THEIUPUI T he W eekly St u d e n t N ewspaper of I n d i a n a U n i v e r s i t t - P urdue U n i v e r s i t y I nd i a n a p o l i s b lV t t S IO l Committeeappointed tofill newposition The Candidate ■ Internal search underway for dean of students; decision expected by semester's end. ■ Former governor and current senatorial hopeful remarks on higher education, voting. By K im M o sgas Sia m Wb i i i i I t |.M . Blow* Niv» E d iio i The search is on for a new dean of students, and the : After eight yean as Governor of Indiana. Even Bayb finds himself in the political realm once more. A candidate for the upcoming US Senate race, Bayh boasts a mission similar to the one he built as the state'# top leader from 1988 to 1996. His platform is rooted in creating and promoting eco nomic success, responsible citizenry and a productive workforce. And realizing those goals hinge on what he This is an entirety new position within the university and another step in a continuing process toward improv ing student life on campus. The dean of students will be expected to focus on en hancing students' collegiate experi menting new support programs for students. Creating a sense of com- lis law firm where the Democrat has stationed himself of laac, the senatorial hopeful tackled a couple of topics: ■ Indiana's low rate of high school graduates who pur sue a college degree, ■ fighting for better funding. ■ faculty debate over teaching v. research v. service. of the position. "We are attempting to get this person as close to the students as we can." emphasized William Plater, executive vice chancellor and dean of the faculties. 'T he dean of students’ office will be in the University College build ing ... and will be working on mi why students should not only vote fur Bayh is concerned shout his state's low high school to college carry-over rate, but doesn't believe the federal government should push its way into w h* is a stale and individual institution issue — academic standards. "We need to raise the aspirations of rpany of our people," he said. "We're undergoing a real sea change in the national and world economy, and the importance of higher education is more critical than ever. We need to make sure our citizens understand that "My predisposition." he continued, "would he to allow states and universities greater latitude tn setting standards rather than having them imposed in Washington. D.C. I’tn all in favor of high academic standards, but I'm not sure the federal government should be imposing them ... the decision should be made locally." Although raising the bar might mean a smaller student bare, Bayh would hope to get more college-prepared stu dents in with broadened access to the scholarly highway. Within the world of higher education. Bayh character izes access — including financial needs and challenges that fact nontraditional students — as his focal point. "I am concerned about the high level of debt students have to take on in order to get a degree." he said. There is this whole debate about the mission of higher education: how it's important for students to have experiences thtf deals with more than just dollars and cents. (But yet) it is also critically important to prepare them to be financially supportive. 'T here is a lot of pressure on universities to be efficient, to graduate people to areas where they'll find good-paying jobs, he continued. "At the same time, higher education Plater appointed Martel Keister, director of student ser vices for the School of Public and Environmental Affairs, as committee chair. The committee's task is to come up with qualifications and responsibilities required for this new position — to literally create a job description. The dean of students will be a halftime, three-year term. Information about the new opportunity is now being B T O B K ISil Natatorium site of new training center ■ Dryland gymnasium will be built to accompany renowned fitness facility. S iT S S B iP p i Fio m Sagamokk Staff R i f o i t i The IU Natttorium. renowned for hosting major national swimming competition!, will become a breeding ground for potential Olympic champion* living right here in Indiana. ITS. Diving has announced that the Natatorium, in conjunction with a dryland training facility id be constructed le u than a mile from the p o o l will be the she of its lin t regional training center. The training censer concept was approved by the to be operational before the end of December: The plan calls for an eventual system of eight regional I t m B y * it HmT I rm The team competes tg tin tt other uniwerutiet in a rtcin j tenet sanctioned by Electric Vehicle Technology Competitions, Ltd. laroiM ATioa co m m iid mom S acamoii SfAM R ir o ir s • Fo IICAIT St’OIOCf TO CNASGI _ y OoptayAdDMk•(317) 274-3456 QmM AdDMk•(317) 774-2934 FAX•(317) 274-2539 l , T' SffgtoCopyftm 0 1998 ////// The HJPliiStgunxi PA «;t 2 • M u suay. A r m 6. T h i IUPUI Sa o a m oi i • Niw* ___ 1998 sagamore NEWS BRIEFS C om m i 11> l » K I LI 1 H l>M MA' A9YM « 91 It* Mill B Tm kill i n thii ta iltcaai racial tapka L IUPUI will host a senes of programs Apnl H and 9 as (tel of a national campus dialogue on nice relations and diversity The video SJun Deep. a film featuring students tace on their cxpcncncei and outlook, will be shown April I from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Student Activities Center Main Lounge t Distinguished Carlos Munor, Mexican-Amcncan Icbolar. will visit campus Apnl 9 to discuss the impor tance of valuing differences and provide strategies that feck to muse students from appreciation to action Munoz pffll speak from noun to I p.m. in LY 115. r . Also on Apnl 9. Samuel Bctanccs. one of the nation s leading experts on race relations, will lead a town hall feeding on 'Shattering the Barriers A Campus Dialogue pD Race The meeting will be from 1 to 3 p.m in Room t37 of the Univ ersity Place Conference Center These events are being coordinated by the IUPUI Affir mative Action Office and arc free and open to the public. Fast lane m « np i should be an opportunity to he well-rounded and experience things that may benefit them in the future in ways that arc not immediately But that opportunity all to often is squelched because of nuntradi“We had some additional higher education i year in (the governor s) office wc decided to give out to part i students,” Bayh said. "1 hoped that would serve as a precedent for the “We have to have a flexible sy stem of student assistance,” he con tinued The objective shouldn’t be how people go to school, but that they’re going to school, that they’re improving themselves, that they ’re increasing their own potential — we should make that as easy as possible instead of having a one-size-fus-all kind of system.” Within a collegiate system, there has been an age-old debate among faculty members about where they should conccntme their emphasis — classroom teaching, research or service. And Bayh believes the answer is somewhere in the middle — a ”My own preference would be for classroom teaching because I personally enjoy interacting with students” he said “(But) when you take a holistic view of the university, research is very important, too. T n academic circles, (research) very often is one of the key com ponents of a unrvcnity’s reputation.” he continued. “Your reputation. faculty — it lends to be a self-fulfilling sort of thing ’ Serv ice should be a component of any institution’: ocularly one like higher cducMion (because) if higher learning ... means try ing to prepare people to be responsible citizens, itself has to be a responsible member.” he added. Despite comprising a sizable portion of Indiana voters, college T am alarmed by the low percentages of young people who take the time and go vote.” Bayh said *Our democracy cannot survive for long if a majority of our citizens are disconnected from it and Voting is a particularly vital choice for students, because “it’s your future,” he added. T h e decisions made by our next US Sena tor will have a bigger impact on you than anyone else.” Bayh hopes students will chouse him to make those decisions b o cause of bis experience in public service and views about the future, “Job creation and the financial integrity of the government are probably more important to young people than any other group — particularly social security reform and some of these other issues — that if nothing is done, it will be (their) generation who end of pick ing up the bill.” he said. T think that would be irresponsible of our country to do that. T h e only reason I'm running is to create opportunities for others to make the most of their lives.” he continued ”1 hope (students) support me. But even if they don't. 1 hope they’ll still vote.” United States Auto Club. Shultz has dnven the IUPUI car in every race He admits driving different (rum he usutfy par and compares it to competing in an “You have to learn to manage the power available to you.” he said T h e batteries won’t last long if you don’t conserve their power where you can." students for the “It’s been great.” said Shultz. “I enjoy working with the college guys. They ire so smart: I’i most of the students ini the program i from all i ’What’s nice about this” said Stuart Jenkins, a first-year UC stu dent. 'i s that you just have to be a Walin said he would “love to get more business students involved" be cause they could bring in sponsors and develop fundraising strategies. Shultz understands the financial T his is not a cheap project." he said 'T he school is good at support ing the project, but their budget is Search Thursday, April 9, 1998 8:30am - 4:30pm University Place Conference Center IUPUI This co n feren ce includes so m e o f the leading n atio n al policy m akers a n d d evelopers s u p p o rtin g n ex t-g en eratio n n etw o rk in g for the hig h er e d u c atio n co m m u n ity . For m o re in fo rm a tio n an d to register (n o charge), visit th e co n fere n ce W eb site. This sonferenu* is sponsored hy the Office of the Vise President for Information Technology and Cisco Systems. __ H m hpl “One of the roles wc anticipate this person will play is helping communi cate what students' rights and respon sibilities are,” Keister said ”We hope students will sec the campus taking interest and a new approach to how we view student life and putting more emphasis on it — the communica tion. the leadership development, just the fact that there is another person responsible for some aspects of stu dent life." As previously reported in The IUPUI Sagamore. Charlie Nelms will dent life during the next school year. be accepted for the dean of students position begin ning April 13. A decision is expected to be reached by semester's end. Diversions T h e I U P U I S agamore • Mo n d a y , By E i i c k M c D o n a l d COMTBtfCTINC W llT II The Eitdjorg Museum — in its continuing effort to pre serve, collect and present Native American and Western ait — is hosting "New Ait o f the West 6” currently lim ning through May 17. "Every two yean the Eitdjorg presents a variety of cootemporary Western art through an exhibition of the popu lar culture of today's West," said Jennifer Compk), the Eiteljorg's curator of contemporary art Many aspects including the Native American and Southwest's cultural sunroundings and ethnicity, both in spire and allow the artists a creative way to express them selves. "New Art of the West 6" is not only a forum to display contemporary Western art, but since each piece is also for sale, it allows the Eitdjorg an opportunity to add new works of art to the museum's permanent collection. chase new works from the artists at the conclusion o f the A p r il 6, 199.8 • P age 3 The artists hav e captured many themes associated with the West and Native American culture through a variety of me dia including paintings, drawings, sculp tures. prints and ceramics. One of the central themes incorporated in the exhibit pays tribute to the landscape of the West Kenneth Holder, a native Texan and longtime resident of Illinois, displays paintings that emerge out of the wall with three-dimensional elements briefly allow ing the viewer to fed a part of the South- "American soldiers indiscriminately fired their weapons six to 12 inches above the ground into tents where people were sleeping." she said. vEmotional words such as pt>gnm% ‘terrorism’ and ‘bewildered grief fill the canvases. Stencilled words and strong col ors ev oke a feeling of strong resentment. contamportry art&tt Several artists focus on the animals who inhabit the Western landscape. The exhibit is currently on Bill Sorua Warsoldier, a Cahilladisplay throughSunday. May 17. This extort is Apache, works with oil paint in the cre ation of his "Aspen Wolf* senes. War soldier conveys his message by the Other artists explore the interaction of use of vibrant colors, the thick impastoFor more information, technique and deliberately distorting the contact the museum r Neil Jussila, who is a Montana native, portrait of the Aspen wolf. (117) 636-0378. centers his paintings around a dark time According to Warsoldier. “I am trying in Western history w hen men, women and to get the image of the face of the wolf, as children were fleeing for their lives. if his face has been squashed onto the canvas. The wolf is Complo described the violent events that inspired a symbol of vanishing species, almost like the culture of Jussila’s "Joseph in Montana. 1877" scries. the Indians of the West-" \ As with prev ious “New An of the West” exhibits, jurors reviewed approximately 130 entries ranging in various styles. A final selection of 20 contemporary aflists made up this year's exhibit The artists contributed three significant works of art to be displayed in the final sheaving. The Eiteljorg ackrewvledges the contributing efforts and commitment from this year's jurors: Jean Robertson, as sistant professor of an history M the Herron School of An and Bernice Stemhaum. owner of the Steinhaum Krais Gallery ui New York City . The jurors are chosen to review entries because of their broad know ledge of aesthetics and artistic styles The jurors are also given no background information about the artist when making their selections, Rohenson and Sicinbaum looked exclusively at the submitted slides and chose the final selection based on the quality of their work. " ’New An of the West 6 / is a tribute to the diverse and complex nature of American an of the ’90s and particu larly an that is influenced by the West." concluded Complo P a «. i 4 • M o n d a y . A mmi 6. 1998 T h i IUPUI Sa g a m o i i * D i v e i s i o n s sagamore SHORT CUTS IT CAN KILL YOU IF YOU DON'T RECOGNIZE IT. t/HTRf art o SS/O/V Df ■ K f lo w ] bummer f coming Don’t forget to ordor your t Eurailpaea (Luf n < n . C ompi led bv Ax p b i w D i s c a Divibsio x i Eoitoi ■ ExfeWt licatti m deal Cuncmly un exhibit at the Imluiupolu Art Center. 830 E. 67th St., through Sundi). April 19. b a focus on photography The exhibit members of (he Indianapolis An Cenler’i photography deportment — Michael Bowman, who was a studio assis tant in legendary photographer Ansel Adams. Lafayettebased photographer Alivon Broach and Mitch Eckert. who culty member at Mahan College. : center is also currently holding their second ses sion of an classes. For more infornurion about the classes or current exhibits, call the center at (317) 255-2464. ( Or0.1 Ajy\<« V>«« N a f f * ' London $275 Paris $302 Prague $474 B a r c u t o n a $347 P re g n a n t0 font usf»d° Need help0 800 499 9113 ■ Daniil scilptir skavems piicit kuri m piftm l ixpipliict Currently running at the Indianapolis Museum of Ait. 1200 W. 38th S t, is the exhibit "SheUs of Remembrance” by Danish sculptor Elisabeth Toubro. Thc exhibit represents the Eskimo culture of Greenland where Toubro was bom and the European culture of urban Denmark where is currently living. Thc exhibit rum through Saturday, May 23. Also beginning on Tbesday, April 7 is art by Brookston. lnd resident Louie Laikowskl The exhibit is in part of I the 1998 series dedicated to Indiana artists. Thc exhibit lasts through Sunday, May 3. For mote information, call the museum at (317) 9231331. ■ htfpaaitli ritin it z Uvi Crm urk tilt vm T i A Dynamic. Growing, Intamational Company WAREHOUSE POSITIONS AVA1LABLE.MQ.W11 $ 10,000 - $ 15, 000/ry.Part Time • Flexible days and hours >24 h r. operation •E a rn $7J o to $8.50 p er h our to sta rt •P ay Raises after 6 m onths and I year •M onthly profit sharing ■ Flitlir Oa Hi Rial' ciatiaaai at Ctrtc Tlaatra •Full time opportunities •No experience necessary Apply m parson at; MV n liitts New releases due out Tuesday, April 7, include British pop band Pulp 'T his Is Hardcore," Jerry Cantrell’s —• guitarist for Alice In Chaim — solo album "Boggy De pot" and Do Or Die MHeadz Or Tails" Also to be released is new material by 2 Live Crew 'The Real One," Damon and Naomi "Playback Singers," featuring members from dream-pop legends Galaxie 500 and Bonnie Rail! "Fundamental." O r call: F a s te n a l C o m p a n y 3 1 7 -2 4 3 -0 4 1 4 3 1 7 -2 4 3 -0 4 1 4 2 0 3 6 S t o u t F l a l d W . D r. I n d i a n a p o l i s , IN 4 6 2 4 1 Continuing through Sunday, April 19 is the Indianapo lis Civic Theatre, 1200 W. 38th St., production of "Fiddler On The Roof ." The timeless musical is based on the stories of Sholoro Ale tc ham and his challenge to tradition and how the For ticket info, call the theater at (317) 923-4597. Seeking to Nnd 'Truth' By E itc I acksok Stam W itrts Consistency is the word which describes the fifth effort from Gangstarr. As expected, this album contains 18 cuts that are anything but disap pointing. Fans of the hip-hop duo — DJ. Premier and Gum, who tackles the vocal duties — will gel their long-awaited money’s worth. Premier brings forth his trademark break beats and intermingles the sound with jazz-tinged samples providing simplistic, yet head-nodding grooves. Because of thc slkk sound, the production is catchy even with its underground nature and rawness. Guru lyrically provides the listener with social commentary of the streets while maintaining his mastery of skillful rhymes and monotone delivery. The song selection includes ‘T he Rep Grows Bigga," which details the materialistic 1 ^ V T * mm* « Tr“ state of commercialized rap and its lack of I m IryS Mew representation of true hip-hop culture and J taliM khK principles. * * * 111 mi ,1 Imp "JFK To LAX" elaborates on thc respect ’ Gangstarr gels from both the East and West coast scenes which results in a true declaration of coastal unity. The band also invites some special guests into the studio to perform on some tracks. "Above The Clouds" features a guest appearance by Inspectah Deck of the Wu-Ting Clan while "Royalty" features K-ci and Jojo Haily of Jodeci fame. This song deals with the need for respect of oneself and for women in general. "Betrayal" features labelmate Scarfacc. Guru and Scarface tag team vo cally to depict the lack of loyalty amongst friends when money is a decid ing factor. For true fans of hip hop and those looking to expand their musk collec tion, this album is a sure shot and a true inspiration in a time when tap music is undergoing a creative lull_____________________________________ Loadi: rs/U\,!.oadi: rs/S orti: rs 3 1/2 TO 5 HOURS PER DAY 3 SHIFT TIMES AVAILABLE: T he twilight 5:30 p. m . to 10:30 p. m . N ight 10:30 p. m . - 3:30 a. m . P re - load from 3:30 a. m . - 8:3 0 a. m . U p to $ 9 .5 0 PER HOUR NO WEEKEND WORK 401l< PLAN P romotional opportunities T uition assistance E xcellent medical benefits P aid vacations P aid holidays NOW HAS IMMEDIATE part - time job opportunities 1 888 UPS 3808 i. D DKS’ - f T i n t - l E ) ups T h i IUPUI Sagamoi e * D iversions M onday . A r m 6. 1998 • Page 5 If you love yourself ^ Respect yourself qJ* To live a long life Protect yourself Icondom simiK'il Iiiloci ion S o u rn lh S civi \ TiViiUiionl Planned Parenthood* of Central and Southam Indiana tlN E W J S S k Danger. Will Robinson, danger — your new movie adventure it about to take on ‘T h in k /’ Now in theater* is yet another TVto-film adaptation in the tradition of T h e Fugitive” "Maverick” and this summer’* T h e Avenger* This time out, "Lost In Space” gets the cineplex It's 2058 and the Earth is dying and the Robinson family is the planet's last hope. As the family departs to stait a new life on the distant world of Alpha Prime, their mission is sabotaged by an evil federation. But before, their ship — the Jupiter 2 — plunges into a switch is thrown starting an crew ends up. well, lost in space. ghost ship, the responsibilities of family, an army of space spiders and Gary Oldmann gets top-billing in the'film as the fey.' pontificating Dr. show when given a part like this, but too often his character ends locked in the lab until a fresh onc-lincr is The biggest surprise in "Lost In Space” is "Friends” star Man LeBlanc as Maj. Don West, pilot of the Jupiter 2. LeBlanc plays the arro gant, hot-shot flyboy role superbly. It was quite a surprise and departure from the lamebrain he plays on tele vision week-in and week-out Lacey Chalbert (Claudia from television's “Party of Five) and newcomer Jack Johnson, who plays Penny and Will Robinson respec tively. make for cute screen-siblings. But their dialogue — like most of "Lost In Space's” script — consists The rest of the cast including Will iam Hun, Mimi Rqgp* and "Boogie Nights'” Heather Graham are just fine in the thin roles they were given. Henson's studio created an update of the classic "Lost In Space” robot pro viding a link to both incarnations of "Lost In Space” with the original voice-actor still chiming in with "dan ger. Will Robinson, danger ” And die-hard fans of the television series will take a quick eye to the cameos by most of the original cast With a nod to the past and a premise built on it's foundations. "Lost In Space” is a very '90s movie. The original television show was very colorful to show off the technol ogy of color television, but the movie version, just in the visual sense, is al most too dark at times. Actors are of ten casted in shadows and the sets and vistas tend to be muddy looking. much* and tin-foil sets of the ’60s, the screen version is chocked full of some stunning effects Well, except for Blawp — a way. too cutesy, com puter-generated ET. who becomes Penny’s new pet. The open-ended conclusion will lead audiences to think about a se quel. which may not be a had thing. "L o u In. Space” may not be stellar entertainment — it is lightweight and aimed for a younger crowd — but it is better than audiences might give it credit for on first glance. S? A pplications for 1998-99 Sagamore staff A p pflcatioas are now being / A ac ce p te d for various paid p o sitions with The IUPUI Sagamore d u plications for editor in chief are duo on or before be T u e s d a y, April C opies of the application form are available in The Sagamore office (p lea se see Christopher N im z) m Cavdnaugh Hall 0 0 1 G and in the Schooiof Journalism off ice (please see S andra Herrin) on the fourth floor of the ES building Applicants for editor in chief are Applications for other Sagam ore required to respond to a series of paid staff positions, including both 10 questions, provide a resume, editorial and advertising openings, letters ol recommendation from are due by Friday, A pril 24, mem bers of the IU PU I faculty an d / 1 9 N . Those positions include or staff, a letter of reco m m en da tion Irbm current m em bers of The ■ New* Editor IUPUI Sagamore staff, plus clip pings of Iheir work I Sports Editor I OveriKms Editor I ProductKxVGraphics Editor The editor in chief is appointed by IPtxXO Editor the Board of Student Publications, I Copy Editor which will m eet on T u e s d a y, A pril 21 . to interview candidates I Classified Ad Manager and m ake the appointment of the I Activities Page Coordinator new editor in chief I Account Executives I Advening Design Team 925-6686 Keep more than memories alive with memorials and trib. G R A D U A T IO N IS N l AR YOUR C t A S S IS N O IV YOUR C O M P I T IT IO N * ♦ U w l linMRnJ ♦ Cmtilxnai a i .*!.«* i|xino a s4iJ Jot* i cad* 1- 888- 274-9660 1C 1 SI Ml- \ | | \ - t S \ I 2 0 % I I P I I D IS C O U N T !! Do Something Nice For Your Student Workers! A p ril 6 - 1 0 , 1 9 9 8 JlNATIONAL STUDENT EMPLOYMENT APPRECIATION NEEK * UPS PIZZA DAY • Student* check out Job opportunities & benefits with UPS and recieve FREE Pizza Samples on Monday, April 6th from 11 am - 3 pm LY Bldg. / Student Activities Canter. * VISIT FEDERAL EXPRESS - Learn about Job opportunities A benefits on Tuesday, April 7th from 11 am • 2 pm, LY Bldg. / Student Activities Center. * FREE STUDENT EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION GIFTS ALL WEEK LONG! All On - campus A off - campus student employees can visit the Student Employment Office. BS 2010, for a small gift of thanks)! * STUDENTS SEEKING EMPLOYMENT CAN REGISTER WITH THE STUDENT EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Get on the road to employment A career exploration with over 1,000 +Job listings! Sponsored by: The IUPUI Student Employment Office BS 2010 • 274-0857 71=3.14159265 Double Slice Pizza=$1.99 W e p a y up to $ 9 .6 6 fo r y o u r C P s U sed C P s fro m T h e ratio o f th e circu m feren ce o f 9 to $ N e w CD s fro m a Fazoti’s pizza to its d ia m eter is delicious. 6.99 $ 9 .t o 3 0 P a y U n c o n d itio n a l G U A R A N T E E 'J A n d gettin g o n e is as e a s y as pie. B uy 10 g e t 1 Free P ro g ra m Ju s t dine in. ca rry out o r drive through for D o u b le S lic e o r a w h o le pie THE BEST S E L E C T IO N OF U SED CDS IN IN D Y ! Ju st S o u th o f.S o u th p o rt R o a d on U S 31 in th e W a lm a rt S h o p p in g C e n te r 8 5 9 S p e c ia l CoiA,idOAx O ffe r ~ * 1.66™ on Purchases of_any Two usedjSDs^ V iewpoints T he IUPUI S a g a m o r e -* M o n d a y , A p r i l 6, 1998 • P age 6 Is it hot in here — or is it just the university? ■ Students need to fight back against an outdated campus which can’t control the thermostat. B 1 C > AHA M $ C l A1 l VllWrOINT! l u t i o t It’s only April, but apparently there's a heat wave going on. Only this heat wave is confined to the buildings of IUPUI. It never fails — on the warmest days since last fall, most of the buildings on campus have been blasting the furnace at full strength. The university provides an education for some, for the oth ers it provides employment. Making campus conditions comfortable to everyone who has to be here day-in and dayout is what needs to be done. Imagine being packaged in a can of sardines. Now place that can in a microwave for two-and-a-half hours. That's what classrooms have been feeling like for the past few days. It would seem the powers that be arc lending a deaf ear or a cold shudder to the pleas of the student body. Students pony up a good deal of money to this university during the academic careers, it would seem they could at least fix the heating and cooling mishaps. For example, the Mary Cable Building — which was built in the Mesozoic era — runs air conditioning during the win ter and heat during the summer. Now I realize that a new facility is going to eventually be built in its place, but students still have to endure that pneu monia-shift for the next few years. It has gotten so bad in the Student Activities Center, that students can crack eggs on the floors and cook them instead of going to the food court. It's no wonder that many students on campus have been disappearing because of illness this past winter. Imagine what the school would be like if the classrooms where actually kept at normal temperatures. There would be more students in class learning instead of sitting in bed tak ing shots of Formula-44 and watching Jerry Springer. Students have to deal with discomfort for a class or two, but faculty and stafF base to work in these conditions all day. It is up to all of us to demand a better comfort-zone and cry out for a change in these conditioas. Students and staff need to encourage the administration to fix this problem — pronto. Dealing with hot, sticky, crabby students and workers is not something the administration of this school should have to put up with. But they need to realize that if people are forced (o work and study in a sauna for months than they be come disgruntled and unhappy. A comfortable student or worker is a happy student or worker. We must stand up and say we are tired of the schools in ability to keep the classrooms at reasonable temperatures. After all. the ones that pay the bills should at least have a pleasant environment in which to do our work. ■ C iu tir p ilits ta U ls s iia pillcy R e a lm may uibmii letter* of any length and on any topic, but prefer ence will be given to those lea* than 350 words related to the IUPUI community. Letters must include the wntcr’s name, address and phone number, and must be dated and signed. Addresses and phone numbers will not be printed. Anonymous letters will not be printed. The IUPUI Saxamorv reserves the right to edit all letters for clarity and brevity. Those deemed potentially libelous, obscene, inflammatory or in poor taste will be rejected Mail or bring typewritten letters to: The IUPUI Sagamore - Letters to the Editor. 425 University B lvd Room CA 001G. Indianapolis. Ind 46202 5142 THEIUPUI SAGAM@RE • hfm kH odjm aanhcO m S^m m t Educational experiences outside the classroom Reasons why students should be involved with volunteering for student services both on and off campus. r hat is the best class students have ever taken? What made it such a good experience? i it about the class dm kept students inlet them to work hard and helped them fed like it was a rewarding experience? If they are like most college students, the class that produces the roost ex citement and the strongest desire to leant is a class that has the following char* ■ Active rather than passive learning; ■ relevancy rather than unrelated learning. Although there may be other idiosyncratic < that are important — like a particularly charismatic instructor — wl present, students work harder and enjoy the experience more than when they are absent One of the two ways in which IUPUI is making classes more engaging is by In service-learning classes, j livines connected to the course material and relate the experience to the course in such a way that it brings **books to life and life to the b o o k s P a In a service setting, students are faced with real situations that challenge what they think, what they know and how they behave. When this happens, the Service learning classes are powerful educational experiences because the The applied situations challenge the student to understand what knowledge is relev ant and to understand the ways in which that knowledge has limitations, In addition, students work with professionals in the field to gain a better un derstanding of the challenges they face. Another way is to qualify for the Federal Work Study program. IUPUI students who qualify for Federal Work Study now have the opportu nity to become involved with kids — and earn money. President Clinton committed Federal Work Study moneys to the America Reads Challenge to ensure that every child can read independently by the end of the third grade. The America Reads Challenge builds on groundwork being laid by classroom teachers, librarians and reading specialists by drawing upon the invigo rating spirit of community volunteers in tutoring and mentoring. IUPUI has developed a tutoring program at eight sites near campus. Some of these programs run during the school day. while others are after school programs. Each site is given the flexibility to develop the tutoring program to fit within their preexisting organization. At each site, college students eligible for Federal Work Study funding earn eight dollars per hour. , The number of hours worked varies among students depending on their Some IUPUI students participue in the Indiana Reads Corps, an America Corps project in which students are paid an hourly wage and earn a tuition sti pend ranging from $1,500 to $2,363 The college students provide assistance with reading and homework. They also serve «s r i for the elcmen- CONNECTION Having college students interact with young students is important be cause it establishes and strengthens the children’s educational expocta- College students receive regular training and enjoy the camaraderie of working with other IUPUI students. The students will also gain valuable experience and have the satisfaction of making a positive difference in the lives of youth. Some of my students in Psychology B 104 1 Sometimes they work one-on-one with students, ocher times they work with students and teachers, they confront a rich set of experiare related to development, motivation, learning, and such social psychological topics as a r t of the service learning experience has students write mini-papers that: ■ Describe whai occurred in the classroom; ■ analyze how the course concepts are related to their experiences; and ■ apply the experience to their own values, altitudes, beliefs, and life. The papers written by these psychology students demonstrate that they bet ter learn lessons related to psychology, clarify career goals, develop a better undemanding of elementary education and gain a new appreciation for instilling educational gods in youth. All of the college students appreciate the warm reception they receive from The experience becomes not only educationally meaningful but also person ally and socially significant. One student commented by saying, *T really enjoyed this project to fat T am • psychology major and hope to someday work with children, so 1 feel T was so glad to be there and be of use,” said another. ‘These kids are so refreshing to work with because they are so willing and eager to leara. I fed motivated to hdp and influence children in every way that I can " "Working with these children has been very exciting so far," another student adds. T h ese visits have changed my goals that I had set for myadf a long time ago. I am considering changing my major so 1 can be a teacher." Finally another student adds. "My first goal is to make these children fed like they are wanted and that someone cares about them." IUPUI students report high satisfaction with service learning classes. They also tell us that the classes enhance critical thinking, integration of t IUPUI I under "Service Learning" in the schedule of uses. Those other students who are interested in becoming p u t of the America ad s Challenge are encouraged to Service and Leaderehip, 278-3655. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT A p p l ic a t io n 1998-99 S a g a m o r e ( A P lic a tio n s are now b eing Applicants for editor in chief N A A ifcc e p le d for various p aid are required to respond to a sei The ttJPU! Saga- rles of 10 questions, provide a resume, leners of recom m enda__ ____ lion from m em bers of the IU PU I Applications for editor in chief faculty and/or staff, a toner of reca re .d u e G n or before Itoeede* ommendation from current m em A pH 114, IM S . bers of The IUPUI Sagamore staff, plus clippings of their wortt P homi S i R i m D it r iAV Auv i i r i n s e . . . ( 3 17 1274*3436 C i A f t m i o A d v iit is im c 1)17) 274 2539 S t v i i o o v ... 0 1 7 )2 7 4 2954 D lM iv iu m . 0 1 7 ) 271-2442 E p i t o i is C h i u . .. 0 1 7 )2 7 4 - 3455 Fai (317)274 * 2953 The editor in chief is appointed by the Board of Student Publica tions. which will m eet on H i m d*y, A pril 11. to interview ca n didates and m ake the appointment of the new editor in Applications for am orepaid staff positions, includ ing both editorial and advertising openings, are due by F tU s k April 14, I M S Editorial positions include: " II ■ ■ ■ ■ Advertising M anager Classified Ad M anager Activities Page Coordtoator Account Executives Advertising Design Team T he IUPUI Sagamore • M onday , A pril 6, 1998 • P age 7 MET*™ ..■■■■ Bfcasa t t S S S L . * * * * —*— NOW IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD D ay Classes Have A r r iv e d Purdus UNvsrsfty proudly snnouncss ths on- tkna arrival of Aviaboo Technology offerings In Indianapolis. A S. and B.3 . degress in Aviation Tachnology, as wad a t technical certificates in aircraft dispatch, logistics, and avionics ara all offered on a to tha daytkna offerings. TH E UP-TO -D A TE. CO NVENIENT A VIATION EDUCATIO N OPTION IN YOUR COMMUNITY.. ally, the hassle o f finding a By click in g on kAv iu , you'll ^ckly d iscover h o w fast, and con fidential your search can actually be A nd best o f all, it's FREE! By p osting your resume on lin e at W , central Indiana businesses will have direct access to your individual background and qualifications. It's so sim ple. If you need additional information regarding WorkAvenue or have questions regarding information you have already entered, you can receive immediate help by calling InfoLine at 317-6244636 and enter code 2250. For those without Internet access, enter code 2551. W - Log on to land a jobl Online Activities T he I U P U I Sagamore • M onday . A pril 6, 1 9 9 8 • P age 8 CAMPU Tho Latino Student Associatiopresents itudent A , He is the io u n d e ^ H IH iifllR S h *)U M A /C lik o M ! I of ethnic studies. His best seKng booh, Youth, Identify, The basis for a PBS documentary film series on the Chkano civil rights struggles. C hkanow il be the TOWNHALLMEEUNGS tyejming ™* Future IWWStudent Center Tuesday, April 14 t * M«» $ M fl»mU i m *94 L Y 115 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. Thu is your opportunity to get advice on career paths, college course choices and more from those with real experience. Meet with IUPUI graduates working at major companies in Indiana as they share with students how they got to where they are. Thursday, April 23 LY 115 ^ |g |n 11:30 a.m . to 1:00 p.m. 19 * .» . Is I p .* . by IUPUI Student Orgaoluttoo for Ahuunl Tb* IUPUI Student A a ta M y afao help tirit^ftejo h elpfund Carter Exploration Robert Martin, vice chancellor for business and finance - Anna Melodia, director of Interrelations • John Short, executive director for conference and sports facilities Richard Slocum, associate vice chancellor for student life, none information, call Anna Melodia at 274-3931 or Richard Slocum at 274-8990 aware of upcoming programs lUPLJI's Forum on Racism APR/l 5 THROUGH f t r* H al - 6 to 9 p.m. Admission is Froo LY Main Lounge, noop to 1:30 p.m. student leaders will invite audience participation following the ^creating. Refreshments will be provided. •I ------x---u istiu y * P.m. ---- w 1----a Iioft q rtrrt 1rl v **---vom m ---------------uniry la rv------------ic i proper^ u N■iq o r o1----a n i11-------nogpi V •. vSRsly^&r?» » , « . r Thursday — Castor KggTfunf at tho Christamor* Houso Thursday. April 8 - LY 115. noon to 1 p.m. Dr. Carlos Munoz, distinguished Mexican-American scholar and leader, will present a message of appropriate campus climate. Lunch provided. I jn . lo la alf?*6to9 H “Skmttcrimg tiu Bm rkn: A DUUgm* om Rmet” Friday. April 9 - University Place Hotel and Conference Center, 1 to 3 p.m. Dr. Samuel Betances, one of the nation's leading experts on race relations and diversity training, will lead a discussion exploring the complex race issues on our campus and in our community. Party and stopshow, Buffer University Union Building • 10 pun. to 2 a.m . Admission $4 boforo 11 p.m. bulletin A ja zz cabaret IM K U iM B fl ■ umThe program will be held on W ednesday, April 15. To volunteer, please contact Devi at 278-2410 or Alpha Phi Alpha invites the students, faculty and staff for a night with •Voices of the Cods II," a night of jazz and poetry at the Ashantii Room. Event time will run from 6 30 to 9:30 p.m. on April 16. A full dinner will be served at this semiformal event. Admission is free. Seating is limited - so reserve a seat early by contacting Marlon Riley at m trileyftupui edu. Merbcal history lecture Health Check 98 Topeka State Hospital Experiment tn ** ................... History Can In te rn Policy The lecture will be given at the Indiana Medical History M useum, 5045 W.r. Vermont Street startii starting atA4* p.m. -------------For more information -----------£ contact — 1“ William H. Schneider 2 ie r at i t 274-7220 or whschnei#i A health screenings will be offered by MAX'WELL Tuesday, April 7 through Thursday. April 9. Stop by Room 131 andl 32 of the Student Activities Center on these days between 10.30 a.m. and 1*30 p.m for a free examination. For more information about Health Check '98 contact Donald Smith at 274-0610 or D onation dance Alpha Phi Omega will host a Teddy Bear Donation Dance on Saturday. April 18 The dance will be held from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. in LY 115. Contact Timothy Lawson at for further The 1998 Student Activities Honors Reception * Wednesday, April 22,J h e event will be held in LY 115 from 7 to 9 p.m. 'R o sew o o d ' to be screened . r* j The rUFUl Undergraduate History Society will have a special presentation of John Singleton's “Rosewood on Thursday, April 9. The showing will take place in the University Library Auditorium from 330 to 6:00 p.m. A discussion led by Professor Monroe Little will follow. Volunteer* n eeded lI K V t M V R I Workshop series TTte Graduate Student O rganisation will continue the aeries for graduate and professional students on Monday, April 6 from 330 to 5:00 p m. in University lib rary Auditorium. The upcoming to o k is T h esis Dissertation: Preparation and Ramifications." This series hopes I and simplify IUPUI g r a d * .................................... ...... ‘ Conor conference film The final presentation In the aeries of French will be "Batik of Algiers," shown on Moi Library A uditorium beginning at 4 p.m. ---- 4?------ Aovuujw on m Check out the IUPUI Advocate — gay organization — on-line at w w w The site is updated tech week with a list of upcoming events. ta a a w _____ f - -------------->> - iMAA movie preeeteonofi free of charge - to join them to watch "Super Speedway!^ at the I&AX 3-D Theatre Sunday, April 26 at 5:20 p.m You must call 274-5199 by Friday, April 17 to reserve tickets. The number of tickets available is limited, so call early! A pplications being accepted Geology dub hosts lofofjirfimi The upcoming event is Tuesday, April 7 from 1230 to 130 pzn. in SL is w eeks topic, l o b O pportunities in the Petroleum Industry," wil 018. This week's . --------by ■ -------- ' Geology, University of be presented Drr r z ' x Hants fo r ta le The Biology Club will be telling plants on Thunctay, April 30. T h t aak will be to ld tn the atrium between Inc SL and LO building, from 9 a.m. to 5 p jn . Stop by eerty to get the beri .election. The Honor* Club announce* th tii U tt meeting of the year on Wednewliy, April 8. The meeting will be held iM Jntvenitv College Room 3171 from noon to 1 p-m. Remits of the officer election* will be announced. OoShing drive i are available el t Office of Alumni Relations. All applications are due by 5 pjru on April 10 The Newman Club asks you to drop off used clothing for S t Vincent de Paul throughout the month of April. Please drop your donation by the north entrance of the Newman The Black Student Union is in need of volunteers to assist with a high i
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