forum komunikasi ilmiah dan ekspresi kreatif
forum komunikasi ilmiah dan ekspresi kreatif
VOLUME 17, NOMOR 2, OKTOBER 2015 rssN 1410-9883 FORUM KOMUNIKASI ILMIAH DAN EKSPRESI KREATIF ILMU PENDIDIKAN Masyarakat Ekonomi AEAN (MEA) Antara Ancaman dan Tantangan Membangun Kerukunan Antar Umat Beragama Anaphor, Cataphor, and Exophor in Postcard Texts Membangun Intensi Kewirausahaan Bagi Mahasiswa LPTK Alternatif Menyiapkan Kemampuan Memasuki Lapangan Kerja Baru yang Mandiri sebagai Teaching Speaking Using Describe and Draw Technique Scrutinizing Students'Writing Using 6 + I Trait Writing to University Students Grammatical Errors in Essay Writing at English Department Students Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar dan Motivasi Mahasiswa Offering C melalui Model Pembelajaran Advance Organizer Implementasi PhoTransEdit dalam Pengajaran pengucapan Bahasa Inggris Effectiveness of Using Reciprocal Method in Teaching Reading Comprehension Pelaksanaan Pelayanan Pengujian Kendaraan Bermotor di Dinas Perhubungan, Komunikasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Blitar Figurative Language in The Selected poems of William Shakespeare Applying Mind Mapping Strategy in Speaking LearningActivity Penerapan Active Learning untuk Menanamkan proses Berpikir Intuitif pada Mahasiswa Pengembangan Modul Expository Essay Writing Berbasis ScientiJic Approach untuk Mahasiswa STKIP PGRI BLITAR rssN 1410-9883 GAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN Forum Komunikasi llmiah dan Ekspresi Kreatif llmu Pendidikan Terbit dua kali setahun pada bulanApril dan Oktober terbit pertama kali April 1 999 Ketua Penyunting Kadeni Wakil Ketua Penyunting Saiful Rifa'i Penyunting Pelaksana R. Hendro Prasetianto Udin Erawanto Riki Suliana Prawoto Penyunting Ahli Miranu Triantoro Masruri Karyati Nurhadi Pelaksana Tata Usaha Yunus Nandir Sunardi Alamat Penerbit/ Redaksi : STKIP PGRI Blitar, Jl. Kalimantan No- I I I Bliffi, Telp . (0342) 80 1493 . Langganan 2 nomor setahun Rp. 50.000,00 ditambah ongkos kirim Rp. 5-000,00. Uang langganan dapat dikirim dengan wesel ke alamatTataUsaha. CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN diterbitkan oleh Sekolah Tinggi Kegrrnran dan ilmu Pendidikan PGRIBlitar. Ketua: Dra. Hj. Karyati,M.Si,PembantuKetua: M.fnanalrsyadi, ST,M-Pd penyunting menerima sumbangan tulisan yalg^belum gemah diterbitkan dalam media cetak lain. Syara:t-syarat, format, dai aturan tati tulis artikel dapat diqerllrsl Pgda_P-etynjuk bg.Si di sarirpul'belakang-dalam jurnal ini. Naskah yang masuk ditelaah oleh Penyunting dan Mitra Bes'tari untuk A"initai kelayakannya. Penyinting melalarkan penyuntinqal atatt ii"rlit p"r"Urfru" pada tulisan yang dimuat tanpa mengubah maksud isinya. lssN 1410-9883 CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN Forum Komunikali ltmiah dan Ekspresi Kreatif ltmu pendidikan VQlume 17, Nomor 2, Oktober 2015 Daftar Isi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) Antara Ancaman dan Tantangan Miranu Triantoro 118 Ygpb3ng* Kerukunan Antar Umat Beragama 128 {rygho-r, Cataphor, and Exophor in postcard Texts t38 Membangun Intensi Kewirausahaan Mahaliswa LPTK sebagai Alternatif .B_agi Yenyiapkan Kemampuan Memasuki ralanga;r".:r g""; yang ttandi.i :._::_ Ekbal Santoso t47 Udin Erawanto R. Hendro Prasetianto ,i":?rilrr:peaking Using Describe and Draw Technique 157 scrutinizing students'writing using 6 + l rrait writing to university students Ardini t63 G_rammalical Errors in Essay writing at English Department students Herlina Rahmawati t73 Dessy Ayu upayalvleningkatkan Hasil Berajar dan Motivasi Mahasiswa offering melalui Model Pembelajaran Adiance Organtiir __.^:_::.. Zemmy Indra Kumala Dewi c 181 Iryrfg*.n1qsi PhoTransEdit dalam pengajaran pengucapan Bahasa Inggris M, Ali Mulhuda 188 Effectiveness of Using Reciprocal Method in Teaching Reading Comprehension Susi ant i, Nurh adi Muit o t o 196 P^elay_anan rqlerljja.n rlran l(enclaraan Kendaraan IBermotor di Dinas perhubungan, l:,*:g:ll nomunrkasi dan Informatika Kabupaten Kabuoaten Blitar Hery Nuryahman, Kadeni YH; selected poems ofwiuiam shakespeare 20t 2A8 "i#,:Wfr:;:rhe Applying Mind Mapping Strategy in Speaking Leaming Activity r 218 Wratno Penerapan A.ctive Learning untuk Menanamkan proses pada Mahasiswa .................. Berpikir Infuitif 225 Cicik Pramesti ff [T##t:ll#g+til?rffi Annisa Rahmasari, Saiful Rifa,i setting dan cetak : fl 'r?i'f(y::wu::l"l'scientilicApproach Desain sampul : H. prawoto "PM" designphodgraphy-dutwiTkirangsari-\gt z0 5r g7 g4 234 FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE IN THE SELECTED POEMS OFWILLIAM SHAKESPEARE u,tu::lieyi[ffi#jtH,u,u Abstrak : Bagi pembelajar Bahasa Inggris, puisi Bahasa Inggris sangat sulit untuk di fahami, mereka maqih bingung ketika mereka menganalisa arti dari puisi. Hal ini yang membuat penulis ingin mengetahui lebih banyak tentang bagaimana untuk mengetahui makna dari puisi Bahasa Inggris, khususnya tentang gaya bahasa. penulis ingin mendiskripsikan macam macam gaya bahasa yang ada di dalam kumpulan puisi dari William Shakespeare. Peneliti menerapakan metode kualitatif. Metode ini diterapkan karena peneliti ingin mengintepretasikan gaya bahasa dari puisi karya. Peneiitian membuktikan bahwa terdapat 7 jenis gaya bahasa yang digunakan di dalam puisi karya William Shakespeare. Gaya bahasa tersebut adalah: personifikasi, alusi, sinekdot, epizukis, symbolisme, pararelisme, apostrofi, simili, analogi, metonimi, dan ellipsis. Kata Kunci : Puisi, gaya bahsa, William Shakespeare Abstract : For many English learners, English poems are very difficult to understand, they still get confused when they analyzethe meaning ofthe poem. It made the researcher wanted to know more about how to understand the poem, especially the figurative language. The researcher wanted to describe the kinds of figurative languages iound in the selected poems of William Shakespeare. The researcherused qualitative method. The qualitative design was nsed to interpret the figurative language of Shakespeare's poems. Te study has yielded that there were eleven kinds of figurative language that used in this selected poems. They were personification, allusion, synechdochec, epizeukis, symbolism, paralelism, apostrophe, simily, analogy, metonimy, and elipsys. Key Words : Poems, Figurative Language, William Shakespeare INTRODUCTION statements, the researcher wanted to describe Some ofthe students feel thatreading the kinds of figurative languages found inthe literature, especially poem is hard to learn, they still get confused when they analyze the language that are mostly used in every poem, of William Shakespeare.The researcher hoped that this study become an altemative reference for sfudents or other people who are interested in analyzing the they could not easily understand the meaning poems. selected poems meaning of the poetry. By studying figurative of the poems. It made the researcher wanted to know more about poems, especially the figurative language, because many sentences in poem have special meaning to express their feeling and idea. Based on the above 208 209 CAKMWALA PENDIDIKAN, VOLUME 17, NOMOR 2, OKTOBER 2OI5 Theoretical Base readerto do, 9) Atmosphere: atmosphere is the Poetry circumstances surrounding the work. One forms of literature is poetry. Poetry is beautiful but diffrcult to understand. Some experts of poetry give different definition of poetry. Btair and Chandler in Tarigan (1984:28) said that "poetry is spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling; it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility". It means that poetry is direct expression of feeling and emotion from the Figurative Language Reading different. When understand a poem and novel is we read a novel, we the message or the purpose directly, but we understand the meaning of the poem after we read the whole of poem and analyze it. And one of the most basic and useful ways to analyzeapoem is analyzing the figurative language. Because the poets usually heart ofhuman being. According to Shelley in use figurative language to build imagination. Tarigan (1984:5), poetry is the record of the Keraf in best happiest moments from the best happiest Tarigan (1935:5) stated, "gaya bahasa adalah cara mengungkapkan pikiran minds. We can conclude that poetry as the melalui bahasa secara khas yang happiness, although the ways and words to memperlihatkanjiwa dan kepribadian penulis express are different. (pemakai bahasa). Sebuah gaya bahasa yang ofpoetry According baik harus mengandung tiga unsur berikut: Essence Richard in Tarigan (1984:10), the essence of poetry: 1) Theme, theme is the main ideaofthepoem,2) Feeling, kej uj ur an, s op an- s antun, d an men feeling is the poet's attitude toward his subject Simily matter, 3) Tone, tone is the researcher's attitude toward his work, his audience or himself, 4) Intention, intention is the poet's purpose of making poem, for himself or Simily is a comparison using the words 'like' or 'as'. For example: Youth like to arik " . Kinds of Figurative Language summermorn Metaphor Metaphor is a comparison omitting oanother according to author's philosophy. Propertyof poetry the word'like'or'as. It is compares something According to Muyoto (1990:1), the with other things that have similar l) Rhythm, or beat is characteristic. When the poet uses metaphor properties of poetry are: of pattem of stress or syllables, 2) Rhyme: rhyme he transfers the qualities and association is a pattern of sound, 3) Stanza: stanza is paragraph of poem, 4) Figurative language: one object to another in order to make the figurative language is the use of language in My love is a bird, flying in all direction The metaphorical meaning, 5) Diction (special expression), 6) Theme: theme is the subject matter, 7) Approach: approach is the treatment of the subject matter, 8) Message: message is what the researqher wants the letter more vivid in our mind. As an example: poet makes the bird as a metaphor ofthe poet's love. Because he thinks that the bird could be implicated as his feeling that has aim to all direction. i:! Wrdaus, Figurative Language Personiftcation In The Selected Poems 210 cigarette to replace the actual object. is a metaphor in which Personification an Antonomasia object, idea, or an abstract concept is likened Antonomasia is subtituting apropemame for to person, and can do what a person can. As an a coflrmon noun. As an example: 'Hitler' for example: The soul selects her-own society dictatorship. Analoglt Symbolism Analogy is a sustained simile or metaphor, Symbolism is a term which stands for another likening one state of affairs to another in whether the relationship is one o similarity or a series of comparison. As an example: not. As an example: 'Rose' stands for girls, They have a kind and offrcers of sorts 'Flag'fornatio Where some, like magistrates, correct at home Others, like merchants, venfure trade abroad Oth er ligu rativ e I an ga age s Others, like soldiers... Apostrophe Hyperbole Apostrophe is addressing an absent person, or Hyperbole is the exaggerate comparisonword personifi ed fi gure. As an example that have more attractive meaning than the Death, be not proud, though some have called real condition. As an example: For they thee a thee. thousand errors note The phrase "thousand errors" has a meaning Irony Irony is used to negate the actual intention that there is much badness on thee. with the opposite expression. As an example: Understatement or litotes What a decent man, barely unclothed. The Understatement is a comparison in something is said to be less than example: I am a which it is. As an stupid girl to love you Actually she is not a stupid : expression decent is somehow opposing the word unclothed, for there cannot be an unclothing decent man girl, so that phrase does not show thereal condition ofthe subject. Sarcasm Sarcasm is the ruder form of irony, in directly opposedobject. Figuratite language based on association This figures are subtitution, in which one For example: When a sfudent was puzzled, he thing represent another thing. answer: "True, you know that". Metonymy Satire Metonymy subtitudes thename of a thing for Satire is the name of something else with which attacking it is connected. a Synechdochec Synechdochec is subtituting the whole for the part, or the part for the whole. For example: She puts a Malboro on her smooth said: fingers The phrase shows the common name of "I can not think, sir". And the teacher a work based on irony and sarcasm. In a person usually the target is put into caricafure, and thus expoosed as ridiculous. 211 CAKRAWAI-APENDIDIKAN, VOLUME 17, NOMOR 2, OKTOBER 2015 METHOD RESULT AND DISCUSSION The researcher uses qualitative research because the researcher tries to Poem describe and analyze the kinds of figurative I AFairySong Overhill, over dale, languages in the poem. According to Moleong Thorough bush, thorough brier, (1988:6) Qualitative research is a research designed to understand phenomenons of Overpark, overpale, research subject, such as attitude, perseption, I do wander everywhere, motivation, action holisticly and descriptively Swifter than the moon's sphere; in the word and language form, in the natural specific context and using natural methods. And I serve the Fairy Queen, To dew her orbs upon the green; The object of this study is the poems selected The cowslips tall herpensioners be; from William Shakespeare's poems. There are Intheirgoldcoats spots you eight selected poems, and they are: Sigh No Those be rubies, fairy favors; More,AFairy Song, Blow Blow ThouWinter Wind, Let me not to the marriage of true minds, Dirge of the Three Queens, Dirge, A In those freckles live their savors; Thorough flood, thorough fire! see; I must go seek some dewdrops here, And hang a pearl in every cowslip's ear. Madrigal, Bridal Song. The data of this study The poem above tells us about the were taken from William Shakespeare's poems collection. To collect the data, the wonder of dew. The dew can be everywhere, researcher carries out some steps, as follows: comes before the sun rises and before the l) Reading the poems of William Shakespeare's collection, 2) Collecting the poems of William Shakespeare's poems collection that wants to be analyze, 3) moon sets. It is supported by the fifth line and Arranging the poems that are representative figurative languages in this poem. In the fifth for all the poems as a data systematically. tine /I do wander everywherel,thepoem uses personification. o'I" in this poem is not person After the data have been collected, they were the following steps: 1) The researcher categorized the data into eight categories, 2) Data of each category were analyzed as presented and analyzed, 3) After presenting and analyzing the whole data ,the researcher made a conclusion. such as on the hil[, dale, and park. The dew sixth line /I do wander everywhere/,/Swifter then the moon's sphere/. Beside that, Shakespeareuses some beautiful languages or but a dew, that can act like human being. Beside in the fifth line, the researcher finds personification in the fifth line /I do wander everywhere/, in the seventh line /And I serve the Fairy Queen/, in the ninth line /The cowlips tallherpensioners be/, tvrrelfth line /In those freckleslive their savour/, thirteenth line / I must go seek some dewdrops here l, and fourteenth line / And hang a pearl in every cowslip's ear l. The words "do","servg", t'ear" arg the "tall"r "live", "seek", t'hang", and hrdaus, Figurative Language words commonly used by human being as their activity and characteristic. sixth line /Swifter than the moon's sphere/. The phrase "moon's sphere" is allusion it is the other expression of "night". Other allusion also be found in the seventh line /And I sewe the Fairy Qileenl,in Selected poems 2I2 The fraud of men was ever so Since summer first was leavy The researcher finds allusion in the because in fn" Then, sigh not so And let them go And be you blithe and bonny Converting all your sound of woe Into hey nonny, nonny the tenth The poem above tells us about advice line/ In their gold coals spots you see/, in the to not to be sad because ofthe men's fraud. It is eleventh line / Those be rubies, fairy favors/ supported by the first line /Sigh no more, line/And hang apearl in every cowslip's earl. The phrase "fairy queen", ladies, sigh no more/ and the second line /l\4en wsre deceiver ever/. "gold coats", researcher finds some figurative languages. and fourteenth 'obe rubies", and "a pearl" are the / In this poem the In allusion as the other expression of "flower", the first line "cowslips' stem","sparkle dew because of more/ and in the tenth line sunshine, and "the dew". ditties, sing no more/ there are epizeukis because of repetition to be attention. In the third line /One foot in sea, and one on shore/, The researcher also finds synechdoche in the line eight / To dew her orbs Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no I Sing no more upon the greenl, and in the line nine lThe cowslips tall her pensioners be/. The words the poem used sinechdoche. The word "The green" and "The cowslips" subtitutes the seventh line/And be you blithe and bonny/. word"plants". The phrase "blithe and bonny" means happy It "foot" means man. The allusion can be found in the there are four figurative languages, they are and cheerful. The researcher also finds symbolism in the last of first stanza and personification, allusion, and synechdoche. second stanza /Into hey nonny, nonny/. The can be conclude that in that poem phrase "into hey nonny, nonny" as a symbol Poem 2 Sigh No of happiness. In those lines, they are also called More Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more as another figurative language. That is paralelism. Men were deceiver ever It can be concluded that in the poem, One foot in sea, and one on shore there are five kinds To one thing constant never they are epizeukis, sinechdoche, allusion, Then sigh not so symbolism, and paralelism. of figurative But let them go And be you blithe and bonny Poem 3 Converting all your sound of woe Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind Into hey nonny, nonny Blow, blow, thou winter wind Sing no more ditties, sing no more Thou art not so unkind Of dump so dull and heavy As man's ingratitude; language, 21 3 CAKMI|/ALA PENDIDIKAN, V)LUME t 7, NoMoR 2, 2KTOBER are same with human being characteristic but Because thou art not seen, Although thy breath be rude. Height-ho! sing, height-ho! unto the green holly: Most friendship if feigning, most loving the subject in this poem is wind, not human being. From the data above can be concluded that there are three kinds of figurative language, they are apostrophe, simily, and personification. folly: mere 201 5 Then height-ho, the hollY! This life is mostjollY. Poem4 Freeze,freeze thou bitter skY, Let me not to the marriage of true minds Let me not to the marriage oftrue minds That does notbite so nigh As benefits forgot: 1 Though thou the waters warP, Thy sting is not so sharP As a friend remembered not. Admit impediments. Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds Or bends with the remover to remove: Oh, no ! It is an ever-fixed mark, Height-ho! sing, height-ho! unto the green That looks ontempest and is never shaken; holly: It is the star to every wandering bark, Most friendship is feigning, most loving Whose worth unknown, although his mere folly: heightbe taken. Then height-ho, the holly! Love's not Time's fool, though rosy tips and This life is mostjolly. cheeks The peom above tells us about comparison between nature and human. Nafure is more kind than human. It is Withinhis bending sickle compass come: Love alters not with his brief hours and supported by the second tine /Thou art not so But bears it out even to the edge of doom. unkind,/ and the third line /As man's Ifthis ingratitude/. In this poem the researcher finds I neverwrit, norno man everloved. some figurative languages. The researcher finds apostrophe inthe first lihe / Blow, blow, thou winter wind/ and in thd eleventh line / Freeze,freezethou bitter sky/ because the poet talksto "wind" and"sky" liketalks tohuman. In the second and third line / Thou art not so unkind, As man's ingratitudel, the researcher finds simily. The word "unkind" compare with "man's ingratifude" using the word 'as'. The personification also be found by the researcher in the fourth line /Thy tooth is not so keen/ and in the sixth line /although thy breath be rude/. The word "teeth" and "breath" weeks, be error and uPon me Proved, The Poem above tells us about true love. The poet wrote that love do not know impediments. It is supported by the whole of the poem. The researcher only finds two kinds figurative language in that sentences poem. First, the researcher finds personification in the most sentence of the poem, such as in the third line /which alters when it alteration/, in the fourth line /or bends with the remover to remover/, in the sixth line /that looks on tempest and is never shaken/, in the tenth line /within his bending sickle ' compass comel, and in the twelfth line /but Wrdaus, Figtrative Language bears it out even to the edge of doom/. The in The Selected poems 2 t4 breath/. The poet talks to "death" and breath,, ..comel,, word "alters", "bendsl', "looks on,,, and "bears" are same with human activities like talks to person. The researcher also finds symbolism in the second line /And in sad but the its subject is love. cypres let me be laid/ and in the fourth line Second, the researcher finds symbolism in the seventh line /it is the star to am slain by a fair /I cruel maid/, the phrase .,sad every wandering barU. The word ,.star,, is cypres" is symbol of coffrn and "fair cruel maid" as an angel. In line seven /IVIy part of of love and "wandering iq death, no one so truel and in the line twelve symbol of lover It can be concluded that there are two kinds of figurative language. They are /IVIy poor corse, where my bones shall be trawn/, the researcher finds synechdochec. personifi cation and symbolism. The phrase "part of death" subtifutes death andthe phrase "mybones" subtitutes body. Poem 5 From the data above it can be conclude that there are three kinds of figurative language. They are apostrophe, symbol barkt, Dirge ' COME away, come away, death, And in sad cypres let me be laid; symbolism, and synechdochec. Fly away, fly away, breath; I am slain by a fair cruel maid. Poem6 My shroud ofwhite, stuck all with yew, AMadrigal it! Mypartofdeath, no one so true Cannot live together: Did share it. Youth is full ofpleasance, O prepare Not a flower, not a CrabbedAge andYouth flower sweet, On my black coffin let there be strown; Not a friend, not a friend greet ' Age is full ofiare; Youthlikesummermorn, Age like winter weather; My poor corse , where my bones shall be Youth like summer brave, thrawn: Age like winter bare: A thousand thousand sighs to save, Youthis full ofsports, Layme, O, where Age'sbreathis short, Sad true lover never find my grave Youth is nimble,Age is lame: To weep This poem tells us about death. The poet lets us to imagine what will happen when we die. It is supported by the Ageisweakandcold, whole sentence of the poem. From this poem, Age,Ido abhorthee; the researcher finds some figurative Youth,I do adore thee; languages. O! my Love, rtry I,sys is young! The researcher finds apostrophe in the first line /come away, come away, death/ Age,Idodeffthee- and in the third line /fly away, fly away, Youth is hot and bold, Youth is wild, andAge is tame:- O sweet shepherd, hie thee, Formethinks thou stay'sttoo long. 2I5CAKRAWALAPENDIDIKAN,yoLUMEIT,NoMoR2,oKT)BER2015 The Poem above tells us about is comparison between young and old' It the supported by the whole line ofthe poem' In poem, the researcher finds two kinds of figurative languages, they are analogy and in aposthrophe. The researcher finds analogy the first line until fourteenth line' There are susutained simily and metaphore' The apostrophe is found by the researcher in the fifteenth line until eighteenth line' The poet talks to "Age", "youth", and "love'n like talks to person. From the data above it can be conclude that there are two kinds of figurative language. They are analogy and apostrophe PoemT Dirge ofthe Threo Queens URNS and odours bring awaY pleasure's foes" subtifutes foe's happiness' The Personification can be seen in line two A/apours, sighs, darken the dayl and in line five /Sacred vials fill'd with tears/' The word"darken" is apersonification ofthe word orvapours, sigh" that has similariry with human's activity- The word "fi11'd" also personification that has similarity with human's activity. And the researcher finds elipsys in the seventh line /come, all sad and solemn shows/. In the seotence, there is no subject that doing the verb. It can be concluded that there are three kinds of figurative languages exist in this poem. They are metonimy, personification, andelipsys. ! Vapors, sighs, darkenthe daY! Our dole more deadly looks than dying; Balms and gums and heavY cheers, Sacred vials odour" subtitutes death,'the phrase "wild air" flquick-eyed subtitutes wind, and the phrase fitl'd with tears, And clamours through the wild air flying! Come, all sad and solemn shows, That are quick-eyed Pleasure's foes ! We conventnaught else butwoes. The poem above tells us about dirge and sadness. It is supported by the fifth line /Sacred vials fill'd with tears/ and ninth line /We convent naught else but woes/. In the poem, the researcher finds three kinds of figurative languages, they are metonimy, personifi cation, and eliPsYs. The researcher finds metonimy in the first line AJrns and odour bring away/, in the sixth line /And clamours through the wild air flying/, and in the eighth line ffha! are quickt'urns and eyed Pleasure's foes/. The phrase PoemS Bridalsong ROSES, their sharp spines being gone, Notroyal in their smells alone, Butintheirhue; Maiden Pinks, of odour faint, Daisies smell-less, yet most quaint, Andsweetthymetrue; Primrose, firstborn child ofVer; Merry springtime's harbinger, With her bells dim; Oxlips in their cradles growing, Marigolds on death.beds blowing, Larks'-heels trim; All dearNature's children sweet Lie 'fore bride and bridegroom's feet, Blessing their sense! Not an angel ofthe air, Bird melodious or bird fair, Be absenthence! i::) Virdaus, Figuratiie Language In The Selected Poems 216 The crow, the slanderous cuckoo, nor They are personification, allusion, The boding raven, nor chough hoar, synechdochec. The second is "Sigh No More", Nor chattering pye, and there is five kinds of figurative language, they May on our bride-house perch or sing, are: epizeukis, allusion, Or with them any discord bring, symbolism, and paralelism. The third poem is But from it fly! synechdochec, "Blow Blow Thou WinterWind", there is three The poem tell us about the happiness kind of figurative language, and they are of mariage. It is supported by the third starua apostrophe, simily, and personification. The /A1l dear Nature's children sweet, Lie 'fore bride and bridegroom's feet, Blessing their fourth poom is "Let me not to the marriage of true minds", there is two kinds of figurative or bird fair. Be absent hence! /. Here, the researcher only finds one kind of figurative language, they are personification and symbolism. The fifth poem is "Dirge", there is three kinds of figurative language, they are language. It is personification. aposkophe, symbolism, and synechdochec. The sense! Not an angel of the qir, Bird melodious The personification can be seen in sixth poem is "AMadrigal", there is two kinds of the line seven /Primrose, firstborn child of Yerl, in the line twelve /Lark'-heels trim/, in analogy. The seventh poem is "Dirge of Three the line thirteen /Al1 dear Nature's children sweet/, in the line ninteen /the crow, the Queens", there is three kinds of figmative language, they are Metonimy, personification, slanderous cuckoo,nor/, and in the line twenty-two /IVIay on our bride-house perch or figurative language, they are apostrophe and and elipsys. And the last is eighth poem is Song", there is only one kind of "Bridal figurative sing/. The phrase "firstborn child", "Nafure's language, that is personification. children", "slanderous cuckoo", and the word "sirrg", 'ofrim" are the words that means activrty CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION and characteristic and commonlyused by human. Conclusion From the data above, can be concltrded Based on the data presentation and of the presentation in the previous chapter, the that poem "Bridal Song" only has one kind figurative language. That is personification. following conclusion can be drawn that there are eight categories of poem to be analysis. DISCUSSION After discussion these eight poems from The eleven kinds of figurative language in the selected poems of William William Shakespeare, the researcher concludes that the kinds of figurative are: personification, allusion, synechdochec, epizeukis, symbolism, paralelism, apostrophe, simily, analogy, language that are used in the selected poems William Shakespeare are: personification, allusion, synechdochec, epizeukis, metonimy, andelipsys. symbolism, paralelism, apostrophe, simily, All analogy, elipsys, and metonimy. Actually in Shakespeare the poems consist of figurative The first poem "A Fairy Song" of three kinds of figurative language. all langr"rage. each poem, not consists language, butjust someparts ofthe poem. of sentences use figurative 217 ,AKRAWALA ,ENDTDTKAN, t/oLUME 17, NoMoR Suggestion This study just focused on the kinds of figurative language that used in William Shakespeare's poern. After knowing that all poems used figurative language, it shew that the author of these poem liked using special language to show what he wanted in the poem. For that the researcher suggest that try to undersfand about'the characteristic of the author who liked using readers should special language inhispoem. \ REFERENCES Keraf. Gaya Bahasa. Bandung: Angkasa, 1985. Kusnosoebroto, Sunaryono Basuki. The Anatomy Of Prose Fiction. Jakarta: Depdikbud,1988. Moelong, Lexy J. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya,1988. Tarigan, Henry Guntur. Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar Sastra. 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