t - Sask History Online
t - Sask History Online
% 8 ! H J *j m ]% / </> is / 5 J 1 IS 5K V e i^ h i f= ■ < |« i* '"■>*» \ VO '■. o:: : 1 a t -vC ^ ■Sw - v C ff He T ^ 1 ti F JL d £ \ O i ■ arm We have a Carload of Fruit due to arrive about the 20ih inst. The quality of the fruit is the best possible to ob^ai.i and a glance at *lie prices nrov^> their reasonableness. Boxed Apples from $2.01 h before the* conflict. L' 00 ,t ..')<! Hi; . * .\ov/ i: i .' j thor ticse re lay in yo ; ;uits as the price will I | be no eh. ipei i Remember our Groceries are unbratable. J. H . Forsyth Baker and Grocer : Carnduff j! < — 8e e t » ‘Advertising Pays ; If it didn’t W e W ou ld Lose and so W ou ld Y ou ; Read the Merchants’ Messages ! " mil <>: If anything -f the >f wa or rebellion should d purchase breed m and 1ceding : art of Canirda. ai t**r — i' and uniiuish d h-.-ga fry’ll : our aid to the ir.<. iHicr country' fiirDie i > iu Wt rn Buskatchewan ’ what would ho tlie comlition of i wh'> b ioltiv live* -tock but no the Canadians to • feed or, money ! homes and property. tanner! individual Does it not seem wise that lq scarce iy g. v.vst t. st/cure scock, of obtain su( li protectk ion wt* citizens. i ' lio on account circumstance!; i or, who from an uise are unable j ro go to the front should try to ■place- ourselves in tl • W t ) f 0 " ib ]i; (position t< restrain any an*a- n:>tic ; opulaoo or local trouble •’ huh anight oc; ur. For this who w ill h iv.- th e’ Cash to huv and tear])!)'..* then an association has ietrd to keep one or m ore head of been formed by the citizens with breeding or feeding cattle, or a few (Captain and Lieutenants in charge hogs, and who i> njoved in this for the purpose of trying to teach way to help an unfortunate settler the men from 16 to 75 yours of ace in the areas so severely stricken by the proper use of the rifle and a drought this year, is earnestly re certain amount of drill (enough to quested to write the Live Stock make each man familiar with the Commissioner, Regina, and say military command and its mean what kind of stock lie wants and ing) so that with range practise he how many he would be able to becomes better able to assist him handle. self and neighbors if trouble might arise at any time. There too, those SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GAZETTE who purpose going to the front j with the next contingent or con- I tingents will find the organization helpful as a source of learning the drill and rifle shooting. All wishing to join this organization will find the rolls at Dr. Brereton’s ofricd or at J. H. Elliott's store. The country boys and men arc as welcome as those j in town. A NT W A want a copy £4 4 A/ of the $100 Robin H og COOK BOOK Compiled by Sara n Cooking T h e G reat A u tr A Cook 1’o i l ^ 'o u j . n wi:I ; in ( w r y sack <>t K okin IIoo<! M on found enclosed and in * very sack o f K ok in H o o d R o lle d Oats. On receipt of three coupon and 10c (to cover cost of postage) a copy of the Cook Book will hr sent to any address in Canada, Coupons hear full par ticulars (concerning worth, beauty, and value of the Cook Book. SUCCESS Kokin Hood Products can In* secured from Mr. -T. II. Forsyth at Carnduff. Success Business C o llege o f Reoilfa trains fo r success. It is* a ffilia t e d ^ ® the S uc cess Business Colleges a tW fn n ip e g ,M o o s e Jaw, Calgary, Lethbridge and Vancouver. W rite to f . G . Q^rLutt, President, fo r dero Education. ROBIN HOOD MILLS, Ltd. Moose Jaw, Sask. :a t io n p a y s Calgary , Alta. reston’s Store News Men’s Socks Working Shirts Dishes Mid Grey Wool Socks, ribbed top, white toe and heel..... ........................... 5 pr $ 1 . 0 0 Men’s fall working shirts made up in many different shirting materials in several colors and patterns................ 6 0 c to $ 2 . 0 0 Harvest season requires more dishes. We have carefully selected several stock pat terns in d'shes for fall trade, patterns which will please and prices are right. Also lots of odd cnp«. saucers, plj><<*s7 platters, bowls, pitchers, etc. Grey Wool Socks in better quality knit per pr_................... ................... .............2 5 c Heather mixture, plain wool socks, ribbed tops per p r ................................... 2 5 c Men’s dark grey heavy wool socks per pr.... .................. ...................... .......3 0 c Cashmere hose black or tan, light, medium or heavy weight per pr 2 5 c to 6 5 c Underwear Towelling Blouses Roller towelling, absolutely pure bleached linen, red stripe border. Regular 18c per yard. Harvest special per yd 15c Have you seen the new blouses for fall? Every blouse designed in the latest fashion, Gladstone collars, long or short Raglan sleeves and finished with the classiest pearl or crystal buttons that match perfectly. Blouses are made up in the most charming designs and from beautiful silks, ratines or crepes. Prices range from .... .................S 2 .0 0 to $ 1 0 .0 0 Unbleached linen towelling, roller width, a fine grade of towelling for harvest per yd.... ....... ........................ ................. l O c . Tea Towelling, red and white checks, 2 feet wide, all pure linen and closely woven per yd........................... — ...— 1 5 c Heavy cotton Underwear the correct men's underwear for fall, per garment 65c Men's two thread Egytian Balbriggan underwear, per garment cotton 45c Finest grade of linen tea towelling, 26 inches wide, red and white checks, a towelling that is absolutely the best that money can buy per yd ...................... .. .............. .... 2 5 c Dress Goods Roller towelling, good grade of linen, alternate dark and light stripes regular ls’c. Harvest special at.............. 5 yds 7 5 c Shoes for Harvest Make your feet glad! Our harvest shoes for men that feeling of comfort that makes work a pleasure t in E V E :A\ New Fall Coats New Full Coats stylish and up to-date made up in Brocades, plain and fancy weaves in the latest material. Call in and see our line before buying elsewhere. The style i-' correct. Prices are right ranging from $13 00 to $35.00. Come in and look them over while we have a large range to choose from. No trouble to show goods. IVJ* Wholesale Dealers in Butter llOlittV but few greatly serve unselves and he- their fello w spare hard hit fh year if thev Work shoes in several grades of leather and manufactured to stand the hard wear triven tlaam through harvest. Prices range from 4 61.7 5 to 3 7 .0 0 b ?i New fall dres« goods now being shown in brocades and plaids. Yon will acknow ledge that w p are showing some of the most beaiatiful weaves in fall dress goods after see ing them. Turkish towelling, pretty red and white pattern, fast colors, roller width an excellent towelling at per yd 15c Turkish towels. Huck towels. Terry towels. We show a larger assortment of towels and towelling considerately priced than any store- in . the neighborhood We advise you to purchase roar face towelling at once while an assortment can be shown you. %■ Li, ' I or. Silks double width silks in Taflfptta and Pailette.latent fall, shades, beautiful laff^ttu in lovely figured patterns suitable for bloused. ‘ - '1 \ *j f '* Si til ns itnd V elvets a d ia r y it -t: r»rr-iy 1 whijt is ibally • IT > 4<':r 18 h '»• A Tcf* t y i \ a . a V 7 < 31 \ iCtifra in ■ --Sai £ : r -A- it ■*»» Dark grey heavy serviceable Blankets made for wear at___ $ 1 . 7 5 and $ 2 . 0 0 Gray all wool Blankets made from well spun yarns .......... S 3 . 3 5 - $ 3 . 7 5 . $ 4 . 7 5 White wool Blankets made of pure wool, very fine and soft........ ......... ................ _ $ 3 . 5 0 , $ 4 . 5 0 , $ 5 . 5 0 , $ 7 . 5 0 Linoleums An excellent colleeti n of Printed Linoleums in 1, 2 and 4 yards v, :d-. ranging in price from.....4 0 c to 7 5 c The best grade <>r I .:~i 1 Linoleum, extra heavv and the c - woven cl«ar tbrougfc to the back -if 31.2 5 We have several small **v - * Lii.* > - a whs b we wp; sell at greati> r >! ■: pr: ir- )c J *;7 — 4 f I We C a r load of bruit due |rjA 0 c*! f!VC about the 20th in Cf jua! it\ 0 the fruit is the best possible 0 obtain and a glatnce at ■he prices r reasonable ness. i\Q' jpply 0! is thof time to 1ay in your price will \ / be no cheaps Remember our Groceries are wi fe ratable. J. H . Forsyth Baker and Grocer : Carnduff ‘A dvertising Pays ; If it didn’t W e W ou ld Lose and so W ou ld Y ou ; Read the Merchants’ Messages ! M rati * protect tlie1 . re. '.vise that t- scarceiyj g t ion we citizens Intake* stock east u f circumstance 11*. the Provincial urinal: ,;a . will gl a use ar« unali it should try ;. ‘ necessarry tniddlen I lace onrsalv< s in he b« t t’c ~dhl< t U-e tianLfyr yf the? i charge lither to v |position t. rostra;r. urn autaa , :"tie populace or local trouble Every fanner iv. 1.vhn-h anight occur. For this who will 1: *\v the cash to buv and ourjios * then an association l as feed to Ueep vne or more head of been formed by tin* citizens with breeding r feeding cattle, or a few Captain and Lieutenants in charge; hogs, aijd who i.- moved in this for the purpose of trying to teach : way to hjelp an unfortunate settler the men from 10 to 75 years of age 111 the ar|:as So severely stricken by the proper use of the rifle and u drought•jrhis year, is earnestly re! certain amount of drill (enough to quested jto write the Live Stock make each man familiar with the |Commissioner, Regina, and say m ilitary command and its mean- i what kinjd of stock he wants and ing) so that with range practise he j how many lie would be able to Ibecomes better able to assist him- handle. : self and neighbors if trouble might ! arise at any time. There too, those SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GAZETTE who purpose going to the front with the next contingent or con tingents will find the organization helpful as a source of learning the drill and rifle shooting. :;r,- t ( ' (>• If a? ything of or rc ' cliion sho ;-art uT ' CantrtUt, : our aid to the -vliat would be the Canadians homes and prop' I)o**s it not st obtain such prob ’ ■ho on account or. who from am iQ ft ie txa, A: \!v thf All wishing to join this organization will find the rolls at Dr. Brereton’s oftioo or at ,T. H. Elliott's store. The country hoys and men are as welcome as those in town. Compiled by i ysen Sa K o itr ority on Cooking T h e G teat A ( • i will found enclosed in every sack of Kokin Hood l ioiu and ii - very sack of Robin Hood Kolled Oais. On receipt of three coupon and 10e\ (to cover cost of postage) a copy of the Cook Book will he sent to any address in Canada, Coupons hear full par ticulars concerning worth, beauty, and value of the Cook Book. SUCCESS Robin Hood Products can be secured from Mr. J. II. Forsyth at Carnduff. Success Business C ollege o f Repiffa trains fo r success. It U *a ffi!ia te d ^ (fi the S uc cess Business Colleges a tW fn n ip eg, M o o s e Jaw, Calgary, Leth barfgeand Vancouver. W rite to F . G . Q m b i M , President, fo r B o o / e t o ^ l o d e r n Education. ROBIN HOOD MILLS, Ltd. e d w Ja t io n p a y s Moose Jaw, Sask. Calgary, Alta. r ihm mi m w * New Fall Coats New Full Coats stylish and up to-date made up in Brocades, plain and fancy weaves in the latest material. Call in and see our line before buying elsewhere. The style i-correct. Prices are right ranging from $13 00 to $35.00. Come in and look them over while we have a large range to choose from. No trouble to show goods. restores Store News Dishes Mid Grey Wool Socks, ribbed top, white toe and heel.................................5 pr $ 1 .0 0 Men’s fall working shirts made up in many different shirting materials in several colors and patterns ....... ........ 6 0 c to S 2 .0 0 Harvest season requires more dishes. We have carefully selected several stock pat terns in d'slies for fall trade, patterns which will please and prices are right. Also lots of odd cup«. saucers, plp*f*s7 platters, bowls, pitchers, etc. heavy wool Have you seen the new blouses for fall? Every blouse designed in the latest fashion, Gladstone collars, long or short Raglan sleeves and finished with the classiest pearl or crystal buttons that match perfectly. Blouses are made up in the most charming designs and from beautiful silks, ratines nrcrej.es. Prices range from .........................$ 2 . 0 0 to $ 1 0 . 0 0 Unbleached linen towelling, roller width, a fine grade of towelling for harvest per yd.... .................................. ......... ...... l O c Tea Towelling, red and white checks, 2 feet wide, all pure linen and closely woven per yd............. .... ............ ......—......... 15c Heavy cotton Underwear the correct men s underwear for fall, per garment. 6 5 c Finest grade of linen tea towelling, 26 inches wide, red and white checks, a towelling that is absolutely the best that money can buy per yd............... ............................... 2 5 c cotton 45c Dress Goods Roller towelling, good grade of linen, alternate dark and light stripes regular l*c. Harvest special at...................... 5 yds 7 5 c Shoes for Harvest )£& * ~iir(Tins5f Turkish towels, Huck towels, Terry bowels. We show a larger assortment of towels and towelling considerately priced than any storak ini the neighborhood. We advise yon to purchase vonr face towelling at once while an assortment can be shown yon. Work shoes in several grades of leather and manufactured to stand the hard wear them through harvest. Prices range from 51.7 5 to <5 7 . 0 0 i; \ 1a. [t\ _^ , Vj-L; ; ' New fall dress goods now being shown in brocades and plaids. You will acknow ledge that we are showing some of the most beautiful weaves in fall dress goods alter see ing them. Turkish towelling, pretty red and white pattern, fast colors, roller width an excellent towelling at per yd 15c Make your feet glad! Our harvest shoes for men that feeling of comfort that makes work a pleasure *. » Blankets Blouses Roller towelling, absolutely pure bleached linen, red stripe border. Regular 18c per yard. Harvest special per yd 15c Underwear INSt We have added a few more lines to those on sale last week. Regularly prices range from $1.50 to $2.50 ; Clearing oat a t ___ $ 1 . 0 0 Towelling socks 30c Cashmere hose black or tan, light, medium or heavy weight per pr 2 5 c to 6 5 c Men's two thread Egytian Balbriggan underwear, per garment The prices assure you that you arc Men’s Felt Hats Working Shirts Heather mixture, plain wool socks, ribbed tops per p r .......................... ........ 2 5 c 3* Quality. Men’s Socks Men's dark grey per pr........................ No matter what you buy here yon may feel assured of the getting your money’s worth. Grey Wool Socks in better quality knit per pr_................. 25c 3 Our advertising is -hot boa tful but a mere statement of facts. r T^ S o n s / C o f R ; --/ - : .' •-•* -- ■5*4 rv : v - ■£ - ”.?•!* - Js- . Gray all wool Blankets made from well spun yarns .............„:S 3 .3 5 . S 3 .7 5 . $ 4 .7 5 k ■ - Linoleums An excellent collection of Printed Linoleums in 1, 2 and 4 yards v id >. ranging in price from... ._ 4 0 c to 7 5 c The la'-t grade fit [ 1 Linoleum, extra henvr and the c - woven clear through to The back at . 3 1.25 Satins and Melvets a char r ing arrai what is re.-tilv beautiful m beautiful goeds. which we witl W e have sever a' sm all )!f ‘J f fH-'.T < White wool Blankets made of pure wool, very fine and soft.......... .............. „.$ 3 .5 0 , $ 4 .5 0 , $ 5 .5 0 , S 7 .5 0 Silk’s double width silks in Taffetta and Padefte latent fall, shades, beautiful Taffetfa in lovely figured patterns suitable tor blouse# SMMBOOtflHi 71 *rr 1 1 Dark grey heavy serviceable Blankets made for wear at__ $ 1.75 and $ 2 .0 0 * Li w * P* ■ yptp T H E G A Z E T T E . C A R N D tT F , BASS’ plates, danui'.g evidence of the use to which the ho.se had been put- He : ad ftn.sh' d hi- search when the deteetj e he h,«d d spatebed returned wi'h the doctor. I'm af aid shan't be able to get him away.” aid the surgeon, aft^r a brief ‘ lamination: bis heart is a,l wrong, and ’ lo r . are probably othe..-ODipiications vtich I am not d. » able t> discover.” Gold looked a.t his watch. By Edgar Wallace Tin oxpectirg his niece,” he sail, Ward, Lock & Co., Limited I left wo. d for her By luck I got Londor. Melbourne and Toronto lr.’ o communication just before J left town, and I wi.’ed her to eorre here Where Is the nearest post office?’ "There is ore at Hoyston,” “-aid (Conti:,u- d) rjift Tom Mknje'ii iip^ formed the word the doctor, ’ your car will get you 'Nothing. ' but the get, of hiis j<- » 'he; e in ’ we ,ty minutes.” There was no time to be lost: be rhow«d Hc-'dcr trial thi- was a last .must communicate at once wi’ h tae o' t of defiance. What did >ou do with them?” he police and secure the arrest of Helder( » rsisN-d. Do vo i liear. Maple, vv! at H** had sufficient evidence now. He sa’ down to a little table in trie did . oo do v i»h th<in'.' I toll >< u J’pi not going *o leave you until you ans stone room bel< w and wrote rapidly . He was in the midst of his message wer nie You monkeyed with those ' when one of th-> detectives came in. bills. ’ "There a i. ra. coming down the Again he shook the man with all his vtrengfh. Mia teeth chattered and I read,” he aaid. It's Mrs Bed, I expect,” said in very weakness the tears roll d < down his cheeks, hut, dying as he Gold. was, he clenched hi« jaw the tighter. j He left the half written message on I-----” began lieldcr, white with the table and went out; but it was ; rage; ilien T»ger Brown, a silent spec man who sprang from the car, a tr.ll j man whose wa;k was strangely facr.iltator of the';(cue, grasped his arrn “Tht re’s i c.r comirig down the a to Gold ‘"Bell!” he gasped drive,” he whispered. Without a word Comstock B‘-ll They listened. They could liear t. e : strode into the house. In the light "chuff-chuff” i f the engine. Tier dovv stairs, get down tai s thrown by a hanging lamp h!s fare was pair and drawn. quickly,” said Brown. "Where's my wife?” he asked. • losing the loor 01 the sick mail's ’Tm expedi lg her,” said Gold in room behind ‘ hem they made their way to the high ceilinged living room |surpriseA shadow of alarm passed over ti e and crept to ihe door. Th-y beard ihe car stop. Somebody approached the I young min's face. Where have you— ?” bega^ Gobi door and knocked loudly and authori , ‘ I will tell you later,” said thi tatively. 'other, hurriedly 1 passed my wife’s Holder laid his finger on his lips ro enjoin silence- Agam there came a cAr four m:les on the road; it bad knock, and the three men in the ‘ broken down and the chauffeur tfi'd i me she mud have gone on here. Could <-oom looked at one another. “Open—in th • King's name!'' if sa.d. she mave missed the way?” “ The police!” he gasped, and lock j Gold shook bis head. ! “ f don’t thi lk it’s possible. She ed round for s' me way of escape. Helder did not lose his nerve. The I may have gone back to London. 1 ear had been housed in a little shed will send this message off by one of at the rear of the building. He led the the men and go back to town with you way swiftly across the tiled floor of i in your car.” "Where's Maple?” asked Comstock the kitchen to the rear of the premises. He took a c—.utious survey from the I Bell. "H<'s upstairs,” answered the o‘ i er bay window. There was nobody in sight. He unbolted the door and step gravely. "Is he dead?” Comstock Bell's voice ped out, the two men following They was sharp his face went suddenly gained the shed. hard. ‘ Jump i.i!” said Helder "No, he's not dead.” said Gold, "but He knew the noise of the engines would attiaci the police, but that had I'm afraid he won’t last long.” i "Is he conscious?” to be risked The dOcto’" was coming downsta ”s He slipped r big silk handkerchief from his pock t, and tied it round his as he spoke, and overheard the quesface, so that only the space between : tion. i were not worried, is it possible to his hat and his eyes was visible. ‘ He's conscious now,” he said, ’but The car jerked forward over the uneven surface of the yard and gain 1he ought not to be worriedComstock Bell hesitated. ed the road. He saw two men run ‘‘This is a matter which affeals try ning out from the house, but he had the start, and unless the toad was whole life.” he said. “ Suppose be guarded at the other end he would , were not worried, is it possible to save have no difficulty in reaching Lon j him?” The doctor shook his head. don. He did not doubt but that suf "Then I must speak to him,’’ said ficient evidence existed to identify “ Come him with the gang, but he was playing Comstock Bell, decidedly. his last desperate card, and fortune j with m e!” was with him ‘ o an extraordinary!ex j The tli-ee men went upstairs ‘ o|gether. Maple lay in his bed, proptent. 1ped up on pi’ Iows. He smiled feebly |at Gold, who was the first to enter, CHAPTER XIX. . but as the tail form of Comstock Willetts Hold had seen the car vanish. He |Bell came through the doorway nis bad not had rime to elaborate prepar ' eyes widened and his lips trembled in ations which would include all chances 1apprehension. “ Comstock Bell?” he whispered. of Heldor’s escape. The other t.odded. and walking slow“He can w a it ” he said, and ad dressed himself to the task of enter ly to the side of the bed, sat down and laid his bands gently on the thin ing the 'building. While he was examining the front wrists of the other. "Where have you come from?’ ask door, he realized that the fugitives must have left some ether ingress ed Maple in a weak voice Comstock Pell hesitated, then he open, and he and the two Sctland Yard men made their way to the back of said slowly— “ I have just come from prison." the building. The door through which Helder had pasaed was ajar; Gold ran I “ Prison?” whispered the other, in. The simple arrangement of the in j Comstock Pell nodded. Ther? was terior made a search no difficult mat ! a deathly silence in the room. Gold ter The door of Maple’s prison had realized that affairs had reached the not been secured, and Gold made his 1great crisis ;n Comstock Bell's life. 1He watched the tall young man. his way to the bedside of the forger. It did nut reed a medical training |lean face softened with compassion as to knowT that Tom Maple was in a he leant forward over the bed. “ From prison,” be repeated “ Years bad way, and Gold's first business was to send for a doctor. The sick j ago there was a forgery committed n man lay tossing to and fro on his - Paris. Two students were involved, pillow, muttering incoherently. Gold •one committed the forgery and passwade a quick search of the apartment. ed the note, Ihe other was unaware He found a oumbe of unfinished that his friend had taken such a des perate step. They had discussed the forgery as a great joke; both were known to be concerned in the plot, and when the crime was detected both men left the country. For some time their Identities were confused.” Tom Maole lay staring at the ceil ing, his lips framing the words he could not speak. “ A few mrnths. ago,” Comstcck Bell went or., “ I, who was the inno member of the little confederacy, Hands and Arms. Burningand Pain cent gave myse.f up to the police for th ? ful. Suffered Day and Night from crime, because I was sick with appre Itching. Cured by Cuticura Soap hension, and because I knew that the police were again searching for W il and Cuticura Ointment. letts. In Willetts’ name I was con demned and sentenced.” “And Willetts is dead,” said Gold. St. Veronique, Que.—“ My little girl got ringworm all over the face, hands, and “ Why did you do such a mad thing:” “Willettg is alive ’ said Comstock arms. I was given a sort of white ointment and like a phial of water to Bell. The man on the bed smiled faintly. wash with. After eight “ Yes,” he said in a low voice, “ he days of this treatment the is alive— I am Willetts.” ringworms instead of heal He turned over on his side and con ing became dark red and were spreading, then were tinued as though speaking to himself: burning and painful. The they had some difficulty in hearing child suffered day and night him, for at times his voice sank till from the great itching. 1 it was but a whisper. was very disturbed. “I am Willetts,” he went on. “ poor “ One evening I found a sample of Cuti Tom Willetts Willetts,” he whispeied cura Soap and Ointment that I had re wonderingly, “I thought I should quested the year before. So I commenced never hear J at name again.” a wash with the small piece of Cuticura Soap, He was silent for a long time, so then applying the Cuticura Ointment and iong that they ti.ought he had fallen at the end of three days the child was suf as’ etp, and the doctor leant over him, fering less. Then we wrote to some friends touching b s face gently. in Montreal to get some Cuticura Soap and “ He is dead,” said the doctor. =% A Debt Discharged OVER GIRL’S FACE Ointment for us. After fifteen days' treat ment the ringworms were crusted over and whitish, then on the twenty-fifth day they were ail dry and cured.” (Signed> Mrs. Marie Louise Riou, May 26. 1913. When you buy a fine toilet soap think of the advantages Cuticura Soap possesses over the most expensive toilet soap ever made. In addition to being absolutely pure and re freshingly fragrant, it is delicately yet effec tively medicated, giving you two soaps to one. a toilet and a skin soap at one price. C n ri^ a SdfftTlod Ottflcura olhlment are fcoitl £>y dP’jrjfgists and dealers everywhere. Yor a liberal free sample of each, with 32-p. book, aend post-card to Potter Drug A Cbetn. Corp.. Dept. D, Boston, U. S. A. W- N U 1012 * • • An hour later.. Comstock Bell and Gold were on their way to London. There were mutual explanations. “ I left Chelmsford Mbis morning,” said Comstock Bell. “I received the remission of my sentence w a result of the action of the French police— it was Fecomte’s dcings, and I went straight on to Southend, which my wife had made her headquarters.” Gold was a little puzzled and show e d it, and Comstock Bell explained briefly*. “ When I had decided that I should expiate the crime of which I was ac cused, I looked about for an agent whom I could trust I decided to marrv. My plan was to keep my imprison mer•- £<^rer To v is *md 1 bought The Highest Tunnel \ th e m y s t e r y e x p l a in e d a tug boat sr.d tad it fitted. My ob Ever s.nce the discovery of South I ject was to al'cw my agent to pass Source of Unlimited Contributions to America the great Andean chain of ; unobserved to and from London, mountains.. whL'h runs from end to tre Riches of Literature which *as necessary for many rea end oi of the continent, has formed a ,'1 ,, ecu me cwunuruL, iuiu ku * sons. The day I left England on my He came um.d.y m.o .he e .. formidable barrier to Intercourse behoneymoon I weLt no farther than office tween the nations inhabiting it. In Pardon me. sir, but would you like i deed. it bac actually been simpler for Boulogne; my tug carried __ me____ back to ; \LtiE SO F / S Y a seaside resor., and from thence my ! an authoritative article on The immir people living in tho Argentine to » if e and 1 journeyed to London. Thdt graiion question? make long sea voyrges in order to night I surrendered. By a piece of ill‘‘That isn : auite in our line. reach their ne'^hbors in Chile rather fortune my wife was seen at my “ How about feminism?” A Simple System than attempt to cross the ratu-al hous* She Lad gone there to find a A fraid we cannot use it.” frontier dividing them But the proud There Is more than one wry to rubber camp with my name which I ' “ Perhaps you would like to have Andes Lave now been subdued by .be keep an account book The method had foolishly '. ft behind.” Wall street shown up in an inimit- burrowing thr ugh of a tunnel, ‘.be of one woman is in the di.eetion of bly witty and yet dignified and 1To pa Continued) loftiest 'o f any considerable length) simplifying ri.* distracting mat searching manner?” in the world This is to be found on "Sorry but it dot s not interest us ” th- Tran^cndina Railway, which runs ters of debit erd credit Mrs. Twiller is extravagant .n her Pat's Retort “ Well, say a stirring article on Mexjfrom Buenos Ayres on the Atlantic to expenditure u.r housekeeping, re An Englishman was driving around ,jco. giving the iDS.de facts ” Valparaiso on iLe Pacific, a distance cording to her husband's idtas With County Tipperary one warm day “ Nothing ( n Mexico today ” of 88SS miles In ascending the Andes when he came across a larme.- set "Perhaps you would like a bunch or the track follows more or less closely ? view of rectifying this failing, h® recently bought her an attractive ting potato*? Thinking to have a wonderful short stories?” the old Andean trail till it reaebts little account took and carefully ux joke with hin he began: "W e are father long on short the foot of the C’ umbre Pass He e, plained its use tc her. “ Well, Pa’ , wha: are yeu plar.t- stories." an altitude of 10,500 feet above the ’ N ow ,’ he s .id. here is a $20 bi 1 ing?” “ Well, how about some poetical mas at sea lew l. he summit of the mighty Put down what I give you on this “ Praties, sir," said Pat. terpieces? Anvthing from four cantos , . . . . . side, and yor expenditure on the “Do you think potatoes will come up You know, thev are quite fash- »“ * * .< * ffiounUlfn8 *■ . f 1* ™ * g * goat you ! ionabte now. Can let you have a met- ^nnel just over t « o mile. « Jengti. other. When that niooty up?” asked the Englishman. It was at once a difficult and ardu- shall have mofe.” “ Of course, ’ said Pat. ’ rical best seil r in a couple of weeks" A few- days alter, he asked to se# “ Why, 1 set onions last year in our 'I am afraid not ls there anvthing cu* fea»- necessitating the toil of an army of brave men for several ye..-s the book, which Mrs Twiller pro garden, and carrols came up,” said the you canno* furnish?” Englishman “ Nothing sir Philosophy, histoty in a regioi of eternal snow and fright duced with i n air of modest pride Indeed, this tunnel4, in On one page was written Received 'Oh,” said Prt. “ 1 set an acre of pccir*, poetry, nuiiiui— humot—how about a »t*r**-5 series o iaO'> duoui ui ful . blizzards . . Am-es lies l.cO 1 .‘-et Higher than from John 12' ” On ’ h* opposite turnips las* year in that field over sr.appv articb s on health? Perhaps j there, and do you know what came vou would like to have your readers the highest carnage road in Europe "Spent it . li.” „ iew tystem just « ' , .nvented. i (— that over Pass—and up?” diet. k,. b> a ____ ____ , the __Sflevio _ __ "No.” replied the Englishman Drives Asthma L i«e Magic. The Im It makes no difference, there is noth more than ” 500 feet higher than the “ Mike Murphy's old black donkey, ing in the whole range of literature Mount Cenis St Gothard and Simplon mediate help from Dr J D Kellogg* and ate them all ” answered Pat.— that I canrot su? ply you with Here's Passes. With the opening of the Pan Asthma Remedy seems like magi’. Tit-Bits. my card In ‘ ase you want anything ama ( ‘anal the commercial importance Nevertheless it it oriy a natural rem of this tunnel can hardly^dje >xag edy used it. a natural way. Tbe sutok* let me know’.’ “ I see. said the sad young man, or vapor, reaching the most reraot® He got up to go The editor umiled. gcrated “that Ermintrude has a new motor passage jf the afbeted tubes brushes “ May I ask whether you run an Nova Scotia'i Untilled< "'kcres car." aside the trouble and opens a way for agency or a synd’eate?” Food for thought is contairrra in >he fieth air to enter It is sold by d< al Tes. her papa gave her a dandy,” . "Neither, sir. I am only the preud gurgled the joyful youth. father of a r ’ neteen-year-old girl who figures given by the census and statis ers throughout the land tics branch of the department of And how does she like it?” -'has a talent for literature and has According *.o Washington In London 'She -ays she is madly in love with; just been graduated from an Ameri- trade ani comn erce this authority, in Nova Scotia, even it! can college."— Life. Some EngLspnun do not take kind with three hundred years’ settlement ly to the suggestion that a monument “ Another case where man is dispiacout of an available area for cu.tva- to George- Washington should be ed by machinery.” How »o Make Homemade Scents tion of 8 000,000 acres, not plated in Westminster abbpy. "Are Lavender ' ater. Put into a ^ct‘ I million are actua'lv under cultivation we,” asks the I>ondon Outlook, ” to “ Call off your dog, for gct?dr. ss tie and shake * .v one-eighth of a sake!” Leading merchants in the Maritime |iave a monument to the men atid pint of spirits of wine, one-eighth of Lrovinces feel that with the possib.li- j women and children who were his vie* ' No use. he's deaf ”— Le Rire. ar ounce of o 1 of lavender and a ties possessed by such a widespread tjms? Then let us b-3 logical for one* quarter of a dram of essence of am territory, the great problems to be antj ci i ct ano’ iiei monument to tLfr Deafness Cannot Be Cured bergris. met are those of adequate transporta ]ate presid??.f Kruger Equally wi.h Eau ;’ e Co.jgr.e— Half an oui.ee tion and markets. It is pointed out. ■Washington, he had the two r.ecesfry local orpacjitioiui, u U-.ty rancot m ek tbo •u ;d portico o! tbo cor. i bcrc la only ooe way to each of oils of iemon and bergamot, says a Halifax message, that the ; sarv qualifications—Fie was the mortal •uro dtotoooi. cr.d tb*t lo by concututtoool remedies, sixteenth of uu ounce of oil of orange United States, with its already enor-, en, m'y of England, and he persecuted pooioea to eoused by os lnGsmed condition of tbo of mous and rapidly increasing popula mucouto Uolng oi tbo Euotocbion T^be. When into ; peel, quarter bf- r dram of oil a British population What more i» tube to Inflomol yuu hove a r-jojbllug sound or im neroli, five drops oi essence of musk tion. must ultimately become the requisite?” perfect besrtof. sod wben It to on tire, y closed. Desi sts* to the resu.t, sod unless the Utflsmmsuon esc be or emtergris. Reduce this amount of largest purchaser of Canadian protoken out snd this tubs restored to Its norms) eoedt- ingredients in half a pint of rectified | Tbe fact is not lost sight of. Oon. besrtns v/lll be destroyed forever; nine eases Minard’s Liniment Cures Cclds etc. out of tea ere esused by Cslsrrb, wtueh to ootklag spirits of wine however, of the opportunities offered j frat so mflsmed condition of tbe mucous rurlseee. Numerous perfumes may be made by the now fast developing South Dolly— We had to practice Chopin We will (ive One Hundred Dollsra for sny case oI of American Republics, which are a.so for three houie today, mamma pesfosss (caused by catarrh) that raooot be cure* by adding to a small quantity fry Kail’s Catarrh Cura Bend for etrrulars. tree. rectified spirits cf wine oils of geran bound to become pattons of Canadian Mrs. Part enoo -Really, my d ar, F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Tolefrto to ium, sandalwood, rosemary or es food products *01* by Dragrtota. 55c. shoppin’ is all very well, but year Take Bali’s Family Pula lor sensUpattso. sence cf bergamot, musk or amber papa sent you to the ladies’ academy gris, adding it drop by drop until Punishment tn Effigy to learn music an’ that sort o’ thing." the desired perfume is obtained. War’c Mark on the Candy Trade Punishment in effigy was legal’ y —Imndon Mail. Certain ootbsome confections ILese ingredients may be obtained practiced in France and with great known a-. "Mexican kisses” were fav from any drug storeBeresford’s Dilemma solemnity up to the time of the first orite baigain day candies in New! revolution. If the man condemned Lord Charles Beresford, the Eng Diph- escaped a dummy was put up i j his lish naval ofTcer, once landed at York for a long time. Recently the Minard s Liniirer.t Cores signs in the shops carrying these j theriacell and the entire routine of tne New York, and' wab immediately a-k* sweets were clanged to read “ Pecan j ------------------------Jaw allowed tc take its course. The ed to dinner by a deputation of promi* Maple Kisses.” i What Makes the Crest on the Wave? warrant was read to it, and on the nent tnen, who would take no deniaL “ Why?” ashed a lady shopper. , When the wiud blows over the sea day appointed it was conducted to He appeared a. the banquet in morn The salesgi'i raised her eyebrows it forms waves that follow on in the the scaffold ia the presence of all ing dress, Lis hosts all b»-ing correcily as she answered, "Because of the j direction of the w ind. The water ia the legal functionaries and with all attired, and he began his speech by trouble in Mexico, you know.” the waves themselves moves really the circumstances of tbe law. Some apologizing lor his apparent lack of “ That really made a difference?” uo and down and down and backwaids times the same person was executed good manners. “ You’d be (-urprised to know how and forwa:ds with a very slight mo” e- in effigy rimultaneously in several He bad confided his difficulty, L* much.” ment in a torward direction. T L e , cities, but that did not exempt him said, in being at the eleventh hour stronger the wind that makes the f-om actual pjnishment should he without evening clothes, to the hotel f The Gcal of Success waves, the higher will the crest cn be afterward caught. The scaffold manager, who told him that the mat A Boston philanthropist, it is said, the waves he, the deeper the ho lows Has always leady. ter was quite easy, and that he had ^-----------not long ago received the following between them, the greater their length ! only to start a trifle early and call letter: and the faster will they move f^ r-; The afternoon was warm, holidays in at Messrs. So-and-Sc, 963 Some“ Dear and Noble Sur: Knowing ward. The crest is formed by the ac- j v.ere approaching, and the teacher I thing avenue, off 4952nd street, w here your kind hart an nobleness of tion of the w.Ld ou the mass of tne , was almost worn out trying to drum i he would be accommodated iu no elements of grammar into the ; time naebur I rite these few lines to ust wave when tho wave ceases to move j the | To his dismay, however, the shop* v. ill you be so kind as to add to forward. The movement of the wave ; crar.iums of her pupils. “ Now, Johnny,” she said wearily, j keeper expressed his regret anJ inyour good deads the following. I is quits apart from the movement of have lately lost my horse, my home i the whole muss of water, as we may j "tell me—would it be proper for you ability to comply with his request, an my wire. So being horseless see on the surface of a river when the to say: ’You <an't learn me nothing?” ' and said, “Tbe face is, sir, .I have homeless and wifeless i am up agin it j wind is blowing against the direction Johnny looked thoughtful for a generally some twenty-five 4aits of hard trying to eern a living. Would |of the stream. In that case the wind moment, and then replied in a tone of - evening clothes on hire, but there’* ___ v, ^ 1 .: —i _____ — i — * w ill fnrrYi tt3voo in ifo r\w-n /li ronf i.-m • z dinner j: you be so kind in the goodness c f ^will form wav os in its own direction, i conViction: a % big in «v the city tonight to vour grate ha:t to help me along I The same thing may be noticed at ' "Yes. mum Admiral Charles Beresford. and they some financially until I can replace ! the jnouth of a harbor, if the wind is have all been loaned out!” The teacher sighed. my three ioss-s when i am shure 1: blowing on ic the shore while tre “ Why, Johnny?’’ she asked. ’Tell “ Mamma, ain I made of dust? can make good my losses an would §oing out. mr- why. ’ "Yes, my child.” And the answer came quick und pay back the ione with intrest. A ! ---------------- — “Well, then, wha. road did I com* small lone would help but a biger i Warts o i ih’j hands is a disfignre- pat: one would help me to reach the gole ment that troubles many ladies. Hollo“ Cause yer can't” —St. Paul Dis off of?” o£ suekeess so .ner and therefore you I wray’s Corn Cure will remove tbe patch. Williet—Paw, wat Solomon tho would get your money back sooner, , blemishes without pain “She” was working at a woolen art smartest man? so it would oe beter for both if tte l ----------- ;-----Paw—No, my b o d The smartest lone could be !arge as possible. Hope Or.ce an Inland Sea icle for a bazaar. “ He” asked her man was the fellow who started the to have i'a\ erable reply etc.” \ It is the contention of geologists what she w is makingtheory that tocacco smoke was good that the Mediterranean w-as once a j “ A comforter ” she replied En “ That is exactly what I want,” be for house plants—Cincinnati Bill—And you say they ran away to j great inland sea and that the monnquirer. talnous rocks separating it from the answered. get marrieu ? "Oh. I sha’^, be most happy to make Atlantic wert in the course of agea Jill— That's what they did. "How do you like your new flat?" “And her father—did he follow worn away by the force of the water. you one,” she innocently rejoined. “It's a little restricted,” replied tho And she aid — Weekly Telegrapb. them?” patient man. "They won't allow yon Interested Part}’—You say this boat “ Sure thing.” “What is proper to serve with a tc raise children oj pets They even “And did he catch up with then*.?'’ cm not be upset? complain if you raise your voice.” — club sandwich?” Inventor— It’s impossible. The tanks “ He certainly did. Why, he’s living “Oh, something with a stick in it Washington Star. with them vet!”— Yonkers Statesman |are filled with righting fluid. PRESIDENT SUSPENDER Red Rose Tea isgoodt’ea The illustration below shows the new line of the Canadian Pacific Railway westward from Weybum. Th is line, when c o m p ^ ^ ^ ^ l conn ect Weybum and Lethbridge and opens one o f th e best agricultural districts in the whole west. It is, in fa ct, an em pire h ith erto w ith ou t railway facilities, b u t now in direct com m unication w ith a num ber o f wholesale centers as shown by th e m ap. In addition to regu lar freig h t service th is new lin e has a passenger tram d aily, except Sunday, each w ay between W eybum snd Shaunavon, m aking d ose connections each w ay w ith Saskatoon, Regina, M oose Jaw , W innipeg, St. Pau l, and M inneapolis. o SH AUNAVON o V 5-PAUL aUnO**' c - I THE AMUSE THE KIDDIES G AZETTE. C AT?\TTTF cactt The Whipping of Children THE KORAN IN TURKISH Should children be whipped? T h e ? t Ho/* to Pla/ the “ Cut-Out" Game question is answered by the Amcfi- Haw the Sacrrd Tradition of Centu ie* i can Humane Education Society with } With the Youngsters Has Been Broken an emphatic ‘ No. despite the declsrMothers a;e often at their wits’ ead Nine out of ten foreigners nsua .» ; atton of the Wsest of men that to to know what to do with convalescing think of the Koran as being written u t'i Why You’re Tired— Out ot spare the rod is to spoil the child The “Omega’* j children Duri-fg this trying time it H in the Turkish language, while, as * Sort* -Hone m Appetite. The humtiee educators fail to see i takes muc h ingenuity to keep them that to be free with the rod is to bet' •matter of fact, it is written in Arah.c watchmakers jinterested. CARTER'S LITTLE ter the child They have much to and in Arabic characters. The Tuikisa of to-day are One of the most pleasurable things LIVER PILLS La"k up tb :r view It is curious that language, strange as it may seem has will put you righ t Even the Laziest Liver b o r a to their ! tc boy and girl alike is the cut-out ia • tew d*yv the punisnment which w> adminster to no characters of its o »a . and lu'ki.-h j game. It Is as old as the hills and vet adults oniy for the most degraded l t d h°°ks are usually prin:»d with Arabic trade. It is part has kept rt.- newness and interest to and Bowels respond to They do hideous of crime" is the punishment ‘ or Greek. character*. hence the exof their birthright this day The boy will scorn the or thetr duty. the g e n tle action of which in a majority of homes is ,n- cit-'-ment *n religious circle* in^ I urto bo oblo to pro* dinary cut-out play, put give him Cure key on the ipjearance of the Kotin flicted upon the children due* the boat time first a blank bcok. then a catalogue1 A revulsion of feeling arises every !^or time in the 1nrki*h ter piece in tho world. from a sporting firm, a pair of scis Consti pation, time we near ( f a man being whipped najLu ar sors and a bottle of glue and tell Wa/eft j/ M a tih lte a M e rit.” Nothing is regarded as more degrad-| ‘ he translat’on has, b*en done ty Biliousness, Indigestion, and Siik Heaiaekt. trtn to furnish you a summer camp1 ing. We even have a phrase to ex- , Ibrahim Bey Hilmy. a learned Orient in the Ad.roudacks such as he wo Id j Small Pill, Small Dote, Small Price. w ho by' giving Turks an opportun press shame when we describe a man t v all jeweler?. , like to live in; then suggest that he Genuine must bear Signature as a “ whipp. d dog.” Are children ity of expressing their religion* seati fix up a scene in Canada in the winproof against he degradation fla t ir.enis In their own mother tongue, j ter time, with ski ing, skating and comes to the adult who is so punch will doubtless ’jy su (ably rewarded oy so on At all DrugfUts and Stores. both church . n^. state '• ed? It does not appear so The wav Lo interest the little chap I The sheik ut Islam at Consrantin- Taut Aobfy </i»a T;.b ets for Sick Whipping is destructive of self re W 4 n il■IfffW ffW ffftfW P Is to excite l is imagination first J)e-I Ne x*s spect, both to n,an and child. It pro- ople heretofo~e prohibited the public*scribe ro him in detail (he Inter! i voker iiitte^uejs, liatred and even reot the Koran in the vernacular i.en the exterior, of a camp la the OUR NORTHERN WATER-POWERS venge—in <fhi’ d as in adult. It t?nds on the plea that since no translator woods: th‘-n tell him to cut out from: ______ WHEN PAY OAW COMES i to produce a warping of character, could strictly conform to the original m ia ii m t m Your Liver is Clogged up •*7"fce lA b b c y i £ fe S a l* Six Million Dollar* Distributed C.P.R. Employer* Each Month <>n tiie 3ft -nil. of ea h moat; iha C P K. * j i l pa> m wages « ver he who’e ystex $(> imihOiih I :i- * ■, monthly -ecoid in round numb rs. 1.0,000 cheques Letng drawn every ui >n h1 seem? only U e day before >esterday when 53,000 cheques were deem ed to represent a tremendous month ly wage list The number of employees grows all the tim°, in spite of careful appointment and economic working These monthlv cinques find tlnir way into tiie most distant, the. oddest places They are tmrrie I, in enelosiir * to the dstant part* of British t'olum bia They find their way to the con struction camps, removed from civili zation They reach tiie employees it the way-side station, showing a single north of the settled parts of, . nun or rwomen in These *,ar powers |them are knewr, to entertain, cannot , .. dressed tn ,-ffi value, ine j anotiul so. ______________ Loiiuon Frc^ I i ment - Fhes? figures may .be grouped, . our Dominion are off little go against p pjlar feeling on so im round fire or standing in a cance ' existence of numerous falls and rap'ds portant a matter. But it seems tiiat or climbing the mountains in these parts is not denied, but the Ibrahim Bev Hilmy. who is inasten of When the child has a number of i argument is advanced that the temperjboth Arabic an I Turkish, to say noth i lustrat ons cut out let him use his ' ature and other climatic conditions ( xing cf Persia1'. Heb ew and Greek, has ingenuitv to furnish the scent. Much I isting where these falls and rapids are 'produced a translation which the lead can be done m the mother can draw situated will prevent their utilization, jeis of Islam by a majority applaud a bit. In such a case she could out- As a direct contradiction to the above i Thus it is Aha* the sacred tradition of line on the first page the inside of a, assertion, we need only turn to Nor- Anaemia Unless Checked Passes Into centuries is broken—Constantinople bare tent, to be furnished by »he way. the latitude of which is about j Cor. New York Times Hopeless Decline child. On the second page cou'd be the same as that of the Yukon, and the outside of the tent. wiMi the where climatic conditions are similar Anaemia is 1ik<* a spectre that steals Earonet, But Neve- Used His Titl-* mountain in tap background and a to those of Northern Canada. In size, on you unawares and drives all hap A curious fact has developed from lake ar one side 1Norway is only slightly larger than piness out o* existence. It is a thief the news of the death 3 few days Further interest cart be added to j our Maritime Provinces, and yet ft e :that robs you cf ; our life and energy. o of a quaint old gentleman known this game by giving the little one a'find there water-power plants with Thousands of women in this country as duniuel Peel of . . Middlesex, . ,Eng set of crayons w-ith which to color the I1tetai capacity of over 1,500,000 hors"(that is. ; a ire v the •victims i\,i * wi j • of * . * » *anaemia * *-* '-* .* • —* / t, i . u i i o j / i i v □ tu c it ux. ” uo i v ^ o , >• ( ‘L l. _ lr? n .SPlres_!lhA t h .e pictured scenes. Water colors are a j power, either in actual operation or in , bloodlessnes;-). which spares neither a baronet, bv right of succession /j to loft of grass amid the g.-neral a . I tv \e. <onelv .one! or small or Cisjoy to children if they can b“ cr-j course of construction. Hydro-electric r5eh nor poor young or old. It robs i fiis brother Si. Samuel Peel, Bai t , And. how'exe. jeonraging 'he locality or district, there W A T E R P R O O F C O L L A R S AND C U F F S ranged in such way that the water 1 stations of considerable size have, woman of her nealth, her vitality, berjwhc died few years ago. will be someone there to cash the * Miiethin* fieior ihin and bi< An excellent nay to 'been constructed in different parts of [ beauty—of everything that gives a 1 Sir Samuel, who left a fortune of l, )j y pillU cti it with soap and will not spill cheque for the employee There may » itc Ml slur*** or direct *tal(* style do this is to give the child a sewing that country. Many of the smal er woman her therm. The chief syrup- $iJ5u,000, and died childless, was the be a hank in a tent, which, s very board. \\'here the board is cut cut ores have been erected for municital toms of this trouble include a dis head of the firm of Peel Bros. A Co-, |,. ut,u »i,d sue . I or t,r>' at* will mail you ( 1 . fact. |ai.t th"? If there is o TH E A R L I N G T O N C O M P A N Y OF C A N A D A , a curve it will fit inTo the body.; use. but the larger ones are for tne tesre for foou. prostrating headaches. • worsted manufacturers, of Bradford, 1"equently .a ,iloY, j .. ‘ _f Lim ited * and the paints may be placed on it? electro-chemical industry, in which a extreme lengour loss of weight, ner-j Yorkshire, and one of the -Jubilee” ^ I T h e chVtfes wH 5 8 F r a s e r A » e n u e , T o r o n t o , O n t a r io cheques will flat surface with no danger of ups^-t ' main factor of success if cheap and vousness. pale cheeks, lips and gun.i,; Baronets be addressed ind who wit; distribute ting them plentiful electric power -d-V, G. D , in h°art palpitat>ons. dizziness and Mr Samuel .*el's title to the Bar ... , , „ .. , them to the men in the distrht. To The wis- neither saves her old Conservation. constant feeling of wretchedness. onetcy was probably only definitely ; make out tllP pay p *, s and isHlf, , h. magazines and catalogues for t ie C H IL D R E N The only way to effect a cure is to ' known to a comparatively few iuclud- j cheques to correslKtnd to the booktime whe< her children may need Clean Stomach, Clear Mind.— The increase the blood supply—to make it ing the vicar and the stationmaster I keeping and the work so advanced them. stomach is the workshop of the >ital pure, rich and red. Dr. Williams’ Pink ; The old gentleman lived in a semi as to have aU things ready at tn® functions and when it gets out of or Pills have saved thousands of young ! detached house, with a garden, to ' ^ 1 , 7 date’,'on the' Troke’ ofYho^*clo Elephant Training der the w-hole system clogs in sym-1girls and women from the early fate which he was passionately devoted requires a large st..ff a* headquarters. Nor all e'ephants are qualified 'or pathv. The spirits flag, the mind that threateneo them through anae-, He had a gardener, ail old man. |And whether th.* t'mes he good or had, mia s ravages, for these pills eprich who lias memories of a kindly old tiger-hunting Every animal used I dr°op* and work becomes impossible, the figures rising or falling, the USED BY MILLIONS OF MOTHERS in the sport ust be steady obedi- ^ ,le ^rsf tare should be to restore the blood,, stimulate the circulation, |master, wrho was. however, hard to 000,000 have to b< provided on tho FOR THREE GENERATIONS He healthful action of the stomach and 1 nourish the nerves, and restore the please over his beloved garden ent, and feaness. for if a single ele fifteenth ot each month to the mirtti e. phant misbehaves or bolts when h. ti e best piepaartion for that purpose I energy ami perfect health that make |combined wi h his affection for his -pu, exceotii.nally strong position of is Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills. General ! women attractive. , If you are a vie garden a tastfor theological study confronts one of the huge cats, the His Fcolish Fear the Canad'an Pacific has enabled it to He neve* returned the greetings of pass through a time of stringency, of fear may sprtad use for years has won them a leading tim of bloodiessness in any way, do “ Would you marry a man whose in-..deadly contagion . not let it run nto a hopeless decline, place in medicine. A trial will attest wo young men next door who wished alw’ays making more than lt= divid com*- wa- under $5,000 a year,” h e '^ lo a . as^’ dn<? runaways, broken jial but begin the use of Dr. Williams’ ' him 'good morning” on seeing him end. with ample funds at its instant anquins and loss of life may result. their valueasked. Pink Pills today. The following bit : i H his garden. Nevertheless every disposal. There ha* been, as far as It is interesting to know how men “ How much under?” site replied. of evidence proves the worth 01 'his Christmas he would invite them into possib!-*, retrenchment during 'lie past select the animals to train for the A Case of Necessity “ Well, quite a bit.” few- months. That doe's not mean 'h. t Speakiug of children at a soc'al medicine Mrs. Maurice Sims, Liver-1his house to tea. “ Is it between $5,000 and $5,000?” hunt. Anyone who called to see him. the company has parted As a preliminary step, they walk function, a well known author told pool, N.S.. says: “ Dr. Williams' Pink an> of I might pul it that way.” Pills have been a blessing to me j which was seldom, would he mad1 "D earest! Why did you think I f “ c elephants back and^ forth m a of calling on an acquaintance some its employees; but it has not mid* rAbout two years ago 1 was so badly j welcome, but be would not Talk about , ,w work RPregR,tatln„ ,hr Pir. would let money stand in the way?” ccurt where are ranged cages con- t ine since and finding the little n!..vm taining tigers and leopards (for the daughter of the house playing with rua down \that I ban to give up all himself. , _... , . . ... , , ployment of n< v. hands, or tiie d C — Chicago Kcc trtl-Heraid. work and fit to bed. My husband ud Once a week unfij his health ne- l.urSpin..ut , Slims o(h,.r than sporting raja! s generally have pri a gingerbread cat gan to .'ail he would go to London, . already arranged for under old^r proWhen they have “ That is a very nice cat you ha,re parent? w ere much worried abo it Minard's Linim nt Cures Garget in vate menageries) 1 become accustomed to the smell o f ’ there,” said the caller. “Are you go- as they thaug >t was going into con- presumably on business, and then l.e e rarnmes Xo man lr. the service of Cows. sumption. The doctor who was at-i would talk to the station-master j't|jp \ these animals, a tiger is chained t o : jag ,q eat p ?• the conr.|*finy, high or low, has any fj,at monthly cheque, a post in an opet. space with a 'cash -No sir," answered the Youngster, tending me changed his medicine sev- who oceasiona’ly visited him at his qoubl The World’s Deepest Lake ca’ efully regulated to limit the length affectionateiv stroking the cat with era! times, but it did me no good andjhou.se. On : tradesman's-account hp which will be honored in all parts of I began to fed very much discourag would demand or return a farthing as the Dominion In Lake Baikal in Asia, the ex oi his leaps. The mahouts then fore ■ 1;cr iittle - ;;ni1 -]t is t0o prottv l0 ed myself, One day a friend advised n was due to cr from him. traordinary depth of more than the pupil elepha.it tu approach as eat.“ Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Gossips nad it that there was a me to try 5,600 feet has been reached, making near tho post^as safety allows, and to Three or four days later the author Up Against it this by far the deepest fresh water remain for some time within few7j happened at the house agaiu and his and 1 decided to do so. In a few w^eks , rrmantic episode connected with his known Do you believe in saving up for steps of the tigtr. thougths reverted to the gingerbread I felt much bettei and I continued j life which had turned out unhappily, taking the pills tor a couple of months He. was very fond of cats, and kept rainy day?” It now appears tha Lake Tangan Each Jay they lengthen the tiger's j cat. until 1 was again in perfect health T “1 certainly c o. but w fiat's a felk yika, in Africa, may approach this . chain, and the prisoner, which is kept “ I don’t ice your cat. Gladys,” he believe that if 1 had not taken Dr. no less than seven. It is said that his depth, as Capiaiu Jacobs of th half starved that he may be the mr ,re , remarked, as the child came into conversation was most interesting, 1 going to' do when his salary hard'y nan. j1keeps him joing in fair weather? "— German na\y tas reported r sound ferocious, ch-rges fiercely at the e\e- j the parlor empty handed. “ What has Williams’ Pink Pills I would not have an,j jie * as a highly-educated man. survived, and l shall always he very- He was generous to a degree, and Detroit Free Press. ing of 1.1bO feet, and a Belgian of-! pl.ant as it conics near. Those ele- ( qj- jgrateful for what they have done for gave freely tc charities, and also was ---------ficer r ’airns to have penetrated still j phants which stand their group 1 ' it's "gone." announced Gladys, generous tc cnildren low er Tanganyika's deepest bottom |without flinching are considered wjth a resretfu| sigh. “ It got so me.” ■>. Magic Word You can get these pills from any is at least 1 00 feet below the sea qualified for the hunt in the jungle, dirty that I just had to .eat i t ” Diner—I’ve forgotten what I want dealer in medicine o; by mail at 50 German Emperor Patron of Nurses level hut those" that have revealed the; ed to order ; n . I had it on the tip »f cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from least timidity are degraded fiom the • The versatility of the German em my tongue. Where Alice Failed The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, rank r.f huiite^— the aristocracy of peror has often been remarked, but A safe and sure medicine for a Waiter— What did you say aboi, * Husband (t j second w ife)—Yop not the least interesting phase of his ^ child troubled with worms is Mother their kind—and are turned over to con't cook like Alice, my first wife, Brockville, Ont. sir?— Houston Transcript activities is the personal interest j ignominious iahor Graves’ Worm Exterminator. Slum Heredity which he takes in music This is the j According to u zoologist of the Cal used to do, Mary ” lie said, in tones of gentle, ext operating reproof. ‘‘.No; “ Tell me ab >nt your aunt, old Mrs“ When Billinger bought his nrw cutta Museum, among every thousand if seem* to me you can’t cook like Several generations of slum eav.r- more. surprising „ the Morning Post Blank. She must he rather feet,« onmenr will produce a slum hrreaity. j ' London) says, for the strenuous life now.” house it was with tiie express under elephants that undergo this training. ; she used to.” standing that t e should have a room only about fif-.v will not bolt when ; On ano'her occasion he remarked: that the children will have to contend ( ot the modern monarch leaves but lit“ We buried h>-r last year,” said • brought face tc, t< ce with the chained all of his own—a den or study.” "You are not so smart at getting about with as weli as the slum environ- 1tie for the cultivation of individual other; “ Yes. I know wha: you mean. Did tiger: but nearly half of those that as Alice wa;; girls who j tastes. ment. in our slums are You don’t appear to Buried he-? Dear me! Is the c Id stand their ground bravely at first. om properly cleaned King David, Nero, and King Ludwig' he get it?” never saw a room catch on where she left off.” properly cooked, and of Bavaria w-ere artists. Henry VIII. 3, yYfS. tj at, “ He got it and tis w ife furnisht d j retreat before a more ferocious asor ate a meal About f his time a heavy rolling pin s why we buried he!," their loved music-makings, and played upon it.” ■sault. came in conta^' with his head. “ Wnat neither did their mothers- or was the response—Tit-Bits. “ How?” do vou Tiean bv th ath e'evclaV m e-t ' grandmothers There was “ nothing tu the recorder. Queen Elizabeth encourin a°nnv exclaimed ^ Qf cju ..se They had n o , ?ged the study of music among her “ With a sewing machine, a cutting When the Waiter Wins in agony. Small Boy (who has been playia* table, two dressers, dummies, thr-e an adept of Two in°n were wrangling as to ‘ I am d'dns the work that Alice I ProPf r utensPs or materials. T h ere1people, and was herself sweet sounds,” a *d 1 Dull for a'x Hours) My legs ache sewing chairs and a full-length mir who should se’ tle with the waiter neglected.” sh replied, with evident tray have been wealth, even .• obility, the concerd of ror." away back in that family, but it “ but Frederick the Great sought solace! Anxious Mamina What have for the luncheon. When the ques satisfaction from the aaffirs of state by gathering , been doing? , tion had been finally decided and There was more peace in that house- tered no parsrips ” and provided no musicians around him. playing upon Small Boy— I dunno. I d d a <*%• “Pa. what's a f> ebly?" soap. The use of the right fork ! the contestants hud gone the waiter , j,0Ul afte-ward * There isn't any such thing, Har said to oxe of his regular customc-s. comes only b ' using forks. No matter the flute, and writing military marches ample on the blackboard yesterday -----------------old." l ow many Creek professors grace and other pieces. Frederick, indeed who was a wl.ness of the scene: j A Pre-Rc man Wall GOOD CHANGE "Yes, -here is It says in this That's what we like, for every time; one's ancestiy, or how many clergy stands out as the monarch of the The Roman wail had a curiou-, but book that the young man had a it happens w, come in lor^ an extra jjitie known, predecessor, men bless it. tb“ descendant will lisp Duct who did most to foster a lo\e of Tea and Coffee to Postum feebly growing down on his cheek.” tip. The man who couldn t get the; Before doing the thing themselves, ! in Billingsgate, if he hears nothing the art. He took an active part in the musical life cf his people, and exerted . ,; The large arny of persons who hav« check has only one way to get even, rj)e Roman^ counselled the Briton |else.—Albion Fedow? Bacon in The i personal influence upon the operatic , folind relit? irom mat y clironi • ail“I'm afra d you may think we're giv and that by giving the vaiter tc build a.w&’l, with the result that— S t o w e v . performances of his day. His name, 'Ojments bv changing from tea and cofing you a lei of fish this week. Did and nine times out of “ The Britons. wanting masons, j jq Post-im as a daily beverage is man.” said the genial host, as they sat I something Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. this connection, is inseparah.e from tea he dees it anri make the amount that wall, not of stone as they Lhat of Bacn down to dinner “ The fact is my wife j more than he would have given if he were advised, but made it of turf, \ growing each Jay. The present emperor has done much has got hold of what sounds like a 1had paid the Dheck This one order- an(j that so cl -nder that it served | It is only a simple question of try Longes* Telephone Cable to maintain that enthusiasm for good ing it for oneself in order to know reollv capital device for removing j ed extra cigars and left the change little or nothing at all for their deThe teleplu ne cable w iiicb is to con music whic.i hac for so long character-j jj.(, joy of returning health as rr-ila fishbone stuck in the tdiroat. and we j fo, me. We like the ;i\e me *he fence and thy army . . . bore nect Aldeburgh. England, with Wal- ized his people. It is strange to thinK :zf*d by *his young lady. She writes: want to ee if itv tvorks.” —Tit-Bits. I cheque' quarrels.” ' down aU that was before them.” cheren, Netherlands, is to he seventy- of the .mar calls a » a. r j. ‘I bad been a coffee drinker near . . . whom . Europe , , ---------------— The Romans were again sent for. nine nautieai miles in length, making lord exhibiting such zealous interest in jv ajj mv 1jf0 and \\ affected my stony“ Fifty Fifty” Modern Compliment and though th?> ‘ told the Britons it the longest submarine telephone the arts of peace. In his se’ -appoint- ai.p—caused iraor'nia and 1 was ae$ “ I think. William. I'll ask these new! Of course mothers should be exam- 1 plainly that i’ was Il0t for their eaue cable in the world. It will furnish ed role of protector of all those n_ i Q0tn without a headache” (Tea is just people next door tn take dinner with j communication between fluences which make the world m. re aS jj,jurjous hecaus. it contains pies for their daughters. said Mrs. |° f leisuie to take upon ♦hem any telephone the us tonight." j more such long and laborious jour- London and Berlin. The cable is to he cultured the emperor reminds us o f j samp dr .g . caffeine). “ I had heard Evergay. "What for?" Colonel re>s f ° r their defence,” they built for of the font core Pupin loaded type And they are.” replied che pictures of ancient warriors w,th . aPout poatun anl how beneficial It “ Weli, toe butcher, by mistake, left Courtly. ‘ The girls of today will be ^iem a wall of hard stone, tee Britsword and harp was. so co.iciudea to quit coffee ,.nd their mea' o n !1, itere. and it seems ns putting to their helping hands as Something Better entitled to congratulations if they suc j try it. onlv fair.” Looked Suspicious ceed in being as good looking as their ( abore~s.” “ Then you can't get me a govern “ 1 was delighted with the change I mothers."—Washington Star Mayor Mitch el: of New York was caii now sleep wMl and seldom ev«r ment plum?” Cohen—Hands up. or I ’ll shoot “ No.'' said Senator Wombat. “ But 'alking about an attack that hud have heaadebe. My ptomacb has got Quick-witted Burglar—Fifty, dollars what's one paltry government plum? been made upon aim durirg the ten strong and I can eat without suf t Why She Was Glad fer de gun' i I have secured for you some plum -campaigtv fering at'terwards. I think my whole “ I’ m so glad you proposed! That Cotnn—S-'.d!—Car : vie seeds from Jie department of agri ‘ My accuser,” we learn from a system greatly benefited by Postum puts me one ho on Delia. She's only 1 culture. Go horn* r.nd start an orchard contemporary, “reminds me cf Hi ‘ My brothe: a!*o suff^r^d from had three^this month."— Philadelphia ; of your own, my friend!"—Judge. Doolittle. Hi was the champion I.ar stomach troub'e while be drank coff- e. Record. of his native village. but now, since using Postum. he feel* A girl who saw the Atlantic ocean “One day Hi as arrested and ! so much bvtter he would no: go back An old goldfisu breeding station in : for the first time, was standing on the brought before the local just ce for I to coffee fo.* anything.” woman’ s right; tlu outskirts of Tokio, Japan, has a is every beach, gazing dreamily over the ex- chicken stealin?. Name given by Canadian Postum are troubled } pause pond area of 44,000 square feet and but many of foaming w ater. ” ‘Jedge. yer honor,’ he said, ‘I Co., Windsor, Ont. Read “ The Real an annua! output of about 500.000 w ith sallow complexions, “ So this is the first time you’ve ever plead guilty on the advice of my to W ellville,” in pkgs go dfish. in addition to which golden; headaches, backaches, low 1seen the ocean,” said her escort. lawyer.’ Postum comes in two forms: carp and common carp are groi n. 5 “ Yes, the very first time.” "But the local justice gazed at the Reaular Postum— must be wel! bill Tc persons are employed in the spirits— until they learn that , “ And what do you think of it?” noted prevaricator and rubbed his ed, 15c and 25c packages. bfi-ches of the work, and six varie sure relief may be found in “A h !” she sighed in ecstasy. “it chin dubiously. instant Postum—is a soluble pow ties of fish are handled. smells just 7ike oysters.”— National " ' I dunno— I ’m afraid,’ he stam der. A teaspoenful dissolves quickly Food Magazinemered; I guess— wal, Hiram. I guess in a cup of hot water and. with cream He— I love vou witfc al! my hea't. I'll have to i . m more evidence be and sugar, n^kes a delicious hev^rago Let me tell you of my devotion— Cautious, at morn, be lies about the fore I sentence vou.’ ” instantly 30c anl 50c tin<=. ! my— pool. The cost per cup of bo‘ h kinds »* I She—While you are on your knees His rod and line a-swish; “Hips are coming in again.” about the same. ^ arid1 Ew!7 1 \would you mind tying my shoe lace, | fceaiow WS*«dd Vab* te W< Boldly, at eve. astride a tavern stool. “There’s a Reason” for Postern. “ Hurray! Mother can corns back jHt ffcijwBcria <please?—Philadelphia Ledgeri V»- N. U- 1012 He lies about his fish. from Europe ” — so!d by G .com ROBBING WOMEN OF THEIR HEALTH "aS!fga A R L IN G T O N TEETHING MRS. W IN S L O W 'S SOOTHING SYR UP The Pink of Health B f.W 'S W h\) \m l A n ftabbs % tor here on Sat Best sHu Ward, tr.;vr was here for two d ;es are Low ! K m c; > q r\ y * 1 0 E. Dentrement has t duties »t the Dominion elevator itiis wogIc* V > A A. lira ck Hill ;11 i tun- M , . ..... . i here ha- been plae-al in Elujott J home on Thursday from visiting w ir,lmv thi„ week H frillnci ^ friends up wea . • Border Horse j H Messrs Watson and Greenwood Liken at rump last summer o*\ « i | shipped two c»rs of hogs and j number of the boy rt r-. /•te 9 cattle yu Tuesday to Winnipeg. . 1 eg.merit jU goc-es^on of t <•photos and they will be eonsefk ing •/ .lr. Claude Loomis has recovered rii?ir own interests as TT U0 s t P r i c e s P a i d F o r F i r s t Q, N lity C r e a m from his. illness and is out again |decorating their home., by bji but is not able to do much work at ing these photos to t he Gab-tt* \ present. Ioffice and having them properh and la rg er returns, j r« ;m r.a r / j-1 * framed. They are much! toe The next meeting of the Council valuable to be left rolled tip oil )V v prices. " i n r ; m ' !!■;• . ;■ ! i i t t i r a t of Reciprocity will be held on handled carelessly. Our charged Monday. Sept. 7th, at the house of ., u D s f ;ction means our success. • 1 are reasonable. \\ -iu^t ybdr cream. Your s suffsfacti A. E. Spencer. l > c U I VIA I C i £•J Attention ------- -------- • - > --------------- ------ Ti» Saskatchewan Creamery Cc MOOSE J A W AND WEY8URN R . J . C r e i g h t o n , A g e n t , < Z & rr\ \ G R IF F IN (Successors to & SM ALL Phone^Xo. 22 Fairbairn Bros.) DRAYMEN & D EA LERS IN COAL AND W 0 O D g and Transfer Wjjerk / ; for Souris and Oil Company. ’ ; Jack Montgomery, of ^ikpple To Captain Lockhart Blossom Farm, has been hauling• lumber from here this week to LIMITED build liis new stable. Hurrah for Captain Lockhart And our brave soldier bovs ; d iu f f .1. Dignnrcl. has taken his new They. „ „ „ , 0 Valcartier threshing outlit from tne station : -Mid tUe bus„ u ,ind tht> noiie. to his farm ready to start thresh- f , TT, , , U e hope they get no farther ing Wednesday, weather permit- T .. . . , . , x ., 1 In this great and awful strife ;; ting. It was hard to see them leaving, \ Renauld had to cur loads of For Doc has saved many a life. Coal ar G iv e the new owners o f this old established business an opportunity to prove their mettle. Sat isfaction and courteous treatment to ail. Office, R a ilw ay Ave., adjoining Johnson L u m b e r Y a r d 1118 Merchants Bank of Canada H e a d O ffic e , M o n t r e a l. ■lumber in on luesday. Ihere From Canada’s fair wheatfields |seems to be quite a rush for lumber To old England’s-vine clad land' by farmers building stables, houses Our sons are brave and loyal, i and granaries. Our daughters true and kind. • — ——4 *4 — — Is Your S U B S C R IP T IO N PaicD Tenders Wanted went to Tei.. 1 ' v.i!!.be !.y •» T*:r - lo u r s , pti t.i, 1. ri-.i t ■f C<iA in fr'. !>. X.. '1 // Johnnie Ptick, or Areola is visit- v pmf iug ut R. McBrien’s. i The l-.west • r any tender n >t necessarily ; T. G. Eliis is building the , , .. , , {4-2 approach to the loading platform. Mr. Duncan, of the Dominion Elevator Co., was here on Wednes day. JOHN SHIER Secretary-Treasurer Church Chimes Hodge Bros, have purchased the W arner threshing machine and are repairing it. Church of ^ - - — = -------- in The Olden Days ^ V\/HEN St. Crispin made the first shoe ever V V v worn on a Royal loot the achievement was hailed with delight by Courtiers and Citizens. , A T THE PRESENT TIME— IN VICTU S SHOES pave the Royal Road to Comfort Unexcelled quality is responsible for INVICTUS popularity. N . A neatly clad foot is very pleasing to the eye. There is peTect foot comfort if tha’. neat shoe is an ‘TnviciesA Foot-Note :— Ir.victus Shoes are Fit for a King. (On West side of Broadway) Service every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Parisian Sage Makes Thin 2„ p. Sr,nd^ Sch001 an<1 B';b,° c!ass at ° m. Lifeless Hair soft and Young people’s meeting on Wed- nesday at 8 p. m. i A cordial welcome to all these meerin"*-. Beautiful hair, thick, soft, fluffy, j W a l l a c e . B.D., M.A., Pastor lustrous, and free ‘ _ I __J __ i. f , METHODIST l, one of women s , Tea test-charms, __ , . The preaching services m convet so n.i-.ny/ ha Si.reais.ea, tain nectj0T) with the Methodist chnrch and lifeless think there is nr? as follows: no remedy. \J^retty hair is largely Florence. Service at 1 p. m , S ., a matter of care. S. at 2 p. m. ■*r Frequent applications of Parisian c Wheatland S. S. at 2. 15 p. m. ; Abundant •. Saiie weil ru!,b«l into the « . l p is ail taut is needed—it acts like magic. Try it tonight— you wiil ready be siupused with the result Not onlv wih the hair become soft. fluffy, radiant vith life and really doubly beautiful, but all dandruff ui?ai penis, iann.g Lair and itching sciiip ceas^— yitur Lead feels fine. A .urge bottle o f Parisian Sage ^ Ct n ^ Horn J. H. Llliott lie wi.l retard j< ur money ' it you are not sntisiitd. Oarnduff Branch Manager J. 0. rm » 94 -«■ n n• v« w ir »= -si s: 5 r.• * ■ a • ii ■ a a a a •« aa 9m mm mm mm 1i s-m ..... rT Water Glass for Preserving Eggs ■* ■ S' • • • : ! S » ■ f * • ; : * " ■* ---- P r e s b y te r ia n WEALTH OF HAiR t 00 England Eunday, September ‘6, 1914 St. Mary the Virgin Oakiey, Matins and sermon 11 a. m. Henry Wenmen, was thrown Holy Trinity, Glen Ewen from the plow oneday this week. Evensong and sermon 3 p m. rT . , at. James Carnduff, Evensone He is abio to be about, though his an(2 sermon 7 p. in. back is still painful. A . also n , B. A., Incumbent ....... S 7 t0 0 y There are ^comparatively few people who do hot handle sufficient funds to warrant their opening a Current or Savings Ac^tfnt. Pay ing by checui is/ffic safest and most satisfactory^ a\ of conducting your businesSand in a cheque you have yoiur receipt for payments made. One dollar only is neces sary to open an account. Interest allowed on Savings Deposits at Highest Bank Rate and added twice a year. No doubt all bis scholars will give Prayin" for ° « r sol(lier bo-TS‘ him a Warty welcome after their 'Long life to Captain L'vkh-.rt holidays and will be eager tor : And honor to his naui. He ’companied our boys away May he bring them; home with fame. —Cdutributed Miss Louisa Wruth C’arnduff on Sunday. RESERVE FUND SffirE $7,000,000 The Jacksonville school opened May peace and bright prosperity •on Monday for school. Win Peters Soon on our fair empire poise ; has returned from his holidays There are mothers, sisters, sweet and has begun his school duties, i hearts, Miss Mary Conkell spent Sunday at home.-’ E s t a b l i s h e d 1864 New s a Water Glass m id / < will be fresh ajft ept for two years, ^ 5 a and it is pro\ ed! |* S » is so effective preserving material Glass] a a r-a P .ck your eggs now \vhil r I V »■ ■ i c a .. they are cheap. S ^ ^ ' V i T ' at 2 00 p. m. ' j r H Service at 7 p. m. Prayer Service in Carndnff ev' rY Wednesday evening at 8 p. m R e a d ^ arn d u H 1 •i M ■« M OUr • aj D ru ^ S to re * »• i -m rnt . ! ... a. • rM.«« ... -fe. |« H „ A d v e r t is e m e n t s { 7. T h ey are neW SV _ all the services. ----- Strangers ■ ........ - — — ■ -■ " j ................ -■■■■ to cordially invited, R e v . £. G. S aNDF.rs, B.A , P ast->f: PHYsK U \ S AND SURGEONS QA3IPBELL & THOM^If^ON B iptist BARI vj. T. Lfl^KHABT, it .1). l / i Regular pr«»HChmg service every SOLICITORS J X . d v ix a t f .s Sunday at 3 30 p. m. TV^^RKRETON, ji. d . Notaries P ublic. F.tc. Sunday school at 2 p. in. All welcome. BROADWAY CARXDUPF MONEY TO OOAX. FARM3 30C0HT0RS0J.il A. S. Mc L ean . Pastor THE GAZETTE. CARNDCFF. SASKATCHEWAN. •V /- ' A - '- ' " v . Gb G \ " b „t A. '. ■ -: ■' J \ f*9 A T H C C w £, vJ 1 I £ L, .-3 \ PA n s O R\ S> H er F.r^k r-y 4ie he denned i: ( 3d:j •; sh; G tad Gzed ■\ killed taiiiors. M/e ha' rc ni ? nd we absolutely t Vk. V J*Y suit vsh men HI > ! h ;> > | < r r the reason Udn'i i it lii ‘ -°r if • ?ers<; . a . r , c o r r e c t n e s s 1^il: t iS\ 1’CSu1l fro m na mg onfs cloth per workmen. 23th Century Clothes are all hop J tailored hy over C000 samples of the newest cloths for Fall wear to choose nerfeci fit or no charge. ikia i .s vnr.r o p p o r tu n ity to b u y i.:_-n '*V 1* 1iHYe* M!<f pi ices i ifft 11 of < —•. \Ve.h?,vp af ..i*t •” pun- Men - i;: ao-a nd. w ; *■<■ strip.• Bios >15509 !U to 14. These “■-11 r .r.il.ir- i;- ut • Wliile - VVool Seeks two-1hirds Va 1ue . ■c t AfV r.. , / Nov- i * Overhauls Special Priced 75c . - ' v^ ndsu •iv a oi b. Sa^t 73c Saturday 0:1 y 3 ?>r fo r*; i.O A Men's \X orking Boots lii-re y -u will : . bir£c Hssorfm^n^ r -nds of Men'? \\b rl mg Boots. \Y b .A. . ,t” ,,,_ \^ L> 3 pair. Special c a o.i.l Boots r, :■ I'ci at a 2 oi 3 d Yi n.t-r Of . out & & vtr i| ir vf/ I lave you liatl a look at our new Silk Waists in all the latest colors, tanyo, blue, nets ami croj.es, all the leaking styles, $3.75 to $7.50 v|r & 4&r A ♦ ^5r & * i 4Sr L A D IE S ’ D E P A R T M E N T N E W S c f; \\ e are fortunate to have our Velvets in a> the wholesalers are cancelling all velvet orders, so be sure to proeme that velvet dress as the stock is limited and we cannot buv more, •fust arrived another shipment of Misses’ and Women’s Fall and Winter Coats. W e are I showing all the newest styles in Roger garments ) and North wav. I' \ \ A few Lawn W aists and Print Waists left. L I’lu balance to clear at Half Price. \ j Grocery and Frui Deed. ▲ Our dii-ssmaking Department i/s now open ed and -ail the newest Dress. Goods in Crepe*, Entities, Zabir.nes auW neavy Tweeds showing. Come in an 1 npFcjf'roiir choice earl'.. s Trimmings and Laces. Jteal le Laces ar.d Insertions for dress Remember we are always to th * front f<u Tiiresiling- Supplies—Towel ing, Prints,. Quilts, Comforters and Blankets—a fu 1 supply on hand. 1 | ! f | i ; I j | j ; | Crockery of ali kinds for the harves time. Be sure to call and get your wants supplied. Pi kliiig season is with us once mme. We j have ali kinds ot Spices for this j»artihi'ar occasion --all guar.piteed pute and of the hi;:lirst «j1111irv. Mixec pickling spice, •> jiackets lor 25c Tumeric powder j»er 11> 30c Bulk Mustard per lb 30c Whole Cayenne peppers per lb 35c Celery seed per lb 50c Mustard seed per lb 30c Ground Allspice o packets for 25c Vinegars, Cider and white M ine] j»er gal. 50c i We have a choice lot of Famfv Crab Apples $2.75 Boxed Apples $2.00 and $2.25 Fancy Bartlett 1‘ears, jier-jbox $3.00 Fancy Elberta Peaches, per box: $1.55 4Sr L fc & vfi' r W E S A T IS F Y i% & 4 ir v^r 4&r & & * ^ W E S A T IS F Y ^ v fj & iff theCoiin. il ChiGubrr on •Tr.o<i’ia\ 5 room being filled to cayaeity. Mayor Lo'-khart o:ru] i '1 .th< chair and stated the object of tIj-• meetin-r. Sbinc- ns u-sion folio' ed as to the sc ope of the organiza s Serious and Frivolous Facts of the Great and the I’ tion and culminated in a motion t'o : form a cor]vs here with Dr. T. O. i : : : Near Great gathered by Gazette Reporters : : : | i Brereton as Captain. A service roll wa> signed by a immber of ! those present and further ' _____________________________________________________________________ ' signatures will be sought. The F " “ Jappointment of other officers will J Mr. J. P. CarndttiT. of Xapinka. Lost— A Signet Ring, gentle-1 be left to Captain Brereton as was in town on Thursday .and! men's, engraved with initials “ C. Ithe occasion arises. Order.- will Friday last looking after interest^- H. Finder will confer favor 1^ PosU'd lrom time to time a, T. j the Po-t Office. The meeting was Mr. J. Courter, of Creston, Iowa. by1 ! notifying “ -K Dr. 1• Brereton. ome on. 1enthusiastic, all feeling the need ^s Cleaning Pressing Fur Repairing The undersigned has opened an establishment in the Bar bershop Block. J^arnduft, and is prepared to/eceive orders in the abo\ie lmes. Careful attention to details and first-class work will be my endeavor, - and i respectiuky solicit your patronage. Special Attention to Ladies’ Tailoring, Cleaning, Pressing. J. H A F F U r . F. «... Elliott and family, o f : Beech' " ho is seriously ill. Winnipeg, have been the guests of The Women's Foreign Mission Mr. and Mrs. -T. H. Elliott for a Society of St. Andrews's church few days. are packing a bale of clothing, any .<;a T E ( •* n ; i «»K T H E Miss Wood returned to town on person wishing to donate to thi- I X 7 H K J H D I C I A L JU s T K IC T 'u F K - 1 E V A N . Thursdav evening to again take b,lle wil1 Please leave ' ame ! IX T H E M ATT F it u F T H E F.-TATE charge of J. H. Elliott's Miilinerv i basemont o f the t^urch the first of 1 O F R O B E R T J A M E S C C M B A R H . the week. LATE G T H E T o W X oF- CARXdepartment. I » r iT IX T IIK P R O V IN C E OF Hull Insurance Inspector Selkirk - AS K A TGH K W A X , D EC LA S I D . J. H. Elliott has gone to the because top sections are made & ^ w ith ample provision for heat e x p a n sio n . See th e M c C ia r y dealer. \ their .book of regulations re Rural titi«l theret* • :«a\ing n-eact y t ■th* \t-.A A,. , •. . ' eiaiiri'«.i ttiiieii ihuice li.;- G.-en n*ceive«i M.w Delivery where it reads o n , ^ biili ;iml will 1H>t ; t-,.r th.. wliat is called drop lettersr tliat is, said a->ets ••r-r.ny part tner*- •: t - any ' * in ■ anv post office o r M----' chum tia?j letter s mailed *erp— ’r‘ “r ----!■*r' : ~ 1 1 ' , , % . . s:ld F;irTt”r Ll- U"t i-v, notice at1 letter oox on a rural route tor de- the time of ti»e •iistribut. -n the said ’ livery into any* other post office or a.*’-et> ‘t any pan tiiere L'atou a at s. Camduif vamuuxi in m »!. l I'r ' luce oi ; letter box on the ?ame route, rr>'t ^ Dated >aska5ilewan Uiis 1st :ay •. -. •• rate of postage is two cents an |A. D 1914. CAMPBELL Sc THOMPSON ounce which means that any seaivl __ -olicir-Ts i -r EdMani John Hunter, cd letter requires a two cent stamp. :t.e , ... .r,,r ;I , This same applies to letters posted - =====^======================== in Carnduff for patrons on any For S a ^ j mail route. Registered F land-C^iiiy B*>ar, i’ yrsA meetin: to discuss forming old. Apply to •.aome •>Luird corps was lieia in 44-;j fl. SMIIRC M. S7 CIRCH, Gar.e ale . | * t . o r v ? Vv b y* & 9 | G O O rr t i l l e o 8 O and Threshers’ Supplies Notice to Creditor; You w ill never be troubled with a warped or buckled range top if you buy the famous J d a r d iA / a r c Headquarters has been in the district for a few; to of some training and prejm+ation Mr. Burt-Gerrans went da vs looking after his landjilorden yesterday to attend the; for any emergency should >ucli| arise. interests, bedside of his father-in-law, Mr. j T A k V. XOTiCK that a! I rr-TitoF- of | trouble this week to make up a * the a!''>ve estati ‘ are r» lin-iyF, -end tniiitarv window. It is worth ip* the I.xec 'ti r of the j believe the majority of the farmer care of C’anij'lieli A Th 'll, it.trSUBSCRIBE F(>R THE GAZETTE 1coming to see. are fairly well satisfied with the risters. rister-. 1 arndulf, *a.-s.. •;m\ awards though, as usual, some again*; the ab**ve UF -ta t ut ■r\ dec! a rat ■|>n '-Mwant more than they aie fairly - j| .■M - . if any. held; t the : tn diiv of entitled to. The lo.-ses range from ! ( 'ctober. 1914. 10”., upwards. : AND L c RTHER TAKE. X> T IE thatj T! & Patrons on Rural Routes will ; after the >aj;l date the I-A-- -ator will; ; distribute the a-wts ■•!' the -aid n;please take notice to section 19 in any part thereof among the j«artK*> en- g o i.r i ■ fs u n t^ r ’s O (§ t ; 81 G 9 O C5 j I • ’ ; <i 9 PliO N E 32 e .. j . f t U f 4 r * CARRDUFF W § C 6 J E W E L LE R Y .Tew,-'Ary. £ ain al .vays show " t o EE FAIR I ne p.-ompt'v. Bring y .• V>" .: L 'Clocks and Jewellery to me if von want fitsf-cbi.- work non-. Ma.l orders looked after at once. Eu J. R. BAILY, Jeweller and Watchmaker, Carnduft j| T H E G A Z E T T E . C A B X D U F F . SA S K . Russiar. Dogs Trained far Battlefield Dogs have ,»ecotne r^-al factors in police work and in war. Especlft 1> i3 this true in Russia, which country has always inclined to the actual « mployment of .rained dogs for various purposes it is scarcely five years siec? M. f.obedeff and his enthusiastic coAorkers inaugurated the scientific of police dogs in Russia, yet In less than two years it will framing M I^bedeff was able, to announce a few days a g) mat during that period be unlaw ful to buy or use over '1,000 criaiirals had been tracked by dogs and arrested in ST Petcrspoisonous white phos b :rg and district alon* phorous matches Recently, a series of competitive fr.a!- for dogs were hp'd on the Se' rrenofT Race Course. There were Everybody should begin close upon *:00 entires, belonging to ti.e army, the police, the railway now to use companies, and other institutions. Xniong them was the vt-teran Treff I? 1- years, now working in Moscow*, who received on ovation on his ap pearance and gained a substantial award. Major Richardson, the Eng lish expert, was one of the judges The dogs used in Russia for mili tary and poll- c purposes are prinipaliy Airedales. sheepdogs, and and thus ensure safety in Pinchers Popular ,r'terest centred in the the home army contingent furnished by the Life Guard Hussars the Preobrajensky and Ismailovsky Guards, an 1 other regiments. Many of the trials A Bill Lovar 81mu! ail on were perform d under fire, and only a few of ihe younger dogs showed any trepidation The dogs, when orj dered, left »he firing line and pelted k »tr* eh (forward jn rm ins offer from aa a*t*bit*hed away to fetch reserves of ammuni firm We giw mg i * t r tion They erurned to thpir masters iw j to housar.de oI poople all o*er the wirh 100 or moie cartridges carried world •• • huge a J r j ♦laenaent. Now in hags on their backs. !• r w r chart a* to When searching on the ba’ tlefield obtain one. W rit e now , enctofting W • the Russian dogs ha\p also been eents for cm# c t our trained to briig back the caps of the fitshioaable L a d l e s ' Tx>og O u rd i. or vounded to iheir keepers Oeots' Albert*. sent earriaci peul to wear ; A relay rac ■ for message-carrying with the *au?h. wh!eU was a picturesque and successful item writ U g Free these watches an* of the progra: •, but Major Riebardguaranteed fi»e y*ars.‘. scr doubts whether such a service should roa take ad vantage of oar raarral|would be -»f utility save in peace fo u ofr:r Ws roe to tell ro a r friends n b n it us and s.:ow them the beautiful watch time The dogs also draw miniature Don t think this offer too good to bs trns. bat w*od Maxims which carry as far as a rifle, 2 3 e s n t s to day and caio a Free Watch You will he ama/ed WILLIAMS k LfXlTD, Who's**!# i The same Russian dogs distin Jew i.era,u # pt **•). VJ. Cornwallis Load. London. N ., guished successively between riders Sn-Iand. i end their mounts, robbers and their booty. POISONOUS MUCH PAIN FROM KIDNEY DISEASE REFUGE FOR WILD GEESE B ew are of F ak e Baking P o w d e r Tests Only Kidness Needed to Attract Tt»ese Birds to Suitable Situations That wild geese are shrewd »-nough Doctored n Vain Until Dr. Chase’s j to know friend from foe. and that, if you "throw a handful of feed at them | t THE SPICE MILL’’ (N.Y.). SEPTEMBER, 1*13 ) Kidney Liver Pills Were Used instead of a thimbleful of shot.” they Kidney derangements are eften as will lose their fear of.man and make j Unscrupulous manufacturers of baking powder, in order to sell sociated with disorders of the liver their home within a stone's throw of their product, sometimes resort to the old game of what is known as and bowels, and under these condi human habitations, has been clearly ' !t»c glass test.” In reality it is no test at all, but. in cases where the tions ordinary kidntv medicines usual- demonstrated by the experiments of prospective buyer does not understand that the so-called ’'test” is ly fail to effect cure. 1; is because a lake, pure and simple, the salesman is sometimes able to make him Mr John T. Miner of Kingsville, Esbelieve it shows conclusively that the so-called baking powder he is their unique, combined action on ewnty.’ Ontario. liver, kidneys ,nd bowels that Dr. selling, and which of course contains egg albumen, is superior to olher The history of the growth of this Chase's Kidntv-Liver Pills are so gen flock furnishes an interesting example brands which do not contain this ingredient erally successful, even in the most of what can be done to tame w.ld Bulletin No 21, issued by Dairy and Food Bureau of the State of complicated cases. 'birds In 190' Mr. Miner obtained Utah, reads as follows: — Mr Emanuel Bernard, farmer. St seven wild geese, clipped their wings, ' The sale in the State of Utah of baking powders containing Paul's, Ken county. X.B, writes: — and placed them or. his pond as de-| minute quantities of dried egg albumen is declared illegal. The -About eighteen years ago my w ife , „ . wil4 oeebe w ere so scarce• albumen in these baking powders does not actually increase the was bad with Kid ey disease and suf- that it ¥ w„ faur v*ar s before any leavening power of the powder, but by a series of unfair and deceptive f‘‘re<* ^rorr- headaches, Pain3 ott,ers joined th.-m In the spring of tests such powders are made to appear to the innocent consumer to in boweL and stomach, and her near, j eleven came, the following vear possess three or four times their actual leavening power.” was affected. For a year she was ^ and in as many as 350. Since treated by her doctor, with. .no. appar that tuiK- they have been too numerent benefit > ie then us^-d (He boxes (ou3 to gjve anjr exact estimate, but of Dr Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills with probably about 1.000 may be found on most satisfactory results. This gave the premises at a time Since 1911 no, A Bitter Disappointment Ready For It us such a good opinion of Dr Chace's rhooting whatever has beeu indulged ’ When I was in Paris." remark Yo|ung W ife—Don't \ou admire a Kidney-Liver Pills that wp always in within tiie reserve By moving the man who always says the right thing the collector of curios. ” 1 discovered keep them in the house to be used for feed by degrees the geese have been 1at the right time? in a bookstall i volume which I knew all derangements of the kidneys, liver coaxed to ^otne right up to the. The Spinster—I'm sure I could if at first glance to be of extraordinary Chase's Kidney- house and bowels.” Dr value. I could scarcely believe tb# >x a for $100, ail v,-:iId ducks also frequent the pond, 1 ever have the pdeasure of meeting good Liver Pills, 25c a box Utck Ur>ath!css. I inquired tb# such a ma: .—London Illustrated Bits. n U n f A. {*. Co, f 1/\ dealers, or Edmanson. Bares & and some of F ese have been identi- j price of the dealer ' Just think of It! Limited, Toronto j lied by aluminum bands, bearing Mr. I could have had that treasure for • Discouraging Miner's addr. ss By meaifs of these Mother Why, Ethel, you mustn't song!” Making Real Flesh by Aid o' Sponge he has esUb,.shed the fact that they U * sad on vour birthday.' What is it? “Well, why didn\,you get It?” Never could sing a note in ay Rubber has many uses, even to re- return to his place every spring, or.Ethel—Well, Tommy'll be eight pairing the human body externally .if they fail to return he has been atle ne*t moirth. and then he'll be a year life,” cried ihe collector, bursting nThe great Italian surgeon Fieschl Ito learn wha- has happened to them.! older than me again, and I've tried to tears. conceived the idea of using porous Oue was shot as far away as Paris, j so hard to cau-h him up.—London rubber in ’ he form of fine sponge, Kentucky 1 hoc that return nest in Punch. Wise and experienced mother* counting upon the affinity between •’the neighborhood and bring up their know when the!r children are troubi**4 it and human tissue to bring about a . young befon- p.^utu migrating, Not That Kind with worms and lose no time in applyperfect fusion Mr Miner's experiments are a ing Miller's Worm Powders, the most "Do you give your patient Dr. Fieschi called this “nuova j sinking illustration of how easy it meat Mrs Jones?” effective vermifuge that can be ustd carne," or “ l. -w flesh.” He experi- would be to conserve the migrating "No, indeed; the doctor has order- It is absolute in clearing the system mented with ;t upon animals before bird life of this continent if only ed a strictly .aletudinarv diet .of worms and restoring those ltealthy he tried it cn ais patients. He in-1 refuges were prov ided, where the conditions without which there can •'# serted bits of sterilized rubber sporg? birds could einaiin for a short time no comfort for the child, or hope oi WIRE WOUNDS in various parts of the bodies of degs unmolested, during their seasonal robust growth Ii is the most trust and rabbits and found that in a very flights to their breeding grounds and My mare, a very valuable one, was worthy of worm exterminators short time they were not only en back again. badly bruised and cut by being caught veloped, but thoroughly penetrate! M , _ . ».i -..c wounds "Now. don't talk too much win** in a wire fence. Some ui of the by granular tissue without any in c amc urns armer !would would not not heal, heal, although although II tried many you go to call on your neighbor. You flammation, suppuration or other ill Vt hen the t; >man, greenat farm-1 different medicines Dr. Bell advisedUnay a n s w e r questions, of course.” effects. ing. turns to agriculture for a living, me to use MIXARD S LINIMENT, di“ That is aK I ever do,” said ih# Having thus proved its value. Dr very frequently his former vocation luted at first then stronger as the child "And they ask a great murjr Won Fame on its Merits.—The un Fieschi used the porous rubber in proves of tremondous assistance. sores began to look better, until after , questions. Last time they asked how It youfeel *oi. i of v»ft Is' 'R* SDOW '<.•>r the BLLfcV •. FFKRfromKIDNU.Y. BI.ADDFR. NKFVOl r» DlsF.AsEi. bounded popularity that Dr. Thornes' healing two large wounds resulting Thus a salesmar is pretty sure to three weeks, the sores have healed, j much salary papa got and if he e/er ’ >N H’KtKM' i * urr;. ,k KERUPriOMS.PtLES, write for FREE CLOTH But.'ND MEDICAL BuOK >s I Electrc Oil enjoys is not attributable from the reduction of herfflas. He market his products to advantage; a and best of all. the hair is growing j quarreledwitn you” — Kansar City :»■**#* di -ei *es anI * isik;rrut. ( •res effected by inserted it where it would be most Piofessional man brings excellent well, and is NOT WHITE as ip mostJournal 1H£ N£W FRENCH R E M E D Y . NjI N 2 N>3 j to any elaborate advertising, for it has efficacious :r. strengthening the mus-; judgment to his new work; a tradesbeen so advertised, but is entire always the case in horse wounds - -------— T H E R A P I O N ^ ^ I not ly due to ,hp merits of this Oil as a eiar w-alls that retain the internal . man possesses trained ability which F. M DOUFET. f A local band was one day playing ia toe re m » I 7 for Yo; r o w n af'm ent. A b solute!/ F R E E organs The wounds healed without works ir« handily in his new enterN o 'fo llo w u d circulars. N o obligation*. O r . L r C l EKC I medicine. in every city, town and Weymouth Scotland, when an old native came ap vi p i / C o .H a v e r s ro t x K d . H s m p s i k a d L o n d o n . E m u j prise- If a man has made a success hamlet in >he country it is sought af- j eoinplic&tion WF y o t r o PROVE U IE K A P IO N W IL L L O R E VOW. «. ' '_____ ;______ j and asked the bandmaster what tha A year after the operation an X -, 0f something else, the likelihood of ter solely because of its good qualities. Old Scotchwoman Tjie last iueak I ' piuce was they were rendering. ray examinatio i revealed the rubber him succeeding at farming is in “ That's 'The Death of Nelson,” ' re got frae ye I could jiae soljed 1 )8 still in plae? anu apparently become creased. P/-*' ENTS Oliver Wend !I Holmes was strollirg an integral part of the tissues. plied the bandmaster. I Thus it was with Mr. R. A. Alex- boots wi' it. “ Aye, mon,” remarked the native, Butcher- And why t|id ye jio dae Fetii?'.stonhnugh * Co., head office, ou the beach one day when he began ------ ---------— 1ander oi Aldergrovo. B.C., who was ‘‘ye hae given h.tu an awfu' death ” — it? King street. ta-t, Toronto, Canada. j chatting with a little girl who w:.s MAKING WIRE ! formerly a machine disigner by pro! building pyramids of sand. His charm fession. Alexander in his new sphere! Woman— So I w id if | could tiae get Pearson Weekly. of personality had its customary effect Iron at once found man;, ways of turning ! thp Pp8s -ae through it j Lively Cheese and the child soon slipped her hand in Rolling and Drawing a Bar of 1 should like his ul r* rAiiti expertl i\uu» know iledge v cto yj aLv.uuui. account. vz On i . ,. \ , » t »to have . , your, opinio* his and walked with him. By and by Into a Fine Thread ‘How did you find the Stilton I most farms 'he workshop contains A street Arab stooo oq the weighing ot my picture, he said to the crifc. ' the little on-said she must return to ient you?” Bars of metal four inches squa iare ( simply a bench, a . ice and various1 machine ” It absolutely worthless,’’ the other Find it? We didn't finl it! As her mother. art- heated and passed while hot andl hand'tools Alexander' installed a In ^ of the lingering: day. replied shortly. "Good-bye, mv dear," said Mr. plastic soon as ever my wife's ba?k was “ Oh, I know that," pursued the art Then a counterfeit pijinnv hej dropt through rapid); revolv'.-g . omparativel* complete machine turned It jumped from the pancr.; I Holmes, ‘ and when mother asks you n ils, reducing them to wire rods si,(jp equipped with anvil, forge, drillist. “ but it would really interest >n» in the slot. shelf rauf.Ticwn the garden, out of where you have been, tell her that which var; from ane-quarter of an incr mu(.hine bandsaw and steel, iron very much indeed.’ Berliner Zeitung And silently stole a-tfteigh the gate, ^ind was last seen chasing you have beer, walking on the beach inch to rn inch or more in diameter, i an^, woodworking tools, a frightened dug down the road”— with Oliver Wendell Holmes.” depending upon the finished size o f : Tilis machine shop has proved of The great name was absolutely un- wire wanted London Mai!. invaluable assistance in conducting What; about your wife and children? W ill they i know n to the child, but she recognized These rods, ’ hirh are formed into ’ the firm One of Alexander's most j The cultured young woman from ; the courtesy n the words of her coils as they pass through the rods, ambitious undertakings is now near j dress well after you are gone ? W ill your children Boston was trying to make conversa stranger friend and was not to be cut- are dipped ir. acid baths to remove ing completion. It is a farm steam be educated ? Have a talk to-day with an agent i done. His pleasant smile and bow ac loose scale and provide a lubricant tion engine, with a nominal capacity of "L)o you cari for Crabbe's Tales?’’ quired a quaint gravity as imitated for drawing Drawing consists of two horsepower but which actuaR; 1by the child She replied: she asked. pulling rods while cold through holts will develop five or six. Mounttd on "And when jou go home and they of gradually increasing diameter drill- j tmoks it is easily transported from ' “i never ate i ny ” replied the b -ee/.y O F F I C E S Winnipeg, Edmonton, Saskatoon, girl from Chicago, “ bur I’m just dead ask you where you have been, tell ed in steel plates During this pro-, one part of the farm to another, attliPm that you were walking on the cess the particles of metal become! tendias: to such operations as woodstuck o. lobsters!"—Judge. Vancouver. Agents Wanted. beach with Maw Susanna Brown.” elongated and strained, making the ! cutting aJd feed-grinding, “ This towel is disgraceful.” d *wire harder and more brittle. To re-j Alexander has not permitted his in dared the diutnmer at the mining If Tormented With Corns store it to a proper temper it is neces rnnatio.. toward mechanics to keep camp hotel. ’Boss.” said the color I Save yourself pain, worry and dis- sary to heat or anneal it. j j,im awav from primary farm work ed porter, “ severty-five men done i tress, by using the neevr-failing PutWhen a fine diameter is reqai-ed He has tt'ad splendid success in daitywiped dey hat.’s <>n dat towel dis ! nam’s Corn ( nd Wart Extractor. It is there must be repeated annealings jngf. handling grade Jerseys exc'.utnawilin’, and' you is de first to com , reliable and ac’ s quickly. and drawings. This may be done un- £ vely. His field crops have been plain ! ” til the ''ar, which originally was four |uniformly successful and his potatoes There had been friction between the* it ches square and four feet long, be- j are ajways among the be$t iti the disThe courts have decided that cotton choir and minister for some time past, conies reduced to p diamteer of a trjcr The lattei he takes particular futures contracts are perfectly legal, but so far the gingers had more than single thousan it. of an inch and j prirde in. declaring that Aldergrove is lespite the objections of statesmen held their own. However, on? Sunday- tended 13,000 miles in length Ba-1 a.daptod to spuds as few districts on who have lost money fooling with morning the minister, after listening fore so fine a tize is reached the wire j t^e American continent are.—J. T. B .hem. to the singing of the usual anthem, an will cut into th e steel of the die pla'e, i jn Montreal S’ nr- N _______________ nounced in v. loud, clear voice: "My so the usual die plates must be dis-1 ‘ text this morn’ng will be, ‘Now, When carded and the drawing continued The Word "Obey" in Marriage Service the Uproar Has Ceased ' ” For a through holes drilled in diamonds, Queen Victoria when asked wheth moment the members of the choir the diameter ;f these diamond dies er she would va.y “ o b e y , ” in the mar looked crestfallen They felt that the decreasing by fractional parts of a riage service, answered in the affirm parson had scored for once. Then in thousandth cf an inch This wire af ative. She was being married “ not the sofest whisper they decided to fords a striking illustration of a mat as a quern, bat as a woman." which make a slight alteration in the musi erial made more valuable by toe was strictly tru«- as she conferred cal programme, and when the sermon application of labor. no rank upo.i her husband by marFrom the time the bar of me’ al ripge. concluded ,li i organ pealed forth and Restored to Health by Lydia the eheir triumphantly sang: “ Now ?t enters the furnace nothing is added Toda. there is much discussion to it. All the work is done with one i over tj,'js otu. A-orl in the service of is high time to wake out of sleep.” E. Pinkham's Vegetable article, which ir passed through matrimoi»v. Tnere are even said to Compound — Her Two Philadeiphiaus were talking of rolls and diawn through die plates ip£. some clergymen who quietiy omit ( sometimes :at the instance of the Recommended by lead Lite fortune cf a third denizen of that until it is finished. Own Story. ' bride, but goherally from a sense city when one said: ‘•\Yhat could be more sad than a that it js not quite fair, ing builders for all types ‘ His first ucky strike was in eggs. man without a country?’’ feelingly ask-: To quote Gt Paul, the wife, who London, Ont. —“ I am a farmer’ s wife He bough’ 10,000 dozen at a low fig ed the high school literature teacher j js to subject to her husband in ' of internal combustion ure. put them n cold storage and s id and a very busy woman. Last summer j evervthing has for husband one who ' them at a prefit of more han 400 per of her class. I was taken with cent. That was the cornerstone of his ‘‘A country without a man." respond-: ioves his wife even as Christ also I engines. Keeps its body severe pains in my great fortune." eel a pretty girl just as feelingly.— To- - ioved the ch'uch. and gave himself i up IOr jt. if the husband promised at high temperature, leaves practically no back so bad that I ‘ Alt.” exclaimed the other. ‘ Then peka Jouranl. -----------------! to do that, there, would -be no incould not get up or the hens laid i t! —Harper's Maga carbon deposit Equally good for external Tbe Mistress— I’m surprised that |j ustiee in th? wife promising to obey, scarcely move with zine. you want to ’ cave. Mary, i consider put t;,e rnarn: ?e service is a conout p a in , and my bearings. you ve a very good situation. As you tractSecretary Bryan's Successes periods were pain j n the Rotiati order of marriage Secretary Bryan scored another know. I do some of the work myself. ’ ful. M y husband Mary--Yes, but you don't do it o , the mau and the woman say pr~called in a good doc i success as a humorist eliciting roars m; satisfaction.—Sketch. ciselv tin- same words. In the Anglitor and I was under j of laughter fiom the pupils of a New j can service, where tho man says, to Jersey schoc’ fo girls with such his care for some Gunpovder for the Soil love and to cherish.” the woman time, but he did me questions as ‘ Why does a red cow Brown gunpowder, manufactured ior says, “ to 'ove. charish and tc- obey.” w-ho eats gre*-ri grass give white little or no g o o d . milk that yi Ids yellow butter?” the purpose of destruction, is being The questi. a arises, who inserted One day a friend of mine told me to The secretary’s professional suc turned into foed. An experimen er the word *'obe>” n the marriage s<*rtry Lydia E. Pinkham's V e g e t a b le cess was naturally gratifying to him. has found that it makes an excellent vice? • Where dirt ir come'from? A T he most durable oil for farm machinery. Compound as she had been greatly but such a triumph is. of course, of fertilizer for garden vegetables, as i t ' certain schola- has been set apart to; helped by iL I began taking it and comparatively little consequence to contaius about 80 per cenr. of potassi-' make this inquiry, and up to date Stays on the bearings; will not gum or Large quantities of the he has got ro far as the Thirteenth soon got well, and my periods became a man who lias for months kept the uni nitrat" powder made for navy use have been Century, but has found no mention natural again. Since then I have had risibilities of the whole diplomatic displaced by rite newer smokeless o ' obey n a:i\ church order corrode; not affected by weather. perfect health. In fact I have never felt world in a coustan state of inflam- powder, and the government author:Some day we may find when the ! niation.— New Ycrk Sun. so well in my life. Lydia E. Pinkham's ties sought a way of utlizing the dis- word first made its appearance, and Renown Engine Oil Vegetable Compound is a medicine carded explosive. In its new employ- \who was responsible The home mstinct in crabs is illasmany women need. . I f you think this ment of adding to tne country's food Thresher Hard Oil Premier Gasoline Too Much For the Whale letter will help other women please pub ! trated in some cases recently reported 1supply ,t is thoroughly wet and work a j from England Several crabs from , lish i t ” —Mrs. K. C. Y oung, Tambling’* j Yorkshire, liberated at Skegness, in • ed into the Soil— New York Tribune. The Sunday rchool teacher was mak Atlantic Red Oil ing a review of tne Bible lesson. Corner, London, Ontario, Canada. |Lincolnshire, walked home again. A There', a Time Limit • Who was the wisest man, James?" Women who suffer from those distress ! most remarkable case was that of a “ While you we'-e standing in the i "Solomon. Imperial Oil Co. service puts these products ing ills peculiar to their sex should not pair of crabs male and female; which doorway, bidding the sw?et young! “That's right Now, Frank, who doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham’s were taken in the same trap off the thing good night did it ever dawn was the strongest man?” within the reach of anyone in the Dominion. Vegetable Compound to restore their Yorkshire coast They were carried to upon you—” •Jonah-” Lincolnshire, marked, and returned to health. Wrong. What reason have you for the sea at different places along the believing^ Jonah ta be the strongest I f you h are the slightest doubt coast. In W rite any agency. the course of time the that Lydia E. P in k h a m ’s V egeta same pair, having found each other in Try Murine Eye Remedy man?” * ’Caus? the whale couldn’t hold him ble Com pound w ill help you,w rite ihe sea, were captured together a sec If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyee THE IM PERIAL O IL C O M PA N Y, Limited to Ly d ia E .P in k h a m M edicineCo. ond time in a trap at their original or Granulated Eyelids. Don't Smart— i efter it got him Iowa."— Philadelphia ! North American (confidential) Lyn n .M ass^f or a d - home in Yorkshire.—British Calfoin- Soothe* Eye Pain. Druggists Soil Toronto ; Montreal Winnipeg V an couver Ottawa rino Eye Remedy, Liquid, 26c.. 50c. Mu. Quebec rice. Y o u r letter w ill be opened, ianCalxarr Edmonton On an Ocean Liner H alifax St M »m rine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes 25c^ read and an sw ered by a wom an, Saakatoo a Table Steward—The man who will Guest—Bring me some apple pie. 60c. Eye Book Free by Mall. an d held in strict confidence. sit next to you is a bird doctor. Waiter—Sorry, sab; it just run Aa Eya Taaic G*a4 far Al Ira that Naaf Cara j Old Sport—Good! Are any of Lis out. Guest—Follow It. then: follow it MURINE EYE REMEDY CO„ Chicago, <patients travelling with him. W. N. U. 1012 MATCHES EDDY’S NON POISONOUS “SESQU1” MATCHES ILO WATCH FREE.! FREE TO ALL SUFFERERS THE EXCELSIOR LIFE INSURANCE CO* TETLEY’S ABelter Cup of Tea- T IT A FARMER'S WIFE ALMOST A WRECK ,M oreofThemtothePound I LH STANDARD Gas Engine Oil PRAIRIE Harvester Oil T H E G A Z E T T E , C A R X D U FF . S A S K .' HAS NC COUNTRY THE WELLAND CANAL A NATIONAL TASK t TOR TOWN BETTERMENT BENEFICIAL EFFECTS Of FOREST RESERVES MILITIA PRAISED BY BROOKE WIRELESS SIGNALS SENT EDOM TRAINS Says Car*d an Soldiers Can Readily Pussian Tailor Vay Not be Allowed Practical Suggestion for Improved Adapt T hemselves to Conditions Social Condition* in Town to Land on Either Continent* “The miutetei of militia should be Whether Ike Willis, a Russian tailand Country well satisfied « ,th the manoeuvres 01 , aged 30, will permanently become in the city there are societi* s of all this year, for they have been produc paasanger on _liners, ’ ravelling be- , Linds for civic improvement—city i , A GlGANT |C PROJECT UNDER tween Am.-riem Lngiand and Russia piannirg associations, city clubs. soc- iTHE FUNCTIONS OF THE GO< tive of many interesting lesson?,** do-j DETAILED EXPERIMENTS ON TH| clared Lord Brooke in an interview i LACKAWANNA RAILROAD HAVE WAY THAT I' NATIONAL IN I.vmenhe -o nes out o an Bngl sh pris- Ja, serv,e leagues, health societies— ) ERNMENT FOREST RESERVES He commended the Petewawa camp, i cm ,n a yea. s .ime is a matter iOT; lbe Rst g:o * 6 longer every day- But PROVEN SUCCESSFUL SIGNIFICANCE IS OUTLINED and afterwards inspected the Mari-1 1.-peculation I * nut about the country town? Does time camps Willis is at undesirable alien, echo u ^ eed 'n oth in g?' Is life Vn the counCanada is Spending Fifty Million Dol The Canadina soldier,* ad^ed j Wireless Servic? For Operating Train* was charged at London sessions with ' toWn or , llage ^ near porfecion The Rem»d/ For the Many Evil* Foltar* to Improve Transportation contra venting a.i expulsion lowing Jeforestatior. is the Carry-! Brooke, leads a more strenuous iife I is Now no Longer an Experimentorderthit QO im,)roVf can lak€ place? , Communicating With Moving Train , . _ . , _ __ „ „ and therefore can adapt himself more Facilities— To Carry Trade Froqp wh:eh had rcllor.ed his practice of a y et W#1rarely ^ .ar thl!. matter dising Out of a Po icy of Conservation . , , “ * 8 7 ; quickly •.« the conditions of military Will Prevent Wreck*. confidence trick His counsel. Mr,|cusged E,tber we ba, fc grown acEast and West Under Government Control. j service than the European. I was about cus;oHied t0 -lbings as lhe>- are or Today f'anada is making geography, Purcell told a curious story Since the ti"»t wireless ttlegraph was ba^e bt,.n discouraged at repealed fui- A pe.petual timber supply, result tig most faxoratly impressed with the message from a mm ing train to a lix not of tbe cpi. rr)orr] sort, tliat passes ...in. Born in Russia, VSillir t „ .. . , but of that perm ’ brought to Eti® and when - years old ures. Only a fe days ago a country from systematic, methods of cuttu g i spirit of the troops and the genuine I i » ay in a gcnerati is commonly, and correctly, supposed Jhard work done during the time they ‘ e «n* nt and substantial character tbit He spent eighteen years in this coun- g(.booj teacher wrote me with a \i w l-ack»waura Litni.ed to Scranton. Pa., were in training to be the chief purpose of making 1the improvement of the wireless ?erwi.l endure for a century and beyond. try and most of the remainder of Lis ^ coming to the city so that he might * The mobilization of thirteen thv»urtnrl a tr.r community rommunitv wi I vice betwetu trains and stations for a q^id field icr work. His forest reserves Right, in *h« heart of this North Arncr- 1 fe he had Leen in America He bad find ?ard men at Petewawa m so short a Another purpose, scarcely. If at a.l a wife and two children commercial and operating purjx—e* ican contin'Dt- tlmost at the doors • f r. . . , . eves had apparently not been opened On two occasions he had been sent , tQ the t needs and * 0nde.fui op inferior, is .ha’ of regulating the ruu- time cculd not have been possible i has been steadily going ou L B Toron’ o—Canada is engaged upon a except for the complete harmony ex project magnificent in its conception, o .ussia by boat tut as he was un-, portunities for social service that were ‘ oil from th water sheds of rivers, on isting between tte railways and the Foley, ihe l,ai kaw.u n. s superint«: d* ° ’ le a^guage tne aut a]j about ^jm ;n his cwn little town which, on account of the fact that the revobr ionary in its effect, national n '* ‘ Col Hughes Is et t of telegraph, who originated the . . is un-suitej ..................... f or his benefit and for that of hen- . land for farming, through mobilization staff its significance. It Is this that Can- orities declined to aliow him to land. doing his best by means of cadet idta of the train win less system and ad a is about in the building of the The first time he was .-eut back here dreds of jthers like him, let me quote its being too poor in quality of too movements, drill halls and personal has been in charge of the test*, if ,n close touch ^ it, making satisfactory experiment* .n w Welland Ship Canal. and he had now returned to see Lii a few paragraphs from au article by rocky, 6r being at too high a level and j nfllience t k ith so exposed to frosts, tree* form the ; { and , hu rhe appellation, Welland Canal, is wife and children and to take them p y} Hansen 0l D(;.s Moinesfields hardly though of when the lit w away. It was difficult to know what , , . . * , st profitable crop. * . l>ei baps three-quarters of a century away It was difficult to know what , cse of wireless was lir-t conceived Business jealousies, social jealous most buHding up an efficient force. old. The old folks *alked of it, every would happen tc him in the eircum- ies. and misunderstandings are of freForests maintained for this Latter ‘ The system of interchange of|I The la.i st a cOmplislinient is ’ i* of signals by wirt-les- iron. * m bool child lea-ns of it as pa t of j stances and he might permanently .. I,•be_ ouent occurrence and anu assume large purpose are called ‘protection forests.’ imeprial officers inaugurated by CM. 'setting j come a passenge. on liners irav elling 1 ions ic town iife. ]n some Possibly the best example of such a Hughes has proved most useful In moving train or Lorn a fixed win o x* the daily curriculum. But. with all between the different countries ;owns certain soeial, lodge or church forest, and certainly the largest pro- bringing about an exchange of ideas tin-, how many know that right at / ' Y ,h u iheie no The unwanted Willis was said „ co-operation _______ ___ ..____ ___ ____, the threshold of Toronto is geography groups make for .ery distinct sets or tection forest in the world, is the and a that must resul longer any doubt that the » irel« s* have been twice rejected by the T’ nit can be depended ou for this signal cliques. All this calls for a getting Rocky Mountains Forest Reserve in beneficially to the empire as a whole In the makir.i,? A nation is converg if thp RusAlberta, which now has an area of ing its wealth, its brains, its muscle, le ed States au koritie* and The presence of H R H. the Duke of Si rvice. If a.- operator a: a statico, him back ne together for mutual he,Pf,u," ess,.!? “ “ 81*6 square mile*, realize overcome the natural obstacle to sians -efuse to iiave . 1 derstand each other and to Connaught and Sir Robert Borden be says, wants to set a signal for • Fortunately the Dominion govern at Petewawa did much to stimulate moving train not in communicatioa navigation presen ce in the Niagara seems destined for a life on the„ roll that it’s all one big family with cataract—or better to improve the , ing deep unless he obligingly seeks common interest Events which are;ment early recognized the value of j tbe interest"©*' the troops in their with him he ean cause the s> maphor* blade of tbe signs post to rise cr ’all communitv-wide in their nature, such such protection forests, and. by tne Wo, k ~ facilities of the existmg gap; to n-, a watery grave. a:' ho wishes by simply sounding tha sure that the trade of Canada w i.l1 as banquets, receptions, play events,! creation of forest reserves in ihe SOULS VS ALGEBRA etc mav *e. be planned" with the west, the great rivers of the plains FROM BARN DOORS OF FARMERS proper dots jnd dashes on his key flow east and wit t, and that Canada 1 Signals can be sent by wireless." hi rself* shall h come one of the car-J idea in mind of doinc what has just having their source iD these watersaid Foley, “ a? easily and a? sun 1> a* ric< nations oi the world Dr Francis Denounces Majority of been suggested above. If even all the sheds were saved from the disastrous they are now sent b> electricity ionmen of a town would meet once a floods, the ,ow-water stages, and the|A,le9«d Auto Delivery Scheme For These are some of the problems ,n-1 Teacners as Ignorant ducted by wires We have a selective ------ of* "* ‘---- " *-----with J— Jerod1 Prairies by C.P.R. voiced iu rhe proposal to build a month or so and discuss the ccmmun filling-up the river-beds n, w Weland Ship Canal and it is to; Denunciation of the present school ity problems and mix socially it would ed soil, so cnaracteristic of the rivers The C.P.R is report! d to be ai rang ! dev ice by which an operator can get. iheir ?oli.Jen that the gigantic pro system uttered by Dr. .1. H Francis, be worth while. In one town a com- originating in the denuded water-sheds ing for the,adoption on a large scnle j a signal at any point if In has occasion An , stiperintendeot oi schools, Los ) to flag a train of the eastern United States jeer is now unuer way of a system of supplementary trails- J les, Cal caused a stir among dele- merciai club has %\-rU*r "This means that if any mistake* il is no Idle boast to speak of *.he In this latter region many areas in portation by motor wagons in the suits just this very thing. The writer __ -----are made in the orders issued to nconstruction of the new canal across gates present at a session o ’ n the Niagara Peninsula as one of the National Education association held at |h d ^aiw ays^sa^th at^M some^ndf c0ve^. aP large part mountains, which prairie provinces which will practical- gjneers and conductors, at stations or ■t of Pennsylvania, j ly bring the railway to the bain doors j„ tbo ,as0 of an eniergeru.y <n which world’s greatcri engineering tacks In St. Paul winter months of idleness of many j \irginia, the Carrolinas and other of every __ fanner _____ in its territory. Every ! „ "God bless the girl who refuses to j train must ne stopped to avert deed, th-: csiimacd expenditure of study which causes men in small towns it would be a .States were very severely cut and freight' station wYlf be made a depot $30,000,000 w'ould be sufficient to ! study algebra, heir souls," was blessing not only to the men but to have been repeatedly swept by fire, so f0r a "fleet of motor wagons, of a accident tlie station operator can sig1 warrant that ,-laim. But in these1many girls to mse a great1that the forests have been entirely , type spec; - i nal -the - train ,»s cc^rtainlv as if he ad the community. There -- - llv. devised for this ser-1 d. ys of great engineering construe-1one of Dr. Franc is’ statements, destroyed When rain falls w,re :omDiunieatl6n with some economic waste here. « . on . . such vice, the •lumber varying according I tion the new WVlland Canal will rival "The average literature teacher has. The pub'ic health is a thing of vital an area^ the water runs off almost -m to the size an? importance of the dis-1 cue on board. Ir. its challenge to science the coil no soul and htLe brain," he continued ’’Another vaiuabh use to which ’ he trict served. It is expected that im-1 ------_____________ „ k ; i h ’ o ; can b>» necting waterway at Panama, where wicked waste of a \ i u e ^ n u 'give"" ( X T s i t ' “ "ea 8w ^ ccverad^wUh^foras?,’ I l l portant sta’ ions x* ill have from 12 to wireless controlled signals put,” said Foley, "is tbe handling of almost any small town would , soil would be more spongy and able a score of tbetie cars in service. two ocea.i* arc joined, and in its com- hfe to compe. mm U^ study vnth^ her .1 ‘Most of cur teachers »|e seinsc , sonj( 3tartling fat.ts as to the to retain water, and the water won. I The cars which, owing to the nature ,freight trains <>n long runs. At pr*»n ercial efficiency to the prototype of egotists, would-be scholars, hiding be No be hindered in running off by the t.'ee of the prairie territory, will not have:; ent a through fieight must make many all big canal.-, at Suez. ... m.i imi t stops between its starting point and There is » romance in the historj 7 grades are tie- j destination, a.) that orders and in of what may be called the Welland I of one-sixth of structions concerning right of way Canals, and there is the charm o f 1sho rchandise and fiction in the story of the conception,! dapted for the trans can be deli . e-ed to the conductors, design andv now the construction, o f ' gt The chief importance but these frequent stops are a source Ihe greater Wellana. For its realiza-, tei would rather send my child to a betterment to safeguard heahh and to entirely. Hen:e there is lost any pos-1 will, of course be in connection with of expense and delay which will be tio.i men have striven in the glare of j , . f .ion r.nJ with beautify the town. There is an abund- sibihty of growing a new forest on tne . the moving of grain harvested in aut- 'abolished by the wireless telegraph. "Keeping trains In motion for long the nooday :»pd the quiet of the teacher with a soul than one ance of literature on the preservatt. n ; new bare rock. The soil carried away .umn but the belief of the authorities night, in the balls of parliament and brains whose only object is to have the of health which can be made use <f eventually found its way to the larger' is that sufficient service can be made I distances without stops will result in ’ * ' ' --------*1-,rv# in the secluded purlieus of the coun child reach the answer in the back of in such campaignsLivers and harbours. and did actual of cars for delivering supplies to faim- great economy of operation," said the book. Fcley. "Railroad operating officials cil chambt. The educational interests of a com-j harm by silting these up. I he in- - ersers and so assisting in ir. the the establish establish-; ktJ0Vv how expensive it is to start and ’ Nine-tenths ol our immorality is munity* can be helped by any group f creased irregularity of flov in the» , ing tnerofand r.fhomesteaders V, sotv. assisting -I--- -----1 It is a mans work; it is a work on --their land for many men; it is a worthy task for due to da.nagj done by teachers to with real community vision. Are the streams—excessively a nation. The mei who build these boys and gills oefore they reach high public schools .he best? is t h e ..........— j. ---- - «- —= canals don’t figure in digits. Th y schools.” ing the best? Are the courses compound in toousauds. The faith is j ---------, given ’ d Ihem to remove mountains Kamloops. B.C, Opens Public Market they should be? these and man They pick up a railway here and ff£- j The city of Kamloops, B.C., has eis would practical questions to get With direct communication with a □ops, B.u., nas , concerned --------------—et. On the open- J about and interested in In'afforest such a-eas as above referr^n REFORMS PUT INTO EFFECT train and the ability to set and release posit it bodily over there- I hey com-1 opened a public market •owd of citizens °.ne case a snia" club of men kept con- to. and aft?r non e vc3rs thp U p .L c signals by wireless, dispatchers ran pute quantities and distances as if the ;ng day a goodly crow -- • " ........... . 1unuall> they got a new school j Bill was finally passed" it, 1911 setUng Royal Commission Proposals Accept keep in touch with conductors and illy’ at il smallest thing to do w'as to lift a . were present early in the tnorntn *! buildin Then there is need of such aside $<11,000,000 for tbe purpose of -make. the •great steamsuip with ten thousand ' rf.adv to receive the vendors. But 1UU,,'V "6' ‘ \— "t— L i - ed by Department of Justice . . .stops . . needless . . . The wireless . Kons of cargo over a SOO-fcot hill, and ' a i 'hov;ed less^Earnestness j suppJementary eductaiona work in a conserving the navigability of navag, ,nc tar::iers - lo eu • .v* . . . ! community as can be gotten through able streams, by buying up and ulti________ ReformsJ ... in the __ __ administration of permits .......jthe dispatchi-r to board ev*rv . rlace it on an even keel 25 miles than tbe citizens; the earliest vehicle j lectures, libraries, reading clubs, agri- mately re-afforesting the denuded : the Kingston ^ n iten Tiarr suggested ' ,rain a,ld d f * l i V f r his instructions as ’ - a---- l. j *- * ’ - ' ^ Qilroli- o a ir u . . them .1___ _to Hie , as if ha he handed away. areas on iinro.tant water sheds. At |by the commission which made an ex-, surely , was half an Lour late, and on^' }** j cultural short courses. r> M n u ra o n f t r .A v . It is worthy to note that the direct- _______ m0re______ appeared in Die ncourse of the Thp to^.n p(.hool houses might w,-ell present over five and a half million tensive investigation into the subject CC^ ! Kf. ° [ , in a. seah d envelope for ordinIa he wireless service fo ing genius of tne nc-w Welland Canal day. The market conditions w e r e j^ made use of literary events. de- acres in th2 Apalacbians have been <are beng put inio effect by tbe de-: is a pure Canadian product. Mr. John.' such that the demand largely execed-' ^jates, discussions,, etc., which are of purchased or approved for purchase. Jpartment of justice. Any system in- ar> oper?tinE, Purposes ( _ i?__no__long<r H In one The right of the federal govern-1 auguratej with Kingston W ill, °of‘ a5, t is provcd the fart Laing Weller r engineer in charge of ed the supply and the small amount c0minunjt--wide interest. imeieai. >“ w,,,» thatex.per,mr,‘ tbe Lackawanna has by already de survey, design and — - " J construction. He 10f produce offered was readily dis- community the school building is used iLent to expropriate^suchglands *>>pm-J appl,ed ° Lhe other penal pe„ded upon it when wire commiini a is one cf the increas using number of ,,0sed of. This success should encour- often for debat:* which pack the la^g- chase h nged on the power of promot-, institut ons tion was cut off Recently w h en a se graduates who now e•ncircle tbe globs (Sge more of tbe surrounding farmers ing navigation giv en by he constitu-; Convicts at Kingston who used to ------ --------- ----- •--- - - • - ■ advantage of the market in one branch of the imperial service [ to take market- ' pYooer recreation and entertainment tion. In Canada the Dominon govern- have on Sundays their last meal of I Vf rf\ st,orm p,lt a11 tel*M’hone and ti leoii onuiurr another v/k i i have brought great j white farmers will not compete ^i'- with ...... ffnr_ tbe thf. peop'e neoD’e of a community is no met was also gven the regulation of the day in the early afternoon are to | e*«.Vs” ! fn tf.« a nd lasting credit to their alma mater . the Chinese in peddling their produce : smal, factor jr making for character navigation by the British North Amcr-1 have anever ing meal While knives mountain division of the I^arkawanna 1railroad, all train orders wire hand' d - t h e Royal Military College at Kings-, f10m door to door, but might reason-^ and contenlment as well as conimun- ica Act of 1867, and it has been sug-: are not to be allowed a ” lJ“ c a new kind of ( by wireless between Scranton and ten. Mr. ” .e (‘r waf . „? In a . ^ ° 'I ably be expected to meet their custom- ^ pride. Some organizations should gestc-d that, in those parts of eastern spoon and fork will be furnished Lourg on February 13. 1862 waste watersheds take a hand in seeing that public re-, C a n a d a ^;here here water sheds The system of tubbing and hosirg Binghampton for \wo hours during age of twenty-one he was assistant i js to be congratulated on its efforts creation is properly directed. W l o clearl exert a detrimental influence' is to be abolished or be very spar-! which fifty-four orders were fran niitted.” nJTfi tr, iQon ° nt La?ai ; ^9*? to bring customers and producers :n- r Z J i V Z " andSabbath’ ^ iM°“ th^ ^MVigabill,J ' •? r” ?rsu°->S'y reso-.ed , o4 In add|tlon —,o)|graph ‘‘Commuiniation ireless te e. i rniutuu , ____ ------------------------1 ,, T ' as connected w ith , t0 p;rcct contact with one another. respect . ~honor, — - truth . and. the baDoain minionVovernment should co-operate j the resident -■»physician a -----— visiting tn and f.-0m by fixedwstati ions with *. . . -a.vrence (anal system, andI , and this praiseworthy effort should " ,hegiving ,eam the o,u.tow ' ° nWain-bad “L name, and there establishing and conserving for-, the i ; . ! ! ‘ e,Linstitutions. “ .!« .« ■ * • *There « ror 1moving trains is no longer an uncer from 1900 to 1912 superintendent of meet with tbe success it deserves ! thus different tain ty,” Foley said. “Railroads can tbe Welland Canal. When the s e r i - 1 ---------------- — m in in g soitu And if the j est growth. Such a water-shed is that-have also be n a number of changes .ruining some characters? characters _ .. I now go ahead and install the ser vie# ons break occurred in the Cornwal KAISER FO^ POPULAR SPORT team is all right, is it getting the sup- of the Trent river, where, accord.ng to i in the staff at Kingston Canal in 1908, Mr. Weller was called » •* Are the boys and a report lately issued by the commis The commission suggest more out- 1without any fear of failure. The ser vice can be put into operation without , port it should get. • , . f coaserVation. as the result of side work ior the convicts, from St. Catharines to take charge of i w nt t0 gee the Masses Uolifted by girls being given<a cna ^ p repeated fires, about 150,000 acres are ' farm labor ana particularly such as increasing th*- train crew?.’’ recomthe work. | Athletics is ^ u n d e r the p p morals law nracticallv desert laBd The Trent val- \mends that the m anufacture .. ■ Commercial telegrams have already manufacturing oper- peen sf.nt from the Lackawanna Lim The first shovel started to work on, ' ' T he Que3ti^ of p , this line ley canal which passes through this ations be extended so as to include m l f S t a r 1! ! ! and thf. specifications I The Emperor of Germany, who has f ^ °.. 1 e vompletion j f all oon-1 shown a warm appreciation of all,! “ t i ^ ^ e ^^nrogram m Tm ak 1region, has already cost the Domin-} manufacture of things such as furni- ited and a set of regular toll rates is er ,,QJ goVernmCnt upwards of $10,009,-1ture, etc., required in government de- now being prepared by the railroad „ 1 • ” - I f or ,he °PeninL of the ■kinds o, sport, believes that the ob should not escape t ^ p ograin in |ject should be . physical upbuilding dt er f° r V?*,", f.r bnvs and girls is of 000, and, as above report points out, ; partments. This is recognized as a and telegraph companies. i ------. pffnrt t o ! surrounaings 1Jr u j rommun- the rp-es.ablisbment of a forest cover ; large question v hich would requ.re Fifty million dollars is. rough y the masses h at the lhe mos.t imPor ant. .. , *, . the lie deunded water-shed for the very careful consideration before be FUR FARMING IN CANADA speaking. M r, Weller’s estimate of Die! set new records^ In,a speech at the ity A re** waf fer.fcUpp,ieS is one [ing made effective. cost of completing the canal. The dinner at the Bruns-Buttel-Koog, fcl-i nOHl'-SJ lll“ U 1 .* need to make meL’C . off paramount imnAftuneo t A tHfl AQnul i importance to the canal, j Commission on Conservation Issue* Are fathers *The remedy for the many evils follow-1 ABSINTHE n o w u s e d m o r e Second Edition of Publication ____ „ . _ the boys? The ng deforestation as pointed out in A* an Indication of the progr*-** the engineer has is that the whole! nation in sport and continued: “ I de promotion of education as to the pro- this report is the carrying out of a undertaking may be completed and, sire to direct attention to a matter per handling of and tbe importance j policy of conservation under Domin- Switzerland Produces More of Drink which the subject of fur farming is making iajCanada. and the demand for Than Any Other Country— banded over to the government with-1 as to which T believe our nation is on young people through institutes, lit- ion. provincial or municipal control literature and reliable information oO in the original estimate. the right track This !s an endeavor t o ! erature. father and son banquets, specRavages in Morocco the subject, the commission of conr-erA1I the work is being done by con- confer the chief benefits of sport upon j , addresses by experts in churches. E x h jbits of Excerimental Farms A craze for absinthe is spreading [ ration has found it necessary to i.-suc tract, except the building of ihe lock j .he whole people, to bring the masses1are means i f* emt*hasiz‘ -rj ' l i e need1 of txnitnts of txperimemai farms — furth* r edit*oi. of its publication, gates, which are provided by the de-i up to a high plane and not to sort out actjon along this line A ur Farming in Canada " partment to insure uniformity of qual individual, first-class performances of tl.e special temptations The first e-iiiion, although a large ity and a lower price, in view of the from the dead level, which remains |tUa.«v.v« j character destroying -----influences in a number was was printed printed naa had become become com com, pyHihir d ffer*nt from any vet curious thing is that Switzerland is number number required Guard locks will generally lower.” 'town might well be presented to al exh.bn d ner n tI0m an> yet tfae ,a t oduCfr of absinthe ,n p;ete!y exhausted, and as consider be put in at Fort Weller and Port ColALL ARE TUBERCULOUS borne. Care has been taken to provide ample safety factors to make the canal secure against emergen Sir William Osier Startles cies. Mr. Weller’s experience with Audience at Leeds Conference canals has enabled him to introduce ‘ J j n Morocco ;h^ absinthe craze has pp'-k^nt voliime, wbiie devoting a large Sir William Osier, Regius Profes moved_from the town barber shop and to point out how t e into his design many improvements they came down. And. by the way, at the farms maj be o P become so bed that the Sultan has pan to the subject of fox raising, alsor of Medicine at Oxford university, that will .facilitate the ease of opera did you ever notice how some things ;nto practice 1prohibited its manufacture. sale <n»i» or 1so covers »v.o tbe breeding and raising...e 1 U» S are ... Each exhibit •vill go to the fairs tion.. The locks all ur of rue the sau.c same startled the huge audience attending are tolerated in town barber shops, This decree was made for fnr purpose* o! such other animals and the interchangeconference of tbe Association lor etc., that cities would not stand for a that Dart of Canada'Vor which it has i importation ?ize, ilUU *"*^^** 1BC parts i i■s aare i c incr~i L u a u ^ c " '*lhe w~ t i A n n f r A n q n m n t i n n h v 1 p i 1> been specially prepared. The main ex-! the request of General Lyautey. the a* Karakul sbrep .the offspring of able. In the multitude of detail to-1 tbe Prevention of Consumption by tell- minute? T o ' carrv into effect some of the hibits have a” been designed and as. French president in Fez All travellers Which are known as tbe Peratan day he has a iisioi. of the completed ' inS them that they were practically all ( above suggestions a commercial club sembled at the Centra! Experimental a.grehe ,hatvft^ L A ffeCts ° f dr™k,r,g ab-, lambs». racoon, mink, marten fisher, canal, with the products of tbe .tuberculous. He said: ‘‘If with the aid of radium and a prairies meeting the imports from the microscope I could look at the chests n^merTnffet’ monthV Their meetings Farm, Ottawe. by J. F Watson, act- s,nthe *n Morocco are appalling. Car-: muskrat, beaver, reindeer, tl.e moo-e. o t t o ™ things- i social time ing under *be direct supervision of tne a';an£ “ V * been des5’nb<;-d as laden etc Valuable information rala'ive old '“ land; Canada grasping of the audience ! am addressing, in u.u “ n- eastern V*"*" C a y have Sm efhing to ^ t> ; 2, pre director of tlie Dominion farms, Mr. J. ^ iu th e . czrp ing it from the to The fur trade, the principal world , coast to the interior. 'markets and approximate prire^ of per cent <t you I sfiould discorer sentation either by local man or out- H Grisdale. Each exhibit occupies a the west In one great national pur fur skins are Inc ud^d in the volume a small ,'ocus or area of tuberculos sider or both of some special probljm space seventy-two feet wide, end ton-----------------pose.— Toronto Globe. is.” which is to be discussed: 3. discussion' sists of twelv • panels. Two panels iu 1 Forestry* Is the art of utilizing the* Sir William demanded, in the in in. I ------------- v . ,V -n nnPS. each will be reserved for the special forest and at the same time perpetual- Cable From New York to Panama DAIRY c o n g r e s s terests of the state, the establish i„n. by the members of the topic in Qu hib«t of tbe branch farms in the : ing it It is wholly utilitarian, it has The work of iaviing a cable be;w en the show is being sold nothing (except incidentally) to do New York a an Pat ment of rigid control over consuir. p tion; 4, delegate to committees the d e ; ^ Panama, a distance of Canada Sent J A Ruddick to Meeting tives. v ith the esthete aspects of forest 2 500 miles, one of the greatest und?r he taken. Such a course has almost in Switzerland regenerated a town.” Farms of Germany Supply the Soldier* STCVlb concerc the landscape , takings, wi’l begin in October Beef Stored For Eighteen Years Perhaps is just Mr. J. A. Ruddick, Dominion dairy nr, M.nrfreu snhiecrc Mood-crops ir will be laid at a cost of * bf Ut r e m a p s your your community i-um uium ij 1= ju ai h„nare>ri enhierta ,n rn n.lliniili- & e T* e* * r'‘ ---------- uuj is Us object, A hindquarter of frozen beef ex crops is tbe commissioner, has returned from at waiting for you to .tart som eth in g- , ™ S S i S v . 5* 9 J r cen t o f jU8J a * food-crop* the object of j $5.000.0<»0 by the TeRgrapn Gon<> -ieThe only obligation tjon Co. o7 I^ondor., wrb tending the sessions of the Interna hibited at Smithfield after being in Contributed c « » « m w iifpi. r >imposes in the use cr <ship Colonia, which will lay ” tional Dairy Congress at Berne, Swit cold slorage for eighteen years of League. against 319 per cent, ir Berlin proper, birvP8lforestry Gf fers a remarkable example of the re of a forest growth is to sys- at the rate of abou’ seven ■ zerland- The congress is held there which shows the smallest percentage , tematically replace the harvested hour volution which refrigeration has tri-ennially and gathers together the 1.000 Miles of Rails of able-bodied youths of any place in crop jjj rbjS obligation mainly, if not | made in the food supply. Although most eminent dairy experts of all ----------- ---------in appearance, . The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway the empire. The statistics, which aie alone, does forestry differ from lumsomi-what faded part Capital Crime* and Fore p^e*-« parts of the wcrlii. have constructed nearly 1.000 miles for the year 1912. hare just hcr-n made ‘ bering.—F'emcw The degree >c which forej^nrrs The delegates were given a very of it has already been used as R o d ,!' of - main ’ and *branch ------ 1- lines ---- -t— public. Wiimersdorf, one of ’ h e ! during the ; responsible for capital crimes in *'.e hearty welcome at tbe capital of Al and is SMd to be svill sound. The hindqua>'ter was shippet from (last twelve months. This would not Greater Berlin municiDalities, which ‘ ; Dominion is :.;dicated by tbe ‘act t Lord Wimborne Sell* Estate pine republic nd the addressed were Australia in III X O%TO and dUU was r* n cjzt In *»» ii u n t v been w vi.u possible ^ w».--- ------------1896 kept have had not track-lay has the lowest death-rate of any city 11 death sentences rece recently before replete with the latest and best of storage fot experimental p jr-jin g machine; '#en brought into re-jof Germany, furnishes 48.2 recruits Lord Wimborne, who brought backlof 11 d^ath sentences scientific prepress in dairying. The cold at Malta until tbe government quisition. One of these track-layer* |fot service among every hundred men the polo cup Irom America has sold the ju-tic? dfpar'ment. tb^ re was not ------bject in :b« addresses were read chiefly in French poses— or if. warehouse some monthalhas DUt down five and a half miles of.examined, a figurs exceeding that of his Cardiff ^srare in Sou’ h Wales tor a t’ana-Man p-RRh ^ub has put hat some were given in German and took over its warehouse some months foteel in a rinr' day. |lir» jasy otbe” -a£ge effy in the country I agodthera 'n English ’J 4 I* ,ibf i S’KSrW'* Sc v - t r z rs ? t '■.*"*“* * Th’ ------- PI THE GAZETTE, CARNDUFF. SASKATCHEWAN. J . McEwen The Car ;':. j/i cor * ^ •he er.l! of onlrentai .1. 'therm**! with !n Uf*r \iiw Lrwis-: ii fu b the dead could t»»>t still. . X/ TARZAN OF THE APES 1 ■. s r j r VC-1SECSKr3SC liP B IH p iip 1' ' Uijjlj rp ntc-ng tF * briDs'Sifs. of » > Carnduff Gazette Alphabet By EDGAR BURROUGHS j j — !. Kj2, Fy ( Mansey C«mp 1 \ »in th- ' ik which bfc bad Interrupt frolicked ;il trees and j 1 .r. . Th. Jt am .M\ When *Ker< f .k ' land . cn !, with n to follow I m. Sf-t off to ird tl They tra- eled for the tbp ground . where it w , ■>0.*■ f.' elepi ing tl.e p;j1Lb of the grear ( NOR1 .AT! i hi: first ge, d ha K« A Factor in the Mak ing of Men's Clothes C “ Personality,” says one whose wisdom is not to he questioned, “ is the greatest thing in the world.”/ W e ail h >w how it counts in Ehe work of this busi world— forcing^i^tess where least expected. U] W ell -^fitting, w ellrnnA^ -lothes are a proven important fac tor in adding to a man s personality, just as, contra-wis^ an illfitting, ill - m ade suit Will draw off from the most pronounced per sonality. __ <1 Personality is a mark of every suit and coat made by the House of Hobberlin. Jt is for this reason that the men who “ care ” are c u s t o m e r s o f thi s house. E v e r y g a r ment made to measure ► : Sole Agent for : Hobberlin Tailoring J. B. Preston & Sons Signed by subscriber-— Pres. Mrs. D ill V ice.-Pros Mrs. II. P h illip s S ecretary Mrs. .la Stephenson Treas. Mrs. M. N . Farr Verna Mrs. C. W . Pnrker, Mi Tim m ons. M rs. P. P. Stephenson. Mrs T. K. Tim m ons. Mrs. J Bock, Mrs. S. Mine. Business Brieflets -------. H‘st|t f:u it ja r 1be perfect seal— for sale by Preston ’s, Use tlte W o o l Socks regu lar 35c ~ " r ! P:i’ r> i0r ' b. E lliott FO R K W V a p .w , D*U i <-> ‘ .0. in ._ ... i good A Good Salesman ! For Distri* n >!.nitob.i. :ta, where .vc DENTISTRY Capable == 'j\ o F itl r -h —-- - - .V2iSrfci?'> v-iThe Sight That Met His Eyes Must Have Frozen Him With Horror. S -r -whose comings and goings urealt the only roads through the tangled jungle mazes of bush, vine, creeper and tree. When they walked It was with a roll ing, awkward motion, placing the knuckles of their closed hands upon the ground and swinging their uugaln! b’ bodies forward. But when the way was through the lower trees they moved more swiftly, swinging from branch to branch with the agility of their smaller cousins, the monkeys. And all the way Kala car ried her little dead baby hugged close ly to her breast It was shortly after noon when they reached a ridge overlooking the beach. where below them lay the tiny cottage which was Kerchak’s goal. fo r 30e h:’d SPen n’* ny of his kin(1 p0 t0 , '• iheir deaths before the loud noise made s j ' by the little black Stick in the hands of strange white nD© vrbo lived in tuat “ rri,,e ^ repair. ' tip Ills brute fciiinl to OWn that deujh dealing contrivance and to explore the 1 lA ,.t Gazette office. interior of the mysterious den. W ool Socks, regular roc, fo r 35c lie wanted to feel his teeth sink Into the neck of the queer animal that or 3 pairs for $1.00. E llio tt’s. he had learned to hate and fear ant Save m onev by buying yonr because of this he came often with his harvest supplies at Preston’s. tribe to reconnoiter, waiting for a time when the white ape should be off his Special prices on quantities. ‘ guard. -• See E llio tt’s west _\\indo'A » f °r . O f late they had quit attacking or W ool S >cks. even showing themselves, for every r TT ___ . . . . . time they had done so in the past the Drs. rvebwn & Graham, Dentist?, Mttle §Uck bad roared out the terrible of Moosomin, will visit the follow-! message —---- G S » depth to some member of L_ ing ])laces on dates mentioned :— the tribe. — r-r?» Today there was no sign of the iriati ! Gainsboro, Thursday, Sept 17th; Carievale, Friday, Sept. 18th ; |about, and from where they watched they could see that the cabin door was Carnduff. Saturday, Sppt lhth. open. Slowly, cautiously and noise A il w ork guaranteed. Crown and lessly they crept through the jungle to bridge work a specialty. Teeth ward the little cabin.* On they came until Kerchak him extracted without pain. self slunk stealthily to the very door and peered within. Behind him were two males and then Kala, closely 6% M O X E Y 6°o straining the little dead form to her Loans may lx> ubtaimjJ for any pur[*>sc «>n acceptable Ileal Estate -county: lib- breast Inside the den they saw the strange <-ral privileges; %>rr#q>on<lcnee -"licitcl A. ( ’. Agency^ronipany, 7")<' Gas- white ape lying half across a table, his Khvtric Bldg. Denver, fo b . and 44U head buried in his arms, and on the Bierce Bhlg, St. Dmis. Mo. -* 41-^ bed lay a figure covered by a sailcloth, while from a tiny rustic cradle came the plaintive walling of a babe. Noiselessly Kerchak entered, crouch ing for the charge, and then John ClayI1R. BROWN, DENTIST ton rose with a sudden start and faced ill be at The A voi^rnore H<>u.«e. them. Carnduff. E ve^ vrT H U R S D A Y The sight that met his eyes must from 1 to (i p .m .,fo r fh e practice of have frozen him with horror, for there, his profession. \ / within the door, stood three great bull Sperial appointments m ay be apes, while behind them crowded many made by m ailing a Post ( !ard to more; how many he never knew, for Dr. Brown, Oxbow. bis revolvers were hanging on the far I wail beside his rifle and Kerchak was charging. When Kerchak released the limp 1 ■ form which had been John Clayton. Lord Greystoke. he turned his atten tion toward the little cradle, but K a’.a was <bere before him, and when •3 he would have grasped the child she snatched it Lerseif. and before he could intercept her she tad bolted through the <h or and taken ref age in a high tree. As s e took up the little live baby of Alice Clayton she dropped the dead body of her own into the empty crad’e. a r c son The wail of the living had answered W WE W AN T NOW During all these operations the |apes who had entiered sat huddled 1 euf the door watching their chief, while those outside trained and crowded to catch a glimpse of what transpired within. Suddenly Kirehak’s linger closed upon the trigger. th<*re was a deafen ing roar in the little rojm, and! the apes at and beyond, the door fell jover • ne another in their wild anxiety to escape, j • ‘ j , Kerl hak was' equally frightened—so frightened. in fact, that he quite for got to tfirbw aside the author of that fearful ixiise, but bolted for the floor with it tightly clutched in one hand. As be passed through the opening the front iight of the rifle caught upon the edge or the inswung door with suf ficient forge to close it tightly after the fleeing ape. When IvCrchnk emue to a halt a short distance from the cabin and discov ered that be still held the rifle he drop ped it as though it had burned him, nor did he again essay to recover it The noise had been too much for his brute nertes, but he was now quite convinced that the terrible stick was quite harmless by ttself if left alone._ J ijg c!everN c,,:,;tnicte,] jajch which Clayton tincf made for the door had sprung as Kerchak passed out, nor could the 'ape's find meats of ingress through the heavily jarred barred windows windows. rfh I Kala had not once come to earth with her little adopted babe, hot now Kerchak called to her to descend with the res!, and ns there was no note of auger fn his voice she dropped lightly from branch to branch hnd joined the others on their homeward march. Those of the apes who attempted to examine Kate’s strange baby were repulst>d with hared fangs and menacing growls, accompanied by words of warning from Kala. When they assured her that they meant the child no harm s*ie permitted them to come close, but Would not al low them to touch her charge. It was as though she knew that her baby was frail and delicate and feared lest the rough hands of her fellows might Injure the little thing. on Mr 1 cn 11. recollection o f you rself tlmt God's richest bh-ssings over attend you and Unit he g iv e you the needed health strength to help in tin w ork w h erever you r 1 east. Yi e shall part lmt not fo re v e r Th ere shall bo a gloron s dawn W o shall moot to part no never On that resurrection m orn Expert (I* bin tips grasp, iry t > seize it torn from Its the grasq oT the great that it armed him examine it \ P. was for thunder The White Ape. EXDERLY Kala nursed her lit tle waif, wondering silently why it did not gain strength and agility as did the little apes of other mothers. It was nearly a year from the tim§ the little fellow came into her possession before he would walk alone, and as for climbing—my, but how stupid he was! ;..A. Kala sometimes talked with the older females about her young hopeful, but none of them could understand how a child could be so slow and backward in learning to care for itself. Why, it could not even find food alone, and th ^ n tw g h g jmoons had passed ; 6i?ice Kala baa eomellfloii come if " Had tbe£ known that the child had seen thirteen mooes Tefore it had come into Kaia’S possession they would have considered its case as absolutely hope less. Tublat, Kate’s husband, was sorely vexed and but for the female's careful watching would have put the child out of the way. “ He will never be a great ape,” he argued. “ Always will you have to carry him and protect him. What good will he be to the tribe? None. Only ; a burden. “ Let us leave him quietly sleeping among the tall grasses, that yon may bear other and stronger apes to guard us in our old age.” “ Never, Broken Nose,” replied Kala. “ I f I must carry him forever, so be i t ” Tublat went to Kerchak to urge him to use his authority with Kala and force her to -give up little Tarzan. which was the name they had given to the tiny Lord Greystoke and which meant “ white skin.” But when Kerchak spoke to her about it Kala threatened to run away from the tribe if they did not leave her in peace with the child, and as this is one of the unalienable rights of the jungle folk, if they he dissatisfied among theiii own people! they bothers I her no mare, for Kjafa was a oieac limbed young fjeinaSe, and they dkl not wi>h to lose ter. As Tarzaq grew he h . !•' mr-re r~ I strides, so that by thejtim-a he was ten years old ;;r*l cn the ground cc-rild C derful thinfjs which j irt H l Mo/ jj A 1 v r« 1 i I 'A I Try Us, and Make Us ‘ Prove Up” I . Th e Gaze! : (C< n tin ia d ) : Tf j Ca gam B 3 B B r s z x m i 3 Lands After cm pful inspection Iextending over several years to see that tin* lainT does not Hood, a tradt ofJnorida Lands has Been /n^lmsed on the east coast aVnl is now beinjr offered for sale. 1 Trades for Saskatchewan Farms will be considered | Carnduff Land Co., •4 I --------- --- Jj— --------- - F a rm ers ! Remember that I am agent for the celebrated i powers of !•*.• it-tie T- Iriu 1>hr Fairbanks-Morse Oi| Engines and Oil Tractors. R eady ! from l to 500 h. plate purchasi that will do vJ engine I want Sample engines are now in m y yard at Glen Ewen fo r exam ination— 1530, 20-40 and 30-60 ; also Separators. I T ’S a great thing A to be always you contem- renginp, get one k—that's the to see me about. JAMES GUNN Machinist \ Glen Ewen, Saskv ready-ready to go anywhere, ready to m eet anyone, ready to perform any business or social duty. Y o u ’ll always be ready wear if you 20th Cen or Sale The breed tVa/hokU tin- CharnpionI ship pi tin* world for economic production Two Bulb and several choice young [ Heifers for sale. A. O. PRINGLE, Carnduff tury Brand Clothes T h ey have OVER EXPERIENCE the city tailor touch at country tailor '■es: ■ ■ ’ • n p s * » * «<3 prices. W o are Exclusive Averts i f f fn i* n nMn r' •” >.| ** t iz is v r. .