- La Salle College
- La Salle College
Delagram LA SALLE COLLEGE Fortnightly newsletter La Salle College - A Diamond In The Swan Valley 26 February 2016 Term 1 Week 4 Delagram 02 St John Baptist de La Salle FROM THE PRINCIPAL Mr Wayne Bull IN THIS ISSUE 3 Deputy Notices 4 School Fees 5 Year Coordinator Notices 7 General Notices 10 Sport 11 Careers/Onsite 12 Click On 13 iCentre 14 The Arts 15 Local Parish Information 16 Calendar Term 1 Week 5 & 6 News - Community Absentee Line 9449 0682 (available 24 hours) 5 La Salle Avenue MIDDLE SWAN WA 6056 PO Box 1674 MIDLAND WA 6936 (08) 9274 6266 ph (08) 9274 4085 fax [email protected] www.lasalle.wa.edu.au TWILIGHT INTER-HOUSE SWIMMING CARNIVAL Last Tuesday our annual Inter-House Swimming Carnival was held at Bayswater Waves. This would have to be one of the most exciting swimming carnivals that I have ever attended in 37 years in Catholic education in four schools! The spirit among the competitors and spectators was amazing. The final result came down to the very last event, with the three Houses vying for the Overall Shield. In the end our newest house, Jordan triumphed by only a few points from Benildus and Solomon. My congratulations to everyone who was involved, including our Director of Sport, Jodie Walsh, all Physical Education Staff, House Coordinators, officials, parents, spectators and very importantly our competitors. YEAR 7 EXPERIENCE Our annual Year 7 Experience was held last week and by all accounts was an outstanding success. Over 240 students descended upon Ern Halliday Camp in Sorrento and the College for this annual event. Led by the Year 7 Coordinator, Kelly Johnson, and wonderfully supported by the staff, the Experience gave our Year 7s the chance to come to know what it is to be Lasallian, meet new friends and have some fun. Additionally, all students were provided with a study skills seminar to assist their transition into high school. YEAR 7, 2018 A reminder that I will be commencing enrolment interviews for Year 7, 2018 later this term. If you have a child who is currently in Year 5, please lodge an application for Year 7, 2018 without delay. We have already had a very strong response and we obviously wish to be able to give places to siblings. However, without an enrolment form this won't be possible. PRODUCTION CAMP Last week over one hundred students and staff attended camp for the College's 2016 production of Thoroughly Modern Millie. Performers and musicians spent three days working on routines for this classic musical. Thank you to Shellie Rodriguez, Chris Milne, Sarah McDonnell, Amy Webb, Pamela Barrett, Laura Alban, Alan Fitzpatrick and Steven Nicholas for their great support of our students. I looking forward to seeing Millie in May. Join In His Journey 29 Days Until Easter YEAR 12 RETREATS Good luck to our Year 12 students as they embark on their retreats next week. This is a very special time for our senior students as they take time out to reflect and ponder on their relationship with God, their families and friends. ACADEMIC INITIATIVE In line with the College's commitment to excellence, we are continuing our Prometheus and Daedalus Clubs. These groups have been established to encourage academic excellence and achievement, particularly among students aspiring to gain entry into competitive university courses. Membership of this group is open to students in Years 10, 11 and 12. Students are expected to commit to attend at least 75% of the weekly 3 hour study sessions over the course of the year. Teachers are available to help students and a number of former high achieving La Salle graduates have been contracted by the College to provide academic support. Specific details of tuition times is regularly published in the Delagram. The iCentre is also open after school Monday through to Thursday until 5:00 pm, especially for students in Years 7 to 9. Teachers will be available on a rostered basis to provide help to students. CONDOLENCES Our sympathy and prayers are extended to Tanya Macri and her family on the sad passing of her sister. Our condolences are also extended to Ben Reilly and his family on the sad passing of his nana. May perpetual light shine upon them and may they rest in peace. St John Baptist de La Salle Pray for us Live Jesus in our hearts Forever Mr Wayne Bull Principal 2. DEPUTY NOTICES S C H O O L C U R R I C U LU M & STA N DA R D S AU T H O R I T Y E X H I B I T I O N S & AWA R D S PRESENTATION CEREMONY On the evening of 17 February, Year 12, 2015 student, Hera Nguyen was acknowledged amongst fellow students of the highest levels of achievement in the Government House Ballroom. Special guests included Her Excellency the Honourable Kerry Sanderson AO, Governor of Western Australia, The Honourable Peter Collier MLC, Minister of Education and Professor Celia Hammond, Vice Chancellor of The University of Notre Dame. Hera received a certificate and medal for achieving a Course Exhibition Award for the highest mark in WA for Accounting and Finance, a Certificate of Distinction (Accounting and Finance) and a Certificate of Commendation. Her Accounting and Finance teacher, Mr Steve Cernoch attended the special night as well as Hera's older siblings, Harry and Helen. Harry and Helen are former La Salle students and Accounting and Finance students of Mr Cernoch. Mrs Rachael Keenan Deputy Principal ONLINE LITERACY & NUMERACY TEST The Online Literacy & Numeracy (OLNA) test will be occurring for Year 10, 11 and 12 students during Weeks 6 and 7 this term, with catch-up tests for absent students occurring in Week 8. Only those students who have yet to achieve the benchmark Reading, Writing and Numeracy level will be required to sit the tests. Parents will receive a letter next week advising which OLNA test their child may need to sit and the day and time of the tests. Students must bring their fully charged laptop computer to the classroom to complete any OLNA test. CATHOLIC NEWS I would encourage any students who have yet to pass any OLNA tests to practice the example questions. Practice questions are available online at the website address below: Website: Username: Password: assess.scsa.wa.edu.au (no www.) 1223 prac14 If you have any queries or concerns please contact me at the College. Mr David White Deputy Principal 3. SCHOOL FEES Statements for 2016 have been sent, along with a fee schedule. Subject fees, Health Care Card discounts, Secondary Assistance Scheme and Fee sharing (charges and credits) will be allocated in the April holidays. A statement will be sent in Term 2 to show these changes. Methods of Payment Cheque by mail or in person Cash in person Credit card either in person, by telephone or by direct debit EFTPOS in person EFT: [BSB: 086 – 006] [Account Number 813655776]. The Parent Family code must be listed on the transaction, e.g. HOLTMF (located at the bottom of your statement). ! B Pay - Account and reference number is located on statement. ! Direct debit forms are located on the College website: www.lasalle.wa.edu.au ! ! ! ! ! Families with a Health Care Card Visit our Accounts Office if you have a Health Care Card as you may be eligible for a discount through the Secondary Assistance Scheme. Grand Carers on a Health Care Card may be eligible for Grand Carers Assistance. You will find the brochure at our Accounts Office. You must fill in a new form each year if you are eligible to receive the discount and/or payment. When completing the paperwork at the Accounts Office to receive Secondary Assistance you must supply your bank details as the Department of Education makes the payments direct to you, not the College. Payment Plans If you are not able to pay your account in full and you are not paying by direct debit in 2016, please send a payment plan to the Accounts Office detailing your payment method including amount and frequency. Please remember fees are to be paid in full each year. If you are unable to meet your obligation of paying your fees in full, please contact the Accounts Office by phone or email [email protected] to make an appointment time to meet with me. All meetings are strictly confidential. During the Administration refurbishment I have temporarily relocated upstairs in the Patricia Rodrigues Centre at the northern end. The Saver Plus programme has been re-funded, and The Smith Family are now able to offer this wonderful opportunity to our community again. I'm sure there are many families in the community who would benefit from the $500 towards their education costs. Please find the flyer attached to the Delagram. Ms Shirley Walraven Families & Human Resources Manager 4. YEAR COORDINATOR NOTICES INVITATION – YEAR 7 GRANDPARENTS' MASS Grandparents' Mass will be held at the College on Thursday 17 March from 9:00 am. Students will be able to collect letters from the G-block Year Coordinators' Office from this week. For catering purposes, we ask that numbers are confirmed via permission slips by Tuesday 1 March. YEAR 7 EXPERIENCE From Monday 15 February - Wednesday 17 February, Year 7 classes were suspended for the Year 7 Experience. The students had two days at Ern Halliday Recreation Camp and one day at school completing a specific programme to assist them in their transition to La Salle College. Upon arrival at Ern Halliday for the camp element of the Year 7 Experience, we chatted about our aims and expectations for the next few days. We had some big afternoons of activities including beach games and archery as well as our Year 7 Experience Quiz Night, a highlight being the dance-off as one of the bonus round challenges. Students had one day of the Experience at the College, Monday or Wednesday depending on their House group. This involved an IT session with Mrs Lindy Reger and Mr Andy Vella, a Lasallian spirit session with Lasallian Youth Minister Stephen Beirouti and study skills session run by Hands On Tuition. STUDENTS DRIVING TO SCHOOL The City of Swan has advised the College that Evelyn Reserve, on the western boundary of the College, should no longer be used for parking. If your child is driving to school and choosing to park in the streets surrounding the College, it would be appreciated if you could remind them that they should not be parking in front of the driveways or in the visitor car parking at Water's Edge, across the road from the College. The College has been advised that students who are not following the local council laws may be issued with fines. Ms Alicia Keating Year 12 Coordinator CATHOLIC NEWS On Tuesday we had all students at Ern Halliday, partaking in inter-House activities and games, which had to be adapted due to the soaring temperature! We had an ice bucket relay challenge, tug of war and some indoor teambuilding games. Many thanks to Ms Sarah McDonnell for her involvement over the 3 days at Ern Halliday, Ms Sophie Doyle, Mr Riley Milligan and Mr Alex Zulberti for their beach activities, all of the House Coordinators, Ms Lindy Reger, Mr Andy Vella, Stephen Beirouti and Mr Adrian Martino. Ms Kelly Johnson Year 7 Coordinator 5. YEAR 7 EXPERIENCE I had great fun doing archery for the first time. Sean Mort Thank you so much for making the Year 7 experience so much fun! I really enjoyed being with my friends and making new ones. It was also really fun learning the La Salle chant with Stephen and the sport captains. Alexis Kiernan I really enjoyed going to the beach, swimming in the ocean and meeting new people was also enjoyable. Thank you for the opportunity. Samantha Langley I found the Year 7 Experience fun and I really enjoyed my time there. The part I loved most was going down to the beach. Angelina Gierczycki I loved getting to know everyone better, bonding with my old friends, House Coordinator and peers and most importantly making new friends. Stephanie Whittaker MAINTENANCE & GROUNDS PERSON Applications are invited for the above position to join our Maintenance and Grounds Team. The successful applicant will be highly motivated, well organised and be able to work independently. Duties are split between the grounds, cleaning and gardening tasks with a willingness to assist in all other areas required. A current Working with Children Check, and a Criminal History Record Check through the Western Australian Department of Education are required before commencement. Please see our website to view the duty statement and for the application form or alternatively contact the College Office. Applications close on Wednesday 2 March 2016 with the start date as soon as possible. 6. GENERAL NOTICES RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Class Visits Class visits from our College Chaplain, Fr Richard, and Lasallian Youth Minister, Stephen Beirouti commenced last week with our Year 8 students. In line with the course for this term, Fr Richard is talking about parish communities and Stephen is talking about St John Baptist de La Salle and our Lasallian Heritage. This week the Year 7 classes visited the Chapel, where Fr Richard discussed such things as Chapel etiquette, vestments and sacred vessels. Stephen is also visiting these classes to talk about St John Baptist de La Salle and our Lasallian Heritage. Project Compassion Third Week of Lent – Dominic from Papua New Guinea Generational poverty has led to many challenges in Dominic's community in Papua New Guinea, including gender inequality, alcohol abuse and violence. Since receiving training in the Caritas Australia supported Community Conversations programme, Dominic has learnt communication and problem solving skills to lead his community towards a more peaceful, prosperous future. Fourth Week of Lent – Evangeline from Australia First Australian Evangeline lives in a remote community that faces many ongoing challenges. She had a limited vision for her future until three years ago, when she started working at the Djilpin Arts Ghunmarn Culture Centre, a communityowned venture supported by Caritas Australia. Today Evangeline is flourishing, with new skills and a passion for the preservation and promotion of her Aboriginal culture. Please donate to Project Compassion 2016 and help: ! Empower communities in Papua New Guinea to lead their own development and create more harmonious futures. ! First Australians in remote communities of Australia gain new skills and renewed passion to preserve and celebrate traditional culture. OLNA NUMERACY HELP The Mathematics Learning Area will be holding OLNA Numeracy help sessions after school on Tuesdays for students who would like some assistance with preparing for the OLNA test. It will be held in the Senior Lecture Theatre from 3:20 – 4:15 pm. These sessions are especially important for any Year 12s who still need to sit their OLNA Numeracy as they only have 2 more chances before graduation to pass the test. Ms Shonnie Murphy Mathematics Teacher SAVE THE DATE PFFWA CONFERENCE & AGM 2016 The Parents and Friends Federation of WA are excited to be putting the last touches to their conference programme for this year. The conference opening dinner will be held on Friday evening 20 May at Crown Perth. The conference will commence the following morning and go through until 5:00 pm. Refreshments including morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea are provided on the day of the conference, along with great speakers, interactive sessions and the usual fantastic networking opportunities. With both Federal and State elections on the horizon, PFFWA have invited politicians from the major parties to attend and you will have the opportunity to hear what their vison is for education in Western Australia in the foreseeable future. For more information, please keep an eye on the PFFWA website and our Facebook page or co n t a ct a d m i n @ pff . w a . e d u . a u www.pff.wa.edu.au 9271 5909 - 103 Wood St, Inglewood, WA 6932 God bless Mrs Sharon Gregoor Learning Area Coordinator – Religious Education 7. GENERAL NOTICES CERTIFICATE I HOSPITALITY STUDENTS Congratulations and thank you to our Certificate I Hospitality students, Kayla Griffiths, Kieran ByrneQuinn, Jasmine Manning, Zoe Sparks and Shannon Lee under the guidance of their teachers, Mrs Franzinelli and Mrs Matrakis, for providing the School Board with a lovely dinner at their recent meeting. Students prepared and served crispy seasoned baked chicken with gourmet salads followed by Croatian apple strudel and a seasonal fruit platter. The Board went home well satisfied and appreciative of the group's fine efforts. Mr Peter Pooley Learning Area Coordinator – Technology & Enterprise 8. GENERAL NOTICES PERTH WRITERS’ FESTIVAL SCHOOLS’ DAY Today a group of 30 keen writers from La Salle went to the University of Western Australia to take part in the Perth Writers’ Festival Schools’ Day. We attended lectures from people of various backgrounds including visual design, novel writing, song writing and improvisational rappers. They each spoke about their careers and field of choice. For example, we had a talk with Beci Orpin about her life in design, and how to follow her footsteps if we desire to do so. We heard from Fiona Wood and David Burton (novelists and scriptwriters) on the topic of 'Growing Pains' and listened to them tell embarrassing stories about their teen years. The highlight of our day, was a lecture with Kav Temperley from Eskimo Joe. He taught us how he created and wrote the lyrics to his songs, and how it doesn't just happen. At the end, he also sung us 'From the sea'. We think we noticed all the teachers in the room swooning! We also had an opportunity to buy books by many different authors, and even get our books signed. During the day, we also got activity books called 'Passports', and at the end of the day, we went through and completed them. Liam Taylor & Matthew Walton Year 10 Year 9 HOSTING A FRENCH EXCHANGE STUDENT For the last 9 years a programme has been in place offering the opportunity to young French students aged 13-16 years to discover Australia and its education system. The purpose of the programme is for the French student to experience living with a local family, to see how an Australian school operates, to improve their English language skills through this full immersion and to create a strong friendship with their Anglophone peers. The programme is highly successful and both Australian and French students greatly enjoy the exchange. Many families still keep in touch with each other. If you are interested in hosting a French exchange student for either a 5 week or 10 week block (in April, June or July), please contact Martine Floyd, email : [email protected] or on 0403 019 609. 9. SPORT INTER-HOUSE SWIMMING CARNIVAL Tuesday 23 February saw a return of the Twilight Inter-House Swimming Carnival at Bayswater Waves. The day brought mild weather, with patches of rain. House spirit was rife with all Houses keen to win over McCormack, who have dominated since 2012! With many students stepping up to the challenge of competing for their House, the results were very close and it came down to the relays. With leadership points changing after every race the atmosphere was intense. Congratulations to Jordan House who won the overall shield and also Senior Shield and to Solomon House who won the Junior Shield. The Spirit Award, which is awarded to the House with maximum participation, chants and cheers and also House spirit, went to McCormack. I would like to thank the parents who gave up their time to officiate and to also support the carnival. Your help is always welcomed. Also a special thank you to all of the staff who get involved in every carnival. Without you the day would not run as well as it did. The ACC squad list will be up at the end of the week in the PE Office window, with training starting next Monday 29 February. A letter will go home with your child. Champion and Runners Up Results Age Gender Champion House Runner up House Luke Taylor Sammantha Perry Erika Sell Joseph Lyon Natasha Wilks Kalen Cash Chloe Butler Kristian Martino Lauren Pedersen Max Collins Alice Grant Brayden Shipley Macie Bennetts McCormack Mutien & Mutien Brigid Mutien MacKillop Jordan Benildus McCormack MacKillop Benildus Brigid Solomon group U13 U13 Male Female Caleb Reed Sophie D'Addario Benildus Solomon U14 U14 U15 U15 U16 U16 U17 U17 U20 U20 Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Julian Rossi Katie Salmon Luke Barrett Paige McLennan Oliver Salmon Danielle Perry Jared Skinner Emily Godin TJ Pickering Chloe Truscott Mutien Benildus La Salle Solomon Benildus Mutien McCormack Jordan MacKillop McCormack House results Junior 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Solomon Benildus Jordan MacKillop Mutien McCormack Brigid La Salle 645 644.5 605 567 540 498.5 463 429 Senior 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Jordan Benildus Solomon McCormack Mutien Brigid MacKillop La Salle 726.5 660.5 652 629 550 547 546 467 Overall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Jordan Benildus Solomon McCormack MacKillop Mutien Brigid La Salle 1331.5 1305 1297 1127.5 1113 1090 1010 896 10. SPORT NEAS NEAS started this week with games against Holy Cross at home and away. The Year 7 boys and girls basketball will be in future on a Tuesday afternoon, Year 10-12 basketball will be on a Wednesday and the Year 8-9 basketball will be on a Thursday afternoon. Home games start at 4:00 pm and finish by 5:00 pm. Away games, depending on traffic will be back to school by 5:30 pm. SENIOR BOYS CRICKET The senior boys have played their first two games of the season, against Mt Lawley SHS and John Forrest SHS. With a new crew learning the ropes under the watchful eye of seasoned coach Mr Lombardi, the boys are improving in both their fielding and batting. Their next game is against JSR at home next Tuesday, from 1:00 pm. Good luck to the team. SPORTING INFORMATION Sporting information can now be found on the College webpage, under Quick Links. There is a Sports heading. This will have fixtures and dates for all sporting events. Information and pictures can also be followed on the La Salle College Sport Facebook page. Mrs Jodie Walsh Director of Sport CAREERS/ONSITE YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR Current Year 12 student Ryan Fazzalari is proof if you have drive and determination, then you can achieve. This clever young man started his very own company, Flo Customs back in August 2014. Ryan decided after spending his money purchasing T-shirt's at a high cost, he thought he could do something similar if not better at a reduced cost, himself. He started to research the market, plan and invest his part time wages into the cash flow for his business. He purchased his own screen printing machine and started to develop his own designs. In March 2015, he launched his website www.flocustoms.com and since then he has sold over 1 500 t-shirt's. Ryan has also drawn on his experiences through the Onsite programme to help improve his business since it first began through industry training and assistance from employers willing to mentor and offer advice. This has allowed him to make connections and outsource to help expand the business over time. He is constantly working towards improving his designs and printing techniques to ultimately create a better product. Ryan's advice for other budding young entrepreneurs is to be prepared to work at it. You invest a lot of time and effort into your product and most of the initial cash flow is reinvested back into the business and RESEARCH. Do lots of it. We wish Ryan well for his future endeavours and hope he reaches his sales target of 2 000 tshirt's by the end of 2016. Mrs Jaimee Dawson Careers Counsellor 11. CLICK ON Some beginning-of-the-year reminders! Charge your laptop battery overnight. Students are expected to have their laptops fully charged each day. The device should be shut down each evening and charged overnight. Battery myths you need not believe My battery should be nearly flat before charging. Wrong. Modern batteries can be topped up from any level. If I leave it charging, it will fill up and overcharge. Wrong. It stops charging by itself. Set a power plan to save your battery. Click Windows key and type ‘Control Panel’. Open the Control Panel. Click System and Security and look under Power Options for Change Battery Setting. Select Balanced, and Change plan settings Set short times and a low brightness Microsoft Updates These updates are distributed by Microsoft regularly and need to be installed in order to keep the device running at an optimal level. They are best done at home, last thing at night when the device is being shut down. They can take some time. If, when shutting down, updates are offered, choose to Update and shut down. Failure to install updates can affect the student’s ability to print documents over the College network. College Updates Network staff send out updates pertinent to the College system. These are automatically installed when the students turn their devices on at school. That is why it is important that the device is off when it comes to school and is switched on within College WiFi range. ICT Tutorials www.thecomputerschool.net Log into Tech Training Directory Username = lsc6056 Password = lasalle Mr Andy Vella ICT Across the Curriculum Coordinator CHARGE your laptop/ notebook every night! 12. CENTRE HOT SPOT The popularity and range of activities that take place in a school day have definitely made the iCentre a 'hot spot' for students this month. The Pokémon Club host their meetings every Monday lunchtime supervised by Mr Adam Thorne. Students come to read, sit and talk, or play a variety of games with chess, Uno and Minecraft the top drawcards. Borrowing can now commence with the distribution of student barcodes this week. The delay unfortunately beyond our control was due to our migration to a new Library Management System - Access-It Library - at the start of the year. "The energy of the mind is the essence of life." ~ Aristotle Students can now take advantage of the after school homework and study help provided in the iCentre. Aimed particularly for students in Years 7 – 9, students sign in and work on their homework, assignments or undertake study. Students can seek assistance from the teachers on duty. The teachers and their specialist areas of expertise are: Monday Ms Jane Gordon - Mathematics Tuesday Mr John Angove - Mathematics* (* Upper school) Wednesday Ms Lina Valkoff - English and Humanities & Social Sciences Thursday Ms Sharna Gregson - Science, Religious Education & Mathematics** Ms Margret-Ann Lieuwes - Mathematics** (** Lower school) Mrs Lindy Reger iCentre Coordinator COMMUNITY NEWS AUTISM WEST TEAM SPRINT CUP Sunday 20 March @ 2:00 pm at Christ Church Grammar School. Get a team together for Autism West's annual swimming relay event. It's all about participation and raising awareness for those affected by an autism spectrum disorder. On the day: There's a DJ, food & drink, bouncy castle, photo booth, and if you like prizes - we've got plenty! Mum, Dad & co. can also get amongst it with the annual treat-yourself-raffle. This year it's paperless so the chance to win is only a few clicks away. Buy your tickets at www.trybooking.com/KBCT. Ways to win: Most creative team name, tag & win social media event, most funds raised, relay winners, raffles. Tickets are only $40 per person and all proceeds go towards Autism West. Register your team at www.trybooking.com/JZTG. More information available at [email protected], 9383 6123, www.autismwest.org.au 13. THE ARTS 1920s props THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE With the production well under way we are looking for a number of props to assist us with the performance. If anyone would be happy to lend or donate 1920s props specifically manual typewriters, a telephone or suit case we would be very grateful. They would be treated with the greatest of care. If you can help in any way please contact myself via email at [email protected] or by phoning the College. We look forward to hearing from you. Mrs Shellie Rodriguez Learning Area Coordinator – The Arts THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE PRODUCTION CAMP Preparations to perform our much-anticipated Thoroughly Modern Millie have begun with a symbol crash and many jazzy twirls at Serpentine this past weekend at La Salle's famous Production Camp. Departing on Thursday 18 February and arriving back to school at 3:00 pm on Saturday 20 February, exhausted yet satisfied, were 99 students and 7 staff who were taunted by catchy song lyrics for hours long after arrival home. It was a brilliant start to what will be hours of time and dedication by both students and staff and many long-lasting memories were created. Both the cast and orchestra were given the opportunity to get to know each other further during full-on rehearsals (which were from dawn until dusk); encouraging the comradery which is needed to put on such a successful production with the high standards La Salle College expects. It wasn't all sweat and tears however, countless laughs were shared and there were many moments of uncontainable excitement and anticipation for what this musical will bring to the stage, literally. It is evident from our dedicated Sunday rehearsals and this fruitful camp, that this Thoroughly Modern Millie will be a production you shouldn't miss. Kate Eldridge Arts Captain 14. LOCAL PARISH INFORMATION ST BRIGID'S CHURCH – MIDLAND Rev Fr Kenneth Asaba Corner Great Eastern Highway and Morrison Road Saturday Sunday Thursday Italian Mass Reconciliation Saturday 6:30 pm (Vigil) 9:30 am and 6:00 pm 9:30 am 11:00 am to 12:00 pm & 5:00 – 6:00 pm ST MICHAEL'S CHURCH – HERNE HILL Rev Fr Kenneth Asaba Great Northern Highway, Herne Hill Sunday 8:00 am ST ANTHONY'S CHURCH - GREENMOUNT Rev Fr Marian Brzozowki SDS 96 Innamincka Road Saturday Sunday 8:30 am & 6:00 pm (Vigil) 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 6:00 pm Polish Mass Sunday 10:30 am Reconciliation Saturday 10:00 am to 10:30 am & 5:15 pm to 5:45 pm GOOD SHEPHERD CHURCH - LOCKRIDGE Rev Fr Aloysius Leong Corner Morley Drive and Altone Road Saturday Sunday 6:00 pm (Vigil) 8:00 am, 9:30 am & 5:00 pm Reconciliation Saturday 8:30 to 9:00 am & 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm (other times by appointment) SACRED HEART CHURCH - MUNDARING Rev Fr Dominic Savio 200 Coolgardie Street facebook.com/sacredheartmundaring [email protected] OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL – CHIDLOW Rev Fr Dominic Savio Wilcox Street & Northam Road Sunday (Mass) 7:30 am Reconciliation 7:00 am rd (3 Sunday of each month) ST JOSEPH'S CHURCH - BASSENDEAN Fr Kim Son Nguyen 20 Hamilton Street Saturday Sunday Reconciliation Saturday Reconciliation Sunday 7:45 am & 6:00 pm (Vigil) 7:00 am & 9:00 am 5:30 – 6:25 pm 8:30 – 8:50 am ST FRANCIS OF ASSISI CHURCH – MAIDA VALE Rev Fr Francis Ly Corner of Hawtin & Lilian Roads Saturday Sunday 9:30 am & 6:30 pm (Vigil) 8:00 am, 9:30 am & 6:00 pm Reconciliation Saturday 10:00 – 10:30 am HOLY FAMILY CHURCH – KALAMUNDA Rev Fr Antony Suresh Corner of Burt Street & Railway Road Saturday Sunday Reconciliation Saturday Italian Mass Sunday 6:00 pm (Vigil) 7:30 am & 9:00 am 5:15 to 5:45 pm 11:00 am ST MARY'S PARISH - GUILDFORD Rev Fr Anand Reddy Corner of James & Attfield Streets Saturday 6:00 pm (Vigil) Sunday 8:00 am & 9:30 am Saturday 8:30 am Saturday 6:00 pm (Vigil) Sunday 9:15 am Reconciliation Saturday 9:00 am (other times by appointment) 15. CALENDAR TERM 1, WEEK 5 & 6 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 28 Feb 29 Feb 1 Mar 2 Mar 3 Mar 4 Mar WEEK 5 Year 9 Touching Hearts Commences Year 7&8 EALD Excursion Normal Bell Times Community Mass (8:00am) 7-10 Aspire Advocates Excursion Year 12 Retreat Mass (8:00am) Third Sunday of Lent FRIDAY SATURDAY 5 Mar Year 12 Retreat Year 10 CGE Work Experience I SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 6 Mar 7 Mar 8 Mar 9 Mar 10 Mar WEEK 6 Labour Day Public Holiday Year 11 Academic Review Long PCG Times Community Mass (8:00am) Fourth Sunday of Lent MacKillop House Day Year 8 Aspire Incursion Year 12 Aspire – The Next Step (1:30–3:00pm) Year 12 Academic Review SRC Grip Leadership Conference FRIDAY 11 Mar SATURDAY 12 Mar Principal’s Community Breakfast ACC Inclusive Bowling Year 7 Allegro Excursion Online Literacy & Numeracy Assessment Years 10 & 11 COMMUNITY NEWS CELEBRATING 30 YEARS OF 'BREAKFAST IN THE PARK' th This year is the 30 year Mary's Mount Primary School will be hosting Breakfast In The Park for families of the Shire of Kalamunda. Please come along to gather under the trees of Stirk Park and enjoy a fun leisurely morning including a full cooked breakfast (bacon, eggs, toast, sausages, baked beans, tomatoes, mushrooms, juice and cereal), entertainment and activities for the whole family. So grab your friends. We hope to see you at Breakfast In The Park! Date: Sunday 13 March Time: 9:00 am to 11:00 am Location: Stirk Park, Kalamunda Cost: $13/adult, $5/primary school aged children or $30/family of four for breakfast. Some activities require a small additional payment. Ticket Sales: From Mary's Mount Primary School office or at Stirk Park on the day Phone: 9293 2800 SOCCER PLAYERS REQUIRED Bassendean Caledonian Junior Soccer Football Club are looking for players, no experience necessary, suitable for all ages, please contact 0403 171 654 or email [email protected] 16. Please RSVP your name and number of guests for catering requirements by Monday 1 March 2016 to the Community Relations Department on 9449 0635 or email [email protected] Br Anthony Cummins FSC Director of Lasallian Volunteers District of Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan & Papua New Guinea will be our guest speaker for our community gathering. The Principal’s Community Prayer Breakfast is a gathering of our Lasallian community for prayer and the sharing of a meal. to be held on Friday 11 March at 7:30am to 8:30am in the St John Baptist de La Salle Chapel. Principal's Community Prayer Breakfast Mr Wayne Bull, Principal of La Salle College, invites you to attend the PRINCIPAL'S COMMUNITY PRAYER BREAKFAST INVITATION Can Saver Plus assist you with high school costs? Join Saver Plus and match your savings, dollar for dollar, up to $500 for educational costs including: ü ü ü ü ü school uniforms and text books computers, laptops and tablets excursions and camps sports equipment, uniforms and lessons music tuition and instrument hire. You may be eligible if you have a Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card, are at least 18 years old, have some regular income from work (you or your partner) and have a child at school or study yourself. Contact Meagan Parry your local Saver Plus Worker: (08) 9440 4147 / 0438 518 603 or [email protected] Saver Plus was developed by ANZ and the Brotherhood of St Laurence and is delivered across Mirrabooka by The Smith Family. The program is funded by ANZ and the Australian Government.
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