ALC survey map ALCW06998
ALC survey map ALCW06998
Ministryaf Agriculture Fisheries •nd Food Agricultural Land Classification Shropshire S.P., Wem North East of Lowe Hill Road Legend Quality Area (ha) Excellent Nil Very Good Nil Good 9.4 Grade 3b Moderate 2.7 Grade 4 Poor Nil Grade 5 Very Poor Nil Agricultural land not surveyed (jji Other 0.1 fs M Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade U land Boundary of survey area Total agricultural land area 12.1 Total survey area 12J * Not preicnt withia Mtrrey area Scale - 1:10,000 100 200 I 1 300 _| 400 soo _L_ _L_ 600 _1 Fnnher details contained in MAFF 098X1 Agricultnral Ijnd Classificatian of England and Wales - Revised guidelines and criteria for grading the qualily of agricultural land, MAFF Ipublicationi), London SE99 TTP. The infornulion is accurate at base map scale but any enlargement wonid be misleading. Reproduction in whok or in ptrt by any means il prohibited without tbe prior permission of MAFF. Surveyed and drawn by FRC.A, Wolverhampton. Reproduced from the 1974 Ordnance Survey IJOOOO mipping with tbe pennisiion of the Controlkr of Her Majesty's Stitionery Office © Crown CopyrighL Uniuthoriscd reproduction infringes Crown copyrighl mil miy lead to prosecniion or civil proceedings. Source raspls) : SJ52Nrw,SJ53SW Job reference n c 069/9« MAFF Licence No: GD272361 Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food Agricultural Land Classification Shropshire S.P., Wem North East of Lowe Hill Road Sample Point Map Legend Location of soil pit 1 Location of auger sample point C7 Boundary of survey area Scak - 1:10,000 100 200 _l_ _L_ soo _l 400 _L_ soo _1_ too Funher details contiined in MAFF (19881 Agricultural U n d Clinificition of Hnglind and Wales - Revised guidelines ind criieria fur grading the qualily of agricullural land, M.AFF, London SF.99 TTP. The information ii accuraie il base mip scale but iny enlugemeni wonld be misleading. Repiodnction in whok oi in part by iny neaos il prohibited without tbe ptior permission of MAFF. Surveyed and drawn by FRCA, Wolverhimpton. Reproduced from tbe 1974 Oidnance Survey 1:10000 mapping with the permission of the Conlrolkr of Her Maiesiy's Stationery Office © Crown CopyrighL Unaulhoriscd reproduction inftlngci Crown copyrighl and miy k i d lo piosccniion or civil proceedings. Source mapfa) : SJ«NW3JS.WVC Job reference no: 069/98 MAFF Ucence No: GD272.361
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