice Of Heaven...........,..........401-423-9866 Member: Steven Liebhauser (Jamestown,RI) 32 Narragansett Ave, Jamestown, RI ROD & REEL REPAIR _ Beavertail Rod And Reel........401-215-5062 Member: David Morton (N. Kingstown, RI) www.beavertailrodandreel.com SELF DEFENSE __ Oceanside Martial Arts.........401-294-3035 Member: Justin Keller (Exeter, RI) RISAA discount www.OceansideMA.com SCUBA _ Scuba Made Easy.....................401-742-4898 Member: Deb Greenhalgh www.scubamadeeasy.org SOLAR CONSULTANT _ Alteris/Solarwrights...............401-315-2529 Member: Gil Bell (Charlestown, RI) Free solar site evaluation [email protected] SPORTFISH PRINTS _ Kecheneny Fish Prints.....860-535-9987 Member: Jack Brown (N.Stonington, CT) www.kechenenyfishprints.com SUPPLIES____________________________ Hershel Poe...............................401-624-6064 Member: Hershel Poe (Tiverton, RI) Janitorial, industrial paper,textile toweling,rags TAXIDERMIST_________________________ Larry’s Licensed Taxidermist..508-883-8190 Member: Larry Hayward (Blackstone, MA) TROPHIES/PLAQUES___ ______________ Crown Trophy..........................401-231-0070 Member: John Kubaska (Smithfield, RI) www.crowntrophy.com Eagle Enterprises....................516-319-0779 Member: Ken Begelman (Oceanside, NY) www.keneagle.com -hand painted fish/trophies VETERINARIANS _ Richmond Veterinary Clinic..401-539-2683 Member: Robert Bolton (Wyoming, RI) Practice for small animals WASTE & RECYCLING SERVICE _ WasteXpress, LLC...................401-464-6400 Member: John Souto (Cranston, RI) res/comm containers www.wastexpressri.com RISAA Members: Have your business or service listed by calling 401-826-2121 SUPPORT THE COMPANIES ON THESE PAGES They are all RISAA Members! - 40 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 The 2011 College Scholarship Program By this time of year, most high school seniors have decided where they want to attend college. With this decision comes a huge financial burden. To help offset the high cost of college the Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association will again award up to 9 scholarships in 2011 to eligible seniors. RISAA members with children or grandchildren going to college next year should encourage them to apply. Member Awards and Marine Science Awards There are two types of scholarship awards given each year. One is open to RISAA family members only and the other is open to anyone going into the marine sciences field. Member Scholarships Marine Fisheries Scholarships The Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association The Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Foundation Member Award Fisheries and Marine Sciences Award Any RISAA member in good standing or their immediate family, specifically, their children or stepchildren, grandchildren, brother or sister, or stepbrother or stepsister, who is currently a high school senior and will attend ANY college or university within one year, may apply for the Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association Member Award. The student does NOT have to pursue a marine sciences. Any degree program is acceptable. $500 scholarships are awarded. These scholarships are paid for by the RISAA Foundation, and three $500 scholarships are awarded. The recipient does NOT have to be connected with RISAA in any way, but DOES have to enroll in a marine sciences program. Called the Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Foundation Fisheries and Marine Sciences Award, it is awarded to any Rhode Island resident high school senior who will be attending either the University of Rhode Island or Roger Williams University, in a fisheries management or marine sciences program, within one year. How to apply If you have a child who is a high school senior, or know someone who is eligible to apply, let them know about our scholarship programs. Applications and information is available: • At the March seminar. See Curt Caserta at the Membership Table. • E-mail to [email protected] • RISAA web site. Go to www.risaa.org and click on the “Scholarships” button. • Call the RISAA office at 401-826-2121 • School's Guidance Office. Every Rhode Island high school guidance office has been sent a copy of our Fisheries & Marine Sciences Award application. Note: Only current high school seniors who will attend college in the Fall of 2011 are eligible. HURRY! The deadline for scholarship applications is April 15, 2010. - 41 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 The mission of the Public Access Committee of the Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association is to preserve, protect, develop, and restore public access to the tidal waters of Rhode Island for this and succeeding generations. Particular attention is given to those public access areas important to recreational fishing. Plan to attend RISAA’s Annual Shore Clean-up Day Saturday, April 16 9:00 a.m. (rain or shine) The 2010 volunteer groups We will meet at these Greenwich Bay Locations Chepiwanoxet Point Park-Warwick Follow Post Road (between Cowesett and Division) to the light at Chepiwanoxet. Follow Chepiwanoxet to Oak Grove. Right on Oak Grove to Alger. Left on Alger to the Park parking lot at the end of Alger. Paul Karcz will lead this group. Email Paul at [email protected] Goddard State Park Fishing Area & Boat Launch-Potowomut Located on the West Side of the State Park along Greenwich Cove. Follow Ives Road to the First Park Entrance just after the Equestrian area. Turn in, stay to the left, and follow the Park road down to the Fishing Area parking Lot. David Pollack will lead this group. Email Dave at [email protected] with questions. REFRESHMENTS AND TRASH BAGS WILL BE PROVIDED! Bring gloves and dress appropriately for the conditions. We have scheduled our Clean-up at low tide so we can get to more debris. It might be muddy! Show That You Care About Our Shoreline. We Need Your Help! Questions? Contact Bob Moeller at [email protected] or call the RISAA office at 401-826-2121 R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 - 42 - 2011 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Director.......... President.............................. 1st Vice President............ 2nd Vice President........... Secretary.............................. Treasurer.............................. Sergeant-At-Arms............. Board Member................. Board Member.................... Board Member.................... Board Member..................... Board Member.................... Board Member.................... Stephen Medeiros...............steve@risaa.org..................401-826-2121 Stephen [email protected]................ 401-826-2121 Capt. Richard Hittinger....... [email protected]............ 401-739-1875 Capt. Bruce Getchell........... [email protected]............ 401-742-1129 Curt Caserta......................... [email protected]............. 401-667-0123 Capt. Edwin Cook............... [email protected]................. 401-885-0679 Mark Paparelli..................... [email protected]................ 401-884-6724 George Allen........................ [email protected]................... 401-849-4896 Robert [email protected].................. 401-527-5157 Charles Bradbury.................bradbury@risaa.org............401-647-5305 Capt. Edward Kearney........ [email protected].................... 401-397-4513 William Sosnicki.................. [email protected]............ 401-822-2979 Michael Warner................... [email protected]............... 401-364-0027 COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Artificial Reefs............................. Capt. Richard Hittinger...... [email protected]............ 401-739-1875 Audits............................................. Sandra Gelineau................. [email protected]............ 401-828-1325 Boat & Fishing Shows................ Capt. Mike Warner............. [email protected]............... 401-364-0027 By-Laws..........................................Robert Blasi........................ [email protected]................... 401-527-5157 Charities........................................ Joan Bradbury..................... [email protected] ........... 401-647-5305 Charter Trips................................ Peter O'Biso......................... [email protected] Dealer Discount Coordinator..... David Westfall.................... [email protected]............. 401-270-1822 Education........................................Capt. Ed Kearney............... [email protected]..................... 401-397-4513 Elections.........................................Gary Perschau.................... [email protected]................... 401-828-3464 Entertainment............................... Lynn Medeiros................... [email protected] Fly Fishing.................................... David Porreca..................... [email protected].......... 401-392-1919 Foundation..................................... Capt. Michael Warner........ [email protected]............... 401-364-0027 Fund-Raising.................................Linton Wilder...................... [email protected] ................401-828-7795 Historian........................................ Position open...................... ..................................................................... Junior Activities........................... Robert LeBlanc................... [email protected]............... 401-884-0503 Kayak..............................................David Pollack...................... [email protected]............... 401-749-5379 Legislative..................................... George Allen....................... [email protected]................... 401-849-4896 Membership...................................Capt. Edward Kearney...... [email protected]...................... 401-397-4513 Menhaden.......................................Capt. Ed Cook..................... [email protected].. 401-885-0679 Merchandise..................................William Sosnicki................. [email protected] Political Action PAC.................... Stephen Medeiros............. [email protected]................. 401-826-2121 Newsletter...................................... Stephen Medeiros............. [email protected] Public Access................................ Robert Moeller................... [email protected].............. 401-884-0117 Public Relations........................... Deborah Nelson................. [email protected]............... 401-465-8165 401-826-2121 Saltwater Fishing Show.............. Stephen Medeiros.............. [email protected] Scholarship................................... Curt Caserta........................ [email protected].............. 401-667-0123 Striper Cup.................................... David Westfall.................... [email protected]............. 401-270-1822 Sunshine........................................ Lynn Medeiros................... [email protected].................. 401-826-0146 Surfcasters....................................Robert Moeller.................... [email protected] Tag & Release...............................William Sosnicki................. [email protected] Tournaments................................. Mark Paparelli..................... [email protected]................ 401-884-6724 Legal Counsel to Board of Directors..... Mitchell Riffkin, Esq Liason to Recreational Fishing Alliance....... Douglas MacPherson RISAA Office: (401) 826-2121 • FAX: (401) 826-3546 Internet: WWW.RISAA.ORG New England Saltwater Fishing Show: www.nesaltwatershow.com - 43 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 - 44 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 T he New England Saltwater Fishing Show March 11 - 13, 2011 SEMINARS FRIDAY, MARCH 11 MAIN SEMINAR AREA 1:30 PM • Ron Poirier • Jig ‘n Pop For Tuna 2:30 PM • D. J. Muller • Surfcasting the Islands: Cuttyhunk, Martha’s Vineyard and Block Island 3:30 PM • Capt. Jim White • Advanced Tactics For Striped Bass Fishing 4:30 PM • Lee Sampson • Fishing The Surf 5:30 PM • Capt Mike Neto • Block Island Stripers 6:30 PM • David Giuliano • Kayaking Block Island 7:30 PM • Capt Dave Monti • Tautog Fishing FLY FISHING AREA 6:00 PM • Capt. David Porreca • How to Chose A Saltwater Fly Rod: Simplify Your Choice SATURDAY, MARCH 12 MAIN SEMINAR AREA 10:30 AM • Bob Oberg • Wiring Up - Increase Your Kayak Fishing Productivity, Safety & Enjoyment With Good Electronics 11:30 AM • Capt. Bruce Macomber • Light Tackle Sharks 12:30 PM • Curt Caserta • Hunting For Stripers 1:30 PM • David Giuliano • Kayaking Block Island 2:30 PM • Lee Sampson • Fishing The Surf 3:30 PM • Capt. Jim White • Advanced Tactics For Striped Bass Fishing 4:30 PM • Capt. Mike Neto • Block Island Stripers 5:30 PM • Ron Poirier • Jig ‘N Pop For Tuna FLY FISHING AREA 1:00 PM • Sheila Hassan • Fly Fishing Demonstration 3:00 PM • Capt. Bob Hines • Intro to Saltwater Fly Fishing 5:00 PM • Capt. David Porreca • How to Chose A Saltwater Fly Rod: Simplify Your Choice SUNDAY, MARCH 13 MAIN SEMINAR AREA 10:30 PM • D. J. Muller • Surfcasting the Islands: Cuttyhunk, Martha’s Vineyard and Block Island 11:30 AM • Capt. Bruce Macomber • Light Tackle Sharks 12:30 PM • Curt Caserta • Hunting For Stripers 1:30 AM • Bob Oberg • Wiring Up - Increase Your Kayak Fishing Productivity, Safety & Enjoyment With Good Electronics 2:30 PM • Capt Dave Monti • Tautog Fishing FLY FISHING AREA 1:00 PM • Sheila Hassan • Fly Fishing Demonstration 3:00 PM • Capt. Bob Hines • Intro to Saltwater Fly Fishing - 45 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 T he New England Saltwater Fishing Show March 11 - 13, 2011 EXHIBITOR LIST (as of 2/27/11) Company 9ER’s Lures A & A Innovative Products A & S Tackle Corp. A.O.K. Tackle Co. Accurate Fishing Products Adrianna Charters Afterhours Custom Plugs Al Gag Custom Lures Alliance Sports Group Amanda Lee Sportfishing American Boatschool, LLC Antique Lures AquaSkinz Corp. Arrigoni Design, Ltd. Atlantic Offshore Lures Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Atomic Tape AVET Reels B & D Enterprises Bass Pro Shops BaywatchRI Marine Towing Big Game Sportfishing Bill Hurley Lures Bimini Bay Outfitters BIOMES Marine Center Boatwise Marine Training Boomerang Fishing, Inc. Brewer Greenwich Bay Marina Buckeye Brook Coalition Bucko’s Tackle Service Burford Books, Inc. C. L. Marine Canyon Reels Capt. Bruce Sportfishing Capt. John Boats Capt. Sheriff’s Fishing Charters Carl’s Warehouse, LLC Casting For Recovery C-Devil II Sportfishing, Inc. Chasin Tail Charters Clean The Bay Coastal Resources Mgmt Council Cobra Bait Cohen & Associates Confident Capt/Ocean Pros Copper Fish Sculpters Location 933-935 211 1005 405 727 1024 710-711 223 603-605 414 712 531-533 802-803 609-610 408 310 608 822-823 1125 834 109-110 922-923 225 729-730 B-13 821 113 628 525 226-228 926 932 101 515 1022 911 809 1206 1031 214 607 331 513-514 329-330 204 1122 Company Cortland Line Company Costa Del Mar Sunglasses Crimson Tide Charters D.J. Muller Surfcasting DC’s Custom Plugs Dockside Marine Survey Don Coffey Co. Duke Marine Eagle Enterprises East Coast Charters, LLC Edgemaker Pro Elizabeth Marie Charters Escape Studio Essex Marine Fabrication Eunbi Corporation Eunbi Corportation #2 E-Z Outrodder, LLC EZEaire Falmouth Bait & Tackle Fin-Nor Reels FINS Situational Braids Fish The Surf FishBelly International, Inc. Fishbone Knives FishDoc Custom Plugs Fishermen, Inc. Fishing The Ocean State Flippin Out Charters Fluke Till Ya Puke Tournament Formula X2 Frank’s Classic Tackle Frank’s Live Bait & Tackle Freedom Boat Club Friends of the Hunt River Watershed G & B Fishing Systems G. Loomis Gag’s Grabbers Gibbs Lures, Inc. Gloucester Fleet Goose Hummock Shop Got Stryper Charters Grandt Industries, Inc. Grim Reaper Charters Guy Cotten, Inc. Hab’s Custom Plugs Hat Trick Embroidery Heidi Jo’s Jerky Hogy Lure Co., LLC - 46 - Location 403-404 828 927 302 627 622 501-505 1103-1105 824-825 1001 1006 208 810 229 1007-1008 1025-1026 709 212 906-908 327 1109 611 730 506 626 804 814 1029 923 606 1101-1102 1030 910 422 822-0823 503 224 601-0602 203 321-323 303 829-832 B-08 708 1009-1010 921 423 805-807 Company Honest Bycatch Howlin’ Wolf Charters Hughey Lures Inland Marine, Inc. Island Current Fleet Island Jewelers J & B Tackle Company J & K Sunglass Creations Jay Jigs Custom Rod & Tackle Jigs, Rigs & Stuff JigNPop Karen Lynn Charters Kettlebottom Productions Kid’s Casting Area Kid’s Life, Inc. Kilsong’s Jigging World Lady Ann Candies Larry’s Tackle Shop LatLon Plaques Laura Jay Charters LTD Distributing Lemire’s Plugworks Line Stretcher Tackle Co. Lonely Angler Lowrance-Navico Lunker City Fishing Specialties M & M Fishing Lures MAK Surfcasting, Inc. Mariners Learning System Maritime Solutions, Inc. Market By The Sea Mass. Div. Of Marine Fisheries Massachusetts Beach Buggy Association Maui Jim Sunglasses Megrew’s Boats Inc. MMJ Promotions Mud Dog Saltwater Flies Murski-Breeding Sales, Inc. Narragansett Bay Estuary Program Narragansett Brewing Co. Narrow River Kayaks National Marine Life Center Nature In Metal NBS Sportfishing NJ Tackle Co. Location 526 728 326 B-06 811 421 703-706 827-828 624 924-925 415 815 1123 B-13 1210 415 901-902 304-305 1113 801 606 808 833 401-402 301 507-508 621 732 207 909-910 702 311-312 625 827 316-317 431 1205 327-328 332 106 734-735 432 111-112 524 229-230 R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 T he New England Saltwater Fishing Show March 11 - 13, 2011 EXHIBITOR LIST Company No Fluke Charters NOAA Northeast Region Nor’east Media Northeast Maritime Institute Northeast Tackle Ocean House Marina Ocean Marine Insurance Ocean Props, L.L.C. Ocean Scout Marine, LLC Ocean State Synthetics Offshore Innovations Offshore Sport Fishing, Inc. Okuma Fishing Tackle Old Colony Amphibians On The Water Oozzie Lure Co. Otter Lures Outdoor Etc. P.T. Custom Plugs PanaPesca Frozen Baits Pat & Jay’s Used Tackle Pawtuxet River Authority People’s Prison Phenix Rods & Accessories Piseas, LLC Point Jude Lures Poon Harpoons PowerPro PrecisionPak Quaker Lane Bait & Tackle Quantum Fishing R.I. Army National Guard R.I. Marine Trades Assn. R.I. Party & Charter Boat Association Red Gill USA Redemption Center Reel Deals RH Custom Rods Rhode Island Boating & Fishing Rhode Island Lottery Rhode Island Poppers Rhode Island Sea Grant Rhody Fly Rodders RI Div. Of Fish & Wildlife Richardson’s Maptech RIDEM Div of Law Enforcement RIHunts.com Rip Lips Fishing Location 522 313 Gate 826 629-631 B-04 413 1021 B-01 912 929-931 1207-1208 603-605 1124 102-105 427 & 509 515 1028 733 931 1013-1014 334 1023 1027 701-702 1011-1012 930 504 307-308 1002-1004 328 TBA 523 623 723 B-12 533 721-722 412 731 407-408 314 1209 115 309 114 1110 209-210 Company Location 1226 RISAA Fly Fishing 1233 RISAA Foundation 1227 RISAA Kayak Committee 1221-1222 RISAA Membership 1223-1225 RISAA Merchandise 1203 RISAA Public Access 1202 RISAA Surfcasters 1126-1128 River & Riptide Anglers 426 Roberts Lures, Inc. Roger Williams University 315 Ronz Engineered Soft Baits 324 1106-1108 Run Off Charters 928 Safe/Sea Safe/Sea Boating Simulator 903 631 Salt Shaker Sportfishing 612-615 Salty’s Wooden Lures 905 Save The Bay 1232 Sea Tow Kid’s Game 201-202 Sea Tow R.I. Seaport Communications Co.1114-1115 528 SeaSucker 116-118 Seaward Boatworks 505 Sebile USA 823 Seeker Rods 208 Shanka Lures 501-502 Shimano USA Shu-Fly Fishing Lures, Inc. 1229-1231 Smash’em Fishing Tackle 335 1132-1135 Snug Harbor Marina 1212-1215 Snug Harbor Marina #2 107-108 South Shore Dry Dock Sportsman’s Outfitter, Inc. 534-535 725-727 St. Croix Rods Stan Gibbs Cape Cod Canal 306 Fisherman’s Classic Tourney Stingray Fishing Outfitters 205-206 329 Stormline Apparel Strike King Charters/Lodge 213 329 Strike Pro America Stingray Fishing Outfitters 205-206 529 Striped Bass Academy 410-411 Striped-Bass.com 424 Striper Maine-iac Tackle B-03 Striper Marina, Inc. 1111 Stripers Forever 531 Stone Silo Foods B-07 Stur-Dee Boat Co. B9-B11 Suburban Sports, Inc. 1006 Sun Court Enterprises 222 Sunglass Connection B-02 Tarbox Toyota - 47 - Company Location 1204 Temple Fork Outfitters The Fisherman Magazine 904 812-813 The Fisherman’s Line The Fishing Academy, Inc. 530 913-915 The Hook-Up! 1129-1131 The Kayak Centre 406 The Surfcaster 409 The Tackle Box, Inc. Titone Custom Metalworks 713-715 707 T-Man Custom Tackle Tony Maja Bunker Spoons 709 1015 TowBoat US Tri-State Tournament of New 425 England 1121 Trophy Rod & Lure #1 1201 Trophy Rod & Lure #2 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary 1211 521 U.S. Sportswear 333 Ultra Balm 1228 United Fly Tyers of RI 1202 Used Tackle For Multiple Sclerosis 325 Van Staal 527 Veteran Angler Charters 427-428 Virtually Hooked Entertainment 835 White Ghost Fishing Charters 1112 Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council 220-221 Worm Bar WPRI-12 & WNAC Fox TV B-05 605 Yeti Coolers 724 ZeeBaas, LLC 433 Zing Products, Inc. New England Saltwater Fishing Show $1.00 OFF regular adult admission with this coupon may not be combined with any other coupon or offer R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 Finally, a trophy bass… and then SNAP! Your line breaks No one wants to lose a big fish. Not me, yet time and time again I lose fish because the gear is not right for the job, the tackle is faulty or because I wasn’t ready. Last year I lost a monster fluke (summer flounder) under the Jamestown Bridge. I was fishing for that doormat-sized fluke, yet the rig I was using just didn’t have enough muscle. I keep telling myself “You have to be ready, prepare before you drop your hook, before your fishing trip and before the season starts.” So this article focuses on getting your gear ready for the fishing season now so you don’t lose that big fish. Here’s a guide on what to do to prepare for the season. Line Each year, replace most used line. This is a judgment call as to what is meant by “used.” For example, I have reels spooled with 40 lb. test monofilament line for fishing live bait. I used them infrequently last year. So I checked the line, it looked good… no nicks, snags or apparent stress so I did not change it. However, I changed just about every other rig with new monofilament, braid, lead or wire. Spool tight enough and then stretch the line, the first 100 feet (of monofilament line) to relax its memory to avoid bird’s nest tangles. Reels Give your reels a good cleaning, particularly when the line is off. Grease where directed by manufacturer, often times, the reel is marked where to do this. If instructions are long gone do not hesitate to stop by your local bait or tackle shop to ask where to grease. Don’t be afraid Fishing Photos to ask questions. That is what they are there for, and they want your business. By the way, do not grease the drag, It is not meant to be greased, if you do, it will not work. Rods Examine the rods for cracks and stress marks. Closely examine the eyes for chips or cuts that could cause line to snag, rub or break. Do not place hooks on the eyes or they will eventually create cracks that will cut line as it passes through. Tackle I get tackle ready in chronological order when certain species are fished… starting with tautog, striped bass, blue fish, fluke, tuna, etc. I then go through tautog rigs first, then the striped bass, etc. Make sure you have enough rigs to fish the species. Hooks should be clean and sharp (no rust), and strong enough for the size fish you are going after. Often hooks that come with lures are not quality hooks so I replace them with stronger hooks. Leaders/Circle Hooks Use wire leaders for bluefish and monofilament or fluorocarbon for striped bass. Blues won’t bite though the wire and striped bass will find it harder to see the monofilament or fluorocarbon leaders. Make sure leaders have no nicks or stress marks from fish pulling. If they do, replace them. I switched most of my leader hooks to circle hooks. I did this so I can safely catch and release undersized or unwanted fish (particularly striped bass). Circle hooks are designed to hook the fish at the corner of the mouth and not down in the belly. Members are encouraged to send in their digital or print photos 2010 was a good fishing year for the Wolf family! Junior members Jackson and Carter (at left with dad) are already avid anglers and John (dad) couldn’t be happier. These fish were all taken around Quonochontaug Pond in September on plugs and live bait. - 48 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 - 49 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 SPECIAL FOUNDATION RAFFLE TO BE HELD AT MARCH 28 MEETING The 3rd Annual Peter Vican and Don Smith BLOCK ISLAND NIGHT STRIPED BASS FISHING TRIP Winner guaranteed to catch a minimum 30 pound striper! Our resident striped bass fishing champs, Peter Vican and Don Smith, have once again offered a fishing trip to help raise funds for our Foundation. Peter and Don fish the waters off Block Island nearly every night and know how to produce striped bass. Neither is a professional charter captain and fish just for pleasure. They often enjoy sharing the experience with others. They were together two summers ago when Peter landed Vican & Smith the record 76 lb, 14 oz. Rhode Island State Record Striper! So, ever-generous Peter came up with the raffle idea. He and Don would take a lucky member out fishing with them, and guarantee that person would catch a 30 pound striper. If that person didn’t catch a striper on that night (unlikely) they would take him out fishing again...until he did. The 2009 winner, Jack Bosch, said “I lost track after 15 fish,” and at least a dozen fish over 30 pounds were caught on that night! The 2010 winner, Mike Moore, landed four bass over 30 pounds during his August trip with Don and Peter! This opportunity is for RISAA members only. Just think, you can go out and KNOW you will be catching a 30 pound striper! Here’s the information: - 50 - • Tickets will be sold at $1 each , but with a minimum of 10. • Only RISAA members eligible • Tickets will be sold ONLY at the monthly seminars from December to March • Drawing will take place after the second speaker at the March 29 meeting. • You need not be present to win. • Proceeds to the R.I. Saltwater Anglers Foundation. Mike Moore landed 5 stripers, four of which were over 30 pounds! Just think how much you spend to go fishing, trying to catch a large striper. This is a small investment for a chance at a GUARANTEED 30 POUND STRIPER! R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 PREVIOUS AND CONTINUALLY SUPPORTED PROGRAMS • Blackstone River fish ladders construction • College Scholarships in Marine Sciences • Eel grass planting • Fishway construction/restoration • Fishing The Ocean State TV program • Fish Tag & Release programs • JASON Expedition teacher training • Kickemuit River fish ladder construction • Narragansett Bay Journal publication • National Environthon- Coventry HS team • Ninigret Park Fishing Access • Pawtuxet River Authority fish passage • Plum Beach Lighthouse restoration • Public access adoption programs • Public education programs and seminars • Rose Island Lighthouse Foundation • Salmon-In-The-Classroom, Westerly Schools • Salt marsh restoration • Sea Grant cooperative research programs • Tag-A-Giant Tuna Foundation • Woonasquatucket River fish ladders and the RISAA Take-A-Kid Fishing Days THANKS TO ALL WHO MADE DONATIONS IN 2010 COPPER (up to $49) 2 Anonymous Members Robert Ballou Capt. Bob Murgo Capt. Stephen Segerson John Vivari Daniel Watson BRONZE ($50+) Michael Fotiades Peter Hendricks Capt. Ed Kearney Steve Medeiros Robert Oliveira William Zanks SILVER ($100+) Anonymous member East Bay Anglers Robert Hawthorne Capt. Sandy Kane The Saltwater Edge GOLD ($250+) Robert Donaldson PLATINUM ($500+) Robert Fournier Joseph Herbert The Rhode Island Foundation Enclosed is my tax-deductible contribution to The Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Foundation The Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, created to provide an educational and public service forum for recreational saltwater anglers and the general community; to foster sportsmanship; to support marine conservation and the sound management of fisheries resources. Please print: Name: ______________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ no. street city state zip Enclosed is cash or check for: $5 $10 $25 $50 $100 other______ My donation is made in the name of: _____________________________________________________________ From time to time we will acknowledge the names of contributors in our newsletter, but you can remain anonymous, if you prefer. It is OK to print my name Do NOT print my name Mail to: RISA Foundation, P.O. Box 1465, Coventry, RI 02816 Any donation over $10 will be sent a receipt that proves your contribution for tax purposes - 51 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 Do you enjoy fly fishing? Want to try it? Join our committee! The RISAA Fly Fishing Committee was established to create an open forum for anglers to enjoy fly fishing in saltwater. During the winter we meet the 2nd Tuesday every month at River & Riptide Anglers in Coventry, RI. From May through October our monthly meetings are actual fly fishing excursions throughout Rhode Island's saltwater's. For example, in May and June we will meet to fish the worm hatches at Ninigret Pond. Other trips include fishing the Narrow River in Narragansett and “ride the tide” where we move from location to location as the tide changes. The Fly Fishing Committee is here to promote the art of fly fishing for saltwater game-fish. The committee is open to all RISAA members of all age groups. For anyone who may have been intrigued by fly fishing for saltwater game fish, this is a great group to get started. If you wish to join our group and are a current RISAA member please send an e-mail request to committee Chair David Porreca at [email protected]. Be sure to look for us at the New England Saltwater Fishing Show. - 52 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 LUCAS AND ADAM BERG LUCAS SALEM Lucas landed this 30 inch, 20 pound striped bass while fishing the reef off Rye Playland in the Long Island Sound. Lucas was using a red tube and worm. Junior Members, Adam (15) and Lucas (17) were fishing with Andy, their dad, in November near Breton Reef when they landed several keeper tautog, including this pair in the 6-7 pound range. Saltwater & Freshwater Bait Eels & sandworms Open 7 Days Quality Fishing Tackle Abu-Garcia • Daiwa Mitchell • Penn • Quantum Shimano • Zebco Owner: Michael J. Bucko Phone: (508) 674-7900 Fax: (508) 674-8021 E-mail: [email protected] Member WWW.BuckosParts.com - 53 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 My first EVER fishing trip. Thanks Dad! By Alan Stewart I couldn't sleep. I went to bed at the usual birds searching for breakfast, a beaver working time (8pm) and my eight year old mind was on his dam and the open water of a big freshwater racing all night. I was so excited that my dad lake. was going to take me fishing for the first time We stopped at the fishing area and I prepared the next morning. my Zebco with one of the plastic lippy things. I I had spent the entire day holding my Zebco chose the color green because it was my favorite rod and reel and organizing the plastic worms color back then and it just LOOKED like it would and unusual big-lipped treble hook laden plastics catch fish. (I now know were crankbaits) that he had given My first cast was nothing to write home (or me for my birthday that morning. I RISSA) about. It went about a foot. had them together by color and had Alan Stewart as a boy (above). Today he catches My second cast was no better. My dad carefully placed them in the small tuna and jumbo stripers. then took the time to show me how to tackle box. properly use the Zebco and where to It was still pitch black when he cast, and I started to get the hang of came into my room and said "Wake it. He told me that a lot of people fish up .... it's time to go fishing!" with bait, but that we were "fishing It was 4 AM. I had never even like the pros." That made me proud. seen 4 AM. The next time I saw 4 After a number of suspect casts I AM was in college after a particularly finally had a great one that landed eventful party. Ha! right next to the tree branch we were Anyway, I digress. I gathered all targeting. I reeled just like they had of my tackle and we began the hour told me and WHAM the rod was long journey to Lake Conroe just almost pulled out of my hand. I had a North of Houston, TX where we met one of my dad's friends who FISH ON. had a boat. It was an unbelievable feeling. Me tugging him and him I marveled at how cool it was. It has a HUGE engine, all of tugging me. I loved it. I got the fish next to the boat and my dad the fancy rods and tackle and compartments filled with all sorts flipped it in and it was HUGE (actually probably about a pound of exciting things. I was particularly enamored with the fish scale. and a half). I quickly named him Tanner (after my favorite Bad I kept weighing things until my dad finally told me to put it away News Bear) and then we released him. and hold on as we were heading out to do some fishing. I've evolved into fishing for big, offshore saltwater game, but It was a blast! The ride was amazing: the beautiful sunrise, that first little bass hooked me for a lifetime. Thanks Dad! “My Grandfather” - A proud grand dad admires his grandkids By Henry Snow I have taught all my grandchildren to swim and then to fish. They range from 5 to 12 years old. We all go to the hatchery to trout fish and they love it. The Narragansett Surfcasters Club, of which I am a member, puts on this event every spring with the cooperation of the hatchery in Carolina. My oldest granddaughter Brianna, when she was 8 years old, wrote this at school as a class assignment and it made me so proud. The title was “MY GRANDFATHER”, and this is what she wrote: Do you know why I love my papa? Well he brings us dough nuts. He teaches me to fish. I love it when I go on his computer. He let us eat chippy's in the po-po room. We love to dress up in - 54 - his clothes, turn on the radio and have a party. That is why I love my papa. This young lady won the prize for the largest trout caught. The youngest grandson, Andan, age 5, won a prize for the youngest kid to catch a trout, and the other lady, Malinda, age 8, did not win any prize, but caught the most trout. My only complaint is they grow up to fast. In addition, this year both of my grandsons landed keeper striped bass all by themselves with no help from me or my son, and using their own rods. They are Zachary, age 10, and and Ryan, age 8. I don’t know what you were looking for for your column but I felt that I should send this in. HENRY SNOW R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 Entertainment News Hello Everyone: The Boston Red Sox tickets are in and ready to be purchased. This year’s trip to Fenway Park will be on Sunday, June 5, and the cost of admission and bus transportation will $71 per person. This trip is open to members and nonmembers. We only have 50 tickets, and as of this writing in February 24 are already sold, so send in your checks so as not to be shut out. For more information and registration form see page 23 in this issue. Plans are in the works for a couple of day trips. As soon as information is firmed up, we will let you know where, when and what. The Banquet was a great night for all those who attended. Charlie Bradbury and Kyle Paparelli won Angler and Junior Angler of the Year. Everyone was happy when it was announced that Gisele Golembeski was awarded Member of the Year. RISAA’s 13th Annual Banquet - Saturday, February 26 Appreciation Awards MEMBER OF THE YEAR Gisele Golembeski CHARLES DORE Marine Conservation Award PETER O’BISO DONALD SMITH STEVEN TRAVISONO - 55 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 - 56 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 - 57 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 ADVERTISE YOUR business in the Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association Monthly News Magazine Get your message directly to thousands of Rhode Island Anglers! RISAA MEMBERS ARE YOUR CUSTOMERS! 2011 Advertising Rates Non-Member Rates (per month) RISAA Member Rates (per month) Black/white pages Black/white pages Ad Size 1 Month 3+ Months 1 Year Ad Size 1 Month 3+ Months 1 Year 1/16 page $50 $45 $35 1/16 page $35 $30 $26 1/8 page $85 $75 $70 1/8 page $60 $50 $45 1/4 page $130 $118 $100 1/4 page $95 $88 $80 1/2 page $200 $185 $175 1/2 page $170 $150 $135 full page $340 $300 $275 full page $260 $235 $225 Ad Size 1 Month 3+ Months 1 Year Ad Size 1 Month 3+ Months 1 Year 1/16 page $60 $54 $45 1/16 page $42 $36 $32 1/8 page $102 $90 $85 1/8 page $72 $60 $54 1/4 page $156 $142 $120 1/4 page $115 $106 $96 1/2 page $240 $222 $210 1/2 page $205 $180 $162 full page $400 $360 $330 full page $315 $282 $270 Color pages Color pages Sponsor Banner* (front page) - inquire Sponsor Banner* (front page) - inquire *We resererve the right to refuse any ad in which content is determined to be inappropriate. Size: 7.25" x 1.5" *We resererve the right to refuse any ad in which content is determined to be inappropriate. Size: 7.25" x 1.5" Business Name: Day Phone: Contact Person: Evening Phone: Address: Check 1. Ad Size: full page 1/2 page 1/4 page 1/8 page 1/16 page 2. Run ad for: one time three months 6 months 1 year 3. Payment: (nonmember ads must be paid in advance) Check enclosed Send bill monthly Send bill bi-monthly Send bill quarterly Charge to credit card: MasterCard Visa Card Number: ______________________________________CVV #___________ Exp date (mo/yr): ________ Amount Authorized: $_________ Name on card (print):____________________________________ 4. I am interested in doing a seminar at a RISAA monthly meeting. Topic:_________________________ 5. I am interested in participating in the New England Saltwater Fishing Show Complete the form below and mail your ad to: R.I.S.A.A. P.O. Box 1465 Coventry, RI 02816 Attach business card or draw ad on separate sheet. We will do minor typesetting and photo scanning at no additional charge. Deadline: 20th of preceeding month (except special issues) (15th if ad requires typesetting or scanning) Questions? Call 401-826-2121 - 58 - R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 The Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association is a nonprofit Association established to provide a forum for saltwater anglers; to provide education to members concerning fishing techniques and overall enjoyment of fishing; to foster sportsmanship; to support marine conservation and the sound management of fisheries resources; and provide a unified voice to preserve and protect the rights, traditions and the future of recreational fishing. PRINT Name: __________________________________________________ Age: _____ First Middle Initial Spouse Name: _________________ Last Address: _____________________________________ City: _________________________ State: ____ Zip:_________ Put me on RISAA e-mail list: Home Phone: _____________ Cell Phone: ____________ E-mail:______________________ yes no thanks Occupation: _____________________________ Employed At: ________________________________________ You can register them as Junior Members (free) Children (under 18 yrs):___________________________________________ no thanks yes (complete below) INFORMATION Prefer to fish from ( check all that apply): Rocks & Piers Charter Boats Party Boats Fly Fishing Surfcasting Other _________________ Own Boat: Length:___ ft Maker/Type:_____________ Boat Name:_______________ Docked at:__________ How did you hear about RISAA? Friend Tackle Shop Facebook Saw Advertisement at - Internet CHECK TYPE Regular Adult: $50/year News article RISAA Newsletter Fishing Show Web site Magazine Newspaper TV Other_________________________ TYPE OF MEMBERSHIP (additional members, immediate family, same household: 2nd = $45, 3rd = $40) Multiple Years: $45 X ____ years = $______ Total Enclosed (save $5 per year) / Age 65+ : $25/year - requires date of birth: /___________ Life Member: $500 (one time, single payment) Junior Member: Free (Up to 17 years. Requires member sponsor) Junior's Name: (print)_______________________________________ Age:_____ Date of Birth: ________________ / / Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________ RISAA Sponsor (if parent not a member): _____________________ Relationship: _____________ Date: _________ Payment must accompany application. Enclosed is my check for $__________ (payable to R.I.S.A.A.) Charge to my credit card: 1. Card type (check) MasterCard Visa 2. Amount Authorized: $_____________ 3. Expiration Date: _____________ 4. CVV # _________ (3-digit number in reverse italics on back of card) 5. Name on card (print): ___________________________________ 6. Card Number: _______________________________ Meetings are held on the last Monday of each month at the West Valley Inn in West Warwick, RI at 7:00 pm. (attendance not required). Membership benefits include monthly seminars • fishing tournaments • monthly newsletter • discounts at tackle shops and marine dealers • social events • college scholarships • video library • adds your voice to fisheries management and conservation issues. - 59 - Mail to: R.I.S.A.A. P.O. Box 1465 Coventry, RI 02816 R.I.S.A.A. / March, 2011 P.O. Box 1465 Coventry, RI 02816 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Coventry, RI Permit No. 247 The Voice of Southern New England Fishermen