Valhall l Viking


Valhall l Viking
Valhall l
November, 2016
Number 9
Message From the President
I just drove home from Banning, CA where we had the Southern California
Kretsttevne. The weather was a bit hot, but as the humidity was so low, it didn’t feel
too bad. We had a fair turnout, but it was not like we have had in the past at Idylwild
or Pio Pico, that is for sure. We had about 27 folks present for the Saturday evening
dinner. We sure would love to see more people coming up from Valhall. It is only a
1.5 hour drive there, and there have been many fun things to do. We are looking at a
different venue for next year, and I am really hoping that Valhall will have a bigger
presence in 2017.
Meetings & Socials
Ascension Lutheran
5106 Zion Ave.
San Diego, CA 92120
Valhall website
SON website
District 6 website
Lodge Meeting
Nov.14th Monday
7 pm
Lutefisk Dinner
& Lille Butikken
November 19th, Saturday
See flyer on pg 2
Newsletter Deadline:
Nov. 23, 2016
Elections are rapidly approaching. I am finishing my second term, which is all that
Valhall by-laws allow. We are very much in need of some new ideas and visions for
our lodge. It is extremely important to note that if we do not fill our officer positions, especially President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, we are in danger of losing our Charter, and Valhall as a lodge will cease to exist. WE DO NOT
WANT THIS TO HAPPEN!!!!!! I realize that many people feel that these responsibilities take up a lot of time, but that is not really the case. Yes, these tasks take
some time, but they are not all-consuming. So please, I hope that you will find it in
your hearts to step up to the plate, and nominate yourselves to fill these important
positions in our lodge. I know that all of you feel strongly that you do not want our
lodge to disappear into history, right?
Lutefisk, lutefisk, jeg elsker lutefisk! Please make your reservations for the lutefisk
dinner on November 19. Of course, there will be meatballs, too, for those of you
who cannot see your way to consume this delicacy. Steve Rawlinson is in the
process of setting up a program for paying for your reservations online, and
information will be coming soon about the process. This will assist Valhall in
attempting to become more “paperless”, saving postage for members, and not
having to carry your checkbook with you to the dinners. You will be able to pay
online, which will also allow Valhall to have a more accurate reservation list.
Speaking of paperless, the Board is also looking at eliminating the U. S. Post Office
mailing of this newsletter. Those of us who have internet access will be able to receive the newsletter via that route. Those of you who do not have internet access,
(yes, I believe there are a couple of folks out there without a computer) will still be
able to receive the newsletter via snail mail. The board does recognize that many
members like to receive the hard copy of the newsletter, but postage for the mailing
costs Valhall over $1000 a year. That is just the
postage, and does not account for the printing.
What we need to know is: Who does not have a
computer, and still needs to receive the newsletter by US Mail? We will arrange to have those
folks continue to receive their newsletter in the
Vennlig hilsen,
Susan Cody, President
Valhall Lodge No. 6-025 Sons of Norway
Ascension Lutheran Church
5106 Zion Ave., San Diego, CA 92120
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Bar opens at 3:30 PM
Seatings will at 4:30, 5:00. 5:30,and 6:00pm
Avoid the Rush - Eat early!
Come have fun and enjoy our once-a-year World Famous Lutefisk Dinner!
Lutefisk and/or Meatballs
Potatoes, butter
Vegetables, Bread
Coffee, Tea and Dessert
Adults $20 with Pre-reservation ($25 at the door with NO reservation)
Children/Grandchildren of Valhall members 15 and under – FREE
Please specify # of adults, # of children and meatballs, lutefisk or 50/50
Call or send reservations to:
Millie Wright
14215 Pecan Park Lane, #5A, El Cajon, CA 92021
[email protected]
Valhall Viking
November 2016
Lodge Officers for 2016
This will be your last newsletter
via the US Postal Service
Assist. Secretary
Financial Secretary
Social Director
Assist. Social Director
Cultural Director
Assistant Marshal
Assistant Editor
Foundation Director
Publicity Director
Youth Director
Sports Director
Web Master
Trustee (3 years)
Trustee (1 year)
Trustee (2 years)
In an effort to become more “paperless”, and to
save money for printing and mailing the Valhall
newsletter, you will no longer receive the newsletter by snail mail. The newsletter will be available
via the internet and you will still be notified by
email of the newsletter availability. The newsletter
will also be available at
If you do not have a computer, please notify Susan
Cody or Arlene LaBree so that we may keep you
on the mailing list for the mailed newsletter.
Thank you for your attention
In Recognition of
Twenty-five Years of
Sons of Norway awards a
Certificate of Appreciation
and Pin
to the following members for their long
and faithful service:
Susan Cody
Rick Hausvik
Janet Weber
Aprell Bigler
Millie Wright
Judy Sawyer
Joyce Oen
Sven Olsen
Steve Rawlinson
Lou Coover
Jean Shogren
Else Ottesen
Ragnhild Amble
Arlene LaBree
Amelia Seeto-Murguia
Rick Hausvik
Sven Olsen
Ellen Spitzer
Ellen Spitzer
Steve Rawlinsen
Raymond Johnsen
Joyce Oen
Judy Sawyer
Allen Johannesen
Thelma Johannesen
Sig Stautland
Corporation Directors
Corporation Officers
Vice President
Twenty-five Years
of Membership
Andy Ueland
Don Balmer
Susan Cody
Allen Johannesen
Sigurd Stautland
Aprell Bigler
Rick Hausvik
Oddvar Hoidal
Anne K. Hoidal
Congratulations to both of you!
Valhall Lodge 6-025 ~ Sons of Norway
Valhall Viking
November 2016
Happy Birthday
Gratulerer Med Dagen!
November Birthdays
Kristine Olsen Thrailkill
Carol Amundson
Mildred Wright
Shirley Kay Ellingboe
Charles Gorder Sr.
Laurel Tucker Litchfield
Marc Schaefer
Carmen Cleary
Cody Wheeland
Philip Hinshaw
Sandra Yeaman
Rebecca Bourdage
Frank Burstrom
Cecilia Wandiga
Audun J S Davik
Agnar Eike
Joyce Olsen
Laura Wendling
Barnas Klubb
Crafts, Cooking, & Culture
Valhall Lodge Kids Activities at Socials
Available Soon: Pay Pal for Valhall
Steve Rawlinson discussed what he has learned about setting
up a lodge PayPal account to pay for lodge socials at the last
board meeting. This will be an additional method to pay,
members can still use personal checks or cash. The PayPal
system is being setup on our website.
Stoughton Dancers Coming to San
Just getting the word out that the Stoughton Norwegian
Dancers will be in San Diego, and surrounding area, the
last week in March, 2017.
The Stoughton High School Norwegian Dancers from
Wisconsin will be in San Diego next year from March
24 to March 31. They need our help getting performances scheduled and we may need to find host families for the teens. If you can provide a home stay for
some of the dancers, please let us know.
November 19th
Plan to holiday shop at the
Ladies of Valhall
The church is too small to host them, but they performed at St Andrews Lutheran Church last time they
were here, and we will try to get that arranged. Sven
Olsen will be our contact for scheduling. Nancy Madsen has already scheduled several of their days with
performances in Temecula, Vista and Palm Springs.
We need to find venues for them on Saturday 3/25,
Sunday morning and Thursday, March 30. Ideas included the Midway, Balboa Park, area churches and
schools, and the Swedish Club. The group does not
charge but collects donations. At some locations, we
would need to provide sound equipment assistance.
Annual Lille Butikken
Norwegian-inspired gift items, and the popular
fresh-baked Norwegian
Christmas cookies and julekake will be available.
Opens at 3:30 on the day
of the Lutefisk Dinner
and stays open through
dinner and after.
Valhall Viking
November 2016
LOV Notes
LOV’s October Meeting in the
Great Outdoors
October 2016
Next Meeting: November 6, 2016 at 9:00am. Denny’s Restaurant in Fletcher Hills
Hostesses: Ragnhild Amble & Eldbjorg Backous
Our ladies had an interesting surprise when they arrived at
Denny’s for their regular scheduled October meeting.
There was a large sign on the front door informing our gals
that the restaurant was closed for remodeling. After the
manager apologized for neglecting to inform us about the
remodeling plans, he assured us they will be open for business in November. Being creative and adaptable Norwegians, they found a shady spot in the parking lot to conduct
a short business meeting, before adjourning to a nearby
Starbucks for coffee where a good time was shared by all.
Although I missed the unusual October meeting, I had a
great time at Norsk Hostfest in Minot, North Dakota and
visit with my cousin Kari who came from Trondheim, Norway to take part in the festivities. Thursday evening, I
attended a six-course gourmet dinner “En To Tre” prepared
by Norway’s executive chef Kent Arntzen and his culinary
staff: Shrimp Toast Skagen served with dill oil and caviar;
Juniper-Berry Marinated Venison served with cauliflower
cream and Jarlsburg chips; Norwegian Fish Soup; Baked
Salmon served with poached carrots and asparagus, orange sauce with coriander; Grilled Tenderloin served with
spinach, onion, beets and Cognac sauce; Chocolate and
Hazelnut Praline with apricot and saffron sauce. The meal
was delicious and met my culinary expectations. Of the
many entertainers, my favorite were: Norway’s country
singer, Steffen Jakobsen and Solli-Tangen, the Telemark
brothers Didrik & Emil who sang folk songs from the
1800s to current hit songs. Check them out on the internet.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at our Annual
Lille Butikken November 19th Social. The doors open at
3:30, so plan to come and shop for Norwegian inspired gift
items and baked goods before sitting down for your
Lutefisk dinner. We also cordially invite all Valhall Lodge
members (men, woman and friends) to join us at our Annual LOV Christmas Luncheon & Program, Saturday
December 10th.
This year it is being held at the
House of Pacific Relation-Hall of
Nations, in Balboa Park. Cupids
Catering will be serving us a
holiday inspired meal.
So mark your calendar to come and
begin celebrating the Christmas
season with us.
Dale Roybal,
LOV President
Valhall Viking
November 2016
Minutes of the Valhall Board Meeting
Oct. 19th, 2016
CALL TO ORDER: President Susan Cody called the meeting to order at 7:13 PM.
There were 9 board members present: they
are listed at the end of the minutes.
copies sent to our membership. Many
members also receive an online, full color
version of the newsletter and may not want
to continue receiving a mailed version as
well. There will be more information and a
survey coming in the next newsletter and
Social: (1) Judy updated us that the menu via email about this matter.
selection for the upcoming Lutefisk dinner (2) Sven suggested we leave several copies
will be the same as last year and cost is
of the newsletter at Ascension Lutheran
$20. Spacing out the dining reservations
Church as another form of attracting new
worked well and the timing will be similar. members. We already give several to
The Lillebutikken will start at 3:30 on the House of Norway for visitors.
outside patio. We need to set up some
Publicity: Sven requested details about the
outside lighting. Seating for dinner will be upcoming Lutefisk Dinner so that he can
between 4 and 6 PM. The bar will open at place an ad in local newspapers.
Foundation: Rick reported that the $5 gro(2) Sven suggested that next year we
cery store gift cards are still available as a
switch the timing of the Lutefisk Dinner
reward for bringing in new members.
back to February, and have salmon in NoOLD BUSINESS:
vember. It is difficult to have both the
lutefisk preparation and lillebutikken setup (1) Bylaws: Rick read all the bylaws to the
happening at the same time in our current Board Members and a few changes were
made to better reflect our current situation.
Based on discussions, Rick will revise the
(1) Sven reported that the Stoughton High Bylaws.
School Norwegian Dancers from Wiscon- (2) There are several grants the lodge
sin will be in San Diego next year from
could apply for. Susan is working on one
March 24 to March 31. They need our
that will provide funds for the Norwegian
help getting performances scheduled and
language teacher to continue her classes,
we may need to find host families for the
which have been well received.
teens. The church is too small to host
(3) Susan will arrange to have a charitable
them, but they performed at St Andrews
organization come and take the items that
Lutheran Church last time they were here, are still in the Pod, then the Pod can be
and we will try to get that arranged. Sven removed. Sven and Rick want to see what
will be our contact for scheduling. Nancy remains, and possibly keep some of the
Madsen has already scheduled several of
their days with performances in Temecula, (4) Judy reported that a young family came
Vista and Palm Springs. We need to find
by and took the old piano from the Pod.
venues for them on Saturday 3/25, Sunday We are happy to see that it will have a new
morning and Thursday, March 30. Ideas
life with new piano students.
included the Midway, Balboa Park, area
(5) Steve Rawlinson discussed what he has
churches and schools, and the Swedish
learned about setting up a lodge PayPal
Club. The group does not charge but colaccount to pay for lodge socials. This will
lects donations. At some locations, we
be an additional method to pay, members
would need to provide sound equipment
can still use personal checks or cash. A
motion was made to have the PayPal sys(2) Sven is discouraged that so few mem- tem set up, this was seconded by Rick
bers come out to the Krettstevne in BanHausvik, discussed, and the motion was
ning, CA. One reason might be that it is a passed.
long drive.
(6) Aprell has not been able to find other
(3) Sven reported that the Seaman’s
members to help her with the nominating
Church in San Pedro will be having their
committee, which should have 3 people.
annual Christmas Bazaar the November 18 She has sent out emails, but the response
-20. It would be great to get a group tofrom members wishing to take on leadergether to attend this event.
ship roles has been poor. Maya Coleman
has volunteered to be the Youth Director.
(1) Susan talked with our publisher about Joyce Olsen will be co-musician but anthe cost of printing and mailing the news- other musician is needed. Sven suggested
letter. The lodge would like to reduce the
that taped music could be used for the nacost by decreasing the number of mailed
tional anthems, and the songs could be led
Valhall Viking
acapella if necessary.
We have important positions that need to
be filled, such as President and Vice President. If we can’t fill key positons, we run
the risk of losing our Charter with the Sons
of Norway. If this happens, Valhall Lodge
will have to be dissolved, so this is a very
important issue.
(1) Sven reported that Don Stewart is not
doing well. He is undergoing kidney dialysis and could use some household help and
a cleaning service at his home.
Treasurer Millie Wright presented her report. Expenses for the convention were
slightly higher than originally budgeted.
Rick Hausvik reported that he is taking
care of paying our rent to Ascension
The following members were present at
this board meeting: Susan Cody, Janet
Weber, Aprell Bigler, Jean Shogren, Judy
Sawyer, Steve Rawlinson, Sven Olsen,
Millie Wright and Rick Hausvik
The board meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.
The next lodge meeting will be November
14, 2016. The next social will be November 19, 2016.
Respectfully submitted by:
Janet Weber
Valhall #6-25
November 2016
OFFICERS FOR 2017-2018
Vice President
Financial Secretary
Social Director
Asst. Social Director
Cultural Committee
Assistant Marshal
Assistant Editor
Foundation Director
Publicity Director
Youth Director
Sports Director
Trustee 1st Year
Trustee 2nd Year
Trustee 3rd Year
Corporation Directors:
Susan Cody
Janet Weber
Janet Kylstad Coulon
Aprell Bigler
Millie Wright
Judy Sawyer
Joyce Oen
Sven Olsen
Maury Lee
Lou Coover
Joyce Olsen
Arlene LaBree
Steve Rawlinson
Rick Hausvik
Sven Olsen
Myla Coleman
Ellen Spitzer
Judy Sawyer
Joyce Oen
Raymond Johnsen
Allen Johannesen
Thelma Johannesen
Sigurd Stautland
Allen Johannesen
Sigurd Stautland
Rick Hausvik
Aprell Bigler
Don Balmer
Andrea Ueland
In Memory
Marilyn Patricia Rem
February 7, 1932—September 27, 2016
Marilyn Patricia (Mari) Olson was born on February 7,
1932 in Holmen, WI. As Mari was a preemie, she was
put in a shoebox and put in the warming oven of the
cook stove, which served as her incubator. Everyone in
Mari’s family played a musical instrument, her Dad, the
violin, Mom the piano, Chuck the baritone, Johnny the
trumpet, Mari the piano and sax, Larry the trumpet, and
Ruth the piano and sax. Mari and Larry played in the
LaCrosse (WI) Community Orchestra for a couple of
years together.
Mari loved to travel, and that served her well in her
marriage to John Rem on September 4, 1954.
Throughout their marriage, they lived in at least 7 different places in the USA and in Wurtzburg, Germany.
Mari earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Business at Colorado State University in 1973, and taught at Colorado
State. She worked for General Dynamics in California
for many years.
Mari was a long and faithful Golden Member of Sons
of Norway having joined in 1977. Mari was the Financial Secretary for years and very active in the lodge.
She was also very active in the Ladies of Valhall. Mari
will be greatly missed by all her Valhall friends. Our
deepest sympathy goes out to John, Mari’s husband,
for the loss for his wife and her daughter, Deede Rapallo, and her sons Mike and Jonathan for the loss of
their mother, and to her grandchildren.
Services were held on Monday, October 10 at Saint
Paul’s Cathedral, San Diego.
Emailed Newsletters
If you have an email but have not shared it with Valhall,
please consider doing it now.
We NOTIFY via email when the newsletter is available
online and send the link to it. We do not send a file.
New officers starting this year:
Counselor—Susan Cody
Asst. Secretary –Janet Coulon
Marshal—Maury Lee
Asst, Editor—Steve Rawlinson
Youth Director—Myla Coleman
Co-musician—Joyce Olsen
Valhall Viking
There are sometimes announcements sent by email for local
Norwegian events, changes of schedule, and other notices
that are timely and may be too late for next newsletter.
Send your email address to Aprell Bigler at
[email protected]
November 2016
Valhall Lodge Officer’s
Position Descriptions
This is the highest-ranking officer, whose job is to ensure
compliance with the Sons of Norway Charter and Constitution, and the rules, regulations and ceremonies of the
lodge. The President guides, oversees and coordinates all
that goes on within the lodge. The President conducts
lodge and board meetings, and oversees the appointment
of committees.
Vice President:
The Vice President is in charge of membership growth and
retention, and the focus is on lodge recruitment campaigns.
The Vice President serves as chair of the Membership
Committee and sets membership goals, oversees the effort
to recruit new members and encourages current members
to be involved with the lodge. The Vice President should
also be prepared to replace the lodge President in the event
that he or she is unable to perform the duties of the President.
The nominating committee is looking to fill
several lodge officer positions for 2017-2018.
Marshal and Assistant Marshal:
The Marshals have custody of the regalia, songbooks, gavel and other items of the lodge, making sure they are
We encourage old and new members to become properly distributed at the opening and collected at the
lodge officers. It is very rewarding and a great close of each meeting. The Marshal and Assistant Marshal arrive early for meetings to set up - chairs and tables,
way to meet many of the members.
the lodge banner, sound system and microphone, and they
put it all away at the end of the meeting. Marshals drape
We need members to fill the following lodge
the lodge charter upon the death of a member.
officer positions:
The musician of the lodge, plays the piano or any other
suitable musical instrument, especially during ceremonies
of the lodge. The musician will need to play the national
anthem's of USA, Norway and Canada and two songs at
each lodge meeting. A co-musician will share the duties.
Vice President
Assistant Marshal
The lodge historian records the historical events and activities of the lodge to create an annual history of the lodge.
The historian acts as custodian for all records and materials pertinent to the history of the lodge.
Please consider filling one of these lodge
positions. If you are interested, please contact
Aprell Bigler.
The librarian supervises and controls the lending of books
from the lodge library and ensures all books are returned.
He/she assists the members in the selection of books, and
in determining books for the lodge to purchase.
Valhall Viking
November 2016
DECEMBER 10, 2016
11:00 A.M. to 2:30 P.M.
Menu: Caesar Salad & Carrot Raisin Salad, Pork Loin & Coconut Chicken,
Green Beans Amandine, Red Potatoes with Rosemary, Dinner Rolls & Butter,
Pineapple Upside Down Cake.
Price: $18 per person (payable to LOV) Send reservations/payments to:
Dale Roybal, 4825 Mt. La Palma Drive, San Diego, CA 92117
Limited space: Please RSVP by Friday, December 2, 2016
for more information contact: Dale Roybal @ 858 278 7521 or [email protected]
Valhall Viking
November 2016
Social Committees
November 19
Lutefisk Dinner
Jim & Jackie Adams
Dougles Swensen
Dean Seiler
Mary Conklin
Anita Reith
Don Balmer
Maury & Graciela Lee
Sig & Tam Stautland
Millie Wright
Judy Sawyer
Turkey Soup with Norwegian
Turkey bones, skin and scraps (for stock)
• Water
• 1 large onion, chopped
• 2 cups chopped celery, including tops
• Salt and pepper
• Norwegian dumplings
• ½ cups chopped fresh parsley
December 17
Christmas Potluck and Party
Ellen Spitzer
Aprell & Don Bigler
Doug & Jerrilyn Hovland
Amelia & David Murguia
Place turkey bones and scraps into a soup kettle and cov- Kim & Bob Bardin
er with water. Leave uncovered and heat to a boil, then Wendy Hovland-Henry
Kaitlyn Hovland
slowly simmer for 45 minutes. Add water as needed to
keep the bones covered. Strain. Add celery and onion to Cody & Sara Wheeland
broth and cook for 15 minutes until tender. Season with
salt and pepper to taste.
Christmas Gift Idea
Give the Gift of Sons of Norway this Christmas.
Add dumplings one at a time to the stock. Cook uncov- Do you have a loved one who is looking for a way to
ered for 20 minutes. Add parsley just before serving.
connect with their Norwegian roots? Maybe a friend
who’s interested in exploring Nordic cooking? Consider
giving a membership to Sons of Norway this holiday
 2 cups milk
season. As you know, there’s so much to being a Sons of
 • ½ tsp. nutmeg
Norway member – whether it’s connecting with fellow
 • 2 Tbsp. butter
Norwegians in the lodge or exploring the culture on their
 • 1¼-1½ cups flour
own, your loved ones will fuel their interests with a Sons
of Norway membership.
 • 2 Tbsp. sugar
In medium pan, combine butter, milk, sugar and nutmeg
and simmer, stirring until sugar dissolves and butter
melts. Decrease heat to low and mix in flour. Remove
pan from heat and whisk until smooth. Shape into walnut-sized dumplings.
A gift membership doesn’t only benefit its recipient; it’s
great for your lodge, too. Giving a membership to a
loved one is a great way to introduce them to lodge, especially if they aren’t already familiar with Sons of Norway. In fact, many people who’ve been given gift memberships across the organization have gone on to be long
-term members of lodges.
Hot Apple Grog
Tasty glogg with Blackcurrant, Honey and Cinnamon
(Serves 5), adapted from
A gift membership to Sons of Norway opens up a world
of benefits for its recipients: like the outstanding Viking
magazine, a welcoming network of lodges, cultural programs that introduce Norwegian arts and crafts or valuable discounts on things like airfare, hotels and so much
more. How many other holiday gifts can give so much?
1 quart (1 liter) apple juice
1 cinnamon stick
¼ lb. (100 g) blackcurrants
2 tbsp. honey
If you’re interested in giving a gift membership for
Christmas, contact Sherry Gorse, Membership Services
Coordinator at (800) 945-8851.
Boil all ingredients. Sieve and serve.
Valhall Viking
November 2016
“Every Member Get a Member”
Starting January 1, 2016 through December 31,
2016 District Six has a special membership recruitment program. For every new adult member
that is referred by a Sons of Norway member
and that referring member’s name is indicated
on the membership form, that member will receive a $5.00 gift card from the District. No limitation on the number of members you may recruit. Send the form copy to:
Luella Grangaard, PO Box 832,
Morongo Valley, CA 92256
For further information contact your local lodge
Vice President or District Six Vice President
Luella Grangaard 760-363-7704 or
[email protected].
Sons of Norway
Mission Statement
The mission of Sons of Norway
is to promote and to preserve the heritage
and culture of Norway,
to celebrate our relationship
with other Nordic countries,
and to provide quality insurance and
financial products to its members.
Look to
Financial Benefits Counselor
Pat Kelly
(818) 986-7199
[email protected]
Affordable Insurance and
Great Annuities.
All financial products are
Guaranteed with no risk
Valhall Web Master
Steve Rawlinson
[email protected]
Sunshine Committee:
Ingrid Lindgren
(858) 277-3376
Wendy Hovland-Henry
Estate Planning
Retirement Planning
Life and Term Insurance
Contact our FBC
Financial Benefits Counselor
For California:
Pat Kelly:
Cell: 818-667-6627
Email: [email protected]
Blood Bank Representative
David Murguia
(619) 755-3297
Tubfrim Chairperson
Susan Cody
Rosemaling Classes
Carmen Cleary
(619) 922-6071
Valhall Viking
This is a service provided by Sons of Nor
way International for Members ONLY!
You cannot find earnings rates as good as
SON offers in other major financial insti
November 2016
New Norwegian Films Breaking into International Market
Løvekvinnen – The Lion Woman In August, "The Lion Woman" (Løvekvinnen) premiered at the 44th Norwegian International Film Festival in Haugesund and
had already been sold for distribution to 40 countries.
Information on all of these is being updated and
will be posted on the Sons of Norway website someBased on the bestseller by Erik Fosnes Hansen, the
time this month (October).
drama follows the trials of Eva, a girl born in 1912
with a disorder that causes fur to grow over most of
However, many of the deadline dates for 2017 have
been changed (are due earlier), relative to past years, her body. Her ashamed father first tries to hide her
from society, and she later suffers bullying and humiland serious applicants should be aware of them
iation from all sides. Written and directed by Vibeke
Idsøe, the film was partially filmed in Lillehammer,
and has the largest budget for a Norwegian film since
The deadline dates currently posted are:
"Kon-Tiki." This beautiful tale of otherness, tolerance
and redemption shows how the Lion Woman learns to
face and overcome these obstacles.
December 1 General Heritage and Culture Grants
December 15 Helping Hands to Children
Norwegian nominating committee selects entry for
Oscars Each year a committee from the Norwegian
Grants & Local Lodge Partnership Grants
film industry chooses one finalist to represent Norway
January 2 (All international scholarship opportunities) at the Oscars in the category of best non-English language film. This year’s selection is "Kongens
Douglas Warne-Rolf & Wenche Eng Scholarship
Nei" (The King’s Choice), a historical drama set in
King Olav V Norwegian-American Heritage Fund
1940 in which King Haakon VII and the Norwegian
Helen Tronvold Norwegian Folk High School Schol- government face the German invasion and an ultimatum of capitulation. Haakon VII is expertly played by
arship Lund Fund Scholarship
Danish actor Jesper Christensen, who conveys the huOslo International Summer School Scholarship
manity and loneliness of the king in this situation. AnMarch 1 (Domestic scholarship opportunities that are ders Baasmo Christiansen ("Kon-Tiki," "Buddy")
plays Crown Prince Olav, who is fiery and impatient
non-major specific)
compared with his father’s wise self-restraint. The
Astrid G. Cates and Myrtle Beinhauer Scholarship
film portrays the turmoil during a momentous chapter
Bernt Anker Scholarship*
in Norwegian history, and the universal theme of makOrel and Marie Winjum Memorial Scholarship*
ing impossible choices in dire situations. The two othApril 1 (Opportunities with specified majors)
er nominees were Erik Skjoldbjærg’s "Pyro Manen"
Nancy Lorraine Jensen Memorial Scholarship
and Rune Denstad Langlo’s "Welcome to Norway!"
which also stars Anders Baasmo Christiansen
There are some great scholarship opportunities here,
and not all of them are limited to youthful applicants.
Please check with the Sons of Norway website, to
confirm – and then publish for your individual Lodge
Don’t’ Forget!!
members’ information
Lutefisk dinner and
Lille Butikken
on November 19th!
Valhall Viking
November 2016
Hybrid Technology Coming to
Hurtigruten Ships
New American Embassy in Oslo
Earlier this month the Norwegian expedition operator
and cruise line, Hurtigruten, announced the construction of two hybrid expedition ships. Designed by Rolls
Royce and constructed by Kleven Yards in Norway,
the vessels represent the biggest single investment
made by Hurtigruten in the company’s history. “It is
beyond doubt that the future of shipping is both silent
and emission-free. We will use our new expedition
ships as ‘icebreakers’ for this technology and show the
world that hybrid operations on large ships are already
possible now,” says Hurtigruten CEO Daniel Skjeldam.
Norway’s new American Embassy, currently under
construction in Huseby, a western suburb of Oslo, will
be completed by the end of the year.
Designed by New York’s EYP Architecture & Engineering, the five-building campus features a chancery,
underground annex, Marine security guard quarters
and three entry pavilions. Workspaces in the building
will support a staff of 200 employees. Planned outdoor
spaces take cues from Norwegian design principles by
utilizing the area’s mature trees and stream to meld the
new building with the natural landscape.
Serving an important and unique function, the new
Set to debut in 2018 and 2019, the hybrid ships will be embassy site and building plans had to meet a number
of key requirements. The previous building’s location
released in two phases. The first phase will see the
near Oslo’s city center is dense and highly trafficked
completion of a single 530-passenger ship outfitted
with an auxiliary electric engine, capable of sailing via and posed security challenges. In addition, the U.S.
Department of State’s Bureau of Overseas Building
electric propulsion for 15-30 minutes. A first of its
kind in the world, the vessel’s combination of hybrid Operations issued a new list of guiding principles in
2011 which required that consulates and embassies be
technology, hull design and onboard electricity efficiencies are projected to reduce fuel consumption and both “safe and functional and inspiring places for the
conduct of diplomacy and … a facility that represents
carbon dioxide emissions by 20 percent.
the best of American architecture, design, engineering
and construction.” In essence, buildings must be aesThe objective of the second phase is to expand upon
electric capabilities with a fully-fledged hybrid engine thetically beautiful and meet high security and safety
that will sustain the second passenger ship for greater requirements. In respect of these principles, architects
lengths of time and distances. The battery propulsion sought inspiration from local materials, utilizing white
Norwegian granite on the building’s façade and a copwill also offer a silent and emission-free solution for
per roof, inspired by the Norwegian copper utilized in
navigating into fjords and vulnerable port locations.
the Statue of Liberty.
Bellona, a Norwegian environmental NGO with close
ties to the project, is optimistic about the potential for In addition to design and safety considerations, susthe new hybrid maritime equipment. Bellona founder tainability and energy efficiency were also at the foreand President Fredric Hauge says, “This is an historic front of plans for the project. The new embassy will
day for Norwegian shipping and for Norwegian mari- qualify for a Silver Certification in Leadership in Entime technology. Battery powered propulsion in ships ergy and Environmental Design (LEED) and energy
this size shows that batteries are on board to stay. This needs for the building will be met almost entirely by
renewable energy sources.
represents a huge reduction in emissions from shipping, and it is only the beginning.”
To learn more and to see plans of the building, visit design-diplomacy
To learn more about the project, visit http://
Valhall Viking
November 2016
California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Hawaii
October 2016
Office of the District President
As I look out at our Hidden Valley Lake, I am reminded that it truly is the Fall of the year and time
to have a chat with all of you. We have just completed our Fall District Six Board Meeting and it
was, as usual, a productive and enjoyable weekend at Camp Norge. I plan to chat with you four
times a year so please let me know if there is something in particular you would like me to chat
I have attached our District’s Suggested Annual Lodge Calendar. The Sons of Norway
Foundation has changed many of the deadlines for Scholarships and Grants. If your Lodge is
considering applying, PLEASE check the new dates. The forms are all available at
under Foundation. I encourage you to apply for these Grants, in particular, as our District supports
Foundation in so many ways.
We established our District Six Goals, for the biennium, at our Board Meeting. We ask that you
review these goals and do your best to add them to your goals and assist us in our endeavors,
particularly in regards to three of our goals, shown in bold.
 Increase the number of insurance members in the local lodges by 5%.
 Provide Member Seminars for 80% of Lodges during this biennium.
 Provide District- Sponsored Cultural Presentations to 25% of the lodges (13).
 Increase dues-paying members under 60 years of age by 1%.
 Apply for a Grant for Leadership Training at the 2018 District Six Lodge Meeting and
 Sponsor a Fundraiser for the General Fund of the Foundation at the 2018 District Six Lodge
Meeting and Convention.
 Increase the total number of Campers at both Language & Heritage Camps to at
least 40 Campers in 2017.
The District Board of Directors is working on scheduling Member Seminars for 2017, so when
a Board Member contacts you, please help the Officer in setting up a day of camaraderie and
education. These are good opportunities to learn, ask questions, and exchange ideas with one
Looking forward –
The 2018 District Six Convention, headed up by the District Six Board of Directors, will be June 1014 in Rohnert Park, CA at the new Graton Resort & Casino. The theme is “Aged to Perfection” and
we hope you all will begin talking it up and setting aside Lodge funds to support your delegates. It
will be an exciting time! Again, we will be utilizing the Nominating Committee procedure for the
election of District Officers.
Mary Beth Ingvoldstad
President, District Six
Sons of Norway Valhall Viking
November 2016
Suggested Annual Lodge Calendar
Foundation Scholarships
Oslo Summer School Scholarship—
Warne-Eng Scholarship
Lund Fund Scholarship
Helen Tronvold Norwegian Folk High
King Olav V Norwegian-American
Heritage Fund
Deadline for all of the above is
January 2
Installation of Officers
Founders’ Day—January 16th
Lodge Achievement Form --submitted to
Sons of Norway Headquarters by March
Form D17-Financial Statement—
submitted to International before March
Elect Convention Delegates in evennumbered
years and send the delegate
list to the District Secretary
Foundation Scholarships
Astrid G. Cates/Myrtle Beinhauer)
Deadline—March 1
District Six $1,000 Scholarships—
Three Post-Secondary Scholarships and
one Skogfjorden Scholarship
Deadline – April 1
Foundation Scholarship
Nancy Lorraine Jensen Scholarship
Deadline April 1
District Six ½ Camperships
Two for Camp Trollfjell and two for
Trollfjell Folkehøgskule
Deadline-- April 17
Midsummer festivals
Language and Heritage Camps
o Camp Trollfjell
o Trollfjell Folkehøgskule
International Convention—evennumbered
Northern California Kretsstevne
Elect Nominating Committee
Lodge Liability Insurance due—
Deadline-- October 1
Prospective New Member Event
Central and Southern California
Nominating Committee Report
Sons of Norway Foundation Month
Leif Erikson Day
Election of Officers
General Heritage & Culture GrantsDeadline-December 15
Local Lodge Partnership GrantsDeadline—December 15
Helping Hands to Children GrantsDeadline—December 15
D-63 Report of Lodge Officers to
International Headquarters & to District
Deadline—December 15
Julefest celebrations
Check us out on:
Facebook &
For scholarships/camperships/Camper
registrations/student registrations….visit
990 IRS Form—deadline no later
than May 15th
Syttende Mai celebrations
District Convention in even-numbered
Valhall Viking
November 2016
Valhall Viking
PERMIT No. 960
Published Monthly by
(Valhall Lodge) 25
Arlene LaBree, Editor
11128 Blythe Road
San Diego, CA 92126-1103
Please Deliver Promptly
Valhall Viking
November 2016
Ladies of Valhall
Lodge Meeting
Lille Butikken
Lutefisk Dinner
LOV Christmas Luncheon
Mon Lodge Meeting
Juletrefest Christmas Party & Potluck
Next newsletter is the
December issue
Deadline for the
December Valhall Viking
is November 23, 2016.
E-mail articles to:
[email protected]