Brummer Bulletin - South Lyon Schools
Brummer Bulletin - South Lyon Schools
Brummer Bulletin JanUary 2015 Calendar Jan 5th Jan 6th Jan7th-Feb 19th Jan 11th Jan 14th Jan 14th Jan 16th Jan 16th Jan 19th Jan 21st Jan 23rd Jan 27th Jan 28th Jan 28th Jan 30th School Resumes MMS Band will perform at Brummer (9:15am) *Girls on the Run Registration! Strikes For Caleb at PINZ Bowling (3-5pm) Market Day Orders are due by *11pm Wednesday Hungry Howie’s Dining Out Night for Brummer Scrip Orders are due by Noon School Store opens during Lunch Martin Luther King Day- *School is in Session Market Day Order *Pick up* NO SCHOOL—Records Day BNC Meeting (6pm) *Childcare provided 3rd and 4th Grade Families Host Teacher’s Appreciation Luncheon SIP Meeting (2pm) School Store opens during Lunch Dear Brummer Families, Many of you may not know that one of our WONDERFUL fifth grade teachers has a son battling brain cancer. Myself and a few former Brummer parents, will be holding a benefit to help support Mrs. Post and her family as they continue down this difficult road. Our bowling fundraiser is at PINZ, on Sunday January 11th from 3-5PM. We are hoping many of our Brummer students and families will attend and help us make this a success. Thanks sooo very much and we look forward to having a wonderful benefit for a great teacher and her adorable little guy! Please keep them close in your thoughts and prayers. Contact info for PINZ Fundraiser: Chris Vitale: (248)872-6713 [email protected] Beth Shaeffer: [email protected] Lori Mclaren: [email protected] Kristen Phipps: [email protected] Happy New Year from Market Day! *Market Day Internet orders are now due on the Wednesday, Prior to pick-up instead of Thursday.* Many gluten-free and peanut-free products are available. This month's orders are due by 11pm EST Wednesday, January 14th and pickup is January 21st. Use Promo Code "newfive" at checkout to get $5 off your first order of 100% satisfaction guaranteed products. Please continue to bring in your Soup labels! Happy New Year! Scrip Orders are due by noon on Friday, January 16th If your profit will be going toward a 5th grade camp account, please indicate on your order or email Tracy Robinson at [email protected] January 19th School is in Session No School Friday, Jan 23rd We hope to see you at our next meeting on January 27th @ 6PM! Learn about what is going on with our School’s Budget, Fundraising, and Events. Get involved within your child’s school environment and learn how you can impact the positive influence! Hear about efforts towards upgrading our school technology and ways to find new Grants to fund: supplies, SMART Boards, and playground equipment. Our volunteers work hard at coordinating special events for the entire school! These events need parents like you to make them happen. Attention 3rd and 4th Grade Families You are invited to help Host a Teacher’s Appreciation Luncheon on January 28th! With Mid-Winter upon us and the Holidays over, a Special Thank You is just what our hard working teacher’s need! Please look out for an email with the link below to sign up! Thank you for your support! Lisa Palmer [email protected] Carrie Hopp [email protected] Dear Brummer Families, Thank you so much for your support in our school coat drive! This event was a huge success! Your generosity will help those in need to keep warm this year. This coat drive showed our students and families the spirit of giving, kindness, and selflessness. Families in need will benefit from your donations! We collected 75 coats and many snow pants, hats, mittens and scarves. Thank you to everyone who could help! Does your daughter love to run, want to be part of a team, want to try something new, or be more athletic? Then join Girls on the Run! Registration is January 7th – February 19th! Brummer Elementary School participates in Box Tops for Education! Let’s continue to raise the bar for our success this year with continuing our collection of Box Tops. 5 Easy Steps: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) Trim Box Top to dotted line. Check for expiration date. Put Box Tops in clear ziplock bag with child’s name on a paper inside of bag. Have your child bring bag to the office. Your child receives a prize out of the basket!! Box Tops can be found on: All General Mills, Ziploc, Betty Crocker, Hanes, Pillsbury, Green Giant, Yoplait, Progresso, Old El Paso, Avery Supplies, Hefty, Motts Products South Lyon Community Schools Non-Discrimination Statement The Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, height, weight, marital status, genetic information, or any other legally protected characteristic, in its programs and activates, including employment opportunities. (Board Policy 3122 revised July 19, 2010. Video Surveillance And Electronic Monitoring In order to protect Board property, promote security and protect the health, welfare and safety of students, staff and visitors, the Board of Education authorizes the use of video surveillance/electronic monitoring equipment on school property, and in school buildings and buses. Information obtained through video surveillance/electronic monitoring may be used to identify intruders and persons breaking the law, Board policy, or the Student Code of Conduct (i.e., it may be used as evidence in disciplinary actions and criminal proceedings).