View/Download 2015 Annual Report
View/Download 2015 Annual Report
BO DY SPIRIT D CA YM C THE SMILE OF THE GREAT MIN • KNAP EL P AM B 1903 • YMCA Camp Belknap 2015 Annual Report on Giving YMCA CAMP BELKNAP Board of Directors Table of Contents Our Mission .....................................................1 From the Board Chairman ..............................2 From the Directors.......................................... 3 By the Numbers ...............................................4 The True Face of Friendship...........................6 Financial Position & Operations......................8 Trunk Program/Volunteers ........................... 10 Main Dock Fund ........................................... 11 2015 Annual Fund........................................... 12 Community Impact........................................ 16 Cover: The reconstructed Main Dock was a highlight of the 2015 Summer Inset: A camper takes aim during an archery period John P. Wilkins, Chairman Frank Kenison, Esq., Vice Chairman John Snow, III, Treasurer Mark P. Kesslen, Esq., Secretary David B. Clark Kent S. Cruger W. Robert Dahl Jake Elwell Bradford S. Germain, M.D. Robert E. Howe David Humphrey Jonathan Igoe Seth M. Kassels, Director (ex officio) Stephanie Kassels, Director (ex officio) Melissa Adams Ludwig, M.D. Jon Malinowski, Ph.D. Robert H. Miller, Esq. Brad Nutter William D. Perkins Daniel Seyler Anne Spry Christiaan P. Vorkink Thomas H. Wintner, Esq. Honorary Members Horace S. Blood, M.D. Our Mission It is the mission of Camp Belknap to preserve the unique physical and spiritual environment where young men may forever build strong character, self esteem, individual maturity and community responsibility; to acquire for life the skill of leadership and the value of good stewardship; to honor the history and traditions which are the Belknap experience; and to be a contributing citizen in the community it serves and from which it receives its benefit. Annual Report on Giving | 1 From the Board Chairman The Belknap community cannot be thanked or appreciated enough for the way it responded to this year’s annual fund appeal. Belknappers of all stripes and generations gave generously and set a new record as the books were officially closed. The annual fund is a critical component of the Belknap financial model and closes the gap between camper revenue and the cost of funding scholarships, programs, maintenance, and long term capital projects. What drives this generosity? The simple answer is Belknap makes “good boys better,” as it always has. In today’s challenged and divisive world, however, the answer more probably reflects the fact that each summer, in a place of spectacular natural beauty, over 1,100 boys share and learn key skills of life and leadership which they carry forth to make the world a better place. The Board joins me in thanking all those who sustain and enhance all that is Belknap through their generosity. Timi-Hi and Seek the Joy, John Wilkins Board Chairman, Former Camper, Leader and Parent. 2 | Annual Report on Giving From the Directors There are moments at Camp Belknap that transcend time. For many of us, those interactions take place on the waterfront, on a walk through the Grove from Conlon to Messer Field, or simply on a bench outside our cabins. The moment we are describing is the instance when two boys have the courage and kindness to develop friendships that turn into a lifelong bond. In those moments, and many more, the Belknap experience proactively develops boys into young men and active community members. In a world where it is popular to create experiences that develop highly specific skill sets, we feel grateful that our community has maintained its focus on the foundation of boys’ values with the belief that these guiding principles will prepare a Belknapper for success in today’s modern environment. We are thankful for our Belknap community of campers, parents, leaders, alumni, family, friends and neighbors. You showed your support of Belknap’s mission by: • Doing your share of the work – we once again broke our Annual Fund record and raised $237,663. • Participating in on and off-campus events – over 650 Belknappers, family and friends in attendance. • Contributing to the reconstruction of Main Dock – more than 150 pieces of the old dock are now spread to desktops and bookshelves around the world. • Engaging in our strategic plan • Continuing to Seek the Joy of Being Alive The Belknap Spirit is alive and well. Because of the strength of the Belknap Spirit and your financial support to Belknap, we are able to provide the timeless experience that we all expect from a Belknap summer. Every single donation goes towards keeping our tuition low, providing scholarships and maintaining our physical plant. More importantly, your donations allow us to stay focused on providing an experience that anchors boys in the present, while still providing an environment to explore personal and moral growth as a foundation for the future. Timi-Hi and Seek the Joy, Seth Kassels Stephanie Kassels Annual Report on Giving | 3 2015 Belknap by the Numbers Continued Growth in Donors and Gifts! 713 $163,034 603 2013 2014 2015 2013 Campers were provided a scholarship in 2015, totaling $134,139 $191,500 $ Raised Donors 686 $237,663 110 $237,663 2014 2015 Total Given to 2015 Anual Fund 1,531 candles were blown out at Candlelight Ceremonies 171 Campers passed up a level in swimming this summer 4 | Annual Report on Giving 2015 Belknap by the Numbers 116 games of bizou ball were played 12,265 gallons of milk were consumed this summer 778 campers hiked a mountain this summer 75% of our leaders are 1st generation Belknappers 25% of our leaders are 2nd, 3rd, and 4th gen. Belknappers 40% of our campers are 2nd, 3rd, or 4th gen. Belknappers INFINITE games of ring toss played! Annual Report on Giving | 5 I was a freshman in high school when I first heard of Facebook. It was still a new concept – not even two years old at the time – but the prospect of easily being able to keep in touch with people was exciting. Before long, it became a competition to see who had the most friends. 500, 600, 700… I was nearing the 1,000 mark when it occurred to me that not all of these people were truly “friends.” I didn’t even know a few of them! Could one click of a button really equate to the time, effort, and courage it takes to create and foster a true friendship? It was so easy, but is easy always better? Fast-forward nine months, and I feel the familiar butterflies in my stomach as we turn left onto Chase Point Road. I can’t wait to be back at Belknap, but more importantly I can’t wait to catch up with my camp friends – my Belknap brothers. I’d been in touch with a few of them over The True Face of Friendship the offseason, but there was an added eagerness to see them in person and hear about their year. We only spend two weeks of the year together, but somehow I feel closer and more connected to them than anyone else. As I reflect on this now, the explanation could not be clearer. There is an undeniable sense of empathy among Belknappers; a collective understanding of the Belknap experience and a comfort in knowing your peers share the same opportunities, and the same challenges, at camp as you. It’s why campers strive to live the lamps of Woodcraft and be their best self at camp. There’s a level of trust that can only be fostered from the strong, interpersonal relationships made under the pines. Belknap creates a truly unique environment where kids have the confidence and the support of their leaders and peers to embody the values they are taught both at home and at camp. Conversations can arise in the most unlikely places, such as while washing your hands in the birdbath. 6 | Annual Report on Giving Al MacDonald, a leader in the 80’s and father of four Belknap boys, echoes this notion. “A great benefit of Belknap from a parenting perspective,” he says, “is that it enforces the ideals that we talk about at home and promotes them in a fun way.” Belknap’s core values are by no means unique to this camp alone, yet only at Belknap is there such a clear sense of responsibility to actually incorporate these ideals into our behavior and our actions. What, exactly, makes Belknap so special? The easy answer may be the beautiful natural environment or the wide range of fun and engaging programs, although as 90’s leader John DeLong puts it, “you could take Belknap leaders and put them in a parking lot, and we’d have a great camp.” So, what’s the secret? How can friendships made in the course of two weeks last years, decades, or even a lifetime? Campers enjoy a chat on the porch of the Environmental Center of independence in each young boy, that freedom is limited to the specific list of programs you have to choose from. The source of this “freedom,” in truth, is the lack of distractions and programming their “There is an undeniable others daily life that inhibits a It is the common morals we all live by. When you sense of empathy among camper’s ability and desire take the time to talk Belknappers; a collective to communicate facewith others. In a and, more importantly, understanding of the to-face world where there is less listen, to one another, and understand that Belknap experience and free time, and where much a comfort in knowing of that time might have word of honor is sacred, you create a connection your peers share the same been spent in front of a screen, the opportunity much stronger and more opportunities, and the to sit on a bench, throw interpersonal than any a ball, and just be a boy is same challenges, at tech-supported friendship. truly sacred. Guy Reed, a camp as you” camper in the 60’s, reflects Campers talk a lot about on what the Belknap the “freedom” they feel at camp, however the root of this freedom experience was, and still is, all about. “My is often over-simplified. At first, you Belknap experience was all about my may think it stems from the liberty to growing, learning, and interacting with choose your program periods on a daily others on a personal level, even if it meant basis. While this certainly instills a sense after taps had sounded.” “I have noticed that when I am at camp,” says AJ Pitsios, a Besserer camper, “I never even think about my phone or any other device I have. I’m not thinking how many people are texting me because I’m too busy sailing on a Hunter with my buddies, or hanging around the division during a general swim.” This freedom allows campers to be present while under the pines and appreciate the “here and now.” Belknappers are able to look past the things they don’t have and appreciate that which they do have; a division of nearly sixty boys their age to meet and connect with, play with, and simply seek the joy of being alive. The ability to create and maintain face-to-face communication is a skill that will always be important to society. Sure, the introduction of technology has reduced the frequency with which we utilize this skill, yet this generational trend does not make it any less important. Camp Belknap teaches boys to be brave, to be kind, and to be honest, all three of which are crucial to forming strong, trusting relationships. With this skill, Belknappers are better prepared to make a positive impact in both their personal and professional life long after tossing their pinecone into the fire one final time. Andy Rentschler is the Communications Director at Camp Belknap. He has spent 15 summers under the pines as a camper, leader, and year-round staff member. Here’s the thing about Belknap and Technology... by Will McDonough The word “technology” draws its origin from a Greek word meaning “science of craft.” Humans use technology to accomplish objectives more easily and to become more efficient, or skilled at a task. And, quite frankly, Belknap has no use for the stuff. Because there is no objective, or task, or skill of a Belknapper that could improve the experience of simply being at camp. Furthermore, Belknap is a social network. While the world today clamors to find affirmation in retweets and likes; “friends” and followers, Belknap never needed that. Belknap exists in snapshots of life ingrained in our memories, because photographs fail. Even Masqua photos fall comically short: a Belknap sunset in black and white, who were we kidding? The memories every Belknapper has of his time beneath the pines are vivid with color, rippling with laughter, punctuated by joyful abandon at every turn. Technology is humanity’s closest solution to broaching the impossible--to creating “magic,” but Belknap is magic. Our leaders create alchemy without iPads; they influence the campers without branding themselves, or being LinkedIn. There is no Vine or gif of that great Woodcraft skit or cabin night because nobody will ever forget it. Just as we have all failed, time and again, to put words to the magic of Belknap, technology fails at camp. Who would want to connect to anything else? Who would want to know what’s going on outside of camp? Samoset’s bizou upset outweighs any streak the Red Sox could pull off, and what YouTube video, watched from beneath a sleeping bag, could compare to the call of the loons, or the rustle of a pine, or crackle from a dying fire? In the end, technology was made to save time. And Belknap was made to savor it. Will McDonough began as a Camper in 1995 and continued on to be a Leader, Division Head, Assistant Program Director, and Leader Corps Director in his 15 summers at Camp Belknap. Will is currently a social studies teacher at New Canaan Country School and lives with his wife Nicole and children Naomi, Jonah and Gideon. Annual Report on Giving | 7 Statement of Financial Position UNRESTRICTED TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED 2015 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL $1,080,948 $34,956 $2,221,792 $1,104,852 $75,729 $2,250,965 Assets Cash Pledges Receivable Investments, at fair value $783,687 $297,261 $34,956 $218,320 $1,231,604 Propert & Equipment Land & Improvements Buildings, improvements, and construction in progress Furniture and equipment Transportation equipment Less Accumulated Depreciation $4,977,877 $3,110,358 $2,732,480 $448,313 $38,679 -$1,351,953 $4,977,877 $4,767,972 Other Assets $17,513 $17,513 $15,501 Total Assets $7,010,681 $8,333,087 $8,215,019 $0 $448,436 $115, 311 $590,307 $7,884,650 $7,509,400 $8,333,087 $8,215,019 $550,538 $771,868 $771,868 Liabilities & Net Assets Current Liabilities Long Term Debt (less current portion, above) $448,436 Net Assets Unrestricted Board Designated Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted $6,562,245 $5,355,690 $1,206,555 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $7,010,681 $550,538 $771,868 $550,538 $771,868 $550,538 $771,868 Notes: *Figures above are unaudited numbers *Cash on Hand includes monies collected for the Farm Island Campaign *Pledges receivable are outstanding pledges to the Farm Island Campaign *Investments, at Fair Value, is Belknap’s endowment *The majority of long term debt is used for the purchase of One Chase Point Road and the reconstruction of Main Dock * Permanently Restricted items provide income to award scholarships to needy and deserving young people and for camp operations. 8 | Annual Report on Giving Statement of Operations 2015 $1,863,508 $131,152 ($134,139) $74,460 $32,611 $54,000 $3,576 $2,025,169 $1,725,573 $114,305 ($125,387) $84,781 $25,109 $30,000 $34,670 $1,889,050 2014 $892,855 $221,757 $216,845 $186,654 $84,775 $61,352 $102,828 $29,536 $50,000 $35,658 $34,230 $1,916,490 $815,207 $281,299 $254,845 $155,662 $120,871 $89,500 $93,186 $36,075 $30,000 N/A $61,186 $1,937,831 $108,678 ($48,781) $237,663 $145,095 $382,758 $203,852 N/A $203,852 N/A $100,000 $491,436 $255,071 N/A ($56,174) $200,000 ($7,788) Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities: ($56,174) $192,212 Plant Investment Hall Lodge Sundeck/Structural Main Dock Reconstruction Farm House (One Chase Point Road) Dining Hall Staff Housing Water System Clark Lodge Total Plant Investment: $2,065 $311,927 N/A $10,875 $53,690 $13,665 N/A $392,222 $29,605 $96,250 $136,440 N/A N/A N/A $1,215 $263,509 $43,040 $183,774 Cash Inflows: $2,542,065 Revenues Board, Tuition, & Registration Fee Camper Fees Scholarship Expenses Camper Spending Pre- and Post-Season Income Endowment Income per Spending Policy Other Income Total Revenues: Summary of Finances Expenses Payroll and Related Burden Facility Expenses Commissary Expenses Camper Expenses Office Expenses Insurance Other Expenses Transportation Expenses Revenue for Future Capital Expenses Development Costs Non-Operating Expenses Total Expenses: Operating Surplus (Deficiency) Endowment as of 12/31/15: $2,221,792 Fundraising Total Fundraising: Endowment Transfer for Plant Investment Total Available for Debt Service & Plant Investment: Capital Flows Financing and Debt Service Activity NH HEFA Loan for Main Dock Reconstruction Debt Service & Mortgage Principal Payments Net Change in Cash Balance Cash Outflows: $2,499,025 Annual Fund & Other Contributions Main Dock Fund Notes: *Figures above are unaudited numbers *“Endowment Income”: The camp appropriates for distribution each year 4.5% of its endowment fund’s average Fair Value of the prior 72 months. *Increase in “Board, Tuition & Registration Fee” from 2014 to 2015 is partly due to increased # of camper spots. Tuition increased by 4.3%. Annual Report on Giving | 9 Belknap’s Trunk Assistance Program For many decades, Camp Belknap has been providing scholarships to boys. In 2015 over 110 boys received scholarships, and 73% of the financial need went to New Hampshire residents. As always, no matter the geographic location, any family in need may request a full or partial scholarship for their son’s tuition. At Belknap we pride ourselves in having a scholarship program that commits to provide a scholarship every summer for as long as the camper is still within the enrollment age limits. In addition, we keep the award of scholarships strictly confidential with the hope that each boy no matter their background walks into camp and is simply recognized as a fellow Belknapper. Along those lines, in 2015 we launched a Trunk Assistance Program. In this program, campers on scholarship who needed additional assistance beyond tuition and fee support were provided a trunk. Each trunk included a sleeping bag, raincoat, flip flops, flashlight and some clothing. We thank Vicki Giroux for initiating the idea and coordinating our volunteers, an act of service that allowed all campers to simply enjoy their summer as a Belknapper. Thanks to the following volunteers who have done their share of the work! 2015 Annual Fund DECADE CAPTAINS Brian Doyle, Besserer-Era Gary Morse, Gene Jr.-Era Colby Falconer, 1980s Tim Haarmann, 1980s Hugh Marbury, 1980s Jason Sigalos, 1980s Chris Crean, 1990s Evan Morse, 1990s Ben Ruggiero, 1990s TJ Rylander, 1990s Aaron Whitmore, 1990s Mike Bylund, 2000s RD Jenkinson, 2000s Will McDonough, 2000s Kevin Yates, 2000s 10 | Annual Report on Giving Event Hosts2nd Annual Leaders Work Weekend NEW YORK COMMUNITY EVENT Mark Kesslen COLORADO GATHERING Brendan McManus CONNECTICUT COMMUNITY EVENT Dave & Evie Lynch ARMY-NAVY CLUB EVENT LTG. Richard & Jackie Trefry DC COMMUNITY EVENT Sam & Vanessa Heitner NH COMMUNITY EVENT COLORADO COMMUNITY EVENT Kent & Kim Cruger BELKNAP WOMEN EVENT Anne Spry BOSTON YOUNG ALUMNI EVENT Billy Skarinka, Payson Lyman, Jack Mulvaney TRUNK PROGRAM Vicki Giroux Rainy Wilkins Rob & Carolyn Miller Tucker Briggs Nate Chesley Ted Clark, Jr. Dave Crean Kent Cruger John Drake Dan Fowler Brad Germain Chandler Harris Jon Igoe Dave Irwin Mark Kesslen Pete Latchaw David Latchaw Brian Mannherz Evan Morse Charlie O’Neil Adam Perreault Dan Seyler Greg Whalen Jared Whalen John Wilder Tom Wintner Main Dock Fund We thank the following donors for purchasing a piece of the old Main Dock to support its reconstruction Ronald & Lori Adjami Anonymous Cedric Antosiewicz & Margaret Gudenas Gilman Barndollar Alfred & Sandra Bellows Steve & Cynthia Bensen George Berman & Regina Roman David & Kara Blackburn Ray & Kathy Bleday Kevin Boggs Joseph and Becky Bonventre Steven J. Brams Patrick & Kellie Bresnehan Tucker Briggs & Holly Hess George & Janice Brown William Brummer Jeffrey & Kristina Bunce John & Mary Burlingame David & Moira Byer Michael Bylund Joe & Stacy Cannon Jacob S. Carney J. Warren & Joan Cassidy Peter & Elizabeth Caulo Terence Chapman & Michelle Haskell Michael Charland & Aya Murata Nate & Johanna Chesley Brian Colantropo Brian & Connaught Colbert John & Lacey Colligan Theodore Coonan Alex Corman & Charlotte Brownlee Evan Creelman Charles & Elizabeth D’Amour Louise Davis James Daylor & Christine Just John & Melissa DeLong Alan & Lauren Dews Patrick Dinardo & Susan Schwartz William & Stephanie Ditenhafer Bob & Kay Easton Jake & Lisa Elwell Richard & Sabrina Elwell Peter Emery Geoffrey & Sandy Fitts Judith Garvey Brad & Beverly Germain Chase Gilmore Donald Greene & Ashley Fawcett Paul & Patricia Griffin Tim & Janet Guen Greg Gulino Dana Hall Brendan & Susan Hennessey Andrew Herrold Marcia & Michael Hittle Stephen & Gerianne Holdsworth Robert & Jennifer Howard Dave Humphrey & Markella Zanni Jon & Kathleen Igoe Dave & Mandy Irwin Jeremy & Sarah James John Hancock Financial Services Inc. Robert & Cindy Johnson Paul & Kristen Karpawich Seth & Stephanie Kassels Jonas Katkavich & Katherine Windsor Mark & Phyllis Kesslen James & Hattie Kessler Clark Landale Peter & Vicky Lane Eric Laurits Stuart Leslie Melissa Ludwig David P. & Evelyn Lynch Michael Mahoney Kathleen Mahoney Jon C. Malinowski David Mandel Hugh & Elise Marbury Greg Mason Daniel & Elizabeth Mckay Andrew McKenzie Chris & Lisa McKeown Michael & Anne McSally Michael Mead Dick Melvin Matt & Lynne Merkle Kyle & Justine Mikulis Robert & Carolyn Miller William & Kathryn Mitchell Gary Morse Eric Moskowitz Pat & Anne Mullin Peter & Francesca Murphy Robert Nagle & Kristin Hicks James & Patricia Nowicki Kirsten O’Connell Gregory & Rachel Obenshain Felix Pardo & Lynn Guarch-Pardo James & Shelly Passios William & Jane Perkins John & Marilyn Perkins Edward R. Perry, Jr. Louis & Ellen Piccioli Terry Pillow & Kelley Wall Michael R. Piper Scott & Alison Rabschunk James & Jane Raymond William & Carolyn Redmond Guy Reed, III Paul Reingold & Julie Bedore Pam & Jim Rentschler William & Katherine Robinson Robert & Mary Rodat Tyler & Catherine Rush William & Elizabeth Ruvo T.J. Rylander David & Kathi Santis Mike Sayles Marc & Anne Scheer Dana W. Schultz Craig Sears & Carol Cameron-Sears Charlie Seefried Dan & Andrea Seyler William & Ilene Simmonds David & Karen Sirois James & Anne Spry Sanford & Julie Stein Craig & Stephanie Theisen Chris & Simonida Thurber John & Tracy Tomasello Ricard Townsend Deborah Clark Valentine & Michael Valentine Giles and Stacy Van Praagh Elizabeth Ventre Christiaan & Stacy Vorkink Charles & Mary Waldron Wesley Wall Edward & Sarah Walton Chris & Stacy Wesley David White John & Kathleen Whitesides Aaron & Carrie Whitmore David O. Whittemore Dexter & Norma Whittinghill Andrew & Paula Why John Wilkins Patrick Wilson & Pauline Poh Christopher & Katherine Wraight YMCA of the USA Elizabeth Yntema Arthur & Jeanne Young Mark & Susan Zankel Annual Report on Giving | 11 Giving Beyond the Annual Fund For 113 years, Belknap has remained committed to providing the development of young men and boys strong character, self-esteem, individual maturity and community responsibility. Belknap is a place where campers acquire for life the skill of leadership and the value of stewardship. As with all non-profit camps, Belknap relies on alumni, parents, leaders and friends and neighbors for support. Tuition covers only 90% of the cost of providing a Belknap boy’s summer under the pines, so charitable contributions are essential. Belknap is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. In addition to the Annual Fund, there are a variety of avenues to give back. Leaders Scholarship for Camper Tuition The Leaders Scholarship Fund helps support camper scholarships on an annual basis. Each donation goes toward supporting scholarships for the following summer. Colin Brown Fund This fund was created in the memory of former camper and leader Colin Brown. Donations to this fund support leader education and training. van Tongeren Fund This fund was created in the memory of former camper Christopher van Tongeren. Donations to this fund support scholarships for local boys. French Fund This fund was created in memory of former camper Peter Marshall French. Donations to this fund support leader education and training. Leader Salary Fund These funds are in an effort to endow the salaries for leaders so that Camp Belknap may always offer competitive salaries for their cabin leaders. Donations support leaders’ salaries for the sponsored division. Cadets Juniors (sponsored by Brad & Loren Nutter) Middlers Besserers Seniors 12 | Annual Report on Giving Giving Societies Timi-Hi Society The Timi-Hi Society recognizes donors for giving to Camp Belknap’s Annual Fund, or related funds, consecutively for 5 or 10 years. This does not include captial campaigns. Members are acknowledged in the Annual Report on Giving. * = Timi-Hi 5 Years ** = Timi-Hi 10 Years 1903 Society The 1903 Society recognizes donors who have given $1,000 or more to the Annual Fund for five consecutive years, or $10,000 or more to a capital campaign. The Society honors your consistent generosity and investment in Camp Belknap’s mission. The 2015 Annual Fund We are grateful for your generous support to the Annual Fund as well as to various restricted funds listed separately on these pages. We apologize for any inaccuracies or omissions. Please send corrections or updates to [email protected] Wakonda ($2,500+) George Berman & Regina Roman** The Burlingame Family** Peter Caulo David & Susan Clark** The Dahl Family** Brad & Beverly Germain** Gregory Hayt* Dave Humphrey & Markella Zanni* Mark & Phyllis Kesslen** Keith & Kate Melnick Brad & Loren Nutter Michael R. Piper* Kevin Scott* Dan & Andrea Seyler* The Miley Foundation LTG. Richard G. Trefry David White* John P. Wilkins** Chief ($1,000+) Stephen Avery Horace & Frances Blood** Michael Charland & Aya Murata Ted & Lynn Clark** Kent & Kim Cruger* Charles & Elizabeth D’Amour** John DeLong* Mark Depew** Bob Dewhirst** William & Patricia Dewhirst** Joseph Flaherty Sam & Lenora Goessling David Goldsberry & Caryn Bray Gary & Meg Hirshberg Seth & Stephanie Kassels** Erik Knutzen Betsy & Thomas P. Laskey, Jr.** Charles & Susan Long* Melissa Ludwig* Stuart Mackey & Shirley Su* Michael Mead Kyle & Justine Mikulis* Rob & Carolyn Miller** Anthony & Kara Mollano Charles & Nancy Morrison** Judith & James Oates** Andrew Peisch Andrew Pelletier** William & Jane Perkins** The Peterson Family Fund* Peter Powell Stew Putnam** Christopher & Meaghan Ramsden Pam & Jim Rentschler* Alison Rogers Bill Rotch TJ Rylander Kenneth W. Salinger** Mary and John Snow Jim & Anne Spry* Frederick & Heather Sutor John & Tracy Tomasello** Ernie & Kathy Tsouros Peter & Liz Ventre Peter & Jeri von Stein** Christiaan & Stacy Vorkink** Patrick Wilson & Pauline Poh Tallykeeper ($500+) John & Bonnie Arrix Paul Bird & Amy Parsons** David Boettcher Tucker Briggs & Holly Hess* Jim & Christina Bright* Michael & Deborah Brillhart Thomas Butler Brian & Connaught Colbert* Joseph & Catherine Covert* Dennis & Judith Coyne Chris & Theresa Crean* Peggy & Mel Cruger** Matt & Esther Daigneault* Thomas & Sally Daigneault Ronald & Jan Desjardins* Jon Donnelly & Mary Townsend Amy Donovan* Brian & Margaret Doyle Frank & Sharon Fite Michael & Karen Gregorich Paul & Patricia Griffin Jon & Kim Guerster John & Katherine Halliday* Marcia & Michael Hittle** Alexander Hittle Robert & Kathleen Howe* Jon & Kathleen Igoe** Richard Irwin** William & Mary Johnston Jonas Katkavich & Katherine Windsor Peter & Ena Laliberte* J. Robinson & Amy Lynch** David & Evelyn Lynch** Alan & Jane MacDonald Jon Malinowski* Mark & Laura Marion David Masterson Andy & Linda McLane** Brendan McManus Kathleen Millard Gary Morse** Peter & Francesca Murphy Paul Erik Nelson Robert & Erin Noonan* James & Patricia Nowicki Ted Packard & Dolores Blasco Art Papas John Pier & Stephanie Paine* William & Carolyn Redmond Marc C. Restuccia** William & Heather Ruthrauff Philip & Gwendolyn Ryan Mark Scott John & Christine Teague* Mark & Sandra Vaughan** Charles & Mary Waldron** Edward “Skip” & Sarah Walton** James Weitzman & Allyson Kurker Greg & Vicki Whalen** Adam Wisnia Wolfeboro Rotary Club Firelighter ($250+) Ross Abbott* Cedric Antosiewicz & Margaret Gudenas Carter & Kathleen Barger** Stephen & Karin Barndollar Alex Bartlett Ed & Karen Bittner Ronald & Maureen Bleday* David M. Bloch Richard & Margaret Briggs Robert & Helen Britton** David K. Brooks & Kathleen Gilmore Lees F. Browne, Jr.** Jeffrey & Kristina Bunce* David & Heather Burns Alex Chamallas* Nate & Johanna Chesley John & Lacey Colligan* Jay Conolly Theodore Coonen Dana Crawford Colin D’Amour Brandon Daly Robert E. Dastin King & Suzanne Davis Alan & Lauren Dews* Tim & Susan Doherty Donald & Martha Dolben** David Duff, Jr. David & Susan Eastman Peter Falvey & Mary Ellen RourkeFalvey Gordon & Melanie Ferris Geoffrey & Sandy Fitts* Arthur & Prudence Fitts** Christopher Fitts Katherine Flaherty Marga Foss Matt & Katherine Frankel Kenneth & Judy George Albert Germain* Benjamin & Catherine Giess James Goldenberg & Gay Shanahan Andrew & Yonina Goorno James & Carlotta Romano Grossmann** John & Gail Grossmann** Tim & Janet Guen Tim Haarmann & Cara Iacobucci Neal & Leigh Hesler Fred & Tracy Hussey Charles Irving & Mimi George Dave & Mandy Irwin** Chase & Lucy B. Johnson Mark & Natalya Johnson** Paul & Kristen Karpawich Steven & Ali Kassels John & Lorraine Keleghan Frank E. & Pamela Kenison** William & Susan King Lucia Kittredge & Cleveland Kapala* Eric & Jody Klein Jamie & Kathryn Klickstein Henry Knutzen Gregory & Elizabeth Laskey David Latchaw Peter Leitner David & Margery Leslie Stuart Leslie Douglas & Lisa Mallach* Alan Mandel Zachary & Laurel Martin Kara Martinez Daniel & Elizabeth Mckay* William & Kathleen Mead** Dick Melvin** Jamie Millard Harriet Morse* Chris & Patty Mosher Eric A. Nicolaysen Douglas & Margaret Norberg* Birch & Jennifer Norton Kenneth & Mary Jane Nye Andrew Obenshain Felix Pardo & Lynn Guarch-Pardo David & Brenda Pivirotto Robert & Pearl Polifka** Tony & Susan Pollak John & Liz Ragnoni Peter & Laura Ramsden* Restricted Funds Colin Brown Fund Lois C. Brown William & Jane Perkins Nutter Junior Division Leadership Fund Brad & Loren Nutter French Fund Jameson & Priscilla French Robert & Shirley French van Tongeren Fund J. Warren & Joan Cassidy Joseph & Anne Cassidy Steven & Beth Grew Philip & Susan van Tongeren Paul Goodwin Miles Zornig Gifts in Kind Puritan Capital Bob Dewhirst Lance Klingler Jon Malinowski Jay Stewart Annual Report on Giving | 13 Chris & Susan Reaney Jonathan & Suzanne Richardson* Lee & Karen Roberts* Louise Roberts-Herrick Tony & Mia Rochte Andrew & Ruth Rodgers Richard & Sylvia Rollins Mark A. Rowland** William & Elizabeth Ruvo Gary & Kim Savage Peter Schaefer Kurt & Catherine Schumacher, Jr.** William & Ilene Simmonds William Skarinka Robert Spencer Mark Stevens* Payson & Jane Swaffield** John & Julianne Tantum* Donald & Kathan Tracy** Sam & Judith Trotzky John Wilder Todd & Liz Williamson Alex Wilson* Tom & Sue Wintner* William & Julie Yandow* Tom Tom Beater ($100+) Joe & Michele Abate Zachary Abdu-Glass Jack & Jennifer Abuhoff Ronald & Lori Adjami Glenn & Cathy Ahrens Vincent & Nancy Albert Patrick Albertson Christopher & Lisa Alpaugh Stephen & Marcia Anderson** Erik & Jess Anderson Jeff & Sara Bailey Bernard & Gwen Baldwin Gregg & Susan Bauer David & Susan Bean** David Bellows Alfred & Sandra Bellows* Steve & Cynthia Bensen* Jay Bergeron & Joanne Crowley* Christopher & Tracy Berns Susan A. Bird John & Judith Bird* David & Kara Blackburn Alec Bleday Ray & Kathy Bleday NH Boat Museum Leslie & Bob Bohner Jack Bonney Michael L. Bosworth* Jeff & Kathryn Bradley Steven J. Brams** George & Janice Brown* Jo-Anne Brown** Jefferson S. Brummer & Katherine Walker 14 | Annual Report on Giving Edward Brummer Andrew & Holly Burns Michael Bylund Kevin & Elizabeth Carder Tim Carruthers & Liz Weiss D.L. Chris Christensen Thomas and Clara Christensen Bradley & Alice Christenson* Betsy Cissel Gene & Caryn Clark III** Andy Clark & Jessica Wade Susan Cole* Ben Collins* David Collins Arthur & Barbara Comolli* Jordi Cortit Subira Peter & Catherine Costa John M. & Pauline Crean** Louis & Hope Crosier Fred Culick Martie D’Apice Tom & Claire Daley James Daylor & Christine Just John & Jo-Ann Devlin Jeff & Kristie Dickinson Patrick Dinardo & Susan Schwartz Gregory & Tonya Eastman Bob & Kay Easton** Bruce & Alice Eckerson** Wayne & Christina Eckerson** Jake & Lisa Elwell* Peter Emery Dan & Kathleen Estridge Craig & Stacey Farlie Thomas & Joan Feeley** Erik & Kathleen Rutty-Fey Stanley Flint* Robert Folsom** Scott & Jackie Ford Susan Fox Malcom & Nereyda Frampton Graeme & Becky Frazier Walter & Deborah Gangl* Robert B. Gates Jim Giampa Tom & Elaine Giggi** Anne Gillespie Jason and Astrid Glass Peter & Barbara Kenneth & Selma Gould** Peter & Leanne Gould Gov. Wentworth Arts Council Inc. Tim & Janine Gresla Einar Gustafsson & Aslaug Jonsdottir Craig Haines Edward B. Hall Sr.* Mary Hamlin John & Kathleen Hartley** Bob Heald** Harley W. Heath John & Julie Hebble** Korbin Heiss Michael & Susan Heitner** Samuel & Vanessa Heitner James & Lisa Hermes John & Lindsey Heron Richard K. & Charlotte Hill Myle Holley, III Joseph M. & Susan Horton* Kyle R. & & Lindsey Housman Robert & Jennifer Howard Nelson & Julia Howe Betsy & Rick Hutchins** Gary & Andrea Iseminger** Timothy & Tracy Jaeger** Jeremy & Sarah James* Averill Jarvis RD Jenkinson Robert & Cindy Johnson Stephen & Stephanie Johnson Rainey Johnson Michael Keegan & Ann Dever-Keegan James & Hattie Kessler* Michael Kopp Jason & Jennifer Kuether Corporate/Matching Gifts Biogen Idec Foundation BP Foundation Inc. Chevron Matching Employee Funds Covidien Employee Giving CVC Capital Partners Advisory Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation GE Foundation Matching Gifts Program Give with Liberty JF Kids Inc John Hancock Financial Services Inc. Lincoln Financial Foundation Lone Pine Capital, LLC S. D. Bechtel, Jr Foundation The Benevity Community Impact Fund True Venture Management, LLC Voya David & Beth Laliberte David & Lauren Lane Benjamin & Jane Lannon Alan & Robin Lapoint Eric Laurits Brian Lavoie Chris & Christine Lecompte Franz & Marci Loeber Richard & Johnna Lombard Brad Lown & Chris Sieve** Michaellaa Luders Jan & Marjorie Ludwig* Daniel Luthern Theodore C. Lutkus Daniel & Marcy Lyman Edward Macdonald Nancy Willard-Magaud & Georges Magaud Joseph & Catherine Magnano* Kathleen Mahoney Sean T. Mahoney Michael Mahoney Frederick Maier Daniel & Sachiko Mallach Richard & Susan Mannherz Hugh & Elise Marbury DC Marcus Anthony & Tania Marino Roger Maroni** Kenneth & Janet Martin* Mark & Elisabeth Massey Calvin May Kevin & Cheryl McCusker William & Carol McGregor* Michael & Elizabeth McGroarty* William & Kathryn Mitchell Terence & Diane Moriarty Charles & Frances Morrison* Evan & Julianne Morse Peter H. Moyer, Jr. Gerald and Caroline Mulligan Pat & Anne Mullin* Richard & Susan Murphy James & Lisa Murphy William M. Murray, Jr.** George & Melissa Noble Nick Nowak Allan & Christine Nye** Edmund & Kim O’Toole Kathleen O’Brien Peter & Bobbe Otis* David & Susan Parker James & Shelly Passios Sally Bowie & Randall Paulsen Thomas & Alice Peisch* Ruth & Nick Perencevich** James N. Perencevich Perk & Edith Perkins* John & Marilyn Perkins Sean & Gail Pine Jack Pirozzolo & Anne Depew Samuel Polifka David L. Poolman* Scott & Alison Rabschnuk John & Lisa Raftery John & Sarah Raslowsky James & Jane Raymond** Jonathan & Linda Raymond Guy Reed Paul Reingold & Julie Bedore** Andrew Rentschler Wayne & Elizabeth Richards David & Grace Rollins* Mike Rorick Douglas Rosner & Erin Higgins* Peter & Susan Rotch* Paul & Emily Rubinfield* Zachary Rubinfeld Kevin Ryan George & Cheryll Ryder Rebecca F. Rylander* William Sandman Andrew & Wendy Sanford* David & Kathi Santis** Mike Sayles Ernst & Mary Schaefer** David Schroeder Dana W. Schultz Craig Sears & Carol Cameron-Sears* Charlie Seefried* Tripp & Betsy Sheehan Ted & Susan Sherman** Robert and Andrea Sherman Dan Shertzer* Jason Sigalos & Tracey Gutierrez Sigalos Christopher & Tina Snook* Joel C. Solomon Richard & Delyle Soper** Oliver & Nancy Spencer Daniel & Olga St. Clair Charles & Christian Stanley* Sanford & Julie Stein Derek & Melissa Stone Kathleen K. Stone Timothy & Shelly Storbeck** Rob Strollo & Mary Ellen Smith Kieran & Karen Sullivan Jeffrey & Margaret Sutton* Elizabeth Tourangeau Ricard Townsend Ernest & Karen Tracy Mark & Christie Tully Jeffrey & Katie Tumpowsky Daryl W. Turenne* Deborah Clark Valentine & Michael Valentine Giles and Stacy Van Praagh David & Toni Walker** Jim & Gail Weigel** Ben Weisel* Chris & Stacy Wesley Jared and Emily Whalen Aaron & Carrie Whitmore* Dexter & Jane Whittinghill** Andrew & Paula Why* Brian & Rebecca Wiese Scott & Alexandra Wilkins J. Michael & Amanda Wilson Peter Wilson & Linda Rodgers Michael & Kimberlee Wing* Claude & Martha Wintner** Anthony Woeltz William Woodworth & Lisa Zonino Christopher & Katherine Kevin Yates Matthew and Virginia Young Oglesby & Pamela Young** Lawrence Young & Antionette Lamonica Jonathan Yusen Daniel & Wendy Zalinsky* Brave ($1+) Thomas & Nancy Archibald Robert & Susan Bahr** Donald Bail** Peter & Jennifer Baker Scott K. Barger John Barnett Shiva Barton & Carol DeLaney John & Kimberly Beekman James Bender Gordan Peter Bensen Andrew J. Bigelow & Brian Lighty Samuel Blumenfeld J. Thomas and Shirley Boucher MacGregor Brillhart Russell S. Broad, Jr. Russel Broad Jr.* Radford and Kathrine Brogden Scott & Gretchen Brooks Charlie Brooks Stuart & Joanne Buhrendorf Gregory Bunce* J. Brigham Burlingame Christopher Carder Paul Cardon Nicholas & Alison Chamallas Steven Chamberlin & Heather Frye* Aki Charland Paulette Chesley Robert & Patricia Chevalier* James Christenson Beverley Clarenbach* Kristen & Charles Clark Orlo & Carol Clark** Will & Alyssa Clossey William Colligan Seth & Christina Cournoyer Declan Coyne Aidan Coyne Austin Coyne Robert & Anita Craven Richard & Michelle Crawford David & Dorothy Crean Alan & Reaney Critchell Christian & Elizabeth D’Amour Peter Day John & Carole DeJong Gordon Diamond Calvin Diamond Rory Diamond William C. Dick David Dick Bill and Ellen Dingwell Samuel F. Dodge Wilson & Jane Dodge Jeremy Dodge Samuel Donnelly Iker Elosua Sam Elwell Kathi Fairbend Mark Fernandez & Anne Devine Joseph & Elizabeth Flannery* Barbara Ford Daniel Fowler Olivia P. Garfield Judith Garvey Margaret Garvey Rory Germain Ryan Giggi Tyler Giggi John & Susan Glancy Taavo & Julia Godtfredsen Brad Goldsberry Linda Gonya Owen Gonya William & Anne Graff Wendell & Sandra Grant** Alicia S. Groom Jeff Grossmann & Grace Yang Lewis & Linda Gurnari* Daniel Habib & Elizabeth McNamara George Hall Kenneth B. Hamblett** Denis D. Hamboyan Ben D. Hamilton* Dave & Susan Hammond* John & Kelly Hankinson Chandler Harris Sandy & Kate Haviland Charlie Haviland Andrew Herrold John & Jan Herrold Robert & Kathryn Hill John & Michelle Ho** Stephen & Gerianne Holdsworth** Kim Husson Chris & Alison Hutcheson Kyle John Charles & Susan Johnson John & Andrea Johnson Matthew & Amber Jozokos Constance Kamm Jack Katkavich Joseph & Ellen Keogh John & Virginia King Duncan Kirkpatrick Russell & Elaine Andrew & MaryAnn Kniska John D. Koob Joseph Laliberte Briggs Larkin & Phillip Fitzpatrick** Christopher Lash Martha Lawler David & Patricia Lee* Ted Lowrie Andrew Lowrie Weston Lowrie Michael Lubelczyk Matthew & Suzanne Lucey Jack Lucey Andrew Lull Theodore Lutkus Parker Lynch Adrian MacDonald Gabriel Maggiotto Brian Mannherz Michael & Nancy Marion Diane S. Mather Ethan McClure George & Sarah McDowell Cole McGarrigle Conor McGoldrick Phil Mone Marcel Moran John & Alena Murphy James Murphy Nicholas Murphy Patricia Nelson Paul M. & Barbara D. Ness* June Novo Conor O’Rourke Daniel & Barbara Omohundro* Nicholas Piccioli Mr. and Mrs. Pinney Steven L. Plant Daniel Polifka Chris & Kathy Puff Walter “Mack” Ramsden John Raslowsky Daniel Raymond Brian Reaney William & Jennifer Reed Kevin J. Reilly** David Reingold Mark & Ruth Reingold Robert & Lisa Reitano Timothy Rider Paul & Anne Marie Riley Patrick Riley Barbara V. Robinson Alex R. Rogalski Keith & Tracey Russell Robert & Katie Rutter* Anthony Ruvo Michael & Susan Ryder* Stephen Sample Thomas Sandak John & Susan King Cass E. Sapir** Evan Sayles Michael & Allyson Schaaf Christopher & Jill Shannon Thomas & Lisa Sherman Max Sinsheimer Spencer Sisselman Paul and Jena Slosberg Peter & Sharon Sluski Skip & Susan Smith Michael & Andrea Smith* Adam & Emily Spivak Stephen Spry Philip Stoiber Henry Tantum Charles Tantum Ben Tessier Paul J. Tessier Jr. James & Pat Theisen* Lucio & Donna Trabucco Harrison Tracy Randal & Kathleen Tustison Oriol Vidal Kevin & MaryJane Walsh Holland & Christine Ward David O. Whittemore** Christopher Why Henry & Kathryn Why Robert Wilson Thomas Wraight Adam & Jacey Young Arthur & Jeanne Young** Robert Zakon Leaders Scholarship Fund for camper tuition Stephen Avery John Barnett James Bender Gordan Peter Bensen George Berman & Regina Roman Samuel Blumenfeld Jeff & Kathryn Bradley Charlie Brooks Gregory Bunce Peter Burlingame Christopher Carder James Christenson Brian Colantropo Bob Cole Jack Colligan William Colligan Declan Coyne Aidan Coyne Austin Coyne David Dick Samuel Donnelly Brian Doyle Annie & Ed Gillespie Iker Elosua Sam Elwell Peter Emery Tom & Elaine Giggi Ryan Giggi Tyler Giggi Brad Goldsberry Owen Gonya James & Carlotta Romano Grossmann John & Gail Grossmann George Hall Betsy & Rick Hutchins Dave & Mandy Irwin Nathan Jones Seth & Stephanie Kassels Jack Katkavich The Kulicke Fund Joseph Laliberte Michael Lubelczyk John Lucey Andrew Lull Theodore Lutkus Parker Lynch Gabriel Maggiotto Cole McGarrigle Conor McGoldrick Mirror Lake Community Church Marcel Moran Jeffrey T. Moss James Murphy Nicholas Murphy Nick Nowak James & Shelly Passios Nicholas Piccioli Stew Putnam Mack Ramsden John Raslowsky Brian Reaney Patrick Riley Jeff Ross & Susan Cole Ross Anthony Ruvo Evan Sayles RJ & Carol Schoen Spencer Sisselman Michael J. & Andrea Smith Stephen Spry The Herbert & Nell Singer Foundation Chris & Simonida Thurber Harrison Tracy Frederick & Marion Twichell Mark & Sandra Vaughan Oriol Vidal Christiaan & Stacy Vorkink Paul Williams & Ellen Nordberg Camp Winona Annual AnnualReport Reporton onGiving Giving||17 15 Our Community Impact We pride ourselves on being a strong community member in Tuftonboro and Carroll County. From 2014 to 2015, we increased the number of: Local Hires (21 to 26) Service Providers (38 to 47) Supply Vendors (14 to 21) Commissary Providers (8 to 9) We spent approximately $760,000 in Carroll County in 2015. In addition, we welcomed over 700 people to Camp Belknap’s property while camp was out of session. Non-profit groups that enjoyed the use of our facilities include: Girl Scouts Community 232 Governor Wentworth Arts Council The Hyde School NH Boat Museum Slow Food Carroll County Tuftonboro Central School PTCO Tuftonboro Historical Society Wentworth Economic Development Council Wolfeboro Nursery School Wolfeboro Rotary Club 1903 Society Members Carter & Kathleen Barger George Berman & Regina Roman Ronald & Maureen Bleday Horace & Frances Blood David Brooks & Kathleen Gilmore Peter Caulo Ted & Lynn Clark David & Susan Clark Susan Cole Arthur & Barbara Comolli Kent & Kim Cruger Charles & Elizabeth D’Amour Robert & Leslie Dahl Robert Dastin Mark Depew Bob Dewhirst William & Patricia Dewhirst Alan & Lauren Dews Kenneth & Bryn Dews Michael & Christie Dews David & Carol Fischer Robert & Shirley French Brad & Beverly Germain Andrew & Yonina Goorno Patrick & Celina Griffin The Gullquist/Mullin Family Foundation Gary & Meg Hirshberg Marcia & Michael Hittle Robert & Kathleen Howe Dave Humphrey & Markella Zanni Mark & Phyllis Kesslen Betsy & Thomas Laskey, Jr. Paul Leitner Stu Mackey & Shirley Su Sean Mahoney Jon Malinowski Brendan McManus Rob & Carolyn Miller Charles & Nancy Morrison Pat & Anne Mullin Brad & Loren Nutter Judith & James Oates Thomas & Heidi Pelletier William & Jane Perkins John & Jennifer Peterson Baer Pettit Michael Piper Stew Putnam Pam & Jim Rentschler Richard & Sylvia Rollins Bill Rotch Kenneth Salinger David & Kathi Santis Kevin Scott Dan & Andrea Seyler John & Mary Snow John & Christine Teague Peter & Jeri von Stein Christiaan & Stacy Vorkink Edward “Skip” Walton Greg & Vicki Whalen John P. Wilkins Patrick Wilson & Pauline Poh Tom & Sue Wintner Oglesby & Pamela Young White Pines Society Members Dave Crean Bob Easton Andrew Herrold Henry Hibbard* Rick & Betsy Hutchins 18 | Annual Report on Giving 16 Alan Mandel Brendan McManus Brad & Loren Nutter John & Tracy Tomasello Edward “Skip” Walton *deceased The White Pines Society The White Pines Society is established to recognize and honor individuals who make provisions in their estate for a gift to Belknap. A planned gift demonstrates lifelong support of Belknap’s mission and enables the camp to continue its rich tradition of making good boys better. As a member, you will help shape the future for generations of campers and leaders. Planned gifts can be made through a bequest or by naming Belknap as a beneficiary of part or all of a retirement asset. Bequests may help fulfill your philanthropic goals without relinquishing current assets and may provide tax relief for you or your heirs. Adding your name as a member acknowledges your commitment to Belknap’s mission and encourages others to take this meaningful step. If you would like more information or have already made provision for Belknap in your estate planning, please contact Seth & Steph Kassels at [email protected] or (603) 569-3475. Annual Report on Giving | 19 BO DY SPIRIT D CA YM C THE SMILE OF THE GREAT MIN • KNAP EL P AM B 1903 • YMCA Camp Belknap NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PO Box 1546, Wolfeboro, NH 03894 [email protected] (603) 569-3475 Follow Us Join us on LinkedIn Check out our YouTube Channel Visit Follow camp.belknap on Instagram Follow us @ymcacampbelknap PAID NASHUA, NH Permit #375 Contact Us [email protected] or call (603) 569-3475 CB Archives Have something to donate? Email: [email protected] Change of Address Moved recently? Send your new address to [email protected] to remain on our mailing list! Upcoming Events 3rd Annual Former Leaders Work Weekend Chief Masqua’s Luncheon Come do your share of the work and help prepare Camp Belknap for the 2016 summer. Over the weekend, you’ll join your fellow former leaders (LC Year 2006 and prior) in a number of service projects, sleep in a cabin, eat in the dining hall, and cool off after a hard day’s work in the Winniper! We invite 70+ year old Belknappers to camp for a luncheon. You’ll have the opportunity to walk around camp, eat lunch in the dining hall, take a ride in the NYMCAH, reconnect with old friends and share stories from many moons ago. Belknap at the Ballpark Alumni/Family Camp Join us as the NH Fisher Cats take on Hartford in America’s favorite pastime! You’ll enjoy the party suite, complete with stadium seating along the third base line, a fully-catered dinner, free access to the kids play area, and a fireworks show after the game! Share the Belknap experience with family! Over the weekend, you’ll have the chance to sleep in a cabin, eat meals in the dining hall, engage in a number of Belknap programs and traditions, and enjoy campfires with friends and fellow Belknappers. May 14-15, 2016 Friday, May 20, 2016 at 6pm New Camper Orientation Saturday, June 11, 2016 at 10am The New Camper Orientation is specially designed to give parents and new campers a taste of Belknap. The day includes a tour of the camp, a family-style lunch in the dining hall, and a chance for parents to ask questions while campers engage in a number of traditional games and on Report MesseronField. 20activities | Annual Giving Friday, July 15, 2016 at 11am September 2-5, 2016 (Labor Day Weekend) Women’s Wellness Retreat September 8-11, 2016 Over the course of the weekend, immerse yourself in activities to replenish the mind, body and spirit. Engage in guided activities that range from yoga, art, writing, creating, archery, meditation, information, and self-discovery. Enjoy laughter, friendship, and relaxation during this long weekend of women celebrating women!
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