A Knitting-Book of Counterpanes
A Knitting-Book of Counterpanes
~o:o:ks. @ho:inl) ·S-itt THE EIGHTEENPENCE SERIES . . S~tper royal 3271W, extra cloth, richly gilt side/; and edges, Illust1·ated. 1. Short Tales to Explain Homely Proverbs. By M. H., 2. Short Stories to Explain Bible Texts. Editor of 'The Children's Hour.' By M. H., Editor of ' '1'he Children's Hour.' 3. Alfred and the Little Dove. By the Rev. F. A. KRUMMACHER, D.D. And WITLESS WILLIE, THE IDIOT BOY. By the Author of 'Mary Matheson, ' etc. 4. The Story of the Bibles. By M. H., Editor of 'The Children's Hour.' 5. Arthur Fortescue; or, The Schoolboy Hero. By ROBERT HOPE MONCRIEFF. And FRANK FIELDING; or, Debts and Difficulties. By AGNES VEITCH. 5. Mary M'Neill; or, The Word Remembered. By J. W. C. 7. Alice Lowther; or, Grandmamma's Story about her Little And other Tales. Red Bible. By J. W. C. And other '1'ales. 3. Nothing to Do; or, The Influence of a Life. By M. H. And MARY MANSFIELD; or, No Time to be a ChrIstian. ByM. H. 9. Bill Marlin's Tales of the Sea. By Mrs GEORGE CUPPLES. r o. Gottfried of the Iron Hand. And other Tales. By the Author of 'Little Harry's Troubles.' I I. The Story of the Kirk; A Sketch of Scottish Church '12. The Hidden Treasure. Aud other Tales. By M. H., History. By ROBERT NAIs~rr1'H. Editor of 'The Children's Hour.' r 3· Little Tales for Little People. {4· Wise Sayings, and Stories to Explain them. By M. H., Editor of 'The Children's Hour.' r 5. Waterweeds and Sunbeams. By Mrs BICKERST.A.FFE. r6. Stories of Humble Life. EDINBURGH: JOHNSTONE, HUNTER, AND CO. {Jof"o' ?3b Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit I Sl3t:ent l"at:es £:(tt: ~:(tung If[':e:(tp:t:e. THE 0 NE S H ILL I N G S E R I E S. Super royaZ 32mo, extra cZoth, bevelled boards, Illustrated. 1. 2. The Story of a Red Velvet Bible. By M. H. Alice Lowther; or Grandma=a's Story about her Little Red Bible. 3· 4· By J. W. O. Nothing ' to Do'; or, The Influence of a Life. By M. H. Alfred and the Little Dove. By the Rev. F. A. KRUMMACHER, D.D. And THE YOUNG SAVOYARD. By ERl>TEs'r HOLD. 5. Mary M'Neill; or,'The Word Remembered. By J. W. O. 6. Henry Morgan; or, The Sower and the Seed. By M. H. 7. Witless Willie. By the Author of 'Mary Matheson,' etc. 8. Mary Mansfield; or, No Time to be a Ohristian. By M.H. . 9. Frank Fielding. A Story for Boys. By AGNES V~TCH. 10. Tales for' The Children's Hour.' By M. M. O. I I. The Little 'C aptain: A Tale of the Sea. By Mrs OUPPLES. 12. Gottfried of the Iron Hand: A Tale of German Ohivalry. 13. Arthur Fortescue; or, The Schoolboy Hero. By ROBERT HOPE MONCRIEFF, Author of 'Horace Hazelwood." 14· The Sangreal; or, The Hidden Treasure. By M. H. f 15. Cockerill the Conjurer; or, The Brave Boy of Hameln. 16. Jottings from the Diary of the Sun. By -M. H. 17· Down among the Water Weeds; or, The Marvels' of Pond Life. 18. By MONA B. BICKERS'rAFFE. The Sunbeam's Story; or, Sketches of Beetle Life. MONA B. BICKERS'rAFFE. 19· By . Richard Blake and his Little Green Bible. A Sequel to 'The Story of a Red Velvet Bible.' By M. H. EDINBURGH: JOHNSTONE, HUNTER, AND CO. Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit A KNITTING-BOOK OF COUNTERPANES: T 0 I LET - 0'0 VE R S, PIN CU S H ION S, AND OTHER ARTICLES OF FANCY WORK. IlY MRS GEORGE CUPPLES, AUTHOR OF THE" STOCKI'NG-KNITTER'S MANUAL. " EDINBURGH: JOH .NSTO ,NE, HUNTER, & CO., 187 1. Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit . ' Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit ' . PREFACE . • ·- THE warm reception and extensive circulation which is being accorded to her former work, "The Stocking Knitter's Manual," as a handbook for the family, and a guide to teachers, has encouraged the a:uthor to undertake the present treatise on the art .of knitting Counterpanes, and other useful and ornamental additions to domestic neatness and economy. The patterns which are herein presented have not, so far as the author is aware, been hitherto given in a practical form, as she has either pro€ured them from friends, who regarded them as family pieces of long standing, or, as in the case of the open · work patterns, they have been copied from a roll, supposed to be of very ancient date. If in any case she has been mistaken, the fault is an accidental, not a deliberate one. Although intended, in the first instance, for Counterpanes, the intelligent worker will not fail to perceive that the patterns are suitable for other descriptions of ornamental knitting, such as Tidies, Toilet Covers, Pincushions, Mats, etc. They are divided into two ~~lasses : 1St, Patterns to be worked in small pieces. 2d, Patterns to be worked in stripes. With these a great variety of combinations may be obtained-such as a square centre, and a striped border., Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit Preface. IV at the fancy of the knitter; and a few patterns.for Edgings and Fringe have been added to make the work more complete. The coarseness or fineness of the cotton and needles is left to the taste of the knitter, whether the work is intended to be gone through with speed, or greater elaboration is required. The coarser the material the larger the work; but, as a general rule, No.8 Cotton, and NO. 14Needles, may be used for coarser, and No. 18 Cotton, with No. 16 Needles, for finer wprk. Care should be taken to proportion the Cotton to the size of the Needles.' An explanation of the Terms used in the Notation of the patterns is given, a.nd a very little study will make them intelligible to the learner. The art of knitting has become such a favourite and congenial- employment for female hands, whether in the drawing-room, the workroom, by the sea-side, or in the quiet repose of some rural shacle, that the providing of , any number of suitable patterns is sure to be warmly received; and the author of the present little Manual trusts, that the care bestowed upon its accuracy may _ meet with the approval of all those, who cultivate this delightful means of filling up a leisure hour. April 3d, 187I. Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit EXPLANATION OF TERMS. P means-Plain knitting. B " Pearl knitting., S Slip I stitch without working, as if you were going to pearl it. . T ,, ",Take in, by knitting 2 stitches together. o " Make I stitch, by putting over the thread, or bringing it forward. Ts " Slip I stitch, knit I plain, and take the slipped stitch over. A ." Slip I stitch, knit 2 together, and take the slipped stitch over. •L Take in, by pearling 2 together. M Increase a stitch by drawing the thread through the stitch; then put the needle in at the back of the same, as if to pearl it, and draw the loop through it also, . thus making two stitches out of one. PATTERNS FOR COUNTERPANES KNITTED IN SQUARES OR SMALL PIECES. PRACTICAL HINTS. In joining these patterns, care ought to be taken to sew them in fours to pli€Vent dragging, and that the sewing mILy be done as flatly as possible. This can be accplTIplished by sewiflg them together, as the breadths of a carpet are joined j taking a stitch on the one side, and then across to the other. The Raised Leaf Pattern should have the four leaves brougbt together to one point j so also \vitn the Raised Snowdrop Pattern. The Shell Pattern should be joined thus: each straight edge should 'occupy one-half of the upper curved surface, so as to present the appearance of the scales of a serpent or a coat of mail. The other patterns require no particular directions. Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit 6 A Knittillg-Book of Counterpanes. RAISED-LEAF P4TTERN. Cast on I stitch. O, P. 0, P 2. 0, P, 0, P, 0, P. 0, P, Pearl 3, P 2. 0, P 3, 0, P, 0, P 3· 0, P 2, Pearl 5, P 3· 0, P 5, 0, P, 0, P 5· 0, P 3, Pearl 7, P 4· 0, P7, 0, P, 0, P7 . 0, P 4, Pearl 9, P 5· 0, P9, 0, P, 0, P9. 0, P 5, Pearl II, P 6. 0, P II, 0, P, 0, P I r. 0, P 6, Pearl 13, P 7. 0, P 13, 0, P, 0, P 13· 0, P 7, :pearl 15, P 8. " 17th row, 0, PIS, 0, P, 0, P 15· 18th 0, P 8, Pearl 17, P 9· 19 th " 0, P 9, T, P 13, Ts, P 9· 20tli " 0, P 9, Pearl IS, P 10. 21st " 0, P 10, T, P II , Ts, P 10. 22d " 0, P 10, Pearl 13, PI!. 23 d " 0, P 11, T, P9, Ts, P II. 24th " 0, P II, Pearl II, P 12. 25 th " 0, P 12, T, P 7, T s, P 12 . . . 26th " 0, P 12, Pearl 9, P 13· 27 th " 0, P 13, T , P 5, Ts, P 13· " Pearl 7, P·14· row-O, P 13, 0, P 14, T, P 3, Ts, P 14· " 0, P 14, Pearl 5, PIS · " 0, PIS, T, P, Ts, PI S. " 0, PIS, Pearl 3, P 16. " 0, PT 7,T,PI6. " 0, f 16, Pearl 2, .P 17· 1st row2nd 3d " 4th " 5th "" . 6th 7th " 8th " . 9th " loth " lIth " 12th " 13 th " 14th " 15 th " J6th " 28t!1 29 th 3 0th 3 1St 3 2d 33 d 34th " Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit . The Three Diamond Pattern. :. 7 35th row-O, P 17, T, P 17. I 36th" All Pearl. 37th" T, Plain. , 38th" T, Plain. 39th" T, Pearl. 40th" T, Plain. Continue, as from 37th, two plain rows, and one pearl, always remembering to take in one stitch,. till there is but one left. Cast off. THREE DIAMOND PATTERN. Cast on I stitch. ° Knit 19 rows plain, increasing I stitch by an at the beginning of each row, till there are 20 stitches on. 21st row·-O, Pearl to end.'" 22d" 0, P 2, 0, T, P 2, 0, T, P 2,0, T, P 2,0, T, J? 2, 0, T, P. 5 holes. , 23d" 0, Pearl. " ~4th" 0, Plain. 25th" 0, Pearl. 26th" 0, P 2, 0, T, P 2,0, T, P 2, 0, T, P 2, 0, T, P 2, 0, T, P 2, 0, T, P. 6 holes. 27th, 28th, and 29th r-:nvsSame as 23d' 24th, and 25th. 30th row-O, P 2, 0, T, P 2, 0, T, P 2, 0, T, P 2, 0, T, P 2, 0, T, P 2, 0, T, F 2, 0, T, P. 7 holes. 3'Ist, 32d, and 33d rowsSame as 23d, 24th, and 25th. 34th to 40th rows-O, Plain. There are now 4,0 stitches on. 41st row-Plain without increasing. L1.2d to 48th rows-T, Plain. There are now 33 !>titches on'. ... The thread must be brought forward twice at the beginning uf each pearl row. , Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit 8 A Knitti1lg-Book oj Counterpanes. 49th row-.1, Pearl to the end. 50th" T, P 2, 0, T, P 2, 0, T, P 2, 0, T, P 2, 0, T,. P2,0,T,P2,0,T,P2,0,T,P2. 7 holes. 1St J" Pearl to the end. 5 2d " T, Plain " 5 " .1, Pearl " 53 d " T, P 2, 0, T, P 2, 0, T, P 2, 0, T, P 2, 0, T, 54th " P 2, 0, T, P 2, 0, T, P 2. 6 holes. . 55th, 56th, and 57th 'raws-Same as 51st, 52d, and 53d. 58th row-T, P 2,0, T, P 2,0, T, P 2,0, T, P 2,0, T, P 2, 0, T,'P 2. 5 holes. 59th, 60th, and 6lst raws.-Same as 51st, 52d, and 53d. There are now 20 stitches on. Knit 20 rows plain with a T at the beginning of each row till there is 1 stitch. Cast off. THE CABLE SQUARE PATTERN. Cast on 1 stitch. , 1st row-M. 2d to 33d row-M, Plain. There are now 33 stitches on. 34th row-M, Pearl. M, b T 16 times, P. 35th " 36th " M, Pearl. 37th " M, Plain. 38th " M, PlaIn. 39th " M, Pearl. M, Plain. 40th " 111, Plain. 41st " 42d" 111, Pearl. 43 d ro :v-M; P, T 19 times, P 2. 44th" M, Pearl. . 45th" M, Plain .. 4 6th " M, .Pearl. 47th " 111, P 3, x B 3, P 3, repeat fi'om x . 4 8lh " 111 x B 3, P 3, repeat from x B 4. ° Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit .., The Cable Square Pattern. r ~ ,.-1. 9 49th row-M, P 2, X B 3, P 3, repeat from x"B 3. M x P 3, B3, repeat from x. 5 0th 5 1st " M, P, x B 3, P 3, repeat from x P 3. 5 2d " M x B 3, P 3, repeat from x B 2. 53 d " M x B 3, P 3, repeat from x B 3. 54 th " M x P 3, B 3, repeat from x B. 55 tm " M, B 2, X P 3, B 3, repeat from )( P 3. 5 6th " M x B 3, P 3, repeat from x P 3. " There are now 56 stitches on. th T , B 2, X P 3, B 3, repeat from x P 4. 57 58th " T, P 4, x B 3, P 3, repeat from x P 4. 59 th " T, x B 3, P 3, repeat from x B 4. 160th " T, P, x B 3, P 3, repeat from x B 2. -6ISt " T, P, x B 3,.p 3, repeat from x P 4. 62d " T, B, x P 3, B 3, repeat from x B 3. 63 d " T, P 2, x B 3, P 3, repeat fro11). x B 4. 64 th " T, x P, B 3, P 3, repeat from x B 4. 65 th " T, x P 3, B 3, repeat from x P 4· 66th " T, B, x P 3, B 3, repeat from x P 2. 67 th " T, Plain. 68th . "" T , Pearl. T, P, x 0 T, repeat from x P. 69 th 70 th " T, Pearl. 7 1st " T, Plain. 7 2d " T, Plain. 73 d " T, Pearl. 74 th " T, Plain. 75 th " T, Plain. 76th " T, Pearl. 77 th " T, P, x 0 T, repeat from x P. 78th " T, Pearl. 79 th " T, Plain . . 80th " T, Plain. 8ISt " T, Pearl. " Knit the remaining rows same as the last 4 till there IS but· I stitch. Cast off. Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit " 10 A Knitti1lg-Book of COlmterjaltcs. THE CORAL PA'ITERN. Cast on I stitch. 1St to 28th rows-M, Plain, 29th row-M, Pearl. . '. 30th" M, p,lain. 31St" .M, Pearl. 32d and 33d rows-M, Plain. 34th row-M, Pearl. . 35th" M, Plain. 36th" M, x P2, B 2, repeat from x . 37th" M, B, X P2, B 2, repeat from x . 38th" Mf·P, x .B 2, P 2, repeat from x P. 39th" M, x P 2, B 2, rep.l'!at from x P. 40th" M, x B 2, P 2, repeat from x. 41st " . M, P, x B 2, P 2, repeat from x . 42d" lVI, B, x P 2, B 2, repeat fro;11 x B. 43d" 1\1, x B 2, P 2, repeat f1'0111 x B. 44th" M, x P 2, B 2, repeat from x . 45th" M, B, x P 2, B 2, repeat from x . 46throw-M, Pearl. . 47th" M, Plain. 48th" M, Pearl. 49th" M, Pearl. 50th" M, Plain. 51st" M,Pearl. 52d' " M, P.3, 0, T, 22 times, P 3. There are now 52 stitches on. 53d row-T, P~_arl. 54th ro w-l', Plain. 55th" "1', PearL' 56th " T, PearL 57th" T, ·Plain. 58th '1 T, P earl. T, x P 2, B 2, repeat from x P 4. 59th" 60th " T, P 4, x B 2, P 2, repeat from x P 5. Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit " The Shell P attem. II 61st row--T, .P 3, x B 2, P 2, repeat from x P 5. 62d" T, P, x B 2, P 2, rep'eat from x P 2. 63d" T, P 4, x B 2, P 2, repeat from x P 2. 64th" 'I', x P 2,' Pearl 2, repeat from x P 3. 65th" T, P, x B 2, P 2, repeat from x P 3. 66th" T, P 3; x'B 2, P 2, repeat from x P 4. 67t'h" T, x P 2, B 2, repeat from x P 4. 68th" T, x P 4, B 2, P 2, r~peat from x P 5. 69th" T, Plain . T, Pearl. . 7oth" 7lst" T, Plain. • 72d" T, Pearl. 73d" T, Pearl. 74th" T, Plain. 75th" T, Pearl. All the remaining rows to be knitted T, PlaiI,l, till there is but one stitch on. Cast off. SHELL PATTERN. Cast on 46 stitches. 1.st to 7th row-Plain. 8th row-P 5, T, Plain. 9th "P 5, 1" Pearl, ends P '5, loth" P 5, T, Plain. 11th" P 5,1" Pearl, ends P 5· 12th" P 5, T X 0, T, repeat from- x P 5. 13 th " P5,J"Pearl,endsP5· 14th" P 5, T, Plain. 15th ,, -P5, J"Pearl, ends P5. 16th" P 5, 1" Pearl, ends P 5. 17th" P 5, T, Plain. 18th" P 5, 1" Pearl, ends P 5. 19th" P 5, T, Plain. 20th" P 5, 1" Pearl, ends P 5. Repeat from 9th row till there are 10 stitches on. Knit Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit 12 A Knitting-Book of Cozmterjama. these Plain, with a T in the centre of each row, till there is but one stitch on. Cast 'off. N.B.-This p'attern is very pl'etty when knitted without the row of open holes, which can b,e done by knitting the 12th row P 5, T, Plain. '. STAR PATTERN. Cast on 50 stitches. For the Border, knit 10 rows Plain, and, to save repetition, knit 8 stitches Plain at the beginning and ending of every row of the pattern proper. 1st row-,-B 9, P I, B 14, P I, B 9. 2d" Plain. 3d" B 9, P 2, B 12, P 2, B 9. 4th" Plain. 5th " B 9, P 3, B[o, P 3, B 9. 6th" Plain. 7th . " B 9. P 4. B 8. P 4, B 9. 8th row-':Plain. B9,P5,B6,P '5, 9th " B 9. Plain. loth " B 9, P 6, B 4, P 6, 11th " 1:3 9· . Plain. 12th " B 9, P 7, B 2, P 7, 13 th " B9· Plain. 15th row-B 9. P 16, B 9. 16th" Plain. 17th" BI, PI 5,B2, PI 5,BI. 18th" Plain. 19th" B 2, P 13, B 4, P 13, B 2.. 20th" Plain. 21St" B3,Prr,B6,PII,B3 .. 22d" P 15, B 4, P 15. .•. Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit The Star Pattent. 23 d row-B 4, P 9, B 2, P 4, B 2, P 9, B 4. 24th" PIS, B 4, PIS .. " 25 th " B 5, P 7., B 3, P 4, B 3, P 7, B 5., 26th" P ,I5,B4, PI 5' 27 th " B 6, P 5, B 4, P 4, B 4, P 5, B 6,. 28th" PIS, B 4, PIS. 29 th " B 7, P '3, B I, P 4, B 4, P 4, B I, P 3, 3 0th " P II, B 4, P 4, B 4, P I I.' 3 1st " B 8, P I, B 2, P 4, B 4, P 4, B 2, PI, 3 2d " P II, B 4, P 4, B 4, P II, · 33 d " B 8, P I, B 2, P 4, B 4, P 4, B 2, P I, 34th" P II, B 4, P 4, B 4, P 11 ,,3'Sth" B 7, P 3, B I, P 4, B 4, P 4, B I, P 3, 36th " P 10, B I, P 4, B 4, P 4, B J, P IO~ 37 th " B 6, P 5, B 4, P 4, B 4, P 5, B 6, PIS, B 4, PIS .. 38th " 39 th " B 5, P 7, B 3, P 4, B 3, P 7, B 5. 4 0th " PIS, B 4, PIS.' 4 1st " B 4, P 9" B 2, P 4, B 2, P 9, B 4, 4 2d " PIS, B 4, PIS. 43 d " B 3, P II, B 6, P II, B 3: 44th" Plain. 4Sth" B 2, P 13, B 4, P 13, B 2. 46th" Plain. " 47 th " B I, PIS, B 2, P 15, B ~. 48th" Plain. 49 th " B 9, P 16, B 9, ' 50th" Plain. 5 1s t " B9,P7,B2,P' 7,B9" 52d" Plain. 53 d " B 9, P 6, B 4, P 6, B 9., 54th" Plain. , 55 fh " B 9, P 5, B 0, P 5, B 9. . 56th" Plain. 57 th ' " B9,P4,B8,P4,B9_ 58th" Plain. 59 th " B 9, P 3, B TO, P 3, B 9. 60th" Plain. 61st" B 9, P 2, B 12, P 2, 13 9. ,I" Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit 13 B 7,. 1B 8, B 8, B 7; 14 A 'Knitting-Book oj Cozmterja1tes. 62d row-Plain. 63 d " B'9, P 1, B 14, P ~, B 9. Finish off with 10 rows Plain to complete the Border. RAISED SNOWDROP PATTERN. Cast on 3 Stitches. 1St row-Plain. 2d" ' Plain. 3d " ' S, M, P. ' 4tb " S, M, P 2 . 5t]1" S, M, 0, P, 0, M, P. 6th" , S, P 2, B 3, P 3. 7th " S" M, P, 0, P 3, 0, P, M, P. 8th row.-S, P 3, B 5, P 4. 9th " S, M, P 2, 0, P 5, 0, P 2, , M,P. loth" S, P 4, B 7, P 5. 11th" S,M,P3,0,P7,0,P3, M,P. izth" S, P 5, B 9, P 6. 13 th " S, M, P 4, T, P 5, T, P 4, M, -P. 14th row-S, P 6, B 7, P 7. 15 th ,, ' S, M, P 5: T, P 3, T, P 5, M, P. 16th" S,P7,B5,P8. " 17 th " S, M, P 6, T, P, T, P 6, M, P. 18th" S, P 8, B 3, P 9. 19 th " S, M, P 7, A, P 7, M, P.' 20th" S, Plain. , 2Qt" S, M, P, 0, P, 0, P 1~, ' 0, P, 0, P, M, P., 22d" S, P 3, B 3, P 13, B 3, P 4. 23 d " S, M, P 2, 0, P 3, 0, P 13, 0, P 3, 0, P 2, M,P. 24th " S, P 4, B 5, P 13, B 5, P 5. 2'5th " S, M, P 3, 0, P 5, 0, P 13, 0, P 5, 0, P 3, M,P. 26th" S,P5,B7, PI 3. B 7,P6 Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit The Raised Snowdrop Patterit. 15 21th row-S, M, P 4, 0, P 7, 0, P 13, 0,. P 7, 0, P 4, . M, P. _ 28th" S, P6, B9, P 13, B9, P7. 29th " S, M, P 5, T, 'P 5, T, P 13, T, P 5, T, P 5, " M,P. 30th" S,P .7,B7, PI 3,B7,P8. 31S!" S, M, P 6, T, P 3,. T, P 13, T, P 3, T, ;p 6,· M,P. 32d" S, P 8, B 5, P 13, B 5, P 9· 33d" S, M, P 7, T, P, T, P '13, T, P, T, P 7, M,P. S, P 9, -B 3, P 13, B 3, P 10. 34th " S, M, P 8, A, P 13, A, P 8, M, P. 35 th " 6th S, Plain. 3 th " S, M, P 2, 0, F-; 0, P 13, 0, P, 0, P 13, 0, P, 37 " 0, P2, M; P. 38th " S, P 4, B 3, P 13, B 3, P 13, B-3; P 5· 39 th " S, M, P 3, 9, P 3, 0, P 13, 0, P 3, 0, P 13, 0, P 3, 0, P 3, M, P. 40ti1 " S, P 5, B 5, P 13, B 5, P 13, B 5, P 6. 41St" S, M, P 4, 0, P 5,0, P.13, 0, P 5, 0, P 13; 0, P 5, 0, P 4, M, P. 4 2d " S, P 6, B 7, P 13, B 7, P 13, B 7, P 7. 43 d " S, M, P 5, 0, P 7, 0, P 13, 0, P 7, 0, P 13, 0, P 7, 0, P 5, M.P. 44 th " . S, P 7, B 9, P 13, B 9, P 13, B 9, P 8. 45th" S, M, P 6, T ,: P 5, T, P 13, T, P 5, T, P 13, T, P 5, T, P 6, M, P. 4 6th " S, P8, B7, P13, B7,' PI 3, B7, P9. 47th" S, M, P 7, T, P 3, T, P 13, T, P 3, T, P 13, T, P 3, T, P 7, M, P. 48th " S, P 9, B 5, P 13, B 5, P 13, B 5, P 10. 49th" S, M, P 8, T, P, T, P 13, T, P, T, P .13, T, . P, T, P8, M, P. 0th S, P 10,' B 3, P 13,:B 3, P 13, B3, P II. " 5 S, M,P9,A; PI3, A, PI3, A,P9,M,P. 5 1St " 2d S, Plain. 5 " S, M, P 3,' 0, P, 0, P 13, 0, P, 0 , P 13; 53 d " . 0, P, 0, P 13, 0, P, 0, P 3, M, P;- Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit 16 A Knitting-Book of Counterpanes. ·54 th row-S, P 5, B 3, P 13, B 3, P 13, B 3, P 13, B 3, P 6. th S, · M~ P 4,0, P 3, -0, P 13,0, P 3, 0, P 13, 55 " 0, P 3, 0, P i3, 0, P 4, M, P. 6th S, P6, B5, P13, B5, Pr3, B5, P13, B5, P7· 5 " S, M, P 5, 0, P .5, 0, P 13, 0, P 5, 0, 57 th " P 13, 0, P 5, 0, P 13, 0, P 5, 0, P 5, M; P. 8th S, P7,B7,PI3, B7,PI3, B7, P -I3,B7, 5 " P8. S, M, P 6, 0, P 7, 0, P 13, 0, P 7. 0, P 13, 0, P 7, 0, P 13, 0, P 7,0, P 6, - M, P. 60th " oS, P 8, B 9, P 13, B 9, P 13, B-9, P 13, B 9, . P9· S, M, P 7, T, P 5, T, P 13, T, . P 5, T, 6rst " . P 13, T, P 5, T, P 13, T, P 5, T, P 7, M,P. S, ·P 9, B 7, P 13, B-7, P 13, B 7, P 13, B 7, P 10. S, M, P 8, T, P 3, T, P 13, T, P 3, T, P 13, T, P 3, T, ' P 13, T, P 3, T, P 8, M,P. S, P 10, B 5, P 13, B 5,_ P 13, B 5, P 13, B 5, 'P II. S, M, P 9, T, P, T, P 13, T, P, T, P 13, 65 th " T, P, T, P 13, T, P, T, P9, M, P. S, P II, B 3, P IJ, B 3, P 13, B 3, P 13, 66th " B 3, P12. th S, M, P 10, A, f 13, A, P 13, A, P 13, A, 67 " PIa, M, P. 68th" S, Plain. There ought to be 69 stitches on now. 69th" S, T, Plain, ends T, P I. 70th" S, B. 7 I st" S, T, Plain, ends T, P 1. ,72d" -S, B. 73d" S, T, x 0, T, repeat from x ends T, T. 74th" S, Plain. Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit - The Diamond of Honeycomb Pattern. ! 17 75 th row-S, 1" B, ends 1" B 1. 76th" S, Plain. 77 th " S, 1" B, ends 1" B 1. 78th" S, Plain. Begin again at 69th row, and continue till the square is completed. PATTERN: DIAMOND OF HONEYCOMB IN SQUAR'E , - Cast on 54 Stitches. ~. 1St row-B I, S I the pearl way/"ends B 2. 2d" Pearl. ; 3d" S I, B I, repeat. . 4th" Pearl. 5th" Same as 1St. 6th" Pearl. 7th" Same as 3d. 8th n Pearl. 9th" Same as 1St. loth" Pearl. , lIth" S I, B I, II times [or 22 stitches], B 10, X S I, B I, repeat from x. 12th" B 22, P 10, B 22. 13th" B I, S I, II times [or ' 22 stitch~s], B II, ,x' S I, B I, repeat from x ends B 2. 14th" B 22, P 10, B 22. 15th" S I, B I, II times; take off 2 stitches on to an extra needle without working them; P 6 ; take off other 2 as before; x S I, B I, repeat from x . ' , 16th ' " Pearl all but the stitches on the spare needle. 17th" B I, S I, II times; P 6, x B I, S I, repeat from x ends B 2. * Before slipping a stitch, whether at the beginning of the row or in the work itself, the thread should in every case be brought Torward, as if ready for pearling. This does not refer to the stitches to be taken off to the extra needle to farm the honeycomb. B Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit 18 A Knitting-Book oj CounterpaneS'. 18th row-Same as 16th. ;>.19th" S I, B I, II times, P 6, x S I, BI, repeat from x • 20th" Same as 16th. Same as I 7th . 2 1st" . 22d" B 22; Pearl 2 stitches off the. spare needle; B 6 on the ordinary needle; Pearl the remaining 2 on the spare needle; B 22. 23d" S I, B 1,9 times [or 18 stitches], B 18, x S I, B I, repeat from x . 24th " . B 18, P 18, B 18. 25th" B I, -S I, 9 times, B 19, x S I, B I, repeat from x ends B 2. 26th ." . B 18, P 18, B 18. 27th" S I, B I, 9 times; take off 2 stitches [same as . row 15th], P 6, take off 2, P 6, take off 2, x. S I, B I, repeat from x . 28th ,., . Pearl all but the stitches on the spare needle. 29th " . B II S I, 9 times, P'I 2, X B I, S r, repeat from x ends B 2. 30th" Same as 28th. 3Ist" S I, B I, .9 times, P 12, X S I, B r, repeat from x . 32d" Same as 28th. 33d" Same as 29th. 34th" B 18; Pearl 2 from the spare needle; B 6, from the ordinary needle; Pearl 2 from the spare needle; B 6; Pearl 2 from the spare needle; B 18. 35th" S I, B I, 7 times [or 14 stitches], B 26, x S I, B I, repeat from x. 36th" B 14, P 26, B 14. 37 th" B I, S I, 7 times, B 27 x S I, B I, repeat from x ends, B 2. 38th" B 14, P 26, B 14. 39th" S I, B 1,7 times x take off 2 stitches as before, P 6, same as 15th row; repeat from x till 8 are taken off, x S I, B I, repeat from last x . Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit ~ The Dz'a11lond of Honeycomb Pat/em. It I 19 40th row-Sanie as '16th row. 41St" B r, S 1,7 times, P 18 x B I, S I, repeat from x ends B 2. 42d" Same as 16th row. 43d" S I, B I, ., times, P 18 x S I, B I, repeat _ from x. Same as 16th. 44th " Same as 41 st. 45 th " B 14, Pearl 2 stitches off the spare needle, B 6th 4 " 6, repeat as 22d row, B 14. 47th" 48th" 49th" 0th 5 1St " 5 " 54 th " 55 th '" 56th " 57 th " 8th 5 " 59 th " 60th " 61St " S B 1,5 times (or 10 stitches), B34, x S r, B I, repeat from x • B la, P 34, B 10. B I, S r, 5 times, B 35, x S 1, B I, repeat-from x ends B 2. Same as 48th. S I, B I, 5 times, take off 2 stitches to spare needle, P 6, same as I-5th row, till there are 10 'on the spare needle, x S I, B I, repeat from x. Pearl all but the stitches on the extra needle. B I, S I, 5 times, P 24, x B I, S I; repeat from x ends B 2. Same as 52d. S I, B I, 5 times, P 24 x S I , B I, repeat from x • B la, Pearl 2 stitches off the spare needle; B 6, repeat as 22d row, B 10. B I, S I, 3 times (or 6 stitches), B 43 x S I, B I. repeat from x ends B 2. B6, P42, B6. S I, B r, 3 times, B 42, x S I, B I, repeat from x . B 6, P 42, B 6. . B I, S I, 3 times, take off 2 stitches to spare needle, P 6, same as 15th row, till there are ·12 on the exr.·a needle, x B I, S r, repeat from x ends B 2.. Pearl all but the stitches on the extra needle. I, Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit 20 A K nitting-Book 63d row-S I of Counterpanes. B I, 3 times, P 30 x S I, B I, repeat from x . Same as 62d. B I, S I, 3 times, P 30 x B I, S I, repeat from x ends B 2. 66th" Same as 62d. 67th" Same as 63d. 68th" . B 6, Pearl 2 stitches off the spare needle, repeat as 22d row, ends B 6. Same as 57th. 69·th " Same as 58th. 70th " Same as 59th. 7 1st " 2d Same as 60th; 7 " B I, S I , 5 times, take off 2 stitches, P 6, same 73 d . " as 15th row, till there are 10 on the spare needle, x B I, S I, repeat from x . ends B 2. Pearl ali but the stitches on the extra needle. 74 th " S I, B r, 5 times, P 24 x S I, B I, repeat from x • 7'5 th " Same as 74th. 76th " 77th " . B I, S r, 5 times, P 24 x B I, S I, repeat from x ends B 2. B 10, Pearl 2 stitches off the spare needle, 78th " B 6, repeat as 22d row; ends B 10. 79th" Same as 47th. 80th" Same as 48th. 8ISt" Same as 49th. 82d" Same as 48th. G.o back to 23d, and knit to 34th; then go back to 11th, and knit to 22d; then knit the 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th rows over again; then begin at 1st row, and knit to the loth, and cast off. I, Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit The Scallop Shell Pattern. 21 PATTERNS FOR COUNTERPANES KNITTED IN STRIPES. PRACTICAL H INT-S. These can either be used by themselves, or as borders to the Square Patterns. The width for either must be regulated by the taste of the worker, and the nature of the work, care being taken, in combinations, that the patterns be harmonious in design. Directions as to the joining of the pieces have already been given in the Hints for the Square ·Patterns. SCALLOP SHELL PATTERN. Cast on I I stitches for each pattern, with 4 extra for eclge stitches. 1st row.-P 2 x P 2, 0, P, 7 times, 0, P 2, repeat from x P 2. 2d" P 2, Pearl, P 2. 3d" P 2 X T, PIS, T, repeat from x, P 2. 4th" P 2 X .1, B 13, .1, repeat from x , P 2. P 2 X .1, B I I, .1, repeat from x P 2. th 5 " P 2 X T, P 9, T, repeat from x , P 2. 6th " And repeat. OPEN HONEYCOMB PATTERN . . Cast on 6 stitches for each pattern, with 4 extra for edge stitches. . 1st row-P 2 x 0, T, 0, T, 0, T, repeat from x P 2. 2d" P 2, Pearl, P 2. 3d" Plain. Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit 22 A -'[nitting-Book of Co1tllterjalles. 4th row-Same as second. 5th" P 2 x cast off 4 stitches, P J, repeat from x P 2. 6th row-P 2 x Pearl 2, Cast on 4 stitches, repeat x P 2. 7th " _ Plain. 8th" P 2, Pearl, P 2. And repeat. N.B.-Directions for casting 011.·-Turn the work, taking the left-hand pin in the right-hand, the right in the left, cast 4 stitches on the pin now in the left hand, and turn the work again. VANDYKE AND ApPLE LEAF PATTERN. Cast on 20 stitches for each pattern, with 4 extra for edg.e stitches. 1st row-P 2 x B, T, 'P 3,0, T, 0, T, 0, P, 0, T, 0, T, 0, P 3, T, repeat from x P 2. 2d " P 2 x B 19, P, repeat from x P 2. 3d " P 2 x B, T, P 2, 0, T, 0, T, 0, P 3, 0, T, 0, T, 0, P 2, T, repeat from x P 2. 4th " Same as second. 5th " P 2 x B, T, P, 0, T, 0, T, 0, P 5, 0, T, 0, T, 0, P, T, repeat from x P 2. 6th " Same as second. 7th " P 2 x B, T, 0, T, 0, T, 0, P 7, 0, T, 0, T, 0, T, repeat fro111 x P 2. 8th " Same as second. 9 th. " P 2, T, x 0, T, 0, T, 0, P 9, 0, T, 0, T, 0, A, repeat from x ends 0, T, P . loth " P 2 X B x P 2.. 11th " P 2 x P, 0, T , 0, T, 0, P 3, T, B, T, P 3, 0, T, 0, T, 0, repeat from x P 2. 12th " P 2 x B 9, P, B 10, repeat from x P 2 . 13 th row.-P 2 x P 2, 0, T, 0, T, 0, P 2, T, B, T, P 2, 0 , T, 0, T, 0, P, repeat from x P 2. Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit The Honeycomb Pattem. ·14th row-P 2 x B 9.> P, B 10, repeat fwm x P 2. 15th " P 2 X P 3, 0, T, . 0, T, 0, P, T, B, T,. P, 0, T, 0, T, 0, P2, repeat [mum x P 2. j. 16th " Same as"I4th. 17th " P 2 x P ,4, 0, T, 0, T, 0, T, B, T, 0, T, 0, T, 0, P 3, repeat from x,P 2. 18th " Same as 14th. 19 th " P 2 X P 5, 0, T, 0, T, 0, A, 0, T, 0, T, 0, P 4, re'p eat from x P 2. 20th" P 2 X B x P 2. And repeat. HONEYCOMB PATTERN. , Cast on 8 stitches for each pattern, with 4 extra for edge sti,tches. 1St row-P 2 x slip 2 stitches off without working, P 6, repeat from x P 2. 2d" P 2 X B, again slipping the same 2 stitches as before,repeat from x P 2. 3d to 7th rows-Knit alternately as 1st and 2d rows. 8th row-P, including the slipped ones. P 2 X B x P 2. 9 th " P. loth " P 6, Slip 2 x P 6, Slip 2, repeat from x P 4. lIth " Repeat from 2d row to the loth, then begin at the 1st one. N.B.-B€gin every alternate pattern by slipping 2, which divides the patterns regularly. Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit , 24 A Knitting-Book of Counterpanes. OPEN DIAMOND PATTERN. Cast on 13 for each patten), with ~ extra for edge stitch~5 1st row-P 2 x P 5, T, 0 2, T, P 4, repeat from x P 2. 2d" P 2 X B, working both of the Os, thus, ISt"B, 2d P, repeat from x P 2. P 2, X P 3, 0 2, T; T, 0 2, T, P 2, repeat . from x P 2. 4th row-Same as 2d. 5th " P 2, X P, T, 0 2, T, ::r, T, o 9 8th th loth 11th " " " " l2)h " O~, T, T, 2, T, repeat front x P 2. Same as 2d. 6th " P 2, x P 3, T, 0 2, 7th " T, T, 02, T, P 2, repeat from x P 2. Same as 2d. P2, x P 5, T, 02, T, P 4, repeat from x P 2. Same as 2d. All Plain. P 2 X B x P 2. And repeat. OLIVE LEAF PATTERN. Cast on 19 stitches for each pattern, with 4 extra for edge stitches. 1St row-P .2, B 2 X T, P II, B 2,. 02, P, 0 2, B 2, repeat from x P 2. 'zd" P 2, F 2 X B 3,t P 2, B 10, .1, P 2, repeat from x, P '2. 3d " P 2, B 2 X T, P 9, B 2, P, 0, P, 0, P B 2, repeat from x P 2. 4th" P 2, P 2, X B 5, P 2, B 8, .1, P 2, repeat from x P 2. ,. Be careful to. bring the thread forward three times if the 02 come.s next a stitch to be pearled. t Always drop one of .the Os without working. Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit The Olive Leaf Paitem . -5th row- P 2, B 2 XT, P 7, B 2, P 2, 0, P, 0, P 2, B 2, repeat from x P 2. 6th" P 2, P 2 X B 7, P 2, B 6,..1, P 2, repeat from x P 2. 7th" P 2, B- 2 X T, P 5, B 2, P 3, 0, P, 0, P 3, B 2, repeat from x, P 2. 8th" P 2, P 2 X B 9, P 2, B 4, ..1, P 2, repeat from x P 2. 9th row-P 2, B 2 XT, P 3, B 2, P 4, 0, P, 0, P 4, B 2, repeat from 'x P 2. loth" P 2, P 2 X B II, P 2, B 2, ..1, P 2, repeat from x P 2. 11th" P 2, B 2 XT, P, B 2, P 5, 0, P, 0, P 5, B 2, repeat from x P 2. 12th" P 2, ,P 2 XB 13, P 2, ..1, P 2, repeat from x P 2. 13th " " P 2, B 2 X 02, P, 02, B 2, T, P I I, B 2, repeat from x P 2. 14th" P 2, P 2, X B 10, ..1, P 2, B 3, P 2, repeat from x P 2. 15th" P 2, B 2, X P, 0, P, 0, P, B 2, T, P 9, B 2, repeat from x P 2. 16th" P 2, P 2 X B 8, ..1, P 2, B 5, P 2, repeat from x P 2. 17th" P2, B2 XP2, 0, P, 0,P2, B2,T,P7, B2, repeat from x P 2. 18th" P 2, P 2 X B 6, ..1, P 2, B 7, P 2, repeat from x edge, P 2 . 19th" P 2, B 2 X P 3, 0, P, 0, P 3, B 2, T, P 5, B 2, repeat from x P 2. 20th" P 2, P 2 X B 4, ..1, P 2, B 9, P 2, repeat from x P 2. 21st" P 2, B 2 X P 4, 0, P, 0, P 4, B 2, T, P 3, B 2. repeat from x P 2. 22d" P 2, P 2 X B 2, ..1, P 2, B II, P 2, repeat from x P 2. Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit 26 A Knitting-Book of Cou!lierja1Zes. 23d row-P 2, B 2 X P 5, 0, P, 0, P 5, B 2, T, P, B 2, repeat from x P 2. 24th" P 2, P 2 X .1, P 2, B 13, P 2, repeat from x P 2, And repeat. COWRIE SHELL PATTERN. I4 stitches for each pattern, with 4 extra for edge stitches. 1St row-P 2 x P 5, · T, 0, P, 0 ; T, P 4, repeat from x P 2. *2d" P 2 X B x P 2. 3d" P 2 X P 4, T, 0, P 3, 0, T, P 3, repeat from x P 2. 5th" P 2 X P 5, 0, P 2, T, P, 0, P 4, repeat from x P 2. 7th row-P 2 x P 5, 0, T, P, 0, A, 0, P 4, repeat from x P 2 . 9th" P 2 X P 2, T, 0, P, 0, P, T, A, 0, P, 0, P 3, repeat from x P 2. 11th" P 2 X P, T, 0, P 3, 0, A, 0, P 3, O,T, P, repeat from x P 2_ 13th row-P 2 x P 2, 0, P 2, T, P, 0, P, 0, P 2, T, P, 0, P 2, repeat from x P 2. P 2 X P 2, 0, T, P, 0, A, 0, P, 0, T, P, 0, 15 th " A, 0, P 2, repeat from x P 2 . P 2 X P 2, 0, T, T, T, 0 , P, 0, T, T, T, 0, 17 th " P 2, repeat from x P 2. 19 th " P 2 X P 3, 0, A, 0, P 3, 0, A, 0, P 3, repeat from x P 2 . 21st" P 2 X P 5,0, P 2, T, P, 0, P 5, repeat from x P 2. * F or alternate rows (4, 6, 8, and so on) knit same as 2d row. Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit The Cable Twist and Open Valldj'ke Pattems. 27 23d row-P 2 x P 5, 0, T, P, 0, A, 0, P 5, repeat from P x 2. 25th" P 2 X P 5, 0, T, T, T, 0, P 5, repeat from x 27th" P 2 X P 6, 0, A, 0, T, P 4, repeat from x P 2. And repeat. P 2. CABLE TWIST AND OPEN 'VANDYKE PATTERN. Cast on for each pattern 16 stitches, with 4 extra for edge stitches. 1st row-P 2 x B, 0, .1,* 0, J., B. Take 5 stitches off, on to a third needle without knitting them, keeping them in front; then knit behind them thenext 5 stitches plaiR; and then knit the 5 stitches on the extra. needle plain also; repeat from x P 2. " 2d row-P 2 x P 2, B, P, B, F, B 10, repeSlt from x P 2. 3d row-P 2 x B, .1, 0, .1, B, P 10, repeat from x P 2. 4th to 16th rows-,Same as 2d and 3d, alternately. 17th row-Same as 1st, and repeat as above. , ° WAVE PATTERN. Cast on 15 stitches for each pattern, with 4 extra for edge stitches. 1st row-Plain. 2d" P 2 X B x P 2. 3d" Plain. .. Be 'car~ful, when Pearling these 2 stitches (O ' ~) together, that the thread is brought forward twice. Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit 28 A Knitting-Book of Counterjanes. 4th row-P 2 x B x P 2. 5th" Plain. 6th" P 2 X B x P 2. 7th " P2 X 2, P 5, T, Ts, P 5, 2, P, repeat from x P 2. 8th row-P 2 x B. :Drop one ofthe.Os without working, repeat from x P 2. 9 th to 16th rows-Repeat alternately as 7th and 8th. 17 th r<Jw-P 2 x B x P 2. 18th row-Plain. 19 th to 22d rows-Repeat alternately as J7th and 18th, and then go back to 7th row. And repeat. ° ° SMALL LEAVES PATTERN, Cast on 12 stitches for each pattern, with 4 extra for edge stitches. 1st row-P <! x P~ 0, P 3, T, P, T, P 3, 0, repeat from x P 2. P 2 X B, 0, B 2, 1" B, 1" B 2, 0, B 2, repeat from x P 2. 3 d row-P 2 x P 3, 0, P, T, P, T, P, 0, P 2, repeat from x P 2. 4 th " P 2 x B3,0, 1" B, 1" 0, B 4, repeat from x P 2. 5 th " P 2 X P 5, 0, A, 0, P 4, repeat from x P 2, 6th row-P 2 x B, repeat from x P 2. ·7th " P 2 X P, T, P 3, 0, P, 0, P 3, T, repeat from x P 2. 2d" Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit The Vandyke of Holes Pattern. 8th row-P 2 x .1, B 2, 0, B 3, 0, B 2, .1, B, repeat . from x P 2. 9th" P 2 X P, T, P, 0, P 5, 0, P, T, repeat from x P 2. loth" P 2 x.1, 0, B 7,0, .1, B, repeat from x P 2. 11th" P 2 X T x 0, P 9, 0, A, repeat from x ends T, P. 12th" P 2 X B, repeat from x P 2. And repeat. VANDYKE OF HOLES PATTERN. Cast on I I stitches for each pattern, with 4 extra for ' edge stitches. 1st row7"'P 2, B 3 x P, 0, T, 0, T, P 3, B 3, repeat from x P 2. 2d" P 2, P 3 x B 8, P 3, repeat from x P 2. 3d" P 2, B 3 x P 2,0, T, 0, T, P 2, B 3, repeat from x P 2. 4th" Same as 2d. 5th " P 2, B 3 x P 3, 0, T, 0, T, P, B 3, repeat from x P 2. 6th" Same as 2d. 7th" P 2, B 3 x P 4, 0, T, 0, T, B 3, repeat from x P 2. . 8th" Same as 2d. 9th n P 2, B 3 x P 2, T, 0, T, G, P 2, : B 3, repe,!-t from x P 2. loth" Same as 2d. rrth" P 2, B 3 x P, T, 0, T, 0, P 3, B 3, repeat from x P 2. 12th" Same as 2d. 13 th " P 2, B 3 x T, 0, T, 0, P 4, B3, repeat from x P 2. 14th" Same as 2d. And repeat. Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit 30 A K7titting-Book of Counterpanes. PATTERNS FOR KNITTED EDGINGS. PATTERN. DIAMOND OF 4 AND 6 HOLES. Cast on 10 stitches. 1st row-S, P 2, 0, T, P, 02, T, 02, T. 2d" P 2, B, P 2, B, P 3, 0, T, P. 3 d row-S, P 2,0, T. 4,* T, 2, knit 3 together, .O 2-, T. P 2, B, P 2, B, P 2, B, P, B, P 2,0, T, P . . 5thJow-S, P 2, 0, T, P I I. 6th" Cast off 6, P 6, 0, T, P. And repeat. ° ° DOUBLE ROSE LEAF PATTERN. Cast on 1st row-P, T, 12 stitches. ° 2, T, 0, P, 0, increase by P, B, P, all 2, T, P. in one loop, 0, P, 0, P 2d row-P 3, B, P, B9, P 2, B, P 2. ° 3d" ° P, T, 2, T, 0, P 3, 0, P 3, 0, P 3,0, P, 02, P, 02, T, P. P 3, B, P 2, B, P, 4 th " B 5, .L 3 together, B 5, P 2, B, P 2. 5 th row-P, T, 2, T, 0 , T, p,. T, 0, P, 0, T, P, T, 0, _ P, 02, T, 2, T, 2, T, P.' ° ° ° * Means ~ring fonvard the thread four times. Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit The Cockle Shell Pattern. 31 6th row-P 3, B, P 2, B, P 2, B, P, .1, B, .1, B, .1, B, .1, P 2, B, P 2. 7th" P, T, 0 -2, T, 0, A, P, A, 0, P II. 8th" Cast off 7, P 4, .1 3 together, P 3, B, P 2. And repeat. COCKLE SHELL PATTERN. Cast on 13 stitches. 1st row-Plain. 0, T, P, 0, P 7, 0, T, P. 2d " P 2, 0, T. P 9, B. d 3 " 0, T, B-, 0, T, 0, P 6, 0, T, P. 4th " P 2, 0, T, P 10, B. th 5 " O,T,P, O,T, O,T, 0,P5, O,T,P. 6th " P 2, 0, T, P II, B, t 7h " 0, T, P, 0, T, 0, T, 8th " 0, T, 0, P 4, 0, T,P. P 2, 0, T, P 12, B. th 9 " 0, T, P, 0, T, 0, loth " T, 0, T, O,T 0, P 3, 0, T, P. P 2, 0, T, P 13, B. 11th " 0,T,T,0,T,0,T,0,T,0,T,P3,0,T,P. 12th " P 2, 0, T, P 12, B. 13 th " 0,T,T,0,T,0,T,0,T,P4,0,T,P. 14th " P 2, 0, T, P I I, B. 15 th " 0, T, T, 0, T, 0, T, P 5, 0, T, P. 16th " P 2,0, T, P 10, B. th " 17 0, T, T, 0, T, P 6, 0, T, P . . r 8th " P 2, 0, T, P 9, B. 19 th " 0, T, T, P 7,0, T, P. 20th " P2, 0, T, P8, B. 21st " Repeat from the 2d row. Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit 32 A .Knitli17g-Book of Counterpanes. A PATTERN FOR FRINGE. Cut up some cotton in regular lengths-say a quarter of a yard long-and divide them into bunches j five pieces, if the cotton is No.8, and six or seven, if finer Nos. are used. Cast on 13 stitches. 1st row'-':"S, P 2; 0 2, T, P 2, 0 2, T, take a bunch and put it in between the needles, half of it hanging in the front of the work and half at the back, P, bring the back part of the bunch round the needle again to the front, P 3. 2d row-P 6,* 0 2, T, P 2, 02, T, P. 3d" S, P 2, 02, T, P 2, 02, T, P4· 4th" Same as 2d. 5th " S, P 2, 0 2, T, P 2, 0 2, T, P 3, take the bunch, and after giving it a slight twist, put it between the two needles to the back, PI. · 6th" Same as 2d. 7th" Same as 3d. 8th" Same as 2d. And repeat. " Always drop one of the Os in ev~ry row. P"i1z/ed by Schenck &> M'Fa1'ia12e, 14 St 'J'allld Square, Edinburgh. Printed image digitised by the University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit v THE' CHILDREN'S HOUR' SERIES. HALF-YEARLY VOLUMES. 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