+34 913 476 000 Fax: +34 913 476 046 Dependenci
+34 913 476 000 Fax: +34 913 476 046 Dependenci
GOBIERNO DE ESPAÑA MINISTERIO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE, Y MEDIO RURAL Y MARINO SECRETARÍA GENERAL DEL MAR RED IBEROAMERICANA DE RESERVAS MARINAS RESERVAS MARINAS DE ESPAÑA UNIÓN EUROPEA USEFUL ADDRESSES LEYENDA No-take reserve: 0.2 miles Reserva integral: 0,2 millas Buffer zone: 0.6 miles · Certain professional fishing with prior authorization of MARM* · Scuba diving with prior authorization of MARM* Zona de amortiguación: 0,6 millas · Determinadas pescas profesionales autorizadas por el MARM* · Buceo autónomo con autorización del MARM* Limit of the marine reserve Límite de la reserva *Unless closure *Salvo veda Marine reserves website: www.reservasmarinas.net Contact: [email protected] NIPO 770-09-004-9 CONVENTIONAL SIGNS Secretaría General del Mar Velázquez, 144 28006 Madrid Phone: +34 913 476 000 Fax: +34 913 476 046 Dependencia del Área Funcional de Agricultura y Pesca Subdelegación de Gobierno de Tarragona Plaça Imperial Tarraco, 4 - 2ª 43005 Tarragona Phone: +34 977 999 060 Fax: +34 977 224 552 Caseta de información y vigilancia de guardapescas de la reserva marina Paseo Marítimo s/n Cala Berenguer, Comarruga El Vendrell Ayuntamiento de El Vendrell Plaça Vella, 1 43700 El Vendrell (Tarragona) Phone: +34 977 166 400 Fax: +34 977 661 179 http://www.elvendrell.net Patronato Municipal de Turismo Oficina de Turismo Av. Brisamar, 1 43880 Comarruga (El Vendrell) Phone: +34 977 680 010 Fax: +34 977 683 654 Contact: [email protected] Benjamín García María Rosa Olives Dolcet María Rosa Olives Dolcet DESIGNATION Habitual artisanal fleets in the area come from Calafell and Torredembarra. They mainly catch the following species: European conger, red scorpionfish, rockfish, striped seabreams, white seabream forkbeard European seabass, gilthead seabream, common octopus, common cuttlefish, red mullet and common spiny lobster. The reserve of Masía Blanca is situated in waters beyond baselines in front of the beaches of El Vendrell, beside the port of Comarruga (Tarragona). This marine reserve was created under the Ministerial Order of 21st December 1999 (BOE no. 7 of 8th January 2000) by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación) for the purpose of protecting exceptional rocky sea beds in a predominantly sandy area. The marine reserve, with a 457 ha area, is marked off by a 0.2 mile radius circle (no-take reserve), whose midpoint falls within the coordinates 1o 30' 40.2'' E and 41o 10' 27'' N. There is a buffer zone outside the reserve, marked off by a 0.6 mile wide circle which is concentric to the circumference of the no-take reserve. The marine reserve of Masía Blanca also belongs to the Natura 2000 Network. AIMS OF THE MARINE RESERVE: ARTISANAL FISHERIES The marine reserves are particularly important for sustaining artisanal fisheries activities; often pushed out of their habitual areas by professional fleets. This reserve aims to regenerate the most traditional fisheries resources in the area, whose fishing gear permits more selective catching: trammel net and bottom longline fishing. This means the special habitats inhabited by coastal sea bed and sandy sea bed species must be protected. ACTIVITIES IN THE MARINE RESERVE Prohibited activities - Professional marine fishing by fishermen whose boats have not been entered in the specific census for vessels authorized for this activity in the reserve’s waters Activities subject to authorization María Rosa Olives Dolcet - Removal of any kind of fauna and flora for scientific purposes, with prior authorization of the SGM However, pursuant to the ORDER of 26th June 2007 (BOE no. 160 of 5th July 2007), the following is effective: - A three-year closure period (until 5th July 2010) for any kind of activities, unless of a scientific purpose, throughout the reserve THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT A great variety of sea beds are found in the reserve, in particular Posidonia oceanica beds and maerl bottoms. These sea beds are formed by sandbanks lying perpendicular to the coast, on a sandy sea bed, and another, very long, sandbank parallel to the coastline, in the deepest part of the reserve. - In the no-take marine reserve, any kind of marine fishing or removal of flora or fauna, except for scientific purposes and with prior authorization of the General Secretariat of Sea (SGM - Secretaría General del Mar) They are of calcareous composition and serve as a substrate for infralittoral and precoraligenic communities. Its depth varies from 4 to 16 metres. - Inside the buffer zone and outside the no-take reserve: Its relief, in the sea and on land, provides a refuge for countless species and is a positive factor for biodiversity: on the coast there are dunes which have arisen from the action of the wind against the constructions on the coast, whereby fixed dunes have been colonised by plants which form a complete community of foliage typical of sandy floors. - Bottom longline and trammel net professional fishing, with prior authorization of SGM - Scuba diving may take place when authorized by the Head of the Agency of the Functional Area of Agriculture and Fisheries (Dependencia del Área Funcional de Agricultura y Pesca) of Tarragona Province BIOLOGICAL COMMUNITIES Waters from the Font Deu de Brisamar thermal spring reach the marine reserve. These waters bubble up at 19oC and enrich the reserve's waters naturally. María Rosa Olives Dolcet Beds of Posidonia oceanica abound, forming a rich labyrinth of invertebrates: Common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) and Noble pen shell, (Pinna nobilis) and vertebrates: Red mullet (Mullus surmuletus), gilthead seabream (Spaurus aurata) and European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax), amongst others. Three different communities are evident, depending on substrate type: communities in soft substrate covered by Posidonia oceanica beds, soft substrate with no vegetation, characterised by the sand in which a rich fauna of invertebrates, small crustaceans and benthonic (sea bottom) fish is developed and, finally, sea beds of hard substrate characterised by biogenic rock where algae from the Coralinegic family form a highly rugged relief with numerous crevices which serve as a refuge for countless ocean floor organisms and are known locally as a "Grapissar" ecosystem, otherwise known as “Maerl”. PRACTICAL ADVICE A marine reserve is a protected area. Its conservation depends on everyone: - Find out about its restrictions - Help to protect and maintain it and remember that any kind of fishing and/or unauthorized removal of marine flora or fauna is prohibited
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