Independent schools and your kids


Independent schools and your kids
! #/-02%(%.3)6% '5)$% s Independent schools
and your kids
Independent schools are thriving in the
Okanagan. Parents from all walks of life
are choosing a specific educational path for
their children for varied and valid reasons.
The diverse approaches of independent
schools allow parents to match pedagogical
style with a student’s personality. The
extended extracurricular programs and care
options on offer give confidence to busy
working parents that children are engaging
in appropriate and challenging pursuits.
Smaller class sizes are the expectation
at independent schools; students are
lavished with personal attention. Within
the carefully considered
and nurtured culture at
each independent school
is a warm welcome of
parental input.
The positive choice
for independent schools
begins with acceptance
of the idea that different
approaches in school
culture and teaching
philosophy can educate
students with excellent
results in an active and
authentic relationship.
The strength
of diversity in
education is the
ability to closely
match the needs,
perspectives and beliefs of
students and their parents.
A brief glimpse of
independent school
philosophies in the
Okanagan include traditional
Montessori teaching, balanced
education of the heart, hands
and head within the Waldorf
approach. Faith approach
schools create opportunities
for community service with a
purpose. Preparatory school
educates now with the mission of
higher education later, schools teach to
understanding and applying knowledge and
developing critical thought and reason.
Regardless of philosophy, every
independent school delivers the curriculum
mandated by the British Columbia Ministry
of Education. Core course content is taught
in each grade. As a group, independent
schools in the Central Okanagan have small
class sizes. Curriculum delivery is bolstered
by teachers that have the time to ensure
successful knowledge retention.
The education philosophy at many
independent schools views curriculum
mastery as a piece of an exemplary
education. Knowledge is important, the
ability to actively use knowledge is vital.
Critical thought and reasoning are skills
teachers and administrators actively seek
to build within students. Students can
demonstrate to parents and teachers deep
and dynamic understanding of subject
The result is a group of schools
with outstanding academic records of
achievement. Independent schools in the
Central Okanagan routinely rate as leaders
in independent studies.
Music education is a vital part of most
independent schools. Schools approach
music from varied perspectives. Band,
formal violin, child-created music each has
their place and parents can find a program
that will nurture the artistic sensibilities of
their child.
Co-curricular activities have an
expansive definition at independent
schools. Freed from the constraints of a
‘just the basics’ approach, independent
schools can offer exciting opportunities
to elementary and high school students.
Horseback riding, Vita Parcour, orienteering,
tennis, martial arts, rugby and many more
sports are available at different elementary
Central Okanagan independent high
schools have storied traditions of excellence
in team sports. Non-athletic pursuits
include service opportunities around
the world and close to home.
Diversity at independent schools
is more than skin deep. All of the
schools are inclusive. Children
with disabilities are welcomed.
Scholarships and financial
assistance are more generous
than expected, administrators
and admissions staff work to
ensure that families of
every background
can provide an
education to their
Parents are welcomed
at independent schools.
Small class sizes allow teachers
to not only know the student,
but also the parent. The
independent school
parent body has a
unique connection
to their school, each
parent has thoughtfully
chosen and invested in
the education program of
the school.
The relationship
is respectful, parental
involvement is welcomed but
not demanded.
Independent schools welcome inquiries
from parents. If you or your child is ready
for an education experience that offers a
rich, diverse and rewarding academic life
which reflects your priorities, now is
the time to demonstrate intellectual
curiosity, investigate Central Okanagan
independent schools.
Heritage Christian School
“Parents often describe HCS as a big family,
on our campus everybody knows everybody.
Discipleship is key to everything we do. Our
parents know that HCS is an extension of the
Christian home. What is happening at home
is being reinforced at school, so everyone is
on the same page. As a Christian School we
are very committed to academics and we are
also very committed to God. It is our goal to
see our students grow in both these areas of
their lives.”
~ PAG E 2
Aberdeen Hall
Preparatory School
“The school’s mission is to best prepare its
students for success at university and beyond.
Aberdeen Hall’s faculty includes an experienced
administration, and talented, caring teachers. The school provides an inspring physical
campus and resource rich classrooms.”
~ PAG E 3
Glenfir School
“Interconnected learning between subjects
allows students to appreciate the meaning
and scope of what they are learning. The
teaching approach encourages students to
understand the subject matter and build the
skills to effectively process and apply their
~ PAG E 4
Kelowna Waldorf School
“Waldorf Schools offer a unique approach
to childhood education: a balance of the
head, the heart and the hands, students are
encouraged to use all three in all of their
endeavors. The results are children who are
independent thinkers who brim with
self-confidence when they enter the public
school system.”
~ PAG E 5
Okanagan Montessori
“The Montessori approach is non-competitive and develops the intrinsic motivation
that is present in children from birth. At
Montessori children work for the joy of
working. The Montessori philosophy builds
on the idea that hard work develops inner
peace and that peace can spread from
person to person. It also makes work its own
reward, children enjoy coming to class and
are ready to work.”
~ PAG E 6
First Lutheran
Christian School
“First Lutheran offers seamless education
and care with a concentration on children ages three to 12. It is a truly unique
program, daycare, preschool and before and
after school care are each aligned with the
elementary school.”
~ PAG E 7
Kelowna Christian School
“The mix of small classes and our absolute
commitment to the fundamentals of reading,
writing, comprehension and math help our
students in elementary school succeed.”
~ PAG E 8
2f! #/-02%(%.3)6% '5)$% s Heritage Christian School
Heritage Christian School is
committed to teaching BC
curriculum from a Christian
perspective. It is also building
a digital education experience
for the 21st century on a
foundation of Christ-centered
discipleship. The pre-school and
Kindergarten to Grade 12 school
has 300 students and a school
culture of openness, support,
and academic excellence within
their campus. In the digital
realm, Heritage Christian has
an additional 1700 full time
students enrolled in Heritage
Christian Online School, 2500
part time students in BC Online
School, and 500 students from
around the world enrolled in the
International Christian Online
It is a dynamic and strong platform,
with unique strengths not found anywhere
else. Students on campus receive their
own netbooks in Grades 10, 11, and 12.
Teachers have the support and experienced
administration to deliver culturally relevant,
transformative education in a digital
Heritage Christian Secondary School
Principal, Paul Kelly, says the ability of Heritage
Christian to meet the needs of the digital
economy is exceptional, “We are going digital.
It’s the way of the future and we are trying to
lead the way. That’s where skills are needed,
so we are infusing our campus experience with
our online technology and curriculum. Teachers
and students are saying that this blended
approach really highlights the best of both
In the midst of technology, the student as a
person of character is not neglected. Heritage
Christian works to explore the gifts of each
student in alignment with the understanding
that each person has God given gifts, and a
call to service in his or her life. The climax of
this effort is the Global Citizenship Program.
The entire Grade 12 class travels to Mexico
on a six-week trip to help in a school for
disabled children, work with local missionaries,
and serve the people of southern Mexico.
Academics are brought with the students and
they are expected to maintain coursework
while in Mexico.
“It’s like a school transplant,” explains
Kelly. “It’s the apex of our students’ HCS
Heritage Christian is evangelical, accepts
students from churches across Kelowna, and
has a generous tuition assistance program.
The first priority is meeting the needs of the
community in Rutland and greater Kelowna.
“We consider ourselves a private school for the
public, rather than the privileged,” says Kelly.
“Parents often describe HCS as a big family,
on our campus everybody knows everybody.
Discipleship is key to everything we do. Our
parents know that HCS is an extension of the
Christian home. What is happening at home is
being reinforced at school, so everyone is on
the same page,” says Kelly.
“As a Christian School we are very
committed to academics and we are also very
committed to God. It is our goal to see our
students grow in both these areas of their
Check us out online!
! #/-02%(%.3)6% '5)$% s f3
Aberdeen Hall Preparatory School
Aberdeen Hall Preparatory
School is located on a
spectacular campus on the
hills beside UBC Okanagan.
As a university preparatory
school the location is
apt. The school promotes
individual attention,
excellent academics and a
focus on strong character
Aberdeen Hall has 220 students from
Preschool to Grade 9, and will be starting
Grade 10 this September, with plans to
graduate these students from Grade 12 in
2 years time. Construction on a new high
school will commence this spring and be
ready for the middle of next school year.
The school’s mission is to best prepare
its students for success at university and
beyond. Aberdeen Hall’s faculty includes an
experienced administration, and talented,
caring teachers. The school provides an
inspiring physical campus and resource rich
In addition to providing high-level core
instruction, there is a large selection of
co-curricular activity in athletics, music and
drama. Aberdeen Hall focuses on students’
academic, social and emotional development.
Specialty teachers in music, physical
education, science and math ensure high
quality instruction.
“Our teachers are excited to be at the
school, there is a contagious enthusiasm
about being at Aberdeen Hall,” says Leitha
Cosentino, Director of Advancement. “A
benefit of our size is that everybody knows
everybody, so when our teachers are greeting
parents and students in the parking lot,
they know each other and take a personal
Teachers at Aberdeen Hall have the
time and availability to work one on one
with students. Students are challenged and
happy to be at school. Enriched opportunities
include French starting in Kindergarten,
violin in Grade 3, robotics in Grades 6-8, and
character and leadership opportunities.
The beautiful campus overlooking
the Okanagan Valley has further learning
opportunities, including
a relationship with
UBC that includes
numerous site visits
and the sharing of a
tremendous intellectual
Athletics are an
important aspect of
Aberdeen Hall. The
new athletic centre
includes tennis courts,
basketball, volleyball
and more. The
extracurricular program
also includes the option
of riding lessons at a
local stable, golf teams
and martial arts.
“Aberdeen Hall is
the right fit for so many students. Parents
know that we have a safe and secure
campus. They also know
January 26
February 8
February 18
May 7
May 14
Aberdeen Hall works to deliver the right mix
of opportunities and activities to provide a
successful and balanced education.”
Kindergarten Open House 8:45-10:00 am
Vernon information evening 6:30-8:30 pm at the Prestige Inn
Open House and Buddy Day (Scholarship exams written)
Aberdeen Hall Gala
Celebration of Education Open House
The Okanagan’s Newest High School
Join us to experience the Aberdeen Hall difference.
Scholarship and entrance exams can be written February18 during our Open House and Buddy Day.
We will have a Vernon Information Session from 6:30pm - 8:30pm on February 8, at the Prestige Hotel, Vernon.
Aberdeen Hall Preparatory School 950 Academy Way, Kelowna BC, Canada V1V 3A4
4f! #/-02%(%.3)6% '5)$% s Glenfir School
Glenfir School in Summerland
makes its mark with small
class sizes and its mission to
imbue students with intellectual character. Glenfir has a
balanced approach; academic
excellence is combined with
physical well-being, the arts
and citizenship.
“Parents appreciate our small class sizes
and individual attention to each student,” says
Craig Dunbar, Head of School at Glenfir. “We
seek and value parental input and there is a
real sense of community within the school.”
The average class size at Glenfir is between
10 and 15 students in Kindergarten to Grade
12. The school also provides a vibrant Junior
Kindergarten program for three and four-year
olds. There are specialist teachers in different
academic subjects, and teachers often work in
teams to develop concepts through multiple
intellectual disciplines to enrich and deepen
student understanding.
Interconnected learning between subjects
allows students to appreciate the meaning and
scope of what they are learning. The teaching
approach encourages students to understand
the subject matter and build the skills to effectively process and apply their knowledge.
“One of our priorities is to have students
that are fluent at oral communication and
powerful speakers. The ability to communicate
effectively with others is an important piece of
learning and applying knowledge,” explains
Dunbar. “That communication shows how
students can think in a strategic manner and is
a vital skill in today’s workplace.”
Academic achievement at Glenfir is balanced with attention to behavior and character.
“We are actively creating the conditions for
mind and heart development. Character development is a core focus at Glenfir,” says Dunbar.
A strong sports program is a part of building character at the school. The Glenfir Soccer
Academy is coached by former Vancouver
Whitecaps FC player and Canadian National
Team Coach, Chris Bennett. There are a variety
of endeavors offered throughout the school
year, relevant to the needs and aptitude of
The 17 acre Glenfir campus provides generous opportunities for students to experience
nature as an integral part of their school life.
Mountain biking and cross country running
are enjoyed. On a wider basis, rock climbing, winter camping, orienteering, skiing, and
snowboarding, for example are structured to
promote personal growth, leadership skills and
team building.
The campus has also inspired students to
take a leadership role on environmental issues
at Glenfir, says Dunbar, “The leadership capacity of students is amazing and we don’t just
pay lip service to students. We listen to them.
Students own the ideas and see them come to
life. The environmental group has made a real
Integrity, respect and achievement are the
core values at Glenfir, and those values can
be seen in the behavior and achievements of
the students, says Dunbar, “Our students bring
our values to life, they express those values
through their behavior and with understanding
of what those values mean.”
A bright future for your child.
Tuition now starting at $5,000.
Consider the options.
Make the choice.
Contact Mary Taylor today: 250.488.3050
250.494.0004 or 1.866.494.0005
7808 Pierre Dr., Summerland
! #/-02%(%.3)6% '5)$% s f5
Kelowna Waldorf School
Kelowna Waldorf School
is celebrating its 29th
Anniversary this year. The
independent school on
Collett Road in the Lower
Mission, is thriving with 89
students currently enrolled in
kindergarten through Grade 8.
Waldorf schools offer a unique approach
to childhood education: a balance of the
head, the heart and the hands, students are
encouraged to use all three in all of their
endeavors. The results are children who are
independent thinkers who brim with self
confidence when they enter the public school
Class sizes are kept small with 10 to
15 children per class. Waldorf schools are
non-sectarian and non-denominational; the
pedagogical method seeks to bring about
understanding of the world’s cultures. Each
day begins with the acknowledgement of body,
soul and spirit. “We recognize that children
have a soul,” explains Gabriele Knodel,
Vice-President of Waldorf School Association
of Kelowna. “Waldorf School is accessible to
all. No one is excluded due to religion, race or
The full British Columbia curriculum
is taught with approaches based on the
developmental stage of the child. The goal is
to teach children to think differently about
subjects, often through experience, such as
touching and manipulating objects, personal
movement and music. German and French
are taught from an early age through songs,
poetry and movement. Music is a daily part of
instruction and the arts are integrated into all
aspects of the curriculum and learning.
The Waldorf school philosophy is a very
personal model of teaching. Typically a teacher
stays with a class from grade 1 to grade 8. The
benefits are enormous, teachers truly know and
appreciate the students they work with and are
able to meet the needs of students effectively.
KWS is located in a quiet residential
neighborhood. The building is a rounded
structure reflecting the Waldorf principle that
design and architecture are important to the
learning experience.
The large yard behind the school has play
structures made of natural materials. KWS
chooses natural materials for equipment and
supplies whenever possible as part of its school
philosophy. Each class has its own garden,
children learn in early grades the basics of
nurturing plants, older grades learn botany and
the basics of bio-dynamic gardening.
Each school day at KWS begins with the
old fashioned school bell, rung by a student
and a teacher. Children gather in front of
their classroom doors and then are greeted
individually by the teacher with a handshake
as they enter the classroom to start their day.
“It is important that the day begins with eye
contact, that the connection is made between
the student and teacher,” explains Knodel.
KWS graduates have gone on to become
health care professionals, engineers, teachers,
award winning musicians, world class athletes
and other diverse occupations. Waldorf
education instills a love of learning in its
students that the students carry with them
through life.
Why A Kelowna
Waldorf Education?
What are the benefits?
Prepares for a Changing World
Relationship Building
"" " "
Ignites Life-Long Learning
Cultivates Freedom
We promise an inspired approach to
education for life-long learning
Offering: Parent & Tot, PreSchool Program,
After School Care, Kindergarten (1/2 day) to Grade 8
Est. 1982
Education from the Inside Out
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6f! #/-02%(%.3)6% '5)$% s Okanagan Montessori
Nestled in the orchards of
East Kelowna is Okanagan
Montessori Elementary and
Pre-School. The school calls
a charming brick building
home to 55 elementary
students and almost as many
pre-schoolers. Okanagan
Montessori has been using
Maria Montessori’s proven
methods since 1992, and at
the East Kelowna location
since 1997.
Montessori schools use a three year
grouping cycle to define their classroom
composition. Each classroom has a younger,
middle and oldest age. The progressions are
defined by age and grade, typically ages six
to nine study together and ages nine through
12 are together. Students mature through
a natural progression of learning by being
involved with older students to leadership
and teaching of younger students. Since the
curriculum is rich in the areas of botany,
zoology, history, geography, and Montessori
Cultural Areas, it is advisable for children to
complete each three year cycle in order to
experience the full benefit of the program.
The approach fosters respect for others
and a real sense of community and caring.
Older children are expected to model
learning and behavior to younger children.
The practice of good habits is built through
Parents of children at Okanagan
Montessori appreciate the cooperative
attitude and kindness that is emphasized
in the Montessori system. The Montessori
approach is non-competitive and develops
the intrinsic motivation that is present in
children from birth. At Montessori children
work for the joy of working.
The Montessori philosophy builds on the
idea that hard work develops inner peace
and that peace can spread from person to
person. It also makes work its own reward,
children enjoy coming to class and are ready
to work.
Student activity is largely self-directed,
children cannot choose to ‘not work,’ but
they can choose
from various
activities in a
rich learning
The BC Certified,
Montessoritrained teachers
plan around the
children’s interests,
and also deliver
lessons in a more
formal way to small
groups. The goal is
for three hours of
uninterrupted work
time, focusing each
morning in the areas
of reading, writing
and math, and more
in the afternoon on the cultural areas.
The approach develops mastery and
covers a tremendous amount of ground.
Children naturally progress to more
challenging material.
Assessment at Montessori is ongoing and
delivered in an anecdotal format following
long parent teacher conferences. Parents
are given a complete picture of their child’s
progress. Children receive feedback on the
level of their effort; hard work is praised
rather than the result.
When a child has completed their
Montessori education they take valuable
skills with them, organization abilities,
self-confidence and a fantastic work ethic.
Student excel as they enter middle school,
when they do something, they don’t do it
half way.
Applied Intelligently.
Elementary School
Out of School Care
Care for Children 3-12
Cooperative Learning
Individual Progress
Independence in Learning
Okanagan Montessori Elementary and
Preschool on East Kelowna Road
Preparation for
lifelong learning,
capitalizing on
children’s innate
desire to learn.
3439 East Kelowna Road
[email protected]
! #/-02%(%.3)6% '5)$% s f7
First Lutheran Christian School
In a beautiful facility on
Lakeshore Drive, First
Lutheran Christian School
welcomes children from
preschool age to Grade
7. The continuum of care
inspires and attracts parents
from across the City to
enroll their children in a
learning environment that is
collaborative and holistic.
First Lutheran offers seamless education
and care with a concentration on children ages
three to 12. It is a truly unique program, day
care, preschool and before and after school
care are each aligned with the elementary
“In a two parent, working professional family,
they can be guaranteed care and education
around the calendar year,” explains Karine
Veldhoen, Chief Learning Officer at First Lutheran.
Three main elements contribute to
the before and after school care at First
Lutheran. Extracurricular activities, on
site tutoring to support homework, and a
comfortable routine are the three pillars of
the integrated care program.
Veldhoen says the programming is chosen
with a purpose, “We are intentional in our
care programming. We approach it from an
educational perspective, so when a parent
has their child home at the end of the day, all
that is needed is to cook supper and sign the
child’s agenda.”
Extracurricular activities are extensive as
there is almost no television or video screen
time in the program. Games, Lego, baking,
crafting and more are consistent activities.
The onsite tutoring includes extra intervention
for literacy from a credentialed teacher when
needed. The routine is designed to mimic home
life: there is snack, homework, and support
from school teacher to caregiver.
The bright, open facility, with a gym and
playground provides a wonderful setting for
education and care. The approach to education
includes a specific character development
program. Children are taught to manage their
emotions, solve problems effectively and work
cooperatively; character forms as children learn
the processes of maturity.
First Lutheran complements its character
development programming with a huge
emphasis on critical thinking and cognitive
development. Students are taught from a
young age to make reasoned judgments based
on defined criteria. The goal is to develop
intentional habits of the mind. At the end of
Grade 7, each student leaves First Lutheran
with a multi-year portfolio showcasing student
work that demonstrates the progress and
quality of their thought.
Athletics at First Lutheran are taught in
tin ow!
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ten different modules per year, each taught by
experts. There is an emphasis on individual sports;
research has shown children will take those skills
into adulthood. Swimming, skiing, martial arts
and more are a part of the athletic program.
The school is fully inclusive, there are no
requirements around religious affiliation. There
are also students with a variety of disabilities.
“We include everyone,” says Veldhoen, “At
First Lutheran every child is a gift, we treat
each other with dignity and respect.”
Open doors
Open minds
Discover First Lutheran School
The benefits of
joining our school:
We are a school of excellence and distinction
founded in faith providing seamless
education and care for students preschool
through Grade 7.
FIRST LUTHERAN 4091 Lakeshore Road, Kelowna tt'BY
Book a
private tour
& information
session today!
Our Chief Learning Officer,
Karine Veldhoen, would love to meet
with you and answer any
questions you may have.
8f! #/-02%(%.3)6% '5)$% s Kelowna Christian School
The roots of Kelowna
Christian School go back
to 1978 when the school
was founded as Evangel
Christian Academy. Kelowna
Christian still has a modern
campus next door to Evangel
on Gordon Drive for the
Elementary and Pre-School,
while the Middle School and
High School are at the second
campus on Benvoulin Road,
with a student body of 783
Kelowna Christian is known for its strong
academic achievements, for the past five years
the Elementary School has been the top ranked
school in the region by the Fraser Institute.
“The mix of small classes and our absolute
commitment to the fundamentals of reading,
writing, comprehension and math help our
students in elementary school succeed,” says
Glen Madden, The Director of Communications
for Kelowna Christian School.
The Pre-School is located on the Gordon
Drive Campus. There is a seamless flow
between pre-school and kindergarten. Parents
are able to make the choice between all day
and half day kindergarten.
At the Elementary School, children learn
the beginnings of character development.
Kelowna Christian has a ‘Me 3rd’ approach
to character and teaches the concept from
Kindergarten to Grade 12. “We teach children
God first, others second and me third,”
explains Madden. “We support that teaching
with weekly chapel, and a focus on empathy
and honor. The program is geared to the idea
that the world doesn’t begin and end with
The ethos of service is carried into
Middle and High School with myriad service
opportunities. Locally Kelowna Christian
students volunteer with Kelowna based social
organizations to help the needy. Mission
trips abroad to Mexico, Asia and Africa are
made every year. At the older ages we have
a Christian perspectives class that discusses
religion and has a
large component of
community service.
Academics remain
strong in Kelowna
Christian Middle
and High School. The
Middle School has
its own wing in the
campus and students’
horizons are expanded
with electives including
outdoor education,
music, art and more.
There is a full time
school pastor and
students form the
bands for chapel. The
High School routinely
scores in the top 10 per
cent for academic achievement province wide.
The athletics department plays in the
‘A’ division, yet teams routinely play against
larger ‘AA’ and ‘AAA’ schools to hone talent
and remain competitive.
Kelowna Christian welcomes all students,
from any denomination, belief systems need to
be supportive of Christian values.
Parents play a dynamic role at both
campuses, the elementary school has a Parent
in Action group and offers parent workshops
on a regular basis. There is a sense of shared
purpose between teachers and parents, says
Madden, “Our caring teachers, high academic
standards and small class sizes are some of the
most commented aspects of our school.”