View/Download 2013 Annual Report
View/Download 2013 Annual Report
YMCA Camp Belknap 2013 Report on Giving Table of Contents From the Directors...............................................................1 Belknap By The Numbers.....................................................2 Tell Me Why Why I Go.........................................................................3 Why I Return...................................................................3 Why We Give...................................................................4 Why We Remember.........................................................5 Donor Listing.................................................................. 6-9 YMCA CAMP BELKNAP Board of Directors SINCE 1903 John P. Wilkins, Chair David B. Clark, Treasurer Kent S. Cruger W. Robert Dahl Jake Elwell Bradford S. Germain, M.D. Robert E. Howe David Humphrey Seth M. Kassels, Director (ex officio) Stephanie Kassels, Director (ex officio) Frank E. Kenison, Esquire, Secretary Mark P. Kesslen, Esquire Lucia P. Kittredge Melissa Adams Ludwig, M.D. Jon Malinowski, Ph.D. Robert H. Miller, Esquire Charles S. Morrison, II William D. Perkins, Vice Chair Daniel Seyler John Snow, III Christiaan P. Vorkink Thomas H. Wintner, Esquire Honorary Members Horace S. Blood, M.D. Howard Brown A Belknap sunset in August Front Cover: Watercolor of the NYMCAH on a summer day by Ellie, a local resident. Dear Belknap Family, From the Directors Each Woodcraft a new brave is inducted into the Bald Eagle Tribe and recites The Lamp of Love, reminding us to Be helpful and to do your share of the work. As we present you with this Annual Report on Giving, we are delighted to report that in 2013 the Belknap community did its share of the work. We had a record giving year in 2013, with nearly 900 supporters and volunteers, coming from 35 states across the country and multiple countries around the world. We thank each one of you for your support. We have a community that cares and believes in Belknap’s mission; for this we are blessed. Thank you for appreciating the impact Belknap has on so many boys’ lives. Your support is making the Belknap experience as strong as ever: we are fortunate to have an increase in scholarship funds, campers enjoying the stars from Farm Island, a well maintained property and, most importantly, a dedicated and enthusiastic staff. Our homegrown leadership continues to be at the core of our excellence; it assures that the Belknap Spirit is passed down to campers and thus brought home to the dinner table, the sports field, the school, the office and the greater community. We are developing life-long leaders. As we embark on our first summer as solo Directors, we move forward with conviction and energy. Belknap is now home for our family, we hope for decades to come. Thank you for welcoming us in 2013. You have our commitment that we will work tirelessly to protect and strengthen Belknap. Our 1914 brochure stated “The success or failure of a boys’ camp depends chiefly upon leadership.” This is still true today, and we thank each one of you for leading by example and doing your share of the work in 2013. We hope to see you all this summer beneath the pines. Timi-Hi, Seth & Stephanie Kassels Thanks to the following volunteers who have done their share of the work! ANNUAL FUND CHAIRS & CAPTAINS Bob Dahl, Parents of Leaders Scott Ford, Current Parents Chase Johnson, 2000+ Charlie Morrison, 1970s Bill Perkins, 1960s Dan Seyler, 1980s Aaron Whitmore, 1990s CLARK III FUND COMMITTEE Tucker Briggs Kent Cruger Jon Igoe Dave Irwin Teddy Kinneen Nick Nowak Christiaan Vorkink, Chair Tom Wintner, Chair John Wilkins Tom Wintner, host CIII FUND PHONATHON BOSTON ANNUAL FUND PHONATHON Dave Boettcher Tucker Briggs Nate Chesley John Drake Bobby Gates Jonathan Igoe Dave Irwin Dave Levy Al MacDonald Eric Moskowitz Phil Ryan Mike Smith Jack Tracy John Belanger Jeffrey Bunce Kristina Bunce Bradley Christenson Scott Ford Dave Irwin Terrence Kinneen Alan MacDonald Margaret Nowak Bill Perkins Chris Ramsden John Snow Ann Spry Jesse Starr Jack Tracy William Walsh John Wilkins, host Thomas Wintner EXETER SERVICE PROJECT Chris & Simo Thurber, host Jared Whalen, leader Reed Allen Ross Cook Jon & Charlie Drake Tucker & Tim Guen Dan McColley Zach Witkin MANCHESTER RECEPTION Rob Miller, host Bob Dastin SAVE THE SOUND SERVICE PROJECT Chris & Zach Bova Will & Jay Dickson Sam & Rex Elwell Jake & Nick Elwell Alex Flaig Tom Giggi Ryan & Tyler Giggi Charlie Keating Aiden Loh Tucker & Roger Ludwig Will McDonough, leader Pat & Anne Mullin, hosts Riley, Tommy & Jamie Mullin John & Nick Murphy Luke & Lee Noonan Jamie Perencevich CLARK RETIREMENT COMMITTEE Jon Malinowski, chair Chris Thurber Roger Maroni Rob Miller Christiaan Vorkink COLORADO RECEPTIONS Brendan McManus, host Annual Report on Giving | 1 2013 Belknap By The Numbers TOTAL DONORS Alumni Parents + Leaders + Staff + Campers + 896 Friends + People Who Gave to Belknap last year = 1,222 Total Campers in the 2013 Summer 176 $108,133 Campers Passed Up a Swim Group Donated to Clark III Endowment Scholarship Fund 158 New Donors in 2013 BELKNAP SUPPORTERS FROM 35 US STATES WA VT ME NH MA MT MN OR NY WI MI WY NV UT CA AZ IL CO IN PA OH VA MO CT NJ 432 Campers Passed a Sailing Test $163,561 Total Given to Annual Fund RI DC MD NC SC NM AL GA TX FL 2 | Annual Report on Giving 606 Campers Climbed a Mountain 26 New Members Inducted into the Bald Eagle Tribe Why I Go Tell Me Why Why I Return by Matt Arrix by Rory Germain As I sit in class, watching the snow fall from the sky on a cold January day, the only thing I can think about is Belknap. I remember those hot summer days and wanting to do nothing else but relax and swim in the Winniper. I remember hearing the sound of the pines whispering in the wind while attending Sunday night vespers, and tasting congo bars and bug juice on a 4th of July evening. I remember the feel of sand rushing through my fingertips on Cadet Beach, and the smell of chicken patties filling the dining hall air. I remember the sight of finally seeing my best friends after way too long. I remember the tears rolling down my face as I pull out of Chase Point Road, ending yet another amazing year at Belknap. Now that I look back, all of these incredible memories are why I go to camp. Camp Belknap is a place where you can be yourself and not worry about the social pressures at home or at school. Belknap is a haven where everything has a positive meaning, from Adams Cup, teaching us how to have good sportsmanship, to respecting our elders at any moment of any day. Throughout my five years at Belknap, I have always been myself and have never been disrespected by any camper or leader, making Belknap an amazing place to grow and learn as a person. In my mind, Belknap is possibly one of the most inspirational educators of my entire life. From age eight to age thirteen, I have learned so many life lessons, making me who I am today. If I didn’t go to Belknap, I would never have met such amazing friends or I want to pass it on. In my 15 years of being a Belknapper, there has never been a single reason for me not to return. Belknap is a veritable paradise, a place where boys can be boys and, more importantly, can be themselves, free of the pressures of the outside world. Beautiful scenery, incredible leadership and life-long friendships made under the pines all contribute to my returning every summer. At this point in my life, I can’t imagine leaving Belknap. This was not always the case for me. As a young camper, I was extremely homesick. I spent each night crying myself to sleep and writing terribly sad letters home to my parents, begging them to come pick me up. They never came early to pick me up, and this is something that I am eternally grateful for. There’s no saying how different my life would have been if they had, but I can certainly tell you I would not be the person I am today if it had not been for Belknap. Over the years I transformed from “Homesick Harry” into a fullfledged “Bobby Belknap.” I couldn’t wait for my two weeks under the pines every summer, the time will come when I could finally be one of the boys. I have three sisters and no brothers back home, but Belknap changed that for me. Now instead of having no brothers, I have dozens, and they are some of the closest friends I will ever have in my life. Belknap has given me more than I could ever imagine, and I want to give back as much as I can in return. Though I don’t think I could ever fully repay Belknap for the incredible in- Matt enjoying his time on Main Dock. known the coolest group of 18 to 22+ year old guys in the world. Plus, I have learned how to set a perfect table and do the breast stroke thanks to Thurbs. One thing though that I have carried away throughout my life from Belknap is simply being kind to any person, plant, or even animal. I have to say, being in such a kind environment really rubs off on you in a positive way. To this day, I have kept every story a leader has told me, every vesper that has been told, and every lesson I have learned and it has truly changed me from now till forever. I miss every moment of Belknap, and I am counting down the days when I can return to my favorite place on earth. I cannot wait to start my routine again and wake to music playing and smiles being shown everywhere I go. Now going on six years at camp, it is clear that Belknap is a special place, and I could never imagine myself not being there every summer. I am happy to say that I will be back this summer reliving every memory and enjoying another amazing year at Belknap. Matt Arrix, age 13, received his Timi-Hi Five Award last summer and looks forward to many more summers at Belknap. fluence that it’s had on my life, I would like to try. During my years in the Cadets, every homesick camper I’ve talked to, every period I’ve run and every cabin night I’ve led brings me right back to the times when I was a camper and fills me with such a sense of joy that I can’t imagine not coming back for more. I know someday the time will come where I will no longer be able to return. Until then, I will remain at Belknap and try my best to give others the incredible experiences that Belknap gave to me. Rory Germain, LC ‘06, served in the Cadets for six summers, including two as Cadet Division Head. He will be an Assistant Program Director in 2014, his 16th summer beneath the pines. Rory celebrates a Cadet division win! Annual Report on Giving | 3 Tell Me Why Why We Give by Christine & John Teague The Teague Family celebrate Christmas in New Orleans. Back Row L-R: Neal (LC ‘94), John (former Board member), Dylan, Dan (LC’97), Reuben (LC’91), Johanna, Thea, Mary, Sophia and Alex (LC’99). Front Row L-R: Leo, Christine, Finn Tell Me Why Tell me why the stars do shine. Tell me why the ivy twines. Tell me why the sky’s so blue. Tell me, dear Belknap, just why I love you. Because God made the stars to shine, Because God made the ivy twine, Because God made the sky so blue, That’s why, dear Belknap, just why I love you. 4 | Annual Report on Giving Similar to most families we give to say thanks to an institution and a place that has given so much to us. We give for reasons that are both intensely personal and grandly visionary. Belknap has been a gathering place for our four sons, a place that allowed them to regroup as the centrifugal forces of time and distance began to cause the pack to disperse and lose touch. Reuben, our eldest, summed it up in a chapel talk when he said, “Camp Belknap: Where friends become brothers and brothers become friends.” We give as well so that there is a Belknap on the land, facing Farm Island, as far into the future as anyone can see. We give not to build a shrine to memory, but to enshrine and preserve an idea. As we watched our sons mature at Belknap, we witnessed what a powerful idea it is. The passage from boy to man is hard work. At Belknap it’s also a lot of fun. The Teague family hails from Concord, NH and has been associated with Belknap since the 80’s when John and Christine dropped their first son off at Belknap. In addition to sending all four sons to Belknap, John served for 17 years on the Board. All four sons (Reuben, Neal, Dan and Alex) were also Leaders. In just a few short years, the next generation of Teagues will have the opportunity to attend Belknap Why We Remember by Dexter C. Whittinghill, Jr. Except for what my parents taught me—which really wasn’t enough—I learned most of my life skills at Camp Belknap, on the shores of Winnipesaukee. I went to camp for the first time in 1941 at fifteen and spent three summers as a senior camper. After World War II, I Tell Me Why went back for the summers of 1947-49 as a leader, eventually working my way up to Senior Division Head. As a camper, I met three men whom I greatly admired and consider lifelong mentors: Harry Bennett was my cabin leader; Rob Britton was my tennis coach; and George “Tiny” Thompson was my baseball and swimming instructor. Because I looked up to them so much, I wanted to emulate them when I came back after Jim Soper, Dex Whittinghill and Dick Fisher take a quick break during baseball field preparations. three years at war. I taught baseball and tennis, then became Land Sports Director. The Belknap motto—“God First, the other fellow second; myself last”—has stayed with me. I learned life skills at camp and faced significant challenges. Tiny Thompson was killed in the war. This was my first experience of losing a close male friend, especially one I so admired. At Belknap I learned to win and lose and to embody good sportsmanship. I learned to plan, organize, and lead trips. These leadership skills paid off well in my career, where I often had to make presentations, travel around the country, and organize groups of people. As an Industrial Engineer, my job was often to go into a plant or office, watch and listen and learn about what was going on there, and then streamline operations to make it less costly. This related directly to the abilities I developed at camp, organizing athletic events, overnight trips and hikes. Vespers and Sunday services, in which we leaders often played a part, helped me develop life skills, giving me confidence and an aptitude for public speaking. As an adult I’ve delivered eleven eulogies, and my ability to handle that responsibility stemmed from my participation in vespers at the Belknap Chapel in the Grove. The skills I developed in organizing and managing a team paid off in my role as editor of the 1950 Middlebury College graduation book, in many roles in the Navy, and as an assistant coach and manager of the MIT hockey team while at graduate school. In so very many ways, Belknap provided me with the opportunities to succeed in life. As a leader, I tried to encourage kids. They’d say, “I don’t think I play well enough to be on the baseball team,” and I’d respond, “Why don’t you try out? I’ll coach you from the sidelines.” Some developed into fine players. Others less good at baseball, I might encourage to get into nature or compete in swimming. My Dad couldn’t swim, so he never taught me. I had to learn at Belknap. My first year at 15 I had to go to Midget Beach with younger boys, but eventually I became a strong swimmer who could take out boats and eventually lead campers out to the island for overnights. Throughout my adult life, I’ve ended up as a leader in almost every organization I’ve joined: church, community or professional. I attribute this to the skills I developed at Belknap—and to my early mentors Harry, Rob & Tiny. They taught me to go out and lead. I’ve been doing that ever since. Dex Whittinghill Jr. was born on July 23, 1926. His sons David and Dexter III (LC ’69) were Belknappers, Dex serving as a cabin leader from 1970-72. His brother Dick, now deceased, also attended Belknap, followed by his two sons Gary and Ken, who both were campers and leaders. Dex and wife Norma live in Bedford, Massachusetts. This piece was originally published in The Experience of Our Years, a writing and remembrance project at Carleton-Willard Village. Annual Report on Giving | 5 The 2013 Annual Fund We are grateful for your generous support to the Annual Fund ~ as well as to various restricted funds listed separately on these pages. We apologize for any inaccuracies or omissions. Please send corrections or updates to [email protected] WACONDA $1,250+ George Berman & Regina Roman John & Mary Burlingame Ted & Lynn Clark David B. & Susan Clark Susan Cole The Dahl Family Mark & Brenda Depew Bob Dewhirst Thomas Elkinton Geoffrey & Sandy Fitts Brad & Beverly Germain Elizabeth Hatfield Dave Humphrey & Markella Zanni Mark & Phyllis Kesslen Stuart Mackey & Shirley Su Gregory Michaud & Jane Danahy John Miley Rob & Carolyn Miller Charles & Nancy Morrison William & Jane Perkins Michael R. Piper Stew Putnam Anthony & Mia Rochte John & Mary Snow Christiaan & Stacy Vorkink John Wilkins Patrick Wilson & Pauline Poh CHIEF $1,000+ Horace & Frances Blood Charles & Elizabeth D’Amour William & Patricia Dewhirst Gregory & Mardi Hayt Gary & Margaret Hirshberg Seth & Stephanie Kassels Peter & Ena Laliberte Donald Landergren II Andy & Linda McLane Judith & James Oates Andrew Pelletier John & Jennifer Peterson Peter W. & Leslie Powell Richard & Sallie Ramsden Bill Rotch Kenneth W. Salinger Ernest & Samantha Sampera Frederick & Heather Sutor Peter & Jeri von Stein 6 | Annual Report on Giving TALLYKEEPER $500+ Jesse Baer-Kahn Paul Bird & Amy Parsons Nicholas & Belinda Boit William Brummer & Kara Thamma Peter & Elizabeth Caulo Bethany Clark Thomas & Christine Cook Joseph & Catherine Covert Dennis & Judith Coyne Matt & Esther Daigneault John & Melissa DeLong Amy Donovan Paul & Jill Franz Albert Germain Chadwick Giroux & Vicki Petersen James & Carlotta Romano Grossmann Brian & Sherry Hall Michael & Rebecca Harrison Richard & Rindy Hesselman Marcia & Michael Hittle Robert & Jennifer Howard Richard Irwin Lucia Kittredge & Cleveland Kapala Erik & Sara Knutzen Duane LaDage & Kimberly Harbin Thomas & Elizabeth Laskey, Jr. Paul & Martha Leitner Charles & Susan Long Melissa Ludwig Miles Ludwig J. Robinson Lynch & Amy Lynch David P. & Evelyn Lynch Alan & Jane MacDonald Jon C. Malinowski Brendan McManus Anthony & Kara Mollano Gary & Sandra Morse Peter & Francesca Murphy Robert & Erin Noonan Douglas & Margaret Norberg Tom & Margaret Nowak Gregory & Rachel Obenshain John Pier & Stephanie Paine John & Lisa Raftery Christopher & Meaghan Ramsden Christopher & Susan Reaney Marc C. Restuccia Dan & Andrea Seyler James & Anne Spry John & Christine Teague Raymond Thek John & Tracy Tomasello Donald & Kathan Tracy Mark & Sandra Vaughan Charles & Mary Waldron Edward & Sarah Walton Restricted Funds 2014 Colin Brown Fund Lois C. Brown French Fund Robert & Shirley French Nutter Junior Division Leadership Fund Brad & Loren Nutter Van Tongeren Fund Joseph & Anne Cassidy Steven & Beth Grew J. Warren & Joan Cassidy Gift in Kind Jay Stewart Puritan Capital Press Greg & Vicki Whalen David White Elizabeth Zimmerman FIRELIGHTER $250+ Ross Abbott Stephen & Karin Barndollar Dylan Bennett Leonard & Christine Bierbrier Ronald & Maureen Bleday Jeff & Kathryn Bradley Richard & Margaret Briggs Michael & Deborah Brillhart George & Janice Brown Gene & Caryn Clark III Brian & Connaught Colbert Chad & Angel Crandell Chris & Theresa Crean Melvin & Margaret Cruger Kent & Kimberly Cruger Christian & Olivia D’Amour Colin D’Amour King & Suzanne Davis Ronald & Jan Desjardins Steven & Brooke Doerler Timothy & Susan Doherty David H. Dolben Donald & Martha Dolben Jon Donnelly & Mary Townsend David & Susan Eastman Craig & Stacey Farlie Arthur & Prudence Fitts Christopher Fitts Katherine Flaherty Scott & Jacqueline Ford Marga Foss Jameson & Priscilla French Benjamin & Catherine Giess Michael & Karen Gregorich John & Katherine Halliday Sandy & Kate Haviland Bob Heald Samuel & Vanessa Heitner Robert & Kathleen Howe Dave & Mandy Irwin Gary & Andrea Iseminger Chase & Lucy B. Johnson William & Mary Johnston Steven & Ali Kassels Frank E. & Pamela Kenison David & Margery Leslie Michaella Luders Justin L. & Mary Anne Magee William & Kathleen Mead Kyle Mikulis & Justine Pollock James & Jenny Miller Winifred Morrissey Harriet Morse John & Alena Murphy Jake Murphy Quinn Murphy Eric A. Nicolaysen James & Patricia Nowicki Rob & Kathi O’Neil John & Beth O’Shea Edmund & Kim O’Toole James Oeth Felix Pardo & Lynn Guarch-Pardo Anthony Pergola Robert & Pearl Polifka Scott S. Raabe Peter & Laura Ramsden James & Jane Raymond John & Pamela Rentschler Jonathan & Suzanne Richardson Andrew & Ruth Rodgers Mark A. Rowland Richard & Winnie Rubino Kurt & Catherine Schumacher, Jr. Kevin Scott & Brandy Brown Mark Scott James & Susan Seely Frederic E. Shaw, M.D. Stephen Sleigh & Ann Greiner Robert Spencer Mark & Linda Stevens John & Juliiane Tantum James & Pat Theisen Brett & Ellyn Weisel Ben Weisel Alex Wilson Tom & Sue Wintner TOM TOM BEATER $100+ Edward F. Ahern, III Patrick Albertson Christopher & Lisa Alpaugh Stephen & Marcia Anderson Jackson Bailey Patrick Bareiss Carter & Kathleen Barger David & Susan Bean Alfred & Sandra Bellows Steve & Cynthia Bensen Peter & Elizabeth Berardino Jay Bergeron & Joanne Crowley Jeffrey Berkes & Margaret Lacy Christopher & Tracy Berns Susan A. Bird John & Judi Bird Paul & Claire Blumenfeld Ernst Bolz John & Christina Bonney Alexander Bouvier Andrew Bouvier James & Lori Bova Jim & Christina Bright Robert & Helen Britton David Brown Jo-Anne Brown Lees F. Browne, Jr. Robert & Christina Brownell Edward Brummer Jeffrey & Kristina Bunce Ted Carleton Joseph & Anne Cassidy J. Warren & Joan Cassidy Alex Chamallas Steven Chamberlin & Heather Frye Michael Charland & Aya Murata Paulette Chesley Nate & Johanna Chesley Bradley & Alice Christenson Beverley Clarenbach Andy Clark & Jessica Wade Bob Cole John & Lacey Colligan Arthur & Barbara Comolli John M. & Pauline Crean Brandon Daly Douglas & Elizabeth Darby John & Jo-Ann Devlin Alan & Lauren Dews Robert Diamond & Joanne Sleigh Jeff & Kristie Dickinson Samuel F. Dodge Wilson & Jane Dodge Thomas & Mimi Drake Robert & Kizzieanna Easton William & Paula Ebben Bruce & Alice Eckerson Wayne & Christina Eckerson Jake & Lisa Elwell Thomas & Joan Feeley John Ferguson & Mary McIver Gordon & Melanie Ferris Timothy & Elizabeth Finn Stanley Flint Carter Ford Colin Ford Matt & Katherine Frankel Roger & Laurie Freeman John & Jennifer Friborg Walter & Deborah Gangl Bradford Gay Ronald & Kari Gillis Curtis & Susan Gilmore James & Gay Goldenberg Charles & Talia Goldfarb Andrew & Yonina Goorno Kenneth & Selma Gould Tim & Janlene Gresla John & Gail Grossmann J. Bradley Gummersall Einar Gustafsson & Aslaug Jonsdottir Timothy E. Haarmann, Jr. & Cara Iacobucci William & Linda Hadley Edward B. Hall Sr. Joseph J. Hansen John & Kathleen Hartley Rusty Hartley Timothy & Margaret Harwood Steven and Elizabeth Hattamer Harley W. Heath John & Julie Hebble Michael & Susan Heitner James & Lisa Hermes John & Lindsey Heron Andrew Herrold John & Jan Herrold Sam Hesler Alexander & Anukriti Hittle John & Michelle Ho Thomas & Debra Hoffman Myle Holley, III Joseph M. & Susan Horton Charles Howard Nelson & Julia Howe Chris & Alison Hutcheson Betsy & Rick Hutchins Timothy & Tracy Jaeger Jeremy James Mark & Natalya Johnson Stephen & Stephanie Johnson Paul & Kirsten Karpawich Michael Keegan & Ann Dever-Keegan Richard & Cindy Keim John & Lorraine Keleghan Clinton & Kathryn Kendall James & Harriet Kessler Max Klein Nathanial Klein John D. Koob David & Beth Laliberte Clark Landale David & Lauren Lane Christopher & Christine Lecompte Riley Lochridge Bradley Lown & Christyn Sieve Jan & Marjorie Ludwig Theodore C. Lutkus Michael Lynch & Lindley Shutz James III & Gail Lyons Joseph & Catherine Magnano Richard & Linda Mahoney Douglas & Lisa Mallach Roger Maroni Kenneth & Janet Martin William & Carol McGregor Michael & Elizabeth McGroarty Daniel & Elizabeth McKay Christopher & Lisa McKeown Rick & Michelle McKern Gerald F. McNiskin & Gisele Trelle Dick Melvin Travis & Jennifer Metz Charles & Frances Morrison Peter H. Moyer, Jr. Pat & Anne Mullin Richard & Susan Murphy William M. Murray, Jr. Lee & Jennifer Noonan Allan & Christine Nye Peter & Roberta Otis Ted Packard & Dolors Blasco Sally Bowie & Randall Paulsen Thomas & Alice Peisch James & Faith Pelusi James N. Perencevich Ruth & Nick Perencevich Perk & Edith Perkins Jack Pirozzolo & Anne Depew David & Brenda Pivirotto Tony & Susan Pollak Marina Portnova Leaders Scholarship Fund for camper tuition George Berman & Regina Roman Jeff & Kathryn Bradley Bob Cole John & Jennifer Friborg Tom & Elaine Giggi John & Gail Grossmann James & Carlotta Romano Grossmann Betsy & Rick Hutchins C. Scott & Danielle Kulicke Stew Putnam Jeff Ross & Susan Cole Ross Cyrus Scofield Frederick & Marion Twichell Mark & Sandra Vaughan Christiaan & Stacy Vorkink Claude & Martha Wintner Scott & Alison Rabschunk John & Sarah Raslowsky Daniel Raymond Paul Reingold & Julie Bedore Timothy Rider & Cortney Cooper Rider Lee & Karen Roberts Tom & Rita Roberts Clarke Robinson Nate Rodiger David & Grace Rollins Douglas Rosner & Erin Higgins Peter & Susan Rotch Paul & Emily Rubinfield Sean & Jennifer Rynne Peter & Susan Sanderson William Sandman Andrew & Wendy Sanford David & Kathi Santis Andrew & Patricia Sawyer Ernst & Mary Schaefer L. Scott Scharer & Margaret Talcott Walter & Lori Scully Craig Sears & Carol Cameron-Sears Charlie & Kim Seefried Elizabeth Sheehan Ted & Susan Sherman Daniel Sierchio Taylor W. Smith Taylor Smith Christopher & Tina Snook Richard & Delyle Soper Oliver & Nancy Spencer Jerry & Wendy Spivak Daniel & Olga St. Clair Maxwell St. Clair Owen Stearns Kurt & Amy Stephens Cubbage Robbie Stewart Alexander Stone Derek & Melissa Stone Timothy & Shelly Storbeck William & Patricia Streilen Jeffrey & Margaret Sutton Stephen Sutton Payson & Jane Swaffield Charles Torres Samuel & Judith Trotzky Daryl W. Turenne Deborah Clark Valentine & Michael Valentine David & Toni Walker Jim & Gail Weigel Mark & Diana Weinburg Chris & Stacy Wesley Jared and Emily Whalen Garrett White Aaron & Carrie Whitmore Grant & Elizabeth Whitney David O. Whittemore Andrew & Paula Why Scott & Alexandra Wilkins Thomas & Pamela Wilson Michael & Kimberlee Wing Claude & Martha Wintner Zachary Witkin Taylor Witkin William & Julie Yandow Kevin Yates Arthur & Jeanne Young Oglesby & Pamela Young Lawrence Young & Antionette Lamonica Adam & Jacey Young Daniel & Wendy Zalinsky Timothy & Nicole Zue BRAVE $50+ Ronald & Lori Adjami Glenn & Cathy Ahrens Vincent & Nancy Albert Tom & Anne Marie Anderson Erik & Jess Anderson Thomas Anderson Christian & Susan Arangio Thomas & Nancy Archibald Egan Bachtell Robert & Susan Bahr Donald Bail Shiva Barton & Carol Delaney Jacob Barton Max Beldner David Bellows Andrew & Joanna Bemis Michael Blaber & Allison Parker Thomas Block & Dorothy Poole Michael L. Bosworth Steven J. Brams Gary & Anne Brav Robert Brewer Tucker Briggs & Holly Hess Russell S. Broad, Jr. Jefferson S. Brummer & Katherine Walker Stuart & Joannie Buhrendorf Gregory Bunce Mark Burns Daniel & Jane Cabour Peter & Shelley Chamberlain Robert & Patricia Chevalier Orlo & Carol Clark John Colligan Ben Collins David & Dorothy Crean Charlie Cubbage Kyler Cubbage James & Jean Curley Harry & Suzanne Davis Louise Davis Peter Day James Decker John & Carole Lee Dejong Carmen Dematteis Gordon Diamond Calvin Diamond Joshua Dinardo Jeremy Dodge David Duff, Jr. Homer & Sally Eckerson Jeff & Ann Eggleston John & Cynthia Elcock John Elwell Karen Ernst Kathi Fairbend Annual Report on Giving | 7 Joseph & Elizabeth Flannery Robert Folsom Barbara Ford Judith Garvey Rory Germain Robert & Melissa Gough Tim Graff Wendell & Sandra Grant Jeff Grossmann & Grace Yang Lewis & Linda Gurnari Kenneth B. Hamblett Peter Hamblett Ben D. Hamilton Dave & Susan Hammond Chandler Harris Brendan & Susan Hennessey Thomas & Elizabeth Hipp Stephen & Gerianne Holdsworth William Horton Kenneth Howe & Michele Giggi-Howe Peter & Ruth Igoe Jon & Kathleen Igoe Averill Jarvis Charles & Mary Jeans Jane Johnson Evan Jones Tom & Lisa Kent Joseph & Ellen Keogh Brian and Donna Kisiel James & Laurie Lamp Briggs Larkin & Phillip Fitzpatrick Edward & Kathleen Lasch David & Rita Lash Christopher Lash Kenneth & Kathy Latchaw Ian & Wanda Law David Lazoff David & Patricia Lee Steven & Barbara Loh Andrew Lowrie Weston Lowrie Ted Lowrie Stephen Lubelczyk & Alice O’Connor Peter & Linda Lull Justin & Marie Maccarone Adrian MacDonald Hugh & Elise Marbury Robert Marbury William & Robi Marbury Michael & Nancy Marion Walter & Heather Martin Diane S. Mather John Maxwell Adam Maxwell Timothy McCarthy John & Cathleen McCarthy John J. & Susan McCarthy Ethan McClure 8 | Annual Report on Giving Bill & Doris Meister Ryan Miller William & Kathryn Mitchell Herbert & Jane Mitchell Phil Mone Jeff & Nora Monroe Eric Moskowitz Joseph & Laura Mullen Paul M. & Barbara D. Ness Nick Nowak Robert O’Herron Daniel & Barbara Omohundro Alan & Elizabeth Ouellet Melanie Ovanezian Robert Paradiso Benjamin Pettit David L. Poolman Christopher & Kathleen Puff John Raslowsky William & Jennifer Reed Kevin J. Reilly Robert & Lisa Reitano George G. & Mary Ann Robertson David & Nellie Robinson Robert J. & Mary K. Rutter Michael & Susan Ryder Rebecca F. Rylander Stephen Sample Cass E. Sapir Michael & Allyson Schaaf Leighton Schneider James Sensbach & Suzanne Taylor Geraldine Seyler Christopher & Jill Shannon Dan Shertzer Brian Silikovitz David & Karen Sirois Brian & Jenna Sisselman Thomas & Kathleen Skelly Skip & Susan Smith Michael J. & Andrea Smith Andrew & Melissa Spear Adam & Emily Spivak Stephen (Jay) Spry David G. Stahl Charles & Christian Stanley Matthew Steele William Steere Thomas Steere John Sutton Nathaniel Sutton Hartwell & Charlotte Swaffield Christopher & Colleen Taintor Steven Tam Lucio & Donna Trabucco Jeffrey & Catharine Tumpowsky James & Jean Wall Lew & Barbara Weinstein Dexter & Jane Whittinghill, III Robert Wilson Edward Wintner Carol Wright Vanessa Yu Farm Island Campaign Update We have entered the final year of collecting pledges for the Farm Island Campaign. This wonderful, historic effort has changed Belknap forever, securing 1400 feet of shoreline on the island that shapes and protects the quiet waters of the bay for generations of Belknap boys. The Adams Environmental Center and Clark Lodge are both vital improvements to the Belknap campus, expanding programs and organizational capabilities. The anticipated payoff of the note on the island and enhancements to the endowment are both essential to Belknap’s long-term financial strength. The below individuals made gifts to the Farm Island Campaign in 2013. Upon completion of the campaign all 951 donors to the campaign will be recognized on a donor board. All outstanding campaign pledges are due by the end of 2014, and we are confident that our loyal Belknap family will once again demonstrate fortitude, truth, beauty and love of the Magic Circle. Belknap boys will be forever grateful. The Barger Family Scott K. Barger George A. Berman Amy & Thad Berrier Charles Besaw Jr. The Bierwagen Family Paul Bird & Amy Parsons Dr. Raymond M. Bleday & Family Ronald & Maureen Bleday Dr. Horace Blood David Blumsack Lees F. Browne, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Caulo Steven Chamberlin Gene & Caryn Clark James D. Clark Jr. David & Susan Clark & Family Arthur E. Comolli John & Pauline Crean David & Dorothy Crean Kent & Kim Cruger Mr. & Mrs. Charles D’Amour Mr. & Mrs. William Davenport John & Melissa DeLong Thomas & Ann Dickson Mr. Mark A. Dotter Gerald, Christine & Brian Doyle Wayne Eckerson & Family John Edgell David & Carol Fischer Charles Fitts Scott Fitts Stephen Fitts William Fitts James & Mary Fuller Lynne Garvey & Ridgely Mauck Bradford S. Germain Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Goorno Kenneth Gould Mr. David Gresham Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Griffin John & Gail Grossmann Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Hadley John R. Hill David & Amy Hohmann Stephen & Geri Holdsworth Robert & Kathleen Howe Mr. Donald Humphrey Betsy & Rick Hutchins Jon & Kathleen Igoe Mr. & Mrs. David Irwin Tim & Tracy Jaeger Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jaeger Thomas M. Johnson Frank E. Kenison Mark & Phyllis Kesslen Stephen & Kelly Kirkpatrick Cleve Kapala & Lucia Kittredge Erik & Sarah Knutzen Family David & Lauren Lane Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Laskey, Jr. Paul Leitner The Lockwood Family Richard & Joanna Lombard Jon Malinowski The Mallach Family Mr. Alan J. Mandel William & Ken Martin Mr. David Masterson Brendan McManus Mr. Richard Melvin Rob & Carolyn Miller Charles & Nancy Morrison Stephen & Marie Nolan John & Marilyn Perkins Bill & Jane Perkins Baer Pettit Sean Pine Stewart Putnam Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Reingold Paul Reingold & Julie Bedore Richard A. Rollins Philip Ryan David & Kathi Santis Kevin & Brandy Scott Dan & Andrea Seyler Jason & Tracey Sigalos Will & Ilene Simmonds Mary & John Snow Mela & Jay, Max & Sam Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sutton John & Christine Teague Sam Tingley & Laura Watt John & Tracy Tomasello Sam Tucker Mark & Sandra Vaughan Leigh A. Webb Greg & Vicki Whalen Richard & Jacqueline Whalen Dex Whittinghill Dex & Norma Whittinghill, Jr. John P. Wilkins Thomas H. Wilson Dr. & Mrs. Robert O. Wilson Peter A. Wilson & Linda C. Rodgers Caryn & Gene Clark III North Country Scholarship Endowment Fund Erik & Jess Anderson Thomas & Anne Marie Anderson Scott Armstrong Jesse Baer-Kahn Michael Ballog & Breighan Shuttleworth John Barbadoro Carter & Kathleen Barger Daniel Barron John & Kerri Belanger David Bellows James Bender G. Peter Bensen Greg Berman Brad & Lisa Beveridge Samuel Bicknell Chip & Barbara Bierweiler Andrew Bigelow & Brian Lightly Henry Bird David Boettcher Denise Boynton Geordie Brackin Matthew Briggs Tucker Briggs & Holly Hess Jim & Christina Bright MacGregor Brillhart Matthew Brown Michael Brownell Gregory Bunce J. Brigham Burlingame Peter Burlingame Nate Byer Mike Bylund Jonathon Cabour Joseph Cahill Jacob Carney Brian Catinella Gillian Caulo Nate & Johanna Chesley Bill & Sommer Chevalier James Christenson Andy Clark & Jessica Wade Edward & Michelle Clark John Clark Ryan Clark Bob Cole George Colligan Jack Colligan Ben Colligan David Collins Nicholas & Beth Conlin Ross Cook Theodore Coonen Dan Covert Chris & Theresa Crean Evan Creelman Kent & Kimberly Cruger Joshua Cumming Charles Cummings Christopher Curran Christian & Elizabeth D’Amour Colin D’Amour Spencer Dahl W. Robert & Leslie Dahl Matt & Esther Daigneault Brandon Daly Brian & Mi Yi Davis Louise Davis Peter Day Nick Dayno John & Melissa DeLong Hank & Terrie Depew David Dick William Dick Jeremy Dodge Patrick Dodge Sam Dodge Eric & Mary Anne Donaghey Sam Donnelly Brian Doyle John & Elizabeth Drake Jerome & Nancy Dubois Camden Ducharme Dave Duff Grant Dunn Brooks Farrar Jack Ferguson John Fitzgerald Matt Flannery Christopher Flight Stephen & Mijanou Fortney Daniel Fowler Andrew Frankel Matt & Katherine Frankel Joel Furey & Leah Hodari Brendan Gangl Robert Gates Nick Gaubinger Stephen George Brad & Beverly Germain Rory Germain Ryan Giggi Tom & Elaine Giggi Tyler Giggi Chase Gilmore Curtis & Susan Gilmore Sam Goessling Tim Goessling Andrew & Nina Golder Brad Goldsberry David Goldsberry & Caryn Bray John Goldsberry Robert Goldsberry Brian Goltz Brendan & Susan Greeley Tyler Griffin Brian Griggs Andy Grossman Jeff Grossmann & Grace Yang Cory Guen Timothy E. Haarmann, Jr. & Cara Iacobucci Matt Hadley Ben Hamilton Nicolas Hammill Pete Hammond Larry Handerhan Bill Harlan Chandler Harris & Sarah Stearns John Harwood Bradford Hayami Samuel & Vanessa Heitner Brendan & Susan Hennessey David Hiitt John & Heather Hill Ethan Hirshberg Gary & Margaret Hirshberg John Holby Ben Horton Brian & Faith Horton Kyle & Lindsey Housman Norma Hughes Dave Humphrey & Markella Zanni Jon & Kathleen Igoe Mike Igoe Dave & Mandy Irwin Scott & Linda Isabelle Richard Jenkinson Kyle John Chase Johnson & Lucy Pear Stuart Johnson Rainey Johnson Nate & Erin Jones Alex Joselow Mike Junius Seth & Stephanie Kassels Jack Katkavich Craig & Catherine Keenhold Eben Kellogg Jeremy & Meghan Kenison Joshua Kennedy Sean & Nicole Keogh Mark & Phyllis Kesslen Bryan Kift Robert & Pam King Teddy Kinnenn Henry Knutzen Daniel Kreytak Jason & Jennifer Kuether Peter & Ena Laliberte Donald Landergren Benjamin Lannon Thomas Lannon Chris Lash Jack Laskey Peter Laskey David Latchaw Peter & Abbie Latchaw Eric Laurits Pierre Lazerges Stuart Leslie David Levy Jesse Lindsey Mark Loh Justin Lombardelli Shane Love Eric Lowe Kevin Lubelczyk Michael Lubelczyk Rob & Rebecca Lucente Daniel Luthern Payson Lyman Alan & MaryAnn MacDonald Daniel MacDonald Stuart Mackey & Shirley Su Jeff & Kirsten MacLellan Patrick Magee Gabe Maggiotto Alex Magnano Chris Magnano David Maher James & Kathryn Mahoney Sean Mahoney Jon & Janice Malinowski Daniel & Sachiko Mallach Brian Mannherz Michael Manzo Mark & Laura Marion Roger Maroni Geoff & Dashiell Masland Will McDonough & Nicole Chenell Conor McGoldrick James McGoldrick Brendan McGreenery William McGroarty Brendan McManus Henry McNamara E. Scott Mertens Karel Mikulis Kyle Mikulis & Justine Pollock Jamie Milliard Andrew Miller James & Jenny Miller Rob & Carolyn Miller James & Vanessa Moeder Phil Mone David Moore Paul & Karen Moore Marcel Moran Chris Morgan Dustin & Ciara Morse Evan & Julianne Morse Gary & Sandra Morse Harriet Morse Eric Moskowitz Robert Moskowitz Brendan Mulhern Peter & Francesca Murphy Warren Murray P. Erik Nelson Doris Nederman Brett & Christine Newton Nick Nowak Conor O’Rourke Andrew & Suzanne Obenshain Gregory & Rachel Obenshain Thomas & Anne Packard Andrew Peisch Jamie Perencevich & Katie Laidlaw Adam & Alexandra Perreault Edward Perry James & Jessica Perry Dan Polifka Sam Polifka Dennis Ponte Andrew Poolman David & Bethany Poolman Drew Prescott Trevor Provost Walter Ramsden Andrew Rentschler Patrick Riley Benjamin Ritzo John Roberts Alex Rogalski Conner Romeyn Paul & Mary Roy Zach Rubinfeld Will & Heather Ruthrauff Matthew Rutter Phil & Gwendolyn Ryan Thomas Rylander William Sabate Dave Sandak Steve Sandak Thomas Sandak Cory Sanderson Debbi & Nick Santulli Cass Sapir Pete Schaefer Joshua & Alecia Scharback Graham Schmidt Kurt & Catherine Schumacher Patrick Sheehan Matthew Shuman Max Sinsheimer Billy Skarinka Pete & Sharon Sluski Tripp Smallwood Maxine Smirles David Smith Michael J. & Andrea Smith Ryan Snee Jason Soleau Tyler Soleau Daniel Souweine Dana Spaulding & Jennifer Emond Adam & Emily Spivak Stephen Spry Ben Starr Kurt & Amy Stephens Cubbage Jed Stevenson Sam Stewart Judy Stockman Clark & Ann Sutton Dan Teague Neal & Mary Teague Reuben Teague Craig & Stephanie Theisen Chris & Simonida Thurber Paden Tomasello Harrison Tracy Jack Tracy Phil Tracy Samuel & Lindsey Tucker Scott Turner Deborah Clark Valentine & Michael Valentine Oriol Vidal Christiaan & Stacy Vorkink Michael Wachs Sam Wall Edward & Sarah Walton Tyler Waterhouse Chris & Stacy Wesley Jared & Emily Whalen Dave White Matt White James Whiting Aaron & Carrie Whitmore John & Rainy Wilkins Edward Wintner Tom & Sue Wintner Tom Wraight Kevin & Shireen Yates Adam & Jacey Young Matt Young Timothy & Nicole Zue YMCA Camp Belknap NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE Seth & Stephanie Kassels PO Box 1546, Wolfeboro, NH 03894 [email protected] (603) 569.3475 Belknap Alumni Family Camp August 29th - September 1st Before the summer camping season is over, we invite Belknappers past and present to share Belknap with the people that they care about. Bring your parents, siblings and friends to enjoy a long weekend under the pines. Over the course of the weekend, you will enjoy meals in the dining hall, play sports on the courts and fields, swim in the lake, and live in a cabin. It doesn’t matter how long you have been away from camp; once a Belknapper, always a Belknapper. If you are interested, review Belknap’s website or call camp for more information. Women’s Wellness Retreat September 4th - 7th A women’s (parents, mothers, sisters and friends) only retreat. Come relax and be renewed in the woods and on the lake. Engage in wellness and art workshops, take a canoe out, enjoy yoga on the waterfront and more. See Belknap’s website or call camp for more information. PAID CITY, NH Permit #10 White Pines Society The White Pines Society is established to recognize and honor individuals who make provisions in their estate for a gift to Belknap. A planned gift demonstrates lifelong support of Belknap’s mission and enables the camp to continue its rich tradition of making good boys better. Planned gifts can be made through a bequest or by naming Belknap as a beneficiary of part or all of a retirement asset. Bequests may help fulfill your philanthropic goals without relinquishing current assets and may provide tax relief for you or your heirs. Adding your name as a White Pines Society member acknowledges your commitment to Belknap’s mission. If you would like more information or have already made provision for Belknap in your estate planning, please contact Seth & Steph Kassels at 603569-3475 or [email protected]. Stay in Touch Website: Email: [email protected] Facebook: LinkedIn Group: YMCA Camp Belknap
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