Natural and social conditions of Princesa, a macrotidal sandy beach
Natural and social conditions of Princesa, a macrotidal sandy beach
Journal Journalof ofCoastal CoastalResearch Research SI 64 pg -- pg 1979 1983 ICS2011 ICS2011 (Proceedings) (Proceedings) Poland ISSN 0749-0208 0749-0208 ISSN Natural and social conditions of Princesa, a macrotidal sandy beach on the Amazon Coast of Brazil N. I. S. Silva†, L. C. C. Pereira†*, A. Gorayeb‡, A. Vila-Concejo∞, R. C. Sousa†, N. E. Asp† and R. M. Costa† †Instituto de Estudos Costeiros, ‡Departamento de Geografia, ∞School of Geosciences, Universidade Federal do Pará, Universidade Federal do Ceará, The University of Sydney, Bragança, 6600-000, Brazil. Fortaleza 60833-500, Brazil. Sydney, 2006, Australia. *Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Silva, N.I.S., Pereira, L.C.C., Gorayeb, A., Vila-Concejo, A., R.C. Sousa, N.E. Asp and R.M. Costa. Natural and social conditions of Princesa, a macrotidal sandy beach on the Amazon Coast of Brazil. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64 (Proceedings of the 11th International Coastal Symposium), – . Szczecin, Poland, ,6610749-0208 This study took place at Princesa Beach, located in an area of environmental protection on the Amazon coast of Brazil. The aim was to evaluate the impact of natural processes and human activities on this macrotidal beach, and provide local authorities with guidelines for the implementation of a coastal management program. Data on social and natural variables were collected between November, 2008, and August, 2010. All amenities on the beach were identified and georeferenced using a GPS in August, 2010. Four campaigns of over 25 hours duration were conducted during spring tide periods November, 2008, and March, June, and September, 2009 for the collection of hydrodynamic and hydrologic data. Motorized vehicles are prohibited on the island. The waterfront of Princesa beach is characterized by the presence of a small number of buildings. The beach receives large numbers of visitors only during July and certain bank holidays. The recreational consumption of drugs constitutes the island’s main social problem. Climatic and hydrological conditions were the main factors responsible for the high water turbidity and dissolved oxygen levels, and elevated concentrations of chlorophyll a and dissolved nutrients. The study area was not adversely affected by thermotolerant coliform levels. In order to guarantee the environmental integrity of the beach over a long term, the authors suggest: (i) the construction of an adequate public sanitation system, (ii) creation of garbage recycling programs (to reduce refuse in the dunes), (iii) incentives for the development of ecotourism programs, (iv) regulation of land use, and (v) intervention for the control of recreational drug use. ADITIONAL INDEX WORDS: Natural and anthropogenic conditions, management, Amazon beach. INTRODUCTION The 8,500 km of the Brazilian coastline is characterized by an ample variety of landscapes and natural ecosystems. Seventeen of the 27 Brazilian states are located along its Atlantic seaboard, and account for almost 70% of the country’s population (190 million inhabitants, IBGE, 2010). While this coastal zone includes heavily urbanized regions, where economic activities such as ports, industries, and tourism have intensified over the past few decades (Pereira et al., 2007a; Andrade et al., 2010), it also encompasses vast, sparsely-populated areas with well-preserved ecosystem, such as mangroves and dune fields (Lara, 2003; Szlafsztein and Sterr, 2007). The Amazon coast includes only three states – Amapá, Pará, and Maranhão – but makes up approximately 35% of the coastline of Brazil. This area includes one of the largest continuous tracts of mangrove forest in the world (Kjerfve and Lacerda, 1993), the discharge of dozens of rivers (including the Amazon), and a variety of environments, such as muddy and sandy beaches, coastal plains, salt and freshwater marshes, lagoons, islands, deltas and dune fields (Souza Filho et al., 2005). Within this coastal zone, socio-economic and environmental conflicts are caused primarily by exploitation of natural resources, population growth, urbanization processes, unplanned land occupation and natural disasters (Szlafsztein, 2003, 2009; Pereira et al., 2007b, 2009a; Silva et al., 2009; Menezes et al., 2009; Andrade et al., 2010). Local and regional governments have created a number of marine extractive reserves and environmental protection areas (EPAs) within the Amazon coastal zone, with the primary aim of reducing or eliminating anthropogenic impacts on these wellpreserved ecosystems (Szlafsztein, 2009). Unfortunately, the Pará state coastal management program (GERCO-PA) has been relatively unsuccessful in comparison with the programs of other Brazilian states. Despite this, the development of effective public policies remains an essential priority for the region. The present study focused on Princesa Beach on Maiandeua Island in the northeastern corner of the Brazilian state of Pará (Figure 1). This popular tourist beach is located within an EPA which presents a number of social and environmental problems. The aim of the present study was to analyze the impacts of natural events and human activities on the characteristics of the beach and provide local authorities with guidelines for the implementation of coastal management programs. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, 2011 1979 Natural and social conditions in a macrotidal sandy beach Natural and social conditions in a macrotidal sandy beach STUDY AREA The study site (Figure 1) is located within an EPA of 2,378 ha STUDY AREA and The it is onesiteof(Figure the Amazon coast’s most popular tourist study 1) is located within an EPA of 2,378 ha destinations, especially the coast’s month of July.popular Princesa is a and it is one of the during Amazon most tourist scenic beach especially approximately 14 the km month long, located Maiandeua destinations, during of July.on Princesa is a Marapanim Maracanã Island, which approximately is bordered by scenic beach 14 the km long, located and on Maiandeua estuaries. Local environments include dunes, and lagoons, and by the Marapanim Maracanã Island, which is bordered mangroves. The local inhabitantsinclude depend on subsistence fishing estuaries. Local environments dunes, lagoons, and and agriculture, well as handicrafts and tourism. mangroves. Theaslocal inhabitants depend on subsistence fishing local climate equatorial humid with a mean annual and The agriculture, as well is as handicrafts and tourism. The localofclimate is and equatorial with a ofmean temperature 26-27°C annual humid precipitation over annual 2,000 mm. Some of 75-85% precipitation falls during the2,000 wet temperature 26-27°ofC this and annual precipitation of over season, which75-85% is normally between January falls and June (Martorano mm. Some of this precipitation during the wet et al., 1993 andisINMET, TheJanuary tides areand semi-diurnal with a season, which normally2010). between June (Martorano maximum of 5.5 m (DHN, 2010). et al., 1993range and INMET, 2010). The tides are semi-diurnal with a This dissipative macrotidal maximum range of 5.5 m (DHN, sandy 2010).beach forms an elongated sandy ridge about 300-400 m wide, parallel the shoreline in an This dissipative macrotidal sandy beachtoforms an elongated east-west withm awide, curved spit torunning northwestsandy ridgeorientation, about 300-400 parallel the shoreline in an southeast. Both erosivewith and accretive werenorthwestobserved east-west orientation, a curved conditions spit running along the beach. southeast. Both erosive and accretive conditions were observed along the beach. METHODS Natural variables (meteorology, hydrodynamics, hydrology, METHODS and Natural microbiology) were assessed between November, hydrology, 2008, and variables (meteorology, hydrodynamics, and microbiology) were assessed between November, 2008, and September, 2009. All public amenities (between P1 and P2, Figure 1) on the beach also identified and georeferenced September, 2009. were All public amenities (between P1 and P2,using Figurea Garmin GPS. photographic the study area wasa 1) on theEtrex beach wereA also identified map and of georeferenced using elaborated based on the coordinates recorded field area by GPS, Garmin Etrex GPS. A photographic map of in thethestudy was and photographic records of specific recorded features. in Georeferencing was elaborated based on the coordinates the field by GPS, conducted using the digital database created in 2007 and photographic records ofcartographic specific features. Georeferencing was by the Geomatics Department of the Pará Federalcreated Technological conducted using the digital cartographic database in 2007 Education Center (CEFET-PA) municipal by the Geomatics Department offor thethe Pará Federal planialtimetric Technological survey andCenter registration of urban areasmunicipal of Maiandeua Island. Education (CEFET-PA) for the planialtimetric Analytical of the Autocad were used for survey andtools registration of urban2006© areas package of Maiandeua Island. georeferencing, of features the final Analytical tools vectorization of the Autocad 2006© and package wereformatting used for of the figure. vectorization of features and the final formatting georeferencing, Metereological data (wind and rainfall) were obtained from of the figure. the Metereological National Meteorological for the between data (wind Institute and rainfall) wereperiod obtained from November, and September, 2009. for Fourthecampaigns of over the National2008, Meteorological Institute period between 25 hours duration wereSeptember, conducted2009. duringFour spring tide periods in November, 2008, and campaigns of over November, 2008, and March, June, and September, 2009. A mini25 hours duration were conducted during spring tide periods in current meter, CTD, waveJune, and tide loggers2009. were A fixed to November, 2008, andand March, and data September, minithe sea meter, floor CTD, at a depth of and 2.0 tide m indata theloggers subtidal zone current and wave were fixedand to programmed average data m every of the sea floortoatcollect a depth of 2.0 in 10 the minutes. subtidalSamples zone and sub-surface wereaverage collected by every Niskin10oceanographic bottles programmedwater to collect data minutes. Samples of every 3 hours forwere the collected measurement of hydrological databottles (pH, sub-surface water by Niskin oceanographic turbidity dissolved chlorophyll a and thermotolerant every 3 and hours for the nutrients, measurement of hydrological data (pH, coliforms). and pH chlorophyll were then adetermined in the turbidity andTurbidity dissolved nutrients, and thermotolerant laboratory. oxygen were measured coliforms). Dissolved Turbidity and pH concentrations were then determined in the laboratory. Dissolved oxygen concentrations were measured Figure 1. Study area, showing Brazil (A), Amazon littoral (B), Northern Pará coast (C), Maiandeua island (D) and Princesa beach Figure(E). 1. Study area, showing Brazil (A), Amazon littoral (B), Northern Pará coast (C), Maiandeua island (D) and Princesa beach (E). Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, 2011 Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, 2011 1980 Silva et al. according to the Winkler method (Strickland and Parsons, 1968), and nutrients according to Strickland and Parsons (1972) and Grasshoff et al. (1983). Chlorophyll a content and thermotolerant coliform concentrations were determined by the methods of Strickland and Parsons (1972) and APHA (2004), respectively. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Social Aspects Motorized vehicles are prohibited on the island, and the only wheeled transport is provided by donkey carts (Figure 2A). The waterfront of Princesa beach is characterized by its sparse infrastructure (Table 1), with only 22 bars built on the dunes and intertidal zone (Figure 2B). Under the EPA management, the construction of hotels or other buildings, except fishermen’s huts, is strictly prohibited. Environmental Features The Amazon coast is characterized by high solar radiation, high and stable temperatures, strong winds dominated by the easterly trades, and some of the highest rainfall rates in the world (Marengo, 1995; Geyer et al., 1996; Nittrouer and DeMaster, 1996). During the study period, annual precipitation was over 2,000 mm. The strongest winds, mainly from the northeast, were recorded during the dry season (monthly average up to 9.3 m/s), while moderate winds (less than 6 m/s) from the northeast and southeast were recorded during the wet season. Four distinct natural scenarios were recorded in terms of hydrodynamic and hydrological conditions: (i) November, 2008 (late dry season: lowest fluvial discharge) was characterized by high hydrodynamic energy, with strong tidal currents (up to 0.8 m/s) and high waves (up to 1.2 m), the highest salinity (up to 35 psu) and pH (up to 8.5), and the lowest dissolved nutrient concentrations and turbidity (15.81 UT); (ii) March, 2009 (wet season: equinoctial spring tide) was also characterized by high hydrodynamic energy, including waves of up to 1.3 m in height and strong tidal currents (up to 0.8 m/s), as well as a tide height of 5.8 m, in addition to the highest concentrations of chlorophyll a (up to 67.6 mg/m³) and nitrates (up to 28.87 µmol/l); (iii) June, 2009 (late wet season: highest fluvial discharge) was characterized by relatively low hydrodynamic energy, with tides of 4.3 m and tidal currents up to 0.64 m/s, the lowest salinity (4.0 psu) and pH (6.9), and the highest silicate concentrations (up to 348.9 µmol/l); (iv) September, 2009 (dry season: equinoctial spring tide), hydrodynamic energy was also high (tide height of 5.8 m and tidal currents of 0.8 m/s), and the highest phosphate (up to 0.92 µmol/l) and nitrite (up to 0.49 µmol/l) concentrations were also recorded. The local high hydrodynamic energy is a consequence of the macrotidal conditions that in general result in strong tidal currents (Beardsley et al., 1995), mainly during the equinoctial periods. In addition, the discharge of the Amazon River and dozens of other estuaries onto the coastal shelf form a vast and complex marineestuarine system characterized by unique levels of sediment runoff, dissolved nutrients and organic material unlike those found anywhere else on the planet (Meade et al., 1985; Geyer et al., 1996). These natural processes are among the principal factors responsible for variations in nutrient concentrations, turbidity and salinity, and the formation of phytoplankton blooms on the Amazon coast and continental platform (DeMaster et al., 1996; Santos et al., 2008). The maximum thermotolerant coliform concentration recorded during the present study was 450 MNP/100ml, which does not represent a significant threat to the quality of the water, according to the criteria of the Brazilian Environment Council, CONAMA (2005), indicating that the beach is more than adequate for bathing. This appears to indicate the absence of significant anthropogenic impacts, although natural conditions, such as the high levels of fluvial discharge, are responsible for the inadequate turbidity values, according to CONAMA (2005) criteria. Table 1. Public amenities and other infrastructure identified on Princesa beach, Maiandeua Island, Pará. Item Refuse bin Number 20 Lamp post 49 Bar 22 Well 6 Cesspit 2 Fishermen’s hut 2 The relative inaccessibility of the beach tends to restrict visitation except during the peak vacation season (July) and some bank holidays (Figure 2C). The island can only be reached by boat. There are no campgrounds on the island, although Algodoal village offers a selection of lodgings. The beach is patrolled by lifeguards only in July (Figure 2D). Sewage disposal is based on the few precarious cesspits built in the dunes or intertidal zone (Figure 2E), while refuse is dumped in the dunes (Figure 2F). Toilets and showers are only available in the bars, and their use is restricted to customers. The recreational consumption of drugs such as marijuana and cocaine constitutes the island’s main social problem. Fishing and tourism are the principal economic activities within the Amazon coastal zone. Pará has good potential for tourism, but the development of this industry is limited primarily by the lack of adequate infrastructure. Initiatives have been implemented at municipal, state, and federal government levels, providing economic incentives for the improvement of services and infrastructure while maintaining the natural beauty of the region’s beaches (Szlafsztein and Sterr, 2007), but the results have been slow in coming. The unregulated occupation of land, and the lack of services and infrastructure are the principal factors underpinning the social and environmental problems that characterize this sector of the Amazon region (Krause and Glaser, 2003; Pereira et al., 2007b, 2009b; Souza Filho et al., 2006; Menezes et al., 2009). The main problems observed in the study area – i.e., the lack of an adequate public water supply, sanitation system, and refuse collection – are typical of the region as a whole. These problems are intensified during the July vacation period, when the beach is visited by large numbers of tourists, with a concomitant increase in the production of sewage and refuse. A number of environmental education programs have been implemented on Maiandeua Island, although there is an urgent need for the active involvement of local and regional governments for the improvement of existing infrastructure, and the implantation of sustainable development initiatives. Overall, the development of a coastal management plan should be the main priority for local authorities. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, 2011 1981 Natural and social conditions in a macrotidal sandy beach Natural and social conditions in a macrotidal sandy beach Figure 2. General conditions recorded in Princesa beach. Figure 2. General conditions recorded in Princesa beach. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS Climatic and hydrological conditions were the main factors FINAL CONSIDERATIONS responsible high waterconditions turbidity were and dissolved Climatic for andthe hydrological the main oxygen factors levels, and for the the elevated concentrations a and responsible high water turbidity of andchlorophyll dissolved oxygen dissolved nutrients recordedconcentrations during the study. residents levels, and the elevated of Local chlorophyll a and beachgoers have been targeted by the a number of environmental dissolved nutrients recorded during study. Local residents and education andtargeted some ofbythea local ecological and social beachgoersprograms, have been number of environmental problems have beenandresolved However, other education programs, some oforthemitigated. local ecological and social problems have been resolved or mitigated. However, other problems, such as drug abuse and the inadequate disposal of sewage refuse require from local problems,and such as drug abuseeffective and theintervention inadequate disposal of authorities. order to guarantee the environmental of sewage andIn refuse require effective intervention integrity from local the beach In over a to long term, the environmental authors suggest: (i) the authorities. order guarantee integrity of construction of an aadequate public the sanitation (ii) creation the beach over long term, authorssystem, suggest: (i) the of garbage recycling programs (to reduce refuse in the (ii) dunes), (iii) construction of an adequate public sanitation system, creation incentives for the development of ecotourism programs, (iv) of garbage recycling programs (to reduce refuse in the dunes), (iii) regulation of and (v) intervention for programs, the control(iv) of incentives for land the use, development of ecotourism recreationalofdrug use. regulation land use, and (v) intervention for the control of recreational drug use. 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