Inland water ski dams and lakes
Inland water ski dams and lakes
Bennetts Lake, Shire of Lake Grace Old Newdegate Rd. Closed Waters (PWC) - Unless Waterskiing Or Transiting All water ski areas and water ski take off areas are closed to navigation of personal water craft unless conducting water ski operations or transiting directly through the area. Minimum Required Safety Equipment Recreational Skipper’s Ticket The skipper of a recreational vessel, powered by a motor greater than 4.5kwp (6 hp) must hold an RST. Bilge Pump/Bailer All vessels must carry a bilge pump. Vessels under 7 metres may carry a bailer in lieu of a bilge pump. PWC Prohibited Practices - Freestyle Driving, Wave Jumping Fire Extinguisher Vessels with an inboard engine or carrying hydrocarbon consuming appliances must carry an approved fire extinguisher. Personal water craft (PWC) – the practice of personal water craft freestyle driving, wave jumping and surfing is prohibited in the waters of Bennett’s Lake at the Dunn’s Rock Nature Reserve. Water Ski Areas All those waters of the lake commencing at a point on the foreshore 5 metres north of the northern prolongation of the access road then extending at 0700 true for 650 metres than at 0000 true for 500 metres back to the foreshore PROVIDED HOWEVER that water skiing shall not be permitted within 45 metres of the foreshore except at the designated landing and take-off area which commences at the starting-point and extends northeasterly along the foreshore for 300 metres. Water skiing shall cease to be conducted at any time the maximum water level of the lake falls below 1.6 metres. 0 80 160 240 320 400m Before planning a trip to this location skippers are asked to check with the local authority that the dam/lake has not been closed for skiing due to water depth or condition. Ewlyamartup Lake, Shire of Katanning KATANNING-NYABING ROAD Minimum Required Safety Equipment Recreational Skipper’s Ticket The skipper of a recreational vessel, powered by a motor greater than 4.5kwp (6 hp) must hold an RST. Bilge Pump/Bailer All vessels must carry a bilge pump. Vessels under 7 metres may carry a bailer in lieu of a bilge pump. Fire Extinguisher Vessels with an inboard engine or carrying hydrocarbon consuming appliances must carry an approved fire extinguisher. 0 50 100 150 200 250m Boating Prohibited Area All vessels - a rectangular area of water marked by buoys and signs, extending 90 metres along the western shore and 75 metres offshore in Lake Ewlyamartup. Closed Waters (PWC) - Unless Waterskiing Or Transiting All water ski areas and water ski take off areas are closed to navigation of personal water craft unless conducting water ski operations or transiting directly through the area. ROA D ROAD Water Ski Areas 90m 75m LANGAWEIRA EWLYAM ARTUP 75m water ski ANTI-CLOCKWISE All the water of Ewlyamartup Lake with the exception of an area on the western shore of the lake measuring 90 metres along the shore and 76 metres into the water set aside as a swimming area and defined by markers. NOTE: The above swimming area has not been gazetted as a “boating prohibited area”. LAKE Before planning a trip to this location skippers are asked to check with the local authority that the dam/lake has not been closed for skiing due to water depth or condition. Lake Baandee, Shire of Kellerberrin Closed Waters (PWC) - Unless Waterskiing Or Transiting Y A HW HIG All water ski areas and water ski take off areas are closed to navigation of personal water craft unless conducting water ski operations or transiting directly through the area. AY ILW RA 0 80 160 240 320 Water Ski Areas 400m N ER T S EA T Farm EA GR Minimum Required Safety Equipment Recreational Skipper’s Ticket The skipper of a recreational vessel, powered by a motor greater than 4.5kwp (6 hp) must hold an RST. water ski ANTI-CLOCKWISE All of the waters of Lake Baandee within an area bounded by six (6) buoys marked A through to F on Department of Transport Plan 927 – 12 - 01. The plan is available for inspection at the Department of Transport and the offices of the Shire of Kellerberrin. Water skiing is prohibited on Lake Baandee when the water level is less than 1.5 metres. Depth marker posts are located at the two (2) boat launching ramps. SKI E LAK Bilge Pump/Bailer All vessels must carry a bilge pump. Vessels under 7 metres may carry a bailer in lieu of a bilge pump. Fire Extinguisher Vessels with an inboard engine or carrying hydrocarbon consuming appliances must carry an approved fire extinguisher. AD RO Before planning a trip to this location skippers are asked to check with the local authority that the dam/lake has not been closed for skiing due to water depth or condition. Lake Dumbleyung, Shire of Dumbleyung WAG IN-D UMB LEYU NG 8 Knot Speed Restriction Area ROAD Within Lake Dumbleyung with the exception of Reserve 26665 which has been set aside for water skiing and swimming. NOTE: The above swimming area has not been gazetted as a “boating prohibited area”. Minimum Required Safety Equipment Boating Prohibited Area Recreational Skipper’s Ticket The skipper of a recreational vessel, powered by a motor greater than 4.5kwp (6 hp) must hold an RST. All the waters of Lake Dumbleyung contained within an area commencing 9 metres southeast of the launching ramp continuing for a distance of 45 metres along the foreshore in a south-easterly direction and extending 33 metres into the lake in a northerly direction. Bilge Pump/Bailer All vessels must carry a bilge pump. Vessels under 7 metres may carry a bailer in lieu of a bilge pump. Fire Extinguisher Vessels with an inboard engine or carrying hydrocarbon consuming appliances must carry an approved fire extinguisher. water ski ANTI-CLOCKWISE Water Ski Areas See Inset 0 300 600 900 1200 All the waters of Lake Dumbleyung contained within Reserve 26665 with the exception of an area commencing 9 metres southeast of the launching ramp continuing for a distance of 45 metres along the foreshore in a southeasterly direction and extending 33 metres into the lake in a northerly direction. 1500m Inset BU 45 LL m OC KH ILL S RO 33 m AD 0 20 40 60 80 blinine Co 9m River 100m Before planning a trip to this location skippers are asked to check with the local authority that the dam/lake has not been closed for skiing due to water depth or condition. bba Rd. Coolimba - Enea Lake Indoon, Shire of Carnamah Boating Prohibited Area Minimum Required Safety Equipment All the waters of Lake Indoon contained within are area commencing at a point on the northern foreshore 100 metres west of the western side of the boat launching ramp continuing for a distance of 120 metres along the foreshore in a westerly direction and extending 60 metres into the lake. Recreational Skipper’s Ticket The skipper of a recreational vessel, powered by a motor greater than 4.5kwp (6 hp) must hold an RST. Bilge Pump/Bailer All vessels must carry a bilge pump. Vessels under 7 metres may carry a bailer in lieu of a bilge pump. Fire Extinguisher Vessels with an inboard engine or carrying hydrocarbon consuming appliances must carry an approved fire extinguisher. Closed Waters (PWC) - Unless Waterskiing Or Transiting All water ski areas and water ski take off areas are closed to navigation of personal water craft unless conducting water ski operations or transiting directly through the area. Water Ski Areas Gould Rd. All of the waters of Lake Indoon with the exception of an area on the northern foreshore commencing at a point 100 metres west of the western side of the boat launching ramp continuing for a distance of 120 metres along the foreshore in a westerly direction and extending 60 metres into the lake which is set aside as a boat entry prohibited area (and is defined by markers) and providing that no boat or skier comes within 45 metres of the shoreline except for the take-off and drop-off of skiers. 0 80 160 240 320 400m Before planning a trip to this location skippers are asked to check with the local authority that the dam/lake has not been closed for skiing due to water depth or condition. Lake Poorrarecup, Shire of Cranbrook Boating Prohibited Area All the waters of Lake Poorarecup beginning on the eastern foreshore at Point A (34° 25.2640’S 117° 14.0658’E) and extending along the foreshore in a northerly direction for 200 metres thence in a westerly direction for 150 metres thence in a southerly direction for 200 metres thence back to the start point (all coordinates based on GDA94), or as marked by buoys in the water. 183m 200m Big Poorrarecup Lagoon Closed Waters (PWC) - Unless Waterskiing Or Transiting All water ski areas and water ski take off areas are closed to navigation of personal water craft unless conducting water ski operations or transiting directly through the area. 183m water ski ANTI-CLOCKWISE Minimum Required Safety Equipment Recreational Skipper’s Ticket The skipper of a recreational vessel, powered by a motor greater than 4.5kwp (6 hp) must hold an RST. Bilge Pump/Bailer All vessels must carry a bilge pump. Vessels under 7 metres may carry a bailer in lieu of a bilge pump. Water Ski Areas All the waters of Lake Poorarecup with the exception of the gazetted boating prohibited area. Fire Extinguisher Vessels with an inboard engine or carrying hydrocarbon consuming appliances must carry an approved fire extinguisher. 0 60 120 180 240 300m Before planning a trip to this location skippers are asked to check with the local authority that the dam/lake has not been closed for skiing due to water depth or condition. Lake Quallilip, Shire of Esperance Water Ski Areas 0 80 160 240 320 400m Minimum Required Safety Equipment Recreational Skipper’s Ticket The skipper of a recreational vessel, powered by a motor greater than 4.5kwp (6 hp) must hold an RST. Bilge Pump/Bailer All vessels must carry a bilge pump. Vessels under 7 metres may carry a bailer in lieu of a bilge pump. LAKE QUALLILUP Fire Extinguisher Vessels with an inboard engine or carrying hydrocarbon consuming appliances must carry an approved fire extinguisher. WATER SKI AREA water ski ANTI-CLOCKWISE All those waters of Lake Quallilup contained within an area commencing at 33°49.504’S, 121°30.420’E (on the southern foreshore); thence to 33°49.476’S, 121°30.436’E (approximately 60 metres northerly); thence to 33°49.315’S, 121°30.305’E (approximately 360 metres northwesterly); thence to 33°48.769’S, 121°30.617’E (approximately 1100 metres north-easterly); thence to 33°48.963’S, 121°30.989’E (approximately 670 metres southeasterly); thence to 33°49.436’S, 121°30.704’E (approximately 980 metres south-westerly); thence to 33°49.493’S, 121°30.520’E (approximately 300 metres westsouth- westerly); thence to 33°49.528’S, 121°30.511’E (on the foreshore approximately 65 metres southerly). All water skiing within this area shall be in an anti-clockwise direction and no person shall engage in water skiing except between the hours of sunrise and sunset. Ski takeoff and landing will be between the marked signs on the southern foreshore. All coordinates based on GDA 94. Before planning a trip to this location skippers are asked to check with the local authority that the dam/lake has not been closed for skiing due to water depth or condition. Lake Queerearrup, Shire of Woodanilling Boating Prohibited Area All that section of water extending from the point of rocks on the east side of the area known as the swimming and picnic area in a northerly direction for 70 metres thence in a westerly direction for 70 metres and then in a southerly direction for 70 metres meeting at a point on the shore. Minimum Required Safety Equipment Recreational Skipper’s Ticket The skipper of a recreational vessel, powered by a motor greater than 4.5kwp (6 hp) must hold an RST. Bilge Pump/Bailer All vessels must carry a bilge pump. Vessels under 7 metres may carry a bailer in lieu of a bilge pump. Fire Extinguisher Vessels with an inboard engine or carrying hydrocarbon consuming appliances must carry an approved fire extinguisher. Closed Waters (PWC) - Unless Waterskiing Or Transiting water ski ANTI-CLOCKWISE QUEEREAR RUP 70m D 70m 101m ROA All water ski areas and water ski take off areas are closed to navigation of personal water craft unless conducting water ski operations or transiting directly through the area. PWC Prohibited Practices - Freestyle Driving, Wave Jumping Personal water craft (PWC) - Lake Queerearrup – the practice of personal water craft freestyle driving, wave jumping and surfing is prohibited in all waters of Lake Queerearrup. Water Ski Areas QUEEREARRUP ROAD 0 100 200 300 400 500m All the water of Lake Queerearrup leased to the Shire of Woodanilling with the exception of an area set aside as a swimming area (boating prohibited area) extending from the point of rocks on the east side of the area known as the swimming and picnic area in a northerly direction for 70 metres thence and thence in a southerly direction for 70 metres meeting at a point on the shore. Before planning a trip to this location skippers are asked to check with the local authority that the dam/lake has not been closed for skiing due to water depth or condition. S TE Department of Transport LI WE A OF T HE T G E R NME V N O RN AUS A R T Water ski area E SAFETY N I R A M epartment of Transpor t D Closed waters to motorised vessels Boat ramp, parking Water ski limit buoy, public toilets E FR Lake ESTYLING Water skiing Swamp PR Towerrining Personal water craft (PWC) PR CAUTION and Personal water craft (PWC) freestyle driving, wave jumping and surfing are prohibited at all times. Take -off F ESTYLING RE TH Area Water ski take-off and landing areas may contain hazards such as tree stumps, branches and rocks. Please use extreme caution O H IB IT E D Landing CAUTION Inflow SOU Water skiing activities are to be conducted between the hours of sunrise to sunset, in an anticlockwise direction and within the designated area shown. water ski ANTI-CLOCKWISE O H IB IT E D 10m Code of conduct Day Use Area space Vehicles and boat trailers must not be parked on the beach to conserve the lake environment. Water Ski Area 50m space Ballasting of vessels is prohibited. 50m ROAD space 50 m Jetties Further information LAK 50m space E 1. 2. Marine Safety Hotline: Ph 1300 863 308 TOWERRINING ROAD Closed Waters Motorised Vessels The skipper of a recreational vessel, powered by a motor greater than 6hp (4.5kwp) must hold a RST. ing d n La d n a Take-off d in dra L:\Marine_safety\1352_signage\06_southwest\04_towerrining\13520604b.dgn a e r A un Gro p Cam DARKAN m 50 CAUTION Back Swamp S TE Department of Transport LI WE A OF T HE T G E R NME V N O RN AUS A R T Low water ski area - 216m to 221m AHD ROA D High water ski area - above 221m AHD 5 knot speed limit SCA RP Logue Closed waters to all vessels Swimming prohibited Broo k E SAFETY N I R A M epartment of Transpor Over beach launching, parking 0 100 E FR W Da space Water skiing is only permitted when the water level is equal to or higher than 216 metres Australian Height Datum (AHD). A larger Water Ski Area will become operational when the water level reaches 221 metres AHD. The skipper of a recreational vessel, powered by a motor greater than 6hp (4.5kwp) must hold a RST. space All water skiing is ’CLOSED’ when the official water level is below 216 metres AHD, as published by the Water Corporation of Western Australia. space CAUTION RO SCAR P Personal water craft (PWC) Lake Personal water craft (PWC) freestyle driving, wave jumping and surfing are prohibited at all times. RO AD Water Ski Area BROC KMAN O H IB IT E D Brockman water ski ANTICLOCKWISE CAUTION Water Ski Area ay illw Sp All waters are restricted to 5 knots except within the designated water ski area during the hours of sunrise to sunset, after which it reverts back to 5 knots. l UE BRO OK D OA R Camp Ground 45m Camp Ground D ROA Information Bay Kiosk SCARP Swimming Prohibited ME DW A Y Swimming prohibited area ROCK 5 knots DA M All waters within 200 metres of the dam wall are closed to all vessels at all times. L:\Marine_safety\1352_signage\05_metro\07_logue-brook\13520507c.dgn All Vessels 5 knots CAUTION m 200 Wal LOG Closed waters to all vessels 1. 2. Marine Safety Hotline: Ph 1300 863 308 Closed Waters Dam 5 knot speed restriction Further information O H IB IT E D 5 knots AD Water skiing is not permitted within 45 metres of the foreshore except when taking off and landing. Water ski take-off and landing areas may contain hazards CAUTION such as tree stumps, branches and rocks. Please use extreme caution Swimming is prohibited within 45 metres of the shore line at the boat launching area as indicated. PR m Water skiing activities are to be conducted between the hours of sunrise to sunset, in an anticlockwise direction and within the designated area shown. PR ESTYLING all Water skiing FR 300 t D Water ski limit buoy, public toilets EESTYLING 200 Gate LOG UE BRO OK DAM ROA D ROAD 400 500m Norring Lake, Shire of Woodanilling Farm Boating Prohibited Areas Farm ROAD Minimum Required Safety Equipment Recreational Skipper’s Ticket The skipper of a recreational vessel, powered by a motor greater than 4.5kwp (6 hp) must hold an RST. Little Norring Lake NORRING Bilge Pump/Bailer All vessels must carry a bilge pump. Vessels under 7 metres may carry a bailer in lieu of a bilge pump. Fire Extinguisher Vessels with an inboard engine or carrying hydrocarbon consuming appliances must carry an approved fire extinguisher. PEDERICK Closed Waters (PWC) - Unless Waterskiing Or Transiting ROAD ANDREWS NORRING ROAD Farm Norring Lake 92m 122m ROAD 0 FLAGSTAFF All vessels - those waters of Lake Norring as defined hereunder and marked on the foreshore by signs:- An area, measuring 122 metres in a northerly direction from the most easterly point of reserve No. 19772 thence 244 metres due west to the foreshore. 150 300 450 600 750m water ski ANTI-CLOCKWISE ROAD All water ski areas and water ski take off areas are closed to navigation of personal water craft unless conducting water ski operations or transiting directly through the area. Water Ski Areas All those waters of Norring Lake with the exception of the area set aside for speedboat racing and the area to the north of the Reserve No 19772 measuring 122 metres in as northerly direction from the most easterly point of the Reserve and 244 metres due westerly to the foreshore set aside as a swimming area and defined by markers. NOTE: The above swimming area has not been gazetted as a “boating prohibited ar Before planning a trip to this location skippers are asked to check with the local authority that the dam/lake has not been closed for skiing due to water depth or condition. Stockton Open Cut, Shire of Collie SH OT TS Closed Waters (PWC) - Unless Waterskiing Or Transiting W AT E R ROAD SK IIN G SOUTH PR OH I B IT ED Minimum Required Safety Equipment STOCKTON LAKE m 45 Recreational Skipper’s Ticket The skipper of a recreational vessel, powered by a motor greater than 4.5kwp (6 hp) must hold an RST. Bilge Pump/Bailer All vessels must carry a bilge pump. Vessels under 7 metres may carry a bailer in lieu of a bilge pump. WATER SKI AREA All water ski areas and water ski take off areas are closed to navigation of personal water craft unless conducting water ski operations or transiting directly through the area. Water Ski Areas All those waters of the Stockton Open Cut PROVIDING HOWEVER that no water skiing is permitted within 45 metres of the foreshore. All water skiing within this area shall be conducted in an anti-clockwise direction. Fire Extinguisher Vessels with an inboard engine or carrying hydrocarbon consuming appliances must carry an approved fire extinguisher. water ski ANTI-CLOCKWISE 45m ED PR R O HI TE B WA PIAV IT ANN I R OA D S K IIN G 0 20 40 60 80 100m Before planning a trip to this location skippers are asked to check with the local authority that the dam/lake has not been closed for skiing due to water depth or condition. S TE Department of Transport LI WE A OF T HE T G E R NME V N O RN AUS A R T Low water ski area - 196m to 200m AHD The skipper of a recreational vessel, powered by a motor greater than 6hp (4.5kwp) must hold a RST. High water ski area - above 200m AHD 0 5 knot speed limit Closed waters to all vessels 300 400 500m t D SCARP ROAD RO AD Water ski limit buoy, public toilets ARE LL 5 knots F INV Water skiing activities are to be conducted between the hours of sunrise to sunset, in an anticlockwise direction and within the designated area shown. 200 E SAFETY N I R A M epartment of Transpor Over beach launching, parking Water skiing 100 ESTYLING E R space Tr ail Water skiing is only permitted when the water level is equal to or higher than 196 metres Australian Height Datum (AHD). A larger Water Ski Area will become operational when the water level reaches 200 metres AHD. Wa lkin g PR SCARP All water skiing is ’CLOSED’ when the official water level is below 196 metres AHD, as published by the Water Corporation of Western Australia. CAUTION ROAD and space O H IB IT E D space CAUTION Water ski take-off and landing areas may contain hazards such as tree stumps, branches and rocks. Please use extreme caution Tank Bicy cle Water skiing is not permitted within 45 metres of the foreshore except when taking off and landing. Caravan Park Cabins & Camping Area Lake Navarino Forest Resort Water Ski Area ROCK Office CAUTION CAUTION Personal water craft (PWC) Personal water craft (PWC) freestyle driving, wave jumping and surfing are prohibited at all times. WAROONA DAM Closed Waters All Vessels Sp O H IB IT E D Lake Water Ski Area Water Ski Area l al W PR m 0 20 m Da illw ay F ESTYLING E R All waters are restricted to 5 knots except within the designated water ski area during the hours of sunrise to sunset, after which it reverts back to 5 knots. Camp Ground water ski ANTI-CLOCKWISE CAUTION 5 knots SCARP 5 knot speed restriction Navarino CAUTION ROAD Closed waters to all vessels All waters within 200 metres of the dam wall are closed to all vessels at all times. CHA REL SED L 1. 2. Marine Safety Hotline: Ph 1300 863 308 A INV Further information RO AD ROAD L:\Marine_safety\1352_signage\05_metro\20_waroona_navarino\13520520b.dgn E Woody Lake, Shire of Esperance Closed Waters (PWC) - Unless Waterskiing Or Transiting All water ski areas and water ski take off areas are closed to navigation of personal water craft unless conducting water ski operations or transiting directly through the area. W AT E R S K II Water Ski Areas NG PR O H IB IT ED 60 m WOODY LAKE WATER SKI AREA Minimum Required Safety Equipment water ski ANTI-CLOCKWISE W Recreational Skipper’s Ticket The skipper of a recreational vessel, powered by a motor greater than 4.5kwp (6 hp) must hold an RST. AT ER Bilge Pump/Bailer All vessels must carry a bilge pump. Vessels under 7 metres may carry a bailer in lieu of a bilge pump. WAY SK Fire Extinguisher Vessels with an inboard engine or carrying hydrocarbon consuming appliances must carry an approved fire extinguisher. II N UT G PR O 0 30 60 120 180 150m D IN W H IB I TE D O AB All those waters of Woody Lake, provided however that skiing is prohibited within 60 metres of the foreshore except within the designated take-off and landing area, defined as commencing at a point 33°48.9909’S, 121°54.9550’E thence southeasterly to a point on the shore 33°49.0174’S, 121°54.9781’E thence along the shore to a point 33°49.0024’S, 121°55.0016’E thence north-westerly to a point 33°48.9773’S, 121°54.9769’E and marked by signs on the foreshore. This area has been set aside for use by the Western Australian Water Ski Association (Inc) and is under the control of the Esperance Water Ski Club. It is further PROVIDED HOWEVER that public water skiing is prohibited when the water depth is less than 1.8 metres. When the water depth is between 1.8 metres and 1.4 metres the Tournament Water Ski area of 300 metres by 100 metres as marked by buoys on the water is set aside for the exclusive use of the Esperance Water Ski Club. When the water depth is less than 1.4 metres all skiing on that lake is prohibited. (All coordinates based on GDA94) Before planning a trip to this location skippers are asked to check with the local authority that the dam/lake has not been closed for skiing due to water depth or condition.