ALC survey map ALCR11197
ALC survey map ALCR11197
H H J ^ f f Ministryof Agriculture Fisheries and Food d^ Agricultural Land Classification Fareham Borough Local Plan Land north of Wicor Farm Sample Point Map Legend Location of soil pit Location of auger sample point L X,^ ^r J Boundary of survey area Agricultural surveyed Other 200 I land not land 300 I 400 600 _J Metrei Fu.-ihcr details coataiacd in MAFF (1988) .\^:icuitu:al Land Clsssification of EngUnd and Wales Revised guidcLncs and criteria for grading the quality of agricultural land. Maff (pahlicat;ons). London Sh99 711*. The ntormarion is accurate ai base mop sccle but anv enlnrgement wouid be misleading. Reproduction in whole or in pan by acv means is prohibited without the prio: permission of MAFF Surveyed and drawn hy 'be Resnurce Plannmg Team. F R C A , Reading. Based nn the I98(> Ordoance Snrvev 1:10.000 map wirh the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. MAFF Licence No: GD272361 Source mapU): SU50NE.SE, SP60VME'. $ ^ Reference no: '.304 /111 /97 ® Crowp Copyright Reserved 1997 U A r r 2J£*** ^H^^^P ^^^^^^ Ministryof Agriculture Fisheries and Food Agricultural Land Classification Fareham Borough Local Plan Land north of Wicor Farm Legend Quality .^rea (ha) Excellent 12.6 Very Good 20,2 Good Nil ^B ^H Grade 1 Grade 2 G r a d e 3a m G r a d e 3b * Moderate Nil Grade 4 !'< Poor Nil Grade 5 Very ^ Nil Poor ,\gricultural land not surveyet Nil Olher 0.5 le- — Site land Bounda ry tj.ii Total survey area Total • Not tl fe*«ni 20« L _L _L_ site ?3,3 area within sorvev areo 300 _ l _ 400 _L_ 600 _L _J Further details coataiaed in M.\FF (1988) .\9ricultural Laad Cisssification ol England and NX-'aics Revised guidcLncs and criteria for {{rad^nir the qualily of agricultural land, Maff (publications). London Sh99 711*. 1 he intorr,arjon :t accuraie at baie map scale bal any enlargement would be misleading. Reproduction in whole or in par! by anv means is prohibited wiihout the prior pcrmissiou of .MAFF Surveyed and drawn by the Resnurce Planning Team. FRC-A, Reading Based on the '986 Ordnance Survey 1:10.000 map with The permission of the Controller of Her .Maiestv's Siitionery Office. L'naulhoiised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and uiav lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. M.AFF Licence Slo: GD272361 Source mapls):' SU50NE.SF. SP60N'Vt'. StX Reference no: :S04 /111 /97 ® Crown Copyright Reaerved 1997
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