Report CRIL August-09


Report CRIL August-09
express them serving of God and his church. The biblical
passages of Corinthians, Romans and Ephesians, we have used
every Sunday, every person has motivated assistant to reflect
and become more actively involved in some activities of the
From 14 July to 3 August, we received a visit from the Action
group and although it was an unexpected visitor, we will
schedule some service activities in the places where we operate:
“HOGAR DE VIDA”, Maria Auxiliadora Hospital in San Juan de
Miraflores, Huaycan and Huaycán. We are grateful to these five
young Canadians: Lisa, Jennifer, Jessica, Sean and John for
their love, devotion and service in our community.
On July 18 and 19 we had a youth camp in the town of
“Canta”, three hours from Lima. Young had a night time
campfire, thanksgiving, praise, and of course, leisure
times to know this place in the mountains of Lima.
Young people after receiving some teaching about the
Christian mission as missionary practice, are supporting
the various social assistance programs we have in the
From 25 July to 9 August, the young Paul Rene Bedoya and Elicia
Borelli participated in “DESAFIO” a youth training program of
the Conference of Peru, which included a week of classroom
teaching and one week of service in the churches of the
conference. Youth returned refreshed spiritually and a desire to
continue serving the Lord Paul Elicia MISSION IN TAMPA, AMAZONAS
From August 12 to 20, three members of our church: Ricardo
Mauriola, Ronald Chauca and Jackie Hidalgo, along with other
brothers from another denomination, traveled to the community
Aguaruna in Tampe, department of Amazonas (Forest of Peru).
Some support of institutions and individuals, they could carry,
to implement the medical clinic, clothing, food and library
books for the laity of the church. During that time the
community also received several workshops and Bible studies. The
60 children of the church had their Vacation Bible School.
In January 2010, we will back to visit this community to help
with other needs that were seen as alternatives to teach farming
and processing of their crops with the help of an agronomist,
and so on. MEETINGS IN “SAN JUAN DE MIRAFLORES" Two months ago, Mauriolas family, members of our church, started
meetings on Saturdays, in their home in “San Juan de
Miraflores”, to help children and adolescents in the spiritual
teaching and craft workshops. The parents of these children are
very happy and sometimes they attend with them these workshops.
This is a great opportunity to continue to expand the Kingdom of
God in this sector of Lima.
CONFERENCE In July George Rodriguez and José Manuel Prada participate in
the annual meeting of ICOMB and Mennonite World Conference in
Paraguay. It was a special time to learn, share and build
bridges of friendship with many people from other countries. It
was also a chance for George to understand a bit about our
denomination, the vision, mission and work.
In the last week of July, we had the quarterly meeting of
pastors and participate in the anniversary of the church of
Miraflores in Piura. PRAYERS REQUEST For:
- Physical restoration of Manuel Ramos and Blanca Polo.
- Meetings of Biblical studies in homes of several families of
the church.
- Family Conference on 18 September.
- Funk family who are in MINA, that the Lord will provide
support and resources to continue their work with Delgadillo
family in the church of Miraflores, Piura.
- New place we need to rent for our church, because we signed
last contract which expires in February 2010.
Thanks for reminding us in your prayers and financial support we
offer each month.
¡God bless you!
José Manuel y Esperanza Prada [email protected] [email protected] Proyecto C0062 Soporte salario Proyecto C00477 Alquiler iglesia MBMSI main office 302-­‐32025 G. Ferguson Abbotsford BC V2T 2K7 (604) 859-­‐6267