* 4 V * .> . / % • •* Beach Advocate V O L. X _________ H A M P T O N BEACH, N. H „ F R ID A Y , JU LY 3, 1936 FREE Classes In P h y sical^ Leavitt Reunion This Crowds Visit Beach Hampton Harbor Training Conducted Year Attended By 200 As Fireworks Display Yacht Club House Daily A t The Beach Members Of Families Greets Vacationists Nearly The fireworks season at Hampton Next week Hampton Beach resi From many states nearly 200 dents will have an opportunity to members of the National Assocla- Beach opened with a bang last : Wednesday evening before thous Continued on Page Eight (Contlnuod on Page 4) ands of spectators. The first set piece appeared to bo an elaborate representation of the Casino flanked with two American flags hearing the greeting. “ Wel|come to Hampton Beach” . The other set pieces were colorful dls• p ays and augured well for the seaContlnued on Page Eight W ITH THE SEASON'S SM ARTEST Back On The Beach Due to uuuvoiduble construction delays it is not expected that the new club house of the Hampton Harbor Yacht club will be ready for the first social event next week. It had been hoped that the build ing would be nearly completed by now and ready for Interior decora tion. Although tentative plans for a dedication to which members of neighboring yacht clubs wlil be in( Continued on Page Eight! Many Bonfires W ill Beach Fashion Show Celebrate July 4th In Will Display Latest Surrounding Towns In Wearing Apparel Summer Clothing There will he more Fourth ot July bonfires in this section this yea»* than for many years. In addi tion to the one at the center spon sored by the American Legion there will he a bonfire at Seabrook Beach not far from the Hampton river bridge. This w ill be set off ’ early in the evening for the benefit Beach Wear AND RANDALL'/ The latest in Summer fashions will be exhibited by a bevy of men, women and children models at a fashion revue to be staged by Hampton Beach shops next Thurs day afternoon and evening on the bandstand. The creations for beach, sport and { o f younger children. Just over the evening wear will be beautifully 1state line into Salisbury Beach staged under the direction of Marie there w ill be a huge midnight bon- Kitchen of the Boar’s Head Inn. Continued on A New Valet Service T h e Cam pion C ruise Shop jjwrogwafcea a custom C L E A N I N G AND P R E S S IN G S E R V IC E . In e v e ry sense a V A L E T S E R V IC E w ith p erfected clean in g methods, extrem e care in handling any kind o f g a r m ent and T h e C ruise Shop T a ilo r in g S taff to make necessary m inor rep a irs/ r 1 8 FISH !♦! R E C O N D IT I O N I N G . . . th e term that dis tinguishes this N e w Cam pion V a le t S ervice fro m o rd in a ry methods o f C lean in g and P ressin g. Famous ro r LORENZ’S Clams H a p p ie s t Bathing Suits that you can imagine.. M ARKET * Fish V £ Lobsters ' T he * Gayest Lobster Dinners and Fried Clams N E A R M ILE BRIDGE S IL E X TEA AND C O FFE E £ A y V Sea Food from the Ocean to your Plate the Same Day Y O U R C L O T H IN G C A L L E D F O R & D E L IV E R E D Call Hampton Beach ioO Agents Jr for S. S. Pierce LIQUORS LO W C A M P IO N C R U IS E SH O P DARTM O•UTH • Agents for S. S. Pierce PRIC ES S H A H E E N ’S, IN C N ew and Only Location O U TFITTE R S AUTHENTIC Broadway and Route 1-A Casino. Next Door to the Ballroom Tel. S A L IS B U R Y 835-2 BEACH ^ H iR L e y t ^/ v ip l E suits by SURF SIDE BEACH SHOP O N TH E BOLTLEVARD @ “C” ST. Featuring the Latest Knits & Styles of L A D IE S ’ : JANTZEN SWIM SUITS T U C K MIO $4.95 K A V A K N IT $L50 1936 Cu l o t t e s N E W SLACKS NEW PAJAM AS P A J A M A SETS LARG E C AN N O N F IS H N E T B A T H L A D IE S ’ SH O ES BR A T U C K MIO $4.95 SUMMER ? i.i9 1.19 1.95 1.95 .35 .79 2.45 TO W ELS S H O E S .................... TOPPER $5.95 PROMOTIONS M E N ’S A S C O T T E R R Y R O B E S P O L O S H IR T S , all styles C A P S , tan crash popular S L A C K S , corded patterns. $2.45 now S H IR T S , collar attached S E E R S U C K E R T IE S , washable P A L M B E A C H S U IT S E very little girl shoulJ have o r m o re o f these beautiful sturdy suirs. They will love them as they arc Shirley’s own selection. one M E N ’S TRUNK S $2.95 N e also carry authentic Shirley Temple Hats and authentic Shirley Temple Hair Ribbons. $3.95 1.00 .35 1.95 1.50 .35 16.75 Suits - A SU M M E R D ISPO SAL S A L E A T $22.50-Every Suit Guaranteed t Forest. Hills CUT RATE I f you can But it Elsewhere For Less We W ill Gladly Refund Your .Money V * PAGE T H E H A M PTO N BEACH ADVOCATE TW O T H E H A M PTO N BEACH ADVOCATE there?" the farmer shouted from and a half ago. To look back over thirty-six yonri* tho house. "Snv, I can't get tin* collar over and nee the vast changes tlmt have this horse’s head. His ears are been made In tho developments of frozen stiff," replied the new hand. the rubber suit to its present stage, nf perfection, is n remarkable storyl INFORMATION J ST. PATR IC K ’S Roman Catholic S u n d a y Masses at 6, 7. 8. 9 9:45 10:30. 11:35 standard time. --------F IR E W O R K S --------W eekly on Wednesdays at 9:30 Standard Time, Colonial, Portsmouth. Mat Casino Theatre, in the Casino Ink i Theatre. Exeter, mat M A ILS — OUT — 9:00 A. M. ,* 12:00 noon ------- DANCING — Weekdays - Casino Ballroom 8-12 — ---- B O W L IN G -------Daily - Nightly— Casino Bowling Alleys: Femcroft Recreatii Alievs “ A " St. (Skeeball, Blvd., between “ A " and “ B " Sts.) A rr. Boston NO TE— a ( 8:13 A. M. 9:15 A a9:07 A. M. 9:53 A. M. 10:52 A . M.MOTOR 2:53 P. M. 6:51 P. M. Dayli] 9:11 P. M. Lv. Boston SUNDAYS (No. Stn.) 9:34 A. M. 8:30 A . M 12:36 P. M.10:15 A. M. 6:47 P. M. 1:15 P. M. 3:15 P. M. 6:00 P. M. 8:30 P. M. Boston To Hampton 12:10 A. M, Daylight Saving Time WEEK D AYS »ston A rr. Hampton Leave A] A. M. 9:20 A . M. Hampton ( A. M. 10:19 A. M. 6:18 A. M.* V P. Mi 1:50 P.M.10:30. A. M. -1 1 P. M. 4:47 P.M. 1:15 P. M. 2 P- M. 6:05 P.M. 3:05 P. M. 4 P. M. 7:15 P. M. 5:20 P. M. 6 P. M. c 8 :2 8 P.M. 7:20 P. M. fc SUNDAYS 9:50 P. M. 11 A. M. 9:27 A.M.N O T E — " Mondays only Fresh Eggs SEA GRILL Live and Dressed Poultry Hampton Beach. N. H. i Mrs. D. A . Munsev A T J A N V R IN H O TEL Steak Chicken Sea Food AI.DENS PO U LTR Y FAR M Tide Mill Road . Hampton. N. H. ^ Leavitt's Tourist Camps W OODBURY A N IM A L H O S P IT A L Near Coast Guard Station Running Water Rest Rooms Reasonable Rates Best Camp Location on the Coast \ NORTH SHORE 1/ 1reatment. Boarding, | Plucking and Bathing / best of c ar e for pets SO Wcxirihur) A*c.. PorUmonth. N. H Trl. Ports. 7f* Geraniums. Begonias Double Petunias Vincas Flowers Mrs. BEACH RD. GREENHOUSE •N'rar Town Haiti y not OPEN SUNDAY V Ann* M. Coir. Prop.. Trl. 155 v Brachwitz Palmist and Other Read! Advice in All Life Hill House, C Street NORTON’S FISH M ARKET A Next Door to Tailor V 55 Hampton Beach. N. 11 Boiled and Live Lobsters, Fresh Fish and Clams Daily N E X T TO N O R TH SHORE'' CO AST G UARD S T A T IO N CXK>0-0-00-CtZsQOCHsO Prompt Service W H Y GO OUT OF TOWN? IN S U R E | Boston LOG ALLY-'! M AKE j The | Penniman Agency! y ou r insurance headquarters o 5 Custom Tailor Shoppe SUITS MADE TO ORDER g High grade cleansing, Dyeinj Pressing. Repairing « o Work Called For and Deliver* I I am the first girl you ever of research and skill In staling. The progress made In the eroation ^ |kissed how Is It Mint you kiss so A Philadelphia firm advertising |well?” of the rubber suit of today Is to bt for n salesman received a reply “ if shown step by step by Kiindairs Cut Rote during tlie Style & Fash-I from a man who sold that he was kissed, the greatest salesman in the world. well?” ion Show at tho band stand next They engaged him and guve h i m ------Thursday afternoon and t veiling. three UnJ k 'J t T T>oodB to sell any- J ? ^ g | L ivin g models are to displuy ev where ln*the West. They expected ery style nf suit manufactured slco the year 1900. (Continued from Page 1) This display or ye olden suits who had much to do with the suc were first shown at the Miami Blltcessful fashion revue given In St. Petersburg, Fla., last Winter. more pool. Miami, Florida before There will he special stage and lighting effects to enhance the col orful variety of the costumes against the background of the A t who loaded lantic ocean. goods." Appearing as models for the Boar’s Head Yarn shop will be "Yes.** remarked the golfer, who Rbs&mary Cregg. Janet Cregg, Mad had taken 17 to the first hole with eline Allen. Mrs. Duval. Caroline out reaching It, "this is my favorite Denoncoeur, Adeline Denoncoeur, course, the course where I once did E ’ ise Marguette, Mrs. Annette a hole in one ’’ Butrhelder. Mrs. Percy Percy Wheeler. “ Stroke or day, sir?*’ queried the “ Baby" Wheeler and Dianne Hill. caddie. The Campion^ Cruise shop will have for models Richard Jeans, They're rugged individualists in “ Bud" Walls, Philip Laskey. Jr., Tufftown. that little mountain com Austin Barrett and Frank Milliken. munity. For instance, the Tufftown Presenting the beach attire of the junior band was parading and the Casino Gift shoppe will be Miss diminutive base drummer, unable to Rene.Budger and Mrs. Rita Brunt, see around his huge drum, kept both of whom were contestants In drumming along by himself, un the recent bathing beauty contest aware that the others had turned sponsored by the Elks. up a side street. The models for Randall's will be “ Hey. th a r!" finally called out a Dorothy Morse. Ann Hill, Dianne spectator. “ De baud’s left you !" Hill, Dorothy Mitchell, Joyce Mit“ Phooey to the band!’’ replied the ( Continued on page eight) drummer. “ I know the tune with - . . and this is more than a out it !" com fort! It ’s proof o f the bas ically different operation of “ This is a sunset my daughter Electrolux (no machinery at a ll!) painted. She studied painting in 1900 rubber ha filing suits wore abroad, you know." which makes possible its famc-io first introduced to the world by the life-long advantages: WfiT “ Ah, that accounts for it! I United States Rubber Co. At that never saw a sunset like that in this time they were crude in style, fit country!" and color and a source of enjoy ment and laughter to those that Daisy— Jeanette- has broken her viewed them while daring young engagement with that race track things braved the scorn and ridi bookmaker. cule of the other skirted and Mazie— How come? stockened bathers of a generation Daisy—W ell, for a time she tho't a bookmaker was a big publisher. Barber (to new assistant) — Tads man wants a shave. * H O M E-M AD E Assistant— Let me practice on him. Barber— Well, all right; but he careful and don’ t cut yourself. ICE Jean— Fashions may come and go, but there's always a demand for cosmetics. June— Yes, women can’ t go wan forever. fcEE Theatre Hampton Beach * Sun.. Mon. * Theatre HENRY Thomas Beck Every Saturday FONDA “ T H E M O O N ’S O C R H O M E " Shorts Night” News rue.. Wed. Ann "T H E Selected Shorts July 7-8 Harding w h fN E S ^ pc Comedy C H A IR " Ann BRUCE C AB O T Shorts G EO RG E B R E N T “T H E G O LD E N ARROW Shorts Wed.. Thur. July 8-9 Shirley Temple New s “ C A P T A IN J A N U A R Y ” Comedy Cartoon Everybody’s Old M an” IR V IN S. COBB Rochelle Hudson Selected Shorts Oakie SALLY E IL E R S S P E C IA L Shorts It Pays To Advertise In The Advocate V ISIT Jack F L O R ID A . . As a liner was approaching Ath ens a woman said to one of the sailors: “ Can you tell me what that white stuff is on the mountains?” “ Snow, madam." replied the sailor. “ That’s what I thought,” said the woman, “ but one of the passengers just said it was Greece.” Boulevard Cafe A ll Home Cooking Breakfast. Lunches. Special Dinners Under N ew Management New Equipment B R E A K E R S BLDG., Ocean Blvd Hampton Beach, N . H. D E L IC IO U S I t p / C R M IL K S H A K E S C O L L E G E ICES Am esbury Road Stand Ward Hill Stand IOKA THEATRE - EX ET ER D A Y L IG H T S A V IN G T IM E i ne new hired man from tho city had been sent out to harness the horse. It was a cold winter moming. still dark, and he mistook a cow.for a horse. “ What's keeping you so long out L IT T L E MISS N O B O D Y Gene A u try— Lois ELECTROLUX THE SERVEL f & T f y p u a s t E L E C T R O L U X has the simplest o f all freezing methods. A tiny gas burner takes the place o f all moving parts. This sim plicity accounts for the permanent silence o f Electrolux. And it ac counts, too, for all those big Electrolux advantages which promise long service ut low cost. Please accent our invitm;™. W ilde “S IN G IN G C O W B O Y ” Flash Gordon Episode No. 4 Mickey Mouse ‘Through the Mirror* A Sunday. Monday, July 5-6— A bridge party for the benefit of the Community church was held at the Avon hotel with Mrs. Edward Uhllg as hostess Tuesday evening. A shower for Miss Isabelle Ring of Haverhill was given at the Hotel Jnnvrin following a dinner in the Sea Grill. Miss Mary Bolan and Mrs. Edward Fitzgerald were In charge of the arrangements. “T H E L A S T W IL D E R N E S S ” Tuesday. July 7— M arguerite Churchill— L yle Talbot “M U R D E R B Y A N A R IST O C R A T ” 1 u i u r u i v u k i i -----t v FIRST O AI Jolsonr a L Hatton. Sonde.7 . Sybil Jason Cab CaDavav Mondav 6 A Startling Drama of Today! * 2 “ AND SUDDEN D EATH " Lv. Gosport 5:50 a. m., 2:45 p. m. A rr. Portsmouth 7:00 a. m., 3:55 p. m. SUNDAY Lv. Portsmouth 10:15 a. m.. 4:00 p- ni. Returning lv. Gosport Harbor 8:15 a. m.. 2:45 Special rates for parties Take the family for an ex cellent outing and visit this historical spot. THE FARRAGUT PLAYERS present H O L I D . A Y V o Randolph Scott, Frances Drake 2 PAT O’BRIEN Josephine^Hutchinson in I M ARRIED A DOCTOR W*nlne«dny. Thursday Guy Kihhee . Dick Foran g in “ TH E BIG NOISE” — g Miriam Hopkins. Merle Oberon Joel McCrea in ‘T H E S E TH RE E” Lucia Carruthers. 21 year old girl of Seattle. Wash., runs a school to teach whistling. B A R N THEATRE Evenings 7 & 8:45 E. S. T. Matinees Rainy Days Only Hampton North Beach Opp. Coast Guard Sta. “The Invisib' K A R ffO F p & LUGOSI c g 2 o g o Midnite ‘Transatlantic Tunnel! Murder on the Bridle Path JAM E S GLEASON s.. Wed. July 7 - Escape From Devil’s Island” NORM AN FOSTER ^ by P H IL IP B A R R Y at F A R R A G U T P L A Y H O U S E . R ye Beach, N . H. RIDE HORSEBACK .Miles of private bridle paths through beautiful pine woods Evenings of July 1, 2, 4. 8:15 P . M. D. S. T. Matinee July 4 ut 3 P. M. D. S. T. Tickets oOc. 7oc. &1.C leading to the sea. N E X T W E E K : “ Sm ilin’ Through” F o r Reservations Call Rye Beach 166 Private riding ring Personal instruction given by Owner and graduate of Purland’s Riding School of New York City. BABY” Wednesday, July 8— Frances Langford— Smith Ballew M A R G A R E T ’S “P A L M Sham |nios Waves Manicures B E A IT T Y S A I. O N . / 50c Permanents $3.50 up C St. Tel. 7C> C St. H A M P T O N BEACH SPR IN G S” B A N K N IG H T E V E R Y W E D N E S D A Y $50. or larger bank account to lucky person present Hampton & Seabrook Thursday, Friday. July 9-10— Jessie Matthews— Robt. Young Gas Company “IT ’S LO V E A G A IN ” Jean Ilersholt— Allen Jenkins “SINS OF M A N ” HOOPF’VS FOR ENJOYMENT AND EXERCISE 9 B A LLS FOR 5 CENTS y Men’s Score 290 or over wins a souvenir dog Ladies Score 210 or over wins a souvenir dog Only one per day awarded to a customer. AVENUE i ....... Shirley Deane — Johnny Downs “TH E "A R IZ O N A RAID ERS" 2 wlth Buster Crabbe. Marsha Hunt O P E N I N G v H O W A R D H IL L o Gala 4th of July Program 2 ZANE GREY’S such a capacity is an expression o 5:15 p. m. T\rr. Gosport 11:10 g of confidence for which I am very § a. m„ 6:20 p. m. g grateful/’ I§ (Westbound) Latest News Spencer Tracy, Sylvia Sidney “F U R Y Operating on Daylight time X Saturday. July 1— Jane W ithers— Jane Harwell The doctor was interviewing the las* patient when a woman rushed in crying: “ Doctor! Doctor! Come i quickly. My husband has swallow\ed a mouse!" Get back to him." said the doc tor. “ and try waving a piece of cheese about in front of his mouth. I'll follow you as soon as possible." Five minutes later the doctor reached the house. A man was >rin? on a settee with his mouth wide open, while a hysterical wo man was waving a kipper close to his month. "You foolish woman,** he cried*'! told you cheese." “ I knOw that," she shrilled, "hut I ’ve got to get the cat out first!’* P ortsm ou th CONCORD. July 2 — Announce Hugh Herbert “ W E W E N T TO CO LLEGE". ment that former Governor Rolland Charles Butterworth. Walter H. Spaulding of Rochester has ac Abel. Edgar Kennedy, Edith cepted an invitation to serve as Atwater chairman of the state wide commit tee \Yhlch will direct his campaign y Sun., MonH 'l ues.— “ SAN FRANpfSCO” for the Republican nomination for i C LA R K G AB LE United Stales Senator, was made t Jeanette MacDonald yesterday by Governor H Styles 4 t Spencer Trac/. Jack Holt Bridges. i A _________ Ted /Healey Mr. Spaulding's election as gov Y Wed. andjTnur. ernor of the state in 1914 returned MARVDN DAVIES the Repub lean party to power in X “ H E A R TS D IVID ED " state affairs ufter the first or only with Dick Powell two Democratic administrations In T Charles Ruggles. Claude Rains the state government since the turn T Edward Everett Horton Selected Comedies & Shorts of the century. Hts administration was followed liv another long per X Sun.. July 12 — Kay Francis in "The White A n gel" on the iod of Republican success. On the Stage Sun. As governor Mr. Spaulding gave I Screen. T *>nly: Gerry Garney & Walter the state a forceful administration X K a Bandar with their Golden of state affairs. He has continued Toned Band. to Take an active leadership in civic problems since that time, one of his greatest contributions having been h ’ s service ns a member of the New •Hampshire section of a New Eng land wide governors' committee in connection with railroad consolida tions. His selection by t l ^ New i England group to head its collec tive efforts as chairman was a tri bute to his ability both as one ab!e to grasp the fundamentals of a com1plex problem and to carry through to an objective. It was understood that former Governor Spaulding will proceed a* once with the organization of the i committee which will direct the Bridges for Senator campaign in the state at large. “ I appreciate Governor Spauld| ing's acceptance of this post.” Gov ernor Bridges said. “ For a man with Governor Spaulding's wide in- § terests to be w illing to serve in j 5 L i'. D riftw ay Avenue Salisbury* BeacK Our Ice Cream is Fresh Frozen right here in our store, each day. It is different! Made from fresh cream, milk, sugpr and vggs. It is a/balanced ration, packed/ fu ll of energy, rich \A vitamins Sothern Cartoon Bette Davis PORTSMOUTH This theatre on Daylight Time Fri. and Sat.— UNA M ERKEL July 5-6 O U R STORES Clover Leaf Dair M ADE Hampton Ileach M argaret Sullivan . . CREAM IT OLYMPIA j COLONIAL Ex-Governor Rolland H. Spualding Chrmn. For Moses Committee N E A R " B " STR E E T RIDING SCHOOL Tel. Rye Beach 139 T H E H A M PTO N BEACH AD VOCATE And Mrs. M ic h a e l Cashman Surprised By Children At Beach The Hampton Beach Advocate (Continued from Pnge U tion oi Leavitt TainHies Came for ilie annual reunion and banquet held in the Hotel Ashworth last Saturday. An Information Bureua and Community Booster The ages of the descendants of Published in the interest of Hampton Beach the John Leavitt Tiranch, which set Weekly During the Summer Season tled in Hingham, Mass., in 1635, ranged from the year old Mary PUBLISHED BY TH E H AM PTO N PU B LISH IN G CO. Weeks of South Poland, Me., to the Edward S. Seavey, Publisher and Editor. Sl-ycar old Charles Leavitt of Reading, Mass. The oldest descend TE LEPH O N E H A M PTO N 17 FOR ant of the Thomas Leavitt branch, AD VERTISING RATES IN TH IS PAPE R settlers of Hampton in 1639, were Ida Leavitt Kimball of North L O O K IN G F O R W A R D and Alva Leavitt of New Hampton Beach looks forw ard to a most successful sea Hampton _______ ________ B || Brittain. CL, both of wliom are 74 son. Improvements made have greatly enhanced the value years of age. Mrs. Raymond Smurt o f real estate and throughout the beach resort an optim istic of I ndi ann apolls, lad., and Mrs. feelin g is found which has not existed fo r some time. Grace M Hollins of Niles, O., trnvA petition presented today fo r the duuw'nfir <rf 'the n a m e. |o (1,Btnnce for Ul, o f Marsh Avenue to Sunset Avenue is most appropriate and |^ ^ a step forw ard , fo r the v ie w o f the su n set from th e ia c The ^rt,et|ngs llf Hampton Bench road is unsurpassed in beauty. . . - n 1 were extended by James w Tucker. The cooperate feelin g which exists this season 1 secretary of the Chamber of Cornadvance the opportunities an d development ta r beyond e x * i merce- ana the welcome of the pectations. Hampton Leavitts was given by - - Former Mayor and Mrs. Michael Cashman of Newbury port. Mass, who have been frequent visitors to the bench for many years, were f e ed by their children and grandchil dren on their 48lh wedding anniver sary with a dinner at the Hotel Ashworth yesterday noon Called to the hotel by Col. George Ashworth apparently on a matter of business the former Newbury port mayor, who is a large property owner at the beuch. and bis wife Wero pleasantly surprised with the - ......... ^ "d ered them P p titio n EXTRA SIFTED "A&P" 16 OZ CAN 20 OZ CAN YUKON GINGER ALE AND OTHER FLAVORS June 21 * 26. (1 2 d o t 's 5 9 CONTESTS ONLY c) LARGE 28 OZ BOTS CHICKENS 21 19 25 (1 2 0L0GTes Estimates gladly given on all work. SIEtLQIN ROAST H EAVY CORN-FED (F o r m e r ly H am pton M otor In n ) H am pton Falls. N . H. M ANAGEM ENT J. E. K N IC K , Prop. S P A C IO U S ROOM S A V A IL A B L E FOR AND $ g g g ? ing year are: Rev. Fenwick L. g C 'h a X lfT C ] Hampton Beach, was presented to- Leavitt of Worcester, president; ® d a y to the Selectmen of Hampton Miss Grace Leavitt of Boston, to change the name of Marsh Mass,, first vice-president; Leon rp C p l a p t n i p n Avenue to Sunset Avenue.. The Leavitt of Rochester, third vice1 0 s e l e c t m e n naraeR on the petition represent president: Mrs. Emily Noyes of To business men and summer residents Tilton, historian, secretary and A petition headed by Leo R. Du many i>f whom have been taxpayers treasurer. It was voted to form puis and signed by 80 residents of for several years. many state organizations to be afB iated with the national associa ' tion. On the reception committee were Frank Leavitt of Hampton. Mrs. Mary Roberta of Newton, Mass., Mrs. Irving E. Leavitt of Hampton. Mrs. Fenwick Leavitt of Worcester and Mrs. John Leavitt of Dorches-( ter. Norman Leavitt was In charge of the music and Rev. Fenwick L. Leavitt. Jr., of Worcester, headed the registration committee. Louis S. Leavitt of Worcester was chair H A M P T O N F A LLS . N. II T E L E P H O N E 29 man of the constitution and by iimiinraiuiminrrjiiiituiiiraiiiininmimnnmiiinnmiiJimmimujiiS laws committee. I^ ro F OxO D:S GROUNDS P A R T IE S BUILDING MATERIALS -\J PAINTS and HARDWARE delightful p.cnie lunch Tel. Hampton 8337-3 j - —- —- — USE GAS FOR W ARM W EATH ER COM FORT THE ID E A L F U E L A T T R A C T IV E H EATERS Hampton P R IC E S & & 2 lb DILL 1 q t j a r I D SWEET OR SWEET -a q c m ix e d - cjuart jar I V c STUFFED OLIVES « « « 6* 02 BO T25c 2PKG LB 1 I T/ C SODA CRACKERS HAMPTON B&M BAKED BEANS 2 2^sz29c 5c ANN PAGE BEANS IONA PEAS 2C ANSZ19c CANS 14 OZ STANDARD KETCHUP BOT 10c S O C IE T Y M E E T IN G S Afternoon Tea CORNED BEEF ‘LSI 15c R&R Boned CHICKEN 47< DEVSLLED HAM uwkwoods 2 CANS“ 2 5 c PEANUT BUTTER SULTANA 2 LB JAR 29c ANN ? AG E ALL FLAVORS PRESERVES oT™" I,1 ,129 . TEA INDIA-CEYLON-JAVA’p^ 21c IONA SALAD DRESSING SI 25c r lL iK L I fij AND ON R A N G E S, W A T ^ R H E A T IN G E Q U IP M E N T Seabrook Gas Co. >;:h:h:k:h:h:h:k h :h:h>O^KKh>0 -o<to o-o-oo H A D D O C K , hand packed at sea It). .09 M A C K E R E L , fresh caught lt>. .05 FRESH SWEET CRIEN PEAS BAMANAS B.T. Janvrin Sons Co LUMBER j pure fruit / F IN E lu,|lr al Hingham were narm in o r itie s , a tta c k th e rated by Mrs Mabel L. Kennlson. J **5* * * * * * ” * 1* ^ ^ A re?°rt uf h*r pr0f 7 cmpiet* genealogy of the fam ily *«< **»' s i t i n g was given by M™v Em‘ ly N" >es ° r r ‘ 1,on. . T» “ « “ »* you will find everything you'll need A c r e s IN ARMOUR S STAR 0A&0CCUC BAKED SHOULDER R E A O Y TO SERVE GOLDEN YELLOW RIPE FRUIT - Pasteurized Milk and C reain ^ GOOD Produced on Our Own Farms S IZ E — V I N E R IP E N E O B A K E R F A R M “Grade A ” Milk LETTUCE TOMATOES Telephone Hampton 42 2 « . 23c HOT HOUSE CUCUMBERS 2 F0B15c ROASTED C LE A N — C R IS P FRESH BEETS 2 heads .17 iceberg N A T IV E R E D - R IP E 2 - 23 4*21 SERVE SLICED WATERMELONS =*«* 59c Operating ‘G’ STREET FILLING STATION 3^10c Life Saving Device A t Salisbury Beach Is A New Invention O F F E R S J O ^ GOOD SERVICE TEL. OTNJ W A S H IN G - 7 l PO LISH IN G — GREASING — TIRE R E P A IR IN G - G O O D Y E A iT d 45c LB C O B E L 'S OR H O N O R M A ID — S K IN L E S S LB 29e FRANKF0RTS cb 2U A R M O U R 'S S T A R G AR B EC U E — S T Y L E H O R M E l 'S — 2 7 PORK LOAF sliceo >-e 39c SPICED HAM »2 oz tin 35c S L IC E S EACH T IN PEANUTS 8 oz. bag .10 EALER At Salisbury Beach a new rocket invention to be used for life saving purposes was given Its lirst public trial on Friday uftornoon. Hie firm in the series of amateur radio auditions sponsored hy the Hampton Beach Chamber of Com merce, which have proved to he one of the most popular features of eve ning entertainment during the Summer, will be held on the band stand next Monday evening. l As in the past there will be a variety of singers, dancers, instrumentali ts and comedians in both sen ior and junior divisions. Prizes are to offered each week and the first and second place winners will have an opportunity to compete for tin* reason prize at the elimination contest to be held in Carnival Week. Vi-iors at the beach, no matter how short their stay, are invited to participate in the weekly event En tries can be made at th*. Chamber of Commerce office. FOR YO U R T R A D IT IO N A L 4rh JULY DINNER The Robinson seminar}* has ap FRESH FRESH GREEN propriately made provisions for pre serving what is left of the house of lb c William Robinson, the birthplace of the- founder of the school. For many years this house stood in front of the present administration building and when the land was bouclit by Phillips Exeter academy The Great ATLANTIC & PACIFIC Tea Co. ■the house was* demolished to make At the _______ room for new buildings The rocket is attached to the life young man, and he is the center of request of the alumnae some parts guard who stands on the beach. an admiring group throughout the of the old structure were given to When the guard is obliged to leave summer season, as his «^ld friends the school by the academy authorithe stand to make a rescue be and new ones too, come to Star ties and these have heen placed in touches a button and instantaneous Island to attend the various con- suitable and conspicuous-places in ly the rocket goes up 400 feet in ferences held there each year. I the seminary building. the air notifying other guards along the beach of the situation. Immed iate’}’ the ambulance with inhalator and other life saving equipment is on its way and can be at the scene about the time the drowning victim is brought out of the water* It is expected that the use of the rocket w ill save much valuable time in resuscitating those overcome in the ocean. 25 PEAS 2^ 23 c & P FO O D STORES •4^ * ^ " Electric Cooking Uncle Oscar Laighton Has Celebrated 97th Birthday A t Shoals Facts and figures prove that you can cook econ omically with electricity. Oscar Laighton celebrated bis 97th birthday at the Isles of Shoals Tuesday. ‘ ‘Uncle Oscar/’ as be is fam iliarly known, spends his sum mers at the Isles of Shoals and his winters at Hobkirk Inn. Camden, S. C. Consequently he is very well known as he comes in contact with visitors to each of these places from various parts of the country* A t the Shoals during the summer in the past he has his boat. The Tw ilight, which he takes out par ties. Active and energetic as ever lie is looking forward to the coming season and especially the Interna tiona’ conference which opens ct the Shoals the last of August . Coining buck from the south this spring, he spent some time at his home on Franklin stree: and then went to Star Island. He was born in this city in 1S39. and three months later his family removed to the isles of Shoals, where his father, Hon. Thomas B Laighton had secured a position ns ! So many of our customers are cooking electrically . . . are de lighted with the results and also with the econo my afforded that we would like to present the facts to you, SOON. Cook the COOL W AY, with electricity j ight-keeper at W hite Island light. The success of the*liternry career of Ills sister. Celia fbaxter. has a! | TEL. 8422 SPECIALI2™ G d I1 ^ S H E L L ^ L U B R IC A T IO N LB RUMP STEAK S A LM O N SANDWICH SPREAD*"**2*«? 25c S P E C IA L IZ IN G O R PO T RO AST 23c 25c BEST CUTS O F H E AVY STEER BEEF 95c) t your nesrby AGP Food Store to nul'.c up NEW LB CHUCK ROAST PLAN A PICNIC truck. UNDER STEER BEEF - PROPERLY AGED RIB ROAST BONELESS - O V E N 39c LB No obligation. Call Hampton 108 or stop Sw ainV milk (B r r n i 29c LB BONELESS - H EAVY STEER BEEF A S P FOOD STORES WILL REMAIN OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 30 P. M - BUT WILL CLOSE ALL DAY SAT JULY 4th S W A IN A Series Of Amateur Radio Auditions Will Be Held Next Monday FAN C Y MILK-FED - FRYING FANCY QUALITY jT of the John Leavitt branch at Hingham was given by John Leav itt of Dorchester, a past president of the organization; and another on the Thomas Leavitt descendants at Hampton by Norman Leavitt. Experiences while living for 16 years the old Leavitt homestead v i n in tut* <mu imieavui iiuuic&icau f- Name Of Marsh Ave. p* L ilV € lT a iw :is LB SULTANA RED ALASKAN One hundred and seventy-five rural youths attended the 1936 Youth institute held at Durham. K. W . both of whom had been invited to exacted taxes in any amounts. When the great patriots and scholars who w rote the Con atttend. There • were songs by ...........................— ,..... stitution began work they w ere determined on one th in g: „Norman U441.OIi Leavitt of North Hampton before everythin g else they would w rite into it such s a fe - ■and W miam Elliot, the “ singing guards which would prevent a centralized tyranny under a cop” of Hampton Beach, king or any other name gainin g control in Am erica. A t no • A brilliant and entertaining tim e could the pow er o f the states be over-ridden and one talk on “ The Leavitts and What They Sprang A t" was given by great governm ent order the lives of tree citizens. Thus the new government was divided into three parts— William Homer Leavitt of Winthe Congress, the President, and the Courts — w ith each throp. Mass., well known artist and sculptor. Louis Leavitt of Worces acting as a brake upon the other. .... . , , The Supreme Court safeguards the individual from ty r ter. au engineer and writer, dis anny; it preserves his rights. I f there w ere no Supreme cussed “ The Family as au Institu Court, there would be no machinery fo r protecting the in tion.” An address on the descendants dividual in this country from the tendency o f governm ent Supreme Court. But in our long history o f 150 years, it has played this wonderful role o f protecting the individual and his liberties. A s long as the Court functions, no tyrant, no oppressor. no dictator can rule in the United States. HAMS SALMON PEAS TONICS 3 W H O LE O R EITHER HALF beach. PAGE FIVE SUGAR CURED m Frank E. Leavitt. Regrets of their TH E SU PREM E COURT inability to be present were received The people who first settled in this country were fleeing j rom Gov a i l m . Landon of Kanfrom the rule o f European kinds. They had enough o f cen- sus nDl| Co) Frank Knox. Repub itral governments who controlled their every art. o id ere , can nominees for President and their life, interfered with their freedom to worship, and v ice.preSf(jl.,lt Gf the United States, | less o fficia ls w h o c a te r to o r g a n iz e d 5UNNYFIELD - - ------------------ to be oppressive. , , , ... The function o f the Court is not to bend the popular will, b u t to see that the rules o f the game, as laid down in the Constitution, are followed. When the Constitution is de serted. the rights o f the individual disappear. The Su preme Court exists so that that does not happen. Politicians are often vexed at the lim itations o f the Su preme Court. Men who are im patient to carry through quicKIV me v asi c nange a n a c it the me o u ijr c m e v ,u iu u Carequickly so some vast change attack Supreme Court. T H E H A M P T O N BEACH ADVOCATE l>y their children. I „ me family group of the Cashm a n s , which numbers 15 altogether, llicre are Freeman J. Condon, a son In-law who In president of the Nowlmryport Chamber of Cornmerce; former Mayor W illiam H e n r i , ey of Woburn, Mass., another s„ „ m law, who Is campaign mana KPr fo r State Treasurer Charles F. Hurley, Democratic nominee for governor, and George D. Cashman. chairman of the Democratic city committee In Newbury port. A ll three arc summer residents of the jyfr . l e a v i t t r e u n io n - ______ _ . wavs heen a great joy to Mr. LuighDevised by Carl H. Lydiard, state uewscu ^ j . ton- aml hut u year or so ago. h he supervisor of parks for the Massa g r0Up 0f her unpublished achUHQtts department of conserva poems and hud them published. He tion, the rocket was manufactured has done some w ritin g himself, and for special use by the state life his book “ N inety Years At The guards at Salisbury by the National Isles of Shoals.” written seven years Fireworks company at Rockland. ago. is still popular with visitors Mass. A patent to protect its use there. “ Uncle Oscar” has the heart of a has been taken out. A cool kitchen is but one summer time advantage which electric cookerv gives. Under our now low rates, you will be amazed by the low cost o f operation which this G-F*. Range brings. And it is I* AST . . . C L E A N . . . SURE. See it. today. Exeter & Hampton Electric Co. y T H E H A M P T O N BEACH ADVOCATE TH E HAM PTON PAGE REACH AD VOCATE S IX Real E s ta te mayonnaise /VcL F IN A S I - H . ™ “ — L. H ERBERT CLOUGH 6 oz J A R CHOICE c o t t a g ; For Rent \ I?™ Sale ALL KINDS OF LKSURANGE KING BLOCK HAMPTON BEACH F. S. ♦BEVERAGES ♦GINGER ALE ♦GRAPE JUICE ♦CAMPBELL’S J U IC E ★HBBY#S C O R N E D BEEF ♦LOAF OEESE ♦©LIVES millbrook m illbro o k i RED WINS SALM O N - End Cuts 2 lbs. 23C GREEN PEAS John C. Percival, Inc. 29 C LEGS LA M B - gen. Spring R E A LTO R S g Hotel Standish Bldg. Hampton Beach Tel. 5610 “ Visit The New Standish Gift Shoppe” £jh&ChCH>CH>CH>O-O-Q-CKHKH>D^>D-&0O£ **>• 4 9 c - 5 9 c each W A TER M ELO NS large - ripe %Weekend QR E A L E S TA TE ^ SERVIC E 5 louse Lots B Street For Sale o Injure Accidents Several As a L-arS AFC O m o c V io H o n U lb llc U -------Four weekend auto accidents caused injuries to tour persons, tw.i of whom were pedestrians. Two young sisters were struck by the tame car in attempting to run through the line of traffic on Marsh NUDD’S C AM P GROUND AN D ROOMS Boar’s Head Hamplmy^Beach A Good Clean High) ground Place to Cai over the rear baggage compartment In turning around on the highway. None of the passengers was injured. Another rear end collision occurred on the winnicuramett road Mother— What on earth have you B ew rly Magoon. 7. the* daughter of . got there? L. B. Magoon of Concord, was taken A Small Boy—Just a little green iajje snake Mother—Put it down this instant! It might be just as poisonous as a ripe one! . __ ; “ Are you quite sure that this bus is going to Shepherd’s Bush?” asked — --------------- BEES Home Baking ancL Delicatessen Pies. Cakes, DougVyits. Bread Party And YVedafng Cakes .’'lade to Order. Tel. 161 Blvd head O St. Hampton Beach Tel. Hampton 278 Member N. H. Real Est. Assn. DUPUIS R E A L E S T A T E SERVICE « 100 Marsh Ave., Opp Gas Co. Hampton Beach. N . H. Hampton Beach Tail D’ALESSANDRO Flannels and Linenbci Specialty M ork called for afln delivered C Street Hampton Beach Aty lf . ll* her younger sister Joyce Magoon. 11 was slight*y hurt. Julius Miller, 66 Amherst street. Nashua, told Deputy Sheriff Harry D. Manse/ M ANCHESTER — The bicyclist’s that the children ran out from be- record of two hours and 20 minutes tween parked car6 near the Atlan*, pedalling up the eight-mile carriage tic and Pacific store. road on Mt. Washington. Sunday Near Haunted House curve on the recalled to the mind of Dr. George Lafayette highway the car of Frank j s. Foster, a surgeon here, that his J- McGowan. 117 Arlington street, own two foot records of 36 years Hyde Park, crashed into the rear ago have remained unbroken, of the machine driven by Paul F Then a Manchester High School Dudley. 1S5 School street, Milton, boy and a skilled athlete, Foster when he failed to observe that the ran up the long trail in one hour line of traffic approaching the and 42 minutes. He passed at the bridge reconstruction had stopped, seven-mile mark a pair of light Pushed through the window pane horses which had been given a head of the side door in McGowan’s start Foster was 18 at the time, i auto Frank Mercier, 117 Arlington A week later he thought of another street. Hyde Park, received a deer* stunt to try and run down the same cut on his right arm. another over eight-mile trail in 42 minutes for his right eye and a contusion on another record that has not since his head. His wife sustained a cut been touched. on the chn. Both were taken to the _____________________________________ office of Dr. A. M. Fernald for treat ment by Officer Jerome Harkness. Mrs. Eleanor, wife of the operator, iYCiUSW V . i f i COV'.CLRN H I.O i \ escaped with a severe shaking up. • - U r .L Y C O W T W X T v i r t u Y O U M IC r - T H E D -'-. m H T d At the traffic light In Hampton CLW>'5 V.E HfOD 10 D.SCV A&E YOU Center the car of George M. Bates. r- r ' TrV?Y LOST $ Z W T , 1 Bart ett street. Portsmouth, was <VY ' V'*« j stopped when the- machine driven by Paul Morev, Jr., 517 South 44th VGURV'.WOft, D O N 'T k \A . 1street, Philadelphia, Pa. ran up NhKE. MSTMtf’S? Remains the fussy passenger. ••l ‘I f it isn’ t. Lady.” said the conductor, "I'm in a worse mess than you are!” Mrs. Hazel Beers H. W/ Beers ww x lll7 o c V iin o - fn n IfA Q U lili W a S I U I l g l U I l to the Exeter hospital with hack -rj and eye injuries. In trying to catch X v l I I l VJX A X x O l i r Unbeaten 7 6 P. BRYER, M. D. Successor to A . M. Fernald. M. D. Announces The Opening of His Office In the Lane Block, Hampton, N . H. On July 1,1936 fo r the practice o f medicine and surgery. w , O F F IC E HOURS Hampton Tel. 120 Until 8 A. M. 1 to 2 P. M. & 7 to 8 P. M. H A M P T O N BEACH Telephone 8207 11 to 12 A M 8 lo 9 P.M . E .S .T A Star Laundry C LIFFO R D S TR E E T Established 1896 Telephone Exeter 231-W Truck in Hampton and Hampton Beach Daily 59c lA 02 TINS WHITE OR COLORED LB SM EOTS Lqo 8ot MedBot stufped 29c i5 c E l I and! FROM d *aa& RED S A L M O N STEAK S A L M O N FINAST No 1Tin 33c i f ir s t n a t io n a l 11 or 12 TALL TIN NoVfe TIN 29c 2 No 2 TINS 29c .• »..«*.«... ZS £ ZZ% day at the Hrsl aid station by Mrs Salem, N. H. Ruby Patterson. Mrs. George Let], It line been learned that two efnvroiix, 32 High Street. Lowell, was f'oyes of the Casino are members treated for u sprained unkte. While Hitting on (he beach Sun of 016 "Junior Secret Service". A t day Miss Katherine Marikas, 75 Present they are unraveling the Bluck ^ Legion aeCentral S t r - '. Manchester, was lI [llyBl«ries of lthe " e ulacK WM Hvltles at Hampton Dcach. Drunken Drivers Are Stoneleigh Holds Given Heavy Fines In First Graduation The Municipal Court That “ the world needs the con-« Full Line of Monarch Canned Goods — FR ESH M E A T S — HOM E B A K E D B E A N S S A T U R D A Y stantly renewed leaven of youth, Two motorists were lined for young men and women, challenging driving under the influence of and inspiring their elders and thus ' liquor in the Hampton Municipal I assuring a progress that would - RO AST M E A T S COOKED TO ORDER P A L M IS T Marsh Avenue, Hampton Hours: I to 10 P. M. The NEW LADD POTATO HEAT court last Saturday by Judge John otherwisestall on difficult grades W. Perkins and a third case against an(j hesitate at every obstacle,” f a third motorist was again contin- Was the belief expressed by Gov. H. ued. j Joseph Geracy of Portsmouth paid a line of $75 and costs of $4.70 as the result of his arrest at HampI ton Beach by Officer John Monahan. THEM CCKKH>00<K>00<>000«KKKXH>004 Styles Bridges in his address to the V OWEN J. BOSTON’S ° pioneer graduates of Stoneleigh o o college for young women at the first a Home-Made Sweet: o __ on the boulevard^— commencement exercises held there! a Monday at Saint Andrews by the q Kisses __ 'Karmelkorn |A fine of $50 and costs o f 6.7" was ; Sea. g Candies — meted out to Arnold Emerson or j The governor pointed out the <k h >chkh>ckkh>chxkh >chxhxh >m Concord. Both received suspended |danger in becoming “ set** in one’s jail sentences of 30 days. * ways. “ Whatever the paths you are For overloading a truck George called upon to pursue, do not let Do not stop Cokoroglannis of Peabody. Mass., them become ruts. Mental Indolence is as was fined $25 and costs of $6.70. thinking. Albert F. MacLeod of Haverhill bad as physical laziness. Be willing paid a $1« fine with costs for a min and desirous to know the facts, to or highway violation. Other motor be fully Informed. Reason clearly ! ists fined $5 and costs included An ami reach intelligent opinions be na D. DiGuisto. Brookline. Mass.; fore declaring them to the world.” Jerry Higgins, Montclair, N. J.; Lelaml K. 'Butler, Manchester; “ How much was old Jackson’s Ramson V. B. Lynch. Hingham. estate sworn at?” Higgs asked a Mass.; Henry Chauncey. Water- friend of the old fellow’s family town: Raymond De Tourneau. “ Quite a lot. so Fm told,” he was Springfield. Me.: Sidney W. Wil- informed. Hams, Portland. Me.; John B. Sar“Really, you surprise me.” said kis. Rath. Me.: Michael Roubo, Higgs. “ I was under the impresSpringtield. Mass-; Laul Nefo. sion that he left practically nothPortsmonth. A speeding complaint ing.” ugainst Frederick M iller of New“ You were right.' said the other, market was filed. • “ That’s why it was sworn at." W H IT E E V E N IN G BAGS CRYSTAL FANCY BEADS DISHES B A T H IN G SUITS CUT FLOWERS Funeral Design^ Furnished / In or Out ofVTown E M E R Y’S \G R£ENH O U SE Hampton Teu 126 N. EL BOAR’S HEAD Y A R N SHOP BOAR’S HEAD) IN N (M rs.) Marie E Kktchpib is v / instructress Beautiful Imported and Domestic Yarns Free instruction Guaranteed Satisfaction THE BEST OF HOME-COOKED FOOD AT FAIR PRICES DOUG’S sto res , Slung by a bee. Th is is the first i turn* such an Incident has occurred Donald Downs of Durham was In- at f,,e beach. jun-d in an unusual manner at the Members of the Ladies' Aid Socbeach Sunday. While fooling with 1‘*r-V from the Methodist church in a companion the other’s elbow Ayers village enjoyed a shore dirtpierced his forehead. It was ueces,l<*r al Cozy Corner cafe last |nary for D, A. M Forna’ d lo tako M.unlay evening. W ith their huastitches to close the wound. '••'nds and friends they ulso purtlc* Kenneth Boston y. 58 Nesmith Miared in bowling ami other amuseStreet Lawrence, was given treat- menu. There were 17 In the nartv PSYC H IC AND CARD READER Baked T w ic e a D ay 19c 3 BESSIE COOPER P A R K E R H O U SE ROLLS Our Specialty 21c No 2 TINS T H E HOT K IT C H E N TH IS SU M M E R \ / W e bake all our own Bread, P a stry. Do-nuts, Cookies, Cakes, P ies and Muffins, E v e r y Day. Hampton Beach r'„,'r £r- HAM PTON 20c For the fourth - stock up at these low prices to day. | S T A N D A R D PEAS | R IC H M O N D PEAS TELEPH O NE 12 or TIN EINAST S a lm o n Builders’ Shingles PINT BOTS Q™ 0 ‘ 23c 40 when the auto driven by Arthur M. Cobb, 155 Farrington street, Wollaston. stopped suddenly opposite the “ Birches'’ and started to back up. | The machine of Moses P. Nudd of Hampton was just behind in the line of traffic. _________________________________avenue at the beach last Sunday. W AYNE If you’ ve been thinking about paint and hardware fo r fresh ening your summer cottage wc Pleased to show you the finest the market a fiords. JO H N A. J A N V R IN L U M B E R CO JO 0> TIN f A C PRUDhNCE ci & ° HASH 2 TINS ft 3c GORTON'S COOFISH CAKES 0 QUART TIN PENN-RAD MOTOR OIL Tax lnclud«d 99c BURNETT’S VANILLA EXTRACT PAPER NAPKINS bellview FKG OF t o PT ROLL CUT-RITE WAX PAPER oi JAR, PREPARED MUSTARD FINAST aV* SALAD FRENCH’S MUSTARD CREAM SODA CRACKERS B6 -M BAKED BEANS R6-R CHICKEN BONELESS No Vs TIN 47c ELMWOOD CHICKEN BONELESS 43c CAMPBELL’S BEANS w,t« p0rk 3 fts 17c REFRESHING - CONTENTS MOXIE 2 dot$ 25c 4 BARS 1 9 C PALMOLIVE SOAP SUPER SUDS BEADS OF SOAP 2 « s s 1 5 c FRANKFORT ROLLS 2 25c 3 ’KGS 13c UNEEDA BISCUITS LB PKG 31c DELUXE ASSORTMENT WALNUT CAKE 2 25c C-OD-o-ck: ch>ooch>d^-ch>ck>o -i 'L ist Vour Sale Wit ND BOTS to m a to Middle Cuts H A M PTO N . RYE AND SEABROOK BEACHES SEE A. 12 ox CARTON CONTENTS in ON R. jar 20 ox BOTS on RADIO - Contents 01 Blvd. Tel. 123 “JIM” GAR q u a r t P IN T J A R FOR THE R E A L ESTATE LEO h" I3th Annual Outing Of Manchester Lodge I. 0. 0. F. At the Avon Mr. and Mrs. Edward Uhlig en tertained the members of the Wonolanset encampment, I. O. 0. F .r of Manchester at the Avon hotel over the weekend for their 13th annual outing. At the closing banquet on Sunday the table decorations carried out the colors of the several degrees of Odd Fellowship. The souvenir candy man at each place was also in the colors of the various degrees. A purse of money and a leather moth proof clothes container was ; presented to Mrs. Uhlig by the toastmaster, David W. Danielson, who is degree master of the Golden Rule staff. The after dinner speakers were Grand Patriarch Elmer R. George of Manchester. Grand High Priest Willard K. Tozier of Exeter and Herbert H. Sanderson of Keene, past grand representative. A paper on the happenings of the various members was read by Patriarch Emile Christophe. P A IN T and Hardware ever tasted. W etherill’a rain t Hardware— Ruber; FOR BUSY • „ nfirps on a belter quality y / iU K V R E A L ESTATE ICO DOUBT ABOUT IT f <KKKKKKKKH^ ^ hi; BWPI f * * I M l 'f P IL L S B U R Y New Locatio Brick House ball games and walks briskly around to visit friends. The stand ing clgaret stand he built at the age of 85 for John E. Cuddy, Jr., is still in use at the Casino office. J T S t ■”“S r J % 1 Luther J. Holt of Exeter, 88-year old baseball enthusiast, ia back again for another housod. The “ old est man on the beach" comes to the centei every day to listen to the TH E HUB OF THE BEAC ’R O U N D TH E CORNER Juicy Steaks Tender Chops Fish — Lobster Fried or Steamed Clams Regular Dinners Noon Specials Complete Supper Club Breakfast VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY7 NO 65c 35c 50c 25c ST. ON THE CORNER See Your Steak Really Broiled In Our Daylight Kitchen Juicy Steaks - Chops - with French Fried Potatoes at all Hours Grilled Frankfurts Our Specialty T H E H A M P T O N BEACH ADVOCATE __________________ 0 Mayor or Manchester, who was then , . ^ T of Dr. Lorenz In the nw # stu(Jt, u ,a Sprlngfloia YMCA col. PAGE EIGHT HARBOR YAC H T CLUB Hampton Motor Inn At H. Falls Bought By Danbury, Conn. Man perlence will enable him to conduct the best along Route 1. He lias nn exceptionally fine Oliof who can pro duce unoxce.led food and with the delightful arrangement of the pre mises guests can he assured of Ideal (Continued from Page ll vited have been considered, the club offleors headed by Commodore Mr. J. E. Knlck of Danbury. Fred S Batcbulder have not set a Connecticut has purchased the comfort. date f<»r the event. Mr. Knlck hopes to make Green Hampton Motor Inn. Lafayette Road Yachting enthusiasts are looking Acres the center for card parlies Hampton Fails and will conduct it forward to the scries of competitive and banquets the entire year. as a year round hotel under the A ll Rooms with running water Reasonable Rates HOTEL IR V IN G TO l ROOM Ernest H. Beck, Manager Ring Block Ocealw'Blvd., Hampton Bench, N. H. IntroducingO To you name of Green Acres. Mr. Knlck has managed similar rooming houses and his wide ex- classes oi <"■ mo-l of New famous ltera. B.M.C1. calisthenics first becamo .......... ».„n Norman 151 m __ popular at IN N W H IT T h r -h c frH A M S " Hampton. New Hampshire R o u te Tel. Hampton 8486 1 0<hX hC» M ADAME K AM A North Beach Blvd Card Reader Opp. Coast Guard Station R E A D IN G ? — 50c Questions F E R N A L D ’S Famous Food Factory Home Made Breay Pies, Cakes and Doughnuts Groceries and !VL-ats Highway Telephone 8350 Answered Real Estate H AM PTO N BEACH P A L M E R ’S LOBSTERS AND JF'RIED C LA M S ' CHICKEN\ancl STE AK NO RTH REACH N ear Coast Guard Station H A M PTO N , N. H. A. Dow/& Son North Hampton, N. H. Tel. 39-3 Rye Beach Hampton, N. H. Tel. 7 ONE W E E K July 6th to July 11th Overland Tom. Juice Cocktail, 26 oz. .23 Red Label Tuna Fish, 7 oz., 2 for .39 Red Label Chicken Noodle Soup, 3 for .33 <IZ. Red Label Vegetable Salad, 19 oz. .29 Red Label Pineapple Fingers, 29 oz. .23 Red Label Unsweetened Pineapple .23 29 ox. Overland Melonettes, 8 oz. .25 Overland Ginger Marmalade, 16 oz. .30 The Hampton Store will remain open until 9 p . M. on July 3rd hut will close all day Saturday, July 1th. (Continued from Page 1) lire on the marshes sponsorod by the Chamber of Commerce and town officials. For a number of weeks men and boys have been collecting material for the Seabrook Beach fire under the direction of Joe Dockam. genial proprietor *f the general store there. This will be easily visible from Hampton Beach but many of the younger beach residents are ex pected to cross the bridge to view It nearer at hand. CROWDS V IS IT BEACH 8 High St., Hampton. N. H. ll '/ j ,ega. was chief life guard at the bench. Every morning at 11 he c<»n. ducted I ho classes on the beach ln front of the playground. Since then various persons have led the clMR cs. H< )TEL Monday Night Cold Brought Snow To The Mountainous Regions ovenls to he held on the river this Summer. It Is also expected that Snow covered the ground in up tlie cltih will again sponsor moonlight trips to the isles of Shoals land regions of Northern Vermont later In the season. These proved to Monday, it was reported by motor be very popular at the end of the ists. The Newport - St. Albans highway. 30 miles from Newport, inst season. was white for more than a mile in C H IR O PR AC TO R the vicinity of Hazens Notch. Else ( has. W. Anderson. Chiropractor, will be in Hampton & Hampton where the mercury dropped under Beach three mornings/a degrees. (Mon. Wed.. FriJ ty-attend, at To keep cool these hot days ad their homes. th o «*> fc irin fi Lhir- just your diet so that you w ill not opractir attentiou. eat food that produces fuel and For appointments please call heat, eat more vegetables and avoid E X E TE R — 235 starches, ments. and sweets. ire cream The pleasant atmosphere cre ated by the surroundings is distinctive — «— The food delicious. )pp. 3rd St. m,,n S A L IS B U R Y BEACH H E P L A C E SPEN D THE NIG H BEFORE THE FO UR Plenty of Music! VOL. X ~ A curly haired youngster bearing a likeness to Shirley Temple cap ture the plaudits of spectators at the opening radio audition Monday Continued on Pago Eight Plentj Dancing to I o'clock to the music of the Only V on the beach. CH O ICE LIQ U O RS KOOLEH KEG BEER S Y S TE M GOOD FOOD W e serve special lunches each day— 50c— 75c— $1.00 £ R E E P A R K IN G TO (Continued from Page 1) son's fun at the beach. On Saturday evening there will be another fireworks showing as a special feature of tho holiday. Un less it rains the weekly Wednesday night displays will continue for tho i next two months. BEACH FASH IO N SH O W (Continued from Page 2) chel!. Gladys Hiller, Alice Hutch inson. Bertha White, Dudley Autio and Claire Wheeler. Others repre sented at the revue w ill be Rene’s ; Beauty shop and the Hlllcrest Inn l Beauty shop. The revue, which w ill take one hour in the showing, w ill start at 4 in the afternoon and 7 in the evening on eastern standard time. Appropriate music will be played by Hal McDonnell's band during the \ modeling. 1 ■ ^ ^ r ~ P T ° N BEACH ’ PATRO NS OCEAN ECHO Ball Room ------ <% » FREE Flats Exceptionally Clean Says Chemist RANDALL'/ An emergency landing by a sea.. . Plane on the rocks just north of A fl0,,gl *,each merchants did Nol only are the clam bed* In Boar s Head wus a spectacular in- f ,e ? realW volume of business over the Hampton river ’’above sus cirlent cident In in tho tho activities activities of of the the holt. boll the ,loIiday weekend of any pre vlous weekend in the history of the picion” but the ’’clams taken from Continued on Page Eight them are exceptionally clean/• Dr. resort, there were few difficulties Charles D. Howard, state chemist, or minor accidents to mar tho and sanitarian In the department! Pleasure of the vacationists. of health, has notified the Hampton At the first aid station Mrs. Ruby Beach Chamber of Commerce and Paterson treated only three persons Seabrook selectmen, as the result of I f**r firecracker burns, a much smallthe investigation made following *>r number than In other years. the conviction of Judge Howard C .! Robert Brown of Greenfield was Pag* in the Haverhill court last burned when a firecracker exploded March. in his hand. For stmilar bums The communication from Dr. Ruth Swain, 100 Third street. LeoHoward states that the clams dug minister, and Gertrude Cole, 1A from the flats in Hampton harbor Hathaway street. Worcester, were the middle of June were found to also treated. be of “ low bacteria content and The beach firemen had less actirepresentative of eminently satis vify than around previous Fourths. factory q u a ity". The Investigation A cigarette thrown out of a third by state authorities was made at story window at Cutler's manor the request of the Seabrook select started a fire on the piazza roof. men in a visit to the Concord office Firemen also made six trips to the on June 11. I " DeSn h ? fh f0rh0ther,Clea? Ue fireST “ ey Clalmed that newspaper I DON FERDI $ F IS H H IS R A N D A L L ’S Despite the heavy travel through publicity given the conviction of I the beach for several days there ; was nobody injured in auto accid ents. A slight collision on the mile |bridge resulted in the arrest of one Continued on Page Eight Salisbury Beach AND F R I D A Y - J U L Y 10Tl936! First Prize Winner a Head Aided By A t Radio Audition Boa?’s Boar’s Bead Aided By For Beach’* 5 3 5 2 Like Shirley Temple Coast Guard Crew Over The Holiday England's The X er eat anil nnist talked of tc i room ainrwfining par lor on the Beach. King’s . ,“i v e tl.o heach at and women wll. hcalththo end of the Sumnwi C(UIU, lor bodies ttmn when they BONFIRES C E LE B R A TE Makers . CUT Judge Page gave rise to the rum or1 that the clam area In the Hampton river Is unclean. It has since been brought out that the pollution of; (Continued on Page Eight) RATE Laundry and Cleansing Service M ARKET A ALL N. B. C. Intercollegiate Orchestra MEN'S SHIRTS Famous For 17 Featured Stars with the 3 Co-eds Lobsters Lobster Dinners Clams and Fried Clams and Bob Lido N E A R M ILE BRIDGE Broadcasting weekly from the Ocean Echo on a Coast-to-Coast Hookup. Come to the Echo and enjoy fine music in a cmfortable setting. Visit our Cocktail Lounge. Make up a party S IL E X TEA AND C O FFE E Heavy. Medium or Light Starched Shorts 5c Jerseys 5c Handkerchiefs 2c Socks 4c Pajamas 15c Collars 4c ■/ Sea Food from the Ocean to your Plate the Same Day Agents for S. S. Pierce and enjoy the Loge chairs and dancing LIQUORS LO W to the finest music Agents for S. S. Pierce PR IC E S S H A H E E N ’S, INC on the Atlantic coast New and Only Location Broadway and Route 1-A P H Y S IC A L T R A IN IN G (Continued from page one) enter daily cusses in physical training on the sand to fce conduct ed by Dr. Earl Lorenz, a graduate doctor of osteopathy, who has been a member i»f the American Turner- ! ha un for ten years. Everyone who vacations at the beach is invited to enter these classes free of charge. Dr. Lorenz will open each class with a lecture to be given over the public address system In which he will carefully explain how the participants can best benefit from the exercises. j Dr. Lorenz is particularly Inter ested in a system of remedial exer cises Tor the correction of postual defects in hoys and glrlH und will stress calisthenics of thl3 type. He will also have special exercises for men and women who desire to rid their bodies of excessive adipose I Issue. The Hampton Beach Chamber of Commerce Is sponsoring the health S A LIS B U R Y Swimming Pool 895-2 BEACH SURF S I D E B E A C H All O N TH E B O U L E V A R D @ “C” ST. Featuring the Latest Knits & Styles of Swim in salt water at L A D IE S ’ a temperature that will make it a pleasure. Take a dip and relax after on our sand beach. T U C K MIO $4.95 fANTZEN SWIM SUITS K A V A K N IT $4.50 936 CLASSES 'N SWIMMING _ Tel. D .V ^ _ u „ Free Acts Every Afternoon and Evening CULO TTES N E W SLACKS N E W PAJAM AS P A J A M A SETS I.A R G E C A N N O N 1V E LS F IS H N E T B A T H I N 3H O E S L A D IE S ’ SHOES B R A TU C K MIO $4.95 SU M M E R $1.19 1.19 1.95 1.95 .35 .79 2.45 TOPPER $5.95 Cleansed and Pressed M E N ’S TRUNKS $2.95 Other Work at Lowest Prices 3-Day Service— PROMOTIONS M E N 'S A S C O T T E R R Y RO BES P O L O S H IR T S , all styles C A P S , tan crash popular S L A C K S , corded patterns, $2.15 now S H IR T S , collar attached S E E R S U C K E R T IE S , washable P A L M B E A C H S U IT S Plain Dresses — Men’s 3 Piece Saits Expert Workmanship— $3.95 1.00 .35 1.95 1.50 .35 16.75 s - A SU M M E R DISPO SAL S A L E A T $22.50-Every Suit Guaranteed RANDALL’S CUT RATE If you can But it Elsewhere For Less We Will Gladly Refund Your Money