May 5, 2016 - Camp Jorn YMCA
May 5, 2016 - Camp Jorn YMCA
CAMPER EXPENSE / TRADING POST FORM Each camper must have a Trading Post Account set up prior to attending camp. Campers are not allowed to carry cash, checks, credit cards or debit cards on camp. Sample Trading Post items Price Range* Camp T-shirts / hats $12 – $20 Flannel Pants / Shorts $22 –$26 Water Bottles $8 – $10 Stuffed Animals $4 – $15 Sweatshirts / Hoodies $22 – $40 * These prices are approximations. Prices may vary. Flashlights, toiletries, batteries and disposable cameras are also available. We charge Wisconsin State Sales Tax in accordance with relevant Wisconsin Sales Tax laws. We suggest depositing $50 – $100 for each week your camper is at camp. Trading Post Account Tips •Deposit your camper’s store money in their account NOW. • We will not extend credit to any camper. Refund Policy Refunds are issued to campers with $8.00 or more remaining in their account. Refunds are made in the Fall. Consider donating your Trading Post Account balance by checking the box below. TEVA & CIT Campers These campers need a little extra money for laundry and trips to town for activities such as a movie or dinner out. This is in addition to items they may buy at the Tr. Post. Avg $10 – $20 per trip, 1–2 trips per session. If the account is running low by mid-week, we will call to give you the option of adding more money by credit card. Payment Information Camper’s Name Session Check / Money Order – Make checks payable to Camp Jorn YMCA Charge my credit card: Card # Exp. Date Card holder Name (print) Card holder Signature Date Total Payment Enclosed Please complete this form and return to the Camp Office by: May 5, 2016 Mail: Optional: Donate the remaining balance of the Trading Post Account to our Strong Kids Scholarship Program. Thanks! Registration Camp Jorn YMCA PO Box 430 Manitowish Waters, WI 54545 Email: [email protected] Fax: 715 543 2390 please include a fax cover sheet