Development of an Autonomous Mobile Buoy - My FIT
Development of an Autonomous Mobile Buoy - My FIT
Computerization of an Autonomous Mobile Buoy by Adam Stuart Outlaw Bachelor of Science Ocean Engineering Florida Institute of Technology May 2006 A thesis submitted to Florida Institute of Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Ocean Engineering Melbourne, FL August 2007 © 2007 Adam S. Outlaw All Rights Reserved The author grants permission to make single copies _______________________ We the undersigned committee hereby approve the attached thesis Computerization of an Autonomous Mobile Buoy by Adam Stuart Outlaw _____________________________________ Stephen L. Wood, Ph.D., P.E. Assistant Professor Ocean Engineering Major Advisor _______________________________________ Héctor Gutiérrez, Ph.D., P.E. Associate Professor Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering _______________________________________ Geoffrey W.J. Swain, Ph.D. Professor Ocean Engineering and Oceanography _______________________________________ George A. Maul, Ph.D. Professor & Department Head Department of Marine and Environmental Systems Abstract Title: Computerization of an Autonomous Mobile Buoy Author: Adam Stuart Outlaw Major Advisor: Stephen L. Wood, Ph.D., P.E. A new type of autonomous research buoy has been developed to perform physical, biological and environmental impact studies in estuarine waters. It may also be used to detect early warning signs of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and outbreaks of other potentially harmful organisms. The vehicle is especially necessary in regions that cannot be accessed by research vessels and where sampling is difficult, dangerous, expensive, or not amenable to manually collected data. Data collection in the Indian River Lagoon (IRL) is most commonly performed by volunteers, students and researchers under conditions that are often hot, humid, mosquito-infested, and threatened by lightning storms. The Autonomous Mobile Buoy (AMB) acquires similar research data to other autonomous systems, such as, CoastalObservation’s (CoastalObs) Ocean-Atmosphere Sensor Integration System (OASIS) (Virginia, USA) and Robotic Marine Systems’ Surface Craft for Oceanographic and Undersea Testing (SCOUT) (Gray, Maine, USA). The unique feature of this system is the capability to autonomously moor at each way-point. The purpose of the AMB is to self-navigate to multiple locations, anchor and then acquire data. iii This thesis presents the design, construction and field trials of AMB. The vehicle is equipped with two MicroChip PIC microcontrollers and a Lippert Cool RoadRunner II PC/104 small form factor single board computer running LabVIEW® 6.1 to operate the control system. The autonomous control of the vessel is designed to use a USGlobalSat MR-350 Global Positioning System (GPS), an EZ-Compass digital compass, and dual MinnKota 50-lb thrust trolling motors to navigate between way-points. Upon reaching the way-point, the buoy is programmed to anchor using a Minn-Kota Deckhand 40 winch. The AMB is presently equipped with the Davis Weather Monitor II which continuously measures and records meteorological data. After a predetermined time the system is programmed to raise the anchor and move to the next way-point. The AMB is powered by dual solar panel charging system and three 50 amp hour deep cycle batteries that enable continuous operations. iv Table of Contents List of Keywords ................................................................................................................ viii List of Figures....................................................................................................................... ix List of Tables ........................................................................................................................ xi List of Abbreviations ........................................................................................................... xii Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................... xiii Dedication ......................................................................................................................... xiv 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Purpose of an Autonomous Buoy............................................................................... 1 1.2 Existing Technology .................................................................................................... 4 1.2.1 Submerged Buoys ................................................................................................ 4 1.2.2 Surface Mooring Systems & Buoys ...................................................................... 5 1.2.3 NOMAD................................................................................................................ 8 1.2.4 Current Research Methods ............................................................................... 10 1.2.5 OASIS ................................................................................................................. 11 1.2.6 SCOUT ................................................................................................................ 12 2. Background of AMB Project ........................................................................................... 14 2.1 Design Concept ......................................................................................................... 14 2.2 Hull Selection ............................................................................................................ 15 2.2.1 Discus ................................................................................................................. 16 2.2.2 Boat Hull ............................................................................................................ 17 2.3 Hull Design ................................................................................................................ 17 2.3.1 Model ................................................................................................................ 18 2.3.2 Construction ...................................................................................................... 21 2.4 Coatings .................................................................................................................... 23 2.5 Naval Architecture .................................................................................................... 27 2.6 Theoretical Electrical Current Demand Calculations ................................................ 29 2.7 Propulsion System .................................................................................................... 33 2.7.1 Electric Current Draw Estimates ........................................................................ 33 2.7.2 Steering.............................................................................................................. 36 2.7.3 Propulsion.......................................................................................................... 37 2.8 Winch and Anchor System ....................................................................................... 38 2.8.1 Electric Current Draw Estimates ........................................................................ 40 2.8.2 Operation .......................................................................................................... 40 2.9 RC System ................................................................................................................. 41 2.10 GPS System ............................................................................................................. 42 2.11 Charge System ........................................................................................................ 44 2.11.1 Batteries .......................................................................................................... 44 v 2.11.2 Solar Panels ..................................................................................................... 45 2.12 Weather Station ..................................................................................................... 46 2.12.1 Weather Station Display and Software ........................................................... 47 2.12.2 Instruments ..................................................................................................... 50 3. AMB Autonomous System.............................................................................................. 52 3.1 AMB Operation ......................................................................................................... 52 3.2 Motor Control........................................................................................................... 56 3.3 Location and Heading ............................................................................................... 59 3.3.1 GPS..................................................................................................................... 60 3.3.2 Compass Heading .............................................................................................. 62 3.4 Mooring System ....................................................................................................... 63 3.5 Lighting System......................................................................................................... 67 3.6 Autonomous Test Results ......................................................................................... 69 4. Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 71 5. Recommendations for Future Research......................................................................... 73 5.1 Control Systems Updates ......................................................................................... 73 5.2 Cameras .................................................................................................................... 74 5.2.1 Surface Camera ................................................................................................. 74 5.2.2 Subsurface Camera ............................................................................................ 74 5.2.3 Subsurface Video Cameras ................................................................................ 75 5.3 SONAR ...................................................................................................................... 77 5.3.1 Surface Collision Control ................................................................................... 77 5.3.2 Subsurface Collision Control.............................................................................. 77 5.3.3 Subsurface Acoustic Identification .................................................................... 78 5.3.4 Depth Sounder .................................................................................................. 78 5.4 Current Meter........................................................................................................... 79 5.5 Wave Measurement System .................................................................................... 79 5.6 Wireless Communication – Radio & Cell Phone Technology ................................... 80 5.7 Scientific Research Platform and Winch .................................................................. 80 5.8 Scientific Instrumentation ........................................................................................ 81 5.8.1 CTD .................................................................................................................... 81 5.8.2 SCOUT®............................................................................................................... 82 5.9 Bilge Pumps .............................................................................................................. 83 References .......................................................................................................................... 84 Appendix A – Timeline of the AMB .................................................................................... 87 Appendix B – Buoy Specifications ...................................................................................... 88 Appendix C - Pro/Engineer® Renderings ............................................................................. 89 Appendix D - ProSurf® Drawings ......................................................................................... 94 Appendix E - Technical Drawings........................................................................................ 97 Appendix F – Motor Control Specifications...................................................................... 111 Appendix G – MR-350 GPS Specifications ........................................................................ 112 Appendix H – Energy Budget ............................................................................................ 114 Appendix I – Exported Weatherlink Data ......................................................................... 115 Appendix J – LabVIEW® VI Control System ....................................................................... 118 Appendix K – Motor Control PIC Code ............................................................................. 124 vi Appendix L – GPS Raw Data ............................................................................................. 125 Appendix M – EZ-Compass 3 Specifications ..................................................................... 126 Appendix N – Original Anchor Control PIC Code .............................................................. 127 Appendix O – Updated Anchor Control PIC Code ............................................................ 129 vii List of Keywords Autonomous Mobile Buoy (AMB) Buoy Department of Marine and Environmental Systems (DMES) Florida Institute of Technology HyperTerminal LabVIEW® (National Instruments Corporation) PC/104 (Small form factor single board computer) Pro/Engineer® (Parametric Technology Corporation) ProSurf® (New Wave Systems, INC.) Self Mooring Solar Panel Underwater Technologies Laboratory (UTL) Watch Circle Weather Station viii List of Figures Figure 1 AMB Sea Trial [4] .................................................................................................... 3 Figure 2 Subsurface buoy diagram [2].................................................................................. 5 Figure 3 Shallow water surface moorings [3] ....................................................................... 7 Figure 4 NOMAD schematic [3] ............................................................................................ 9 Figure 5 OASIS [4] ............................................................................................................... 11 Figure 6 OASIS network diagram [10] ................................................................................ 12 Figure 7 Sea trial of SCOUT [13] ......................................................................................... 13 Figure 8 NDBC moored buoys [8] ....................................................................................... 16 Figure 9 Foam model on CNC ............................................................................................. 18 Figure 10 Initial watertight test .......................................................................................... 22 Figure 11 Hull preparation at East Coast Sandblasting ...................................................... 23 Figure 12 Hull prepared for first coating application ......................................................... 24 Figure 13 Interior coated with Amercoat 235 .................................................................... 24 Figure 14 Exterior coated with Amercoat 235 ................................................................... 25 Figure 15 Buoy coated and ready for test trial................................................................... 26 Figure 16 Modified ProE® model (top view) [7] .................................................................. 28 Figure 17 Modified ProE® model (bottom view) [7] ........................................................... 28 Figure 18 Electric Speed Controller .................................................................................... 36 Figure 19 Motor mounts with motors................................................................................ 37 Figure 20 Internal view of motor mounts .......................................................................... 38 Figure 21 Crab Claw Anchor ............................................................................................... 38 Figure 22 Deckhand 40 ....................................................................................................... 39 Figure 23 Control diagram .................................................................................................. 41 Figure 24 Winch controls circuit......................................................................................... 42 Figure 25 MR-350 GPS unit mounted on deck ................................................................... 43 Figure 26 12 volt deep cycle marine battery ...................................................................... 44 Figure 27 Solar panel mounted on deck at stern of buoy .................................................. 45 Figure 28 All components of Davis Weather Monitor II [18] ............................................. 46 Figure 29 Weather station display monitor ....................................................................... 47 Figure 30 Weatherlink data logger [18] ............................................................................. 48 Figure 31 Weatherlink 4.04 instruments graphic June 5, 2007 ......................................... 49 Figure 32 Weatherlink 4.04 graph of outside and inside temperature May 31, 2007....... 49 Figure 33 Weatherlink 4.04 NOAA weather summary May 24 – 31, 2007 ........................ 49 Figure 34 Junction box for Weather Monitor II.................................................................. 50 Figure 35 External sensor housing barometer, temp sensor, and humidity sensor for Weather Monitor II ............................................................................................................ 51 Figure 36 Anemometer for Weather Monitor II ................................................................ 51 Figure 37 Flowchart of autonomous control system ......................................................... 53 ix Figure 38 Driver board schematic ...................................................................................... 57 Figure 39 EZ-Compass 3 digital compass............................................................................ 59 Figure 40 Anchor board schematic..................................................................................... 64 Figure 41 Winch with Hall Effect sensor and magnets ....................................................... 66 Figure 42 Davis Mega Light ................................................................................................ 68 Figure 43 Navigation light with mount ............................................................................... 68 Figure 44 Thalassia testudinum (Turtle Grass) in Biscayne Bay ......................................... 75 Figure 45 HAB near Cape Rodney, New Zealand [20] ........................................................ 76 Figure 46 "Smart CTD"........................................................................................................ 81 Figure 47 SCOUT®................................................................................................................ 82 Figure 48 Front Panel ....................................................................................................... 118 Figure 49 Sequence 0 Block Diagram Anchor "down" off ................................................ 119 Figure 50 Sequence 1 Block Diagram Anchor “up” off ..................................................... 119 Figure 51 Sequence 2 Block Diagram Motors off ............................................................. 119 Figure 52 Sequence 3 Block Diagram Control System...................................................... 120 Figure 53 GPS SubVI Front Panel ...................................................................................... 121 Figure 54 GPS SubVI Block Diagram ................................................................................. 122 Figure 55 Compass SubVI Front Panel .............................................................................. 123 Figure 56 Compass SubVI Block Diagram ......................................................................... 123 x List of Tables Table 1 ProSurf® Hydrostatic Results .................................................................................. 20 Table 2 ProE® results of AW and S ....................................................................................... 28 Table 3 Current calculation variables ................................................................................. 29 Table 4 Area measurements for wind resistance ............................................................... 32 Table 5 Wind force calculation results ............................................................................... 32 Table 6 Trolling motor electrical current demands ............................................................ 35 Table 7 Winch current demand .......................................................................................... 40 Table 8 Voltage and signal range comparison.................................................................... 56 Table 9 Motor driver signals ............................................................................................... 58 Table 10 Desired heading conditions ................................................................................. 62 Table 11 Buoy Specs ........................................................................................................... 88 Table 12 DuraTrax IntelliSpeed 8T Racing Reverse ESC Specs [17] .................................. 111 Table 13 Specifications of MR-350 [23]............................................................................ 112 Table 14 Energy Budget .................................................................................................... 114 Table 15 Lab test results of Weatherlink 4.04 on May 31, 2007...................................... 115 Table 16 EZ-Compass 3 Specs [24] ................................................................................... 126 xi List of Abbreviations AMB Autonomous Mobile Buoy CTD Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth DMES Department of Marine and Environmental Systems DTR Data Terminal Ready ESC Electric Speed Control GHS General HydroStatics (Creative Labs, Inc.) GPS Global Positioning System GUI Graphical User Interface HAB Harmful Algal Bloom LabVIEW® Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Workbench NDBC National Data Buoy Center NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOMAD National Oceanographic Meteorological Automatic Device OASIS Ocean-Atmosphere Sensor Integration System ProE® Pro/Engineer ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle RTS Ready to Send SCOUT Surface Craft for Oceanographic and Undersea Testing SST Sea Surface Temperature USV Unmanned Surface Vehicle UTL Underwater Technology Laboratory (DMES lab) VI Virtual Instrument xii Acknowledgements Since I arrived on campus at Florida Institute of Technology in August 2002 I have been embraced by a community of close friends and colleagues. If not for this sense of belonging, I would not be where I am today. Many people have contributed to this project in more ways than hands-on assistance. Without these people, this project would have never been completed. First, I would like to thank Dr. Andrew Zborowski for convincing me to attend Florida Tech from the first time we met and Dr. George Maul for his invaluable support of my academic accomplishments. I would like to thank my parents, Ronnie and Debbie Outlaw, for funding my endeavors over the last 5 and a half years and giving me the support and love I needed to make it through the tough times. Also, I would like to thank my wife, Kendra Outlaw, for being there to encourage me to finish what I started. Many thanks go to Zak Pfeiffer, Michelle Rees, Mehul Patel, Anthony Tedeschi, and Maila Sepri for their invaluable help in the design and implementation of the buoy and its many parts. I also need to thank Bill Battin for his help with the design and construction, Bill Bailey for his welding skills, and Larry Buist for his electronics expertise. Without them, the AMB is still an idea waiting to be designed. I would like to thank Dr. Stephen Wood for pushing me to the end to finish the project that I thought would never end. I would also like to thank Dr. Héctor Gutiérrez and Dr. Geoffrey Swain for giving me advice on controls and navigation. I want to express my appreciation to the Link Foundation for helping fund my graduate studies. I would like to thank Dr. Eric Thosteson for teaching me more than I ever wanted to know about programming and electronics and reminding me that things have to be done now, not later. I would like to thank Nakul Saran for mentoring me in the ways of Ocean Engineering, Residence Life, and life in general. I would like to thank Coach Bill Macom for giving me the opportunity to balance my life and get away from the stress of academics. Finally, I would like to thank my friends and family who have been by my side throughout this process. The distractions, guidance, and support were all valued. xiii Dedication This work is dedicated to two special people in my life that I wish were here to enjoy the happiness that I am feeling now. To my Papa Hollingsworth, for always telling me that I could do anything and… To my Mema Outlaw, for always putting her whole heart into everything. xiv 1 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose of an Autonomous Buoy A new type of autonomous research buoy has been developed to perform physical, biological and environmental impact studies in estuarine waters. It may also be used to detect early warning signs of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and outbreaks of other potentially harmful organisms. The vehicle is especially necessary in regions that cannot be accessed by research vessels and where sampling is difficult, dangerous, expensive, or not amenable to manually collected data. Data collection in the Indian River Lagoon (IRL) is most commonly performed by volunteers, students and researchers under conditions that are often hot, humid, mosquito-infested, and threatened by lightning storms. The Autonomous Mobile Buoy (AMB) acquires similar research data to other autonomous systems, such as, CoastalObservation’s (CoastalObs) Ocean-Atmosphere Sensor Integration System (OASIS) (Virginia, USA) and Robotic Marine Systems’ Surface Craft for Oceanographic and Undersea Testing (SCOUT) (Gray, Maine, USA). The unique feature of this system is the capability to autonomously moor at each way-point. The purpose of the AMB is to self-navigate to multiple locations, anchor and then acquire data. The Autonomous Mobile Buoy (AMB), which was originally designed and built without autonomous control by undergraduate ocean engineering students1 at Florida Institute of Technology ( 1 Zak Pfeiffer, Michelle Rees, Safia Tappan, Derek Tepley 2 Appendix A – Timeline of the AMB), is controlled by two Microchip PIC microcontrollers and a Lippert Cool RoadRunner II PC/104 computer that is programmed with LabVIEW® 6.1 to continuously measure and record scientific data. The AMB allows for larger survey areas than the typical stationary research buoy and it allows for more cost effective surveying than the typical research vessel and crew because the computer is programmed with a LabVIEW® Virtual Instrument (VI) to use a USGlobalSat MR-350 Global Positioning System (GPS), an EZ-Compass digital compass, and dual Minn-Kota 50lb thrust trolling motors to navigate between way-points. Upon reaching its location, the buoy is programmed to moor and unmoor by controlling its anchor with a Minn-Kota Deckhand 40 winch. The dual solar panel charging system allows the AMB to be powered indefinitely ensuring continuous data collection. A collision control system, current meter, wave measurement system, sea grass surveying cameras, hydrophones for acoustic sound identification, depth observation, CTD, turbidity sensor, SCOUT, Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) detection system, and wireless communication for real time data logging and navigation will be added in the next phase of this project and is not included in the objective. A typical moored buoy is designed and constructed with a specific purpose such as, recording wave data, meteorological data, current data, sea surface data, and other oceanographic measurements that can be collected by a stationary buoy. The US National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) maintains approximately 70 moored buoys [1]. These buoys act as weather stations that collect “wind speed and direction, air temperature and pressure, wave conditions, and visibility [2].” There are other buoys called marker buoys that are designed to mark channels, port entrances, subsurface pipelines, anchor positions, wrecks, and other submerged hazards [2]. There are approximately 24,000 buoys deployed and maintained by the Coast Guard in US waters alone [3]. A mobile buoy can be used to perform many of these same tasks, therefore, dramatically reducing the number of buoys necessary. The AMB (Figure 1) can perform these tasks more efficiently and cost effectively than the typical moored buoy because of its lack of necessary human involvement. Therefore, the same data recorded by the 3 Figure 1 AMB Sea Trial [4] Photo courtesy of Dr. Stephen Wood, Florida Institute of Technology NDBC could be recorded at multiple locations by one buoy navigating itself to various locations. By using the AMB, meteorological, chemical, biological, and physical data (i.e. water quality, plankton studies, seagrass studies, weather anomalies, current, salinity, and temperature) could be recorded while the buoy is navigating to its next location or while moored. Therefore, if a researcher needs water quality data from a particular transect in the near-shore region, an AMB can provide that data along with pertinent meteorological data without the need of human interference. This is more time and cost efficient than by performing transects in a research vessel that requires the cost of gas and manpower. The AMB could also be used as dynamic channel markers. Since the buoy is capable of changing location and direction and determining water depth, it can 4 continually reposition itself. With the addition of a kinematic GPS, the AMB can dynamically hold its position without being moored, therefore, the issue of having a large watch circle is eliminated and the buoy can change location with the dynamically changing environment of the channels. With real time positioning there is greater accuracy in marking the channel boundaries as they change due to sediments filling in the channel over time. 1.2 Existing Technology There are a variety of submerged and surface buoys that currently exist on the world’s waters. However, these buoys, no matter the purpose, are moored using one of the many types of mooring systems. The multiple types of buoys and mooring systems are discussed in the following sections. 1.2.1 Submerged Buoys Submerged buoys, rather than surface buoys, are typically used to measure current flow because a surface buoy feels the effect of the wave motion skewing the collected data. The buoy is typically placed in a very active environment where the current flow can be measured without the interference of waves. Since submerged buoys do not feel any wave movement if they are set 100 meters below the surface, the data collected by the current meters is much more accurate [3]. These buoys are used when measurements taken on the surface or near the surface are not necessary. When a submerged buoy is designed, a clump anchor resting on the sea floor that is attached to a string of glass ball floatation units is typically used. The instrumentation needed for the measurements, as shown in Figure 2 [2], is attached to 5 Figure 2 Subsurface buoy diagram [2] the tether that can be released from the anchor via an acoustic release. The submerged mooring system is very common because of its’ cost and ease of deployment, and due to it being a very resilient mooring system. Submerged buoys with this type of mooring are able to withstand vertical movement of several hundred meters [3]. Even with the advantages of submerged buoys, the cost of deploying buoys at every location where data collection is needed is very expensive. 1.2.2 Surface Mooring Systems & Buoys Surface buoys are typically used when a buoy needs to be in contact with a base through satellite or wireless communication, surface data is needed, or the buoy is needed as a visual aid for navigational purposes. Surface buoys are designed in various shapes and sizes depending upon the purpose of the buoy. Each shape has its positive and negative attributes, but those attributes change with sea-state [3]. The design of the mooring systems of surface buoys does not vary with each type of buoy. There are different mooring systems for coastal buoys and deepwater buoys. There are three types of mooring systems for surface buoys with variations of each depending upon the sea conditions in which the buoy is deployed: chain slack mooring, chain and an elastic mooring, and taut surface trimoor system. There are also 6 three main types of permanently moored surface buoys: spar, discus, and boat hull. The most basic and most common type of mooring is the chain slack mooring shown in Figure 3a. As can be seen, the buoy is attached to a typical clump anchor at the seafloor by a chain that is attached to a rigid bridle at the buoy. However, if the depth reaches 150 feet or more, some of the chain can be replaced with wire rope and heavy chain to reduce the mooring cost as shown in Figure 3b. These moorings are very reliable and apply enough tension to accommodate the tide and wave action while also protecting against damage due to fishing operations and biological attacks such as shark bites [3]. However, the chain/wire rope mooring method also allows the buoy to make large watch circles because of the amount of slack in the chain or cable, which can create a problem for accurate measurements. A watch circle is defined by the length of the mooring chain and is the radius within the buoy can be expected to swing [5]. The second most common mooring uses a chain and an elastic mooring line to supply enough tension to keep the buoy from making large circles. The elastic line allows the buoy to move up and down with the tide and waves while remaining under tension at all times. The most common version of this mooring system is an anchor on the seafloor with a chain attached to the elastic mooring line which is then attached to another chain from the buoy as shown in Figure 3c. However, as depth increases two more lines can be added to reduce the size of the watch circles made by the buoy. This method can be seen in Figure 3d. 7 Figure 3 Shallow water surface moorings [3] The best method for mooring large disc buoys in shallow water is the taut surface trimoor system, which can be seen in Figure 3e. This method is used in order to minimize the size of the watch circle made by the buoy. Since the lines are always in tension, the buoy has less chance of overturning and spinning which is common with disc buoys. However, the mooring lines are still vulnerable to fishing operations using drag nets. 8 Spar buoys have small reserve buoyancy and are designed to free float. This creates a problem when attempting to moor this type of buoy. The smaller spars are typically moored with the help of a submerged buoy and a rigid buoyant tether line as shown in Figure 3f [3]. Larger spar buoys that have a draft close to the water depth are capable of being single point moored in shallow water as seen in Figure 3g [3]. The spar buoy is not a feasible design option for this project and is not an option during the design selection. Discus and boat hull buoys are discussed in Chapter 2.2 Hull Selection. 1.2.3 NOMAD The National Oceanographic Meteorological Automatic Device (NOMAD) is the design of the US Navy [6]. The desire to develop this particular buoy stemmed from the low cost involved with building and maintaining an aluminum hull buoy. Also, the boat hull shape combined with the mooring mount (Figure 4) is very stable in severe seas [7]. This ship hull design also allows for quick rotational response while decreasing the chances of capsizing as there are no recorded incidents of capsizing of this buoy [8]. The aluminum hull, along with proper anti-corrosion methods in use, also allows for longer missions and less maintenance [7]. 9 Figure 4 NOMAD schematic [3] The NOMAD buoy contains many features that collect very useful data that is transferred by a satellite connection to a database on land. The data that is collected consists of “wind speed and direction, air temperature, barometric pressure, wave height, direction and period, and compass heading [6].” The Navy designed this ship-like buoy for an offshore data collection program in the 1940s [7]. However, the US National Data Buoy Center, operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), purchased excess hulls and modified them with new payloads and implemented these buoys into its fleet of permanently moored 10 and 12 meter buoys. The NOMAD buoy was impressive enough for Canada’s Atmospheric Environment Service to begin using the system along the coasts of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia [9]. 10 1.2.4 Current Research Methods The current research methods for coastal studies include research cruises, manual data collection, and autonomous vehicles. However, research cruises are very costly, time consuming, non efficient, and environmentally disastrous. A research vessel cannot enter the shallow waters of the coastal regions and in order to launch a research cruise requires an immense amount of money, time, and resources. While a research cruise is out collecting data, the environment is being destroyed by the gasoline, oil, and fumes coming from the vessel. However, manual data collection is also not time efficient. The dangers of manually collecting data due to weather (lightning, rain, and heat), wildlife (alligators and sharks), and disease carrying bugs (mosquitoes) make this option less desirable than a research cruise. Therefore, autonomous vehicles were created to rid researchers of the existing problems with data collection. An autonomous vehicle is capable of collecting the same data as a research vessel and from manually collecting data, but an autonomous vehicle can perform these measurements with minimal human interaction, in shallow regions, and without any danger to the researcher. SCOUT and OASIS are two systems that were developed as research tools to battle the problems of collecting oceanographic, meteorological, and environmental data. However, without the ability to autonomously moor, these systems are not capable of collecting accurate data without a need for post processing adjustments. The AMB, with its ability to moor at the desired location, can collect accurate data on site without any adjustments needed for movement. Therefore, the AMB is an important step in the ever changing research world. 11 1.2.5 OASIS The closest vehicle related to an autonomous mobile buoy currently being developed is the OASIS that has been developed, tested, and deployed by CoastalObs on November 15, 2006 [10] (Figure 5). Figure 5 OASIS [4] The concept of OASIS is very similar to that of the AMB but OASIS is a vehicle that is not capable of being autonomously moored. CoastalObs is developing “a fleet of solarpowered surface autonomous vehicles” that will be used in conjunction with NASA’s Small Business Innovation Research program [10]. The OASIS platform is capable of supporting various meteorological and oceanographic instruments that will measure and record a minimum of the following data: Air Temperature, Wind Velocity, Relative Humidity, Atmospheric Pressure, Sea Surface Temperature, Sea Surface Salinity, and new instruments are being developed for HAB (Harmful Algal Bloom) detection and radiance measurements [10]. Also, like the AMB, OASIS is powered by solar panels and an electric motor. However, OASIS, unlike the AMB, can be remotely controlled by satellite communication (Figure 6). 12 Figure 6 OASIS network diagram [10] OASIS is an autonomous vehicle that has the same general hull form as the AMB; however, the instrumentation and purpose of OASIS truly show the similarities between the two vehicles. 1.2.6 SCOUT Another vehicle similar to the AMB is Robotic Marine Systems’ SCOUT (Figure 7). The development of SCOUT was a joint effort between Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Office of Naval Research, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, and Robotic Marine Systems [12]. SCOUT is a 10 foot long High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) kayak outfitted with “off the shelf components” to ensure a flexible, inexpensive design [12]. The system includes a “Main Vehicle Computer, Battery System, Propulsion and Steering Systems, Radio Control and Wifi Communications System, GPS, Compass and Payload Expansion Slots” and can be purchased for $27,580 fully developed [12]. 13 Figure 7 Sea trial of SCOUT [13] Additionally, side scan sonar can be attached at the keel of the kayak to produce images of the seafloor. However, this system does not include a mooring system. The SCOUT can reach a maximum speed of 5 knots (5.75 mph) and can cruise at 3 knots (3.45 mph) for up to 8 hours using a 12V 100 amp-hour battery. 14 2. Background of AMB Project 2.1 Design Concept The Autonomous Mobile Buoy (AMB) is a state-of-the-art project concept that is being developed in order to introduce a new method of near shore research. The first step in the design process for this project is to build a remotely operated Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) that meets the needs of the scientific researcher using the vehicle. In order to accomplish the design goal of developing an autonomous research buoy, the system was initially designed as a remote control prototype of the final product. The design concept for the final autonomous system is to enable any researcher to mount instruments on board specific to the task at hand. However, the design also includes several permanently mounted research instruments that will be discussed in Chapter 5. Recommendations for Future Research. The specifications of the design stated that the buoy must first be remotely controlled for navigation and be able to moor and unmoor while also collecting meteorological data. The idea of developing an autonomous mobile self mooring buoy stem from the difficulty of moving permanently moored buoys to new locations for data collection. The typical moored buoy must be transferred to a new site by using a vessel that includes a major cost for the vessel, the fuel, the manpower required to run the vessel, and all of the unforeseen mishaps that can occur on a seafaring research vessel. However, by developing the AMB, researchers can collect data easily from multiple locations in the coastal and lagoon regions rather than estimating from the nearest buoy or spending the time and money to deploy a research cruise. Thus, a mobile buoy, remote controlled or autonomous, is desperately needed to ease the burden of collecting data at desired locations. As mentioned, the buoy design criteria include the ability to moor and unmoor itself and collect meteorological and oceanographic data. However, there are many 15 other aspects involved when attempting to convert the remote controlled system to an autonomous system. The process of the conversion will be discussed in detail in Chapter 3. AMB Autonomous System, but the design concept will be mentioned at this time. To meet the requirements of the overall project, the AMB needs an overhaul from the remote system to a newly developed autonomous system. The requirements for the autonomous system are more detailed than the original design objectives. In order for the buoy to pass the required specifications, it needs to be capable of navigating to predetermined GPS locations in a coastal ocean environment. Upon arrival at the specified locations the buoy must be able to moor and unmoor itself to record scientific data over an extended period of time. While the buoy is in transit, it must abide by any navigational laws with working navigation lights and an anchor light that switches on when moored. The entire time the buoy is underway, meteorological data will be collected and stored using a Davie Weather Station II. This particular weather station can collect and store humidity and temperature inside the buoy and outside, wind speed and direction, and external barometric pressure. In addition to the meteorological instruments, a depth sounder will periodically measure and record the depth. Once on location scientific instruments, e.g., CTD and Turbidity sensors will measure and record conductivity, temperature, depth, and turbidity of the water. All of this data will be recorded on board the buoy for later retrieval. After the completion of these measurements, the buoy must be capable of unmooring itself, turning on the navigation lights and navigating to the next location. The buoy must be able to navigate up to two mile transects in one day and be 100% self sustained for at least one month. This requires the use of multiple batteries and a dual solar panel charging system. 2.2 Hull Selection The process of determining which hull design to use began with constructing a list of possible options and immediately eliminating any nonviable choice. The final list of choices for hull design included the disc buoy and boat hull buoy. This section will discuss the differences between each hull type along with the positive and negative 16 attributes of each. During the selection process, the team of undergraduate students choosing the hull shape had to constantly think of the final design criteria of the project, not just the first phase. According to the NDBC, there are two main types of hull designs that are the most commonly used as moored buoys that can be seen in Figure 8. The Coastal Oceanographic Line-of-Sight (COLOS) buoy and Coastal buoys were not considered in the selection process because they are typically used as support buoys, Figure 8 NDBC moored buoys [8] 2.2.1 Discus The discus buoy comes in three different sizes: three meters, 10 meters, and 12 meters. The 10 and 12 meter buoys are very large and typically used in rough conditions. The 12 meter buoy is more stable in these conditions than the 10 meter buoy. The 10 meter buoy is known to capsize in rough seas [8]. The three meter buoy is much smaller and cannot be used in the same conditions as the larger buoys, but even in lighter conditions, it does not have a very strong survival rate [8]. The discus buoy has known 17 stability issues and is not the most efficient shaped hull for a mobile buoy. The round sides do not “cut” through the water surface like a mobile buoy should in order to reduce the power needed to quickly maneuver the buoy. 2.2.2 Boat Hull During the decision process, the boat hull buoy was the most logical choice considering its name. The efficiency of using a boat hull shape for a mobile buoy is obvious considering the buoy will maneuver similar to a recreational marine vessel. The boat hull buoy being used by the NDBC is called the NOMAD. The NOMAD is six meters long by three meters wide and is very stable in wave action due to the mono-hull design. As mentioned, the NOMAD has never capsized and is a perfect design for a mobile buoy. The basic design of the boat hull buoy is similar to that of a ship. Therefore, the only drawback in using this design was the size of the actually NOMAD. However, it was decided to only use the design as a guide and develop a unique design that would allow for quick manufacturing for future projects. 2.3 Hull Design The hull for the AMB was chosen based on the design criteria set forth previously. The design criteria for the hull design were determined after the hull shape was selected. The AMB is a prototype buoy that must be small, lightweight, cost efficient, easily assembled, and retain all of the seaworthiness of larger buoys. The design is similar to the NOMAD buoy, except the AMB is approximately seven feet long which is only slightly larger than 1/3 of the length of a NOMAD. The full table of the AMB specifications is shown in Appendix B – Buoy Specifications. The AMB is constructed from 11 flat aluminum panels that were bent and welded into place (causing slight convolution on four of the panels) while the NOMAD is built as a normal curved monohull vessel. 18 2.3.1 Model AMB was first designed in the Pro/Engineer® Software (ProE®). After a few trial designs, the final hull design was completed and a model of approximately 1/5 the size of the design criteria was constructed to show the basic hull form. The ProE® drawings (Appendix C - Pro/Engineer® Renderings) were converted to Mastercam 9.0 to generate a program to be used on the CNC machine. This model was then manufactured using high density foam on the CNC machine (Figure 9) in the Florida Tech Machine Shop by Zak Pfeiffer. After a bit of hand work was completed to touch up the final model, a scaled keel was attached to the bottom of the hull, the anchor well was carved, and a layer of two part epoxy paint was applied to the outside. Figure 9 Foam model on CNC Photo courtesy of Zak Pfeiffer, Florida Institute of Technology With the model complete, testing was performed to determine if the design characteristics allowed for a stable vessel. The model was placed in the Florida Tech Wave Tank in the Surf Mechanics Laboratory and an anchor line with a ratio of three to 19 one compared to the depth was attached in the anchor well. The buoy was then subject to scaled waves and was completely stable and responded as expected. To fully characterize the vessel, naval architectural theoretical calculations were needed. Unfortunately, the general ProE® software does not possess this functionality so; the model drawings were converted to GHS and ProSurf® Naval Architecture Software. The results, as seen in Appendix D - ProSurf® Drawings, show the water lines and station lines with respect to the hull lines. ProSurf® also calculated the hydrostatic characteristics such as total resistance on the hull and it also calculated drafts in specified sea conditions (Table 1). With all of the model design complete, the material was selected and construction commenced. 20 ® Table 1 ProSurf Hydrostatic Results * Input Parameters Waterline Length Overall Beam Overall Depth Overall Draft (WL-BL) Trim Angle Heel Angle Distance to Amidships Vertical Center of Gravity (VCG) from Base line (BL) Density of water Wave Height Wave Length * Upright Condition Draft (BL-WL) Trim Angle Displacement Longitudinal Center of Gravity (LCG) from x=0 * Volumetric Properties Volume Displacement Wetted Surface Area LCB (Center of Buoyancy from x = 0 ) Vertical Center of Buoyancy (VCG) from Baseline (BL) Calculated Draft * Waterplane Properties Waterplane area LCF (Centerof Floatation from x = 0) VCF (From Baseline) Moment to Trim One Inch Pounds per Inch Imersion Change in Displacement per Inch Trim Aft Longitudinal Inertia about LCF Transverse Inertia about TCF Length of Waterline Beam on the Waterline 79.900 in 36.034 in 25.692 in 13 in 0 Degrees 0 Degrees 42 in 1 in .037 lb/in^3 18 in 48 in 13 in 0 Degrees 568.345 lb 42.372 in 15,345.339 in^3 568.345 lb 3400.149 in^2 42.372 in 12.791 in 17.097 in 2307.570 in^2 39.395 in 13 in 332.825in-lb 85.466 lb/in 2.787 lb/in 2.247 ft^2 537,074.851 in^4 79.900 in 66.883 in 21 2.3.2 Construction The construction of AMB was an entire project itself. Originally, the AMB was to be constructed by bending 10 out of 11 1/8” 5050-H32 aluminum sheets with a CNC press. However, the company contracted to make these bends was not able to carry out their guarantee due to time constraints on larger scale projects. Therefore, the design drawings were taken to Don Bell Inc. machine shop of Melbourne, FL. This company determined it would be able to construct the design with a few modifications. By using ProE®, the dimensions of each panel were found and a series of technical drawings (Appendix E - Technical Drawings) were completed for each section of the buoy. Florida Institute of Technology’s machinist Bill Bailey and ocean engineering undergraduate student Zak Pfeiffer used these drawings to lay out the aluminum in the Florida Tech Machine Shop to the nearest thousandth of an inch. The prepared aluminum was taken to Don Bell Inc. where a ten foot hydraulic shear was used to cut most of the panels. Once the cuts were complete, a brake was used to bend 10 panels into the correct shape. The cut and bent panels were then pieced into place and tack welded together to ensure proper fitting of each angle before the desired shape was finally Tig welded together. With the hull form finally constructed, a keel was added from the back of the anchor well to the stern of the buoy (approximately four feet) with a maximum height of eight inches and ¼’ thick. The keel is designed to alleviate the roll of the buoy and help with directional control. The hull was then tested in a nearby pond to double check the welded seams (Figure 10). 22 Figure 10 Initial watertight test The final version of the hull was constructed mostly out of 5052-H32 aluminum with only a few pieces of T6 marine grade aluminums as well. These aluminum grades were chosen for their marine grade properties and their ability to be welded to each other. The final dimensions of the buoy are seven feet long, three feet wide, and two feet deep as shown in Appendix E - Technical Drawings. The anchor well is approximately 13.5 inches wide, 12.5 inches long, and one foot from the bow. 23 2.4 Coatings Corrosion control is an important aspect to consider when designing for the marine environment. Metals rust very easily in water unless properly protected from the elements. The corrosion control methods employed on the AMB began with sandblasting the interior and exterior (Figure 11, Figure 12) of the hull in order to apply a two-part epoxy paint. Ameron’s Amercoat 235 was applied to the interior and exterior of the hull as an initial layer of protection. Then two different Interlux paints were applied to the hull, keel, and motor casings and a SeaGlossPro paint was applied to the deck. The Amercoat 235 was used as a base layer to prepare the aluminum for painting because the anti-fouling paint used on the keel, motor casings, and submerged portion of the hull contains copper. The mixture of copper and aluminum will cause corrosion to occur immediately when placed in water. The hull was sandblasted and prepared for the first coat of paint by East Coast Sandblasting in Melbourne, FL. Figure 11 Hull preparation at East Coast Sandblasting Photo courtesy of Zak Pfeiffer, Florida Institute of Technology 24 Figure 12 Hull prepared for first coating application Photo courtesy of Zak Pfeiffer, Florida Institute of Technology Figure 13 Interior coated with Amercoat 235 Photo courtesy of Zak Pfeiffer, Florida Institute of Technology 25 Figure 14 Exterior coated with Amercoat 235 Photo courtesy of Zak Pfeiffer, Florida Institute of Technology Upon completion of the sandblasting, the Amercoat 235 was applied to the entire hull. Two coats of this two-part epoxy paint is sufficient corrosion control for the buoy, however, it is not aesthetically pleasing. The Amercoat 235 was only available in Oxide Red at the time of ordering (Figure 13, Figure 14). Therefore, the exterior of the hull was painted with two different coatings from Interlux. Below the waterline, Interlux UltraTM with Biolux® was used. According to the product description, Ultra™ is the most effective paint in warmer waters where land runoff and slime-causing algae occur at the highest rates [14]. Two coats of paint were required, but the fast drying technology allowed for both coats to be applied in the same day. Ultra™ contains a very high loading of cuprous oxide and uses Biolux® to block slime [14]. The paint was applied below the waterline to the hull, keel, and motor casings to prevent the development of slime, weed, and shell fouling. The application process included lightly sanding the Amercoat 235 in order to provide a rough base for the Inlertux paint to adhere. The blue Ultra™ was applied from the keel up to the designed waterline in order to create a line for the application of Interlux Brightside Polyurethane top paint. The Brightside paint was used because of its ease of application and advanced technology one-part polyurethane. The Brightside contains Teflon® that increases resistance to staining and abrasion while decreasing the cleaning time. Two coats of the 26 yellow polyurethane were applied after lightly sanding the Amercoat 235. This topside paint was only used above the waterline. The last coating application was the white SeaGlossPro deck paint. This was also chosen because of its ease of application and durable, high gloss polyurethane technology. The white was chosen to decrease the amount of heat absorbed through the deck in order to keep the interior of the hull as cool as possible. Three coats of the deck paint were required to completely cover the aluminum deck. Also, the deck paint was used to paint the winch box and the stands for the solar panel. The fully coated AMB is shown in Figure 15. Figure 15 Buoy coated and ready for test trial Photo courtesy of Dr. Stephen Wood, Florida Institute of Technology 27 2.5 Naval Architecture The calculation of the hull speed for a displacement vessel is simply an estimate of the maximum velocity capable before the resistance from the hull shape increases to a point that forward motion is inefficient [7]. The hull speed is calculated by using Equation [1] and the assumption that the waves alongside the vessel have a wavelength (λ) that is equal to the length of the vessel (L) [15]. Equation [1] VHull = [(g*L)/(2B)]1/2 VHull = hull speed g = gravitational acceleration L = length of vessel B = beam of vessel The hull speed for AMB is determined with the following values. g = 32.2 ft/s2 L = 7 ft B = 3 ft VHull = 6.1 ft/s The hull speed is slightly greater than the design speed (4 ft/sec or just under 3 mph) that was considered during the design phase of the project. This occurs because of the amount of power that will be applied for the vessel to efficiently travel along its two-mile transects. The calculation of the water plane area and the total wetted surface area are a little more complex than the hull speed calculation. The water plane area (AW) and the total wetted surface area (S) are based on the design waterline, which is 13 inches above the lowest point of the hull. The design water line creates an imaginary horizontal plane as a reference for other measurements. 28 Because of the complexity of taking these measurements, the ProE models were ® used to determine the two values in question. The original model was modified to only include the portion of the vessel that will always be below the surface as shown in Figure 16 and Figure 17. Figure 16 Modified ProE® model (top view) [7] Figure 17 Modified ProE® model (bottom view) [7] ® The results of the Pro/Engineer modifications and calculations are shown in Table 2 Table 2 and were calculated without including the material missing from the anchor well. All other naval architecture calculations were performed using ProSurf® software and the results were shown in Table 1 (p. 20). Table 2 ProE® results of AW and S Description Value Total Surface Area of Water Plane (AW) 9.76 ft2 Total Wetted Surface Area (S) 16.5 ft2 29 2.6 Theoretical Electrical Current Demand Calculations The electrical current demand for each motor is an important aspect to consider during the design process of an autonomous vehicle. Since the buoy is in the shape of a boat hull, ProSurf® naval architecture software is capable of producing the Total Resistance in various sea states. The theoretical calculations are performed in calm seas at the design speed of 4 ft/s at a travel distance of 2 miles. The Total Resistance was calculated to be 44.496 lb at a 13 inch draft. With the Total Resistance value, a wide range of calculations can be performed in order to better understand the amount of current each motor will need to travel at 4 ft/s for 2 miles, or 10,560 ft. The results from the calculations using Equation [2] and Equation [3] are shown in Table 3. Equation [2] W = F*D W = work (lb-ft) F = force (lb) D = distance (ft) Equation [3] P = W/t P = power (lb-ft/sec, watts) W = work (lb-ft) t = time (sec) Table 3 Current calculation variables Description Value Design Speed 4 ft/sec Draft 13 inches Transect Distance (d) 10,560 feet Total Resistance 44.496 lb Travel Time per Transect 44 minutes = 2,640 seconds Work (W) = Force (F) * Distance (d) 469,877.7 lb-ft Power (P) = Work (W)/Time (t) 177.984 lb-ft/sec = 241.314 watts 30 The theoretical current calculation was performed after the values in Table 3 were calculated because current (I) is calculated by dividing power by voltage as shown in Equation [4]. Equation [4] I = P/V I = current (amps) P = power (watts) V = voltage (volts) The buoy is powered by 12 volt deep cycle gel batteries so a value of 12 is always used for V. The power (P) was calculated previously as 177.984 lb-ft/sec and converted to 241.314 watts. Therefore, the current is calculated as 20.109 amps. This is the amount of current necessary to supply the required power from the set amount of voltage provided for the buoy to travel 10,560 feet in 44 minutes at a 13 inch draft in calm seas. Since there are two motors on board, each motor needs to be given 10.055 amps in order for the two motors working simultaneously to move the buoy at the design speed for the required distance in the specified amount of time. These same calculations were also performed for wave heights of 2 feet with wavelengths of 4 feet to emulate choppy river conditions, but the draft increased to 21.7 inches which is less then 4.5 inches below the deck and the Total Resistance increased to 61 lb. Further calculations were completed with the new wave conditions and the design wind speed of 15 knots in order to determine the maximum current needed to move the buoy along its transect at 4 ft/sec. The current estimate is calculated assuming the buoy was moving into the wind, therefore, all of the surface area measurements ( 31 Table 4) are estimations. 32 Table 4 Area measurements for wind resistance Description Value Solar Panel Box Front Area (1) 80 in2 Solar Panel Box Front Area (2) 91 in2 Winch Box Front Area 96 in2 Freeboard Front Area 390 in2 Total Area 657 in2 = 4.5625 ft2 The calculation of the resistance force due to wind (FWX) is calculated using the Equation [5] [16]. FWX = (0.034)*CDX*VW2*AX Equation [5] FWX = Force due to wind (lb) CDX = Drag Coefficient VW = wind speed (ft/sec) AX = surface area (ft2) The value of CDX is equal to 0.8 when the wind direction is 0° [16]. Therefore, the results of the calculation are shown in Table 5. Table 5 Wind force calculation results Description Value VW 15 kts = 17.26 mph = 25.32 ft/sec CDX 0.8 VW 2 641.1024 (ft/sec)2 AX 4.5625 ft2 FWX 7.956 lb With the wind force resistance value calculated, the total amount of current theoretically needed to drive the buoy can be calculated. The Total Resistance value calculated with ProSurf® (61 lb) for 2 foot waves with a 4 foot wavelength is added to the wind resistance 33 value (7.956 lb) for a new Total Resistance of 68.956 lb. Using Equation [2], Equation [3], and Equation [4] again, the total theoretical current required in order for the buoy to complete the desired transect distance (2 miles) at the desired speed (4 ft/sec) is 14.320 amps per motor. This amount of current will effectively move the buoy through 2 foot waves with 4 foot wavelengths into a 15 knot wind. 2.7 Propulsion System The propulsion system for AMB includes two Minn Kota, 50-lb thrust Rip Tide, trolling motors that are modified for this project. The motors are stripped of their original control system and the shafts are trimmed to a more manageable length. The original controls are replaced with Electronic Speed Controllers (ESCs) similar to those used in remote control cars. For the remote control propulsion system, the ESCs are connected to an RC system in order to steer the vessel with two motors and no rudder. The remote control RC system will be further explained in Section 2.9 RC System. 2.7.1 Electric Current Draw Estimates The trolling motors used for the propulsion system arrived with 5 different forward speeds and 3 reverse speeds. Therefore, the motors were tested by connecting each motor to a power supply and running the motor at the various operational levels to determine the amount of current draw by each motor. The results of this test are shown in 34 Table 6. 35 Table 6 Trolling motor electrical current demands Forward Amps Reverse Amps 1 7 1 6.25 2 8 2 12 3 13 3 22 4 14.5 5 22 As previously calculated in Chapter 2.6 Theoretical Electrical Current Demand Calculations, the electrical current demand for each motor to efficiently move the buoy through calm seas at the desired speed and distance is 10.055 amps per motor. Therefore, each motor running at level 3 is more than enough to accomplish this task. These motors will provide excess power, which will move the buoy even faster than the design speed but will also drain the batteries more quickly. The current demand on rough days was calculated to be 14.320 amps. The motors will be required to run at level 4 to reach this amount of current demand. The current draw and current demand of each system will become important when choosing the correct amp-hour battery which will be discussed in Chapter 2.11 Charge System. However, these calculations are only estimates and were determined to be too small. The actual current draw in water, according to the Minn Kota representative, is 42 amps continuously on level 5. The reason for the discrepancy is still unknown, but a new set of motor controllers were purchased to account for the error. With the correct ESCs in place, the steering method was developed using a HiTec Laser 4 remote control system. 36 2.7.2 Steering The RC version of the AMB is steered by the HiTec Laser 4 remote control system teamed with a DuraTrax IntelliSpeed 8T Racing Reverse ESC (Figure 18) on each motor. Figure 18 Electric Speed Controller This combination allows for differential steering options that ESCs without reverse do not. Also, differential steering is more responsive than steering with a rudder and one motor. Therefore, the decision to use two motors was not only for the extra power needed to complete transects at the desired speed but also so the steering would be more efficient. With differential steering, one motor can be moving forward while the second motor is pushing in reverse to make a tighter turn in order to avoid an obstacle or stay on course. These particular motor controllers are capable of operating at 420 amps continuously and a peak current of 1410 amps [17]. The specifications (Appendix F – Motor Control Specifications) for these ESCs exceed the requirements of AMB and were chosen for the factor of safety assumed by the large maximum operating current compared to the operating current of the motors. 37 2.7.3 Propulsion The Minn Kota 50-lb thrust Rip Tide trolling motors were initially chosen based on the amount of thrusting power needed to move the buoy through rough seas. These trolling motors are very rust resistant due to their premium grade alloy design. Also, the propellers are designed with a weed-less wedge that cuts through weeds, lines, and other small obstacles in order to ensure the motors do not get tangled in near shore foliage or stray fishing lines. These motors were modified for installation on the buoy. The housing that contains the switches and gears for the various speeds of the motor were removed. This left the wires and shafts open and the shafts were shortened to approximately 8 inches in order for proper placement in the hull. After the modifications, the shafts were placed into the motor mounts in the bottom of the hull and fastened to the cross beam with hose clamps and epoxy (Figure 19, Figure 20). Figure 19 Motor mounts with motors 38 Figure 20 Internal view of motor mounts The motors are placed just behind the center of gravity with the propellers 4 inches from the keel. The motors were not placed directly at the center of gravity because of the detrimental effect this design would have on long transects. Also, the motors were not placed further back because the turning radius would be drastically reduced. Therefore, the position of the motors is a compromise between the two extremes in order to use the benefits of each for long travels and tighter turning radii. 2.8 Winch and Anchor System The winch and anchor system are designed to lower and raise an 18-lb Crab Claw Anchor (Figure 21) with a Minn Kota Deckhand 40 anchor winch (Figure 22). Figure 21 Crab Claw Anchor 39 Figure 22 Deckhand 40 This particular winch was chosen because the system needs to be capable of dropping and raising the anchor autonomously in the final design. The Deckhand 40 comes with 100 feet of 800-lb test nylon rope that is capable of lifting a 40-lb anchor without the rope becoming tangled in the spool. The Deckhand 40 can lift up to 40 lbs of weight; therefore, this same winch can be used to test other types of anchors (various weights and sizes) and will not have a problem lifting the chosen 18-lb anchor unless it gets caught on an obstacle on the seafloor. The Crab Claw Anchor was chosen because of its ability to dig into a sandy bottom and hold position. This action will allow for better stability while the buoy is moored. The anchor also incorporates a very strong antifouling casing to prevent corrosion. The deck and hull of AMB were specifically designed for the type of anchor system chosen. An anchor well was cut out of the hull to allow the anchor to be raised above the water level and into the anchor well in order for the anchor to not interfere with the water flow. The well was installed 18 inches aft of the bow and the top of the well is 4 inches below the deck. There is a through hull fitting for the anchor line to pass from the deck to the well. The winch was disassembled and placed in a custom built housing on the deck in order to separate the electronics, which are safely inside the hull, and the motor and anchor line. 40 2.8.1 Electric Current Draw Estimates The winch and anchor system were tested in a similar manner as the motors to determine the amount of current drawn during the release and retrieval of the anchor. Therefore, the winch motor was attached to a power supply and the anchor was released and retrieved to establish the current draw. The results of this experiment are shown in Table 7. Table 7 Winch current demand Position Amps Down (release) 8 Up (retrieval) 22 From this information the total amount of current drawn by the winch per day can be calculated based on the rough sea conditions of two foot seas with a four foot wavelength. Assuming that the buoy is already moored and the winch can retrieve the anchor in one minute, it will draw 22 amps for one minute. The buoy will complete it’s transect and the winch will release the anchor for one minute drawing another 8 amps. Thus, the winch uses a total of 30 amps for two minutes. Therefore, the winch uses 0.5 amp-hours of a battery. This is important when selecting a battery and charging system as will be discussed in Section 2.11 Charge System. 2.8.2 Operation The winch is operated by the same HiTec Laser 4 remote control that operates the motors. The ratio of depth to mooring line used for AMB is three to one, so the maximum mooring depth is 33 feet, which exceeds the depth in the majority of the near shore operating region. The Deckhand 40 is designed with an auto-drift feature that automatically stops the release of the anchor when it hits the bottom. This allows for very easy installation and control when lowering the anchor. The operator can hold the release switch down all the time but the motor will stop releasing line as soon as the 41 anchor has reached its location. However, in order for the winch to be remote controlled, the switches were rewired into a breadboard with three relay switches in order to override the pre-installed electronics. Therefore, the operator has control of releasing, retrieving, and auto-drift with one joystick on the remote control. 2.9 RC System The HITec Laser 4 RC system controls seven separate functions (Figure 23). Figure 23 Control diagram The right joystick is used to control the motors and the left joystick controls the winch. The motors are designed to operate on two channels for ease of steering. Since the speed controllers allow for continuous acceleration rather than stepping through each speed setting like the typical trolling motor controls, the joystick can be used in four directions at various positions in order to navigate. The vertical movements control the starboard motor and the horizontal movements control the port motor. Therefore, if the joystick is pushed at an angle of 45° between forward and right, the motors will work together to move the buoy forward at full speed. If the joystick is in the 45° angle between left and back, the buoy will move in full reverse. The other two corners operate one motor in reverse and one motor in forward in order to make a sharp turn. Each of 42 these actions can be performed at varying velocities according to how much the joystick is moved from center. The left joystick controls the winch. The winch retrieves the line when the joystick is moved forward, auto-drifts the line when it’s moved down, and continuously releases line when it is moved left. The circuit designed by Larry Buist, Electronics Technician Florida Institute of Technology, (Figure 24) made this control system possible. Figure 24 Winch controls circuit Photo courtesy of Zak Pfeiffer, Florida Institute of Technology 2.10 GPS System The Global Positioning System is a vital piece of instrumentation for this project because the vessel is not capable of self navigation without the knowledge of its location. The MR-350 GPS unit (Figure 25) was purchased from USGlobalSat Incorporated in City of Industry, California. The first tests reveal an accuracy of approximately three meters. With the buoy in remote control mode, the GPS unit is not as critical because the buoy is always in the operator’s line of sight. However, upon completion of the autonomous overhaul, GPS will be used for navigation and location in case of emergency. 43 GPS Unit Figure 25 MR-350 GPS unit mounted on deck The MR-350 GPS unit is fully functional right out of the box. Two additional cable sets, RS-232 and USB, were purchased in order to perform the necessary testing for accuracy. The MR-350 is completely weatherproof and comes equipped with a 15 foot PS/2 connector in order to interface with the cable kits. However, the original connector was removed and replaced with a direct connection to 5V and RS-232 to simplify the connection process for final testing. The specifications of the MR-350 GPS are listed in Appendix G – MR-350 GPS Specifications. 44 2.11 Charge System The batteries on board the AMB will be charged by two separate solar panels. The three 12 volt deep cycle/gel batteries will be capable of powering the buoy one at a time. Therefore, at least two batteries will be charging while one battery is in use. 2.11.1 Batteries The batteries chosen for this project are three 12 volt deep cycle/gel marine batteries (Figure 26). Figure 26 12 volt deep cycle marine battery The batteries are rated at 50 Amp-hours each and each is capable of running the buoy by itself for at least one day on a full charge. As calculated in sections 2.6, 2.7, and 2.8, the total amount of current drawn by the motors and winch is 28.64 and 30 amps respectively. Considering the amount of time to complete one transect is 44 minutes and the anchor will be retrieved before each transect for one minute and released after each transect for one minute, the total amp-hours to run the buoy for one transect can be estimated. The motors draw approximately 30 amps for 44 minutes, the winch draws 45 22 amps for one minute and 8 amps for one minute, and the instrumentation is always on and is estimated to draw 2 amps at all times. Therefore, the following calculation can be completed for the entire 46 minute transect: (30A)*(44/60) + (22A)*(1/60) + (8A)*(1/60) + (2A)*(46/60) ≈ 24 amp-hours. The three 50 Amp-hour batteries will have an approximate reserve of 125 Amp-hours for longer transects, additional instrumentation, and dynamic positioning in deeper water. These batteries will be charged using two 30 watt solar panels, recharging the batteries on average of 3.6 amps per hour each. 2.11.2 Solar Panels Two solar panels (Figure 27) are mounted on the deck of the buoy with each housed in a plexi-glass box to prevent splashing onto the crystal charging cells. One panel is above the anchor winch box and one is on five support stands near the stern of the buoy. Each panel is in full view of the sky in order to get direct sunlight for the most efficient charging. Solar panels on board AMB will keep all of the systems working without a complete system shutdown ever required. Therefore, the buoy will be capable of collecting data for an unlimited amount of time. Figure 27 Solar panel mounted on deck at stern of buoy 46 The solar panels charge the batteries with the least amount of charge available and the instruments on board draw from the battery with the most amount of charge. Therefore, the solar panels charge while the buoy is underway and moored. The batteries will be charging approximately 3.6 amps per hour when receiving a charge. The average amount of charging time available during a 24-hour span is eight hours. Therefore, a little more than 57.6 amps will be replaced in the batteries every day, which is more than enough to keep the buoy running full time. See Appendix H – Energy Budget for a complete table of the energy used by the systems on board the buoy and replaced by the solar panels. To prevent overcharging and backflow of charge through the batteries, the front panel is connected to the batteries through a charge regulator and the back panel is connected to the batteries through a diode. The buoy is capable of completing one two-mile transect per day assuming perfect weather (no overcast skies or rain). 2.12 Weather Station The weather station is a Davis Weather Monitor II (Figure 28) donated by Dr. Craig Tepley of Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, with affiliation to Cornell University. Figure 28 All components of Davis Weather Monitor II [18] The weather station is an important aspect of marine environment scientific data collection due to variations the weather causes to other marine data such as: surface temperature, salinity, visibility, and dissolved oxygen. This particular weather station is 47 equipped with an anemometer, two temperature sensors, two humidity sensors, a barometer, and a rain gauge. Each component supplies important information for AMB except the rain gauge. The rain gauge is not necessary because the data from the barometer can be graphed and precipitation events can be determined from the pressure fluctuations. 2.12.1 Weather Station Display and Software The Davis Weather Monitor II is a complete system out of the box. All of the necessary components for immediate data collection are included and are discussed in the following section. The system comes equipped with a display module (Figure 29) and computer software. Figure 29 Weather station display monitor The display module can provide a visual of the wind speed and direction, time, inside temperature, outside temperature, wind chill, total amount of rainfall, barometric pressure, inside humidity, outside humidity, and dew point. The display module can also 48 be used to change the units of each measurement and it can be used to set the automatic download time for the on board data logger. The Weatherlink data logger (Figure 30) can store information every minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, one hour, or two hours. Figure 30 Weatherlink data logger [18] With the Weatherlink set to store data every 30 minutes, the data can be saved for 30 days. If the Weatherlink is set to store every 2 hours, the data can be saved for 120 days. However, the 30 minute setting is desirable for the AMB because the buoy does not need to stay more than a month without a check-up. Therefore, the collected data can be downloaded to a computer every 30 days when the inspection is performed by connecting the display monitor to a com port on the computer. The software package that is available with the weather monitoring system is very user friendly. Testing the software, Weatherlink 4.04, in the lab from May 24 – June 5, 2007 showed that it is capable of producing a graphic of each measurement (Figure 31), graphing the data (Figure 32), storing the data into a summary page (Figure 33), and saving the averages from every time interval in a comma delimited field for ease of exporting into a program such as Microsoft Excel for further studies (Appendix I – Exported Weatherlink Data). 49 Figure 31 Weatherlink 4.04 instruments graphic June 5, 2007 Figure 32 Weatherlink 4.04 graph of outside and inside temperature May 31, 2007 Figure 33 Weatherlink 4.04 NOAA weather summary May 24 – 31, 2007 50 2.12.2 Instruments Each instrument packaged with the Weather Monitor II is connected through a junction box via a RJ-12 or RJ-45 cable. The junction box (Figure 34) connects to the display monitor in order to read all of the information. Figure 34 Junction box for Weather Monitor II There are two temperature sensors and two humidity sensors available with this system. The inside temperature and humidity sensors are inside the display monitor which will be inside the hull of the buoy. This information will be very helpful in determining how hot and muggy the inside of the buoy becomes while underway and while moored. The outside temperature and humidity sensors are housed inside of an external sensor (Figure 35) that also measures pressure, wind chill, and dew point. This sensor will be mounted on the outside of the hull without being in plain view of the sun. 51 Figure 35 External sensor housing barometer, temp sensor, and humidity sensor for Weather Monitor II The anemometer (Figure 36) is attached to a pole that sits approximately six feet above the deck and measures wind speed and direction. It is capable of withstanding hurricane force winds but is sensitive enough to detect the slightest breezes. The instruments on board will be continuously running, but the average data will be recorded every 30 minutes. Figure 36 Anemometer for Weather Monitor II 52 3. AMB Autonomous System 3.1 AMB Operation The control system for the Autonomous Mobile Buoy is designed to let the user have complete control of when and where the buoy moves. The buoy is driven away from the launch point to a distance safely away from shallow water using the original remote control system. When the buoy reaches the desired location the RC transmitter is switched to the “Off” position and LabVIEW® assumes control of the buoy. Likewise, when the RC transmitter is switched “ON” the user regains control of the motors. The autonomous control system is a LabVIEW® Virtual Instrument (VI) (Appendix J – LabVIEW® VI Control System) that is loaded onto a PC/104 computer. The LabVIEW® user interface within the VI allows the user to input an array of desired Latitude and Longitude coordinates to determine the desired heading of the buoy. The flowchart in Figure 37 describes the main functions of the control system, but it does not describe the order of operation, which is as follows: turn on the remote control, turn on the computer and buoy, run the control VI. 53 Figure 37 Flowchart of autonomous control system 54 ® Without the remote control or LabVIEW , the motors continually receive an arbitrary digital signal from the driver board (see Chapter 55 3.2 Motor Control) that allows the motors to operate randomly. However, the PIC controlling the motors automatically sets the motors to zero motion through the serial port and the control VI sends a zero motion command to the motors as well. The control VI sets the anchor up and down lines to off, sets the motors to zero motion, then reads the GPS to determine the current heading. A desired location and heading are calculated using the first set of Latitude and Longitude coordinates. Then the VI determines if the buoy is at the desired location. If the buoy is at the desired location, the motors are shut down, the navigation lights are turned off, the anchor lights are turned on, the anchor is lowered, and the buoy’s computer waits for the response signal that the anchor is on the bottom. Once the anchor is set, scientific measurements are taken for a specified amount of time. Upon completion of the scientific data acquisition a signal is sent to set the “anchor down” line to off, the anchor is raised, and a signal is sent from the winch circuit to ensure the anchor is inside the anchor well. After the anchor is completely inside the anchor well an off signal is sent to the “anchor up” line. The vehicle waits one second before the computer calculates the next desired location and heading. If the buoy is not at the desired location then the desired heading is calculated and compared to the current heading. If the buoy is pointed in the desired direction, both motors thrust the buoy forward and the system continuously checks for location and heading. If the buoy is not facing the desired direction, the buoy turns left or right depending upon the amount of distance the buoy needs to turn. When the buoy reaches the desired heading, both motors are turned on for forward thrust. This continues until the last set of desired coordinates is reached and then the buoy waits to be collected. 56 3.2 Motor Control The motors and lights are controlled by a board of drivers (Figure 38) that send signals through the serial ports on the PC/104 to a PIC and voltages to the motor controllers and lights on the buoy. The motors are turned on and off depending upon the desired location and heading of the buoy. A PIC programmed with code to control the motors (Appendix K – Motor Control PIC Code) receives a string of ASCII characters from LabVIEW® that sets the desired speed of the motors. The string of characters is converted to two digital decimal values that are sent to a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) and the corresponding analog voltage is sent to the motor controllers. The DAC has two conversion options that are chosen based on the signal received from the PIC. The DAC select pin is switched between DAC-A and DAC-B by changing the output of the PIC from 0 (A) to 1 (B). The DAC then changes the digital input to an analog output which is sent to the motor controllers to set the speed and direction of each motor. The speed values are determined by calculating the number of volts each digital decimal number represents. The motor controllers are sent a signal between 0 – 5 volts and the range of signal values is 0 – 255 (Table 8). Table 8 Voltage and signal range comparison Voltage Range Signal Range 0 – 5 V (full range) 0 – 255 1 – 4 V (useable range) 51 – 204 Therefore, to determine the decimal value that corresponds to the voltage to produce the correct speed in forward or reverse. However, the motors do not change speed between 0 and 1 volt or between 4 and 5 volts. Therefore, the voltage range is 1 – 4 volts (51 – 204) for the entire range of speed of the motors with 2.7 volts (137) representing zero motion. Anything less than 2.7 is reverse and anything greater than 2.7 is forward. Each signal value represents approximately 19.6 mV which is determined by dividing the largest voltage value (5V) by the largest signal value (255). (Courtesy of Larry Buist, Florida Institute of Technology) Figure 38 Driver board schematic 5 4 3 1 9 10 12 11 .1 .1 20pf 4.00MHZ TTL R2OUT T2IN R1OUT T1IN C2- C2+ C1- RC7/RX/DT RC6/TX/CK RB0/INT RB1 RB2 RB3/PGM RB4 RB5 RB6/PGC RB7/PGD .1 15 Grd MAX232A 16 Vcc 8 232 R2IN T2OUT R1IN T1OUT V- V+ Activity Indicators 19 GRD 8 7 13 14 6 2 .1 .1 .1 RC5/SDO RC4/SDI/SDA RC3/SCK/SCL RC2/CCP1 OSC2/CLKOUT RC1/T1OSI/CCP2 RC0/T1OSO/T1CKI PIC16F876 U1 OSC1/CLKIN RA0/AN0 RA1/AN1 RA2/AN2/VREFRA3/AN3/VREF+ RA4/T0CKI RA5/AN4/SS MCLR/VPP/THV C1+ 10 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 20 VDD Green RED 16 15 14 13 12 11 18 17 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 - 12v REFA OUTB OUTA 1 CS WR +5v 19 3 18 4 20 2 .1 47uf - Grd (middle pin) 5 RFBB RFBA DACA/DACB TLC7528 REFB U11 DB0 DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB6 DB7 + VOUT Serial Communications 3 each 3 pin Molex (Digi-Key WM4201) ch 5 15 16 6 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 17 VDD .1 .1 .1 1 GND THR ch 7 ch 6 47uf + LM339 8 U55C - 9 Input 2 (0-5v) 14 13 12 10K 10K U54D 11 1uf 620 White 2N4402 2K 10 9 5 4 10 9 5 4 U56C 7400 U56B 7400 U54C 7400 U54B 7400 + LM339 4 U55B - 5 + LM339 6 U53A - 7 Set Pulse width AMB Driver Board Copywrite Larry Buist for UTL (middle pin) 7 S D RF On/Off 14 7400 1K G 5.6V 1K Ramp generator - 2ms max Set Freq. .01 Gray .1 1K 1uf 10K 6 7 3 20k 47uf (middle pin) OUT + - Input 1 (0-5v) TRG 110mv 1K 4 RST LM555 U10 DSCHG CV 5.1K 2 5 VCC VIN GRD 8 Oscillator - 20ms period VN0300L LM7805 22K Servo controller 3 12 + 2 8 6 8 6 "B" "A" "A" "B" 1 .1 13 12 .1 13 12 7 U59D 7400 14 U57D 7400 RTS Serial 2 DTR Serial 2 RTS Serial 1 DTR Serial 1 "B" NAV Lights Anchor Lights D D Spare Out 1 Spare Out 2 2N3904 G D 2N3904 G 2N3904 G 2N3904 G D 4 pin Molex (Digi-Key WM4202) 4 pin Molex (Digi-Key WM4622) 13 13 12 SPARES U56D 7400 Motor controller PWM + LM339 10 U58D - 11 Grd 11 "A" 1K S IRF9141 1K S IRF9141 1K S IRF9141 +5v 11 10K 10K 10K 10K 1K S IRF9141 11 57 2 Pin Molex (DIgi-Key WM4620 58 The signal values written to the motor drivers for forward motion, right turn, left turn, reverse motion, and no motion are shown in Table 9. For the buoy to move forward a value between 2.7 and 4 is used to ensure better control of stopping at the desired location. The value chosen is 170 which is the value in the middle of 2.7 and 4 volts. This value is given to both motors for forward movement. The value given to both motors for no movement is 137, which corresponds to 2.7 volts. For a right turn the left motor moves forward and the right motor moves in reverse. Therefore, a right turn constitutes the left motor receiving a 170 and the right motor receiving a 94 which corresponds to the middle of 1 and 2.7 volts. This is reversed for a left turn, so the right motor moves forward at 137 and the left motor moves in reverse at 94. These values can be converted to control variables in LabVIEW® to enable the user to set them at any time. However, at this time each value is a constant and will not be changed unless it is determined that a value is incorrect. Table 9 Motor driver signals Buoy Movement Voltage Signal Left Motor Signal Right Motor No Motion 2.7 V 137 137 Forward Motion 3.35 V 170 170 Reverse Motion 1.85 V 94 94 Right Turn 3.35 V, 1.85 V 170 94 Left Turn 1.85 V, 3.35 V 94 170 59 3.3 Location and Heading The buoy is equipped with a USGlobalSat MR-350 GPS unit and the EZ-Compass 3 digital compass (Figure 39) in order to perform the navigation calculations necessary to maneuver in the Indian River Lagoon. The GPS unit is the single most important piece of the system because it provides the current location and the desired heading from the coordinates it outputs to LabVIEW®. Without the current coordinates, the VI could not proceed past the first step. Figure 39 EZ-Compass 3 digital compass Photo courtesy of Dr. Stephen Wood, Florida Institute of Technology 60 3.3.1 GPS The GPS unit determines the current location and compares the Latitude and Longitude to the desired values of Latitude and Longitude. The antenna outputs four lines of GPS data: GSA (GPS DOP and Active Satellites), GGA (Global Positioning System Fix Data), GSV (GPS Satellites in View), and RMC (Recommended Minimum Specific GPS/Transit Data) as can be seen in the raw data taken in front of Frueauff Building on August 16, 2007 (Appendix L – GPS Raw Data). A LabVIEW® SubVI (Appendix J – LabVIEW® VI Control System) is used to pick out the RMC line from the free flowing data and a “Match” command is used to parse out the Latitude and Longitude values and directions (N, S, E, W). The values are then converted from string format to numerical and subtracted from the desired Latitude and Longitude values. This data is fed into the control system VI (Appendix J – LabVIEW® VI Control System) where a “for” loop is used to control when the array releases the new set of desired values. When the current location is subtracted from the desired location, an error is determined and compared to an allowable range. Based upon the error a decision is made to calculate the desired heading or to drop the anchor. If the error is within the allowable range, the anchor system begins. However, if the error is not within the allowable range, there are eight different conditions that could be met in order to determine the desired heading. The eight conditions are determined by the difference between the desired and actual coordinates. Four of the conditions are special cases and are treated differently than the four generic options. The four special conditions are 0° (N), 90° (E), 180° (S), and 270° (W). These four headings are used when either the actual Latitude or Longitude value, but not both, is already within the error range when subtracted from the desired Latitude and Longitude. The other four conditions are met when neither error value is within the range. 61 Table 10 shows the desired heading conditions determined by calculated error compared to the allowable range. 62 Table 10 Desired heading conditions Latitude Error Longitude Error Desired Heading Equation > range > range 360 – ArcTan(Long/Lat) < range > range ArcTan(Long/Lat) + 270 > range < range Abs(ArcTan(Long/Lat)) < range < range ArcTan(Long/Lat) + 90 The different equations for the desired heading are determined using a modified Cartesian coordinate plot. The Latitude values work the same as the normal Cartesian plot, but the Longitude values are slightly different. Since, the Longitude values increase from East to West across the map the “X-axis” is the reverse of the typical quadrant plot. Therefore, certain adjustments were needed in order to ensure the system would determine the proper desired heading and not 180° in the opposite direction. 3.3.2 Compass Heading A LabVIEW® SubVI (Appendix J – LabVIEW® VI Control System) reads the EZCompass 3 (Appendix M – EZ-Compass 3 Specifications) and outputs roll, pitch, temperature, and heading to the control system VI. The heading is pulled out of the output array and used to calculate an error between the actual heading and the desired heading. Once the desired heading is determined from the GPS coordinates, the actual heading is subtracted from that value. The heading error is then used to determine if the buoy should move forward, turn right, or turn left. If the error is within the allowable range, then the system turns both motors on for forward thrust and continues to monitor the location and heading to ensure the correct path is maintained. However, if the heading error is not within the allowable range then there are two options: turn left or turn right. If the error is greater than 180°, then the error is subtracted from 360° and the buoy turns left by providing forward thrust with the right motor and reverse thrust with the left motor. If the heading error is less than or equal to 180°, the buoy turns right by providing forward thrust with the left motor and reverse thrust with the right motor. These adjustments prevent 63 the buoy from ever turning more than 180° which shortens the amount of time it takes the buoy to find the desired heading. 3.4 Mooring System The mooring system circuit (Figure 40) is programmed with a PIC to lower an anchor upon receiving a signal from the LabVIEW® control system VI (Appendix J – LabVIEW® VI Control System) that the buoy is at the desired location, send a signal to the control VI informing LabVIEW® that the anchor is on the bottom, and wait for a signal to raise the anchor. While the anchor is being lowered a Hall Effect sensor counts the number of turns the winch made to lower the anchor to the bottom. This value is stored and compared to the count on the way up to ensure that the anchor is completely back in the anchor well. (Courtesy of Larry Buist, Florida Institute of Technology) Figure 40 Anchor board schematic RB7= RB6= RB5= RB4= 10 9 VOUT RB7/PGD RB6/PGC RB5 RB4 RB3/PGM RB2 RB1 RB0/INT RC7/RX/DT RC6/TX/CK 6.8uf 4.3K 1N4148 DTR GRD 8 anchor down Anchor Up Hall effect pulse In Anchor dropped In RC7= RC5= RC2= RC1= RC0= Red 16 15 14 13 12 11 18 17 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 68K 1 Serial Out to Bypass Anchor Anchor down control Up Control 2 Grn Up 3 Down 4.3K 68K J1 J6 J3 K1 K3 J7 K2 Serial Out to PC (Option) Archor Dropped Anchor MicroSW AMB Anchor Control Org 1N4148 Blocks Negative RTS Up Anchor Copywrite Larry Buist for UTL 4 Serial Port out to PC PC104 - DTR Digital Outputs PIC ASSIGNMENTS: 19 RC5/SDO PIC16F876 RC4/SDI/SDA U1 RC3/SCK/SCL RC2/CCP1 OSC2/CLKOUT RC1/T1OSI/CCP2 RC0/T1OSO/T1CKI OSC1/CLKIN RA0/AN0 RA1/AN1 RA2/AN2/VREFRA3/AN3/VREF+ RA4/T0CKI RA5/AN4/SS MCLR/VPP/THV Digital Inputs 20pf 4.00MHZ 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 .1 Grd LM78L05 VIN 20 VDD Down Anchor +5v NOTE J2 J5 J4 Grd +5v + 1 +5v Grd +5v 2 3 2 Motor + LM393 - - 10K Honeywell SS495A Hall Effect In Serial Out DTR To PC104 12 Volt Battery 1 1 2 3 4 8 4 DTR/RTS signals can swing + and - 12v Adjust for appro 1 V 22K 64 65 The PIC code (Appendix N – Original Anchor Control PIC Code) for the anchor control board immediately disengages all of the actions available for the winch. Therefore, the winch will not try to release or retrieve the anchor as this could burn out the motor if the anchor is already all the way inside the anchor well. Next, the PIC sits in a loop and waits for a signal from LabVIEW® to send the anchor down or pull the anchor up. The signal comes from a serial port initialized in the control system VI. If the winch is told to drop the anchor, the PIC initializes a “down” loop and sends a signal to a transistor which supplies the correct voltage (+12 volts) to the winch motor to lower the anchor. The code immediately checks for a signal from the Hall Effect sensor to determine how much line is released. That value is stored for comparison when raising the anchor. When the anchor reaches the bottom, the winch automatically stops and the counter for the Hall Effect sensor concludes. The program then returns to the initial loop to wait for a signal to retrieve the anchor. Upon receiving that signal, the code jumps to an “up” loop and sends a different transistor a signal that sends -12 volts to the motor to raise the anchor. The count from the Hall Effect signal is used to determine how many turns to make to ensure the anchor is completely back in the anchor well and not dragging in the water. After the anchor is completely up, the code again returns to the initial loop to wait for a signal from LabVIEW®. Two magnets are attached to the spool of line on the winch and a Hall Effect sensor is attached to the outer stationary part of the winch (Figure 41). The Hall Effect sensor is used to count the number of times a magnet passes by in order to determine how many times the magnets need to pass on the way up. 66 Hall Effect Sensor Magnets Figure 41 Winch with Hall Effect sensor and magnets When the signal to drop the anchor is received, the thrust motors are turned off, the navigation lights are turned off, the anchor lights are turned on, and then the anchor is lowered. The anchor winch is designed to stop releasing when the tension in the line no longer exists. Therefore, when the anchor hits the bottom, the winch will stop releasing line. When the anchor reaches the bottom, the system then waits a predetermined amount of time before the winch is told to retrieve the anchor. This waiting period is used to collect scientific data and can be changed depending on how long the data collection will take. Just before the anchor is to be raised, the “down” line receives an off signal to ensure the anchor will not release any more line. When the 67 winch receives the signal to retrieve the anchor, the Hall Effect sensor counts the number of times the magnets pass and tells the winch when to stop retrieving line. As long as the sensor reads the same amount of “clicks” on the way up as it does on the way down, the anchor will be safely in the anchor well and not dragging in the water. As soon as the LabVIEW® control system receives a signal that the anchor is all the way up, the anchor light is turned off and another waiting period of one second begins before the while loop starts from the beginning with a new set of coordinates. 3.5 Lighting System The lighting system is designed to operate in conjunction with the navigation motors and the anchor motor. The navigation lights are always on when the buoy is moving to a new location and draws approximately 0.5 amps. The anchor light (Figure 42) is only on when the anchor is down and it is dark and only draws 0.110 amps while using the standard bulb that is visible from two nautical miles [19]. An additional bulb is supplied that is twice as bright and draws 0.320 amps [19]. The lights are driven by the same board that drives the motors. The lights are turned on and off using the DTR (navigation) and RTS (anchor) lines of the serial port and are tied directly between LabVIEW® and the driver board. The lights do not need a PIC to operate, but the control of the lights could be added to PIC in future editions of the project. The navigation lights (Figure 43) are always sent an off signal and the anchor light is always sent an on signal before the anchor is dropped and the anchor light is always sent an off signal after the anchor is up. 68 Figure 42 Davis Mega Light Figure 43 Navigation light with mount 69 3.6 Autonomous Test Results Initial testing of the AMB control system was performed in the lab. However, during the initial testing the PIC on the anchor board was continuously overheating. Testing proved that anytime a programmed PIC was in the socket, the +5 V regulator would not operate properly and if a non-programmed PIC was in the socket, all of the voltages were correct. It was initially determined that the program on the PIC was causing the problem. However, upon further testing, the serial input to the PIC was causing a voltage overload. The default voltage range of the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) and Ready to Send (RTS) lines of the serial port is -12 to +12 V. The PIC can only accept positive voltage less than or equal to 5 V. Therefore, a diode was placed on the incoming signal to allow only positive voltages on the input pin and transistors were used in order to send a +5 V signal instead of a +12 V signal to the PIC. After solving the problem, the PIC operated properly and further testing of the system began. Using TightVNC, the computer on board the AMB is remotely accessed to control the LabVIEW® VI that controls the buoy. The setup for TightVNC initializes a server to automatically run on the PC/104 stack. The stack sends out a wireless network enabling any wireless computer to connect. Therefore, TightVNC is also running on the “home computer” in order to view the desktop of the PC/104 stack. After connecting to the wireless network, “TUVAAQ”, broadcasting from the vehicle’s computer the VNC connection is made by typing in the IP address of the PC/104. The IP address for wireless networks changes each time the system is restarted; therefore, a static IP address ( was given to the vehicle’s network in order to always enable a connection through VNC. With the PC/104 operating as a server, the “home computer” can listen for a signal and send a reverse connection request to the PC/104. This allows the “home computer” to connect to the server running on the PC/104, which allows the operator to remotely control any programs installed on the PC/104 from the “home computer.” This method of virtual networking was used to perform testing of the control system. The AMB was tested inside the lab to control the testing procedure. Upon testing each individual system it was determined that the lights and motors respond 70 ® exactly as expected to the LabVIEW commands. However, the winch motor did not operate at full speed. Changes to the original PIC code (Appendix O – Updated Anchor Control PIC Code) for the winch were made in order to discard any lines of code that controlled the Hall Effect sensor and only send a message to the anchor to raise and lower. The PIC and LabVIEW® work as they should without a load applied where the winch motor should be connected. However, upon attaching the motor, the relays cannot send a strong enough signal to continuously turn the motor. The motor attempts to raise the anchor and does so very slowly and it also tries to lower the anchor, also very slowly. However, the winch does not operate at full speed even though the system is attempting to work properly. In order to fully test the control VI, new relay switches would need to be placed into the circuit that are capable of operating the winch motor at full speed. However, the full system was tested in the lab to ensure that lights, motors, and anchor operated at the correct time. This test proved the overall system is working properly from the computer to the buoy. The only errors occurred with electronic parts that need to be replaced. The GPS and compass were tested outside before being mounted on the buoy and each system worked as expected. The GPS read the data and compared the current location to the desired location and calculated the correct desired heading. The desired heading was compared to the current heading recorded by the compass and the proper motor response occurred. 71 4. Conclusions This paper has presented the complete design, construction, computerization, and testing of an autonomous mobile buoy. The uses of the buoy can be expanded by further research to increase the scientific capabilities, improve the efficiency of the control system, and improve the operation of the mooring system. However, the current system is capable of providing reliable meteorological data and navigation in the Indian River Lagoon and other shallow water estuaries. Throughout the research, design, and construction of the AMB, much has been accomplished. These results are listed below: 1. Designed the first shallow water fully mobile, self mooring autonomous research buoy. 2. Built small prototype of the AMB. 3. Implemented the design to a full scale aluminum hull. 4. Designed a remote control system for initial trials. 5. Designed a fully functional autonomous control system. 6. Successfully tested the first version of the control system. In conclusion, the objectives of the project set forth during the spring 2006 semester have been fulfilled. However, a new set of objectives for the continuation of the research for the AMB should be developed for future endeavors. The continuation of the AMB will provide future students the opportunity to repair the circuits for the mooring system, update the control system by using LabVIEW® or by using microcontrollers with various programming languages, determine the accuracy of the system based on the accuracy of the compass and the GPS units, and determine the amount of time one loop of the LabVIEW® VI takes to fully run and compare that value to the time required for the buoy to turn. Also, the AMB is in need of hardware and electrical component updates. The anchor line needs a roller to guide the line into the winch and the control system for the anchor needs to be updated to include a method to 72 release the anchor to the bottom and then release three times the amount of line already out in order to meet the requirements of mooring a vessel at a 3 to 1 ratio compared to the depth. Water proof connectors are needed to connect cables into the box, into the computer stack, and through the deck. Finally, the electronics can be minimized by using a PIC to control many more systems than the current layout. The PIC could be used to control the anchor, the motors, the lights, and any other systems placed on the buoy. Currently, Larry Buist is in the process of designing the new electronic layout for the next development of the AMB. The new design consists of more outputs from the PIC, more drivers for extra motors and lights, and plug-and-play type connectors on board. The new system will only need one serial port to send and receive data between the PIC and LabVIEW®. These updates will create a truly state-of-the-art system that could be transferred between vehicles in the Underwater Technology Laboratory at the Florida Institute of Technology. This will provide future students with access to a fully functional testing platform for autonomous vehicles. 73 5. Recommendations for Future Research 5.1 Control Systems Updates The control system is under development and can be updated to a more efficient system. In order to truly operate as an autonomous vehicle, updates need to be completed to determine the desired error range for the heading and the location of the buoy. The GPS unit is accurate to approximately 3 meters (10 feet) and the control system needs to be capable of stopping the buoy within a determined range of the desired location. Also, when the error range is calculated for the location, consideration must be given to the mooring system. The winch drops the anchor directly to the bottom in a straight line and will not actually dig into the bottom when dropped in this fashion. However, when the anchor reaches the bottom, the winch can release three times the amount of line it needed to reach the bottom and then the buoy will drift off location and the anchor will dig in and hold to the bottom. This method will provide the 3 to 1 ratio of line to depth needed to secure the mooring. Also, the error in the compass needs to be determined and calibrated in order to program the control system to react within an allowable error range. Therefore, the buoy will not constantly look for the exact value of the desired heading while rotating to the correct position. A range of allowable error in the heading would increase the allowable error range in the location. Therefore, the error range for finding the location will grow as tests are completed, or the motors will continuously turn the buoy in circles trying to maneuver into the allowable error range. Another update to the control system would include calculating the amount of time needed to complete one full loop in the LabVIEW® VI. If the loop runs slower than the rotation of the buoy when trying to reach the desired heading, the buoy will spin in circles indefinitely. Therefore, if the loop runs slower than the motors, a timer needs to 74 be added so the buoy rotates a short amount of time and waits for the next command to rotate or move forward. 5.2 Cameras Cameras are targeted to be added to the vehicle at a later date. The addition of a deck mounted surface camera will allow for vessel and stationary object collision control, security from vandals, and real-time viewing on the surface for meteorological observations. Additionally, a subsurface camera will allow for underwater obstacle collision control, scientific seagrass surveys, marine life tracking, HAB detection, and plankton density measurements. 5.2.1 Surface Camera The forward facing camera should be capable providing real-time footage of any activity off the bow of the buoy. This activity could include vandalism, approaching obstacles, imminent weather developments, and many other events that could occur at sea. With real-time feeds, the camera can add two methods of collision control. The primary method is an on board system to recognize an approaching obstacle and steer clear of the object. The secondary method is a live feed to a land based computer that could be used to override the system and manually steer the buoy away from danger. The live feed method could also be used to inform the user to manually steer the buoy away from weather danger, vandals, and other scenarios as they arise. The deck mounted camera would be an integral addition for the safety of the buoy and its surroundings. 5.2.2 Subsurface Camera The addition of a subsurface camera to be used for seagrass (Figure 44) surveys would be very useful in the scientific study of seagrass in various areas in the Indian River Lagoon (IRL). An on board system should be capable of processing the video for 75 subsurface collision control as well as saving the video as a backup in case of communication failure. A real-time feed should also be established for studying seagrass from a home computer via a live feed from the buoy. The study of seagrass over an extended period of time would be much easier at a computer rather than snorkeling or diving for hours. The subsurface camera would also reveal the activities of the diverse marine life in the IRL. Figure 44 Thalassia testudinum (Turtle Grass) in Biscayne Bay Photo courtesy of Dr. Elizabeth Irlandi, Florida Institute of Technology 5.2.3 Subsurface Video Cameras Video cameras below the surface of the buoy are pertinent in developing an early detection system of HABs (more commonly known as red tide) (Figure 45), which cause various problems with food and air quality. Also, video cameras would provide 76 real time data in order to determine the density of certain plankton in the field. According to Dr. Kevin Johnson of Florida Institute of Technology’s Department of Marine and Environmental Systems Biological Oceanography department, the data collection system would include a high resolution camera to capture video of organisms in the 10 – 100 micron range, a chamber of known dimensions, the speed of the vehicle, and the length of the video. This data will provide researchers with enough information to calculate the density of multiple species of plankton in the IRL, which is very important to the continued study of the diversity of the lagoon. Also, a video camera viewing a larger region could help determine the population of various fish species, dolphins, and manatees, while providing information about possible invasive species entering the lagoon and early signs of incoming jellyfish. Figure 45 HAB near Cape Rodney, New Zealand [20] Photo: Miriam Godfrey 77 5.3 SONAR Currently, SONAR is absent on board the AMB. However, there should be at least four SONAR systems included on board the buoy. The four systems should be able to assist with the surface collision control, subsurface collision control, acoustic hydrophones for identification of sounds such as fish, shrimp, dolphin, and man made sounds, and most importantly, the water depth. 5.3.1 Surface Collision Control The surface collision control SONAR system should be capable of warning the computer systems on board and on the shore of any oncoming danger. The computer on board should be able to respond immediately to any signal received from the surface system. Therefore, the surface SONAR needs to work in conjunction with the surface camera in order to provide another factor of safety in the collision control system. The buoy should be able to interpret the signals from the surface SONAR and steer away from danger in the case of immediate danger. Also, the surface SONAR should be capable of sending a signal to the home computer to enable the user to override the navigation and steer the buoy out of harms way manually. With the camera and the SONAR system, the buoy should be able to keep itself out of the way of most dangerous situations. 5.3.2 Subsurface Collision Control The subsurface collision control SONAR system should be capable of sending warnings to the computers on board and on shore to alert both systems of any incoming objects that are higher than the seafloor (i.e. rock ledges, sand bars, sunken vessels, etc.). This SONAR will be a forward facing system that can identify these shallow regions before the buoy hits them. If the SONAR recognizes any discontinuity in the water depth, the signal sent to the on board computer will alert the navigation system to stop and a signal will be sent to the home computer for further inspection using the 78 subsurface camera. The user can then override the navigation system to steer away from the impending danger. This collision control device can be used with the subsurface camera to determine when the SONAR reads a large fish instead of an object that could cause harm the buoy. Therefore, the buoy can continue its mission without interference or delay. 5.3.3 Subsurface Acoustic Identification A subsurface acoustic identification system will determine various sounds “heard” in the river. This system requires the knowledge of in-depth neural networks in order to train a program for the various sounds the SONAR could hear [21]. Therefore, to simplify the system, it could be developed to only determine the difference between boats and creatures. Then, when a boat is heard, the system can decide the location, speed, and direction of the boat. The buoy would then know if there was any immediate danger that can’t be seen by the surface collision control system. If a fish is heard, the system could then identify the type of fish creating the noise (i.e. dolphin, snapper shrimp, etc.) in order to better understand the vast number or marine life in the IRL. 5.3.4 Depth Sounder The addition of a depth sounder is of utter importance because the AMB needs to use the depth of the water as another safety factor when navigating the lagoon. The control system must consider the depth of the water when navigating between way points in order to steer away from shallow water. Also, the buoy cannot anchor in the channel of the IRL because the mooring line is only long enough to be effective in 30 feet of water. Therefore, if the desired location of the buoy is in water deeper than 30 feet, the control system must move to the next location immediately. The depth sounder can also be used in conjunction with the scientific data measurements. Knowing the depth of the water will help with classifying wave types and verifying temperature, salinity, and pressure. 79 5.4 Current Meter The addition of an acoustic current meter is important to the scientific study of the water column at each location the buoy is moored. The current meter should be capable of determining the speed and direction of the current directly below the vessel. It is necessary to know the speed and direction of the current for further studies of sediment transport and tidal flow. The current meter should be able to record the speed and direction of the current and store that data using the on board computer as well as updating the home computer with real-time data. 5.5 Wave Measurement System It is very important for the buoy to remain moored in waves larger than 2 – 4 ft. A wave measurement system should be installed in order to measure and record the wave direction (relative to the bow), height, wavelength, and period and determine if the waves are too big for safe buoy operation. This system should be comprised of two capacitance wave gauges (bow and port or starboard side) and a 3-axis accelerometer. The gauges should be offset in the x and y planes in order to record wavelength. The accelerometer would output the heave, surge, sway, pitch, roll, and yaw and can be used to calculate the error caused by the wave gauges moving with the buoy. The double integral of the heave (z-direction) results in a displacement that can be used to counter the effect of the gauges moving in the vertical direction with the buoy. The double integral of the surge (x-direction) provides an error function used to calculate the true wavelength. The other parameters of the accelerometer are not necessary in a wave measurement system, but are of importance for understanding the dynamics of the hull. Also, the accelerometer and the gauges must be time stamped, which can be obtained from the GPS, in order to provide accurate data. If the wave measurement system calculates waves bigger than 4 ft while the buoy is underway, the batteries will drain rapidly due to the wave action against the hull. If the buoy is underway and waves are recorded larger than the recommended range, 80 the motors should stop and the anchor should be lowered to ensure the safety of the vessel. The wave measurement system should be capable of storing the measured data on board, processing the data, and sending real-time updates to the home computer. 5.6 Wireless Communication – Radio & Cell Phone Technology Connectivity of the vehicle to a home base through wireless communication is essential for 1) the safety of the vessel, 2) real-time access of on site data, 3) updating mission targets or mission plan, and 4) controlling the vehicle remotely when necessary. Without wireless communication, the buoy could become lost, stolen, wrecked, overturned, or completely destroyed without the ability to notify anyone on shore. Similar to all wave gauge and weather station buoys in use today, the AMB could show live updates of all systems and measurements through a website. Therefore, the community could also use the data that is being recorded by the buoy at each location. It is also vital that the scientist be able to remotely change the mission underway to another mission of higher importance. This may also require the vehicle to be controlled remotely. 5.7 Scientific Research Platform and Winch The addition of a scientific platform at the stern of the buoy would allow for research equipment to be added and removed in order to vary the projects on specific missions. Therefore, the buoy could be used by multiple researchers as long as the equipment is designed to fit on the platform. The platform should include a robotic arm to lower and raise various instruments included in the research packages. The design of the platform should not compromise the buoyancy, center of gravity, and stability of the vessel and should have a payload of at least 50 lbs. An additional winch is required as well as the research platform in order to manipulate heavier instrumentation. A winch similar to the mooring system winch should be mounted on the deck. Care must be taken in mounting a new winch so that 81 the weight shift on the deck does not create an imbalance. Also, the two winches need to be enough apart in order to keep the lines from tangling. 5.8 Scientific Instrumentation The key to the success of the AMB is the scientific instrumentation on board. Without data collection, the buoy does not have a purpose. There are two instruments that will be permanently attached to the buoy: a “Smart CTD” and Hydrolab’s multiprobe SCOUT®. 5.8.1 CTD The “Smart CTD” (Figure 46) manufactured by Applied Microstystems, Ltd. contains more individual sensors than the typical CTD. The “Smart CTD” includes: a Conductivity sensor by Applied Microsystems, Ltd., a Chlorophyll – A LED Fluorometric sensor by WetLabs, Inc., an Optical Backscatter Turbidity sensor by D&A Instruments, a Combination Electrode pH sensor by Innovative Sensors, a Polarographic Dissolved Oxygen sensor by YSI, Inc., a Pressure gauge by Keller, a Sound Velocity sensor by Applied Microsystems, Ltd., and a thermistor style Temperature sensor by Applied Microsystems, Ltd. Figure 46 "Smart CTD" Photo courtesy of Dr. Stephen Wood, Florida Institute of Technology The “Smart CTD” will be mounted on the keel in order to supply readings at the sea surface while the vessel is underway or moored. The water depth in the IRL does not 82 require measurements much below the surface. The “Smart CTD” can be used to gather typical oceanographic data such as conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, pH, temperature, and pressure. But, the addition of the fluorometric sensor allows for dye tracing which can be used to determine the dispersion of particles in the water, such as waste that is dumped from large vessels. The dye trace shows how waste dumping is affecting local beaches by determining how fast and how much of the waste is moving toward the shoreline. 5.8.2 SCOUT® The Hydrolab SCOUT® (Figure 47) is a multiprobe device that measures temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and depth [22]. Since SCOUT® performs many of the same measurements as the “Smart CTD” comparisons of the values can be made to further validate the data. Alternatively, either SCOUT® or “Smart CTD” could be attached to a mechanical system to record measurements in deeper water and compare values at the surface to values through the water column. Figure 47 SCOUT® Photo courtesy of Dr. Stephen Wood, Florida Institute of Technology 83 5.9 Bilge Pumps The AMB needs two bilge pumps installed before a full scale deployment is feasible. The bilge pumps need to be located near the bow at the lowest point of the vessel and near the stern to pump water away from the electronics box. These pumps need to include float switches in order to power up only when enough water has entered the hull. Also, the pumps should send the water out of the hull above the waterline at the stern of the buoy. This will prevent water from coming back into the vessel. 84 References [1] National Data Buoy Center. NOAA Marine Observation Backbone. (2005, November). Retrieved July 8, 2007 from [2] Randall, Robert E. Elements of Ocean Engineering, First Edition. New Jersey: The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 1997. [3] Berteaux, H.O. Coastal and Oceanic Buoy Engineering. Woods Hole: Berteaux, 1991. [4] Wood, Stephen, Michelle Rees, Zak Pfeiffer. An Autonomous Self-Mooring Vehicle for Littoral & Coastal Observations. Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL 2007. [5] The American Practical Navigator. Short Range Aids to Navigation. (2007). Retrieved July 11, 2007 from [6] Axys Technologies Inc. NOMAD. Retrieved May 23, 2007, from [7] Pfeiffer, Zak, Michelle Rees, Derek Tepley, and Safia Tappan. AMB Report. Sr. Design Paper, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL, 2007. [8] Moored Buoy Program. (2006, August). Retrieved May 23, 2007, from [9] Offshore Buoy Network. (2006, December). Retrieved May 23, 2007, from 85 [10] Yarosh, M., Vagoun, T., “CoastalObs Tests the Waters in The Chesapeake Bay,” Sea Technology, pp. 27-29, September, 2006. [11] Telesupervised Adaptive Ocean Sensor Fleet. Retrieved May 30, 2007, from [12] Robotic Marine Systems. Products. Retrieved August 15, 2007 from [13] Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Autonomous Marine Sensing Systems. (2007) Retrieved August 15, 2007 from _sensing_systems.html [14] Akzo Nobel. Ultra with Biolux. Retrieved July 2, 2007 from sp?ComponentID=9855&SourcePageID=6631#1 [15] Gillmer, Thomas C., and Johnson, Bruce. Introduction to Naval Architecture. Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press. 1982 [16] Gaythwaite, John W. Design of Marine Facilities for the Berthing, Mooring, and Repair of Vessels. Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2004. [17] Hobibco, Inc. DTXM1075 - 8T Racing ESC with ABS Brakes and Reverse Spec Sheet. Retrieved June 1, 2007 from [18] Davis Instruments Corp. Weather. Retrieved June 5, 2007 from [19] Davis – Marine Mega Light Utility. Mega Light Utility. Retrieved August 16, 2007 from [20] 86 Microbial Life Education Resources. Red Tide – General Collection. (2006) Retrieved August 16, 2007 from [21] Howell, Brian. Evaluation of Neural Networks for Data Classification, Recognition, and Navigation in the Marine Environment. PhD. Diss, Florida Institute of Technology, 2004. [22] Hydrolab Corporation. SCOUT® Operating Manual and Performance Manual. Austin, TX: Hydrolab Corporation. 1988. [23] USGlobalSat Incorporated. MR-350 WAAS Enabled Water Proof GPS Receiver. (2007) Retrieved July 25, 2007 from [24] Advanced Orientation Systems, Inc. EZ-Compass 3/Magnetometer rev-2. Retrieved August 16, 2007 from 87 Appendix A – Timeline of the AMB January 2006 Initial hull design drawings in ProE completed by the AMB Senior Design Team March 2006 Hull completely characterized using ProSurf by the AMB team May 2006 Adam Outlaw begins assisting as a Graduate Student Assistant and the hull is built, tested, and coated June 2006 First sea trial with the remote control system July 2006 Senior Design project complete August 2006 Autonomous implementation begins by Adam Outlaw May 2007 First version of autonomous control system completed by Adam Outlaw and the AMB Senior Design team wins the President’s Award at the Senior Design Showcase July 2007 First version of driver board and anchor board developed by Larry Buist August 2007 Final version of control system completed and tested by Adam Outlaw 88 Appendix B – Buoy Specifications Table 11 Buoy Specs Dry Weight Displacement Length Beam Max. Height with weather station Max. Height without weather station Draft Total Wetted Surface Area Theoretical Hull Speed Design Speed Max. Anchoring Depth 388 lbs (176 kg) 570 lbs (258.5 kg) 7 ft (2.13 m) 3 ft (0.91 m) 7 ft 10.5 in (2.40 m) 2 ft 8.5 in (0.83 m) 13 in 16.5 ft2 (1.53 m2) 6 ft/s (1.83 m/s) 4 ft/s (1.22 m/s) 33 ft (10 m) 89 Appendix C - Pro/Engineer® Renderings Courtesy of AMB team: Zak Pfeiffer, Michelle Rees, Derek Tepley, and Safia Tappan 90 Isometric View Back Isometric View 91 Top View Bottom View 92 Front Panels View Twisted Panels View 93 Bottom Panels View 94 Appendix D - ProSurf® Drawings Courtesy of AMB team: Zak Pfeiffer, Michelle Rees, Derek Tepley, and Safia Tappan Key: Orange lines - Waterlines Blue lines - Station lines Green lines – Actual Hull lines ProSurf® 3D Drawing of Buoy Hull 95 ProSurf® Front View Drawing displaying location of Water and Station lines ProSurf® Bottom View Drawing 96 ProSurf® Side View Drawing 97 Appendix E - Technical Drawings Courtesy of AMB team: Zak Pfeiffer, Michelle Rees, Derek Tepley, and Safia Tappan 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 Appendix F – Motor Control Specifications Table 12 DuraTrax IntelliSpeed 8T Racing Reverse ESC Specs [17] Input power: Operating frequency: BEC: On-Resistance: Max. Constant Current: Max. Peak Current: Acceleration time delay: Motor Turns Limit: Case Size (with heat sink): Weight (with heat sink): 7.2 to 8.4 volts DC (6-7 cells) 1.0 kHz 5.0 volts / 1.0 amp 0.002 ohms 420 amps 1410 amps 0.09, 0.16, and 0.27 seconds no fewer than 8 turns 1.48 x 1.34 x 0.57” (42 x 38 x 16 mm) 2.54 oz. (72 g) 112 Appendix G – MR-350 GPS Specifications Table 13 Specifications of MR-350 [23] GPS Chipset SiRF Star III Frequency L1, 1575.42 MHz C/A code 1.023 MHz chip rate Channels 20 channel all-in-view tracking Sensitivity -159 dBm Antenna Active patch antenna Accuracy Position 10 meters, 2D RMS (WAAS off) ~3 meters, 2D RMS (WAAS on) Velocity 0.1 m/sec 95% (SA off) Time 1micro-sec. synch to GPS time Datum Default WGS-84 Acquisition Rate Reacquisition 0.1 sec. average Hot start 8.0 sec. average Warm start 38 sec. average Cold start 42 sec. average Protocol GPS Protocol GPS Output Baud rate Default: NMEA 0183 Secondary: SiRF binary NMEA 0183 V2.2 supports commands: GGA, GSA, GSV, RMC SiRF binary: position, velocity, altitude, status and control 4,800 to 57,600 bps adjustable Dynamic Conditions Altitude 18,000 meters (60,000 feet) max Velocity 515 meters/sec. (1000 knots) max Acceleration Less than 4g Jerk 20m/sec **3 Power Main Power Input 4.5V ~ 6.5V DC input (USB or PS/2) 113 Power Consumption 80mA (Continuous mode) 35mA (Trickle power mode) Dimensions Housing 2-3/8” Dia. x 1” H (exposed housing) Cable Length 180” (terminates to PS/2) Environmental Operating Temp -40°C~ 85°C (-40°F~ 185°F) Storage Temp -45°C~ 100°C (-49°F~ 212°F) Humidity Certifications: 95% relative humidity FCC / CE / IPx7 114 Appendix H – Energy Budget Table 14 Energy Budget Batteries Recharging Typical Distance Between Way Points Time to Travel Between Way Points Amp-hours used to travel design distance Amps used by motors during transect Amps used by winch Instrumentation usage Average Charge Time per day Average charge supplied from solar panels Total Amps replaced to batteries each day 3 (50 Amp-hr) Deep Cycle Gel 2 (30 watt) solar panels 2 miles (10,560 ft, 3,219 m) 46 minutes 24 Amp-hours 28.32 amps total (14.16 amps each) (44 minutes) 30 amps (2 minutes) 2 amps (all the time) 8 hours 1.3 Amps per hour each (3.6 amps per hour) 57.6 Amps 115 Appendix I – Exported Weatherlink Data Table 15 Lab test results of Weatherlink 4.04 on May 31, 2007 Out Date Time Wind Hi Low THI Temp Chill Temp Temp Out Dew Wind Wind In In Archive Hum Point Speed Hi Dir Barometer Temp Hum Period 5/31/2007 12:00 AM 78.2 78.3 78.3 78.4 78.1 52 59.2 0 0 --- 30.492 74.4 65 15 5/31/2007 12:15 AM 78.3 78 78 78.1 77.9 53 59.5 0 0 --- 30.481 74.3 67 15 5/31/2007 12:30 AM 78.3 77.9 77.9 78.1 77.9 53 59.4 0 0 --- 30.482 74.5 67 15 5/31/2007 12:45 AM 78.3 78.1 78.1 78.2 78 53 59.6 0 0 --- 30.48 74.6 67 15 5/31/2007 1:00 AM 78.2 78.3 78.3 78.4 78.2 52 59.2 0 0 --- 30.477 74.6 66 15 5/31/2007 1:15 AM 78.2 78.2 78.2 78.4 78.1 52 59.2 0 0 --- 30.472 74.4 65 15 5/31/2007 1:30 AM 78.4 78 78 78.1 77.9 54 60 0 0 --- 30.47 74.3 67 15 5/31/2007 1:45 AM 78.4 78 78 78.1 77.9 54 60 0 0 --- 30.474 74.5 67 15 5/31/2007 2:00 AM 78.4 78.1 78.1 78.2 78 54 60.1 0 0 --- 30.468 74.6 67 15 5/31/2007 2:15 AM 78.3 78.3 78.3 78.4 78.2 53 59.8 0 0 --- 30.469 74.7 67 15 5/31/2007 2:30 AM 78.2 78.4 78.4 78.5 78.2 52 59.3 0 0 --- 30.465 74.5 65 15 5/31/2007 2:45 AM 78.4 78.1 78.1 78.2 78 54 60.1 0 0 --- 30.468 74.4 67 15 5/31/2007 3:00 AM 78.4 78 78 78.1 78 54 60 0 0 --- 30.461 74.5 67 15 5/31/2007 3:15 AM 78.4 78.1 78.1 78.2 78 54 60.1 0 0 --- 30.457 74.6 67 15 5/31/2007 3:30 AM 78.4 78.3 78.3 78.4 78.2 54 60.3 0 0 --- 30.463 74.7 67 15 5/31/2007 3:45 AM 78.2 78.4 78.4 78.4 78.3 52 59.3 0 0 --- 30.456 74.5 65 15 5/31/2007 4:00 AM 78.4 78.1 78.1 78.3 78 54 60.1 0 0 --- 30.456 74.4 67 15 5/31/2007 4:15 AM 78.4 78 78 78 54 60 0 0 --- 30.449 74.5 67 15 5/31/2007 4:30 AM 78.4 78.2 78.2 78.3 78.1 54 60.2 0 0 --- 30.447 74.6 67 15 5/31/2007 4:45 AM 78.4 78.4 78.4 78.4 78.2 54 60.4 0 0 --- 30.448 74.7 67 15 5/31/2007 5:00 AM 78.1 78.4 78.4 78.5 78.3 51 58.8 0 0 --- 30.45 74.5 65 15 5/31/2007 5:15 AM 78.4 78.1 78.1 78.3 78 54 60.1 0 0 --- 30.45 74.4 67 15 5/31/2007 5:30 AM 78.4 78 78 78 54 60 0 0 --- 30.452 74.5 67 15 5/31/2007 5:45 AM 78.4 78.1 78.1 78.2 78 54 60.1 0 0 --- 30.454 74.6 67 15 5/31/2007 6:00 AM 78.4 78.3 78.3 78.4 78.2 54 60.3 0 0 --- 30.457 74.7 67 15 5/31/2007 6:15 AM 78 78.4 78.4 78.5 78.4 50 58.2 0 0 --- 30.461 74.6 64 15 5/31/2007 6:30 AM 78.4 78.2 78.2 78.4 78.1 54 60.2 0 0 --- 30.464 74.4 67 15 5/31/2007 6:45 AM 78.4 78 78 78.1 78 54 60 0 0 --- 30.467 74.5 67 15 5/31/2007 7:00 AM 78.4 78.1 78.1 78.2 78 54 60.1 0 0 --- 30.471 74.6 68 15 5/31/2007 7:15 AM 78.4 78.3 78.3 78.4 78.2 54 60.3 0 0 --- 30.475 74.7 67 15 5/31/2007 7:30 AM 78.1 78.4 78.4 78.5 78.3 51 58.8 0 0 --- 30.478 74.7 65 15 5/31/2007 7:45 AM 78.3 78.3 78.3 78.5 78.1 53 59.8 0 0 --- 30.478 74.4 67 15 5/31/2007 8:00 AM 78.4 78 78 78.1 78 54 60 0 0 --- 30.481 74.5 68 15 5/31/2007 8:15 AM 78.4 78.1 78.1 78.2 78 54 60.1 0 0 --- 30.482 74.6 67 15 5/31/2007 8:30 AM 78.4 78.3 78.3 78.4 78.1 54 60.3 0 0 --- 30.486 74.7 68 15 5/31/2007 8:45 AM 78 78.4 78.5 78.4 50 58.2 0 0 --- 30.493 74.6 64 15 78.4 78.1 78 116 5/31/2007 9:00 AM 78.4 78.3 78.3 78.4 78.1 54 60.3 0 0 --- 30.498 74.4 67 15 5/31/2007 9:15 AM 78.5 78.1 78.1 78.2 78.1 55 60.6 0 0 --- 30.5 74.6 68 15 5/31/2007 9:30 AM 78 78.2 78.3 78.1 50 58.1 0 0 --- 30.506 74.6 64 15 5/31/2007 9:45 AM 78.6 78 78.2 78 77.9 56 61.1 0 0 --- 30.501 74.4 68 15 5/31/2007 10:00 AM 78.4 78.1 78.1 78.2 78 54 60.1 0 0 --- 30.503 74.7 68 15 5/31/2007 10:15 AM 78.2 78.2 78.2 78.3 78 52 59.2 0 0 --- 30.502 74.4 64 15 5/31/2007 10:30 AM 78.7 78 78 77.9 57 61.5 0 0 --- 30.504 74.5 71 15 5/31/2007 10:45 AM 77.9 78.1 78.1 78.2 77.9 49 57.4 0 0 --- 30.507 74.5 61 15 5/31/2007 11:00 AM 78.6 77.7 77.7 77.9 77.7 56 60.8 0 0 --- 30.503 74.2 68 15 5/31/2007 11:15 AM 78.2 77.8 77.8 78 77.7 52 58.8 0 0 --- 30.505 74.7 66 15 5/31/2007 11:30 AM 78.4 77.9 77.9 78 77.8 54 59.9 0 0 --- 30.507 74.5 66 15 5/31/2007 11:45 AM 78.4 77.8 77.8 77.9 77.8 54 59.8 0 0 --- 30.512 74.6 67 15 5/31/2007 12:00 PM 78.3 77.8 77.8 77.9 77.7 53 59.3 0 0 --- 30.509 74.4 66 15 5/31/2007 12:15 PM 78.4 77.8 77.8 77.8 77.7 54 59.8 0 0 --- 30.509 74.5 67 15 5/31/2007 12:30 PM 78.3 77.7 77.7 77.8 77.6 53 59.2 0 0 --- 30.503 74.1 67 15 5/31/2007 12:45 PM 78.3 77.7 77.7 77.8 77.6 53 59.2 0 0 --- 30.501 74.3 66 15 5/31/2007 1:00 PM 78.4 77.7 77.7 77.8 77.6 54 59.7 0 0 --- 30.495 73.9 67 15 5/31/2007 1:15 PM 78.2 77.7 77.7 77.8 77.6 52 58.7 0 0 --- 30.493 74.2 66 15 5/31/2007 1:30 PM 78.4 77.7 77.7 77.8 77.6 54 59.7 0 0 --- 30.484 73.9 66 15 5/31/2007 1:45 PM 78.2 77.5 77.5 77.6 77.5 52 58.5 0 0 --- 30.488 74.1 65 15 5/31/2007 2:00 PM 77 77.4 77.4 77.5 77.3 55 60 0 0 --- 30.484 73.7 68 15 5/31/2007 2:15 PM 77 77.3 77.3 77.3 77.3 51 57.8 0 0 --- 30.488 74 64 15 5/31/2007 2:30 PM 77 77.3 77.3 77.5 77.2 56 60.4 0 0 --- 30.486 73.8 69 15 5/31/2007 2:45 PM 77.9 78.4 78.4 79.5 77.5 49 57.7 0 0 --- 30.48 74.2 65 15 5/31/2007 3:00 PM 80.4 80.3 80.3 81 79.5 52 61.1 0 0 --- 30.479 74.3 68 15 5/31/2007 3:15 PM 82.5 81.7 81.7 82.3 81.1 45 58.3 0 0 --- 30.481 74.6 63 15 5/31/2007 3:30 PM 84.6 82.6 82.6 82.8 82.3 48 60.9 0 0 --- 30.479 73.9 68 15 5/31/2007 3:45 PM 84 83.1 83.1 83.4 82.8 45 59.6 0 0 --- 30.475 74.3 65 15 5/31/2007 4:00 PM 84.4 83.3 83.3 83.4 83.2 47 61 0 0 --- 30.467 73.8 67 15 5/31/2007 4:15 PM 83.8 83.4 83.4 83.5 83.2 44 59.2 0 0 --- 30.467 74.1 66 15 5/31/2007 4:30 PM 84.2 83.3 83.3 83.5 83 46 60.4 0 0 --- 30.459 73.7 67 15 5/31/2007 4:45 PM 84.4 82.9 82.9 83.1 82.8 47 60.6 0 0 --- 30.456 73.9 69 15 5/31/2007 5:00 PM 84 82.6 82.6 82.8 82.3 45 59.1 0 0 --- 30.454 73.6 65 15 5/31/2007 5:15 PM 83 82.2 82.2 82.3 82.1 50 61.7 0 0 --- 30.449 73.8 72 15 5/31/2007 5:30 PM 82.3 82.3 82.3 82.4 82.2 43 57.6 0 0 --- 30.448 73.9 62 15 5/31/2007 5:45 PM 83 82.1 82.1 82.2 82 50 61.6 0 0 --- 30.451 73.7 71 15 5/31/2007 6:00 PM 82.3 82.2 82.2 82.3 82.1 43 57.5 0 0 --- 30.455 74.1 63 15 5/31/2007 6:15 PM 82.9 82 82 82.2 81.8 49 61 0 0 --- 30.451 73.5 70 15 5/31/2007 6:30 PM 83 82 82.2 81.8 50 61.5 0 0 --- 30.455 74.1 71 15 5/31/2007 6:45 PM 82.4 82.3 82.3 82.4 82.1 44 58.2 0 0 --- 30.453 74.1 64 15 5/31/2007 7:00 PM 82.8 82.2 82.2 82.3 82.2 48 60.6 0 0 --- 30.447 74 69 15 5/31/2007 7:15 PM 82.7 82.4 82.4 82.6 82.3 47 60.2 0 0 --- 30.448 74.5 68 15 5/31/2007 7:30 PM 84.2 82.7 82.7 82.7 82.6 46 59.8 0 0 --- 30.443 74.4 66 15 5/31/2007 7:45 PM 84.6 82.6 82.6 82.7 82.6 48 60.9 0 0 --- 30.444 74.4 69 15 5/31/2007 8:00 PM 84.4 82.7 82.7 82.8 82.6 47 60.4 0 0 --- 30.442 74.6 68 15 5/31/2007 8:15 PM 84 82.9 82.9 82.8 45 59.4 0 0 --- 30.444 74.5 65 15 82 82.9 78.2 78 117 5/31/2007 8:30 PM 84.4 82.8 82.8 82.8 82.7 47 60.5 0 0 --- 30.446 74.4 68 15 5/31/2007 8:45 PM 84.4 82.8 82.8 82.9 82.8 47 60.5 0 0 --- 30.45 74.6 68 15 5/31/2007 9:00 PM 83.8 83 83 83.1 82.9 44 58.9 0 0 --- 30.448 74.7 64 15 5/31/2007 9:15 PM 84.4 83 83 83.1 82.9 47 60.7 0 0 --- 30.453 74.4 68 15 5/31/2007 9:30 PM 84.4 82.9 82.9 82.9 82.8 47 60.6 0 0 --- 30.455 74.6 68 15 5/31/2007 9:45 PM 84.4 83 83 83.1 82.9 47 60.7 0 0 --- 30.46 74.8 68 15 5/31/2007 10:00 PM 83.8 83.1 83.1 83.2 83.1 44 59 0 0 --- 30.466 74.7 64 15 5/31/2007 10:15 PM 84.4 83 83 83.1 83 47 60.7 0 0 --- 30.466 74.5 68 15 5/31/2007 10:30 PM 84.4 83 83 83.1 83 47 60.7 0 0 --- 30.473 74.7 68 15 5/31/2007 10:45 PM 84.4 83.1 83.1 83.2 83 47 60.8 0 0 --- 30.475 74.9 68 15 5/31/2007 11:00 PM 83.8 83.2 83.2 83.3 83.2 44 59 0 0 --- 30.477 74.8 64 15 5/31/2007 11:15 PM 84.4 83.1 83.1 83.2 83 47 60.8 0 0 --- 30.474 74.6 67 15 5/31/2007 11:30 PM 84.4 83.1 83.1 83.2 83 47 60.8 0 0 --- 30.478 74.7 67 15 5/31/2007 11:45 PM 84.4 83.2 83.2 83.2 83.1 47 60.9 0 0 --- 30.471 74.9 67 15 118 Appendix J – LabVIEW® VI Control System Figure 48 Front Panel 119 Figure 49 Sequence 0 Block Diagram Anchor "down" off Figure 50 Sequence 1 Block Diagram Anchor “up” off Figure 51 Sequence 2 Block Diagram Motors off 120 Figure 52 Sequence 3 Block Diagram Control System 121 Figure 53 GPS SubVI Front Panel 122 Figure 54 GPS SubVI Block Diagram 123 Figure 55 Compass SubVI Front Panel Figure 56 Compass SubVI Block Diagram 124 Appendix K – Motor Control PIC Code '***************Driver board serial interface*************** '***** "DBIntf" ****** ' See Larry Buist - <[email protected]> for detailed info ' Copyright Larry Buist for UTL TRISB=%00000000 ' all outputs TRISC=%00000001 ' MSB= input spd1 VAR BYTE spd2 VAR BYTE Slct VAR BIT WR VAR BIT X VAR BIT High PORTC.0 ' green High PORTC.1 wr=1 start: Low PORTC.1 'Red SerIn2 PORTC.7,84, [wait ("*"),DEC3 spd1,DEC3 spd2] Low PORTC.0 'Grn LED ON PORTB=spd1 Pause 10 PORTC.4= 1 'dac select Pause 10 PORTC.5=0 ' pin 16 Pause 10 PORTC.5=1 PORTB= spd2 Pause 10 PORTC.4=0 Pause 10 PORTC.5=0 ' pin 16 Pause 10 PORTC.5=1 High PORTC.0 ' green High PORTC.1 GoTo start 125 Appendix L – GPS Raw Data $GPGGA,011703.000,2803.9184,N,08037.2971,W,1,05,1.8,31.0,M,-30.8,M,,0000*5E $GPGSA,A,3,08,27,17,28,20,,,,,,,,3.9,1.8,3.4*35 $GPRMC,011703.000,A,2803.9184,N,08037.2971,W,0.06,91.35,170807,,*28 $GPGGA,011704.000,2803.9184,N,08037.2974,W,1,05,1.8,30.0,M,-30.8,M,,0000*5D $GPGSA,A,3,08,27,17,28,20,,,,,,,,3.9,1.8,3.4*35 $GPGSV,3,1,10,28,73,043,29,17,54,326,33,08,37,190,44,04,37,216,24*7F $GPGSV,3,2,10,20,28,092,38,11,25,045,33,27,17,177,40,02,04,219,23*7C $GPGSV,3,3,10,25,01,165,24,09,00,325,*77 $GPRMC,011704.000,A,2803.9184,N,08037.2974,W,0.40,173.70,170807,,*14 $GPGGA,011705.000,2803.9186,N,08037.2977,W,1,05,1.8,28.7,M,-30.8,M,,0000*53 $GPGSA,A,3,08,27,17,28,20,,,,,,,,3.9,1.8,3.4*35 $GPRMC,011705.000,A,2803.9186,N,08037.2977,W,0.76,281.96,170807,,*17 $GPGGA,011706.000,2803.9189,N,08037.2979,W,1,05,1.8,27.3,M,-30.8,M,,0000*5A $GPGSA,A,3,08,27,17,28,20,,,,,,,,3.9,1.8,3.4*35 $GPRMC,011706.000,A,2803.9189,N,08037.2979,W,1.00,48.70,170807,,*2A $GPGGA,011707.000,2803.9190,N,08037.2981,W,1,05,1.8,26.2,M,-30.8,M,,0000*54 $GPGSA,A,3,08,27,17,28,20,,,,,,,,3.9,1.8,3.4*35 $GPRMC,011707.000,A,2803.9190,N,08037.2981,W,0.93,235.04,170807,,*14 $GPGGA,011708.000,2803.9194,N,08037.2988,W,1,05,1.8,23.7,M,-30.8,M,,0000*56 $GPGSA,A,3,08,27,17,28,20,,,,,,,,3.9,1.8,3.4*35 $GPRMC,011708.000,A,2803.9194,N,08037.2988,W,0.23,227.51,170807,,*1E $GPGGA,011709.000,2803.9199,N,08037.2994,W,1,05,1.8,20.6,M,-30.8,M,,0000*55 $GPGSA,A,3,08,27,17,28,20,,,,,,,,3.9,1.8,3.4*35 $GPGSV,3,1,11,28,73,043,39,17,54,326,37,04,37,216,30,08,37,190,45*7F $GPGSV,3,2,11,20,28,092,36,11,25,045,33,27,17,177,42,02,04,219,20*72 $GPGSV,3,3,11,25,01,165,21,09,00,325,,48,24,250,27*4B $GPRMC,011709.000,A,2803.9199,N,08037.2994,W,0.24,289.01,170807,,*19 $GPGGA,011710.000,2803.9203,N,08037.3000,W,1,05,1.8,17.9,M,-30.8,M,,0000*53 $GPGSA,A,3,08,27,17,28,20,,,,,,,,3.9,1.8,3.4*35 $GPRMC,011710.000,A,2803.9203,N,08037.3000,W,0.15,296.87,170807,,*16 $GPGGA,011711.000,2803.9205,N,08037.3001,W,1,05,1.8,17.4,M,-30.8,M,,0000*58 $GPGSA,A,3,08,27,17,28,20,,,,,,,,3.9,1.8,3.4*35 $GPRMC,011711.000,A,2803.9205,N,08037.3001,W,0.08,40.03,170807,,*29 $GPGGA,011712.000,2803.9208,N,08037.3003,W,1,05,1.8,16.8,M,-30.8,M,,0000*59 $GPGSA,A,3,08,27,17,28,20,,,,,,,,3.9,1.8,3.4*35 $GPRMC,011712.000,A,2803.9208,N,08037.3003,W,0.45,300.32,170807,,*19 $GPGGA,011713.000,2803.9211,N,08037.3005,W,1,05,1.8,15.6,M,-30.8,M,,0000*5B $GPGSA,A,3,08,27,17,28,20,,,,,,,,3.9,1.8,3.4*35 $GPRMC,011713.000,A,2803.9211,N,08037.3005,W,0.33,90.08,170807,,*24 $GPGGA,011714.000,2803.9212,N,08037.3006,W,1,05,1.8,15.0,M,-30.8,M,,0000*5A $GPGSA,A,3,08,27,17,28,20,,,,,,,,3.9,1.8,3.4*35 126 Appendix M – EZ-Compass 3 Specifications Table 16 EZ-Compass 3 Specs [24] Parameter Azimuth Range Specification 0--360 Units/description deg, continuous Azimuth Resolution 12 (0.08) bit (deg) Azimuth Repeatability < 0.25 deg, typical horizontal Azimuth Accuracy < 0.5 deg, typical horizontal Magnetic Field +-2 Gauss typical Magnetic Resolution <1 mGauss typical Pitch Range +70 to -70 arcdeg linear Roll Range +70 to -70 arcdeg linear Pitch Range +80 to -80 arcdeg near-linear Roll Range +80 to -80 arcdeg near-linear Tilt Resolution 12 bit full scale, both axis Tilt Repeatability <2 bits Temperature -40 to +85 deg C Communication 300--38400 baud,8,N,1 RS-232 and RS-422 standards Supply 5 +-1% Vdc well regulated Size 2"W x 2.5"L x 1.0"H PCB Board NMEA-0183 mode 5 select modes 1999 Revision 127 Appendix N – Original Anchor Control PIC Code ' PIC program for---- Anchor control circuit "Adam1" ' See Larry Buist - <[email protected]> for detailed info ' Copywrite Larry Buist for UTL TRISC = 0 ' Set portC to all outputs TRISB = 255 ' Set portB to all inputs T VAR BIT ' microSW X VAR BYTE ' down signal Y VAR BYTE ' hall effect pulse Z VAR BYTE ' accumulator W VAR BIT ' up signal dwncnt VAR WORD upcnt VAR WORD Low PORTC.0 ' disengage up motor Low PORTC.1 ' disengage down motor Low PORTC.2 ' disengage bypass (not used) Loop1: ' monitor LabView signals Up or Down - wait for high Low PORTC.5 ' clear down signal w=PORTB.7 IF w=1 Then down x= PORTB.6 IF x=1 Then up GoTo loop1 Down: High PORTC.1 ' engage down motor loop2: Y=PORTB.5 ' check hall effect output IF y=1 Then ' If hall effect high then accumulate count and leave loop dwncnt=1 GoTo loop3 EndIF z=z+1 ' start accumulating if hall effect stays low IF z> 5000 Then ' hall effect low for 5000 counts - motor stopped - leave loop Low PORTC.1 ' disengage down motor z=0 ' clr accumulator GoTo loop1 ' no more hall effect count EndIF t= PORTB.4 IF t=0 Then z=0 High PORTC.5 ' anchor down signal to LabView 128 GoTo loop1 EndIF GoTo loop2 ' continue in down anchor mode loop3: ' look for the hall effect to go low again w=PORTB.5 IF w=0 Then GoTo loop2 ' if low repeat hall effect count GoTo loop3 Up: High PORTC.0 ' engage up motor loop4: Y=PORTB.5 ' check hall effect output IF y=1 Then ' If hall effect high then accumulate count and leave loop upcnt=1 GoTo loop5 EndIF z=z+1 ' start accumulating if hall effect stays low IF z> 5000 Then ' hall effect low for 5000 counts - motor stopped - leave loop Low PORTC.0 ' disengage up motor z=0 ' clr accumulator GoTo loop1 ' no more hall effect count - return to LabView signal monitor loop EndIF IF upcnt=>dwncnt Then ' upcount and downcnt match - anchor is up High PORTC.5 ' anchor down signal to LabView Low PORTC.0 ' disengage up motor upcnt=0:dwncnt=0 GoTo loop1 ' return to LabView signal monitor loop EndIF GoTo loop4 ' continue in down anchor mode loop5: ' look for the hall effect to go low again w=PORTB.5 IF w=0 Then GoTo loop4 ' if low repeat hall effect count GoTo loop5 129 Appendix O – Updated Anchor Control PIC Code ' PIC program for---- Anchor control circuit "anchor3" ' See Larry Buist - <[email protected]> for detailed info ' Copyright Larry Buist for UTL TRISC = 0 ' Set portC to all outputs TRISB = 255 ' Set portB to all inputs X VAR BYTE ' down signal W VAR BIT ' up signal Low PORTC.0 ' disengage up motor Low PORTC.1 ' disengage down motor Low PORTC.2 ' disengage bypass (not used) Loop1: ' monitor LabView signals Up or Down - wait for high w=PORTB.7 ' pin 28 x=PORTB.6 ' pin 27 IF w=1 AND x=0 Then down IF x=1 AND w=0 Then up GoTo loop1 up: Low PORTC.1 High PORTC.0 GoTo loop1 down: Low PORTC.0 High PORTC.1 GoTo loop1
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