1200 chords
1200 chords
1200 chords THE ULTIMATE GUITAR CHORD CHART II by Phillip J Facoline Special thanks to [email protected] and [email protected] for the use of their Postscript code and thanks to all those people that responded to my initial postings for guitar chords. Please check chords and notify me of any errors via email at:[email protected] Remember: Make as many copies as you want, pass it on to your friends. 1 C 2 C# or Db 3 D 4 5 D# or Eb 6 E 7 8 F 9 F# or Gb 10 G 11 12 G# or Ab 13 A 14 15 B or A# (Bb in Engl.) 16 H (B in Engl.) 17 THE ULTIMATE GUITAR CHORD CHART II Special thanks to [email protected] and [email protected] for the use of their Postscript code and thanks to all those people that responded to my initial postings for guitar chords. Please check chords and notify me of any errors via email at:[email protected] Remember: Make as many copies as you want, pass it on to your friends. The .'s and ,'s after the chord name means that the chord is a duplicate or alternate formation. Chords in the key of: C C Dm Em F G Am Bdim C# or Db Db Ebm Fm Gb Ab Bbm Cdim D D Em Gbm G A Bm Dbdim D# or Eb Eb Fm Gm Ab Bb Cm Ddim E E Gbm Abm A B Dbm Ebdim F F Gm Am Bb C Dm Edim F# or Gb Gb Abm Bbm B Db Ebm Fdim G G Am Bm C D Em Gbdim G# or Ab Ab Bbm Cm Db Eb Fm Gdim A A Bm Dbm D E Gbm Abdim B or Bb or A# Bb Cm Dm Eb F Gm Adim H (B in Engl.) B Dbm Ebm E Gb Abm Bbdim _aug _(no 3rd) _6/7sus4 _dom7 _7/add11 _2 _sus _#7 _sus2 _6/9 _9(#7) _o7 _dom9 C/D is A/B is G/D is If you with a = = = = = = = = = = = = = _#5 (Augmented triad) _5 (Root and 5th - Power chord) _6/7sus (Sus4 triad plus 6th, minor 7th) _7 (Major triad, minor 7th) _7/11 (Minor triad, minor 7th, plus 11th) _add9 (Major triad, plus 9th) _sus4 (No 3rd but a 4th from a major triad) _maj7 (Major triad, major 7th) _add9(no 3rd) (No 3rd but a 2th from a major triad) _6/add9 (Major triad plus 6th and 9th) _maj9 (Major triad, major 9th plus 7th) _m7(b5) (Diminished triad, minor 7th : half-diminshed _9 (Major triad, minor 7th plus 9th) an C chord with a D bass note (xx0010). an A chord with a B bass note (x22220). an G chord with a D bass note (xx0003). And so on. are playing in a band with a bass player you don't need to play th bass note, just play it as a normal chord (eg. C/D = C and so on). 18 19 20