FEATURING: - Eurasian Arctic Sub


FEATURING: - Eurasian Arctic Sub
IPY 2007/08 NEWS
№ 15 (May 2008)
ISSN 2071–601X
Artur Nikolaevich Chilingarov was elected a
corresponding member of
Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation government considered the
issues of exploration works in the Polar regions
Research work of ZIN RAN
AARI Southern Ocean research in 2008
RussianGerman joint research
International conference organised by SCAR
Observations on Spitsbergen archipelago in April
Permafrost studies in western Yamal
On rehabilitation of the territory of the Franz
Josef Land archipelago
VIII Moscow international salon of innovation and
International polar year 1882/83
Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Russian Federation A.N. Chilingarov.
Photo by A.Nagaeva)
Dear Artur Nikolaevich!
On behalf of the northpolar explorers of the State
research center of the Russian Arctic and Antarctic
Research Institute, Interdepartmental Research
Coordination Committee on the participation of Russia
in the events within the IPY of 2007/08 and the Center
of the scientific and information analysis support for
the Russian IPY Steering Committee, and on behalf of
all the Russian polar explorers we offer congratulations
to you for being elected a corresponding member of
the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN)!
For many years you have been a devoted and active
and wellknown northpolar explorer and leader of the
contemporary research work in the Arctic and Antarctic.
You participated in the most interesting and dangerous
northpolar expeditions under the water, on the water
and on the ice, and in the air. Most recently you took
part in a unique experimental expedition "Arctic2007"
on board of "Mir1"and reached the North Pole at the
bottom of the Arctic Ocean.
You proposed the idea of organizing recent 2007/
08 IPY events, the results of which not only did
contribute to the development of polar explorations,
but might considerably influence the State policy in the
Arctic and Antarctic. It was only thanks to you that work
on the drifting ice stations "North Pole" restarted. You
are an understanding true friend, always ready to give
help and support. Artur Nikolaevich, we heartily
congratulate you on being recognized for your services
and outstanding achievements in polar exploration. We
wish you all the best with your multifaceted and
productive work.
Director of AARI
(Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute)
At the meeting of the Russian Federation government
on the 24th of April, 2008 the issue of "Securing the
interests of Russia in the highlatitude and polar regions"
was considered.
Director of Russian Hydrometeorology and Monitoring
of Environment Agency A.I. Bedritsky delivered a report. The
topical problems of the Arctic and Antarctic regions were
examined. The Russian Federation government considered
Bedricky's report and charged tasks to the bodies of the
Executive Branch and RAN. Hydrometeorology and
Monitoring of Environment Agency, Ministry of Economic
Development, Ministry of Natural Resources, Department
of Transportation, Ministry of Regional Development and
Ministry of Finance of Russia together with the bodies of the
Executive Branch and RAN involved will take measures to
strengthen the position of Russia in the highlatitude and
polar regions, especially considering
– Expansion of scientific research of the Arctic and
Antarctic environment and climate;
– Development of the highlatitude and polar
environment monitoring system;
– Support of hydrometeorological and ecological
safety of the activities in the Arctic;
IPY 07/08
– Development of the national expedition and
icebreaking fleets.
The results will be presented to the Russian
Federation government in the 1st quarter of 2009.
Hydrometeorology and Monitoring of Environment
Agency, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of
Defense, Department of Transportation, Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Regional Development and
Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of
Russia together with the Executive bodies and RAN
involved are charged with the tasks to devise and present
the projects of regulatory legal acts in the 3rd quarter of
2008 to the Russian government. The acts will concerns:
87 Protection of the national interests in the
continental shelf region of Russia;
88 Development and use of the Arctic transportation
route – Northern Sea Route;
89 Specification of the status of the vessels of the
federal expedition fleet;
90 Improvement of retirement benefits for the
participants of polar expeditions;
91 Development of international cooperation in the
Arctic region.
MPR and Minoborony of Russia together with MID and
FSB (Federal Security Service) of Russia, and other federal
executive departments and RAN involved are to provide
all necessary services in order to fix the external frontiers
of the continental shelf of Russia in the Arctic Ocean and
to prepare documents and materials for Russia's claim to
secure the external continental frontier in this region. The
results are to be presented to the Russian Federation
government in the 4th quartet of 2008.
Minoborony, MPR and Minfin of Russia are charged
to calculate the funding of the works necessary to fix
the external frontiers of the continental shelf of Russian
the Arctic Ocean and to present the project to the
Russian government before July 1, 2008.
Roskosmos (Federal Space Agency of the Russian
Federation), Rosgidromet, Mininformsvyazi (Ministry of
Information Technologies and Communications)
Minekonomrazvitiya, Mintrans, Minoborony and Minfin
of Russia are charged with the development of the
project of the Russian multifunctional space system
"Arktika". Its goal is to provide information on ice
conditions, to fix communication problems,
environmental monitoring, life safety and environmental
management safety in the Arctic. The results are to be
presented to the Russian Federation government in the
4th quartet of 2008.
Rosgidromet, MID, Minekonomrazvitiya, MPR and
Goskomrybolovstva (State Fishery Committee) of
Russia together with the federal executive departments
and RAN involved are charged to develop the strategies
of securing the presence of Russia in the Arctic till 2025
and to plan their realization. The project is to be
presented to the government in the 1st quarter of 2009.
Rosgidromet together with the federal executive
departments involved have to devise a plan on extra
funding of the development and reconstruction the RAE
(Russian Antarctic Expedition) infrastructure in 2010–
2012. The project is to be presented to the Russian
government before February 1, 2009.
Mintrans, Minpromenergo (Ministry of Industry and
Energy) are charged to work out the issue of funding
the building of the aircraft IL114T with skiequipped
landing gear to be used in the Arctic and Antarctic. The
corresponding projects are to be presented to the
Russian government before December 1, 2008.
Rosgidromet, Minoborony of Russia together with the
federal executive departments involved are to devise to
project of enabling the Marine Panel of the Russian
Federation to coordinate the federal executive departments'
work on the issues of research and explorations of the Arctic
and Antarctic. The project is to be presented to the Russian
government before June 1, 2008.
Roshydromet's Director A.I.Bedricky delivers a report the meeting
of the Russian government
The Arctic. The total area of the
Russian Arctic, including sea spaces, is
over 6 million km2. The population of these
areas numbers over 1 million people with
136.000 representatives of small
indigenous peoples of the North.
The major important mineral reserves
are located in the Russian Arctic. With only
less than 1% population segment the
industry here makes up about 20 % of GDP
of Russia, which comprises 22 % of the
whole Russian export volume.
The National interests of Russia in the
Arctic include:
– To strengthen the economy potential
and to develop mineral resource
potentials of the region;
– To support and provide stable social
development of the population of the
Russian Arctic;
– To develop national safety system, to
protect the state border, exclusive economic zone and
the continental shelf of Russia in the Arctic.
– To maintain biological diversity and secure
ecological safety of exposed Arctic ecosystems;
– To develop the infrastructure of the Northern Sea
Route, and of air and railroad transportation routes;
– To develop and strengthen scientific research
programs and to support research activities in the Arctic.
The government of the Russian Federation under
takes the development of the longterm strategy of the
exploration and use of the Arctic and its realization
within the framework of federal and federal target
IPY 07/08
programs (FTP). It is also responsible funding and
technical support of the implementation of the
programs in accordance with the responsibilities of the
federal executive bodies.
In the "National Program of Support of Economic and
Social Development of the Northern Regions" the Arctic
is considered an independent target of the national
policy in order to provide national safety and sustainable
development of the Arctic region areas. The Arctic is an
important area of focus of the Maritime Doctrine of the
Russian Federation for the period till 2020. At present
the major FTP to secure the national policy in the Arctic
is "The World Ocean" (with subprograms "Creating
shared network of information on the condition of the
World Ocean", "Exploration of the wild life if the World
Ocean", "Exploration and Use of the Arctic").
In order to fulfill the guidelines of the Russian
Maritime Doctrine and the Resolution "On the order of
fixing geographical coordinates of the external frontiers
of the continental shelf of Russia in highlatitude and
polar regions" MPR (Ministry of Natural Resources)
together with Minoborony (Ministry of Defense) of
Russia are preparing geophysical grounding of the
Russia's claim to fix the external frontier of the
continental shelf of Russia in the Arctic Ocean beyond
200 sea miles. The Russian Maritime Doctrine was
validated by the President and is aimed at securing the
interests of the Russian Federation when fixing sea
spaces with the near Arctic governments.
On the instructions of the Russian government
Roshydromet (Russian Hydrometeorology and
Monitoring of Environment Agency) in accordance with
the federal executive departments and RAN (Russian
Academy of Sciences) involved actively supports the
participation of Russia in the major highlatitude and
polar regions exploration event, i.e. the IPY of 2007/
08. In order to obtain new information on the natural
phenomena in the Polar Regions, make integral
assessments and estimations of the Arctic environment
under global climatic changes in 2007, 87 expeditions
Launching of the drifting station "Ledovaya Baza" in the northern part of the
East Siberian Sea. June 8, 2007.
The photo of the expedition "Transarctic2007"
IPY 07/08
and research projects (including 57 projects in the
Arctic and 24 projects in the Antarctic) were fulfilled.
Social policy in the Arctic is as important as the
economic policy. Within the framework of the socio
economic development of Russia in the longterm
perspective, in the Program of socioeconomic
development of Russia in the mediumterm perspec
tive in 2006–2008 the government set the goal of
reaching the welfare standards and the levels of socio
economic development equal to those of developed
postindustrial countries. Besides, the subjects from
the North consider it necessary to return to the benefits
and compensations program that had been cancelled
before, and to improve the mechanism of its realization.
The major ways of developing economic activity in
the Arctic and strengthening the positions of Russia
there include:
92 Improvement of the normative legal base that
defines longterm goals of Russia's activities in the
highlatitude and polar regions, and development of
international cooperation in the Arctic;
93 Sustainable exploration of the mineral resource
potential of hydrocarbons (mainly on the continental
shelf), and some other types of strategic raw materials,
as well as the biological resource potential in the Arctic;
and increase in energy independence of the Arctic
regions in Russia.
94 Preparation of comprehensive body of evidence
to support Russia during the negotiations on the
borders of the continental shelf in the Arctic Ocean.;
95 Decrease of the damage to the environment due
to the expansion of economic activities and
rehabilitation of the environment damaged during the
previous activities in the Russian Arctic;
96 Support of the national Arctic transportation
system in the conditions of expansion of the use of the
mineral resource potentials in the Arctic;
97 Creation of sustainable observation systems
overland and sea or space based to monitor environment,
emergency situations, and scientific research in the Arctic.
98 Development of measures to ensure adaptation
of the infrastructure to the estimated climatic changes,
and decrease of the early disablement and early death
rates of the population in the Russian Arctic exposed
to both the extreme climatic conditions and negative
ecological factors.
99 Implementation of the consolidated national
policy regarding the social nature of the working
population relationships as the driving force of the
socioeconomic development of the Northern regions,
attraction and of the working population to these
regions. The level of efforts and the expected results
in all the areas of activities aimed at strengthening the
position of Russia in the Arctic correspond to the status
of a national project.
To realize the mentioned above tasks it is important
to attract investments similar to the functioning in
Russia free economic zones and industrial parks.
The federal government, the
State government of a
constituent entity of the Russian
Federation, local administra
tions, organizations and citizens
take part in the realization of the
national policy in the Arctic.
coordination mechanism of a
high level to deal with the issues
of securing Russia's interests in
the Arctic.
The Antarctic. The Antarctic
has become central to the foreign
policy strategies of the countries
that strive to play an active role in
the contemporary world politics.
By being actively present in the
region and claiming their desire to
make decisions about the future
of the continent, countries
demonstrate their ability to
control the future of the whole
Expedition vessel "Akademik Fedorov by the shore of the sixth continent". Photo by S.Kogan
It is crucial to start using aircrafts IL114 with ski
Owing to the successful state coordination the
RAE's (Russian Antarctic Expedition) activity has landing gear. The use of these aircrafts will allow
progressed recently. RAE is the official representative optimization of air route transportation for RAE and
of the Russian Federation in the Antarctic. RAE is ensure safety of flights within the Antarctic.
To stimulate these practices it is important to make
controlled by Hydrometeorology and Monitoring of
Environment Agency according to the resolution of the corrections of the FTP "Development of civil aviation
technology within 2002–2010 and up to 2015".
Russian President.
To eliminate lacunas in the Russian legislation
The Russian government devised major areas of
activities in the Antarctic, sanctioned the plan of safety concerning regulatory activities in the Antarctic, the
measures for RAE in 2006–2010 and the list of project "On regulatory activities of the Russian citizens
and legal entities in the Antarctic" was devised together
dimensions of its activities.
According to the plan, comprehensive environ with the draft law on making the corrections to the
mental monitoring observations are held on the current legislation acts of the Russian Federation.
The draft law that comprises general requirements
Antarctic stations. Scientific projects of the IPY 2007/
08 are being undertaken. Environment protection to the activities in the Antarctic, norms of charges for
measures are implemented. Construction works, violation of international requirements in this region,
modernization and renovation of premises and organizational, social and occupational issues of the
RAE activities is currently under discussion at the
residential buildings are being fulfilled.
At present the number of people of the RAE is 110 government of the Russian Federation.
All in all, considering the estimations of foreign
during the winter, and 120 during the season (excluding
the staff of the aircrafts and vessels). Russian Antarctic analytics on the sustainable competition of the leading
stations Bellinsgauzen, Novolazarevskaya, Progress, powers for economic and political influence in the
Mirnyi and Vostok are working all year round. During the Antarctic and regarding heated discussions on the
season field bases Druzhnaya4, Molodezhnaya, Soyuz, territorial claims of the number of countries, it is
Russkaya and Leningradskaya are in use. To fulfill the practical to devise the Strategy of the development
needs of the RAE exploration works the Rosgidromet's of Russia's activities in the Antarctic for the period
expedition vessel "Akademik Fedorov" and the research through 2025 with a corresponding plan of its
vessel "Akademik Alexander Karpinsky" are used, as well realization in order to secure longterm interests of
as 2 helicopters MI8MTV, 2 aircrafts with skilanding Russia in this region.
gear, and 1 aircraft IL76.
However due to the funding shortage the exploita
According to the press service of the government of
tion of the new transportation hub of RAE at Progress
the Russian Federation and Hydrometeorology and
station is delayed. The measures to obtain extra
Monitoring of Environment Agency
funding of the construction works are necessary.
IPY 07/08
The AARII IPY2007/2008 project "Research into
radiation climate factors and the meteorological
regime in Western Arctic based on observation data
from Spitsbergen Archipelago (Barentsburg, Ny
Alesund) FranzJosef Land Archipelago (Heiss
Island), Novaya Zemlya Island (Malie Karmakuli
station)" involves "fulfilment during IPY of joint
measurements obtained using standard Russian and
Norwegian actinometric sensors evaluation and
analysis of possible discrepancies". As a result of
these experiments it is planned to receive "quantita
tive assessment of possible discrepancies in the
readings of Russian and Norwegian actinometric
sensors, methodology development and recom
mendations for comparative climate analyses". The
first research phase was carried out in April–May 2007
at ZHMO Barentsburg, which belongs to Murmansk
hydrometeorology and environment monitoring
department (UGMS) Roshydromet Russia.
Preliminary results from the research have already
been published (see Bulletin IPY 2007/2008, 2007,
№ 4) and have been accepted for publication in the
scientific journal Meteorology and Hydrology.
Comparative analysis of results from the Russian
pyranometer M115M (made by YanishevskySavinov)
and the Dutch CMP6 (made by the company
Kipp&Zonen) showed that discrepancies in the devices
readings for the hourly average did not exceed or
compare, on average, with the margin or error of the
devices themselves. At the same time, detailed
measurement analysis, including with a higher time
resolution, showed so far unexplained coefficient
fluctuations in linear regression equations. These
describe the connection between readings of different
sensor types at different averaging times. In particular,
it was found that cloudiness, height and sun azimuth,
influence the discrepancies in the readings of the used
pyranometers. It should be noted that the base pyrano
meter used for measuring total solar radiation on the
Norwegian polar station Sverdrup and meteorological
station's of other countries, located close together in the
Norwegian village NyAlesund, is the pyranometer CMP11,
which we did not have in 2007.
At the beginning of 2008, as part of IPY 2007/2008
and by the joint initiative of AARII, the Norwegian Polar
Institute (NPI) and Murmansk UGMS, a program of joint
Standard Russian (right) and Dutch (left) actinometric sensors, participating in intercalibration procedure
(ZHMO Barentsburg, April 2008, Spitsbergen Archipelago). Photo by B.Ivanov
IPY 07/08
actinometric measurements on Spitsbergen
Archipelago was designed for April 2008. The
program involved carrying out a series of
synchronised measurements using standard
Russian and Norwegian devices at the NPI
research station in NyAlesund (Sverdrup station)
and the Murmansk UGMS in Barentsburg (ZHMO
Barentsburg). At the same time Russian (AARII,
MUGMS) and Norwegian (NPI) specialists set up
devices and carry out measurements at both
scientific stations, and in the future will conduct
joint analysis of the obtained results.
The successful work encouraged operational
employment of Russian resources (AARIIFGUP
Trust ArktikUgol) and international (AARIINPI)
projects as well as the financial support for a new
NPI project (Arctic Climate Diversity – ARCDEV).
For this project there were acquired modern
devices for measuring (CMP11 pyranometer)
and recording (Pico 8 channel analoguedigital
transformer) and also part of the logistics costs
connected with delivery and the time spent by
AARII specialists at NyAlesund were covered.
The Norwegian station Sverdrup is a modern high
tech laboratory designed for a wide range of standard
and special meteorological and actinometric
observations, measurement of the atmosphere's
optical parameters and general and near ground
ozone content. This is the logistical research centre
on Spitsbergen for many scientists, Norwegian
applied research and educational organisations (NPI,
Norwegian Meteorological Institute, the Norwegian
Institute for Atmosphere Research, the Norwegian
Institute for Space research, Bering Geophysical
Institute, Management of Energy and Water resourc
es, Universities of Tromse, Trondheim, Oslo, Bergen
and others.
On the station's roof there is a so called
radiation investigation platform, which makes it
possible to set up radiation sensors of any type
and connect them to the station's main computer.
AARII specialists set up two standard M115M
pyranometers to be there until at least 2009. In
order to have interrupted measuring of scattered
sky radiation one of them was installed on a special
"Tracker" rotating platform. (Unfortunately, there
is no such system at the Roshydromet network of
actinometric stations. At the Russian network,
measurement of scattered solar radiation takes
place no more than 6 times a day.) The second
M115M pyranometer for measuring total solar
radiation was installed on a regular stationary
(nonrotating) mounting. A.Pavlov and
V.Klebantsova, specialists from the meteorology
department of Voeyekov MGO, carried out
detailed assessment of the properties of the
pyranometer's glass cover, determined
Interrelation between different types of pyranometer readings (a), their absolute
(b) and relative difference (c)
IPY 07/08
corrections to its sensitivity coefficient, conditional on
the height of the sun and its azimuth. This enables us
to calculate with greater precision the total solar
radiation falling on the horizontal surface taking into
account the non uniformity of the thickness of the glass
at the M115M pyranometer head.
Both pyranometers were connected to the station's
main computer and currently are measuring syn
chronically with the Kipp&Zonen CMP11 pyranometer,
registering the total scattered solar radiation.
Naturally the Russian devices did not immediately
fit on the Norwegian station's radiation platform as they
are of different sizes to foreign analogues and also have
different mountings. However, the astuteness and
inventiveness of the Russian specialists, working very
closely with their Norwegian colleagues, enabled them
to quickly overcome these problems.
So, for the first time the Norwegian station Sverdrup
was "reequipped" with standard Russian actinometric
sensors, which will stay there for a long time. This allows
us to compare not only instant or average hour readings,
but most importantly monthly average as well as monthly
totals. It is the latter that figures in most modern
meteorological reference books, catalogues, archives
and data banks and is also used in climate research.
Over the next week a Russian Norwegian team will
redeploy to ZHMO Barentsburg, on the roof of which is
a temporary radiation platform for conducting joint
Staff from the Russian station, acting head
S.Kashin, senior meteorologist T.Belyaeva and head of
the laboratory RPA Typhoon V.Malyshev, provided great
help in preparing the measurements. Analogues to the
Russian and Dutch sensors (M115M and CMP11)
were installed. Recording was done on Russian
analoguedigital transformers BCI8 (central measur
ing block). The block was designed and constructed
by V.Malyshev at RPA Typhoon as ordered by AARII. It
is important to note that this is the device's second
modification. The first model underwent successful
testing not only on Spitsbergen (2007), but also on the
Antarctic station Novolazarevskaya (2007–2008) and
on the drifting station SP35 (2008).
The data was registered with a discretion of 5 s (in Ny
Alesund discretion was 1 s). BCI8 was connected to an
ACER portable computer, which made it possible to check
results in real time, create daily data files with any given
discretion, to conduct initial critical data analysis etc.
Joint measurements, conducted on the roof of the
ZHMO building, showed the principle technical abilities
of the organisation and carrying out there special
actinometric measurements. Preliminary results, present
ed on the graph, confirm the fact that Yanishevsky
Savinov pyranometers, developed more than 50 years
ago and used on all Soviet and Russian drifting and
polar stations, could be worthily compete with modern
European measuring devices. This also shows that
IPY 07/08
there are real prospects for comparing rows of different
radiation data, including procedures for filling in gaps
and reconstruction of rows for carrying out joint
research of the Arctic climate.
It is clear that the experience of our Norwegian
colleagues from NPI should be applied in Barentsburg
and carry out a not too expensive reequipping of the roof
of ZHMO laboratory. Otherwise it would be necessary
to work with standard actinometric measuring, conduct
ed on the ZHMO meteorological base. Since 1985 this
has been done according to station II program, which
includes hourly measuring of the sum of falling solar
radiation recorded by an X607 integrator. From 2006 a
Peleng system made in Belarus was used. The heads of
the pyranometer M80 (M115M) and the Peleng were
installed on the actinometer arrow AC8.
In 2008, due to the anomalous thickness of the fallen
snow (more than 2 metres), sensors were installed on
specially built wooden mountings, which did not allow
for regular control of the device's horizontality. The
station does not carry out recording of reflected solar
radiation, although there do not exist any important
technical difficulties of organising such measuring.
Certainly, there are many problems connected with the
limitations of the station's existing staff schedule. At
the same time it is possible to solve this problem by
using devices for measuring and recording from Russia
(RPA Typhoon) and the near abroad (for example,
Belarus). Measuring Barentsburg albedos makes it
possible to conduct comparative analysis of albedo
natural tundra cover (NyAlesund) and tundra subject
to clearly visible anthropogenic influence.
We suggest that widening the range of standard
actinometric observations on ZHMO Barentsburg is of
the greatest importance. This is the furthest west
Russian meteorological station in the Arctic, which
worked according to IPY II (1932–1933) and the
International Geophysical Year (1957–1958). Currently
research carried out here is included in IPY III (2007–
2009). The station is close to one of the key, from the
point of view of interaction between ocean and
atmosphere, regions in the Northern Hemisphere, the
Fram Strait. Long term meteorological and actino
metric observations at this point make it possible to
objectively judge the past and present climate at the
polar latitudes. Widening the current standard observa
tions and proper analysis (often simply "search") of
historical data is the key to understanding climate
forming processes, objective analysis and "rational"
interpretation of global warming processes on the
planet as a whole and in the Arctic in particular.
(Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromso, Norway)
In the course of IPY 2007/08 program, the Institute
of the Earth Cryosphere of SB of the RAS conducted
expedition works in Western Yamal – at MarreSale
geocryological observation site established on the coast
of the Baidaratskaya Bay of the Kara Sea near
RosHydromet's polar station. MarreSale station is
intended to provide observation cover for Arctic marine
coastal conditions untouched by industrial activities.
MarreSale station has existed for over 20 years.
Each year, from August to September, it hosts routine
measurements of parameters that determine condition
and dynamics of the cryosphere of Russian Arctic. The
measurements are conducted by a group of 4–6 people,
Research group (from left to right): A.Vasilyev, R.Shirokov,
with Professor Alexander A.Vasilyev acting as the
I.Kopytov, S.Simonov
irreplaceable leader and organizer of the station work.
Routine observations are also conducted by graduate
– permafrost temperature measurements with
students from IEC SB RAS and undergraduates from automated loggers' thermometric systems;
Geographical Department of MSU.
– measurements of seasonal thaw and seasonal frost
Expedition works at MarreSale provide excellent layers on similar spots in different landscape conditions, and
opportunities for training in geocryological field determining their changes in variable climatic conditions;
research. The collected data of annual measurements
– measurements of thermoabrasional retreat of the
of parameters of natural environment supplement coastline formed of masses with various ice contents
substantially to GIS database of IEC SB RAS and provide including large deposits of sheeted ice, for to estimate
factual materials for course, diploma papers and the etching dynamics and forecast the natural trends,
when designing engineering and industrial structures.
In 2007, the working group included Roy Shirokov
As a result of expedition works within the framework
(graduate student), Ivan Kopytov and Sergey Simonov of IPY 2007/08, in 2007, there was established a
(both MSU undergraduates). The explorers and their connection between marine ice coverage and marine
equipment were transported on the spot by MI8 activity, climatic factors, characteristics of retreat
dynamics and relict permafrost degradation along the
One of the most vital issues of cryology is reliable coastline. Analysis of the GIS database showed, that
estimation of condition and respond of continental and climatic changes in Western section of the Arctic Basin
subaquatic cryolithozones (permafrost, seasonal follow cyclic pattern within the general warming tendency.
thawed and frosted grounds) to changes in natural Daily data analysis showed, that Western Yamal features
environments. The collected data provide
basis for establishing background regula
rities of cryolithozone dynamics along the
continental coastline, which are sub
sequently taken into account when fore
casting the technogenic impact on natural
Monitoring of continental and sub
aquatic permafrost in changing climate
conditions includes:
– revealing factors of influence on
cryolithozone dynamics including air
temperature volatility, amount of precipita
tion and interannual precipitation variab
ility, characteristics of near shore marine
conditions (ice coverage, storm intensity
and variability, etc.);
– studies of composition, structure and
bedding, ice content and cryogenic
structure of sediments forming coastal
bluffs, as well as of those found in open
Warm period extension (dates of persistent zero temperature transition) due to later Autumn
ings and boreholes;
tendency – Western Yamal case study
IPY 07/08
decreased from 145–150 to 115–130 cm
during the last 10 years. This causes narrow
ing of the ice foot, where young shore ice is
frozen into the sea bottom, and also increas
es intensity of subbottom permafrost
The research group conducted test
modelling of subbottom permafrost thaw
ing processes. The bottom and bottom water
temperatures were chosen as the boundary
conditions, as they are the closest to real
conditions of the present day. The modelling
showed, that during the next 1000 years, the
thaw depth should comprise some 20 m and
then would increase very slowly.
Another poorly explored issue is the
cryolithozone dynamics, i.e. speed and mode
of transformation of permafrost strata formed
Reduction in the total area of marine ice cover of the Barents and the Kara Seas, according to in subaquatic conditions. After permafrost
satellite data (www.aari.ru, 1979–2005)
shore sediments are washed out and degrade,
their lower layers form into relict subaquatic
stable extension of warm season due to later Autumn
Affected by salty marine water,
tendency. The warm period is elongated by some 6 days
salinized and transform into cooled
in MarreSale area, with 16 days prolongation observed
temperature, no ice inclusions),
in more continental regions (Nadym).
thawing away and leaving
Comparing the new data with those obtained as a
Similarly, the shallow
result of multiyear monitoring of marine water tempera
m depths is relatively
ture allowed to reveal the longterm dynamics and uphill
of dynamics of
trend for the bottom and bottom water temperatures of
ice annually
the Kara Sea at 0–50 m depth, as well as their connection
with air temperature. In NorthWestern Yamal, water
Some measurements of characteristics of the bottom
temperature has increased by 0.2–0.3 °С, since 1920s
and water have been conducted by various survey
to the present day.
along several profiles of the Baydaratskaya Bay
Hydrodynamic parameters of the sea, that influence
80 m depths. However, being occasional, they
the dynamics of shoremarine cryolithozone, are also
a reliable database for estimation of
subject to climatic changes. The data on reduction in
and thickness of the total permafrost
total area of ice coverage of the Barents and the Kara
grounds for reliable engineer
Seas show, that Arctic heatandmass transfer is
needed in construction of
currently under radical transformation. Additionally, not
there have been no
only the total area of ice coverage is reduced, its
thickness is also affected. According to MarreSale
water in
meteorological station, the thickness of young ice has
shallow marine areas.
In 2007, an observation network was established and
there started monitoring of permafrost temperature in both
degradation state and the state of transition from continental
to subaquatic conditions. Alternatively, there was also
conducted temperature monitoring of the permafrost, that
Drilling boreholes to take temperature of the bottomland area of the Kara Sea
IPY 07/08
Reduction in maximum thickness of young sea ice during the last 10 years.
The Kara Sea, Western Yamal
Annual ground temperature cycle of the Kara Sea beaches. MarreSale,
Western Yamal
is but newly formed on low accumulation surfaces. For that
purpose, several monitoring boreholes were drilled and
loggers installed to conduct continuous temperature
measurements in the upper layer down to 2.5 m depth.
There was discovered the temperature "hangup
effect", that is due to elevated salinity of freezing and
thawing grounds together with anomalously high snow
cover, which exercise extreme warming influence of
permafrost heat exchange in transition zone.
IPY 2007/08 gave a start to new direction of
cryological research of insufficiently studied polar
terrestrial and marine areas.
Photos provided by author
Introduction. Pollution of Arctic territories.Last
trends in environmental protection policy demonstrate
a growth of attention from government to these
problems. The meeting of Security Council held on
January 30, 2008 was fully devoted to environmental
problems. Minister of Natural Resources of Russian
Federation Yuri Trutnev said in his interview to mass
media on February 6, 2008 "... environmental issues
become dominant in all countries that reach a certain
level of economic development. Russia in our view has
approached this level of economic development".
Anthropogenic impact is usually associated with
additional load on environment. The goal of government
and its authorized bodies in the area of environmental
protection is to minimize the negative impact of human
activity on nature.
Anthropogenic impact on nature is especially evident
in Arctic. Sustainability of Arctic biocenoses is signifi
cantly lower than in moderate climates. Biochemical
destruction of various pollutants of organic origin is
much slower here due to low temperatures. In the area
of polar deserts many organic contaminants do not
decompose at all.
History of cultivation of the Russian Polar region is
associated with intensive use of Arctic territories. They
include, for example, the northernmost point of
Eurasia – Franz Josef Land (FJL) that is situated in the
range of 80–82° N.
FJL is a complex system of large (with the area over
1000 km2) and small (less than 10–100 km2)islands and
deep straights (300–600 m) dividing them. In different
publications from 152 to 282 islands are mentioned
depending on inclusion in count of separate rocks and
drying shoals. Archipelago is 375 km long along the
parallel and 234 km – along the meridian. Most of the FJL
islands are outliers of a large basalt plateau dissected by
tectonic faults on individual blocks and highly destroyed
due to glaciers and denudation. Surface of many islands
has plateaulike character because basalt cover is
horizontal. Glaciers cover 85 % of the total island area.
Barrels and tanks on the coast are seen from the distance
IPY 07/08
In USSR investigation of a highlatitude archipelago
began in 1930s. First polar station was founded at
Hooker Is. in 1935 and then a yearround polar station
was created at Rudolph Is. that became famous for
providing the work of the first drifting polar station "North
Pole – 1" in 1937/38.
From the end of 1950s and to the beginning of 1990s
archipelago islands were actively exploited by various
branches of science, economics and defense of the
According to the AMAP Report presented to Arctic
Council in 1997/98 and 2002 environment in the area of
Svalbard and FJL has the highest level of pollution with
polychlorinated biphenils (PCB) as compared to other
Arctic regions. Several zones of poor environmental
state were identified on the FJL territory. They are
islands: Hoffman, GrahamBell, Alexandra Land, Haeys,
Rudolph and Hooker where in different times stations
of Roshydromet, Ministry of Defense and other bodies
were located and where machines, construction
equipment and fuels and lubricants (FL) were brought
in large amounts.
To have a complete picture of the FJL environmental
state Roshydromet together with the noncommercial
organization "Polar Fund" carried out a preliminary
investigation of GrahamBell Island in the end of
August–beginning of September, 2004. The main goal
of observations was to find the PCB levels in soils and in
technical liquids from barrels and tanks. On the basis of
results obtained a report was prepared where it was
mentioned that the main environmental pollutants are
empty or full barrels with FL. Besides the barrels there
are many tanks (also empty or full) where FL were stored
in between navigation periods as well as pipelines from
the coast to the stations, abandoned machines and
various buildings.
Works held showed PCB presence almost in all soil
samples taken on the investigated area. In 30 % of soil
samples total PCB concentrations were above MAC and
in some cases – 5fold. Total PCB content in technical
liquid samples ranged from 0.4 to 400 ng/l and more
(difference is over three orders). Report also shows
significant pollution of the territory by oil products.
However, there are no figures for this as oil assessment
was not included in programme of the group.
International project. FJL was called a subject of
special concern and was emphasized in the list of hot
points and priority projects (Project №A72) in the
Report "Renovation of the list of environmental "hot
points" in the Russian part of the Barents region:
proposals on environmentally significant investment
projects" that was prepared by NEFCO/AMAP under the
instruction of Kirkenes Summit Meeting of Barents Euro
Arctic Council in January, 2003.
The project "Russian Federation: support of National
Action Plan for protection of Arctic marine environment"
(NAPArctic project) started in July, 2005 was prepared
with the assistance of Global Environment Facility and
UN Environmental Programme. Ministry for Economic
Development and Trade of the Russian Federation was
assigned as an executive organization. In frames of this
project several tenders were held in 2007 to complete
some demonstration projects provided by action plan
of the NAPArctic Project and approved by Steering
Committee (http://www.npaarctic.ru). "Polar Fund" won
the grant to execute the project "Rehabilitation of
environment in the area of military objects out of service"
and started immediately its realization.
Out of the great diversity of islands Alexandra Land
Is. was chosen as an object for this project. This selection
is determined by:
– representativeness of this territory from the
viewpoint of amount and composition of pollution,
presence of large amount of barrels and tanks with
FLs and their residuals in particular, that is important
for practical validation of cleaning technology of
Arctic islands and coastal zone from this kind of
Press in operation: left – barrel of modern manufacture is flattened and lies under in front of the press;
right – there are no visible changes to the barrel of old construction (dent above was there before)
IPY 07/08
– favourable geographic position – it is situated on
the FJL western limit and is relatively easy to reach
practically all year round without icebreaker;
– presence of infrastructure necessary for work.
Preparation of the expedition. Representatives of
"Polar Fund" made a reconnaissance trip to Alexandra
Land Is. The territory around the selected object is a
typical Arctic desert. There is almost no soil cover, stones
are partially covered with lichens and in depressions due
to overhumidification – by algae.
Satellite images and helicopter air photos show that
there is at least 2 million barrels and several hundreds of
tanks in the area of sites selected for cleaning and on
the coast near anchorage area. Many pipelines were laid
at olden times from the object to the coast (about 5 km
long) that are not working now. Besides barrels, tanks
and pipelines there are a lot of broken machines and
equipment including several airplanes and domestic
Basing on the results of the trip "Polar Fund" selected
equipment and materials necessary to carry out works
on demonstrative rehabilitation of the site.
To execute the demonstration project the following
equipment was ordered:
– hydraulic press;
– highpressure vessel (washer with water heater);
– water purification system;
– minitractor;
– petroleum generators for 220 V;
– pumps for FLs;
– bioproducts "Devoroil" and "PetroTreat" for
bacterial destruction of oil products in soil after
mechanical cleaning of the territory;
– minicultivator.
RV "Mikhail Somov" of the Northern UGMS was used
to bring the equipment, materials and expedition group
to the site. "Polar Fund" payed the costs on partial rent
of the vessel and use of helicopter for loadunload work
and as a transport for pollution sampling on FJL islands.
Following scheme of work was proposed for territory
– unloading the materials and equipment from RV
"Mikhail Somov" on the site on Alexandra Land is.;
– selection of one or two plots for cleaning with total
area maximum 1 hectar;
– deconservation and installation of equipment
(parallel to plots selection) and preparation of the
working ground;
– collection of the first set of empty barrels and
household litter and their deliverance to the working
ground (at this time installation of equipment and
preparation of FL pumps in possible close vicinity to
demonstrative plots are continued);
– sampling of soil for quantitative determination of
– washing of barrels with reagents;
– pressing of washed barrels;
– regeneration of water used with the water purifica
tion system;
– collection of next set of barrels, pumping FLs out
to prepared volumes;
– washing, pressing and packing of empty barrels,
storage of household litter;
– preparation of cleaned plots (cultivation) for bio
products application;
– application of bioproducts and fertilizers on part
of the plot and coverage of treated plots with "breathing"
– conservation of equipment left at the site and
packing of materials and equipment to load on RV
"Mikhail Somov".
Only 7 days were allocated for all work together with
unloading of the expedition at Alexandra Land Is. and
loading it back on RV "Mikhail Somov".
Work execution. Expedition group that worked on
the demonstration project consisted of eight people
including representative of SOI Yu.S.Lukyanov,
representative of the UNEP/GEF Project NAPArctic
S.B.Tambiev and six workers hired in Arkhangelsk.
Sampling of soil for pollutants and residuals of liquids
containing PCB in abandoned machines and barrels was
carried out by the group of AARI staff under the
supervision of N.V.Kubyshkin.
RV "Mikhail Somov" approached Alexandra Land Is.
and anchored in the morning of September, 15. In the
daylight the group of N.V.Kubyshkin was making a
helicopter fly over the territory, carrying out various
investigations on glaciers structure, iceberg formation,
etc. and taking samples of soil along the way for
pollutants and presence of PCB in barrels. The hulk was
busy with providing the operating sites on Alexandra
Land Is. till night. In the morning of September, 16
members of the group were taken to the site by
helicopter. After accommodation the group checked the
completeness of equipment and made its deconserva
tion and preparation of the working site. Yu.S.Lukyanov
and S.B.Tambiev selected two sites with areas of 0.39
and 0.14 ha near the site for cleaning.
Cleaning of the territory was made according to the
planned scheme, however, due to some independent
reasons, many changes have occurred. Order of work
remained unchanged. Works for territory cleaning
started in the morning of September, 17.
After collection of the first set of barrels and
pumping the residuals of liquids out to prepared
volumes they were brought to the working site for
washing. To avoid the soil contamination at the
working site barrels were washed at wooden trays
covered with polyethylene. During the washing
process it came out that the pistol of washer was
inconvenient to use. To wash the upper part of a barrel
close to the filling hole it was necessary to put it upside
down, as a result to wash one barrel 15–20 l of
washing liquid (water with reagent) was required.
When water is scarce this was a waste of water. Due
to low temperature (at night it reached –3°C) water
was freezing in the jet and pipes. It was impossible to
dry the pipes without completely decomposing the
IPY 07/08
washer. So there is a risk of washer breakdown due to
pipes blowout. The same problem was with the water
purification system.
Hydraulic press for barrel flattening was tested at the
manufacturing plant "Tochnaya mekhanika" in Moscow.
200 l barrel in 23 seconds turned into a plate 14 cm high.
However, the press was tested on modern barrels. The
majority of FL containers at the working site were old
military steel barrels with walls 2 mm thick and three
reinforcement ribs. As it is written in the field report
during the pressing of these barrels "there was no visible
After clearing enough space from barrels and other
debris we started the site cultivation. Minicultivator
worked less than 4 hours and then broke down com
pletely. Soil with such amount of stones was not made
for cultivation. Cultivated area was enough for applica
tion of half of the bioproduct "Deveroil". The rest of this
bioproduct and another one – "PetroTreat" were
applied at noncultivated parts of the site. Before the
bioproducts application samples of soil were taken for
After bioproducts were applied about half of treated
areas was covered with breathing polyethylene. In a year
it will be possible to compare the effectiveness of
cleaning capacity of bioproducts in open and covered
Works on the territory rehabilitation lasted less than
4 days.
Brief results and conclusions. Two polygons were
cleaned from barrels and litter. 218 barrels were piled
up in total: at the polygon 1 – 77 (24 washed and 6
pressed), at the polygon № 2 – 141 (7 washed and 5
Cultivation of soil was carried out, at the polygon 1 it
was treated with "Devoroil" product, fertilizers were
applied, area of 0.018 ha was covered with breathing
polyethylene; area of 0.032 ha was treated with "Petro
Treat" product and covered with breathing polyethylene.
Eight samples were taken for determination of
The press purchased is impossible to use for
pressing the barrels on Alexandra Land Is. due to
insufficient pressure in the machine.
Washer and water purification system "Karcher" are
impossible to use in the open air due to temperature
conditions on Alexandra Land Is. Besides, washer jet is
not usable for washing of closed volumes, of barrels in
Ground on Alexandra Land Is. is not possible to
cultivate due to large amount of stones.
Objectives of the expedition were fully completed
during the assigned period (four incomplete working
days instead of planned seven days) and in present
conditions (impossibility to use the press, partial
inapplicability of the washer, ground structure).
Despite a rather limited result total conclusion on
possibility of rehabilitation of FJL territories polluted with
wastes of anthropogenic activity is positive.
Before fullscale works on cleaning of territories of
polar islands and coastal zone will be started it is
necessary to carry out one or two more demonstration
projects for accurate estimation of amount and name
of required equipment as well as composition of
expedition group.
For barrels flattening it is necessary to order more
powerful press. Required pressure is possible to
determine by barrels brought specially to Moscow from
Alexandra Land Is. Instead of barrels washing burning
is probably better, moreover there is enough residuals
of diesel oil, petroleum, etc. on the territories for
rehabilitation. In high temperatures and additional air
flow diesel oil, petroleum and other oil products burn
without formation of toxic wastes. It is necessary to work
out technical requirements for making this kind of burner.
Also it is essential to develop a system of metal wastes
loading on vessels. The best option is probably a belt
conveyor with sufficiently long reach.
Volume of future work
IPY 07/08
Photos provided by authors.
Urgency of investigation of biological diversity and
ecology of Antarctic fauna is determined by many
reasons. The first one is undoubtedly a unique location
of the South Ocean fauna associated with its isolation
during 25 million years that resulted in a high degree of
its endemity. Another factor determining the uniqueness
of Antarctic fauna is that its evolution was running in
conditions of permanent cooling that was a basis for
forming of various adaptations to cold. Influence of low
temperature and specific food was also reflected on
individual development of representatives of many taxa
that caused the growth of their morphological diversity.
Pronounced climate seasonality in Antarctica waters
affects directly its inhabitants forming seasonal
(December–March) peaks of phyto and zooplankton that
are a basis of feeding of larvae as well as of many species
Drag just taken out from the bottom of the Ross Sea, 700 m depth.
of adult commercial fish in Antarctica. In this connection
Dominants are holothuria, brittle star, colonial hydroids
study of seasonal succession and longterm monitoring
of plankton and benthos communities are very important, side of stones and from the calcareous algae
for assessment of global climate change in particular.
Lithothamnion and crust pearlweeds, wipe sampling from
Despite the fact that study of biodiversity and ecology of sublittoral algae as well as bottom ground elutriation were
Antarctic water fauna has started from the very first made. Besides that undisturbed samples of ground were
expeditions different regions of Antarctica are still investi taken for quantitative analysis and fauna of microanimals
gated very heterogeneously. This is favoured by hard (interstitial). Ichthyofauna was collected with a dip net in
accessibility of coastal areas as well as difficulty of application littoral basins on King George Is. and by hook and line
of traditional fishing gear. In present Western Antarctica is gear in the shore ice crack under the barrier near the
the most studied area (Atlantic sector with milder climate: Russkaya station. Also ground samples of lichens,
the Weddell and the Scotia Seas, the Bransfield Straight as mosses and algae were collected to determine micro
well as the Davis Sea in Indian sector). Seas of Eastern fauna (nematodes, insects and mites). In the Somov, the
Antarctica that are visited by Russian research expeditions Ross, the Amundsen Seas, the Hull bay, the Bransfield
much more rarely and characterized by more challenging and the Drake Straights, on Lindsy and King George isles
ice environment are not studied in many respects.
(near stations Leningradskaya, Russkaya, MacMerdo,
The goal of this work is to study the biodiversity and Bellingshausen) from January 23 to February 22, 2008
ecology of Antarctica fauna including determination of 29 samples were taken (15 samples of phyto and
composition and distribution of bottom and pelagic fauna zooplankton, 7 – zoobenthos, 2 – ichthyofauna and 5 –
of shelf seas that is necessary for biological monitoring ground microfauna). Together with sea samples plankton
of Antarctic communities as
from Kitezh lake was collect
a basis of climate change
ed on King George Is.
(Bellingshausen station).
Plankton was collected
Conclusions. Results
manually by the Juday
of the study showed that in
nets using fishing lines
January–February pelagic
and hydrological winch
coastal zone of the Pacific
from depths to 600 m.
sector of Antarctica is
Benthos was collected with
characterized by a rather
the Van Veen bottom grab
significant quantitative and
and the drag using hydro
qualitative saturation of
logical winch with 8 mm
phyto and zooplankton at
cable from depths to 700 m
depths 300–600 m; at the
as well as manually in littoral
same time surface pelagic
zone of King George Is. Also
layers (above 150 m) were
possibilities of animal collec
very poor.
tion from anchor chain and
Comparative analysis of
bathometers were used. In
samples from different sta
littoral zone animals were
tions shows some increase
collected from the down
of phyto and zooplankton
Crustacean Isopoda (the Ross Sea, from drag)
IPY 07/08
production from the end of January to the end of February.
Despite the general idea about the relative homogeneity
of Antarctic zooplankton our data show that there are
some differences in quantitative and qualitative composi
tion of biological communities from different seas of the
Pacific sector of Antarctica.
Results of benthos works showed high effectiveness
of drag (trawling) collections that found high density of
bottom animals settlements on the Ross shelf. Bottom
grabbing also proved our earlier idea (sea report of 48th
RAE) that the Van Veen bottom grab is ineffective on
dense ground at depths over 100 m that makes it almost
unusable for work in Antarctica; for this kind of work the
bottom grab "Okean" is more effective that was proved
by the experience of previous Antarctic expeditions.
Littoral samples from King George Is. showed a relative
qualitative homogeneity of bethos on both sides of the
island (near the Drake and the Bransfield Straights) and
its sharp heterogeneity in quantity in different bays. It is
assumed that qualitative and quantitative abundance of
littoral benthos samples is directly dependent on
presence and abundance of crust overgrowers
(Lithothamnion, pearlweeds) and is less dependent on
soft algae presence on stones.
Results of our work on King George Is. show that littoral
and sublittoral zones have high quantitative and qualitative
richness and very poor fauna, taxonomic and ecological
knowledge and, thus, can be very interesting for future
zoological research.
Plankton samples taken from Kitezh lake on King
George Is. showed that freshwater lakes of Subantarctica
as compared to continental lakes are rather rich with
inhabitants of water column.
Photo provided by R.SMIRNOV
With the help of expendable bathythermographs
(XBT) from 9th to 14th February 2004 the oceano
graphic section of 108 stations from Antarctica to
Africa was completed (35–65° S, 0–20° E (fig. 1). This
section was the Russian contribution to the cluster
project IPY 2007/08 № 132 Climate of the Antarctic
and Southern Ocean – CASO, aimed in particular at
solving tasks set in the international CLIVAR (climate
variation) and CLIC (Cryosphere and Climate)
programs as well as in the national subprogram
"Study and Research of Antarctica" Federal Target
Program "World Ocean".
The data obtained is used by these programs to
determine ocean heat flows, in particular through
inter basin exchange regions, to determine surface
heat content. In addition, by using the temperature
relation of the ocean surface layer and dynamic
height data from the XBT will be used to make
conclusions on current velocities. To solve this task
data on the rising ocean surface, determined using
satellite observation (satellite altimetry). The
section's location corresponds to such observations.
Regular repeated observations of this kind (which do
not require special time spent, as XBT observations
take place on the boat) make it possible to obtain
information on year by year and seasonal variability
of current expenses, and consequently heat and
water exchange.
Research into the structure and circulation of
Southern Ocean water, determination of the location
of the basic fronts and its variability is one of the most
important oceanographic tasks. Observation of the
section was carried out with high spatial resolution,
when the distance between soundings was 15–
IPY 07/08
Fig. 1. Location of XBT section points at 0° E (red dotted line)
and 15° E (blue dotted line)
Fig. 2. Temperature of the upper 7509 metre ocean layer in the section between Africa and Antarctica according to XBT data. At the bottom the topographic
profile of the ocean bottom along the section line is shown
20 minutes latitude (or sea miles). This enabled us
to obtain a detailed picture of the thermal structure
of the ocean's surface layer, to determine the
location and some features of fronts and boundar
ies of the Antarctic circumpolar current and adjoin
ing circulation systems, the subpolar Weddell
circulation at the southern section and the Agulhas
current at the north.
The northern border of the Southern Ocean is
usually considered to be a subtropical front (STF),
differentiating the surface of subtropical and sub
Antarctic waters
If we look at the overall map of large scale
circulation and distribution of the water mass of the
Southern Ocean it can be split into three areas:
1) ACC
2) sub Antarctic between ACC and STF, where
ACC and subtropical circulation water interacts;
3) sub polar, located between ACC and the
Antarctic coast. Within the ACC there are three fronts
associated with the main current flows:
1) subantarctic (SAF),
2) Antarctic polar (APF),
3) southern (SF).
The completed section almost totally intersects all
the main southern ocean zones, reaching the sub
tropical circulation at the north. The southern end of the
section is close to the main continental slope (fig. 2).
Fronts (and frontal zones) are areas of aggravation
of horizontal gradient properties. The figure clearly
shows that the zones with increased temperature
gradients are the subtropical and subantarctic fronts.
These fronts are tracked within the limits of a 750
metre water layer. The polar and southern front and
the southern ACC boundary are also within the
horizontal temperature gradients, however less
clearly and with different degrees of intensity
according to depth.
The aggravation of the horizontal gradients is not
connected with the shown fronts but is a reflection
of mesoscale formation – meandering vortex. At the
north of the section, in the subantarctic and sub
tropical regions, the increase in the slope (and
change in its sign) of the isotherm is related to
meandering flows, in particular with the Agulhas
swirling current.
In the Weddell circulation region vortex formation
is clearly visible. Their formation is linked to the
interaction between the Weddell countercurrent heat
flow and the Maud Rise, a northwestern slope visible
in the ocean bottom profile below 64° S. These
vortexes bring warm water. The observation makes
it possible to evaluate the dimensions of vortex
formation. It is clear that the regular work on the
section makes it possible to obtain unique informat
ion concerning the variability of the location and
IPY 07/08
Fig. 3. Potential temperature and salinity in the region of the shelf and continental slope at the section 15° E
features of the fronts in this important, for the whole
Southern (and World) Ocean, region.
From 20 to 22 February an oceanographic section
was completed in the RiiserLarsen Sea. The section,
consisting of 13 stations, goes through the meridian
15° E. from 65° to 69°15' S and is the Russian
contribution to the IPY2007/2008 cluster project
"Synoptic Antarctic Shelf Slope Interaction Study –
The section is located to the west of the Riiser
Larsen Sea in the area of the eastern slope of the
underwater Astrid range. This region has an extremely
narrow shelf and the coast is from the Lazarev ice
shelf. There is very little data on the structure and
features of coastal region waters. In particular, there
is insufficient data on local features of the Antarctic
slope front (ASF). This is a rather narrow area of
increased horizontal gradients of temperature, salinity
and other Oceanological features. This front divides
cold and relatively fresh water of the continental slope
surface and the observed warmer and saltier deep
water at sea which is brought here from the southern
edge of the Antarctic circumpolar current. Processes
in the ASF play an important role in forming and
transforming the Antarctic water mass and obtaining
information on the regional specifics of its structure
and features is one of the most important tasks for
Southern Ocean research.
IPY 07/08
The unique specifics of this section are the rarely
seen in research of this region "Antarctic continental
slope" close arrangement of stations (sounding
points), The distance between the shelf and the
upper part of the continental slope is 2–4 km. The
exact determination of the vertical boundary of the
water mass enables high resolution ability and high
measurement accuracy of the sounding equipment.
As a result of the observations a detailed picture
was obtained of the distribution of temperature and
salinity. On the basis of this the types of water mass
and features, and parameters of the slope front were
determined (fig. 3) In particular, no signs were found
of formation of Antarctic deep water and active
cooling of circumpolar deep water, the temperature
of which very close to the shelf edge exceeds 0.7 °С.
So we have a fundamentally different picture from
that of the sections in the Sodruzhestvo Sea, where
observations were carried out a month earlier as part
of the same cluster IPY project and described in No
3 IPY News 2007/2008. Formation of bottom water
and ventilation of deep water was found there.
Oceanographic research of these sections as part
of IPY 2007/2008 was completed in 2007. IPY project
investigations into the Southern Ocean were
continued into 2008.
Expedition participants and organizers
1. The Arctic
1.1. Marine Expeditions
1.1.1. Marine Highlatitude expeditions (MHL)
NP35Drift Operation of drifting station North Pole35 and January–December,
construction of a new station
NP35Season Spring seasonal works on supply of NP35
and seasonal research on drifting ice in the
area of NP35
Arctic2008 Comprehensive highlatitude expedition on
board of the expedition vessel "Akademik
Preparation and organization of
comprehensive experiments for the research
on water exchange in the area of the
continental slope of the Arctic basin or in the
Svyataya Anna Trough by means of subsurface
buoy stations
Participation in the marine expedition on board
of the research vessel "Nansen" in the Barents
and Kara Seas
Making observations while on board of
the expedition vessel "Mikhail Somov"
during the summer
PALEKS Making comprehensive, distributed in different
(Panarctic Ice areas research works on the Arctic drifting ice
with the ice drifting camps in the near Pole area
Expedition) Work of the summer oceanographic team on
board of the expedition vessel "Akademik
Comprehensive highlatitude expedition on
board of the research vessel "Dalnie Zelency"
in the area of the Arctic archipelagos of the
FJL and Salvbard
Polynya 2008 Polynya2008/TransdriftXII
The Arctic basin
RPA "Typhoon", AVI (Germany)
NPI (Norway)
August–October, The Arctic basin, the Arctic seas and the
AARI, IO RAS, NRI of Oceanology PMGE,
archipelagos of the FJL, Severnaya MSU, DNO, NWF RPA "Typhoon", SPSU, SMA, IZ RAS,
Zemlya, and the New Siberian Islands
NRIFO, Woods Hall Oceanographic Institute (USA)
The Arctic Basin
The Barents and the Kara Seas
The Arctic basin
AARI, Northern HEMA
The Arctic Basin
Polar Fund, IO RAS, AARI, ASPOL construction
August–September, the Arctic Seas and the archipelagos of АAARI, IO RAS, DNO, NRI of Oceanology, PMGE,
the FJL, Severnaya Zemlya, and the
NWF RPA "Typhoon", MSU, SPSU, SMA, Woods
New Siberian Islands
Hall Oceanographic Institute (USA)
July – August, The Arctic Seas and the archipelagos of
the FJL, the Svalbard
April–May, 2008
The central part of the Laptev Sea
AARI, NNP "Ust'Lensky"; AVI and Institute of marine
sciences, University of the city of Trier, Germany
2008, 2009
Bipolar Atlantic thermohaline circulation
The Atlantic
The Barents Sea
FROZOBASE Frontal zones in the Barents Sea and the 2008, 2009
adjacent areas
BARKALAV Comprehensive research including July–November, The Barents, Laptev, Kara, and East AARI, NRI of Oceanology, PMGE, MGO, NWF RPA
"Typhoon", Northern HEMA, DNO
geophysical works in the Arctic Seas on board
Siberian Seas
of the Roshydromet's research vessel "Ivan
Petrov" during the navigation period according
to the "BARKALAV" program
NABOS08 Expedition of the monitoring program of the August–September, The Laptev Sea, the East Siberian Sea AARI, IPA RAS, IO RAS, University of Alaska (USA)
Nansen and Amundsen basins NABOSAVLAP
(Atlantic Waters of the Laptev Sea)
RUSALCA Program "Longterm RussianAmerican August–September, The Bering Strait, the Bering Sea, The IO RAS, IPOG RAS, AARI, FERRI, Alliance Group,
Chukchee Sea and the area of the Arctic
Exploration of the Arctic" ("RUSALCA")
Ocean to the north of the Chukchee Sea
The Barents and Kara Seas
Expeditions on nuclearpowered icebreakers March–April, May–
of the Murmansk Ocean Company along the June, October–
Northern Sea Route
November, 2008
Exploration of the coastal waters near the Kola 3 stages: I – April, The Kola Peninsula, the Barents Sea
Peninsula on boards of the research vessels II – May–June, III –
"Dalnie Zelency" and "Pomor"
September, 2008
The carbon cycle in the seas of the August–October, The Laptev Sea, the East Siberian Sea,
IPO FED RAS, Universities of Goteborg and
the Chukchee Sea
Russian Arctic
Stockholm , University of Alaska (USA)
IPY 07/08
Expedition participants and organizers
1.2. Overland expeditions
1.2.1. Works on the Svalbard archipelago (S)
Svalbard PGI Comprehensive exploration of the
atmosphere on the Slavbard archipelago
Baseline and local ecological monitoring
of the environmental pollution near the
Russian enterprises on the Svalbard
archipelago (Barentsburg and cross
border regions)
Ecosystem research works on the
Slavbard archipelago
Expedition to the bays of the Kola
IAPIMAU Exploration of heat, mass and momentum
transfer under katabatik winds over the
А162S The present condition of the climatic
system of Svalbard (SCSCS).
Comprehensive research works on the
Svalbard archipelago
2008, 2009
2008, 2 stages: I –
March–May, II –
NWF RPA "Typhoon"
March, 2008
The Kola Peninsula, the Barents Sea
April, 2008
Svalbard (NyAlesund,
Barentsburg region)
IPA RAS, Institute of marine and atmosphere
research of the University of Utrecht
AARI, Murmansk HEMA, MGO, NPI (Norway),
University Center of Svalbard (UNIS)
1.2.2. Hydrometeorological and climatic research (HCR)
PIAS2008 Expedition works on monitoring of cosmic January–December,
radiation in the Arctic atmosphere and at
the sea level
Sazha2008 The impact of the snows pollution on light
reflecting power: "Sazha2008"
Chukotka "Chukotka2008"
Murmansk region
Tiksi, Chersky, Pevek, Anadyr,
Lake El'gygytgyn, Chukotka AO
The Lena river estuary, the Sakha
Development of the methodology of March–December,
The Arctic basin
measuring, processing and integrating
data collected during the observations
of the major elements of hydrological
regime of rivers and lakes in the Russian
July, 2008
Exploration of spatial distribution and
Moscow–Vorkuta–Moscow, Moscow– IPA RAS, NRIRT, PCRI, RPA "Typhoon", University
transfer of gas and stack ash components
of Helsinki (Finland)
of atmosphere in the Northern Eurasia by
means of a portable laboratory
Exploration of the processes within and
the contents of the atmosphere on the
Helsinki–Saint Petersburg
territory of the Baltic Sea region
Lena2008 "Lena2008"
AARI, NorthEast integrated RI (NEIRIMagadan),
AVI and University of Koln (Germany),
Massachusetts University (USA), International
project on deephole prospecting (ICDP)
AARI, Institute of Permafrost Studies SB RAS
(Yakutsk), NNP "Ust'Lensky"
1.2.3. Explorations of cryosphere (C)
Cryosphere Exploration of the evolution of the July–September,
cryosphere of the seaside area and the 2008, 2009
shelf of the Russian Arctic
Cryolithic zone Development of the cryolithic zone of the July–September,
2008, 2009
Russian Arctic under the climate change
Lena 2008
"Lena2008". The history of development and May–September,
current movements of the icy strata in the Arctic
zone of the NorthEast Russia
Study of the origin and development of August, 2008
the underground ice of the
Field work International field works within permafrost
Urengoy studies in the north of the West Siberia
(Urengoy, Yamburg)
IPY 07/08
July, 2008
Western Yamal (MarreSale), the
Western Taimyr, the Enisey Bay
ICE SB RAS, NRI of Oceanology
The Pechora Bay, the Central and
Southern Yamal, Nadym, Urengoy
ICE SB RAS, University of Alaska (USA), RIPS SB
The NorthEast of Russia, the Laptev,
EastSiberian and Chukchee Seas
MSU, AVI and University of Hamburg (Germany)
The lower course of the Enisey River
Urengoy, Yamburg
MSU, NSU of Tyumen', University of Hamburg
(Germany), Delaware University (USA)
Research of the impact of the processes of permafrost
degradation on biogeneous carbon streams SVO2008
Field work expeditions on glacier #1 and the ice caps of
Moscow, the island of Gall, Lunny, the Land of Alexandra
(FJL), on the glacier Fritof (Svalbard) and on the glaciers
in the area of the Inostrancev bay (Novaya Zemlya)
Field work International field work training on permafrost studies on
the shores of the Enisey bay
Expedition participants and
Chukotka AO
FJL, Svalbard, Novaya Zemlya
The shores of the Western Taimyr
MSU, SUSP, NRI of Oceanology,
2008, 2009
1.2.4. Ecosystem research (E)
Expedition on biological research of the Kamchatka crab July–September,
Recalcitrant organic pollutants monitoring in the 2008, 2009
atmosphere of the Russian Arctic
Element mercury monitoring in the atmosphere of the January–August,
Russian Arctic
The Kola Peninsula
Chukotka (Pevek/Val'karkai), Tiksi
RPA "Typhoon", HEMA of
Chukotka and Yakutiya
RPA "Typhoon"
Overshores expedition "Phytobentos"
Comprehensive paleoecological expedition "Beringiya"
Nenets AO (Amderma)
Northern Yakutiya (the Lena River
estuary, the Kolyma plain, the Yano
Indigirskaya plain)
1.2.5. Geological and geophysical works
Overland geological expedition to the Bel'kovsky island
(New Siberian islands). Reconstruction of the tectonic
evolution of the shelf bulk of the Laptev Sea to the late
Paleozoic and Mesozoic periods
Overland geological expeditions to islands (Svalbard, FJL,
Novaya Zemlya, Kotel'ny) and along the shores of the
Arctic seas (Barents, Kara, Laptev)
The tectonic evolution of the Western ArcticNorthern
Atlantic (FJL, Svalbard, east and north of Greenland,
Canadian Arctic)
Strakhov26 "Research on the geological composition and evolution
of the northern waters of the Norway and Greenland basins
and the Barents Sea" within the framework of the IPY
project "Late MesozoicCenozoic, Tectonomagmatic
evolution of the Barents Sea shelf and continental slope
as the key element for the paleogeodynamic reconstruc
tion in the Arctic Ocean" (2006–2008)
Seismotectonic research of the innermost isoseisms areas
of Kharaulakhskie catastrophic paleoearthquakes
(trenching, age verification)
New Siberian Islands
Slavbard, FJL, Novaya Zemlya, the
Kotelny Island, and the shores of the
Barents, Kara, Laptev Seas
Slavbard: Barentsburg, Pyramid,
SeveroVostochnaya Zemlya
2007–2010 (field
works in July–
August–October, The Northern waters of the Norway and
Greenland basins and the Barents Sea.
Geological works on the Slavbard
archipelago and FJL
July, September, The coastal and shelf areas of the Laptev
Sea and Severnoe Verhoyanye
PMGE, Arcticugol'
IG RAS, NRI of Oceanology,
Universities of Oslo, Bergen,
1.2.6. Socioeconomic studies (SE)
CPM 2008 Expedition works and monitoring of the environment that has July–Novemeber,
impact on the living conditions of the population of the Arctic
Comprehensive studies of cultural and natural heritage on the June–October,
archipelagos Novaya Zemlya, Soleveckie Islands, Severnaya 2008, 2009
Zemlya, New Siberian Islands, on the Vaigach Island, on the
Taimyr Peninsula and in Pustozersk
YamaloNenets AO, the Republic of
Sakha (Yakutiyia)
The Arctic basin
MACE affiliated with the Fund of
Polar Research (FPR), RRI of
cultural and natural heritage
named after D.S.Likhachev
(Heritage Institute) in affiliation
with the publishing house
"Evropeiskie Izdaniya – Paulsen"
IPY 07/08
Район работ
Основные участники
и организаторы экспедиции
2. Research in the Antarctic
2.1. Marine expeditions (ME)
Making SR1 AND SR2 profiles through the Drake Strait December, 2008
and from Africa to the Antarctic on board of the vessels
"Akademik Vavilov" and "Akademik Joffe" of the IO RAS
The Southern Oceanographic research in the Antarctic zone of the February–March,
Ocean2008 Southern Ocean
Drake Strait and the area between Africa
and Antarctica
Expedition vessel "Akademik Fedorov",
the Southern Ocean and its seas: 2008
– profile Australia–Antarctica, profile –
Africa–Antarctica; profile in the
Amundsen Sea; 2009 – the seas of the
Eastern Antarctica between 10 и 90° E,
Profile – Africa–Antarctica
Station Progress in Antarctica
Ecosystems of the sea ice in Antarctica
2008, January–
March, 2009
The Sea of Sodruzhestva,
Geological and geophysical exploration of Antarctica and 2006–2009,
MacRobertson Land
its border seas: the eastern part of the Sodruzhestva Sea,
mountainous area of the Land of MacRobertson (with the December, 2008
52nd RAE)
Antarctica: D'Urville Sea
Geological and geophysical exploration of Antarctica and 2007–2009, 2008
(field works in
its border seas: D'Urville Sea (with the 53rd RAE)
The history of the geodynamic development, deposition 2007–2009
of sediments and environmental change in the are of the
Sodruzhestva Sea plateau Kerguelen, Eastern Antarctica
Study of the dynamics of the relief development and the December, 2008,
composition of the bottom in the area of the Sodruzhestva February, 2009
Sea, the Bay of Davis, Prydz Bay. Geochemical study of
the formation and transport of the suspended matters in
the layers of water in Antarctica by means of radioactive
The Sodruzhestva Sea – plateau
Kergelen, Eastern Antarctica
The Sodruzhestva Sea (the Davis and
Prydz Bays)
Center of the Antarctic and ocean
research (India)
2.2. Overland expeditions (OE)
Research of solar activity impact on the atmospheric process in
Antarctica (placement of automatic stations on the Central
Antarctic Range along the traverse Kupol CNovolazarevskaya)
The Central Antarctic Range (from Kupol
C to Novolazarevskaya station)
The Southern Polar region.
Meteorological platforms at stations
Bellinsgauzen, Novolazarevskaya,
Progress, Mirnyi, Vostok, Leningradskaya,
Molodezhnaya, Russkaya, and stations of
other countries
Making experiments at station Bellinsgauzen in the summer December, 2008
King George Island (Waterloo)
periods of 20072008. Setting up the station of allyearround
monitoring of the energy balance components
Observation of ashstack and optical parameters and the
Station Mirny
components of the radiation atmospheric regime in Antarctica March, 2009
Antarctica (stations Mirny, Vostok,
2008, 2009
Comprehensive research of the fluctuations of the gas
constituents in the atmospheric contents of Antarctica
King George Island (Waterloo)
Comprehensive monitoring of the parameters of the natural December, 2008
ecosystems in the area of the Antarctic Peninsula
Evaluation of the condition of the major sea birds populations of February–March, Station Mirny, Antarctica, "Akademik
2008, 2009
Geological and geophysical exploration of Antarctica: 2007–2009
Antarctica: MacRobertson Land,
mountainous area of MacRobertson Land and Princess Elizabeth (field works in
Princess Elizabeth Land
Land (with the 53rd RAE)
Study of the subglacial relief and ice covers of Antarctica within 2007–2009
the framework of project ABRIS
Estimation of the present accumulation in the peripheral areas January–February,
Queen Maud Land
of Queen Maud Land
Comprehensive monitoring of the Antarctic meteorological
regime parameters
January, 2009
IPY 07/08
2008, March,
RPA "Typhoon", AARI, MGO,
PMGE, NRI of Oceanology,
RussianGerman research and technology coopera
tion in polar and marine research has a long history. At
first, the two countries worked together in the Antarctic.
A few achievements can be mentioned. They include
joint research of the Schirmacher Oasis and the Weddel
Sea polynya and joint printing of the Atlas of the Southern
Ocean in 1992, cooperation in the area of the Antarctic
logistics that has recently been developed anew through
the realization of the "Dromland" project.
At present the successful realization of the Russian
German joint projects in polar and marine research is
based on the current Agreement on joint research and
technological cooperation signed by the USSR (and
sustained by the Russian Federation) and the Federal
Republic of Germany, on the decisions and recom
mendations of the Joint Commission on joint research
and technological cooperation according to article 4 of
this Agreement, and also on the current specialpurpose
(according to article 3 of the mentioned Agreement)
Agreement on cooperation in polar and marine research
signed by the Ministry of Science and Technology
Development (present Ministry of Education and
Science) of the Russian Federation and the Federal
Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Technology
(present Ministry of Education and Research) of the
Federal Republic of Germany.
When the Agreement on cooperation in polar and
marine research was signed in 1995, the joint works of
the both countries started developing in a new way. One
of the major sustainable projects in the Agreement is
"The geosystem of the Laptev Sea" based on the
cooperation of over 30 Russian and German organiza
tions. The Russian coordinators of this project include
AARI (Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute) and NRI
of Oceanology of the Ministry of Natural Resources
(VNIIOkeanologii of MPR), while the German coordina
tors are the Alfred Wegener Institute of Polar and Marine
Research (AVI, Bremerhaven, Potsdam) and the Institute
of Marine Research of the Leibniz Endowment at Kiel
University (IFMGEOMAR).
A significant body of data on the environment of the
Arctic and its climatic system instability was built up as a
result of over 30 joint polar and overland expeditions in
the Laptev Sea and the Lena River estuary, on the Taimyr
Peninsula, the archipelago Severnaya Zemlya, the
Chukchee Peninsula and in other areas; processing of
the collected data and discussions at meetings,
workshops and conferences, professional exchange
programs, reports and articles in the prestigious
international issues.
It is important to mention that during the joint projects
a number of young scientists and specialists accumulated
remarkable experience in polar research works.
Accumulated valuable joint experience, on the one
hand, and the importance of attracting Russian young
scientists and specialists to the area of polar research ,
on the other hand, lead to the foundation of the joint
AARIbased RussianGerman laboratory of polar and
marine research named
after O.Y. Schmidt in 1999.
Its fellowship program has
given grants to over 200
people. A joint Russian
German master degree
program in polar and marine
research (POMOR) started
in 2002 and was affiliated
with the Department of
Geography of the State
University of St. Petersburg
(SUSP). The first 20 alumni
graduated in 2004. The
POMOR alumni received
credentials from both the
SUSP and the University of
Bremen. 19 of the 20 alumni
found jobs in the field of
their qualifications.
Within the mentioned
above Agreement on
cooperation in polar and
marine research 7 research
projects and Russian
Geographical distribution of the IPY of 2007/08 projects with Russian and German participants in the Eurasian Arctic:
German joint program "The
Numbers on the map correspond to the number of projects: green is for overland research projects, blue is for marine
Laptev Sea Ecosystem" are
projects, and black indicates that location of projects is not determined
IPY 07/08
currently under way. The latter program comprises four issue
and regionrelated research projects. The research projects
cover a number of topical issues in marine and polar regions:
1) "The Laptev Sea Ecosystem" program
– Project 1.1. "Global climatic change in the seas of
the Eurasian Arctic shelf: frontal zones and polynyas of
the Laptev Sea";
– Project 1.2. "Paleoclimate exploration by research
drilling on the continent and in the southern part of the
Laptev Sea";
– Project 1.3. "RussianGerman laboratory of marine
and polar research named after O.Y. Schmidt to support
young scientists and scientific polar research";
– Project 1.4. "Experimental station on the Samoilov
2) Project "Paleoclimate of Lake El'gygygtyn"
3) Project "Veritas – Flactuations of river stream
flow, its transfer to the Arctic Ocean, and its impact on
the environment"
4) Project "Methane hydrates in the Black Sea: their
formation, transfer routes, and their role in the
hydrocarbon circulation";
5) Project "Kuril and Kamchatka and Aleut systems
island arcs: geodynamics and climate relationship in
space and time" (KALMAR).
The ceremony of opening of the joint RussianGerman laboratory of polar and
marine research named after O.Y. Schmidt in 1999
(photo from the archives of the laboratory)
A considerable amount of joint research projects are
undertaken during the IPY of 2007/08. For example, joint
research of 2008 includes projects within the framework
of expeditions "Polynya2008/Transdrift13", "Barkalav
2008/Transdrift14", "The Lena River estuary2008" and
at the drifting station "North Pole35".
Geographical distribution of the IPY of 2007/08 projects with Russian and German
participants in the Eurasian Arctic
Project "RussianGerman laboratory of polar and
marine research named after O.Yu.Schmidt (OSL)".
The major responsibilities of the OSL include training the
new generation of young scientists in the area of
environmental research, conducting seminars and
workshops for skill improvement, qualification upgrade,
knowledge exchange, supporting polar research and
studies, coordinating and development of joint Russian
German projects within the framework of the Russian
German Agreement on cooperation in polar and marine
research. Thus, in 2007 the OSL succeeded in:
– Analyzing water, ground, precipitation and bio
logical samples collected during RussianGerman
– Supporting research works in polar and marine
fields by the young scientists who were given 18 grants
provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and
Research of Germany;
– Conducting seminars and workshops for young
– Organizing and conducting international con
ferences and meetings.
To fulfill research projects the participants used the
OSL recent modern equipment for the laboratory
analyses of the samples collected during expeditions.
They could study over 2 thousand precipitation, sea
water and zooplankton samples while using auto
analyzers, ionochromotographs, microscopes, carbon/
nitrogen analyzers and other equipment. Added to this,
IPY 07/08
the samples collected during the RussianAmerican
expedition "AVLAP/NABOS2007" (AVLAP – Atlantic
Waters of the Laptev Sea, NABOS – Nansen and
Amundsen Basins Observational System) and at the
drifting station NP35 (North Pole35).
A considerable number of joint research projects is
undertaken during the IPY of 2007/08. Namely, joint
research projects of 2008 are under way within the
framework of the expeditions "Polynya2008/Transdrift
13", "Barkalav2008/Transdrift14", "The Lena River
Estuary2008", and at the drifting station "North Pole35".
A considerable amount of laboratory analyses and
scientific data consolidation were made within the
framework of fulfilling the research projects of the OSL
Fellowship Program. 17 research projects of this
program were fulfilled in 2007.
47 research assistants from SMU, SUSP, NRI of
Oceanology, AARI, etc succeeded in fulfilling the
research projects of the OSL Fellowship Program. The
results of the projects were summarized in several
reports to be presented at international conferences.
The international workshop regarding the issues of
the permafrost exploration methods was held in
December, 2007 for young scientists and leading
experts. Top Russian and foreign scientists delivered
lectures during the workshop. Given the favorable
experience and efficient performance of the OSL and
POMOR, ways to intensify master degreeprograms in
polar and marine research based on the infrastructure
of the OSL and POMOR, and AARI in general, including
research stations, marine and overland expeditions to
the Arctic and practical training of the young specialists
in Russian and German research institutes and
universities in their fields of studies are given serious
Project "Paleoclimate of Lake El'gygytgyn". Lake
El'gygytgyn is located on the Chukchee Peninsula and
originated form a meteor crater.
The project is carried out together with the Potsdam
Branch of AVI. Within the framework of the project three
expeditions to the lake were made in 1998, 2000, and
2003. Upon receiving comprehensible results (on the
hydrometeorological regime of the lake,
geomorphological and geological composition of its
basin) to was decided to start deephole drilling to
confirm the origin of the lake and its presence during
the 3.5 million history of climate, fixed in the bottom
Drilling of the permafrost well in the waters of Lake El'gygygtyn.
Photo by G.Schtof (AVI)
sediments. By now a fly camp has been organized on
the shore of the lake and equipment is on its way there.
Drilling of a permafrost well on the shore of Lake
El'gygygtyn and two more well in its offshore zones is
planned to be done in the beginning of 2009 within the
framework of the AARI and AVI cooperation projects.
Project "Experimental station on Samoilovsky Island".
The project is carried out together with the Potsdam
Branch of AVI. The research works at the experimental
station on the Samoilovsky Island have been successfully
maintained. The station is well equipped, which allows
for comprehensive observation works.
The research work within the framework of the project
"Experimental station on the Samoilovsky Island" are of
great importance for future joint research of permafrost,
and first of all, the processes of gases interchange
between the atmosphere and the permafrost lands, the
latter having a clearcut withinyear variability. The IPY
2007/08 project 925 "Continental borders of the Laptev
Sea – present condition and environmental dynamics
of the past" was carried out as well.
The general view of the station on the Samoilovsky island. Seasonal flood.
Photo by G.Schtof (AVI)
The station served as the base for the comprehensive
expedition "LenaNew Siberian Islands2007". 45
diurnal samples of methane were collected, the gas
contents were analyzed. New data on methane
generation dependence on the microrelief and
composition of tundra vegetation, as well as new data
on stream flow and inwash and on rearrangement of
stream flow along distributaries was obtained.
In 2008 research will be done during the expedition
"LenaNew Siberian Islands2008", during which the
hydrological cycle of the system "the active permafrost
layer – lowest atmospheric layers" will be explored by
means of new automatic equipment that allows for
measuring water contents of the tundra surface during
the summer, and its freezing in the fall.
Another field of research concerns exploration of the
cryogenic composition of the ice rocks and its
paleoclimatic results.
Research on the drifting station "North Pole
35". During the visit of the AVI Director I.Tide to AARI on
December, 2006, the German party suggested that joint
Professor E.M.Pfifer (University of Hamburg, Agrology Department)
in the laboratory at the station Samoilovsky island. Photo by G.Schtof (AVI)
IPY 07/08
research of the atmospheric boundary layer, its stack
ash component and the seasonal fluctuations of the
ozone screen in stratosphere should take place at the
drifting station "NorthPole35" in the fall, 2007 – spring,
2008 within the framework of the IPY2007/08 projects
As a result, the joint program has been realized. In
the course of the program the Russian researchers made
special additional meteorological observations, includ
ing the measurement of incoming and outgoing short
wave and longwave radiation and atmospheric sound
ing. I.Grasser (Potsdam Branch of AVI) together with the
Russian participants of the "NorthPole35" drift
measured the optical atmospheric strata with a sun
photometer, observed the vertical structure of the
atmospheric boundary layer with a captive balloon, and
researched the condition of the ozone screen in the
stratosphere with ozonesounds.
The mentioned above program of observations
provided for the first time ever a comprehensive body of
data on the structure of the lower layer of the atmo
sphere and the relationship of the atmosphere and the
ocean in the Arctic basin of the Arctic Ocean with the ice
cover, data on the stackash pollution of the polar
atmosphere and on the structure and fluctuations of the
stratospheric ozone screen characteristics in relation to
the peculiarities of the atmosphere circulation.
The results of the joint research will be used for the
IPY project "The Sea ice and the key atmospheric
processes in the Arctic basin: panarctic measure
ments and Arctic regional climate model intercom
parison", including devising the schedule of airplane
research in the Arctic basin in the spring–fall, 2009 and
in the future. The goal of the project is to collect data
on the condition of the Arctic atmosphere in the spring
and in the fall. Spatial distribution of cloud cover, stack
ash, greenhouse gases, characteristics of the sea ice
cover and attendant meteorological conditions will be
in the focus of the research. Airplane observations are
supposed to be carried out in immediate relation to the
satellite and overland observations (including the
observations made at the drifting station NP), under
taken in the Arctic within the international and national
programs. The results will be used for both the
development of a new system of environmental
monitoring in the Arctic in the period of harsh climatic
changes, and for the validation of the satellite data and
model calculations.
Project "Global climate change in the seas of the
Eurasian Arctic shelf: frontal zones and polynyas of
the Laptev Sea". RussianGerman expedition
"Barkalav2007/Transdrift12". Russian and German
researchers have been working together on the joint
research of the environment of the Laptev Sea (project
"The ecosystem of the Laptev Sea") for 14 years. Unique
materials on paleo and present condition of the Laptev
Sea environment were collected, and numerous co
authored articles were published.
In 2007 Russian and German researchers focused
their attention on the area of the polynya of the edge of
the shore ice in the Laptev Sea. Two bottom oceano
graphic stations are installed here for a year. The registers
of the stations allow fixing the stream parameters in this
shallow area of the Laptev Sea. Also here the ground
samples as deep as 15–20 m were collected by means
Drifting station NP35. Analyzing the results of the joint observations.
Photo by V.Kustov and N.Zinovyev
Drilling the ice core on the shoreice of the Laptev Sea.
(Provided by the OSL)
IPY 07/08
Russians and Germans explore of the atmospheric border layer
by means of the balloon. Photo by J.Greisser
of a shaker. Given this first drilling (as deep as 26 meters
under the bottom) in the history of the Laptev Sea
research, the presence of permafrost rocks on the shelf
of the Laptev Sea was confirmed. Paleoclimatic research
in 2008 allows for progress in determining the borders of
the underwater permafrost location.
RussianGerman expedition "Polynya2008/
Transdrift13". The climatic system of the Arctic has
undergone considerable changes in the last decades.
The critical amplification of cyclonical component and
rising of the air temperature resulted in tremendous
changes in the Arctic Ocean. The environment of the
seas of the Siberian Arctic shelf is very sensitive to the
climate changes. Thus, the Siberian regions by the
Laptev Sea being the major resources of the fresh water
for the Arctic Ocean, determine the amount of sea ice
to be produced on the shelf of the Laptev Sea, hence
having a critical influence on the formation and
fluctuation potential of the global climatic system. The
Arctic seas form an important transitional area between
the Arctic shores and the deep ocean area.
An important natural phenomenon of the Arctic seas
is the socalled polynya (an area of open water between
the shore ice and drifting ice in the winter time),
sometimes as wide as 100 km.
In the area of the mean polynya location in the Laptev
Sea a comprehensive oceanographic survey, this gave
actual information of the area under research in the
summer period. In April–May 2008 the expedition
Research vessel "Ivan Petrov" of the expedition "Barkalv2007/Transdrift12"
(from the AARI archives)
"Polynya2008/Transdrift13" was under way in this
area. The results of its works will provide data on the
environment condition in the polynya area in the winter
period. The databases on the polynya environment in
Laptev Sea in present climatic conditions were consider
ably updated. And the comparison of the collected data
with the data of the summer expedition will improve our
knowledge of seasonal changes in the polynya environ
ment in the southern part of the Laptev Sea.
H.M.KASSENS (Geomar, Germany)
The participants of the expedition "Polynya2008/Transdrift13" (provided by the OSL)
IPY 07/08
International conference "Polar research – Arctic and Antarctic
perspectives in the International Polar Year of 2007/08" will take place
in Saint Petersburg on 7–11 of July, 2008.
The conference is organized by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic
Research (SCAR) of the International Council for Science (ICSU), the
International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), and the World
Meteorological Organization (WMO).the Federal Service of
Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet) also
takes part in the organization of the conference together with the Russian
Academy of Sciences and other departments.
The conference in St. Petersburg will take place in the year of the
50th anniversary of the SCAR since its foundation in 1985. 1500 scientists
form over 50 countries, representing over 300 organizations involved in
Arctic and Antarctic research, are expected to take part in the
Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.M.Kotlyakov and
deputy Director of Hydrometeorology and Monitoring of Environment
Agency A.V.Frolov chair the Russian steering committee of the
conference. Saint Petersburg was chosen to host the conference as
one of the major centers of the polar science, where a lot of researchers
of the Arctic and Antarctic work, and many polar research institutions
are situated. The headquarters of the conference is AARI of
Hydrometeorology and Monitoring of Environment Agency (http://
The International Polar Year (IPY), that commenced in March, 2007
and will last through March, 2008, will attract a broad spectrum of
participants. The IPY research deals with the issues in the both polar
regions. Therefore, the conference was named "Polar research – Arctic
and Antarctic perspectives in the International Polar Year".
The conference comprises 36 sessions that cover the following
1. Present condition and fluctuations
2. Relationship between polar regions and global system
3. On the threshold of scientific discoveries
4. Observations on the Polar bridges
5. People and resources at the Poles
The major discussion issue of the conference is past, present and
future of the polar climate change in the Arctic and its outcomes. It has
a significant importance for Russia with it's expansion of socioeconomic
activities in the Arctic including the shelf of the Arctic Ocean.
In March, 3–6, 2008 the largest scientific and technological
exhibition in the Russian Federation (RF), VIII Moscow international salon
of innovation and investments, was held on the territory of AllRussia
exhibition center (VVC). It was organized by the Ministry of Education
and Science of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for
Science and Innovation (Rosnauka). It was supported by the Government
of the Russian Federation, the Moscow City Government and other
federal and regional executive departments of the RF. Over 700
organizations from 40 regions of Russia, 20 European countries, South
East Asia, North and South America took part in the Salon.
The major goals of the expositions were strengthening of
scientific and technological cooperation, defining more effective
and rational ways to use innovational achievements; demonstrating
the achievements of scientific and technological and industrial
organizations and companies in the area of innovation development,
ready to launch their projects, and also attracting investors and
ensuring cooperation in starting and realizing innovational programs.
AARI demonstrated its achievements in advancing sciencedriven
technologies, and took part in integrated exposition of the subsection
"Research and projects of priority development of the scientific and
technological complex in Russia" (section "Environmental
Management"). They presented the materials on the following issues:
– Priority development of the instrumental base and conducting
research in the polar regions of the World Ocean by means of the
unique equipment of the expedition vessel "Akademik Fedorov"
– Comprehensive research of the processes, characteristics
and resources of the Arctic seas of Russia and the Arctic Ocean
– The results of the scientific conference "The highlatitude
seas and the sea cryosphere"
– The present condition and fluctuations of the Laptev Sea environment.
IPY 07/08
During the scientific and practical seminar "Environmental
Management", that was held within the framework of the Salon on
5, March, 2008, the AARI reported on "The activities of the State
Research Center of AARI in monitoring and estimating the
atmospheric and hydrospheric conditions on the polar regions of
the Earth" (Dmitriev, V.G., Sokratova, I.N.). The major AARI research
works and projects are aimed at developing of methodology of
identification and estimation of the environmental conditions in the
polar regions, at developing the monitoring technologies, at
analyzing climatic fluctuations and conditions of the ecosystems,
at securing safety at and efficiency while using the vessels and
facilities on the Arctic shelf. The report stressed that development
and intensification of the Russian research works in the Arctic and
Antarctic is the major element of the national policy in these regions,
aimed at securing stable development in the Arctic, as well as
Russia's position in the Antarctic given its longterm interests of
further activities there. The representatives of AARI answered the
questions and took part in the discussion of the problems related to
the scientific projects on the issue.
AARI took part in the Contest of innovation projects and
inventions. By the decision of the International Panel, AARI was
awarded the Gold medal of the Salon and a participant's certificate
signed by the Minister for Education and Science of the RF
A.A.Fursenko for its hydrometeorological and navigational and
hydrographic works during the first ever reaching of the North Pole
at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean on boards of the manned
bathyscaphes "Mir1" and "Mir2" with the use of the unique facilities
of the expedition vessel "Akademik Fedorov".
The International Polar Year (IPY) which took place in manuscript entitled "Grundzuge der arctischen
1882–1883 was the first example of international cooperation Forschung", duplicated it lithographically and sent the
in the history of scientific research. The history of the first copies to select researchers6. He wanted to take opinion of
IPY has been addressed a number of times. The course of the researchers who were familiar with the specifics of the
natural conditions in Polar Regions.
events and the observations that took
In September of the same year
place at the two Russian stations were
Weyprecht was invited to take part in a
described in detail by the expeditionists
congress for German naturalists and
themselves1. The IPY was the subject
of research for N.A.Rykachev,
medical doctors held in Graz. The
L.Breitfuss, V.Vize, T.N.Klado, F.Baker,
researchers' responses to his letters
G.Corby, V.M.Pasetsky, W.Barr, and
served as the basis for the report he
C.Ludecke2. The history of the IPY was
made at the congress . In the report,
also considered from a number of
which was later published under the title
perspectives by researchers in other
"Grundprinzipien der arktischen
spheres of science3.
Forschung"7 , Weyprecht proposed five
The works of N.A.Rykachev
principal locations where he thought
became a prominent source for further
observations should be conducted
research on the history of IPY. T.N.Klado
(Novaya Zemlya, Spitsbergen, eastern
was the first to gain access to the
and western coast of Greenland, Bering
International Polar Commission
Strait and north of Siberia near 70° N).
archive, preserved by the Wild
After his speech at the congress in
Foundation, and also with the Academy
Graz Weyprecht sent his report, which
of Sciences records related to the Polar
was published in German and French,
Year, while V.M.Pasetsky used the
to representatives of many different
documents he found in the Russian Geographic Society countries as well as to the International Meteorological
Archive when writing his book on the History of YPI in Russia. Committee 8. Among the recipients was H.I.Wild, the
Despite the fact that a large number of sources Director of the Chief Physical Observatory in St. Petersburg
dedicated to IPY already exist, recently discovered archive and a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Not
documents and literary sources allow us to expand our only did Wild approve of Weyprecht's project, but he also
knowledge of the history of this international undertaking offered his support and suggested that Weyprecht should
write to the Russian Geographic Society and inquire
and of Russia's engagement in its organization.
Precedent Events. The famous historic Austro whether Russia would consider founding two stations on
its territory. Weyprecht took Wild's
Hungarian expedition undertaken by
advice and, having discussed the
K.Weyprecht4 and J.Payer in 1872–
1873 led to the discovery of Franz Josef
contents with Count Wilczek9, sent the
letter for the Russian Geographic
Land. The expedition was of great
Society to the Austrian Embassy in
importance for the history of polar
exploration, and not only due to the fact
The Geographic Society actively
that in its course a large archipelago was
supported the proposals made by
discovered in the Arctic Ocean. The
Weyprecht and Wilczek. The Physical
results of the expedition lead
Geography Department and the
K.Weyprecht to the conclusion that
Meteorological Committee proposed
systematic, longterm simultaneous
to found a full station in the Lena River
delta and a branch station on New
observations in Polar Regions were
Siberian Islands and the Council of the
highly important, and that countries had
Society endorsed the proposal in early
to conduct them in close cooperation.
1876. Wild wrote to Wilczek on January
Weyprecht held the opinion that solitary
28 (February 9), 1876: "The petition of
expeditions required much funding and
the Grand Duke from Weimar ensures
yet did not produce scientific results
support for your undertaking in
expected of them.
Russia… As the Chairman of the
On January 18 (N.S.), 1875
Meteorological Committee of RGS, I
Weyprecht briefly stated his ideas at
am occupied with designing the draft
the Vienna Academy of Science after
plan of our expedition to the Lena River
he had presented his report on the
delta and its provisional budget"10. In
results of his expedition5. To develop
his ideas he then composed a
addition Wild, who was a member of
der arctischen Forschung" by K.Weyprecht
IPY 07/08
the permanent Meteorological
poned until April 1879. On the last day
Committee, proposed to discuss
of the congress Weyprecht addressed
Weyprecht's project at the Committee
the audience with an inspirational
session in London in April 1876. (At the
speech. He spoke of the need to
time the Committee was also in the
organize an international polar expedi
process of preparing the next
tion, whose members could conduct
Congress of Meteorologists which was
observations simultaneously and
to be held in Rome.) Wild suggested
under a single programme for a whole
that perhaps invitations to the London
year. Weyprecht informed delegates of
session should be sent to "all
the Congress of his intention to set up
observatory directors and other
a station on Novaya Zemlya and
foreign people who are interested in
appealed to them to encourage their
the project, in order to discuss in detail
countries to follow his lead14.
The delegates of the International
how to organize the undertaking" .
Weyprecht's project was discussed
Congress of Meteorologists in Rome
at the session of the permanent
assigned great importance to the
Meteorological Committee in London
programme proposed by Weyprecht
on April 21, 1876. The Committee
and Wilczek, but they had neither the
proposed to increase the number of
time nor the authority to discuss it on
stations and to organize observations
behalf of their respective countries.
in Altenfiord (Norway's Lapland), on the
Thus it was decided to hold a special
New Siberian Islands, in Point Barrow
conference at the Marine Observatory
(Alaska), on Boeotia Felix (the most northern peninsula in in Hamburg in October of 1879 in order to discuss this
Canadian Arctic), in Upernavik on the west coast of matter15. On behalf of the International Meteorological
Greenland (72° N) and on the Pendulum Islands near the Committee, the Bureau of the Committee sent invitation
eastern coast of Greenland (74° N). Georg Neumayer (a letters the delegates who participated in the Congress in
German physicist, the Director of the Marine Observatory in Rome, to scientific societies, observatories, and to select
Hamburg) took a dim view on Weyprecht's idea, since he did researchers individually. Those scientists who were going
not make mention of the need for research in the Southern to take part in the conference were to notify Neumayer,
Polar regions in his early speeches. During the discussion in the Director of the Marine Observatory in Hamburg, of their
London Neumayer proposed to set up stations in the intention. In was assumed that the researchers who would
Southern Hemisphere, specifically on Cape Horn, on come to the conference would be able to gain
Auckland Islands in the Pacific Ocean (51° S, south of New empowerment from their respective governments and
Zealand), and on Kerguelen Island in the Indian Ocean scientific societies to set up polar stations.
Nine researchers representing eight countries gather
(49° S)12.
Taking into account the opinions held by the researchers ed in the Marine Observatory in Hamburg on October 1,
representing different countries as well as the position of
187916. They became the original International Polar
the International Meteorological Committee, Weyprecht Commission and elected G. Neumayer to be their
and Wilczek composed a detailed programme of work for Chairman. The Commission discussed the programme
presented by Weyprecht and Wilczek,
the International Polar Expedition in
made all the necessary amendments,
1877 (Programm der Arbeiten einer
and a working committee including
internationalen Polarexpedition) 13 .
They were going to present the
programme for discussion at the
A.Wikander designed the future
research programme for the Interna
Meteorologists in Rome that same
tional Polar Expedition17. It was decid
ed that at least 8 stations should be
year. The programme stated the need
set up in the Northern Hemisphere so
to found stations both in the Northern
that the observation results would be
and the Southern Hemisphere as well
of value. Weyprecht suggested that
as the locations where the stations
the stations should be founded on the
were proposed to be built. It also noted
Finnmarken highland (Norway), on
that Count Wilczek was going to
Spitsbergen (Sweden), on Novaya
sponsor observations on Novaya
Zemlya (AustroHungary), in the Lena
Zemlya, where Weyprecht and Wilczek
River delta (Russia), and in Upernavik
were going to go.
on the western coast of Greenland
Due to political developments,
(Denmark). In addition several other
particularly the war on the Balkan
locations were suggested as future
Peninsula, the International Congress
station bases, namely Point Barrow
of Meteorologists in Rome was post
IPY 07/08
(Alaska), Jan Mayen Island or the eastern coast of
Greenland, and the Canadian Arctic islands, but the
countries that might conduct research there were not
identified. Observations were to begin in autumn of 188118.
Researchers were different in opinion regarding
Weyprecht's suggestion: some approved of it, while others
were sceptical. And by far not all governments concerned
wished to support the idea in an international polar
expedition. The Russian Geographic Society was the only
body to embrace the idea immediately. Other countries
showed a different attitude: Americans, Canadians and
Britons expressed no interest in the project, the French and
the Dutch had no financial means to set up polar stations,
the Swedish hesitated, and the Spanish and Italians rejected
the idea of joined international research altogether. German
researchers initially gave the idea their active support. At the
3rd German Polar Expedition Commission, which took place
in Berlin between September 22 (October 4) and September
30 (October 12), 1875, Dauve, a meteorologist, initiated a
discussion of Weyprecht's plan, which led to the selection of
provisional station locations19. However, that was all that was
done. As F.Helwald, a friend of Weyprecht and the author of
a book on the history of Polar research wrote: "The issue of
Polar research has passed from the picture in Germany"20.
Despite Neumayer's efforts to attract supporters via
regular encyclic letters, the idea of the International Polar
Expedition had not gathered any substantial support by
early 1880. The International Polar Commission had to find
a way out of the situation. A session of the International
Meteorological Committee was scheduled to take place in
Berne in the summer of 1880, so it was decided to organize
the 2nd International Polar Conference around the same
time in order to discuss the polar station issue.
(To be continued)
N.G.SUKHOVA (The Institute of the History of
Science and Technology, RAS),
E. TAMMIKSAAR (Baer House, Tartu)
Photo archive materials provided by the authors
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РГО. 1885. Т. XXI. Вып. 4. С. 249–284; Бунге А.А. Описание путешествия к устью
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номические и магнитные наблюдения за 1882–1884 гг., обработанные В.Е.Фусом,
Ф.Ф.Миллером и Н.Д.Юргенсом / Под ред. А.А.Тилло. Приложение. СПб., 1895;
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теорологические наблюдения, обработанные К.П.Андреевым / Под ред. Р.Э.Ленца.
СПб., 1886. С. I–XVII. Кривошея Н.В. Новая Земля. Путевые заметки из полярной
экспедиции 1882–1883 годов // Вестник Европы. 1886. Т. 4. Кн. 7. С. 469–514.
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Морской сборник. 1883. № 1. Неофиц. отд. С. 1–31; № 2. Неофиц. отд. С. 1–31;
Рыкачев М.А. Результаты метеорологических наблюдений первой Международ
ной полярной экспедиции 1882–1883 гг. (Лекция, читанная в Кронштадтском Мор
ском собрании). СПб., 1889; Breitfuss L. Das internationale Polarjahr einst und jetzt //
Arktis. 1930. № 3. S. 14–30; Визе В.Ю. Международный полярный год. Л., 1932.
С. 3–28; Кладо Т.Н. Первый международный полярный год // Вестник истории
мировой культуры. 1957. № 4. С. 132–140; Baker F. The first international polar
year, 1882–83 // Polar Record. 1982. Vol. 21. № 132. P. 275–285; Corby G. The first
International Polar Year (1882/83) // WMO Bull. 1982. Vol. 31. № 3. P. 197–214;
Пасецкий В.М. Разгадки тайна ждет. Л., 1983; Barr W. The expeditions of the First
International Polar Year, 1882–83 // The Arctic Institute of North America technical
paper. 1985. № 29; Ludecke C. Das 1 Internationale Polarjahr (1882–1883) und die
Grundung der Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft im Jahr 1883 // Historisch
meereskundliches Jahrbuch. 2002. Bd. 9. S. 7–24; Андреев А.О., Дукальская М.В.,
Фролов С.В. Международный полярный год. СПб., 2007. С. 7–22.
Пасецкий В.М. Метеорологический центр России: История основания и станов
ления. Л., 1978. С. 199–201; Кароль Б.П. Академик Г.И.Вильд. Л., 1988. С. 118–123;
Пинхенсон Д.М. Проблема Северного морского пути в эпоху капитализма. Исто
рия открытия и освоения Северного морского пути. Т. 2. Л., 1962. С. 224–234;
Смирнов В.Г. Исследования Мирового океана военными моряками и учеными Рос
сии 1826–1895 гг. СПб., 2007. С. 130–153.
Карл Вейпрехт (1838–1881) – лейтенант австрийского флота.
Schiffslieut. Weyprecht's Vortrag uber die von ihm geleiteten wissenschaftlichen
Beobachtungen, gehalten in Wien 18. Januar 1875 // Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes'
Geographischer Anstalt uber wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der
Geographie von Dr. A.Petermann. 1875. Bd. 21. S. 72; Рыкачев М.А. Первая междуна
родная полярная экспедиция… // Морской сборник. 1883. № 1. Неофиц. отд. С. 2.
Одно из таких писем Вейпрехта сохранилось в архиве K.M.Бэра (Universi
tatsbibliothek Giessen, Handschriftenabteilung. Nachlass von Baer. Bd. 20. K. Weyprecht an
K.E. v. Baer. Triest. 10. Juli 1875). Копия рукописи находится в Историческом архиве
Германии (Bundesarchiv, Abteilung Potsdam, RKA 1.500, Bl. 167–175. (См. также: Krause R.
Die Grundungsphase deutscher Polarforschung, 1865–1875 // Berichte zur Polarforschung,
1992. № 114. S. 288). Мы весьма благодарны дру Краузе за то, что он прислал нам эту
копию. Сравнение рукописи с докладом Вейпрехта в Граце и позволяет сделать вывод,
что ответы ученых, познакомившихся с рукописью «Grundzuge der arktischen Forschung»
(Основные черты арктического исследования), послужили основой для доклада Вей
прехта в Граце – «Grundprinzipien der arktischen Forschung» (Основные принципы арк
тического исследования).
Weyprecht C. Der Vortrag «Grundprinzipien der arktischen Forschung» // Tageblatt
der 48. Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte in Graz vom 18 bis
24 September 1875. Graz, 1875.
Этот комитет, в состав которого входили руководители крупных обсерваторий
европейских стран, был создан в 1873 г. в Вене во время Первого международного
метеорологического конгресса.
Ганс Иоган Непомук Вильчек (1837–1922) – граф, камергер австрийского
двора, один из богатейших землевладельцев АвстроВенгрии. Он не только по
жертвовал деньги на организацию экспедиции, открывшей Землю ФранцаИоси
фа (1872–1873 гг.), но и создал для нее вспомогательные депо на Шпицбергене
и Новой Земле. В те же годы Вильчек сам путешествовал по западному берегу
Новой Земли и Печорскому краю, собирал зоологические и геологические коллек
ции, а затем составил описание своего путешествия.
Berger F., Besser B.P., Krause R.A. Carl Weyprecht (1838–1881) Seeheld,
Polarforscher, Geophysiker, Wissenschaftlicher und privater Briefwechsel des osterreichischen
Marineoffiziers zur Begrundung der internationlen Polarforschung. Wien, 2008. S. 461.
Там же. С. 462.
Ludecke C. Das 1 Internationale Polarjahr (1882–1883) und die Grundung der
Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft im Jahr 1883 // Historischmeereskundliches
Jahrbuch. 2002. Bd. 9. S. 13.
Weyprecht C., Wilczek H. Entwurf des Arbeitsprogrammes einer internationalen
Polarexpedition // Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete des Seewesen. 1877. Bd. 5. №. 11.
S. 497–507.
Bericht uber die Verhandlungen des Zweiten Internationalen Meteorologen
Kongresses in Rom vom 14. bis 22. April 1879. Hamburg, 1880. S. 81–82.
Bericht uber die Verhandlungen des Zweiten Internationalen MeteorologenKongresses
in Rom vom 14. bis 22. April 1879. Hamburg, 1880. S. 2021; Ludecke C. Das 1. Internationale
Polarjahr (1882–1883) und die Grundung der Deutschen Meteorologischen Gesellschaft im
Jahr 1883 // Historischmeereskundliches Jahrbuch. 2002. Bd. 9. S. 14.
K.Г.Д.БейсБалло (директор Нидерландского метеорологического инсти
тута в Утрехте), капитан Н.Гофмейер (директор Датского метеорологического ин
ститута в Копенгагене), Э.Э.Н.Маскар (директор Центрального метеорологиче
ского бюро в Париже), Г.Мон (директор Норвежского метеорологического инсти
тута в Христиании), Г.Неймайер (директор Морской обсерватории в Гамбурге),
Р.Э.Ленц (проф. физики Технологического института в СанктПетербурге и Санкт
Петербургского университета), А.Викандер (проф. физики частного Чальмерского
института в Швеции), капитан Г. фон Шлейниц (представитель морского мини
стерства Пруссии), лейтенант К.Вейпрехт (АвстроВенгрия) (Rapport du Comite'
me' te' orologique international. Re' union de Berne. 1880. Paris, 1882. P. 5; Записки
Академии наук. 1881. Т. 39. Кн. 1. С. 19–20).
Кладо Т.Н. Первый международный полярный год // Вестник истории ми
ровой культуры. 1957. № 4. С. 134.
Bericht uber die Verhandlungen und die Ergebnisse der internationalen Polar
Konferenz abgehalten in Hamburg. 1–5 Oktober 1879. Hamburg, 1880. S. 1–13.
Bericht der Komission zur Begutachtung von Fragen der Polarforschung. Berlin,
den 12. Оktober 1875. № 91. В состав комиссии входили авторы этой весьма содержа
тельной записки – Мёллер, Г.В.Дове, А.Гризебах, Ф. фон Рихтгофен, K.Циттель,
Г.Крафтен, В. фон Сименс, К.Брунс, Г.Неймайер, Г.Ф.В.Рюмкер. Ф.А.Квенштедт,
В.Ф.Шимпер. (См. также Krause R. Die Grundungsphase deutscher Polarforschung, 1865–
1875 // Berichte zur Polarforschung. 1992. № 114. S. 286–299).
Гельвальд Ф. В области полярного льда. СПб., 1881. С. 871.
IPY 07/08
Dear colleagues!
If you have unformation about IPY 2007/08 events in your organisations and regions, you can present them
here in a bulletin of IPY News 2007/08.
Send texts with photographs and diagrams to
199397, St.Petersburg, 38 Bering Street, AARI, tel./fax: (812)3522735, еmail: [email protected].
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Organizing Comittee
for the participation of Russian Federation
for preparing and participating
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(www.ipyrus.aari.ru), tel. (495)2524511.
IPY 2007/08 News
N 15 (May 2008)
ISSN 2071601X
Center for scientific and information support
about activities of the Organizing Comittee
for the participation of the Russian Federation
for preparing and participating in events
as a part of the International Polar Year (2007/08),
St.Petersburg, 38 Bering Street, AARI, tel./fax: (812)3522735,
еmail: [email protected]
Russian Federation National Research Center
of "Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI)"
38 Bering Street, 199397, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
FSI "444 Voennokartograficheskaya fabrika"
of the Ministry for Defense of Russia
5, Pryazhka R. Nab., St. Petersburg, 190121
Order N L600. 150 copies
Eurasian Arctic Department for IPY 2007/08 (www.ipyeaso.aari.ru)
Editirial Board:
S.B.Balaysnikov (Editor),
tel. (812) 3522735, email: [email protected]
A.I.Danilov, V.G.Dmitriev, A.V.Klepikov, A.A.Merkulov, S.M.Pryamikov,
K.G.Tkatchenko (secretary)
Layout: N.A.Merkulova
Frontpage and backcover: panoramic view of drifting station "Northern Pole35" (provided by I.Grasser, AVI, Potsdam, Germany)