Turkish Furniture Brands, The Consumer`s Choice - Ite


Turkish Furniture Brands, The Consumer`s Choice - Ite
IMOB INGILIZCE:Layout 1 1/31/11 6:06 PM Page 1
Brand: Turkish Furniture
Interview on Discovering Turkish
Furniture with Ramazan
Davulcuoğlu, MOSDER Chairman
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Brands, The Consumer’s
“Success lies in differentiation”
According to MOSDER Research,
consumers tend to prefer branded
furniture shops
Raşit Karaaslan: Successfully
competing with countries with low
manufacturing costs depends on
‘succeeding in differentiation’.
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grow with
‘IMOB 2011’
Showcasing the furniture sector on the world stage and thanks to its
location and influence, İMOB 2011 is set to become the world’s thirdmost important furniture fair. İMOB 2011 will offer significant
opportunities for new partnerships in this sector, a sector that exports
to 173 countries around the world.
Target growth in
exports is 20%
The furniture sector grew its exports
from $75M in 1995 to $1.153B in
2009. Continuing this progress, a
further 20% growth in 2010
increased the total to $1.4B. The
sector’s export is predicted to grow
by another 20% this year, on the
heels of İMOB 2011. The domestic
market volume had grown by 8% at
the end of 2010. The sector that
employs half a million workers,
including ancillary industries, also
targets a ten percent growth on the
domestic market in 2011.
urniture professionals, from
within and outside the country,
will be coming together for the
seventh time at the Istanbul
Furniture Fair (İMOB) 2011, to be held at
the Istanbul CNR Expo. Hosted by
MOSDER (Association of Turkish
Furniture Manufacturers), İMOB 2011
collaborates with furniture manufacturers,
auxiliary industries, importers and
retailers to help develop the furniture
industry. Growing in influence and
leveraging its geographic location, İMOB
2011 is firmly set to become the thirdmost important furniture fair in the world.
Over 300 companies exhibit at the fair
that covers an area of 120,000 m² in nine
separate halls. The fair, which has
inspired the sector every year of its
history, plays host to nearly 500 home
furniture and accessories brands. Istanbul
Furniture Fair 2011 is a crucial platform
for learning about the latest developments
and newest trends, as well as identifying
opportunities, in furniture.
100,000 visitors
Over 100,000 visitors are expected at
İMOB 2011. The fair attracts a large
number of visitors from abroad too:
Over 10,000 foreigners are expected to
visit this year’s fair. Also expected are
many purchasing missions, as well as
groups from Denmark, the United
Kingdom, Germany, Greece, Angola,
Japan, the Netherlands, India, Sri Lanka,
Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Iran, Uzbekistan,
Russia, Syria and the Ukraine. The fair
will create significant opportunities for
new partnerships in this sector that
exports to 173 countries.
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The world discovers Turkish
Introduced as “Turkish brands utilizing their design,
quality and affordable pricing policies to reach out to the
world stage” the Discover Turkish Furniture project
organised by MOSDER (The Association of Turkish
Furniture Manufacturers) aims to raise the profile of
Turkish furniture around the world.
Interview: Ümit Özkan
aving achieved a remarkable
annual increase in the
manufacturing capacity of the
furniture sector, Turkey now exports to
173 countries on five continents. 2011
targets are 20% growth in exports and
10% on the domestic market. Exports
have doubled in the furniture sector; no
current deficits and high added value
make this one of the rare sectors that
contribute to the Turkish economy, and
its labour-intensive nature makes it a
valuable contributor to employment
MOSDER’s Discover Turkish
Furniture project aims to promote
Turkish furniture worldwide; the stateof-the-art manufacturing technology,
proximity to the market, affordable
pricing policies, speedy delivery and
conceptual consistency all combine to
mark Turkey as a major base of furniture
manufacturing. The objective is to
announce all this to the world with
carefully selected messages.
Our interview with Ramazan
Davulcuoğlu, MOSDER Chairman,
covered the position of the Turkish
furniture sector in Turkey’s economy, its
competitive strength on world markets
and the mission of the Discover Turkish
Furniture project in this context.
Davulcuoğlu, businessman and
MOSDER Chairman, answered our
questions and shared his views with us…
As I noted earlier, the fact that exports
have doubled the value of the imports,
thus achieving a constantly growing
added value to the economy and trade
surplus, have combined to make this a
rare sector. Because exports reach out to
173 countries they also address a wide
variety of tastes and requirements.
Leading the factors that have
strengthened the sector in exports are the
investments made in technology and
design and the increased manufacturing
capacity. We benefit from a huge
manufacturing capacity, high quality
standards and qualified human
resources. Expansion abroad is
supported by concept stores opening in
neighbouring countries. Geographically,
we are positioned as a bridge between
Europe and the Middle East and Africa.
Would you please, first and foremost,
explain the importance of the furniture
sector in the Turkish economy, given its
high added value and large export
The furniture sector is one that exports
twice as much as it imports; so it is one
of those rare sectors that create added
value, as well as trade surplus. As it is a
labour-intensive sector, the industry’s
positive contribution to employment,
one of the key issues of Turkish
economy, is also significant.
Turkish furniture exports had grown
by 20% by the end of 2010, to a total of
$1.4B. The domestic market has, in the
same period, grown by eight
percent, to
New investments have led to an
annual increase in Turkey’s
manufacturing capacities; we currently
export furniture to 173 countries on five
continents. Our furniture exports totalled
$75M in 1995; this figure reached
$1.153B in 2009. A 20% growth in 2010
increased our exports to $1.4B. Our
growth target for 2011 is 20%.
What is the Discover Turkish Furniture
project that MOSDER has initiated?
What would you like to tell us about the
objectives of the project?
Ramazan Davulcuoğlu
MOSDER Chairman
$8B; the target for 2011 is a growth of
20% in exports. Our sector employs half
a million workers, including the
ancillary industry, and we expect a
growth of 10% in the domestic market.
What is the positioning of the Turkish
furniture sector on foreign markets and
what has the past 15-20 years’ progress
been like? How has MOSDER
contributed to this development?
A key representative of the Turkish
furniture sector, MOSDER successfully
tackles its duties of reinforcing
international relations and
raising the profile of our
sector on foreign markets.
Our association actively
conducts market
research in
delegations, and--most importantly-participates in international furniture
fairs to promote our sector and members.
In addition, we invest in design, the one
factor that will raise our competitive
edge on international markets. We hold
design contests to attract students and
industrialists. And finally, it is our
association that leads the organisation of
İMOB, the Istanbul Furniture Fair,
the principal showcase
in our effort to open
up to the world.
The Turkish furniture
sector has made huge
progress in the past 15
to 20 years by
investing heavily in
design, branding,
R&D, quality and
technology; an
additional point to
note is the highly
competitive pricing
Our “Discover Turkish Furniture”
project aims to promote Turkish furniture
brands on the world stage with their
design, quality and affordable pricing.
Our objective at MOSDER is to raise the
profile of Turkish furniture worldwide.
The project seeks to contribute to the
promotion of Turkish furniture, with
special emphasis on the state-of-the art
manufacturing techniques, huge
manufacturing capacity, trendy designs,
proximity to the market, affordable
pricing policy, speedy delivery, and
conceptual consistency. This is a longterm project for our association, and
one on which we both place
great importance as well
allocate a large budget.
We aim to raise the profile
of Turkish furniture on the
world stage by carefully
selecting relevant messages
that reflect our competitive
strength. These messages
seek to emphasise the
following premises: that
Turkey is a furniture
manufacturing country, that
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01 February 2011
sectors capable of representing Turkey
on the global market; we can even go so
far as to state that a Turkish furniture
phenomenon now exists in the world.
Turkish furniture now addresses
different tastes and requirements in over
173 countries worldwide. Our
distinctively functional furniture offers
life-simplifying features. For us,
however, the EMEA region, that is,
Europe, the Middle East and Africa,
occupies a special place in our hearts.
Turkey constitutes a bridge between
Europe, Asia and Africa, bang in the
heart of these continents.
Aziz Sarıyer:
Design is life
It is only superior design that creates a
competitive edge in the world. I am convinced
that Turkish furniture is set to become a
veritable force in the near future, thanks to
its capability and growing design experience.
The features that will give Turkish
furniture a competitive advantage on the
international markets are as follows:
manufacturing technology,
manufacturing capacity, proximity to the
market, Turkey’s strategic importance on
the international markets, high quality at
affordable prices, speedy delivery,
consistency in concepts, monitoring and
implementation of the latest trends in
Discover Turkish
differentiation,’ design
the latest in manufacturing
Furniture Project;
becomes one of the key
technology is utilised in
Aims to present
parameters of Turkish
Turkey--in other words, that
Turkish Furniture
furniture, just as it has in
our manufacturers closely
with its aspects of
However much our sector has
other industrialised sectors. Is
follow technological
production capacity
technology, hand finishing
the Turkish furniture sector
development abroad to pick
and newest
vital part; benefiting from a
able to make good use of
the best technology to use,
workforce, the importance
design as an effective method
that Turkish furniture
places upon high quality
designers monitor the latest
in manufacturing, the constant drive for
in the world and create
Turkish furniture designers
progress, the increase in the number of
trendy designs, that the
closely follow developments in manufacturers that employ modern
Turkish furniture sector is
the world and now create
techniques, the growth in the design
well set to become a
‘trendy’ designs. Competitive pricing has capacity, the successful
trendsetter on the world stage, that
always been one of the top parameters of entry into
Turkish furniture companies, ever
Turkish furniture; this is now supported
effective and professional, always offer
by design as the most effective method
the best quality at great prices, that
of adding value. Innovative design is far
countries and
Turkey is located at the most strategically
more popular these days. The most
the wide
advantageous site for the European,
important element of furniture, design,
product range
Asian, African and Middle Eastern
stands out with fine detail and
all create a
markets, and that this location contributes
differentiation. Quality and price
to speedy and timely deliveries and so,
converge in an increasingly competitive
Turkish furniture brands benefit from a
environment, and the quality of price
conceptual consistency.
The Turkish
and design take equal billing with
function, durability, ergonomics and
We are planning to reach out to the
relevant people and institutions by
creates added
publishing these messages at major
Our sector does have the technology,
value and stands
international furniture fairs in China,
design ability and
out on the global
Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom,
potential to move
stage, thanks to a
Russia, Libya, the UAE, Rumania,
Essential in creating
from ‘competing
young, highly
France, Iran, Jordan, Egypt, Syria,
in price’ to
global Turkish brands
qualified workforce,
Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,
‘competing in
constantly developing
Lebanon, India and Kenya, as well as in
will be the support
innovation and
design potential
newspapers and trade press.
provided to companies
creating contemporary
moreover, the
and original pieces, the
Where does the Discover Turkish
infrastructure is in
use of the most
Furniture project stand amongst the
growth strategies,
place and
work you as MOSDER have done to
operations, organisations manufacturing
promote Turkish furniture in the
supports this
technologies, the fact
and technological
potential in the
that virtually all the
consultancy, as well as
sector with the
Our objective as MOSDER is to help
raw materials are
activities and
develop strong global brands, and thus
procured in the
building and
investment in
contribute to the exports of our country,
country, its
establishing a positive
and using these global Turkish brands so design, especially
contribution to
in creating the
developed to strengthen the profile of
image of Turkish made
employment, the
university‘Turkish Furniture’ and the prestige of
expansion with
abroad by
the sector itself. Our tactical position has industry
concept stores
communications and
been one of support for the mission of
displaying distinctive
the Turquality project that aims to
promotional activities.
brands and its dynamic
reinforce the profile and prestige of
and constantly
What are the
Turkish brands. The Discover Turkish
developing structure.
qualities that will
Furniture project is a huge opportunity to
create a competitive edge for Turkish
display the changing and developing
furniture on the international markets?
face of Turkish furniture.
Provided appropriate policies are
As ‘competing in price’ gives way to
followed, furniture is one of those
‘competing in innovation and
Aziz Sarıyer, whose design features
on the Discover Turkish Furniture
poster, expresses his belief that the
time has come to discuss ‘superior
design’ and not
simply ‘design’:
“The Turkish
furniture sector
will only gain a
competitive edge
on the world
markets when it
has consistently
design and
quality. Design
is much more
than simply
creating a
It is imbuing the product on offer
with the required qualities first and
foremost. It is only through design
that a product gains the correct and
useful characteristics. Design is
basically the process of solving a
problem. It is as much a science as
mathematics or geometry. Neither
is design a mere solution argument
on the furniture or industrial field.
Design is life itself. The wider span
of design covers everything, from
individuals planning their personal
and private lives through to states
doing the same for their socioeconomical and political
programmes. I believe that the time
has come to discuss ‘superior
design’ and not simply ‘design’. It is
only superior design that creates a
competitive edge in the world.
Consistency in improving design and
production quality is essential to
reaping the just rewards of these
promotional activities. I am
convinced that Turkish furniture is
set to become a veritable force in
the near future, thanks to its
capability and growing design
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01 February 2011
The Consumer Looks for
Quality and Insists on Brands
A Nielsen Research survey commissioned by MOSDER reveals the profiles of
consumers who prefer branded furniture, their use and buying behaviour, the
recognition of furniture brands and the brand images in the consumer’s mind.
he Association of Turkish
Furniture Manufacturers has
underwritten a comprehensive
survey together with Nielsen Research.
This survey reveals the importance
placed on branded furniture in Turkey.
Fourteen provinces provided the basis of
the survey, sampling based on the
Turkish Statistical Institute guidelines:
Istanbul, Tekirdağ, Bursa, Kocaeli,
Izmir, Aydın, Ankara, Kayseri, Antalya,
Adana, Samsun, Trabzon, Erzurum and
The survey sought to determine
customer profiles, brand awareness,
customers’ views on brands, image
characteristics, attitudes, behaviour and
buying habits.
The research took place between the
11th of December 2010 and the 3rd of
January 2011; a total of 1,014 subjects
were interviewed face-to-face. The
subjects fell into the A, B, C1 and C2
groups, had either purchased furniture in
the past two years, had decided on a
brand or were at the decision stage, and
consisted of men and women, between
the ages of 18 to 60.
Over half of the consumers stated that
12 months was the most suitable
repayment term, while two out of nearly
three (63%) preferred credit card
repayment schemes.
Preferred payment type
The survey also reveals some clues to
the frequency of replacing furniture in
Turkey. The average replacement time is
eight years. This term is longer in
Central Anatolia. Two out of every three
consumers expressed a preference for
The survey reveals a preference for
branded furniture stores when
customers buy furniture.
Furniture Renewal Frequency
‘promotional campaigns that offer
instalments, discounts and term
advantages’ when buying furniture.
Campaigns that offer complementary
pieces and those that exchange new for
old come second and third in the list.
The survey also reveals that the top
criteria in buying furniture are ‘the
quality of the goods’ and ‘the reliability
%75 of furniture consumers prefer installment
buying. More than half of the consumers
indicate that 12 months installments best suits
with their conditions.
Furniture Consumer
Average age is 33, and the socioeconomic grouping is C1, while the
branded furniture buying consumers’
average per family monthly income is
TL2,045. Three out of every four
consumers prefer buying on credit;
nearly half of those (47%) explained
their repayment preferences as dependent
upon ‘the extra cost on term or rates’.
of the brand’. The price, practicality and
design of the goods, as well as the
payment conditions and after sales
service all ranked amongst these criteria.
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01 February 2011
“We need to raise
the bar in exports”
“Exporting original design furniture to the
developed countries of the West means exporting
the aesthetics created by this nation and the fruit
of the quality and labour of this nation’s craftsmen
and masters. We as the furniture sector have
joined the ranks of those who are contributing to
our country’s economy with our exports.”
Interview: Yaşar Çelik
aşit Karaaslan’s
Interior Architect manufacturing, has now
journey in design
been proven in numbers.
Furniture Designer
extends all the way
Given this track record,
Raşit Karaaslan and
back to the 1970s.
how do you position
his daughter
Obtaining his Interior
Turkish furniture on the
Pınar Karaaslan
Architecture and Industrial
way to becoming a brand?
Design degree from the then
In order for rapid growth
Fine Arts Academy (today’s
and high manufacturing
Mimar Sinan University) in
capacity to be sustainable,
1975, Karaaslan had taken
manufacture needs to be fed
extra lessons in industrial
constantly with original design;
design in his final two
the product needs to stand out
years, predicting the ascent
on quality and branding is dependent on all
of that particular discipline in Turkey. After
those. Becoming a brand means developing
a short stint in a number of offices working
an original identity and personality in the
on a variety of projects, Karaaslan found
product, and identifying the product with the
himself enchanted by Bursa when a chance
company name, all the while avoiding the
job took him there and decided to settle in
easy way out that is imitation. My belief, in
that city. It was there that he began to
view of the above, is that the Turkish
manufacture furniture on a small scale, as
well as take on interior projects, Karaaslan’s furniture sector now needs to focus more
closely on branding criteria, so long ignored
modest workshop led to his own retail shop.
during the rapid growth period. I do believe
Founding Mobi in 1983, Karaaslan not only
that the near future will be more challenging
participates in trade fairs at home and
and difficult. Our companies must produce
abroad, but also has won many awards with
patents as well as goods. Unless we are able
his designs…
to create patents, our high manufacturing
The development of the Turkish
volume will provide nothing more than a
furniture sector, in particular in
transient contribution to branding.
Award winning: Brass Tray Coffee Table
Your company was one of the first
to export. What is the importance of
export in your sector? Evaluating
the furniture sector today, do you
believe it is where it should be in
respect of exports?
Selling your production abroad
means making a direct and valuable
contribution to the economy of the
country in which you live. I have been
working towards this goal at Mobi since the
late 1980s. At the time, how much I sold
was of little importance. What I sold, and
where to, was what mattered. Furniture
meets a number of functions in our lives.
Ergonomics and aesthetics are equally
us and those that govern us.
The ‘Design Contest’ organised by
MOSDER to emphasise design and
encourage designers has now become a
tradition. This contest brings us, the
industrialists, and the universities together.
MOSDER also works exceptionally hard to
seek new markets for the sector. In short,
MOSDER’s performance augments the
work done by the companies themselves to
invest in the future of the Turkish furniture
industry. yatırım oluyor.
Allow me to make a point here: Exporting
original design furniture to the developed
countries of the West means exporting the
aesthetics created by
this nation and the
Our companies
fruit of the quality
must produce
and labour of this
What are the obstacles to
nation’s craftsmen
patents as well as
export? How can these
and masters. This is
obstacles be overcome
of vital importance.
and what are the
The Turkish furniture
are able to create
expectations of furniture
sector, as we all
know, has made huge
progress in exports
The point I would like to
and currently holds a
emphasise here is this:
volume will provide constant increase in our
very solid position.
We as the furniture
nothing more than a manufacturing costs in
sector have joined the
recent years has significantly
ranks of those who
weakened our export
are contributing to
contribution to
potential. I will refrain from
our country’s
going into detail on the
economy with our
factors that increased our
exports. I belong to
costs. I do expect, however,
those who believe that the bar in exports
for manufacturing and manufacturers, if
needs to be raised constantly. We haven’t yet they are exporting, to be compensated for
reached the point we should have.
the loss in currency exchange rates. The
Turkish Lira is overvalued, supported by
other economic fields; but this strains the
manufacturing sector across the board. It
How competitive is Turkish furniture
must be borne in mind that the furniture
on foreign markets? How would you
sector, in particular, employs a large
evaluate the efforts of MOSDER and
workforce and has the potential to create
their 35 members in raising Turkish
more jobs. The state has to support
profile abroad
and increasing
exports? What are your views
and advice in this respect?
As I mentioned earlier,
competing on price loses its value
over time. There are a number of
factors to consider. Competing
with other countries of low
manufacturing cost now hinges
upon ‘succeeding in
differentiation’. We as a
country have to go up a level
here. We will achieve
differentiation with our design
and product quality. This is
our only way out. MOSDER
is the umbrella that brings
the sector together, our
union that represents us,
and creates a bond
manufacturing in every
way in our country
where unemployment
has risen considerably.
This is what our
exporters expect of
our government. On
the other hand, we,
as the companies,
have to create the
competitive edge
we all need, by
Tombo Coffee Table
IMOB INGILIZCE:Layout 1 1/31/11 5:42 PM Page 6
new collections
Alfemo combines original design with
distinctive colours and fine materials;
Alfemo’s first collections of the year are on
show at the İMOB.
Integrated design
ilyum is a pure white, elegant and
noble collection, combining the
nobility of white with the elegance of a
lily, all for 2011. Alfemoda’s Yin-Yang
model, inspired by the duality in the Yin
Yang philosophy has met with great
acclaim in the short time since its
launch. Alfemo’s latest collection
focuses on functionality, comfort and
ease of use; with a large range of
products, from dining and bedroom
furniture to sofa sets, corner concepts,
wall units, Young Alfemo, the Disney
Collection and Sleeper beds, Alfemo
offers a complete solution to every
home’s furniture requirements in one
single store.
Aldora Furniture combines ergonomics and
fashion; Aldora’s new design philosophy for
2011 is integrated design…
he engineering skill that translates
boutique product design into mass
production is the new formula that
enables access to Aldora Furniture.
Aldora Furniture participates in İMOB
2011 with a wide and brand new
collection. Presenting contemporary and
avant garde products at the same time,
the company focuses on the colour
white, the symbol of lightness and
purity; an additional point is the
complete overhaul of the bedroom
product range. Aldora beds now use the
latest in sleep technology; their special
features have attracted a great deal of
consumer attention at the fair.
Cardin Furniture shows off an avant-garde
bedroom dressed up with details, during
IMOB Fair.
ardin presents esthetic
solutions to consumers for
designing different places with
the bright face of renewed
nostalgic view. “Cardin” also
creates a new fashion in avantgarde by getting minimalist line
A refreshed
product range…
Bellona takes up its rightful place with innovative
products that will stamp their mark on 2011.
ellona’s design and quality are
well established; its latest
collections on display at İMOB 2011
are set to take centre stage once again.
Bellona’s Anfora series, for example,
in the Hall 8 stand, has been
specifically designed for middle-aged
consumers. The Vivaldi dining room,
a predominantly white series, is aimed
at newlyweds as well as those looking
to refresh their homes; colours and
chrome figure details feature on this
range too. Lexus bedroom furniture is
panelled in the latest 2011 trend of
matt white enamel, another
demonstration of Bellona’s
contemporary identity.
together with classic and dressing
it up with many small artistic
By visiting “Cardin Furniture” in
Hall 8 you can have an idea about
2011 furniture and fashion trends.
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01 February 2011
Original design,
large choice
Doğtaş Furniture’s inaugural
participation at İMOB is marked by a
contemporary line and superior quality…
oğtaş, a Turkish furniture
manufacturer, exhibits the 2011
collection comprising outstanding
pieces at İMOB. Innovative face to the
fore, Doğtaş’s confident collections on
display at the 900 sq. m. stand in Hall 2
at İMOB attract a good deal of
attention. Original designs, large
choice, contemporary lines and superior
quality all characterise the Doğtaş
collections; the extraordinary designs
set the brand apart, offering, as it does,
unique choices that combine comfort,
quality and aesthetics. A large number
of striking dining, bedroom and young
people’s room furniture makes a début
at the Doğtaş stand.
Latest in car beds
Turkey’s leading children’s furniture
brand Çilek launched the 2011 car bed
collection at İMOB 2011.
ilek is firmly set to be the buzzword in
2011 with the BIPINKY model,
eagerly anticipated by little girls, and the
BIFIRE and BITURBO models aimed at
racing enthusiasts. The car beds feature the
latest in technology, are exceptionally
comfortable and equipped with top safety
features. Car beds are available in black,
red or pink; they also feature light and
sound systems. Remote controls on the
headlights, light strip and unique sound
effects offer children a lot of fun in their
Return to the avant garde
Donat Collection’s products in unconventional
colours take the stage at İMOB; distinctive concepts
mark the bedroom and dining room furniture, sofa
sets, beds and bases and wall units on show.
tilising the latest in manufacturing
technology at the factory, Donat
Collection employs expert and
professional engineers in their own fields.
The company created the popular slogan,
“Inegöl furniture, Turkey’s fashion” as it
offers consumers two new collections
each year in both modular furniture and
sofa sets lines. Donat Collection returns to
the avant garde, while unconventional
colours mark the new products on display
at İMOB: Bedroom and dining room
furniture, sofa sets, beds and bases and
wall units in distinct concepts take the
stand throughout the fair.
products at Gala
Furniture trends develop by the day;
new trends are on offer to consumers
in less than six months.
ala Furniture regularly creates
new models to respond to
consumer expectations, while
refreshing the colour selections at the
same time. Gala Furniture designers,
whose palettes picked walnuts,
whites, fuchsias, smokes and
cappuccino colours for the newest
series on display at İMOB, have
thought of every last detail, especially
in bedroom furniture: Wardrobe
interior modules featuring a large
number of drawers, sensor lights,
slow-closing doors, accessories such
as trouser and tie hangers, lighted
dressers and dressers and chests with
opening mechanisms, all aimed at
ergonomics and comfort. Just visit the
Gala Furniture stand at the fair, or one
of the showrooms, to see the latest