clothinu hall - Rockaway Township Free Public Library
clothinu hall - Rockaway Township Free Public Library
VOh. .VI. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, MAJiCH 11, 1876. THE I R O N E R A NO. 13 FALL and WINTER. (•nlljmii ;i:'(jniiii MnuiifucliHT. Iik'U o f JUt urilinjf of vliut I lia . . . _ u i i i l o f w l u i l l J'lio]iiuniif.t'*tiire (if ^,tlt nml bromin 1IIK WHAT MIHTinVINT. tht S'.. ** ',..,«,,i ,frou i ' " « ' u " observation -.«!.*.i.w»« nud »i.uI y, Fremth* a'.. Louil Lout* Hepublican.—T Kepublican.—Tin CENTENNIAL YEAR! r r a u m i v Ii««M HuMUAl 11 lvut c j n k ' d o u vcrv ux((-ii>ivc-tv hi thii cau wifuIjF WIMIH that ul thinya uoiutJ-1 f() || ow , Ilett tu , r fr , „ JJow^phb Qillcpio, aille Qliiti Vitllt-y. TIJ.I .suit i s blionn by DENJ. II.VOGT. IIOMCEOPTVTIIIC fjiniiP twenty milui vest of 1'argii l b e«d jjoiitbor Becttou-of tl» cuuntrj can j , ) f ma£ w r f , k n o w n throughout lh< ehi'iniiMl iiualvKis t o he t h e p u r e s t i n tVIHTIjOUK A IJiU'IS. Land bettor s toWcf,t, (UOM forriplit jiurron A«U riiOiiiETon. if-uiiihedlawyer lawyerand andprom pr< Uiijiarlmetit of t l o Cumimiiy 1m nJfrr ug wli.i ...,• i W ( , s t nR k ai^iuKUuihed newindnceoiet. licmnsiu tho a m i its pnrftct freedom fruiu nt jiililiniaii, gives an HcoonnL of an America, iti ••Tn.ij Fnrin," furiy ncrus u n d e r e u l t i along the line of thia road there nrc vt ' 0 JM on Morris Street near Jlaolretll. vsittoii fur direst true growth. T h e wnn, tbuubnudu of MUCH, huih railroad uu inInrview with President Lincoln t< liino renders it very dcitirablo for dairy Cor. Blaokwoll & Warren Sts. use. Tho salt water ia obtained by T K I U ' S OK HUIWCIUPTIO.V wnr.l (ho oluhf! uf tbe rear, and )« CIJ nf limlisT is tlto guilt, obntaclc t o settle government lanJaopcn forsettlcmcut t (OpiioBite Dovor rinnlf,) mi'iit on tltp Ni-niriei. M r . l ' o ^ r r knew botli poor nnd rich alike, cjutd in ever uiiill.V iiitorontiiiff junt DIIW becftOM of i boring woIU from BOO to 1,000 feet through it variety of soil, solid rock, DOVER, N.J., bi-uriugd upuu the nnniesty question : wlnit tlio noil wus cajuibio of mid t wrtirjpi^otto e tlioyo ulrcady ocaapiud on Dlaos,:, of Womni mid (JhlMnm, n m l of l l und usually two wtratng of coul. I t id liDWAJtosniiLE, February 7, 1B7C. j.!iirn n^o flrtoriniurd to demuiiBtrato tlic the large hrwa being opened by e»p: . V«r, -Ej» and £ i r •podilllei. first jniiD|it(J fur cryfitaliziriK. then IH'iioticubilit.v and .nlvimtiifjea «f aucli , €*IJ, : 'WrM. HAKIi IS, DRY GOODS, " "' In will cR'nicndouiunu for labor uui Omcf Ilnum: 71.» 0 A.M., 1 tn 3 Rnd7 to 8 I'. H nofl'into wijotleu ^raiuers, tliron^li (ji^wlli, hml tb.H groHini jilowed" IIJJ, e Vimr fuvor of thu 15th inst. in n:cei einploynjynt tu mnny an iadustriuu 1H3OJM] h i-opper pipes of 3 or 4 inches ID nut Biivcml linjiiwud uuttiugH of tlm cot- niun not yet able to uoiameuce farmiu^ ed, and [ liauton to reply. Ttio remm-k: WATCH MAKER and JEWELER. tuuu'cuiJ. Lumliiirdj poplara n m l wil- his own nccount. In this connection, of Mr. Lincoln to an inquiry made bj diameter, lulled with a team, pass tho en•i. IDIVH, m i J plontod u largo qunutity _. however, I wish to say that I am IH tno, to which you r^fct, were as follows tile length uf the gnriaer, hsatiug QroccrlcN, PASSAGE TICKETS «c«(.ls nf tlip OIUHIL', t'lin, box, nlder a u d leriuff miy udvico or trying to induci I tuld liim thut I had called upon him tlio brine to an equal temperature. Tbe Sussex St., Dover, N..), S TJ R y E T O B .' TO AM) IIIOM otlifi' varieties. AH tlio raauU of t w o iy oue to " n o West." I am nimpl; to got information respecting the prob stilt crjstais form ou the furface, und yii.ii.< |;ii)\vtli lie is nble to jsliowf rom t h e tryiug to toll what I saw aud wbut m;. ubk* dumlimi of the war from headrjuar< uro prevented from adhering (Irmly by lkcFpirullaTalH^lo-t.liKkijfciKi.lui'iiiuiirlKltii Liverpool and Queenstown Surveys, Levels mid Orndes m th Croclici'.v, IH. He mud that na certaiuly as thai1 mixingftu in nl I quantity of butter or t) I r sof from lonlo twulyo fee iuprcssiouB ere ; for from luy own eipe sun would risu tlic rebellion wouh tullow. whi«h Hvpurates them, and thoy mndo for Public and Prlratc Iniprovoincnti*. uu tlic f.)IlowiHj{Htoiim*lifp IJuoi.: WATCHES, CLOCKS high, mid Jroin needd plauts l ffrom tbree to rienco kuowiug Hint life iu the West OL m a new farm menus HABD WOBK, and al IUU be triuhctl uut, I remurked tbol gradually full to the bottom of (ho livo fuet higii, Ijiiviiigti deusc grovo uf Orpicn: HUSSEX S'fBEET, JliWKIJIV, HOUI) f l O t l ) HISOS, 1T.AIN timosniuoU to diaiioiuoge, no one should that WUH gmtifyiiig news, aud I furtliei grain or und becotno xalt proper. I t is IVMAN, ..WIHTB^™., Hcvonil ucres tbiok and high enough tc liiigrnTcd iiiifl lliiKitiu-tLinii'd. I.»dft«' uml would bo done with tin then lilted r»i platforms by workman, form nu effectual wind break. The com- attempt it but those nho avo determinod rebeh ?wlmt NATIONAL, •' OtiitB C'ltiiint. KKTH nf JEWliLliY nil i.i".v i!.'"U'ell," said he, •'some ihlol iind left to Cry for 12 hours, after which pany nro non prepurcd to furnisb to all to exarciae patieuc:*, rigid economy an heir beiid9 MintN und n iM>mi.iir:ilj,v icilnci'il iiru-ch, Urdu on E»glso'l»'"! I't'r«l I " " ' of Itiilsii ought to come all'; bui't is packed into barrels, weighed, und constant, uutiriny iuduutry. Such an 'Jliil.lteii 1 - Mid Ml-diV J:.n Itins* in wA vansolllers joitbo more coat gf trailsplmiti),, uro too many of them for that, nud, •eudy fof murket. Tlm salt analyzed -If. Uolil n i i d | i b | ( , i l Klud« utul Klicvo Jlul ing nil tlie young trees wonted nml thebound tu Buect-L-d und iu tbo end haro a thtiicunc, B UNUSLEV*6ON,As«ntl, !OIIB, u t red I) of tl fljrim H, S i l v r Jiiim* tmr I would aot know where tc ihon-s: Hodiiun chloride, t»5.C ; TiloiumioccHu of theeutLTpriao ia a wonderful well provided home, ease and comfort for for TLimlilcri, l!iibljL>r uml liililmu Cliaiuw Im- hdici .T. M. BASSETT, draw tli<) liuo between those- whose ture, 2.0 ; Ft rt'igu matter, . 5 . HlacKnHl Struct, Dover, N. J . nml pi'llls. AIKO B I'tioicn i-cl-i-tiuii nfHiLVKl, Wood & "Willow Ware Htiinuhiut to them to do likewiae, In but old ego; nil others wil) foil. ie!«U (it might be said) ought to conn l'LATEU (IOUDH, of llw iiomiil W ' . M a fmv ye.tru thig uiagiiiflcoiit prairie now off ur Btiiy on. My policy," naid ho Conl is futind in the immediate viciiiiCivil Engineer and Surveyor, b«*iutirtil (1i-wij:il(i rrom It'ifiT!.* fnti-il X - r \ , , I I: •o inrititifj t» aottlemont will \>a donbJy Iu conclusion, u woiil su to the Northern wuuld hu different. rU itiniT .it CASTOHH, ('Aid! It \H would prefer t< [&• of tlio salt reins, and oomo natural Slate Roofing o, dotted all over uu it will Lo with Pacific road, i d presout condition nnd illuw tbe exouiplu of IKing Uftvid. . : gits. Ua the Kanawha River, whero lllJttllEH.SYliui'tTl'c. r:utl Kl'CKAWAV, N. J. future prospects. Whatever eompluiut rovea of timber, fiiniiBbing inotoction have bonu rending tlio history ol tho i-o- It is olfio manufactured, gasflowsjn I'HIIM1 8TANDS, 'I'R.V I'QTt* may have boon made M to its early manrom wind its well us fuel nnd fonoiug . poon li,,M,,-,:, li.l.M- ! I: -.|.,M,;; ol Ah3alom. i'ou know," said fHrioiit qtmntitics tor boihug thu Knit Vr* (JUAIIIIV1NG U .olwlklto boat Mid put on ALT. OKDEIW lmOMITLY ATrKNDRD TO. HABDWAItE, mutorinl, Tbe forcsigbt Hint plmined agement, no fault can now bo found with bclliuti Viwi'f, I'utl I'utl lli-liM, lli-liM, I'iu I'iu JCiiivi-H, JCi illsTwIs Is «sr sljls und to tlia most >iil» Ciijis, Viwi'f, * i>, "when I>avid was ilooiug from Ju- Wiitor. that now governing. Its officers am K l i K K i r llillpn, Kmnliin'' Kfii K n i v n r.u-in. HI ,NH !ulW moot, i» " ' I P « l '•' " « •""iiltj. 11J( and tlie nergj tbat li rried thiflwork thorough nuil capable, kuowiug their iHnlom, EShimoi cursed him. After the From tho Wiistc, ur mother-water, of ChiiTlrVn.' t{iii V n rn „ „ • FwU". A-c. AIWUVH mi Vn«.rk warranted, Hid pries* rea.onabl*. • alone i3 worthy of nil pniHc, and the .- duty aud doing it iu the intoresta of tho ibslliun wai over Bbimei craved a par IO saltworks, bromin in extracted, and hntiil n Him .•m-i(ivr:.imit ur Sl'KlTAL'I.K-i »i,,l • J, L. CURTIS, puny is (duaily rcuplug i u reward iu tho company, every departmtmtis carried on Jon. Abtalm, Mm non of K^ruiali, Da- urms an uitensive articlo in trade, aclKYEGLAt-SI'Ji. A llni! linn nf CiOI.D I'KSK, n »c«lv« p r o m p t K l t r n l l a n . Iron and Steel. orilifl(!if ut nmlifs. Tl >i»-t ^.ni-rutiilli-tiiloii unhuueert vnluc and rajiid onlo of atljoiu- with duo regard to (.'ffieiency, but oxact- id's sister, said, 'this man ought not t ingul uiic limn for 89 per pnuiid, tlic willi a view to SKILL nml 1'IiOMl'TNfiS.S, ing Iiindu, nuvr comers uceing nt once' ing the moat rigid economy. Tho track ipeciflc gravity being nbout throe times Manufacturer of Segars and Klvoii tu ItlU'AIIUKQ i»r Wnti-li. * and Jewriry. tbat the great objectiou to pniirio lands is in tLo best of urder, uUtioa houses, be pardnued: be cursed tlie Lord hut of water. There are six brctniu be oaaily overcome. DEAI^H IN ISIPOIt'i'ED Pll'lM, shops, tanks and nil other building* of anoiutod.' David said, 'What In 'oetoi-ioa in tlm locality, und when nil GIIH 1'ipu and Fittings, canThe Iu with you, ye sous of Zeruiu wonderful riolimjss of the country thu most ccnvonieut aud substantial CIKCULAJISG LIltllAltY, ire iu operation they control the price T011ACC0 and CIOAUR, lias in ndtlition to tho rapid aettlemoat kinds, the passenger conches aa neat cad •o tlionld this day be adversaries unto ^ tho foreign market. However, hro0|>po>!to ilANSIOM HOUBE, already commeiicod by thu ordinary pio- irell fitted aa oc any road jn tha West, iu i tthull there any mnn bo put to in, liko flii other merchandise, has FURNITURE. CARPETS, OIL neer farmer, nttractudanumberof LUATJ .be engines and all other colling slock in loalh this duy in Israel ?' " nred in tho decline, und is now sold MOniilSTOVVN. PIIVUCIAN a » « BHUOEON. BLANK B O O K S , cnpit&lUU who hava purchased uf theicrfcct condition, The receipts frum ita Tlm above ure the words, aa nourly ua r31 cents per pound. The increasing company largo tracts of land and aro now juasouger and freight Irnfflo aro sufficient '. cm l-eiueinbor tltcm, used b j Mr. I i n - lemaud for tbu article for medicinal pur. N. ir. making exteiiflivoprqmrfllioti for eulti- to pny nil oporuliig expenses and kern) oln, I know that ho was very decided O.B. G-AG-E, and hy diemists, dyers aud pholcl iT Till RESIDBHCK OF BAKIEL WIGU CLOTHS, MATTINGS, &c, &c,valioD on a scnlo thut makes our largest both road bed and rolling stock in eflt- Iu bin own mlml that, no far M ho oou)d loses, STATIOMTiaiiy, ogntphera. bus mndo it n source of iniColl. DMCIWBU. AMD KKtEX MTBEKTft.New Jersey farms seem in coiapunaou cient working order. Tho pioeoeds from siort nn JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, nn inflence, influence, it it sshould bo on h u l d bo n the the icnse jjrofll. Largd quantities nre anbut as garden patches. In eloio prox- tlie Bale of lands, after deducting expenses do d offmercy, for f he h considered i d mercy d ually exported. Tbey also propose Ufllto ou Sussex 8trcet, imity to tho tree farm wo flud ono owned aro devoted to the redemption of its ind wisdom to th* Bams inking soda, and ate now erecting a FANCY GOODS, &C, P o w d e r , Fuse mid In Hie building fumiorly oacutiledaa i n uOko by by Gon'l COBS, former president of thebonds, of which tho company have al- thing, as may ho mounting JoiIX F. STICKLE, by another toctory.— Manu/acturtr and Builder. Ilonrj Mcl'.rl«ii, U™t floor. loud, covering nearly 8,000 acres, who ready retired about two million five remark of hiH. evidenaei Joshua F . Speed, of LATEST STYLES PANOI MOTE l'Al'Kll, commences operutioua by mittiDg 1,280 iunJrcd thousand dolhrswcrth of them. Tji}iiisiaii4, Ky.. and myself spent the DOVER, N. J. Counsellor at Law ncrvB under the plow, which is nowTho rapidly inorooaiue cultivation ol its liglit at the Soldier's Home with Mr. The Iron Wvrks of (he Unltcit Mates. CollcolloniiatlontlL-d to witli dilitronrj;. Miitcrliils (oiisdilltl.v ou ready AND for planliiig in tlie Bering. This wheat lunds will iu n short limo prodnoe Also, Agent fur thu belt Uf.i ami Firo [uBiirDuring tho evening a deloga- Tbe Centennial edition of a work tiu>nce Joinpanles. l-l.]y, cultivation will bo extended each year a sumlns that will tax U its utmost limit jiuuoln. JUSTBll IN CJIANCKIIY, Newspapers and Periodicals, iou fruiu New Jersey called to get Mr.ler this title, prepared and published by until the whulo is iu crop ; think of a its full currying capacity, its liberal policy Lincoln liiuul, pardon sotao young men be American Iron and Steel Association, 11OCICAWAY.N..J. cultivated lleld equal to six miles long; will every yenr nod largely to tlio popu- From that lo who had deaertod, boon "WALL POCKETS, L. W. THURBER, bo roeoired frotn, tlio printer in a and two miles wide, wilh the necessary InUon of tho country, adding to its pres- recaptured,Stuta coiirt-uiartiallfld and aen- ill days aud sont to those who are cunumber of buildings am] amount of itock ent business iu rapid rutio and without J. J. VREELAND, Cor. Blackwell ana Wnrris stroels, SOPEimiTENDltXr OF PUULIC SCHOOLS cuuod to IJD Khot, which was to taktt JW itled to receive i t I t is o book of nud forming mnuliinery to work it, tome extension bejond its present terminus jluoe J. W. BABBITT, BEAOKETS, io., in a few days. Mr. Lincoln OF MOIlllIS COUSTf. Carpenter and i Builder; idea cau then bo formed of its niRgtri. it ia soon dislinfil to bo one of tlio host old tbe delegation that he would not bout 140 closely-printed pages, and tude, Near by another owuod hj Major | ing; roads in the West, bnt the ouior- give them IIIH decision uutil the next satuins fully una-tfiird more informaO t t n over OEO. HIOUARDa & Oi.'i 8T0UK, Jobbing promptly attended to. 13rycfj, of Kentucky, 3,200 uorea, with e is not goiug to stop where it is ; the first edition which nppearP I O T U B E F11AMES at U o'clock nt llieWhitoHoiiHo. oninthan C00 now 1ready for planting, tbe wbole to preparations are already being mndo to morning 1874. A summary of the promiDOVER, K J. PRACTICAL TAILOR. retiring i told Mr. Lincoln that dpnt Slops os BLJOKVTKLL 81., n u t to O« e. B bu UIKIUI cultivutiou. Some six miles to extend it into the rich agricultural and IBefore facts established by tho boob it 1 could not sleop unless I hod some inkIlilsy's lumber mill. MiUE Tl> onUCIU the oust tho l'ioueor Furming Cm miuiug torritorjof Sloutnnaandas soou ao vo run as to boiv ha was going to decide in *TCU below ; ConlrMts taken, aud niattrlnl furnished. an ussooiation of eapitnl, own tire_ v . . , :a that oounliy is reached the rocd will ling to those poor follows. Ho laid VJiole number vt ccmipletf d LUit rarmcta hundred ncrcs, tlin propriotors iutsnding ,t ouco take u poBition eccoud to .none egiird ANY vL'irH in tlm clatliiiif' buuuiKi In WALL JIOULBINO nud PltTUHE IIGOIifl. Jan. 1,lHTfi, 713 • 1 can't loll you ; but 1 will aov Urn, mil to mttko it the model fiirin iu sostera Davast of tho Missisaippt rirer. Its final IKOlUlfSTOWN, hna built up % lurco c»f»citr uf all tbo riirnacci, In ncl NEW HARDWARE STORK I have always found that moroy UlTICIi slid HESIDENCE oppnsito iLu (am, M39,S3a udiiicrcaiiiit'trAi.Dand now Itinds tho city In kola. Atljuiuiug tliiss Cnnadiau CAUI- completion to tho Pacific Ocean is only int ;nrs richor fruits than strict. justice." I'liolo number of nillliiR millt. J«n,l.-T6, vm lid lino with I he Inrifunt itoro, Urgeit ituck, Gilbert's Pure Confectionery. (Junior of BLekwali acd Kimcu HU. , Uiliflt, Mr. Julin Dunloi), IIBEJ 10,000 a question of time, IT IS BOUND TO OO ol nlpgltj puddltaR furoi. van tlio direction in which bis '-'- uumbar acres, during the pact year 1ms built aev- TfmonoH, tho parties controlling it do miImt, . each doutau luruieu couutfog » SCHOOL HOUSE, iGit wortnifQ ami low price a. DOVEK.N.,7. ml uhvuyy l«i.ucd. Yours truly, IA" iTiil boiues, uu imiuuLso bum, aud pronotlmow such a word aa fail, nnd the CHOICE lllUMJH II ;' MUM: H I L L , N . J . .Men's nil Wool Double ana pared ilvs huntlriil acres for spring plant- faith u a i energy that has brought it to I, B.JOLLEY, Proprietor. l I r , mil Ion*, t ing and tm rapidly as possible willbriug its present point will not falter uutil l ci|itvcitf or *U tlie nil: mill* lo LLH ruosiwi-v ATiRNuen TU UAV OR Manx. Uorut and dviriagr* lo Lul. , HfillKWK, ni.Ui:, DO11AX, the wliolo trnct under cultivutiou. Olas* Inal completion. iTj- ralli net toui ! OIOARS. Ttvlkt Suits only - - 810.00 A ('iiii with a History. mjur or ort«,J«n,l l, llOI'li, CHAIN'S, i d . to this another Canndiau furnior, Mr. IS76. ITT T. LBI'OIIT, Norris, owns 2,000 ncrea, oommenoing \TH, THRTHEWAV, Tliu Pantograph, Bowling Gret!ii,Ky,, iol . n a ol», net toai, Gooil Heuv) Suits - GOO _.iool caiiicliy in I operations this season with 400 nores in u. tho following: "Mr. Wm. li. WiS. H. BR.EESE, Mechanics'and Farmer's Tools. wheat. East of (lie Red Biyer, iu Min- I cannot olose these letters descriptive lans lina in his posession a rcmarablc [umlier orDt*»dnirrri)iiverlpr», rri)iiverlpr» t wlat I saw in the West without public ' iDilwrnfDi)riti-h»rl)i it eel worti, 3M, Workhiff Pants - 1.00 Counsellor at Law, BRADBURY PIANO uosotii, Al. doi^nglebroiiuer, a Holland- acknowledgment of tho many favors gun, and ono tbat has nn unwritten and 1.1B70, DOVKB BAKK i iinber 0! aptu liearlli f irnicri, er hnu 0,000 acrca, 3,000 of which ia alpartly an unknown history, more reAvn HIE SPADRH, SII0V1XH. 1'JCltS. AXl'.H, TABLE ihown me by Hnpt. Sullivan, n prince mill capiclty h laguti, net turn, AND MASTER IN 0IJA1J0ERY, •* " extra l.fiO ready under cultivation. O. Xover, imong railroad men, tbe gentlemen of uiurkablo limn tbe weapon itself. - As to ;uaibcr alcnicllile iidutLerilDul wnrlu, Esq., hne 12,000 acrea, witb 8,000 ready the Land Department, and that genial vrh i Jau. 1,1878, d orb met In (he N*tlonit Union lank I}u!l«l.nj( SMITH AMERICAS OBGAN. made, by what train of DO VCII, K. J . .\XD l'ociiEr omxr.uv. Good W rorHiitinsplnnUuff. Thos. H. Canfleld, wholesonled conductor, Theodore Glnan, :irciinmtauccn its death-dealing crack iliual capitlty ot mcri:b>u»lilc e[eql,ii«t 1U3 230 l*aiit« Double SLAonr^L&Sr., DOVEB, N. J . Prices vnry 1D*V_ Call n l QV.Q. ltLANClIAHD'H '" Laq,, huK Horns 3,000 acres witb 1,000 sq,( who was so untiring ia his effbrta jecamo a terror ulon'g the Tennessee ' toni, ejtrn 81.75 45,000 saloim, tJInefcwoll Hl.,l)uvur, N. J . 43-tf 1 wlifoL tUei-G arc i.f cruel bio itcil, In add to our pleasure while on his train, iud Cumberland rirors during tho early HUDSON PEEB, eUCKSMITHSyPPUES; rcmiy for wheat this Spring, and trusting that tho pationee of your- years of tlo late war, wo slitd! nut proHome Shorn anil Knlls, Cirrisjie ISoltt, to. c. >IA<;II:, j r . (ipooEt«on TO wx. uonni.«).\) 3HILDBEN'S SOIXa A SPECIALTY iclf and renders has not been exhausted tend to nay. Uortainitis tbat many u Iu odditiou to theso already mention•fcdoral soldier bit tbo dust during the ATTOHNEYOA COUNSELLORS AT ATTORNEY A. but which want of upaoo pretreuta eubscribe myself LAW,. B. s. n. fort DoiiLldKou and Shiloh campa' Tobnceonist, NOWN Uculcr, HOUSE'FURNISHING GOODS: ed, FBOJI $2 TQ $9. lubliouiri.ugUoui, CO.^lW euumorating, otbor opewtiona ate a l OYEU BROWN'S DItUG BTOltK laid low by tlio buzziDg Cur. BlickwoU mil Suanoi Sh. TODS, FAII.H, IlIlUallES, OI1NAMESTAL Wliat lVusn'l Oint n mill red Years Ago. ready comwenoed ou the most nxteniiTL STATIONEn nn.l CONFECTIOIOSR. which sped from bar dread uiuzzlo, the W1BEO00DU, SILVEll PI.AIEU WA1IE. scale by heaTy capitalists. I t is hardly One hundred years ago, wedding tours trigger dmwu vith steady flngor, infalli: Oof. Sl^woll and Sueaex Eta, , Iurj{o aBdorttnoal of FINE CLOTIIINO for A little foi incident tliat hnppeiied L1 possible to toaliza what the future of HUB era nott fBbionabl Cor. BLAOEWEItL and SUGSEJI Gts. MEN, YOUTHS'niidncn-S, le. a flight and deadly aim. Tho very England is thus told in tbo Sporting in going to be. ). 1. KUoDDotm. DMm D O V E I t , N, J t J_Hay, Straw andFeed Cutters, country Ouo hundred years ago, the gin best _ und of the ^nn became known and fautte: "Lord Oalway's hounds wore D O V E R , 3M1. O*. Iu reply to my inquiry. Mr. Power in- nowQ was the'eotton gin. Familiar, an ominous one along infantry mking for Swimicy Wood, near DawOVER 2,000 PAIR OF PANTS. mllOMAS ANDBHSON, W00DP0UT HOUSE, Having pirtvliaiod of Mr. Murrisnn tliu bun FLORISTS GOODS! forms me that the fliBt sale of land by One hundred yean ago, mas did not md skirmish lines, and among sliai-p- ry, to Hnrworlh, when suddenly tbey :bo company \roa made on ttie 27lh of lie of Presidential maggots in the brain. sbooters. Near the timu of the battle fere at ffinlt. One off them, however, neat of tills stand, Inonld aaj to liUolil om THOMAS HUIGIIT, Proprietor, May, 1872. On tho 20th of February, One hundred years ago, farmers did if Shiloh Bomo infantry Iud been cm' as perceived to make a dash at a bunlont fall to call and mo tho IUItQAIKS And imcrs and tbo goncrat pnblio tbat I Htm 1875, when the company was organized, ,iloyod iu ekirmiah or reeonnoitering la of thorns. Noticing this, the Hon. l WOQDPORT, MORRIS Co., N. J . l>0 ai1o[iia]ic(I nt lUo Ion" Jiricc* fir pood cloth- mdoftvor lo deaorve tb,eir vslroiinRc, nnd v< LANTERNS, he total sales had reached an aggregate jot cut their legs off with mowing — .luty in tbo deep tangled woods. Crack. k E. M. Monckton got of his horse and nWIH well-knotrn, property hasrecentlyUna ipentroilyaollult tho eanie. I eliali ktoj. afnayu if 52!»,200 nprea, from which Imd been re- iliincR. hung, boom, rum-til at intervals the old iished honeuLh tbeLtap uf fulibluli his Counsellor a t Law, X eitenEivclvlnsjirevoiliinil modflniiioil, for hundred jean iigu, our wutl lmud lilt) HDUnUiipplyof ilized the earn of 82,G93,000, tboaTorngo lidOno 'lm iccominodtitlou of tboaa seeking arctirod FUnVEIl TOT DHAGKE1S mil] HTANDH. gun in the distance, nt every disuLorgo Jdiug whip when, to his mirprint) it not worry over disordered sewing ying O O V E t t , N. J . roiMcnco. BHutod at Ilia bond of prioe being about 65 per aaro. Xho laru soldier stiff ami stark in death, Iropped from his band, seemingly into Lako Jj.-natooiiKit la otio of tho mosttleunv Daily and Weekly Papers, BIRD CAdES, BIRD CAGE HOOKS. ger proportion of these nabs wen to net- noctrincs. OBu mi liooglfloor'of,HoflltloraiDuloi ith unerring acoaraoy. Shift their hole. When tho thorns were removed KCOKOMY IS WEALTH. l>le places .f Inland mart to bo fount, within Of.o hundred joara ago, liorsea which B.t.k I M U I D I , ' tiers and others for tlie purposes of culdeep lrell wns discovered. Next morn'hu tttviio tliifti-coof Now fork, Iu the midst could trot in 2:14 were somewhat scarce. position ai they might, tho gun won! AOAZIXES, PERIODICALS, i!d ig the noblo Master directed his keeptivation, very few purchases btiog made if (ha finest inojnlain BL-onoiyor Nortlium Now Ono hundred years („ peoplet did bans awaj, nuu with n hiss and a that - i d , ' to niako a further examination. HnvA, OII.LUN, Icrscy, with excellent hunting nml fishing, and WE CAN HELP YOU. SPEND YOUR HOOKS, WHITING,rAPKRS, ENVELOPES, FISHING TACKLE. for purely speculative purposes, Such an exhibit speaks TolUmea in favor of n lot enjoy tbo iceatipabl pleasure of here would be ono ttoldior1 ]QSB. Tho line driven, it in not turpained byanjr other in ag ascertainad (by putting down a PBNB, PENCILS, INKS, &e, • MONEY WISELY. "--Imiiliiy. direation of the Oring was ascertained, ightcd lantern) that there waa no foul country that c&u attraatso much capital, ;rowling about gas bills. GUNS, BEvoLVEna, PISTOLS, Furnishing/ ^Undertaker but iu addition to this the compinj has Ono hundred years ago, there w*w «D tad tho entire regiment or party was 'ir, tlio ksapcr desoonded by tho aid of aces loavs Dover, eight milaa distant,on tho POUEION nml DOMESTIC SEOAE3, greatly assisted in bringing about three _ispuUis about tLo impolitonoaa of street- ordered to uhurgo toward it without nldara. Seated upon a board that had of tliu Dol, Lock, t Went. It. » . trains E CAM convince yon that yon can L__._ 1,IGEH3ED AUCTIONEER AND 0OHMIH- _,.,rtU knowledge where ur what it was. Ou" ecome flrcd Across tha well, was Itayfrom Now York in the morning, For particulars flattering results by tho energetic m>rk car drivors. mDney tbn Spring and 8umm*r by hm• POWDEB ami SHOT. -.lUri-mi (18 aliovc. . 2i-tf ugYuar DUOIH nnd BIIUM at Goo. W. Drakti'a Ohewing and SmoMng Tobacoo, and liberal policy of its Land Deport- One hundred, years ago, there vras tit they went, Inning a, man at Bvery fow mrd, looking as old-fashioned aa pussirJIOHCTt OF DEEDS, Jheup l)o«t and Shoe Btoro. Our new jtock It ri|Ma, Scgara Hulduii, Popelioa.Ao. ment. This is in such marked contrast fast moil tralaa betwoou Now York nnd paces; notbiug was aocomplishod and lo. He bad uot neglected bis supper All onlcr. promptly nttondeil to: Blank Keys aud Kcji lotted. ho party retoruod leaving the murder- ithor, for ho bad gnawed nway tho with that of other companies I must re- Olrieogo, respoct ihftt »t prcBflnt. Every <tai!rablf>i..,.. DUCIVELL BrnBBr, .' D o " r , S . J . OiUJDIES.NTJTS AND; FRUITS, fer to it in detail. Ono hundred yoara ngo, crooked wliin- ma gun craokiug away aa they retreat- rather thong nf Mr, Mockton's wbip>t inCiei', genti'. miiasi'. yonttfi and children'• Button Lauo and Coneresn Gallon and Blioti snd a largo variety of NiiTioas tit all kioda. ALL GOODa CHEAP POIl CASH. ;oy was not known. Our forefather's nl. Sliortly afterward the old flro-lock *.ock. Being drawn out, cud looking tutlyou bind. JS.C, HUM" hooBcan etui heard again with her murderous "He frosh nnd hearty, he was liberated, pEOHOE IUOCRACICICN, An inspection of tha teaords at tho»ok thoir's straight HUDSON PEER. JoiilytUU. TV, DRAKE'S CIicsp Boot Doe. 2d, 1875. Mason and Builder. mil Blioa \X , lUHlJTACTUUEB or Laud OflReaatBrainerd show that the Ono hundred years ago, University nueic. It wits rcgolvsd at all baiarJi to 1 scampered off, glad enough to be Storo. CUSTO1I WOItKBinl.rol)b(ns out nnd capture tbe infernal inn- treed from t l o irkBoma confinement.'.1 lauds have, beoa DO carefully examined joat clubs were not eutered at pool mtles, find Contracts takon for all kliulu of Mason Work <nii>tly tttoDded w. Oao door from Mulford 'PEOPLE'S STORE;1 bino. After persistent efforts, a tall, "All this pains to catch a fox anil then fiCc'B Clotblng Store, Carriages and Sleigks. id Jobbing. Lhat an accurate dascription of eaoli for- ike fighting cocks in a pit. .w-bonoil, grizzly-bearded, largo-sized it him loose, RIIOWS the esteem in which M1IE, PLASTEIl AND CEMENT, ty acre tract oan ba given, ahowing lay One hundred years Rgo. every young (ONE PrtlCE ONLY-) CXLI» ranger was discovered ia tbo foli- io "varmint" is held by tho English Of B v t r r Description. Blackwell St., near Morris, Fumlsbcil at abort notlco. of surface, chnraoter and depth of soil, man was not t n applicant for a piwiti PEOPLE'S STORE." tgo of a tall tree, from tho branches of [entry. Iu America lie would nave •"lATlPET DEI'AHTMEXT: subsoil, quantity and finality of timber as clerk or book-keeper. Sir. Blukwell and norgon Hts, D0VKU, pf. J . jnico nndi tbieb he was picking off his foes OH well AiininstiT, Volral, BrnnwU, a-jily, Ingrain ) if any, anil by topographical delineation One hundred yeAnt ago, false tenth is ho Lad piokod off hundreds before. ioan knocked on the head for his pelt; ONE PKICE ONLY.) DOVER, NJ^Pirtlcuhr attention paid to repairing »n«l 3uttn(to, Wool, Dulcb, Has and llttnn CaqtttH. iverr stream, like, meadow, marsh, bill, wore not considered vary much prefera- Vith his iron viaago, piercing eye and Germany, put to death as a chickon ,OUESTIO DEl'ASTMEKT: DiiTer, Anstut SOIll, 1G75. lief; in England, held iu respect for iud grovo timber arc oleatly m&rktcl.— | *»le to the original grinders. LIuolcuniB, Oil CiolhK, of EngliHli mid Amuruuquailinff nerve, tbero ho satflsreeas S. B . OSMTJN, n o V B n LABOItATORT. . All are appraisod upon a fixed uniform, Ono linndrea years ago, timo nnd tido :hc untamed jaguar. Brought to bay io good sport he affords. J tntiKn, I-IIXOW oiBiXb, TIOKINO, Iennm(inufa«turo; Jlata.lluBn.Driififeti.Slndc Imais of raluo, governed by quality, diai waited far nobody, and now nobody is continued to load mid'shoot with FLAXMEU, DUNKirra, qVlhTS — XUUEtLLKS, Holtanda, Shmlc Fixtures, Livo GreHo Fcatliun, Ituji u d Anhlyui ofkl] deaerlpllonB or Dentist, lance from f m road and statfpiia ar\d n,d sur sur- aits for either timo or tido. ' laadly aim till brought down, and .tbo 011ES AN1) MINEIIA LS [oner ooitii AND BnTCUES; FBIMTB, OIHOHAUI, Miui-kn, Curtalu Mutcrhln, Stc. rouuding improTcm.ents. rule o t One hundred years ago, kerosene lumps famous guu vroa oupturcd. I t nflorwanl MOKHISTOWN, N. •!., NEXT XEAB'H BDLTJON.—It has been tho ofQca in selling is OCHIXBOT BSFRB- Jtd not explode am] asiibt tii 'ell into the hands of tbo loto Lucas, th Q l i lli i I X ) , COTTON AMD WO11STED, OADPET WAUP, Wo miko and lay Carpet, sut and luy Oil schuffle off their mortal coil, Bolo rroiinottir for Mftrni County or PoUoni jEKTAnos. and KO PAvonrmu. The iud filially Mr. Wiuans beoamo anil is utimated that the gold and silver mines ,VIZ»' OOTH' niDTHS' ASD CIllLDBKM'fl DKUBIt- Cloth, mnksnutl biiig abodes, mid {,'imrantoc tliiioIcbarcomillbofumlihcdonippUcaUon buyer of a forty noro tract has tho same OQQ hundred years ngo,, men did nut - •ita custodian, It ia a guu of im- t the State of Nevada will yiold 850,T>ulrnt Kldgr. no.nrenwmTn, RAII, , W , S. ItAIiniTT, 30.000 in 1670. I n all probability facilities for information and the nuns mmttt suiciao i i b i up iu i bll me calibre, boinp; nearly eight feet work IT oil done* The New Dovor Morris Cllinty N. J . .1 Specially. co\irtcona treatment tu tbe purchaser oi ong, with a smooth bore, single barrel, icir prbdaet will exceed'tliat amount down withoutt th tlietn. SB MoninaTOwR. N . J . WS BABBITT. largo enough to admit of n Bucll-sized iy live or six million dollas, and it will Olio hmiclrc^ yenra ago, tUera was no ,bousfiuda of acrei. Irulil KltroiiM Oililo Oau, Au., A c ,ftc.4 o . otrAir, Giis & liase-iiiirii- "A room set apart for the liurnoso bus ..Dam °u cannl»t—ovan the driver uu the walnut. It is quito a curiosity, and au 0 n very safo fantimate to put it at $1,. S5 HOnillSTOTO, V I NEW WOOP and COAL YARD In DOVER. IB-IP, Allen Palmer & Son, ;ow-patk didn't Btemn up ill those days, ' iteresting relic of tho post, and rould Ht.OOO per week. Tbero nil! thus be I'lio mibscrilier liiw onuncd a now yard in it a magnificent display o{ saoiples of ing.Cuoking &\mii. ir the Bile of COAL and AVOOD, on BLACK.1 inuzzle tiilk it ooulil toll of many extracted ia gold value $90,20 of proOno hundred yeiir* ago, there were no grain, vegetables, fruits, woods, minersoo.ppo 'ELL St.j next In OAOH tc HALSKY'S LiimCarpenters [oalli shots thai liud pusscd ita iouxmctnlrt during every minute of the urYunla. CoimUnllv on h n a all kinds of THE 1H3ST llAItlXQ BTOVJ3INTIIR VOItLP als, building ntono, native gmnetv), i o . , Turkish hurtmiH ut Knit Inkn, nnd no luitnod and blazing lips." Mansion House. ear, nnd 81.65 8-4 for every second JOALi T.E1I1QH, BOIlANrOiV AND liiTUAND I Also, n U r g e Assortment of ollirr (jljluu gathered from different localities on the ,nn Elizus aniujj fur tlio uiubUwulli .00 YAI1DS PROM D. L. k W. DEPOT illNOUa COAL, UELIVEHED TO ANY I'AltT NOKTH RIVER bat throbs away its existnnce. This. " |e, giving t(> thu stranger one of the part of a divorce. ot Cou\iln« Siovis, Jtauge-- l ' ^ t W W DUYER OR VICINITY. WOOD, l, ili o llnlldci'B. BTANnorn, jar. a: . uiTcd anil IODK, for lalcm tiijTar.d ordolivcrcil. mcBo supply of bullion will weigh 930 _ jsl continuing proofi of tho fertility of Onn hundred years ace, Eiigluml vioa moves, &C, ns of 2,000 pounds, and wilt require tho soil and verifying beyond all doubt tot fur bohiml tlm United Stntca in all LIME, PLASTE1L CEMENT, TEEp AND DOVER, K. J. (jirl was scut to a store with 3 railrond earn far its transportation to "lUAlN OF ALL KINDS. ' ' FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE. the descriptions set forth in the note hat tnutiivi n nntion poworfnl ami pro- 12Atolittle Wm. JinOWN, Piop'r. make como purehnsas. Thu child BHICK.! • larket. If cast into SO pound bars 10 books. The purchaser oan if lio so do- •cssive. Jabbing promptly attended to. An experience of twelve yonra in tliu lniBhenn, Also, & choice ntocb of ja her wayio the store lost her money, iches long nnd 4 inches wide,, there sires baya from. 6TO to eavfjn years time Otis hundred yearn n(;o, the great cry anil EicQllcKt accommodations Tor truniilunt or '^rantx, I think b porfect knowlcdgo of It, i n i returning homo told lior father of oiild IHJ obtained 37,200 "bricks," S. 3. PALMER, Arcliitcct. la pay for his land at reasonable ratea of mrd tliruugliout this toction was uot ~ior ill -armancnt hoarders, alio a livery and boarding ill wliu favor mo with their n» Iron ago, may Hardware, Cutlery, fortune. He at onco went out in hioh, if laid end to end, would make a Wild, I E BOLD AT A interest, and liberal reductions ia prices or "itwci glass lager beer." itablo atlncliDd tn the I1011HO. Paasoncon taken •cly npmi rail wclghti, honest doallni;, LOW icarcli of the missing ensli. While proao and from Uudd'H Lako and Lako llopaluont; '•1.T6EB, andjiroraptnfdg In filling ordars. Qlais, Wooden, Coppor, Tlaln and JepunDcd ranging from 10 to SO percent, is madu Ouo hundred years ago, u young wnm- outing hia Boarch he was aceoited'by a osnivo bright band five miles o.nd GOT.tnaionabUicharijiI. . " • " Office m J. J , VrDclaad'i Carpentor Shop. i-oighths in length. A wiro made from p p to all who contract to put under cultiva- [i did not IOHO ensto by wettiaf her ad named llyna, .who requested *tbe iis ductile material long enough to W HI REDTTOEP PBIOE, PIANOS, lioa a speclded number of acres within n HILL. Wil QilOlotlw.Carpota,Ijnnr». Taints find Oils, designated period of from one to four .mills iu dtslivrateror nibbing thu akin gontloman to show n bill to tbo dog that .circle the enrth even, would nob be i£F hur kuuckics on a wusbbonnl. ^oycr, Acgpit Mtb, 18TS. d Cases, BtatiiiTi, Vntl'a AHtral Oil (uou, yours. was with the boy, and apparently interOne hundred ycare ngo, the physician ested in what was going on, and assured und so fragile a thing as aorao persons ilosive.) AIHO, ' A, Beemer, -ho coulil nol draw every form uf dis- the gentleman that the dog would find tight suppose. LOOK HERE I LOOKHPE! t Ike ynrds nf J)KALKK IN COAL. In addition to this tho company gives enso Repaired and Tuned from the system by tupping a largo the Jost natp. The gcmlomnn with L ESTATE AGENT, liGGMER & PALJIIKK, a free pass to tbe pnrobascr of railroad ein in tho arm, was not much of a doe- Rome inorcdnlity presented a noto for Promptly, i 0MJ p i r t Df Horrii, County. A and his family when going to malco T. was imuln at the No. 7 Police D O V E E . N . J . lloolhig, Plumbing imd Job lands tlio inspection of the dog which tho lat- Roport his aettlemoat, and transports his houseti that n large Newfoundland dog, ., neur HuBHes, Dover, H. J. '"!' f. 8. wmogi, seemed tooxamino intelligently, and hold goods, farmiurj implement, stuck, One hundred years ngo, the producer ' ir o e d to a, hand wagon, had been •en tho boy sent thecaniuaon arearch. carried his surplus pruduclv tu market NJ Ac, nt half rates. To the settler on .landing on tho turnpike, about a mila GREAT REDUCTION the sagacioua brute retaraod, rom tlio city, government lauds, passage tickets at an his hunts, iha produota being plncod Shortly nnd refused to move, OFFERS HIS ENTIRE STOCK POIl HOUSES AND LOTS ouo ond of lha has nnd tlio jun ia tlio at with no bill, and tbo gentle Viough tome 111)0 bad released him from ik'n Scales n t Manufac- one-third loss the regular rntca, ami one- initUcr I S THE rillCES OF 10k of incredulity became quite end. haU rates on household goodu, &c, lire wngou, which was partklly nllej turer's p r i c e s ; ivej but tliflQoy assorted that the bill ie 3O DAYS Ono hundred yearn ago, our fathers ATTORNEY AT LAW, ith the willow brunches, evidently cut ilso gitan. At Braiiierd a large nnd well ras uat ou the street Had it beau FOB SALE. Urns*, Load, AT PRICES arranged oolonisb reception br»usa is lid not light tbeir pipe* with matches, ;h,ero, tho boy maintained, tho dog>,? tlio dog's niantor, from a grove in mt earned tlto m their iiockcts iu the ryouli} lmvo found it, and to vindicate .he vicinity. I t was ascertained that i txclinngo Tor (j open to sucli settlers aa hove not dutei" m a : OHBUQKWBMriiTREET, For (Inscriptions of rronertv and particular JAME3 K. n n i J E S & Co., mined upon a location, whose bedding, ibnj)o ot n jiieeo of punl.-, a tiieco o^ :1io high reputation of his ppt, itsked .ho animal s 0 B iier wus Andrew Selricka, AT AR BELOW COST. nciuiroat tho ofjlcc. "•" • .. ;orf<milSfoi*'« BISK; cooking utcnailB, &o., arefuruishud until iteelandn fliut. Ilocknwnr, SInrcli 1,1978. .ho gcutlcman to place n bill ou thu lasket-niahor; tliat lie hud been arrest1 inch timo na a homo is selected and their Onn hun^v^i >cJt1 ug ^ a pnblio cfll- licit nt a considerable distauooand un- tdby an oflleer of the Second Precinct, THE STOCK CONSISTS Off A LAHQE AS- S. U- OSBIUN'S lur oai)ld not steal enough to wake the il)served by the dog, Tthloli was doue. md comuiUed Lo tbe Work-hou.iu for W. S. h 12. P . DeCAMP, ouacsbuilt. A liberal innungoniouthko JOIiivORUMJIER'S SORTMENT OP HEADV-MADE (Uys in default of a fine. I t is this is worthy ot unbounded success, ii rospcotable and insure the actor u More money was exhibited and the dog .birty that being cold, Andrew left DENTAL. OFFICE, NEGOTIATORS t PROSPECTORS tfow us the result of my observations -oinincut position iu the "first circles." iontoutnt random. In a, lev niiuutcH jolioved ho dog and wagon at the plseo where SHAVINGfAfWD HAIR CUTTING tlong tho Hoe otl tl^UroiuJ X Had a oouu- One hundred years ngo, tlio condition ;ho animal returned with the :bey n ltft s o e n o r wcro found to "get a drink," nnd tr>- most V.c?^ M"l * J - °£ if the weather on the Unit day of Janua- into, In tun meantime Mr. H. Tim-:bat ho took Tor Iron OreB and Mineral Fioncrtjr, MonmsToWN, «. J. a number of drinks," till iinliii\iteil caiinoity for BUocosstuI ugri- ry was not telegraphed nil over tlio oon- lard hnd, found tho lust noto. Tho ro- to became iutoxicatud nud forgot nil POWEKVILLE, N..J. 3VEIIC0ATS from - - - . « t o ISO. mltiiral developmrjut tbut tint tbo jmtra ' mfiut on tho evening nf Ducmnbor 31, unrkulile sagacity of tho dog beia.g told, •boutlm property, The faithful aniTlio brnt suU ot A1I77FICIAL TEETH, witb ngo biid hardly a white eettler iu it, part 'hingR lmvo charged. Sir. Tuiinard board at the wtory and PEA. JACKETSIrom - - .- 14 to $7.60. had stayed for three days without P. 0. nt BOONTON, K. J. of it/tlmt west of tho ltod Itivcr, uu Ono hundred yoars nga, tltu rifil^t «r 'omptly restored the money to its mm- ial tinuoiiK QUMS anil FOLSOM'S PAT8UITB " - - - ITlollfi. Mil watting for his drunken niftstfll*' idian Itasei-vntion until tbo Summer of . A comparison* of events left no ja Bcboalm lister tq T{1)1]X V^? uot quosENT niDGE ttltnchL-d for Buffalo Adtcrtistr. ffil. B. DKO*HP. En. V. DEDIITP. 'OOTHS 0VEI1C0AT8 from -' - 13 to 17. _J7ii, renched only after weary iloys of ioncd ; n, (,\eqtor and tnoro hvstivg im- mht Uml h« packed up tlio bill btstore :ounr3 surra " -* • «to»io. 32-1J tmvcl b.y horse and wigon, remote frotii, ,)reiyoi\ rfas moro often m.tdo with tho o dog WAS itout in (flearoh of it. Tho DOJISUIIP, a lurgo quintity, from 13,50 to 18. civilization, now traversed b j a'tlrat-cJivw gad than with the blackboard. jmal IH a very intelligent water spaniel rnili'oad, occupied by \\ liupulntion of has liuen'trained to ncatoh lor hid- Tbe pastor of the Frotuslaut L-burches W"T<irjbe.t:l,nio.lior AT 1IAHD TIMES PllICES. Ouo hundred years ago. rapid, tronait hnt article, l which lio does with more jf Dunsvillo, Livingston county, havo J Furnishing Goods: marly 20.000 ~ itu\ufttriout i - . - - - - - - - - - - ^ and chonp trausportattou did, npX w,orry len "reign and Domestic Sagars ;nan humnu thoiiguUalness; On another isiueJ a card, to the public, advising ' irt'i of Hixty people, hut thej tl\raw their grain, across locasiau and SlilrlB from 35 to 70 aonti CIEII. ; tllnhilu Bncu itiductmcDlssruuncrnl. Nuvcr .ro n lady lost a gold ring, which wlierovcr prnetienble to avoid Sunday ' ALWAIBOKHA1TO. ' BC-tf nud acres, towns and witb tha backs oX t W r h°^cs i\ud uucoinAnil ft gonciml (lock of Liirnro In the Ui.lory of Ibis city could a* th'oi the spaniel KOOII found and' restored to fancralH, acd to consult tho minister CARPENTERS, nnd nTl tbn ail-' iU\ningly *'won.t to mill," tluirclics, ccbnol tlio owner after being thdwn anutUcr who is to ofOynle beforo fixing th.- time" GLOYES, t p I i H R f l , Op runtagciunduccompaniiueuts Qua hundred years ajjo, every innn ring by tho tarty.—Troy Wttifj. of the servicps. Th»y also obsuivt. : pEQ-A. PRESCOTT, TWENTT-FIVE DOLLAR jiviiizatimi, for pat bis coat according to his cloth—eveiviiizatimi, » climatu uiiaimiowud,, for "Whilo wearo not'grcfldy pffilthyJuTIES, SOAOTS, STOCKINaa, *o. health, constant demnud, tox aud well lh andBUILDERS, ry mnu w. o fi estimated to hia roul value—. cre,1 wo aro nevertheless agreed tbat set or l.olb b . li«l for TE!( BQLUIIS. W W w y BUILDER, v>y bolon yow ^ork prices. Alia paid l^Unr ^n,t) a rca4y ncccssiUla market Blioduy was uot kuown—nolwdy had when a pastor rondora service at n funeIIAIX, DOVER, N. J. • 9V^h« t t «. aduccd. Hat''Htraclc 'ilo"--aiid truoinorit anil liou- So great in the exciteintnt over tlio ral, especially cmtsido of his own tonDLACKWELL ST., S. R. QSMliN, Dentist, CLOTHS, CASSEP.RES, here was one tiling I \ nat iind aud st worth wciu tho only grounds for pro- recent discorcrios at Fiko's piiak, iind no grogiitiuu, and fur jvirtioa who ilo uot bat vrunany ono BiifTering-for vrflut of motion. to his support, all his expenrich all tho country thereabouts, that a contribute l d " • • • " * " • d, • id or clothing. Those pconla should bo pniil. aud ha should roMOttBISTOWN, N» JU p t l i , W««tefe Yestiafis. *!„ DQVEE.-N.J. . Ono hundred years ago, to tell the citizen ot Colorado Springs, a^ a joko, ses ceivc n just compensation for Iis labors. know tho m.cnqing o[ ''liuru tinjes," .ruth, reduced n stonu jug in a inurtnr, carried h, pnopio pnoploEonerally Generally died from nnturnaturaM by |bo jul »nd cul swtla. Clolhlog raido 'Tho laborer in worthy of his hire,'and Would tliat vf o ooqld car tlio aaino fur all iMiBindSftccIfleiitioiiifurbulldliieB, Contract) to order In l i t b»C M»l» «»d nndsr mjr »»n OFFICE ON THE PAKK. ittcs, while in our day they step out the powder to an acsiyor, uud was mucll it seems but fair nnd right that as other i'llOVVAlLDWAICHES, UV«> nnd niatcrinlB furci»b"l1r P B rcanreil twenty lo tbMj per cent. Now 'ho ere living in tbo EaaL ngh Btcambottt ut rxpiosionN. rjplosioDH, railroad Burpriaed toflnd tLo jug jioldeil at thoprofessional men aro liberally compenLbrong mpsrvliion. Bun'l foreot UID place.' February 111b, 1B7Q. Tbero nro cuiny other localities, in tho Bmaih-ups, ta?EOjjriCJ!ri0N rataoffllTaa to tho ton. TIJO ossayor sated for their services, TVO should not f»laloKao witb iirlcci un 141 Amerlcut. W»tchhnrncjitips, eartliqnakas, cirUuw lo ei n'la terms. Uuw lo Uct Uct » Watch withom Test must iuviting for settlcmant, per- lalar saws, und in 11 tliousnnd other ways is evidently determined not to let thebo expected to serve the public without WM. SIMON", tJ*M>WJconlnuii.'uiBa for all work. entlT del ninneir in niTanee. write price a\ia equally so with that traversed by Jobbing in G-eseral. i ee. OiH O or H it for f nowri list, a; n. VfTIITE, firo&d i it reel,Lue Northern Paciflo road, but J nm jiscorered since the birth of the oldrat now diistrict siinner for want of favor- lamo peouniarv remuneration." IITE No. N 441 441 fid SUSSEX St., nenr Iiluckwcll. & Co., Porlfand, Mains. Inhabitant, N«nrkNJ M able report!. Mr December 2UM870. I-jr. J Jloiitlu, rca - m o n t h s , - - - - - ~: - - - ~ . ~- - l.OO ~ T^P. A. HARRIS, CLOTHINU HALL HARDWAEE! M BUILDERS'HARDWARE, C W IRA C. COOPER, S. H. BEEKY, D' A DENTISTRY CLOTHING. M. & I. Searing " WATCHES, r Isfttpva remniuing uuclaiiuetl ii> thoPoai Ofllcc at Dover, N. J . Mirch lDtli, 1S7C. HarrAtrai, Jamei Hanfleld. ris County Courts. W.J. Ifmce, Henry LIM?, KkLard lughtm, I U I J BljjLn^ ned nu Jlcuday Ly Just! llkhardraull, MJ Miwiit t" ndjoumuicnt. Tb< IK'iiry fcinclair, l>iilriui|.le, -HtU> rofi FOiTAOE. i ou ibt culuodar will be trie rt-muiuiiig Wllliuii ILalph, Tort Orta, N. J. .a Unei of tb« 1st Jadioial by Ju>lg<t J. V. Bannell, MorrUtowa, M. J . Disitrwi. KanhBloue,S'«fr YorkClit, The cnie Peter MOWIUT, 1'orifilorria,:i. J. Coursil JJilk-r, llultileLem, Pa. lUiuli, t t itlii., id i Toobliin any uf the nbovtj Irtttn MV "cd H, en uroHjiswrf • LyAl. erliiej" and give dale uflUli list. IlliHt nnd endowed by tlie lU-ftuiLiiit. They ft'i.l Unit (<idi ulntu nr imlividunl e i A. 11KLJIEH. I1. M. tit be »Ki Marsh tu lw nllowcd allowed tt ct for Ihu phiniitT, fur full uiuount. lii-jic : - u T H E *oia>, , t l ) C place. Ho paid $10,000 to Mr. itcir'slionld decide Urn nmUvr i n itieir ' Tlio ni-xt i-:i!.ir culled WAS Ihnt nf J u i der this contract, of which the L I S T O F LilTXXUS REMAINING I N in Broofclvn, by v.-Iiit-li fi(.«u I'--" r.vent.v jifiifslnm'.... Diuuiuc -.a. Win. (*. Kuitni;!. Sir. Itu i hay old men'lost tii?ir lives tsiula-ckcum-j j, UIr .t. ] U ; j balMo bl Jlr. M Uelkuap. Ulk Onr Kink f ^ot T H E H H T Ol-'l'IOE AT P O R T Mi.lei the fHcnt .'f»ho I ' I- I-'»--l" 'V Wc» oi thin OltAM. ?;. J . , I ' S U A L L E D TOI.. they have oniiie lu UIL . _ j . , ni-irkevl C. O. h., ,in.ld-I vortil bv liomc J«;r, a clumlablc institution i;i:il(T I j n a j j E m o n A M D K^TEUS HAIL qminliti''s nntiieii. o u r Slntp will mnkt! a lar•Mnrcli!>tl., 1-70. Lb n-iidcui-a whkh w.inj-.iil fur 1-y Mi ILc cbiii-jco c-fa i.vitly o M h e CatlK —Tlio loon lulked of Leliigu and ger uud m o r e uniform cxhibitiun of the |>ri>> Jolmllunr* Armiui!, S. S. \V. ISionn. Hi . x.j ! l l ^ * l * l i j i * . l i M•Little i i } ^ i l ^S *l l*^a"II 1 i . T>_?1.~».IK r tto n eitoud aaT Itailwiiy, •.»!.Jrti. which tis from (iuclH i)f Ilie miil. TLe.v lljurdorn oiler Hit iirua'u .-i.c'k. .iwl nevfiJlt.i by J l r . IE Mri. MIM -Mori Kreiv, Touihiokeii, near Hiizlcton, t o a coir following outline : iiislrnctintii) fnr rlip p,uiilt l i e l W . " "Un.K'1 tbi.irouf wvro HI, tliouijli ci.nlwrv t» tlia i-uk'6 cf ll M. U l l l * r d Clmi, ll>rli*rd MiilnoHUVm, Jiihn Hu jv t»-u luutlreJ ]J. L'l.lO, IU'«t Of tl! ncc.iou with t i e Eriu at Port Jcrvia, N, mice cf thuit) who imrpose taking |>nn i n t h e C]IIV-.NC.>. TIIQ luiikcpi up<iu wbfuii tli J l K ¥., is to be built soon. At a mectiuf nntioiinl t'lhibitioii tu b e hold i n I'liiliuk-1liiiiiiR uld, infirm iin.l i)3i-al.vli<!.. ui-k w,ut IIIIVWB fiiii.-d befotu ilw... Jotu! S w . W t J . lUr ljadrctlicilattlii-i i m i l l o u r mid tli of tho directors utid ttockholders, h c k pliiii the pre.ieui ciJiiriou, Jna. 1'. J irs. £, A. IMpu OlMtr'cti. i^lticcil hist week, Presidoat Kuse statad thai Liccil (JU I'xhiiJ.liui. williiji * ~ ~ ii ted, w 1 li.'i't)iiTMJ11 l\fr. l»i!iMt*t Tt*imJ tin ! d a n c e : of any him Wiili^ d BuilJiiis iiiny l>o biiUr tt tit her the right of vuy bad nbout all been BQ' beiny b J J p«m uilly rui>1i ,..•!( nboiiL liulf par.t tbrLQ A. 31. t h e r dihpta.r, or iu competition tvitli IIICTJ of cured, nnil that the work nf grading Slartha J. ./tl'liitiis. Ww. 'I'icceuii. by tbo Exp i Co. tor tin full nmu BNirnt Mother Sm«?rior, Mary &f like liuntctir W'JSI.II be immedinloly begun, *ud thai Tuubttin uuvot the above L'tUiii >J^J " d d i]nen«.ii;P, sue •'"iio-lle- who iu t h e frai Cuiuiiutilivc olijvoU wilt btj exiiu.iiiaii 1-j' if tli o bill the road would be in running order '•*" (rtiiea"andcfvi' dslt nf tLis litt. LiiiliVi:.j;'nr«.""t f m m l ! l u m*u t f.»r !li.M'lni lie IIIII-I imtiimnl 4 n n \ nml ifhlglily lueritiiing tbe coming Summer. The JOJIS 1IANCE, P. M. b u s , will hi> uwurded both ti ITUUZ-J meUnl will cross the pocono Mountain i. fewnml a iliplDin.i, us w\\ nu favorable lutiilion nil lilt- fOtltllOJatfiiruul 1 t'f till! HH timhl 115, a n d tn sliiuJ c-oitiniiltixl lint Kin1 illruw a luiippur m-timid h e r nl miles north i.f.Stroudeburfr, thence pa i u t h e reportk. up tbe Pensvlvnr.ift aido of tho Uelawni u n d o h r r V,:IT t u tl-C building f Ol>jt>cis ollVrOil for nomputitiou, will b e t b e fmcri a n d rof-U i.n )uiid. For Rent! iiin-iiijh Ihii co'niiloi 1 t o t h e wii river, erossiuR tbe saiuo near tlio poiui inrwt ncreptiblt! if nu follnwa: G. Kipp, jil.'iiJ ftuilly tn llavo ii HOUSE wltli SALOON, < of connection. I t is intended pnnc only 1" find ili.'it t h e atuoke hml nlrem t'EiieiLu.—Cereals or other itgricultunil or dic.iiionU tor forgery. flllacb<"l ' * pally for coal transportation. farm seeds, e n t e r e d fur ftpeeiflo comjvetitinn, rxciicii llic foiird uf tin* thri>o eistcra oflfcn « « o o f H m v i r ^[. vs. Willim THE IRON ERA.,., T!;r i.;ul lautd in rej/unl tg ilie crinir '."ifullS'.pmS MrsTaleM? Msn-sli WiMi- vcir intiuifiteauil tlit Secrc- ufthu prisoners in IL . II. VOljT, VMtor nnil l*rD|i"r 'sun'* wife proposed to Ur. Mursli thut i^i'.iu t.*iVn(Wi"l»''t]iiB ; li.> VlmuUl apply for tb« positiou of I'ost •"" MI\ .i profitable situation. Mureli -V, J- State Centennial Comnu'jsion. Satnnlny, 3Iarcli 11) 1S70.U ic tu yptrfturr Bel knap about 111 , -Bhuld hvJob'u B. Evaiw when tli Litter told him that Evflos expected t hold the situation and had gone to tin Ttie KiitioiKd CculcnnLil L'uiuui»ioii<:ri II V.? U U M I T I D i . eipeose ol erecting buildings. Mara hr.vt not, up to tliis dat^, uniittil any spfei ilnl , friiituil of calamitu nersuiulcd Evans that tho situatiou hu q,u»iitUiL->> of Agricultural, H o r i i e u l t a r a l o r been nflVreil lo hiru. Ewinscontrnctet] Dairy prnducta fur e i h i u i t i o u a l pnqHi 1 • HAMI'KT. ('- 1 11'. T. i i r i N X . S,-c-y. J1 1 1 will bo fxhiliilod i u qunutitici of ono-hulf •. tho iirMeiilCiiuiitf V]»A, VOHIIM i t c l f o f lliuWf"^i" (baiMliu l>«ildi Judge Tuft, of Ohio, was uoniiimte jieck. Tlia ¥nrieties i>r Piirb qeiius liinitod ' Uiose Uiat urn recognized n« dixtincl, thuw: Killed. Thin n n i ^ i i w i v . l.rought tu rtwiiv. \-L-:nii lire, sin* iliroi'lcd them t< for Becrolnry of War Tuesday, aud lift* iuter wliant from npriu^ w h e a t ; roil w h e a t io Rum of £40, which S t e p h e n IL Lilll i.iovfl the iuinntn us quickly us posaib uocotiteil Ihu position. from v h i t u wLctit i unrlv c o m from lutouuru; v.liil.^he ..rousud llie ulliurs, m ord ho wiLi t h e ronl iilaiutiff i n Iho cane, h.i yellow c o m from while c o m ; Uiut c o m from N ILe ncnf MAUCH Ttli, Id70, Uotwoen l.} ci-t Ihf.ii nil "Ut. Tlio old man, ho .id tin: d-tfeudmit fur privileijc i<f making ml Koed or Aim) corn, T h o mulliplicuIULtndUOVKIt.s llEl , V( !i. ,,!i ij,.iii<' uwaUenrd from the of v.irietiei* heiiiff NO grcut, thin limitnMIWIC BOA. Arch, '."ho pluiutilT wrt-H noiiMuitod. rK-it M-viiifJ']afiC»l,Biitl evinced neith tiou in nccpKfinn1. Heat ucucml o r co]lecThe floder will W naitablv rewarded IJT learI n tho C o u r t of API»CIIIH tho e i s e of Vuloi Hve iliH]>It\v <if Cirenlfl i n quantities n f o n o ,li-pwitiun to leave nor hurry nrlit?]. tfi it at the houi l ' Dll KiSQ BOARD CF FREEHOLDERSImlf pork, lleid dinpUy o r C e r o n l i i n t h o(ina R(».i-ni.glc, nppcllitnt, m i d - A l p l i i u s llci ilaimur st'L'iucd iiniiiL'iit, for iilluost CC A Micfiid mpetinji i'f the I!o»t.l wns )«1 Atrnw. nor, nppcllee, Mas decided i n fiivor of tbi citliMit with llti) alarm the Iliiims FCOII .ii Tm-Mlay. From tUt- circllvul ri'i»ni1 i FIKLU S I ; I C M . — U r s t (liBjilny of firl-J UOOIIH iplMllmit, OiiiiuigcH, (-00.09. :,; liur.U out, nml tho heat enpciiiU' .lit* HANSUU we Inke tin' following : in <iiuiutitii-B cf ouo-Uidf j>eck. I-v j . aiupcarfd U> Kivi' it l!ic npi-sd J n h u I f - J o h n s o n oppellniit inul George I Tlia Director i>tilled the i.Iiji'ft nrtho towc\ UBAHB KEEUa.^Ui'Ht dibjilny of ti^od-t ,UK. Tito opproprUtion f»r tbe jx-nr hn iu qunuUtiea of ono-hnlf jwek. houkcr iippcllee. Vtr>!ii't of n o cniiw! Iti fn f j ; u , t m g ytus ir nf ii]>|H'|hnt i>il tu luiivt into flatUL- nt nrice. •iile rneauit for inocliii(j the mirrcul u*i>oii fa crown i n irorluMc VORSCIH el*, nnd ]iroi>erly iFuhll X . IJtiniii*! ii]ii)L']):kiit tkU'l L u 1 Then IL terrible sccno of eoufiiB.i -•.en lor tho Iwliiiu-p of llii- y.!iir. • • ' - Mh Votnaicul tuid horror ounn-d. Tlio won. Appeal ititriulsHcd foi Tho Coiiiiuitlct- to Hcttlo «ith tliu (' — llttit iltsplny of p i r d u n Kcliurcm CiAl LOST! O LOCAL ! FOUR REASONS OOX'S EMPIRE MEAT MARKET, ; hriukiiiR nml l-itiicnliiif,', » few L'ullpctor rL'|iorlLil llii'v titxl tjumiuiid tnu stitjirliwl. and i! K'ns with difllculty tbn voiiuhers uuil ciUDjmroil llii-m w tlie .Sisters kept Ibum in order. Th r-ui|>lH uuil ilisliitrsouu'iila nml f><U»d thf riliznis who resided in tho nciglibc •JlicCkrk the ad thri iioud, whom tbo first to uriivis gay lni{j nml valuable help iu restorh.. t'F BECEIITi ASD UHDUU9H •Ur. Unrlcr tbo tlirectiou of Acting r< it'NTY COLLECTOB, 1875Jt '7G liru Cdptain Uuiin ami Sergent Eucl IWi, JIECKIMH, holz Ihc ntiinhburs aiduJ tbo Little Si MM l.rUse TiniW, tern iii rcinurinc nil of tho won t l Hal. L'ouiii v Tax from IVnuiini coiiklrcacli iiiUitlii) west v.-iiie, wL Dr rtlurnud i.v»rJtari, 1'. Win. iljotvoDHJii vcru hrpt in ciialody P liana, finw undcostit, rouipjirativo iiuiot. I t was a terri Ki-ciio nnd, tliongli every heart was «] tlO0,0/fO Api>roprlation, prilled b,y tho danger that threaten, 2-Mi!l Kcbool Tai reo'U from H iliu ooiifnblou wn-i unoii over. 1 HiipcriotoniUnt, Couii.}1 Tax received Iheio wore mnny »f the old rocii still sin ^ i i received rrora 1'gwn thciinrnmg |iartof the building, at ,]iij> L'dkctors, amid tho roar and craeblo of the flame their i>Ueut.3 cries cotiM bo distiuc licanl. , •J. IIATTMTOl'SK TO OWNERS «r t PLEASE E2- WATCHMAKER nnd JEWEEE' AHIKE YOU MACEUTE KOiV and CEDESfromour Cor. Blackwell & Sussex Sts (l>PK)3ri E JOLLEV"3 HOTEL.) 1D 0 H O REAPERS, y " " ' WAIT TILL HAR VEST. TITK "FINES ENGLISH GRANITE MO B I X 1 I 1 ET3CIA.33 $12 PEB EBAM, CASH, auaDELUXRED. 'J bia paper bonght fur cmb at I'anio Price* «ud iiulT flfampur liaa it cau be had la Keir York. I llib apii'ito Hot I'a]jcr i* the fio^it, r boanlifuUnd most fatUtocal.lii jiajior not Market. ForttAloiil tlm 13-73. 1876. FALL and WINTER, TO A U WHO WAST TO liCi' THE EES , OOODSATTflElOWESI 1'51CE3,OOTO IRON KItA OFFICE IiUTATIOKS cf FOR THEJALL TRADE SSCTXOUS tro offered for sola, 2E i;UEE that 70tt get only tteeo of our Wo inrito yoor attontiouto aa iniipfctio^n CVTN UUSS, wolcj] u s TAIEID X INFLATION OF STOCK AM. CONTRACTION OF PKICES S02£G with DUB NAME OU THE LABEL, iriioek. OUB ClOODS aud I'RICEJ tpcak fur lbemsol«B. Wo buy our guola d i n d r r o u tba lowest marleta and pay for thuu. In Q \&n ADRIANGE, PLAN & t BAKER &BEEMER t ^ a . i . i 165 Greenwich si, N.I _13-2OW and IIHTB Ukou unmnal pain* t b u n m gl u ndtct a well auorted itotk of Oor. BLAOKWELL k WAEEBK Su. Notice of Assignment OThK in h a c b y ivrn tliat Will ._ N JJiimuflJiip, of tlio tnwn or Dorcr, in tl lumily or Mori-iti and Bliitorif New Jcrsdy, In WonU anuounca lo Ibo Liillei tba[ tber bai Juil opened a tt'PF.llll XTOCK or K thii <l«y uia<li! an aiiiieiinipiil to the nulncri of bU ettsto fnr the c<iuul lieuctit of liii crci tort, and tLj«t Uio salJ crfJiUira nuiat cxliil thvirrcopCBtivo claimt. uudur natli or ifllrni ticm within Ihu U,nn or Ibnve montlu from •»ic Iiureor. JAS. A.OOODALE.ABBIKUI 3>atcd February SGtli, 18TG. 13 Ran Away! DRESS GOOD Watches, Clocks and Jewelr DRY GOODS " COSBISTISO IX PAHT OP ecmprllinK Hid Illicit aljlei 111 J6T PAEISIAN PLAEDS, ilCBit^Di ur SULJD b'ILT£H olid EJ1.YE1 I>J.ATr.D .VAIIE Buital.Io for woaiiug prci DRESS GOODS Mohairs, Cashmeres, Alpaca: are forbidiien tn h FORKS AND KPOONS. my ttL'coiitit, n a l mi, irhorcontrattitig, ArlicliB tot table u»n at greatly Miluccd pru • M n . SI. C. CIlunCHFIKLD. Chtaler, N. J., Fobrunry 22d, 1B7D. n.Atbtu IlEIiUEK BTUECT, DuVBE, N . J . Oidem left at 11, II. Dietonon'e store, or ny rtKlilciiec will racoirn nroimit atlcntlou, Sccond-haud gouda uf all d cf trip t torn bougl or i t i aTTLta itfb onuiKa. WATER PKO0F8, OLOAKINOS, la TUK DOUIiBVAttU HKIltT cntlnlj and elegant. Allkiodaof EYE MASSES TEIMMIK&S, FANOY NOTIONI FAIECHILD GOLD PEN, OUR GROCERY DEPARTMEN BLACK SILKS, ALPACAS, SHAWLS, CASHMERES, SKIKT8, BLANKETS, PRINTS, MUSLINS, *c. waut (jfjuifsecution, titira of one nunrt. ticiiiiro and wall a un:.. - Unit i.inpliiy nf ll'.wrr lu the Oyer ond Ttrmiuci J.u«pli 01l\ nmirimaacd for Qucncy and goooral oicellc tit gradoi of WARREN ST., DOVER, N. J. plemlcd guilty to au indictment fur petit Ii WiXE4, ate.—Wines, bniniii Administrator's Salo of Roa EBDCCinl attention ll given tu Iliu eeny nml wan fined $15 and n*ls. ialt lirjuorA, not loss than ono TEAS, COFFEES Sinurs.—Syrupa nnd nimilnr nuininl nnd [rholas 0 . Kipji nlso rlemUi] guilty ti Estate at Atiction. W. uar« tha beat asiorlutont ut AMERICAN WATCnES. egctubli) eilracW will bo cihibitet, iu iiunu- thrio iudictiuciitx for forccry; counlr j : SPICKS, SUOAItS. itlea of not lesa tbnu ono gallou. m i l l : snbueriUrr, Adminlatratnr or Ibo Eat PI 11 ST. -0 month*, fiuml tlO nnd costs. J . of Michael 11 lev, ilcoiiatcd, will toll VKOETADrxn.—Eriuulout re£<itn1ili>n, nmts goul for tbo How.rJ, Elfiin, W.ltbam, Kpri liooniisn tbe utock in large nt nil timci, nnd tirtiifi of an orJorof the Morria County Orplia and tnberu beinp pcrlBhnblo artlclts will lio ubnieea overy rnriety of FtiKSH MKATS, Court, made (ho llftb day of April t u t , oil HORSE BLANKETS and ROBES n«l,l au.l I'urclun .Walob. Ever/thing "Centanmal." rteoiTedoiiWedueBdiiyofonchweektliruujjtiSUOAU CUltEU ifAMS, SALT 1'OHK, BUIIEB, CHEESE. EOQa LAB out the ciitiro newau (if Uio eihiblllon. Ou Vie tire iurraunded ou ovtry sUh will) < FllEBU nnrt SALT FJSH, nnd nil kinds of SATURDAY, April 8th, Thundiiy of each week oxatuiuntiou will b.> .ITSiuidVEGETAVLESintkolrMwniiK EEPAIKING A SPECIALTY UH1ED FnUITS and CALKED Q O O D S . mile, nnd properly recorded fnr further ref- Ulencts that thin ib the Cculcuiiml year. W 10 bo found ia tUo HUte. erence. pnt ou our Centennial boutn aud wear oi SECOND. T 1 Nine specimens of each vario o tho toiminl ueelttii!, enl from dishes uinile aui) all tvalch repairing nufralili< S A L T F I S H AND M E A T S i>cause espccinl puinanre tnken that Ihi HOUSE nDd LOT, on tho road leading fn uuit for mpetition, thougb n tjiociul tbe Centfiiniul ware, nti.1 rc-iul Uio Ccntcnuiul Mock hlmll bo nlwuvs H1KSIL GOOD a m Bovcrto Cheater, neiir tlie Ualrymnle Mil titi will lio enlnryod. CI.EA.K, tlio VcjjcUlks boin R received i k i h lot CO Icot frout Ly nbout 1B0 [cut docp. news. We Em ok o Ceutcnniitl Gi>g<uv, lij;la< ENORAVlNa NEATLY DONE 1'ANOT OBOCEniES of all kind«. Also, HOUflE and LOT adjolninc; lot SO j 1'noDDCTH.— Furiuaceoiis pp Oft Boon as they appear i n the New York GOOD HOEBE BLANKET for |2, wiUi Ct'uteunifil iiialcbeH, We look lit o Markets, anil Bold so rnpidly tlint no stall front Dy about IBO foot doop; bou.onoarly n, uctu will bo exhibited an follows ; aud cond eke. Flour DecortitUod gruins Ac., in qnaut. Ceuteuniftl cahtuLir fur the day of tlio niontli, (;oodi-ore evor found about the preniiKcn. Notice of Dissolution. Also, LOT GO: tioa of ouc-hnlf barrel. Furiiuv, sUrch, tupiitt flud wLcu the EUU risen by consulting Thoabo to property is ploitanlly located, an "VTOTICE Is bcrebj given Uiat the psr'tne AND mv MICE ur io us. THIRD. dgo, Ac, in cruantiticHof ono.quarto jrel, in a gnwl atata of cilltWatlni ir Con tonniul alninuac. We receive Q< i \ ship hcrotornre ciiMiuj; bctirctn llio aul It \vji3 impossible to euler tlio rooi barrcl. Irienufc courtesy in waiting on ciiHlomern utid d aroddoflirnbln, hnin^ very conrcnlout to tl Ncriborn, uiidtr tho tianio, atvlo anil fln BOOTS and SHOES H.80U OO uuiul coiuniuiiicHtiouH, written ouCeuli uxcfiJliuBou tlit- hauds aud knuts, CASSED FJII'ITH ASB Ctazo Fooi).—Pi IB a rule of the market, nil ciiutoinera boiupj Dolrymplc, Dickcmon and llvrim Mine Oaue & tlalicy, ha* this dny bucn difwolveu 3,721 13 tlciisciuid blinding win the smoke. uinl nolo paper, with Ccnleunlal pens illppc IluililiURi are In pood repair. Irvatod ulike, nnd purclnucs boiiig * • " luiun) coiidcnt. ,\11 ai-cuuulii io Lo EUIIII 3.08S SI Drvcd tucattf, fniitfl utid vegetables, coucc L'onstiibkn, rurwinlor A-eor, ii unn»u»lly largo and vi Halo to t»Ko place ou tlia tirutuiBCs and this mnunor many of tho inscusihla i rated meats nuil con dime nts In sample n of ir nt Ibcir otllco. Two Df chnrgo. Ceuteuulul ink. Wo attend Centenuli Jurora, tekcled. Houiukeepen will nod uur ooi'imiuco at 2 o'clock P. M. hnjf dozen tjuart ciius or other similar packjuntes wfli-o mfely removed, while t Cost a, CHAH. P . GAGE, ten parties, purriiONj Coutonnial rulics a: FOURTH. OnAB-A.OIIJ-EU.Adiniiiiilrato gen. bodies of others, anffooatcd or hadl THOS. J . UAL8E5 BoTer, February 1st, J8TC. Dccmifio the pricfB nra rondo to suit thi CROCKERY & EARTHEN WAR Dovor, February i,t, IBTC. MW HOSEV AKD mvmix.~tHoney and LCPB- admire ladies dremcil iu Centcuniul jobi burned, wero curried from tlio buruiii HborilT, pockat looks of (he people iu theso tiui Pout morieius, rax may bo cihibitrd in lota of ten pauuilH, ff long human uiilure can stiind u p nnd building. Two dead bodies wera n ulicn chonp wnfjps rtiiiiuitid clienp cutiibl lliolwstin tlili section. All at priocn tbat . nil in all usual conditions, lloney iu the in load is doubtful, for wo live iu duilj t SALE F O B T A X E S moved from the upper floor, fire froi Acculentl, Partnership Notice., •nro a U U n l diarouut being niailo to thate vcl asanncv, ts iuit tho deproBitd Cnancei ofe?erjljod .otnb mny he dispLtyed iu ordinary forms, tho second, nnd two from the hasomoi Hcboole, THE NICEST I S T O O . are United to call anil clvc onr cooda 1 buy a qmnlity nt a litno. Notice Is bci-uby filton that by Tirtno c and in such ornamental devices os van hopectatiun of being iwinrcd bv tho poulti VrOTICE u herobj civrn thai tbcro li.i Ib All iloor during the flrp, nnd others wero c: •YcoLoIJtr1* Etrvkci, iBpeftloa. 1IAKEK k UEEMKH. wnnant inucd by tbe Town Coiuralttco of produced. tuan lie hwi a Centennial turkey that bi i l day becu fomiecTbetwern tho Kiibicrlbit lilccllons. hu.-ned from the ruins wliicti covorc CALL AND BE CONVINCED Township of JelTorHou, to make the t m e i hi< u IimiU'J pfrtnprabip for tbo term or tbieoyoa Uarch 27Ui, 1875. Favtm.—Lnrgo fruitu may t o exhibited in rill sond homo iu o Cintonnial biujkct fur the basement floor after. Uio conflagr ..J nil en of nut loan tbnn five-specimonsof each uiilmpravcd lanJ Dnesn.d to tho America. from tbo (Into beroof, under the name atyl lion lind IJL'CH eitinRuiBhcd. One oil nd firm of D. S. G»BO. Ttie liualncaa ur aal FEANK OOX, Proprietor. on oiocpt in the ease of nineties uxbiblted for Mutual Ineuranco Co., tha Collector of an firm The btit iBaortawnt of .ball bo tbat or ifi'alloir in lumber of dll jiian nniucd Wiclmol Uuniiuiuga elimbei m paid To* iilint timo under whiob circtunstAncen three townilip will sell at I'DBLIO BALE, for ca Tho cltizcas of IlackfitUlovn *rc nut pkw* fercnt kiiKla, tlio mannrnciuro nr lumber an i.lQQU Hpeoimcns will be autilcicat. Tliey beiuy tljroiiKb i third-story window nud hiinj at WOODrOIlT HOTliL, on tberunulnL-aniluiiuralingora atcam Bavf ml DU. O UD 00 itli tiiocourio uf ProncatorVJiel in tcccptl) bpy his bundt from tho window nil. bi pcrishablo will bo received on Wodnoediiy i.f ANNUAL STATEMENT in connection tbrrowitb, anil tball Lccarr! llateTai paiaHWte Trvum MUL\\ weelf, nnd will bo tminined on each Hitter's plua of murdur in tLo iscond dcKic hin nti-ctifftli wtonotcciunl tn tlio aea ou at Dover, MurrlB Uuuuty, New Jersey. Th kliool Tat ]ia:d ilo, oriaz WEDNESDAY, Jtoy 3d, •ntaoriben Thursday, ami cnicful rejwrtu bo preserved ait}]}, nuil hufuro it ladder could bo raist Ichorii Tai]»id T(»vni!.i.>!i: e tlie Irmb peo^lo of the count; eay th aball ta equal parttem, and tb. for reference an U) vnriety, qunifty nnd cou- !f Tat Uard were a Dutchman be *ould in Miners' Savings Bank of Dove lo him lie l o a n e d his hold nnd fell ti ;;ld I i u o H. Ca.o, rcUIn, at Tubvbanni 1870, lictvrccn tho bonra or 13 and G o'clock: Cuuniy Supcrinleniiftit, Munroo Cnuntv.I'enuKylvaTilii, the aneeial pnr thefroiiuil, rccoiving fatal iujuriea. Tin hang. Xotirilbilandluu; tliat numeioas pot M., FIFTY ACItEBof L-\ND, nituotod near tl Minoi lot, 1BTC. ner baa contributed tbe aum ufcleht tbouaat I'mits Unit flfo epp*daily porisliflbto, nhnuld iirnwiiB cilingutsliGil flbout 0 o'clocti. An i aro beinp circulated tuiuufftiant tbi Wcldon Mine, tuovro as tbo JQIIIJBOU lot, fur tl dolUn. in &t.b tuwnnln EKflOUflCEi. tbo capitalot laid Un ic scut iu excess of U,e prorortion ilesignntod the .iiiu lost1, ubout twenty rainutOB laitjtohaveLls «ontcnoa eoumotvi] to Ia t a i c i for tbe year 1B7J ; amount of tax 125 E ind bia llahlllllea are limited lo tbat amonnt Dcinnud b a m wUh collateral. a tho unit for cotupotiljon that tbo diaheB ter u (jhiiBtlyuncelaolo wna iiresautod. pmanment for life il Ii ccnetalljbelierod Ib iutcrnHt.tJ 03, am] cosli to be added on day a P . GAGE, 42,'iW .nny be refuniishtd aa lilrounmtanoBi imiy i'or blocks away crowda of ]ieopl<i Jllled I . 8 . CASE. safe. OEO. W. ALLISON, Colli l'liruituro aau rfitorei. W»rd will hiTo to meet ltd fate. thofilrcGta. Jinny of them bud ultondBondi nf tho Corporation of Dated Dover, it. J., Fell, tut, 1870. D-6 Dated February 31th, 1H7C. Awards will ba made for tha best Alth of cd cburcb at tlio little chapel, nml were "ivor, 15,000 each diatiuct close of fruits; as for irmtanec, BelTliIcra lias be*a umJercoiug a crane-; < Iu D&nk, 12,789 moro or less acquainted witli tbo in- 'oniity Tax n liitition. Tbero Ii J . Tonmlcj Crane, the apples, peachcB, berries, Ac, SALE FOB TA2CES mates. Women wero crying, while men Awarda will be made for the best diaploy tklestsi) tonne >"»• of " u<«U I 1 to"er org« looked DD with honor-stiiclicn cnuntO' Notice !• hereby gWon tbat by flrtuo c of largo frait of each distinct vnriety, i\nd Dr. Crine, who told " T h e Story of an nance na tbo charred nnil blaohcDcd H BOOTS and SHOES, for tho bent qnart of each variety of umall warrant lasucti by Oornolioi B. Gage, Eiq., c »e, nnd " Sfr«. Ke*. B r . Crane," nmiiiH of tho vietiraB viero dug from fniit. of tho Jmtlcci of Ibo Peace ia s a d for thi ipole at the tomperincu meeting ou " rnitis and transferred in tha boaemenl AvarJit will bo mndo for tho boat Of spin j Work of Women in tba Tctnperauoa CAH Connty or Jlorrii to make the Uxca laid !33,0Cfl 75 .fl".UXDt 1XD I)Ilti rjf tlio tiiiburnci. portion of tho building, POSIEE P. .BIKCH, Proprietor. lulmproTed and uDtonantcil Una, aiicsied i ^t!3 71 of Htmwberry plants hi benring condition, ~>kitonFreePrcrii. Niuelcon dend liodW liavo been recovHit pota of eftiik variety, DEC plant in n pot >wncd by tho liclrs of Cbirlea WalUco, e ered, and tlit'rj uro a number still tuisaDOVER, N. J. so:— W«, Jayfl.Ti-cit, Troainrcr, anil Htnry Mo- land r^jolna landa of David Jcnnloga, In t CTiGK.~lnuurchtDgub!*cIiiuBlB,c,<ujbB. Vic hereby certify t u t v» IIHTS •iiram»d tUo or will ba furnished fret) ofohorge to mcti cs* ing. All nilli onecxceptiin wero abo\ ParUn.IiaaoD.Jellejaud William U.lambort, Townihlp of JoSTeraon, tho Collector will Boll hibitora M may riwjulre power lo OiijiUy coldt, and illi.oa(ci or t b i Ilirokt, IQDJ iifiTcnty yetira of age, tba eldest beiu l S rCBLIO BALE for tho iaitu at tho MILTO! ir«*wlt li ti*o Ita«;ipti ktnd'll'iHliarttmeDti, »nd loinmitlco appointod for tba purpose, bei iheit will ilwiyi preTili. ComumplU nincly-fbrce. The buildingo wns eo )uud Lbo lAino correct. HOTEL, on STEAM BOILERS An award will b s modo to tbe befit ma- ililm ill victims 'JTicio duoiiCB, if iltonded duty iworn. do each 'depoia and lay tbat t cred by insurance. KELSON. II. CKAKC. chine for each respective purpono in tillage to in time, can bo trreited and cured. Tha solas italatatnt it correct and trve. TQOAtiiS S. AXiXaBIf. SMOKE-STAOKS, BLAST PITES, TUESDAY, March 28th, culture, harvesUng prepuration fur nmrliet remedy It Lr. ffisttt'i B*li»ni of Wlia Clu JAYS. TREAT, T r e w u w . A TCimniLB IlilLKOAD kCCIDEST. JorjH DORT. and in tho farm economy. n r ITKHT nCffCBUtlOM. GOcBntiandanedolIu » boltle, largo liottlui 18TG, bntweon the bonra of la and 6 o'clock llESKT UoPiBLiH, J On Tuesday night caCuinmUloob Settlo with County Collector. TANKS ana OEE BUCKET LITK fimus.—Tha einibition of live Block 1.11, JOLUTT, f Aodlllng Comuiiltc U., WOOL and TU1BE11, sotficlout to Slormloirn, N. J., Uurcli Ut, 1870. lautU.v occurred betwcccD ten.nnd olovan commences September 1st, and continues in inch tlie cheaper. W'u. II. LIMSEST. ) the l a i n and coali •vnuoxed to their reaped!' On motion tha report was Accepted. constantly on Laud. serial ihow till November lOti. o'clock, on what is known as tlio Vallot Sfrorn to and •ubacrlbed Uforo' me at Dorci uamea to bo loltt for Ctsh j tbo amount ol I Mr. linker then prcHcnted a nM BtolLi will be provided frco of charge, and division of tho Bnltimoro aud Ohio Ba Sensible Advice. K. J., t i l l eighth day of March, 1870. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. lowing thafinnncinlcondition of tbo nonn- animal) entered withont fee, bat etbibitors i e t l TO, Interod l l ot.., ooata to l o added ruud. The ncctdent uccarrcd to Ihcei Tuu ate liked etcrj Jiy thronnh the column* THOMAS ANSBIWON. Ilefst to Morria County Maoblno i Iron Co. d*> ut iala. QEO. W. ALTJ503, Culluiitu luiu bouud Li'fLUi, kuoivu iii* t h o mix lyfromMny Ut, 1VH, to lli« r"E8nt timo, mtuit aKiumc all coota of flltendntir-v ('lnn- it UHwipafHiri inil hj four lirogplit to ma 13-ht Uastor In CbancBi ring the nracmut of debts running over Biflcatbus for prizes con b« had on npplicit- jomelhJQL' for Ujepepiin md Liier Complunt ESTABLISUMBNT, Dated February 21th, 1B7D. irain of freight nnd pasaongers combined Irora ana year to tbo other, nnd tbo iucrenfio tbit von kniitv uatlitng about, yon get diteoui •.\hich louvcs thia part of tlio vnllcy ol of oipencilturcfl in the dilToroiit departmants GAS BUTTSH.—Dnttcr BU Bnttcr will l>ojnilgod l>o j u d g d upon pontho th »ged •pendinfr uone? witb but littla RUCCCII lialf-paat sovon o'clock. This iniin lofl f this year over Lint. Public Salo o f Real Estate Now tu riTiTouialUfictorj proof tbit Often' relativ ts, as to innkn, fLvorx, textu Assignee's Notice! HurriBbuiK on lime, nnil was ix vorj lon{ Ammt Flower will tuteyoaof Djfipcpi' Tim exhibit in n careful Gynawis of tin ind solidity. TDVurduroftheOrphani'ConrtofthiiConnl PHII.UPSBUHO, K. J. oue, carrying caUk1, & c , bcHidcaauua county lunds iiYAilablc mid esrwtidcd and we UTCF Oompltlui with t u Iti effect!, it.... _ TVToilw I* borebr (Ivan lo Uia credltcn sf J»bi Parties exhibiting for oompetion roust bo Hour atorarob, 6tek Ho»d»eh«, U&bltualCui' J D of Morrii bold on tbeSdday of Febrnar' P t i e s ex ber of puHfcngcra. All wont well a n t tli modern Iraprorenientfi, tbe luteut at;] •!, it iu fall: prepared to fiimiuh full statements na to tlveoeir, ptipIUtlon of tbe Heart, Heart-ban A. D. 1B70, Ilia lubicrlbor, Exccutreai, will ie it reached tbo narrow msaage bridges, IIEGEIFIS, 1874. Uio making of the bntter, upon printed lisU Wator-bnib, cotnlnc np of rood aftareatinj at Publia Sale, un thn pretnlaeB, a portion of i •nkieriber dalj pronn *y MLfa or lOntunlW, on STEAM BOILERS, TANKS of typo, t n a Iteil-elim preejes u i l orbefbratba tirantkUi day or April ne^t, being tha highest bridge i a IUQ valloj, being . Silas D. Cory, Cut. or 1873 t C.5GS 80 rhSch will ba mpplied' MINING MATERIALS. iplrili Ac, *e xtk yon to co to joor Dru; real eatatt of the late Timothy Bo a tho rd, dec' Ui« eitfuilnd tlnw gnnted by order of the Orpbaoa" »t HOPATCONQ, Morni Couiity, N. J., on 7DaOO0 DO 218 feet from tha bottom of Narrow tpproprintloni, W. A. Yuuffbt, inil fill aUtmplo Boltle Uutter offered for competition vill bo In Staoks, Heaters, Bnokots, peart, of the Oounw of iSoulm, or bm (Smai miichiner}-, [a now ono of Ilia Creek, from wliioh i t tnlios its name. At most acceptable- form, if nude under Uio folbarred framanrdlrldend from tuld n l t k And jn'i Anftnit Flower for 10 cents md tryi lowing clansincaUan applicable, nnpaetivclr ur a. reftnUr ifito far 75 CCDM, lira dasct it MONDAY, April 10th, RIVETED PIPE, WATES FLUMES, thia point tho middle span of tho bridgt fllol wltb tlio Harrosate of the Count) or Uorr to tha miinnfiictiiro of ereoinorios and Am tjavc vay aud tbo outiro tntiu inndo ita before Mty Ttnn of tba Orpbaui' Oonrt, to b AND PLATE IBON WORK OF ALTi I7A, comUUne ol tha followta* Ascribe J lo ries. plungo of over 100 foot t o tbo rooks bo Tbe la'illbi aad gtmtJomen will plaaae bear in and for u l d Comity, when eiceptii liich are a part of (bo wviif IIOMEaTEA. holitni In Ucst HampltiG of 200 or more pounds made tnaj b> oled u i an; pen p e n cm cm tr" iDUre ' KINDS MADE TO OEDEB. low, where tho c o n wore piled upon out PAItM, r i i : Vint in order II.* lot marked No. thereto Where Does It All Come From mind Uiat ft. 3.110BERTS' therein. A. 1CDB0H COB, Al t nny time. H COB, Allian 1 ou a cirlaln n a p of iald Ilorocitcad Finn anotbor for'-y feet docp. Eleven of the 'otal Hipitiiiiitnroi t o PintnadqaartiofflllbjOiUrrhildliehircei. berenUb BUd, <wntaini=g TWELVE AC8K8 " Ter, H. /., Tta.tttb,1878. ltcut packages of SO poundx mails in passengers aud employees wero killotl Mav l«t, 1B7'., ON HAND AND FOR SALE LARGEST AND BEST Wber« doai it all con* from? Tho mucous and tWinty-ono hondredtht ol an icra, baioc month rcBpecUvely. Id. of lUicelpla, meiabraa* which Unea tbo clumber* of tbi nndscven persons wero injured. PhysiOne 30-IT.-P. Itottirn Fluo Holler. Boat package of BO poundii niado t t nnynoae, and Its Iittl* chudd. art dlisa&tii, to thai the nurthtny end of the original thirty i c r 'ATENT PARABOLA NEEDLES PUBLIC SALE cians and nurses wero summoned t o tut lecoDil, the lot marked Wo. 2an ial< O«o 10-H.-P. Cprijbt Holler. they draw Irora the blood its liquid, and ex- lot. Then, containing abant flft*en a^reg moro f.cena of tlio accident and ererything OP Best package of uf CO pounds of olilwt oliltwt nude. nude. po.oro to thn air cb»nBM It into corraptloo. map, Ono 8-nvF. Hprlgbt Bollor, loin, beins « part of tho Lrlgtnil niity acre *„ potciblo dona for tho comfort of the inBest samplo of 5 pounds in 1 ponud print*. Tbii lifo-Hqald ts 1nsedou lo Lnild ap lln syilem. Ihirij a c n Jon, and bauoiled on tlio nonhcrl One 4-II.-F. nonzontal Qoiler. " U14 Teij bcit In Uia world,*'»llTory Is poliib jured. Tha bodies of thosa killed were B s t Hoplo Homplo of S p pounds tnoro mads re re- uul It Is extracf)) , and the system Is «esieue< •uia b j tha fonrth Imaof the aizty aero lot, anu Best u d s or tnor One SCH.-p. T^tora Tabular Bailer. Tueoro, gain fleiUadtalb pu Uie toatberly tlda by the coftliorly line o! immediately taken to "Winchester, placet ively from tho produce epcotively produce, of the various bylheloas, ana gneerol In tliapc; alio ROBERTS' byuilDLrriarca'Qldan Itit Ho. s, as told down on iiid map. Tlicn in charges of aa undertaker, and will bt breodaof cattle. 'nlal Expeuililuro tu March • rhleli alio leU directly upon tboie cbn FDtEAT EAZOR BTEEL BOILEBSUEI'AIKED PItOiU'TL" In ltd, the tot marfaid No. 3 on u l d Amp, con CnratfiE.—Choesa will be jndged upon th sent to tboir relatives nnd friends. Al! otTcctloK tlicm, and appW Dr. Stgi'i C»t* 1st, 1872, 170,381 67 78,831 H7 £btive ninrng abant nlteea acrei; Uie Hid lit belni merits as to quality ; make, texture, lemetlj with Dr. PiBroe"* N m ] Doacbo, the cnttlo weiu destroyed by Uio fat), the untliweiurly part or the ul<I aiity acre flxor and color. mlr malbod of roiebing tha upper a n d AN CXfLOaiOM IN TUQ LEDIOH VALLEY. •ah UI. oil laud March lit, 1878, ~ tr*cl. 8ala ta eoMm.OM at two o'clock P. M, SATURDAY, Mai-ell 25tli. POCKET CUTLEEV, Parties exhibiting fur oonjpotitlpp, rnusl rbere tho diicbtrjia tccumaUtei and con CumJitiom, &«., made known by T1VPETT & WOOD. ulolilodnrMi of Co.. on HUT bo prepared to furnish upon printed Hatfi, from. Tha initrcmcDt ind both m e d l d a u i A pyrotechnic) explosion from tlio gj MARY £ . JONES, Eif cotr tho follovlDg tioacribod projwrtj, T I I : 12tli, 1875, which will be supplied full Ktatemaats aa tobv drugRdti and ilitileni in xnedleiaci. in a mine neai "Wilkeabarro took place JAJIE3 DEPOUQU, AaeUonw. IJ For Rent! Pild tor court Eiiwoitj for 3 tho method of manufacture of rennet on Monday night. Tho ruino had bee SCISSORS a n d R A Z O R S . qn. this yo*r Id eiceit of Clieeao must not be cut, bored or tried in Tbe Blent bonao oo Sasiox street lately occ Hooded abd woa being pumped out. ] MUOUUI paid ia I qri. t u t TO PARENTS, jy way beforo being exhibited, or it will ileil by TboH. Solitbo aa a s oyatcr reatanranl in calculated that tlio water was charged yoor * yoor, It is t. mil-known fact tlitt thous thonuntlt ol be (KaqualiQedfor competltioa Morris Circuit Court irftnated m StopiiembnrRh, adjoining latula ipply to with millions of cubic feat of gan, more fatd tor pottraerlcm*In ciru. .Northern'New JerHcy. ELEQAHX OP FINISH AND KEBK 07.ED0E. cblldren die annually rrom cta oof worms, from Uie ofleet* offect Awotds for cheeso vail beraa<3oreupco- chlldrendiaannually Jamoi Beatty, EQOI Blackwelfiad John Ho «r loss; the gun escnpod up tho nl,aft. Hin year lo eiooisof tmo i mid oiuiTua L. BBIAMT va. hil --•" nroduccd 'iced b Iv * them, tliem, wh wbilothorarJDIIDS HATRHOUSE, or tivsly ct)on the various cfllabliaboil appello- ordlvooeca r a j The boaso fa a two story frame bnilji CUWiTIK* QOBSIL, remain icnorant' of tbo real' cause. The The work ot bailing continued until last a /or spochl nUotlor oonlilnlDfi four roami with collar. Tho lot b Uoa both of foreign and native production. onts nnutiMi QOEQKI active and YtJimblo principle of \7 ./ormaaod (tt r r JOHN H. STUMPF. avoninp; nbuutoino o'olook, when BU<1 thoreon a, corn^rib, BjUlN. and other ontOf factory innnutnetnra anil dairy prottae- which moat namcoua Vnr mast or tho tbo nameoni Veratlfuga ba btUldlacs. Frnit of UI IIDIIB, There ualmo.i dcnly n low, rumbling sound was hoard tioa ; of thnt ot ona year old, and that un- been nade) is Bautonln, which no hiva me s-tr alf an aero la the patch. below ground, and in a moment after an der one yoor. cocilad iu pntting In inch a farm that rhlldre nr k Smith, Tlie sale will liko p l a n between Uio houri of WANTED, FOB CASH, explosion liko a bnndrcd cartbqunko Cheese offered for competition, Trill bo in ill take if aa nai\)j ai other comlv. rnienUt Attorneji. 2 and 6 o'clock whoa conditions will ba mat A uLitcment of Iho ostitnale.1 o p .. most ncflflplabla form, If mitdfl nn<W Uie ftil- _ • cantlon* (as they ihouW he) ibont what HotiM la hemhr d v n that th« labnribw, Audi, broka on tho uir nnd sent iU tcrribl nl,y JIAOS, PAPER, OLD BOOKHT00S, BLACKWELL St, they give their ebildren; we, tberefora. make tor appointed in tbla c m e by *irtoa of an order of eelinos along tba valley for miles in evi tlio county iu i u different deporUnenta for 1 owing chuwiflcation. thtWttultO)ort,of Ui*Couti(j*fMorrl* tnaderor aut or tha preparation. Expcrlenca hai AAHOK MEESHON, n balance ol tho you was also attached doLEAD, COPPEB, BRAB3, i a Heaviest checeo of good quality of each , ry direction. Tho shaft ia located on Uui purpete, ^Si on TBODuJiV. t b T K O A ' , ' % Hotel Registers, il tbat Adulti inlTor from the v a ma untie, April, •nn! rating that BO wo $12,000 would be appellation, A. D. IBIS, at tbe boar or two o'clock la the ADMINISTRATOR " AT high hill, end instantly a atruAto of tl iceusnry to curry tho comity Ihrongb, the ilL-atthrcocbccncn of cadi brand roHpco ind many m e n or Indigestion, DripapBia, Flatalonay ana Hervdi\siioi>i a n K produced by forty feet long and twelve feet wide, shi largcut items being in payment of Court oxDOVER.N.J MIOHAEIi W E L S H ' S , ID U I townalilp of nandolpli. tivoly of 70, CO. 30. IB, 10. B and C poundo. indMnteauwlbyudii " up into the uir for a distance of 600 feel ri d SUU f N JtneT u BLAuKWt£U.St., DOTE31, H. Inland Bills of Lading, snsoft, support of Lunatics and Poor Ifousca. Bent cheese in each class artificially color:UE MEKCUANT VUQ nESTFLEASES -'-itloiiB. Trytbomt , Tho wliolo country around for miles \ Air. Ilecki-r ulw ]itenonteil the following iddroa by mail aitf IF WOUJII IM CUILORU—neatlosiT n i ! SUCCASUWNA HIS CUHTOHERS IS HE WHO STAYS brightly illuminated b y thia vnsteohi notation. Ilo oxiitaina 1 ttiat the araouut ....ndlng or the toeth itblle i Bebtcho c in c :h appellation of imtnml LONGEST AND SUCCEEDS. nfburuiug gas. t k o houses in tbo . varied ippctlto; tudden cuanglne of thi Insurance Notices, uauioil in !t had been pheed Uiero before a color. To Rent! tcnanco eipcclally becoming pallid iboul tha ciuity ol tho shaft shook liko iceds al ill uaflewtaudlng of tho county cipei Stove and Tin Ware Store, Bent cheese cf olden! iiiake of each' ippel- upper lip and note; fever at tfmei Coring Uia New J t n t r 1 tMlni part of a u - u i n lot of l u d A duelling home, »1 touted on Chrjilal tbo moment of tlia czploaion, aud thou' nd beon nrrivod a t : lation. day, irriUbliiTJi), and other fymntomi with waa convejtd to Conner roUen, b j dwd froa B The Old Reliable Market in nUinlDg »0Ton. roomi vrltb all ibo modem WiiEHtus. Tha Tetolntioa afthIiBot,r<l, -» unilsof people tnrne'd out in terror t< Best lot of threo proparod rennet. Labels, provement!. A. good welt or water. For Kco ivhut Lad caused tho unusual conj thorlziag tLo Ccontj Collector tobarrowtua Max.—Condense) milk nnil milk othcrCOBWIN'S HALT, BUILDING, sumormtythosuoddolliri fartbi me of wine preparbd, shaU be exhibited in lots ol TIONI, anil tike no oilier. Sold by ill Drug. motion. Tho explosions wero tromen NEW QUARTERS! urticnUn call upon or i d a r c n tbo County of Jlorrin, nd-jptml >t th* Knnaal Law Blanks, Goim (ind lasted for houra. wliilu thou „ . . . . p W ^ j . Prepared bi tucctlng of tbn Bontd In M»r Int. bw been f doten cane of usual commercial lisa. . R E MUNS0N, cafkVTTHEa. —"VPH111 rjrfl of VOlntili OUaflUnauds of excited people from nil section! acted upon.ina tbe power thurebr confer i W r . N . J . S U C O A S D N N A , N , ,t. -' •It -*-•' -DOVER, N. J ; J-JR. B E E M E R flocked to tha vicinity of the. shaft, one i-cdupon laid Oollc«tDrli4t leanoifuniittd • -jmnflt be exhibited in class vowels horand wbff»»i, there iro debUnowdtm ind tnolicallr eealod. 'One tuck Will hi the utood mnto witnoEEC3 of tlio greatest baring removed bis marital—tbo olJeit I BHETDMATISM! |1IIE; aobaerib«r lakaa ple.ime In falbn>Int owing M tbo t»id County, ind othori will least quantity of any one umnil entered for Dofcr—to hii night wbich nay ova had looked upon. a . tna clllxena nl Ba:eaaunn. and annoandbcceraodncaDd pajuble Iwifuro tlie ncit rfe- " ilay. Each vessel ruuat bear a sworn [F JOU bare nhtumatlsni. Qout,sr Lumbagc Eeofll«i(7 a Bauid, wul on a courai Tout Thcro vero only two tnon ju tho Iicnd' F; ™ n l r j , I U 1 I i . baa .atabliaaed a a U n rcntj4«T«n degraci weit all chalm uid twanir orrli County CIrcnit Court.—Epbraim Lindiuhr annual raeoUnc of thii Duird, which -Jynis of itu contento. NEW BUILDING id tin v a n eitBbllabmenl at Ilia abore aUnd. houso nt tho timo of tha oxplosion, and, ley Tj. Coniollun B. Qago. In csa». Vi Dili lioird bat no tuoucj to paj or latiify; Besides Uie class)flcation nliovt llrd the doable cbMdiatMmcr : uid .Iso i w J i BOSSES 8OTEET, two dewn aoutb or th Idur Ibe aupenrialon of U r . 3. SMTH. wall Tiom t i r o s i s . Iletarnable Janaary 1 v.ocderful to Bay. they both escaped thoicfori-, cd, the Jcnay Oattlo Clnb offer S1000 far mint aa an .ap.ri.nced atoT* da.lar and tlaold itaod, will hereafter farahti cboico A. D. 187C. JAU&B IT, NEiaunnon, Al , . MANIFESTS OR WAY BILLS, . . _jter/ial applications CITB Cbuin Sing tum,an,ibiidior U.nirO B liw IT HE30LTED. That the Count? Collector tlia best herd of that broad. anything more serious than being slight imllb. Tba at6o> of food. eonaiiUnt of I " iut tomprtrnir- Try It. Pn»i*ar«d lij Itnbrrt u d m i thuiM aim, Kid rMd. whUlfl. ih 1 tlio County of Uorrii ba and he iiombj ii The nrcxluco Eso' VTirtae of tbo aliDvo itatid Mrltorvondi ly burned. Tlio disaster will stop worl atcat and m o i t ' * 1 MEATS AND VEGETABLES, Killgoro, Dover, N. J . ' . • • tioal exnonailn my band, I slio.ll e i p o n in this colliery for nt least six mouth iy be nucemrj lo pijloeb debti SIM for the beet chi-.... MONTHLY STATEMENTS, for sale at I'nblia Tendue at tba VmUA BUtoi '!QR by the ~ Cotnly of STorrii » do or mv B. K. I!lm & Sou, $200 for the beat diiipfciy (CHCAPEn THIN EVEH.) wbila tho elnmago caused by tbo oiplt. Uolel, In llorrlitofl-n, N. J,, on * fully rcquina payment prior to tho neit rng of potatoes. PAELOB 4 KECOHEN STOVES, r,ion n-Ul reach 9100,000. Pooplo from MONDAY, tbo lOtb doy cf APH1L next, itiDjof tbii llurd. And that EUPTURE. h, Landreth k Son, $100 for tbe best diathe towns and cities for miles about vi Bi lonj-Qte llnki to * alaka lo UK aaconU Una a PAMPHLET COVEES, :lie faith iiDd crodit or tba County or Morrii be D-1B7C, between thn IIDUI at 13 U. a n , _ R/.flGEa u i n E l T I M . h a n Jaat tanj'J ForRDplnrotl)a"Sce]ey1>"narilJ{abbor Trni. tlayof voge itcd tho locality next day. • * 'hemoo It hereby ploaged for tb n, and a n waaeaaaBtl/Uia TEBT NBWEDT • conceded by all v h o h«Te worn Ultra to bo 'clocl p , M., tha t {• to nay at 2 o'clock in the CIN0INNATI HAMS, 1\ Hrntlrn H n n w n . t SOD, SI00 for host dis- Ilia nfthimonejauo borrowed! and tlio beat, clcaneatandcaBioit t r a i l to near Uiat U of tomatoes, 1 n tna ('•olloctor ii bar^by directed to borrow uld )Uy lODOIlCO, , | ib.low,,l niEP-MM Prfcea. de. Tbat tbey aienow l«inguMd inthn ORDER BOOKS, ; . .i-.r*" ' , ">*rkct. 'Wo make tt spooUltr and and preinitea iftnate, M u g and WIDK ID nionojs upon • credit or t l lettl tbrte rnontbi. U ron Onr alock of tla wan .f .TMT.dtawiplion]*• Tha I'onsylvanla Agriculturjl Society, Eagliia BoipiUli fu preferance to any t>r killing all oar own meat, and tbcroforo linon Ibe ttiiroaliip ot ltandolph, Oonntj ot Morrii Pranded, bow«cr, tba moneyto borrowed alio new, u d etaHB. Call u d IM ont Ooad, TruHa made is aaOlclanl recomoienditlun I1O0O in Bpcoli>l prizcH. ,mt Slate ol New J e m y , iilnnto In tho Tilleire BOKXJS.—Hiring Brotbors, tho eminan: ILat tt !• or tbo but. All kinds of uul not ia tha tcf^egatn eicetd tho lum of for Horn to icdnca any one who fi obtlgcil t o bafor. pnniliaalaf alMvb.r*. »-er,beaInuin f f a t a ilaha on tbo uortnMemphis Cottoo Excitant, S1000 for best London btiDkore, for untny years anc TenTboaiindDollinT RAILROAD BLANKS, "XT XI C3-1E2 - T ^ . I B U J 3 J S , wear a t m a (o cat OBU. A full ilcclt ot the ornor cl Blackwoll and Morrii itraott, hate of cotton. nntilrecenlly tho bankers of tho United t on baud ai noon t i they appear in tl ponce rnnnlng lbs aoTeral JOS. J. OpEWW. line t'fjc-elo*V Oard JlnUhor T n u i e i of all rooteiandboundi Mr. Chovl-y, of Chntbam, nioveil to make $150 for the beet display of Fowls, and market!, ana Bold at reuanabfg pricoi. States Government, n o t vary long ngo tinreof to Uio Winnfnfi, coDt*lninS 0,000 Soaeaauna, R. J., O.I. Ilal, 1ITI. U->» The hlchest market prieci paid In caib, for quart, feet, llelnp the aatno tract of land and specially recommended as an investment to nraanal 512,000. Jlr. Allan, of Paesnic, ro silver caps for tbo bent Bettor dogs- * Srox'Mi. Disri^T.—-Thongh ngricultaral -of lUdw. Vml Gkim lot Shiop Skin., bou hf moTcdtoomendbynuJ(inBitS15,[K)0,wbIcb oTcdtoomendbynuJ(inBitS15[K)0wbIb K romiK* conToyeJ to tbe laid Uemelini B . PROGRAMMES, the sterling bonds of tbo Eastern Ha Honor St., DoT«r, >'. J the market. Ouitonwri lappUud Ly WIK-IB Mr. ChoTi.v accepted and Uio resolution ITAH productions of porishablo character will be 'ufyllth, 1B71. lapo lj.r llciiry McParlau by iknd dated Uaj ^loUbow »lt.CHUd to UasUurluuto,^Sdla* road Company of Massachusetts, am pawed Assignee's Sale! Tucidiji, Thnrsdayi and Sa(iird»«. h Jinplaycd thronahout the enUroseason of tho Bt, 1BG0. and rccofficd in book W C p i t a 8T3 for tho latter amonnt. sdTd £000,000 of them. Kow, the com- Mr. Bates tion majoA that tbo townships ixhiblUan 17-ly c. PIKIUON A. FItEEUAN feheriff still ther there will bo certain porlilU ; sill lHGnndaralrned, AailniM'orJ.DaDotbaa, };any being unablo t o pay interest, the ! t f i l d i l Dated Fobraary Itn, 1870. 13.5W W y Hooeipts in BQOIU, Passage 1 will iaU»ITDI>LI0nun>l>Ial Ilia K!» sot apart for special displays. i called upou lo approximate the tuaunnli SEVERE COLD y firm bna issuedftcircular giving uctici I'jitca have bea Tcrally noetiod by each to airry them tha Tha ffollo»-iug o l l i u g ji bean salactcd ll CottgU can bo cured fa a faw ilsyi by Marrl* Ccunty S a m g a l e ' i UOIer, t l i a t i t will pay full interest oc tho bontli hibi d ltineo of thoyent—thaesUmato not includ- ir tho tho exhibition u&nied: Valuable Property for Rent! taking Dr. Burton'* Vej;el»bla Cough TidicLq on Canls, Pricoa Cornmt OTEL of ISAAC B. JOLLET, ugh iesned tlirouga i t s boaee, said interest ing rracholdcr's scivicos, Tho Bovoral Townl ' l i l producutaudvegetublCF:, dd FEBIlUABr 81b, 1S7C, l'oinological May, bjrnp. It?ipiirolyV«i;olablflandlsoi " Tba .nticriberoffori Tor rent, ou renaouiblo 1 tba matter of Ephnvim Llndilcy, Eieontor being duo in^AIarch and September. ilpoi rportcdna followu ; nhrster, ChiiUmm, tbe toirn gf DOTBH, b tba Cooalr of Circulars, Policies, Firo and nanton, JefTenon, Memlbora, Puxain nnd tormi hii large ho'ol knon'n an the Spring boncy ami ws>, J e 7, to 15. AVc do n o t know that tHerc lias ever or pavtd Emtill, a e c u u r i . Hurrosito'i OrdrJ * - Iforrii, on to Limit Cretlllort. boea a similar instaucoin tbohiatory oi WnAhingten, cotliinR. Monttillo. $j50: Btrawbcrries, Juno 7, to m . ig nature, il cannot fail to ba cf i Life Ins., Restaurant STICKLE HOUSE, Morris, S300; Mt. Olive, $20; Hanover, Mowing tnnchinos, Udders and raica, on •liond negotiations,—Railroad Gazette. SS5O ; Pcqnnnuoc SC7 ; lUndolph, $10 ; ._.Jtln«llf«wi where tbe Lnnga or 1 _ ATDHDAY, llarch 18th, "\N application of tba above named EXL trial in tbe ueltl, Jnna 12, to 21, •catcd OD Uio corner of Blaekwoil and WarrcL ililol tutwa are alTcoted from %nj canoe. liol>J tor. tt U ordered by tbe Somwate that oxbury, $1,327; total, $2,431. Ticlots, Wrappers, E*rly Bummer vogotableB. Jane 20. to 8-1. t Kllleoru'i Orvsn it ore, UUMUX Ht,, Boier, •oTor, N. 1^ in tbo bniiooea contra of (lie - aaid Eiecntor si»c r C D U O K0TICE to tba honr « • oWoolt In tbt • " • • » " " , Jlr. Ijecker offered A resolution that here. - Tlicro w i l l b e a b o n t 150 buildings o n Kurly gruss butter niul nhoese, Jane, 20, _ erecl.tori of tba eiUto or aaid dctMUent to lown. Also lo rent h b iring in their tlebli, flemandt and di * - tho. Centennial 'grounds,' representing ,fter tho County Collector present to Uio Board of Preolioldora ot tha quarterly meetItonberrioa and blackberries, July, 3, to & tSKinit the lame, nnilcr oath, within „.„„ WEDDmo GAUDS, TnANSFERS OP •v, llio archilectare.of nvory nation under igo n statomant of tl*o fltuincwl eonditlon pf ST0BE ithi from ttia date, by Bolting up * copy ol DIUD, Reaping on trial, Jnly 6 to 12. tb,a enn. Ezclosivo business privileges ho county, without rcpird to Uio State or . orUer, within twenty Jsjri bamfter, i n a . e Houtbero pomolngical prodnct, July IB to irk.ontholitlnit. olnin); tbo botel. Ttio wbnla bulldlnff b l i - have been emoted t o parties on tboEcliool lax. Carried. the moit pnulio pUeot in the connty of MorSTOCK, MONEY RECEIPTS n t es and U U 1!i lently lecu u d KijOTatcd. Applv 1 for two month*, and alls tritbln tho aold grounds, from which t b o following: rerokHioshne, by deed'ba.nnR data — - — . ^ Mr. Willet, of Washington,raoscdHie Mcloim, Auguut22, to 2(1 anty daji by adTartJilujt tha fiatne In tho E. A. STICKLE, mica will neerno t o tho Exhibition. OfJiolmont ofaflnandnl conunitttee T FcochsB, September 4, to 0. • •—•••-' ; t | S j b . Mom, Ctunll D4.LRYMPLE-AI Con Ire drove, March ad, )j« KSA one or tho nowipapoi^ of this titalo, «-tf oa tbo premise! BOOEB, P08TEM, TIME ficial eataloBHo, 8100,000. Itestnnrants loald guporinlond th« disbursement* of the KorUioro pomolo(jical productK, Sentem. 1870, U^xniET, widow of Ur. Henry Dalrjrajook i , I pa««a Uf. »-l innly fa ado. l>cr 11, to IC and cafes, S7G.0Q0;passcngerrailroada, p.Ojdw'd, in lijoJtOlh jeirofbtragB, >lo(alao Iba ou.-bair p.!rl . T » i « " l n l » Tlio director tlianghl it vafl rather Ltto to Cereals, September 25, to ao. S20.000; beer,' S5D.000; soda water any creditor iball neglect to exhibit fcLTor IITRAU—In Dover, Uareb Ttb, CBASUD, ton TABLES, SHOW OABDS, ipoint such a commitUe, and Mr. ClioTey Autumn vegetal**, 8«pl*mb*r 19, to S3. foantatii, S02.000; tobacco, 312,000; irdobt, dotoand and claim trUhin tho laid ifd at thin timo ofthejaar it w u nncalled . Potatoes and feeding roots, October 9, to 7. or Win, If. and liars arc L Hiram, aged one >riod of nine, montha, public notico hdng giT«n iclenrnph nnd messenger service, 335,- ir. • 7t wns a good snggutiou, butshonld 1» eyerjthing inmgio.u,fa t h , j 0 B Aotunm'Eiilleraiidcbewf, October 17, to aforeaai.1. inch creditor •lull be fmm 000; Centennial National bank, 310,000; Ttad on nt tha a p u i n g of tb» yo«r. n 0 R T O N - i t Iranla, Fgbruary 39tb, 1S7C, of *ul&Ei °r * C t i ° a U l o r e ' a r "ft*'11"1 nod numerous other minor concessions, rarer, B i m , wifo cf Bu-nabaa 0. Oamotfon of Sir. Hopper it va* laid on Hala, October IS, to Norembcr 10. i typhoid M. & I. SEARING. Oi«« u> > oau, d . m Jlorton, tgei tUty yaan. ' ' X E. WILLIS, Sorroiiato. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, JOE PRINTING The Iron Era B0IIER WORKS STEAM JOB PRINTIN BUILDERS' HARDWARE IRON, STEEL, Warren Boiler Works, PRINTING HOUSE HOUSE and LO1 M.RDI0KERS0N, Handbills, SHERIFF'S SALE! BLiNK BOOKS, B D ROOMS TO LETI ississg&Tsri&sr^ A true copy from the mlantci. s-u* lea otaipeotaent SUCCASUNNA STANH0PECENTENNIAL COLLECTIONS. BRIEfS. Sussex Court Sccnra. M KD O — The following i i tbe result ol tb» linl euto Ilia friend* of llov. 3. B, Heward in Den 1 U1V HL-ITTHaTIlAI HUSO TITO 1VML*. In tlifia tirnei. nben itemi at» ttcirco, it m iliuoie* the Kill tor to draw nn bis memory. iiliuit yf the pupil* of (ba pn»»te ichool li rill give him a donation vixit ou Wedaeaday J. M. D. Ibrnev. of C'lieater. bulde a iflsy < E IIH ?kci>, through thu iifftrsnt braacbe* or flenitKiD and even log, tbe Itth imt. r. It. IV. TLurorr, Bcboel Superluleodent .'ho rollowiiig are true inciJuoll : an Iron ore uilin1 w:ir Uvir, i t n piece call m w At < ue ot Ihe itnaa uf tfiiaaci Uuiirtt a noto- udy wlilcli they havi pursued ilnee tbo be- Friend, r.f tbt UrpMletn, \t or B *n- of Ifoni* Conn Iv, fuinjalie* u* with tbe full ow- Hi mi Hill." I i ia out to be et>o founded with w b om elursUer iu Kuirtun »a* indicted far ;inuinff ot tbo Fait (era. Tbi brancbci in iBgant>icur»ir>n to Utimnda, to blirt on the ing biitory of tbe ich ><>!i of county, by lowo- Jin Uorrid Miui- Hill, wliiro tlitw m Bfpijgt diaordrrlv bouitf. »HfI John 11—,* rblch a s y Rcbokrdid tint iccoive 70 arc cot th or April attu.u*fcLiier.t ton du.>-*. T i t coat ibifii * b k b be ban l>r.t pH'putd for the C«uN Tittcu : r p u n g u , ntviniboat and liutvl fir.-, etc. will tcuslaJ: roystcroui Iriiljojiti, ivhu lioarded i t tbeaald u m nowua ud p a kcLM uji lu Hoiriatuwn. Mr. iJarnei m Cynthia Jaidlno, i^liiEg JW, reading 95, house, nao callod a i a w i i n e i ! for tlm Blnlc. w ^ i a t c i W ) i * L U mine lamaUtae lait Muring Tt«r* « t t * good sehooU la MemSfcra townItcr tliu OKUtlpri;liiii(ii4rlf"B Juha was rBinlud- writing 85, jrarumar 100. miilnncllc *HJ, ceogm Ei-SlipritT Fail-chits, of Mitrjatotrn, wits :i<l K;iFL*'loliuDiit)iu tliu contract for getting raphj 03. Sidney amitb—apclling 100, roadiuc ihin prior to tbe Renjlutlon; but we have ua aor*ncuc!Pir(jtico of (i uvrtaln night in tin M VL-tt'iy biuujd r.ud uiLionriJo Injured by ilie iMliu oiu nt a cerium »inclfici] amount pci H w i, writing b5, grouimir 100, sriIlimutic 100, data from which tojudge of th«Ir cbiracter or ouw, and the iiriKi-tutiiic attorney Bald to uuLfujr ilowii or s carriage on Tliundny i». Hi utiu mlj-toiitintUiI iSid Job to», litlury DI, book kecplug 0U, (lUtloiaphy 00, condition BI no roeords have been preicrvod. m a 100. Juhu Janliiic-upc-lling DC, read- morninc At lukuticMutnUbewaidoiiiE well. There leein to liiv* been n» towutblp organ!«• "Xow.Jiilm, junt atatatu tho Jury if there M CH i.jil. hlout; bearded nilb J i n . Jacob ing W, grainmir B7, ariilmu'lii' 100, history J3, Tbo Murriituim V. il. C, A. irill afttr their • util tbo jcar 1808; but each neighborU •era any pursum in thit house un that night, u fliiio lie wurkod in tlie m ik bctpins 63. pbiluiroi.liy S)7. .l»uaa liulic rrrii-fi thi* (Siturdayt evenlag, lerve hot hood aupporlod IIB onn Bcbool. ThoICIIOUU In w m pdlins «5, readinR 65, writing 85, grammar village of Mrndbim and vicinity, at i n earin thoac nliualUiid. Vie prudiet • lirg« G w m MO The quuitfnti waa . noior to Jolm i tfirit, II, arithmetic 100, book ktrpiiiR HO. Philip w w m Uln wore under tbe culiro control of the w m hut aftor.FiamingA thoujjhtful piiKturo and O B-nhtii)g-'ff», Kininmsr, SO, irllbnteitc iibjtcrinn clergymen who milled in th« vjlw U U llWruHy w-ntciiiiit; his bond tor t. fcir ina- IOI>, (,'Oogrspliy gJ, book keeping 80. Jitmtn TIID CstliolU I'rolfytu; :>«!>« M M w w m m & .Iiinr.'riT-DineKliildroii M DN U U " " i'(-.«|»ciliiig- 1)0, rcadfru; t)0, rrrEtinir B5, U w w Tliefii*! Iciclidrof whom \ta bavo any ou"l'bcru nan uimmin tlmrc, but whet Lor llicy ;rinimar 78, miilnnctir 10H, fooj,'»[.lif 93. m m H m entlc account wai a Ur. Wrighi, wlio tn^Klit an main nr fnj atiiv I cnuldn't nuctly nlatu I' ' ii'lc* YonnKi—ipBUiuii 60, reading ICO.ffiit- IInr.Tbui. Walter*, toriwThot I Ills place, w w H ytndhim about tbeyoar I7BS, who, it is said, OrcQiirieit wasdittioultfor a furf nioininti 110, grammar 100, arlthnictji! bO, gcograpliy m U-cn prcKtiiilud with an el«R*nt gold watch wm w W MU U U it very su.ace.ufuJ iQ b i i labori. Tlie gtudlod f l i e nicuibura of Ms congtugatiou. 3 reduce the court to i l l utual <ii»uru«uro. B0. Nannie Uikur—Miifllrnx; h0, ruailluR 76, m hu aglit at thli lime *vr« the aama as cow. The Ou nnollmr occaiiun, on an npjwal cote, a V m M U m Um IIIR HR, grammar 1U0, ga»grapfay 1)5. Jon.Ie O n N. J. IliillutKl lUUrond. licol wai called free, but wai itippuried liy ioilautivt* njirtoim-'n of h»lf-nl«rvnl liil- llarrli—upelliii}; 85, indiui; tli, grammar US. w G D A M w m TIio commitko ip|ioluted by tbo ^tnerul u m h ' " notic 1U0, biftoiy U5. Wm.Btumpf-fpct- isetlng or the firnl worlgtjo iioadbolderi or u m Om w TIID achooli woro eo nil acted In thli wiy utiittttluru in trjini,- to uiaiMTopanii ani;iuh onh nfjj 73, ftrnaiinarf««, arithinptlc 100, gougraplir m UC " h JO Mtw Jwaey Midland Koliroid Co., luld at •a number of teacborB, more or !••• succeii. vmn a ivituLHH, and lu u partially iutoxlm M M ll^ltlo (Jretk-Hpolllinj W, reading U0, o. KT Llberlv«:t, N'u.v York, October ilat A until the the tonmuip oigaQlsatlon hi ^&38. catud cmulitiun, Iu cavly <!ay« tw bed Ivuv-n Ibe Uw U Inf'UU.graiutmirftJ.gfOj.'npliyfcO. Wllliim !<:, nunonnco tlial they hata bid uurrendered m w icug tho eirller teacher* wo find thonamoof play Mluvr of tim prualdiiij,' Jmlga, auil Mill rom w iiuc^fvriling 1iiy ijr4ininnr 6^, arithuiutic i Ilium about 11,009,000 of Ibe first morlgigc w m uryAxlele, who »coraii to bsvabeen a mi& membored him. Tliu lawtorn hxl vxlinuiittd U0, blalory 81. lioal iu Eust|»U compaiitkii, Uw W R w ands, and coutwl at \<t&%t t (50,(1110 fkddltlooal. liberal iducation and a thorough diicipllnarttitir *ViH iit OHJo^-voriiiH to unlm bitn BIK.ITor A M m N IIBIDU, 100. U. A. JoiimoN, Teacher. nmjority «r the sucond mortRige bonds liavu i. We ilio flud among other* tbe mmei or x corUin question, and in (liuir dmijulr ap{>calm D m m m laoUoi-u mncudcrud lo thom, and IJr. JJonJ. ti Schubacr, Uias Leddlo*uJ U r . Soutbird. d to the Judge, who laid: m m w The NurlU-Wtil, r'illiatiiBiin, iho Attorney In tha foreclosure Q m Tbo lahooli, under tho control of tbia corjii "Mr. Jcuklnn, you UIUH! miswcr llil* qut-iK ly of our pcnplt are toltios leriomlv lit, informu Iti-m that he lia> boon instructed j r l e a d e n , appear to lia»e Iwealo aver;flourw H Imi, and If you do not do [t willingly I Khali n ibout tin new region Xii-iu^ opuncd up lu tbe <y tlio trusleeu of tbe Oral mortgage lo "expe- * iug condition, since we aro told that Engava to tike inuuns ta uompol you." m w id aent a conmitUio to eiimine into tbe conThin wa* too uiucbtor tbo already Irato farm- ngrtU-tv«ilby tha Nottlitm I'dtiQu lUUroid, iito tho proceedings with all possible dispatch," A m urlauily cuutamplatit paylnt It a vinil. nowdolugao. D.B. HaleteadisChalitnan w w lonandtbi matbodiof leaching employed, Dr, md he turned upon thojutiictil fuuetiounry w m m Jdr. Alfiud KiudroJ, BoaorJlr.Johu Kindrtd, md II. P. Dooberl Secretary of tbia Committee. Ib a view of Introducing them in. their Qcrcely : or Middle Vww, wuo ht,z baon i t work in m up h w m Mm M U ilgo, I've known yonigb ontt forty joar, tbit res Ion fur eight ycara or more, is now Tlie VJgllamla. m w m [% wonld ieem that lome of tba toaclieri faL m m n au j iinod In think wbon yju'a a buy yon1* a ifitiutf bin frleuil* lu Ilii* wctlou, aud will At tbo regular ueatrngorVigilant Ifoso ou m w w w m purly good fuller, but notf Tin Hilislkd ycr oau rulnru. 11* warmly codorve* the artlc'ta VfodiieaSsy evoiiipg arran*;eaiAnl* were made >ored a free ma of the wulp, as a praaont resw w w mt of JICDdLam mentions an initince in n notbln' inore'n a durnod old fool I" r Cuiiductor It. H. JJiIl, which iur nveral for tho annuil ball of the cempiny, E n t e r iblch the icachar used the rod for a half day Tlio Judge bad a keen BOHHO of hitmur, und icofii we havu bCL-ii publlshlug on our first Monday evening, and the following were t p m m m l o t hli pupUe, before he %%vt u p ; but. w w U Ibo laugh that fallowed fotRot LU tUj;aity SRC, and it'iwininoiidiutlmt region aa oflerlag •ointcd: Committee of Aruugements, Wm. which was mister of tbo illualton lt would b« w w m H m m til joined In ni baurtlly a* tha roil, itf gruik'st udvsutagcs to all CIRHSCB or ptopln. Lambert, Frank Cox and J. J . Backoff; w H h w w h lie Leliort. tlmt tbcro 1* mom gold and pre- Floor Miaager*, John V. Cain, M. H, Maloocy difficult to dotonninc. I bellevi that tba poor w w H w pupil bid to try "bold, enough," w cious mineralu in DakoUli lhau la Itontim, id I'. Cochran. U r . Andrew fioitf, wlto has Tbo terrible dood for which tbia alight punw E h w lVilh tbo return offlprinj?"" h»vc onr muai n a s tho latter place ia, while the agriOm m n A loiranco of chsngoblu weathif »ud rouddy cultural pruapoct ia unequa Hod. Ur. Kindred biouibo efficient Treisurerof tbe Company lahment wai Infllotcu w . i not put en record ce i t i organization,tondoud hli wntgnation, and therefore muit furovei remain a mystery, w w w ronk, but at tbo old iftring ti, lliu tillter must waa formerly in the service or the Northern mm w M iiuiohli duties now prevtnt bii attending m From a pirmr oi>tiln«il of Mr, George H. U m w 1'aciSo Itosd, bnt for tbo laut tbrct jcara ha* go with thu nwciit. ' THE IRON ERA, Iba eulca, HI* reiiguaion wa* accepted m m Moving has already commenced with ui nnd beau eneaRsd in utrroying (tuvcrnmeut tracta, dtli a TOU of aniiU.f.udUr. J . J.Uickog was Hiompion contilLiug a itatement of tbe w K acho'liiuMsudbim tuwnsblp in 1 8 » we obIninmo luatancti he bai boon a* long as ilx w w Q iloctcd in bii staid. ttln tba following facts: Tbnro were at thli number of changes wilt take place tills monthi In tbs woud* without ncing a white U M w h m m w time situated in the totrnibip fiveichooli; two M Ipring, iomo golag out and otbar* taking fico L»iia*i tliowot bi*o«a party, bttngroint m ADvrcaTcd P a lull jr. Q m In tbe village of MoBduom, tbe Acidcuy and a oftLo timo among Qioax aud oihoi Ind lam, m w elr plar.oi. On Tuesday morulog tbo oldoit child of Mr. m Tbo Union icrvitcn that hare been held nlth xthom he la Mo to oauvers* freely. Hi* ThomiiMitcheliofllockawijdioiIof diptberia, ichool for small children. Academy avenge, w wU w m between the two cburcbea fnr soma lime ter- brDtfaer,.CuiM, J , KinOred, mention til lu one making thie« clilldien which tbii gtatloniin 75 BChoIsra, tbeotber aUottt 25, A.GCQOQ1 at Y m U minated tail SunJaj ercning, Uaviug avnrv A Mr, Hall's Utisrt, ii t l » in tbat i t c l k n , hja bad inept airay by this dmad diman with- Water Btreet, now Brooktldu, average 35, The ichool on tbe rend Iciding from Mend, U D w w m w " friendly reollnp botweeu piston and poop)*,' ud ii Chief Olork of the Nortbero Faciflo roaa. tbe p u t three weeki. Another li at present bim to Peipick; tUa icUool at the Juaclioo, O m both paaton bavo labored esintiitlyand filth:k. It it indeed a terrlVio Ibtog wben death Tbors wore also a part of two otber districts m Q m Fully (or tbo advancement of Chrfrt'i ciuse, U m m F r i g h t f u l Aeoldtiii « l Jlllnt Hill, tket such bivocag tliit Inonofitoilr, and we Em w M ind thoir labors have boon rewarded in tho Cbsrloi Paul aad a friend by tlie name of tendor onr lympalblei, ai do the whole com- situated In tbe towniblp. There wai no porw w w ttouof lUtlowniWpaHuiatlinft UHtttnte of a m m W hu lonrerilon of abont tmnty-nvo noriomt, wme Parsons, were out bunting on Tburadiy after- ronnUy,totbeafQlctodparenti. w m w m U nd of thorn raon pa at the meridian or lifo. Last noon, whon tbe former met with a terrible Sfneo the foregoing w u In typo wo have been common school. Tlio children were kept at w w borne In Summer nlien large enough to work, m Sunday lift ton united hy profusion or Tailh pilncd to learn tbat tbe fourth child of Ur. and sent to icbool In Tiinler. Tbe prleo or tnimm w Q with Ihe Congregation^ Cuuicb. Itev. tlr. :ddent by the accidental dlscharga of bin gi m w m w Iloadltty, or Faith Cbape!, Hew York Dfty, Ho h i d iat down to examine bin gun, and had HitoliBll died on Thursday evening noon after on varied from 13, U, IS, IB and 80 sbllllngi m taken tlie birreli off the >tock, when, it Is family had rotnrncd from tin funeral ot m m Frid.y or U«*t week mil bo St, Patrick'*" D»y. Tlie Pionbytorian Ohurcb admlttod jr ienn, according t o what was taught, m m They aro shipping pig Iron from Btinbope proacbed a very appropriate sermon on tbo supposed, by tbe striking of lbs bsunior of tbe third. ^ ^ M m V w Q O w w About tbis time tueia Mae a boarding scbool D. 1. RtgnUt monthly nectleg of tbo Pnlcellooa to memborihip last Sunday 30 portoni, part of irnace to PUcsuiiviUo, l'a. ona birrel igainat a atom, tha cap eipbdcd. w U whom bad bean converted at tbe rnvlr.l iu tbe A Senator Chargtd w l l h Urlfaerr. w w i tho Village of Mcndbim under Iho charge of March 9tb, 1670. A tew dayi alnao a i John Deo was rrturning Tim charge psiaed througti his bond m d tben UtitTaendaT evening. M. E.Cburoh at tbit place. U w In tho diicussbn uf ths bill now before the Mr. FaircbM HUKUOOI asoms iohave been from Ulna Hill on* or his b o n e s w u taken uptrard Into bla left eliMlc, tairing tha vtV. II ii ilia the C»na IronCompiny will reduco ID (be Episcopal Church Uit Sunday evening w m m St/ocaeunna, H w lick and dlod quite suddenly. parts and completely fracturing that lido of cgialature, for Iho reduction of tits foe* of bold in high repute, as wo find mention taido ot b*1ltb>1rworWnjr torn. Itector, Mr. Duller, allidud to 1 R m donallon vliit given Uor. Mr. EntrUkea U A tfany think* ira duo the Rent lorn en for hli lower Jaw Into six or tercn pUcci. n e a t ihorifls, it I* cbareed Ibat lereral Senator! in T- F. Qordon'i Hiilory of New Jerioy.In tbe foinolfer 0. L, Ubovoy, of HadiHOn, broko arliae U ono which H m Ktrcoil to tiko brlbei from the Sberlfta of it Drakevllle on lait Tuendsy evening waa well sir 1B31. The bnt[dIuRainnblcbiehoolaner« u Amsrioan i n » lamped %aAran to Futons, when Us te\\, :frcul.ting a snbacrlpllon pipor for monoy to hli »rm by »ft"*1t u 0 flcFot o n e a f l y ! " 1 w w k ' attended, connldiirltiff tbo muddy condition of m m n ig titt hsad ia sbame, lid i pl.nk walk-from tbe Congregational ind tho latter anlatcd him to c,ot home. Ur. >bcir couulles to ma thoir voiei .nd lufluence tpl wero very poor and very poorly furnlibed defeat it. KctTipipercorreipo&donti having and lllj adapted to the wsnti ol the children. U hu Tho coil compmiei havo decided to fnrtiior Il*r. Dr. KIdder, of Dre1* Tlicoingkal Sem- tha roidi, which prevented many of Ihe friend* ia of Mint mil, actiatcd by pr, OonOict of H m -rninago along tbo urcniiBG. of Jacob 0 . m D bu At tlie annual town muetiaa: btld In Utnd. pniipone thi resumption of coal mining until inary, will ucciipy tlie pulpit of Ibo M. £ . the Dominie living over i couple milci away Drake, tbui making a continuous nlaurk walk Dover, runiovtd ths dotiobed piooei ot tbo lorted that Senator Hlvorthorn.orourncIgU D m u C Irom getting out. Tho vtilt roiuttcd utliric- from (own to tho croaa roads i this hai b«en a U Y Cbnicb lo-mnrrow. tctnrod bone, to some of which tho teeth boring county uf Warren, lili bean guilty of am in April, 1839, Hamuel Oallowiy, Him"] L. m ily to n.11 prcaent, from which botwten iiulilT nn I dfegueting piece of walk which hia w re (till nttiched, and also extracted ahet sfforlng lo sell liimiclf for a money conifdera- .zloll and Coo, fjoward were elcotid School U Town meeting! occur on Monday, April 101 b. Mr. R D.Uould will conduct tho serried or tlun, tlmt t;ontletnin lndtgci,atljf deaici the •evenly ind olghty dollar! In money w u realm N w w hu w m Ibeannoilscbool meetings will U held just ID V. JI. 0 . A. prayer mooting to-morroff ef- iiod, anil a soodlr quiullty to extrai, for which OR aeedod thi* [mprorotneut, and I under- rrnm his nock and oar. - The wonnd was a tcr- charge and t i k i for a public investigation Committee, tud t i e ? appointed tue 11th ot m Hay to district tbe township. The toirntbtp illo one, but they tuuccedod finely "with tbi irnuDO. m w m U • land tho amount needed Ii raised m d tho 0De week earlier. wliloa will ho granted lo bim, Ir. Enlrlcken relurni thanks. * & mw w then divided Into leven district*: Mend- D m oporation m d mails him as comforlabl 1 w n iralk loon ta ba built. ' OnThnridaruiEhltlierowalipsrtlillecliliaa TvrolTe pononi wore rectlred into tho memturn, lUlBtoarllle, Horaam, Union, Witcr puiiblo. Dr. Collins Ii atti>niling Mm, aud F. N. dove, Eiq,, u mjoarnlnfr tempomrllr U of Ike moon, tULblo hero, On tho 251b iuit., berthlp of tlio Uorrlilown Btptiit Cburoh ou it J»re, Daker'i hotel He I* pushing bii miu- W*d dogs uava made tlicir ippsariuce ta onr report! him as doing well ao far. St. Patrick's D a r . Strict, Olark'i and Waibinp;ton Corner. w w m m U Sunday. ricinily. Ono be longing to Stephen Iludd nrn there will ba in annular eellpao of tho sun. High Bfixt will be observed ID Ut, afary'i IR operation! at Shlppingport ai vigoroutly a* ibot bore this week. * h W The commltton flr*t met for Ihe llocming of w ODSEKYEH. *-«~* ; Hr.V7m.Yortniin,propiietorof tboMcCainsUufchi tbU vlacc, on the nsoiaing of St. Fat' walble, A solid body of ore wren fact w\ie, m M A Beautiful Home. iiehera on May 281 b. There wera three leicbw w froAlXrntn* T'citacapcd. rick's Day-Friday of cext'week. Owing to Iba enpreitnt andallwore granted license, t h e il]]« llolol, U making amnp;omontB fnr tlio ic- Our toirnnniBii, Ouy Ilincbmaii, Ewq., now an •a width of the (In ft, and or eicollent quality u 0- L.& W. Railroad Matters. Coal train No. 09 and extra were coming o n atrlngoocy of tho times lt Ii Dot definitely dittlci of the oommltlee were tbe same thai commoditlan of diy bourdon n o t Summer. now uncovered, and to ill appearance! tbe ttojenarbn, is oiia of Ibo mniit rcmarkible Y m U w During the oarlj part of tbo week a numbor about ton c'clock'on Thnnday night, whan thi BnufiiiijearB, a» well ax ono of tho bent «•- toln la seven ov mate fe«t iildoi itill. BuectM ot broad gnage locomotlrei pissod throuRh first itcipped at tliu vest end ol tbe Dnrordraw iotdtramed tuat tbo Sivlaiom of tbe k, O. II. w Alsrp number of BOIIODI toucher* U tended JW devolve on the County Superintendent, and m U U M H m tbe District iDititale in thin place imt Sititr- RDiod, in this acotlou,and bU bowo DQ ULck- (0 birr.. Ur. A. U. P. 8'gur i* *lnkin S a ahafl Dover on tbeirwiy to tlio new car shop* or Ibo irldge, and sout a flag bac'i about the length In this icction will mabo a demonilratlon-tbii aprwiricaoh one wa* allowed $1.00 f*r » c h n m m *, but It Ii thought tbat tlity will mako _ 11 itroot in ouo of tho coiiost aud moitpleaB* on tha tamo rango, and may he iuec*ed al*o. m W U U tho meeting prorotl tbo moil Inloriy Bp«nt In Ihe service of the townsuip. Tbi A ^ w O ipauy at Biu'giland, bo low Patsalc, lo bo nl- of twenty car* to tlgasl tbe e u r i te atop, Tb« grand panda on tho Fourth or Jnly next Id it torisUintliliiiOoUon, Hoornj ami light, The rodtiiDg o! Uorrii County Lodse of Good toi-ed to coaform t o ILo narrow Rtiafe b ' tttlns one yet hold, m m M Rm " extra engineer admit* be *aw ihe signal, but honor or Ibo CcnUunUI AnnlTfirsiry or Arnar- •mount reoolvod from tbe Stale ichool fund, [Ib NLi'eVxutlra blooming throug:oat, i n d D •urplDirevenue, w u fortlieyearlSlU, IIS3.G9. TcrapUn at Buecnunni on Ihe Stb lnnt., nai idoptid by tbe road- Tho forco i t the R thought the brakeinen would put on the brakei UlneiElizi M'Kiniion and fiamautba Poor >n Indopcndenco. In tbo matter of patriotism adornm! with many relies of b!i intorcstiug life, wall itteadoil. Sixty members were t'towml, loops at E n t Dover aro..lio cn;ag(id in tho on a n t i n g the bridge, t o be merely reveriM m m addltlia U t l i i tlit! township rii»Bd 1200.00, M m ot EocHwiy have opened a ilrcii mnklng eiour Irlih frionda ara never lick log, aad are boupcali* IB U I ciorj sppolntmEWt iho abode w tUHfiinalItheautaof|i43.CS. In tbeycar Uw m ubliibmeBt In the t o u t s oTtt">former, undte- 1 a man of culture and reflnoninut. Prmnl. TbouKh the morning was rainy, (Ut Order work or narrowing tuo gnago of a numuor or bit engine. But wlionaenrSS be s.yi It scom- doiorvfng of iho hlfihoit meed of praiso. w w 1619 I'D flnd roportod 483 children in tbe towi throughout Iho County waa well represented. coal cirs and several paiaongor cuacboi. od to him as if tho icarbrikas ofbli triin woro w m ipMtfullyiolidtpatronaga. . nent among liis colleotions are many beautiful The dull tlmai has had the effect to itriouity •btp, aadjlia i s tiaYing attended BCIIDDI a part h A n w FotatoaB, Mr.D.Uolfcr haa Ibli weok put au elegant ipecimena of fungi wlilclt lie b m collecled in mbarraii two or three Lodges, tbo rttnaininjt Tho work of. remodeling tltdguige of tlialoacti, and bo wai panned into the cibooao nd n of tho lima. The Scbool Committee w . s n b X w pUU RIAU front ID H I itore building nttt bit ramblvi, i o m t plain, and otbera politliod noi by rodoublad effort! haft more than cnmotivei for th» namxr guago tracks promlaei of the forward train, completely tolosoopiag thi When, laat Bummer, fo»r* w«re entertained tinned until t b s j e i r 1817 when It was aopermm to the Opera Home, which will aoon be occudin vtriona groteifjao rormi,lbataio maintained the general avera^o hi Daembenhtp to givo emplof moat to about 1,000 men, night engine, cabnoio, and one or tro ciri ahead.- tb.t the potato crop of this icctfon would ht •edtfl by a tovrmlilp Buperlntendent, wbi w m rod flij, lor abpui foot moavlj, at tbe ltcomoM m Tbo engineer and flrfman anil mon in the caa failure bocauie of tbe Colorado bug, thi plrfbjMr.Bilej.Ini biker, both iulcrcstlcg and arousing. Then too tlero In tbe Ooonty. Tbe of&co of County Templar w w o^were to apportion the public money, to ;lve shops In Faterson. m m w boose taw tho ianger In time to Jump off and farmon anticipated tbit there would ba a Thi boiling i s the c u e of tho JODDR man of re natural ipecimeaiof rootiandknoli, shap- bmng vacant "by tho resignation of J.mea Oati m m license teicbir* and to visit lohooli. Tbia eon< w w Comlderable oicltemont waa created in JareInjury. Theiiabooteaudcoalciriitruck demand for the " bog orangn" thli Gnrinp;, UiDs Bill who ate cbirgad wltb, hating riot- ed in cnrlom dovlcei Ibat miko them lupcrb of Mo.tM, David H , Bividge ol Ountlueutil m m n tinaed nntil tho preisat lyalcra came into opw N w rail; tmntlod a gin milk *t i U t p1»t», v » ornanionls. jOdgoofMorri(town wai elected to thit office ley City on Baknruaytoytbe publication oT ilatc. were badly injund, and the front o! tba engine and consequently paid anosuil attention te w mentitotha effect tbat a portion of tbo Delatheir culture. Tba reinJt.ha* been that tbar* was K damaged tbat it waa unabli to Uke Ihe poilpened till % week from to-day. m U w w Helf a centnjy ago, wbon deer anp other br tbe balance of the year, Tba place far ware, Lacfuwanna aud ..WeaUrn Baibroad tun- train aov ftrthor. TrW Dover drill engine did waa aoeb, aa enormous jloti that tli« lovkt 1 TUi) schooli In Uvudbita seem from tbe first m m H MU m mm \HuUtt\tV.SUtnth\itoe lcaied tho itore ttnQ wcra fontid In tblaiectiua,lIr.Hiachtnan folding Vbo u t i t TOettlog Ii Rootawaj o n ths nel had saved i n , through tbe form of water the wreaking, and OS got offagiinin a couple bai been overitocied to. inch an extent Iba1 to Lave boen well conducted and were well atw H w Q w room o u t to 0 . A. Dorrr, onUlitkwetl itreet, ai known at pno ot tlie moat aueciisfnl iparta- necond Wcdneidwy in Jnno next. w m brought to bear from a leak In tho Jerior City there ii now hot little demand for them, and ended, ind tttliongb forth* past few year* she of hour*, but Iho extra, did not got, away unti' w will optn a milllnirj »nd fancy goodi, and tneu of the time, and hia aoocdoEei or tho Tbe excitement attonding the breaking Into rciarvolr. Tbs hroik occurred betwoen abatti ia.notke*tpac« with her filter townabipt in m U w l a t ptico ia torreiponttingly low. We aai w nliciU tbtpatroiuss'of tbo pnblio. chrnio i t e itxj enttrUlaitig. In bit home ftre md attempted robbery ol Mr.Tbeo.P.Kmg'a Not. 6 and G, Hicxa atriet, wblch rum between tbe matter or ichool balldlngi; yet we think aland tbat aveu now iotne of Ibo farm or* m itore at Drakevillobu nnarlyiubildcd.but for m that per icbctoli a t prcioat are well cotidnoted It ii not orun (bat ODft Bndi a bmband and llll preaerrea *TidtQ«i of bli early banting I few daya i t was at a wblto heat, and tbe gen the line of Iho tnnnel and tba reiervolr. Tbo Bitten hy » M«d Dap;. w W itting them up and feeding tben to tbclrcattle. & V inipocgu*. There we at [ircitat »ii. diiRlf«or*i»tl; ths m a s ago, yet w«lmowof a if i. Ono of tbeie fs »n elegant Sngllik Cowl- eral diieuiilon of Ihe matter ha* duifloped ai U HU m On Taeidar U n . TheoOore ffoodhutl, of mnol directly underneath tbi* ipol Is from 70 m m m b tricls in tbo boundu, and but three school in 5J«T*r wbo w n o b e n ilib w n a gpiecewbleb, in tbo dayi when cum were amazing amount of latent coolneil and bravery to SO feet bvlow tbo surface of tbe earth, and Flanden, went Into th* wood bouso ou tb* W w w m Ifcarlj- m Plro, U mm bouiea that «e might call oven cood. i «• Hi wife, anil tbelr birth dsji occur cboap, coat nearly onebnndred dollan. In the Y up U idea, where a dog belonging to tbe family tbe blasting tiai boon carried on anjjl tbore On Tucidiy noon, Sic. P. 3, Uaguiro, the times of emergoncy and peril. Tbii Is only ear 1817 it was itolen front him, ana ho i o F m on tlie u is diy. w u not mats t.b*ti lhr«o or luar fcot of \wk w u c h i n e d , n h t s ths a&imal luddtnly if U1W, !«ri a bright flr« bnrung In bii shop on speculative of w a n e j' but Ibe aiiertitni ate m m TJrn BcEana IU, E . Clmrch. obitly prcB«a tho tlilof lhat bo lbi«w illu (he U m Ibo etotfl Mt, Pleaaant mine, one hundred feet deep.— larnoit tram wfaleh lt wonld appear tbat Mi abovotbaroofof tbotunnal, Tbo prciiuraof forward and bit bar through her bind. In- Orcbard itreot while he wont to hi* dinner. Mr. IHUOO TanglUf TanglUf-r u U TUe meatlngs eoalfnno with unabated Intcrw w m m the oirlb above proved too great, End during itloollvoiy, ibe put her hand to nor month and Darins; nil absence Iba walland a boi'near tbe b l f tl tlie canall llately oocopiGd by Joh iBt,in fact svery troelt the attc&dtnce . h u inlUcchman anipectod that It m i there, but Cfng, though aeIf-{KiM*Hed to a good degree, m Uw H O w m M Q DopDjibae, and will tramrar lilt {reeery and' did not know panllroly until tbe mlno waj re- 'all* below* the genara) average in Ibis qualitr. FritUy night» portion i h e c U j sudvr Van home draw UID blood from t i e wound. On Tfidnei- stove ignited and broke cut Ioto;a itrong 3d until now tbe Hill is filled to Us utmost pn»l)l<m boaiotH t o tbat plact eomo timo pened, tn 1828, nben it wm foaud under ter- Surglarinad belter givaDrakevlllB and rlc'inity t No. 10 Woks street, caved in. The oavlty diy the animal was dlseovond to be mad, and , wbl*b wia fartunatoly i]I*covcrod In capacity,until at tltuei many am unable lo giii w daring Iho prtM&t month. FOR THE LAD E ity foil or water anu dirt, whnre It bad latdfor i wld« berth, at not the ghost o t a o u n c e far irmod by Ibis break, roMnbling a well-hole, wii killed, but not Lofore H had blltcn ssveral time by tboio living near, who broke open tha •dmlialon, m m mm w GOIIO. is marly circular, abont SO fcot In diameter, catf, and hid torn a part of the ileivo from the door and put out Jhe fire. Hid it romalnod Oa Saodij afterewo * Utlle tWU of Bimnel ilaven joan. I t iraa then, and it atill, In an e i c i p a l i iDTardid them. Tha pastor, Bev. W. II. McDride, h u wlllmnt m and when first discovered wai al least 00 feet coat of Uri. W«odbull's aon.' On Wednesday onduieorored a few minutes longer it I* probim m m Filotr, in ntnrniiiK from Sunday ticbool icollontly preiiorved alato. Torelgn help preiclW with great acctptibliity, It w . i noticed tbat the wound on Mr*. Wood, OnMonaayagaagofraeowiraflmpioyH V W Over i door i i dlipUyed tbe mait mignlQtha bnllding would b&ve been wholly bftama lott, oatuing Iti fritodi conitd»rablo idwlthglorlotis remits,tha attendance e d i n fllllof It in partially. The faolo wUI be hull's hand had begun to fsstcr, but tbi partially deatroyoil. . ' School Work for the Centennial. A imlttj. ltwa»ronnunBar8t.tfary'iCliarcu cent pair ol antler* wo t w o ever leun, Thoy ititly Incrtmiog, and not until t l s preient w w Tbe County Superintendent I* working night walled up and nse<1 ai a shall. Tha lomortbat phyiloian in attendance promptly c.nteriiet w w m •e onco worn by a bnck that in Ib'i bard ffiuU>iI«Tiiiiiig n i l rotansd to IU homo. week sincg thli appcinlment wben I D coniom m m w m «I IKHJ, rfUeo i t e deec of tbia ttgion nere ind day upon Ibo naeenary wnrk to gWellor- tho oartb caved in because of aleak Io the. res- it, Ai jot the good lady bai shown no lyrap;a of »lekn«* hai il boea round uoccsiai Tanj are ntamlag up in Bniwi, « « n If they D A &C tom* whatever of hydropbobli, and at meiim ervoir ii without foundation. It is now Una to go to tbe Ulick Wilt, fur U rli Oonnly a proper repreiantatlon at tbe ferwd to go to tbe <!oora of people for food, 90 tbe pulpit filled by otlieri. H l i thoi ir« poor and h » » tba Oonoty A)mi Uon«e m w have been (akon io promptly in bar c u e , com- isems that there is a probability that this n o DTtirDD with innithi. I t Ii sow recorded that itrayod Into the bam yard of a Warren county approachfng oihibllion, and II la probibie will w w bined withberpreitooaofmlndlndrawing tb« lion la to bo otortaa wilh gnttslioppsn t t t ougb kiicvlcdgeof Dible tmtbi and originality m Peao/utiens. ia preiontfng tliem rendsring tbii crario onIbtrilibotont priioner In the onantyjail i t tumor W»D brandod hla eara with Van nark ha make as good a showing as any of tbn conn tit* m m m m iming Summer, and all the pinto soph era I*ol m R applied to hit cittlo.fed him and let fain g o . there represented. The •pectmen* of proQ- xBK-TJicd, in Rotbiwiy, N.J., of diptherla ttrai from tb* wound at th* time, no IB ~ coceiisryin order io bold nil congregation. w Htttoi. TbereitaralnSUMrriioa. n w m ^ t y y later Mr. Bincbmtn wai i t Mil- jlency In variom branches of education to bo Fob. lTtb, 1870, Caroline Leek, dangbUr o coniaqncncoi are apprebaodad by her frlendi. !iian d i d tbat tlilt year tho Colorado Rev. Mr. Mneic 'at the OrcjCQ Cunfcreocc, D Join Doaoboa of Mine Hill refuted to piyfor ford, P i . , anu at Ibo hotel where be nai itop- icen in tha Counti Snperlnteudont i office, tli* Jorcmlab D, nud Unry Jano Lccb, aged t A. numbsr o( other « U and <Iogi [a tht » l g b * potato \>OE> will attack \bo luberi Vatsmw m mm X j e a n , 11 moolhi aad 13 flaji. a i i tbe Ilockj Uonntaln Eibn ittoj.ltnboonJwtia (a IMimebftrtl'* t InoarntiebborJngconotyorrmafe.atltiTerwork of children of from 12 to U yean of age, borbood have also boen~kill«d. w ping thoro c*mo a boy from a Dalaw' U C H E L L D W . in Ilockaway, N. J., of dlpb proicbed TneiJay nlnhl; bliremirkable derutonHendiyiTenlDg. Anlshtapantfiitbe n n , bearing with b i n tba head ot a deer lhat aro truly wonderful, and sbow tbe rapid prolido, near Patsnon, aod thcreibouti, dlmhii tborii, Fib. 18th, 1ST6, Faanle E. Hllcbrll, w Y union houMwora off tbo effect* of tb« ram bad Juit boon killed. Mr. H., ttUaclod by tbe tcta made i n odwMltm-during tbe paat Tow FatBl Accident * t Mt, Ilape. ttve nraiihopport made thoir appurance mm dancblarorTbomu m d Uirgirot a altlehw m ^ ' obilloito, anrt In tbe •Ice of the horn*, purchaied the head for a dol- ears. In map drawing, from memory, are Five miner* were engaged at work id tba Ut. great qnmbets list Sainrday mominit, to tbe U w •11, aged 6 j c i n , 0 monthi and 14 daya. m m w m MrronKLL—Ujtd, in Jtockiwiy, N. J., of mp Hope mine on Wedneiday afternoon, iod had great comloniatlon of tho infaabltauts. K w w m tMttledbiablll and departed. lar, ind founi] It to Uo tbat ct tba deer tbatbad ulte a large Dumber of ipeoimeni, ion w Fob. islh, 1876, EIlaMltcWI, daugfi- tbtir drvll bolta Quno retuy lo blait. 7oui w" W N V w •faten for beauty of outline, and elearnm ot . Iheria, w w w Vin wa DoUced lait w«ek tbat it wai « • been branded by tba Warran far lerof ; rhomiian^MargiretO.Uitouell,agBd tbembad lighted aad were retiring, and tin U ;ractng actually sxcel Ibe printed mapi. Parm m m S i r i n g . K«W kbat Hr. Bulio.irr contompUtcd rduru, 3 month • ind 7 day*, y i yyean, m m w w b mm N Mr. Hinahman wai born at£lmira,H.Y.,hii ticularly noticeable, among tho to are a m.p of E&|tuBwed«n, bit nativo eoontry, wa bad no rrcHittL-Difed, fe In Rockintty, Rk N. J., or Olp- fllib, Patrick Uyer, ilosd ready to Are bfi hole During the early part ol the vroelc every edi w thtna, Hareb ULb.lBlfi, Clara Bells Uitebcrll, when tbe back ol tlie wall, a 'shale rock, gavo 14* of Implying that ho w going to » o l d bit fitUor having been tho flnt pkjrsician (kit lo- Eurepe, in colored India tote, hy Alfrort If. >r in Ihli end of Jersfj walked laiinrdy into wm daughter or Tbom.iioiIMtrg.rol C. Mitch way, and falling upon, Uyer, Initactly crushed hi* lanctnm, and al if oach v/aa leized with tbo a in Cbetnung ooanty. Ha camo Io Haw Qoodale; a map of ths hemiipheres, thu olrolei «bli{i|iont. If ha gooiatat! it wlllb) to obtai WM m M H D 3 month! and 7 daya. him to death. The otbon esoap*d Jnat iu time, fttd md retom to engaga In btnlnon In J e n sjj whtn he wai fifteen yoan or ago, but ar- «f wbioh wero made without divider*, or any ell, aged ft yeara, inspiration, criaped hii pen and scrawled m m w m d B k N J w H w w lor bad they remained whore they weroamoted d to t H k 7bes h Hew Y York. ha TO- arllfleial aniilaocb, by llarietta Cornell, of ror tbo conipoiitor this now and original tevnard b u m iberta.HarcliStn, IBJ8, Thomai EdwL Obsth.m, aged 13 y e a n ; a map or Europe, by mont longer tbe falling main would hive killed located .IJjongwood, bat thought.' "BprJug, gantle Spring, hia coi igato ell. ion of Tfcoma* and Margaret C. Uitobell, w m O m m ftni Coi, tin genial Warren itreet bnlohcr, R m w Eddie Tomer, of Dover; and an octlioe map tbcm all. Ai It wai one of Ihem waa io near Uk * UcPirlan, U, fimoutbi irjul 37days. list." We don't propoie to lay anything about m U w m untUhichtt market, IIBKI to Brferort ahofl after, at tbo requeitof Blackwall w or tbo United State*, by Joseph B. White, of tbat a piece of the falling rock itruck blm on D D w rtw*. popular ij ihtap ptl(wa'and a Urgo heumo to Eater and. took. oJnrgo of Uie Iron Dover, which Ii perfection iticlt. W a u x i i , We, the member* of tbe U . E. Snn- the ihouldor aud quite isveroly bruised bl~ It, for we know that every on* of tho quill en • day Uchool, Itockatvay, N. J., bivobeen called TUr remain* of the an for tun i to u i a wcra < g l n w i will (oil ui within a few weahi thai w w m mm umimant of meaU, Hah and Tcgetafatsf. works of that firm in this plioa. Tho lail icore R w upon to Rive np tbcM lambs from cdrniito'Winter d lingering ta taa tap of SfrfnH." m mak ondtratanda bit bailneii tboroagbly, of yean bave ftallon very lightly npou bii head' & w Many buiutiful crayon and pencil aketchci, trlcatedaisocn ia pouiblo and conveyed to hli . .».*-*• w w uUli hrge patronago la iha.rsvard of bli Time ba* Indeed dealt Ushllywltrihltn cai ~~ which are excellent both in design and eiei m W n u J u i , In onr loss wn icknovledgfl tba Piborne. One of Ibe uddeil circumvtaucei ofthd D Ifm«;k«ti*town. «Mb7 * « d bli fenr roasona among onr crlng hit years, and be ii hale ind In tbe enjoy- tion, may be aeon. Emma V. Qarrleon, m m H m Q vlnslaw, tod l o w to ill j c i t cUJnn: there- affair Is that poor Myer Uwevafflte aad aix m w U m ment of all bii racoltfoa. We with blm continl . k lotal tUtotUa tetotd* ihtt about a bun m b m Qhithim Rtrl ot 14, natoa of Cr. Uojle, h i t w w h w ItEiOLvni, '/bat vie horaby give oipiesiloulu •mat! children who, in tbeno time*, will have ued health anil hope an3 believe* Ibat many dredyeariaincea meetingcf the reildentiot w mat a number of iketchei, bolh in crajon ai m m w onr iorrow, and extend our heartfelt svmpath;- hard itruggle to maintain tbeawelrot. The Ueain. Baldwin bato mi,la amng«yean are yet left blm for enjoyment In hii the place was held to give it a name, bnt not g pencil, tbat are worthy of tho bigheit coismon- to the families tbn* daprfrod of their firigbl w DtilofGtWOt b railroad i l d from ifnlbutue. bring ablt lo agree Msoos ttomielMi.the pri vm m orr iico by datioa, anil abovf tbat aba baa Btnin* t>I no Janal* j and whitd they arft p u t m g uudec tliit m m A DntiBjcraua Vulaatice. voN NEW iltge or nimlng the boronnh w.s add lo oi m m ,Ma tvrn Irom Watorloo, and will incomiderablo merit. Other ikotchts 1 / Uar'- •ercre llod, miy they feultb*t T mm D Neuiy every itreet Arab In town baa caught Jad e Hickctt, for a barrel of wbiikey, who "lie h.i ptrGnatbentd tbe chiln, w b< E P«b»biy gel COO toni from Lake Hopa.teon*. *tU Oornoll, or Chatham, ago* 14, John D W C U Tha Pop Gun as a Smut Machine. Uie, aling tutectlon, ind with a forked ellck, to callta It Uackettitoty Irom a town la Irelind. Bahaabrokan in twain, w m "tta Ullerplaoo, partlei ltvloff on Ibo banki H w w m m U w However glad we may feel thit w« succeeded Tunla of Obitfaam, aged 18, George A. Foi _ And futon*) II firm In Ihn itioi." Uhlcb la atUohed a rub/ber aa a mtann of pro- They have bees haekln* at aaob olucr over thai m «tbiUke Un ent ana banled oat over 6,000 In aliendng tbo Bulletin pop gun, we are ex- of Mt. Freedom, agod II, i n d o t h o n , ire worn w X m b m n RUOLVSS, That th* room of the " tittle puUlon, they are ihooting- gravel itonca m O MM tad an holding It for ailo. The ICB from tremely lorry that tbe doio proved aach an thy of merltorloui mention. m N wU & Oleanen" be draped for tho apace of thirty Uvat at e\«^body aaA aiei;thing. W« IGITP barrel of (laid ever ilnea, until moit people think that "Hackba'-at-W wuald be a more w ««pliesi u front oielit to alefea incbei in emetic to tbe editor ai lo » u w him vt vomit wU w During lb» Ulter p.rt of next week tbe . iUiotviD. That a copy or theie Itctolatiom ofbOTi who have hid their oycanuarlr put out approprlkla Latne. • w U *&tm wfl of good o.n«Uty.-Jera»ymin. m W m all over bis uewipaper, as i* clearly ab Superintendent wlilpUceumeorUieieiVeichM be «Dgnn»ed ind preicated to the parents " by item, and of eld men and other* being bit m m w m 3l»T.E. V. King, of Peckertowo, in tbe SUn- Its appearance tbli week. And itlouia ai if he and mips, and other* that ha sxpecli yet to thi deceased. w O U about tbe beait »a they p a n alos^tbe atreeta, W m m B. O. LlPHKCOTT, m D w m Tw had bean taken t o bad, too. There Ii evidence recilve, an exhibition at Drown1* drag atore *»I» M.Oli E. Church, on Taotday westag n « t , Quito a numbor of atom and dwellfnff .home w Um Jonn J. PKKB, 1 fI h Tho Sooato oa Tnoailay, by a vote of 10 tn 3, n ww m w if inch violent tctcbingi Ihit It is fiir topre- and Broeie'i book itore. windowibnvebecn brokm bj tbtie tnlullci, « , ? i . p p 1 ' o f - t I w * P ' w sw h m m U WlIXlAM CoUBtZH, paaaed tba but appropriating 1300,000 Tor lha m u m w w •Ultoknowintheao h»rd timei-» *ume that alt that wa. foul within thi man. w u In tbe matter ol spelling aome or tbe puplli while tbe rnlllnR mill wlndowi hare furnlibi Itookawaj, March 10,18T0. Commtttco, camplatlon of Ibo new Luuallo Aijlunt at Uor *««h>li«Ldtmttt» m H w mttt TbeleetmBia falgUy thrown upon tho ntwipiper. Bull, no matter ava spoiled without an enor JM tett word*. lcDt larKoti.ror Ibe y o n n y m t a l * . . Tbe Hi Flalm i atio the bill to aathoruco tbe Trun m « «1 and to It wai be added lomi choice & m w wneb hia reader* may bail been nai tk-s tia» becorac to g tli eral Ihit tbo pooplo Fataf Accident at Morriftawn too* of Iba Dover I L E. Church to tell curtain w m ibj tU cbolror tbe ennreb. Tbeprlcei , « e »nppo»« the editor must feel Vcttti BOW Iieconio aUrtned, noil aome yonng; btdi p About half-past Un Itaii mornln-«B Daniel Suspension of Mines. property. w u m w tbatiueh a Hlltiy load hai been c u t off hi* A w Uarraf, coachman or E. T. S . Kiiiam, £ i q iiiveboou armitBil and reprimanded, Wi On Saturday lait tli* minenof Ibe Glendoi In tha flouao on Tneaiiy thu Kjiuaki'f iiallei O Pf««dlwiUberor tbo tenant of tba ebnrobi itonach. w Iron Company at Tvaboaud Eibernla received was driving on Morrll street near tbe Head' roquBited by the author!tina to itate Ibat after _[r.YoaB[b!oodof. this cutiuty U> tbe Cliai ««t W«k wa •bill publtth in ocr OenteoV H w On* nun in Dover took a ludlcruni TIBV C the uuweUume nutlDEation tbit on the fint of qnirtonhla bor», a joflncand spirited an Hie lime of Ihii papur ill bora found ttiin m m JWColl«tkoi m article prepared by Jndge (ho thing a t Brit and thought he would tain April null all " o i l would be napeufod la theie mil, bectmo rrlgbtcned at » jinslng load a tbcae daijfjerein litilo weipoo* willboproiccut- daring hit titnporary abieuce, and that £<tu- O Am tleman ciarcised tbe function? or tlia ufflcti iu m h w m w w w **« U Kanome, of Biwnton, at tbo wqui lumber and ran away. Onlb«acat with Mur- id. Parent* »fll do well tn caution thotn. womlnei. At preienl thoro ire engaged w wU w m Ihinghoinoind amnis ble Tolka with m M quiet, tttidHiUndtng vay, pluaiin}; tuu w D T Jf tti Connty Hoperintinflout, entitled, ' ray was Mr. James H. H i " aud the u when he came to read tbat oilricb tqulb, bo joth placet about one hundred and fifty men, m w wU m Uooit ShoiUlue.. riioly conclniled that it w u too ibookingl; eh- who will bave to seek for employment elte- strength of bolh wai insaCleicntto stop Ibo anU m w m U RemavKl « f Fallut MUop*, w R qniDnoek ToBaihip, l t d also a Hiatory of icene to go into a homo where there were la- wbsro, Doforo tbe pinto, however, there wei imal which in ft* headlong n e e rin anddonly Wltb a Iris of our tortnanion— Ueian. W. m U w We are gla&ta notica tbat theKaihuaaoo. C w m «w«Iqntl Work l a UmtaUlB »nd Bomton dlci and children, . a d ao h« carefully hid ft in employed abont five hundred and fifty mon, into the gutter and tho carriage, a heary eloau II. McDarlt, S lepben J. I^tlmor and William II h.i decided to remove t&clr paint nunria frm U m w w h w D U U T"<nil>Ipa, | n Horrli Connfy, M. I . " I t i> coach, Minn' in contact with a trio and w DjTim-tlic aport nf rifle i b o n t i n d i becomln eompoil heap, knowing tbat it would make but the comber hai been gradually reduced, A M H U m m trk to Dover and attach tliont to thuci M w :; c ' 1 ' "°* lnlere>tln|t docnmeDt; and beaid slid tbe mines have been worked evar lines at Qvortamod. At the Iniliut It (truck Hi very popular, and they iro becotnuiE adapti •hopa east ef ibia pine?. On 'UiurtiUr thu icollent manure fur bii garden a fen w D C w H w 6 ot tdiwalioMl woiit, rtoUtli ranch ot hrnce. profit to the company, lu order that thoi jumped md eiopoc! withnnt Iiijury. Murray') iu all rangi;*, frem 300 to 1,000 yirdi,' Al erection ofabnlldinj; waicommcaccd Iur tbi mU b H Ubbb»77 or t h o u towiuliipi,and tbo Toet were cntin^ltd In tlie reiaa, and ai ba who could nat obtain work aUewhate might b n w C two hundred janl«, icroaa tbo rolling mill pond, on tho Count; Superintendent quesp ll IOIC. Iu tbeaa li.rd time, unj tildilitia Ic w M C m U l i t d .ied ho wa» Uicowo held first, atttkluR «poa m lied. Hut now thti company hi* Ia atoek mii of of early early li w w T f l t U D t t 4 3 1 aodenit mii limei. all treated tion until he i i aoro in every Jalnt, befillstho our buiineni rcfonrcei i* an advantage, and a D hit race. BUneek w u LroleamdliB roc m m w hirt pltailng H w out of a pomUIe 25, billing an eicbl-inch bnll'i popgun witU filth oat of bli own mouth aud att'boaa taint* and at Bordtown ovar one hi l mmw. m lereral severa cantuilons on hit fora head and eye four time* out of fivo, and mining it once tbit "ill brins a number of nieu lie re, we. an w m w mU w blow* it at m periomltjr; t>nt tbe wind blew dred thouiind torn of iron ore, and to lucre led to mike A nolo of II aud wtlcumo tliom m Bli. Ue ilitil altaoit initautlj, a faint groan u O th.1t vist quiuttty lu t i e proicat atit* ot th« : m m T U bulyabottthilfaattieh. Thiatangehnor fhftothor wa*, t a d icatUrbd tha naaty ttubt to the town. - ' • m mw my U i t In quoting troi ipad bin after falling. Tuo united strong! difficult to roako » good acorn npon'tbi w Iron market wouiA ba iboer lollr. While ir F all over himielf. By a wondrom aspanilou It wai rnado to aiy thi mm w n m w mm hit fteable mlt be perpetratai wbat icemi to regrnt to leirn thit the a i m don Company h i ofthrca mta * > i rcijnired to lift lh» eoac thouian i yard* range, owing to tbe am.Ilneai li probiblv thirteen • trom off Mum?'* body. concluded to alop working a t \btae. plicst, v. m W m of tba target, and cunalderlRg that th blm a wonderful joke, and » y i bad Sanion Mr. h. II. Ealmcn of this phca, w}io U flollan," wboreii it shonid m M moit iccord loit tho credit or laying that It bia m been ponesied of tbe jaw bono of ibe reportar DeceaKd f t a How York City man, ana ha uperti in ihfl country BCVIF make a fnH score oldurad ono of tbo beal Jndgci uf boru flcia in r fifteen, hundred delC U A U m w o r t h e E M . b t v o n l d b a v i b c e n mow laocen- erer been one of Ihsbeit cempinlei'In tbliiec* driven the bone t o Jlorrlatown from the for at tbia-raiigi.', we tli Ink tb» Chief ta to be con section, is now in tlie west making \mi falsehood, wbiobw w m m The weipoi cbaita of liorit-s, and It espeuled in Doior about fnl In ilivinff tlie FbllUttnei. How fuany Uon, ever liberal to tti emplojoei, u d one o matplaco jcilcrday.anobai batuln tbeew- gratulatod oa U s proOvtency. R Y U C A t u _ . >y Uat piper, li eveo w m m H D NOO K OK AH UX C Had tbf indent man o n t n n g l b bean poiioii the flit to curtail the work or nwinco tbi pa; ploy of Hr. Kluam fur lame time and ITM about ied waa • Bharp'a ' Ctteinom rifla. * tbo 13th of tbia month wilu a Qui drOTd, H w m m — Itated.. I t Is better to bo fam P ed of a alrglo copy of tbi. nnmber of tho Bnl- jf ita miner*. XV& believe for lha present th to Uke charge of hii atthla at tlia Hone liomeall irboaio Innoed of honv* wilt du wcU la R w WU U • boandi or truth t h u culilde. Th NEW Poor i l c a n Sapcvltaianilirnt, G A C m letltf, it would only b*Te bean necessary/or him compiny b u decided to con tin a o optntion* al alead, recently purchased by lir. KUiam, whi mi bim attd eiatnins hi* stuck. m D i' above larlooi tack of v c Mr. Samuel Scbcylcr,1 who for the pa.t jea m w to have glveo it a In order to itink to Hurdiowu. family la now boarding with U n . Dr. Llndily. U w m w U O V tabeea Gtoward of the ST.orria Ouonly I'oo h O w S»'«Wlelb death all tba FblliitiDei thai tbenlnbibited tba W m n «itai,»to».Hiaiilfc Amldrut n t Ul« Cnr Hb'«pa, Whit do Ibeio mining lUipfmloui teaoh ui M a m y Ii t powerfully built, iulelllscut Irish- Eooir, find* farming more- wnj-eula] Iu hi* d m U, ' " l d e r. bellots tbat aoma one win oartb. The only dliuuully aboottna operitlan ,ipplv thill Tbit tbo town of Dovor, If it *n, about 40 yeira or aga, m W Joliti Jobntou, fenplnyed In Uie carpenter m m m W wonld be tbat evcD.ancb a atronn man ai would bo••inrcderporaanentproipcrlty, w Doe tot a Llnilily and Pierion n i m l o e d tb< l.ito, and hai thercforo icftlgn'eQ tha pOKillan ui op' attached io (bo car aliopp, was felt N m t H Saaaou naald have lueeumbed to tbo *roc]l in haro ffitliiniti bounilnonJominuftctnriDcin- body and pronoonccd tba neck broken. Tb( with tbe intention or returning to bla fi U UD m circular u w on afternoon when lik Am Chester. Mr. John Naugbrifibt, or A ' g m — m w w U A uiamb w u cacgbt accidentally and cut off. l>ody was tikon to the Dunn undertaking roomi duitry or fuduitrle*, that will benefit i t at all p laklne; Ibe effort. rifihtTiUo^hM been uprwtotcd toflll tb» pot!m m Dr. P. A. Harris wai cilleil, and findins tba tunc»,andparticnlarlyprcvo a meinsol sup- and Uid ooL—Banner. Uw A i tba "IXjirnahip fiyaltm,' tion. Ue will mike an auction » l e »r fai Wbat a pitiful tbmff lt ia to « e a n w w F mangled as lo mskaamputatloa port wUou mining operation* fill. To m C M m puriDntl property on tho Slit Init., and wi] Brettaer Garrison', piotenslora t c s m e w bira- man who h u a. dollar invtaUd in bo aim U iccaury, performed that eporatlon. m UU A. O. II. Doll. onter upon Ibe duties uf bi* oQco on tbe li — to be,. Not leu than l i t iolf. «flh dirly penonalltleii, and offeutivBlj ths pkca, to every man who owm a foot ol w U H m U Tha ball given undar the augpteH of Ibe when ha scU boia of tbi property, and to every man wbo Uaihimiclf oi A b w of April. . ^ _ _ **** prepoiod to rorm t i e Townihlp obieoBO eipreiiloni, p Ancient Order of HiberttUni at ML Hop* o Iran ftotoa, M n w R geti laiing wbat Wr. Q wrens ond of g g wrens ond of an »rgnwija a ftmily to rapport, tbii mailer comoi with tbo tbe 25lh ult., w.i a aoelal and fininclal mcci Ket* I*uitnl ArranBcmctil. m w m m b Tbo Thomas Iron Company, at Catiunqoi, d It limply feoble wit, limply ab Halloa Ut jadge from be i* It l abowi b fbl it, dlilorted race, un- g r t a l n t pertinency i t this time, unJjoor overy thai reflect! mtuli credit npon the order. Thi D m U AH letter* for Now York City mailed at Ih baa over ten Ihonaind torn of Iron oro banked U U m O C m m b d d ebicnu b d a boundod and a dpraved dspraved dlipoillioa p • a t h i n t b . i b o T i i * h i bi inteieitt demands Iranoaial* ictloa in t U e — ' araoonl ro>lbte<l wai (GO, representing 12 oMca te.'oio fivo c'efoolc In the afternoon will O C O M UawtTcr, If thu h to be bii futara policy, " tor. Will you act T tickoU iohl, vrbleb Tnr thaia limta la a good ho taken ou t h e ^ a i l Iraln'gotng w e t l a n Tbn PmmjIvioU Iran Mil! uf W.tcrm. m w m m T Q will attach adotbeipln loour now and gi tranaforrcJ to tbe expraii going c u t at Uick- Heaver, at Uauvilte, (fives ompliiyraent lo.tbtw iboning. Tbe beit or ordir wat obion< V R m U T mm w w himaUbBwanteofbliownMnoe. TV» toUyou G w w w Among tbo recent falmrei twUa l i tbat of tb< throughout tho evening, and all prjacnt at thi ctUtonn, anil will reach tbeir deitlnatlou at hundred moa, and la uow manufacturing fii Dnee W o n , Brother 0 - tbat [hero ia GO I0:i0 o'clock tba nmeercnlnf. aCabr voted It > psrfcet haodred tosi of raila per wiet Q w w " Vil*:a Iron Co., of OStohn Ot., He* l o r k . "gitlln* inad i t a filicr you caa't Uek." * " * " '"wJ a i t t a n ico iccoud paRc. THE I.R0MJ3RA Religicun Notea. Ererftiling U nariuw B « K « now. U **.» itli Itev. Tlmt. McCawlay ot Hack. iported tbat they vert guing to narrow tbe L'ichtd lo lurge cunniec>tluui in ^acu &t tht? ucw *cbpol houac aftuf tho foup* Ciim-cl;, mid lid mjiinuni ^t^oi) wiiv coioptatcrii but tbat w&t TIQ\ tru#. c continent m,WnK il, u IVof. Buiti i.r Druw rite rraniu i* up now nnd I eipcot it will bo all loaed n u t nock. ry tilled (bo pu:pi t of the ' M. E. Cburch, auil cro&lcd a groat i n U m t Tlio County Bupurlntoiidunt has Ink on aliout larpo tlirong* of people that jjalh- >uehuadicd ool uiiljdctlanuutof llio approiriatioQ orDiitrijl ho. B7 fur tho no* uittiii;!, • WIIIL-II I uujifj-jdii suiui'budy from tbat dirccI truth*. lulLciiuroiuc m wi'.l ba ritihiug into print to call him i collection was tukeu, whitb •riblo fdlow, 1c. tar 11 (JO, winch wan increased to ' Ur. a. II. Luiisur, of ilie firm or Allon, Luugor the Sabbath HchituI in iba afiorCo., ban beuu Itk'.aa him a wlfo from tba flinrnlug turrkr, olto, thirteen URbturi or 8ti>wart«vllle. I bave not teen duilttoii to nioinboi-bip lo U » ' ijnltlie tvvJdiugcakorut (It will Uke about jy loiter aud tho remainder ou cir luad to goa,oiind Gil.'* frieiids here), but piaLatiui, At tbe Habuntli School meeting ey » y the uar liikar at B'.tiiliope ia oiigiEci addrome* were wide lij Eev. John-BcatM, Trof. DutiB »od Jtr. lUmnry. In llio evening >n It niglit and d»v. If I v a , giftuJ "lili (he Sir. iioone.v staled thai (llUoiijjb lh« prospect iraintf aod gnniu* of Stinhojic'e jiott I migiit D off into tiijiv.t ia bonor ot Oil. mil 1m brido. Mcmttl iliw-fi'urnftiuB at tlin br-^inniiif; uf Ihe s II ii I unit be conlout with wiihhg them a >r, yet ho.ivm Rlad to announce tlint tbe mg iifo iud a hippy onti ID vr-ry otdioory Icctium tbii ymr would foot up rauio tban K&eTWAItD. HlAIluKB. A.M. P.M. ;? ilia hist. TlieT. M. C. A. prayer .cootlag 7.BS 3.55 Choiter llio afternoon WAS also a largo and interestThe Icohuiinciais about wound up, It mailu 4.1 S Horlon e.o3 t ono. AltoBtibor tint day wm profitably like little buiiuoi* for the gontkm.n wlio 4.30 Irouia B.08 •pcul Ly onr peuple. ipi thu hotel at Walorico. Il it u i d be iold 4.40 ma e.u 8.1 B IIL-CBIUBIrillo 4-60 tin north of vrbisky to DUO crowd, wliicii wa> Tlio meetings fu the 31. E. Church of ll.&E.Jt motion B.iM COS 8.2B 5.10 place hnvu beta coitinacd this week will) to- doiug Turr well for tbcia hard tioioa. port Oral;E That remind* mo iro aro (foiug to bavo a 8.83 B.U3 novcr success. On Monday ovening tbo venk-cture io llio M, £ . Cburdi at SUnhopo by crablo Jolin Scm-Jci. paalm- «f Ilii* clinrcU fourlUv. E. V. KInR ut DL-okertoirn, an Tucaday [can ycciiiaga, occupied ihcpalphbnu prenebnug neit. SubJ«t: " Hard Time*, or bow .Q ablo icrinun. II was bis inteniiou to m. take both sudi pieet." Ad million 2Scti. .MOT THE HAOKEITOIOWH BOU.ES, YU un hero all Iho *ook aad a u l i t Hr. lloonoy, .'bat ii tbo all important ^uoillou now-a-dayi t nnforinnntely lor tb.ii jmrpoao, bo van takII t B . K- K. TO PBKN8H.YAMIA, T o n id 35 fill, ii cbeau enough fur tbo knowledge. ou III at tho reiidccco of W. H. Dlclicrion, E«q., BE WEEK BKDBiO T H U I W D A I ETEXIKO, IVbo hi* got a ipare quarter? Ono irreverent on Tuviday, but recovered sanlclcnlly to go lo [atcat tayt he will tell mo rot ten ciotbj ana Jlarcll 8, 18W bit home i t Newark onThursdcy. On Tuesday Is bow be dooi it: " Tut your big toe iu icing Mr. RoonujrVho hsi been overtrorked mouth." I'm afraid that way would not ring llie past Ibrea tuoalhs, decided to close down the atoio bllli, nor prevent tho iho logtiltr uicetlnfls anil bold only a pnjar lawycri from making a Hills something out or icellng on Woduoiday evening. But that ibo itltlo billy we owe by aummonlng ui to roiling Rav. Dr. Slogio preached au ablo and ippeir befora a Justice or thi, who may ToctlVB sermon, and a number ef uow pool:ai Ibe ShorlrTafkr u*, you know. ton ti found thcirwiy io Iho altar. Not wishing You liavo, doubtluaa, rood «r the Joaepb mho i dose tbo mooting! under auaU. ciraarostaarai » l d intoEgypt by bli brethren. I know a in ihe pat tor dccidoO to contlnuu tlicm. On Toivph who ii not qulto io Rood. I leave his huntlay eton!Eg Ilioio was a largo coHgregaitory for some other day. I aik only now that au, and alter au impvmivo tomon by Mr f tbii ihould rnont hi* cje be uuy turn from ooue.T, quite a number camo forward to the io error of his way* anJ bo a goodeltiion, '.it. Tho comoriioim In Ibis church this itaJoiephl I havo board many a patbetio (tecIOU now lumber about200, ujdltlooli at preiion preached from tbe itnry of tbe prodigal if (hero would still be many additions, «uu and you kuoiv that tlio killing or the fatted tovival tutorial baa broken out aficab in cult aod tha clothing of la&t ralutning icipQ' ntiMhtf delivered to anbierlbers at lliolr reai- he vicinity of allllblock. Although Iburo bavo grace in tbo belt auit tbo tailor* ot tbe time ^ L=Vorthrm. K Htl>ePoitOffl C o, itn no extra services in tbe churefi, mcotingi mako, and all the grand display of bis LVO bconbold In Louies in tbe neighborhood, if rar BE PAID FOR 8TIUCTLY IN ADVANCE id thuro bavo beau qrtito a number or convcr- Dcepllan at home, wis as notbiug oomptod flth what your mother h i i done lor you on ATTHEFOIXOWIH3 RAXES; •lon>. Ibanono occaiton. Thero be those who ONE YEAR TWO DOLLABS, ahor fur tv and who aay that you will Tlio rtvlvnl tneullnRs at the Utnoa Bebaol. n lo your evil wsj* Uko the bog te Its SIX MONTHS ONE DOLLAR, lome illtl can tin no with marked vigor, and tr. I dou't think you will. At least I good work it being ilouu in that coumunlty. THREE MONTHS CO CTB. roald Ilko to see you give tlio He lo tbo i suniber of tha lUilroid bind con uuctod tha icti lorlh« lako or tbo mother who h u FREE OF POSTAGE. trfices ou Thnnday evening pud mado, ai puds BO ninuy sicriUcoi foryoo. All .obici-Jptbns not paid la aclyance by tbo sual, a great Irnprotuion. There was a klory around here to-day tbat ntliHwi o f Ui« present year will l » diicou. Thu Morristowu i\ M. 0. A. ran i n oicursion '.it. Woodhull, living uoar FJiudurs, hid been train to Now York on Wtdneidiy, in order to it ton by her off o dog Tuotdav tuoiuicg,and RITO pcof.lD an opponcnlly orbearlngibc great ial tbe dog was mad. LOCAL JOTTINGS. roviulliti, Moody sud flanker. Weekly Statemont ot iron Ore j AND AFTER JAN. Ut, 1876, ? ~E. LINDSLEY & SON. TIic'Miners' S.ivintrs Him II:D UV r m : MATI: ur XKW to Segur'u Hank nlon Hunk ut Dov GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE : DOVER BANK. r Svi Ar ; . „ ' ' | Capital, - $100,000. M A N A O K i t El: WORTH OF GOODS OFFERED AT COST IHUKCTUKH; JOHN IUNCK. M. if. I>K;I,;I s n \ JAMU JAMES It. ll.K.VIS, . HENJtV 1JA1KK, M. L\ WI -OCK, O. 11. PALMEli. K1H0X M1KEL, 25-tr QEKKY McFAIU-AN, l>rr*,d«.-!.t. EI'IlltAIM LIXDSLO, Vicul'rtfi J.VY B. TllBAT, Ti..^unr. vf-r, IVli. 17,1S73. Dove Savings Institution, OFF B IS DOVER B.UCK. NATIONAL UNION BAN OFFICEUS. W DOVEll, SEW JEHSEY, c .. Capital, - $200,000 T It V s T i: E a •. K1TC1IKN, IH'.I) KOOM AM) Jui. II. Kfifiblxju Alex. V11 PAELOR FURNITURE.. HAIW WA RE: Iron, Steel, Nails, Sfc Thin 11 lor t>uihi- £0. W X D S L K Y «S= SON. ]tcm Hrxt Imiii't WAllHKN ULACKWliLL STREET, or, JrnftB, checks, strrbcnC. Jinrry, Slimm Mitel Jan. A. Oooililo, Hiclmrd t-nliiuH, K. S. Korninu, 'iearcu 1'ierijijii, Wm.lf.McUavli,, David Jol Davil]!. Ji SvlVPStL't I. Itiekard K Hubert I'.II. 1'. fin. Charlts J COLUMBUB 3JEACH, Proa't. JAY. B. 1'ItKAT, Cushion I> I V. E C T 0 11 H , QEOIIOE IUCUAUDB, Ei'nriAiii LiNi HUDSON HOAQLASD, JAH. W.BLOIUEIITI: ALJIEUT It. Iliaau, COLUUDCB UIUCI IH.VAO W. tjEAUiKa, I«AAO B. JOLLEI HiciiAiiD OEOIHIU, JOHN \V. JA< HESIIV MCFAHLAX, THOMAS AKDEIWO itiuii In now uryamxiiil 011J nji n-rr lliuk. mil coiiimtnce njiiiilnp iiuun a ;cdr-n tho firm dftyo(M»rcl., Juni md December, which tvur *lia •ii Allur tlie deposit In malic. JUIl - • - Tremmn- Otf. REDUCTION i 2 M . IT. COAL 1 0HAS. t . G-AGE, TO MEET THE TIMES AT W01.TH OF BEEMER& PALMER WENS', BOYS' and CHILDREN'S LUM: IER YAUD PHICKS. POIt CASH OSM and per tiiu TIMBER feu IS* i > l.rf mill !n ralllH' of iiinmifncturp. The ijunntily ot Clothing we sell is (i inyst(.-iT to High I'riiH! Clothici'H. IJUSIXESS tiOOI). EN'S' VESTS, 3'AXl'S, ' '• - - - -' - - - - ALL WOOL l'AXTB, FIXE PANTALOONS SAME PEOPOIITION. r Sawing and Planing E. & G. H. Ross & Breeso, (1EXEB.U. 17 UE AKl) 111B UNION HALL BUILDING Insurance Agents, OOlco, 01.1 11 on Uuuk lluiiiliu DhckwoH Strcot, Dover, MORRISTOWN, N. J. i'wi. FLAO STOKUV, CUMIING, CELLAU HTRl1 COPING, SIIJA, USTELW, LAND 1'I.AS TEIt, rilOSrilATK anil BONE DU3T, OrJ^r* umy lie addrcmod tlirongli the I'm Ofllco Lock Dm 28, or loftfctA. Unomcr'n om< l> lilai-Lwull Hlrtut, near Suasci, ij,rijjiyi»Er.Mr:ii. j . n.PALMEB. ii.n.F 'HE OLD STAND. The People's Clothiers. "iK-rtlntlt it.'r>it LIMK, CEMENT, CALCINED l-LASTEll, FIHE L'LAV, FIltE MUCK, HLUliaTONE, WOOD, Stores. Stoves, l>ill< i : s l,(l\y, Xivir mivtli u,;oflVri*. in i-otupnrisnii t" ,.,c3<'iU print'Jj Slovo, twrtost IIABD anil PAtE BBICK MOUiDINGS & UltAGKE' $1 00 1 25 MANUFACTURE!., 1 50 3 00 Dover, S. J. Splendid Suits $10, $12, $15, $18 and $30.Orders 15.75 0.59 ft.llll Tfiwi t dtlluri-, . : Mine IHII, 80 Also* Hii.t retail dfik'f- In SASI BLIND, DOOR LOW I'lUCES "ME CAUSE. Ho; Air Furnaces, IVIorristpwn, N. J. Of tlio In eat and must, improved sty,on, fm Cowls HUM, flja. H. lions, fiTKrma HIIKKI arming 1 nbllc nnd nrivato iinildlnyn. A luffl tutor incut of BloTOR, cheap fur c u l l . A. J OOE. Oolleotor OO K, PAHL0R, UEATIHO Q> DE? E J INT 1 1 S T € 3 - . DOVEB, K. J . STOVES, RANGES, COMPANIES FALL and WINTER Tito Impost imil finest STOCK O F P I E C E GOODS to bo lind a t CIEO. FEDEB'S, tho celebrated Tailor. U }.<u iliriic Mihnlicsl j;amicnt mill a jjooil lit go to QEO. FEDEn'8 e.uullBbinont. chants' Uattiftl |iui. Oo., of Newnr] N. J., A«settov«r O()0,0» A fill usnortjnent of FiremOD's Mutual Ins. On-, of Bewarii 000,030 N. J., ABBGU over TIN fe JAPAN WARE Qermttnia Mutual Ine. Co., of Hewarl H, I , , Oijiital, 200,000 ' It yini would too tlio tat ond cliffiipcst BEADY-MADE OLO1H1NO, for Men, FBUIT CANS, to., TIN HOOFING, Youth*, Hoys mill Children, go to QEO. FEDER'S next door to tlio Tost Office. RAVES, TKOCGHS, \ gooil selection timl M l lino o£ GENTS' FDEOTSHING GOODS a t I, sod • » Ulrnl, otJoll,l,, B In m j III Tuiy low prices at GEO. FEDEIt'S, Dover, M. J . h UBttuuio nd at tho short! GOOD SEWS FOB P0OB PEOPLE of Dover and »icinitj. II jou liiuli to keep Coppe loivl and pewtor tabDc l a yourselves nnd children fioo from cold, bny your ALEXANDER WIGHI0N. Docc nber 24lh, 1870.". 1-lvr PALL anS WINTER OVEBCOATS an4 POLL SUITS, for vi 17 liltlo money, of GrEO- F E D E I t , HINC OF BEAUTY l.i-it Above tin- Nuiioiiul Union Dunk, borer, N. J , INMAN LINE, NATIONAL LINE, LIVERPOOL and MACHINE & IRON Co. G-REATWESTERN 1. YAWGEIl, CrIESTER. N- J- P. or, Dining-Room -AND— I'ABSESGERS BOOKED TO or FROM KITJOHEN 1ED-UOOM SUITS, OF ICE OUTFITS, ETC. BOW, Londonderry, Lontlon, IlriMolor CnriHir. For TlCKKTa mil l'ltlleulm apply lo B. LINDSIEY & SON, - . DOVI2It,N.J. UOYAL BANK of IRELAND nt LOWEST RATES. 32-tr RAILWAY T U R N T A B L E S , AS GOOD AS THE BEST IIION mad I1IIASS UASTINliS, -AXD- CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. FOBBING of all DESOEHTIOHS. PORT OEAM, N. J. 171011 nil t!m jiriiiciiul lini'B of Blranwliips V rroui Now •yoik tii LlTiTtmnl at LOWEST itlTEH. Atmi l)'a ON OIIKAT llMTAlN AND t l l E U X U . 104 HOESE u d OABBIAOEEOtllPHEHTa, Xcvor known lo lw an tlioup btforo an now ot FARM of 6P ACRES, b.TCATED IN TUB TOWN OP DOVER, a part or ft hlil out In 200 ELTOIBLE BUILDING LOTS ofaBklndaaipocliltr. (TWO DOOM E 4 S T Oy m a^ ^ I,UuiCj) DOVER, N. J. A larga and well golcck-d ttock of A. BEEMEK AND Fancy Croods. THE Late it Styles & Newest Designs ' OPPOSITE NATIOXAL UNION 01 ASK JJPUJ)IMOt DOVHII, N. J, AVAGON WOOD WOKIC LIGHT AUD HEAVI. IDUGB.UIUB. HicknryBimko.,7-8tol _ HJ lo lot. Illms.JOlo!,. Bbilu.%11 antlhoavr. 1'olen. rlockxo.DB. Buck llnnnun r.. OarrUjjo Bflw.; al.o Trui! ivy Wlmell, Kt wliuel laclorvrati da ur CAJU1UCIE AND Tlio nerya; compri and m u t tow pie to stock of JlilllyOcxxU to 1M (ugnd la UQV nets, llati. Flowers, Fcft(r 1, Ribboni t JUnceft—real 11I imitation—Nevktles ii Huvfi. Collars. _!ace a n a Linen Crapes. MonrnlnE JI on note and Uolln. Also, »Tory largo «rioly of ZkPHYR GOODS, And a tine itociic or indes'Furnishing Goods. To the hrj,'t- (liiti c TWO DOOR S A 1)0 VJ (1 t(-!y oe ni'i ,| l,y .1. \V US OLD rJ .'luimjlr) >[|) UllJ <) 0.1 or fnm Mi ir« 11I, Him 1 ,w .iiL-bunilll t. llMH.\l It L-enll Insu 0 CUM; I, TUOUAI K i n , ono of the Special Ma*l"rs in tUo ab<tve-uam<;U ITouit, «ill KUII B t i'l'llLlC1 AUCTION, to Hi* UI'IK-SI liiiliW. ul J011S1 . lllKJWK'H IIOTKL, ill SEW KiCNDLAM), in tliBCouat.vorMorri.< on IlBiT '.Nil CllCM'lST ll.UIJIUJl) LAND UfJiON'PACIFl'c RAILROAD Ufotinionm lirotimonml ct tli« tmiool tnc orrmnt •H lractn ..r k follows, tci-wit: •ompoiil,n-llio best ill Ilie world Custom Work and Jobbing PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Geo. V . DRAKE. Tajf THIBII TnAcr in Ilie Butmt couvisvcd lo Cliai-lo* T, Wtilace by Olloy Jolm Davt-nmirt m d iviro, by diiL'il Oatuil the tltli tloy of Outubcr, l b i i , and canUinn tlnrie.i) i c n i ' , i« H ltuntcd in t h e towmliin of I'umpton, ID tlie Cnuiitv or liiirui-ri, and awlB p[ New Otrfioy, 1,000AGENTS, Htm FltANKUN OP PHILADELPHU, • Cariilnl 85,000,000. STAE, JOBCJ Cilj, fi " 000,000. " 600,000. »u •- ui ...IH niif^itiv vjiniLct} Kotliing liku It c i iiilloii, riflil.v ill iBtrak'il. 1 • prlfo. Agi-iiu wmitcd Aililruw, T2Dtiniii>oliiSI., Tliil. HCDSON COUKTY, .Tcmey City, Cniiilol 8300,000. a STAND.U1D, Trenton, " 800,000. PEOl'LE'S. Komirli, " 300,000. HIDEUSIA, " 200,000. " 200,000. " GEO, RICHARDS & CO, Pi Choice Lots in Dover, Tor silo cliour, ami liiiilfn w i l a l l s ; . Irrllitlou, Ibns romoTW •• FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, etc. cmiBg ur tliu touitilaliil. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED HOTJSF.S TO LET. SOLD UY ALL DEUGGISTS, AND COUKTnV STOitEfl, EXTHA ENQINi:, SPEJtM COMP'D MAO Y. ESTBA TALLOW COM1"D NATDHAL WEST YmOINti Tlt-no Oik arc ospcciullv ednntoi] to Mil Maclilucryanaaro Runnintuvd lo unit. Bucn Wlmle. Oil¥i>, S r i & l'ont, Laril, T.ub., Coil m Fixli Oils. Baiujilos fnrulaliod on application, nnd gi nlilmxid injiritnu order, m & 124, Uni den L * 1*. V . M1'.AV£, TrenBiiror. H. l\ CltAIQ, Agon UNIOTf FOUNDRY AAW.VY* A l.tnUK AqBOilHIOT. ALLEN, P A L M E R ft BON, nru isoiv prcnaral wllh extra fndlitiei for nul- DBHC1S ASDrAMILY MEDICINES. tinpon mM'K UOOFlXa In nil tlio varloiitt oaiiibliifttxitiB of Htylou Btidcolora trliicliuiav bt' liOtdKiKid ur ix'(|Uiruit ami lvlik-h Hooiimj Hlato in 6U omilimtly <]ii!Lllllt:il lo iiruiluue, Tlio bout quality o r fjlatv will be ii-ed ami our wurk n-urrautttl to produco nil Hit L'nuil «tfcel» of a ti-lii ittid rlntnliln n-irf. A l i K N , l'ALMl^n i SON, 10 l[ FUKWITURE: CAKPE1S, OIL CLOTUS. . J. UTJRRAlt! MACHINE SHOPS ill. Iloaglaml1, Propriclor, ROCKAWAY, M. J . T H E Fiast L O T cotitatninj; tiro acres. T H E SECOKP lior contains' after deductions tlxbtecn acres, strict raoimrc. T H E Tm&D LOT contiiDs ten acres s o d clcbty tlglit nimdrciUlis of an Acre, strict mbaiurc. urn. all kliKiti of THOALAS EAYS, ADJOURNED SHERIFF'S SALEl HARDWARE THEARGAND, MODEL, Triumph, La Belle, Coral, Iron, Htnl and UiiiiiiK Materials t>r ell klm Puwilor ana I'DBU, aicam tvnd Oa» l'ino a FiUlnsH, Cut KmlB, Slulldpnj1 llardwarr, Illt ofalU'' 1 d11 C a r P ° l l t f i r * ' 'XmU> b t M I l i 1>sc lt( PAIlLOn TURN ACES IJctng Urge Kliolesalo buycm, wn ar« abl to uflVr all t'«odi at cJicupcat raiua, I1LACKWEI.L and BU88ES. fit.', WITH JIEUIHTHUF. COOK S T O V E S : OUNARD EDITOR, GHAKD COOK, ENSIGN, MAULBOROUGH. DOYEIt, N." Also, louJAOBsraror BUBKE'S Hot Air Range. PATENT IffiQENEiUTINa 4 SUPER AXL B17.E6 OF nEATING [ cALoiufia I<RIKCU>U!. MIMNQ AND Hoisting Apparatus i)f al) kinds a siMCIalit;, and I'urnlElind a t Shortest Notice Turned and Grooved to.Orde GAS PIPES UESCOrAl TO ORDER. aTS'w/i:r..°!i:t"nE-ef'Erk.'K debt. lktur«Bl»lo ty October Term, 1875. KEiutinncR * SMITH, Ally's. BRASS CASTINGS Morris Cirenit Court. Mattblas C. TOiltiock and Haiti ll. LOWIB M. John a CUrk aud OrEVEIlV DESCHIPTIOS. Cbarlca E. Clark ; Aliat, Pi. fa. do bon. a ter. Incase, lteturnnblstoOcloborTenu, Prompt altontlon ghc 1375. NKiauBonn&Siinn, Atty's, Jlorrli Commnn PI •" r.Mli.Olark RESTAURANT OtlSHINO'S TUBULAR raid MACIIIM.R JiMEa J ., Att'y IVon. II. Iloitn and Stephen Brcoso vs. j X ifl.clii?k ? nd ami-leu E. blurk. PI. f». do bop, ot b r . In casD. lletiirnabhSoptonibur7tb,187fl, PirsETit VotmonLooD, Atty'a. Mon-Ii Circuit Court. Charles P. OORO and R. B. WATERS, AllOAjp, DICTATOn aud VANOUAHD. B L A C K W E L L ST., s d a LIOUT roitKACES. NEXT TO THE UNION BANK, SHACKLETON'S Steam Heater. DOVEU, N. J., • T\'II1IBTO nisdo licfttlnij wlib Hot Air PnnisccB indStcab aspoclal Blmly, and nave not lulled In anj iinlnnco lo gi™ cnllrb untiBruction. 3 P X B X J 3VC E I K T t a in all its bnnclics. rtOOFINQ, GUTrElW, nEPAMINO anil JOBUINQ SEATLV UONJ3. ricnty or refcroncea given Tor any of Ibo above ork In tbi. city and tbroogbout tlio county. ALI.EN & HOMKGTON, DOVER, N. J . 23-ly MEALS AT ALL HOtJHS, propiired lo order, promptly and cheaply. OTSTERS served tn every BIJIP, nnd auld b j tho huudi or thoumiiJ. Tlio ehoioeit brandH of F O R E I G K aDcl D O M E S T I C S E Q A B ! JAS. SEARING & SON, alnaya bo foiiml tvt my plaoc, &H vra] ft nupp]y of UNDERTAKERS, MIKEHAL WATEriB,*CONFECTIONEnY, Partlc*. Balls, ruHtivalo, etc., •anpUcil ^ A l ( l i e Olfl S t n t t i l u n S U H I C X S t . , OyBtoru.Croam.Coarcctioijory anil other (.. "deH, nml euppera nt wduuod tuica furnUlii D O Y E R , ' N. J . IholfcatAuniut. ' WIE mbBcribom, luring ntxntiy formed a , co-pirtiicntLIp iu tho Inaiuess atiovo mentioned, ffonld rctpect6Tally iuform tlm pablio a r on o w 1 i . J b**' ' prcpurod timn tier to ullll b tin a I orauri with Uio utiuDit proniDtnens ESPECIAL NOTICE] n.o vury but Bj.pli«n?o lioff htopghf £ bOllr In tlio jirosorvation of tlia <luad, anil other lu- Hiring boen appoinlcd SOLE AOEKT tt -Tiwmotti in tbibu.incsF, vffl 'be fbqitd » .hi«»ieiiiity for iiMKsioa nmi practfc»llj teotud witli ibo i DAY'S I C E CREAM, ..{•factory rcBulu. IMLtt KEJUUKU. (CIO SlMtltiL J . BfUUlNa md imYlnp; flttL-d up lunaaDma jinrlorB private enli-nnce for ia&loa, I ulinll mnko thi lo of ICE CREAJI o sptclnHy tLo ccmiu, UNDERTAKING! BOaaon, and will guarantee personal comfor llILOM F . DICKERSON, - i d frueUoin from nunojanco to my gncat CITY COAL YARD 1 M. SIGLEE, THE HAKOWAltE STOJBK •VOOBHEES'BROTHERS, FK0LGIU.K » 5 p SCT1IL DE-ILEJIB IS Hardwaro, Iron and Steel, N / . I L 3 . BXTOPEBS1 HA11DWAKE, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, •nil Munftctann' Arilelu s«Det»l]j, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Bom Du.t, Bupcr FbMrhala ol Ume, mail kit oth i t FtrltlllFTl. Eonox E. TOonnaca. JAUCS n. voouucin iiorriitown, Sept, 33d, 187,. GOAL, MOVXtAT, APRIL ZJ, JESSE UOPP1IA.V. Slicrif. qiiontltica to sntt pnreliasera. BROOK SIDE, N. j . AWOURNED SHEHlFf'S H,ILEI »II»R dotcrtulnwl to ongigo in tlie undertaklorrl< Comninn rien.-CliatlcB II. Olio »»d Juliii S. II, C1>|k v.. Tttronto Connolly, fi. For burning In open cralon. Burns witli rfaroi ing bminesa, would respectfully iiirorm tlio fa. do Upn, ot ler. On doeletcd Judnmtiu public tliat he b u pnrdiaBcd a and ireo from aniolo and mtiuliur. Mucli lktnnial.lotoJaun.rjTcrni.lSM. tlnn Caimul CQUI. Alto NEW aud HANDSOJIB HEAIISE, NQCOS0CB .'SIUTII, AtO'l. [on !• Common Pl.a.^Jorcniiab Bahcr vn igcthor vr ilh lioraea, and nil the ncceRnnr Tr Connelly. FI. (a. do bon. «t C 1 equipments for the iuccewi.u. carrnna * » »M> » ' b l ££ j n ^ S ll* * 1 1*»»>»»'» cruncn or errn, 1873. E. M. VVniTC, Atl'j. on of Uisbailnw. rlH circuit Conrt-JoLn Dunn t s . Tcrronco 'iffiTAIi CASKETS, COFFIKS, etnniBtilo to May Tern, 1875. NnauDoun . SMITH, Alt'ys. rrl. Common n c i l - B i n u b a i 0. notion ., fm-nco Coiinellj. FI. r.. do Uon. et le im^ljiS ° 8 m ° ' " ' I'"l«™«W«»'-'lolit KBOmocn.SniTii.jllfj,. TIID sale in lobaUor tliealinroimrlieniitiiiiil NSERTING, EXTRACTING, FILLING, i°- il s N'. Sbcritr. on tho road leading frum DOVKn t o MOUNT HOPE, nublo to fat I'Snaay |,, M.y, 1170. W. T . LETOltT, Attorney. By M. Sigler, • * . AT LOW riUCEfl. ^JJO.TOAV, Uio M d.y or Al'BIL nn.t, lock 1*. JI., th.t ii to .iy, at 2 o'clock'in MID "?li"LorftliM4J decmc* "'" ° O, B. GAGE. REAL ESTATE 3 York, fitrpuapfaiat of 100 P»CM. coutaln•IT " i l l or-looif nowipapam, and catimatei (•wing eott or«acertl«lbg. lj.jy t l V a i U j i t liorne. AGonti wanted. Onlfit erjt ilng moitlie boit matflrial aod mulo up iml lerniB free, TltUE A Co., Auguita, Miins, Jio t oil cotajMtint IliiiluiU. 13-ly r (DrrlCK SEST TO XHB OITE1I,) SUSSEX St., DOYER, N. J . A LI, WOIIK. WA11UANTED. >uTDr, SnplomLcrSstli, 1BTB. BOSTON DAII-I HKWI t a y i : " MevNta. Alexandor Froth in gb am A Ct amlali lo tboBo deilring to'lnroiii^^Va Jpknatory clronUra coo Uinjngtlota lied Rieots and quotatlqqa t tnd p)*W i'T ' * front valun to tlm nnltialod. • Tgrir •n. 12 Wall slreut.-Now Totk (fitl," «KW IOIIK GRArmc MTI : • t l — "This old oiUbiiohod IIOUIB offcrt * siwculflllng with an 'InVcifuent ranging from (SO to m kmonixl; tab rirti Btnall invoBton tbo 8aao tdTtoUgA M"ttm« who iavtiHt tbonuindB of tlmII if ddollartf-DurtDg o l l a nrr DurtDg g Hi* BBt month lnTO(tmontanr«00 , 4<ir*l60onrQ»i.TBtM.i| 0 on many st ictnrnod proBls of*S0Oto«,6w. Otol3,GW. T II roarrelouB to tlimo unMoaBtonifid coaBtomfi leaa U n Wall ttroet operatioLm1""noTurthe]e»VH n tiru«, I is Bubstantialod by tliu Qubtnatioi:n of " prlce tbo Htock ExchtLnge." k ' ' " " Thoio iioldfnK u a u and do.iblo PHTI!»((•• a lAle Hhoro, Paelflo Jlail.'Erib, and Weikral nion Tolcwaph, liavo r e ' — ' '-"-• urlng last row dayi. One , ir closed & pa t on 16,000 nfatrc7 of £ tallsfnt; aproflt of nearly Wl-,000. -1 son dnrinR nltioti d y i , pild l o : ^ -IVIIH^OB over ts.WOJm by vartonifainVonio ho Btrret. Wo aro Informed, that Jleiin. t'rothlnRliam k Oo. paid tbo largHit' amonni,! arid thin thdrcuatcraen bars been mo ' advised than those o r acy other Ann;* .^.id tA any, other boqaa In thp i . l , — posit of tfiO will enable aporsan ta octroi 1! sliorca or any atock valocd at $0,000, for thir doys. A larger deposit will of oonrioallowje to control & larBernnmliorofaharw. Adflpof will Control onfl tboniand ibl! lined at tl00,0O0, for thirty diyi- Tbii control a very Urgo bmlncBB; BO that lbs o of CIIOTRJ ia at onco put on a letol witb tbo m\ >fmaltfi." Adariiti • • ALEX. FUOTIUNQHAJI * Co., Haul 12 WAU, «tmij.n% Now Tork. Work fop |he Unemployed I THE TniOTtE EDITION V t h l Io": FALL FASHIONS. P. H. HOFFMAN", Merchant Tailor, Masons' Material, &o COLLECTION AGENCY FIFTEEN DOLLARS. XS-76. U'bov Blue, lmno a wockly report ot tie eonJllion oi-afldtH lu Wall St., wbldi tlicy are ilid to mull free, for qno yp*r, to t h y ODO ^tiodtBiro* and'oou torn pit teg d'aeaifladiiEF, - • ffeud for i U - E v B t m a k x i i , H . Now York COHUXBOIU. APYHUTIIWI n y y "Th l l l k l H r Alex.yrothln hlngliini o. 12 Wall i I i mploj 13 kkuerrflrs rflrs and aiaiMknU.. a Then i nn othtr k iirtrllcge trllcge firt firtni wUo employ from three to iU nn m i.. TbT TbTi firm fi h U]HlHh'ed* TbiiBrriiLftTBBiUWiAea d i th JS durlnit tho last flte t e yyoan,' o " >t Amorloan loan mike, and 1B 1B ;! Ibe huBt BdiU o ttcat c a t En«ll«b bbV.n bbV.n.W 1 i*k. toll'! mdanl, danl, and will toirfnr rfnr all ttltae. TL« « i l cxeoation la of nical f tbe baat. baa Tbs pri« ttrvaM1 tho4oTTB.t. • AawrMWjurrtDxvttrva lorn liberal term, and exclairTD tonltor; ttttrea. I'orty^jlght Tolamcii,' .Toriini COMMON a n d FRONT BRICK, ugei c.di, and cSnltlnlnR ncarlr 2 nllooB, mil cutnpluto ttio .erio,, ' e b SHIIODDS, P3B qO$E8, waeverjlbiuRpor BuppUei] with two TOlnmo. (a complete MORRISTOWN, X. J., ' ' R lo tlio trade. I sball make It my busRiDntbly. -pieTon month.' daltTurle" (81 FIRE nniCK ami ur.AV, loglvo my porional nttcntlon in all( umeBi BTO nnv re.dr. Printt^ln ololb, lira,' r»r volume, U.M I balr titkefi 111 cnlltd nnj irlll endeavor tn mccl til !.1J.' For leno.'elc, .dJroi, " " ' DEAIN TILE, OVEN TOE, :i'>llilrL'iuiMitN In lliu Ual IIIUUULT. at tlio In . li.J.lilLBtSoCl'nbUitan OVERCOATS My .. 17 Mnrrar Bt.j ljewj!!l H. P. DICKEESON. ibrUii. « d. II I,, ,]„ aiiublo.otta.liil a,,k, "PSVOHOlUSOl", or 8O0I. CH ic-tr S i !°,"?'l*i" ,""' ""'""'•• ' " " • ' • e'm:«l J T How either H I may fa.olnate . con.lilur.blu cLmiBmii notod.bolnt: cut Nborte C0NBTASH,r OS IIASD. Ihe lovo and. neoUoni o! anj pmen tnil 1 elTin^ It wbit Tf.B formurlj Unnrd th InBtanUj' Itl« ..Inple, u.r.t.1 "j; ™"'.1 iiB-hai" ippuaranc, ul can ptitBCBB, frea, by man. for"el*' , Bergen Street, near R. R, tllber, with > marriage p i l l £syptl>n ? " ' PROOK COATS - . » . , BlnlB to Ladlu, Willni-Nitlil >•>"' are cut abuiil tbo urao longtb as b u t 8nrinE Aqneorbook. Addreu i . _. ., will, a Bllff!,t trnilonoy to Sburlcr HBI.U . n { TWIIIIAlI4<loriibtrb BUILDING LOTS FOE SALE SHERIFF'S SALE! b y tt>t> te«.'«, lisvu jialil tliU ouormotia "Bum lo tWr cUHtomers during UJIH ahort space of Unit. !>unie periouii hivoHindu&B high BJ (U.OOO iron only (lltO dHffiDul'.y luvcalod and tnanv h m inado f 1.0HI and over from only too. Tli'ev wid In a iltiKlo d n y OTOr Hu,00o, for whloli' onlj W.OOOnaa r c o h e J , o r fOT.WO set profit lo various people. They. ttnp\oy continuotiili from twelve to flfteni competuat book-keeptn aud aiaibtants. Wtli tlilt itnwg forc» (lioy in "Iteu cjimptlltd o remalu remalu tWbcir tlltd ll o tWbcir work oatll bt. TUlBericrgutlD flrnT'vell ilcsemi locrvditof bfJlUR tho leading batunia tbtlr branch of bn-nnuus, It ia njpst wontlorrul to ie : buowktl«e t i n t (hoy lave oitiblislied till mJnew ID the Bbort BPICO ot five yean, They hare onutomofi who realdo iii DBirlr vKiry Btsto of tbe V»lon, tbo- poniinton of p»nada; from the Iiland « Cnbi th'ejrecl orUtr* from person! W t t ' f l l etooha Tbe REMOVAL! MONDAY, JI,tRCH 27U,, lorrii Common I'lcu. Allan. R fa do bon S. B. JOHNSTON'S 1876. "WOOD. DENTISTRY is Ay, rraraiAsounsAT Sr.U.EB IK Scranton, & Bituminou Mado iu two m o n t l s . A. Wall St. oner. Hull. Tlio bauklmi-buiiBo of Aiox. Vrotlituijliatn "-—- ' i Oo.,. No, t , , \»". - deal • ' iii Stack t'tlTi' -. U Wall —a—., Qnt-vtaeB newnpaptr publlihod In tb»,Vrtllti Statm. To tbi> they attribute » ptrtidn of their BUCCPBB. Wa adTtao-thoso "atilrlug t« plnco their' buifneiii with •.Una poiieisttiE tbi Tory hiHliont record Tor uprfgbtncM, iod *U ooiiduut tlnirluiinesa npuu liimoit prtncijtn, PROOLAMATEON Engines, Pumping Machines, 0 1 3 A K I K U ti P U L O . E V S . Slnrrli Oirofiit Court. M&IUI!IH, 0. WUltlock »nd Janifii It. Lewis ««, Joiu 8. Clirk ami UUarloa K. Clark. FI. ft. do bou, et tcr. In COHO. HolutUQblo to January Tonn, 1B75. Il*EIQlUJOin AtfUITH,Alty'fl. [nrris Olranlt Conrl. Jfunoi J . Cutler vj Charles K. Okik an,. Jol.n h* «JUrk? H . ri. jlii bun. el lor, lu cam. ltqtartublo lo Jan- )} Orocci'ics.anrt Provisions. •\TT"E have rcinlccil to reduce tlio prfcm of Fun;-}- 0rewwa, C.IIIIIP.I Ooo,!., Drioil Trnilk, V V aUgooiia.noiu-ilnt.frnmHiiHiliite. Our 'tbliiB in'tlto^Gioi' 1 1 " 1 1 " '"""''" stock o.UUOlUSGiiidl'AllLOll STOVES la fo Inrtiu we Imvu cunclisdml to Knlneu It witli (-•*»» m LOW I'UIC'EH, and BB > furtlicr rumiril to otir cugiDinrrs KO IIUYO nrraufiu] a FLOUB AND F E E D PIUZE fur facli NIOVO valued fr.uu ono to ton dollnra (lyllvura willi ouch store. AIIIOIIR Ilie COOKISa Icadluu iKilurus or Parlor Riovtw will be luuud ROLLING MILL WORK MASTER W CHANCEIIY. alod Jatiuarj 11th, 167G. 0-5W THE aEEAT COUGH I f ruiucay for n o a g l i , cold.,, 'inHuutui, .loujiliiR-Gouali, Group, Bom Tliroat, Dnrn. : i Ui, AHHIIIM >uC Incipient CoimDtnpUou. 'rice 23 and GO cents per bottle, Dctiot -!uj m i d m., WIHunHbnrsli, L. I . Calkin.T* Irtclilaiid, wlioluBilo BRcnto for Hew Jerec.. C-3D1 Willow Ware. JIURUAItl Chill and Dry Saiul Itolli , u r p F less. Ccmlltionimaiieknoirtion tlio (lay oflalo. ^AT FIFTY CENTS PER BOX. CKOCICF.HV, T i n , \V>OI)CII n u d AND Almi. all Hint in conUhind in mreral lots rnota or puree 1M of land, aitimlp in tbo town BU In if JVunt Milford, County of I'aiBaic, nnd mat!) if New Jersey, bdng tlio aaniu prcnitHct cimvojeil U. •*[(. Oliarlea T. Wailua b y J.ilm )ailny, Jobo Durllnp and Kuenezer Cotib, J r . . .? deodi d»tod Jufy I K I I , i a a ! , April fltli .838, Bud October 2d, 1WQ. ^7-ly ' If every family know tlie viluoof HIjaaaKvtc'i Balvo noun would bo without It. ' HATS and GAPS, Tbo luuuLtmncit uml tliu Una I. MINEHS' OIL COMPANY Luibiicnting and Unrnin Oils for Miners' Use, aid by (k'alori (tenerally. MISS SAWYER'S' SAIVE. MINING CLOTHING THl!l CIIKAPKST. 123 & 1213IA1DEH LAKE NEW YORK, nmiiy „ i (.uivctj bv linndrodH of testimomslid It I,!, tcolvcq. Nono fccDnltiu utilusii uliincil "1 UTT" on tbs wrapper. CO cla. a n O l a tint p; ltrjn hottlea nineh tlio cbeopor. 1?ET s THI: tinocoT STOCK, IN _A.NI)~ Miners' Oil Oomparv; icy, and njoro \nr. Icnlarly a.,crlb«l a. fol * * . . „ ~ ind on ill oilier contalQ. (r fifltf Mr*ma tnnm *%_ r.._.. • ilpo'd, m. 1.. Being tba B«IIB ffif!f.« .?P d pPrr ?»l«« i m H c ina. uwi a . Eomcrodio ;-— « ^nil fron him tlesconifci] In Ibertau Bmllh and WlHI.m T. s i ™ i i Tho Hiniicribor Ii.. OII«DC<1 book, therein at pcraanH desirous ol OiilinsinEortbclrliousoB .nil loin, nr any real OBLIB or fflntcvcr charao. ler, may giro duscnjiliiiU) of Ilielr projitrty, u d wlicro tboao dceirnn. or imrchaalpg may Ilnd a H.l or proportion fur BBIB. Several properties bavo already boon placed In my hands for Bile, duicripllon. or vliich nlll ipjmr nett T eeli, , lue _ t...nrly T, a l m % Krcaort B O r t tto ttills i l fUniltrd U l BOOTS and SHOES, tko ur tUo 1'cia- and Tolled MnnUlrato. , --.---—"ded in lUflClerk'n ODlcoln tliu Jiinuty offiergon, lir Ijlwr BUofilfiGdH, pngo OU, A c , *nd iu sltuitod i n tlie tniriiHblp at now ffcit Mlliord, in tho County or TasHuit, ami Hmto of Now Jerm'T, cuntainiu K twelve U L T ^ mil • half, moro or IUSH. IRON INTHEBLOOa FOllEIQN mill DOMESTIC. BLATE ROOFS! THE MOST DURABLE T U B KISTH LOT U tlio fomo canroyeil m ClinrlesT. Wnlinca byOrdin T.. D&vontiart and wife, by deed dated tlio lUil. day of November, 1KM silmto in ibo township uf JrfTormin ii, Itiu County of Monis, and Hmtc of Now JerscT. "uiiUinH fifty Keren, eirirt uicanure, re cord o j I tho Clerk's Offlco of tbo Cuantvof JJurrii, 1 lteccra o i p e t q s , LIUer 'ii, fylio 4 i l , Ac. T H E Trjnii Lor beins tlib earco uouvc?d to ] ' . Urowii nna TOT OP ONXV IN I1LUE BOXES A T R I E D AND S U R E REMEDY. FCII t>k by Draught, gtntr.llv, s , j Mir Jim'shTox, IIoLLoraY A Co., rbil.. r a . DRY GOODS, Freeman Wood, nelilp of JftTe... _ _, „ „„ ro or J08I, riwnrdnil iu tlio ClurkV Office ol tlm Comity of Borgcn, in Libtr D Har«J(rft(, 432, A c , a n a i n the ClerVs Ollluo of tht FOB " Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Aiid All Throat Diseaien USE WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS, REAL ESTATE PURCHASED and SOLD t-conicd In tho Clerk's Oillceof tbo Cdtinly of llf rgon, In Llbcr U 2 of dccdn, iia^o 703, i o . 'i'UEl'oumil.r^T is tbo xnini convi-vcd to Clmrles T, WBIIUCO by Abralmm VaiuliTlnio! >tid ,rir«. by deed d i U d tliu ]2lfa day of Jnuinry, 1K23, ami contaim nino acrua ami toj imitlrciitlii of tn airp, d r i r l nituHiuc ami lituntedin tlm towntihlp nf I'onniton, In t h e CowttY or Uorw-tt, (now Went Milford, l'aanii County,) fecmik-d in tlm Clerk's Offljp of tii THE Firrn LOT in t mo rnnvcrcil to L'ltarkti T. \V*llaco by mn Wallni-u nnd wlfn, by deed dated thn dnv of October, ltt!0, Hllnatt-il in tUu t ip of pnnptou fp County of Ilorgcn, (n ntlup o of We Milfurd, Uouuly KO uuly of KOBIIC.) and sst:ito t t o of No i'iisey, cunTcving i tlirre-clelilli* l of nu nnn in ru or legs, and roRordert In 1 he Clurli'd Olttci if Iliu Coimtv of UtrKt-ii, in Liltvr T 2of uyudi) i»B» 8lU,ic. THE BIITH LOT is the numotiiul wnn cimveved n Charles T. Walliico bv l'cter. HnyiU-r ana Vitliam Tsmpklm u,.1 Anna, bla wifli bv dwd dated tho aim ilnj- of Jnunary, 18111, mtiiala in tlit tutvmlilp of Jtfttrboii, iii Ibo County a! '- - 1 fitiit. or Nuw " intl ihlrty-huudrpdthsof in fliiii, striet meaauru, reconlfid in Ilia Ulurk'a Ottoeaf tUo Conuty of JJITRSII, ID Llbcr 11 'J if deeds. imSe 5ao, Ac, oml in Morri» Ruonty ('lurk's Ofllce, iu lUgfrilcrofDepdn, Llbcr L I folio 393, Ac. TUB SuvENin AMI Kinirrir T.OTH liolne tliu isiiio cimvoyed to Uhnrlea T. Wallaco by Aliram iL-i.iiiitE» nnd iviiu, and Haimiol Tliornand nlfu iiy deoil iwtrinR dclo l]m lEth dny of MBT, IH30, tho lirM lot m «ltimtc<l in tbci' lavnulilp nf J»ITiTSim, In thB Cf.uuivnf MurriH, mil Hlat« r»r M v •TcrsDy, part in tlio lowtnlilp or I'otiip. Ion, County of lkr R rii, (new tnwnHhii> orWcat Miirord, Cuuuty of 1'nfHalfl,) in tlio Stulo of LAXCASHIHE ol 3JANCHESTEH, Cm.iliil 810,000,000. STATE H H K ISSTJI1ANOU CO., Copilnl, 8300,000. BOYAL OF LWEKFOOL, cniiiml 810,000,000. that irna T I I K >'II.':T L O T IKIIIR IIIO KHII AGEKTS\\*AKTfSllt llc LONDON uiid LITEEPOOI, and GLOBE, Cqiilal 830,0011,001). i t l i t nvoypil In *aiil Cimrlcit T . Wnll ci by Julin lst'dnv of T . r i t k i i K c r , \y ilrml, rlati'il tl L()T"'anl M»V 1KH l i C l l 1 Il contolnti twolrc o r roiirlccn ncn-s, " 1^, rocmhil tii flu- fiiort'a Oflliiu orilit Cimnlv rikrKi'ii, Liber M 3 of iloeda, ir, B f l i a , Ac. TiinRrcgND LOT is tlio name that van tonfjeil to Clmrlii T. Wollotu by IVUT nd Abraham Uonslebos8 and wire, l.v ilt.-M. ntfd tlio illi day nf Ntin-inbtr, 1B13, alia c"iiiliialcn nrri'H, tnuro or Ima, liluateii 111 (lie iwmliiii of JrfiJinou, lu tliu Count v of Murriii, lit] c u t In tho toirnililitun'oliiiilon, in ilitComily of Uergcn, now Went Hilton. InwiiKtiin, " — l i e County, Nfw Jcrscc, uml rornraiJ it, -.... jITiue of tbe Clerk of the Ctninlv cf Di fnLil>cr R 2 of d m l i , pi^o .VJ7,'Ar. DuriOD, OIA in Uio Count* of Morrln, in rvgiHlcr orde-jiiit, unoil ih L h, folio 1.94, t c . '.. O.y. I (AVIS, L:,;nU'.i I*fr.ll: tin- .-..aslnpuf .1.1; rn.'ii. In tlio btalr nf N«\v , , uj; ti wam nines <l,srriijL'(l in d cunviiyt'd liv twi> — .Bludembiur m m r . _ . . . I U i i T. \Vn!l&L-c tuicl wit( In iliu dated Allgtlrt aotli, 1H.>J; T . Wallace t n t'liarii ri T, ottiora, Ix'anui: .Into Nil mr unili, mw wliicli rniiil iiriiiiipir, n-urt iiiiirtl bv vii Chavrlcn T. Wnlbri«• ,1, ,-h duriiig iiiP anil allied: id Jciv.-liv ' Mi1K (iair gf t k^i^a.M™™^ (.aid, a5c P H 11txanijued f Wiii'ld .. 1 . SATURDAY, March 18th, 1876,SOLE AGEST IN MOIUUSIOWS FOi: THE SALE OP E. C. BUBT'S CKLEMUTED SHOES. t l n s liad »long cipericnco in tho C&rria ndocti an»blei mo io he a eompolont Jud uf toy arllclo eooDoctoil with iha tmilnem, KDI an? ponoDM hTorlng mo wlUi their ordefi m» iTootoKr-KSJiBn: " roi? upon niv farniibing tlietn with an irlfcli •nUablo to tliolr ffanti, and a t *i rctigoatili l:. M . W U I I T , I t f j . prices HI can bo obtained at any otber place SIOITI. circuit Conrt. BicUnrcl OoorKo n . Jtlia Ordoii by loticr for Carriage and Htolf-u Oi B. Cluli a i d John o . Clark. H . ra. as ton. rxmoiiU will bo suitably fllW by itnlin f ot tcr. Ia CBBO. ltelurnablo lo October liM parpoio thaw arp fraalod, and lomlidR moiiey bntufiU to oovor tlio amount. Youi Tom, 1875. TnoHJB AUDEBIO^, All'J. patroonfio Is respectfully nolidUid. Tlio aalo^ia kdialr oflli. aboTe f irllea slanil. Lehirjh, H. I*. SANDEnBON', 13 OppoiUU) Dororbupol [1H0I, In liorrlBlowiirN.'j., OH IlOOMa. HAHNESS, SADDLES, TVHn^S, BLANKETS, A flno aiBortment of H O E S E CLOTHING, Chigi ons, Switches, Braids, &c. live, with barns anil othtr R Slipoia, Fly NotH, Carry Co tnl)B,JJniBlic»,Hori Tlifs in nno Of tUo flncat Invcitlmctit* for Boats, all (loBorit)tkni !totli for ruicl nn^ (troun track. of nltal evtroffowd in this itcclioii. itcclio ranltal Tlioo (trounil All Lliida of Le^7y ]Iim"n l u d Cnlhn gool i liiKli l i l Biidd tin-, i , with ithgooil f , nnil niltli tlie ality M fait building np-nbont ^0 ocality 0 lind l d Sponges and KY&UTIUNG lu tbe UUtir L d d ou title p pruputtr In t aving Loin oreded r otcopplj pplj to n«motw Oils, Hoof Olnl ant rmir yearn. Tor tcrmn, otc. lko all el lse t h e o men.P. Tim „_. Roods, llko UHAS. M. TUNIS, tloiOK, havo hail ti itMTjhll ID price il will UT. BUTE ATZSCK, bRBolllfttJOTTc^tilEIl roi DOVEI;, s. J. October fllfll, 187 i. H. P. SANDERSON iian rcudy again for tlio Full and Wmti Trado witli a lirgtlj in ere a nod Uuuk ot. vitliout Ice, and at MORRISTOWN, N. J. fl furniili^ t l tur iliortoit notice. Being poiscuiatl t cuiad of all the uoderi appliance! pertaining to t tlio tl ttrade, d 11 iivinp onsidorabloeipijrteiwe, Ifoolconfldi.., Wooden Ware and to ncrftrra its duties tit!Bfactorily and reasonably tcwai'u tuoso who requiremuli MFTICC*. Houscliccping Goods, P. 0. YAWOEIl. A. TAYLOR'S BLAOKWELL St., r b n n c h c i properly and cbraplr done. TLo cnateat cttrobtidfttbititlou trill, nu'lierut JIECHA)I1C8' ASD PAIlarjjRa' TOOLS AN foro u! giren to OABIUAOK UAKElfS GfDDS, PALL of 1 8 7 5 . Fashionable Millinery ORAM, HANCE & Co.'s STORE, m l l E nuliiUrilior bdni! Ji "Irom ° r romoTiii5 I m)ui DoTtr, offi'ra for nalo hi. OTURE FRAMES VPHtf STJSRI2TQ, JOBBING AND REPAIRING I s ioir reaJy wilh all tlio now stjlci Tor AT A Valuable Property for Sale ! w bofiinnon, or old rpiomni, H\ to bo eon inced thit to go Inrttiei n wonldbT tofireworio. IMS. PASSAGE TICKETS T O CAPITALISTS. USEKEEPERS. but to totfati DRAFTS on LIVERPOOL nnd the STEAM ENGINES, Mutual Benefit M b I n . On,, of Xework M. J., Alieu," 20,000,000 WOT I " ' L i v e r p o o l , Q u c c n s t o t v u , OIUB* nmutmnn Continental Iqsiitaiice OompaQf! of Hoi Yoilt. Oapitsl, L000,000 Mtopla of Uio nortlrem part ot tliii ) And that It will pay th«m to purit&otis) Iiu-nllur*, of the nowuii MAIL STEAMERS. MisiTAcTL-nnns Xtna Insaranoo Ooinimn;,. of Hartford Oonn., Aiisti, 6,000,000 OY FOREVER." MOEBIS COUNTY DOVEH, X. J. REPRESENTED. ^nfirioan Uutnal Ian. Oo.t el Newarl II, J,, Aiictsovor {1,100.000 EO, LAJJTEnNS ANDBBITTANIA WARE, G-EO. FEDEB'S CLOTHING- STORE. INSURANCE AGENT. BOOT and SHOE STORE Y virtue of aDecrto msilf liy ltn> t'liatiwllur nf Ken JerBcy, iuaJ<.- in l,u< nl.ur.;B ututod cattle, bearing data January 2l li, 187G. , Hitui 'f ho Bost llcuiedj for Hard Times W. H. T J A B H I E K T . I. Ii. JOLLY, A FARM OF YOUR O W N Freeman Wood, m|.li.i if li (I., hi (•> HESR1' McFACLAN. GEORGE KJC'HAI.DS, EVHIIAIM LINDSLEV, 1. W. CONDICT, JAMES II. SIMPSON, COLUMBUS BEACH. .iiion BaiiUorl-oi Hunk df Ireland. I)KY UOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, . Tnturt-iit will L.> ;i«JJ tm IILIWHII. 11 m L buforo tin- flirt tUji cf JUiivii, Ju: :«BEHaiid Di:<'i*.Hiic:i. u j - O p t n 'liil.' Ir.'jii 'J o'clock * . rl-rt-k r . JI. i T i n ; rriiL'iiAi^ ! .VJTKNIIO: Master's Sale of Land. GEO. W. DRAKE op novr.ii, x. J. 'totheboiWingon loninr rtlrts. Tb« I.,,riuI rSSrill Sail Ibl ftuiMt I. ,l,olll.,k DlncJJ.f'ffittdV BUSINESS SUITS ULAOK"WELL STREET, Mjr *cu|ilea bj H. B . Wkttan, t BlnU U 1 lo lea all my old friends atraynew i , wbcro with Increiicd room and fioil•leu I am bailor ablo io meet their wantn, OYSTERS rj'.inuch in TORIID tlio prtBcot iHmallcbcckS<'andpla1ilT " pattirm , , .PANTS. I IlOWBtTlllS Of ROOd. W ft'lJlDSiSU1l !?, l?*.1»?/.'(?2**in li!mo.' i| t>|gfor a M niyloa, anil by Hi a quart or ion p T J I 3 S , R A I L S , otc. Biipplicd I i t ill boura. aupperi for patlici ireflt rate*, Tlie bast brandi uf CIOAltS alnaya on baud. A .ttaclicd to tLo Rcstniirnnt, witii TWO ELEGANT TABLES, iltraja kept in good orjer. Aprl Otli, 1875. m PHn HADB F JfiSK WASTED to • .11 »n artlehotn 1 Ul boonenoia Ti.e. B.U. o« «• ' ill malio pemasant and proIUUe b • . t i m p a n o St., Nci.-Jork. T1IB LARGEST 8T0GK OF I PINE BILLIARD ROOM, 8GAI1EE S eft's " T K S W S a S S i mm. " i tuuiptl, and «allir«tiirilj Hlk ™J IVll. HOPPJ1AN. MEHCUAKT TAIr/m. RJvtne $C3-i3cwlni dili«» lin IlnntluR cano Wn TtlvotVoMi. m,msask;t; FOLIO PAPERS EVEU BHODOHT ISH)'MOIttlS C<!?;| jglit br'oub «t PASIO PBICES «| trill 1)0 BO1D POB CASH * T | .T T I I E IRON B R A oefitl