Medicine Hat 1929 July - Medicine Hat and District Genealogical
Medicine Hat 1929 July - Medicine Hat and District Genealogical
MEDICINE HAT GREENHOUSES LIMITED Phone 2431 Succesaors to Rosery Flower Company Carle's STAND PHONE 111 TAXI 2909 Night 233O Carle's HOUSE PHONE CITY TRIPS 50 cents Country Trips Arranged OFFICIAL ELEPHONE DIRECTORY JULY, 1929 CD • MEDICINE HAT C9 10 Lkl Q and DISTRICT For Points In other Districts Call ''LONG DISTANCE" See Pages 9 to 13 Medicine Hat EMERGENCY CALLS Police, 2380 Fire, 3535 CM information, 92; H B H DESTROY PHONES: 2203 Office I Medicine Hat ALL Trouble, 93; OLD Rural, 91 DIRECTORIES CHAS. W. TWAITES 3204 Residence * THE RELIABLE AUCTIONEER % % L% . MEDICINE HAT GREENHOUSES LIMITED Phone 2431 Successora to Rosery Flower Company Carle's STAND PHONE TAXI Night 233O Carle's HOUSE PHONE CITY TRIPS 50 cents Country Trips Arranged OFFICIAL S JULY, 1929 MEDICINE HAT uil« U in and DISTRICT For Points in other Districts Call "LONG DISTANCE" See Pages 9 to 13 Medicine Hat M CM EMERGENCY CALLS Police, 2380 Fire, 3535 Information, 92; DESTROY Medicine Hat ALL Trouble, 93; OLD Rural, 91 DIRECTORIES PHONES: LU Q CO w w « 2203 0ffi» ! OH AS. W. TWAITES 3204 Rtsidsnci * THE RELIABLE AUCTIONEER 1, If it's electrical.... Large or small, whatever your needs may be, you can meet them out of the Telcphoae Equipment • Line Construction ample Material and varied stocks of electrical materials carried at the Northern Electric • Wires and Cables warehouses. • Supplies and Wiring Here, too, you will be welcome to make use of the staff of specialists, men of wide experience, who will always be glad to sissist you with plans and suggestions in any application of electricity. Devices • Fire Alarm Apparatus • Lighting Fixtures • Household Appliances • MfrthemE/ectrk Power Apparatus 102 Eleventh Avenue E. Calgary, Alta. One Road to independence ALBERTA DEMAND SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Denominations $5.00 to $10,000.00 PAYABLE ON DEMAND For Partisulnrs write or apply to: HON. R. G. REID Provincial Treosurer. W. V. NEWSON Deputy Provincial Troasnrer^ PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, EDMONTON, ALBERTA 'f) Phone CRYSTAL DAIRY LTD. Tin 233 Fifth Street SEE PAGE 16 USE LONG DISTANCE Directory Advertising Pays NUMBERS CALLED MOST FREQUENTLY OR NOT IN BOOK . PHONE No. NAME AND ADDRESS • \ - M^dirin^ Hat Information 92 :: Trouble 93 :: Rural 91 ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES Schedule of Rates for Service (Exclusive of Private Branch Exchange Equipment) INSTALLATION CHARGES A service connection charge covering a portion of the average cost of the initial expense of establishing service for new subscribers and of furnishing additional facilities to old subscribers shall be as follows: (<j) For individual or exchange party line service (6) For each extension set (c) (d) (e) For each extension bell For each Loud Ringing Gong To cover directory, accounting, circuit and switchboard expense in cases where service is established by the use of instruments and lines already in place in the sub scriber's premises and no change is made in the type or location of such instruments.. To reconnect service when discontinued for non-payment of account When it is necessary to erect poles or anchors in order to carry the wires from the main telephone line on the road allowance or street to the applicant's premises, such poles and anchors in connection therewith will be supplied and erected by the. Department at the expense of the applicant. (f) (g) $3.50 2.00 1.50 2.50 1.00 1.00 Excess Mileage-Exchange The excess mileage rate for Exchange Service shall be 50c. per month for each quarter-mile or fraction thereof. MOVING CHARGES (1) (2) From one position to another in same room $1.00 per instrument From one room to another on same floor, or from one floor to another in same building, no outside wiring being required, $2.00 initial set (3) From one building to another (4) Where a telephone is already installed and no inside move is required, a charge of $1.00 will $1.00 extension set. $3.50 initial set $2.00 extension set be made to cover cost of transferring the wires in central office and changing number on switchboard. (5) Where the above rates do not apply, an estimate of cost will be furnished subscriber on request, previous to work being proceeded with. NOTE:—Above charges cover installations and moves for Exchange Subscribers only—charges for Rural installations and moves may be ascertained on application to our Local Agents. MONTHLY RENTAL RATES Business Wall Desk S3.00 $3.25 Day Service Semi-Continuous Service Residence Wall Desk $2.00 $2.25 Rural Wall $2.25 3.50 3:75 2.25 2.50 2.50 4.00 4.25 2.50 2.75 2.50 4.25 4.50 2.50 2.75 2.50 Continuous Service—Exchanges under 150 stations Continuous Service—Exchanges between 150 and 500 stations Continuous Service—Exchanges between 500 and 1,000 stations 4.50 4.75 2.75 3.00 2.75 Continuous Sei^'ice—Exchanges between 1,000 and 5,000 stations 5.00 5.25 3.00 3.25 3.00 Calgary Exchange up to 20,000 stations 6.00 6.25 3.00 3.25 3.00 EXTENSION SETS AND EXTENSION BELLS (EXCHANGE) $1.25 per month Residence Wall 50c. per month $1.50 per month Residence Desk 75c. per month 2Sc. per month 50c. per month Business Wall Business Desk Extension Bell Loud Ringing Extension Bell Ql ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES OFFICIAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Head Office: C. P. R. BUILDING, EDMONTON HON. VERNOR W. SMITH, J. D. BAKER, Minister of Railways and Telephones. Deputy Minister and General Manager of Telephones. JULY, 1929 Copy for this edition closed May 15th, 1929 Copy for next issue (January, 1930) will close November 15th, 1929 IMPORTANT This Directory is the property of the Alberta Government Telephones and is printed for the exclusive use of its subscribers. No part of the advertisements printed upon the cover shall be defaced, covered up or concealed by encasing this directory in any additional cover or otherwise howsoever. Extraordinary precautions are taken to avoid errors, but the Department assumes no liability whatever for errors or omissions. One copy of this book will be supplied free for each Telephone in use. ADDITIONAL COPIES, 50c. EACH. Department of RailwaysandTelephones Terms and Conditions Under Which Telephone Service is Furnished USE OF TELEPHONE 1. Telephone instruments and connecting lines are furnished to subscribers to be used in accordance with the rules as prescribed by the Department from tiipe to time, and are to be used only by the subscriber, his agents or employees when engaged upon his business and must not be used for transmitting, receiving or delivering any message or communication in respect of which a consideration has been or is to be paid by any other party, except as permitted by the rules of the Department, nor used in any way in competition with the telephone business conducted by the Department. Subscribers will not be allowed to transfer their telephone number, service, or contract to any other party, unless arranged for in advance by a duly authorized official of the Department. The right of the subscriber is to use the Instruments and connecting lines where the Depart ment may place them, but not elsewhere, under such rules as the Department may from time to time prescribe. He shall not extend their use to other Individuals, except his servants upon his business; nor shall they be used for any calls or consideration to be paid by any person other than the subscriber; nor does this confer upon him the right to use any other instrument. 2. The lines and instruments over which the service is furnished remain the property of the Alberta Government Telephones and shall be carefullyused by the subscriber, and only as herein stated in Clause No. 1; and no instrument or appliance not furnished by the Department shall be attached to or used in connection with these lines and instruments. CONSTRUCTION 3. When it is necessary to erect poles or anchors in order to carry the wires from the main telephone line on the road allowance or street to the applicant's premises, such poles and anchors in connection therewith will be supplied and erected by the Department at the expense of the applicant. CHARGES—HOW PAID 4. All charges for installations, moves, and monthly rentalsshall be paid in advance, which shall entitle the subscriber to service with all subscribers connected to the same exchange. Regular toll rates will be chargedfor all serviceto points outside of the exchange. 5. Subscribers shall pay the installation charges, first rental instalment (and construction charges, if any) strictly in advance. Excess mileage charge will be added if outside of exchange limits. If subsequent rental accounts remain unpaid after the 20th of the month, service shall be discontinued and if still remaining unpaid after the end of the month, a charge of $1.00 shall be made to reconnect service; no rebate or reduction shall be allowed for such interruption to service. 6. Subscribersshall pay monthly, at schedulerates, for all messages and conversations over the Long Distance lines. If said accounts remain unpaid after the 20th of the month, further credit shall be refused until account is paid. 7. Subscribers shall pay promptly, upon presentation of account, all charges for other miscellaneous items. If these charges are not paid within 20 days, service shall be discontinued. COMPLAINTS RE LONG DISTANCE SERVICE 8. While the Department will carefully consider complaints in connection with toll service at any time received, it would be appreciated if subscribers would make such complaints imme diately after conversation has taken place. VACATION ALLOWANCE 9. Should a subscriber desire to have his Exchange Residence Service temporarily discon tinued, owing to the closingof his residence, he may do so without cancelling contract or having telephone removed, and, if arranged for in advance in writing,an allowance ofone-halfof the rate per month will be made for a period of not less than one month and not exceeding three months in any one year. Subscriber shall state, when making application, the period for which he expects to be absent and shall pay for this period in advance. Subscriber will notify the Department when he wishes service resumed, either in writing or by calling at the officeand signing re-connect order. Owingto the fact that Rural Telephones cannot be disconnected without a special trip being made to their location, this regulation will not apply to Rural Subscribers. MOVES 10. The telephone is first located where the subscriber directs and must not be moved or interfered with. When the subscriber desires to have the telephone moved to any other location, notice In writing should be given to the local office, at least ten days before the change Is desired. The work will then be done as promptly as possible at regular charges. JOINT USER SERVICE 11. Business joint user—one half the initial rate. Residence joint user—50 cents per month. CANCELLATION OF SERVICE 12. Subscribers giving up service must notify the Department in writing, or call at office and sign "Take Out" order. Failing to do this, subscriber will be liable for all charges up to date instrument is removed or taken over by a new subscriber. IDENTIFICATION OF EMPLOYEES , 13. Every employee of the Alberta Government Telephones authorized to instal, inspect, repair or remove the Department's apparatus carries a metal badge showing the name of the Al berta Government Telephones and his own number. Subscribers and others are earnestly re quested to refuse accessto their premises to anyone who cannot in this way identify himself, and to notify the Local Office at once by telephone. GENERAL 14. If a telephone installed for service at the residence rate be used for the purposes of busi ness or profession, or otherwise than for the usual requirements of a residence, the Department may charge the business rate for such service without regard to the date to which the subscriber has paid for service at the residence rate. This also applies to subscribers, for residence service only, who advertise or use their telephone number in connection with their business or profession, 15. The Department will endeavor to keep the lines and instruments in good workingorder and undertakes to clear trouble or make repairs with all reasonable despatch, but does not guaran tee uninterrupted service. 16. A subscriber's telephone number is not a part of the application for service,but numbers will only be changed whenabsolutely necessaryor for the betterment of the service. 17. The use of obscene, profane or abusive language while using the telephone is strictly forbidden and service may be immediately discontinued for violation of this rule. DIRECTORY REGULATIONS This Directory is the property of the Alberta Government Telephones and is loaned to sub scribers for their use, to be retained until the delivery of the next issue. Subscribers are furnished free one copy for each instrument. Additional copieswill be charged for, 50c. per copy. CLOSING COPY Directory copies will be closed on the following dates, and all new names, changes or correc tions, must be furnished the Local Office in writing, previous to these dates. No entries may be made after the dates set: JANUARY ISSUE JULY ISSUE NOVEMBER 15th MAY 15th The right is reserved to change dates of publication from time to time as may be necessary to meet'the requirements of the Telephone service, without notice. Each subscriber is entitled to one single line entry in the Alphabetical List without charge. Listing in bold type will be charged at the rate of $2.00 per issue. By special arrangement any subscriber to Exchange Business Service rpay have the name of any company which he repre sents listed in directory as an extra insertion at a charge of $1.00 per issue for light face type, or $2.00 per issue for bold type. A subscriber to Exchange Residence service may have the name of a bona fide member of his family listed in the Directory for One Dollar per line per issue. Each business subscriber is entitled to one single-line entry in the Classified business section All without charge. Listings in bold type will be charged at the rate of Two Dollars per issue. other listings will be charged for in accordance with approved schedule of rates. Subscribers are requested to report promptly to the Local Office, in writing, any errors which may appear in this Directory, so that same may be corrected in the next issue. The Alberta Government Telephones assume no liability whatever for damages occurring' through errors or omissions in the making up and printing of this Directory. HOW TO USE THE TELEPHONE AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE Consult the Telephone Directory for the correct connected from service. Call "Trouble Depart number before you make a call. Do not trust to ment, Telephone 93" should you desire your service temporarily disconnected during the night. Call "92" for Information if the person or firm 7. ALWAYS HANG UP RECEIVER for a you wish to call is not listed in the Directory. short interval before making a second call to allow your memory. 1. LIFT RECEIVER off the hook before the mechanism to release. making a call. Do not work the hook up and 8. HANG RECEIVER ON HOOK (small end down when doing so, as it interferes witn the calling up) when through talking; otherwise no one can mechanism. obtain connection with your telephone. 2. LISTEN FOR THE DIAL TONE. This 9. BUSY BUZZ sound indicates that the number is a steady humming sound and must not be con called for is busy. fused with the "Busy Buzz". When received, it EXAMPLE:—To call 2300 lift receiver off the indicates that the equipment is ready for you to hook, listen for the dial tone, place finger in finger dial. hole "2" then turn dial towards the right until your 3. BRING THE FINGER squarely to the finger finger strikes the finger stop. Then release dial and stop. REMOVE YOUR FINGER after each opera allow it to rotate back to its normal position. tion and allow the dial to rotate back to its normal Repeat this operation for "the figures 3-0-0. position. Do not force or retard this movement. Place receiver to your ear. If the busy buzz is 4. FACE THE TRANSMITTER with the heard, it indicates that the number called is busy. lips almost touching the mouthpiece. Speak This being the case, hang receiver on hook and naturally, distinctly and not too rapidly. call again within a reasonable time. 5. DO NOT MOVE RECEIVER HOOK OR On completion of conversation hang receiver on DIAL while talking, as this will disconnect you. hook, small end up. 6. DO NOT LEAVE RECEIVER OFF HOOK You are then entirely disconnected and ready to DURING THE NIGHT or your line will be dis call another number, or to be called. AUTOMATIC EXCHANGES If a line you are trying to call repeatedly tests "busy," notify Trouble Operator, who will inves tigate whether same is caused by an abnormal condition on line, or from use. If any line appears too busy for good Service, write to the Commercial Manager. Subscribers are requested not to engage telephone number affected and its location, also Trouble or Information Operators in conversation state as accurately as possible just how trouble longer than necessary, as_ by so doing the operator manifests itself. Try to be specific; as incomplete will be prevented from giving prompt attention to information frequently causes delay in locating other patrons. INFORMATION:—Call Information "92" for numbers of New Subscribers, Changes, Long Dis tance Line Charges, New Toll Offices, etc. TROUBLE:—Complaints regarding Telephone Troubles should be reported to Trouble Operator, Telephone No. 93. When reporting trouble, give nature of trouble. MANUAL TELEPHONE Consult the Telephone Directory for the correct up, and give a short ring. This gives the opera number before you make a call. Do not trust to tor a signal to disconnect and you are then in a your memory. position to call another number or to be called. Ask for "Information" if the person or firm NOTE; At Camrose* Lioydminster, Red Deer and you wish to call is not listed in the Directory. Wetaskiwin (Common Battery Exchanges) no ring 1. TO CALL THE OPERATOR give one ing, except by rural line subscribers, is neces long ring before removing the receiver from the sary. Simply remove receiver from hook and hook and then hold the receiver to the ear. in all other respects proceed as instructed above, 2. WHEN THE OPERATOR REPLIES by placing the receiver on the hook when conversation saying "Number?" give the number of the sub scriber's telephone desired, slowly and distinctly. EXAMPLE:—"1429" should be pronounced is finished. 6. one-four-two-nine." 3. FACE THE TRANSMITTER 4. 7. with the lips almost touching the mouthpiece. naturally, distinctly, and not too rapidly. DO NOT USE THE TELEPHONE during a thunderstorm. RURAL LINE SUBSCRIBERS should Speak limit their conversation to Five Minutes duration and must not "listen in" to conversations not in KEEP THE RECEIVER TO THE EAR, tended for them, as it interferes with the Service. COMPLAINTS:—Complaints regarding tele and the Operator, after repeating the number, will If phone trouble and unsatisfactory Service should the desired line is found to be in use the operator be made to the Local Manager, Agent or Chief connect you with the subscriber called for. will report "Line Busy." 5. Ofjerator at the Office concerned, and if not rectified WHEN YOU HAVE FINISHED TALK ING place the receiver on within a reasonable time, the matter should be the hook, small end referred to the Traffic Superintendent at Edmonton 6 LONG DISTANCE SERVICE Rules and Regulations To make a Long Distance Call, first call ''Long Distance'*—when the Long Distance Operator answers, give her your telephone number, followed by the details of your call as indicated below. Cl-ASSIFIGATION OF LONG DISTANCE 1. STATION TO STATION SERVICE CALLS The Station-to-Station rate applies when it is not desired to establish com munication between particular persons. Station-to-Station calls must be made by number whenever Telephone Directory information covering the called point is available. When such informa tion is not available, the name or address under which the telephone is listed should be given, specifying that "anyone at that number will do." EXAMPLE;—"Number 4567, J. H. Brown speaking, I want to speak to Springdale, No. 684," or "I want to speak to Springdaie, anyone at Mr. John Jones' residence (or business) telephone." 2. PERSON-TO-PERSON CALLS {Evening and Night Rates do not apply to Person-to-Person Service.) When a Long Distance Call is made, specifying that conversation is desired with a particular person and the connection is established and conversation held with that person, the "Person-to-Person" rate applies. EXAMPLE;—"Number 4567, J. H. Brown speaking, I want to speak to Springdale, No. 684, Mr. John Jones," or "If Mr. Jones is not there, I will speak to Mr. A. F. Smith." NOTE;—When a particular person is desired, the Long Distance operator must he so advised when the call is placed, otherwise charges will he made from the time connection is estahlished with the telephone desired, whether the party is obtained or not. Appointment Calls An appointment Call is a Person-to-Person call requiring communication to be established at a specified time, and order should be given to the Long Distance operator in the usual manner. Messenger Calls A Messenger Call is a Person-to-Person call, necessitating the services of a Messenger to secure the attendance of a specified person, and order should be given to the Long Distance operator in 'the usual manner. The Messenger Service and Report charges in such cases must be prepaid by the calling party if the call is placed from a Public Pay Station. Collect Calls Collect calls are Person-to-Person Calls, the charges for which are reversed, *. e., to be collected from the called party. In such cases the assent of the called party shall be obtained before the connection is established. 7 (Over LONG DISTANCE service Rules and Regulations-cor.tinu«d RATES AND CHARGES FOR LONG DISTANCE SERVICE Long Distance Tolls will be charged to the subscriber from whose instrument the Long Distance call is placed, except those messages for which the receiving party expressly agrees to pay on the basis of a Person-to-Person Call. All rates quoted are for an initial period of three minutes. For overtime beyond the initial period a proportionate charge is made per minute. Tile rates quoted on pages 9 and 10 are Station-to-Station Day Rates. The Day Rate for a Station-to-Station call is the fundamental rate upon which the rates for other classes of Service are based. The rate for a completed Person-to-Person call, either Paid or Collect is approximately 25% higher than the corresponding Station-to-Station Day Rate. The'rate for a completed Appointment or Messenger Call, including Written Messages and Telegrams, is approximately 50 -% higher than the corre sponding Station-to-Station Day Rate. Day rates only are used in computing charges on Person-to-Person, Appoint ment and Messenger Calls, including Written Messages and Telegrams. The Kootenay Telephone Lines Ltd. (B. C.) Day and Night Rates are the same. Evening and Night Rates (These rates apply on Station-to-Station Calls only.) Between 7 p.m. and 12 midnight the Station-to-Station rates are ap proximately one-half the Day rates and are known as "Evening Rates." Between 12 midnight and 4.30 a.m. the Station-to-Station rates are ap proximately one-fourth the Day Rates and are known as " Night Rates." (NOTE;—In no case shall the Evening or Night rate, as the case may be, be less than 25c. for the initial period, unless the Day rate is less, in which case the Day, Evening and Night Rates shall be the same.) Report Charges Under certain conditions a Report Charge of approximately one-quarter of the Station-to-Station Day rate will be made on uncompleted Person-to- Person, Appointment and Messenger Calls, including Written Messages and Telegrams. . A Report Charge shall not be made on a Station-to-Station call under any condition. PAY STATION SERVICE Pay Station Telephones have been installed by the Department for the con venience of subscribers and the general public, in suitable locations throughout the Province, Local conversations may be had from these telephones at a charge of 5 cents for-5 minutes. Long Distance Service is furnished at regular tariff rates upon deposit of the amount of the initial charge (covering three minutes conversation) the usual charges being made for excess time. Non-subscribers who desire to use Subscribers' telephones should be referred to the nearest Public Pay Station. If there is anything about our rates and practices you do not fully understand, please call our Local Manager or Chief Operator and they will be glad to explain. LONG DISTANCE RATES From Medfcine Hat To Places connected with the Long Distance Lines of the Alberta Government Telephones and Connecting Systems in Alberta. NOTE:—^These Rates are Subject to Change without Notice. Stationto-Statlor TO Stationto-Station TO Stationto-Station TO Day Day Rate Day Rate $ c 1 Of 1 nr 1.95 Day Rate Duchess Duclos Dunstable 1.80 .45 1.95 $ c Hoadley. Holden Holmes Crossing 1 711 DuriingvMIe 1.80 Horburg Airdrie 1 n.«i Duvernay 1.65 Hughenden Alberta Beach. 1,8t 2.25 Eastburg 1.95 Huxley 1 nn Echohill 1.95 Hylo 1 80 Eckville Ed berg 1.50 1.35 Eden Valley Edgerton 1.05 1.15 1 Rfi Edmonton 1.65 1 RR Edmonton Beach. 1.80 lola I rma Edson Edwand 2.10 1.80 irricana Cadogan . 1 Rf Alexo .25 .. 1.80 .. 1 Alix .._ . . Calahoo Rf . 1.20 1 nn Calmar „ . - . _ 1.65 1 ni 7 fin Altario .85 .55 1 Canmore_ ,«o 1 fifi „ Arbutus 1.65 1,50 . Ardmnre Caroline Carolside _ _ .. -. Cereal Baintree _ _ Rfi Banff Cessford 1.65 Islay Jarrow 1.35 Empress Enchant .50 Endiang Jarvie Jenner Judson 2.10 .35 .55 .95 1.95 .90 60 ,50 .90 1.95 1 80 Chipman Battle Lake „. 1,65 Christianson .. . . . . . 1.65 2,10 1 80 1.65 Beaver Crossing Beaver Heights. , 1 80 90 Beiseker Bellis . 1.00 - Belvedere 1.80 1.95 . 1.35 . ._ Benaltn Bentley 1.35 Benton .. Beynon .. . ... ._. .55 1.80 80 1.65 1.05 .40 .40 85 .. 1.05 2.10 . Big Fish Lake ... Big Valley... Bindloss ... Birdsholm . Blacki* Blairmore Bloomsbury Blue Ridge 2.10 Boian ._ Bon Accord BonnieGlen Bonnyville „ . Bordenave _. Bottrel .. .. . 1.35 Bow Island _.. . .. . Breezelawn .. Breton .... Brooks _. Brosseau .. .. .. Condor . .... Confederation .. Consort .._ Dapp . .80 2.10 1.15 1.95 Fort Saskatchewan 1.65 Lac La Biche. Lacombe. Freedom 1.95 LacSte Anne 1.80 Freehold 1.Q5 Lafond. 1.65 Lake Isle Lake Side 1.95 1.65 Lament 1.65 1.65 .80 .40 1.80 1.50 2.10 . .85 .60 95 .85 . 1.20 _. 1.10 . 2.10 .95 . 2.10 1.95 2.10 r^elhiirne Del Bonita . ... ..1.15 85 1.50 1.65 1.65 . .45 _ 1.65 .. . 1.35 1.80 .35 Derwent Desjarlals .. .. _ Devllle Didsbury Oonalda Oonatville _ . Bruce Bruderheim Downing Buffalo 3rayton Valley... Buttalo Head Ranch.. 1.05 1 Drumheller 1.50 .35 1.15 2.10 2.10 . . 1.35 .75 Daysland 1.20 Foremost Forestburg Fort Assinlboine .10 .15 .10 Kevisville Keoma Kew Killam .60 .45 1.05 ... 1.35 _ 1.35 . 1.35 Kirriemuir™ Kitscoty Knob Hill .55 Dairoy Evarts Excel Exshaw 1.80 1.00 „ 1.35 — 1.35 _ .95 .._ 1.05 _ .40 2.10 1.80 .90 Cummlngs Kelsey Florann Foothills Coronado Coronation - 1.95 _ 1.65 Crossfield Evansburg Kippenville ... Cooking Lake . Countess Coutts .30 Kapasiwin Kathyrn Ferlntosh 1.20 1.15 .80 .10 Kananaskis ,70 Fallls Fawcett _ _ ._. 1.80 Bragg Creek Brant 1.15 __ 1:35 ._. 1.95 . 2.10 _ . .50 ,?5 Bowden Bowell 1.35 Kinsella 1.20 .._ - •_ . -. Comrie Cowley_ . Boyle .. . Columbine ... . Compeer. . . . Cralgmyle Bow Fort Box Springs ... . 1.35 Erixon Erskine Kingman 1.35 70 Coalspur Coal Valley Cochrane Cold Lake „ 1.80 Bow City .. .. Bowmanton Clyde _ 1.95 1.80 1.65 1.80 .55 Clive. Cluny 1.65 1.65 1.80 1.80 1.10 Botha Clarlnda Junkins Kahwin Kaleland .50 2.10 1.35 Bawff Beacon Hill _. .. Beauvallon _ Entwistle Erickson Coulee Etzlkom Battenburg _. 1.00 .15 1.50 2.10 .45 1 05 Cherhlll .55 _ „ _ Embarass 1.80 Esther Cheadle 1.50 1.50 -.'1.20 Iron Springs Irvine .35 1.20 1.10 7n 1 65 .. 1,35 _ Elk Point . 1.50 Bartlettville Bashaw _. „ — Egremont 1 1R Cayley _. 1.05 70 __ 1.05 __ 2.10 EInora .60 2.10 .40 _. __ 2.10 ... 1.65 2.10 .70 1 Rn Atlee Iddesieigh Innisfail Innisfree _. 1.65 .... 1.50 1 fin fin 1 Rn ._ in Rfi 1 ?n Antross Hussar 1 nr - tO'Station $ c $ c 1 StationTO Rate Gadsby ..._ 1.05 Gainford .... 1.95 Galahad 1.10 .85 1.80 .... .60 Garden Plain Garred Gem Gibbons Gllchrist Gleichen Giendon Glenevis 1.95 Lawton Leaman Lea Park Leduc Leedale 1.35 1.80 .60 .90 1.50 1.95 1.95 1.50 1.65 1.50 .95 40 Gorman 2.10 Graminia Grants Granum 1.55 1.95 30 Leslieville 1.60 Green Court 2.10 Lethbridge__ Lewiston .65 2.10 Grassy Lake Groton Gull Lake Gunn I35 Halfway Lake Halkirk Hamiin Hemaru^a 2.25 2.25 1,95 1.95 1.05 Little Gem Lloydminster Lomond .75 1.35 .60 Lonira Lonma Lougheed 2.10 t.65 1.20 Lovett 2.10 Loyalist Lucky Strike Lunnford Luscar Mackay .85 .45 1.95 2.25 2.10 1.15 - 1.95 - 1.50 1.95 -. 1.20 .75 1.50 High River, .90 Macleod Hilda .30 Magnolia Z. .40 1.80 1.00 Leyland Lines .go Hardisty Leo 1.05 1.80 Lisburn 1.80 Hanna Lees Legal Legend LeGoff Jet 1.35 1.80 .45 .... Hespero 9 Lavoy ™ 2.10 Glenwood Heisler 1.80 1.80 .85 Langdon -. 1.65 Goddard Heaton Moor 2.10 .35 75 1.80 Hay Creek Hay Lakes .1. 1.65 ... 1.15 1.20 1.80 Landonvitle Lanfine _.. 1.50 .80 1.95 StationTO Stationto-Station TO to-Station Day Rate Magrath Mallaig > Olds Olson Coulee Manola Manville ... Onoway Opal Manyberria*' Orion Markervilk Orvilton . t c 1.20 % c Rosalind 1.80 Rn«pbiiri Masinasin Oxville 1.20 Maunsel] Oyen 1.50 Mayerthorpe McKellar Meanook _ Mecheche 2.10 Meeting Creek RnpekA .85 Owlseye _ Marwayne Rossington Rowley . 60 Pakan Park View Rtimspv Rush Lake 1 Partridge Pashley St. Albert Pearsonville Mercoal . Milllcent Milo Minburn .45 .65 1.50 Philips Mirror 1.20 .70 Monitor .85 Morecambe Morinville „ Morningslde _ 1.65 _ 1.80 Morrin... 1.35 .90 Mosside 1.95 Mountain Park —_ 2.10 Moyerton 1.35 Mulhurst Mundare 1.65 1.65 Munson : Musidora Naco._ Nanton NaughtonGlen .85 1.65 .70 .85 1.50 Neerlandia 2.10 Nelspur 1,65 Nenniscam Nestow. New Brigden — Newbrook . .30 1.95 .70 1.95 .55 New Dayton New Norway New Sarepta 1.35 Niton 2.10 Nobleford 1.50 .65 Norbuck 1.65 Nordegg 1.80 1.80 Northbank North Cooking Lake 1.65 Northern Valley 1.65 Northleigh -. 1.80 North Mosside Nugent O'Connor. Okotoks _ _ 2.10 1.50 .20 .95 Penhold Perryvale 1 2 1 Pickardville 1 Pigeon Lake 1 Sunnyslope 1.05 .60 Swalwell 1.00 .. .95 - 1.00 Sarrail Saunders .. 2.10 .. 1.65 Scandia .. .40 .85 Scapa Schuler... Pincher Creek .25 „ 1.00 .70 .. .70 Scollard Scotfield _. .. . Seaforth Pine Creek ... Police Coulee Pollockvllle Ponoka Priddis .20 .. 1.95 .. St. Vincent Pekisko Pemukan Pendantd'0rei1le_ . Sangudo St. Paul 1.05 1.50 1.80 Saddle Lake Sammnns St. Lin a Millarville Millet Sunnyside .. 1.80 i. 1.80 .. .50 .. 1.80 1.65 1.80 1.65 -. .50 St. Kilda Peat Peers Monarch .. . St. Joseph Seba 1 1 ... Sedgewick .. Radway _ 1.80 Shandro Rainier _ .45 Sheep Creek „ Ranchville _ .25 Sheerness Ranfurly .. 1.50 Shoal Creek .. ... 2,10 Raven .. 1.35 Sibbald Seven Persons Ray Raymond Redcliff Red Deer.. Redland Red Raven Redwater Red Willow Retlaw Richards Richardson Richdale Rife R i m bey Riverbow Ferry Roberge ... 1.65 Rochester Rochfort ... 1.95 ... 2.10 Rockyford .85 ... ... 1.65 . .50 Stanmore ..._.. ... 1.95 1.80 .75 _. .90 . 1.05 .80 ... 1.95 .70 Stavely ... _ Standard Stanger Stereo Stettler 1.05 Stony Plain ... Strathmore „. Strome ..- 1.20 . Styal Rocky Rapids Suffield -. 1.80 .35 Tofield Tomahawk 1.50 Tring 1.30 Trochu 1.05 1.05 1.65 1.80 Turner Valley Two Hills Vale ... .15 Valleyfield Vanesti Vanvleet ... 2.10 Stirling Rocky Mtn. House...... 1.50 1.95 1.00 Tilley .85 .... 1.15 . .45 . .55 1.80 Steveville ... .45 Thorhild Three Hills™™. .40 -. 1.80 Soda Lake Southesk Southworth ... Stampede _ .. 1.50 .75 Rinard Rio Alto ,.. Smoky Lake ... Spedden Spring Coulee Spring Point. .. 1.15 _. 2.10 _. 1.65 .75 ... 1.80 1.65 .25 1.80 ... 1.95 Skiff .45 Ribstone Telfordville 1.65 ."?inn . 1.80 _. 1.15 Tees Thelma Therien .60 Silver Bay - 1.80 .. .60 _ .10 . 1.35 . .85 . 1.35 .-. .45 _.. 1.65 1.35 Tawatinaw. „ .^«Vmoiir 1.35 Taber .70 1.20 .15 ... 1.95 ™ 1.80 1.05 .70 .90 .60 Sylvan Lake 1.80 -. Princeton Provost S c Sullivan Lake Sunnynook _ .15 .. 1.50 Ryley Day Rate . 1.35 . .85 _ .50 .. 2.10 .. 1.95 Rosevear to-Station TO _ 2.10 Roseglen Rose Lynn RnspmarY Patricia Mellowdale to-Station Day Rate 1.80 .30 1,65 1.80 Statlon- Station- TO Day Rate .85 1.95 .2( .80 ; Vegreville Venice Vermilion Veteran Victoria Viking _ 1.35 _ _. ™ ... 1.50 1.50 2.10 1.50 _. .85 — 1.80 ... 1.35 1.80 1.95 Vilna Vimy Vulcan Wabamun _ „ Wahstao .... 1.80 .75 1.80 Wainwright _. 1.20 .10 Walker Walsh _ .. _ _ Waitress Wardlow Warner Warspite Wasel Waskatenau Waterton Park .20 .50 .45 .55 _ 1.80 .. 1.80 1.80 1.00 Wayne Westerose Westlock .80 • 1.50 1.95 Wetaskiwin _______ 1.50 White Court Whitla 2.25 .15 Willingdon 1.65 Winfield Winnifred 1.65 .20 Wisdom Wolf Creek Wrentham Wycliffe Veoford Voungstown In addition to the points on pages 9 and 10 Long Distance Connection may be had also with the following places in Alberta and British Columbia, rates for which can be obtained by calling "Long Distance":— ALBERTA POINTS Acadia Valley Battle Bend Bontea Acheson Aetna Battle Ridge Bow Valley Battleview Beaumont Bowvllle Carthew Casavant Cassils Bradshaw Chailey Bremner Bretona Chesterwold Beaver Mines Brightview Chin Clandonald Clearview Agrlcola Albay Albion Ridge Aldersyde Beaver Hills Beaver Lake Chigwell Currey Dahmer Dalemead Dauntless Davisburg Deering Delacour Alice Lake Beazer Angus Ridge Beddington Britain Brocket Anzac Ardenode Ardenville Bellevue Brooksley Bellshill Brownfield Clover Bar De Winton Belmont Bennett Clymont Coal City Diamond City Ardiey Brownlow's L'ndg Coaldale Coalhurst Coleman Colinton Commerce Diligence Armena Arrowwood Asker Avalon Avion Balmoral Bankhead Bardo Barnwell Baronet Bathgate Battle Beverly Bircham Bismark Bissell Bittern Lake Black Diamond Blackfalds Blackfoot Blakesvilte Blondheim Blood Reserve Bluffton Buford Burmis Burnt Lake Caldbeck Calder Caldwell Calling Lake Close Conjuring Creek Delph Demay Dewberry Dickson DIna Dinant Dinton Dobson Dodds Campbell Lake Content Dog Pound Cappon Copeville Doondale Carbondale Cornucopia Dorenlee Cardiff Carnforth Carseland Cousins Dry Fork Cralgmillar Duagh Duffield 10 Crowfoot ALBERTA POINTS—Continued Ouhame) Halley Lone Butte Passburg Dunmore Hallman Harmattan Long Long Coulee Longview Patience Paxson Streamstown Pearce Sulphur Springe Lousana Eagle Hill Strangmuir Sugar Bowl Hastings Coulee Hawkeye Haynes Lundbreck Peno Pibroch Eastervale Hayter Lusignan Picture Butte Summerland Summerview Sundre Eastway Hazelmere Luzan Pincher Station Sunnydale Majorville Makepeace Pine Lake Pirmez Creek Pleasant View . Talbot Poplar Ridge Taylorville Earlie Earling Earlville Superior Edison Hearnleigh Edwell Heath Elk Island Heath Creek Elk Island Park Eikton Heather Brae Herronton Maple Leaf Poplar Site Terrace Lake Elkwater Ellerslie Hetherington Highfield Martins Pretty Hill The Hub Maughan Puffer Thorsby Maunders PurpleSprings Throne Maybutt Mayton Mazeppa Quarrel Queenstown Rabbit Hill Emery Ensign Hillcrest Hill End Ensleigh Hilllard Everett Ewelme Excelsior Hillspring Hobbema Horse Hills Malmo Manfred Sweet Grass, Mont. Tindastoll Tolland Tommy LaPotae Tongue Creek McEwen Raley McLaughlin McNally Red Lodge Travers Reid Hill Reist Tudor Turin Fabyan Horseshoe Coulee Fairacres Fairbank Horseshoe Falls Horseshoe Lake Meadow Lake Menaik Rexboro Twelve Mile Coulee Fairfield Hubalta Merna Rich Valley Twin Butte Fairydell Hughes Mewassin Riddellvale Twin Lakes Faith Hunterville Hutton Miller Milnerton Rising Sun Twining Falun Riviere Qui Barre Ulster Federal Indus Minott Fedorah Industrial School Morley Rockeiing Bay Rocky View Viewpoint Vauxhall Fenn Inga Mossleigh Ferry bank Ferry Point Ingleton Inglis Mound Rolling Green Viileneuve Viileroe Mountain View Rosedale Volmer Wanda Rodino Fishburn Irwinville Mt. Lookout Rosen heim Fleet Jeffrey Forest Lawn Joffre Murray Valley Myrnam Rosyth Warwick Four Nine Frank Waterglen Watts Frankburg Gahern Ghost Pine Gilby Gillen Gilpin Gladys Glenbow Glenford Josephburg Nakamun Jumping Pound Namaka Rusylvia Kanata Kenex Kessler Kilbourn Kim ball Namayo Nea polls Salisbury Waybrook Saltaux Wealthy KIpp Kirkcaldy Knee Hill Valley Krakow La Calmette Glenview Lake DeMay Golden Spike Good Hope Gopher Head Graindale Gralnger Grand Valley Warden Round Hill Gleniffer Good Luck Rosenroll Nei^hborview Sampsonton Welling Nevis Sarcee New Lindsay Sather Scotstoun Seebe Sharrow Wellsdale Wellsville New Lunnon New Oxiey New Spruce Grove Nightingale Shepard Nisbet Shouldice Sidcup Lake Minnewanka Nisku Norma Lakeview Lamoureux Norton Silver Noyes Crossing Simons Valley Ogden Social Larsen Lathom Lavesta Siebertville Obaton Old Brant Old Spruce Grove Lawndale Leavitt Lake Plains Sprlngbank Springdale Spring Lake Springvale Weno Westcott Westward Ho White Sand Beach White Star Mine Whitewood Lake Whitford Wildmere Willowdale Willowtea Wllmot Wilson Wilton Park WImborne Leeshore Olin Creek Oliver Spruce Grove Winterburn Leighton O'Mara Stand Off Woodhouse Lewisvllle Star Gros Ventre Liberty Orton Otoskiwan Ouelletteville Staplehurst Qrosmont Qwynne Lineham Owens Wood River Woolfo rd Wostok Yorkville Hackett Livingston Loch Sloy Paradise Valley Grant Lake Green Glade Greenshlelds Griesbach Leopoldville Steriingville St. Michael Stocks Parkland Stoppington Partridge Hyi Strand Zawale Zetland Hairy Hill Halladay Lockhart Baker EIko Jaffray Michel Baynes Lake Fernie Fort Steele Jewell Lumber Co. Morrissey Waldo Moyie Wardner Natal WycMffo Vahk BRITISH COLUMBIA POINtS Bull River Coal Creek Cranbrook Hanbury KImberley Kingsgate Hosmer Lumberton St. Eugene Mission Creston Irishman Creek Marysville St. Mary's Prairie Twin Lakes If you do not need to speak to any Particular Person Tell the Long Distance Operator so. Station-to-Station Service is Quicker and Cheaper! See Rules and Regulations on Pages 7 and 8 Long Distance Service to All Points IN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES Established October, 1925 (See PAGE 13) 11 12 D To keep in touch with Home when you are out of Town Use Long Distance It is inexpensive and far more satisfactory than writing See Introductory Pages of This Book for Rates Etc. Alberta Government Telephones ''The Silent Partner" AS TO COSTPrice is a measure of time and money. call over tremendous distance is apparent. The time saving of a telephone A business transaction involving thousands of dollars may be com pleted in a few minutes at a cost so low as to be insignificant when compared with results or the ordinary delays of correspondence. TIME IS MONEY, AND, ABOVE ALL ELSE THE LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SAVES TIME Here are some rates from station to station. from Medicine Hat. The rates quoted are If your point is not quoted ask the operator: Day Rates, 4.30 a.m. to 7:00 p. m. Evening Rates, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Night Rates, 8:30 p.m. to 4:30 a.m. Originating Time (mountain) Governs Alberta Calls. Day $6.25 Night 3.10 1.50 1.50 .85 CHICAGO 4.50 2.50 DENVER 3.00 1.65 GREAT FALLS, MONT. 1.10 .60 ATLANTA, GA BRANDON, MAN BUTTE PORTLAND, Ore .... .. $3.50 KANSAS CITY 4.00 LOS ANGELES 4.25 2.25 2.50 ' Day $2.55 REGINA 1.65 SAN FRANCISCO ... .. SALT LAKE CITY ... .. 3.75 Night $1.40 • .45 2.00 1.40 2.55 • .40 SASKATOON .. SEATTLE .. SHELBY, MONT..... SPOKANE .. TORONTO .. VANCOUVER 5.75 3.25 3.00 1.50 1.50 2.35 1.30 .80 .40 1.60 .90 MINNEAPOLIS 3.50 1.90 MONTREAL^ 6.50 3.75 NEW YORK 7.00 4.00 VICTORIA, B.C 3.60 1.75 OTTAWA 6.25 3.50 WINNIPEG 3.35 1.65 Evening rates (7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.) are somewhat lower than day rates. For exact rates, enquire at your central office. • On Station-to-Station calls to points in Saskatchewan, evening rates (7 p. m. to midnight) are one-half of day rates. Night rates (midnight to 4.30 a.m.) are one-quarter of day rates. " The Silent Partner" ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 13 "M a Tact!" CTi^Extmsion'M^lione is a Chceat Hme Saver It saves time in the Home, the Office, the Factory, the Store—in fact everywhere. The cost is negligibleFive Cents a day for a Business Extension; Two and a Half Cents a day for a Residence Extension. ASK THE CLERK AT THE COUNTER cALberta Government n^Lephones THE S1I.ENT PAIV.TKEPs_^ 1 MEDICINE HAT Exchange and Office, Fifth Street East Continuous Service For Information Regarding New Subscribers, Change of Telephone num bers, Long Distance Charges, NewToll Offices, etc Call 92 For Trouble *' 93 " 91 " 0 " 3417 — " 3490 - For Rural Subscribers l— 1* —'• For Long Distance / For Chief Operator - For Local General Office Report Telephones Out of Order and Unsatisfactory Local Service to '* 93 ** 3417 « Report Unsatisfactory Long Distance Service to Chief Operator To City Subscribers:—For Connection with Rural Subscribers call 91, and when operator answers give the Number of Rural Subscriber desired, distinctly, as R 3-1-4. , See page 32 for List of Rural Subscribers. FOR FIRE ONLY CALL TELEPHONE 3535V \ Public Pay Stations No. 7—Assiniboia Hotel Third Street S.E. No. 3—Canadian Pacific Railway Depot No. 4—Cecil Hotel No. 5—Corona Hotel No. 6—Cosmopolitan Hotel Seventh Avenue S.E. Fourth Street S.E. - Fifth Street ^S.E. South Railway Street I "No. 8—Boylan's Corner Sixth Avenue & Third Street S.E. 15 Hi/.. CRYSTAL DAIRY LIMITED PHONE 2777 Wholesale and Retail Dealers in PASTEURIZED MILK CREAM, ICE CREAM ALPINE DESSERT, FANCY ICES, BUTTER, BUTTERMILK CLEANLINESS QUALITY SERVICE CRYSTAL DAIRY LTD. W. J. DERBY, Manager 233 FIFTH STREET MEDICINE HAT 16 I 1 7 •:'T,...Tc:ZZ 9 acres devoted under to Medicine Hat Greenhouses Ltd. Successors to ROSERY glass growing ^ Phone 2431 House Plants House Plants MEDICINE HAT ^ Cut Flowers and . Floral Designs FLOWER CO. Nights and Sundays 2330 Bedding Plants Hot-House Vegetables EVER-READY TRANSFER E. Shipping - WARHAM Crating FAST - TRUCK Furniture Moving SERVICE Phone Phone 968 BRAEMAR STREET Hat EXCHANGE Subscribers (For Rural Subscribers see Page 36) Your Ad. Here 3218 ABERDEEN DRUG STORE B F Souch Phm B 399 Aberdeen St Would 2717 ABERDEEN GROCERY J A King Frop 395 Aberdeen St 361 6 Produce Results Adams F J res 352 2nd St NW 3652 Adkins 6 Grocery Store 539a 7th Ave ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 92 Information regarding new subscribers and change of telephone numbers 93 Telephones out of order Rural Operator 9 I 2047 Adkins T F res 326 Belfast St 3119 Adkins Wm A res 445 4th St 2220 ADOLPH'S AUTO SALES &, SERVICE 731 3rd St 22 I 6 Aitken J B res 26 8tli St SE 2104 ALBERTA CARTAGE & TAXI CO M F Homer Prop 740 2nd St SB 2163 M F Homer res 362 7th St 2578 ALBERTA 2302 2283 CLAY ALBERTA FOUNDRY MACHINE CO LTD See Canadian Farm Implement Co Ltd 2202 Long Distance Operator Chief Operator Local General Office 5th St SE Manager's Office PRODUCTS 2206 ALBERTA LINSEED OIL COMPANY LIMITED THE 9th Aye SB 3348 W A Church Manager's res CO LTD Cor Clay and 6th St Factory Office H C Yuill Mgr res 442 1st St SE PHONE 0 3417 3490 3492 YOUR FAMILY 2470 Geo E White Secy res 2648 Alberta Provincial Police General Office Court House 2658 2405 Sergt H Allen Alexander J A res 254 Belfast St DRUGGIST Boylan's Drug Store THE CORNER DRUG STORE. Third Street & Sixth Avenue DRUGS, STATIONERY KODAKS Prescriptions carefully compounded Medicine Hat 18 INFORMATION TROUBLE RURAL For Information Regarding New Subscribers, CtHUigetofTolephone Numbers, Long Distance To Report Telephone Out of Order and Un- For List of Rural Subscribers, see pages flataa New Toll Offices, etc. satl^etory Local Service Ca1-U 93 C a l u 91 to Chief Operator Call. 3417 3676 Atkinson T res 308 Aberdeen St 3895 Attrill F res 872a "dth St USE THE 2325 Austin S R res 540-C Maple Ave 2430 CLASSIFIED Avcrv W A res 50 2n(l St 2042 Avery W J res 488 11th St SE BUSINESS (Pink Section) foliowlng List of Eichange Subscrfbera. Report Unsatisfactory Long Distance Service Cai.1. 92 B DIRECTORY 3265 Bagshaw Wm res 311 7th St 2508 3623 3055 3105 2173 2079 2671 Alexander Mrs Jas res 506 10th St Allan Robert res 424 2nd Ave Allan T G res 244 9th St S Allen E G res 318 Belfast St Allen .Mrs G res 613 1st St Allen H res 443 Dundee St 3412 Allen J L res 808b 4th St SE 3032 Allen Kenneth res 140 6th St SE 2748 Allen M H res 539b Princess Ave 2738 Allen Mrs T L res 547b Princess Ave 3954 ALTIN JOHN Italian Groceries 519a North Railway St 2683 Alward A D res 247 2nd St 2114 American Hotel Chow Lun Prop S RIy St 2424 American Hotel Taxi 210 S Railway St 3833 Amos E res 127 12th St 2643 Anderson A E res 406 Prospect Drive 263 I Anderson A V res 162 7th St SE 2481 ANDERSON AGENCY LTD Iluckvale Bik 668 3rd St 3434 Chas Anderson Mgr res 335 1st St SE 2946 ANDERSON HAT SHOP THE Mrs E Anderson Prop Imperial Bldg 3939 Mrs Anderson res 1 Montgomerie Apts 2057 Anderson L E res 476 10th St 2297 ANDERSON SERVICE STA TION Willard Dealer 422 S Railway St 3155 ANGUS TOM Grocery Flat Iron Bldg Bain Jas res 538b 6th Ave 2688 Baird George res 17 Diana Court 3836 Baker Mrs Amy res 541 7th St 2260 Baker Geo res 9-7 St SW 3698 Baker Herbert res 520-B 6th Ave 2941 Baker W R res 129 8th St SE 2708 Baldwin W H res 230 5th St to?!}bank of MONTREAL 616 2St 2335 Manager's res 5 2nd St SW 3594 Bannan'J H res 843 5th St 380! Bannan William T res 543 Cambridge St 2779 bannan & PARKER Heal Estate Rental & Insurance CPR & HB Co's Agents 342 6th Ave 2167 Barnes J res 1033 Bracmar St 3122 Barrie Wm res 312 4th St SE 3397 Barton G res 610 Parkview Drive 378 I Basham W res 527 7th St 3747 Bassett Mrs A J res 816a 4th St SE 3349 Bassett Mrs E A res 114a 3rd St N 3578 Batcman H H res 128 1st St NE 2007 BAXTER BATTERY SERVICE 314 S Railway St 33 19 Baync David res 341 Belfast St 3929 Bean Mrs A res 255 Aberdeen St 2482 Beaton John R res 60 9th St N 2978 Bcauregard H res 315 Belfast St 3261 Bcauregard 0 res 937 5th St SE 235nBEAVER (ALBERTA) LUMBER 2366 Ansley Eric C res 437 6th St 26511 LTD cor 6th St & S Railway 3309 Arcadia Confectionery The 2nd St 3241 3622 3368 Armouries 3rd St 25 10 2309 3940 2335 Armstrong W 11 res 415 1st Ave-A NW Armstrong Walter G res 33 4th St SE Armstrong Wm res 555 .Aberdeen St Arundel W R Mgr Bank of Montreal res 5 2nd St SW 3488 Ashburner E res 244 4th St NW 3683 Ashley W S res 121 4th St SE 3478 Assiniboia Beer Parlour 3rd St 2056 Assiniboia Hotel '3rd St SE 2642 ASSINIBOIA MUSIC CO LTD 615 2nd St E W Stacey Gen Mgr res 820 5th Ave SB A Rollo Yard Mgr res 252 8th St 2086 Becker R C res 210 1st St SE 3735 Bedford D G Painter & Paperhanger 412 5th St 3688 Beeton 0 res 144 2nd Ave 2645 Begg David res 922 Elm St 2105 Begg McLarty & Evans Barrs Becker Blk 229 I Begg W A res 14 2nd St SE 2372 2596 388 I 3743 Bell Bell Bell Bell A W res 390 Aberdeen St B res 412 Belfast St Chas E res 535b Princess Ave J res 235 3rd St 22 I 3 ' H T W Forster Mgr res 443 Aberdeen St 2728 BELL J A AGENCY THE 3251 Atha Mrs S A res 382 13tb St 3565 Atkins A res 20 View Court 3146 Atkinson G res 442 12th St 2690 Insurance & Financial Brokers 643 2 St SB Bell J A res 130 2nd St SW 2290 Bell J T res 359 4th St SE FOR LONG DISTANCE CALL O For informatioB regarding Long Distance Rates, New Toll Offices, etc., Call 92 Report ousatisfactor^ Long Distance Service to Chief Operator. Phone 341 7 Medicine Hat 19 The Winnipeg Hide & Fur Company SHEEP PELTS, WOOL, HIDES AND HORSEHAIR PROMPT REMITTANCES OHice Phone Res. Phone 3131 318 South Railway Street 2911 3086 Bell Mrs Morlcy res 121 1st St 3380 Bell Tlios res 820 1st Ave Your Ad. Here 3705 Bellamy Jack A K res 53 2nd St SW 2515 2189 Bennett W B res 851-A 4th St SE Benson John res 554 Aberdeen St 2785 Bcny Charles Jr res 169 Sth St 2009 BENY & SON 410 South Hallway St Buick Pontiac' Sales & Service 3110 Berget Mrs E res 1022 Braemar St Would Produce Results 2736 Bergman J T res 7 Diana Court 2239 Best Miss L res 512 Aberdeen St 2226 BEVERIDGE J 0 LTD Furniture 620 2nd St-SE 3931 Beveridge J G res 340 2nd St SW 23(6 Biggs George A res 610 Spencer St 2524 BIG HORN BREWING CO LTD —See Distributors Ltd 2134 Birnie L Y res 348 Aberdeen St 2014 Bishop M C res 845 1st St 2588 Black R C res 275 3rd St SE . 3619 Blackburn Rev M S res 258 1st St 2404 BLACKSTOCK G M Barrister 560 2nd St SE 3808 2175 2490 3376 Blackstock G M res 37 9th St Blackstock Miss M 0 res 53 Aberdeen St Blair Mrs L R res 1123 Balmoral St Blakey Miss E res 228 3rd St 3551 Blossom Mrs W E res 102 4th St Romford E S res 813a 4th St SE Bond A C res 488 10th St SE Bond Mrs F L res 30 St N Booth Mrs J res 541 Dundee St Borkett Mrs H res 739 4th St Better's News & Fruit Store Becker BIk 2607 3640 3737 3935 2266 2044 3540 Bottomly E J res 148 6tli St 259 I Bowker P C res 144 8th St NE 3937 Bowman Mat res 517 F Allowance Aye 2704 3338 2304 2090 2716 2402 Boychuck Harry res 878 5th St Boyd Mrs Annie res 322 3rd St Boyd Dr 0 Office Burns BIk Boyd Pr 0 res 311 2nd St SE Boyd R S res 168 4th St SW BOYD &, REID Wholesale and Retail Tobacconists 222 South Railway St 3161 Boylan J F res 506 Aberdeen St 2202 BOYLAN'S DRUG STORE cor 6th Ave and 3rd St 3473 Bradley E F res 154 2nd St NW 2546 Bradley R N res 461 Belfast St 3760 Brandon J J res 538 Bank St 3294 Bray Mrs W E res 619 8th St 2280 Breakell Claude H res 12a Diana Court 3201 Breakell R res 878a 4th St 2598 Brchm Mrs H res 5I7d 5th Ave 3601 Brier H res 519 5th St 3314 Brinkhurst Mrs G res 827a 4th St 2136 Bristow H R res 871a 3rd St 3112 British American Oil Co Ltd Industrial Site 2793 Brodic P res 12a View Court 2169 Bromley R E res 503 12tli St 3389 Brotherton George res 178 8th St NE 2993 Brough R B res 379 5th St 2070 Brown Mrs George-res 306 3rd St 3563 Brown M res 938 Balmoral St 340 I Brown Wm res 11 8th St 3673 Browne Bert res 320 12th St 32(3 Browning E F res 437 10th St 3587 Bruce Major J res 531 5th St SE 2248 3029 3534 3383 3398 Bruce J J res 430 11th St Buchanan W H res 222 5tli Ave Bucchlcr B res 956 Queen St Bullen Mrs R res 421 6th St SE Bullen Sid Service Station N Railway St 2480 BULLIVANT ISAAC Shoe Store 2539 3909 3907 2229 334 I 216 South Railway Street Bullivant Isaac res Prospect Drive Burbidge H res 811 7th St Burford F G res 62 3rd St NE Burns A P Planing Mills 1st St SE A P Burns res 538 1st St 3739 2365 2995 2288 2696 Burns T A res 12 Diana Court Burrows Goo res 443 10th St Burrows Wm res 500 2nd Ave NE Burton Wm A res 267 2nd St Butler E S Ladies' Ready-to-Wear 6th Ave 3795 Butler E S res 124 4th St SW 3982 Byers Hamilton res 25 2nd St SE Use Long Distance Adolph's Auto Sales and Service DURANT CARS AND RUGBY TRUCKS 731 3rd Street, MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. Phone 2220 Phone 2220 c Medicine Hat 20 Adolph s Auto Sales and Service DURANT CAr¥^ANd'RUGBY TRUCKS Phone 2220 73i 3rd Street, MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. 2301 WHEN 2733 TELEPHONING ADVERTISER PHone 2220 CANADIAN PACIFIC EX PRESS CO Office CPR Station Agent's res Bank of Commerce Rooms CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL WAY 2406^ 37061 Information re Passenger Trains PLEASE MENTION THE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY GENERAL OFFICE— 2426 Superintendent J M MacArthur Chief Clerk J M Gilmour 2442 Assistant Chief Clerk T A Montgomery Asst Supt W J McLean Division Master Mechanic D M Smith 2528 3330 2587 CPR MEN'S STORE Gents' Fur nishings & Clothing 415 7th Ave SE B & B Master J B McTaggart 2656 Calder nol)t res 478 8th St 2410 Calder Thomas res 821 11th St 3153 CALDWELL G A Decorator Car & Sign Painter 426 4th St Accountant H "W Harman Timekeeper's Office CMcchanical) 2127) Yard Office 321 I f 2427) Locomotive Foreman (Shops) 2975 Caldwell G A res 436 4th St SE 2767 3361 Calgary Aliiertan L G Cutts Bch iMgr 1 Con- 3774J 2524 naught Apts CALGARY BREWING &. MALT 2979 2959 ING CO LTD—see Distributors Ltd Calgary Herald 368 2nd St California Fruit Store & Confectionery 657 2776 2nd St Calll.eck A A re.s 26 4th St Cameron Reg res 411 4th St 2440 CAMPBELL DUNCAN Plumbing k Heating 415 7th St Cam]il)ell Diinean res 421 4th St 2428 2968 3406 3514 T Robinson res 422 2nd St J D Fairlcss res 329 9th St 3706 Ticket Office Rail k Steamship E Schmid Ticket Agent Baggage Room 2381 2106 Freight Agent F II Sproule Freight Office General Information 2429 Rates etc Shed Foreman 3852 2387 CANADIAN BANK OF COM- . MERCE THE 2nd St SE 3175 Manager's Office C II Niles 2553 CANADIAN FARM IMPLE MENT CO LTD Foundry k Machine Shop Foundry St 2111 Canadian Greenhouses The Geo A Rabh Prop PASSENGER DEPARTMENT— _ for Telegraph k Cable Office 2nd St SE Manager's Office C D Hatch Canhani Wm R res 1052 Balmoral St Cann Rev A Willis res 45 8th St 3532 3635 Cannings Geo res 1059 E Braemar 2208 Carbert J A res 227 1st St SE 2232 3928 Card J 8 Barrister Royal Bank Bldg 2909 3989 Carle A B res 819 3rd St Carle's Taxi 674 2nd St Carpcnticr E res 278 2nd St SE 3464 Carr F S res 222 4th St 2769 3875 Carson Miss M A res 8 Connaught Apts Castle J res 1028 Braemar St 3533 Castle John res 119 9th St NE 3501 Castree H res 826 12th St 3934 Catherwood Mrs A E res 424 11th St Elm St & London Avc Canadian Legion Club 2nd St Secretary's Office 2178 Cawker E M Druggist 206 S Railway St 2(32 Cawker E M res 520 Cambridge St 2928 Cecil Hotel H S Joslln 4th St SE Directory Advertising Pays INFORMATION 2406 COMMERCIAL TELEGRAPH— 2026 3135 3924 Car Foreman 2254 CANADA LAND & IRRIGA TION CO LTD Huckvale BIk D W Hays res 36 1st St J W Mclane res 246 2nd St SW 2512 2058 FREIGHT DEPARTMENT— 3942 2561 Store Keeper's Office Division Engineer W L Codington 3454)CENTRAL g a r a g e Ford Service 3455j 701 1st St SE TROUBLE RURAL 93 91 .>...L .... 6 Medicine Hat 21 City Auto Wreckers Ltd. New and Used Parts for Ail Makes of Cars Phone M4143 3324 CENTRAL MEAT MARKET E J Hunt Prop 628 2nd St 2679 Central Park Bakery 339 Gth St SB Three Blocks North of Eaton's Now Store You Want Results From Your Advertising 3395 Chacaleas Nick res 527 3rd St 2327 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Cor S Railway and 2nd St 3664 Chapman R A res 22 View Court 371 2 CharltoE George S res 104 4th St 2672 Children's Shelter Riverside 3425 Choiniere J res 929 5th St 2571 Church Geo D res 13 7th St SW 2329 City Cafe 403 N Railway St CITY OF MEDICINE HAT 3030 Mayor's Office City Hall 2326 Treasurer's and Tax Office City Hall City Treas & Comptroller H J Noble 3947 City Probation Officer 2726 City Engineer Hugh 0 Ritchie City Hall City Clerk F Blackburn City Hall Purchasing Agent Wm Buttrey City Hall Electric Dept F E Rathwell 2380 Police Dept Capt J M Taylor Chief City Hall 3552 3535 2992 2665 2558 Capt J M Taylor res FIRE HALL (Fire Alarm only) City Hall Fire Hall (General Use only) City Hall Gas Dept Health Dept 2503 Electric Sub Station 29 I 2 City Relief Office Sec Miss M A Carson 453 3rd St 2672 3629 3920 Children's Shelter Riverside Isolation Hospital Powell Sub-division Hillside Cemetery (Call 91 and ask for Rural 202) Hugh McLaughlin Public Works Foreman A 1 jj A 3494 3838 rFin/^0QO We can show you the best way to get them 1 DIRECTORY ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Alberta Government Telephones 128 Seventh Avenue W. 2976 - CALGARY Cockburn Mrs S res 734 9th St Codington W L res 220 1st St SW 2745 CODVILLE COMPANY LIMITED THE Wholesale Grocers 2684 2744 3967 3545 Maple Ave & Queen St Shipping Office N M Waldo Manager res R H Hayward Credit Mgr res Collier George res 323 9th St 3266 2363 Collier J H res 345 5th St SE 3247 Collins B res 125 8th St SE 3268 3789 31 24 Collins W res 835a 2nd St Colter J C res 860 3rd St Colter W J E res 475 10th St Congdon B A res 350 7th St SE Congdon K res 9 View Court 3803 Connaught Golf Club Medicine Hat 3162 2040 2792 Connell T B res 230 3rd St NE 3670 Connolly A res 53 7th St 3536 Connor Nat res 47 2nd St NW 2378 COOK A B Jeweller &. Optician 645 2nd St SE A TTO 3866 Cook A B res 17 4th St SE F E Rathwell City Electrician res 356 7th 2557 Cook H P res 180 2nd St N St SE 2625 Cook Miss Irene res 72 4th St 2543 Cook iMrs Maude res 8 Montgomery W E Hatcher Fire Chief res 513 1st St T J Shepherd res 345 4th St ' 3413 Cook W B res 33 Aberdeen St 2087 2015 City Poundkecper J G Cairncy 1134 Ross St 2948 COOK'S 2542 CITY TAXI E Bresnicoff 921 Queen St Cambridge 2781 Clark =Miss Agnes res 237 Aberdeen St 3636 Cooney Mrs 3337 Clark Allen res SW V4 Sec 29 Tp 12 Rge 5 2548 Cooper Miss 3742 Clark James res 743 1st St SE 2395 Cooper Earl 3506 Clarke Joe B res 418 Dundee St 3959 Clarke William res 21 Connaught Apts , 2723 Clash George A res 36 8th St K 3986 3320 3 149 3756 Res. Phone W2567 420 Fourth Avenue West, Calgary, Alta. Clay E res 67 8th St NE Clay R A res 521 Dundee St Clay W S res 8 View Court CLOW A B Barrister & Solicitor Dominion Bank Bldg 2340 Clow A B res 506d 6th Ave SE 2551 3363 2085 3448 3583 Apts GARAGE w B Cook St 0 res 63 4th St Beatrice res 9 1st St NE E res 233 1st St SE Cooper George res 277 5th St Cooper Miss Ivy D res 337 4th St Cooper J M res 754 5th St SE Cope E L Plumber & Tinsmith 546 2nd St Cope E L res 410 Dundee St 3334 Corbitt V L res 161 5th St SE 3154 CORONA HOTEL George Cantalini Prop 5th St 2727 CORONA TAXI Corona Hotel The Best Advertising Medium is the Telephone Directory Medicine Hat 22 Adolph's Auto Sales and Service DURANT CARS AND RUGBY TRUCKS Phone 2220 73i 3rd Street, MEDICINE Hat, alta. PHone 2220 Directory Advertising Pays 3223 3825 3375 3050 3608 D'AigIc L C res 234 6th St Dailey P J res 19 8th St NE Daniel J C res 263 6th St Daniel T TV res 427 3rd St STV Darley D B res 363 Cambridge St 3192 Dartt F res 314 Ash Ave 3649 Dandson E F res 843 3rd St 2670 Cory M A res 239 1st St SW 3890 Davidson R B res 56 Division Ave 2791 Cory T A res 361 1st St SE 2234 CoseDS H P res 334 11th St SE 3431 DAVIDSON & GOW Barristers k 2925 COSENS PHARMACY LTD 628 3rd St Cosman W T G res 501c 6th Ave SE Davies J E res 173 2nd St SW 2194 2927 3463 2052 Cosmopolitan Hotel The T Bassett Prop Sooth 2740 2649 Railway St Cotton Mrs N res 444 2nd St Coursey H TV res 430 7th St Solicitors 9-10 Hull BIk 2560 2024 Court House—(See Provincial Government) 3184 Court Bros Confectioners 634 2nd St 2186 J E Court res 50 4th St SE 3347 Cousins-Elliott Ltd Bonds & Insurance 217 6th Ave 3873 2955 Cousins TVm res 271 1st St SE Cove H J res 931 Balmoral St . Cowan J W res 704 6th St Cowbum A res 28 View Court Cox H TV D res 453 7th St SE 2103 Cox Rev J F res 248 2nd St 2449 29 10 Coyte F res 214 5th St Crane's Furniture Repair 776 2nd St 2536 Cranmer TV A res 1118 7th Ave 3371 Crawford R res 358 Cambridge St 2084 3951 3198 2777 2050 3672 2652 3480 2469 3018 3310 2567 3361 Davis H Norman res 346 3rd St SE Davis H 0 res 245 8th St 3537 3222 DeCoursey Miss Hazel res 963 Braemar St Dederer's Grocery k Meat Mkt 642 7th Ave Derby TV J res Prospect Drive Desharnais H E res 561b Maple Ave 3014 Dcsharnais Hector res 315 5th St 2465 Devlin TV J res 57 4th St SE 3572 Dick A W Govt Boiler Inspector Court House Bldg 2905 Dick A TV res 522c 6th Ave 3904 Dickinson D L res 812 5th St SE. 2755 Dickson Mrs J res 42 4th St DISTRIBUTORS LTD Crisall Mrs J TV res 549 Belfast St 2524 Crittenden Mrs J res 540 6th Ave Croekford Geo H res 429 4th St 3062 Dixon Dr Howard C Phys k Surg 234 lat S Railway St Crockford M J res 929 Dominion St Crysler A H res 433 7th St SE St SE CRYSTAL DAIRY LTD TV J Derby Mgr 233 5th St 3082 3042 Dixon John res 321 4th St Dixon TV J res 1150 Yuill St 2483 DIXON'S RADIO SERVICE 664 2nd St R T Cunliffe Acct res 376 12th St Ray Towle Engineer res 2971 Doane Harold res 457 Ave NW Cunnington J res 54 3rd St STV 3663 Dominion Bank The TV S Ashley Mgr 3rd St Carrie J Agt Sun Life Assurance Co Porter k 6th Ave Elk 643 2nd St SE 3882 DOMINION TIRE REPAIR Currie J res 424 Dundee St J H Slemko 324 6th Ave SE Currie T A res 1045 9th Ave Currie TV M res 270 9th St SE 2759 Donaldson Mrs J res 744 4th St SE Customs Canada Collector of Customs 3775 Douglas J res 170 7th St Cutts L 0 Calgary Alhertan Bch Mgr 1 naught Apts 2525 Cuyler A res 472 11th St 2179 Davis Ernest res 457 3rd St 2916 Dawkins TV S res 355 7th St SE 3574 Dawson Wm res 445 2nd St 3674 Deans G res 6 Dunmore Rd 2488 3025 Crawford TV res 9 1st St STV 3263 Creer Mrs TV A res 222 Belfast St 2634 Davies TV A res 69 4th St SW Davis E res 37 1st St STV 2416 Delamont E F res 873 2nd St 3046 Belong W J res 815 7th St SE 2550 Dcnison Ernest res 151 7th St SW 2016 2362 2624 2554 2623 3813 3932 Cypress Club Club House 6th Ave SE Con- 39 18 3592 3089 3632 Douglas J F res 4 Diana Court Douglas J W res 220 9th St SE Dowkes Charles res 535 11th St Dowkes Mrs Frank I'cs 574 11th St SB "Long Distance" Saves Time and Expense For Rates see Pages 9 to 13,or call ''92" for information Medicine Hat 23 The Winnipeg Hide & Fur Company BEEF HIDES, SHEEPSKINS, IRON, RUBBER, COPPER BRASS AND SECOND-HAND CLOTHING Office Phone 3131 3249 Res. Phone 318 South Railway Street Dowkcs Herbert res 1123 6th Ave 2938 Downing E res 537c 5th Ave 2146 DOWSON E N 530 2nd St Commercial Printing & Loose Leaf Supplies Your Ad. Here 2768 Dowson E N res 55 2nd St SE 3603 Drew Mrs Charlotte res 807 4th St 2408 Drlscoll M res 1035 Ross St 3806 3933 3510 3615 2433 Would Dryden J G res 317 Prospect Drive Duggan H 0 Real Estate 4 Hull Blk Duggan H 0 res 443 1st St SE Diilmage Fred res 626 2iid St Dumphy Mrs B res 773 2nd St 21 93 Dunham F S res 236 Belfast St 3077 Dunn George A res 535 Belfast St 2765 Dunn R C res 537 Aberdeen St 3713 Dunn Robert res 332 Aberdeen St 3139 DUNN'S RETAIL SERVICE Produce Results 3307 Evers B res 839b 3rd St 2951 Ewart's Specialty Shop 644 2nd St 3520 Ewcn A G res 414 10th St 2007 EXIDE SERVICE STATION 314 S Railway St F 325 6th Ave 3275 Duxbury W H res 770 8th St 3519 Fair Grocery R B Le Blanc Prop cor Haple Ave & 5th St 35 14 Fairless J D res 329 9th St 3385 Fairweather G res 27 9th St N 2479 Eagle Butte Oil Co Ltd 6 Hull Blk 2637 Eaton W res 505g Allowance Ave 2347 3207 3845 3458 2911 3252) FAMILY GROCERY WN Taylor Prop 2101} 1040 7th Ave SE Edmunds Jas R res 444 12t]i St Ednie A H res 512 lOtb St Eeles Mrs L E res 346 1st St NW Elder A T res 1164 Yuill St 3323 Farnsworth Henry res 657 9th St SE 3435 Fawcett J G res 235 8th St 2259 Fawcctt S T res 837a 4th St SE 2555 Elder Dr G G Eye Ear Nose & Tliroat Office 2385 Ferguson Frank res 866a 5th St 3130 Ferrcll S M res 1029 Dominion St 826 2nd St SE 21 07 Fewings E J res 247 2nd St SE 3080 Elder Dr G G res 105 2nd St SW 3567 Elder Tlios res 49 9th St 3048 Electric Cleaners W R Robertson 581 3rd St 2604 Fifth Avenue United Church Pastor's Study 2665 Electric Stores City Hall 3441 3407 Finley F B res 44 4th St SW 3535 FIRE HALL (FOR FIRE ONLY) 3613 Elford S T res 309 5th St 270 I Elkins A B res 548 Dundee St 3653 Ellerton E G res 5 View Court Fire Headquarters 2577 First Street Armouries Opp Central Garage 2555 Fish Dr F II Phys & Surg Office 826 2nd St SE 293 I Elliott J Tailor South Railway St 2540 Elliott Jesse res 445 Belfast St 3234 Elliott 0 N Meat Market 634 3rd St 2349 3281 371 5 2635 5th Ave Finch A G res 549 3rd St Elliott's Barber Shop 210 S Railway St Ellis W H res 460 Cambridge St Elm St Meat Market & Grocery 1152 Elm St Embree Geo W res 539c Maple Ave 3994 Emery Mrs A B res 420 8th St 3558 Ernes Roland res 483 12th St SE 299 I 3348 273 I 2436 3196 24 13 2760 Fish Dr F H res 76 3rd St SW Fisher E B res 112 1st St SW Fisher F T res 520a 2nd Ave Fisher Frank res 546 Belfast St Fisher II res 874 3i(I St SE Fisher J F res 6 View Court Fitzgerald J res 525 6th St 2222 Employment Service of Canada Alberta Gov 2265 Fitzpatrick Rev F M res Altwana ernment 120 South Railway St 2446 Flack E res 534 3rd St 3660 Empress Theatre Gth Ave 2241 Esplln M res 536 Dundee St SE 3267 Flack Mrs E Jr res 215 6th St SE 2303 Fiath J A res 149 8th St NE 3978 Evans T H res 1036 Dominion St 29 14 Evans W McF res 485 7th St 3262 Flath Mrs W W res 315 4th St 2453 EVER READY TRANSFER E Warham Prop 968 Braemar St \ 2790 Fleming A res 821a Braemar St 333 I Fleming Mrs Alice res 539 1st St 3408 Fleming John res 1260 4th Ave Adolph's Auto Sales and Service DEALER IN DURANT CARS AND RUGBY TRUCKS Phone 2220 731 3rd Street, MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. PHone 2220 Medicine Hat 24 The Winnipeg Hide & Fur Company SEND US YOUR COYOTE, BADGER, WEASEL, SKUNK AND RABBIT SKINS Office Phone 3131 Res. Phone 318 South Railway Street 2911 2229 GAS CITY PLANING MILLS Directory Advertising Pays A P Burns Office 1st St SE 2654 Gendron Mrs 0 res 857 11th St 2982 George Wm res 488 9th St 38 10 * Gerow J A res 73 Aberdeen St 305 I Gerow & Murphy Barbers 639 2nd St SE 2030 Gershaw Dr F "W Phys & Surg Office 826 2nd St SE 2253 Gershaw Dr F W res 472 1st St 3109 Fleming W J (Fleming's Music House) res 2350 Gibson C V res 251 11th St 326 7th St 3953 GIBSON H C Groceries 401 Aberdeen St 2361 Fleming W T res 122 7th St 3720 FLEMING W T CO THE Ladies' Rcady-to-Wear 630 2nd St SE 3044 Gibson Mrs H C res 228 Belfast St 2583 Gibson Jas res 366 6th St 3059 Gilchrist Miss M L res 60 1st St N\V 2068 FLEMING'S MUSIC HOUSE Royal Bank Bldg Gilchrist R P res 105 1st St NW 2322 Giles Jas W res 14 Diana Court 3180 Flynn A E res 489 8th St 2795 Gillespie D res 759 2nd St SE 2019 2520 3709 3780 Flynn Flynn Flynn Foley 23 I I Gillespie Dave R res 319 3rd St SW 3617 Gillespie John res 508 Dundee St 2689 Ford R res 23 View Court C T res 351 9th St L E res 1053 Ross St Mrs W H res 1028 Balmoral St P F res 508c 6th Ave 3454) FORD SERVICE GARAGE 3455} Central Garage 701 1st St SE 2213 30 I 6 2990 2448 3723 3372 2486 2144 29 I 1 Forster H T W res 443 Aberdeen St Foster Earl res 60 8tli St NE Foster W F res 324 4th St SE Foulston A res 904 Braemar St Fountalne W res 803" Braemar St Fowler Miss M res 510 8th St Fraser A L res 26 View Court Fraser W A Plumber 831a 3rd St Freedman H B res 553 5th St SE 2531 FREEDMAN'S Grocery Flour & Feed Citv Market 3823 Fryer F J res 129 10th St NE 24 I 8 Fulton Morton res 861 3rd St SE 2901 3423 3680 3057 2230 Gillis G A res 526c 5th Ave Gilmour J M res 542 9th St Gislason I res 16 Diana Court Givin Mrs A res 912 Balmoral St 2003 GLASGOW HOUSE THE Dry Goods and Ladies' Wear 648 2nd St SB 3938 Glaze F res 73 8th St 3473 Goddard G M res 154 2nd St NW 3584 Goddard W C res 1052 Ross St 3151 Godfrcv F K res l38 9tli St NE 3549 Goff J res 869a 5th St 3557 Goldie H Jr res 368 7th St 2956 Goldie Hugh res 519o Allowance Ave 3060 Goode W M res 138 2nd Ave SE 2987 Gordon Andrew res 69 1st St NW 3796 Gordon R A res 753 Spencer St 2702 Gospodar P A res 52 10th St NE 2360 Government liquor Store 531 N Railway St 3605 Gow P G res 764 3rd St 3923 Gow Walter D res 103 7th St SW 2752 Grahowski Mrs L res 510c Allowance Ave 3243 Graden W R res 876 Braemar St 3650 GRAHAM-PAIGE CARS Grayson & Norris Mulligan BIk 3305 GAINSBOROUGH STUDIO THE George Brown Photographer 651 2 St 2662 Graham Thomas res 526c 4th Ave 3695 Gale D B res 33 8th St SE 2435 Gallacher W res 818 5th St 2628 Graham's Grocery 544c Princess Ave 3366 Grain Inspector's Office South Railway St 2786 Galloway David res 976 Yuill St 3503 Grande C V res 880 Balmoral St 3092 Grant Arthur res 141 2nd Ave SE 3546 Grant F J res 444 8th St SE 2674 3508 30 I 7 2394 Gallup G N res 1038 Ross St Gallup R W res 847 Braemar St Galonski M res 1147 Bridge St GARBUTT BUSINESS COLLEGE 24 Becker BIk 2715 Gargett Mrs Edward res 212 Spencer St 3374 Garland Miss M res 217 Aberdeen St 3286 Garratt Mrs M E res G Coimaught Apts 3949 Grant Mrs H res 1130 Dominion St 2682 2732 3734 3650 Gray Violet res 423 1st Ave NW Gray W H res 8 Aberdeen St Grayson W B res 176 1st St SW GRAYSON & NORRIS Flour & Feed Wholesale & Retail Mulligan BIk Station-to-Station Calls are Cheapest They are Calls from one Telephone to Another, when it Is not Desired to Establish Connection with a Particular Person. Medicine Hat Adolph s Auto Sales and Service DEALER HART - PARR IN TRACTORS 731 3rd Street, MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. Phone 2220 Phone 2220 3145 Greene Judge Geo W res 77 1st St SW 3292 Gronberg C E res 251 6th St SE 2345 Your Ad. Here Would GRONBERG &, MacGREGOR'S TAXI S Railway & 2nd St Produce Results 2313 Gross \V J res 53 1st St SW 3484 Gunn James res 507 7th Ave SE 2502 GUST S E STORES LIMITED Grocers 626 3rd St SE 2514 Office 2350 C V Gibson Mgr res 251 11th St 3427 Gust S E res 439 5th Ave 2730 Gustafson S R res 819a 5th St H 3916 Haley F E res 225 3rd St SE 3148 HaH F res 38 4th St 3485 Hall Mrs R C res 1116 8th Ave 2002 2145 2125 2657 3390 2056 3132 3038 201 I 2120 2707 3631 2509 3744 3432 3066 2060 2012 Helgeson H res 1228 Balmoral St 2964 3689 2031 3522 2269 Helmer F H res 524 Dundee St Helmer H A res 33 8th St NE Henderson Samuel G res 109 Division Ave Henderson W \V res 520 Belfast St 2094 2255 2166 Hall W res 364 10th St SE Hall W J res 117 8th St NE Halpin T J res 837 4th Ave Hewitt J J res 360 1st St 2456 Store General Office [656 2nd St SB 2588 ' R C Black Mgr res 2507 Hewitt's City Transfer Baggage Co 1253 Elm St 3586 Highlon Arthur H res 60 9th St SW 3746 Hill John res 216 7th St 2926 Hill Mrs P res Purmal Subdivision 2935 2196 Harris A G res 5t9d 5th Ave Harris F J res 7th St NW 3681 Hartley Albert res 870a 5th St SE Hartley Mrs C res 270 7tli St 2573 Hat Grocery M L Wright Prop 507b Allowance Ave Hatch A J res 504 Cambridge St Hatcher W E res 513 1st St Hatlcy Mrs S res Porter's Hill Havard R E res 340 5th St Hawthorne A C Men's Clothing 234 S Rly St 2088 Hawthorne A C res 253 3rd St SE 2512 Hays D W res 36 1st St 3545 Hayward R H res 245 1st St 2305 Health of Animals Branch Office 2 Post Office Elk 2263 Heath H J res 306 7th St 3893 Heather Miss B res 1011 Dominion St 3791 Heckbert E E res 355 8th St Hedloy Shaw Milling Co Ltd—See Maple Leaf 2356 390i HI RANG K N Tailor 560 2nd St Hitchcox A res 821 3rd St Hoag Robert res Cosmopolitan Hotel Hobday A res^ 829a 5th St SE HODGES E S Elec Supplies 655 2nd St SE F J McComb res 3891 Hodges E S res 233 2nd St SE 2468 3644 Hogg D H res 544b Ash Ave Hogg Mrs Rachel res 231 N Railway St 3562 Hole James res 1027 Ross St 2223 Hole Thos res Industrial Ave 3763 2275 Holley Ernest res 554 11th St Holmes Miss M L res 522 8th St 3282 HOLMES S F Boys' Clothing 6th Ave 389 I Holmes S F res 233 2nd St SE 3295 Holy Trinity Vicarage res Allowance Ave & Yuill St Homer M F res 362 7th St 2686 Hood R G res 419 Belfast St SE 2163 2001 Hood's Barber Shop & Beauty Parlor U G Hood Prop Hall Blk 4th Ave Milling Co Ltd 2314 Hedlund A res 274 7th St 2268 Hehr John res 1002 Allowance Ave 2201 HEINT2MAN &, CO LTD Ye Olde Firme 229 6th Ave Herman John Taxi 331 N Railway St 3 I 26 Hassard H res 803b 4th St SE 2958 3838 2673 3205 2523 Hendrick J J res 29 10th St SE Henkel G W res 322 4th St SW HEWITT & BLACK Hardware Hamilton J W res 448 Division Ave Hamilton Jno W res 369 5th St Hanna F W res Assinibola Hotel Harding Mrs W F res 677 7th Ave Hardy R H res 759 4th St SE Hargrave Dr J C res 156 3rd St NE Hargrave James res 114 3rd St NE Hargrave T A res 1 2nd St NE Harper W J res 864 3rd St 2261 3019 Hooper Miss E res 4 View Court 3759 Hoover G A res 519 Belfast St 3830 2046 Home E W res 975 Balmoral St Hopkins Allan res 205 Allowance Ave When calling Advertisers, please say (( I Saw Your Ad. in the Telephone Directory'*^ ,v,v Medicine Hat 26 Adolph's Auto Salesand Service DEALER DURANT Phone 2220 CARS AND ADVERTISER PLEASE MENTION THE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 2115 Hosie Miss Bessie res Elm St School House 2244 3007 3424 2373 3324 3790 Phone 2220 3667 Jam Chong Market Gardener 1st St NW 3785 James Mrs M F res 259 11th St 2307 3987 2278 3058 33 I 7 Jamiesnn R W res 442 Dundee St SE Jardine Miss Beatrice res 538»6th Ave Jesse Miss Edith res 944 Yuill St Johnson C E res 508d 5tli Ave Johnson F N res 521-B 5th Ave SE 207 I Johnson Hilma Beauty Operator Basement Assiniboia Hotel 2742 Johnson R T res 429 8th St SE 35 I 3 Johnson R Wilbert res 540 Aberdeen St 3580 Johnson Werdin res 522a 3rd Ave HOSPITALS General Hospital 2nd St SE 2214 JOHNSON'S UNDERTAKING PARLOR Charles Johnson 535 3 St SB Maternity Hospital Ash Ave Hotson G E res 460 10th St Houlden A H res 320 8th St SE Howey Chas H res 265 6th St Howson Geo res 112 2nd St SW Hub The Harry Feffcrman 228 S Railway St Huckvale W res 251 1st St SE Hughes Albert res 605 1st St 2660 Johnston Mrs Alice res 532c 4tli Ave 2135 3129 223 I 3716 225 I Johnston L II Contractor 172 4th St NW Johnston Mrs M res Ilia 4th St N Johnston Wm W res 640 2nd St Jolliffe Mrs R res 419 3rd St Jones I G res 804 4th St 3117 Jones J R L res 1017 Balmoral St HUGHES ASTLEY MOTORS 3095 Jones Mrs Roy Beauty Parlor 625 2nd St Show Room & Garage 5tli St Hughes J M res 527 Dundee St Hughes M res 406 11th St 3641 3230 2940 2984 2743 Hunt Clement S res 392 10th St Hunt E J Central Meat Market 628 2nd St 2646 Hunt E J res 264 Aberdeen St 2334 Huston John res 270 2ud St SE 2064 TRUCKS 2984 Jackson Mrs E res 130 5th St SW 2185 Jackson Fred res 1019 Dominion St TELEPHONING 2082 3254 3171 2966 2457 2008 3450 RUGBY 73i 3rd Street, MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. WHEN 2126 3342 IN Jones' Mrs Grocery 8021) 3rd St SE Jordan E Tailor 666 2nd St SE Jordan J S Real Estate & Ins 564 2nd St Jordan J S res 130 5th St SW Jordan Jack res 1073 5th St 2344 Jorgcnsen T res 234 Aberdeen St 22 I 8 Joslin Mrs H S res 15 Cecil Hotel HUTCHINSON T SADDLERY CO LTD THE 623 3rd St SE Wm McKenzie Mgr res 525-B Princess Ave K 3259 Hutchison A E res 440 8th St 2181 Huycke C W res 141 9th St SW 2496 Hyde Miss Willena res 1005 Balmoral St 3239 KALLENBERGER BEN Taxi 331 N Railway St 3973 Kallenberger Ben res 1131 Bridge St 3023 Kane J F res 110 8th St NE 3502 3817 Keating R E res 5th St SW & Division Av« IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED F Glaze Agent Industrial Site 3468 Kennedy Robert Painter & Paperbanger 749 2445 3003 3938 2124 Kanneman M res 528 6th Ave I F Glaze Agent res Kellar Mrs W A res 929 3rd St 1st St 3963 Kennedy W A res 416 Belfast St 2528 Ingram T N res 488 8th St SE 3235 Kent 0 J res 623 7th St Ireland H S Clothing Store 415 7th Ave SE 2983 Kent J C res 405 5th St 2388 Ireland H S res 861 1st St SE 2207 Ireland H W res 333 2nd St SE 3679 Irwin A res 641 7th St SE 3629 Isolation Hospital Powell Sub-division 307! Isom Walter A res 203 2nd St A 3553 Kent R H Insurance 528 2nd St SE 2092 Kent R H res 33 5th St SE 3083 Kent W M res 259 6th St 2687 Keohane J res 554 Cambridge St 3832 Ker J H res 571 10th St SE BUSINESS EXTENSION TELEPHONE COSTS 5 CENTS A A RESIDENCE DAY EXTENSION COSTS ZH CENTS A DAY TELEPHONE Medicine Hat 27 The Winnipeg Hide & Fur Company DRY HIDES, FURS, WOOL, HORSEHAIR AND SENACA ROOT Res. Phone Office Phone 3131 318 South Railway Street 2911 3819 Kcyes C M res 521 Cambridge St 3547 King E res 437 1st Avo, NW 3113 King G L res 813b 4th St LANG BROS. LTD. 2717 KING J A See Aberdeen Grocery 3257 King John A res 352 9th St SE 3860 Kinnaird Gco res 1141 Elm St 3072 Kinnaird Gilbert S res 372 Belfast St 3682 Kinnaird Thos res 8 Western Can Lbr Yard 3656 Kinnaird's Transfer 567-B North Railway St 2576 Kinvig T G res 757 6th St 3850 2497 2902 2473 3345 3404 Kirk J res 850-A 4th St SE Kirk Wm res Bank of Commerce Chambers Kirkconnell T M res 413 5th St Kirkness A A res 759 5th St Kitchen Isaac res 541b Princess Ave Klundt Mrs E J res 520b Princess Are Insurance Bonds and Loans PHONE 3554 651 Second St. 3457 Lefcver H A res 626 Spencer St 3296 Lcgh R D res 427 7th St SE 2414 Lem Blick Barber Shop & Beauty Parlor Huckvale Blk 3224 Lent B res 530-B 6th Ave 2423 Knight Mrs E res 438 11th St SE 39 19 Knight K R res 21 Diana Court ^90 Leong Bill Mkt Gardner 921 7th Ave 2438 Knight Thos W res 347 Aberdeen St 3877 LEPAGE STORE THE General Mer ^712 Le Page A J res 125 1st Ave SW 2118 Knowles Mrs H 0 res 843 4th St 3461 Koch C F res 77 4th St SW 3332 Krauss Mrs F res 137 1st St SW chants 640 3rd St 2524 LETHBRIDGE BREWERIES LTD—Sec Distributors Ltd 2798 Ku Min Tong 513a N Railway St 3093 Kyle Harry res 527 Belfast St SB 2659 Lcveque L R res 244 Aberdeen St 3530 Levine A L Clothing & Men's Furnishings 2128 LAIDLAW BLANCHARD NIBLOCK & STONE 656 3rd St SE Levinc A L res 247 2nd St SE 3941 3378 Lewis Harry res 436 2nd St SE Barristers Solicitors Notaries etc Bank of Montreal Chambers 2972 Lewis Dr J H Chiropractor 534 6th Ave 2538 Lindsay J D res 539 Dundee St 2933 Laidlaw Lome res 24 1st St SW 3437 Lindsav Mrs M res 492 12th St 2552 Liofield C A res 639 9th St SE 3729 Laing D V res 837-A 3rd St 3346 Lait J J res 848 4th St 2155 LAKE OF THE WOODS MILL 2585 ING COY LTD South Railway St Geo Preston Manager res 21 24 3158 T N Ingram Accountant res J H Lawrence Head Miller res 3 I 40 3666 3828 2443 Lister C E res 544b 6th Ave Little F G res 617 5th Ave Lockhart B res 137 2nd Ave Lockwood S res 220 4th St 24 19 Lodge D W res 76 9th St N 3531 London Life Insurance Co Union Bank Bldg 3470 Lakoy Wm res-36 10th St 2374 La Marsh Mrs I res 541 3rd St 2589 Lamb Andy res 1121 4th Ave 2252 Lance Gladys res 1 Souch Blk Aberdeen St 3381 Lorraine J res 747 3rd St 2753 Lovctt W S res 6 12th St 3015 Lowe" Wm res 926 Ross St 2041 Lund J A res 873a 5th St 2210 Lane Mrs M res 927 Braemar St 3598 Lund S E res 723 5th Ave 3554 LANG BROS LIMITED Insurance 2954 Luno C E res 332 Belfast St 2741 Lutes W A res 116 5th St SE Bonds & Loans Burns Block 651 2nd St SE 3658 Lang Hector res 538 7th St SE 2066 Lauder R J res 531 4th St 3952 3687 3158 2725 2937 Luytcn H E F res 13 9th St N 2644 Lynch G F res 605 5th Ave Lauder W res 3 1st St NE Lauder W G res 1075 Dominion St Lawrence J Huver res 550 10th St Lavton C B res 565 10th St Use Long Distance 3293 Leahy B res 421 11th St S 2432 Le- Drew K res 110 4th St Adolph's Auto Sales and Service DEALER IN DURANT CARS AND RUGBY TRUCKS Phone 2220 731 3rd Street, MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. Phone 2220 Medicine Hat 28 Adolph's Auto Sales and Service DURANT CARS and'RUGBY TRUCKS Phone 2220 731 3rd Street, MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. 283! MARKET GROCERY 2833 2636 Operated by DUNN'S RETAIL SERVICE Free Delivery Phone 3139 325 Sixth Avenue 3139 M Mac's Cigar & News Stand 601 2nd St , MacArthur J M res N RIy St 2030 MacCharles Dr D N Phys & Surg Office 826 3139 MARKET GROCERY R Dunn 2680 3784 3561 Marr C M res 518 10th St Marsh Miss C E res 244 5th St 3655 MARSH SCOTT Plumbing Heating Marshall A E res Fcwings Apts MARSHALL'S BOOK STORE General Stationery Office and Legal Sup 3797 Martin S G res 514 Dundee St 2377 Masonic Hall Lodge Rooms 4th St SE plies 621 2nd St 3912 Macdonald E G res 118 5th St SW 3762 MacDonald Miss K res 21 View Court 3157 MacDonald M H res 68 Aberdeen St MacGREGOR A Cartage & Transfer 3829 MacGREGOR ALEX Barrister 38 6th St SW 208-209 Huckvale Elk MacGregor Alex res 430 4th St MacGregor J res 866 4th St . 3701 MacKinnon R H res 26 1st St 3418 MacKIem J A res 234 4th St 2535 MacLean—See also McLean Maclean Miss Gertrude res 551 2nd St SE 3779 MacLean's Meat Market 411 N Railway St ' Macleod Dr J S Phys & Surg Office & res 419 iKt St SE 3661 MacLeod N C res 318 Aberdeen St Ma^owan Rev RoLt Memorial United Church 3240 Malcolm Mrs Jas res 365 Belfast St 3022 MALDEN ELEVATOR CO LTD 1115 Yuill St Jas W Robinson Huckvale BIk 3325 Malhiot J E res 266 7th St SE 3041 Mallinson W res 148 2nd Ave 3344 Malthy E E res 55 9tl» St SE 3963 Manders Mrs Ida res 416 Belfast St 2602 Manitoba Rolling Mill Co Ltd Wood St 2348 Manning T W res 846-A 3rd St SE 3342' Maternity Hospital Ash Ave 2444 Matheson W M res 59 1st St SW 3208 JIathcws Harry res 455 10th St 2020 Matthews E E res 20 2nd St SW SE Mauch Walter Transfer 731 3rd St 2010 Maxwell T A res 310 Ash Ave 2650 May J'P re-s 19 8th St SE 2417 Mayberry T R res 1031 5th St SB 3165 MAYNARD'S AUTO TRANS FER Herbert Maynard Prop 469 10th St 3630 Mayo G S res 511 Dundee St McAdams Miss Helen res 875 3rd St McAffer R res 811a Braemar St 3147 2274 MacKay—See also McKay 3064 MacKay H A res 1146 Balmoral St 3602 MacKenzie N R res 359 Cambridge St 3525 ilacKenzie Mrs L res 212 13th St 3837 Mackinlay Mrs A 11 Mongomeric Apts 3006 Massey-Harris Agency 629 3rd St 3764 Matchett W M res 959 Braemar St 3357 3690 2782 Marsh J P res 482 10th St 3633 3355 2nd St SE 2029 MacCharles Dr D N res 874 2nd St SE ilacDonald—Sec also McDonald dc McDonnell 3970 Macdonald C D res 336 2nd St * 275 I Macdonald D res 525 2nd Ave 2762 ilacDonald Duncan res 150 2nd St NE 2775 MacDonald Mrs E res 485 12th St Macleod—See also McLeod LTD Industrial Site Managers office W J Smallacombe Mgr res 226 1st St SE & Sheet Metal Work 650 3rd St SE 2460 3246 3365 MAPLE LEAF MILLING CO .325 6th Ave Phone 349 I 2078 PHone 2220 2415 McArthur James L res 1063 Braemar St 2579 3460 McArthur T res 412 7th St McCabe C res 840 2nd St 3440 McCaig Lome res 1028 9th Ave 2075 McCaig Wm res 734 12th St 314! McCallum Archie res 453 Belfast St SE 2530 McCallum H J res 19 Diana Court 3215 McCallum Norman res 358 8th St SE < McCandie John res 536 Dclfast St SE 2358 McCarger.S J res 833 3rd St SE 3040 2148 McCarter A res 120 9th St NE 3861 McCartney F res 404 3rd St SW 3009 McCasIin John Elec Contr 803-A Braemar St 3901 McComb F J res 821 1st St 2359 McCombs J A res 852-A 5th St SE 3475 McCombs W E res 839-A 5th St 2375 McCorkle J E res 25 10th St 3352 2710 McCulley James res 4 Dunmore Rd McCully Mrs J res 501 3rd St SE McDonald—see also MacDonald & McDonnell 3101 McDonald G W res 420 9th St 2264 McDonald H T res 17 View Court McDonnell—see also MacDonald Ic McDonald 2129 McDonnell R G res 857a 2nd St NOTICE.—Subscribers will be held responsible for all TOLL CALLS originating from their Telephone d L Medicine Hat 29 The Winnipeg Hide & Fur Company DEALERS IN FURS AND ALL KINDS OF SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Office Phone Res, Phone 3131 318 South Railway Street 3556 McDorman Miss Eva res 10 Diana Court 3544 McDougall A L res 361 9th St BE 348 1 McDougall Mrs J A res 751 4th St 3258 MEDICINE HAT GARAGE McElgunn & Cassidv Meat Market 7th Avc & 8th St 2555 McEwen Dr 8 F Phys & Burg Office 826 2nd Chevrolet and Oakland Dealers St BE 3024 McEwcn Dr S F res 550 Belfast Bt 2943 McGARRY JAMES Taxis 227 301 I McGee J G res 164 3rd Bt SW 2315 McGEE J G 5th St & SON Auto Dealers Phone 2379 2030 536 2nd St 3402 2555 McKay—see also Mackay McKay C R res 7 Connaught Apts 2382 McKay Thos res 852 2nd St SE 3945 McKEE DR E L Dentist 654 3rd St SE 31 I I 2407 McKenzie A E res 172 4th St N McKcnzie Wm res 383 10th St D C S F N MacCharles G Elder F McEwen H Fish Medicine Hat Feeding Co By Preston Planing Mill 3226 Medicine Hat Furrier H Wicse Mgr S Railway St MEDICINE HAT GARAGE 2379 McKinnon J W res 428 S Railway St McLane J W res 246 2nd St SW 3676 3146 McLaren Miss Margaret res 712 11th St 2431 MEDICINE HAT GREEN HOUSES LTD Successors to Rosery 2330 Manager Fred J Ware res Nights & Sundays MEDICINE HAT GROCERY CO Chevrolet and Oakland Dealers 524 2 St SE McLean—see also Maclean 3467 McLeod D W res 61 3rd St NE McLeod J S res 210 Spencer St. McMillan George res 541-B 6th Ave McMillan Harry res 219 5th St McNcely's Grocery 720 4th St McNichol Dr P H Dentist 640 2nd St McNichol Dr P H res 428 1st St McNish R res 138 3rd Ave 2595 3638 3648 McQuarrie W A res 521 7th St McQueen F W res 316 1st St SE McQueen P res 427 Aberdeen St McTaggart J B res 268 8th St McWaine F res 1054 Yuill St 3585 Medalta Potteries Ltd Industrial Site 2501 Medicine Hat Baking Co Ltd The cor 4th St & 3rd Avc SW 2338 Medicine Hat Bargain Store 619 3rd St 2493 Medicine Ilat Brick & Tile Co Ltd Industrial Site 3210 Medicine Hat Cabinet Shop T Seed 720 4 St Directory Advertising Pays TO MOVE Thompson Atkinson Mgr res George Atkinson res Flower Co 10th Ave SE 2929 2930 2939 Wholesale Grocers Office N Railway St Grocery Department Fruit Department 3702 MEDICINE HAT ICE CO 2028 Medicine Hat News Ltd The Business Office & Job Printing Gth Ave SE E E Cooper Mgr Office 39 Division Ave McNeely Mrs W W res 153 2nd St SW 2215 254! 2618 Dr Dr Dr Dr JIcKenzie Wm res 525-B Princess Ave McKinnon J D res 831 4th St 2592 McLean W J (CPR) res 138 7th St NE 3214 McLellan N res 329 Belfast St 2317 McLennan J W res 303 8tli St McLeod—see also Macleod 2746 McLeod A res 2 Diana Court 2545 3056 3189 3966 2985 2180 3955 MEDICINE HAT CLINIC Dr F W Gershaw McGitire J res 388 10th St Mclntosh Geo res 1163 Balmoral St 2997 Mclntosh Mrs Margaret res 217 8th St 3892 3626 3790 2989 2174 2968 2236 524 Second Street 826 2nd St SE McGregor—see MacGregor 237! 2911 3452 Editorial Office 3232 Medicine Hat Motors Ltd Foundry St 2425 MEDICINE HAT NURSERIES 3802 Medicine Hat Petroleum 122 Gth Ave 2005 MEDICINE HAT STEAM LAUNDRY CO LTD Office 873-A Cor E Allowance & 2nd St 2nd St SE 381 i Medicine Hat Trading Co 328 S Railway St 3944 Medlicott Thomas res 28 2nd St NW 2980 2522 2706 2534 Meier C C res oSac Allowance Ave Mellor Miss Winifred res 669 7th St Mennear Martin res 112 11th St Cres Hghts Merrifield Mrs Ina res 411 3rd St 3590 Michie Wm res 489 8th St YOUR TELEPHONE Ten Days'Notlce Is Required (See Page 5, Clause 10) II Medicine Hat 30 Adolph's Auto Sales and Service NICHOLS &SHEPARD ^THRESHERS AND COMBINES Phone 2220 73i 3rd Street, MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. Phone 2220 Morrison D P res 471 8th St Morrison Fred res 732 7th St SE 3134 Morrison Helen T res 117 11th St 3824 2228 USE THE 3516 CLASSIFIED BUSINESS (Pink Section) DIRECTORY 3102 Middleton A res 814 4th St 3950 Middletoh Ed res 177 3rd Street 21 57 Middleton Ernest res 335 Belfast St 3507 Middlcton J C res 813-B 3rd St 3225 3898 3604 3174 3172 Miller Miss M res 768 10th St 3359 Mulholland W res 342 Stii St 2053 2232 Mulligan T res 533-A 6th Ave Municipal Dlst of Excelsior Royal Bank Bldg 3191 Municipal Golf Club Citv 3839 2504 MILLS' GREENHOUSES T E Mills Prop 1035 Yuill St 2526 2069 3826 Blk N Rly St 2188 Mitchell Miss Mary res 545 2nd St 2697 Mitchell Wm R res 118 2nd St SW 3854 2441 3651 Muir James res 111 10th St NE Muir M res 536 Cambridge St NE 3957 Munns H W res 45 2nd St SW 2143 Mui-phv A W res 449 9th St Mills A R res 1127 Allowance Ave 3034 Slitchell Mrs Jas res 27 1st St SE 2161 Mitchell Jas res 504 1st St SE 2952 Mitchell Jno R Baker & Confect 439 2516 Mitchell Miss JI res 305 1st St 2603 Moycr J L res 34 4th St SE Miller F res 533 Aberdeen St 3264 Milne E I res 319 8th St SE 3696 Milroy Alex res 832-A 4th St SE 2601 Minor G H res 38 4th St NW 2242 Miskelly Miss J Music Tchr E Hull 3855 Morrow Rev J W res 414 1st St Moton Mrs E res 509a 6th Ave 3052 2162 2235 3816 Mills F W res 245 2nd St SW 2227 2761 Morrison M res 553 Cambridge St 3858 Morrison 0 J res Pottery St 2139 Morrison Vincent res 167 1st St SW 2922 Morrison W res 311 4th St 3776 Morrow H res 830a 5th St 2238 Miller Matthew res 450 8th St SE 2434 Miller W res 166 7th St 2401 Miller W J res 10G6 Yuill St 2159 Millican J R res 506-A 6th Are 3936 39 15 Morrison L E res 524-D 5th Ave 3922 Middleton J L res 444 Belfast St Milburn jMiss Annie res 40 8th St SB Morrison Miss I Dry Goods 517a 4th Ave 2nd St 3277 MORRISON DR J D Dentist 3857 Morrison Mrs Jas res 837 1st St 3169 Morrison James res 489 7th St Mogridge W res 1003 3rd Ave MONARCH THEATRE CO LTD 609 2;id St Monkley L res 512-C 6th Ave 3163 3738 2597 3933 2945 3692 2505 Murphy L res 314 3rd St SE P J res 60 5th St SE A res 945 5th St SE Chas L res 835 5th St Mrs D M res 730 4th St James res 508-C 5th Ave Murphy Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Murray Mutual T res 7 4tli St NE W res 817 2nd St life Assurance Co 4 Hull Blk Muxworthy R D res 812 3rd St Mytton C res 137 3rd Ave My Wardrobe Cleaning & Pressing 565 2nd St SE N 3977 Naef Charles res 635 8th St 3186 Napier R M res 61 2nd St SW Monkman G res 28 2nd St SW Monteith David res 330 8th St 2272} Moore Dr Milton L fes 613 5th Ave SE Moorliead W S res 558 Dundee St SE 3452 « 3569 y National Fruit Co Ltd S Railway St 2675 National System of Baking 617 2nd St Montgomery Bert res 379 Aberdeen St 39 10 Nelson Gust res 387 5th St Montgomery G E res 445 7th St 3710 Nelson Mrs Robt res 203 N Railway St Montgomery T res 17 9th St 3597 Moody F res 828 Braemar St 3202 NEW CLUB CAFE 638 2nd St 2(65 Moore Mrs Fannic W res 222 4tli St 2575 New York Cafe 427 N Railway St 2787 Moore J J & Son Furniture Store 607 2nd St 2276 Newman T H res 852 Braemar St 2028 NEWS THE Business Office and Job 2788 H A Jloore Mgr res 430 Cambridge St 2627 Moore Dr Milton L Dental Surg 644 2nd St Printing 6th Ave SE, 3960 3002 3045 3684 271 I 3573 Morley H F res 4 5th St SW 2117 Morrice Taxi 43 9th St SE Morris S res 119 Division Ave 3733 ' Editorial Office 3486 Niblock C W res 71 5th St SW 2608 Niblock W G res 377 4th St SE 3566 Nichol Jas res 323 N Railway St 3182 Nichols Mrs I.oran res 160 8th St N When You Want to Buy Anything REFER TO THE CLASSIFIED SECTION (Pink Pages) OP THE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 1 0 Medicine Hat 31 Adolph's Auto Sales and Service DEALER OLIVER Phone 2220 ^ 3708 3255 2048 2780 3625 3175 2035 3685 3177 3541 IN MACHINERY 731 3ra Street, MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. PhonC 2220 Nicholson D' res 57 7th St SE Nicholson Mrs D A res 873 Balmoral St Nicol A res 422 10th St SE Nieman A res 432 1st St NW Nieman Mrs M res 75 2nd St NW Your Ad. Here Would Produce Results Niles'C H Mgr Can Bank of Commerce 2 St SE Nilcs C H res 375 2nd St SE Nimmo G C res 160 3rd St SW Noble H J res 308 2nd Ave Norrie J B res 856 4th St 2668 NORRIE & FAWCETT LTD Farm Implements & Wholesale Coal Dealers Agts North Star Oil Ltd South Railway St 3237 Norris Mrs D A res 535 Dundee St 3231 Northam A S res 181 1st St NE 2668 NORTH STAR OIL LTD Norrie & Fawcett Ltd Agts S Railway St 2669 Plant 3962 Noton F res 634 8th St SE 2306 NOTT J JESSOP FUNERAL CHAPEL 321 5th St SE 3306 Nott J Jessop res 325 5th St 2286 Nott Russell T res 632 0th St 3027 0'3Iara F J res 505 Aberdeen St 3612 3548 Opp John D res 1270 Bridge St 2647 Orr F H res 463 9th St 3168 O'Rourke J R res 54 4thsSt SE Orange Hall 3rd St 3885 Ortner Mrs P res 378 1st St SE 3843 Osborn W C res 939 Braemar St 2747 Osborne T R res 113 2nd St SW 3647 Pace W E res 824 Balmoral St 3741 Palmar Walter S res 977 2nd St 3851 Palmer F res 644 9th St 3477 Palmer W res 1214 Bridge St 2616 Parisian Cleaners & Dyers 559 2nd St 3322 Park Dairy A Hughes Prop 1st St & 6th 2295 Are PARK GARAGE Ed Middleton 645 1 St 3043 Park Hall 1st St 3867 Park J A res 379 Belfast St 3991 Parker R J res 217 2nd St 3732 2319 O'Connor E res 3 Hull Blk O'Connor Edward—Call long Distance and ask Operator for O'Connor Exchange (Ranchville) 3488 O'Connor Letcllier res 244 4th St NW 3228 Oddfellows' Hall 3rd St SE 3206 OGILVIE FLOUR MILLS CO 2977 2034 3990 2560 3854 3653 2606 3948 3391 2519 3004 3869 3581 LIMITED THE 9th Ave SE General Office and Order Telephone Accountant L Monkley Sales Dept C J Kent H Norman Davis Manager Grain Department E G Ellcrton A Atkins Supt of Elevators Mill Office E Reilly Head Miller H Norman Davis Mgr res L Monkley Acct res E G Ellcrton Grain Dept res . Oium G J res 221 5th St Olden James res 327 3rd St SW Oliver F M res 202 1st St SW Parker Capt W res 62 2nd St NE , Parkes H 0 res 67 9th St 3842 Parnell F res 529-F Allowance Ave 3531 Parrish V W Office Union Bank Bldg 2391 Parrish V W res 309 2nd St SW Parsons J H res 2 Hazel Blk 3106 Patterson Miss A res 333 Aberdeen St 2612 3074 3627 Patterson Dr J R Phys & Surg 818 2Ed St 2337 Patterson M E res 340 Aberdeen St 2917 3302 3328 2924 2772 3393 2920 Patterson Thomas res 1047 Queen St Patterson's Dairy Misses Patterson Props 524a 4th Ave Patton Mrs A res 530-A 6th Ave Patton F A res 415 Cambridge St Patton H S res 423 Cambridge St Pauling G F res 206 Aberdeen St Paulson J res 51 4th St SE 2293 Pearson V res 179 1st St NE 2341 Ponder H res 235 11th St 3270 Pcnnincton Mrs J res 429 12th St 3902 Perry W J res Dauntless 3350 Phillips S res 64 8th St SE 2626 Phillips Mrs Sydney res 368 12th St Oliver Mnrtyn & Co Chtd Accts 20 Becker Blk 3442 PICKARD'S FISH MARKET Oliver W W Dry Goods 3rd St 31rs M Pickard 615 3rd St 3740 Pickering C res 435 4th St SE Oliver W W res 233 Belfast St O'Mally M res 515-B Allowance Ave 2323 Pickles M W res 121 2nd Ave You Will Find Every Kind of Business in the Classified Directory Medicine Hat 32 Adolph's Auto Sales and Service DEALER IN DURANT CARS AND RUGBY TRUCKS Phone 2220 731 3rd street, MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. • Phone 2220 3410 Piegl Paul res 307 Aberdeen St 2182 Tingle C S res 4-44 4th St SE PINGLE DRUG & BOOK CO THE 627 2nd St SE 2006 3469 2089 Rabbage Mrs Andrew res 526'8th St Rabinovitch Mrs M res 27 5th St SW 2655 Rae James M & Co Elec Gds & Implts 526 Percy Yeo Mgr res 355 Belfast St Tingle 0 W Agency 207 Huckvale Blk 3313 Tingle G W res 806 1st St SE 2667 PINGLE MacKENZIE DRUG CO LTD 423 North Railway St Implts Reprs & Elec Gds 603 9th Ave 2773 2750 Ragnar R H Tchr of Piano 411 Aberdeen St 3156 3013 2666 Poile A R res 629 6fh St 2506 PoUitt N T res 303 3rd St SW Polonsky A res 537 5th St 2498 PORTER C B Garage 126 Maple Ave 2735 3956 Porter 2461 Porter 2116 Porter 2633 Porter 3927 Porter 0 B res 61 9th St NE James res 436 Belfast St R G res 205 1st St R D res 435 Dundee St R J res 4 Montgomerie Apts Porter's Machine Shop 690 S Railway St 3127 3505 Potter Charles res 552 Dundee St 3703 Potter J res 753 2nd St 3076 Poyser F V res 602 Parkview Drive PRAIRIE CITY OIL CO LTD Service Station cor 3rd St & 5th Ave 2454 2532 Prasow Israel res 849 Balmoral St 3917 2563 3185 2585 Prasow Mrs James res 957 Queen St 2023 Price Andrew res 507 10th St 3971 Proskie N res 525 Washington Ave Pratt Charles res 305 2nd St SE Pratt R B res 842a 3rd St SE Preston George res 521 9th St SE PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT COURT HOUSE BUILDING 2778 2451 2547 3362 2778 2648 3868 371 I 3572 2171 Clerk of the Court's Office Slieriff's Office School Inspectors 2171 2692 Ralston David res 827 5th St 2678 Ready T V res 329 1st St SE 2032 Re])urn R J res 143 3id Ave 3133 RECREATION BOWLING ALLEYS 29 5th St 261 I Redden Gladys res 2 Spencer St 3487 Rodman's Confectionery Store 616 3rd St 3137 Reekie James res i)20 3rd St 3675 Regent Billiard Room The 2nd St SE 2137 Reid D S res 27 4th St SW Reid J B res 69 9th St SW 3538 Reid J C res 165 8th St NE 2754 Reid Misses res 521 Aberdeen St 3081 Reid W res 34 8th St 3610 Reilly A A H Customs Broker Old Doipinlon Bank Bldg 217 6th Ave 331 I Reilly A A H res 203 7th St SW 2455 Reilly E res 1104 Allowance Ave 3512 3303 Reliable Western Cartage R G McDonnell 3354 722 2nd St SE Render Wm res 658 8th St SE 2153 REVELSTOKE SAWMILL CO 2375 3236 2719 J E McCorkle Local Mgr res 25 10th St Rex Cafe Kwong Lee 431 N Railway St Reynolds Geo res 70 7th St 3358 Rice R J res 375 1st St 2518 RICHARDSON C &, SON LTD East Allowance Clinic Children's Welfare Issuer of Marriage licenses Provincial Police Judge Greene Lawyers' Room Dist Surveyor & Engrs Office Geo McMillan Dept of Agriculture Jas Murray Dist Agri culturist 3749 2nd St Dept of Agicultnre P C Hepburn Butchers 507-A 4th Ave 2198 Richardson B B res 238 4th St SW 3479 Richardson J B res 261 4th St SW 3972 Richardson Mrs L res 350 8th St 3094 Rilcy W res 146 2nd St NW 2923 746 2nd St Pushie W J res 776 3rd St 2172 2036 QuaiU J J res 871 1st St SE QUEEN STREET GROCERY 976 Queen St 2714 Quick Mrs A res 360 3rd St 2709 Quinlan G H res 404 Belfast St 3639 Quinlan W C res 47 4th St SE RIVERSIDE BAKERY Smith&Clark Cor 3rd St & Division Ave N Q 2998 Ritchie H 0 res 509 3rd St Ritchie Hugh C City Engr res 525h 4tli Ave 2565 RITCHIE MOTORS LTD 3677 3887 Roach A J res 322 12th St 3242 Roberts J 0 res 30 9th St SW 2472 Robertson J H Taxi 560 2nd St 2339 Robinson J L res 869a 4th St 3482 Robinson James res 111 1st St SW 3022 ROBINSON JAMES W Insurance Huckvale Blk "Long Distance" Saves Time and Expense For Rates soo Pages 9 to 13, or call "92" for Information •; MecEcine Hat 33 When You Want to Buy Anything REFER TO THE CLASSIFIED SECTION (Pink Pages) OF THE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY SCHOOLS 3406 Robinson T res 422 2Dd St 3593 Robison.H S res 342 Cambridge St 353 I Roche C AI II Office Union Bank Bldg 341 5 Roche CM H res 219 1st St SE 3 I 90 Roddy Frank res 6 10th St N 3152 Rogers The Misses res 480 2nd St 3 I 78 23 18 Medicine Hat School Board Office Alexandra Public School 2527 2392 Alexandra High School 6th St SE Connaught School 9th St SW 3420 Earl Kitchener School 2nd Ave & 4th St 3678 Elizahcth St School 11th St SE 3528 Elm St School 5-G St SE 2556 Montreal St School 4th St SB 3793 Riverside School 2nd St W 2784 Schram F H res 607 4th St 2027 Scott Harold res 176 3rd St NE 258 I Scott S F res 319 4th St 2770 Rolefson M 0 res 370 4th St SW 3622 Rollo A res 252 8th St SE 3 I 73 Ronnonberg L res 819 1st St 3219 RONNENBERG L W Oxy Welder 732 2nd St 3864 Ronnos H A res 411 9th St 3968 Rose R A res 534-C Maple Ave 3765 Rose Mrs W A res 537-B Maple Ave 2237 Scragg Rev E T res 459 4th St 2431 ROSERY FLOWER CO See Medicine 345 I Scibert C res 508 S Railway St Hat Greenhouses ltd 2076 SERVICE HARDWARE LTD 2973 Ross J A res 373 Aberdeen St THE 624 3rd St 2695 Rowe C 0 B res 548 11th St 3276 Roxburgh W N res 250 Division Ave 2477 ROYAL BANK OF CANADA 3283 Sewall C H roa 116 1st St 2072 Sexton J res 253 5th St 2533 Shamrock Bottling Works Park Drive C D Sanders Mgr 3rd St SE 2138 Shannon Robt res 685 7th Ave 2403 Royal Canadian Mounted Police N RIy St 2 I 77 Royal Hotel Jno Read Prop South Railway St 3008 Shannon W J res Dunmore Rd 2584 Sharland L A Fruit & Groceries 1113 2333 ROYAL OIL SERVICE Dominion St STATION H E Staincs Prop 3rd St 3769 Sharp W J res 441 3rd St NW 3075 ROYAL STUDIO 227 6th Ave 2074 Shaw C B res 104 HuU Blk 2247 Shclmerdino A E res 24 View Court 3 I 20 Rudd T E res 452 Cambridge St ' 2705 Shepherd R F Second Hand Furniture 4 3876 Russell Rev A U res 750 3rd St Repairs 635 3rd St 3761 Russell Andrew res 326 4th St SW 3766 Shepherd R F res 341 3rd St SE 3128 Russell E H res 52 1st St SW 2661 Sherwood T C res 1029 Balmoral St 2907 Shields A S res 849 3rd St 3809 Shore M General Merchant 803 7th Ave 2384 Russell F res 396 Belfast St 3985 Russell L res 411 Allowance Ave 3975 Russell Mrs M res 621 8th St 25 I I Russell R J res 520 7th St SE 3466 Rutherford Wm res 544 Aberdeen St 3531 SHORTS Barrister Union Bank Bldg 3272' Short S res 141 4th St SW 34 I 9 Sibley Oliver res 307 7th St 3822 Sieber Rev W E res 333 8th St SE 3787 Sillak J G res 1070 Mill St 3992 St Thereso Academy 7th St NE 2492 Simpson Dorothy Ladies' Hairdresser 462 4 St 2756 Simpson P M res 1124 Dominion St 2703 Sailer Fred res 804 8th St 3279 Sinclair E R res 1046 Queen St SE 3280 Sailer Miss Lydia res 1222 Dominion St 3883 Salvation Army res 867 2nd St 2328 Samson C res 202 Spencer St 2077 Singer Sewing Machine Co E Zaiser Mgr 2566 Sinclair W W P res 957 Dominion St 618 3rd St 2369 Singular James M res 367 7th St SB 3704 Samwell C P res 261 5th St 2353 Sanders C D res 106 3rd St 2110 Sissons F 0 res 5 1st St SE 3783 Scanlan B Building Contractor 308 Huckvale 2629 Slack Dr A E Dentist Porter Blk Blk 2962 Slack Dr A E res 134 3rd St SW 2045 Slade F 0 res 364 11th St 3788 Scanlan P B res 838 4th St 3841 3 125 3847 2055 3969 Scarlett Mrs C F res 1128 Balmoral St Scarlett F H res 49 8th St Scheffler Rev A H res 238 8th St SE Schmid E res 121 7th St Schmidt's Transfer & Service Station 619 7 Av Directory Advertising Pays INFORMATION 92 3882 Slemko J H Dominion Tire Repair 324 6th Ave SE 3646 J H Slemko Prop res 221 11th St 2636 Smallacombe W J res 226 1st St SB 3805 Smeaton J res 512 Belfast St 3447 SMITH DR ALLISON Dentist 2nd St & S RIy St 2262 Smith Dr Allison res 284 6th St SB TROUBLE RURAL 93 91 Medicine Hat 84 For Long Distance Rates See Pages 9 to 13 and Points in Other Districts or Call **92" for Information 3244 Taylor C R res 15 View Court When Calling Advertisers Please Mention The Teiephone Directory 3297 3889 3926 3462 3552 3033 3026 Smith Cecil res 5 8th St NE 2320 Smith D M res 250 5th St SE 3 I 04 Smith E "W res 351 2nd St Taylor D res 508d Woodman Ave Taylor E S res 875 5th St Taylor George res 531-B Princess Ave Taylor J H res 5061) 6th Ave Taylor Capt J M res 170 9th St Taylor Thos J res 426 Prospect Drive TECO STORE Operated by THE T EATON CO LTD 2610 Smith Miss Florence res 938 4th St S£ 3575 Smith J C res 485 8th St 3846 Smith Miss M res 278 7th St 2942 General Office cor 3rd St & 6th Ave 2949 Eaton Groceteria Hardware Dept Sporting 22 I 2 Smith R D res 311 N Railway St 29 19 Goods and Auto Accessories 2605 Smythe H res 519-D Allowance Ave Toiletries Fancy Goods Notions Jewelry Gloves & Hosiery Stationery Ladies' Rcady-to-Wear Men's Ready-to-Wear 3063 Sodero P M res 421 8th St 3384 Socsinan Edward D res 27 View Court Dress Goods 241 2 Smith W J res 252 2nd St NW 31 23 Smith's Barber Shop & Beauty Parlor 668 2 St Men's & Women's-Shoes 2439 SoUy S F res 844-A 4th St SE 2794 3218 SOUCH B F Optician and Druggist 399 2620 Aberdeen St 2209 Souch B F res 804 2nd St SE 3227 2420 3539 2067 Sponce Madge res 938 Braemar St Sprague Mrs A res 9 Diana Court Sprague S W res 336 8th St SE Sproat Q M res 342 4th St 383 I Sproule F H res 96 3rd St 2947 Squance J R res 29 4th St 324 I Stacey E W res 820 5th Awe SE 3 i 93 Staines H A res 113a 3rd St KB 2370 Star Meat Mkt Cor Allowance Ave & Queen St 3840 Stecdman E R res 123a 2nd St NE 2967 Steeves Mrs M M res 545 Dundee St Teel A res 646 S Railway St TEEL MEAT MARKET 503b Allowance Ave 2663 TerriU A J res 10 1st St SE 2932 Terry Mrs I "F res 459 1st St 341 I Terry John res 640 7th Ave 20221 TEXAS CO OF CANADA LTD 20093 THE Beny & Son Oil Site 2554 G H Crockford Agt res 3588 Thirlwell Frank res 526 6th Ave 3028 Tliirlwell Tom res 241 3rd St 3164 Thomas W H res 830 Balmoral St 2961 Thompson Robert res 481 7th St SE 3216 Thomson D D res H Hull Blk 2936 Stephenson Mrs A res 413 8th St SE 2285 Thomson L B res 210 2nd St SW 2343 3061 2224 22! I 3316 Tinney B A res 831 2rd St Stevens Stevens Stewart Stewart Chas J res 137 3rd St NW Walter B res 327 2nd St SB Chas £ res 514 D Woodman Ave H res 429 1st St SE 3777 Stewart Mrs J res 1051 Queen St 2246 Stone Maurice H res 29 2nd St SW 3862 Stone Mrs P D res 143 3rd St NW ll^ljSTURGESS FTaxi 952 Braemar St 2758 Sullivan David M res 322 10th St 3480 Sun life Assurance Co J Carrie Agt Porter Blk 643 2nd St SE 3786 Sutherland A res 261 Aberdeen St 3456 Swan J B res 573 1st St SE 3339 Tohin J res 27 5th St SW 2102 TODD J &, CO General Store 675 2nd St Tom W H res 544 Cambridge St 2734 2270 Tom's News Stand T G Allan 620 3rd St 2737 Tomhling A res 948 Balmoral St 2774 Tommy's Confectionery 14 6th Ave 2974 Toole E Jr res 1178 Balmoral St 3326 Toole J H res 10 Crescent View 3118 Torgerson Mrs Alma res 1137 Dominion 3672 Towle Ray res 385 4th St Towne W B res 25 4th St SB 2257 Townsend E res 980 5th St 2529 3731 Trotman A G Acct & Auditor Royal 3426 Trotman A G res 492 9th St 3364 Trotman J L res 412 10th St SB 3933 3142 TABERTA CANDY CO LTD Gerald Ave St Bank Bldg Trotman James L Dist Mgr Mutual Life Assurance Co 4 Hull Blk 3036 Tufford J D Tailor 439 N RIy St 3654 Tufford J D res 1226 3rd Ave 2595 W A McQuarrie Mgr res 2l3nTAYLOR BROS Groceries Crockery A 2559 Tuggy G Sr res 439 2nd Ave NW 3084 Turner W A res 466 11th St SE 21513 Glassware 650 2nd St SE 2693 TURNER W M O Rental and Insur 341 6 AC Taylor res 218 2nd St SW 3576 S C Taylor res 225 1st St SW ance Agt 15 Becker Blk FOR LONG DISTANCE CALL O For information regarding Long Distance Rates, New Toll Offices, etc^.Call 92 Report onsatisfactory Long Distance Service to Chief Operator. Phone 3417 Medicine Hat 95 Station-to-Station Calls are Cheapest They are Calls from one Telephone to Another, when It Is not Desired to Establish Connection with a Particular Person. 2203 TWAITES CHAS W Auctioneer and Livestock Salesman 627 3rd St SE 3204 Twaites Charles W res 477 3rd St SE YOUR AD. HERE WOULD 2190 Tweed H L Ins Agt & Bkr 78 1st St SW 3903 u 3524 UNIVERSAL GARAGE P Piegl Prop S Railway St 3410 3445 Wetmon W H res 19 View Court 2622 Wharton Mrs res 68 2nd St 3243 Wharton W J res 876 Braemar St 2142 Wheat Sheaf Bakery 640 7th St SE 3691 P Piegl res V 2277 2757 2904 2059 PRODUCE RESULTS Tyler T H res 125 6th Ave Valli M A res 85 4th St Van 0 N res 15 Diana Court Vankeekem B J res 1056 Dominion St Vincent J M res 503 5th St 3304 Volway P E res 69 11th St NE 3079 Voysey 0 res 932 Dominion St w 3967 Waldo N M res 537 7th St SB 2352 Walker G F res Dunmore Rd Whetstone Mrs D res 744 3rd St 3422 Whiffin Horace E Law Office Bums Blk 3248 White Mrs A E res 44^ 2nd St 3273 White Mrs A M res 441 Belfast St 3329 White A T res 252 4th St SE 2470 White Geo Esmonde res 521 10th St SE 3993 White Lunch 230 S Ely St 3495 White Percy res 411 2nd St 3107 White S res 359 3rd St 2957 White W G res 160 11th St NE 2638 Wibberlcy Mrs E res 1031 Braemar St 2049 Walker I B res 332 Cambridge St 3333 WIBBERLEY TAXI HO 8th 2944 Wickett H II res 506 9th St 3472 Wight P res 490 12th St SE 3405 Wilkinson Ray res 304 3rd St NW 3465 Walker T H res 240 Aberdeen St 2297 3 I 66 Wall J H res 239 2nd St SW 38 15 Wallace Chas N E res 545b Princess Ave 3136 Wallace S A res 533 Cambridge St SE 2474 Wallis J W res 14 View Court 2466 Walton Mrs R E res .211 2nd St 3792 Wardle J res 505 Hill Road 2330 WARE FRED J Mgr Medicine Hat Greenhouses Ltd 970 4th St SE 3509 Ware Mrs R L res 174 1st St NE 3069 Warner E C res 838 1st St SE 3282 WARNER MISS G Children's Wear 6th Ave 2464 Washburn Mrs A res 510 3rd St 3745 Watkin H res 412 Cambridge St 2383 Watson Alex res 349 7th St 3859 WATSON W D Auctioneer & Furniture 2963 3 I 88 3386 3453 3159 Dealer Oddfellows BIk 3nl St Watson W D res 276 1st St Watson W R res 545-F Allowance Ave Watts Geo res 1116 Balmoral St Watts W D res. 726 10th St SE Weeks C D res 127 1st St SW 3446 Weighell C res 1151 Bridge St 3444 Wellband H K res 312 7th St 3728 Welling Mrs M res 433 10th St 268 I Welsford L res 177 10th St N 3340 West E H res 133 12th St 2054 WESTERN MEAT MARKET Meats and Groceries 608 3rd St SB St WILLARD SERVICE STATION G G Anderson 422 S Railway St 2364 Williams A G res 451 12th St 3388 Williams Mrs E K Beauty Shoppe 524 4th 3439 Williams E 0 res 63 9th St 3624 Williams F J res 520-D Woodman Ave Ave Williams W A res 96 4th St SE Williamson James 0 Law Office Old Quebec Bk Bldg 2033 Williamson W M res 317 1st St SE 2458 2718 3327 Willox R res 332 5th St 3714 3335 3414 24! I 3429 3i 14 31 15 Willson George res 445 9th St Willson W L res 228 9th St Wilson Miss E res 21 2nd St SW Wilson H res 528 Dundee St Wilson Mrs J res 406 2nd St SE Wilson James res 830 5th St SEWilson R res 340 Belfast St 2934 Wilson Wm res 335 3rd St SE 3131 WINNIPEG HIDE &, FUR CO The Second Hand and Junk 318 8 Rail 291 I 2390 2614 2205 2749 way St H B Freedman Mgr res Winter IT res 346 Belfast St Wintermute G A res 356 Belfast St Wo Lee & Co Greenhouses 1st St N Wolfe W J res 630 Industrial Ave 2386 Wood Mrs M M res 403 2Qd St 3526 Woodhouse W res 360 10th St 2195 Woodruff Mrs Lizzie res 1173 Ross St. 2191 Woodruff M D res 533-A Allowance Ave 3874 Western Vulcanizing & Tiro Works R N Bradley 310 S Ely St 2091 Western Rev W C res 623 4th St 2459 Westwood Miss Gladys res 820a Braemar St Directory Advertising Pays Call " INFORMATION " for Subscribers or Changes not found in the Directory Medicine Hat 86 You Will Find Every Kind of Business in the Classified Directory 2063 2122 2267 3943 3229 2308 2256 3834 2615 3872 2996 Woollven Mrs F C res 825b 3rd St Woolworth F W Co Ltd 633 2nd St 3964 Y W C A 409 1st St SE 3662 Yates Mrs E res 854 Balmoral St Worsley Mrs A res 740 4th St Worth W res 521-0 Maple Ave SE Wray W G res 70 10th St N Wright A M res 16 1st St SE Wright B W res 154 1st St SW Wright J W res 869 2nd St Wyatt J H res 1008 Yuill St SE Wyatt Jesse William res 503 7th St Wylie A res 512 Cambridge St 3906 Yee Shing laundry and Dry Cleaning 562 3rd St 3013 Yeo Percy res 355 Belfast St 2219 Young E V res 64 Aberdeen St 3097 Young Richard A res 325 Belfast 2478 2283 Directory Advertising Pays St YOUNG'S GROCERY 108 5th St Yuill H C res 442 Ist St SE 3 143 Zachary Mrs A res 825 7th St SE Medicine Hat Rurai Subscribers To obtain connection with a Rurai Subscriber, call No. 91 on dial and ask for number desired R2I0 R5I4 R3I3 R305 Ajax Coal Co Ltd The—Medicine Hat Alberta Clay Products Co Ltd—Dunmore Aman Andrew—Robinson R505 Klaiber Michael—Woolchester RI 1 5 Koenig Dan—Coleridge R51 I Maple Leaf Milling Co Ltd—Dunmore Armstrong Peter—Elkwater R509 Burton Eugene—Medicine Hat R203 Medicine Hat Silver Black Fox Farm Co ltd Buttrey Mrs Mary—Medicine Hat R604 Buttrey W—Medicine Hat R504 G H Lait Ranch Mgr—Medicine Hat R207 R5I3 C P R Station—Dunmore RSI 2 Cavan Harry M—Dunmore Craig L James—Coleridge RI05 RI 13 R304 Ri iO R107 R503 R2I I Mewton J—^Woolchester Muryn Justin—Coleridge R5 1 6 Pols Arthur J H—Coleridge R502 R5 10 Pols J—Coleridge Crockett William—Norton R208 Reed W G—Medicine Hat Deering E—Irvine R507 Deering Rudolf—Gros Ventre R303 Dewalt Simon—Tunore R307 Smith E E—Norton R3I2 Spring Creek Ranger Doering John—Robinson Evans Mrs E T—Medicine Hat R306 RI03 Flath J A—Elkwater R605 R202 R608 R205 Hawthorne William—Medicine Hat Frisch Reinhold—Norton IN Starks R E—Medicine Hat R508 R309 Wilson J 0—Coleridge RI08 Woolley Lloyd—Coleridge Ri 12 Woolley Norman—Coleridge RII7 Yanke C—Irvine KUlins H W—Medicine Hat YOU HAVE THIS LOST THE DIRECTORY. handle are classified and advertised in the next issue. DIRECTORY ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITY Make sure that Do it now. TO ADVERTISE all the lines you DEPARTMENT Alberta Governnent Telepbonea, Calgary. Alta. Jl Station—Thelma R506 Wilson Lillian—Norton R209 Woolfrey W A—Medicine Hat Hillside Cemetery—Medicine Hat Hope Bruce—Norwood Too Late! Schnclle Otto—Dunmore Smibert H—Elkwater Medicine Hat CLASSIFIED Telephone Directory GRAYSON & DEALERS NORRIS IN Z^AAAAM-PAIfi£ MODERATELY PRICED SIX CYLINDER CARS Four Speed Forward with Standard Shift. &AAAAM AAi&£ Phone 3650 Mulligan Block, MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. Accountants—Chartered Automobile Garages 25 19 Oliver-Martyn & Co 20 Becker Blk (See Garages) Accountants 3731 Trotman A G Royal Bank Bldg Advertising—Directory Baggage Transfer 2453 Ever Ready Transfer 968 Braemar St 3165 Maynard's Auto Transfer 469 lOtb St 3969 Schmidt's Transfer & Service Station 619 7th Ave You Want Results From Your Advertising We can show you the best way to get them. DIRECTORY ADVERTISING DEPT. Alberta Governinent Telephones 128 Seventh Ave. W., Calgary Baiters and Confectioners 2679 Central Park Bakery 339 6th St SB 2501 Medicine Hat Baking Co Ltd The cor 4th St & 3rd Ave SW Agricultural Implements 2952 JlitcheU John R 439 N RIy St 2675 National System of Baking 617 2nd St 2 I 72 Riverside Bakery Cor 3rd St & Division Ave N (See Farm Machinery and Supplies) Associations 2798 Ku Min Tong 513a N Railway St 3964 Young Women's Christian Association 409 1st St SB Riverside Bakery BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS Our Bread ig Distributed throughout the P.O. Box 584 Phone 2172 Auctioneers Province Cor. 3rd St. and Division Ave. 2142 Wheat Sheaf Bakery 640 7th St SB 2203 TWAITES CHAS W 627 3rd St SB 3859 WATSON W D Oddfellows Blk 3rd St Automobile Dealers 2220 Adolph's Auto Sales & Service 731 3rd St 2009 Beny & Son 410 South Railway St 3650 Grayson & Norris Mulligan Blk Banks 2Q^g|Bank of Montreal 616 2nd St 2026 Canadian Bank of Commerce The 2Dd 8t 8S 3663 Dominion Bank The 3rd St & 6th Ave 2477 Royal Bank of Canada 3rd St SE 2244 Hughes Astley Motors 5th St 2315 McGoe J 6 & Son 536 2nd St 2565 Ritchie Motors Ltd 746 2nd St Directory Advertising Pays Medicine Hat Classified Telephone Directory 2—Barbers ANDERSON SERVICE STATION Willard Dealer Battery Service of a Better Class KOLSTER RADIO MAGNETO SERVICE 422 S. Railway Street Medicine Hat, Alta Battery & Radiator Repairs Barbers 2349 Elliott's Barber Shop 210 S Railway St 2297 Anderson Service Station 422 S Railway St 305 I Gerow & Murphy 639 2nd St BE 2007 Baxter Battery Service 314 S Railway St 2414 Lem BUck Barber Shop & Beauty Parlor Huckvale Blk Beauty Parlors Barristers and Solicitors 2105 Begg McLarty k Evans Becker Blk 2404 2232 Blackstock G M 560 2nd St SE 3756 3431 2128 3829 3531 Card J S Royal Bank Bldg Clow A B Dominion Bank Bldg Davidson & Gow 9-10 Hull Blk Laidlaw Blanchard Niblock k Montreal Chambers 2001 Hood's Barber Shop & Beauty Parlor Hall Blk 4 th Ave 2071 Johnson Hilma Basement Assinlboia Hotel 3095 Jones Mrs Roy 625 2nd St 2492 3123 Simpson Dorothy 462 4th St Smith's Barber Shop & Beauty Parlor 668 2 St 3388 Williams Mrs E K 524 4th Ave Stone Bank of MacGregor Alex 208 Huckvale Blk Short S Union Bank Bldg Billiards and Pool Rooms 3422 "Whiffin Horace E Bums Blk 2718 Williamson James 0 Old Quebec Bk Bldg 3675 Regent Billiard Room The 2nd St SB Is Every Branch of Your Business Advertised in the Classified Telephone Directory ? For Advertising Rates, Apply If not, you are missing Oppor* DIRECTORY ADVERTISING DEPT. tunities, of which Your Com Alberta Goveriuneat Telepbonea petitors Avail Themselves. 128 Seventh Ave. W., Calgary % Tell the Subscriber You Saw His Ad Here Cartagre—3 mmnted!" If your Ad. is in the Classified Section of the Telephone Directory, Buyers- will find you when you are wanted. Don't lose business because customers can't find you when they want you! There is no more economical Advertising Med ium than the Telephone Directory. DIRECTORY ADVERTISING DEPT. Alberta Government Telephones Phone M 6005 Blacksmiths' Supplies CALGARY Brick Manufacturers and Dealers 2456 Hewitt & Black 656 2nd St SE 2493 Medicine Hat Brick & Tile Co Ltd Industrial Booksellers and Stationers 3633 Marshall's Book Store 621 2nd St Boots and Shoes—Retail Site Building Contractors 2135 Johnston L H 172 4th St NW 3783 Scanlan B 308 Huckvale Blk 2480 Bullivant Isaac 216 S Railway St Butchers Bottlers (See Meat Markets) 2533 Shamrock Bottling Works Park Drive Cabinet Mak^ts Bowling Alleys 3210 Medicine Hat Cabinet Shop 720 4th St 3133 Recreation Bowling Alleys 29 6th St Cartage and Storage Boys Clothing 3282 Holmes S F 6th Ave Brewers' Distributors (See also Baggage Transfer & Draying & Transfer) 2 104 Alberta Cartage &Ta;Ki Co 740 2nd St SB 2507 Hewitt's City Transfer Baggage Co 1253 Elm St 3656 Kinnaird's Transfer 567b N Railway St 3357 Maiich Walter 731 3rd St 2524 distributors LTD S Railway St 3303 Reliable Western Cartage 722 2nd St SB 4—Chamber of Commerce Medicine Hat Classified Telephone Directory Chamber of Commerce 2327 Chamber of Commercd cor S Rly & 2nd St Contractors' Supplies 2456 HEWITT & BLACK 656 2nd St SB Chiropractors Customs Broilers 2972 lewis J H 534 6th Ave Church Organizations 3610 Reilly A A H Old Dominion Bank Bldg 217 • 6th Ave 2604 Fifth Avenue United Church Dairies Clay Products 2578 Alberta Clay Products Co Ltd cor Clay & 6th St Cleaners and Dyers 2777 Crystal Dairy Ltd 233 5th St 3322 Park Dairy Ist St & 6th Ave 3302 Patterson's Dairy 524a 4th Ave 3048 Electric Cleaners 561 3rd St Decorators 2005 Medicine Rat Steam Laundry Co ltd 873a 2nd St SE 2505 My Wardrobe 565 2nd St SE 2616 Parisian Cleaners & Dyers 559 2nd St (See also Painters and Faperhangers) 3 I 53 The Parisian Cleaners & Dyers Caldwell G A 426 4th St Dentists CLEANING, DYEING, HAT BLOCKING AND RENOVATING We Call and Deliver 24-Hour Service Phone 2616 559 Second St. Clubs 3945 2 I 80 2627 3277 2629 Canadian Legion 2nd St Secretary's Office Connaught Golf Club Medicine Hat 2179 Cypress Club 6th Ave SE Departmental Stores (See also Dry Goods) Municipal Golf Club City Coal—Wholesale and Retail 2668 Norrie & Fawcett Ltd S Railway St Colleges and Schools 3877 LePage Store The 640 3rd St Tcco Store Operated by The T Eaton Co Ltd 2942 2949 29 I 9 SCHOOLS Medicine Hat School Board Office Alexandra Public School Alexandra High School 6th St SE Connaught School 9th St SW Earl Kitchener School 2nd Ave & 4th St Elizabeth St School 11th St SE Elm St School 5-G St SE Montreal St School 4th St SE 3793 Riverside School 2nd St W Confectioners—Manufacturing 3142 Taberta Candy Co Ltd Gerald Ave General Office cor 3iA St & 6th Ave Groceteria Hardware Dept etc Toiletries Piece Goods Smallwares Gloves & Hosiery Jewelry Men's & Women's Wearing Apparel 2394 Garbutt Business College 24 Becker Elk 3992 St Thcrcsc Academy 7th St NE 3178 23 I 8 2527 2392 3420 3678 3528 2556 Morrison J D 2nd St Slack A E Porter Elk 3447 Smith Allison 2na St & S Rly St 3135 3924 3803 3I9i McKee E L 654 3rd St SE McNichol F H 640 2nd St Moore Milton L 644 2nd St Draying and Transfer (See also Cartage|and Storage) 3690 MacGregor A 38 6th St SW Druggists—Retail 2202 2178 2925 2006 2667 Boylan's Drug Store cor 6th Ave & 3id St Cawker E M 206 S Railway St Cosens Pharmacy Ltd 628 3rd St Fingle Drug & Book Co The 627 2nd St SB Pingle MacKenrie Drug Co Ltd 423 N Rly St Confeetioners—RetaiI 3309 2959 Dry Goods—Retail Arcadia Confectionery The 2nd St California Fruit Store & Confectionery 657 2nd St 3 164 Court Bros 634 2nd St 3487 Redman's Confectionery Store 616 3rd St 2774 Tommy's Confectionery 14 6th Ave 2003 Glasgow House The 648 2nd St SE 2338 Medicine Hat Bargain Store 619 3rd St 35 I 6 Morrison Miss I 517a 4th Ave 3004 Oliver W W 3rd St Tell the Subscriber You Saw His Ad Here ELECTRICAL - Flour Mills—B SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT WHOLESALE and RETAIL RADIO — FIXTURES — WASHING MACHINES VACUUM CLEANERS — LIGHTING PLANTS We Repair, Rent and Exchange We have the largest staff of experienced electricians in the West ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS LIMITED 304 8tb Ava. West CALGARY Phone M 7979 Electrical Contractors 2573 Hodges E S 655 2nd St SB 101S5 lOlst Street EDMONTON Phone 1154 Five, Ten andFifteen Cent Stores 2122 Woolworth F W Co Ltd 633 2nd St 3009 KcCasIin John 803a Braemar St 2655 Kae James M & Co 526 2nd St Florists Employment Agencies 2111 Canadian Greenhouses The Elm St & London 2431 Uedicine Hat Greenhouses Ltd 10th Are SB Avt 2222 Employment Service of Canada Alberta Gov 2330 ernment 120 S Railway St Express Companies Nights and Sundays Medicine Hat Greenhonses Ltd* Succeswrsto ROSERY FLOWER CO. Largest Growers of Cat Flowers in 230 i Canadian Pacific Express Co C P R Station entire Canadian West Phone Your Orders Direct to 2431 Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists 2555 Elder Br G 6 826 2nd St SE Farm Lands 2426 Canada Land & Irrigation Co Ltd Hnelnrale BUc Farm Machinery and Supplies 2009 2553 3006 2668 Night Calls 2330 Flowers for Every Occasion 2425 Jdedicine Hat Nurseries cor E Allowance & 2nd St 2227 Hills' Greenhouses 1035 TuiU St MILLS' GREENHOUSES FLOWERS for All Occasions Prompt Attention to Out-of-Town Orders Phone 2227 103S Yuill St., Medicine Hat Res.: 1069 Yuill St., Medicine Hat Beny A Son dlO S Ely St Canadian Farm Implement Co Ltd Foundry St Flour Mills Massey-Harris Agency 629 3rd St Norrie A Fawcett Ltd S Railway St 2 i 55 Lake of the Woods Hilling Co Ltd S Bly St 2773 Ilae James M A Co 603 9th Ave jnaple Leaf Hilling Co Ltd Industrial Site 2831' 2833^ 3206 Ogilvie Flour Hills Go Ltd 9th Ave SE Farm Tractors (See Tractors) Fish Dealers 3442 Fickaid's Fish Uarket 616 3rd St Directory Advertising Pays 6—Flour & Feed Medicine Hat Classified Telephone Directory GRAYSON & NORRIS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Flour, Feed and Seed Merchants CAGE BIRD AND POULTRY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS DUtribntort of "ROBIN HOOD MILLS" ProducU Phone 3650 Mulligan Block, Medicine Hat Flour and Feed 3650 Grayson k Norris Mulligan Blk 3111 Medicine Hat Feeding Co By Preston Planing MID Direct Results-are obtained by advartiaing in tbe Fraternities TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 2377 Masonic Hall 4th St SE 3228 Oddfellows HaU 3rd St SE N« atkar advartieag •adiuM aHara aaek pafriataat paUiaity. Far adTaatiHUf rataa apply ta 3548 Orange HaU 3rd St Directory Advertising D^artment Albarta Gavatameet TalaplMaaa Fruit and Produce—Wholesale 128 Seveath Avanue Weat, GalSary ^^g||National Fruit Co Ltd SRailway St Fur Dealers and Furriers Furniture Dealers—Retail 3226 Medicine Eat Furrier S Railway St 2226 Beveridge J C Ltd 620 2nd St SE 2787 Moore J J & Son 607 2nd St Phone 3226 MEDICINE HAT FURRIER 3859 WATSON W D OddfeUows Blk 3rd St H. WIESE, Manager FUR MANUFACTURER Furniture Repairers Ciutomer's Gooda Made Up to Any Styla Detired WE BUY RAW FURS H^rAu';. 2910 Crane's Furniture Repair 776 2nd St J. J. FURNITURE IVlooro St DRAPERIES n CHINA Snifdet's Chesterfields Lowest Prices SAnSbiiT iS^GROOMFUBNiTViif Simmons' Beds Highest Quality Cmwmtrrd MoiM Aoa/" Phone 2787 605 2nd Street, MEDICINE HAT Tell the Subscriber You Saw His Ad Here BENY & Gramophones—7 SON Garage SALES AND SERVICE FOR BUICK - PONTIAC G. M. C. and 1. H. C. TRUCKS Power and Agricultural Implements MODERN GARAGE SERVICE DOMINION TIRES AND AUTO ACCESSORIES PHONE 410 South Railway Street 2009 Medicine Hat Alberta Ritchie Motors Ltd. DISTRIBUTORS CHRYSLER AND PLYMOUTH CARS AND TRUCKS PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SHOP SERVICE Phone 2565 746 2nd Street, MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. Garages 2009 Beny & Son 410 S Railway St Central Garage 701 Ist St SE 2948 2244 2379 2295 2498 2565 3524 Cook's Garage Cambridge St Hughes Astley Motors 5th St Medicine Hat Garage 624 2nd St SB Park Garage 646 1st St Porter C B 126 Maple Ave Ritchie Motors Ltd 746 2nd St Universal Garage S Riulway St Whippet & Willys-Knight Service General Stores 381 I Medicine Hat Trading Co 328 S Railway St 3809 Shore M 803 7th Ave 2102 Todd J & Co 675 2nd St Grain Commission Merchants 3022 Maiden Elevator Co Ltd Huckvale Blk Grain Inspector 3366 Grain Inspector S Railway St Gramophones (See Phonographs) Medicine Hat Classified Telephone Directory 8—Grocers AMERICAN HIDE & FUR CO. CALGARY Calgary's Leading House for Furs,|^Hides^ Horse Hair, etc. HIGHEST PRICES - - PROMPT RETURNS Price Lists and Shipping Tags Free Your Sati^aetion Is Our Success Teiephones Office M 3749 Comer 4th St. and 6th Ave., E. _ / M7339 Nights I m3^53 CALGARY Hardware—Retail Grocers—Retail 2717 Aberdeen Grocery 395 Aberdeen St 3652 Adkins B 539-A 7th Ave 3954 Altin John 519a North Railway St Angus Tom Flat Iron Bldg Dederer's Grocery & Meat Market 642 7 At 35(9 Fair. Grocery cor Maple Ave & 5th St 32521 Family Grocery 1040 7th Ave SE 2456 HEWITT & BLACK 656 2nd St SE 2076 Service Hardware Ltd The 624 3rd St 3155 3222 2ioi; Hardware—Wholesale 2456 HEWITT & BLACK 656 2nd St SB Freedman's City Market 2531 Gibson R C 401 Aberdeen St 3953 2628 2502 2012 3641 Graham's Grocery 544c Princess Ave Harness and Saddlery Gust S E Stores limited 626 3rd St SE Hat Grocery 507-B Allowance Ave Jones' Mrs Grocery 802b 3rd St SE 3139 Market Grocery 325 6th Ave 2985 McNeely's Grocery 720 4th St 2998 Queen Street Grocery 976 Queen St 2584 Sbarland L A 1113 Dominion St 2151) Taylor Bros 650 2nd St SE 2I3IJ Grocers—Wholesale 2745 Codville Company Ltd The Maple Ave A Queen St THE CODV1L.LE St SE Hides, Raw Furs and Shins 3131 Winnipeg Hide A Fur Co The 318 S Rly St Young's Grocery 108 5th St 2478 2064 Hutchinson T Saddlery Co Ltd The 623 3rd COMPANY Hospitals, Asylums and Homes 2672 Children's Shelter Riverside 2126 General Hospital 2nd St SE 3629 Isolation Hospital Powell Subdivision 3342 Maternity Hospital Ash Ave 3883 Salvation Army 867 2 St CIMITKD Mknufftcturera and Distributors ' Pure Food Products Oflleo Phone 2745 Hotels MAPLE AVE. k QUEEN ST. MEDICINE HAT - ALTA. Rhone 2744 2t 14 American Hotel S Rly St 2056 Assiniboia Hotel 3rd St SE 2928 Cecil Hotel 4th St SE 29291 3154 Corona Hotel 5th St 2939J 2052 2177 2930 l-Medicme Hat Grocery Co N Railway St Cosmopolitan Hotel The Sonth Rdlway St Royal Hotel South Ridlway St i Hair Dressers—Ladies (See Beanty Parlors) Ice Dealers 3702 Medicine Hat lee Co 39 Division Ave Tell the Subscriber You Saw His Ad Here ELECTRICITY FROM FOR THE HAS BEEN USED FARM THE Machinery—a WIND UGHTING AEROLECTRIC WITH SATISFACTION FOR YEARS —SEND FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION CALGARY: Phone M 7979 304 8th Ave. Weal Flo^frir-al Fnfriri^^ftrc T td EjieCinCai UngineerS Litu. EDMONTON: Phone 1154 joies lout street Laundries—Steam Power Your Ad. Here Would Produce Results 2005 Medicine Hat Steam Laundry Co Ltd 873a £sd St SE MEDICINE HAT STEAM LAUNDRY CO., LTD. Insurance Agents and Broilers 248 I Anderson Agency ltd Huckrale Blk 668 3 St Dry Cleaners, Pressing and Repairmg Phone 2005 873A 2nd St. S.E. 2779 Bannan & Parker 342 6th Ave 2728 BeU J A Agency The 643 2Dd St SB 3553 Kent R H 528 2nd St Lawyers 3554 Lang Bros Ltd Bums Blk 651 2iid St SB 3022 ROBINSON JAS W Huckvale Blk (See Barristers and SoBdton) 2693 Turner W M 0 15 Becker Blk 21 90 Tweed H L 78 1st St SW Lighting Systems Insurance Companies—Life (See advt at head of this page) 353 I London Life Insurance Go Union Bank Bldg 3933 Mutual Life Assurance Co 4 Hull Blk 2666 Fingle G W Agency 207 Huckvale Block 36(0 Heilly A A H Old Dominion Bank Bldg 217 Linseed Oil 2206 Alberta Linseed Oil Co Ltd The 9th Are SE 6th Ave 3480 Sun Life Assurance Co Porter Blk LivestocI^ Dealers Jewelry and Watches—Retail 2378 COOK A B 645 2Dd St SE 2203 TWAITES CHAS W 627 3rd St SB Ladies' & Children's Long Distance Ready-tO'Wear ALBERTA GOVERNMENT 0 2696 Butler £ S 6th Ave 3720 Fleming W T Co The 630 2nd St SB 2003 Glasgow House The 648 2nd St SE 92 TELEPHONES Long Distance Operator Information regarding Long Distance Rates New Toll Offices etc 3282 Warner Miss G 6th Ave Laundries—Oriental Lumber Dealers—Retail 235 I) Beaver (Alberta) Lumber Ltd cor 6th St & 265 I ) S Railway 3906 Yee Shing 662 3rd St 2153 Revelstoke Sawmill Co Ltd East AUowanea YEE SHING LAUNDRY DRY CLEANING, PRESSING and REPAIRING Phone 3906 562 Third Street, Medicine Hat Machinery Repairing (See Machinists) Directory Advertising Pays 10—Machinists Medicine Hat Classified Telephone Directory Canadian Farm Implement Co. Ltd. MANUFACTURERS Iron and Brass Castings, Forgings Machine and Repair Work Medicine Hat Phone Alberta 2553 Foundry and Machine Shop, Foundry Street Machinists 2553 Canadian Farm Implement Co Ltd Fonndry St 3 127 Porter's Machine Shop 690 S Railway St WHEN TELEPHONING Marl^et Gardeners 3667 Jam Chong Ist St KW 2590 Leong Bill 921 7th Are ADVERTISER PLEASE MENTION 2205 Wo Lee A Co Ist St N THE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Marriage Licenses 2778 Issuer of Marriage licenses—Court House Mens Clothing & Furnishings 2528 Meat Markets 3324 Central Meat Market 628 2nd St 3234 Elliott 0 N 634 3rd St 3715 Elm St Meat Market & Grocery 1152 Elm St 3779 MacLean's Meat Market 411 N Railway St 3258 McEIgunn & Cassidy 7th Avc & 8th St 25 I 8 Richardson 0 & Son 507a 4th Ave 2370 Star Meat Mkt Cor Allowance Are & Queen St 2620 Tcel Meat Market 503b Allowance Ave 2054 Western Meat Market 608 3rd St SB C P R Men's Store 415 7th Ave SE 2523 Hawthorne A C 234 S Railway St 2457 Hub The Harry Fefferman 228 S RIy St 3530 levine A I 656 3rd St SE Milliners 2946 Anderson Hat Shop The Imperial Bldg Mining Supplies 2456 Hewitt & Black 656 2nd St SE For CITY and COUNTRY PUBLICITY There is No Advertising Medium like the TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Tell the Subscriber You Saw His Ad Here Opticiams—11 MONUMENTS (Tombstones) Agent for Manufacturers of all Cemetery Work ILLUSTRATED FOLDER MAILED ON REQUEST Phone, Call pr Write to A. A. H. REILLY Old Dominion Bank Buiidingp 217 - 6th Ave., Medicine Hat, Alberta Phone 3610 Office Residence 3311 Directory Advertising Pays Notaries Public (See Barristers and Solicitors) Monuments and Mausoleums Nursing Homes 3610 Eedlly A A Old Dominion Bank Bldg 217 6tb Ave (See Hospitals, Asylums and Homes) Motor Truclis Oil Companies (See Tractors and Tracks) 31 12 British American Oil Co Industrial Sit« Music Teachers 2242 Hiskelly Miss J Suite B HoU Elk 2750 Ragnsr R H-411 Aberdeen St 2479 Eagle Butte Oil Co Ltd 6 Hull Blk 3003 Imperial Oil Ltd Industrial Site 3802 Medicine Hat Petroleum 122 6th Ave 2668 NORTH STAR OIL LTD South Railway St 2669 - Plant 2022)TEXAS CO OF CANADA LTD 2009; THE Deny & Son Oil Site 2554 G H Crockford Agt res News Dealers 2044 Botter's News & Fruit Store Becker Blk 2270 Tom's News Stand 620 3rd St Oil & Gasoline Service Stations 3398 BuHen Sid Service Station N Railway St 2454 Prairie City Oil Co Ltd cor 3rd St k 6tb Ave 2333 Royal Oil & Service Station 3rd St Newspapers and Periodicals Opticians 2979 Calgary Herald 368 2nd St 3361 Cutts L G 1 Connaught Apts 2028 News The 6th Ave SB 3218 Souch B F 399 Aberdeen St I Keep Your Business Before the Public By ADVERTISING IT in The Telephone Directory No Other Book ia REFERRED TO SO CONSTANTLY Medicine Hat Classified Telephone Directory 12—^Painters PAPER HANGER & PAINTER ROBERT KENNEDY HIGH CLASS INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATING Agent for "EMPIRE" WALLPAPER AND R. C. JAMIESON'S PAINTS AND WALLPAPERS 749 1st Street, MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. Phone 3468 Painters and Paperhangers (See also Decorators) 3735 Bedford D G 412 5th St 3 153 CaldweU G A 426 4th St- Plumbers and Gasfitters 2440 Campbell Duncan 415 7th St 3448 Cope E L 546 2nd St 2 144 Fraser W A S31a 3rd St 3655 Marsh & Scott 650 3rd St For PAINTS, VARNISH and WALLPAPER See- Potteries 3585 Medalta Potteries ltd Industrial Site G. A. CALDWELL Deieerator and Signwrlter Phone 3153 426 Fourth Street 2146 Dowson E*^N 530 2nd St 2028 3468 Kennedy Robert 749 1st St Photographers 3305 Gainsborough Studio 651 2nd St 3075 Royal Studio 227 6th Ave Printers—Booli and Job - News The 6th Are SE Public Departments—City CITY OF MEDICINE HAT 3030 2326 Mayor's Office City Hall Treasurer's and Tax Office City Hall 3947 City Probation Officer Treasurer and Comptroller H J Noble Physicians and Surgeons 2304 Boyd 0 Bums B!k 3062 Bison Howard C 234 1 St SB 2555 2030 2030 3365 Fish F H 826 2nd St SE Gershaw F W 826 2nd St SE ' MacCharles D N 826 2nd St SE Macleod J S 419 1st St SE 2555 McEwen S F X-Ray 826 2nd St SE 2030 Aledicine Hat Clinic 826 2nd St SB 1 City Engineer Hugh C Ritchie Gl^ Hall 2726 f City Clerk F Blackburn City Hall J Purchasing Agent Wm Buttrey (Jlty Hall 2380 2992 3920 Electric Dept F E Kathwell Police Dept Capt J M Taylor Chief City Hall Fire HaU (General Use Only) City Hall Hugh McLaughlin Public Wke Foreman Side 2665 2558 Gas Dept Health Dept Princess Ato 3627 Patterson J R 816 2nd St Piano and Organ Dealers 2642 Assiniboia Music Co Ltd 615 2nd St 2068 Fleming's Music House Royal Bank Bldg 2201 Heintzman & Co Ltd 229 6th Are Pianos Organs Orthophonics Radios Bruns wick Panatropos and Victor Records Planing Mills 2229 Gas City Planing MHIh igt St SE Public Depts—Dom, Goift 2577 First Street Armouries Opp Central Garage 3366 Grain Inspector's Office S R^way St 2305 Health of Animals Branch 2403 Royal Canadian Monnted Police N Railway St Long Distance Tell the Subscriber You Saw His A<J Here Railway Contractors—13 DIXON'S RADIO SERVICE Authorized De Forest-Crosley Sales and Service AERIALS ERECTED - SETS INSTALLED AND REPAIRED - RADIO AND CAR BATTERIES RE-CHARGED WE Business Phone CALL FOR AND DELIVER 664 SECOND STREET, MEDICINE HAT 2483 Residence Phone 3082 (Next to Regent Pool Hall) Radiators and Repairs Public Dept's—Prov, Goift (See Battery and Radiator Repairs) COURT HOUSE BUIIDINO 2778 Clerk of the Court's Office 2451 Sheriffs Office Radio Supplies 2547 School Inspectors 3362 Clinic Children's Welfare 2778 Issuer of Marriage Licenses 2297 Anderson Service Station 422 S Railway St 2642 Asslniboia Music Co Ltd 615 2nd St 2483 Dixon's Radio Service 664 2nd St 2648 Provincial Police 3868 3572 Judge Greene lawyers' Room District Surveyor & Engineer's Office Geo 2171 Dept of Agriculture Jas Murray District 371 I Railway Companies McMillan 2406 Canadian Pacific Railway Agriculturist ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES 5th St SE 3490 Local General Office 3492 Manager's Office Railway Contractors' Supplies 2456 Hewitt k Black 656 2nd St SB The Telephone Directory is the Guide Book to Business! See that your Name has due prominence In It. For Advertising Rates apply DIRECTORY ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Alberta Government Telephones 128 Seventh Avenue West, Calgary • • i.' V t ...V'f ' 14—Real Estate Medicine Hat Classified Telephone Directory /# "HHhere cmlbm Ity? Whenever you have trouble in jfinding out by whom a certain commodity or service is handled, consult the CLASSIFIED SECTION of the Telephone Directory. There you will find every kind of business listed under its proper Classification. DIRECTORY ADVERTISING DEPT. Alberta Government Telephones Phone M6005 Real Estate CALGARY Second Hand Dealers 248 i Anderson Agency Ltd Huckrale Blk 668 3 St 2705 Shepherd R F 635 3rd St 2779 Bannan & Parker 342 6th Ato 2203 Twaites Chas W 627 3rd St SB 3347 Cousins-Elliott Ltd 217 6th Ave 3933 Duggan H 0 4 Hull Blk 2940 Jordan J S 564 2nd St Sewing Machines Restaurants 2077 Singer Sewing Machine Co 618 3rd St 2329 City Cafe 403 N Railway St 3202 New Club Cafe 638 2nd St 2575 New York Cafe 427 N Railway St 3236 Rex Cafe 431 N Railway St 3993 White Lunch 230 S Railway St Signs (See advt. at head'of this page) Rolling Mills 2602 Manitoba Rolling Mill Co Ltd Wood St Steamship Agents Schools (See Colleges and Schools) Second Hand Clothing 313 WINNIPEG HIDE & FUR CO THE 318 S Railway St 2406 Canadian Pacific Railway E Schmld Ticket Agent Storage Batteries (See Battery and Radiator Repairs) Tell the Subscriber You Saw His Ad Here LET Undertakers—15 E. JORDAN ^J>X. M%\ BE YOUR TAILOR Suits and Overcoats Made to Measure; also Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing lij" "PLEASING YOU KEEPS US IN BUSINESS" ID-Tl 666 2nd St. S.E., MEDICINE HAT 3230 Telegraph Companies Tailors ® 293 I Elliott J S Railway St 2254 0 F R Telegraphs 2nd St SE 2935 Ilirano K N 560 2nd St 3230 Jordan E 668 2nd St SE Theatres and Places of 3036 Tufford J D 439 N Rly St Amusement Taxis 3660 Empress Theatre 6th Ave 2603 Monarch Theatre Company Ltd 609 2nd St SB 2424 American Hotel Taxi 210 S Railway St AMERICAN 2402 Boyd & Reid 222 S RaUway St 2460 Mac's Cigar k News Stand 601 2nd St Ayinyl TAXI 24 Hour Service ^ 210 South Railway Street • Tobacconists HOTEL Ollil Tombstones See Monuments and Mausoleums 2909 Carlo's Taxi 674 2nd St 2542 City Taxi 921 Queen St Undertakers 2727 Corona Taxi Corona Hotel 2345 Gronherg & MacGregor's Taxi S Railway & 2nd St 2255 Herman John 331 N Railway St JOHN HERMAN TAXI 2 2 5 5 331N. Railway St. 2 2 5 5 3239 Kallenberger Ben 331 N Railway St 2214 Johnson's Undertaking Parlor 535 3rd St SB 2306 Nott J Jessop 321 5th St SE J. JESSOP NOTT rI Director of Funeral Service 1 MONUMENTS Office and Chapel Ben Kallenberger I 331 NORTH RAILWAY 2943 McOarry James 227 5th St 2117 Morrice Taxi 43 9th St SE 2472 Robertson J II 560 2nd St 3203}®''"^®'®^^ F962 Braemar St 3333 Wibberley Taxi 110 8tli St Phone 2306 MEDICINE HAT STREET USE LONG DISTANCE 16—^Vulcanizing Medicine Hat Classified Telephone Directory OfME IVII Washing Machine WHOLESALE and RETAIL We stock these Machines equipped widi Electric Motors or Gsisoline Engines. No moving parts to tear jrour clothes. Requires less soap and water. Mechanically the "ONE MINUTE" is the simplest, and requires no servicing. Will last a lifetime. "THOR" Electrically Heated and Operated Ironing Machines. From $69.00 and up. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS 304 8th Avenue West CALGARY LIMITED Phone rVI7979 Vulcanizing and Tire Repairing 3882 Dominion Tire Repair 324 6lh Ave SE 3874 Western Vulcanizing & Tire Works 310 S Railway St 10165 101st Street EDMONTON Phone 1154 Washing Machines (See advt. at head of this page) Welding and Brazing 3219 Ronnenberg L W 732 2nd St THE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Consulted more times eoery minute of the day than any other publication. For Advertising Rates apply DIRECTORY ADVERTISING DEPT. Alberta Government Telephones, Calgary, Alberta D • To keep in touch with Home when you are out of Town Use Long Distance It is inexpensive and far more satisfactory than writing See Introductory Pages of This Book for Rates Etc, Alberta Government Telephones €4 The Silent Partner'* t- "M a Fadri" c^EKtmsion'Meplione is a. Great Ttme Saver It saves time in the Home, the Office, the Factory, the Store—in fact everywhere. The cost is negligible:—Five Cents a day for a Business Extension; Two and a Half Cents a day for a Residence Extension. ASK THE CLERK AT THE COUNTER dlberta Gmmmmt n^leohones THE TAKTKEP^ ..... .,^,,<.,,.1. LArsest In 9 Greenhouses Western acres devoted Canada. under to Medicine Hat Greenhouses Ltd. glass growing Cut Flowers and Floral Designs House Plants MEDICINE HAT Phone 2431 House Plants Cut Flowers Successors to ROSERY FLOWER CO. Nights and Sundays 2130 Bedding Plants Hot^House Vegetables DISTRICT ALBAY Your Adl Here Connected with Retlaw ALDERSON Would Day Service EXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERS 7 Produce Results Brigham H B Grocery Store 2 Canadian Pacific Ilailway Depot 3 Thurston Geo res . 13 Home Grain Co ltd 27 5 19 16 Jcffcott Rev W R res BIRDSHOLM 25 Ostrum L A Hardware Toll Office 30 32 BARNWELL Connected with Taber Rurals I I 2 17 EXCHANGE PARTY LINE SUBSCRIBERS XI02 Kleenbirn Collieries Ltd United Grain Growers ltd Waldcn F res RURAL SUBSCRIBERS R R R R R Day Service EXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERS Alberta Pool Elevators Ltd Alberta Provincial Police Bateman W K res Beattie Motors R S Beattie 14 Beattie R S res 10 Beaver (Alberta) Lumber Ltd Dragland M 0—Pleasant View 504 Dyer Thos \V—Bow Island 508 1 >2 1 10 510 Fortune J R—Bow Island R Geldrich Max—Bow Island Hanscn Lewis—Bow Island 503 Norden Harold—Pleasant View R 404 Reynar S 0—Malcb BOWELL Toll Office Bow Island Motors W K Bateman Brown F W Druggist BOWMANTON 3 Caldcr Geo R res t 4 Canadian Pacific Railway Depot Chong Ying Co 24 Chuck Chuen Co General Merchants 18 Chuen Sun res 20 Halpin F J I.H.C. Agent 9 Town of Bow Island Tunstall's Garage 23 BOW ISLAND 8 Sweet H C res ' Thackcr's Grocery & Meat Market 7 Day Service 22 Red & White Grocery Reid Jas W Fa!rm Implts &. Ins Stephen Arthur res 6 29 BOW CITY 2 I I5 26 I2 McCoy E J res Myrtle Hotel Geo Ridgedale Prop Ogilvio Flour Mills Co Ltd Toll Office BOX SPRINGS Toll Office BREEZELAWN Halpin F J res Toll Office The Winnipeg Hide & Fur Company BUYERS OF ALL KINDS GOODS AND OF SECOND-HAND JUNK Office Phone 3131 Res. Phone 318 South Railway Street 2911 (I Brooks Largest in 9 acres devoted Medicine Hat Greenhouses Ltd. Successors to ROSERY FLOWER CO. Greenhouses Western Canada. under to glass MEDICINE HAT growing _ _ Cut Flowers and ^ Phone 2431 House Plants '''7^ Floral Designs . Bedding Plants Nights and Sundays 2330 Hot-House Vegetables BROOKS Continuous Service PUBLIC PAY STATION—Hotel Newell EXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERS A 2 40 6 5 Alberta Pacific Grain Co Ltd Alberta Provincial Police Anderson Dr C E Physician & Surgeon Atlas Lumber Co ltd B 39 B P 0 Elks No 77 Club House Bailie T E res 43 15 Bass Dr F L Dentist 27 Berry Frank 11 res 29 18 38 34 Brooks Brooks Brooks Brooks 19 Cains General Store 13 Canadian Pacific Railway Depot Canadian Pacific Railway Dept of Natural Resources Engineering Branch 24 Bakery R R Martin Prop Bulletin Stephens & Williamson Garage & Machine Shop Hotel G W Munroe Prop 53 50 36 33 35 10 8 51 41 Farmers' Meat Market H Roads Fltzsimonds E F res Prop G Genge Albert res Goulct J E Beauty Parlor Barber & Pool Hall Grimm Alfalfa Seed Growers Assn Gust S E Stores ltd H Harrison Ralph D res Hook George res Hotel Newell G W Boucher Mgr I Imperial Oil Ltd 32 31 Ingram James S Real Estate & Insurance 21 Kelly J res 37 Macadam D res 52 MacKintosh J res 3Ianson's Meat Market K Connecting during Business Hours Superintendent of Operation and Mainten M 20 7 McCarraghor R res ance N Chief Clerk Headquarters Superintendent Superintendent Irrigation Development Irrigationist Chief Clerk Irrigation Development Residence Stations connecting 8 am to 8 25 Nelson A res 14 Nurcomhe S T res 16 O'Brien J O Hardware 22 Oxford Hotel J Gray Prop 47 28 Philpott William A res 26 Royal Bank of Canada 48 Sleight J W Barrister & Solicitor pm X2422 Archibald F Y X2423 X2408 X2424 X24I3 Baird R R r 1 r 2 short 1 long 2 short long 1 short 1 long 1 short Bark D H Chalmers C M r 2 long 2 short X24I7 Cross F G Dcnnison C M X2425 Elliott C C r 2 short 1 long 1 short X241 I X2426 Fcssenden E X24I6 Gibson F W Griffin A X2407 X242I X24J2 X24I5 X2409 X2406 X2404 I I 12 1 Galbralth C S r 2 short 2 long Hugiies F McNaughton F D Miles B A O'Neil (5 M Pope C A Robertson G A Cann Reg res Chevrolet Garage S R Murphy Prop Cory W A res Purccll E F General Store s 4 Sleight J W res 46 17 Stafford N res Sturm J res 30 Sturm's "Livery J J Sturm Prop 44r2 44r3 44r4 Sutherland Canadian Lands Co ltd Office 23 9 42 Bungalow South Farm Town of Brooks Office Triangle Motors Ltd E F Fltzsimonds Mgr V "Victoria Elevator Co "Long Distance" is the Cheapest, Quickest and Best Means off Communication Enchant L^rsest in 9 GreeDhouses WMtern acres under devoted to Medicine Hat Greenhouses Ltd. Canada. glass growing Phone 2431 House Plants Nights and Sundays 2330 Y R 106 Ashton James-—Burdett R 206 205 Campbell Bert R—Burdett Campbell Roy E—Burdett 204 405 Campbell Walter W—Burdett Canadian Western Natural Gas Light Heat and Power Co Ltd—Calgary Geological Dept R R Young A L res R RURAL SUBSCRIBERS R 204 Bhrk & Baird—Brooks R R 114 Bonncr Mrs E—Brooks 2 I i Case James A—Cassils R 212 R 203 Dominion Govt Experimental Station— . R R 103 Garrow Alex—Brooks 205 Johnson Chester S—Cassils R 214 R R 210 Loscy Don—Cassils • 221 Losey 1 B—Cassils R R R R R R R R R R R 208 Martin Chris T—Cassils 222 105 118 220 207 206 213 209 110 119 Nuncmaker A—Brooks Raeside Jas—Brooks Robinson W H—Brooks Ruckinan Mrs W—Cassils Schaal Enianuel R—Cassils Schoonover A—Cassils Stewart Alva A—Cassils Subke C G—Cassils Sutherland Canadian Lands Co Ltd—Brooks Theedc Gus—Brooks R 202 Tapper Walter—Cassils R 115 Wliite Bros—Brooks R 116 Woodward George—Brooks R 117 Young A L—-Brooks Cassils Consolidated-^School No 65—Cassils Brooks . Johnston J A—Brooks R R R R R R R 207 102 302 312 308 209 1 1 1 R R 304 309 Poole R—Burdett Statema R—Burdett Strom N F—Burdett 313 Vos R—Burdett Clark John—Burdett Emard U G—Burdett Johnson Lars—Burdett Johnson M B—Burdett McGalliard Hugh—Burdett CLOSE Connected with Retlaw COLERIDGE Connected with Dunmore DAUNTLESS Connected with Medicine Hat DEERING DUNMORE Connected with Medicine Hat ENCHANT Day Service EXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERS BURDETT 14 13 Day Service EXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERS 6 Alberta Pacific Grain Co Ltd 8 Burdett Garage Halpin Bros 9 I0 Burdett Hardware R H Ostrum Burdett Mercantile Co 5 2 II Canadian Pacific Railway Depot Ifalpin Bros Store Halpin S J res 4 I3 3 Hamilton A Post Master Home Grain Co Ltd Johnson W J res 7 I ^ Connected with Retlaw I I2 14 Bedding Plants Hot-House Vegetables RURAL SUBSCRIBERS W Williamson Robert res 3 Flowers Floral Designs House Plants MEDICINE HAT Cut Flowers and 45 Cut Successors to ROSERY FLOWER CO. 6 15 4 8 9 I I Alberta Pool Elevators Ltd Jaycock H T Insurance ^|' Martin Wm General Store Martin Win res Ogilvie Flour Mills Co Ltd The 2 Thwaites Robert United Grain Growers Ltd 3 Yep Lcn Cafe 405 Anderson T B—Travers RURAL SUBSCRIBERS R Royal Hotel Shong Louie General Store R 306 Delaney Patrick—Enchant R 402 Engcn C K—Enchant R 206 Gonghnour C J—Enchant United Grain Growers Ltd R National Elevator Co Ltd 803 Ilansen N—Enchant The Winnipeg Hide & Fur Company GREEN AND DRY HIDES, HORSEHAIR, FURS AND SECOND-HAND CLOTHING Office Phone 3131 ; Canadian Pacific Railway Depot Jaycock H G res Res. Phone 318 South Railway Street 2911 Enchant Lsrsest in 9 Greenhouses Western acres devoted Canada under to Medicine Hat Greenhouses Ltd. growing Cut Flowers and House Plants Cut Flowers Floral Designs Successors to ROSERY FLOWER CO. glass House Plants MEDICINE HAT Phone 2431 R 604 Ilill G—Enchant R R R 305 Howg Emil T—Enchant 409 Hughes A P—Barons 411 Ingram C E—Turin R R R R 805 406 407 606 Nights and Sundays 2330 Jacobson Otto C—Enchant Jones E—Travers Jones L K—Travers Kleeman C H—Enchant R 105 Koester C 0—EnclianJ R 410 Larson Louis—Travers R R 404 Layton H G—Travers 103 McQuarrie A—Enchant R R 309 Odland T—Enchant 307 Orr W J—Enchant R R R R R R R R R 403 708 602 705 702 707 906 303 806 Oseen 0 F—Travers Parkc J—Enchant Peterson A H—Enchant Purcell Geo—Enchant Robertson James—Enchant Robertson Nelson—Enchant Sears H W—Enchant Sivertson S—Enchant Weist C R—Enchant 9 EYREMORE POST OFFICE Bedding Plants Hot-House Vegetables R R R 202 Dick Peter—Grassy Lake Ml Ell John Jr—Grassy Lake 106 Fettig Anton—Grassy Lake R R R R R R R R R 206 205 I 07 212 215 109 114 105 104 Fettig Casper J—Grassy Lake Fettig J R—Grassy Lake Fettig John—Grassy Lake Fettig Paul—Grassy Lake Gilbert W—Grassy Lake Goschke E C—Grassy Lake Gross Joe—Grassy Lake Gvvilliam Mrs M J—Grassy lake Hopkins Tlios G—Grassy Lake R 115 Kainbeitz Jacob—Grassy Lake R 218 Kainbeitz Joe J—Grassy Lake R 204 Kombeitz John—Grassy Lake R 209 Lealy J L—Grassy Lake R 220 Neufeld Peter—Grassy Lake R 207 Palmer Mrs G B—Grassy Lake R 2 I! Pcnncr David—Grassy Lake R R R R R R MO 216 203 (02 219 210 Peterson P—Grassy Lake Salvage Jack—Grassy Lake Schlosser R—Grassy Lake Smeltzer S L—Grassy Lake Connected with Bow City Walker Thoma.s—Grassy Lake Wentz Frank—Grassy Lake GROS VENTRE GILCHRIST Connected with Medicine Hat Toll Office HILDA GRASSY LAKE Day Service Day Service EXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERS PUBLIC PAY STATION—Grassy Lake Hotel EXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERS 7 Alberta Pool Elevators Ltd 3 15 Alberta Pacific Elevator Co Alberta Provincial Police II I6 Empress Lumber Yard Great West Security Co 28 23 Canadian Pacific Railway Depot Grassy Lake Hotel H Jlobson Prop 5 8 Hilda Hotel C R Mayberry Prop 3 26 Grassy Lake Trading Co E C Jones Lawson Bros Oarage 4 9 Leidal Bros Garage Krasnoff Sam General Merchant i 2 McLachlan R res 29 8 Municipal District of Eureka No 65 Ogllvie Flour Mills Co Ltd 6 Hewitt & Black Hardware I2 Ogilvle Flour Mills Co Ltd 7 Revelstoke Sawmill Co Ltd 10 Williams J J Notary Conveyancer ftlnsurance Red and White Chain Store 4 Scott H J Farm Implts & Real Estate 9 United Grain Growers Ltd RURAL SUBSCRIBERS R 213 Bigler Anton— Lake R 113 Burns D .T—Grassy Lake R 108 Carruthers P—Grassy Lake R 103 Cutland A J—Grassy Lake Directory Advertising Pays Adolph's Auto Sales and Service DEALER IN DURANT CARS AND RUGBY TRUCKS Phone 2220 73i 3rd street, MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. ' PHone 2220 Norton Largest ia 9 GreenLonses Western acres devoted Canada. under to Medicine Hat Greenhouses Ltd. growing Cut Flowers and Nights and Sundays 2330 6 IRVINE Day Service PUBLIC PAY STATION—Great West Hotel I8 Alberta Pacific Grain Co ltd 20 Deny Carl res I I 5 Beny &. Son Agricultural Implement Agts Canadian Pacific Railway Depot and Freight Cook J H res 6 Crewe F J Postmaster & Insurance Agt Elite Cafe Lou Sing Prop Great West Hotel John Graf Prop Haiisaucr E & M General Merchants I7 Henderson R D Barrister 2 Inine Garage H J Crookes 9 Irvine Town Hall I6 Maple Leaf Milling Co Ltd 19 McLaughlin F G res 4 Ogilvio Flour Mills Co Ltd 7 14 Provincial Police Schneider Brothers General Merchants I5 Service Garage Huddlestonc & Kschke ID. Wcidemann A Groceries KINNONDALE Lomond Consolidated School Dist No 20 McCIcan R B Grain Co Ltd 24 3 Municipality of Clifton No 127 Ogilvio Flour Mills Co Ltd 5 2 I9 Stecle Dr N D Physician & Surgeon Thompson' C W res i6 United Grain Growers Ltd ' R RURAL SUBSCRIBERS 608 Alberta Pool Elevators Ltd—Travers R R 303 Baker W V—Lomond 208 Benson Elvin—Lomond R R 603 Canadian Pacific Railway Depot—Travers 613 Clarke Stanley—Travers R 505 Colwell Edward—Eyremore R R R 304 Ficht Glen H—^Lomond 206 Jensen J C—Lomond 203 Koch C F—Lomond R 610 Larson Andrew—Travers R 209 McKay J R—Lomond R 705 McManus R L—Lomond R 204 Munro David—^Lomopd - R 607 Ogilvie Flour Mills Co Ltd—Travers R R 504 Orchard J M—Lomond 205 Ost Paul—Lomond ' R R 503 Paul R M—Lomond 604 Rickett Mrs R E—Travers R 703 Ruddle James S—Lomond LOMOND R R 611 708 Russi Albert—Travers Tcasdale T—Lomond Day Service R R 606 United Grain Growers Ltd—Travers 405 Volesky Anton—^Lomond EXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERS 7 23 Alberta Pool Elevators Ltd Alberta Provincial Police 26 21 Asseltine H Masscy-Harris Agent Beaver (Alberta) Lumber Ltd I7 !3 Burne H F Butcher & Provisions Canadian Bank of Commerce 12 Canadian Pacific Railway Depot 20 Commercial Hotel E Bcrteotti Prop I8 Elliott Erskine & Co General Merchants 8 Frost E W & Son Groceries, Meats & MANYBERRIES Day Service ' EXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERS Provisions Frost P L Notary Public Real Estate k 8 Alberta Provincial Police 7r2 7r3 Courtney J M Lumber Yard Courtney J M res 4 Davis Isaac General Store 3 United Grain Growers Ltd Insurance 4 Frost Phillip L res 9 Hanna H N res RURAL SUBSCRIBERS R I4 Hedges George Hardware & Machinery I I 22 I Home Grain Co Ltd Kee Quon Restaurant & Grocery Lawson C R Hardware 209 Bockman J H—Ranchville NORTON Connected with Medicine Hat The Winnipeg Hide & Fur Company DEALERS IN FURS AND ALL KINDS OF SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Office Phone 3131 ;] Purccll Motors R 207 Rodgers Joseph—Lomond Toll OHice 10 Bedding Plants Hot-House Vegetables I5 EXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERS 8 13 I2 Floral Designs House Plants MEDICINE HAT Phone 2431 House Plants 3 Cut Flowers Successors to ROSERY FLOWER CO. glass Rea. Phone 318 South Railway Street 2911 O'Connor Largest in Greenbouses Western 9 acres devoted Medicine Hat Greenhouses Ltd. Canada. Cut House Plants MEDICINE HAT Cut Flowery and Phone 2431 House PItmts Flowers Floral Designs Successors to R03ERY FLOWER CO. under sflass to growing Nights and Sundays 2330 Bedding Plants Hot-House Vegetables PASHLEY O'CONNOR Toll Office Day Service EXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERS PEARSONVILLE Eagle Butte Oil Co Toll Office REDCLIFF Continuous Service PUBLIC PAY STATION—C. T. Hall Drug Store EXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERS 79 7 4 B Baird F Barrister Ballantyne A R res 35 Lakey William res 44 Lavelle P res 36 Learmonth A J res Bergeron Joe E Ice Cream Parlor M 63 2 i Broadfoot Mrs D res Buckholz C G res I I 20 Maskell Alex res McLachlan John W res 33 25 I 3 Campeau Campeau Canadian Canadian 26 Nussey W H Draying 30 Orman Rev C F res 78 Pumping Station 14 32 77 40 22 Redcllff Brick & Coal Co E H SeUhom N 5 P Meat "Wilfred Legion Pacific Market res B E S L Railway Depot Canadian Western Power &. Fuel Co Ltd 59 Cann F res 43 Champs H Bakery 48 Collard Albert N res 56 Congram F res 42 Cooke Grocery Store Edward Cooke Prop 61 Cox Herbert J res i7 Dacfe J Nelson res 60 Dominion Glass Co Ltd G Lydiatt Mgr 72 Dominion Greenhouse Produce Co Ltd 99 Ellis Mrs John res 19 Fairbairn Mrs W^ res 41 G Gust S E Stores Limited Grocers Redcliff Motors R C Duffield Mgr Redcllff Premier Brick Co Redcliff Pressed Brick Co H J Sissons Mgr Rose R N res 15 27 Sheasby H G res 58 50 Sissons Herbert J res Smith Rev Wm B res Sellhorn E H res TOWN OF REDCLIFF 18 10 Hall C T Drug Store 64 Town Hall Fire and Police 78 Pumping Station H 45 HaH C T res 39 3 I 34 Hargraves R C res Hicks Trading Co The Hodge R S res I2 Imperial Bank of Canada V Van Wert Ted res I W. 23 Keats Win res 28 9 I 6 24 Kerr Mrs D res 29 K Wallof Mrs Ed res West William G res Woodcock A W res Worts Bros ileat Market Retiaw Largest in Greenhouses Western 9 acres Canada. under devoted to Medicine Hat Greenhouses Ltd. glass growing Cut Flowers and MEDICINE HAT Phone 2431 House Plants EXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERS Alberta Pool Elevators Ltd Alberta Provincial Police 2 I2 Canadian Pacific Railway Station Gum Lang 14 6 23 Nights and Sundays 2330 House Plants Bedding Plants Hot-House Vegetables RI006 Harris J A—Retiaw R I 203 Hart S A—Retlaw R 8 I I Heck Carl F—Vauxhall Day Service 5 Floral Designs R[4I3 Grantham Trading Co—Grantham RET LAW 24 Cut Flowers Successors to ROSERY FLOWER CO. Hall W J res McGregor Hardware Co Ltd . Newton & Cook General Merchants R 413 Hempel Anton P—Retiaw R 316 Hempel E J—Retiaw RI 41 2 Hemsley J M Meat Market—^Vauxhall R 407 Higgins J E—Retiaw R I 5 14 Jacobson Edward—Vauxhall RI302 Jenkins Mrs Teresa A—Vauxhall R 306 JohnsonMIans—Turin RI 207 Jolin Joseph—Retiaw I8 Ogilvio Flour Mills Co ltd R ( I Retiaw Implement Co 20 United Grain Growers Ltd R 1409 Lake of the Woods Milling Co Ltd—Granth'm R 5 I 1 Longacre Fred—Retiaw 602 Kinzell John—Retiaw R 1307 Love Gordon—VauxhaU RURAL SUBSCRIBERS Alberta Pacific Grain Co Ltd—Vauxhall R 806 R 820 R 406 R 814 R i5 I5 RI306 R 408 Alberta Pool Elevators Ltd—^\'auxhall Arrowsmith Geo W—Retiaw Bain E E—Vauxhall Bartlett Ed—^I'auxhall Beards Mark—^Vauxhall Boauddoin J—Retiaw R 8 10 Beaver (Alta) Lumber Ltd—Vauxhall R 13 10 Love Percy—Vauxhall R I 5 I 2 Lucerne Farm—Vauxhall R I3 I3 Malm P N—Vauxhall R1 5 13 Malmberg Carl—Vauxhall R 808 Marshall Jas J—Vauxhall R 141 6 Martin A E Garage—Vauxhall R I 3 116 McAllister John—Vauxhall RI205 McAndrews W E—Betlaw R I 5 I 8 McCarley W P—Vauxhall RI520 Bell Thos—Vauxhall R R 603 Bennett George—Retiaw R1509 Mitchell David—VauxhaU R I 31 2 Morrow F K—VauxhaU R 415 Bennett \V J—Taber R 1303 Blair Charles—VauxhaU R 612 Bowes A W—Taher R 310 Broderson Frank—Retiaw R 409 Brooks M M—Turin 703 McNivcn Donald—Vauxhall R 1403 Nadorozny Joseph—Vauxhall R I 309 New West Irrigation Dist—^I''auxhall R 807 R 302 Odden Julius—Retiaw Num Wah & Co—VauxhaU RI408 Brown Thos E—Vauxhall R 815 Ogllvie Flour Mills Co Ltd—VauxhaU Ri507 Brumwell A M—Retiaw R 4 M Parkinson Mrs Thos—Retiaw Canada Land & Irrigation Co Ltd—Vauxhall RI505 Parrish & Patriquin—Retiaw R I5 I 6 Operation Headquarters RI506 RI504 R I 503 R 902 Land Office—Norman Porter Ditch-rider—H Connors Ditch-rider—Lateral "E" Reservoir—Travers RI I 03 Pollock R M—Retiaw RI305 Poornian B E—Vauxhall R 304 Powia Wm—Retiaw R 903 Camp—Travers R 1407 Poynton Wm li—Retiaw R 315 Rawlings Alfred—Retiaw R 3 I I Redding H H—Retiaw R 9 1I Storehouse—Vauxhall R 308 Rice Ira—Retiaw R 804 Canadian Pacific Railway Depot—^Vauxhall R 809 Richards P W Massey-Harrls Agt—Vauxhall RI308 RI3I4 R I 204 R 802 R I 3 11 Clarindale Stock Farms Office—^Vauxhall Clarindale Stock Farms res—^Vauxhall Connor John—Retiaw Corona Hotel W James Scott—Vauxhall Crist W H—Vauxhall R I II I Culver Chas—Retlqw 704 Snaith Walter—Vauxhall 712 Stevenson Archibald—Retiaw R I 5 10 Stewart Alex A—Grantham R I5 I9 Stewart J H—Vauxhall R 818 VauxhaU Motors C T Young Prop—Vauxhall RI5I1 Vauxhall Stock Farm Ltd—^Vauxhall R1 5 17 Vauxhall Stock Farm Ltd—^VauxhaU RI206 Daigle Joseph—Retiaw R I 404 Davis Sam—Vauxhall R R R R 803 Vauxhall Trading Co—Vauxhall R1304 Wotterbcrg Chas H—Vauxhall 805 Dutfield J H—Vauxhall R 702 Eyres R E—Purple Springs R 410 Winkler ^Vm M—Retiaw R 303 Ferguson Don C—Retiaw RIG08 Geremia Angelo—Retiaw R 503 Wood Mildred M—Retiaw RI502 Young Chas A—Vauxhall The Winnipeg Hide & Fur Company HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PROMPTLY REMITTED FOR ALL KINDS OF HIDES, FURS AND SECOND-HAND CLOTHING Res. Phone Office Phone 3131 318 South Railway Street 2911 Roseglen 10 The Winnipeg Hide & Fur Company DRY HIDES, FURS, WOOL, HORSEHAIR AND SENACA ROOT Res. Phone Office Phone 318 South Railway Street 3131 2911 ROSEGLEN Toll Office Directory Advertising Pays RUSH LAKE Toll Office SCHULER SEVEN PERSONS Day Service , EXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERS Toll Office Alberta Pool Elevators ltd 5 6 7 9 3 10 8 Aman £d Groceries Dry Goods Boots & Shoes Empress Lumber Yards Goehring S Farm Implements Lake of the Woods Milling Co Ltd Ogilvie Flour Mills Co Ltd Schuler Garage SUFFIELD Day Service EXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERS Powers Bros General Store TABER Continuoui Service PUBLIC PAY STATION—Palace Hotel EXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERS Canadian Bank of Commerce C W Cocblan 2 135 142 Ahrcns Dr A C Ahrens Dr A C res 250 ALBERTA GOVERNMENT 144 TELEPHONES Local Mgr's Office Plant Dept 249 24 Alberta Pacific Grain Co Ltd 50 Alberta Pool Elevators Ltd 97 38 Alberta Provincial Police Anderson R H res I 88 Armstrong A M res 54 184 I 55 Barrett H N res Barton J G res Bassett J D res B 14 Bawlf N Grain Co Ltd The 72 Beard H A res I 69 Birch Geo W res 10 I Boyce F P res 35 Brown Dr T E 64 Brown Dr T E res 4 I Burns & Co Ltd 156 47 Mgr Canadian Pacific Railwfiy Depot Freight Office • 179 137 Cannon A L res 103 Carr Motor Supply 51 6 85 34 27 Carr Glen res Carr T W res Chief of Police and Fire Chief Robt Faulds Christensen Fred res Conrad Groceries and Meats Conrad Louis res 8! 196 175 Cook Mrs W R res. Cooko B L Barrister 148 Cooke B L res 73 132 Douglas James E res 145 Conrad W N res Deputy Sheriff and Deputy Clerk Dress Well Clothes Shop J Snell 92 Dunn Samuel res 25 Elders Battery Station Engleson Peter res Evans Ilopkin res ^ Campbell Mrs Arthur res Campbell & Anderson Ladies' Furnishings 158 166 i Station-to-Station Calls are Cheapest Th6y are Calls from one Telephone to Another, when It Is not Desired to Establish Conneetion with a Particular Person. , ,, Taber 11 lMrge»t in 9 Greenfaouftes Western acres devoted Canada. under to House Plants Fooks J Phone 2431 H res Ford Sales & Service Taber Motor Co ltd 55 Fowler H S res Gamble J E res Glover J res 95 Government Liquor Store 45 I 13 ' Mah Joe & Nam Restaurant 198 96 149 Mahon C C res Mokinson Jas res Malo D res 1 21 Malo-Mahon Lumber Co D Malo Mgr I 26 Manifold C C res Marsh Mrs A res Marshall Gordon Tinsmith Marshall J B res 1 62 171 1 10 80 H Masscy-Harris Co Ltd 0 J Graham Agt I 33 199 Hall D M res 42 I I8 long A Real Estate Long Alex res Longdon Mrs H res 7 Great IVar Veterans Association Green Albert res 52 Bedding Plants Hot-House Vegetables M Frear E 0 res Fuller Mrs F 0 res 75 I8 Nights and Sundays 2330 28 48 83 Flowers Floral Designs House Plants MEDICINE HAT 70 I 60 187 Cut Successors to ROSERY FLOWER CO. growing Cut Flowers and 79 Medicine Hat Greenhouses Ltd. glass Hall Mrs 0 E res Hall Mrs Orson res III McCartee G C res McCartee J D res . McColl S T res Hamman Dr A Physician 152 McPhec J W res 5 60 78 43 53 105 57 I 04 159 Hamman Dr A res Hammer P res Harding Bros Harness Store Hart J res Head Miss V res Henry W F res Hesketh J E res Hetherington W H res Hitchen Mrs J res I 28 37 Millar Geo C res Miller Mrs D L res 192 195 9 I .Mills Fred res Milne James res Munro A H res 200 Myers Joe I 82 llosey P C Star Blacksmith Shop I 57 N New York Cafe Loo V'ing Prop I 67 22 I 20 Hosey Mrs P 0 res How Joe & Co Groceries & How Ken res I 65 Huntley Bob res I I5 Imperial Oil Limited W J Rose Agt 67 46 I 24 I 3 Irwin Rev W H res 193 31 194 I 89 I8 I I 27 I 47 James T E res Jett J B & Co Meat, Market Johansen John A res Johnson H E res Johnson J P res Johnson Nathan res Jones Howcll res K 99 39 140 68 I 23 Karras N res Kullherg C A res 13 I 85 7 I 17 69 I 73 30 I 74 19 I Miller Douglas res Palace Butcher Shop W E Layton Prop Palace Hotel J A Luciani Prop Partington A S res Paterson Bros Blacksmiths Paterson J res Paterson Robert res Perdue N E l.H.C. Agent Perdue N E res Pierson W L res Porter Fred S res Potts Mrs James res Price R H res 63 94 I 38 Prowse J Harper Law Office Prowse J Harper res Pync J T res 163 Redcl George res R 77 Rex Theatre Mrs V E Judson I 53 Roberts George res I 25 I 09 Rose Ernest V res 176 Rose Percy E res Robinson Geo H res Layton Clarence res 66 Rose W J res 499 Leech G V res Leland Coal Co Ltd The 93 Royal Hotel Frank Bonett Prop 82 Icland IV H res A I 77 40 BUSINESS EXTENSION TELEPHONE COSTS S CENTS A A Russell Mrs H M res Russell Hebcr res DAY RESIDENCE EXTENSION TELEPHONE COSTS SH CENTS A DAY Taber Hide & Fur Company ^ END US YOUR COYOTE, BADGER, WEASEL, SKUNK Office Phone 136 i02 197 I 14 33 183 36 44 16 143 178 65 151 108 AND RABBIT SKINS 318 South Railway Street Sanderson Mrs S res Saundcrs J G res R Serric J res Shawcross Sam res Smith Byard res 21 70 106 8 122 139 154 Stewart Alex res Stubbert Miss Florence res Sundal Ted res Taber Drug & Stationery Co Ltd G V Leech Taber Fire Dept Taber Furniture Co • Taber Motor Co Ltd A L Cannon Mgr Taber School Taber Taxi Mrs A N Tompkins Taber Times Job Printing Tallman L G res Thomas Frank S res Tolton A E Agent Massey-Harris Tolton A E res Tmswell Hilda res 164 I 16 134 Bawlf N Grain Co Ltd The—Chin Bawlf N Grain Co Ltd The—Chin R Bawlf N Grain Co Ltd The (Fincastic)— Taber R 206 R 21 I RI207 R 808 RI608 Tufts Lottie res RI0(6 Burns Wm R—Taber ^ Canadian Pacific Railway Station—Barnwell Carey J M—Taber R 604 Carey W T—Taber RI205 Carley F A—Taber RI3I I RI0I8 Vayro Mrs G res Vets Transfer Ed Meachani Vickcry E R res Vickery & Co General Merchants 614 608 406 803 615 616 302 w Walker W E John Deere Plow Co 61 76 R1006 R 618 Walker W E res RI409 Westlake L T Jeweller & Stationer Westlake L T res RI607 84 170 98 White Lunch Andrew Golis Prop I 19 Williams Mrs H E res RI005 168 Williams 3Irs T C res R 31 I R 408 R(404 29 107 Wright E 0 res Wright G W res Wright L D res RI904 R 216 100 Browin H W—Purple Springs 308 Tuftland Miss Gladys res R 32 Bennett S S—Taber Bennett W A—Taber Bcrryhill Thomas—Taber Biglow I W—Taber RI308 Bullock Lyman A—Barnwell R 507 Bullock Lynn—Barnwell RI210 Bullock W E—Taber RI0I7 Burns E L—-Taber United Grain Growers Ltd 26 129 130 906 Bridarolli John—Taber RI303 Bullock C S—Barnwell u I2 Anderson J Le Roy—Barnwell Anderson John W —Barnwell Anderson N J Silverdale Farm—Barnwell Archer Walter—Barnwell Asplund 0 P—Barnwell Ayers R E—Taber Ayers S E—Taber R 504 RI9I I R 23 505 RI304 Barnwell Consolidated School Dlst No 15Barnwell RI803 Baroldi Art—Taber Taber Bakery A E Browning Prop 89 Alexander W A—Purple Springs Anderson Alfred—Barnwell Anderson Gco W—Barnwell Rl I 12 R 106 R 304 R 612 R 908 Stewart Alex Hardware Mgr 59 RIOI I RI309 Rl 103 Smith & Wood Ltd General Merchants Southern Alberta Co-op Assoc Ltd RURAL SUBSCRIBERS Addy Harold P—Taber RI3I0 R Shiells Hardware Ltd 802 **"29^1°"" Carr Miss Ruth—Taber Cemulini E—Taber Conrad M W~=-Tabcr Cook Bros—Taber Cook C Willard—Taber Cook Peter—Taber Coolidge & Allen—Taber Cradduck Philip—Purple Springs Culham E T—Taber Danforth G A—Purple Springs Danforth H M—Purple Springs Danforth L S—Purple Springs Davis A 0—Taber Day L S—Taber Dragoo V A—Purple Springs Ellison Milling Co—Chin Engleson J—Taber "Long Distance" Saves Time and Expense For Rates see Pages 9 to 13, or call "92'' for information . .k 1^ VW 44 I i1 iiLTiT i *I if ifl I V, 1 i) Taber 13 Largest in 9 Greenhouses Western acres devoted Canaida. under to Medicine Hat Greenhouses Ltd. growing Cut Flowers and House Plants Cut Flowers . Floral Designs Successors to ROSERY FLOWER CO. glass House Plants MEDICINE HAT Phone 2431 Nights and Sundays 2330 Bedding Plants Hot-House Vegetables R I 3 13 Fairbanks M M—Barmvell R19 I 5 R R 613 607 Rl 105 Lc Baron F R—Barnwell R 312 Francis E N—Taber R 410 Fenton Waldon—^Taber Fowler D L—Taber Lassiter 0 B—Chin R 310 Le Baron H Neai—Barnwell R 307 R 110 Lee Roy—^Taber Le Baron Wm—Taber R i 71 i Leioup .Mrs John B Jr—Taber Grant IVilford—Taber RI 106 Long Mrs Edna—^Tabcr RI209 Green Albert—Taber R I9 I6 Haibcck John—Chin R1905 Maggs G—Barnwell RI002 Hall A—Taber R R R R R R 913 Hall Elmer—Taber 204 Hanna S M—Taber 217 Harris Ivan E—Taber R 203 Harris T W—Taber R 2 I8 Harris W H—Taber R 712 McKillican Gco—Purple Springs R 7 I I McLellan J J—Purple Springs R I 603 Hart Samuel G—Purple Springs R I 71 2 R 108 Rl 102 Molnar J—Taber R 910 Mulhall E Ir—Taber RI206 Haynes J H—Taber RI305 Henderson F B—Barnwell R 707 Hill Burdctte—Purple Springs R 606 Hill C B—Purple Springs 503 Hill M R—Barnwell 4 I I Hill Nettie S—Taber 409 Holman Bert—Taber R 807 Holman I L—Taber R 903 RI405 McMillan Louise—Taber R 102 McMullin B R—Barnwell RI806 Mecham E A—^Taber Hauka Mrs M—Taber Haws J 0—Barnwell R R R 609 Makinson Joe—Taber 514 Martin Robert—Barnwell 605 McGibbon R F—Taber R M 07 Murphy Geo W—Barnwell RI 108 Murphy Geo W—Barnwell R I 2 I 2 Myers W R—Taber R I I 10 National Elevator Co Ltd—Barnwell RI 004 Neiufcld Henry J—Taber RI605 Noble Russell—Purple Springs Jensen N J—^Taber R I 302 Jensen N L—Barnwell RI008 O'Donnell Peter—Taber R R R R Oliver Coal Co—Taber Oliver Lewis—Taber 812 Jcspcrsen E—Taber 805 Jespersen John—Taber RI306 Johnson Jas F—Barnwell R 305 Johnson W S—Barnwell R 303 Johnson Wilbern S—Barnwell R 907 Judd J F—Taber 407 404 R I 104 Palmer Parley P—Barnwell R I3 I2 R R Payne J W—Baniwell 5 10 Peterson A M—Barnwell 508 Peterson H N—Barnwell RI505 Kathrens Wm—Purple Springs R 509 Kemper W F—Barnwell RI307 Peterson Lawrence—Barnwell R R 804 Kerkhoff Frank—Taber R10 I 4 Kinniburgh D Jr—Purple Springs RI502 Kinniburgh H N—Purple Springs R 513 Powell p A & Bullock B K—Taber 706 Price E A—Taber R I2 I I Price J W—Taber RI406 Primrose E S—-Purple Springs THE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Consulted more times every minute of the day than any other publication. For Advertising Rates apply DIRECTORY ADVERTISING DEPT. Alberta Government Telephones, Calgary, Alberta v.\. Tedber l,arseat in 9 14> Greenhouses Western acres devoted Canada. under to Medicine Hat Greenhouses Ltd. ffro%vins^ Cut Flowers and House Plants Cut Flowers Floral Designs Successors to ROSERY FLOWER CO. slatf House Plants MEDICINE HAT Phone 2431 RI 003 Rash R L—Purple Springs Nights and Sundays 2330 Bedding Plants Hot-House Vegetables RI805 Travallia Fred—Taber R R 904 Reliance School—Taber 219 Russell A H—Taber R R 902 Russell, W W—^Taber Rl 113 United Grain Growers Ltd—Bamwell Ri703 RI204 R 806 Schmidt H H—Taber R 905 RI407 Scott H J—Taher Schmidt M R—^Taber R 713 R 91 i 506 United Grain Growers Ltd—Chin 603 Urbane F C—Taber See Sherman—Purple Springs R 611 Shaw Bros—Taber RI606 Sherbume Mrs C W—Purple Springs R l l 12 Silverdale Farm N J Anderson—Bamwell R 215 Smith Mrs E—Taber RI706 Smith J \V—Taber RI903 Sprinkle A N—Chin 405 103 Stainthorpe J At—Taber R R 109 214 Stevens Mrs Winona—Bamwell R 306 Valgardson E S—Taber R 309 Valgardson Wm—^Taber R 610 Vanson N W—Taber RI I I I Vickery & Co—Bamwell RI708 Wenbourne W G—^Taber R r 2 l 3 Whitney R L—Taber R 104 Williams E—Bamwell Stevens Wm R—Bamwell Stringhara B A—^Taber RI007 Tinsley J C & Peterson F—Taber R! 109 Tinsley L L—Taber RI203 Travalia Pete—Taber United Grain Growers Ltd—Purple Springs United Grain Growers Ltd (Fincastle)— Taber Schmidt Ruth L—^Taber R R 716 Treece D W—Purple Springs Ri906 Williams T C—Bamwell RI7I0 Winchester C S—Taber RI705 Winchester S B—Taber R 107 Witte Mrs Mina—Barnwell R 705 Wright F R—Taber otvT^ The Classified Saction of the Telephone Directory is a Guide Book that will direct you to the firm supplying the service or commodity you require. In this section will be found the an nouncements of merchants in all lines of business, who are ready to serve you. For Advertising Rates Apply Directory Advertising Department ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES Calgary, Alta. ' Jf-Jlt/..iJ I Winnifred 16 The Winnipeg Hide & Fur Company BEEF HIDES, SHEEPSKINS, IRON, RUBBER, COPPER BRASS AND SECOND-HAND CLOTHING Office Phone Res. Phone 3131 318 South Railway Street 2911 THELMA WALKER Toll Office Toll Office WALSH TILLEY Toll Office Toll Office WHITLA TRAVER5 Toll Office Connected with Lomond WINNIFRED VALE Toll Office Day Service ^ EXCHANGE SUBSCRIBERS Canadian Pacific Railway Depot Lake of the Woods Milling Co Ltd Ogilvic Flour Mills Co Ltd VAUXHALL Connected with Retlaw LONG United Grain Growers Ltd DISTANCE CALLS CLASSIFIED STATION-TO-STATION CALLS Where you will speak lo anyone at the distant telephone. This type of call meets most needs and is at the lowest rate. It is the simple have call, requirin^f only the connecting of two distant telephones. PERSON-TO-PERSON CALLS Where a particular person is desired. Entailing, as it does, more labor and longer use of lines, this type of call takes a higher rate. In the event of the call not being completed a small charge is made for reports furnished. These Special Services Are Also Available Appointment Cslls • Collect Calls a Where called party is requested to pay for cmd accepts charges. a are made wl^n the called party cannot be reached by tele* phone and a messenger is sent to bring the party to the • made when a particular person is required at a specified time. The rate is slightly higher than person-to-person rate. The operator makes the appointment with the distant party. Messenger Calls telephone. Appointment, Collect and Messenger Calls are on person-to-person basis, plus charges for extra service. GIVE THE OPERATOR THE DISTANT NUMBER IF YOU CAN- -IT SPEEDS UP THE SERVICE. 16 "j'• w--' . ucV '.a .r.i'.!^ ^ 'J. :• .. '' ;i'- VHT •• ' . r ff.C :•'• 'r , , c,', •• DRIVERS' LICENSES On and after July 1st, 1929, no person shall drive a motor vehicle on a highway in Alberta unless he is in possession of a driver's licence. Licenses may be obtained at headquarters, Edmon ton, or from the departmental officer in Calgary, Lethbridge and Medicine Hat. E. TROWBRIDGE, Deputy Provincial Secretary. Maiden Elevator Co.. ltd Members of WINNIPEG GRAIN EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE CALGARY STOCK EXCHANGE MINING STOCKS - GRAIN INDUSTRIALS AND OILS I', ,''t I OPERATING THE ONLY DIRECT PRIVATE WIRE IN MEDICINE HAT TO r NEW YORK CHICAGO MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG ' . N CALGARY and VANCOUVER j I • Fast, Courteous Service \ \ JAS. W. ROBINSON, Manager Phone Huckvale Block Phone 3022 Medicine Hat, Alberta 3022 ,v. ' . .1 €: HEWITT & Black WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HARDWARE LARGEST GENERAL STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE CITY PHONES PHONES STORE STORE Wholesale and Retail Wholesale and RetaM OFFICE—GENERAL OFFICE—GENERAL RAILWAY, MINE, MILL, BLACKMail and Telephone Orders from Points Special Outside SMITH AND CONTRACTORS' SUPPLIES ReceiTe Attention WHOLESALE Mail and Telephc Orders from Outside P o i n t s Receiee Special Attention DISTRIBUTORS OF OILS STORES AT Medicine Hatp Lethbridse, and HIida, Aitae 656 SECOND STREET, S.E. MEDICINE HAT WESTERN PRINTING ft LITHOGRAPHING ALBERTA COMPANY. LIMITED, CALGARY. ALTA. EOiCiNC HflT District