mu icipal gover me t day team age da


mu icipal gover me t day team age da
FEBRUARY 3, 2012 AT 12:00 PM
CITY HALL – 10205 – 98 STREET
Councillor K.P. O’Toole, Chair
Councillor H.A. Rice
Councillor D. Wong
Minutes from the Municipal Government Day
Committee meeting held June 8, 2011
2011 Municipal Government Day Final Report
Grande Prairie Get Active - 2011 Amazing Race Final
Establishment of the Date and Location for 2012
Municipal Government Day (Verbal)
Determine Theme for 2012 Municipal Government
Day (Verbal)
Mayor B. Given
J. Ferguson
D. Olinger
Public Works Director
Acting Intergovernmental Services Director
Marketing Communications Manager
- Councillor K. McLean
- A. Cerny
- D. Olinger
Muskoseepi Park Program/Events Manager
Muskoseepi Park Summer Event Programmer
Transportation Services Manager
Facility Maintenance Manager
Acting Public Works Director
Public Works Administrative Assistant
Committee Assistant
- C. Wells
- A. Weisgerber
- R. Carroll
- E. Bain
- D. Thompson
- T. Taylor
- L. Wagner
- H.A. Rice
The meeting was called to order at 12:10 p.m.
Municipal Government Day Program Update
Mr. D. Olinger, Marketing Communications Manager, discussed media support and promotions,
extension of the Youth Contest and City displays. Ms. A. Cerny, Acting Intergovernmental
Services Director, provided an update on the “meet and greet” and Muni’ O Event and reported
approximately eight municipalities have agreed to send representatives. A schedule of events
and information will be distributed June 10. Ms. Cerny reported the proclamation has been
completed and she is waiting for confirmation from EMS Cadets regarding a first aid station.
Ms. C. Carty, Alberta Health Services, reported eight teams are registered for the Amazing Race
event with ATCO Utilities supplying metals for the first place finishing team. Ms. Carty
requested participant names as soon as possible to form teams. Ms Carty will distribute waiver
forms to participants.
Ms. C. Wells, Muskoseepi Park Program/Events Manager, reported the entertainment
component of Municipal Government Day has been filled and organized.
The Committee discussed security issues with respect to fleet equipment on display and public
Mr. D. Thompson, Acting Public Works Director, discussed the fleet equipment display which
will include a transit bus and reported three bar-b-ques will be utilized for cooking food.
Ms. T. Taylor, Administrative Assistant, will research use of the Multiplex dinosaur figures for
display on the Muskoseepi Park stage.
Minutes from Previous Meeting
The Committee reviewed the minutes of the Municipal Government Day Team meeting held
May 10, 2011.
MOVED by Mr. D. Thompson the Committee receive the
minutes of the Municipal Government Day Team meeting held
May 10, 2011, for information.
Next meeting – TBA.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:55 p.m.
Committee Assistant
Municipal Government Day
Final Report
Grande Prairie Get Active
City Council proclaims Wednesday, June 15, 2011, as the 10th Annual
Municipal Government Day in Grande Prairie
Grande Prairie Get Active is approved as the theme for Municipal
Government Day
City employees demonstrate civic pride on June 15th by dressing in the
City’s official colours
The Amazing Race, organized through a partnership with the Get Active
Network, brings together Council members and staff from regional
municipalities to participate in fun, challenging games with City of Grande
Prairie contestants
Members of the public are invited to create teams to compete in the
Amazing Race and the top three placing teams are awarded medals
Local MLAs sponsor
the luncheon
from visiting
ATCO Electric sponsors the medals for the winners of the Amazing Race
team community event
GP Transit offers free transit service from noon until 8:00 p.m.
Community Barbecue as well as City and local agency vehicle and
equipment displays are featured at Muskoseepi Park
Fourteen City departments or major projects are profiled in display booths
Community Barbecue serves nearly 1,000 hotdogs and hamburgers to
visitors and residents. This was significantly reduced from previous years
due to inclement weather
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The Grande Prairie Marching Band, Vocalist Thereza, Hula Hooper
Amanda Syryda and musicians Jason Cheeseman, Daniel Zeggelaar and
Celeigh Cardinal perform for residents and visitors during the Community
Face painters, air-brush tattoo artist, clowns and a petting zoo
entertained the younger crowd during the celebrations. The inflatable
bouncer is a huge hit with the children. Most activities were moved inside
the Pavilion due to the rain
Canadian Tire sponsored the bikes, awarded to top winners in levels
This year marked the 10th anniversary of the celebration and the 25 th
anniversary of Muskoseepi Park
Local media promote the celebrations through advertising, preview
articles/ news stories and on-location broadcasts
Q99 Radio sponsors the petting zoo
The Centre for Creative Arts partnered with the City to co-ordinate a
Youth Art Contest where participants drew, coloured or painted a picture
on the theme of Grande Prairie Get Active
Over 20 local businesses and organizations provide financial
contributions and gifts-in-kind for Municipal Government Day celebrations
Municipal Government Day events were valued at over $16,000.
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The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) introduced an initiative in 2002 for
municipalities to designate an annual Municipal Government Day. This action was
taken to encourage municipalities across Canada to celebrate their achievements
by planning special activities that highlight the fundamental roles municipal
governments play in sustaining and improving the quality of life in their
The FCM identified that the purposes of Municipal Government Day are to:
Create more awareness of municipal operations among citizens and
community stakeholders
Recognize the efforts of elected municipal officials and staff
Encourage local federal and provincial representatives to get involved
Highlight the important role played by suppliers in municipal service
Organize a community barbecue, a tree planting ceremony, an open
house and a parade
City Council, in support of this national initiative, proclaimed June 15, 2011 as the
10th annual Municipal Government Day in Grande Prairie.
The 2011 Municipal Government Day celebrations focused on the theme, Grande
Prairie Get Active. The program provided numerous opportunities to demonstrate
civic pride, promote awareness of municipal services and operations, and
encouraged everyone to join together and have fun.
Numerous partnerships were developed to plan and implement a successful 2011
Municipal Government Day in Grande Prairie. This year, City Administration worked
with the Get Active Network to plan and carry out the Amazing Race.
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City Council established a Municipal Government Day Team consisting of members
of Council and Staff to develop and co-ordinate activities to celebrate Municipal
Government Day.
The Committee planned the Municipal Government Day event as an opportunity to
highlight the role of municipal government in the community, including:
Awareness of City Operations
Recognition of the Efforts of City Council & Staff
Relationships with Other Orders of Government
From this concept, a comprehensive program of events was created including: a
Youth Art Contest, Fun Municipal Olympics, Vehicle and Equipment displays, free
Transit service, and a Community Barbecue with family entertainment.
The event was held at Muskoseepi Park again this year. However, with poor
weather most of the events were moved inside the Pavilion.
Local involvement in planning, organizing, promoting and participating in Municipal
Government Day was outstanding! Local news media outlets partnered in
advertising and participated in events surrounding Municipal Government Day.
Over 20 local organizations and individuals provided sponsorships, donated funds
or contributed in some way towards events held in conjunction with Municipal
Government Day and over a hundred staff volunteered time to plan and deliver
activities during the day.
All City staff showed incredible enthusiasm in the opportunity to express the pride,
professionalism and innovation with which they approach their work. Departments
put forth a great effort in creating informative displays highlighting services
provided, work areas and equipment utilized in the delivery of customer service.
Staff volunteered significant personal time and resources to participate in Municipal
Government Day and greatly contributed to the success of the event.
Most importantly, the public was reminded of the influence our municipality has in
their lives and the community was treated to a fun, family event.
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Youth Art Contest
Free Transit Service
The Centre for Creative Arts hosted a Youth Art Contest. Contestants were asked
to draw, colour or paint a picture expressing Grande Prairie Get Active. In each of
the three age categories, the first place winners received a bicycle, second place
winner received a six-month youth membership to The Leisure Centre and the third
place winner received a three-month youth membership to The Leisure Centre.
Certificates of Appreciation and prizes were presented by Mayor Bill Given at
the Community Barbeque.
The media participated, both through paid advertising and complementary promotion
and news coverage before, during and after the Municipal Government Day.
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Department Displays
Vehicle and Equipment Displays
Municipal Government Day Wear
Community Barbecue
City Staff were excited to have the chance to provide public awareness of the
services their departments supply. Imaginative displays from several areas included
not only basic information on staff and core services, but also showcased employee
innovations that saved money or improved efficiency of City operations.
Many people took advantage of the chance to view the outdoor displays of City
equipment. A transit bus, grader, emergency vehicles, Enforcement Services cars
and Public Works trucks were all on display for adults and children to see.
Employees were available to answer questions, explain the equipment they use on
a daily basis and to ensure the safety of the spectators. Numerous City
departments and community groups set up exhibits inside the pavilion. Exhibitors
included Transit, Crime Prevention, Enforcement Services, Environmental
Sustainability, Muskoseepi Park, the Multiplex, the Planning Department, the Fire
Department, RCMP, Transportation Services, Community Social Development, the
Aquatics and Wellness Department, the 100th Anniversary Committee, Service
Canada, the Indoor Playground and the Get Active Network.
Bear Creek Pool offered free public swimming during the celebrations.
City employees were easily identified by their blue Municipal Government Day Tshirts embossed with the City crest. All City staff involved with the Municipal
Government Day events received a T-shirt in appreciation of their volunteering on
Municipal Government Day.
Staff and Council worked together to serve about 1,000 people that attended the
free barbecue from 4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Donations from local retailers and many
community partners ensured that the event was enjoyed by all. Residents and
visitors were entertained by the Grande Prairie Marching Band, Theresa
Schlenkrich, Daniel Zeggelaar and Celeigh Cardinal, Amanda Syryda, Jason
Cheeseman, face painting, a kids’ tattoo artist, clowns, petting zoo, balloon animals
and an inflatable bouncer.
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The Amazing Race
Letters were sent inviting neighboring Councils to participate in the Amazing Race.
Several municipalities accepted the challenge to join in a friendly competition to
raise awareness of municipal government within our communities. Teams
participating in the race events included: Town of Sexsmith, Town of Wembley,
Town of Valleyview, District of Taylor, Village of Hythe, Town of Spirit River and the
County of Grande Prairie.
The Amazing Race was held at Muskoseepi Park. All eight municipalities
participating in the race demonstrated exceptional teamwork and creative
enthusiasm. This year’s event was organized by the Get Active Network.
Participants from the municipalities formed teams to compete in a race to pit stops
around Muskoseepi Park where they had to perform a specific task before being
allowed to carry on to the next stop.
The race followed an informal reception sponsored by local MLAs Mel Knight,
Grande Prairie-Smoky, and Wayne Drysdale, Grande Prairie-Wapiti. Council’s
Municipal representation and Staff members enjoyed the camaraderie of the
Amazing Race and exchanged tokens of appreciation.
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City Staff were proud to have the opportunity again in 2011 to provide public
awareness of City services during the 10th annual Municipal Government
This event was a tremendous success. Many employees volunteered their time to
help with all the events which enhanced general customer awareness of the
services provided by the City. The importance of City staff was highlighted. Public
access to Council members in an informal atmosphere was made available and
appreciated. Neighboring councils and staff joined together in a number of fun
events. Pride in our City was apparent throughout Municipal Government Day.
Participation in Municipal Government Day in Grande Prairie ranged from City
Council and staff to representatives from seven other municipalities, along with an
estimated 1,000 residents who attended the community barbecue; entertainment
and displays. Many generous businesses, organizations and community groups
contributed both financially and with donations to numerous events of the day.
It was gratifying to hear that another Municipality is interested in holding a Municipal
Government Day event after seeing the success of ours.
Respectfully submitted,
Councillor Kevin McLean, Chairman
Municipal Government Day 2011 Team
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Municipal Government Day 2011 Program
Correspondence Outlining Staff Involvement
Municipal Government Day Financial Summary
Municipal Government Day Sponsors
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JUNE 15, 2011
“Grande Prairie Get Active Amazing Race”
1. Youth Contest
Youth Contest to be held.
Contestants will be required to design an art project around the theme.
Entries will be received and displayed in a public facility.
Prizes will be awarded in several age categories and will be displayed throughout the contest.
Contest winners will also be awarded Certificates and prizes during the Community Barbecue event.
2. Draws
There will be three major prize draws made on Municipal Government Day.
3. Muni’O
Municipalities in the region will be invited to participate in a fun Municipal Olympics.
The Muni’O will take place at Muskoseepi Park on Municipal Government Day.
Regional Municipalities elected officials and staff will be invited to a reception and the Muni’O event.
Muni’O event will be organized by the Grande Prairie Get Active Network.
4. Displays
Displays will be located at Muskoseepi Park from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m.
City Departments will provide displays highlighting services provided and equipment used.
Staff will be encouraged to wear City colours.
Vehicle and equipment displays will be accommodated on the Muskoseepi Park parking lots.
Community Groups will be invited to provide displays and demonstrations to highlight their programs
and services.
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City of Grande Prairie
All City Employees
Janette Ferguson, Acting City Manager
June 17, 2011
Municipal Government Day Highlights
Good morning everyone.
Yesterday was our 10th successful annual Municipal Government Day event. We could not have
achieved this success without your help. Thank you!
Despite the weather, everyone seemed to enjoy the day. Although attendance was lower this year, the
quality of the event was extremely high. We had outstanding displays of City departments and current
projects, great entertainment from talented employees, delicious food with exceptional service by City
staff, amazing contests and a fun challenge with our regional municipalities.
It took a huge effort to plan and carry out all the activities that took place throughout the day. To all
those involved, whether as part of your regular work day or as a volunteer taking on some extra work,
thank you again.
It will be a challenge to make next year’s Municipal Government Day better, so we need your feedback.
Please take a few moments to comment on Municipal Government Day 2011. Let us know what went
well, what problems or concerns you had and your ideas for next year’s event.
Your assistance was greatly appreciated. Congratulations on hosting another successful community
Janette Ferguson
(on behalf of the Municipal Government Day Committee)
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Municipal Government Day 2011
Legislative Budget
MLA Drysdale
MLA Knight
Kay, McVey
Fletcher Mudryk
Q99 Radio Station
ATCO Electric
Total Revenue
Equipment & Supplies
BBQ Food
Total Expenses
Under Budget/(Over Budget)
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The Municipal Government
Day Amazing Race
Final Report (Draft)
June 21, 2011
The City of Grande Prairie and the Grande Prairie Get Active
Network Presents: Municipal Government Day’s Amazing Race
Wednesday June 15, 2011
(4 pm - 7 pm)
Event Title
The City of Grande Prairie Amazing Race 2011
Organizing Body
The Grande Prairie Get Active Network (GPGAN), consisting of members from the following
The City of Grande Prairie
The Grande Prairie Regional College
The Alberta Sport Development Centre NW
The Be Fit For Life Centre
Alberta Health Services
The Golden Age Centre
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Alberta
The Canadian Cancer Society
The Canadian Paraplegic Association
The Run Walk Club
The GPGAN would like to thank our sponsors at ATCO Electric, Love Life Hot Yoga, Edible
Arrangements, the Be Fit For Life Centre, and the Grande Prairie Leisure Centre for their generous
donations towards prizes for this event and to Speedpro for assisting with signage.
Goal & Objective of Event
The goal of the Grande Prairie Get Active Network was to launch an Amazing Race on
Municipal Government Day. To accomplish this, the GPGAN submitted an event proposal to
the City of Grande Prairie, proposing to offer the Amazing Race event to council members
and the public as a celebration of Municipal Government Day.
Two members of the GPGAN met with the City of Grande Prairie’s Municipal Government
Day planning Committee to discuss aspects of the event. The event was approved by this
Committee, who agreed to collaborate in all ways with the GPGAN in order to make this
event a success. The City of Grande Prairie was vital in promoting the Amazing Race,
handling registration, providing signage, event supplies (e.g., chairs, tables, siren, etc), and
of course for providing a fantastic Municipal Government Day complete with
entertainment, food, beverages and use of the Muskoseepi Pavilion space.
At least one member of the GPGAN met monthly with City of Grande Prairie’s Municipal
Government Day planning Committee to plan for the Amazing Race and Municipal
Government Day. In addition, members of the GPGAN had several planning meetings with
David Olinger, Manager of Marketing and Communications, and Caileigh Rhind, Marketing
and Communications Coordinator, both the City of Grande Prairie, who were of incredible
The primary objectives of the Amazing Race event were to promote Municipal Government
Day, encourage physical activity, and promote the use of the City of Grande Prairie’s Parks
and Recreation areas by all individuals in the Grande Prairie and surrounding area.
The launch of the Amazing Race on Municipal Government Day was also meant to create
awareness about the Grande Prairie Get Active Network, as a body committed to
encouraging and promoting the health and wellbeing of the citizens of Grande Prairie.
Location of Event
Muskoseepi Park grounds and surrounding area
Description of Event
A) Council & Municipal Administration Amazing Race
Council members registered for the Amazing Race at their reception located at the
Grande Prairie Museum
A few members of the Grande Prairie Get Active Network organized approximately
26 Municipal members into teams of five, from across the Peace Country area that
participated in the Amazing Race
At the time of registration, each team was given 1 passport to take with them and
received a name tag with their name and team number
At the time of registration, every participant received a list of game rules and was
asked to sign a waiver (see Appendix I for game rules and Appendix II for waiver).
Signed waivers have been stored with Alberta Health Services’ Communications
Prior to the race, a member of the Grande Prairie Get Active Network made a speech
to address participants (see Appendix III for Speaker’s Notes).
The race started by the registration table outside of the Muskoseepi Pavilion at 4:00
pm. Each team received their first clue and were instructed to open their clue and
begin the race at the sound of the horn. Each team’s first clue directed them to a
different starting station.
Each Pit Stop (4 in total) consisted of mental or physical activities, which when
completed correctly, earned teams a passport stamp as well as a clue to the next
destination (see Appendix IV for pit stop station instructions and clues). The first
team to finish the race received an honourable mention following the race. After the
race, the City of Grande Prairie gave each participant a gift bag, sponsored by the
City of Grande Prairie and with prize donations from the Grande Prairie Get Active
B) Public Amazing Race
This event was designed for people of all ages and abilities residing in the Grande
Prairie and surrounding area.
Registration for the race was set up approximately 2 weeks in advance of the race
through the City of Grande Prairie. The GPGAN allotted space for up to 8 teams and
7 participants/team. This later changed to allow for up to 12 teams due to keen
interest from the public. Interested teams were asked to send an email to the
[email protected], with the following information:
Number of participants (up to 7/team)
Names of each member
Team name and team captain
Ages of members
Any physical conditions we should be aware of
Email addresses
Address of team captain
Phone number of team captain
Emergency contact
Teams were sent a confirmation email prior to the race (See Appendix V for email
A total of 12 teams registered for the race, however 3 teams cancelled in advance of
the race (see Appendix VI for team registration information and race results). A final
total of 9 teams and 57 participants participated in the race.
At the time of registration, every participant received a list of game rules, a name tag
with their name and team number, and was asked to sign a waiver (see Appendix I
for rules and Appendix II for waiver). Signed waivers have been stored with Alberta
Health Services’ Communications team.
At the time of registration, each team was given 1 passport to take with them.
Prior to the race, a member of the Grande Prairie Get Active Network made a speech
to address participants (see Appendix III for Speaker’s Notes).
The race started by the registration table outside of the Muskoseepi Pavilion at 5:00
pm. Each team received their first clue and were instructed to open their clue and
begin the race at the sound of the horn. Each team’s first clue directed them to a
different starting station.
Each Pit Stop (6 in total) consisted of mental or physical activities, which when
completed correctly, earned teams a passport stamp as well as a clue to the next
destination (see Appendix IV for pit stop station instructions and clues).
Teams that forfeit a pit stop challenge must wait for the next team to arrive or 5
minutes, or whichever comes first, before receiving their clue and proceeding to the
next challenge.
The first three teams to successfully finish the race received a medal, sponsored by
ATCO Electric, following the race. Awards were presented by Mayor Bill Given and a
representative of the Grande Prairie Get Active Network.
Other Noteworthy Items:
Registration Checklists and Station Reminders were developed as guides for all
Grande Prairie Get Active Network members (see Appendix VII for Registration
Checklist and Appendix VIII for Station Reminders).
EMS cadets were onsite in case of participant injury
Team passports were created by the City of Grande Prairie for the Amazing Race
(see Appendix IX)
An Amazing Race run through was held approximately one week prior to the event
to ensure station activities were appropriate
Early Bird Prizes were given to the first three teams to register for the Amazing
Race, and included: a Water Bottle, T-shirt and 7 class punch card to Love Life Hot
Yoga, 7 passes for free personal fitness consultations with the Be Fit For Life Centre,
several Leisure Centre passes, a gift card for Edible Arrangements.
Due to rainy weather on the day of the event, most of the entertainment for
Municipal Government Day was moved indoors to the Pavilion at Muskoseepi Park.
The Amazing Race was largely unaffected by the rain, and pit stops were still
stationed outdoors. Some pit stop attendees prepared their station activities for the
weather and waterproofed paper items, as well as came prepared with rain gear.
The registration table and race start location was moved right outside the Pavilion
due to the rain. Speeches for the Amazing Race were moved from the Amphitheatre
stage to the Pavilion. Overall, despite the rain, the event was a great success, and
teams came prepared to battle the elements.
Future Suggestions:
For future events similar in nature, the GPGAN suggests adding addition pit stations
in order to accommodate more teams in the race. The GPGAN was uncertain if the
interest in the Amazing Race would be high or not, however interest was fairly
significant considering the short promotion time. The City of GP received requests
for up to 15 teams. The GPGAN is confident that more teams would register for a
similar event in the future.
The time given to complete the race was a bit short. All teams had to run the entire
race in order to complete the race in the hour allotted, and even still a few teams
were unable to complete the race in time. In future years, the GPGAN suggests
adding a bit more time to the race so that it can be completed in the allotted time
regardless of ability.
A good reminder to the GPGAN to have a solid back-up plan that is communicated to
all participants in the event of poor weather, such as where to meet and start the
race if weather is poor. In addition, it would be wise to ensure that clues and
passports are laminated for future events so that they are not destroyed by the rain.
Appendix I – The Amazing Race Rules
The City of Grande Prairie and the Grande
Prairie Get Active Network Present:
Grande Prairie’s First Annual Amazing Race
Council Game Details
 This event is designed for people of all ages and abilities residing in the Grande
Prairie and surrounding area
 At the time of registration, all team members must complete a waiver
 At the time of registration, each team will receive a passport, game rules and their
first sealed clue
 The goal of the game is to complete all 4 Pit Station challenges successfully and as
quickly as possible
 Participants should bring with them their own supply of water and any additional
supplies they feel they may require for their own personal health and safety
Rules of the Game
 Each team will have 45 minutes to complete 4 Pit Station activities
 The race starts at the Amphitheatre at 4:00 pm at the sound of a horn when each
team will open their first clue and begin the race to their first station
 Each team will receive a different clue to a different starting station
 Once arrived at the Pit Station, your team must present your clue to the pit stop
attendant to ensure you are at the correct station
 Once arrived at the correct station, your team will be given a set of instructions to
complete a task or activity
 Once the activity has been completed correctly, your team will receive a passport
stamp and a clue to your next station
 Teams that forfeit a challenge must wait for the next team to arrive or 5 minutes, or
whichever comes first, before receiving your next clue
 The race ends at 4:45 pm at the sound of a horn
 Teams that have not completed the race will be asked to come back to the
registration table at 4:45 pm
 EMS cadets will be on site to assist anyone as required
 Most importantly, Play Safe and Have Fun!!
The City of Grande Prairie and the Grande
Prairie Get Active Network Present:
Grande Prairie’s First Annual Amazing Race
Public Game Details
 This event is designed for people of all ages and abilities residing in the Grande
Prairie and surrounding area
 At the time of registration, all team members must complete a waiver
 At the time of registration, each team will receive a passport, game rules and their
first sealed clue
 The goal of the game is to complete all 6 Pit Station challenges successfully and as
quickly as possible
 Participants should bring with them their own supply of water and any additional
supplies they feel they may require for their own personal health and safety
Rules of the Game
 Each team will have 1 hour to complete 6 Pit Station activities
 The race starts at the Registration Station at 5:00 pm at the sound of a horn when
each team will open their first clue and begin the race to the first station
 Each team will receive a different clue to a different starting station
 Once arrived at the Pit Station, your team must present their clue to the pit stop
attendant to ensure you are at the correct station
 Once arrived at the correct station, your team will be given a set of instructions to
complete a task or activity
 Once the activity has been completed correctly, your team will receive a passport
stamp and a clue to your next station
 Teams that forfeit a challenge must wait for the next team to arrive or 5 minutes, or
whichever comes first, before receiving their next clue and proceeding to the next
 Detours may be used, which presents teams with a decision between two tasks, each
with its own pros and cons
 The race ends at 6:00 pm at the sound of a horn
 Teams that have not completed the race are asked to return to the registration table
at 6:00 pm
 Awards will be announced for top teams following the race
 EMS cadets will be on site to assist anyone as required
Appendix II – The Amazing Race Accident Waiver and Release of Liability Form
The City of Grande Prairie and the Grande Prairie Get Active Network’s Amazing
Race Event.
Date of Event: June 15, 2011
THIS ACTIVITY OR EVENT, including by way of example and not limitation, any risks that
may arise from negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons or entities being
released, from dangerous or defective equipment or property owned, maintained, or
controlled by them, or because of their possible liability without fault. I certify that I am
physically fit, have sufficiently prepared or trained for participation in the activity or event,
and have not been advised to not participate by a qualified medical professional. I certify
that there are no health-related reasons or problems which preclude my participation in
this activity or event. I acknowledge that this Accident Waiver and Release of Liability Form
will be used by the event holders, sponsors, and organizers of the activity or event in which
I may participate, and that it will govern my actions and responsibilities during the
Amazing Race event. In consideration of my application and permitting me to participate in
this event, I hereby take action for myself, my executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin,
successors, and assigns as follows:
(A) I WAIVE, RELEASE, AND DISCHARGE from any and all liability, including but not limited
to, liability arising from the negligence or fault of the entities or persons released, for my
death, disability, personal injury, property damage, property theft, or actions of any kind
which may hereafter occur to me including my traveling to and from this event, THE
FOLLOWING ENTITIES OR PERSONS: The City of Grande Prairie, the Grande Prairie Get
Active Network, and/or their directors, officers, employees, volunteers, representatives,
and agents, the activity or event holders, activity or event sponsors, activity or event
mentioned in this paragraph from any and all liabilities or claims made as a result of
participation in this activity or event, whether caused by the negligence of release or
otherwise. I acknowledge that The City of Grande Prairie and the Grande Prairie Get Active
Network and their directors, officers, volunteers, representatives, and agents are NOT
responsible for the errors, omissions, acts, or failures to act of any party or entity
conducting a specific event or activity on behalf of The City of Grande Prairie and the
Grande Prairie Get Active Network. I acknowledge that this activity or event may involve a
test of a person’s physical and mental limits and may carry with it the potential for death,
serious injury, and property loss. The risks may include, but are not limited to, those
caused by terrain, facilities, temperature, weather, condition of participants, equipment,
vehicular traffic, actions of other people including, but not limited to, participants,
volunteers, spectators, coaches, event officials, and event monitors, and/or producers of
the event, and lack of hydration. These risks are not only inherent to participants, but are
also present for volunteers. I hereby consent to receive medical treatment which may be
deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident, and/or illness during this activity or
event. I understand that at this event or related activities, I may be photographed. I agree to
allow my photo, video, or film likeness to be used for any legitimate purpose by the event
holders, producers, sponsors, organizers, and assigns. The accident waiver and release of
liability shall be construed broadly to provide a release and waiver to the maximum extent
permissible under applicable law.
________________________________ _______________________
Print Participant’s Name
Must be signed by parent or legal guardian if participant is under the age of 18 on the
date this release is signed.
Participants Signature __________________ Parent / Guardian Signature
Age (if participant is a minor) ____ Date: __________
Appendix III – Speaker’s Notes
Council Race Speaking Notes - 3:55 PM
Thank you. The Amazing Race is an exciting partnership between the City of Grande Prairie and the
Grande Prairie Get Active Network. We’re eager to launch this year’s Municipal Olympics event.
What we are about to kick off is a short version of the Amazing Race which members of the
community will be participating in later, to serve as this year’s Municipal Olympics, a friendly
competition between regional councils and administrations.
This shortened race has been specially designed for Council members and Administration from across
the Peace Country region. We welcome each of you to Grande Prairie and thank you for travelling here
to help us celebrate Municipal Government Day and take part in the Amazing Race challenge.
Beginning at 4 p.m., Municipal Representatives will travel to four pit stations to engage in a variety of
fun and entertaining activities. Volunteers from the Grande Prairie Get Active Network will be
stationed at each pit stop, and are eager to help each team complete the tasks.
Teams have 45 minutes to complete the entire race and will move through pit stops by completing
tasks and receiving clues that will lead them to their next station.
At 4:45 pm, a siren will sound to mark the end of the race. At this time, all participants will head back
to the main stage.
The team to complete all 4 stations with the fastest time will win bragging rights as the winner of this
year’s Municipal Olympics.
Residents are invited to watch and cheer for teams as they move through the Amazing Race. None of
you will want to miss the station 1 challenge, which will take place on centre stage.
Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left:
-1.27 cm, Right: -1.27 cm, Bulleted +
Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.63 cm + Tab
after: 1.27 cm + Indent at: 1.27 cm,
Tab stops: -0.63 cm, List tab
Before we start the race, we would like to give a huge thank you to the City of Grande Prairie for
making the Amazing Race possible, to all Municipal Representatives for being here today, and a big
thank you to the members of the Grande Prairie Get Active Network who have devoted much of their
time to organizing the Amazing Race.
We would also like to thank our sponsors at ATCO Electric, Love Life Hot Yoga, Edible Arrangements,
the Be Fit For Life Centre, and the Grande Prairie Leisure Centre for their generous donations towards
prizes for this event and to Speedpro for assisting with signage.
I would now ask all of our teams to join me on stage as we prepare for our race countdown, and
where each team will receive their first clue. Once the siren sounds, teams may open their first clue
and begin the race.
Public Race Speaking Notes – 4:55 PM
Thank you. This is an exciting time for both the City of Grande Prairie and the Grande Prairie Get
Active Network. We’re eager to launch our first ever Amazing Race in celebration of Municipal
Government Day.
The Amazing Race has been designed for community residents of all ages and abilities. We developed
this race in the hopes of showcasing Grande Prairie’s parks and recreation areas and to support active
living in the region.
A total of 11 teams are competing today. We welcome our teams and thank you for participating in
our first ever Amazing Race. We know you will have lots of fun.
Teams today will be travelling by foot between six pit stations in Muskoseepi Park, reaching as far
North as the Rotary Campgrounds and as far South as the Mini Golf centre.
Each team will have one hour to complete the entire race and will move through the pit stops by
completing tasks and receiving clues that will lead them to their next station.
At 6:00 pm, a siren will sound to mark the end of the race. At this time, all participants are asked to
head back to the start line.
The first three teams to complete all six stations with the fastest time will be presented with formal
awards at our awards ceremony at 6:30 pm. Please stick around for the awards and entertainment.
For those of you who are not familiar with the Get Active Network, this network is comprised of
organizations here in GP who are eager to promote healthy and active living. The group includes
representatives from the City of Grande Prairie, the Grande Prairie Regional College, the Alberta Sport
Development Centre NW, the Be Fit For Life Centre, Alberta Health Services, the Golden Age Centre,
the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Alberta, the Canadian Cancer Society, and the Canadian Paraplegic
The Amazing Race also boosts Grande Prairie’s participation in Communities Choosewell, a provincial
initiative that aims to educate, empower and recognize communities across the province for efforts to
promote healthier living to their residents.
Please stay tuned for more Communities Choosewell events, such as an Iron Chef competition kicking
off this July.
Before we start I would like to give a big thank you to the City of Grande Prairie for making the
Amazing Race possible, to members of the Grande Prairie Get Active Network who have devoted
much of their time to organizing the Amazing Race, and to our sponsors at ATCO Electric, Love Life
Hot Yoga, Edible Arrangements, the Be Fit For Life Centre, and the Grande Prairie Leisure Centre for
their generous donations towards prizes for this event, and a big thanks to SpeedPro for providing the
signage for this event.
I would now ask all of our teams to take their place at the start line next to the registration table as we
prepare for our race countdown, and each team will receive their first clue. Once the siren sounds,
teams may open their first clue and begin the race.
Appendix IV – Pit Stop Schedule
Display Booth
Set up 1 display
booth in Muskoseepi
Park Pavilion area
highlighting the
involved in the
Amazing Race
Reception & Sign in
for Council
3:30 pm – 7:00
Volunteer Name
Volunteer Duties
-Gather resources
from GPGAN
Therese Chauvin
-Set up, display and
man booth
Reception and
Sign in:
3:00 pm – 3:45
Margaret Bell plus
2 additional
-Meet Council
Members at GP
Amazing Race
Start & End Time
for Council:
-Register Council
Members into teams
of 4 and have them
complete waivers
-Explain rules to
Council Members and
give each team a
4:00 pm – 4:45
-Give each team a
clue prior to
sounding horn to
start race
-Keep track of time as
members finish race
Amazing Race Sign
in for Public
4:15 – 4:45 pm
Amazing Race
Start & End Time
for Public:
5:00 pm – 6:00
2 Volunteers
-Set up booth by 4:00
Lead: Margaret
Bell plus 2
-Register teams
-Have participants
complete waivers
-Give each team set of
rules and a passport
-Give each team a
clue prior to
sounding horn to
start race
-Keep track of time as
members finish race
-Sound horn at 6:00
pm to announce the
race is over
-Take down booth
Dance Step Station:
3:30 – 6:30 pm
Meet your dance
instructor and
complete the
required steps in
order to get your
groove on. Attitude
is a must!
Leads: Frances
Russell & Tracy
-Set up booth
-Bring music and
portable ghetto
-Bring pit stop clues
and stamp for each
team that completes
-Amphitheatre Stage
for Council Members
-Take down booth
-Golden Age Centre
Patio for Public
Parachute Station:
Teams members
must work together
to make a ball go
around four laps in a
parachute. If the ball
rolls off the
parachute, players
must throw it back
on and start over.
-Behind Stage for
Council Members
-Bottom of
Tobogganing Hill for
3:30 – 6:30 pm
Leads: Linda
Shields plus
-Set up booth
-Bring 2 parachutes
and 2 beach balls
-Bring pit stop clues
and stamp for each
team that completes
-Take down booth
Station 1 - Council
Clue: A main
highlight for
Muskoseepi Park.
Bring your inner
JLo or JT for all to
see on Centre
Station 2 - Public
Clue: You may be
moving like the
cast from Glee, but
this place is
reserved for
seniors activity
Station 2 – Council
Clue: The beach
balls are set to fly,
backstage where
the stakes are high.
Station 4 – Public
Clue: Muskoseepi’s
Best Crazy Carpet
Destination. Join us
at the bottom of
this popular hill,
for a parachuting
game that is sure
to thrill.
Obstacle Course:
3:30 – 6:30 pm
Each team member
must complete 4
tasks: toss a Frisbee
through a hula hoop
2 times (max 4
tries), balance a ball
on a racquet while
moving from Point A
to Point B, balance
on one leg (like a
stark) for 5 seconds
and then switch legs,
and manoeuvre a
ball through a pylon
course with a
hockey stick.
Large Puzzle :
Team members
must piece together
a jigsaw puzzle.
Once the puzzle is
correctly completed,
the youngest
member of your
team must jig over
to the attendance to
receive the next clue.
-On Amphitheatre
Stage for Council
-Inside of Pavilion –
in front of reception
desk for Public
Leads: Natalie
Mayne & Joel
- Set up booth
-Bring pit stop clues
and stamp for each
team that completes
-Take down booth
Station 3 – Council
Clue: At this next
race, the leader
sets the pace. One
by one, each team
mate will run, until
all have completed
this relay of fun.
Station 5 – Public
you’ve been
accepted to
College!! Come join
us for some
outdoor fun
outside your new
3:30 – 6:30 pm
Leads: Krista
Harding & Gloria
-Set up booth
-Bring enough
puzzles for 3 teams
-Bring pit stop clues
and stamp for each
team that completes
-Take down booth
Station 4 – Council
Clue: At this next
station, you’ll need
to pull your team
together piece by
piece, until your
team is picture
Station 1 – Public
Clue: Head inside
the central
building, and see if
you have what it
takes to make the
pieces fit.
Lawn Bowling and
Horseshoe Pitches
3:30 – 6:30 pm
This is a detour
challenge!! Teams
must arrange the
rules of lawn
bowling in correct
order, or
successfully toss
three horseshoes
around a target for
the next clue.
Leads: Winona
Lafreniere & Mieke
de Groot
-Set up booth
-Bring supplies
(laminated rules to
put in order)
-Bring pit stop clues
and stamp for each
team that completes
Station 3 – Public
Clue: Roll on down
the grassy lane to
pick up Jack, or try
your luck in the
sand where the
shoes are made of
steel and the
stakes are high
-Take down booth
Lawn Bowling and
Horseshoe Pitches
Relay Race
Using only their feet,
one team member
must search for
buried marbles in a
sandpit and transfer
them to a bucket of
water. Teammates
must take turns
racing to the finish
line bucket with only
a spoon to move the
marbles. Only when
all of the marbles
have been
transported will the
team get their clue.
3:30 – 6:30 pm
Leads: Stacie Frey
& Sherry Ouimet
-Set up booth
-Bring buckets, sand,
marbles, flags, 2 large
-Bring pit stop clues
and stamp for each
team that completes
-Take down booth
Station 6 – Public
Clue: The sandbox
is a wonderful
place to pass the
time of day, where
imagination is
limited only by the
child who loves to
play. Find us at the
only campground
within City limits.
Final Clue:
Teams that have not
completed the race
by 6:00 pm will be
asked to finish up
their game and go
back to the start line.
Well, what are you
waiting for? It’s
time to win the
race. Head back to
where you started
from before it’s too
Appendix V - Confirmation of Registration Email
This is to confirm your team’s registration in Grande Prairie’s first annual Amazing Race. We thank you
for registering, and we hope that you enjoy the race as we celebrate Municipal Government Day. There
are a total of 12 teams registered!! As you know, the race will start at 5:00 pm and will end at 6:00 pm.
Team captains are asked to arrive and check-in at the registration table between 4:15-4:30 pm. The
registration table will be located by the Amphitheatre at Muskoseepi Park. In order to speed up the
registration process, we have attached two forms for you to print off in advance, sign and review:
1) The Amazing Race Rules
2) The Amazing Race Accident Waiver and Release of Liability Form. Please print this form in advance
and have each participating member sign. Please bring the signed waivers to the registration table prior
to the race. Any participants under the age of 18 are asked to have a guardian or parent sign the waiver.
We are encouraging teams to bring water, wear comfortable clothing, and to wear comfortable running
shoes. We plan to hold the race rain or shine, so please bring any items you may require should we get
some rain. Please also bring any items you require for your personal health and safety. In addition, we
are asking teams to wear t-shirts that are similar in colour so that you are identifiable as a team.
There will be an awards ceremony at 6:30 to celebrate the top 3 teams, so please stick around after the
race to receive your award or to watch other teams receive their awards. Municipal Government Day
will run from 4:00 pm until 7:00 pm, and will include a free BBQ and lots of entertainment for all ages so
be sure to check out the activities before or after the race.
Finally, just a note to let you know that this race will be by foot. The area that the race spans is not too
large, and goes as far North as the Grande Prairie Rotary Campgrounds (near the College) and as far
South as the Grande Prairie Museum. Please keep this in mind as you receive your clues. We thank you
again for your participation in our first ever Amazing Race!! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you
have any questions.
Appendix VI – Team Registration Information & Results
Team Name
Race Results
Big Changes
Michael SutherlandShaw
Epic Mortgage
Kind of a Big Deal
Caribou Commandos
Garett and The Girls
The MNP Chartered
Remo Zaccagna
Dan Illika
Aaron Hinks
Terry Farrell
Eric Plummer
Diana Rinne
Melanie Bell-Fournier
Joe Fournier
Wyatt Fournier
Rainie Fournier
Jessica Charrois
Chelsea Penner
Colby Briard
Sue Teggart
Crystal Smichura
Shane Miles
Jennifer Metituk
Dave Metituk
Jim Douglas
Maddalena Douglas
Ashley Douglas
Sean Douglas
Kelly Loewen
Gwen Loewen
Kathy Turner
Lynn Stevenson
Garett Richardson
Kelli Mack
Patricia Nordstrom
Nicole Watters
Norine Kostick
Ryan Way
Samantha Pfau
Monica Raike
Tyson Schartner
Brad Renner
8th Place
3rd Place
2nd Place
1st Place
5th Place
Momsters on the Run
Youth Council
Cora Cherwoniak
Deb Findlay
Susan Artibise
Keith Siemens
Catrin Werk
Pam Keown-Glaser
Marie Moreau
Valerie White
Chloe Hennebury
Sydney Hennebury
Stephanie Wright
Emma MacDougall
Christopher MacDougall
Josie Medhurst
Colin Lempriere
Ilana Brown
Rae-Lynn Beattie
Janais DeJong
Jared Medhurst
Nigel Hartley
4th Place
9th Place
7th Place
Appendix VII – Amazing Race Registration Checklist
Council Registration Checklist
 Meet council members at Museum at 2:30 pm for registration
 Record names of council members and group into 4-6 teams
 Ensure each participant has signed waiver
 Ensure each participant receives ID badge with name and team number
 Ensure each participant receives rules and passport
 Prior to race, give each team their first clue
 Sound horn at 4:00 pm
 Track finishing time each team as they complete the race
 Sound horn at 4:45 pm to close race
Public Registration Checklist
 Give teams “Big Changes”, “Epic Mortgage Superstars”, and “Kind of A Big
Deal”, early bird prize
 Set up race start area with pylons and ribbons
 Sign in members by checking off names from Excel Spreadsheet
 Ensure each participant has signed waiver
 Ensure each participant receives ID badge with name and team number
 Ensure each participant receives rules and passport
 Remind teams of awards ceremony at 6:30 pm
 Prior to race, give each team their first clue
 Sound horn at 5:00 pm
 Track finishing time each team as they complete the race
 Sound horn at 6:00 pm to close race
Appendix VIII – Amazing Race Station Reminders
Ensure you have your station’s stamps, clues, supplies and t-shirt
Ensure you set up in a fairly visible area
As teams arrive check their clues to ensure they are at the right station
If they are at the wrong station, send them away to find the correct station
Once teams have completed their station, give them a stamp on their passport for
your station and their next clue –please ensure you are giving them the correct clue
If a third team arrives while your station is in full use by 2 other teams, you may
incorporate this team into the challenge with another team or ask them to wait if you
think the wait time will be short.
At 4:45 pm for Council and 6:00 pm for Public, the race is over. Please keep an eye on
the time and ask all teams to return to the start line. Do not give your team a stamp
unless they have completed your station. 
Public Race starts at 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm:
 Station#1 – Puzzle (Pavillion)
 Station #2 – Dancing (Golden Age Centre)
 Station #3 – Lawn Bowl and Horseshoe Pitches
 Station #4 – Parachuting (bottom of tobogganing hill)
 Station #5 –Obstacle Race (College Residence)
 Station #6 – Relay Race (Rotary Campgrounds Playground)
Council Race starts at 4:00 pm – 4:45 pm
 Station #1 – Dancing (on Stage)
 Station #2 - Parachuting (behind stage)
 Station # 3 – Relay Race (in front of stage)
 Station #4 – Puzzle (in front of stage)
Team #1 moves to Station 6, Station 5, Station 4, Station 3, Station 2, Station 1
Team #7 moves to Station 6, Station 5, Station 4, Station 3, Station 2, Station 1
Team # 2 moves to Station 5, Station 6, Station 1, Station 2 Station 3, Station 4
Team #8 moves to Station 5, Station 6, Station 1, Station 2 Station 3, Station 4
Team # 3 moves to Station 4, Station 3, Station 2, Station 1, Station 5, Station 6
Team #9 moves to Station 4, Station 3, Station 2, Station 1, Station 5, Station 6
Team #4 moves to Station 2, Station 1, Station 6, Station 5, Station 4, Station 3
Team #10 moves to Station 2, Station 1, Station 6, Station 5, Station 4, Station 3
Team #5 moves to Station 1, Station 4, Station 5, Station 6, Station 3, Station 2
Team #11 moves to Station 1, Station 4, Station 5, Station 6, Station 3, Station 2
Team #6 moves to Station 3, Station 2, Station 1, Station 4, Station 6, Station 5
Team #12 moves to Station 3, Station 2, Station 1, Station 4, Station 6, Station 5
Appendix IX – Amazing Race Passport
Appendix IX – Amazing Race Passport Continued...