- La Salle College
- La Salle College
Delagram LA SALLE COLLEGE Fortnightly newsletter La Salle College - A Diamond In The Swan Valley 27 February 2015 Term 1 Week 4 Delagram 02 St John Baptist de La Salle FROM THE PRINCIPAL Mr Wayne Bull IN THIS ISSUE 3 All Parents & Students BOARDERS' LONG WEEKEND As published in the College calendar, this coming Tuesday 3 March will be our Boarders' Long Weekend. It is an opportunity for our boarders to return home at the half way mark of Term One. There will be no classes for all students on Tuesday. We look forward to seeing all students back at school on Wednesday 4 March after a four day break nicely refreshed to work hard for the remaining 5 weeks of term. All staff will be engaged in professional development activities and meetings on this day. 5 Click On 6 Counsellors Corner 7 Careers 8 The Arts Commitment to Excellence 9 iCentre 10 Sport 11 Parish News Community News 12 Local Parish Information 13 Calendar Term 1 Week 5 & 6 ASH WEDNESDAY MASS Our College community celebrated our Ash Wednesday Mass last Wednesday 18 February. This important day in the Church's liturgical calendar marks the start of the season of Lent – a time of reflection and discernment. Mass was incredibly powerful and I especially wanted to thank all students for their reverence during the Mass. My thanks to Fr Leonard, Jenny Waller – Liturgy Coordinator and Danny Battistessa – Deputy Principal (Christian Ministry) for their organisation of this important event in the Church calendar. Congratulations to Mrs Miriam Schimmel and our beautiful Liturgical Dancers on their very moving liturgical movement as part of the distribution of the Ashes. PARKING AND TRAFFIC MOVEMENTS AROUND THE COLLEGE When the College opened in 1954 it was surrounded by paddocks with grazing sheep and cows. Today, the College is very much part of suburbia. We are a very large College with over 1 450 students and 200 staff. Traffic movement and congestion continues to be a major issue. I have received a letter from the City of Swan asking me to inform our community that the various traffic and parking by-laws governing the local area will be enforced. Please take notice of any parking restrictions which may apply and be considerate of local residents, some of whom have complained that La Salle parents have been blocking their drive-ways. Attached to this Delagram is an information sheet from the City of Swan outlining their expectations. I have also been concerned to hear several complaints from the public, including some of our own parents, regarding the unsafe driving practices of some of our student drivers, both in cars and mopeds. While the College has no role to play in enforcing traffic regulations, I would urge parents to discuss with their children who are driving to school the importance of 'safe' driving at all times, but especially near the College where there is so much pedestrian movement. Absentee Line 9449 0682 (available 24 hours) 5 La Salle Avenue MIDDLE SWAN WA 6056 PO Box 1674 MIDLAND WA 6936 (08) 9274 6266 ph (08) 9274 4085 fax [email protected] www.lasalle.wa.edu.au YEAR 7 EXPERIENCE Our Year 7s enjoyed their three day 'experience' last week where they spent one day at school and two days at Ern Halliday Recreation Camp with an overnight stay. The students engaged in many activities, study and life skills and I'm sure returned home a little tired from their activities. Hopefully this was a great opportunity for our Year 7 students to make new friends and discover a little more about what it means to be Lasallian. My thanks in particular to Kelly Johnson - Year 7 Coordinator and Adrian Martino – Deputy Principal (Year 7) for organising the programme and to Sarah McDonnell and the House Coordinators for their efforts over the three days. Also, thank you to Br Tony Cummins and Stephen Beirouti (Lasallian Youth Minister from Melbourne) for their contributions. YEAR 10 INFORMATION EVENING A large group of parents and Year 10 students attended the recent Year 10 Information Evening. This important meeting outlined the requirements and prerequisites for courses in Year 11 and 12 highlighting the need for maximum effort from all Year 10s this year. I thank Brendan Bomford – Year 10 Coordinator and Danny Battistessa – Deputy Principal (Year 10) for their organisation of this event. INTER-HOUSE SWIMMING CARNIVAL Our first full 'day' Inter-House Swimming Carnival in some time was a great success albeit very hot and muggy! My congratulations to all students who swam for their House, particularly for students who find swimming a challenge; I applaud them for 'having a go'. It was disappointing that a higher than normal number of students were absent for this compulsory school day. I encourage parents to ensure that their child attends all compulsory school events as outlined in the College Enrolment Agreement which both parents and students sign on acceptance into the College. My thanks to Jodie Walsh – Director of Sport for her overall organisation of the event, all Physical Education staff and House Coordinators for their efforts and all staff in supporting our students on this important day. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Class of 2014 students, Alison Edmands and Lachlan McBeath who received scholarships from Curtin University for 2015. Alison received the 'Charles Watson Top Excellence Scholarship' and Lachlan received the 'John de Laeter Top Excellence Scholarship'. Well done and good luck with your studies! CONDOLENCES My condolences to staff members Maria Lorenti and Lina Valkoff whose father passed away recently. May perpetual light shine upon him and may he rest in peace. Enjoy the long weekend. St John Baptist de La Salle Pray for us Live Jesus in our hearts Forever Mr Wayne Bull - Principal SCHOOL FEES A reminder to families that payment of fees are now due in full. If you are unable to pay in full please contact the Accounts Office to have a direct debit or payment plan arranged. You must ensure the regular payment amount is adequate to finalise your account by the end of Term 4, 2015. Methods of Payment: Ø Cheque by mail or in person Ø Cash in person Ø Credit card either in person or by telephone Ø Eftpos in person Ø EFT: [BSB: 086- 006] [Account No.: 813655776]. The Parent Family code must be listed on the transaction, e.g. HOLTMF (located at the bottom of your statement). Ø BPay: Account and reference number is located on statement. Families with a Health Care Card: Visit our Accounts Office if you have a Health Care Card as you may be eligible for a discount and the Education Secondary Assistance. Grand Carers on a Health Care Card may be eligible for Grand Carers Assistance, you will find the brochure at our Accounts Office. If you are unable to meet your obligation of paying your fees in full, please contact the Accounts Office to schedule an appointment with me. All meetings are strictly confidential. Ms Shirley Walraven Families & Human Resources Manager 2. ALL PARENTS & STUDENTS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Second and Third Week of Lent and Project Compassion Essential Food for Life – Mariama from Niger: Project Compassion focuses on Niger, where life is very tough. Many live in extreme poverty, often unable to afford or access food and water. Mariama is raising her daughter in Niger, a country that suffers widespread poverty. When her little girl became malnourished, she received lifesaving food and care at a Nutrition Centre, supported by Caritas Australia. Choosing Food for Life – Karen from Australia: The Centacare Wilcannia-Forbes 'Manage Your Income, Manage Your Life' program (supported by Caritas Australia) is helping First Australians, like Karen, to take control of their money, and choose and prepare nutritious food to ensure a healthier future for their families. Your donation to Project Compassion 2015 helps save the lives of people living on the brink of survival in Niger, giving them access to nutritional support and essential food for life, and helps First Australians in remote communities gain the skills to make healthier food choices, building a better future for their families. All PCGs have Project Compassion boxes in their homeroom; please encourage your child to contribute something to this as part of their Lenten offering. For more information about Project Compassion and the above stories, please visit the Caritas website (www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion) or call 1800 024 413. Time for a Smile A passenger airplane flew into a violent thunderstorm and was soon swaying and bumping around the sky. One very nervous lady happened to be sitting next to a clergyman and turned to him: “Can't you do something?” she demanded angrily. “I'm sorry ma'am,” the priest said gently, “I'm in sales, not management.” God bless Mrs Sharon Gregoor Learning Area Coordinator – Religious Education YEAR 7 EXPERIENCE From Monday 16 February – Wednesday 18 February Year 7 students took part in the Year 7 Experience which included an overnight stay at Ern Halliday Recreation Camp. It was a great opportunity for the students to get to know each other, play some ice-breaker games and participate in beach activities and archery. At the College, students engaged in a First Aid Focus course run by St John Ambulance, study skills coordinated by Hands On Tuition and sessions run by Lasallian Youth Ministers. The Fingerprint Tree, created by all Year 7s A big thank you to the House Coordinators, the Physical Education staff who helped out with the beach activities and to Sarah McDonnell for their enthusiasm and efforts at Ern Halliday Recreation Camp. GRANDPARENTS' MASS & MORNING TEA Our Grandparents' Mass is coming up on Thursday 26 March. All Year 7 students will be given a letter in the coming week. Please return the permission slips by Monday 16 March for catering purposes. Ms Kelly Johnson Year 7 Coordinator 3. ALL PARENTS & STUDENTS LA SALLE COLLEGE – SCHOOL UNIFORMS, EQUIPMENT & TEXTBOOKS All parents are invited to join the La Salle College - School Uniforms, Equipment & Text Books BUY, SELL & SWAP, Facebook page. This is a La Salle College community group for families of La Salle College to buy, sell, swap or give away uniforms, equipment and text books. This page is run by voluntary parents and is not an official school page, however does have the endorsement of the school. It is a great page and is very helpful for many of us parents who have children who are constantly and quickly growing out of their uniforms (which are still in new condition) and therefore needing us to buy new uniforms. This page is solely for the purpose of La Salle College uniforms, equipment and text books. We have already got 449 members on this page and would like to invite any other families interested in being added to the page, to please request approval to join and your request will be accepted. If you have any queries regarding this page, please feel free to message me or contact me on 0408 922 989. Thank you to everyone for your support and also to the school for supporting this initiative. Aurelia Cooper FB Page Admin VALENTINE'S DAY FUNDRAISER A great success! We had a collaboration of ideas for this year's fundraising including the selling of Valentine's Day cards, chocolates, sweet bags and homemade sweetheart biscuits. The purchased items were then delivered on the day by our very own Student Representative Council Valentine Cupids. Thank you to all the Education Support students who designed and created the beautiful message cards and all those who supported this year's Valentine fundraiser. We raised a total of $355.20 for the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Western Australia. Lauren Di Girolami Christian Ministry Captain READING & WRITING CLUB – 'THE RABBITS' EXCURSION As part of the Reading and Writing Club, certain students were selected to attend the world premiere performance of John Marsden and Sean Tan's 'The Rabbits' at the Heath Ledger Theatre in Northbridge. The picture book that Marsden and Tan created was adapted by a team of writers, musicians and actors to create a spectacular opera. This was a story about the colonisation of Australia, with The Rabbits representing the colonisers and The Marsupials representing the traditional owners of this country. The picture you can see here is our students doing rabbit and marsupial ears after their question and answer session at the theatre. Students and Teachers had a wonderful time enjoying the carnival atmosphere in the city for the Festival of Perth and Perth Fringe. Ms Ana Vranjes & Ms Danielle Calleja English Teachers KEYS FOR LIFE Since Term 4 last year we have been involved in a programme called Keys for Life. This programme allows us to learn about safety on the roads as well as gain experience of how to drive safely before actually getting in a car. The Keys for Life programme is run by Mr Sorgiovanni; where he teaches us road rules and how to drive safely. This programme runs over a 10 week period and within this period we are given an activity book, with questions and quizzes. After we complete the booklet, we sit a test and receive a certificate that allows us to get our licence. On 11 February, Inspector Ian Clarke who is in charge of Major Crash, visited our College to speak with all Year 10s about the dangers of driving and the safe road system. This road system taught us that 'It's not about being reactive, it's about being proactive', and the importance of taking responsibility of the safety of others as well as ourselves when we are driving. We watched a video that allowed us to see some of the devastating events that happen on our roads. The video also gave us tips on what we could do to prevent crashes. Driving slower, being more aware of your surroundings and making yourself invisible to any distractions are just a few examples of how you can prevent a crash from happening. The video and the speech that Inspector Clarke gave was very inspiring and educational. We thank both the Inspector and Mr Sorgiovanni for teaching us important lessons for when we start driving. Jemma Satie, Samuel Beerkens, Jeremy Beerkens & Phoebe Gatsos Year 10 students 4. CLICK ON FREQUENTLY CHARGE your laptop/ notebook every night! ASKED QUESTIONS The College computer won’t get internet at home but it says it’s ‘connected’. When the device is at home, it has to be told not to look for the school system. You need to do this every evening, but you don’t have to reverse it at school next day. On your keyboard locate the windows key. Hold it and press ‘x’. A menu appears. Follow this sequence: Windows‐x, | control panel | Internet Options | LAN Settings | uncheck the box “Use a proxy …” | OK My student can’t get onto Simon when not at school. Of course you first need to be connected to the internet, as above. From off‐site Simon is reached via the College homepage www.lasalle.wa.edu.au | Quicklinks | Simon [staff/students]. The student then requires their normal school password to enter. Once in, press ‘Ctrl‐D’ and make a bookmark for quick use later. The shortcut to Simon on the computer desktop is only for use when at school. We don’t have internet at home and my student gets online homework. Firstly, ensure that the work actually requires to be online. Textbooks and worksheets, while originally downloaded at school, can and should be saved in the device or on a USB drive. They can then be used without the internet. If the work is genuinely online (like Mathletics, Spellodrome or research) then the College iCentre is open and supervised every afternoon. Staffed study groups (Years 10‐12) run in the Senior Learning Centre Monday ‐ Wednesday until 6:30 pm. I can’t log in to the parent account on my student’s device. If you’ve lost your password write a signed note and send your student to the NOC (helpdesk) for a reset. The most common error is failure to use the full username. If you student’s code is SMITHJ, then your username is SMITHJ‐ NTBK\PARENT. What is PAM? Parent Access Module. See information about your student’s marks, assignments, courses etc. Full article in last weeks Delagram. For past Delagrams go College homepage | Community tab. I’ve lost my PAM password. Ring 9274 6266. My student says they can’t print at school. The Smartrider is required for some printers. It doesn’t use your bus money. See Student Reception if lost. College printers then have to be ‘added’ to your device. Come to the iCentre with the device and ask. It’s a one‐off process. Any important things we need to keep in mind? All use of the device, private or otherwise, must be in accord with the College policy. See the student organiser. Make your child shut down their laptop every evening. It should come to school turned off, not just asleep. It should be in its case. You don’t want to risk insurance refusal. Do not allow your child to use their College email address to sign up to social sites like Facebook or Instagram. If they have, please change it. Mr Andy Vella ICT Across the Curriculum Coordinator 5. COUNSELLORS CORNER ACT-BELONG-COMMIT UPDATE For all new parents to the La Salle Community - welcome! If you hadn't already guessed from the logos on the school organiser and website, La Salle College is an Act-Belong-Commit School. This means that we strive to promote mental health at the school through different activities and programmes throughout the school year. For more information on how you can Act-Belong-Commit and about the programme, please have a look at their great website. http://www.actbelongcommit.org.au/ A crucial part of the programme in the College, and something that ensures its continued success is our dedicated team of student volunteers, led this year by our Student Community, Student Representative Council members: Melissa Carter and Sam Martin. This year we have had a record smashing number of senior students volunteer to promote this extremely important message. Over 50 students have signed up! 2015 is going to be a very exciting year. ACT-BELONG-COMMIT MENTAL HEALTH FAIR THURSDAY 12 MARCH The crown in our jewel of mental health promotion at La Salle is our annual Act-Belong-Commit Mental Health Fair, for senior students (Years 10 – 12). A variety of different organisations are attending and holding stalls/information booths including Headspace Midland, Arafmi, Relationships Australia, Centre Care, universities, TAFE, St John's Ambulance and local sporting/activity groups and much more! This year we are very pleased and excited to have a special guest Ashleigh, Act-Belong-Commit Ambassador (check her out here http://www.actbelongcommit.org.au/resources/adverts/tv-adverts.html. The celebrations and activities will run from period 2 to period 5 in the Patricia Rodrigues Centre and this year is set to be bigger and better than ever. We would like to invite parents to attend the fair during lunchtime, 12:45 – 1:25 pm. We would love to see some of you there to join in on the fun. AUSSIE OPTIMISM For several years now we have run Aussie Optimism, Social Life Skills and Optimistic thinking skills in Year 7 and 8 respectively. Aussie Optimism is a comprehensive school based programme that is linked to the curriculum. It aims to promote mental health and wellbeing in children and prevent emotional problems such as depression and anxiety. The Social Life Skills programme in particular provides learning experiences to build social support and interpersonal skills such as social problem solving and communication skills. It is also great to help ease some of the difficulties of transition from primary school into high school. The Optimistic Thinking Skills programme builds upon the Social Life Skills Programme and provides learning experiences to combat risk factors such as pessimism, negative thinking styles and low self-esteem in an effort to build resilience and self -management skills. At the moment Optimistic Thinking Skills is in full swing in our Year 8 iConnect classes (formerly Careers Development and Transitions or CDT) and we hope to begin Social Life Skills with all Year 7s soon. If you would like more information on this great programme, or if you would prefer if your child did not participate then please contact Shannon Steven (College Psychologist) on Friday's between 2:30 pm and 4:30 pm via phone or email at any time on [email protected] CLIMATE SCHOOLS COMBINED STUDY La Salle College has been very fortunate to be selected to participate in the Climate Schools Combined Study, a national online project aimed to promote mental health and decrease risk taking behaviours such as drinking and drug use. If your young person is in Year 9, and you provided your consent last year, then your child is participating in the study and contributing to some valuable, national research. However, it is fortunate that all Year 9s and 10s can benefit from the actual project through participation in some online, mental health promoting, health based modules, in their iConnect classes. For more information please see the website or ask your young person! https://cscstudy.org.au/ Stay mentally healthy! Shannon Steven & The La Salle Counselling Team 6. CAREERS APPRENTICESHIP OFFER We have details regarding an apprenticeship on offer with a local company to qualify as a Vehicle Body Builder. The qualification on offer is 'Metal Fabrication III (Trailer Manufacturer)'. Please contact Ms Harper should you require more information. AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE FORCE ACADEMY The Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) are holding an Information Session on Tuesday 17 March at 6:30 pm at Level 7, 66 St Georges Terrace. This session is the big one for the year, with over one hundred students, parents and teachers in attendance last year to hear from Vanessa Dawson, the ADFA Student Recruitment Officer, who is visiting from the ADFA Office of the Rector for this session only. What is ADFA? The Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) is a unique university where you are paid a salary to study a degree from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) while enjoying the great facilities and vibrant lifestyle on campus. Along the way, you also undertake military leadership training and learn to become an officer in Australia's Navy, Army or Air Force. Why ADFA? · Paid a salary to study. · Best student-to-teacher ratio in the country. · No Higher Education Loan Programme (HELP) debt. · Graduate with a guaranteed job. · Free healthcare and subsidised accommodation. · ADFA offers a range of UNSW undergraduate degrees, including Arts, Business, Engineering, Information Technology, Science and Technology. In your first year of study you will receive a starting salary package of $38 015 (excluding superannuation), plus all of your tuition fees are covered. Any interested students can RSVP to [email protected] or phone 08 9488 7180. PARENT INFORMATION EVENING Parents of students in Year 10, 11 and 12 are invited to attend Notre Dame's Parent Information Evening to discuss subject selection, course information, the transition from high school to university, and how to apply to Notre Dame. Guest speaker, Robyn Smith (Director of Curriculum, Assessment and Moderation at SCSA) will present on how changes to the WACE curriculum will impact students applying to university from 2017. Tuesday 10 March, 6:30 pm at 19 Mouat Street, Fremantle MEDICINE INFORMATION SESSION Students interested in studying Medicine at Notre Dame are invited to attend a Medicine Information Session. Learn about the Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery, the Pre-Medicine Certificate and speak with current Medicine students. Sunday 22 March, 10:30 am at School of Medicine, 38 Henry Street, Fremantle To RSVP, visit www.nd.edu.au or contact the Prospective Students Office on 9433 0533. NURSING & MIDWIFERY WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAMME The Get Real Experience and Try (GREaT) - Nursing and Midwifery Work Experience Programme has been developed to encourage Year 10 high school students to experience nursing or midwifery prior to studying it with a state training provider or at university. This exciting five day programme provides students with a unique opportunity to: · Experience the many aspects of nursing/midwifery in a clinical setting. · Observe the nursing/midwifery team in action. · Decide whether the nursing/midwifery profession is the right career choice for you. Should you be interested please advise Ms Harper of your application by emailing [email protected] and apply via the link: http://nursing.bigredsky.com/page.php?pageID=160&windowUID=0&AdvertID=269926 Ms Kristy Harper - Careers Counsellor 7. THE ARTS ART EXTENSION GROUP The Art Extension Group is an after-school programme designed to extend, excite and ignite the gifted and passionate budding visual artists of the College. All too often we lose some of our most talented and dedicated students due to subject restrictions/ timetable issues. We would like to provide these students with the opportunity to still be involved in the Visual Arts and to contribute to the building of a vibrant visual arts community within the school. We would also like to extend the skills of those students who are enrolled in the subject who have shown a promising amount of interest and ability. At this stage the club will be limited to senior students in Years 10, 11 and 12. It will be running on Tuesday afternoons from 3:30 – 5:00 pm, on a semester basis. The projects will be largely student directed with the aim of working towards external arts awards such as The Shaun Tan Award for Young Artists. For more information and permission slips please visit the Art Room. Ms Sarah Bretherton Art Teacher MUSIC YEAR 7 BAND A reminder that the 2015 Year 7 Band rehearsals commence Thursday 5 March (Week 5) in the Band Room from 3:30 – 4:30 pm. All students who are members of the ensemble are required to attend with their instruments. Thank you. FRIENDS OF MUSIC The La Salle College Friends of Music Committee are proud to announce that they are once again running a Wine Fundraiser event. At only $130 for a case of 12 Mad Bay wines (both white and red available) this is not to be missed. An order form is attached to the Delagram, with orders required to be placed by Sunday 15 March. All proceeds go to assisting the students of the Music programme. Mr Christopher Milne Director of Music COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS Congratulations to our Athletes who have competed in a variety of sport recently. Riley Partington, Year 10 placed third in the multi events at the WA Athletics Stadium and will be heading to Kuala Lumpur in July to represent WA. Other students who competed on the day were Jadon Punshon, Year 10 and Diana Coniglio, Year 11. Well done on your achievements. Jesse Schelfhout, Year 11 will be travelling to Sydney in March to compete in the Australian Junior Athletics Championships in a variety of field events, including shot put, hammer throw, javelin and discus. Jesse's brother Jacob, Year 9 is also competing at the championships. Good luck Jesse and Jacob! Nikita Mawhirt, Year 9 competed in Sydney during the holidays for Pentathlon and did extremely well, winning her category. 8. Georgia, Year 12 and Chloe, Year 11 (Truscott) swam in the State Long Course Championships at Challenge Stadium in January. Georgia received three national times and both girls achieved many personal best times during the competition. Georgia will now attend the National Long Course in Sydney in April, whilst Chloe will compete at the Open Water Nationals this weekend at Bathers Beach, Fremantle. Good luck to both girls in their competitions. Georgia and Chloe Truscott Well done to Year 8 student, Jayden Comito who has been chosen as one of the 50 WA scouts to participate in a humanitarian scout mission to Manila in the Philippines in May. Joshua Dass, Blake and Jesse Phelan, Year 7s recently represented the Swan All Stars Baseball Team in The Hit Factory Baseball Tournament in Singapore. Congratulations Joshua for being awarded MVP of the tournament! Jayden Comito Maddison Hall, Year 7 has been selected to represent WA at the 2015 Show Ski Nationals in Melbourne, in late February to early March. We wish her luck with her competition. CENTRE THE DIARY HISTORY-HERSTORY One of the most quoted writers in the world, and arguably the world's greatest playwright, William Shakespeare, also known as the 'Bard', is currently visiting the iCentre! He is promoting a new display of books related to diary writing and biographies. The display focuses attention on the first Year 7 English task. Students will be studying the diaries and biographies of historical figures, before writing a series of five diary entries describing what has happened to them over a five day period. Why is William Shakespeare referred to as the Bard? The word 'bard' means poet and in medieval times the bard was a travelling poet. Also on display Australian author, Kate Forsyth's The Chain of Charms series. Find out more about each book in this series @ http://www.goodreads.com/series/44898-the-chain-of-charms. Make some time to come along and find out more about the many benefits gained from diary writing and the mysteries and adventures of The Chain of Charms series. AFTER HOURS STUDY Update - the following teachers are available from 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm in the iCentre during Semester One for lower school homework and study assistance. Their specialist areas of expertise are: Monday Mr Matthew Pinkerton (English tutoring - students need to book at English Office) Tuesday Mr John Angove (Mathematics) Wednesday Ms Peta Handley (S&E) Thursday Mrs Lina Valkoff (English and S&E) Mrs Margret-Ann Lieuwes (Mathematics) Mrs Lindy Reger iCentre Coordinator 9. SPORT Welcome back to Sport at La Salle College for 2015. We are blessed to be involved in such a variety of after school sport with a variety of schools. Students should have received a permission slip to attend, please return this to school at your earliest convenience. SENIOR BOYS CRICKET The Senior Boys Cricket season commenced with 5 debutants receiving the College 'Baggy Green' cap to recognise their selection in the team. The students ventured to John Forrest Senior High School, where a strong cricket programme is in place. Playing on a very grassy green turf wicket was always going to be tough for the side batting first, which unfortunately was La Salle. The boys struggled to amass a total of 71 off 20 overs, with Captain, Kieran Lesk top scoring with 24, which included 3 towering sixes. The small target was always going to be hard to defend and some dropped catches and wayward bowling gave the opposition the opportunity to take the game away from La Salle as John Forrest went onto score 4/122. The pick of our bowlers was Thomas Gosling with figures of 1/12 off 4 overs. Thanks to Silvio Lombardi and Luke Reilly who are doing a fantastic job working with the team. NORTH WESTERN ASSOCIATED SCHOOLS (NWAS) NWAS has started again for the summer season, with a variety of sports being played. The first round was against Mercy College with the Year 7/8 teams playing on Tuesday and the Year 9/10 teams playing on Wednesday. Well done to all the teams and the coaches, new and old, who did a fantastic job in the first round. Results are as follows: Year 7/8 Boys Basketball team 1 (29) def Mercy College (11) Boys Basketball team 2 (18) def by JSR (26) Girls Basketball team 1 (24) def by Mercy College (39) Boys Cricket (112) def Mercy College (108) Mixed Indoor Beach Volleyball (53) def by Mercy College (59) Unfortunately we could not get enough players for the Mixed Ultimate Frisbee team. If you are keen please see Mrs Walsh in the PE Office. Year 9/10 Boys Basketball team 1 def Mercy College Boys Basketball team 2 (22) def by JSR (58) Girls Basketball team 1 (22) def by Mercy College (30) Boys Cricket (190) def Mercy College (113) Mixed Indoor Beach Volleyball (27) def by Mercy College (50) Mixed Ultimate Frisbee (19) def Mercy College (6) NORTH EASTERN ASSOCIATED SCHOOLS (NEAS) With our new sub association getting under way the following results were achieved. Year 7 Boys Basketball were def by Holy Cross Girls Basketball def Holy Cross Year 8/9 Boys Basketball def Holy Cross Girls Basketball were def by Holy Cross SENIOR BASKETBALL The senior girls played their first game of the season on Monday 23 February, as a home game against Carmel Adventist College (CAC). The girls worked hard, and did well considering some of the girls had not played before. The girls were unfortunately defeated by CAC (11 to 57). On Tuesday 24 February Mr Reilly's boys went to Swan Christian College to play their first game of senior basketball. In very hot conditions the boys did well to play a hard defence against Swan Christian but were beaten in the end. Good luck to the teams next week. The boys have a slight change in fixture and will play Thursday 5 March. SWIM SQUAD Thank you to Ms Sewell who has been taking the swim squad for the past few weeks. The squad swims on Monday and Thursday afternoons from 3:15 pm – 4:00 pm. If any students are interested please visit the PE Office to collect a permission slip. Thank you to all the coaches and students who have made a great start to the year. Mrs Jodie Walsh Director of Sport 10. NEWS PARISH NEWS KENYAN MISSION EXPERIENCE A small group of people from Perth are preparing to visit Fr Ken's village in Western Kenya during the month of January 2016 for a Mission Experience. If you are interested in something like this, please contact Fr Ken on 9274 1495 or 0434 934 286. Opportunities for cultural exchange, teaching and medical experiences are most available even for only 2 to 3 weeks. Fr Kenneth Asaba PP St Brigid's Parish, 69B Morrison Road, MIDLAND, WA 6056 PO Box 1965, MIDLAND, WA 6936 COMMUNITY NEWS MORTGAGE HELP – HISTORY TOUR FUNDRAISER Contact owner of Aussie Midland, Lynette Smoje who assists people with their financing needs. You can expect premium customer service that will enable you to find the best products that suits your present and future needs. She will donate $100 towards the College History Tour 2015 for every loan application that gets to settlement. Contact her on: P 9274 7208, 0433 840 908, F 9274 7209 or E [email protected] HISTORY TOUR FUNDRAISER Ivan Valkoff of Professionals 5 Star Realty Midland will offer a $500 donation towards subsidising the travel costs as a referral fee if prospective sellers list/sell and settle their property with Ivan (only) before the La Salle College History Tour in 2015. On condition the prospective sellers need to mention the offer prior to signing the listing form with the Midland office. Contact Ivan on P 9274 1655, 0439 030 409, F 9274 0133 or E [email protected] 11. LOCAL PARISH INFORMATION ST BRIGID'S CHURCH – MIDLAND Fr Kenneth Asaba Corner Great Eastern Highway and Morrison Road OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL – CHIDLOW Fr Dominic Savio Wilcox Street & Northam Road Saturday Vigil Sunday Children's Mass (4th Sunday of the month) Thursday Italian Mass Reconciliation Saturday Sunday (Mass) 7:30 am Reconciliation 7:00 am rd (3 Sunday of each month) 6:30 pm 9:30 am and 6:00 pm 9:30 am 9:30 am 11:00 am to 12 noon ST MICHAEL'S CHURCH – HERNE HILL Fr Kenneth Asaba Great Northern Highway, Herne Hill Sunday 8:00 am Children's Mass 8:00 am (Every second Sunday of the month) ST ANTHONY'S CHURCH - GREENMOUNT Fr Bronislaw Pietrusewicz 96 Innamincka Road Saturday Sunday 6:00 pm 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 6:00 pm Polish Mass Sunday 10:30 am Youth Mass 6:00 pm (First Sunday of the month) Reconciliation Saturday 10:00 am to 10:30 am & 5:15 pm to 5:45 pm & any time on request GOOD SHEPHERD CHURCH - LOCKRIDGE Rev Fr Aloysius Leong Corner Morley Drive and Altone Road Saturday Vigil Sunday Reconciliation Saturday 6:00 pm 8:00 am, 9:30 am & 5:00 pm 8:30 to 9:00 am & 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm ST JOSEPH'S CHURCH - BASSENDEAN Fr Son Kim Nguyen 20 Hamilton Street Saturday Vigil Sunday 6:00 pm 7:00 am & 9:00 am ST FRANCIS OF ASSISI CHURCH – MAIDA VALE Fr Francis Ly Corner of Hawtin & Lilian Roads Saturday Vigil Sunday 9:30 am & 6:30 pm 8:00 am, 9:30 am & 6:00 pm HOLY FAMILY CHURCH – KALAMUNDA Fr Greg Donovan Corner of Burt Street & Railway Road Saturday Vigil 6:30 pm Sunday 7:30 am & 9:00 am (Children's Mass) Reconciliation Saturday 5:45 to 6:15 pm Italian Mass 11:00 am (Last Sunday of the month) ST MARY'S PARISH - GUILDFORD Fr Anand Reddy Corner of James & Attfield Streets Usual Mass times: Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am & 9:30 am SACRED HEART CHURCH - MUNDARING Fr Dominic Savio 200 Coolgardie Street facebook.com/sacredheartmundaring [email protected] Saturday (Reconciliation) 9:00 am Saturday 8:30 am Saturday (Young Hearts Mass – children, teenagers & family) 6:00 pm Sunday 9:15 am 12. CALENDAR Term 1 WEEK 5 - 6 Sun 1 Mar Mon 2 Mar Tues 3 Mar Wed 4 Mar Thurs 5 Mar Fri 6 Mar WEEK 5 Labour Day Public Holiday Staff PD Day & Boarders' Long Weekend Normal Bell Times SRC National Young Leaders' Day Excursion ACC Inclusive Bowling (Education Support) Transition Students' Excursion Year 11 EES Excursion (All Day) Community Mass (8am) Year 10 Technology & Fashion Excursion Year 9 Touching Hearts Commences Sat 7 Mar Swim Meet with IMCC (4pm) Year 12 Retreat Sun 8 Mar Mon 9 Mar Tues 10 Mar Wed 11 Mar Thurs 12 Mar Fri 13 Mar Sat 14 Mar WEEK 6 Academic Review for Year 11 College Photographs Long PCG Times Community Mass (8am) Online Literacy & Numeracy Assessment Years 10 & 11 Online Literacy & Numeracy Assessment Years 10 & 11 Last Day for Years 10 – 12 Course Changes Year 7, 2016 Academic Scholarship Examination Online Literacy & Numeracy Assessment Years 10 & 11 SRC Grip Leadership Conference Benildus House Day Year 12 Academic Review Year 8 Vaccinations ABC Mentally Healthy Fair (P2-4) Year 12 Dance & Drama Excursion (After School) SRC CEOWA Networking Day Years 11 & 12 Visual Art Excursion Rock & Water Excursion (All Day) Labour Day, also known as Eight Hours Day in Tasmania and May Day in the Northern Territory, commemorates the granting of the eight-hour working day for Australians. It also recognizes workers’ contributions towards the nation’s economy. 13. Vehicles School Parking Parking restrictions are put in place near schools to protect children when they are either picked up from or dropped off to school. Parking Signs Verge Parking Parking signs show if there are any parking restrictions in the area. You should always look for and read parking signs when parking your vehicle. If you do not comply with the parking signs you may be infringed. Verge parking within the City is generally regulated with signage. Where no signage is in place, the adjacent land owner/occupier should be approached for consent to park on the verge. A “No Stopping” sign will show you where vehicles are not permitted to stop for any length of time, unless avoiding a collision. Parking on Median Strips, Traffic Islands and Roundabouts www.swan.wa.gov.au Signs may also have day and time restrictions. This means the parking prohibitions apply only during the times and days shown. It is not acceptable to park a vehicle on a median strip, traffic island or roundabout. These controls divide traffic to make driving on busy roads safer. Parking on or over a Footpath Footpaths are for the safe passage of pedestrians. Vehicles should not be parked on or over a footpath as this will cause an obstruction. Stand Vehicle Facing the Wrong Way Parked vehicles must face the same way as the direction of traffic flow and not facing oncoming traffic. Parking Offences 8.10(1) Park vehicle facing the wrong way $45 8.15(1)(a) No stopping area $45 8.15(3)(f) No parking area $60 8.15(3)(g) Park a vehicle on or over a footpath $45 8.18 Unauthorised stopping on a verge $45 Extracted from City of Swan Consolidated Local Laws 2005. Help Oscar Get To School Safely www.swan.wa.gov.au For more information contact Community Safety via 9267 9267. iv ty d i c one ers e c pla es SUPPORT LA SALLE COLLEGE Friends of Music 3XUFKDVHDFDVHRUPRUHRIGHOLFLRXV0DG%D\ZLQHVDW WKHVHJUHDWSULFHVDQGKHOSXVUDLVHPXFKQHHGHGIXQGV Mad Bay wines from WA are made at the Howard Park Winery in Margaret River by the winemakers who also bring you Howard Park and MadFish wines. Enjoy them with confidence! Price per case of 12 2013 Mad Bay Sauvignon Blanc Semillon 2013 Mad Bay Unwooded Chardonnay GOLD Medal winner! Enjoy with flavours of Italy, Greece or Asia 2012 Mad Bay Pinot Noir Vibrant and succulent cherry fruit with a soft and silky palate 2012 Mad Bay Shiraz From Great Southern and Margaret River, a multi-medal winner 2012 Mad Bay Cabernet Merlot $130 $130 $130 $130 A blend of Margaret River and Great Southern fruit This special pricing does not allow us to offer mixed or part cases. This offer is only for adults 18yrs and over. Enjoy wine in moderation. First Name: $ Subtotal $130 The classic WA blend. Lively, fresh, crisp and tropical Title: Cases of 12 TOTAL $ Surname: Email Address: Daytime Phone: Home: Payment by: (circle one) Card No: MasterCard Visa Mobile: AMEX Diners Cheque (made out to Howard Park Wines) Expiry: / Signature: All payments are processed by Howard Park Wines. For fundraising enquiries please contact us on 9336 9600 How to Order: SEND your completed order form to the Music Office, OR EMAIL your order and credit card details to Rebecca Good at [email protected] Wine Pickup: Your wine will be available for your collection from the school (Performing Arts) on Saturday 28th March 2015, time to be confirmed. ORDERS MUST BE PLACED BY SUNDAY 15th MARCH 2015 For all enquiries, please call Rebecca Good on 0432 377 632 Thank you for your support of the Music Programme at La Salle! LaSalleNetballClub WelcometoLaSalleNetballClubfor2015WinterSeason Attachedisthisyear’sregistrationdocumentsandinformation. WelcometoLaSalleNetballClub. Ourclubisrunbyparentvolunteersandassistingwithumpiring,coachingandcommitteedutiesare necessaryforyourchildrentocontinuetoplaynetballwithus. Ourregistrationformsneedtobefilledinandreturnedwithyourfeesnolaterthan15March2015. Wewillhold2registrationdates: Wednesday4Marchfrom3:10pmto5:00pm& Friday6Marchfrom3:10pmto5:00pm. Youwillabletobefittedforauniformandpayfees. Feeswillalsobepayableviainternettransfer: AccountName: LaSalleNetballClubInc BSB 036Ͳ087 AccountNumber: 595274. Feeswillbe$165toregister&$75foruniform. Pleaseuseyournameasthereference. Allfeesmustbepaidinfullby1April2015.Ifplayersarenotfinancialtheywillnotbeallowedtotake thecourtastheywillnotbeinsured. Datesyouneedtoremember: SeasoncommencesSaturday2May2015. Whenteamshavebeensortedandamanagerallocatedthenallinformationwillcomefromthem. Contactdetailsare: Pleasesendallcorrespondenceto: Email: [email protected] LaSalleNetballClub RegistrationForms PlayerDetails Surname_________________________________ GivenName__________________________ DateofBirth______________________________ YearGroup___________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________ Mobile__________________________________ Home_______________________________ Email_____________________________________________________________________________ AboriginalorTorresStraitIslander yes/no Parent/GuardianDetails Surname_________________________________ GivenNames_________________________ PhoneMobile_______________________________________________________________________ Email_____________________________________________________________________________ Wouldyoubekeeninsupportingyourchild’sclubinavoluntaryrole?Yes/no,ifyouselectedyes pleasecircleanareaofinterest: Coaching Umpire Manager Sponsor Committeemember Accreditationattainedifany_____________________________________________ MedicalDetails Doesyourchildsufferfromanymedicalconditions,includingdisabilities,generalillnessorallergies? Yes/no.Pleaseprovide Details:____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Emergencytreatment________________________________________________________________ EmergencyContact__________________________Mobile__________________________________ As a representative of La Salle College I agree to abide by the signed code of conduct as per my enrolment.IwillalsoabidebytherulesofSwanDistrictNetballassociation. PlayersSignature___________________________________ Parent’sSignature___________________________________
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