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CAMP COST Non-prescription medication for Minors MEDICAT CONSENT STRUCTURE (Includes 3 meals/day & lodging for the Good health, no allergies or special medical condition, weeÐ Each Camper 13 and is (am) in Mychild, (I) OR over 8225 Children 5 to 12 years $150 Children under 5 years Free COMMUTER COSTS (Commuters are individuals who visit for a day or two rather than stay at the Camp for the week) My child (I) IS [ ]Asthma [ ]Fainting/Convulsion [ ] Heart Troubles [ ] Severe reaction to Bee sting [ ] Diabetes [ ] Tubes in ear. Immunization: [ ]Tetanus[ ]Polio [ ]Measles/Mumps/Rubella [ ]Diphtheria (D If your child suffers from a minor yhich does not require a doctor's ',¡orsit, it may be appropriate to ailment, Signature: t2 Date: administer non-prescription medications. "6 "f,¡ "6 "6 "6 (lncludes three meals and overnight lodging) - (D Name of parenlguardian Daytime Registration 5 to 12 years $35.00 per day 13 years and over $50.00 per day ffiffi (am) not in good health, in addition, is subject to the following: Medical Report FoRALtcAMPERS (To be completed and signed by a physician.) Please check the boxes below with the medications we have your peÍnission to administer. Please select and complete the choices(s) QUESTIONS? Camp Director: Jermaine Bell - 718-657-7699 Email: [email protected] Registration: D. Pommells -7 18-657 -7 699 Email: [email protected] New T0il( Irlelr0 Dislfi0l Famlly 0amp Rev. Jermaine Bell, Camp Director 155-15 90'h Avenue Jamaica, l'|Y 11432 [ ] Sudafed [] f I Camoer. . is in sood health. No allersies or no sDeclal medrcal condltlon or cllagnosls and íf a minor tËe immunization record is comõlete (date), and up to date as o{_ [ ] Expectorant/Cough Suppressant I [ ] Diarrhea 1S with a statins the if anyi 1S Mail Registration Forms & fees fo.' Tylenol applicable to the camper. I campef. 1S A IIUnOr I Camper, whose immunization record is incomplete (date) and/or needs to be updated as of Siguature ofphysician Emergency # [ ] Decongestant/Ana histamine Medication [ ] Throat spray/ Lozenge [ ]Ibuprophen [ ]Tums Signature of Parent/ Guardian Date: t2 REGISTRATION FORM NEW YORK METRO DISTRICT FAMITY CAMP 2012 REGISTRATION FORM Medical Release: This health history is correct as far as I know, and Name: Age: thê Derson herein described has nermission Gender: Address: prescribed ÑY Metro to ensase in all 'activities FamiÍv" Camn exceot as noted.'In the eient I cannot be réached in an emergency, I hereby give nermission to" the selected dottorY to hospitalize. ' secure proþer treatment for,^ and to ordei ìniection and or/surserv for the camper name in this Theme: *PERSUADED' Date: for medical fees or prescriptions and that I am solely iesponöible for any and all such feeï and charges arisiñg from illness or Telephone: Body soap/wash Catskill, NY 12414 Deodorant, Perfume, Cologne, Powder Tissue paper Wash rags VIA NEW YORK STATE THRUWAY: Rubber slipper Take Exit 21, turn right at traffic light on to 238, continue on to Leeds, then right at Green Lake Road. lt's just 3 miles to GREEN LAKE RESORT For Children under the age of 18 yrs old: Have you ever attended NY Metro District Camp? Yes-, No-. Supervising adult at Camp Parent/Guardian Signature Liabilitv Release: The undersisn. for himself" or herself and ne"rs'onal representatives, assigns, heirs änd next of* kin (herein referr"ed to as releasors\. herebv rreleases. í¡¡aives. discharses anil covenänts not' to súe NY Ïetro Familv Camp.' its asents. servants and emnloíees ^ (herein ré{erred to ûs Registration Deadlin 1. 2. t2 "z 4 Each Church is responsible for the transportation of their members lvisitors to and from Camp. Commuters [i.e. individuals who plan to onlyvisit the Camp rather than stay on Campus] must also register by the above deadline. 3. 4. Date luly 3l* Special Instructions: from all liaËilitv to the releasolé for all losses or dãmase and any claim or demands on acco"unt of ini"urv to the Derson or nrooertv or le"suilinq fi'om ^death of the ieleásors whetherY caused bv the neslisence of the releasees oí otherr.,iìsã while narticiuatins in activities associated 'with the releasees to the ftrllest extent of the law. The undersisn is fullv aware of the inherent hazaid and "hereby elects to narticinate voluntarilv antl assume alf risk'of loss. damíee or jnjury that may be sustain by him or her. relàaseies\. Shower caps Bathrobe Shampoo, comb, brush andhair Applications Due by: Special Requirement & Towels accessories Email: Pastor's Signature: Dental Floss 605 Green Lake Road rnlur.y that may occur. Church Toothbrush & paste Mouthwash GREEN LAKE RESORT Directions: resistrãtidn form. I understand that the NY Metro F4mily C.u-p does not nrovide medical rnsurance or 'reimbursement Personal Hvgiene Items August 13th- l8th,20l2 Location: Checklist For Items Needed Al1 campers and commuters need to have the medical report completed and signed by a physician or the medical consent signed by a parentlguardian. The camper's Pastor as well as the other required signatory must sign each form. Clothine Needs Sleepwear Casual outfits Clothes for evening services Shoes for evening services Spring jackets Sneakers for sporting activities General Needs Bible, pens, pencils Bed linen-sheets Pillow and cases Light blanket Flashlight, Umbrella NIGHT LIGHT (Especially for small children) ltEw Y0RK ilErno DISÌRICI