Marchantiales - Govt. Victoria College
Marchantiales - Govt. Victoria College
Marchantiaceae Dr. Maya C Nair DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY Govt. Sanskrit College, Pattambi Marchantiaceae Have stalked carpocephala Well developed air chambers (Except Dumortiera) , single or superposed multi layered Well developed air pore Well developed air chambers in male and female receptacles Sporogonium with foot, seta and capsule Well developed elaters CLASSIFICATION OF MARCHANTIACEAE(Cavers, 1981) Marchantiaceae Astroporae Operculatae Compositae Marchantia polymorphaMarchantiaceae Asterella Asterella male Dumortiera Dumortiera Dumortiera hirsuta- Marchantiaceae Marchantia Dichotomously branched, broader and dorsiventrally flattened thallus Prominent midrib Special vegetative propagules, the gemmae in gemma cup Well developed air pores Tuberculate and smooth rhizoids Ventral multicellualar scales for protection Ventral surface of Marchantia thallus Marchantia polymorpha Marchantia is dioecious 1. Female plant with archegoniophores 2. Male plant with antheridiophores 3. Gemmae cups 4. Dorsal surface of thallus showing air chamber outlines and pores Marchantia - thallus structure Pore Pores Photosynthetic tissue Rhizoids Scale Storage tissue Rhizoids Photomicrograph of cross-section Drawing of cross-section Reproduction in Marchantia • Vegetative –Fragmentation – Formation of adventitious branches – By gemmae in gemmae cups • Sexual reproduction –antheridiophore with antheridia – archegoniophore with archegonia Marchantia - Vegetative Reproduction by Gemmae Single gemma, with meristems in notches Gemmae Gemma cups on dorsal surface Longitudinal section through gemma cup Marchantia - Sexual Reproduction Antheridia and Antheridiophores Male thallus Sterile jacket layer Male thalli with antheridiophores from above Drawing of longitudinal section through antheridiophore, showing sunken antheridia & air chambers Spermatogenous tissue Stalk Longitudinal section of antheridium Marchantia Archegonia and Archegoniophores Stalk Venter Egg Female thalli with archegoniophores Female thallus Drawing of longitudinal section through archegoniophore, showing inverted archegonia & air chambers Neck canal cells Longitudinal section of archegonia Marchantia Female thalli with sporophyte Marchantia - Sporophyte, Sporangium and Spores Longitudinal section of sporophyte Lunularia Marchantia
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