w hile you have been busy taking care of your family
w hile you have been busy taking care of your family
∏ WHILE YOU H AV E B E E N B U S Y TA K I N G C A R E O F Y O U R FA M I LY … ∏ P.O. Box 1159 Oshkosh, WI 54903-1159 0AIDåFORåBYå2ONå*OHNSONåFORå3ENATEå)NC XXMr. John Sample XX123 Main StreetXX XXApartment 123XXX XXCity, State 12345XX !1234567890! …RUSS FEINGOLD HAS BEEN BUSY C U TTI N G YO U R BEN EFITS. RON JOHNSON RUSS FEINGOLD WANTS YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES TO GO WITHOUT THE RETIREMENT BENEFITS YOU DESERVE. will go to Washington and fight for Wisconsin families. RUSS FEINGOLD no longer represents our values: ✗ Raided more than $2 TRILLION dollars from the Social Security trust fund to bankroll big government programs.1 ✗ Cast the deciding vote on ObamaCare, which will cut $523 billion in Medicare funding, and impact 100,000 Wisconsin seniors utilizing the MedicareAdvantage program.2 ✗ Voted to allow illegal immigrants to receive Social Security Benefits. ✗ Voted to increase taxes on seniors’ benefits by $243 Billion. 3 4 86G::G C 6 > 8 > I > A D E 1. Social Security Administration, http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/STATS/table4a3.html, accessed 8/14/10. 2. H.R. 3590, CQ Vote #396, 12/24/09 3. S. 1348, 2006 Roll Call #130 4. H.R. 2264, CQ Vote #190; H.R. 2264, CQ Vote #247 Vote Ron Johnson on November 2nd. www.ronjohnsonforsenate.com Stay connected: