View/Download 2014 Annual Report
View/Download 2014 Annual Report
DY SPIRIT BO CA YM C THE SMILE OF THE GREAT D MIN • KNAP EL P AM B 1903 • YMCA Camp Belknap 2014 Annual Report on Giving YMCA CAMP BELKNAP Board of Directors Table of Contents From the Directors ........................................1 Belknap By The Numbers ..............................2 Doing Our Share, Then and Now.............. 3-4 Growing Yet Never Changing ........................5 Cost Breakdown / Local Impact.....................6 2014 Annual Fund .....................................7-9 Financial Position & Activities................10-11 Farm Island Campaign............................11-13 Front Cover: “From the Lake Shore,” an original painting by Belknapper Ed Winter. Inset: Campers take part in a canoe race for Adams Cup John P. Wilkins, Chair William D. Perkins, Vice Chair John Snow, III, Treasurer Mark P. Kesslen, Esquire, Secretary David B. Clark Kent S. Cruger W. Robert Dahl Jake Elwell Bradford S. Germain, M.D. Robert E. Howe David Humphrey Seth M. Kassels, Director (ex officio) Stephanie Kassels, Director (ex officio) Frank E. Kenison, Esquire Melissa Adams Ludwig, M.D. Jon Malinowski, Ph.D. Robert H. Miller, Esquire Charles S. Morrison, II Brad Nutter Daniel Seyler Anne Spry Christiaan P. Vorkink Thomas H. Wintner, Esquire Honorary Members Horace S. Blood, M.D. From the Directors We are excited to present you with the 2014 Annual Report on Giving. 2014 was an exceptional year for Camp Belknap. The core cabinal experience continued for all Belknap campers very much the same as it has for over a hundred years. The Belknap Spirit was stronger then ever, and our community of campers and leaders truly embodied the values of our Woodcraft lamps: fortitude, truth, beauty and love. In addition to a successful summer, 2014 was filled with many other historical milestones: • We closed the Farm Island Campaign raising a total of $2,533,140 and even more impressive 98% of people who pledged donated to Belknap. • We purchased the Farm House at One Chase Point Road, securing forever the entranceway to Camp Belknap. • We settled into Clark Lodge (a benefit of the Farm Island Campaign) and increased our year round staff to seven people, allowing us to better meet the modern day needs of a residential summer camp. • We started construction on the new Main Dock. • We initiated the first ever-comprehensive strategic plan in the history of Camp Belknap. As you will see in this report, Belknap is as strong as it has ever been. Financially, we continue to grow our endowment and protect our land and infrastructure. We had our most successful Annual Fund in camp history, both in monies raised and more importantly in number of donors. Additionally, we were happy to visit with many alumni at camp and in your communities. We are excited to hear about the accomplishments of former campers and leaders, and we look forward to the opportunity to continue to connect our community beyond the summer. Please take a look at the calendar of upcoming events and programs at camp or in your backyard. Finally, we thank you all for your support in 2014. By contributing to Belknap you allowed us to accomplish our most significant accomplishment: our ability to remain focused on our mission of being a unique physical and spiritual environment where young men and boys build strong character, self esteem, individual maturity and community responsibility and acquire for life the skill of leadership and the value of good stewardship. Timi-Hi and Seek the Joy, Seth Kassels Stephanie Kassels Annual Report on Giving | 1 2014 Belknap By The Numbers Donor Totals ANNUAL FUND DONORS 686 100% of the 2014 Leadership gave to the Annual Fund 603 2013 Physical Plant (after the Farm Island Campaign) 2014 290 Acres BELKNAP SUPPORTERS FROM 40 US STATES 4,900 1,248 Total Campers in the 2014 Summer 198 New Donors in 2014 $191,500 Total Given to Annual Fund Feet of Shoreline 66 Buildings 6 Outpost Campsites 2 | Annual Report on Giving 186 Campers had sleepouts on the newly constructed Farm Island campsite D Doing Our Share, Then and Now o your share of the work. These share of the work. Only months before the summer season words, recited each Sunday night of the summer during Wood- of 1907, Camp Belknap still had no home. craft, have long characterized the selfless, The nomadic camp had relocated from Timber Island to Welch Isdedicated spirit of Camp Belknap. As a camper, “‘Conlon Lodge’ land during previous sumso the discovery of a it’s the initiative to take a began with a single mers, beautiful piece of shoreline turn sweeping the cabin, to pick up red rubber balls pledge from Hank nestled in a secluded bay left out on fields, or to Adams for $16… brought much excitement to the camp community. take the lead at camp duthat the Camp ties. Within the extended At last, a permanent site Belknap community, Belknap community for Camp Belknap to fulfill however, that same spirit was able to raise the its mission of growing the body and spirit of has driven some of the rest, totaling $9,000, mind, young boys. most profound advanceis truly extraorA healthy sum— ments in camp’s 112-year history. dinary, especially $3,000—was needed to the land; hence As we wrap up a treconsidering that the purchase Belknap’s first fundraising mendously successful Farm Island Campaign, stock market crashed campaign was kicked off. we’d like to recognize the following year” The first $1,000 was covered by the camp, but most some of the other significant capital campaigns that have helped of the remainder was pledged by families build the Belknap we all know and love to- and friends of Camp Belknap. How imporday. Each has posed its own set of challeng- tant their gifts soon became, as camp went es, yet each time the Belknap community on to secure 16 acres of pine forest, 1,000 has risen to the challenge and done their ft of Winnipesaukee shoreline, a wharf extending over 100 ft into the bay, a cookhouse, an ice house, a stable and a small cottage. Tents were built along the waterfront, shaded by the pines and sited close enough to the lake for their inhabitants to be Tents line the waterfront on camp’s newly acquired property lulled to sleep by in the early 1900s the sound of water lapping against the shore. Fast forward to the summer of 1928. Ma and Pa Conlon were ten years into their directorship, and with the introduction of Woodcraft, the Chapel in the Pines, scolleges, Conlon Lodge sits right on the lake, boasting one of the best views in camp and general swims, ing four decades (Little Huck Island, modthe Camp Belknap experience was truly ernized scolleges, tennis courts, and more), coming to form. One thing that was misshowever these projects were always covered ing, in Pa Conlon’s opinion, was a main under the camp’s operating budget. Then, lodge, and after years of appeals to the New in 1973, the Belknap community was preHampshire State YMCA Committee he fisented with a new challenge, affectionately nally got his wish. known by Director Gene Clark II as the The campaign for what would become “miracle project.” Conlon Lodge began with a single pledge Neighboring landowner Russ Whitten from Hank Adams for $16, a significant was prepared to sell Belknap his family’s sum at that time. That the Camp Belknap Shore Acres Campgrounds, which consistcommunity was able to raise the rest, toed of 80 acres of land and an astounding taling $9,000, is extraordinary, especially 900ft of lake shoreline. The “miracle” needconsidering that the stock market crashed ed was for Belknap families and friends to the following year. raise the $320,000 necessary for this preAt seventy-seven feet long and thirty-six cious piece of property. As you might have feet wide, Conlon Lodge easily accommoguessed, this miracle became a reality with dated the one hundred or so Belknappers the closing of the campaign in 1976. of the day and could even be seen from The acquisition of the Shore Acres Abenaki Tower. It featured a stage for plays, Campgrounds served two purposes: first, camp offices and store, six upstairs rooms, to facilitate Belknap’s plan of having sepaa massive stone fireplace and a breathtakrate locations and divisional autonomy for ing porch overlooking the bay and Farm Isall five age groups at camp, and second, land. Pa Conlon’s untiring efforts to install to preserve the sanctity of Belknap by rea new lodge proved well worth the wait, ducing the commotion of boat traffic and as Conlon Lodge remains one of the most campground visitors. The Seniors received iconic places at Belknap today. There were numerous additions and Annual Report on Giving | 3 changes to Camp Belknap over the follow- a brand new division, the Juniors moved to the old Senior division by camp’s entrance, and the Middlers had Messer Field to themselves, all changes that continue to define those divisions today. And now, in 2015, the completion of the Farm Island Campaign marks yet another historic achievement in Camp Belknap’s history. Starting in 2010, the Farm Island Campaign sought to raise $2.5 million to purchase the side of Farm Island that faces camp. The goal was to preserve the serenity of the bay, eliminate the potential for commercial development and boat traffic that would impinge upon camp, as well as to provide additional outpost campsites for boys to experience a night under the stars. It was truly a team effort, as 944 dedicated Belknap families and friends rose to the challenge and did their share of the work. In addition to the Farm Island purchase, the campaign also brought two new buildings to Belknap. The Hank and Ruth Adams Environmental Center, a gift of the Hirshberg Family, provides a permanent summer home for Belknap’s robust nature program, while Clark Lodge, named after former Directors Gene and Caryn Clark serves as a year-round administrative office for Belknap staff. In just a few years, it’ll be hard to imagine a Camp Belknap without these remarkable buildings. So what will be the next challenge? How will the new chapter in Belknap’s history read? Whenever it may happen, there is no doubt that the Belknap community will rise to the task and do their share of the work. With your continued support, we can ensure that boys continue to lead, to grow and to learn under the pines for centuries to come. 4 | Annual Report on Giving It was truly a team effort, as 944 dedicated Belknap families and friends rose to the challenge and did their share of the work Growing Yet Never Changing 1907 – Original 16.9 acres purchased to move camp to a permanent location 1942 – Camp Belknap acquires Melvin Island (“Little Huck”) for outpost camping 1964 – Belknap procures the Abenaki Driving Range, converting it into the playing fields now known as “Clark Field” 1973 – The Senior Division relocates to the Shore Acres Campground, purchased as part of the “Miracle” Campaign 1998 – Willed to Camp by Helen Bell McMartin, whose parents Paul & Louise Strubin were longtime friends of Belknap dating back to the Pa Conlon era. 2010 – Through the Farm Island Campaign, Belknap secures 1/3 of the island facing the camp 2014 – Purchase of the farmhouse on 1 Chase Point Road, securing forever the entrance to Camp Belknap ACQUISITION DATE 1907 1942 1964 1973 1981 1986 1998 2000 2010 2014 Annual Report on Giving | 5 “Full Cost” of a Belknap 2-Week Session Revenues Per 2-Week Session Costs per 2-Week Camper Session Full Costs Per 2-Week Session In 2014 Camp Belknap continued its focus on working with local organizations and spent $785,000 in Carroll County • • • • In 2014 Camp Belknap employed 21 people with residence in Carroll County In 2014 Camp Belknap procured supplies from 14 different companies in Carroll County In 2014 Camp Belknap worked with 8 Carroll County based organizations in supporting Belknap’s commissary needs In 2014 Camp Belknap worked with 38 service providers in Carroll County Thanks to the following volunteers who have done their share of the work! ANNUAL FUND PARENTS OF LEADERS LIAISONS John & Mary Burlingame Dennis & Judith Coyne Amy Donovan Margaret & Thomas Nowak Jack & Sarah Raslowsky Pam & Jim Rentschler Anne & Jim Spry 6 | Annual Report on Giving PARENTS OF CAMPERS LIAISONS Bill Brummer & Kara Thamma James Kessler Matthew & Suzanne Lucey Al MacDonald Stephanie Paine Phil & Gwen Ryan Olga St. Clair John & Juli Tantum Sam & Judith Trotzky DECADE CAPTAINS Andy Bigelow, 1980s Jim Bright, 1990s Dave Brown, 1970s John DeLong, 1980s Bob Easton, 1950s Bobby Gates, 1990s Jeff Grossmann, 2000s Tim Jaeger, 1980s Chris Lash, 2000s Kyle Mikulis, 1990s Stew Putnam, 1960s Jack Tracy, 2000s Jared Whalen, 1990s 2014 COMMUNITY EVENT HOSTS Mark and Laura Marion, Colorado Jon Donnelly & Mary Townsend, Maine Dave Humphrey & Markella Zanni, Boston Mark Kesslen, New York The 2014 Annual Fund We are grateful for your generous support to the Annual Fund ~ as well as to various restricted funds listed separately on these pages. We apologize for any inaccuracies or omissions. Please send corrections or updates to [email protected] WACONDA ~ $1,250+ George Berman & Regina Roman John & Mary Burlingame Ted & Lynn Clark David B. & Susan Clark The Dahl Family Mark & Brenda Depew Bob Dewhirst Fletcher Bay Foundation Brad & Beverly Germain David Goldsberry & Caryn Bray Dave Humphrey & Markella Zanni Seth & Stephanie Kassels Mark & Phyllis Kesslen Keith & Kate Melnick Kyle & Justine Mikulis The Miley Foundation Rob & Carolyn Miller Charles & Nancy Morrison Brad & Loren Nutter William & Jane Perkins Baer Pettit Michael R. Piper Stew Putnam Tony & Mia Rochte Bill Rotch Kenneth W. Salinger True Venture Management, LLC Christiaan & Stacy Vorkink John P. Wilkins Patrick Wilson & Pauline Poh CHIEF ~ $1,000+ Horace & Frances Blood Lone Pine Capital, LLC Charles & Elizabeth D’Amour William & Patricia Dewhirst Gerard & Christine Doyle Gregory & Mardi Hayt Peter & Ena Laliberte Donald Landergren II Stuart Mackey & Shirley Su Judith & James Oates Andrew Pelletier John & Jennifer Peterson Christopher & Meaghan Ramsden Pamela & Jim Rentschler T.J. Rylander Frederick & Heather Sutor Ernest & Katherine Tsouros Peter & Elizabeth Ventre Peter & Jeri von Stein TALLYKEEPER ~ $500+ Gilman Barndollar David & Sheri Barnett Paul Bird & Amy Parsons David Boettcher Jeff & Karin Bouvier Tucker Briggs & Holly Hess Michael & Deborah Brillhart Chris & Theresa Crean Peggy & Mel Cruger Kent & Kim Cruger Matt, Aaron and Joe Daigneault Thomas & Sally Daigneault Ronald & Jan Desjardins Tim & Susan Doherty Jon Donnelly & Mary Townsend Amy Donovan Paul & Jill Franz Rick & Lisa Fritz Albert Germain Chadwick Giroux & Vicki Petersen Paul & Patricia Griffin James & Carlotta Romano Grossmann Jay Haines John & Katherine Halliday Marcia & Michael Hittle Robert & Jennifer Howard Richard Irwin Robert & Cindy Johnson William & Mary Johnston Jonas Katkavich & Katherine Windsor Frank E. & Pamela Kenison David & Beth Laliberte Thomas & Elizabeth Laskey, Jr. Charles & Susan Long Melissa Ludwig J. Robinson Lynch & Amy Lynch David P. & Evelyn Lynch Sean T. Mahoney Jon Malinowski Kara & Gary Martinez David Masterson Andy & Linda McLane Brendan McManus Kathleen Millard Anthony & Kara Mollano Gary & Sandra Morse Peter & Francesca Murphy Bryan & Sara Murphy Paul Erik Nelson Robert & Erin Noonan Douglas & Margaret Norberg Tom & Margaret Nowak John Pier & Stephanie Paine John & Lisa Raftery Marc C. Restuccia Alison Rogers William & Heather Ruthrauff Mark Scott Dan & Andrea Seyler John & Mary Snow Anne & Jim Spry John & Christine Teague John & Tracy Tomasello Jack, Philip, Kathan and Don Tracy Mark & Sandra Vaughan Charles & Mary Waldron Edward & Sarah Walton Greg & Vicki Whalen David White Edward Wintner Wolfeboro Rotary Club William & Julie Yandow FIRELIGHTER ~ $250+ Ross Abbott Jesse Baer-Kahn Jay Bergeron & Joanne Crowley Leonard & Christine Bierbrier Sophie Biscard Ronald & Maureen Bleday Andrew & Kathleen Bridgeman Jim & Christina Bright Howard Brown Jeffrey & Kristina Bunce Alex Chamallas Michael Charland & Aya Murata Nate & Johanna Chesley The Colbert Family John & Lacey Colligan Joseph & Catherine Covert James & Flora Culleton Colin D’Amour David H. Dolben Donald & Martha Dolben Brian Doyle Thomas & Maureen Erickson Geoffrey & Sandy Fitts Arthur & Prudence Fitts Christopher Fitts Katherine Flaherty Marga Foss Matt & Katherine Frankel Jameson & Priscilla French The Gangl Family Benjamin & Catherine Giess Donald Greene & Ashley Fawcett Michael & Karen Gregorich John & Gail Grossmann George Harrington Robert T. Heald Sam Hesler & Family Robert & Kathleen Howe ING Scott Irving Dave & Mandy Irwin Gary & Andrea Iseminger Chase & Lucy B. Johnson Steven & Ali Kassels Lucia Kittredge & Cleveland Kapala Eric & Jody Klein Gregory & Elizabeth Laskey Paul & Martha Leitner Peter Leitner Stuart Leslie Limitless Argentina Michaellaa Luders Daniel Luthern Alan & Jane MacDonald Douglas & Lisa Mallach Mark & Laura Marion Daniel & Elizabeth Mckay William & Kathleen Mead Peter Moritz Winifred Morrissey Harriet Morse Eric A. Nicolaysen Ben & Jennifer Norton James & Patricia Nowicki Gregory & Rachel Obenshain Art Papas Felix Pardo & Lynn Guarch-Pardo Andrew Peisch Greydon Piper Jordan Piper Robert & Pearl Polifka John & Sarah Raslowsky James & Jane Raymond Chris & Susan Reaney Reit Management & Research LLC Martin Reitz & Charlotte Wicke-Reitz David Reville & Tina Tryforos Jonathan & Suzanne Richardson Lee & Karen Roberts Andrew & Ruth Rodgers Albert & Jennifer Rodiger Mark A. Rowland Richard & Winnie Rubino Kurt & Catherine Schumacher Kevin & Brandy Scott Frederic E. Shaw, M.D. Dan Shertzer Steve Sleigh Robert Spencer Owen Stearns Mark Stevens Payson & Jane Swaffield John & Julianne Tantum Craig & Stephanie Theisen Ricard Townsend Sam & Judith Trotzky Alex Wilson Tom & Sue Wintner TOM TOM BEATER ~ $100+ Zachary Abdu-Glass Edward F. Ahern, III Glenn & Cathy Ahrens Patrick Albertson Christopher & Lisa Alpaugh Erik & Jess Anderson Stephen & Marcia Anderson Robert & Susan Bahr Jeff & Sara Bailey Paul Barbadoro Carter & Kathleen Barger Stephen & Karin Barndollar John & Kerri Belanger Alfred & Sandra Bellows Steve & Cynthia Bensen Taylor Berliant Christopher & Tracy Berns Susan A. Bird David M. Bloch Thomas Block & Dorothy Poole Paul & Claire Blumenfeld Leslie & Bob Bohner Mathias & Tanya Bolz Michael L. Bosworth William & Lisa Brandon Robert & Helen Britton Radford and Kathrine Brogdon Scott & Gretchen Brooks David Brown George & Janice Brown Jo-Anne Brown Lees F. Browne, Jr. Edward Brummer Kevin & Elizabeth Carder Kevin & Heather Carroll Bradley & Alice Christenson Annual Report on Giving | 7 Robert & Betsy Cissel Gene & Caryn Clark III Jonathan & Kitty Clark Susan Cole Ben Collins David Collins Arthur & Barbara Comolli Jordi Cortit Subira Dana Crawford John M. & Pauline Crean Evan Creelman Louis & Hope Crosier Christian & Elizabeth D’Amour Douglas & Elizabeth Darby Nick Dayno John & Jo-Ann Devlin Alan & Lauren Dews Robert & Susan Dick Calvin & Nolan Dickinson Samuel F. Dodge Daniel & Tama Donovan Thomas & Mimi Drake Raymond Dumas Robert & Kizzieanna Easton James Eckenrode & Ellen Whalley Bruce & Alice Eckerson Wayne & Christina Eckerson Jake & Lisa Elwell Charles Enicks Dan & Kathleen Estridge John Ewart Thomas & Joan Feeley John Ferguson & Mary McIver Gordon & Melanie Ferris Daniel R. Ferry Stanley Flint Robert Folsom Scott & Jackie Ford Susan Fox Matthew Fritz Barbara & Peter Gibb Tom & Elaine Giggi Ronald & Kari Gillis James Goldenberg & Gay Shanahan Andrew & Nina Golder Mark Goodman Kenneth & Selma Gould J. Bradley Gummersall Einar Gustafsson & Aslaug Jonsdottir Tim Haarmann & Cara Iacobucci William & Linda Hadley Craig Haines Edward B. Hall Sr. Ben D. Hamilton Mary Hamlin Chandler Harris John & Kathleen Hartley Harley W. Heath John & Julie Hebble 8 | Annual Report on Giving Michael & Susan Heitner James & Lisa Hermes John & Lindsey Heron Andrew Herrold John R. & Heather Hill John & Michelle Ho Myle Holley, III The Horton Family Kyle R. & & Lindsey Housman Charles Howard Kevin & Andrea Hunt Chris & Alison Hutcheson Betsy & Rick Hutchins Jon & Kathleen Igoe Richard & Linda Mahoney Michael Mahoney Frederick Maier Hugh & Elise Marbury Roger Maroni Kenneth & Janet Martin John & Susan Massey Mark & Elisabeth Massey Edward & Judith May Mateya & Chris McCoy William & Carol McGregor Michael & Elizabeth McGroarty Mark & Ann Melhuish Dick Melvin Jack Pirozzolo & Anne Depew David L. Poolman Jeff & Traci Provost Scott & Alison Rabschnuk William & Carolyn Redmond Peter & Mary Beth Reese Paul Reingold & Julie Bedore Andrew Rentschler Owen Rice Paul & Anne Marie Riley Richard & Sylvia Rollins David & Grace Rollins Mike Rorick Douglas Rosner & Erin Higgins Restricted Funds Colin Brown Fund Howard Brown Lois C. Brown Richard & Barbara Carlson Richard & Mary Cheever Shawn & Melanie Flanagan Richard Gallant James & Deborah Guzelian Jean & Russ Knibbs Alma Lamb Peter Taylor Timothy & Tracy Jaeger Jeremy & Sarah James Richard & Victoria Jenkinson Kyle Richard John Mark & Natalya Johnson Stephen & Stephanie Johnson Rainey Johnson Nathan Jones John & Lorraine Keleghan James & Hattie Kessler Jeffrey & Jennifer King David & Lauren Lane Benjamin Lannon David Latchaw Eric Laurits Chris & Christine Lecompte Brad Lown & Chris Sieve Stephen Lubelczyk & Alice O’Connor Matthew & Suzanne Lucey Jan & Marjorie Ludwig Peter & Linda Lull Theodore Lutkus Daniel & Marcy Lyman Daniel & Nancy Magaud Joseph & Catherine Magnano French Fund Robert & Shirley French NH Charitable Foundation Nutter Junior Division Leadership Fund Brad & Loren Nutter Gifts in Kind Puritan Capital Bob Dewhirst Marjorie Dow Jon Malinowski Jay Stewart Van Tongeren Fund J. Warren & Joan Cassidy Joseph & Anne Cassidy Steven & Beth Grew Philip & Susan Van Tongeren Roger & Sandra Messick William & Kathryn Mitchell Paul & Karen Moore Marcel Moran Charles & Frances Morrison Chris & Patty Mosher Peter H. Moyer, Jr. Pat & Anne Mullin William M. Murray, Jr. New Hampshire Boat Museum Richard & Madge Nickerson F. W. Nugent Allan & Christine Nye Robert & Kathi O’Neil Michael & Christy Oeth Peter & Roberta Otis Ted Packard & Dolors Blasco Sally Bowie & Randall Paulsen Thomas Peckham & Ellen Petersen Thomas & Alice Peisch James N. Perencevich Ruth & Nick Perencevich Perk & Edith Perkins James & Katherine Pershing Louis & Ellen Piccioli Peter & Susan Rotch Paul & Emily Rubinfield William & Elizabeth Ruvo Michael & Susan Ryder Andrew & Wendy Sanford Ernst & Mary Schaefer Peter Schaefer Tom & Lee Ann Schneider W. Bevis & Patience Schock Dana W. Schultz Walter & Lori Scully Craig Sears & Carol Cameron-Sears Charlie Seefried Ted & Susan Sherman Thomas & Lisa Sherman Jason Sigalos & Tracey Gutierrez Sigalos David & Karen Sirois Michael J. & Andrea Smith Christopher & Tina Snook Joel C. Solomon Richard & Delyle Soper Adam & Emily Spivak Charles & Christian Stanley Kurt & Amy Stephens Cubbage Derek & Melissa Stone Timothy & Shelly Storbeck Jeffrey & Margaret Sutton John & Nathaniel Sutton Elizabeth Tourangeau Ernest & Karen Tracy Mark & Christie Tully Daryl W. Turenne Deborah Clark Valentine & Michael Valentine Ron & Jodi Valpey Peter & Gaye Vorkink David & Toni Walker Jim & Gail Weigel Ben Weisel Chris & Stacy Wesley Robert & Valerie Wheeler Aaron & Carrie Whitmore Grant & Elizabeth Whitney David O. Whittemore Dexter & Jane Whittinghill, III Dexter & Norma Whittinghill Andrew & Paula Why Brian & Rebecca Wiese John Wilder Scott & Alexandra Wilkins Todd & Liz Williamson Thomas & Pamela Wilson J. Michael & Amanda Wilson Michael & Kimberlee Wing Christopher & Katherine Kevin Yates Arthur & Jeanne Young Oglesby & Pamela Young Lawrence Young & Antionette Lamonica Adam & Jacey Young Daniel & Wendy Zalinsky BRAVE ~ $1+ Asher Abrahms Thomas Abrams Ronald & Lori Adjami Thomas & Nancy Archibald Donald Bail John Barbadoro Scott K. Barger John Barnett David & Susan Bean James Bender Dylan Bennett Gordan Peter Bensen John & Judith Bird Samuel Blumenfeld Hollis Bodman Henry Boit Geordie G. Brackin Steven J. Brams Steven Bridgeman MacGregor Brillhart Russell S. Broad, Jr. Stuart & Joanne Buhrendorf Gregory Bunce Peter Burlingame J. Brigham Burlingame Nate Byer James & Judith Casey Peter & Shelley Chamberlain Steven Chamberlin & Heather Frye Paulette Chesley Robert & Patricia Chevalier James Christenson Beverley Clarenbach Orlo & Carol Clark Ray Belder & Catharine Clark Chuck & Kristen Clark John Colligan William Colligan Declan Coyne David & Dorothy Crean Alan & Reaney Critchell James & Jean Curley Brian Curley Harry & Suzanne Davis James Daylor & Christine Just James Decker John & Carole DeJong Augustus & Helen DeMaggio William C. Dick David Dick Wilson & Jane Dodge Jeremy Dodge Samuel Donnelly Kirk Donovan Brian Doyle Cam Ducharme Homer & Sally Eckerson Iker Elosua Eric & Melissa Escalante Kathi Fairbend Craig & Stacey Farlie Joseph & Elizabeth Flannery Richard & Bette Frazier Judith Garvey Robert B. Gates Michael Rory Germain Ryan Giggi Tyler Giggi Curtis & Susan Gilmore Michael & Kelly Glew H. Peter & Barbara Brad Goldsberry Lucian Goodman Laurence Goss Wendell & Sandra Grant Stanley S. Grant Brian Griggs Lewis & Linda Gurnari Eva Guzelian Daniel Habib & Elizabeth McNamara Matthew Hadley Kenneth B. Hamblett Dave & Susan Hammond John Hartley John & Jan Herrold Robert & Kathryn Hill Ethan Hirshberg Stephen & Gerianne Holdsworth Nelson & Julia Howe Julie Iarrobino Nathan James Rick and Gretchen John Clinton & Cynthia Johnson Jo Nell Johnson Jane Johnson The Jozokos Family Michael Junius Jack Katkavich Sean & Nicole Keogh Joseph & Ellen Keogh John & Virginia King Duncan Kirkpatrick Andrew & MaryAnn Kniska Henry Knutzen Larry Kontos Jason & Jennifer Kuether Joseph Laliberte Thomas Lannon Briggs Larkin & Phillip Fitzpatrick Christopher Lash Kenneth & Kathy Latchaw Ian & Wanda Law David & Patricia Lee Aaron LeLacheur John W. Lockhart Richard & Johnna Lombard Andrew, Wes & Ted Lowrie Kevin Lubelczyk Michael Lubelczyk John Lucey Adrian MacDonald Gabriel Maggiotto Daniel & Sachiko Mallach Brian Mannherz Diane S. Mather John & Cathleen McCarthy John & Sue McCarthy Tim McCarthy John J. McCarthy III Cole McGarrigle Conor McGoldrick William McGroarty Bill & Doris Meister Millennium Pharmaceuticals Ryan Miller Elliott Mitchell Phil Mone Charlotte Morello Christopher H. Morrison Evan & Julianne Morse Eric Moskowitz Jeffrey T. Moss James Murphy Nicholas Murphy NH State Police Benevolent Assoc. Robert N. & Sarah Nardella Paul M. & Barbara D. Ness Nick Nowak Timothy O’Connor Jesse O’Connor Conor O’Rourke Edmund & Kim O’Toole James Oeth Daniel & Barbara Omohundro Alan & Elizabeth Ouellet James & Shelly Passios Daniel Polifka Samuel Polifka Chris & Kathy Puff Walter “Mack” Ramsden Amy Rantilla Daniel Raymond William & Jennifer Reed Kevin J. Reilly David Reingold Mark & Ruth Reingold Robert & Lisa Reitano Timothy & Cortney Rider Patrick Riley Jeb Roberts David & Nellie Robinson Ben Ruggiero Robert & Katie Rutter Rebecca F. Rylander Stephen Sample Thomas Sandak David & Kathi Santis Cass E. Sapir Stephen & Joan Scapicchio L. Scott Scharer & Margaret Talcott David Shonting Max Sinsheimer Brian & Jenna Sisselman Peter & Sharon Sluski Brigham Snow Andrew & Melissa Spear Stephen Spry Kathleen K. Stone Ben Tessier Paul J. Tessier Jr. James & Pat Theisen Harrison Tracy Jeffrey & Katie Tumpowsky Louis Turner Oriol Vidal Holland & Christine Ward David & Vicki Webb Lew & Barbara Weinstein James Whiting Sarah Whittemore Henry & Kathryn Why Robert Wilson Leaders Scholarship Fund for camper tuition Asher Abrahms John Barbadoro John Barnett James Bender Gordan Peter Bensen George Berman & Regina Roman Henry Boit Jeff & Kathryn Bradley Gregory Bunce J. Brigham Burlingame Peter Burlingame James Christenson Bob Cole John Colligan William Colligan Declan Coyne Nick Dayno David Dick Tim & Susan Doherty Samuel Donnelly David & Susan Eastman Iker Elosua John & Jennifer Friborg Rory Germain Ryan Giggi Tom & Elaine Giggi Tyler Giggi Brad Goldsberry Michele Grazulis James & Carlotta Romano Grossmann John & Gail Grossmann Matthew Hadley Carl Hilgenberg Stephen & Gerianne Holdsworth Betsy & Rick Hutchins Jack Katkavich Henry Knutzen The Kulicke Fund Joseph Laliberte George Lombardo Kevin Lubelczyk Gabriel Maggiotto William McGroarty Mirror Lake Community Church Steven Monson Marcel Moran Eric Moskowitz James Murphy Northern Community Investment Corp Nick Nowak Stew Putnam Mack Ramsden Patrick Riley Jeb Roberts Jeff Ross & Susan Cole Ross S. D. Bechtel, Jr Foundation Michael J. & Andrea Smith Brigham Snow Stephen Spry Harrison Tracy Frederick & Marion Twichell James W. & Margaret Varrill Mark & Sandra Vaughan Oriol Vidal Christiaan & Stacy Vorkink James Whiting Claude & Martha Wintner Annual Report on Giving | 9 Statement of Financial Position UNRESTRICTED ASSETS TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED CASH $645,890.77 PLEDGES RECEIVABLE INVESTMENTS, AT FAIR VALUE $1,912,627.80 $458,961.80 $75,729.00 $214,008.36 $124,329.00 PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED 2014 Total $1,104,852.57 $75,729.00 $2,250,965.16 PROPERTY & EQUIPMENT Land & Improvements Buildings, improvements and construction in progress Furniture and equipment Transportation equipment Less Accumulated Depreciation $4,767,972.04 $3,048,703.37 $2,546,187.67 $427,233.00 $38,330.00 -$1,292,482.00 $4,767,972.04 OTHER ASSETS $15,501.00 $15,501.00 TOTAL ASSETS $7,341,991.61 $8,215,019.77 $748,699.16 $124,329.00 LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS CURRENT LIABILITIES LONG TERM DEBT (less current portion, above) $4,411.00 $110,900.20 $590,307.58 $115,311.20 $590,307.58 NET ASSETS Unrestricted Board Designated Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted $6,747,273.03 $5,584,012.01 $1,163,261.02 $637,798.96 $124,329.00 $637,798.96 $124,329.00 $7,509,400.99 Total Liabilities and net assets $7,341,991.61 $748,699.16 $124,329.00 $8,215,019.77 Notes: *Figures above are unaudited numbers *Cash on Hand includes monies collected for the Farm Island Campaign *Pledges receivable are outstanding pledges to the Farm Island Campaign *Investments, at Fair Value, is Belknap's endowment *The majority of long term debt is used for the purchase of One Chase Point Road and the reconstruction of Main Dock * Permanently Restricted items consist of two internally controlled scholarship bequests, the income from which is used to award scholarships to needy and deserving young people. 10 | Annual Report on Giving Notes: (from statement of operations, pg 11) *Figures above are unaudited numbers *”Endowment Income”: The camp appropriates for distribution each year 4.5% of its endowment fund’s average Fair Value of the prior 72 months. *”Annual Cash Balance”: Majority of Annual Cash balance will be used in 2015 to pay for the reconstruction of Main Dock Statement of Operations Farm Island Campaign We are grateful for your generous support to the Farm Island Campaign. We apologize for any Revenues inaccuracies or omissions. Please send corrections or updates to [email protected] Board, Tuition & Registration Fee Service and Activity Fees Camper Spending Pre and Post Season Income Endowment Income per Spending Policy Other Income $1,725,573 $114,305 $84,781 $25,109 $30,000 $34,670 Bob Cole The Cole Family The Colligan Family Arthur & Barbara Comolli Chris & Theresa Crean Kent & Kim Cruger Charles & Elizabeth D’Amour $50,000 - $20,000 Bob, Matt & Robby Dastin Michael & Marcia Adams Hittle Bill & Shelagh Davenport David & Kathleen Brooks John & Melissa DeLong Total Revenues - $2,014,437 Ted & Lynn Clark Hank & Terrie Depew Mark & Brenda Depew Bill & Patricia Dewhirst Bob Dewhirst James & Janice DiStasio Pamela, Kenneth, Alan & Michael Mark & Kathy Dotter Dews Gerald, Christine & Brian Doyle The Fischer Family Payroll and Related Burden$815,207 Brian & Margaret Doyle Beverly J. & Bradford S. Germain Facility Expenses$281,299 John & Elizabeth Drake Dave Humphrey & Markella Zanni David & Susan Eastman Sean Mahoney Commissary Expenses $254,845 Patricia Eastman Rob & Carolyn Miller Camper Expenses $155,662 Charlie & Nancy Morrison and Family Wayne Eckerson & Family John Edgell Pat & Anne Mullin Scholarship Expenses $125,387 The Elwell Family Brad & Loren Nutter Office Expenses $120,871 Ed & Alicia Eppler Judy & Jim Oates Frank & Sharon Fite Michael Piper Insurance $89,500 Art & Prudence Fitts Stew Putnam Other Expenses$93,186 Charles Fitts Ken Salinger Scott Fitts Dan & Andrea Seyler Transportation Expenses$36,075 Stephen Fitts John & Christine Teague Revenue for Future Capital Expenses $30,000 Bill Fitts Greg & Vicki Whalen Joseph & Terry Flaherty Non Operating Expenses $61,186 John Wilkins The Shaw Foundation Total Expenses - $2,063,218 Richard & Maria Frederick $19,999 - $1,000 Robert & Shirley French The Ayscue/Mahoney Family Operating Surplus (Deficiency) ($48,781) John & Jen Friborg Paul Barbadoro John Frymoyer The Barger Family Annual Fund & Other Contributions $203,852 Al and Gail Gerrish Lucas Beal Operating Surplus after Fundraising $155,071 Tom & Elaine Giggi Sean Beal Vicki Petersen & Chad Giroux David & Susan Bean Endowment Transfer for Capital Expenses $100,000 David & Caryn Goldsberry Paul Reingold & Julie Bedore Total Available for Capital Projects $255,071 Mark & Lisa Goodman Carol Bennett Crocker Andy Goorno Jay & Joanne Bergeron Ken & Selma Gould Amy Parsons & Paul Bird Michael & Karen Gregorich Ron & Maureen Bleday Pat & Sally Griffin Financing Activity Ray & Kathy Bleday Jim & Carlotta Grossmann Bob & Jeannine Blood NH HEFA Loan for Main Dock Reconstruction $200,000 John & Gail Grossmann Jeff & Kathryn Bradley Frederic & Mary Ann Debt Service & Mortgage Principal Payments ($7,788) Jim & Christina Bright Grossmann Kenneth & Jaclyn Broad Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities $192,212 Jeff & Grace Grossmann David Brown Gullquist/Mullin Family Howard Brown Capital Spending Foundation George & Jan Brown Hall Lodge Sundeck/Structural $29,605 Lindley & Pamela Hall John & Mary Burlingame John & Katherine Halliday Peter & Betsey Caulo Main Dock Reconstruction $96,250 Bob Heald Terence & Michelle Chapman Farm House (One Chase Point Road) $136,440 Samuel & Samuel Heitner Bill & Sommer Chevalier David & Amy Hohmann Gene & Caryn Clark Clark Lodge $1,215 Steve & Gerianne Holdsworth Ted & Michelle Clark Net Capital Spending $263,509 Jeff Hornstein Jim & Gail Clark Robert & Kathleen Howe Peg Clark Net Change in Cash Balance $183,774 Betsy & Rick Hutchins Ernie Clark Expenses Capital Flows $100,000+ Dr. Horace Blood David & Susan Clark and Family The Dahl Family Gary & Meg Hirshberg Tim & Tracy Jaeger Dick & Sally Jaeger Seth & Stephanie Kassels Frank & Pamela Kenison Mark & Phyllis Kesslen Jeff & Linda Kipperman Stephen & Kelly Kirkpatrick Cleve Kapala & Lucia Kittredge Erik & Sara Knutzen The Kottler Family Kip Landergren Tom & Betsy Laskey Eric Laurits Paul & Martha Leitner The Leslie Family Bob & Dawne Litterest The Lockwood Family Rich & Johnna Lombard Charles & Susan Long Rob & Amy Lynch Dave & Evelyn Lynch Alan Macdonald Shirley Su & Stu Mackey Kurt MacLeod Jon Malinowski The Mallach Family Alan Mandel Roger Maroni William & Ken Martin David Masterson Bill & Carol McGregor Brendan McManus Dick Melvin Kyle & Justine Mikulis Stephen & Rebecca Murray Robert & Erin Noonan Jim & Tricia Nowicki Charles & Laura Packard Chris & Mary Elleen Patton Tom, Heidi, James & Sam Pelletier Andy Pelletier Ruth & Nick Perencevich Bill & Jane Perkins John & Marilyn Perkins John & Jennifer Peterson Baer Pettit Chris & Meaghan Ramsden Peter & Laura Ramsden Jim & Jane Raymond Mark & Ruth Reingold Richard & Sylvia Rollins George Berman & Regina Roman Bill Rotch Peter & Susan Rotch Rich, Winnie & Ryan Rubino Will & Heather Ruthrauff TJ Rylander Jeff & Bethanne Saef Annual Report on Giving | 11 David & Kathi Santis Kurt & Catherine Schumacher Kevin & Brandy Scott Lisa Senecal Fred Shaw Fred & Emily Slama John & Mary Snow Melissa Sommer Anne & Jim Spry Mela & Jay, Max and Sam Stewart Fritz & Heather Sutor Jeff & Peggy Sutton Payson & Jane Swaffield Nick & Stephanie Tamposi The Thurber Family Ric Townsend Steven & Becky Trotsky Ernie & Katherine Tsouros Fred Upton Mark & Sandy Vaughan Peter & Jeri von Stein Christiaan & Stacy Vorkink Charlie & Mary Waldron Skip & Sarah Walton Leslie Ware Leigh Webb Rich & Jacqueline Whalen Dex & Norma Whittinghill Dean Williamson Pauline Poh & Patrick Wilson Robert & Jill Wilson Tom & Pam Wilson Alex Wilson Linda Rodgers & Peter Wilson Tom & Sue Wintner Kirk & Donna Wortman Obe & Pam Young Charles Young Antoinette Lamonica & Lawrence Young $999 - $1 Tom Adams James & Jennifer Adkisson Hildi Ahee Glenn & Cathy Ahrens Eli Albert Lynne Euvrard & Santiago Alio Mark & Patricia Allen The Anderson Family Tom & Anne Marie Anderson Scott & Kathryn Anderson Matthew Arrix James & Diana Ashworth Jesse Baer-Kahn Don Bail Peter & Jennifer Baker Shawn & Beth Baker David Baker, Jr. Michael Ballog & Family Tom & Chris Ann Banks Lee Barger Scott Barger Gilman Barndollar Stephen & Karin Barndollar Jack, Bennett & Mason Barnes David & Sheri Barnett Joe & Diane Barrett Howard & Suzanne Barron Christopher & Patrick Bauer Jeff Bedford John & Kerri Belanger Catherine Clark & Ray Beldner Scott & Tracy Belval Steven & Jacqueline Bengtson Dylan Bennett The Bensen Family The Berardino Family Stefan & Gretchen Bergill Thad & Amy Berrier Skip Besaw The Besserer Family Marie Beveridge Thomas & Brigid Bieber Leonard & Christine Bierbrier The Bierwagen Family Brian Lightly & Andy Bigelow John Bird & Family Susan Bird David Bloch Dorothy Poole & Thomas Block David Blumsack Greg & Melissa Bochicchio David Boettcher Nicholas & Belinda Boit Gerold & Ardell Borodach Michael Bosworth Troy Boughan John & Caroline Bouton Jim & Lori Bova Chris Bova Zachary Bova The Boyle Family Brendan Boyle Geordie Brackin David & Ann Bradley Timothy Bradley Chris Bradley Emma Bradley David Bradley Jr. Steven Brams William & Lisa Brandon Tucker & Holly Briggs Michael & Deborah Brillhart Mac Brillhart Robert & Helen Britton Russell Broad Scott & Gretchen Brooks Bo Brooks Jo-Anne Brown Matt Brown Lees Browne Jefferson & Katherine Brummer Charles & Jackie Brummer David & Marjorie Buckler Stuart & Joanne Buhrendorf Colby Bullard Jeffrey & Kristina Bunce 12 | Annual Report on Giving Jamie & Debbie Bunker Mike & Jessica Burns Monica & Steven Bushnell Daniel & Jane Cabour Jon & Vanessa Cadoux James Cahill Brian Calabrese Andrew Calabrese Ann & Gregory Camann Kevin & Elizabeth Carder Ted Carleton Allen Carney Jacob Carney Frankie Carroll Elizabeth Weiss & Timothy Carruthers Simon Carruthers James & Judith Casey Wendy Castleberry Alex Chamallas Stan & Pam Chamallas Nicholas & Alison Chamallas Rich Chamberlain Steven & Heather Chamberlin Mathew Cheever Neil & Ann Cheney Nate & Johanna Chesley Chris Christensen Bradley & Alice Christenson Beverley Clarenbach Bobby & Janet Clark Jonathan & Kitty Clark Bethany Clark Peter Clark Andy & Jessica Clark Orlo & Carol Clark Mary Clark Rob, Morgan & Pami Clark King Peter & Mary Clifford Constance Cole Doug & Carolyn Cole Dan & Jennifer Cole Susan & Jeff Cole Ross Bert & Susan Collins Ben Collins Luke & Sarah Collins Frank & Valerie Connor The Connor Family Tom & Christine Cook Sloan & Mary Cooper Bill & Karen Cordner Peter & Catherine Costa Jack Costello The Cote Family Michael & Joanne Coutu The Coyne Family Chad & Angel Crandell Mark & Elizabeth Cranford Bruce Crawford Dave & Dorothy Crean John & Pauline Crean Birdi Caim & Matthew Crean Mel & Peggy Cruger Gregg & Kathleen Cruger Kyler Cubbage Charlie Cubbage Fred Culick Conor Cummings Michael & Ruth Curry Catherine Curtis Harrison Dahl Matt & Esther Daigneault John & Danelle Daley Leila Dalpos Brandon Daly Brian Davenport William Davenport King & Suzanne Davis Brian Davis Louise Davis Frank & Christine Day Alison Dayno Nick Dayno Christopher & Diane DeFrank Tom & Linda DeLaney Greg & Susan Demarco Aaron Diamond Calvin Diamond Robert & Joanne Diamond Gordon Diamond The Dick Family Will Dick Thomas & Ann Dickson Susan Schwartz & Patrick Dinardo Sam Dodge Bill & Jane Dodge Jeremy Dodge Pat Dodge Steven & Brooke Doerler Billy Donatuti Michael Donatuti Mary Townsend & Jon Donnelly The Droesch Family Jerome & Nancy Dubois Dave Duff Thomas L. & Mary Dunne Tim & Liz Durkin Charlie Eager Gregory & Tonya Eastman Bob & Kay Easton Homer & Sally Eckerson Bruce & Alice Eckerson Todd & Mary Eckerson Richard & Marguerite Edmunds Brian Egan George Elkins Peter & Suzanne Ellinwood Thomas & Margaret Ells Grant & Elizabeth Evans James Evans William & Tina Evers Michael Evers Carol Fachetti Kathi Fairbend Craig & Stacey Farlie Thomas & Joan Feeley John & Mary Ferguson Bill & Nancy Ferguson William Ferguson The Fernandez Family Kenneth Ferraro Daniel Ferry Kathleen Rutty-Fey & Erik Fey Miles Fey Greg Field Barbara Fildes Connor Finnegan Jeff & Sandy Fitts Christopher Fitts Philip Fitzpatrick Thomas & Kathie Fitzpatrick Ray & Lisa Flaig Edward & Jane Flanagan The Flannery Family Steve & Anne Fleming Stanley Flint Robert Folsom Barbara Ford The Ford Family Marga Foss Matt & Katherine Frankel Graeme & Becky Frazier Roberto Frederick Peter Friborg Terrence & Marion Frost Richard Frye James & Mary Fuller Joel & Leah Furey Walter & Deborah Gangl The Gardner Family Lynne & Ridgley Garvey Judith Garvey Bobby Gates Brad Gay Carol, James & Kevin Geary Kenneth & Judy George Charles & Christi-Ann George Al Germain James Gibney Jr. Ronald & Kari Gillis Chase Gilmore Sam Goessling Tim Goessling Andy & Nina Golder Nathaniel Gonzalez Mark Goodman Larry Goss Peter & Leanne Gould John & Kathy Grady Stanley Grant Bob Gregor Glen & Phyllis Gresham David & Carol Gresham Paul & Patricia Griffin Brian Griggs Bob & Maya Grossmann Andrew Grossmann Alexander Gucker The Guen Family Brad Gummersall Einar & Aslaug Gustafsson The Haarmann Family Christopher & Jane Hadley Jerry & Cheryll Hadley Bill & Linda Hadley Kent & Lisa Haines Edward & Virginia Hall Kenneth Hamblett Helen Hamilton Ben Hamilton Oscar & Jennifer Hammerstein Jackson Hammerstein Miles Hammill Dave & Susan Hammond John & Kelly Hankinson John & John Hanna Chandler Harris John & Kathleen Hartley Rusty Hartley John Harwood Steven & Elizabeth Hattamer Sandy, Kate, Charlie & Grace Haviland Charlie Haviland Neil, Susan & Josh Hayden Bill & Polly Haylon Greg & Mardi Hayt Harley Heath Sam & Sami Heath The Hebble Family Alan & Joyce Hein Michael & Susan Heitner Brendan & Susan Hennessey John & Jan Herrold Andy Herrold Sam Hesler Robert & Patricia Hickey John & Heather Hill Richard & Charlotte Hill Alexander Hittle John & Michelle Ho Bruce & Sue Holway Peter & Joan Hood Christopher & Evelyn Hopkins Mark & Nancy Horton Brian & Faith Horton Kyle & Lindsey Housman Jonathan & Mary Howard Skip Howard Ken & Michele Howe Nelson & Julia Howe Donald Humphrey Mark Hutchins Jon & Kathleen Igoe Michael & Susan Iodice Charles & Scott Irving Dave & Mandy Irwin Richard Irwin Gary & Andrea Iseminger Tom & Marilyn Jacobs Naveen Jain & Family Oliver Jenkins Richard & Victoria Jenkinson Tom & Jeannie Johnson Jo Nell Johnson Steve & Stephanie Johnson Charles, Susan & Peter Johnson Mark & Natalya Johnson Rainey Johnson Ashley Johnson Chase & Lucy Johnson Evan Jones Marty & Ann Jones Nathan Jones Katherine Windsor & Jonas Katkavich Craig & Catherine Keenhold Sean & Mary Beth Kegelman Jerry J. & Christine Kehoe Rick & Cindy Keim John & Lorraine Keleghan Joshua Kennedy The Keogh Family James & Hattie Kessler Jeffrey & Jennifer King John & Virginia King Bob Kinney Robert & Joyce Kirkpatrick The Kisiel Family Larry Kontos Paul Lacaillade Duane & Kimberly LaDage Rebbeca Farver & Aidan Lafrance Bryce Lambert James & Laurie Lamp Griffin Lamp Clark Landale David & Lauren Lane Philip Fitzpatrick & Briggs Larkin David & Rita Lash Ken & Kathy Latchaw Dave Latchaw Ian & Wanda Law Cosden Leahey The Lee Family Peter & Charlene Leitner Mike & Betty Lenehan Daniel Lenehan Stuart Leslie David Leslie Dave Levy Jeffrey & Pamela Lewis Tobias & Patricia Lewis Richard & Lynne Lewis Eugene & Nancy Lindsey Jesse Lindsey Bill & Suzanne Littlefield Robert Lockhart John Lockhart Steven & Barbara Loh Simon & Rebecca Lowden Chris Sieve & Bradley Lown Fred Lowrie Rob & Rebecca Lucente Jack Lucey Tim Lucey Melissa Ludwig Jan & Marjorie Ludwig Richard Luff & Family Ted Lutkus Daniel & Marcy Lyman Lindley Schultz & Michael Lynch John & Alexandria Lytle Susan MacCachran The Maccarone Family Alan & Jane MacDonald Scott & Gloria MacLeod Kathleen Mactrides Dan & Nancy Magaud Justin & Mary Anne Magee Joe & Cathy Magnano Kathleen Mahoney Michael Mahoney Fred Maier Dan & Sachiko Mallach William & Melissa Mandrona Richard & Susan Mannherz Jake Maradian Hugh & Elise Marbury Mark & Laura Marion Robert & Mary Markarian Carol Martin Charlie Martz William Martz Geoff & Dash Masland Diane Mather John & Cathleen McCarthy Tim McCarthy John McCarthy Peter McCauley Andrew & Lori McClure Ethan McClure Robert & Mary Ellen McDonald The McDonald Family Will & Nicole McDonough Mark, Jennifer & Brendan McGreenery Michael & Elizabeth McGroarty The McKernan Family Linda Hanrahan & Joe McKeon Griffin McKeown The McKibbon-Vaughan Family Harry Mckinlay Charlie Mckinlay Nelson McLean Wayne & Leigh McLeod Gerald & Gina McNiskin Jamie Meade Bill & Doris Meister Roger, Sandra & Sam Messick Michael & Anne Marie Messier James & Jill Metcalf Travis Metz John Miley Jamie Millard Josh Mills Peter Mitchell Andrew Mitchell Peter & Elizabeth Moley John & Anastasia Mondelli Phil Mone Franklin & Nancy Moore Charlie & Frances Morrison Chris Morrison Gary & Sandra Morse Evan & Julianne Morse Connie Morse Eric Moskowitz Fred Moss Jeffrey Moss Richard Mueller The Mulligan Family Thomas Mullin Riley Mullin John & Alena Murphy Dick & Lucinda Muther The Naimark Family Craig & Averill Nannos Patricia Nelson Richard & Madge Nickerson Stephen & Maria Nolan Phil & Mal Noonan Matthew Norberg Michael Norberg Joseph Norberg James Novick-Smith Tom, Margaret & Nicholas Nowak Allan & Christine Nye Kenneth & Mary Jane Nye John & Cindy O’Connor Jesse O’Connor Joanne O’Connor Timothy O’Connor Charlie & Becca O’Neil Robert & Kathi O’Neil Michael & Sarah O’Reilly John & Beth O’Shea Jack O’Shea Christopher & Elissa O’Hara Dillon O’Shea Edmund & Kim O’Toole Greg & Rachel Obenshain Andrew Obenshain Michael & Christy Oeth Patrick & Laurie Olski Brendan Olski David Olski Michael & Eileen Orscheln Peter & Bobbe Otis Dolores Blasco & Ted Packard Jon Pardo Josh & Tarja Paris David & Susan Parker Jim & Shelly Passios The Passios Family Susan Patterson Sally Bowie & Randy Paulsen Ellen Petersen & Thomas Peckham Joe & Kris Pekala Jamie Perencevich Jamie & Jessica Perry Robert Perry Ross & Susan Perry Ralph Phelan Nicholas Piccioli Stephanie Paine & John Pier Matthew, Michael & Wendy Piispanen Sean & Gail Pine William & Kathryn Piper Greydon Piper Jack & Nancy Piper The Pitsios Family Christopher & Victoria Pohl Dan Polifka Sam Polifka Nancy Polstein Dana & Carolyn Pope Lloyd, Jennifer & Case Potter Peter & Leslie Powell Meryl Atwood & Christopher Pratt Trevor Provost Martin & Megan Pryor The Puff Family Brian Quinan Scott Raabe Scott & Alison Rabschunk Jack Rademacher Tim & Peg Radley Robert & Amy Rae Charlie Ramsden Jack & Sarah Raslowsky Kevin Reilly David Reingold Trevor Replogle Marc Restuccia Tina Tryforos & David Reville Steve & Diane Reville Kurt & Betsey Rhynhart Frederic & Yvonne Richard Sarah & Richard Rieley The Riley Family Lee & Karen Roberts Daniel Roberts Stephen & Janice Roberts George & Mary Ann Robertson Bill & Katherine Robinson Dave & Nellie Robinson John & Liz Rodgers Alex Rogalski Carol & Martin Rogers David & Grace Rollins The Rollins Jr. Family Jeff & Susan Ross James & Julie Russell Philip & Gwendolyn Ryan Joseph Ryan Benjamin Saef Thomas Samiljan Albert & Pauline Samson Steve Sandak Susan King & Jack Sanderson Will Sandman Cass Sapir Michael & Donna Saulnier Richard Sawyer Peter Schaefer Ernst & Mary Schaefer Carleton & Mary-Lu Schaller Tim, Marc & Anne Scheer Tom & Lee Ann Schneider Cynthia Morgan & Shirley Schneider Bevis & Patience Schock Lunsford Schock David & Cathryn Schubert Dana Schultz Robert & Kristen Schweikert Cyrus Scofield William & Penelope Scott Walter & Lori Scully Craig & Carol Sears Will Sears James & Susan Seely Jackson Seely Jameson Seely Peter Shaw John Shaw Ted & Susan Sherman David Shonting Matt Shuman Jason & Tracey Sigalos John & Deborah Sillay Will & Ilene Simmonds Benjamin & Edith Simon David & Karen Sirois Bill Skarinka Steve Sleigh John & Sharon Smart Maxine Smirles Rob & Lynn Smith David Smith Mike & Andrea Smith Taylor Smith Blanche Smith Christopher & Tina Snook Joel Solomon Dana & Jennifer Spaulding Andy & Melissa Spear Rob Spencer Adam & Emily Spivak Jan Ohnemus & Tom Stagliano David Stahl Charlie & Chris Stanley Owen Stearns The Steele Family Karl & Doris Stephens Kurt & Amy Stephens Cubbage Mark Stevens Frank Stevens David & Kristin Stewart Will Stewart James Stewart Phil Stoiber Timothy & Shelly Storbeck Mary Ellen Smith & Robert Strollo Daniel & Gail Stubbs Mark Sullivan John, Melinda & Danny Sullivan The Surgenor Family John Sutor Will Sutor Steve Sutton Henry Swaffield Cole Swaffield Chris & Kate Swindell Shelley, Steve & Ty Swindell William Swindell Samuel Swindell Mark & Mary Swingle Christopher & Colleen Taintor John & Julianne Tantum Neal & Mary Teague Ben Tessier Paul Tessier Jim & Pat Theisen Craig & Stephanie Theisen Robert Thomas Laura Watt & Sam Tingley John & Tracy Tomasello The Tracy Family Sam Tucker Benjamin & Andrea Tuckerman Benjamin & Mariana Tupper Randal & Kathleen Tustison Frederick & Marion Twichell Susan Twomey Alexander & Susan Twomey Deb & Michael Valentine Anne Vinnicombe Mick Viola David & Toni Walker Sam Wall William & Elizabeth Walsh Kevin Walsh Aidan Walsh Owen Walsh Liam Walsh Tyler Waterhouse Doug & Tara Weckstein Nick Weckstein Douglas Weeks Jim & Gail Weigel Lew & Barbara Weinstein Ben Weisel Eric & Karen Werner Chris & Stacy Wesley Jared and Emily Whalen Patrick Whalen Jim Wheeler Dave White Ted & Cynthia White Zadoc & Wendolyn White Matt White John Whitesides Aaron & Carrie Whitmore Mark & Anne Whitney Spud & Geraldine Whitney David Whittemore Dex & Jane Whittinghill Andrew & Paula Why Hank & Kathryn Why Scott & Alexandra Wilkins Jim Willis Bart Wilson Rob Wilson Mike & Kimberlee Wing The Winsor Family Jay & Louisa Winthrop Saul & Michelle Wisnia Tom, Zach & Taylor Witkin Chris & Katherine Wraight Cole Wright Kevin Yates Peter Yearley Arthur & Jeanne Young Russell & Marcia Young Adam & Jacey Young Garrett Young Paul & Ruth Young Alec Yount Ronald & Sally Zagaja Annual Report on Giving | 13 BO DY SPIRIT D CA YM C THE SMILE OF THE GREAT MIN • KNAP EL P AM B 1903 • Follow Us YMCA 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