CMCO 140-year Anniversary Book
CMCO 140-year Anniversary Book
Linked with History 140 years OF COLUMBUS MCKINNON Linked with History 140 years OF COLUMBUS MCKINNON Contents 01 || introduction 03 || 0 4 || a l e t t e r f r o m t i m o t h y t. t e v e n s r e b u i l d i n g a n a t i o n — 1875–1899 1 4 || a n e w c e n t u r y o f e n t e r p r i s e — 1900–1913 24 || t h e w a r a n d t h e r o a r — 1914–1928 34 || n a v i g a t i n g t h e c r a s h — 1929–1938 4 4 || a l l i a n c e s a n d o p p o r t u n i t i e s — 1939–1954 5 4 || r a c e t o t h e t o p — 1955–1979 6 4 || b r e a k i n g d o w n b a r r i e r s — 1980–1999 74 || 8 8 || o u r fa m i ly o f b r a n d s 90 || our global presence m o r e c o n n e c t e d t h a n e v e r — 2000–2015 As the world has changed, so has Columbus McKinnon. On its own, a single chain link is only a piece of metal. But united and reinforced with others, that link becomes part of something much stronger and more resilient. Such is the Columbus McKinnon story. Our 140 years is comprised of an eclectic mix of people, places, companies and historical events. From our humble beginnings as saddlery, chain and hoist craftsmen, we’ve grown to become a global leader in material handling for a wide range of industries. As the world has changed, so has Columbus McKinnon. And in our own small way, we’ve also changed the world. As you turn these pages, we invite you to join us in our impressive journey through history. 1 “We’ve strengthened our link with history through innovation.” In business, there are many measures of success. But few are as impressive as longevity. So it is with great pride that Columbus McKinnon celebrates its 140th anniversary. This milestone is a testament to our hardworking Associates —past and present—as well as our loyal Channel Partners and end users around the world. When you consider how much the world has changed since 1875, this achievement becomes especially notable. The roots of our Company predate the telephone, the automobile and even 13 states in the U.S. Through the decades, we’ve adapted our business to keep pace with the evolving needs of our customers. In addition, we’ve strengthened our link with history through innovations such as the Weston Screw Load Brake, the first alloy chain, the first mechanical chain coupling link, the first worm gear actuator business and the list goes on. Today, we’re building upon our legacy with the introduction of exciting new products, including the world’s first HMI-certified ratchet lever hoist and CM® Smart ID™ radio frequency identification technology. As we commemorate this landmark event, it’s important to not only reflect on our past, but also envision the future. Times will change, but we will not deviate from our mission to provide the safest, most productive material handing solutions available. Thank you for supporting Columbus McKinnon. We look forward to another 140 years of making history. TIMOTHY T. TEVENS PRES ID EN T & CEO C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N C O R P O R AT I O N 3 1875-1899 Rebuilding a Nation amid rapid industrialization, the early ancestors of Columbus McKinnon establish a formidable presence in the Gilded Age. 4 5 1875 YA L E & T OW N E M A N U FAC T U R I N G C O . AC Q U I R E S THE PATENT RIGHT S TO THE WES TON DIFFERENTIAL P U L L E Y B LO C K A N D S TA R T S T H E P RO D U C T I O N OF YALE ® HOIS T S. 1875 E.Y. MOORE AND SAMUEL MOORE FO R M T H E M O O R E M A N U FAC T U R I N G C O M PA N Y O F C H I CAG O . as the dust settled on the civil war and reconstruction, the United States began the long process of mending political and racial divisions. However, there was one area that flourished during this time of uncertainty — industry. Sparked by the Industrial Revolution making its way across the Atlantic Ocean, American manufacturing surged. Between 1870 and the end of the century, the number of manufacturing workers doubled. By 1890, America had surpassed England as the world leader of steel manufacturing. Thanks to newly built railroads, people and goods swiftly ventured coast to coast. As industry soared, so too did city skylines, as evidenced by the rise of skyscrapers in major metropolises such as Chicago and New York. At the same time the United States was undergoing a literal and figurative rebuilding process, the foundation of Columbus McKinnon was also being established. Our story doesn’t begin with a single founder or definitive commencement. Rather, we trace our roots back to numerous individuals with various backgrounds and ambitions. While each followed a unique path, their contributions eventually converged to help form the company we know today. 6 1877 ALFRED E. BOX CRANE AND HOIS T CORPORATION IS FOUNDED IN PHIL ADELPHIA , PENNSYLVANIA . 1877 YA L E & T OW N E M A N U FAC T U R I N G C O. DEBUTS THE FIRST SPUR-GEARED H A N D C H A I N H O I S T, I N C O R P O R AT I N G THE WES TON SCREW LOAD BRAKE. l .e . m c kin non Born in Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada, Lachlan Ebenezer (L.E.) McKinnon would go on to contribute more than just his name to our current company. He began his career as a hardware clerk — eventually becoming a founding partner of McKinnon and Mitchell Hardware, which led to the McKinnon Dash Company and then Columbus McKinnon. At its peak, his company was one of the largest — if not the preeminent — manufacturer of wagon and saddlery hardware in the world. McKinnon was also an important contributor to the company’s international expansion. 7 1878 MC KINNON AND MITC HELL HARDWARE OPENS IT S DOORS IN S T. CATHARINES, ONTARIO, CANADA , TO BUYERS OF SADDLERY AND WAGON HARDWARE. WAGON GEARS AND THE PATENTED ADJUS TABLE DASH ARE MANUFACTURED IN A SMALL, FOUR-MAN WORKSHOP IN THE REAR O F T H E S TO R E . L AC HL A N E B E N E Z E R M C K I N N O N B E C O M E S T H E S TO R E OW N E R A N D B U S I N E S S PAR T N E R . 8 1879 BERNHARD KOZLOWSKI FOUNDS S TAHLHAMMER BOMMERN ON THE SITE OF THE BOMMERNBANK COAL MINE IN THE TOWN OF BOMMERN , GERMANY. 1880 H . S . M A N N I N G A N D C O M PA N Y, E S TA B L I S H E D I N 1 871 , C H A N G E S I T S N A M E T O M A N N I N G , MAXWELL & MOORE INC. AND BECOMES THE EXCLUSIVE SALES AGENT FOR THE SHAW E L E C T R I C C R A N E C O M PA N Y. e .y. m oore A prolific inventor and progressive entrepreneur, E.Y. Moore is considered one of the founding fathers of Columbus McKinnon. Between 1876 and 1926, Moore registered nearly 100 patents. Initially, he was focused on new designs for sliding and hanging doors used on railroad freight cars, but in the late 1880s, his inventions moved increasingly toward the development of hoists, trolleys and cranes — an integral part of the Columbus McKinnon we know today. Moore’s business journey included stops in Chicago, Illinois; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Cleveland, Ohio. In its 1898 catalog, the Chisholm and Moore Manufacturing Company featured elevator and baggage car door hangers, trolleys, cranes and Moore’s anti-friction differential chain pulley block. In 1899, the company expanded its offering to include the Moore Electric Hoist with capacities up to 15 tons and, one year later, it added pneumatic drills, two-speed cranes, pickets and rail joints. In 1928, Chisholm and Moore Manufacturing would be acquired by the Columbus McKinnon Chain Company. 9 1887 T H E M C K I N N O N DA S H A N D H A R DWA R E C O M PA N Y G O E S I N T E R N AT I O N A L W I T H T H E C R E AT I O N O F A BUFFALO, NEW YORK, SUBSIDIARY CALLED T H E M C K I N N O N DA S H C O M PA N Y. T H I S C O M PA N Y B R A N C H E S O U T I N T O T H E M A N U FAC T U R I N G OF A VARIET Y OF PRODUCT S THAT MADE USE O F M E TA L , I N C LU D I N G S U S P E N D E R B U C K L E S , BICYCLES AND C HAINS. 1883 T H E D U F F M A N U FAC T U R I N G C O M PA N Y I S FO R M E D I N P I T T S B U RG H , PENNSYLVANIA , BY JOSIAH BARRET, A RIVER BOAT CAPTAIN , AND SA M U E L D U F F, A M AC H I N E S H O P OW N E R . T H E C O M PA N Y S TA R T E D BY BUILDING JAC KS TO PULL RIVER BARGES TOGETHER AND WOULD EVENTUALLY PIONEER THE MODERN-DAY SCREW JAC K. KNOWN TODAY AS DUFF -NORTON AND LOCATED IN C HARLOTTE, N O R T H CARO L I N A , T H E C O M PA N Y I S O N E O F T H E WO R L D ’ S L ARGES T MANUFACTURERS OF MOTION TEC HNOLOGY PRODUCT S. 10 1887 MC KINNON AND MITC HELL HARDWARE I S R E N A M E D T H E M C K I N N O N DA S H A N D H A R DWA R E C O M PA N Y. S H O R T LY T H E R E A F T E R , T H E C O M PA N Y A D D S A F U L L L I N E O F SA D D L E RY, I N C LU D I N G A L L T H E VA R I O U S C O M P O N E N T S O F A HORSE’S HARNESS. 1888 alton j. shaw builds a three -motor e le c t ric cr ane. Shaw, a draftsman and later a master mechanic with the Edwin P. Allis Company, noted that early crane units were difficult to operate and costly due to frequent shut downs for repairs. Shaw felt that if each movement of the crane, including the hoist, trolley and bridge, could be actuated by its own reversible electric motor, a simpler and more efficient crane could be built. His invention was not only successful, but attracted the attention of many other manufacturers, including Williams Engine Works and the Union Pacific Railroad shops in Cheyenne, Wyoming. 11 early years of the yale locke ma nu fac tu r ing c om pa n y Though not a part of the Columbus McKinnon family until 1996, Yale Hoists celebrates its own rich tradition. Established in 1868 as the Yale Locke Manufacturing Company by Linus Yale Jr. and Henry R. Towne, the company called Stamford, Connecticut, its home. Unfortunately, Yale passed away soon after, at which point the company was renamed Yale & Towne Manufacturing Company. thomas weston A renowned British mechanical engineer, Thomas Weston left an indelible mark on Yale’s success. Before joining the company, Weston invented the Differential Pulley Block — the first engineered hoist. As a Yale employee, his screw load brake led to the development of the first spur-geared hand chain hoist. The Weston-style brake is still used today in nearly all manual hoists and many electric hoists, ranging from the CM Bandit ratchet lever hoist to the Coffing® EC electric chain hoist. 12 1890 ALTON J. SHAW AND JOHN EMERY, JR. FO R M T H E S H AW E L E C T R I C C R A N E C O M PA N Y AND MOVE OPERATIONS FROM MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN , TO MUSKEGON , MIC HIG AN . 1898 M O O R E M A N U FAC T U R I N G C O M PA N Y I S R E N A M E D T H E C H I S H O L M A N D M O O R E M A N U FAC T U R I N G C O M PA N Y, I N C O R P O R AT I N G T H E N A M E S O F B O T H S . H . C H I S H O L M , T H E C O M PA N Y ’ S P R E S I D E N T, A N D V I C E P R E S I D E N T, E . Y. M O O R E . 1893 S H AW E L E C T R I C C R A N E C O M PA N Y DE VELOPS THE FIRS T ELECTRIC HOIS T. 1898 T H E C H I S H O L M A N D M O O R E M A N U FAC T U R I N G C O M PA N Y I S AWA R D E D T H E G O L D M E DA L FO R C H A I N H O I S T S A N D D O O R H A N G E R S BY T H E T R A N S - M I S S I S S I P P I I N T E R N AT I O N A L E X P O S I T I O N . 13 1900-1913 A New Century of Enterprise during an era defined by innovation, unbridled ingenuity propels our company forward. 14 15 1900 JULIUS S TONE’S CAREER I N M A N U FAC T U R I N G B E G I N S I N COLUMBUS, OHIO, AND LEADS TO THE FO R M AT I O N O F T H E S E AG R AV E C O M PA N Y, A MAKER OF MOTORIZED FIRE ENGINES. the dawn of the 20 th century brought renewed hope to a burgeoning country. Unfortunately, such optimism was interrupted by President McKinley’s assassination at the 1901 Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York — less than 10 miles from Columbus McKinnon’s current headquarters. From national tragedy rose Theodore Roosevelt, one of America’s most iconic figures. Following his confident, adventurous lead, innovative thinkers pushed the boundaries of engineering, from the Wright Brothers’ first flight to Henry Ford’s Model T automobile. Meanwhile in Central America, the United States took over construction and prepared for the grand opening of the Panama Canal. Innovation was also a common theme for Columbus McKinnon’s predecessors in the early 1900s. New initiatives, novel products and original processes ignited rapid growth and positioned the company to successfully evolve in an ever-changing world. 16 1900 ar ou n d t h e t u r n o f t h e ce n t u ry, the Columbus Chain Company is established in Columbus, Ohio, by employees of the Hayden Iron Company. Dating back to 1825 as a producer of harness hardware, Hayden was among the first 1902 A YO U N G E N G I N E E R N A M E D AUGUS T PFAFF PURC HASES GOTTFRIED SC HOBER. PFAFF REES TABLISHES T H E O R I G I N A L N A M E O F W I N D E N FA B R I K GOTTFRIED SC HOBER AND REFOCUSES THE BUSINESS ON MASS PRODUCTION . domestic suppliers of chain to compete with English manufacturers. Columbus Chain Company continued the tradition of excellence. Their famous Hercules Solid Weld Steam Shovel Chain earned the distinction as “the chain that built the Panama Canal.” “The chain that built the Panama Canal.” 17 1904 C HISHOLM AND MOORE INTRODUCES THE CYCLONE ® HIGH-SPEED HOIS T AND AL SO BEGINS PRODUCTION OF TROLLEY HOIS T S AND SHELL TONGS TO HANDLE AMMUNITION ON U.S. NAVAL SHIPS AND TORPEDOES ON SUBMARINES. cyclone A pivotal moment in the company's history occurred in 1904 when Chisholm and Moore introduces the Cyclone high-speed hoist. Touting capacities up to 20 tons, the hoist is designed to be 80% efficient — a rate unheard of at the time. According to the Chisholm and Moore catalog, it was “practicable to gear the [Cyclone] to very high speed, higher than that of any other hoist yet manufactured.” Considered one of the most popular and reliable hand chain hoists ever designed, the Cyclone has endured for well over 100 years and, today, is made in our manufacturing facility in Lisbon, Ohio. 18 1905 1905 ar c hi e m c k i nno n, l.e . mck in non ’s M A N N I N G , M A X W E L L & M O O R E AC Q U I R E S I T S OW N S O U RC E S O F S U P P LY, P U RC H A S I N G T H E A S H C RO F T M A N U FAC T U R I N G C O . , T H E C O N S O L I DAT E D SA F E T Y VALV E C O M PA N Y A N D T H E S H AW E L E C T R I C C R A N E C O M PA N Y, A M O N G O T H E R S . n ep hew, a pp li e s e le c t r ic we ld ing t o the c ha i n - m a k i ng p r o c e ss. Previously, the McKinnon Dash and Hardware Company had only used the technique to assemble dash frames. 1905 S H AW E L E C T R I C C R A N E C O M PA N Y DEVELOPS THE FIRS T ELECTRIC CABLE HOIS T. THE T WO-GEAR REDUCTION D R I V E I S A N I N N OVAT I O N T H AT E N A B L E S FAS T E R A N D M O R E E F F I C I E N T L I F T I N G . The experiment proves successful and partially replaces the old method of fire welding. This chain-making process would remain an important part of McKinnon Chain’s business as it eventually moves away from horse and buggy components and into new markets. Spending his entire career with the company, Archie McKinnon will prove to be a key contributor to its growth. 19 “During 77 years, I have not made less than 800 or 1,000 miles of chain.” — J E T H R O B I L L I N G H A M 1906 YALE INTRODUCES THE YALE MODEL KY — IT S FIRS T WIRE ROPE HOIS T. j e t hro bil l i ngha m Soon after opening its doors in 1900, the Columbus Chain Company hired a man by the name of Jethro Billingham. Raised in England’s “Black Country” during the Industrial Revolution, Billingham was introduced to the craft of chain making at an early age. As part of the family business, his first duties included the grueling task of blowing the bellows of the forge. By the time he arrived in Columbus, Ohio, his refined skills would have a significant impact on Columbus Chain. In fact, the company made fire-welded chain using techniques very similar to those that Billingham had mastered back in England. 20 1907 T H E M C K I N N O N DA S H A N D H A R DWA R E C O M PA N Y, N OW O P E R AT I N G U N D E R T H E N A M E O F M C K I N N O N DASH AND METAL WORKS COMPANY, IS NAMED THE L ARGES T EMPLOYER OF SKILLED L ABOR IN THE NIAG ARA PENINSUL A BY THE BOARD OF TRADE. 1907 YALE & TOWNE MANUFACTURING C O M PA N Y I N T RO D U C E S T H E MODEL 20 HOIS T. 1909 T H E M C K I N N O N C H A I N C O M PA N Y L I M I T E D I S FORMED AS AN INDEPENDENT ORG ANIZATION BY THE MC KINNON DASH AND METAL WORKS COMPANY WITH P L A N T S I N S T. CAT H A R I N E S , O N TA R I O , CAN A DA , A N D T O N AWA N DA , N E W YO R K . 21 22 1911 FRANZ AND CLEMENS SC HNEIDER PURC HASE S TAHLHAMMER BOMMERN AFTER THE DEATH O F T H E C O M PA N Y ’ S FO U N D E R , B E R N H A R D KOZLOWSKI. THE NEW OWNERS INVES T IN THREE N E W S T E A M - P OW E R E D FORG I N G H A M M E R S . 1910 MC KINNON C HAIN PURC HASES THE AUTOMATIC C H A I N C O M PA N Y O F B R I D G E P O R T, C O N N E C T I C U T, A LO N G W I T H I T S PAT E N T FO R T H E C O U LT E R C H A I N - FO R M I N G M AC H I N E . 1911 LIS TER BOLT & C HAIN IS FOUNDED AS A BL AC KSMITH S H O P I N VAN C O U V E R , CAN A DA . 1912 S TAHLHAMMER BOMMERN FORGES IT S FIRS T CRANE HOOK. 23 1914-1928 The War and the Roar as the world engages in combat, Columbus McKinnon fights to overcome internal struggles. 24 25 the world held its collective breath as tensions boiled over in europe. Economic powers collided, including the United States, who joined the conflict three years into “The Great War.” When the fighting finally ceased, treaties were signed, the League of Nations was formed and maps were redrawn — forever changing the global landscape. Following the war, some countries embarked on a long road of recovery while others experienced a sudden rise of prosperity and human achievement. More than flappers and jazz music, the Roaring Twenties witnessed the popularization of the automobile, the invention of the television and, in London, England, the miraculous discovery of penicillin by Alexander Flemming. Columbus McKinnon was not immune to the ups and downs of this period. Ownership would change hands and its location would shift. But by the end of the 1920s, the company would once again be on stable ground and ready for what lies ahead. 26 The paths of Columbus and McKinnon unite. 1917 the columbus chain company and the mcki nnon chain company mer ge to create the Columbus McKinnon Chain Company in the 1915 C HISHOLM MOORE WINS THE HIGHES T AWARD FOR C HAIN HOIS T S AT T H E PAN A M A - PAC I F I C I N T E R N AT I O N A L E X P O S I T I O N I N SA N F R A N C I S C O , CA L I FO R N I A . U.S. and McKinnon Columbus in Canada. At the time, the McKinnon Chain Company had more advanced technology, specifically the production of electric-welded chain, and the Columbus Chain Company possessed a superior knowledge of the American market. 27 1922 a s t he automobi le r i ses i n popular i ty, L.E. McKinnon decides to focus his business exclusively on automobile products, including 1921 THE ALFRED E. BOX CRANE AND HOIS T C O R P O R AT I O N D E V E LO P S T H E F I R S T ELECTRIC PAC KAGE HOIS T. THE LOAD LIFTER ® WOULD BE AN EARLY GENERATION OF TODAY’S SHAW -BOX ® SERIES 700, 800 AND 900 LINE OF WIRE ROPE HOIS T S. differential and transmission gears, rings, axles, windshields and radiators. McKinnon Industries, parent company of the Columbus McKinnon Chain Company, sells the chain portion of the business to Columbus McKinnon and the companies go their separate ways. After McKinnon’s death, McKinnon Industries would eventually be acquired by General Motors of Canada. 28 29 1924 F R E D C O F F I N G O F DA N V I L L E , I L L I N O I S , S TA R T S T H E C O F F I N G H O I S T C O M PA N Y T O MANUFACTURE A RATC HET LEVER DEVICE THAT C O U L D B E U S E D BY U T I L I T Y C O M PA N I E S T O T E N S I O N L I N E S . T O DAY, T H E C O F F I N G B R A N D I S S T I L L K N OW N FO R E C O N O M I CA L , U S E R - F R I E N D LY HAND C HAIN HOIS T S AND LEVER TOOL S FO R M A I N T E N A N C E A N D R E PA I R P RO F E S S I O N A L S . 30 julius stone Julius Stone was a man of many talents and experiences. The son of a German immigrant, Julius was born in 1855. From a family including 14 children and little money for schooling, Julius was mainly self educated. His early career was eclectic, including positions as a telegraph operator, a coal miner, a brakeman and a fireman. Ever an adventurer, Stone made a total of 23 journeys along the Colorado River, including his last at the impressive age of 83. His time in manufacturing began in 1900 when he helped form the Seagrave Company, a motorized fire engine manufacturer in Columbus, Ohio. 1925 J U L I U S S TO N E , A M E M B E R O F C O LU M B U S MC KINNON’S BOARD OF DIRECTORS, P U RC H A S E S T H E C O M PA N Y. Stone was also at the center of a pivotal moment in Columbus McKinnon history. Soon after the split of Columbus and McKinnon interests, the company began to struggle. A member of the Board of Directors, Julius purchased Columbus McKinnon in 1925. One of his first crucial decisions was to phase out the fire-welded chain made in the Columbus, Ohio, facility in favor of the electric-weld technique used in the Tonawanda, New York, plant. With his vision and leadership, Julius Stone made an indelible mark on Columbus McKinnon, positioning the company for growth and success long into the future. 31 1927 ch is h o lm mo o r e’s contributions to the military In the early 1900s, E.Y. Moore and Chisholm Moore designed and produced trolley hoists and shell tongs that were used by the U.S. Navy for handling ship ammunition and submarine torpedoes. In 1916, the company catalog touted, “Chisholm Moore hoist equipment today is used in all parts of the world, under every condition, and is specified by the largest industrial concerns in this country and on the battleships of the U.S. Navy.” 32 T H E S TO N E FA M I LY M OV E S T H E C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N C O M PA N Y H E A D Q UA R T E R S TO TONAWANDA , NEW YORK. 1928 the c hi s h o lm m o o r e c o m pa n y is acquired by columbus mckinnon, allowing the company to manufacture and offer two closely related products — chain and hoists. The merger would help Columbus McKinnon to 1928 D U F F M A N U FAC T U R I N G C O M PA N Y AC Q U I R E S A . O . N O R T O N C O M PA N Y O F M O L I N E , I L L I N O I S , BECOMING DUFF-NORTON CO. better compete with the American Chain Company, which had recently purchased the Ford Chain Block Company and the Wright Hoist Manufacturing Company. 33 1929-1938 Navigating The Crash not even the great depression could slow down Columbus McKinnon’s growth and innovation. 34 35 1929 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N I S I N C O R P O R AT E D A N D R E N A M E D C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N C O R P O R AT I O N . when the great depression hit, the entire country—including columbus mckinnon—felt the effects. Sales slumped and every order was worth celebrating. But neither the country nor company were ready to admit defeat. Franklin D. Roosevelt responded to the economic disaster with redefining programs such as The New Deal, the Works Progress Administration and the Fair Labor Standards Act. Meanwhile, Columbus McKinnon aggressively invested in research and development, which would lead to an array of breakthrough products. Leadership also set their sights on international expansion and venturing into new markets. These actions helped the company avoid catastrophe and, in fact, emerge from the 1930s as strong as ever. 36 1932 manning, maxwell and moore purchases the alfred e. box crane and hoist c o r p o r at i o n o f p h i la de lp h ia . The new acquisition is joined with the Shaw Electric Crane Company under the division name of Shaw-Box Crane and Hoist Company. Shaw was known for the constant refinement and development of heavy-duty industrial cranes, while Alfred E. Box developed the first electric hoist. Made today in Wadesboro, North Carolina, the Shaw-Box line of hoists is still widely used in the material handling industry. 37 1932 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N I N T RO D U C E S A MOTORIZED CYCLONE — IT S FIRS T HAND C H A I N H O I S T U T I L I Z I N G A P OW E R E D T RO L L E Y. th e j o urney to sou th afri ca When word got out that a competitor was considering building a new facility in South Africa, Columbus McKinnon decided to beat them to the punch. The company was already exporting chain to the country for mining and agriculture, so it was a logical destination for Columbus McKinnon’s first international expansion. In 1934, Julius Stone, his son and Archie McKinnon traveled to South Africa to establish the new corporation. One short year later, an American-Canadian team led by Frank Stahl embarked on an ocean voyage to get the new factory up and running. When they arrived, machinery was set up and the work force assembled. On July 4, 1935, the first link of chain was produced and sent to Julius Stone. The new facility would soon manufacture tire chain, ladder chain for gold mines, trek chain for oxen and anchor chain. By 1965, McKinnon Chain (S.A.) Ltd. had several subsidiaries in South Africa. 38 1934 P RO D U C T I O N O F T H E E VA N S CA R LOA D I N G HOIS T REAC HES 200 PER DAY. DEVELOPED BY C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N , T H E S E WO R M - D R I V E N WIRE ROPE HOIS T S COULD LIFT AND TILT FOUR AUTOMOBILES INTO A S TANDARD RAILROA D BOXCAR, PREVENTING DAMAGE TO THE CARS. 39 1935 SHAW - BOX CRANE AND HOIS T COMPANY DEVELOPS THE BUDGIT ® ELECTRIC HOIS T. I T I S T H E WO R L D ’ S F I R S T P O R TA B L E ELECTRIC C HAIN HOIS T AND IS SIMPLE FOR USERS TO HANG UP, PLUG IN AND USE. 1935 F R A N Z S TO N E B E C O M E S P R E S I D E N T O F C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N , B E G I N N I N G A S T U N N I N G 5 0 -Y E A R - P LU S RUN AT THE HELM. 1935 D U F F - N O R T O N D E V E LO P S T H E WO R M G E A R ACTUATOR (SCREW JAC K) — A DEVICE USED TO MOVE OR HOLD AN ITEM IN PL ACE BY M E C H A N I CA L LY C O N V E R T I N G ROTA RY M O T I O N INTO LINEAR MOTION . THIS INVENTION WILL PAVE THE WAY FOR MODERN-DAY SCREW JAC K T E C H N O LO GY. 40 Revolutionizing a stronger, lighter and more temperature-resistant chain. herc-alloy ® c ha i n a rrives i n 1935 Herc-Alloy® chain isn’t just one of our most influential products, it’s also a story of Columbus McKinnon creating an innovative solution for our customers. In the 1930s, the Sullivan Machinery Company in New Hampshire was in need of a chain strong enough for the demands of the coal mining industry. At the same time, steel mills were looking for stronger, lighter and more temperature-resistant chain. In response, Frank Stahl, superintendent at Columbus McKinnon’s chain manufacturing facility in Tonawanda, New York, worked with a metallurgist to develop the first alloy chain. The invention would eventually replace the industry-standard wrought iron chain used for overhead lifting and be the predecessor of today’s Herc-Alloy 800® and Herc-Alloy® 1000 chain, hooks and overhead rigging attachments. 41 42 1936 YA L E B E G I N S M A N U FAC T U R I N G H O I S T S I N V E L B E R T, G E R M A N Y, W I T H P RO D U C T I O N O F T H E WO R L D - R E N OW N E D YA L E P U L - L I F T.® THIS ROBUS T AND RELIABLE TOOL IS S O L D U N T I L 1 974 U N D E R T H E B K S B R A N D . M A N U FAC T U R E D T O DAY I N W U P P E R TA L , GERMANY, PRODUCTION OF THE YALE PUL -LIFT HAS EXCEEDED ONE MILLION UNIT S. 1936 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N D E B U T S T H E CM MODEL P PULLER RATC HET LEVER HOIS T. THIS IS THE FIRS T CM HOIS T TO USE CARBURIZED ALLOY LOAD C HAIN — A LIGHTER AND HARDER LOAD C HAIN THAT MAKES A WHOLE NEW GENERATION OF CM HOIS T S POSSIBLE. THE MODEL P PULLER IS AL SO THE F I R S T TAN G I B L E R E S U LT O F P RO D U C T I N T E R AC T I O N B E T W E E N T H E C O M PA N Y ’ S C HAIN AND HOIS T PRODUCT S. 1938 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N I N T RO D U C E S THE WORLD’S FIRS T SURFACE-HARDENED ALLOY S TEEL HOIS T LOAD C HAIN . 1938 F R A N K LOC K E , A N E N G I N E E R R E C RU I T E D FROM THE KRUPP WORKS IN GERMANY, D E V E LO P S T H E CA B L E K I N G E L E C T R I C W I R E ROPE HOIS T. IT IS THE FIRS T L ARGE-CAPACIT Y E L E C T R I C W I R E RO P E M O N O R A I L H O I S T A N D IS THE PREDECESSOR OF THE MODERN CABLE KING LINE SOLD TODAY. 43 1939-1954 Alliances and Opportunities columbus mckinnon makes an impact on World War II and expands its presence in the market. 44 45 1939 H U M P H R E Y PA R K E R I S N A M E D C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N ’ S F I R S T DIRECTOR OF RESEARC H. for the second time in three decades, the world became divided by conflict. On multiple fronts, the Allied Forces fought to overcome oppression and restore sovereignty. During the most widespread war in history, participating countries devoted substantial personnel and resources to the effort. World War II also reshaped cultural norms and everyday life, from food rationing to women following Rosie the Riveter’s lead by working in factories and shipyards while men were in service. Like many industrial companies, Columbus McKinnon was an active participant in the war effort. Not only did American military branches value the quality and craftsmanship of our products, but the president of our company played an influential role in planning and strategy at the nation’s capital. At the same time, the company made great strides in research and development, as well as forming international partnerships to fuel expansion. Following the war, the United Nations was formed to promote international cooperation. The “Greatest Generation” would continue leaving its mark on history with advancements in technology, science and healthcare. 46 1941 columbus mckinnon launches the me te or®, the first hoist developed through the company’s new independent research and development function. This low-headroom hoist uses steel weldments in place of castings and introduces low-voltage, two-speed push-button control. Accompanying the Meteor is a new powered trolley design with motor-driven geared wheels on one side that allow for field adjustment for beam size. 47 1941 franz stone takes a leave of absence from columbus mckinnon to serve in the Tools Division of the Office of Production Management in Washington, D.C. During World War II, he would also be involved with the Office of Strategic Services and the Foreign Economic Administration. se rv ing th e mi l i tary ’s needs During World War II, Columbus McKinnon produced countless hoists for the United States military, specifically the Air Force. But that wasn’t the only in-demand product. The government was in need of a tie-down chain with a guaranteed ultimate strength of 14,000 lbs. Of all the domestic chain manufacturers, Columbus McKinnon was the only one that was able to rise to the challenge. The special chain was used by both the Navy and Air Force. After the war, Columbus McKinnon was awarded an “E” for excellence in production of war equipment. “We were making so many hand hoists for the Air Force that we thought they might be dropping them instead of bombs.” — J O H N 48 G O O D W I N , V I C E P R E S I D E N T O F F I N A N C E 49 1942 C H E S T E R H O I S T L AU N C H E S THE MODEL 41 SPUR GEAR C HAIN HOIS T. 1942 THE WRIGHT BROTHERS OPEN THE C H E S T E R M A N U FAC T U R I N G C O M PA N Y IN LISBON , OHIO. S TAHLHAMMER BOMMERN IS PART OF THE D I N WO R K I N G G RO U P T H AT I N T RO D U C E S T H E F I R S T I N D U S T RY N O R M S ( D I N 6 87 A N D 6 8 9 ) FOR CRANE HOOKS AND EYE HOOKS — T WO O F T H E C O M PA N Y ’ S P R I M A RY P RO D U C T S . chester manufacturing company The roots of Chester Hoist date back to 1881 when Hugh Wright formed the Wright Hoist Company in Lisbon, Ohio. In 1928, the Wright Hoist Company was sold to the American Chain and Cable Company, today known as ACCO, and later moved to York, Pennsylvania. In 1942, Hugh's grandsons, Charles and William Wright, returned to Lisbon from York and followed their grandfather into the hoist business by starting the Chester Manufacturing Company. 50 1943 1950 already the most efficient electronic hoist on the market, the Load Lifter from Shaw-Box Crane and Hoist Company is completely remodeled and reintroduced as the Series 700 Load Lifter. 1950 SHAW - BOX CRANE AND HOIS T COMPANY DEVELOPS THE BUDGIT ALUMINUM C HAIN B LO C K . E A S I LY P O R TA B L E , T H I S U N I T PROVIDES EXCEPTIONALLY SMOOTH LIFTING AND HIGH STRENGTH. 51 1953 U N I F I E D I N D U S T R I E S I S I N C O R P O R AT E D . 1953 C HES TER HOIS T SET S A NEW S TANDARD FOR LOW -PROFILE HOIS T S WITH THE INTRODUCTION OF THE MODEL 41 T YPE L MANUAL TROLLEY HOIS T. 52 1954 C HES TER HOIS T INTRODUCES THE ZEPHYR S TEEL FRAME HAND C HAIN HOIS T, WHIC H WAS TES TED AND APPROVED TO U.S. MILITARY S P E C I F I CAT I O N M I L - H - 9 0 4 . T H AT SA M E Y E A R , C HES TER HOIS T BEGINS PRODUCTION OF S PA R K - R E S I S TA N T H A N D C H A I N H O I S T S . 53 1955-1979 Race to the Top while international powers take to the skies, Columbus McKinnon builds momentum around the globe. 54 55 1955 T H E D U F F - N O R T O N C O M PA N Y O F PITT SBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA , PURC HASES T H E C O F F I N G H O I S T C O M PA N Y O F DA N V I L L E , I L L I N O I S . A L R E A DY A L E A D I N G PRODUCER OF MEC HANICAL JAC KS, DUFF-NORTON IS ABLE TO ENTER THE HOIS T MARKET. it was an era defined by fierce competition. Amidst the Cold War, the United States and the former USSR vied for supremacy not only by land and sea—but in space. The Soviets led the space race with the launching of the first orbiting satellite, Sputnik, and the United States responded with the first lunar landing by Apollo 11. The post-war economic boom continued, allowing industries and business to reach new heights. Never content with its current position, Columbus McKinnon further pushed the envelope with exciting new products, including the introduction of the ball screw actuator and our flagship hoist — the CM Lodestar®. The company also began the process of improving facilities and acquiring chain, hoist and forging manufacturers across North America, Europe, Africa and Australia. 56 1955 columbus mckinnon introduces the iconic cm lodestar ® electric chain hoist. Developed through meticulous engineering, generations of material handling professionals in both the industrial and entertainment markets rely on the Lodestar for the most demanding and challenging applications. Its legacy continues today as the signature electric chain hoist in Columbus McKinnon’s portfolio. 57 1955 columbus mckinnon introduces the ha mme r l o k ®, the world's first mechanical coupling link. The Hammerlok enables users of chain slings to form slings at the job site, rather than relying on assembly at the factory or service station. Today, the dual-rated CM Hammerlok is used side by side with Herc-Alloy 800 and 1000 chain and rigging attachments in all parts of the world. 58 1958 CA M LO K , O R I G I N A L LY DEEWELD LTD., IS FOUNDED IN ENGLAND. 1959 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N O P E N S I T S NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT AND ENGINEERING CENTER I N T O N AWA N DA , N E W YO R K . 1960 DUFF-NORTON AND COFFING HOISTS MOVE TO C HARLOTTE, N O R T H CA RO L I N A . 1966 D U F F - N O R T O N P U RC H A S E S 17 AC R E S O F L A N D I N WA D E S B O RO , N O R T H CARO L I N A , AND BUILDS A NEW 30,000 SQUARE FOOT P L A N T. A Y E A R L AT E R , C O F F I N G A N D REL ATED HOIS T PRODUCT S MOVE INTO THE NEW FACILIT Y. 1963 EATON CORPORATION MERGES WITH YALE & TOWNE MANUFACTURING. 1964 D R E S S E R I N D U S T R I E S , I N C . P U RC H A S E S M A N N I N G , MAXWELL AND MOORE, INC. AND ALL OF ITS SUBSIDIARIES, INCLUDING THE SHAW -BOX C R A N E A N D H O I S T C O M PA N Y. T H E N A M E I S C HANGED TO DRESSER CRANE, HOIS T & TOWER DIVISION, DRESSER INDUSTRIES, INC. 1966 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N O P E N S A NEW PL ANT IN S T. CATHARINES, ONTARIO, CANADA , TO MANUFACTURE HOIS T S AND C HAIN . international expansion & bill devonshire When the company made a strategic decision to increase exports and pursue international partnerships in the mid 1950s, the man for the job was Bill Devonshire. Previously the head of product development, Bill successfully established distribution networks throughout Europe. By the 1970s, Columbus McKinnon had more than 100 distributors located in over 70 countries. 59 1967 O R I G I N A L LY U S E D I N M A N UA L H O I S T S, C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N I N T RO D U C E S A N E W VERSION OF IT S CASE-HARDENED HOIS TALOY ® C H A I N FO R P OW E R E D H O I S T S . F E AT U R I N G E XC E L L E N T W E A R P RO P E R T I E S A N D I M PAC T S TRENGTH, THE C HAIN IS EMBOSSED WITH A S TA R A N D T H E I N D U S T RY B E G I N S R E F E R R I N G TO IT AS “S TAR GRADE C HAIN .” TODAY, THIS CHAIN IS RECOGNIZED AS THE GOLD S TANDARD OF LOAD C HAIN . 1967 ENDOR, S.A . IS FOUNDED. I T I S T H E F I R S T C O M PA N Y T H AT MARKET S AND ASSEMBLES LOAD L I F T I N G A N D M AT E R I A L H A N D L I N G EQUIPMENT IN MEXICO. 60 1969 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N OPENS A HOIS T FACTORY IN DAMASCUS, VIRGINIA . 1968 DUFF-NORTON BECOMES A PAR T O F A M S TA R . 1969 D U F F - N O R T O N D E V E LO P S T H E FIRS T BALL SCREW ACTUATORS. 1970 LIS TER BOLT & C HAIN OPENS A NEW 60,000 SQ. FT. P L A N T I N R I C H M O N D , B R I T I S H C O LU M B I A , CAN A DA . W I T H T H I S A D D I T I O N , T H E C O M PA N Y E N T E R S THE LINER BOLT MARKET. 1971 1970 DRESSER INDUS TRIES’ CRANE, HOIS T & TOWER DIVISION DEVELOPS THE REDLINE ® TUGIT ® L E V E R - O P E R AT E D H O I S T WITH A BUILT-IN OVERLOAD PROTECTION DEVICE. THIS IS THE FIRS T HOIS T OF IT S KIND PRODUCED IN THE UNITED S TATES. 1970 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N O P E N S A P L A N T IN SARASOTA , FLORIDA , TO MANUFACTURE I T S S P E C I A L C H A I N - M A K I N G E Q U I P M E N T. C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N O P E N S A N E W P L A N T IN LEXINGTON , TENNESSEE, TO MAKE CARBON C H A I N P R I M A R I LY FO R T H E C O N S U M E R M A R K E T A N D T R A N S P O R TAT I O N I N D U S T RY. 1970 D U F F - N O R T O N I N T RO D U C E S I T S ELECTROMEC HANICAL ACTUATOR LINE. h e r b e rt l ad ds In 1971, Herb Ladds joined Columbus McKinnon to lead the sales and marketing department. His keen understanding of customers would serve him well when he was appointed president in 1982. During his tenure, Herb oversaw extraordinary growth and success. Columbus McKinnon was one of the first companies in the industry to form distribution advisory boards, which proved to be an effective vehicle for understanding and communicating with customers. His contributions to the company’s strategic planning, corporate values and total quality management are still evident to this day. Ladds retired from Columbus McKinnon in July of 1998. 61 1974 1972 D U F F - N O R T O N AC Q U I R E S T H E P E R F E C T I N G S E RV VII C E C O M PA N Y A N D , W I T H THE PURC HASE, ADDS ROTARY UNIONS TO IT S P RO D U C T P O R T FO L I O . D U F F - N O R T O N D E V E LO P S THE MINI-HOIS T FOR W.W. G R A I N G E R , T H E E XC LU S I V E DIS TRIBUTOR OF THE PRODUCT. 1972 WINDENFABRIK GOTTFRIED SC HOBER ACQUIRES A NEW PL ANT I N D E RC H I N G , G E R M A N Y, S I T UAT E D E A S T O F AU G S B U RG . T H E N A M E O F T H E C O M PA N Y I S C H A N G E D T O PFAFF -SILBERBL AU HEBEZEUGFABRIK. 1974 UNIFIED INDUS TRIES DEVELOPS PATENT TRAC K PROFILES IN 4, 5 AND 6 INCHES. 1974 IN THE FIRS T OF A SERIES OF ACQUISITIONS, C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N AC Q U I R E S T H E A S S E T S O F A M E R I CA N E N G I N E E R E D P RO D U C T S I N MC KEES ROC KS, PENNSYLVANIA . PRODUCERS O F H E AV Y FORG I N G S FO R T H E S T E E L I N D U S T RY AND ENERGY PRODUCERS, THE NEW DIVISION AL SO MANUFACTURES BOTH RATC HET AND L E V E R -T Y P E LOA D B I N D E R S . 62 1976 1979 DRESSER INDUS TRIES’ CRANE, HOIS T & TOWER DIVISION INTRODUCES THE SHAW -BOX SERIES 900 WIRE ROPE HOIS T TO GIVE THE INDUS TRY THE A DVA N TAG E S O F W I R E RO P E L I F T I N G IN 1/2- AND 1-TON CAPACITIES. 1976 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N AC Q U I R E S M I D L A N D FORG E , I N C . O F CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA . C O F F I N G H O I S T S D E V E LO P S THE EC-1 ELECTRIC C HAIN HOIS T TO REPL ACE THE C O F F I N G J F H O I S T. 1978 COFFING HOISTS INTRODUCES THE WR1 LINE OF WIRE ROPE HOIS T S. 1979 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N ACQUIRES DIXIE INDUS TRIES. 63 1980-1999 Breaking Down Barriers our company expands its place in an ever-shrinking world. 64 65 Seizing opportunities of a globalized economy. 1980 COFFING HOISTS INTRODUCES THE EC3 LINE OF ELECTRIC C HAIN HOIS T S. as globalization accelerated at a rapid pace, goods, people and ideas began to transcend borders with ease. This “flat world” opened the door to new business ventures. The emergence of the modern-day computer ushered in the Age of Information and empowered the dot-com boom (and subsequent bust). With increased media presence and 24-hour news coverage, viewers around the globe could watch cultural movements unfold before their eyes—including the fall of the Berlin wall and the end of apartheid in South Africa. The formation of the European Union and creation of the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) further promoted a more inclusive landscape. Columbus McKinnon seized vast opportunities within this globalized economy. The final two decades of the millennium saw the company introduce a host of new products and technologies, break ground on a new headquarters, open international facilities, make a series of significant acquisitions and welcome a new group of owners. 66 1980 columbus mckinnon acquires the 1981 ho l man pat e nt, which is based on the COLUMBUS MC KINNON BREAKS GROUND O N I T S C O R P O R AT E H E A D Q UA R T E R S IN AMHERS T, NEW YORK. development of a specific cutting and knife technology for tire shredding. This patent would be used in the company’s first successful tire shredding machine, which was tested by Browning Ferris Industries (BFI) for the reduction of whole tires from passenger cars and trucks to 2x2 inch chips 1981 DRESSER INDUS TRIES’ CRANE, HOIS T & TOWER DIVISION DEVELOPS THE BUDGIT SERIES 8000 HAND C HAIN HOIS T. F E AT U R I N G A S TA N DA R D OV E R LOA D D E V I C E , THE PRODUCT WAS THE FIRS T OF IT S KIND TO PROVIDE PROTECTION FROM EXCESSIVE OVERLOADS. 1981 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N S E L L S I T S F I R S T H O I S T T O T H E E N T E R TA I N M E N T INDUS TRY — THE CM-ET LODES TAR ELECTRIC C HAIN MOTOR. to be used as boiler fuel. 67 1982 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N O P E N S A NEW C HAIN PL ANT IN C O B O U RG , O N TA R I O , CAN A DA . 68 1983 EATON SELL S THE YALE HOIS T DIVISION IN THE U.S. TO A PRIVATE GROUP OF INVES TORS. THE COMPANY I S R E N A M E D YA L E I N D U S T R I A L P RO D U C T S , I N C . 1984 WASHINGTON EQUIPMENT COMPANY OPENS IN WASHINGTON , ILLINOIS. 1985 YALE INDUS TRIAL PRODUCT S GMBH I S FO R M E D I N V E L B E R T, G E R M A N Y, AND TAKES OVER THE PRODUCTION AND DIS TRIBUTION OF YALE H O I S T I N G E Q U I P M E N T I N E U RO P E . 1985 1986 to meet customer demand for innovative L I F T-T E C H I N T E R N AT I O N A L P U RC H A S E S THE CRANE AND HOIS T DIVISION OF DRESSER INDUS TRIES. WITH THE ACQUISITION , LIFT-TEC H CEASES PRODUCTION OF CRANES TO FOCUS ON SUPPLYING HOIS T S, END TRUC KS AND OTHER COMPONENT S TO CRANE BUILDERS. material handling equipment, Unified Industries introduces its Enclosed Track Aluminum (ETA) crane and monorail system. This development made Unified the first in the industry to offer 1986 C HES TER HOIS T PRODUCES IT S FIRS T WORM DRIVE WIRE ROPE HOIS T IN LISBON , OHIO. customers an aluminum track system that utilizes light-weight castings and high-impact nylon wheels for unparalleled ease of movement. 1986 A G RO U P O F M A N AG E R S AT C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N P U RC H A S E S T H E C O M PA N Y. T H E B U YO U T I N VO LV E D 1 1 INVES TORS AND WAS PUT TOGETHER BY H E R B E R T P. L A D D S J R . , P R E S I D E N T A N D C E O , AND ROBERT L. MONTGOMERY, JR., VICE PRESIDENT O F F I N A N C E A N D C FO . 69 as part of its expansion strategy, columbus mckinnon has acquired some of the top material handling companies in the world. 1987 YA L E F R A N C E I S ES TABLISHED THROUGH MANUTENTION CONNECTION S.A .R.L., VIERZON . THE FAC I L I T Y I S N A M E D C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N F R A N C E SA R L I N 2 0 0 8 . These new partnerships have allowed the company to complement its strengths and venture into new markets. Year Company Acquired Allows Columbus McKinnon to: 1990 Positech Enter the manipulator market. 1994 Durbin Durco Provide metal stamping capabilities and complementary products. 1994 Conco Manipulators Enhance existing manipulator lines. 1995 Cady Lifters, Inc. Complement its hoist products with custom-design tooling. 1995 Endor Add manufacturing presence and strengthen international market position. 1995 Lift-Tech International Add complementary products to become the leading domestic hoist producer. Brands: Shaw-Box, Chester Hoist, Budgit 1996 Lister Bolt & Chain Strengthen international presence with access to new markets and products. 1996 Yale Industrial Products (Spreckles) Broaden product lines and strengthen international market position. Brands: Duff-Norton, Coffing Hoists, Little Mule® 70 1998 Univeyor Offer material handling design and implementation services for entire facilities. 1998 LICO (AS) Become a full-service designer, fabricator and installer of automated material handling systems. 1998 Abell-Howe Crane Division of Abell-Howe Co. Take advantage of numerous cross-selling opportunities for hoist products and solutions. 1998 Societe D’Exploitation des Raccords Gautier (SERG) Enhance rotary union offering and improve international presence. 1999 Camlok Lifting Clamps Ltd. Become the largest plate clamp manufacturer in Europe with the Tigrip product line. 1999 GL International Establish itself as a significant player in the crane building and service markets. 1999 Washington Equipment Company Extend its crane product line and provide additional engineering capabilities. 1988 C HES TER HOIS T DELIVERS IT S MODEL SLE ELECTRIC LOW -HEADROOM C HAIN HOIS T TO THE MARKET. 1989 D U F F - N O R T O N M E RG E S W I T H YA L E I N D U S T R I A L P RO D U C T S . T H E C O M PA N Y W I L L E V E N T UA L LY B E C O M E K N OW N A S D U F F - N O R T O N C O M PA N Y, I N C . 1989 YALE INDUS TRIAL PRODUCT S GMBH ADDS HYDRAULIC JAC KS AND TOOL S AS WELL AS HOISTING EQUIPMENT TO ITS OFFERING. 1990 CH HES TER HOIS T ADDS THE M MODEL OD SL A PNEUMATIC LOW -HEADROOM -HE AD C HAIN HOIS T TTO O IT I T S P RO D U C T P O R T FO L I O . 71 1991 1996 D U F F - N O R T O N P U RC H A S E S L I T T L E MULE AND MOVES PRODUCTION OF THE PRODUCT S TO WADESBORO, N O R T H CARO L I N A . 1991 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N R E C E I V E S I T S F I R S T E X P O R T O R D E R F RO M TA I WA N . ORDERS FROM THROUGHOUT ASIA , E U RO P E , CAN A DA A N D S O U T H AMERICA WOULD SOON FOLLOW. YALE INDUS TRIAL PRODUCT S (PT Y) LTD. IS FORMED IN DURBAN , SOUTH AFRICA . 1992 YALE ES TABLISHES IT S FIRS T PL ANT IN HANGZHOU, C HINA . IT IS NAMED HANGZHOU LILA LIFTING A N D L A S H I N G C O . , LT D . C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N C O R P O R AT I O N B E C O M E S A P U B L I C LY T R A D E D S TO C K COMPANY UNDER THE TIC KER SYMBOL “ C M C O ” O N T H E N A S DAQ. timothy tevens Timothy T. Tevens first joined Columbus McKinnon as Vice President of Information Services in 1991. Just five years later, he was elected Chief Operating Officer. After helping to guide Columbus McKinnon through a period of rapid expansion, Tevens was elected President and Chief Executive Officer in 1998. Thanks to his leadership, Columbus McKinnon has experienced tremendous international growth, particularly in China, Latin America and Eastern Europe. He has also helped strengthen the company’s position in a variety of markets, including oil and gas, automotive, power generation, heavy manufacturing, mining, construction and entertainment. Outside of Columbus McKinnon, Tim is deeply committed to serving local charities and non-profit organizations. 72 1996 1998 L I F T-T E C H I N T E R N AT I O N A L INTRODUCES NEW SHAW - BOX END TRUC KS. 1997 YALE INDUS TRIAL PRODUCT S ASIA ( T H A I L A N D ) C O . , LT D . I S E S TA B L I S H E D . MEANWHILE, YALE INDUS TRIAL PRODUCT S LTD., U.K. ACQUIRES S TEERMAN E N G I N E E R I N G LT D . , U . K . 1998 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N AC Q U I R E S I T S F I R S T M A N U FAC T U R I N G FAC I L I T I E S I N C H I N A W I T H T H E P U RC H A S E O F YALE INDUS TRIAL PRODUCT S. THE P L A N T S I N C LU D E YA L E ( H A N G Z H O U ) I N D U S T R I A L P RO D U C T S C O . , LT D . AND HANGZHOU LILA LIFTING AND L A S H I N G C O . , LT D . 1998 D E E W E L D , LT D . C H A N G E S IT S NAME TO CAMLOK L I F T I N G C L A M P S LT D . C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N P U RC H A S E S T H E C O M PA N Y A YEAR L ATER. 73 2000-2015 More Connected Than Ever in an increasingly digital world, Columbus McKinnon remains on the leading edge. 74 75 2000 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N I N T RO D U C E S LO D E R A I L — A L I N E O F F R E E S TA N D I N G AND CEILING-MOUNTED WORKS TATION BRIDGE CRANES AND MONORAILS. broadband internet. social media . mobile devices. Never before has communication been so immediate and free flowing. The digital evolution has sparked cultural and even political revolutions. While the world faces new and serious challenges, forward-thinking individuals and businesses are answering the call to advance society—today, and for generations to come. At Columbus McKinnon, we’re dedicated to staying on the forefront of emerging technologies that impact our Channel Partners and end users. Our products and solutions are relied on to improve industrial and public safety, to harness alternative energies that will help reduce environmental impact and to enhance productivity across the globe. No one knows exactly what the next 140 years will bring, but you can be sure Columbus McKinnon will forge ahead with the same ingenuity and resolve that has led us to where we are today. 76 2001 2003 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N C O N S O L I DAT E S L I S T E R FORG I N G O P E R AT I O N S WITH DIXIE INDUS TRIES IN C HATTAN O O G A , T E N N E S S E E . C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N H O N G KON G I S E S TA B L I S H E D . 2003 2001 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N B E G I N S OPERATIONS IN SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL. 2001 YALE INDUS TRIAL PRODUCT S KFT. IS FORMED I N S Z E K É S F E H É RVÁ R , H U N G ARY. PFAFF -SILBERBL AU ACQUIRES ALLTEC ANTRIEBS TEC HNIK IN HEILBRONN , G E R M A N Y S T R E N G T H E N I N G T H E C O M PA N Y ’ S I N VO LV E M E N T I N L I N E A R T E C H N O LO GY. 2001 THE YALE GLOBAL KING AND SHAW -BOX WORLD SERIES ARE I N T RO D U C E D A N D Q U I C K LY B E C O M E THE FL AGSHIP WIRE ROPE HOIS T S IN T H E C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N P O R T FO L I O . 2001 YALE ELÉVACION IBÉRICA S.L. OPENS T WO FACILITIES: ONE IN SEVILL A A N D A N O T H E R I N A C O RU Ñ A , S PA I N . 77 2004 columbus mckinnon develops the cm l i b e r at o r ® to process tires by removing steel wires and shredding the rubber into pieces smaller than one inch. Rubber material from this machine can be used for playgrounds, in rubber applications and as crumb rubber feed stock. The wire derived from the tires is recovered and sold to the steel industry. 78 2004 THE COFFING JL RECEIVES A MAJOR OVERHAUL AND BECOMES TODAY’S WELL -KNOWN JLC HOIS T. 2005 TO HELP CUS TOMERS BETTER MANAGE T H E I R R I G G I N G I N V E N T O RY, C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N D E V E LO P S A L I N E O F D UA L - R AT E D R I G G I N G PRODUCT S FOR USE WITH BOTH GRADE 80 AND GRADE 100 C HAIN AND ATTAC HMENT S. 2007 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N I TA L I A S . R . L . I S E S TA B L I S H E D I N L E G N A N O , I TA LY. 2006 S TAHLHAMMER BOMMERN IS PURC HASED BY DIRK, HENDRIK AND THOMAS BRANDIS. T H E C O M PA N Y ’ S N A M E I S C H A N G E D T O S TAHLHAMMER BOMMERN GMBH (S TB). 2007 D U F F - N O R T O N I N T RO D U C E S THE G-SERIES METRIC ACTUATOR PRODUCT LINE. 79 2008 m or e than 200 cm lodestar and showpro 2008 D U F F - N O R T O N AG R E E S T O A PAR T N E R S H I P WITH TIMOTION TO INTRODUCE A C O M M E RC I A L AC T UATO R P RO D U C T L I N E . 2008 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N L AU N C H E S THE MODEL CPV ELECTRIC C HAIN HOIS T. IT IS THE EUROPEAN C O U N T E R PA R T T O T H E C O M PA N Y ' S I C O N I C C M LO D E S TA R H O I S T. T WO YEARS L ATER, THE CPV MAKES IT S DEBUT IN THE ASIA -PACIFIC MARKET. the 2008 Beijing Olympics. CM electric chain hoists suspend the truss system at the Beijing National Stadium, site of the track and field competition. 2008 YA L E L I F T I N G S O LU T I O N S I N SOUTH AFRICA INTRODUCES THE R E VO LU T I O N A RY YA L E LOC O JAC K. 80 electric chain hoists are used at venues for Our hoists are also used to support the traveling camera rail system at the National Aquatics Center. 2009 THE INDOOR SPORTS ARENA LEIPZIG IN GERMANY USES APPROXIMATELY 70 WORM G E A R S C R E W JAC KS , A P P LY I N G AC T UATO R TEC HNOLOGY FROM PFAFF, TO ENSURE OPTIMAL CONDITIONS IN THE TURNS OF I T S OVA L RU N N I N G T R AC K. 2009 A HIGHLY SENSITIVE RADIO TELESCOPE IN HAWAII IS MOUNTED TO A SYS T E M O F S I X H I G H - P E R FO R M A N C E WORM GEAR SCREW JAC KS FROM C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N ’ S P FA F F BUSINESS. THE WORM GEAR SCREW JAC KS ARE USED TO PRECISELY POSITION THE TELESCOPE TO M E A S U R E C O S M I C M I C ROWAV E S . Year Company Acquired Allows Columbus McKinnon to: 2008 Pfaff Beteiligungs Gmbh (Pfaff-silberblau) Enhance its position in the European market and gain technical engineering expertise. 2011 Yale Lifting Solutions (Pty) Ltd. Expand presence in South Africa. 2014 Unified Industries Complement its hoist portfolio with workstation cranes and light rail lifting systems. 2015 Stahlhammer Bommern (STB) Extend its rigging product portfolio to include heavy-duty crane hooks. 81 2010 DURING SUPER BOWL XXXVIII AT RELIANT S TADIUM IN HOUS TON , TEXAS, CM LODES TAR HOIS T S ARE UTILIZED TO POSITION THE SPECIAL LIGHTING. 2010 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N RU S S I A L LC IS FORMED IN S T. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA. 2010 YA L E L I F T I N G S O LU T I O N S O P E N S I T S N E W SA L E S , T E S T I N G A N D S E RV I C E C E N T E R IN MAG ALIESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA . 2010 TA I P E I R A P I D T R A N S I T C O R P O R AT I O N I N TAIWAN USES A 1 50-TON-CAPACIT Y, E A R T H Q UA K E - R E S I S TA N T, U N D E R - F LO O R L I F T I N G SYS T E M W I T H T U R N TA B L E S F RO M PFAFF -SILBERBL AU TO LIFT IT S TRAINS FO R M A I N T E N A N C E . 82 2011 t he next gener ati on of the i coni c 2011 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N O P E N S E I G H T O F F I C E S I N C H I N A LOCAT E D I N S H A N G H A I , B E I J I N G , H A N G Z H O U , S H E N YA N G , W U H A N , C H E N G D U , G UA N G Z H O U A N D X I ’A N . 2011 intr oduced, equipped with a variety of new features. The redesigned hoist is engineered for PFAFF -SILBERBL AU HEBEZEUGFABRIK AND ALLTEC ANTRIEBS TEC HNIK MERGE UNDER T H E N E W N A M E O F C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N E N G I N E E R E D P RO D U C T S . T H I S SA M E Y E A R , YA L E I N D U S T R I A L P RO D U C T S I N V E L B E R T, G E R M A N Y, C H A N G E S I T S N A M E T O C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N INDUS TRIAL PRODUCT S (CMIP). quieter operation, easier maintenance, enhanced 2011 S TAHLHAMMER BOMMERN CELEBRATES IT S 100TH ANNIVERSARY. 2011 cm lodestar electric chain hoist is safety and higher duty cycles. In 2015, Columbus McKinnon will introduce the highly anticipated two-ton, single-reeved version of the CM Lodestar. UNIFIED INDUS TRIES INTRODUCES AIR TRACTOR DRIVES FOR ENCLOSED TRAC K ALUMINUM AND S TEEL RAIL PROFILES. 83 2011 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N D E V E LO P S T H E CM HURRICANE 360° HAND C HAIN HOIS T. DESIGNED FOR MAXIMUM VERSATILIT Y, THE CM HURRICANE 360° FEATURES A PAT E N T E D H A N D C H A I N C OV E R T H AT ROTAT E S 3 6 0 D E G R E E S , A L LOW I N G OPERATORS TO SAFELY LIFT LOADS F RO M V I R T UA L LY A N Y A N G L E . 2011 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N E X E C U T I V E S AND MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS RING THE OPENING BELL O N T H E N A S DAQ T R A D I N G F LO O R IN NEW YORK CIT Y. 84 2012 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N FO R M S K A L D I R M A E K I P M A N L A R I SAN AY I V E T I CA R E T L I M I T E D S I R K E T I I N I S TA N B U L , T U R K E Y, A S W E L L A S C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N I N D U S T R I A L PRODUCT S ME FZE IN DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. 2012 YA L E L I F T I N G S O LU T I O N S I N T RO D U C E S T H E YA L E R E - R A I L I N G D E V I C E FO R SA F E R R E - R A I L I N G O F LOCOMOTIVES UNDERGROUND. 2012 2012 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N B R I N G GS S TTHE HE SIXTH WHEEL RATC HET TO MARKET. ARKET. IT S PATENTED DESIGN ALLOWS WS USERS TO RAISE AND LOWER TRACTOR OR TRAILER L A N D I N G G E A R U S I N G A N E RG GON ONO OMICALLY M I CA L LY C O R R E C T P O S I T I O N , H E L P I N G TTO O REDUC REDUCE T H E C H A N C E O F I N J U RY. C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N B E G I N S M A N U FAC T U R I N G LO D E K I N G W I R E ROPE HOIS T S WITH CAPACITIES UP TO 60 TONS. “Our company's longevity is a testament to the dedication of our Associates around the world.” — T I M O T H Y T E V E N S , P R E S I D E N T A N D C E O 85 86 2013 D E S I G N E D T O F I T V I R T UA L LY A L L C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N ELECTRIC AND AIR C HAIN HOIS T S, THE CM UNIVERSAL TROLLEY ENTERS THE MARKET. THE INITIAL OFFERING I N C LU D E S P L A I N A N D G E A R E D MODEL S, WITH MOTORIZED UNIT S TO FOLLOW IN 201 5. 2013 2014 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N S E T S UP T WO NEW SALES OFFICES: ONE IN SINGAPORE AND THE OTHER IN PUNE, INDIA . 2014 D U F F - N O R T O N PA R T N E R S WITH PFAFF TO INTRODUCE THE CML A ACTUATOR PRODUCT LINE. 2013 THE CM BANDIT MAKES IT S DEBUT AS THE WORLD’S FIRST HMI-CERTIFIED RATC HET LEVER HOIS T. 2015 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N INTRODUCES CM® S M A R T I D™ R A D I O F R E Q U E N C Y I D E N T I F I CAT I O N TEC HNOLOGY ON IT S CM BANDIT HOIS T AND SELECT SHAC KLES. 2014 C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N E X PA N D S ITS EXTENSIVE RIGGING OFFERING TO INCLUDE A NEW LINE OF CM HEAVY-DUT Y CRANE HOOKS WITH THE ACQUISITION OF S TAHLHAMMER BOMMERN . C O LU M B U S M C K I N N O N C O M P L E T E S A M A J O R E X PA N S I O N A N D R E N OVAT I O N O F I T S T WO M A N U FAC T U R I N G FAC I L I T I E S I N HANGZHOU, CHINA, POSITIONING T H E C O M PA N Y FO R F U R T H E R G ROW TH IN THE ASIAN MARKET. 87 Our Family of Brands from fr r o m cm c m and a nd coffing coffi ng g hoists hoi sts to end endor or an and d p ffa a ffff- silb er blau, Collumbus McKinnon’s family blau, Columbus innovation off brands braands represents quality, qualityy, performance and innovatio on to o customers cusstomers around the wo orld. world. TM 89 Our Global Presence columbus c o lu u mbus mcki mckinnon's nnon' s r rich ich history h i story an and d d e di d iic cati at ion on t to o innova i nnovati a ti on on combine to ensure o our ur place pl lace as the preeminent glob global bal material handling leader leader. r. W ith world-class sales, manufacturing man nufacturing and warehouse With facilities fa acilitties in more than 20 countries, co ountries, we are uniquely positioned in all corners of the map to ensure our products and services are available to our customers anytime, anywhere around the world. Hendrik Ido Ambacht, Netherlands Cobourg, Ontario Chester, UK Prenton, UK Wuppertal, Germany Hamm, Germany Kissing, Germany Newtownabbey, N. Ireland Edmonton, Alberta Chengdu, China Carlow, Ireland Xi’an, China St. Petersburg, Russia Amherst, New York Tonawanda, New York Howell, Michigan Woodridge, Illinois Rock Island, Illinois Eureka, Illinois Santa Fe Springs, California Houston, Texas Apodaca N.L., Mexico Santiago Tianguistenco, Mexico Mexico City, Mexico Villahermosa, Mexico Beijing, China Romeny-sur-marne, France Vierzon, France Salem, Ohio Buchs, Switzerland Lisbon, Ohio Cerro Maggiore, Italy Damascus, Virginia Wadesboro, North Carolina Charlotte, North Carolina Sevilla, Spain Sarasota, Florida Mableton, Georgia Szekesfehervar, Hungary Chattanooga, Tennessee Budapest, Hungary Mountain City, Tennessee Miskolc, Hungary Lexington, Tennessee Montevideo, Uruguay Shanghai, China Plewiska, Poland Pfaffstatten, Austria Shenyang, China Istanbul, Turkey Hangzhou, China Hangzhou, China Guangzhou, China Dubai, U.A.E. Singapore, Singapore Pune, India Bangkok, Thailand Panama City, Panama Recife, Brazil Sao Paulo, Brazil Wuhan, China Pretoria, South Africa Magaliesburg, South Africa Johannesburg, South Africa Durban, South Africa 91 w e ’ d li k e t o t h a n k ou r m a n y a ssoc iat e s ar ound the wor ld — especially Christie Lagowski and Brian Benzin — for contributing to the development of this 140th anniversary book. Never before has Columbus McKinnon’s global history been documented in a single story. Despite the challenges of our long, intricate lineage, great efforts were made to ensure the information presented is as accurate as possible. Some images may not be exact representations of their associated milestones and are solely intended to represent related company or product highlights, both past and future. This book is by no means our complete history. As a company, we are always eager to learn more about our diverse roots and add to our legacy. We invite our Associates, Distributors and End Users to continue to contribute their knowledge and historical information on our products and brands. photo acknowledgments | workman on the framework of the empire state building. Courtesy of National Archives and Records Administration, ARC 518290. || 5 | statue of liberty. Courtesy of New York Public Library | thomas edison, c. 1918-1919 . Courtesy of National Archives and Records Administration, Record Group 306, Records of the U.S. Information Agency (306-NT-279T-20). || 14 | panama canal under construction, 1907 . Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs, cph.3c17221. || 15 | wright brothers’ 1903 aeroplane (“kitty hawk”) in first flight, december 17, 1903 . Courtesy of National Archives at College Park, ARC 7580929 | thomas roosevelt laughing. Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs, LC-USZ62-2305. || 17 | great cranes in miraflores lock, 1912 . Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs, LC-USZ62-138618. || 24 | hello! this is liberty speaking. Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs, LC-USZC4-8046. || 25 | charles lindbergh, with spirit of st. louis in background. Courtesy of Library Congress, Prints and Photographs, cph.3a23920. || 35 | work pays america ! prosperity. Courtesy of Library of Congress, Work Projects Administration Poster Collection, LC-USZC2-837. || 49 | the uss arizona (bb- 39 ) burning after the japanese attack on pearl harbor. Courtesy of National Archives and Records Administration, ARC 195617. || 56 | ny world’s fair 1964 . Courtesy of PLCjr, Richmond, VA, USA. || 59 | apollo 11 . Courtesy of National Aeronautics and Space Administration. || 64 | pillar of fire, space shuttle columbia. Courtesy of NASA/KSC. 4 © 2015 columbus mckinnon corporation. all rights reserved.