February 21, 2016 - St Michael Catholic Church
February 21, 2016 - St Michael Catholic Church
Second Sunday of Lent February 21, 2016 St. Michael Catholic Church & School Gastonia, North Carolina STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION Pastor Rev. Fr. Matthew Buettner [email protected] In Residence Rev. Fr. James Ebright [email protected] Hispanic Priest Rev. Fr Jose Antonio Juya [email protected] Deacon Rev. Mr. John Weisenhorn [email protected] Pastoral Care Sr. Carolyn Mary Coll, RSM [email protected] Facilities Manager Mr. Tim Mueller [email protected] Parish Bookkeeper Mrs. Beverly Shepard [email protected] Parish Secretary Mrs. Debbie Davis [email protected] School Principal Mrs. Sheila Levesque [email protected] School Secretary Mrs. Theresa Bookout [email protected] Religious Education English Mrs. Theresa Webster [email protected] Spanish Ms. Carmen Vazquez [email protected] Adult Mrs. Toni Keating [email protected] Children Mrs. Andrea Stroot [email protected] Ms Kristy Brown Latin [email protected] Thrift Store Manager Ms. Amy Pruitt [email protected] Choir Parish Nurse Mrs Maureen Halek [email protected] A parish of the Diocese of Charlotte www.charlottediocese.org PARISH OFFICE 708 St Michael’s Lane Gastonia NC 28052 Website: www.stmichaelsgastonia.org Phone: 704-867-6212 -- Fax 704-867-6379 Anointing of the Sick (Last Rites): 704-867-6212, Ext 9 Office Hours: Monday 1 PM - 5 PM Tuesday - Friday 8:30 AM - 5 PM Sunday Masses Saturday/Sabado 5:00 PM Vigil English Sunday/Domingo 7:30 AM English 10:00 AM English 12:00 PM en Español Holy Day Masses: (See inside of bulletin) Daily Masses: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday, at 8:15 AM Wednesday at 6:15 PM, Saturday at 8:15 AM (Check inside for changes) Confessions Saturday: 3:30 - 4:45 PM; Monday & Friday: 9 - 10 AM Wednesday: 5:00—5:45 PM (or by appointment) St Michael Thrift Store Tuesday - Friday: 10 - 5, Saturday: 10 - 4 704-864-8646 ST MICHAEL CATHOLIC SCHOOL 704 St Michael’s Lane - Gastonia, NC 28052 Phone: 704-865-4382 This Week at St Michael’s Mass Intentions Meetings & Events 7:30 AM Mass - For the People 12:00 PM Mass—Priest Intention 8:45 AM Donuts & Dogma:PCH 8:45 AM Eng Faith Formation:Schl 10 AM Spanish Faith Formation 12 PM Evangelization Mtg:TBD 2 PM Spanish Dance Practice:Gym 3 PM Spanish Study Group:C-Hall 7:00 PM SAA:Church Hall Monday February 22 Chair of St Peter 8:00 AM Morning Prayer 8:15 AM Mass - Ann Spalding 9:00 AM Confessions 2:15 PM Stations of the Cross 7:00 PM Missa Cantata 9 AM Home School Group:RR 9 AM Latin Class:C-Hall 3:15 PM Children’s Choir:Church 6:00 PM RCIA: Rectory 7 PM Spanish Meeting:C-Hall 7 PM Fidelis Group:Gym Tuesday February 23 St Polycarp 8:00 AM Morning Prayer 7 PM Spanish Mtg - C-Hall/PCH/Gym Wednesday February 24 5-6 PM Holy Hour black Sunday, February 21 Second Sunday of Lent 10:00 AM Mass - Keating Family 8:15 AM Latin Mass (EF) - †Mike Guffey 5 -5:45 PM Confessions 5:45 PM Evening Prayer & Benediction 6:15 PM Mass - †Fr Melchior Reichet, OSB Thursday February 25 8:00 AM Morning Prayer 8:15 AM Mass - Elizabeth Levine 5 - 5:45 PM Confessions 9 AM Latin Class:C-Hall 7 PM Catholic Scrpture Study:RR 7 PM English Choir Practice:Ch 7 PM Spanish Mtg:C-Hall 7 PM Men’s Basketball Prac:Gym 9 AM Home School Group:RR 7 PM Schola Practice:Church 7 PM Spanish Meeting:C-Hall 6 - 7 PM Holy Hour Friday February 26 8:00 AM Morning Prayer 8:15 AM Mass - †Yolanda Bove 9 AM Confessions Stations of the Cross (English) 6 PM 9:30 AM Cath. Scripture Study:RR 11 AM - 7 PM - Fish Fry:Parish Center 6 PM Legion of Mary:RR 6 PM Spanish Youth:C-Hall 6:30 PM Spanish Choir Prac:Church Stations of the Cross (Spanish) 7 PM Saturday February 27 8 AM Morning Prayer 8:15 AM Holy Mass (EF) -†Michael Stroot 3:30 - 4:45 PM Confessions 12 PM Quinceanera:Church 2 PM Spanish Baptisms:Church 8 PM AA Meeting:C-Hall 5:00 PM Mass - †James & Eunice Cherry Sunday, February 28 Third Sunday of Lent 7:30 AM Mass - For the People 10:00 AM Mass - Whisonant Family 12 PM - Spanish Mass - Priest Intention 8:45 AM Donuts & Dogma: PCH 8:45 AM Eng Faith Formation:School 10 AM Span Faith Formation 3 PM Spanish Study Group:C-Hall 4:30 PM Youth Group:Gym/PCH 7:00 PM SAA:Church Hall Please Remember in your Prayers Parish Members & Friends: Dolores Birmingham, Dorian Broadway, Chuck Deal, Betty Dow, Peggy Duffy, Elizabeth Eddie, Logan Escandon, Pete & Rebecca Files, Julia Gause, Beverly Hornbeck, Buddy & Rita James, Debbie Kurtiak, Michael Matyisin, Katie Meseroll, Ron Nelson, Gerald & Pat Orazem, Charles Pasour, Mary Pierce, Jessie Pilieci, Millie Purvis, Sue Ruocco, Pat Splawn, Sr Mary Olivia Shirley, Al Santoro, Chen Santoro, Charlotte Stenzel, Chip Watson, Leo Weisenhorn, Paul & Marion Yager For all in service to our country: Stefan Zapata, Jonathan Nelson, Derrick Dobbins, Matthew Barker, Kevin Haskins, Jacob Haskins, Kevin Tiddy Pastor’s Prayer Intentions: For non-practicing Catholics, that they will return to the Church during Lent For the financial needs of our parish and school family Daily Mass Readings From Sacred Scripture Monday: Tuesday: 1 Pt 5:1-4; Ps 23:1-3a, 4-6; Mt 16:13-19 Is 1:10, 16-20; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 23:1-12 Wednesday: Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31:5-6, 14-16; Mt 20:17-28 Thursday: Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 16:19-31 Friday: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a; 17b-28a; Ps 105:16-21; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Saturday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Sunday: Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15; Ps 103:1-4, 6-8, 11; 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9 SERVERS OF THE SACRED LITURGY Saturday, February 20, 5:00 PM Mass EMHC: Jeff Templeton, Greg Davidowitz Lectors: Sue Neerincx, Micheline Schmidlin Greeters: Jean Goebel, Rosemarie Weisenhorn Gifts: Mike & Micheline Schmidlin Sunday, February 21, 7:30 AM Mass EMHC: Tim Mueller Lectors: Lunelle Durham, Tim Mueller Greeters: Ellen Roberts Gifts: Barbara & Jack Steiner Sunday, February 21, 10:00 AM Mass EMHC: Roger Shepard, Laetitia Sery, Mark Ruocco Lectors: Rolando Rivas, Randy Stevens Greeters: John & Indeg Berdusi\ Gifts: Prayers and Sympathy To Nancy & James Belmont. Jim’s mother died in recent weeks. To the family & friends of Steve Murray who died this past week. OUR LADY OF FATIMA PILGRIM VIRGIN STATUE - This program is designed for the statue to visit the host family for a week of prayer and intercession to Our Blessed Mother. Special devotional booklets are available to accompany the statue. For additional information, please contact Anne Tinsdale at 540-497-1781 or [email protected]. ST MICHAEL CHOIRS Adult: meet on Wednesday evenings at 7 PM in the church. Contact Toni Keating: [email protected]/ (704) 747-5654. Children: Practice 2nd & 4th Monday in the church from 3:15 - 4 PM. (Oct 26, Nov 9 & 23, Dec 7. Contact Andrea Stroot: [email protected] / (772) 332-6277 Latin Schola: Meets on Thursday evenings at 7pm in the church. Contact Kristy Brown: (704) 466-6577 or [email protected] . THE LEGION OF MARY - We meet on Friday evenings at 6pm in the Rose Room. For additional information please contact Anne Tinsdale, at 540-4971781 or atinsdale@ netzero.net BELMONT ABBEY ADORATION CHAPEL— Please give prayerful consideration to spend one hour with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Open hours are available every day. Call Lynn Brosnan at 704-517-1188 to see how you can help on a regular basis or as a sub. FIRST SATURDAY MASS: All are welcome for First Saturday Mass at 8 AM at the Missionaries of Charity, 1625 Glenn St, Charlotte; and prayers at the abortion clinic on Latrobe Drive following Mass. For more info please contact Mitch and Jean Foreman at 704-685-1423 or [email protected] . ALTAR FLOWERS - Flowers are placed on the altar each week and dedicated at the intention of the donor. If you would like to place flowers for your own special intentions, please contact Melissa Deaton at (704) 2289874. You may donate for two urns ($130) or for one ($65). SIGN UP FOR BISHOP BARRON'S DAILY LENT REFLECTIONS! We're happy to confirm that Bishop Barron will once again be offering his daily Lent reflections via email. When you sign up at LentReflections.com, you can choose to receive the reflections in either English or Spanish. Bishop Barron will then email you a short, uplifting reflection every day during Lent. It's free, it's easy, and it takes less than 10 seconds to sign up. Throughout Lent, you'll also receive exclusive videos from Bishop Barron and a chance to win free DVDs, CDs, books, and more from Bishop Barron. SPRING SOCCER Sports Committee would like to invite anyone interested to be part of the upcoming Spring season for soccer to contact: Riguey Gomez at 704-678-8283 or [email protected]. Coach volunteers are always welcomed and participants from ages 3-15. Registrations are limited and will start 2/28. BULLETIN DEADLINE REMINDER All articles for the bulletin must be submitted 10 days prior to the desired publication date. This is driven by publishing deadlines. Anything submitted after that has no guarantee of inclusion. Thank You. Drop off March 27 - April 7. Times & places to be announced. TWO-CAN Ministry Mt 25:35 - For I was hungry and you gave me food 1. As you go to the Grocery Store each week, please pick up TWO extra CANS (boxes, bags…) of Soup, Macaroni & Cheese, Corn, Rice, etc. 2. As you go to Mass each weekend, please bring your TWO CANS or SCHOOL SUPPLIES with you to Mass and put them in the Food Bins in the lobby. 3. As you continue to accept the Lord’s invitation to serve Him by serving others, know that your TWO CANS make a real difference. The Benefits of Active Membership at St. Michael Parish Active membership at St. Michael Parish brings many blessings. It is determined by the active, intentional practice of the Catholic Faith; this requires more than being a ‘cultural’ Catholic. To be considered an active member of St. Michael Parish, there must be a commitment to practice the Catholic Faith by personal and active participation in Parish Life through the visible stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure. Some indicators are: Registration at the parish: needs to be done within one month of moving into the Parish; Demonstrated agreement with the teachings of the Catholic Church; Attendance at Mass at St. Michael Church every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation except when on vacation or out of town; when on vacation or out of town, attendance at Mass in that location; Participation in at least one parish ministry, activity, program or organization; Weekly use of the envelopes or a check giving a grateful, regular, proportionate and therefore significant financial gift to the Lord through His parish (tithe); (everyone should place an envelope in the basket weekly even if giving monthly, yearly or by EFT). Various facilities and services of the parish are available to our active members including: Sponsor certificates, Baptisms, Weddings, Funeral Masses, and other sacramental events, as well as parishioner status for St. Michael School and Charlotte Area Catholic High Schools. Don’t delay—register and become active today! FEAST WITH FATHER ENTER for a chance to win a gourmet meal - valued at $250.00 cooked and served by our own Fr. Ma hew Bue ner in the Parish Rectory for 4 adult guests. Tickets are $20 each or 3 for $50. Ticket sales a er all Sunday Masses: Feb. 13 & 14 thru Feb. 27 & 28 ST. MICHAEL'S 4TH ANNUAL PARISH VOCATIONS LUNCHEON Sunday, March 13, 11:30 AM - 2 PM With honored guests from Belmont area religious orders including Belmont Abbey and Daughters of the Virgin Mother. Parish Center Gymnasium. Lunch provided, Please bring a dessert to share. All are welcome! Lent calls us to prayer, fasting and almsgiving… to be good stewards of our time, talent and treasure, using our gifts for the building of the Kingdom. Catholic Conference Center Presents Year of Mercy Lenten Program Thursday, March 10th. 10:00 – 4:00 PM Catholic Conference Center - Hickory By virtue of our Baptism, every single Christian, regardless of their state in life, is called to be holy. Pope Francis is quoted as saying “To be Saints in not a privilege for the few, but a vocation for everyone.” Come spend the day with Fr. John Eckert, Pastor of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, for a day of reflection and prayer as he presents a program on our role in following the universal call to holiness. Cost is $25.00 per person and includes lunch. Mass will be offered at 3:00 PM. To register, please call Cathy Webb at 828327-7441 by Monday, March 7th or via email: [email protected]. SAINT MICHAEL’S FAITH COMMUNITY HEALTH NEEDS SURVEY Thank you for taking the me to complete this survey. Please return it in to an usher, put it in the collec on basket or return it to the church office. The answers to the ques ons will be used to develop programs and educa onal opportuni es for the Parish Nurse Ministry. This is a Confiden al Survey and no names will ever be used. Thank you for your help. Name:_________________________________________ (Op onal) Phone: _______________________ (Op onal) Number of family members, in each age group, living in the household: 0-5____ 6-12____ 13-15____ 16-18____19-30____ 31-50____ 51-65____ 66-80____ 81 and older____ 1. Do you or any of your family members have health problems? Please give a brief explana on. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Would any of these subjects be of interest? What other topics would you want informa on about? (Please list) Diabetes ___ Cardiac issues___ Arthri s___ Grief support___ Cancer___ Care of the elderly__ Weight Control___ Stress Management___ Ulcers/GI Issues___ Strokes___ Nutri on___ Blood Pressure Screening___ Flu Shot Clinics___ Exercise Classes___ ADD/ADHD___ Au sm___ Breas eeding___ Substance Abuse___ Natural Family Planning___ Class or Pamphlets_____________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What day of the week and what me of day would you be able to come to a health program and do you need transporta on? Mon___ Tue___ Wed___ Thur___ Fri___ Sat___ Sun___ 9-11AM___ 1-3PM____ 4-6PM____ 7-8PM____ Transporta on Yes____ 4. What do you do for your Spiritual and Emo onal health and would you want any programs on these subjects? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Do you have experience in the Healthcare field? (Explain). Would you be willing to volunteer to help with or teach a health program? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 6. What would you want the Parish Nurse Ministry do for St. Michael’s Community? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Would you like the Parish Nurse to have set office hours? Would you like available phone hours? Days:_________________ Times:_________________ Would you like the church to have a library of check-out self-help books? Yes: ___ No: ___ WHAT IS A PARISH NURSE? The Parish nurse (also know as faith community nurse, congrega onal nurse) is an RN who has received special training in the integra on of faith and health. This role is typically viewed as one that helps with health promo on (Blood pressure screenings, arranging health educa on awareness programs, displaying pamplets/bulle n board ar cles), referral and advocacy (guiding people to use exis ng community services, ac ng as a spokesperson for someone when they cannot act on his/her own behalf), visita on (to provide emo onal support, encourage compliance with treatment plans), facilita ng lay ministries (coordina ng volunteers to assist with needs of individuals- meals, transporta on, etc), and helping church members to interpret the rela onship between faith and health. These are just some examples. The scope of prac ce for this role is specific in that there is nothing invasive or treatment related. This is a suppor ve role, not a home health nurse. Lenten Fish Fry St Michael Parish Center Fridays through March 17 , 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. & 4 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Fried Fish or Tuna Salad Available Will deliver order of 10 plates or more. Call Tom Riley 704-466-2260 or Charlie Dow 704-616-2343 to place orders We accept Cash and Checks and Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express (parish center purchases only) 2016 DSA Goal Pledged to date (27 households) Paid to date $ 67,009 $ $ 7,720 4,755 Please be generous to the Diocesan Support Appeal. Your contribution to the Diocesan Support Appeal is a way to show mercy to our brothers and sisters throughout the diocese and continuing the saving work begun by Jesus. You may complete a pledge envelope and return it to the Parish Office or to make a gift online go to charlottediocese.org/dsa. Attached to Father’s office door (located across from the men’s room in the back of the church), you will find a small black metal mailbox. Inside this mailbox is a pen and a pad of paper. And on this pad of paper, you are encouraged to write down your intentions, petitions, and prayer requests. Then, when I approach the Lord each day for my Holy Hour of prayer before Holy Mass, I will speak to Our Lord about your specific spiritual needs. I have only one insistent request: keep your intentions brief—a name will suffice. For example, you can write: “John Smith— needs a job” or “Sally—cancer.” Please do give me your family and friends and relatives and neighbors and coworkers in need. But please do not write stories or circumstances. Recycling Fundraising - Items accepted: cell phones (no charges or accessories); laptop computers, iPads & Tablets; inkjet cartridges that fit in your hand; MP3 players; digital cameras, handheld game systems, portable GPS, range finders & sky caddies; radar detectors; e-book readers; graphing calculators; gold, silver and platinum jewelry. Bring them to the parish office or the Thrift Store. Thank You for Recycling OUR STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Needed each week February 14 Online Ash Wednesday $ 13,200 $ 10,703 $ 1,125 $ 2,196 Debt Reduction February to date $ 5,877 Give Electronically at www.stmichaelsgastonia.org FOR THE GLORY OF GOD & FOR THE GOOD OF OUR PARISH: Won't you prayerfully consider giving at least one hour's wage per week to the Lord? Stewardship of treasure asks only a small percentage of income. Many people find that when they trust God and return a proportionate percentage of their income to the Church and other charities, they can live happily on the rest of their income. DIOCESE OF CHARLOTTE OFFICIAL JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY PILGRIMAGE TO ROME, SIENA, ASSISI, & NETTUNO: Walk through the Doors of Mercy! Pope Francis has announced a Jubilee Year of Mercy! This is the perfect time to encounter God’s mercy in a powerful, life-altering way. You are invited to join the Diocese of Charlotte on a once-in-a-lifetime Jubilee Year of Mercy Pilgrimage to Rome, Siena, Assisi, & Nettuno, A pilgrimage can also be made as an act of Thanksgiving for a grace received such as a physical healing or an answered prayer. This pilgrimage may be the opportunity to express gratitude to God for a particular grace He gave you. 10-days, October 12-21, 2016. Only $3,299 from Charlotte (CLT), plus $650 in airport taxes, security fees, and current fuel surcharges, as well as $150 in tips. Under the spiritual direction of Fr. Michael Kottar of St. Mary Help of Christians Parish in Shelby, NC and Fr. Carmen Malacari of Holy Spirit Church in Denver, NC. Please visit www.GoCatholicTravel.com/Charlotte to download the brochure and registration form. For more information contact Mrs. Jean Judge at 704-487-7697 or send an email to [email protected]. Space is limited. There is room for 35 persons and seats are filling up faster than expected. DIRECTORIO DE MINISTERIOS FINANZAS Párroco Reverendo Matthew Buettner Se Necesita cada Semana Febrero 14 Ash Wednesday $ 13,200 $ 11,828 $ 2,196 Vicaría de Gastonia - Ministerio Hispano Padre José Antonio Juya — 704- 860-3826 Reducción de la deuda $ 5,877 Coordinador General de Liturgia John Herrera — 704-616-5422 POR LA GLORIA DE DIOS PARA EL BIEN DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA: No consideraria el salario de una hora a la semana al Senor? 2016 DSA Meta Paid $ 68,009 $ 4,755 Por favor sea generoso a la Campaña Diocesana de Apoyo compartiendo sus dones y bendiciones. Su contribución al DSA es una manera de servir a nuestros hermanos y hermanas a través de la diócesis y de continuar la labor comenzado por Jesús. INFORMACION PARA LOS SACRAMENTOS DEL BAUTISMO y MATRIMONIO: Hable con la Sra. Juliana para Bautizos y con Sra. María Luna para Matrimonios cuando termina la Misa. Ellas le indicará las fechas próximas de charlas para estos sacramento, así como un folleto con la información de los requisitos. BENDICION NIÑOS (AS) POR SUS 3 AÑOS O PRESENTACION POR SUS 40 DIAS: A partir del mes de septiembre, estas bendiciones especiales se llevarán a cabo el primer domingo de cada mes. Anótese con anticipación con Stephanie al terminar la Misa. CONSEJERIA ESPIRITUAL: Jueves y viernes. Llame al Padre José para que haga su cita 704860-3826 CELEBRACION DE XV AÑOS Comunicarse con Luzmar Gómez 704-747-1770 MISA PARA BODA O XV AÑOS: Antes de los preparativos para la fiesta, debe hablar con el Padre para ver si la Iglesia está disponible para la fecha deseada. DECORACION DE LA IGLESIA PARA BODA O XV AÑOS – Hable con la Sra. Nora al 704-689-1199. CORO PARA BODA O XV AÑOS: Ya que haya acordado con el Padre la fecha, debe hablar con Rolando Espinosa 704-675-4030 al terminar la Misa para que le de información sobre el coro. Encargados de Ministros Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión John Herrera — 704-616-5422 Dioney Segura — 704-240-8290 Encargado de Lectores: Luzmar Gómez — 704-869-8026 704-747-1770 Encargado de Hospitalidad Ariel y Diana Salazar—704-674-4875 Preparación Pre-Matrimonial María Luna 704-240-8290 Preparación Pre- Bautismal Mauricio y Juliana Betancourth — 980-329-9770 Catequesis para Niños & Jóvenes Carmen Vázquez — 813-541-3977 Catequesis para Adultos John Herrera — 704-616-5422 Ministerio de Jóvenes Ivonne Segura — 704-530-3011 Stephanie Salazar— 704-648-5056 Ministerio de Ofrendas Ariel y Diana Salazar — 704-674-4875 Ministerio de Monaguillos Mireya Rico — 704-868-6347 Charla para el Sacramento del Matrimonio María y Dioney — 704-240-8290 Ministerio del Coro Fatima Brenz — 704-862-9963 Rolando Espinoza — 704-675-4030 Comité Pastoral Hispano Reina Granadino — Coordinadora — 704-488-5976 MISA PARA DIFUNTOS : Todos los primeros viernes de cada mes durante la Misa de Sanación. Debe anotarse con Stephanie Salazar 704-648-5056 una semanas antes. VISITA A LOS ENFERMOS: Si tiene un familiar o amigo enfermo y desea la comunión comunicarse con Juliana Betancourth al 704-460-2411 o que el Padre José lo visite en casa o en el hospital , puede llamarlo al 704-860-3826. ARTICULOS RELIGIOSOS.- Biblia, Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, Rosarios, Decenarios, etc. Llamar a Nora 704689-1199. Transfiguración de Jesús San Lucas 9: 28-36 Un poco de historia Jesús se transfiguró en el monte Tabor, que se se encuentra en la Baja Galilea, a 588 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Este acontecimiento tuvo lugar, aproximadamente, un año antes de la Pasión de Cristo. Jesús invitó a su Transfiguración a Pedro, Santiago y Juan. A ellos les dio este regalo, este don. Ésta tuvo lugar mientras Jesús oraba, porque en la oración es cuando Dios se hace presente. Los apóstoles vieron a Jesús con un resplandor que casi no se puede describir con palabras: su rostro brillaba como el sol y sus vestidos eran resplandecientes como la luz. Pedro quería hacer tres tiendas para quedarse ahí. No le hacía falta nada, pues estaba plenamente feliz, gozando un anticipo del cielo. Estaba en presencia de Dios, viéndolo como era y él hubiera querido quedarse ahí para siempre. Los personajes que hablaban con Jesús eran Moisés y Elías. Moisés fue el que recibió la Ley de Dios en el Sinaí para el pueblo de Israel. Representa a la Ley. Elías, por su parte, es el padre de los profetas. Moisés y Elías son, por tanto, los representantes de la ley y de los profetas, respectivamente, que vienen a dar testimonio de Jesús, quien es el cumplimiento de todo lo que dicen la ley y los profetas. Ellos hablaban de la muerte de Jesús, porque hablar de la muerte de Jesús es hablar de su amor, es hablar de la salvación de todos los hombres. Precisamente, Jesús transfigurado significa amor y salvación. Seis días antes del día de la Transfiguración, Jesús les había hablado acerca de su Pasión, Muerte y Resurrección, pero ellos no habían entendido a qué se refería. Les había dicho, también, que algunos de los apóstoles verían la gloria de Dios antes de morir. Pedro, Santiago y Juan experimentaron lo que es el Cielo. Después de ellos, Dios ha escogido a otros santos para que compartieran esta experiencia antes de morir: Santa Teresa de Ávila, San Juan de la Cruz, Santa Teresita del Niño Jesús y San Pablo, entre otros. Todos ellos gozaron de gracias especiales que Dios quiso darles y su testimonio nos sirve para proporcionarnos una pequeña idea de lo maravilloso que es el Cielo. Santa Teresita explicaba que es sentirse “como un pajarillo que contempla la luz del Sol, sin que su luz lo lastime.” ¿Qué nos enseña este acontecimiento? Nos enseña a seguir adelante aquí en la tierra aunque tengamos que sufrir, con la esperanza de que Él nos espera con su gloria en el Cielo y que vale la pena cualquier sufrimiento por alcanzarlo. A entender que el sufrimiento, cuando se ofrece a Dios, se convierte en sacrificio y así, éste tiene el poder de salvar a las almas. Jesús sufrió y así se desprendió de su vida para salvarnos a todos los hombres. A valorar la oración, ya que Jesús constantemente oraba con el Padre. A entender que el Cielo es algo que hay que ganar con los detalles de la vida de todos los días. A vivir el mandamiento que Él nos dejó: “Amaos los unos a los otros como Yo os he amado”. Habrá un juicio final que se basará en el amor, es decir, en cuánto hayamos amado o dejado de amar a los demás. Dios da su gracia a través de la oración y los sacramentos. Su gracia puede suplir todas nuestras debilidades. MINISTERIO DE AYUDA SOCIAL-CARIDAD PRÓXIMAS ACTIVIDADES Y REUNIONES Febrero 23 Martes 7:00 PM Emaus Febrero 25 Jueves 7:00 PM Reunión de Cenáculos Si sabe de alguna familia que esté en necesidad y desee recibir una despensa, puede contactar al Señor Gaudencio Alvarado (980) 320-5587 Febrero 26 Viernes Febrero 27 Sábado 7:00 PM Viacrucis 2:00 PM Bautizos Grupo Juvenil A LA COMUNIDAD EN GENERAL Si desean contribuir con algún producto como: aceite para cocinar, sal, papel higiénico, champú, pasta dental, o aporte económico etc., llame a Gaudencio Alvarado para hacer su donación. De antemano le damos las gracias en nombre de todas las familias a las cuales se entregarán los productos recibidos. G R A C I A S SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptisms are held at 2 pm on Saturdays. Baptism is the most important moment of our life. Infants should be baptized in the first few weeks. Parents AND godparents must attend the preparation class (held every 2nd Saturday) preferably before the child is born. Parents need to be registered in the parish, pledge to raise the child as a practicing Catholic, and must also be practicing the faith by attending Holy Mass every Sunday. Godparents are considered Catholic role models. Therefore, they must have received all sacraments, including Confirmation, and must be attending Holy Mass every Sunday. If they are married, they must have received the sacrament of Holy Matrimony in the Catholic Church. Please come to the parish office to register for the class and bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate when it becomes available. SACRAMENT OF HOLY MATRIMONY Couples should make an appointment with the priest at the time of engagement, and at least six months before any proposed wedding date to begin preparations. The couple should be registered, active members of our parish, which means that all Catholic parties are attending Holy Mass every Sunday, contributing to the financial needs of the parish, and are engaged in the spiritual and social life of our parish family. All Weddings are celebrated inside the Church on Saturday at 10 AM or 12 PM. MARRIAGE TRIBUNAL ADVOCATE Call Mrs. Rita Kincaid at 704-907-3607 or [email protected] SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call to set a time before serious surgery (after Sunday or daily Mass is good) or any time in an emergency. DEVOTIONS Wednesday: 5:00 PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 5:50 PM Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament First Fridays: 10 PM Thursday – 8 AM Friday: Nocturnal Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9 AM - 7 PM All Day Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Saturdays: 8:15 AM Miraculous Medal Novena 8:15 AM Mass in Latin (not 1st Sat) Fridays of Lent: 6 PM Stations of the Cross PARISH PASTORAL & FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS Pastoral Council Fr Matthew Buettner Linda Mooney Reine Smirz Margaret Vogt David Barker Brian Gawronski Sheila Levesque Tim Mueller Theresa Ostendorf Fr Jose A Juya Lonikay Templeton Anne Tinsdale Johanna Pichardo Mitch Foreman Theresa Webster John Herrera Liz Baechel Finance Council Maureen O’Keefe, Vince Mooney Juliana Betancourt, John Guglielmetti, Riguey Gomez, Dawn Nielson HOLY COMMUNION AT HOME Please contact Sr. Carolyn Mary Coll at 704-813-1425 or [email protected] to make arrangements. ATTENTION NEWCOMERS Have you completed a parish registration form? CATECHISM, 1ST PENANCE, 1ST COMMUNION, CONFIRMATION , YOUTH MINISTRY BECOMING A CATHOLIC/RCIA Contact the Director of Religious Ed. Theresa Webster [email protected] / 704-867-6212 ext 114 THRIFT STORE 1111 S. York Rd, 704-864-8646. Open Tuesday through Friday 10 AM - 5 PM & Saturday from 10 AM until 4 PM. ST VINCENT DE PAUL MINISTRY If you have a financial or material emergency, please call the parish office. If not, please see a Greeter after Mass for a registration form today! 620950 St. Michael Church 708 Saint Michael’s Lane Gastonia, NC 28052 704-867-6212 Contact: Debbie Davis [email protected] Software Using: Win XP Publisher 2007 Adobe 9.0 Transmit @ Tuesday, 11 am Special Instructions: Thank You.