ALC survey map ALCW06698
ALC survey map ALCW06698
MAFF^'*>**'rof l v " * * i . Agriculture Fisheries and F(H>d Agricultural Land Classification Shropshire S.P.,Bridgnorth Land South of Wenlock Road Legend Area (ha) Quality Nil L9 4.2 3.5 Nil Grade 5 [ » - i Very NU Poor Agricultural land oot sarveyed Nil Other NU lajid Boundary of survey area Total agricultural Und area 9.6 Total sutvey aren 9.6 * Not peeacm wilhla Mrrey area Scak - 1:10,000 200 L _L 300 400 soo I 600 _J Metm Further details contiined in MAFF 11988) Agricultural Lind Clissification of England and Wales - Revised guidelines and criieria fur grading the quality of agricultural land, MAFF Ipnblicilionsl, London SE99 TTP. The iafomation is accurate it base map scale but any enlargement wonld be misleading. Reprodnction io whok ot in part by aoy means is prohibited without the prior permission of MAFF. _L_ _J _JL_ Surveyed and drawn by ETICA, Wolverhimpton. Reproduced from the 1982 Otdnince Survey IJOOOO mipping with the pennisiion of the Controlkr of Her Mijesty'i Stitionerv Office © Crown CopyrighL Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and miy leid lo prosecniion or civil proceedings. Source mipUl : SOT9SW,S06«E Job reference no: 066/98 MAFF Licence Ng- GD272361 cfc^ Ministryaf Agriculture Fisheries and Food Agricultural Land Classification Shropshire S.P.,Bridgnorth Land South of Wenlock Road Sample Point Map Legend Location of soil pit Location of auger sample point C7 Boundary of survey area Scak - 1:10,000 L too _L_ 200 300 _l 400 I soo _L_ 600 J Metre! Funher details contained in MAf7 (1988) Agricultural l.and ClissifKition of England and Wales - Revised guiikline and criieria for grading the qualily of agricultural Und, MAFF IpablicaiionsI, Undon SF.99 TTP. The information is accurate al base map scak but my enlirgemenl would be misleading. Rcpiodnction io whok oi in part by any means is prohibited without the prior permission of MAFF. Surveyed and drawn by FRCA, Wolveihamptoa Reproduced from the 1982 Otdoince Survey iiimoo mapping with the permisiion of the Conlrolkr of Her Mijesty'i Stitionery Office © Crown Copyright. Uniuthoriscd reproduction infringes Crown copyrighl and miy leid to piosecniioo or civil proceedings. Source tnaplsl : S079SW3069SE Job reference no: 066/98 MAFF licence No: GD272361
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