Schulz Ranch
Schulz Ranch
O f f e r i n g M e m o r a n d u m Schulz Ranch Carson City, Nevada 1 0 0 P l at t e d & E n g i n e e r e d L o t s A va i l a b l e pr e s e n t ed e xcl u s i v e l y b y Ron Cobb Pe t e r G h i s h a n , E s q . Principal Principal Direct: (775) 329-4000 x103 Cell: (775) 762-2225 [email protected] Direct: (775) 329-4000 x105 Cell: (775) 247-7708 [email protected] 2 Schulz Ranch Carson City, Nevada TA B L E O F C O NT E NTS : I. Offering Summary 3 II. Product Mix and Phasing 4 II. Area Maps & Aerials 5 III. Phasing Plan 9 IV. Final Map 10 Schulz Ranch | Table of Contents Offering 3 Offering Summary Schulz Ranch is a 424 unit residential subdivision located within Carson City, Nevada - the state capital. The community is approximately 35 miles south of Reno and is generally considered part of the Reno metropolitan area. In addition to its state government employment base, Carson City is also the eastern transportation gateway to the South Lake Tahoe area. Schulz Ranch is vacant with no development improvements in place. There are two land owners that own the 424 lots within Schulz Ranch. A Development Agreement is in place along with an agreed-in-principal cost sharing agreement between the land owners. Schulz Ranch, LLC controls 324 of the 424 units. A Final Map for the first phase of 100 lots will be ready for recordation by June, 2014. The Nevada State Transportation Department is underway with a construction project to extend Interstate 580 further south, which will bring it to within a mile of the Schulz Ranch boundary by 2017, allowing for even better access for commuter traffic to south Reno. There is extremely limited availability of lots for production homebuilding within Carson City and Schulz Ranch stands ready to meet homebuyer demand. The attached chart summarizes the current density yields for the development. The 100 lots of Phase 1 are comprised of 40 – 70’ x 100’ lots in Neighborhood 1 and 60 – 55’ x 105’ lots in Neighborhood 4. Since the marketing window into the development is from U.S. Highway 395 to the west, these are generally the westerly-most lots and will minimize the infrastructure necessary to begin home construction. Schulz Ranch, LLC has committed to complete all off-site and on-site backbone improvements necessary for the development of the Phase 1 lots. The onsite lot development cost for the 40 Phase 1 Neighborhood 1 lots is estimated to be $30,345 per lot, and for the 60 Phase 1 Neighborhood 4 lots it is estimated to be $25,245 per lot. Terms Offering Price: 40 – 70’ x 100’ lots: $40,500 per lot for a total of $1,620,000 60 – 55’ x 105’ lots: $34,666 per lot for a total of $2,080,000 Total Offering Price: $3,700,000 Buyer to record final plat post close of escrow Seller to complete all off-site and on-site backbone infrastructure improvements All information contained in this memorandum has been deemed accurate but is not guaranteed. You and your tax and legal advisors should conduct your own investigation of the property and transaction. Schulz Ranch | Offering Summary Product M 4 Product Mix and Phasing Schulz Ranch | Product Mix and Phasing Area Maps 5 Area Maps & Aerials Shown above is an map of the Carson/Tahoe area. The subject property, Schulz Ranch, is indicated as well as other important regional landmarks. Schulz Ranch | Area Maps & Aerials Area Maps 6 Area Maps & Aerials (continued) The Nevada State Transportation Department is underway with a construction project to extend Interstate 580 further south, which will bring it to within a mile of Schulz Ranch boundary by 2017. Schulz Ranch | Area Maps & Aerials Area Maps 7 Area Maps & Aerials (continued) Shown above is a north facing aerial of the subject property. Highlighted and bordered areas represent the entire project. Schulz Ranch | Area Maps & Aerials Area Maps 8 Area Maps & Aerials (continued) Shown above is an aerial overlay of the proposed lots. The lots highlighted in yellow and brown are the 100 lots included in this offering. Schulz Ranch | Area Maps & Aerials Phasing P Phasing Plan Shown above is a phasing plan for the Schulz Ranch Subdivision, located within Section 5, Township 14 N, Ranch 20 E, Carson City, Nevada. The 40 lots in Phase A and 60 lots in Phase B are included in this offering. Schulz Ranch | Phasing Plan 9 Final Map 10 Final Map Shown above is Page 1 of the Final Map for the Schulz Ranch Subdivision, located within Section 5, Township 14 N, Ranch 20 E, Carson City, Nevada. Schulz Ranch | Final Map Final Map 11 Final Map (continued) Shown above is Page 2 of the Final Map for the Schulz Ranch Subdivision, located within Section 5, Township 14 N, Ranch 20 E, Carson City, Nevada. The lots shown on this map are included in this offering. Schulz Ranch | Final Map Final Map 12 Final Map (continued) Shown above is Page 3 of the Final Map for the Schulz Ranch Subdivision, located within Section 5, Township 14 N, Ranch 20 E, Carson City, Nevada. Schulz Ranch | Final Map Final Map 13 Final Map (continued) Shown above is Page 4 of the Final Map for the Schulz Ranch Subdivision, located within Section 5, Township 14 N, Ranch 20 E, Carson City, Nevada. Schulz Ranch | Final Map