Boletin marzo 2014
Boletin marzo 2014
MARCH 2 0 1 4 n o tBOOKS able books NOTABLE 791.43/S71 Martin Scorsese / Thomas Sotinel. -- Paris: Cahiers du cinéma sarl, 2010. 102 pp. ills. SCORSESE, MARTIN - BIOGRAPHY / MOVIE UNITED STATES - HISTORY AND REVIEWS Miraflores Somos más que siesta y fiesta: doce mitos y verdades sobre América Latina With this book Rolando Arellano dispels the myth about our region and its work force, and demonstrates that this view of Latin America and its population is distorted, and in several cases it is even contrary to reality. The author also affirms that we, Latin Americans, have not tried to show an appropriate “photo” of ourselves; therefore, we have been at the mercy of others’ interpretations. Arellano suggests a “photograph” of Peru and Latin America that dispels the myths and presents realities about a region that has generated a worldwide increasing interest during recent years. Thus, the reader will find, behind the plot of this book, an omnipresent approach: the need to disregard the little rivalries among Latin American countries that have separated them from their republican history and join to become one of the most important forces in the future of the world. 339.47/A67s Somos más que siesta y fiesta: doce mitos y verdades sobre América Latina / Rolando Arellano Cueva.-- Lima: Planeta, 2012. 187 pp. ills. LIFESTYLES - LATIN AMERICA La Molina Fundado el 2 de junio de 1938. Entidad cultural no lucrativa que fomenta un mayor entendimiento entre el Perú y los Estados Unidos. Registro de Entidades Exoneradas del Impuesto a la Renta N° 00023 Registro de Entidades Perceptoras de Donaciones N° 05571 RUC 20122667660 Hecho el depósito legal en la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú Nº 2005-6187 T. (511) 706-7000 Biblioteca Luis E. Valcárcel - Sede Lima Centro Jr. Cuzco 446. Anexo 1272 Biblioteca Estuardo Núñez - Sede Miraflores Av. Angamos Oeste 160. Anexo 2272 Biblioteca Anna Clack de Díaz - Sede San Miguel Av. La Marina 2469. Anexo 3272 Biblioteca Jorge Basadre Grohmann - Sede La Molina Av. Javier Prado Este 4625. Anexo 4272 Biblioteca ICPNA Lima Norte - Sede Lima Norte Av. El Pacífico 477, Independencia. Anexo 5272 HORARIO DE ATENCIÓN Lunes a viernes de 8:00 a.m. a 9:00 p.m. Sábados de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. Sede Lima Norte Sábados de 8:00 a.m. a 6:30 p.m. Dirección de Biblioteca Av. Angamos Oeste 120, Miraflores. Anexo 9107 [email protected] / bibliotecasicpna b o l e t í n It presents a unique view of the creative processes: one of the most outstanding film directors in the world; from his first short movies to his masterpieces. A key reference for the fans of this director, who started his long collaboration with Robert De Niro, with films like Mean Streets (1973) and Taxi Driver (1976). Scorsese, continues drawing inspiration from his Italian-American roots, as demonstrated in Goodfellas (1990) and Casino (1995). This director is a movie buff, with a very independent spirit, who manages to alternate blockbusters such as The Aviator (2004), The Departed (2006) and Shutter Island (2010) with more personal works about the movie history (A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies, 1995) or the music (Bob Dylan and The Rolling Stones). The book includes clear and precise texts, chronologically organized, together with illustrations, film frames, sequences and set photographs, as well as a complete biography and filmography with the master’s key work. BIBLIOTECA Masters of Cinema: Martin Scorsese activity program PROGRAM Tuesday 18 Conference APRENDAMOS A PREVENIR PROBLEMAS EN SALUD MENTAL DEPRESIÓN Y SUICIDIO: QUÉ HACER CUANDO PARECE QUE NO HAY SALIDA Speaker: Jesús Aiquipa Tello Venue: Miraflores Branch, Conference Hall (tenth floor), 6:30 p.m. a l e r t BIBLIOGRAPHIC ALERT b i b l i o g r a p h i c ART 708.985/A78 Arte contemporáneo: colección Museo de Arte de Lima. -- Lima: Asociación Museo de Arte de Lima, 2013. 380 pp. ills. MUSEUM OF ART (LIMA) / MUSEUMS OF ART – PERU Miraflores MOVIES 759.13/B46/2011 Georgia O`Keeffe 1887 – 1986: flowers in the desert / Britta Benke. -- Köln: Taschen, 2011. 95 pp. ills. O’KEEFFE, GEORGIA – REVIEW AND INTERPRETATION / UNITED STATES PAINTINGS / UNITED STATES ARTISTS – BIOGRAPHIES Miraflores 791.43/C718 Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano announces the ICPNA 6th Biennial Competition of Children’s Poetry. This contest will award the two best literary works in compliance with the established rules. Submission deadline is May 31, 2014. Woody Allen / Florence Colombani.-- Paris: Cahiers du cinéma sarl, 2010. 102 pp. ills. ALLEN, WOODY / MOVIE - UNITED STATES HISTORY AND REVIEWS Miraflores For competition rules, go to For more information: Please call (511) 706-7001 extensions 9101, 9102, 9107 [email protected] EDUCATION 791.43/M27 Ingmar Bergman / Jacques Mandelbaum.-- Paris: Cahiers du cinéma sarl, 2011. 103 pp. ills. INGMAR BERGMAN / MOVIE - SWEDEN - HISTORY AND REVIEWS Miraflores 371.3/C96 Taller de habilidades para el aprendizaje / Elizabeth Cuenca Rendón.-- New York: Cengage Learning, 2010. 127 pp. ills. STUDY METHODS / READING Lima Centro PHOTOGRAPHY ICPNA’s Library Network will screen at the same time in all its video rooms a movie season of the most representative contemporary North American movie directors. Performance will be from March 10 to 14, in the following order: Reservoir Dogs (Quentin Tarantino), Drácula de Bram Stoker (Bram Stoker’s Dracula) (Francis Ford Coppola), Seven (David Fincher), Big Fish (Tim Burton) and Misión imposible (Mission: Impossible) (Brian De Palma). Free entrance. 770.92/C93 Edward Weston: 125 photographs / Steve Crist.-California: Ammo Books, 2012. 260 pp. ills. WESTON, EDWARD / PHOTOGRAPHERS - UNITED STATES - BIOGRAPHIES Miraflores KINDLE COLLECTION Miguel Hernández en 48 estampas / Pedro Villar Sánchez: Libro de notas. 11 MB. HERNÁNDEZ, MIGUEL – BIOGRAPHY / SPANISH POETS – 20TH CENTURY Lima Centro–Miraflores–San Miguel–La Molina– Lima Norte For further information, consult the movie listings for each library. study in the USA This educational advising program offers free talks to young people and professionals interested in undertaking undergraduate and graduate studies in the United States of America. This month, these talks will be held on the following dates: Saturday 8 10:00 a.m. Miraflores Saturday 22 10:00 a.m. San Miguel Likewise, individual counseling is offered according to current rates. For further information, visit Educational Advising and International Exams (Av. Angamos Oeste 120, 3rd floor, Miraflores), Tuesdays to Fridays, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. LANGUAGE 461.5/A95 ¿Cómo escribir con buena ortografía? / Fernando Ávila.- Bogotá D.C.: Universidad Sergio Arboleda, 2010. 164 pp. ills. ORTHOGRAPHY - STUDY AND TEACHING La Molina THEATER 812.54/M13 The member of the wedding: a play / Carson McCullers.-- New York: A New Directions Book, 2006. 118 pp. UNITED STATES THEATER Miraflores All the latest news about politics, business, culture and opinion regarding current events in the United States and the world. LAST MAGAZINES ACQUIRED ICPNA puts at your disposal an interesting selection of new magazines recently acquired by our Library Network. EL PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACIÓN Magazine about information, libraries and new information technologies. Main topic of this edition is about libraries and documentation in museums. Available at San Miguel Library. GRAPHIC DESIGN USA A reference publication for graphic designers, visual communicators and other creative professionals. This edition presents its readers’ most admired interesting selection of 25 logos and 10 posters throughout the 50 years of the magazine. Available at Miraflores Library. THE NEW YORKER Publication famous for a good deal of literary fiction, quality journalism, cultural recommendations about theater plays, movies, books and news about the New York city. This edition includes a profile of Barack Obama. The text written by David Remnick, editor of the magazine, assesses his management after reelection in 2012. Available at Miraflores Library. Virtual library: eLibrary USA ICPNA, through its Library Network, puts at your disposal this important informative resource that will give you access to thousands of publications, specialized articles, audio, video and more. It gives you access to complete digital content of “Smithsonian Magazine” and “Air & Space Magazine”. Their content covers topics about history, science, art, technology and world cultures.