May 14 2010 Boys
May 14 2010 Boys
THIS WEEK: BOYS DIVISION IN FOCUS THE YBH OF PASSAIC—HILLEL Parshas Bamidbar 1 Sivan 5770 May 14, 2010 Dvar Torah: Bamidbar By Rabbi Kosowsky 8th Grade Rebbe May 18 D on’t underestimate yourself. The Jewish calendar is arranged so that every year this week’s Parsha, Bamidbar, is the parsha that is read just prior to Shavuos. Like all events that occur throughout the Jewish year, there is no coincidence in this chronological juxtaposition. Rabbi Moshe Feinstein (1895 - 1986), one of the leading and greatest halachic authorities of the late 20th century, explains that Parshas Bamidbar, which devotes so much space to counting and recording all of the members of the Jewish people, is a proper preface to the holiday of Shavuos, which commemorates and celebrates the acceptance of the Torah. When thinking about the Torah and contemplating its unfathomable depth and pondering its enormous vastness, we may tend to despair. We may think to ourselves that our personal level in Torah is so sorely lacking that our value as a member of the Torah nation is insignificant. These are very dangerous thoughts that will cause us to weaken our resolve to learn and keep the Torah, and ultimately to forsake it entirely. Therefore, says Reb Moshe, in advance of Shavuos and receiving the Torah, we read Parshas Bamidbar. In it we are informed that Hashem commanded Moshe to count and record every Jew. No matter their level, each one was both an individual and also an integral part of the whole. This impresses upon us our value both to Hashem and to our people. This is true regardless of the level that we have reached and are capable of reaching. With this in mind, we can approach the awesome holiday of Shavuos with renewed vigor for Torah learning and for contributing our portion to the Jewish people. Dvar Torah By Rabbi Binyomin Perlstein T he חידושי הרי"םnoted an interesting point about שבועות. In contrast to the other two Yomim Tovim that compose the שלש רגלים, Pesach and Succos; Shavuos seems to lack one key component. Each of the other two is preceded by a שבתwith a special status. Pesach is preceded by שבת הגדול, while the שבתbefore Succos is almost always שבת שובה. Each Shabbos is given a title befitting its role in preparing for the upcoming Yomim Tovim. The Shabbos before Shavuos, however, has no special title. In that vein, the חידושי הרי"םproposed calling the שבתbefore Shavuos, “ ”שבת דרך ארץsince חז"לsay: ”“דרך ארץ קדמה לתורה. That is the essential and necessary preparation for קבלת התורה, so we ought to spend time during שבתthinking of ways to improve in that area. Format design used with permission from Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America. Limudei Kodesh Boys’ Div.-Gr. 1-8 12:30 PM Dismissal No Sessions for Girls & ECD Erev Shavuos NO SESSSIONS M a y SHAVUOS 19—20 May 21 9 AM Shacharis for boys in grades 5—8. 10 AM start for boys in grades 1—4 Division; Dismissal at 12:15 PM **NO SESSIONS FOR GIRLS & ECD May 23 Salute to Israel Parade Must register by May 14 June 2 YBH Barnes and Noble Book Fair Pre-1A M Siddur Presentation June 3 Pre-1A R Siddur Presentation June 7 PTA Officer Meeting Election Honor or remember a loved one by dedicating an issue of the YBH of Passaic-Hillel News which reaches over 400 families per week. Dedications for yahrzteits, refuah sheleymas, etc. are $100 an issue. Call (973) 777-0735 ext. 134 or email [email protected]. YBH of Passaic—Hillel 270 Passaic Avenue Passaic, NJ 07055 (973) 777-0735 Zmanim for Passaic Candle Lighting 7:48 PM Krias Shema M”A — 8:40 AM Gra — 9:16 AM Zman Tefilla M”A — 10:04 AM Gra — 10:28 AM Shkia 8:07 PM Motzei Shabbos 9:07 PM Learning From Our Leaders Morah Rosenberg (4G) דברי אלקים חיים M endel and Shraga were two business partners. There was a big dispute between the two of them which turned into a heated argument. Mendel thought that Shraga had a lot of money that belonged to him while Shraga thought it was his. This argument was going back and forth for a while. They couldn’t come to an agreement and therefore decided to bring their case before the Sfas Emes for a Din Torah. The Sfas Emes was learning when they came to him. He closed his Gemara to hear what they had to say. To the surprise of all those present, Mendel said, there’s no case. He was mochel the money. Everyone was shocked, because Mendel was so sure that the money belonged to him. What suddenly happened that caused him to change his mind? Shraga said when he entered the room, the Rebbi was learning Torah. When the Rebbi had to close his Gemara to hear the case, he looked so sad that there would be Bittel Torah (time wasted from his learning). Shraga decided there’s no amount of money in the world that is worth causing the Rebbi (Sfas Emes) this pain. Therefore, he was mochel the money. Eitan Zoldan (4B) asked: “Why doesn’t the פסוק say הושעif Yehoshua’s name was not changed yet?” Yaakov Bral (4B) asked: “When they did not have water in רפידים, why didn’t they drink milk from their cows?” Eli Karfunkel (4B) asked: “Why didn’t the מןin the jar that was put away, turn rotten? When someone kicked the ball super-high, Zvi Hymowitz (4B) connected it to what we are learning and said “That was at least 20 אמותhigh!” Mordechai Rosenthal (4B) asked: “Why were Bnei Yisroel willing to fight against עמלקand not against the ? פלישתים Yechiel Miller (4B) asked: “Why did משה רבינוtell יהושעto prepare for battle ‘tomorrow’? Why didn’t they fight ‘today’? סיומים Mazal tov to the talmidim of 4B: Nachum Freedman upon completing !ספר שופטים Eitan Zoldan upon completing & מסכתות פאה !בכורים Bram Settenbrino upon completing !מסכת בבא קמא We see from here the importance of learning Torah and doing the Mitzvos. Let us try to do what we can with our full heart, and not be distracted. Now that Shavous is coming, there’s a lot of Mitzvos waiting for us to do. May they have the זכותto learn and complete many more מסכתותand ספרים. Searching Chesed Corner I Elisha Schmutter (4B) erased the board, swept the floor and put up the extra chairs. Shalom Dershowitz (4B) picked up extra chairs and listened. Daniel Steinerman and Bram Settenbrino (4B) put up extra chairs. Nachum Freedman stayed after school and made sure to put up all the chairs that were not yet on the desk. f anyone is interested in sponsoring the refreshments for the Pre-1A Siddur Presentations, contact Helen Stareshefsky in the office. 2 Class Acts—3B Class Acts—3B Mrs. Weissman Rabbi Eli Rothberger I f you peek into our classroom during reading time, you will see our two reading groups working feverishly in preparation for the Literary Fair. Each boy in the Harvard reading group wrote an additional chapter to the novel Stone Fox, and made a 3dimensional map out of clay showing the path of the dogsled race. The boys in the Columbia reading group have been working hard on their dioramas depicting scenes of a very poignant story we read and discussed. The boys have been working on their President book reports. They will be dressing up as the president they reported on, and will be presenting them orally to the class. Be on the lookout for the photos on the bulletin board outside our classroom! The class has been collecting food scraps such as orange peels, apple cores, and banana peels. We added them to our jar of soil to make compost! We learned the importance of soil and how we can enrich it. We check our jar every day watching the food scraps decay. We will then use this enriched soil to plant our very own class plant! Whether it’s writing in cursive, studying the division facts, or learning how the Lenape Indians lived, the boys in 3B are learning a great deal and accomplishing many things this year! T he third grade boys are making great progress in their learning. We are just finishing Parshas Vayayshev and have begun to learn mishnayos as well. Our reading and translation skills are continuing to improve as well. In addition, we spent the week of Parshas Behar focusing on the mitzvah of Ona’as devarim. We participated in a special project, where boys were asked to write letters to their friends describing their good qualities. We hope this will continue to raise our awareness of choosing both the right thing to say and how to say hem the right way. Thanks & Appreciation Nurse Mrs. Gloria Clyman To All of the Wonderful PTA Members G ood eating habits have three components; appropriate choices, appropriate quantities and appropriate times of the day. The right choices means that we select foods based on our body's needs, not on immediate cravings. HaShem blessed us with a bountiful selection of healthy choices - proteins, grains, vegetables and fruits - that can be prepared in delicious ways. However, a person can overeat even the right foods. That chicken might be really tasty, but the body needs only one portion. Eating appropriate quantities means not eating too much or too little. What about skipping breakfast or eating late at night? Both habits are not beneficial. Breakfast is exactly that, breaking a fast from not eating since the night before. The body needs nutrition soon after waking in order to have energy. Missing breakfast often results in unhealthy snacking throughout the day. The body needs proper meals at proper times. Eating late at night causes the body to spend significant energy digesting a meal, while simultaneously trying to gain valuable rest during sleep. Both good digestion and good rest don't happen, and we wake up tired and grouchy. The right amount of healthful food, at the right time, gives us vitality and energy to maximize the day. and Morah Perele, Just wanted to express appreciation on behalf of all the ECD parents for putting together such a wonderful trip to the Turtle Back Zoo. The PTA’s efforts made this fun trip a possibility. Morah Perele and her amazing ECD staff thought of everything and that really showed, because the kids had a blast. As always, tremendous thanks! - Adina Muehlgay The content in this article came from 3 SAVE THE DATE Wednesday June 2, 2010 9 AM—11 PM YBH of Passaic-Hillel’s Barnes & Noble Book Fair At the Clifton Commons Please email our vouchers to friends and family. They may be used at any Barnes & Noble store across the U.S. on any day to benefit YBH. 4 5 Wed., June 2, 2010, 9 AM – 11 PM Barnes & Noble 395 Route 3 East, Clifton Commons Bookfair I.D. 10213510 Wed., June 2, 2010, 9 AM – 11 PM Barnes & Noble 395 Route 3 East, Clifton Commons Bookfair I.D. 10213510 Wed., June 2, 2010, 9 AM – 11 PM Barnes & Noble 395 Route 3 East, Clifton Commons Bookfair I.D. 10213510 Supporting YBH of Passaic- Hillel Supporting YBH of Passaic- Hillel Supporting YBH of Passaic- Hillel 2135 YBH, Oh, We Love You!! L ag B’Omer 5770 was absolutely a day to remember! With achdus and shalom the focus of the days of sefira, it was an opportune time for a great day of Color War Shalom. It was also a good time to launch the new YBH school theme song! What a day it was!! Singing, ruach, and fun for all! Oh, We Love you..!! The warmth in the atmosphere (literally and figuratively) was apparent. The teams, led by Yoni Sheer for the Yellow Team of Torah and Yaakov Davis for the Orange Team of Tefillah, exhibited superb enthusiasm with the lively singing and dancing around the Lag B’Omer bonfire. The sounds of the singing and cheering reverberated through the school grounds. You care for us in everything we do… The caring and encouragement of our Rebbeim and administrators made every talmid feel like a winner. Dancing along with their talmidim (of both teams), the camaraderie was apparent. That feeling was carried forward by the 8th grade talmidim who displayed fantastic achdus with each other, as well as being a positive force in encouraging and supporting the younger talmidim. Way to go, 8th grade boys! You outdid yourselves! You really are such a happy place… Happy people make for good friends. The friendships were strengthened through participating in fun activities together. Soccer, football, and the Torah Challenge are just a few of the exciting activities that took place. The races were exhilarating for the participants, and gave all the spectators a chance to cheer on their fellow talmidim. You put a smile on every face..!! Smiles, smiles, everywhere! This event was a great ruach builder and the smiles back that up. Who won?? Well, you couldn’t tell by who was smiling at the end. Everyone had a great time and both teams joined in spirited dancing, led by their generals. I guess everyone was a winner after all, regardless of which team had more points. Congratulations to our winners!! More pictures on the following page. 6 SAVE THE DATE SALUTE TO ISRAEL PARADE SUNDAY MAY 23, 2010 BE SURE TO JOIN US BY MARCHING. EVERY MARCHER Last call to register for the Parade is on Friday, May 14th! RECEIVES A TEE SHIRT. Mazel Tov: Rabbi Yechezkel and Mrs. Rina Khayyat on the birth of their daughter (Shimon 4B, Shaul 2B, Shulamit KL). Mr. Jonathan and Mrs. Anat Stein on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Avraham Akiva (7B). Condolences: To Rabbi Pesach Sommer on the passing of his beloved mother, Harriet Sommer (Yehuda 8B, Meir 6B, Chavi 4G, Maayan Pre1A, Ashi N). Adas Israel Shiurim for Women Will IY”H, be every Shabbos at 5:30 PM (Until further notice) At 565 Broadway This week, May 15, 2010 Shabbos Parshas Bamidbar Speaker: Rena Goldstein ********************* Please note this will be the last Shabbos for Bnos Groups at Adas Israel until the Fall. 7 COLOR WAR 2010 8 DAY AFTER SHAVOUS Please be aware of a change in our calendar for the date Friday, May 21st. May 21st is the Friday directly after the Yom Tov of Shavuos. The only classes that will meet are our boys’ classes, grades 1 - 8. NO SESSIONS FOR GIRLS AND ECD. Boys Grades 1 - 4 - Classes begin at 10 AM and end at 12:15 PM - Boys should daven at home Boys Grades 5 - 8 Shacharis minyan at 9 AM Classes end at 12:15 PM EARN FREE STUFF FOR YOUR SCHOOL LABELS FOR EDUCATION How It Works: 1. CLICK COLLECT Labels for Education points electronically! Visit to register and learn more. 2. REGISTER Go online to register with your Price Plus Club Card and select your school of choice (Hillel Academy). You’ll get 100 Bonus Points automatically when you register! 3. EARN Every time you purchase participating Labels for Education products with your Price Plus Club Card at Shoprite, your school will automatically receive points for each item purchased. No more clipping. Just clicking! Earn 100 Labels for Education bonus points for registering at For more information about the Labels for Education program, visit or call 1-800-424-5531. 9 YBH-PTA & GOOD SHABBOS FLOWERS NOW OFFER "FLOWERS FOR SHAVUOS" DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR (OR ANYWHERE IN THE PASSAIC / CLIFTON AREA) ON EREV-SHAVUOS SPRING MIXED BOUQUET......................$18.00 1 DOZEN ROSES........................................$ 26.00 **GOOD SHABBOS FLOWERS WILL DONATE A PERCENTAGE OF YOUR ORDER TO YBH-PTA** YOUR NAME:_______________________________________ YOUR ADDRESS:___________________________________ YOUR CONTACT #:__________________________________ ___ ___ FRESH SPRING MIXED BOUQUET DOZEN ROSES IF YOU WOULD LIKE FLOWERS DELIVERED TO A DIFFERENT ADDRESS, PLEASE COMPLETE: DELIVER TO... NAME:_________________________ DELIVER TO... ADDRESS:_____________________ WHAT SHOULD WE WRITE ON THE CARD?________________________________ ________________________________ *PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: GOOD SHABBOS FLOWERS *DROP ORDER FORM & CHECK OFF AT YBH OFFICE IN AN ENVELOPE MARKED "YBH-PTA FLOWERS" ORDERS MUST BE PLACED BY FRIDAY, MAY 14TH. THANK YOU & CHAG SAMEYACH! [email protected] (973)224-1767 10
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