February 2006 - mankato norwegian club
February 2006 - mankato norwegian club
NEWSLETTER, February 2006 Did you know? The 5 interlocking rings became the official symbol of the Olympic Games in 1913? Each ring represents the athletes from 5 continents (Africa, America, Asia, Europe, and Australia). The colors of the rings (blue, black, red, yellow, and green) represent all of the national flags of the world that include at least one of those 5 colors. February meeting: Saturday, Feb. 11- 5:30 PM, Bethlehem Lutheran Church Program: Mark DeGarmeaux-Norwegian Language Serving Committee: Dick and Kris Norland (Chairs) and Members (Br-E) Transportation Available for non- night time drivers: call Dick Norland at 625-6060 2006 Norway Calendars are now on sale for $10. Stop by the information booth at the February meeting. Volunteer hour sheets will be available at the information booth at the next lodge meeting Hilsen Fra Presidenten- Audrey Morken Thanks to Claudia Tomany for sharing her pr e s e nt a t i onofJ ohnSt odda r d’ sLe c t ur eonNor wa ya tt h el a s tme e t i ng!I twa sve r ye n t e r t a i n i ng! Also thanks to the serving committee for the excellent food and to Kris Norland for her piano accompaniment. Fe br uar y’ smeeting: Fort hos eofy ouwhoha vewa i t e ds op a t i e n t l yt o‘ l e a r nal i t t l eNor s k, ’now is your chance. Mark DeGarmeaux, the Language and Religious Studies Professor at Bethany Lutheran College will be our featured speaker on Saturday, Feb. 11. Please join us. Tubfrim stamps are still being collected. We do have more stamps to be trimmed, so when you drop your trimmed stamps off at the information booth, please remember to pick up another bag! For every pound of stamps sent in, one postcard is allotted for the chance to win two tickets to Norway. Looking for a Catchy slogan Are you good at coming up with catchy phrases or slogans? If you are, we have a contest for you. We are looking for a slogan for the 2008 SON convention that will behe l di nMa nka t o.Somes l oga nsf r o mpa s tc onv e nt i onsh a vebe e n:“ Te a mwor kMa ke sa Di f f e r e nc e ”a nd“ TheJ o ur ne yCont i n u e s ”Thes l oga ns houl dbes ome t hi ngt ha te n c o mpa s s e s Mankato or Minnesota and its Norwegian heritage. It need only be 4-8 words long. We have only had three entries so far. The contest deadline is Mar. 1st. There will be a $25 prize for the winner. Good luck! Please send your entry on your own piece of paper to: Sons of NorwayElvesvingen Lodge 1-582, P.O. Box 1091, Mankato, MN 56002. The Svenska Sallskapet (Swedish Club) has extended an invitation to our lodge to attend their next meeting on Friday, Feb. 3 at 7:30pm at Grace Lutheran Church in Mankato. Come and meet Kimberly Contag, author of“ Whe r et heCl oudsMe e tt heWa t e r . ”Ki mbe r l ywi l lt e l loff i r s t hand experiences during WWII and the book she has written about them. This book will intrigue readers of all ages who are moved by coming-of-age stories, WWII stories, and stories that remind us all of strength of family. Please enter through the back door of the church to get to the Fellowship Hall in the basement. Page 1 of 4 NEWSLETTER, February 2006 Sons of Norway- Elvesvingen Lodge El ve s vi ng e n’ sNe we s tMe mbe r s Dassel-Leikarringen Perfomance at the membership Banquet Arnie Bentdahl and Linda Bristol atThe Syttende Mai Festival Page 2 of 4 NEWSLETTER, February 2006 Have a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year! Winter Olympics XX, Turin, Italy-Can you believe that it has been 4 years already since the last Wi nt e rOl y mpi c swe r ehe l di nSa l tLa keCi t y, Ut a h?Andmyhowt i mef l i e ss i nc et he‘ 94Wi nt e r Games held in Lillehammer, Norway. In 1994, I was living in California, a true melting pot of many ethnicities. I remember sitting in a quaint little restaurant with a friend who was of Norwegian descent (Norwegian and Japanese to be exact- whoa !Nowt he r e ’ sac ombi na t i on ! ) Watching the games and feeling so proud to be Norwegian. I imagined how it must have felt for the Norwegians in 1952 when the Olympics were held in Oslo- a sea of Red and blue flags waving, c owbe l l sr i n gi ng,a nds i gnsr e a di ng“ He i j aNor g e ”t oc he e ro nt hes ki e r s . Iha dac ha n c e to ask my dad what he remembered about the 1952 games. He told me how the whole family would sit on the edge of their seats listening to the Olympics on the radio cheering on their Norwegian heroes like Hjalmar Andersen, a speed skater, or Sverre Haukelid a skier, and Stein Ericksen a ski jumper. The neighbors who lived in the next farm over would keep very good records of each event and howma nyme da l se a c ha t hl e t ea ndc o u nt r yha d. ( Ne e dl e s st os a y,TheNor we gi a ns“ c l e a ne dup ”i n the skiing categories. After all, Norway is the birthplace of modern skiing. ) Many islands in Norway, including Radoy- whe r emyf a mi l yi sf r om,woul dha vet he i rowns or tof“ Ol ympi c ga me s ”whi c hi nc l ud e dt heCompe t i t i onofa l la t hl e t e sf r omt hei s l a nd.Myf a t he rr e me mbe r sa young man named Sverre Mottrett who was the ice skating champion from Radoy. Sverre was goode nought ogoont obi gge rt hi ng sa sa na t h l e t e ,pr oba b l yt heOl ympi c s ,butc oul d n’ ta f f or dt o pay the fee of 400 Norwegian Kroners (about $60 US dollars today) to enter higher level competitions. Only seven years after World War II, many people still faced hard times. Nobody had any money to do anything or go anywhere. Well, I could go on and on about Norway and the Olympics, but I must close. Remember to watch the Winter Olympics beginning Feb. 10. Cheer on the Norwegians and of course, the Americans, too. Hilsen fra Vice Presidenten - Karen Lundblad Idi dn’ tme a nt o,butIt hi nkI ’ vema deNe w Ye a r ’ sr e s ol ut i ons !I ’ ver e s ol ve dt ol e a r n/ s i ng/ s a yt heNor we gi a nanthem and table prayer, with a f i neNor we g i a na c c e nt . Thi swi l lb et hef i r s tr e s o l ut i onI ’ vee ve rke pt !I na ddi t i on,Ih a ver e s o l ve d to explain the Sons of Norway to anyone who will listen, for there seems to be some (much) confusion out there. My mentioning that I will be an officer for Sons of Norway this coming year ha sbe e nme twi t h,“ Youme a nLarry wi l lbe , r i gh t ? ”Myi ni t i a lr e a c t i onto that--“ Wha t ? !You don’ ts e eme a sof f i c e rma t e r i a l ? ! ” --was unnecessary, for it turns out nearly everyone was thinking “ SonsofNor wa y”i sf orf ul l -bl oode dNor we gi a nme n.Soi t ’ sbe e nf unt os e tt h i ngss t r a i ght ,a nd I ’ vef oundt ha tpe opl ea r ea c t ua l l yv e r yi n t e r e s t e d!Al lt h ebe s ti nt h i sne wye a r ! Check out the Information Table at our monthly meetings - pick up information on area events, travel, or SON financial products; sign up for lodge events/volunteer opportunities; view a copy of recent lodge minutes/treasurer's report; check out the SON magazine for children under 15; purchase gift items offered by the District One Sons of Norway fundraising com mittee; or simply ask questions. Visit us on the web - www.sonsofnorwaymankato.org or www.sonsofnorway.com Page 3 of 4 NEWSLETTER, February 2006 SONS OF NORWAY ELVESVINGEN LODGE 1-582 CALENDAR February, 2006 Feb. 1 deadline for lodge scholarship applications for summer camps- Skogfjorden and Masse Moro Feb.3, Swedish Club- Kimberly Contag- Grace Lutheran Church Feb. 3-5 Ibsen Festival- Lanesboro, MN Feb. 11th Lodge meeting, Mark DeGarmeaux - Bethlehem Lutheran Church Feb. 10-26 Winter Olympics, Turin, Italy Feb 23-24 - Barnebirke - Hayward WI Mar.1st deadline for 2008 convention slogan Mar. 11- Lodge meeting at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Topic: Recent travelers to Norway Panel Discussion April 8, Lodge Meeting at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Topic: Resources for tracing ancestors and Lodge 25th anniversary celebration Page 4 of 4
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