HERE - Nepean Equestrian Club
HERE - Nepean Equestrian Club
Newsletter JUNE 2015 Contacts: President: Sue Williams 0411861593 Vice President: Jodie Goodman 5989 2736 Secretary: Jenni Bull 5931 0218 AH Treasurer: Jean Rotherham 5989 2386 General Committee: Carol Gudgion 5977 4336 Fiona Colvin 5988 6737 Wendy Bright 0411611056 Clinic/Rally Organiser: Jean Rotherham 5989 2386 TTT Coordinator: Carol Gudgion 5977 4336 23 Bungower Rd Somervilie 3912 Newsletter Compiler: Kate Breadmore 0412035105 [email protected] *Note: Any items/results for the Newsletter can be emailed to Kate at [email protected] Club Website: Nepean Equestrian Club Event Information UPCOMING EVENTS: Sat 8th July Main Ridge Equestrian Grounds Show Jumping Fundraiser – to be held at Boneo Park This event is an official HRCAV show jumping competition and will be followed by a PCAV showjumping event hosted by Main Ridge Pony Club on Sunday, 9th July, also at Boneo Park The programs for both events are attached to this newsletter. Sun 11th October Official HRCAV Dressage Jackpot competition To be held at Boneo Park. The program will be available once approved by the HRCAV. A Little Bit of Nepean Equestrian Club History Nepean Equestrian Club was formed in 2003 by the amalgamation of Main Ridge ARC and Rosebud ARC. This was done because both clubs had declining memberships and small, but hard working, committees. Members from both committees joined together to form the new NEC committee, bringing many, many years of experience and dedication to the new club. Prior to amalgamation, those committee members were feeling tired and unsupported by the general membership of their respective clubs, but the amalgamation brought about a renewed vigour and excitement and the club went from strength to strength with increased membership, many TTT event wins and placings and the majority of members fulfilling their volunteer helper duties at events run by Nepean, spreading the work load. Today’s Nepean EC committee is almost totally comprised of members from that initial committee formed 12 years ago, not forgetting that those people had already served many years on the previous committees prior to the amalgamation. Congratulations and sincere thanks to all those who have worked tirelessly for the club over the past 12 years! For the club to continue to prosper, we need our members to support the committee and offer to assist - with clinic/rally organization in particular. It would also be fantastic to see some new faces on the 2015-16 committee. The Annual General Meeting will be held in October (date to be confirmed). We look forward to seeing YOU then. Sue Williams – Nepean EC President Out & About Boneo Classic 2015 Name Missy Townshend Fiona Colvin Susan Carney Level 3 3 5 Result 2nd 4th 3rd Ayr Hill EC Series Day 1 Name Fiona Colvin Level 3 Result 2nd & 3rd & Jackpot R/up Ayr Hill EC Series Day 3 Name Missy Townshend Fiona Colvin Jodie Goodman Level 3 3 3 Result 1st & 1st & Jackpot Winner 6th =7th Merricks Saddle Club Dressage Day Name Level Missy Townshend 3 Fiona Colvin 3 Sue Williams 3 Suellen Berry 5 Result 1st & 4th & Jackpot Winner 3rd & 6th 1st & 8th 5th & 7th SEDC Autumn Classic Dressage Day 1 Name Level Missy Townshend 3 Susan Carney 5 Fiona Colvin 3 Sue Williams 1 Result 1st & 2nd & Jackpot Winner 2nd & 2nd & Jackpot R/up 6th 5th SEDC Autumn Classic Dressage Day 2 Name Level Missy Townshend 2 Fiona Colvin 3 Result 3rd & 5th 3rd & 8th SEDC Autumn Classic Dressage Series Level 3 Series Winner – Missy Townshend! Level 5 Series Winner – Susan Carney! Level 3 Series 3rd Place – Fiona Colvin! EV Masters Games 2015 Kristina Smith and Zed – 2 x dressage Gold Medals!! MORE INFO NEEDED FROM OUR MEMBERS! You don’t need to have been our competing to send in your “Out & About” news! We would love to be able to report on any activity you have done with your horse. Please email your information to Kate: [email protected] Our Next Committee Meeting… …will be held on Tuesday 14th July at the The Peninsula Club, Dromana ALL members are invited to come to the meetings, even if it’s just to catch up with other members and have a chat! Please RSVP to our secretary, Jenni ([email protected]) if you would like to come along. The Wine Depository is a Melbourne-based online wine retailer and consultant offering personalised service, wine education and cellaring solutions for anyone with an interest in wine. Whether you know what you like and want more of it or are looking to expand your drinking horizons – The Wine Depository can help! Sign up for our monthly email newsletter “TWD Magazine” for a chance to win a $50 TWD gift voucher. [email protected] All orders are eligible for free delivery in Victoria. TWD can supply own label wines for clubs or events at competitive pricing.