Commencement 2016 - Lake Superior State University


Commencement 2016 - Lake Superior State University
Commencement 2016
Lake Superior State University
Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
Commencement Exercises
April 30, 2016
As a courtesy to those around you,
please silence your cell phone.
Professional photographers are taking pictures
of each graduate during the exercises.
The audience is asked to remain seated until the platform party,
faculty and graduates have left the commencement area.
Board of Trustees
Mr. Thomas C. Bailey
Mr. Douglas R. Bovin
Mr. James P. Curran
East Lansing
Dr. Mark W. Mercer
Harbor Springs
Mr. Rodney M. Nelson
St. Ignace
Ms. Ann Parker
Mr. Randy D. Pingatore
Sault Ste. Marie
Ms. Sandi Frost Steensman
Grand Rapids
Dr. Thomas C. Pleger, President
President's Greeting.................................................................................................................................................Dr. Thomas C. Pleger
National Anthems of Canada and the United States of America............................................. Lake Superior State University Chorus
Ms. Karen Hughes Beacom, Director
Introductions of Distinguished Guests.....................................................................................................................Dr. Thomas C. Pleger
Dr. David R. Finley
Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs /Academic Dean
Introduction of Honorary Doctorate Recipient........................................................................................................Dr. Thomas C. Pleger
Acceptance............................................................................................................................... Mr. Erik Qualman
Commencement Address......................................................................................................................Justice Bridget Mary McCormack
Michigan Supreme Court
Introduction of Graduating Student Speaker.......................................................................................................Mr. Matthew J. Jurvelin
Vice President for Enrollment Services and Student Affairs
Student Speaker on Behalf of the Class of 2016................................................................................................................ Mr. Trace B. Hill
Presentation of the Distinguished Teaching Award................................................................................................... Dr. David R. Finley
Presentation of Degree Candidates
Reader: Mr. Thomas Coates, Executive Director of LSSU Foundation
Academic Administration:
Dr. Donna Fiebelkorn, Academic Dean
School of Arts & Letters, School of Education, School of Public Safety, Community & Behavioral Sciences,
Dr. David R. Finley, Academic Dean
Lukenda School of Business, School of Engineering & Technology
Dr. Ronald Hutchins, Academic Dean
School of Nursing & Health Sciences, School of Recreation Studies & Exercise Science
Dr. Nancy Kirkpatrick, Academic Dean
School of Biological Sciences, School of Mathematics & Computer Science, School of Physical Sciences
Dr. David Myton, Associate Provost / Interim Academic Dean - At Large
Conferral of Degrees................................................................................................................................................ Dr. Thomas C. Pleger
Alumni Greeting.................................................................................................................................................Mrs. Susan L. Fitzpatrick
Director of Alumni Relations, Class of 1987
Closing Remarks.......................................................................................................................................................Dr. Thomas C. Pleger
Recessional Honor Song........................................................................................................................................Aabizii, Brimley, Mich.
Mr. Erik Qualman, Honorary Doctorate
of the Harry Potter series. His
books have been translated
into nine languages.
His “Socialnomics” was a
finalist for Book of the Year
with the Marketing Foundation
and the work resulting from
it has been featured on “60
Minutes” and in the Wall Street
Journal, and has been used
by several agencies, from the
National Guard to NASA.
Qualman is a sitting
professor at Harvard and MIT’s
edX labs. His live performances
are unique in that he is a
pioneer in video-storytelling.
He is often called a digital
Dale Carnegie and the Tony
Robbins of Tech. In addition
to his speaking and writing,
he has worked in online
marketing and e-business with
ATT, Yahoo, EarthLink and
Travelzoo. He is the producer
of the world’s most viewed
video about social media:
“Social Media Revolution.”
He has been written about
in Mashable, Business Week,
the New York Times, Forbes
and the Huffington Post,
and has been interviewed on
radio and television regarding
digital trends. Fast Company
lists him among the top 100
digital influencers, and he is
Erik Qualman is an
international best-selling
author and motivational
keynote speaker who makes
more than 50 appearances per
He has spoken in 44
countries on a variety of topics,
with special attention to digital
leadership, digital reputation
and ratings, and disruptive
His partners include
Starbucks, Raytheon, Chase,
Sony, Airgas, Disney and
more than 200 universities. He
delivered the keynote address
at IBM’s 2013 Business Connect
in Milan, Italy, and was
featured speaker at BookExpo
America 2009, presenting how
social media is transforming
the way people live and do
business. He has spoken at
conferences with Coach, Chase,
Sony PlayStation, the National
Restaurant Association,
Facebook, and many more.
Qualman has been
nominated for the Pulitzer
Prize for his book, “What
Happens in Vegas Stays on
YouTube,” and his book,
“Digital Leader,” propelled
him to be voted the “2nd Most
Likeable Author in the World”
behind J.K. Rowling, author
on Forbes’ list of top 50 power
Qualman is from Rochester
Hills, Mich. He received a
bachelor of arts degree in
marketing from Michigan
State University, where
he was Academic All-Big
Ten in basketball and has
been honored as Alumnus
of the Year. He holds a
master’s degree in business
administration from the
McCombs School of Business
at University of Texas, and he
delivered the commencement
address to the McCombs
graduating class in 2011.
A husband and a father,
he lives and works in Miami,
Austin, and Boston.
Justice Bridget Mary McCormack, Commencement Address
Michigan Supreme Court
continuing development of
the law school’s practical
education, she continued
to expand the clinical
offerings, launching clinics
in mediation, low income
taxpayer, international
transactions, human
trafficking, juvenile justice,
and entrepreneurship. In her
capacity as professor and
associate dean, she conducted
and supervised many types
of civil and criminal litigation
at all levels of the state and
federal courts. UM Law
School’s clinical programs are
now recognized nationally
as one of the best places to be
trained as a lawyer.
In 2008, McCormack
co-founded the Michigan
Innocence Clinic, in which
students represent wrongfully
convicted Michigan residents.
In 2010, she received the
“Justice for All” Award for
the clinic’s work, and in 2011,
the Washtenaw County Bar
Association presented her
with the “Patriot Award.” In
2012, she received Cooley Law
School’s “Distinguished Brief
Award” for the best brief filed
in the Michigan Supreme Court
during the term.
Justice Bridget Mary
McCormack joined the
Michigan Supreme Court
in January 2013. Before
her election, she was a law
professor and dean at the
University of Michigan Law
School, where she continues to
McCormack is a graduate
of the New York University
Law School, where she was a
Root-Tilden scholar and won
the Anne Petluck Poses Prize in
Clinical Advocacy. She worked
for five years in New York, first
with the Legal Aid Society and
then the Office of the Appellate
Defender, representing more
than 1,000 clients in trial and
appellate courts. In 1996, she
became a faculty fellow at Yale
Law School.
In 1998, she joined UM
Law School, where she taught
criminal law, legal ethics, and
more. Her scholarship focused
on the professional benefits
of clinical legal education,
and she created new clinics,
including one for domestic
violence and another for
pediatric health advocacy.
In 2002, she was made
associate dean for clinical
affairs. Responsible for the
In 2013, McCormack was
elected to The American
Law Institute, the leading
independent U.S. organization
producing scholarly work
to clarify, modernize, and
improve the law. In 2014, she
was appointed by the U.S.
Dept. of Justice and the U.S.
Dept. of Commerce’s National
Institute of Standards and
Technology to a newly-created
National Commission on
Forensic Science that works to
improve the practice of forensic
McCormack is married to
Steven Croley, a lawyer and
law professor, currently on
leave from UM Law School
to serve as general counsel to
the U.S. Dept. of Energy. The
couple has four children.
Trace B. Hill, Student Respondent
with mathematics courses
ranging from beginning
algebra through calculus and
electromagnetic physics.
Over the past two
summers, he secured
engineering internships
at Nexteer Automotive in
Saginaw, and then with
Boeing’s Phantom Works
-- Advanced Design and
Prototype Solutions division
in Huntsville, Ala.On campus,
he helped organize and spoke
at the university’s first TEDx
event in 2015, was an officer
in the LSSU Honors Student
Organization, raised funds
for the American Cancer
Society’s Relay for Life, and
volunteered at FIRST Robotics
events hosted at LSSU. He was
a member of Lambda Epsilon
Eta Engineering Honor Society
and the LSSU club soccer
Among his honors and
awards, in 2015, he was
the sole recipient of LSSU
Faculty Association Academic
Excellence Scholarship, and
for the past four years, the
engineering faculty has
chosen him as “Outstanding
Student in Computer
“I graduated from a small
high school in a small town, so
I respected the intimacy of this
campus. You can recognize
that the faculty here are
invested in both the personal
Roscommon native Trace
Hill is graduating summa cum
laude with an honors degree
in computer engineering and a
math minor.
For his honors thesis,
he conducted pedagogical
research to identify challenges
associated with the adoption
of design-based learning
in K-12 science and math
For his engineering
degree, he worked with an
interdisciplinary team to
produce a real-world product
for industry, a requirement of
LSSU engineering for many
His team designed
Bermuda-style window
shutters with motorized blades
that use solar panels to power
blade rotation, a USB charging
station, and interior lighting.
Team sponsor 3M will use
the prototype to demonstrate
what could be marketed as
an environmentally-friendly
alternative to traditional
window shutters.
In addition to his
studies, Hill worked in
the LSSU Automated
Systems Lab, where he
conducted demonstrations
for prospective students,
industrial contacts, and state
legislators. He was also a
calculus and physics tutor
at LSSU’s Learning Center,
where he assisted his peers
and professional lives of their
students,” he said.
“During my internship
at Boeing, I worked with
students from iconic
engineering schools, but I still
felt better prepared because of
opportunities afforded to me
here as an undergraduate,”
he added. “Working as an
assistant in the Robotics Lab,
and working directly with
professors on self-directed
research outside of your field
-- that’s unheard of at bigger
institutions, and something
that has proved priceless time
and time again.
“I’ve also had an incredible
group of friends in the
engineering program that
never stopped challenging
one other, and a family that
instilled a strong set of values
when I was growing up that
have served me well.”
Hill returns to Huntsville
in June to work as a software
engineer at the Boeing
division where he was an
intern. He will be working in
a department contracted by
NASA for the development of
a rocket called Space Launch
System while pursuing a
master’s degree in physics.
Hill is the son of Brian
and Julie Hill of Roscommon,
Mich. He has one brother,
Shane, who works as a forensic
analyst in the Michigan State
Police Bridgeport laboratory.
National Anthems
Star Spangled Banner
O say, can you see,
By the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed
at the twilight’s last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars,
Thro’ the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched
were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets’ red glare,
The bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof thro’ the night
that our flag was still there.
O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave,
O’er the land of the free,
And the home of the brave?
O Canada!
O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free,
From far and wide, O Canada,
We stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land, glorious and free!
O Canada! We stand on guard for thee.
O Canada! We stand on guard for thee.
The pipe and drum musicians who bring in the LSSU administration, trustees and faculty and staff are with
the Duncan Family of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. They have been piping in our processional for 54 years, since our first
commencement ceremony. We are very grateful for their commitment and dedication.
The LSSU Chorus is an on-campus performing group that presents two concerts annually in the fall and the spring at
the LSSU Arts Center. The chorus has traditionally been offered to students for credit, as well as being open to non-credit
students and community members by audition. Over the past decade, the chorus, under the direction of Karen Hughes
Beacom, has performed with the Sault Symphony, the Soo Theatre Project, Soo Opera Theatre and the Madrigal Dinner
for Hospice of the EUP. Native American drummers have been a part of our commencement ceremony since 1997, sending out our graduates
with an Honor Song. This year, we are proud to welcome Aabizii of Brimley, Mich. Honor Songs are described as being
“... given to us so we could honor each other as brothers and sisters and to honor all of creation. The spirit of the drum is
for the people, the heartbeat of Mother Earth, and a gift from the Creator. These songs lend us support and help us get
through trying times.”
Academic Attire
Hoods vary in size and shape. They are lined in the official
academic colors of the institution conferring the degree. A
chevron is used to introduce a second color. Colored velvet
trims the hood and indicates the subject to which the degree
The University president wears a large medallion donned
only on ceremonial occasions. That medallion, cast in bronze,
is inscribed with the founding date of the University, its name
and the state seal.
At Lake Superior State University, it is customary to
identify the candidates graduating by tassels of the official
color appropriate to the subject of study.
The use of academic dress stems from costumes used
in universities of the 14th and 15th centuries, particularly
at Oxford and Cambridge in England. Used in the United
States from colonial times, the regalia was standardized by
an intercollegiate code in 1895.
Three types of gowns are indicated by the code. The
baccalaureate gown has long pointed sleeves. Our baccalaureate
graduates wear blue gowns. The gold version of this gown is
worn by associate degree recipients. The master’s gown has
long closed sleeves with the arc of a circle near the bottom.
They are garbed in black. The doctoral gown has full bellshaped sleeves with three velvet bars and velvet panels down
the center front of the gown.
Arts & Letters White
Elementary Education Light Blue
Exercise Science Sage
Fine Arts Studies Brown
Natural Sciences Golden
Nursing Apricot
Recreation Studies Sage
Social Sciences (includes Criminal Justice) Citron
Degree candidates wear the tassel on the right side of the cap until the degree is conferred.
Commencement Marshal
The marshal, who leads and directs the ceremony, is the recipient of the previous year’s Distinguished Teaching Award.
The marshal this year is Dr. John Roese, Professor of Biological Sciences. He bears the ceremonial sash and the university
mace that serve as symbols of authority.
School of Arts and Letters
Bachelor of Arts in Communication
Amanda Lynn CadyGreg H. MarcusseEmily Elizabeth Sposito
Dallas Daniel Lancour
«Rachel Elena RowswellKody William Wagner
Bachelor of Arts in Communication & Liberal Studies
Kyle Nathan Lester
Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts Studies
Dena Lynne Bliss Rachael LeeAnn Hendges
Bachelor of Arts in General Studies
Cassandra BruniJoshua James Leach
Bachelor of Arts in Literature
Alicia Jo LeeAllison Elizabeth Traczyk
©Adam Joseph Uhrig
Bachelor of Arts in Literature - Creative Writing
Amanda Dawn DeForestCornelia Hobbs
Daisy Repka FentimanMaura Rose MacDonald
tCharlotte Ann Mazurek
Bachelor of Science in General Studies
Theresa Ann Cobb
©Kylie Rae DurreAlexander Carl Gustafson
Danielle Jean DeBrulerMichael James Gordon
Bachelor of Science in Individualized Studies
Olivia Lea Neely
Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies
Wendy Marie HughesEmily Anne MinorBrielle Elizabeth Smith
Emily Rae JohnsonLacy Megan Monroe
Associate in General Studies
Chyana Lynn Dawson
©Lucas James Meehan
Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts
Jessica Sue AppledornVanessa Rose FoerchTaylor Elizabeth Oman
Amanda Lynn Cady
©Joslyn Marina Forbes Justin Alan Pollard
Jared Matthew ChowenTyler Cage Garcia
tCarly Dayle Sass
Jake Randall Crawford Adam Theodore Immink
«Samantha Kelly Smith
Amanda Dawn DeForestAmanda Sue IrwinAlicia Marie Steele
Daisy Repka Fentiman Ann Marie KessingerRobyn Lynn Waybrant
Rylee Kate Fleming
«Trenton Lee McAlaryBrian Matthew Williams
t – Summa Cum Laude (with highest honor) « – Magna Cum Laude (with high honor) © – Cum Laude (with honor)
School of Biological Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Biology
Alexandra Jasmine Barton
«Josie Elizabeth FeganKaylee Elizabeth LaFave
Genevieve Jacqueline ChevalierKaila Rose GolankaCarissa Lara Paiz
Sarah Jo CrawfordElena Myra GrecoJaclyn Hope Schierbeek
Kris Albert Erickson
©Megan Kathleen HenryShannan Nicole Trudell
Bachelor of Science in Conservation Biology
Devin Henry DalyKacie Marie FergusonJames Michael Johnson
Stephanie Nicole EaglingHunter Gene Fodor
Bachelor of Science in Fish Health
Lucas James Bradburn
Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Wildlife Management
Lucas James Bradburn © Paige Alyse HallGislaine Amber Peters
Jake Randall CrawfordSean Michael HawleyThomas James Reverman
Nicholas Robert Dion
tMichelle Elizabeth KaneMichael Thomas Schneider
Trevor James DunnSean Michael LeaskColby Nathaniel Squires
Jonathan Richard EdwardsDavid Terril LombardiBrandon Thomas Trotter
Thomas J. FlanaganJacob Steven NorthuisJustin R. Vinson
Trevor David GrondaBenjamin Lee Osterland
Associate in Marine Technology
Shannan Nicole Trudell
Associate in Natural Resources Technology
Kevin James ClarkStephanie Nicole Eagling
«Elizabeth Lynn Wegener
Chad Michael CookCody Jordan LukesDanielle Rena Weng
Brandon Albert DerenzyNolan Bryan Tappenden
Lukenda School of Business
Bachelor of Science in Accounting
Anna Jacobje ChupailoStephanie Marie LundAngela Denise Scheffler
©Brandon Paul CrossBeth Nicole ManninenJaclyn Dawn Stabile
Dwight Richard Daniels, Jr.Lynn Marie MartinsonKirsten Elizabeth Thompson
Katrina Marie Gardner
«Julie Ann Neuens ©Benjamin Scott Way
Jessica Marie GrenfellRobert E. Podleski, Jr.Megan M. Wedin
Brad HornJustin Alan Pollard
Candice L. LaCrossJoel John Rucinski
t – Summa Cum Laude (with highest honor) « – Magna Cum Laude (with high honor) © – Cum Laude (with honor)
Bachelor of Science in Accounting & Business Administration
Betsy Lee DowdDawn Marie Wregglesworth
Bachelor of Science in Accounting & Business Administration - Management
Stephanie Elizabeth KucejJordan Michael LewisAndrew Michael Loritz
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
©Shanna Leigh BaderAlisa Paige HuckleDean Anthony McCole
Kimberly Joyce ElzingaSteven Allen LoyerAndrew Robert Nemecek
Kenneth J. HarringtonJulie Marie MalloyCraig Martin Short
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration & Finance and Economics
©Austin Patrick McKay
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - International Business
John Bruce Orttenburger
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - International Business & Management
Morgan Ann Laundy
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - Management
Kelly Anne Avery
«Kathryn Ann CapodilupoApril Lynn LaCross
Shelby Mildred BeachBrittnee Renee DaultCraig Stewart Nadolsky
«Beth Ann Belcher
«Warren Peter DutterLisa Ann Petrich
Sheila Denise BergerCarlos Orlando EubanksCatherine Marie Pollard
Christopher Blaise Tae BonczykKatrina Marie Gardner
©Sarah Rose Rogala
James Robert BoskKatie Jo KaczynskiMicah Lynn Sebastian
Alyssa Jordan BoucherShane Edward KochPeter John Spratte
Ethan David BuechlerAmy Mae KraatzKevin Merritt Valley
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - Marketing
Logan Christian BoutorwickRebecca Ann Flynn
«Rachel Elena Rowswell
Britney Leigh ClementZachary Tyler LoeschAlicia Renee Starks
Benjamin Jacob ColemanMatthew Paul JohnsonHelena Cecilia Wollan
Bachelor of Science in Finance and Economics
©John Jayson AngusEric M. DraplukAndrew James Sonnevil
Fausto Enrique Astudillo CaichoElaine Jean OberleBrent Christopher Vizina
Shelby Mildred Beach
Associate in Small Business Administration
Shelby Mildred BeachKristi Adalee GoughAngela Denise Scheffler
Brittnee Renee Dault Emily Ann Gregg
t – Summa Cum Laude (with highest honor) « – Magna Cum Laude (with high honor) © – Cum Laude (with honor)
Associate in Technical Accounting
Joshua James SampsonJaclyn Dawn Stabile
School of Education
Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education
Kelcie Lynn BeaudreHillary Faye CusickMary Jean Potter
Samantha Kay Church
«Kelly Marie FullerTracy Ann Whittkopf
Michaela Sue Cook
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education
Cassandra BruniFelicia Ann Gingrich
tApril Ann Yates
Associate in Early Childhood Education
Rebeca Lynn BarclayMichaela Sue Cook
School of Engineering & Technology
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Dylan Paul BrownNikolai Daniel Dowd
©Blake James Dansfield
«Aaron Matthew Frederick
tTrace Benjamin Hill
«Eugene William Peyerk
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Casian Hart-Adam Holsinger James Broderick MulliganJessica Marie Tyer
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Technology
Steven Michael Essenberg Carl Robert Mason
Bachelor of Science in Engineering Management
tRobert Allen Retlich
Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Engineering Technology
Brock Raymond Bigelow
Nolin Miller LivingstonMiccah Johnathon Szucs
Kyle Bradley GantzDavid William SantoseDaniel Douglas Verbanac
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Casey Michael JohnsonChristopher Michael MaurerScott Steven Urbanc
Nicholas Dale LettsSteven Michael Morehouse
Associate in General Engineering
Tyler Slayton HelmsCasian Hart-Adam Holsinger
Associate in Manufacturing Engineering Technology
Christopher Jeffrey Chancey
t – Summa Cum Laude (with highest honor) « – Magna Cum Laude (with high honor) © – Cum Laude (with honor)
School of Mathematics & Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Computer Networking
Jenna Marie Desrochers
©Mark Patrick Mastaw
Max Edward IsonMathew Steven Peabody
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
©Cody John ArmockDeborah Christine Rempala
Robert Matthew McBainBrittany Marie Wallo
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Jessica Margaret Keilholtz tDillon Dean Sloat
©Sean Windsor Suehr
Associate in Internet/Network Specialist
Clayton Audley Blanchard Mathew Steven Peabody Nicholas Alan Pung
School of Nursing and Health Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
«Korina Joy Aghmar
©Sierra Ann HewittSamuel Nathan Owen
Sarah Ann BambachValerie Meredith HirschElizabeth Ashley Pancheri
Tina Marie BartonMargaret M. JakewayConor Patrick Parker
Rayann Wendy BasawaLindsy May KaunistoAnne Therese Payne
Carissa Kerin Boucher
©Caitlin Jeanne LakeGabraielle Lee Peters
©Valerie Marie CarlsonDara Simone LinehanMichelle L. Rushing
Anna Chyla ©Stephanie Renee LobosJoshua Dean Speigl
«Jennifer Lou DonnJennifer Lynn MacMaster
©Victoria Eve Steffke
©Marisha K. DurdikMarcy Marlene MaleportSara Ann Suchey
Danielle Jo England
©Brittany Rose Marks
©Sarah Theodossiou
Jodi Lynn FeltisShannon Lee McCloskeyHolly Jean Van Buren
Kristen Nicole FilkinsNicholas Dean McKeiverKristin Alexandra Walker
Brandon William GoeschelJenna Michelle McLarenRobyn Lynn Waybrant
Carli Marie GranumTiffany Diane McMillionMorgan N. Zeeryp
Omega Xavie HangTarra Lynn Moran
Associate of Applied Science in Health Care Provider
Kara L. DoddemaRachel Marie RussellVictoria Alese Tracy
Liza Marie LaPointKara Jo Shadnaw
Certificate in Practical Nursing
Marvine Bernice BedellJessica Nicole MaleportKeena Marie Kristi Swanson
Bernice Roseann BironTammy Lynn NystromVictoria Alese Tracy
Cortney Lorraine CarieKara Jo ShadnawJustina Marie Watson
Kara L. Doddema
t – Summa Cum Laude (with highest honor) « – Magna Cum Laude (with high honor) © – Cum Laude (with honor)
Associate in Paramedic Technology
Cameron Anderson III
«Adam Eli Guigue
«Jared Michael Ornelas
Travis Stevens BehlingDaniel John KosarKevin Robert Serkowski
Andrew James BiedermanBryn Davis LymburnerMichael Gene White
Hunter GillickTerence Sean O’HaireBrian Matthew Williams
Certificate in Paramedic Training
Cameron Anderson III
«Adam Eli GuigueTerence Sean O’Haire
Travis Stevens BehlingDaniel John Kosar «Jared Michael Ornelas
Andrew James BiedermanBryn Davis LymburnerBrian Matthew Williams
School of Physical Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry Pre-Professional
Nicolas Andrew Furlich
tJulia Denise Peterson
«Jane Daniell NewmanLance David Piche
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
tMiranda Nicole EmausLucas Andrew Kail Wilson
«Brandon Stephen Yanni
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
Andrew Ronald Hicks
Bachelor of Science in Forensic Chemistry
Erin Elyse DikeVanessa Rose FoerchDeidre Sue Lentz
tMiranda Nicole EmausSarah Beth KautzmannCharlene Judith Shepherd
Bachelor of Science in Geology
Jessica Sue AppledornBenjamin Eldor HutterVincent London Parker
Robin Kay Bouschor
tJerusha R. LaneCassaundra Anne Pflanzer
«Emily Jo GravesDaryn Michael McKevittNathan A. Rapp
Associate in Chemistry
«Jane Daniell NewmanCharlene Judith Shepherd
School of Public Safety, Community and Behavioral Sciences
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
©Joslyn Marina Forbes
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice - Corrections
Tyler Cage GarciaAmanda Kay Maxon
©Derek Allen LindstromTiffany Rose Schaedig
t – Summa Cum Laude (with highest honor) « – Magna Cum Laude (with high honor) © – Cum Laude (with honor)
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice - Corrections & Generalist
Alicia Marie Steele
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice - Criminalistics
Vanessa Rose FoerchCharlene Judith Shepherd
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice - Generalist
Kelli Jean-Fisher O’Grady AdamczykCory Wayne MarmalickEvan William Jordan Rickard
©Terri A. BalAustin Steven Monk
«Tucker McLean Rolison
Erin Kayleen DeFrainThomas John Myers IIBlaise Patrick Ryan
Heather Renee DemosMadieson Dawn OliverSharon Janet Solomon
Christopher Robert Dorans
©Kevin Christian PagelsLucas Peter Wickert
«Regina Renea EllenbergMichelle Terese PolzienMeghan Elaine Wood
Philip John Ferroni
©Stephanie Lee PriemCarole Helen Yeomans
Laura Marie Glover
Kyle Alexander Reid
©Patrick Dennis MaddenGregory Mark Reinert
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice - Homeland Security
Kassondra Kay Gildner
tCarly Dayle SassRobert Lee Vanhouten
Stephen Charles HeilmanAdam Charles SmartRae Ann Villarreal
Taylor Elizabeth OmanAndrea Lynn Tillman
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice - Homeland Security & Law Enforcement
Derrick John GoodrichBrody James Stevens
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice - Homeland Security & Law Enforcement Certification
Sean Michael Gerbe
©Nathan Michael Leigeb
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement
Christopher Jeffrey ChanceyTaylor Rae McLennanLuke Anthony Strait
Justin Michael Dieck
tCarly Dayle SassAndrea Lynn Tillman
«Austin Todd GrangerMatthew James SavageJoseph Patrick Tschirhart Brecht
Amanda Sue IrwinAlicia Marie SteeleDylan Michael Wendels
«Geoffrey Alan KadwellStephanie Vickie Steikar
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement Certification
Hunter Jacob ArnoldRaymond G. FarrierLevi Joseph Natzke
Keith William Carson
©Jerome Robert GapczynskiMichelle Renee Sprick
Nathaniel Richard DeveneauJonathan Tyler HutchisonDaniel Hamilton Stacks
Natashia Amber DeweyMichael Gregory LaddLeon Kristopher Wagner
John Perry EbyMandy Lynn Murray
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement Certification & Public Safety
«Alexander Tyler Meyers
t – Summa Cum Laude (with highest honor) « – Magna Cum Laude (with high honor) © – Cum Laude (with honor)
Bachelor of Science in Fire Science - Engineering Technology
Jacob Patrick Winn
Bachelor of Science in Fire Science - Generalist
Travis Stevens BehlingDaniel John KosarGalen Michael Roediger
Andrew James BiedermanEric Stephan KoshowskiKevin Robert Serkowski
Ian Jerome CostelloBryn Davis LymburnerChase Donald Showers
Salvatore Ignatius Garofalo
«Trenton Lee McAlaryJacob Scott Strait
Hunter GillickAlexander Michael ModrzynskiAndrew E. Thornton
Donovan James Green
«Jared Michael OrnelasBrian Matthew Williams
David Roman HickeyGrant Maxwell Paulson
Albert Leonard Jones IIIDaniel Patrick Reck
Bachelor of Science in Fire Science - Generalist Non Certification
tThomas James Barrett
Kyle William Broadfield
Kevin James Clark
tJoseph Allan CleminsonMichelangelo Sartoretto
«Daniel Ronald Deachin
tChristopher Leland Wolf
«David Lee PeltonZachary Elwin Yanska
Bachelor of Science in History
Sarah R. AweJesse Alan RobertsJennifer Lynn Walker
Bachelor of Science in Political Science
©Renae Marie Carrick
«Naomi Ross Crull
Derrick Ronald ChamberlainRheanna Stevie McKechnie
tLogan Marie Methner
Andrea Renea Roloff
Bachelor of Science in Psychology
Nicole Catherine BeaumontAlexa Rae JonesAlissa Jean Peterson
Kristina Clara Benoit
©Taylor RaeAnn Jones
«Cassidee Jean Retzloff
Ashley Nicole Houghton BurkeKevin Alexander LeClerc
«Samantha Kelly Smith
©Hannah Mary ConnerLaShawn Denise MattisonRichard Thomas VanVels
Teodora Gavric
© Lindsey Marie McCullough
Bachelor of Science in Social Science
Cassandra Johanna Lahti
Bachelor of Science in Sociology
©Katherine Ann DeLauraAshley Marie LouiselleNicole Marian Pischner
Meagan Lee HarmanJessica Ann Mills
Associate in Social Work
Samuel Frederick Gardner, Jr.Jessica Ann Mills
Ashley Marie LouiselleNicole Marian Pischner
t – Summa Cum Laude (with highest honor) « – Magna Cum Laude (with high honor) © – Cum Laude (with honor)
Associate in Criminal Justice - Corrections
Tyler Cage GarciaGregory Mark Reinert Alicia Marie Steele
Alexa Rae JonesTiffany Rose Schaedig Dylan Michael Wendels
Taylor Elizabeth Oman
Associate in Criminal Justice - Homeland Security
Hunter Jacob Arnold
Joseph Gary Chupailo
Ian Jerome Costello
« Daniel Ronald Deachin
Justin Michael Dieck
Raymond G. Farrier
Salvatore Ignatius Garofalo
Sean Michael Gerbe
Kassondra Kay Gildner
Derrick John Goodrich
Stephen Charles Heilman
David Roman Hickey
Albert Leonard Jones III
«Geoffrey Alan Kadwell
Daniel John Kosar
©Nathan Michael Leigeb
Matthew John Majic
«Trenton Lee McAlary
«Alexander Tyler Meyers
Alexander Michael Modrzynski
Thomas John Myers II
Taylor Elizabeth Oman
Grant Maxwell Paulson
Daniel Patrick Reck
Galen Michael Roediger
tCarly Dayle Sass
Chase Donald Showers
Nathan A. Sink
Adam Charles Smart
Brody James Stevens
Jacob Scott Strait
Andrew E. Thornton
Andrea Lynn Tillman
Robert Lee Vanhouten
Rae Ann Villarreal
Meghan Elaine Wood
Associate in Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement
Hunter Jacob Arnold
Keith William Carson
Christopher Jeffrey Chancey
Jake Randall Crawford
Nathaniel Richard Deveneau
Justin Michael Dieck
Raymond G. Farrier
©Jerome Robert Gapczynski
Tyler Cage Garcia
Sean Michael Gerbe
Kassondra Kay Gildner
Derrick John Goodrich
Stephen Charles Heilman
Jonathan Tyler Hutchison
Amanda Sue Irwin
«Geoffrey Alan Kadwell
Michael Gregory Ladd
Jarred Wade Lavigne
©Nathan Michael Leigeb
tTaylor Lyn Meredith
«Alexander Tyler Meyers
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Montone
Sean Glynn Mugarian
Thomas John Myers II
©Kevin Christian Pagels
©Paige Taylor Proper
Gregory Mark Reinert
Devon Michael Reppert
Joseph Michael Rice
tCarly Dayle Sass
Tiffany Rose Schaedig
Charlene Judith Shepherd
Kyrstin Renee Sheridan
Nathan A. Sink
Adam Charles Smart
Michelle Renee Sprick
Alicia Marie Steele
Brody James Stevens
Luke Anthony Strait
Andrea Lynn Tillman
Joseph Patrick Tschirhart Brecht
Robert Lee Vanhouten
Rae Ann Villarreal
Leon Kristopher Wagner
Dylan Michael Wendels
Carole Helen Yeomans
t – Summa Cum Laude (with highest honor) « – Magna Cum Laude (with high honor) © – Cum Laude (with honor)
Associate in Fire Science
Cameron Anderson III
Travis Stevens Behling
Andrew James Biederman
Kevin James Clark
Ian Jerome Costello
Nathan John Foglia
Hunter Gillick
David Roman Hickey
Daniel John Kosar
Eric Stephan Koshowski
Bryn Davis Lymburner
Matthew John Majic
«Trenton Lee McAlary
Alexander Michael Modrzynski
«Jared Michael Ornelas
Grant Maxwell Paulson
Daniel Patrick Reck
Galen Michael Roediger
Kevin Robert Serkowski
Chase Donald Showers
Jacob Scott Strait
Andrew E. Thornton
Michael Gene White
Brian Matthew Williams
School of Recreation Studies & Exercise Science
Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training
©Lucas James Meehan
Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training & Exercise Science
Tanecia Jean Groh
Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science
Melcolm Angus BrownAlexandra Catherine Greco
Emily Anne CrossShana Marie Kretzschmer
«Marie Christine GaedkeCharlee Lee
Madeline Salome Gallegos
«Megan Mae Manninen
«Madeline Maya Gougeon Sydne Alayne McMullen
Cassie Lynn Morrison
Bryce P. Schmitt
Sara Marie Tafelski
Daniel Christopher Vernace
Nicholas Ryan Weidner
Bachelor of Science in Parks and Recreation
Chad Michael CookNickolas Todd KosinNolan Bryan Tappenden
Brandon Albert DerenzyCody Jordan Lukes
«Elizabeth Lynn Wegener
David Alan GreenTyler Allen PattulloDanielle Rena Weng
©David Emil HurbanRichard Tyler PettitBrendan Michael Western
Bachelor of Science in Sport and Recreation Management
Philip Conrad Dittburner Haley Diane LanczakJonathan Daniel Studer
Sione HafokaTravis Roy LarsonBrett Michael Wall
Tony Odell Harris
Associate in Health/Fitness Specialist
Melcolm Angus Brown
Emily Anne Cross
Nichole Whitney Drielts
«Marie Christine Gaedke
«Madeline Maya Gougeon
Alexandra Catherine Greco
Tanecia Jean Groh
Charlee Lee
John Dowd Lockhart II
«Megan Mae Manninen
Sydne Alayne McMullen
Cassie Lynn Morrison
Bryce P. Schmitt
Sara Marie Tafelski
Daniel Christopher Vernace
Nicholas Ryan Weidner
t – Summa Cum Laude (with highest honor) « – Magna Cum Laude (with high honor) © – Cum Laude (with honor)
Academic Honors
Graduating with honors at Lake Superior State University is defined below and is signified by the wearing of a gold
honor cord. Summa cum laude graduates receive an honors medallion. Honors graduates earn a minimum of 30 credit
hours of courses at Lake Superior State University.
© cum laude — 3.50 - 3.69 grade point average
« magna cum laude — 3.70 - 3.89 grade point average
t summa cum laude — 3.90 - 4.00 grade point average
Alpha Chi National College Honor Scholarship Society
The Alpha Chi National College Honor Scholarship Society is a coeducational society whose purpose is to promote
academic excellence and exemplary character and to honor those who achieve such distinction. Graduating seniors are:
Korina J. Aghmar
Valerie M. Carlson
Joslyn M. Forbes
Megan K. Henry
Sierra A. Hewitt
Michelle E. Kane
Fisheries & Wildlife Management
Alexander T. Meyers
Criminal Justice – Law
Public Safety Certification
Nolin M. Livingston
Manufacturing Engineering
Stephanie R. Lobos
Jane D. Newman
Biochemistry Pre-professional
Megan M. Manninen
Exercise Science
Julia D. Peterson
Biochemistry Pre-professional
Trenton L. McAlary
Cassidee J. Retzloff
Fire Science – Generalist
Taylor L. Meredith
A.D. Criminal Justice – Law
Rachel E. Rowswell
Business Administration –
Carly D. Sass
Criminal Justice – Homeland
Criminal Justice – Law
Samantha K. Smith
Victoria E. Steffke
Elizabeth L. Wegener
Parks & Recreation
April A. Yates
Elementary Education
Alpha Kappa Delta National Honor Society: A national honor society that recognizes outstanding sociology students.
The graduating senior is:
Katherine A. DeLaura
Alpha Phi Omega: An honor society that recognizes students who are members of the national service organization.
The Graduating seniors are:
Sean M. Gerbe Gregory M. Reinert Joshua J. Sampson
Delta Mu Delta is a business honor society that recognizes and encourages academic excellence of students at colleges and
universities accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), to create a community that fosters
the well-being of its individual members and the business community through life-time membership. The graduating senior is:
Rachel E. Rowswell
Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society: Alpha Zeta Eta is the LSSU Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi, the
international honor society that recognizes outstanding education students. Graduating seniors are:
Megan K. Henry
Dillon D. Sloat
April A. Yates
Lake Superior Nursing Honor Society: Recognizes outstanding nursing students. It has petitioned for and been accepted
into Chi Omega of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. Graduating seniors are:
Caitlyn J. Lake
Dara S. Linehan
Stephanie R. Lobos
Gabraielle L. Peters
Britanny R. Marks
Kristin A. Walker
Lambda Epsilon Eta National Honor Society: An LSSU honor society that recognizes outstanding engineering
students. Graduating seniors are:
Blake J. Dansfield Aaron M. Frederick
Trace B. Hill
Nolin M. Livingston
Eugene W. Peyerk
Jessica M. Tyer
Lambda Pi Eta National Honor Society: Omega Epsilon is the LSSU Chapter of Lambda Pi Eta, the national honor
society that recognizes outstanding communication students. The graduating senior is:
Dallas D. Lancour
Kyle N. Lester
Greg H. Marcusse
Rachel E. Rowswell
Psi Chi: An international honor society that recognizes outstanding psychology graduates. Graduating seniors are:
Nicole C. Beaumont
Ashley N.H. Burke
Hannah M. Conner
Michaela S. Cook
Joslyn M. Forbes
Taylor R. Jones
Kevin A. LeClerc
Lindsey M. McCullough
Cassidee J. Retzloff
Samantha K. Smith
Sigma Beta Delta: An international honor society that recognizes outstanding business, management, and administration
students. Graduating seniors are:
Fausto E. Astudillo Caicho
Kelly A. Avery
Sheila D. Berger
Logan C. Boutorwick
Anna J. Chupailo
April L. LaCross
Zachary T. Loesch
John B. Orttenburger
Rachel E. Rowswell
Angela D. Scheffler
Peter J. Spratte
Benjamin S. Way
Sigma Theta Tau: Chi Omega is the LSSU Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, whose mission
is advancing world health and celebrating nursing excellence in scholarship, leadership and service. Graduating seniors are:
Korina J. Aghmar
Tina M. Barton
Valerie M. Carlson
Jennifer L. Donn
Marisha K. Durdik
Sierra A. Hewitt
Victoria E. Steffke
Holly J. Van Buren
Lake Superior Student Leadership: These graduates are recognized for having completed at least two years in an executive
position within a Student Assembly organization or having been a resident advisor/community advisor, and having maintained
academic excellence (3.2 gpa or greater). Their designation is signified by the wearing of a blue/gold cord. Graduating seniors are:
Jessica S. Appledorn
Cody J. Armock
Computer Science
Carly D. Sass
Criminal Justice – Homeland
Criminal Justice – Law
Kyle N. Lester
Communication &
Liberal Studies
Lucas J. Meehan
Athletic Training
University Honors Program: These graduates have completed all the requirements of Lake Superior State University’s
Honors Program and are recognized by the wearing of the honor stole:
Miranda N. Emaus
Forensic Chemistry
Trace B. Hill
Computer Engineering
Michelle E. Kane
Fisheries & Wildlife
Jane D. Newman
Biochemistry – Pre-Professional
April A. Yates
Elementary Education
Samantha K. Smith
Charlotte A. Mazurek
Literature – Creative Writing
Honor Ushers
Our honor ushers are juniors and seniors who carry a minimum 3.50 grade point average and have volunteered
to assist with today’s exercises. LSSU salutes these students for their academic excellence.
Amie R. Baragwanath
Michael J. Bayerl
Business Administration
– Managment
Sarah L. Becks
Computer Engineering
Kali L. Brosco
Katie J. Brownell
William A. Campbell
Political Science
Lisa J. Casselman
Elementary Education
Benjamin J. Deuling
Alexis M. MacArthur
Monica A. Malaski
Jacob P. McGill
Fire Science
Michael A. Meraglia
Exercise Science
Cassandra M. Merritt
Criminal Justice – Law
Taylor J. Mills
Athletic Training
Kaycie L. Overmyer
Biology – Pre-Medical
Paige T. Proper
Crminial Justice – Corrections
Susan E. Drockton
Jennifer N. Fredericks
Electrical Engineering
Hannah M. Gabbard
Medical Laboratory Science
Christian C. Gassi
Exercise Science
Kaitlyn R. Jedrzejczyk
Criminal Justice – Homeland
Adeline H. Kariainen
Athletic Training
Tammy J. LaCoursiere
Bailey M. LeBeau
Political Science
Noel I. Skrbec
Elementary Education
– Special Education
Michael P. Smutny
Mechanical Engineering
Oshane Thomas
Biochemistry – Pre-Professional
Samantha A. Valinski
Elementary Education
– Special Education
Tyler J. Wall
Emily R. Weston
Criminal Justice – Public Safety
Emily A. Wolffe
McKayla N. Worsham
School of Arts and Letters
Outstanding Communication Studies Graduate.................................................................................................................Kyle N. Lester
Outstanding English Language and Literature Graduate......................................................................................Charlotte A. Mazurek
Georgegeen Gaertner Award................................................................................................................................................ Adam J. Uhrig
Outstanding Fine Arts Graduate.................................................................................................................... Rachael LeeAnn Hendges
Outstanding Liberal Arts Graduate................................................................................................................................Adam T. Immink
Outstanding Liberal Studies Graduate..............................................................................................................................Brielle E. Smith
School of Biological Sciences
Outstanding Biology Graduate.............................................................................................................................................Josie E. Fegan
Outstanding Natural Resource Technology Graduate.............................................................................................Elizabeth L. Wegener
Outstanding Fisheries and Wildlife Management Graduate...........................................................................................Michelle E. Kane
Lukenda School of Business
Sault Area Chamber of Commerce Achievement Award Graduate............................................................................ Rachel E. Rowswell
Outstanding Business Transfer Graduate.......................................................................................................... Kathryn A. Capodilupo
Outstanding Baccalaureate Graduate............................................................................................................................. Austin P. McKay
School of Education
Outstanding Elementary Education Graduate.....................................................................................................................April A. Yates
Outstanding Early Childhood Education Graduate........................................................................................................Michaela S. Cook
School of Engineering and Technology
Outstanding Computer Engineering Graduate...................................................................................................................... Trace B. Hill
Outstanding Electrical Engineering Graduate............................................................................................................. James B. Mulligan
Outstanding Engineering Management Graduate......................................................................................................... Robert A. Retlich
Outstanding Manufacturing Engineering Technology Graduate............................................................................ Nolin M. Livingston
School of Mathematics and Computer Science
Outstanding Computer Science Graduate........................................................................................................................Cody J. Armock
Outstanding Mathematics Graduate....................................................................................................................................Sean W. Suehr
Outstanding Mathematics Education Graduate................................................................................................................. Dillon D. Sloat
School of Nursing and Health Sciences
Outstanding BSN Graduate........................................................................................................................................... Korina J. Aghmar
Tempie Dubow “Spirit of Nursing” Award..................................................................................................................Sarah A. Bambach
Outstanding Health Care Provider Graduate ..................................................................................................................Bernice R. Biron
Outstanding Paramedic Technology Graduate.......................................................................................................... Kevin R. Serkowski
School of Physical Sciences
Outstanding Biochemistry Graduate...............................................................................................................................Julia D. Peterson
Outstanding Chemistry and Forensic Chemistry Graduate....................................................................................... Miranda N. Emaus
Outstanding Geology Graduate.........................................................................................................................................Jerusha R. Lane
School of Public Safety, Community and Behavioral Sciences
Outstanding Criminal Justice Graduate................................................................................................................................Carly D. Sass
Outstanding Fire Science Graduate................................................................................................................................ Jared M. Ornelas
Outstanding History Graduate............................................................................................................................................. Sarah R. Awe
Outstanding Political Science Graduate ..................................................................................................................... Logan M. Methner
Outstanding Psychology Graduate............................................................................................................................. Samantha K. Smith
Outstanding Sociology Graduate........................................................................................................................... Katherine A. DeLaura
School of Recreation Studies and Exercise Science
Outstanding Athletic Training Graduate........................................................................................................................... Tanecia J. Groh
Outstanding Exercise Science Graduate......................................................................................................................... Marie C. Gaedke
Outstanding Parks and Recreation Graduate..........................................................................................................Elizabeth L. Wegener
Outstanding Native American Graduate......................................................................................................... Jennifer L. Donn, Nursing
Faculty Association Awards for Academic Excellence................................................................................. Dillon D. Sloat, Mathematics
April A. Yates, Elementary Education
Senator Philip A. Hart Scholars................................................................................. Kyle N. Lester, Communication & Liberal Studies
Marie C. Gaedke, Exercise Science, Health/Fitness Specialist
A Look Back…
Lake Superior State University is proud to welcome those who attended the Sault Branch of the Michigan College of
Mining and Technology 50 or more years ago. We are pleased to salute these outstanding alumni for their role in building
today’s LSSU.
Thomas Artley 1963
Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.
Alva Beamish 1958
Dafter, Mich.
Raymond Coullard 1961
Rose City, Mich.
Ronald Dale 1966
DeTour Village, Mich.
Art Disbrow 1953
Troy, Ohio
James Honkanen 1949
Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.
David Knowles 1947
Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.
David Lucas 1959
West Branch, Mich.
J. Roger Malette 1965
Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.
Dennis Marshall 1965
Alma, Mich.
Colleen (Riker) McNeal 1963
Jackson, Mich.
Paul Ripley 1948
Melbourne, Fla.
Marjean (Smith) Roe 1959
Sault Ste. Martie, Mich.
Bobby Hall stops his 1965 Ford Mustang next to Brady Hall for a chat in 1969.
School of Arts & Letters
School of Public Safety, Community
and Behavioral Sciences
Chair, Ms. Janice J. Repka
Department of Liberal Studies
Chair, Dr. James J. Schaefer
Ms. Mary Jo Meehan
Ms. Jillena Rose
Department of Criminal Justice and Fire Science
Department of Communication Studies
Dr. Timothy Baird
Dr. Gary L. Balfantz
Dr. George H. Denger
Department of English
Department of History
Dr. Chad A. Barbour
Ms. Julie B. Barbour
Dr. Mary D. Been
Ms. Mary N. McMyne
Ms. Janice J. Repka
Ms. Jillena Rose
Ms. Shirley A. Smart
Dr. Louann Disney
Dr. Jason K. Swedene
Mr. Spencer Christensen
Mr. Lloyd Eddy
Ms. Karen Hughes-Beacom
Mr. C. Joshua Legg
School of Education
Dr. Andrew S. Franks
Dr. Kristina J. Olson-Pupek
Dr. H. Russell Searight
Department of Sociology
Department of Fine and Performing Arts
Ms. Carol S. Andary
Mr. Gregory E. Rathje
Dr. Melissa S. Shaffer-O’Connell
Department of Psychology
Department of Humanities and Philosophy
Mr. James W. Moody
Dr. James J. Schaefer
Department of Political Science
Department of Language Studies
Dr. Paige H. Gordier
Mr. Herbert D. Henderson
Ms. Jihane L. Mauze
Dr. Frank Tridico
Dr. Aaron J. Westrick
Dr. Cathy Chaput
Ms. Becky S. Davis
Dr. H. Lorraine Gregory
Ms. Barbara Light
Ms. Mary N. McMyne
Dr. Guidi Yang
Dr. Richard C. Crandall
Dr. R. Kirk Mauldin
Dr. Heather Shay
School of Biological Sciences
Chair, Dr. Gregory M. Zimmerman
Dr. Thomas A. Allan
Dr. Barbara I. Evans
Dr. Jason M. Garvon
Dr. Martha A. Hutchens
Dr. Kevin Kapuscinski
Dr. Stephen Kolomyjec
Dr. Jun Li
Dr. Dennis M. Merkel
Dr. Ashley H. Moerke
Dr. Britton D. Ranson Olson
Dr. John H. Roese
Dr. Gregory M. Zimmerman
Department of Geology and Physics
Dr. Paul R. Kelso
Dr. Anna Lindguist
Dr. C. Robin Mattheus
Dr. Matthew K. Spencer
Lukenda School of Business
Chair, Ms. Mindy S. McCready
Department of Management,
Marketing, and Entrepreneurship
School of Mathematics and
Computer Science
Chair, Dr. Kimberly O. Muller
Dr. Collette Coullard
Dr. H. Lorraine Gregory
Dr. Kathleen M. Kalata
Dr. Grace Ngunkeng
Dr. Evan L. Schemm
Dr. Christopher E. Smith
Dr. Brian A. Snyder
Dr. Mark G. Terwilliger
Dr. George Voutsadakis
Mr. Fitz G. Collymore
Ms. Marta Diaz
Ms. Shellie Masters
Ms. Valerie C. Philips
Dr. Madan Saluja
Department of Accounting and
Management Information Systems
Ms. Susan E. Beckon
Ms. Jodi L. Hunter
Ms. Mindy S. McCready
Department of Finance and Economics
Mr. Robert Boston
Mr. Gerald R. Root
Department of International Business
School of Physical Sciences
Chair, Dr. Derek D. Wright
Department of Chemistry and Environmental Sciences
Dr. R. Marshall Werner
Dr. Derek D. Wright
Dr. Christopher L. Heth
Dr. Alexei V. Iretski
Dr. Steven C. Johnson
Dr. Barbara J. Keller
Dr. Megan M. Kelly
Dr. R. Adam Mosey
Dr. Andrea Muñoz-Hernández
Ms. Jennifer Santoro
Dr. Ralf Wilhelms
School of Engineering
and Technology
Chair, Dr. David C. Baumann
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dr. David C. Baumann
Dr. Andrew H. Jones
Mr. David M. McDonald
Dr. Joseph P. Moening
Dr. Paul J. Weber
School of Recreation Studies and
Exercise Science
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Robert L. Hildebrand
Mr. David Leach
Dr. Zakaria Mahmud
Dr. Sanjiv K. Sinha
Department of General Engineering and Technology
Ms. Jaimee L. Gerrie
Ms. Charla J. Gordon
Ms. Judy Hering
Ms. Patricia A. Kellan
Ms. Sandra King
Mr. Scott LaBonte
Mr. Kevin Mohar
Ms. Lori Oliver
Dr. Mary Reynolds-Keegan
Ms. Kelli Verdecchia
Mr. James Devaprasad
School of Nursing and Health Sciences
Dr. Sally A. Childs
Ms. Sarah L. Ouimette
Mr. Brent W. Pusch
Ms. Jody A. Susi
Dr. Joseph D. Susi II
Academic Services
Chair, Ms. Lynn Kabke
Ms. Adrienne Beckham
Dr. Kathy Berchem
Mr. Scott Brandenburg
Ms. Cynthia S. Butcher
Ms. Andrea M. Donmyer
Ms. Mary M. June
Ms. Ruth A. Neveu
Distinguished Teaching Award
Nominations for the Distinguished Teaching Award come from across the entire campus, as well as from alumni. The recipient
of the award is chosen by a committee comprised of graduating seniors with the highest grade point averages in their department/
division and faculty who have previously received the Distinguished Teaching Award. Celebrate with this year's Distinguished
Teacher at a post-commencement reception in the Cisler Center. The 2015-16 selection committee members are:
Cody Armock
Herb Henderson*
Trace Hill
Andrew Jones*
Michelle Kane
Jerusha Lane
Charlotte Mazurek
Logan Methner
Ashley Moerke*
John Roese*
Rachel Rowswell
H. Russell Searight*
April Yates
* faculty member
Past Recipients of the Distinguished Teaching Award
Raymond R. Chelberg
C. Ernest Kemp
Margaret Howe
David Blair
Gerald M. Samson
Thomas Mickewich
Arthur E. Duwe
Thomas M. Kelly
Larry A. Schneider
Steven J. Person
Bernard J. Arbic
Edeltraute Vialpando
Timothy J. Sawyer
Paul W. Wilson
Michael J. Flynn
Margaret A. Malmberg
Robert M. Money
Rosa Kavanaugh
Dimitri Diliani
David J. Behmer
Susan H. Ratwik
William L. Haag
James P. Madden
Sally A. Childs
Carol A. Campagna
Madan Saluja
M. Carole Connaughton
Paul R. Duesing
Gary R. Johnson
John E. Erkkila
Karl James Sherman
Kevin S. Schmaltz
Barbara J. Keller
Deborah K. Stai
Richard T. Conboy
Sherilyn R. Duesing
James W.T. Moody
MaryAnne P. Shannon
Kathy Berchem
Thomas A. Allan
Andrew H. Jones
H. Russell Searight
Ashley H. Moerke
Deborah Choszczyk
Herbert Henderson
John Roese