24/7 Luxurious Shapewear
24/7 Luxurious Shapewear
™ 24/7 Luxurious Shapewear ™ Vera Vasi™ is the premier body-shaping and skin-toning shapewear in the world! Stylish enough for a night on the town, Vera Vasi will help you lose a dress size, instantly! Created by Marena®, the leading innovator in compression garments, the Vera Vasi luxury line is sold in more than 78 countries around the world and is the only shapewear made from F7-certified ComfortWeave® fabric. • Slimsuptoonedresssizeinstantly • Smoothescurvesandpromotesskinretraction • Reducestheappearanceofcellulite • KeepsyoucoolanddrywithCOOLMAX®moisturemanagement • Featuresbuilt-inantimicrobialprotection • Utilizesunparalleledfabrictechnology www.VeraVasi.com 2 Table of Contents Bras ............................................ 5 Girdles ........................................ 7 Bodysuits ................................ 8-9 Slimming Camis ........................ 11 Mini-Shorts & Shorts ...........12-13 Capris & Leggings .............. 14-17 Pantastics ................................. 17 Veramor Bodysuits ............. 18-19 Size Chart ................................. 21 Garment Care & Returns .... 22-23 ME-810andME-601shown 3 Orderonlineatwww.VeraVasi.com 4 B08andME-212shown Bras B08 Molded-cupbra(Stage3) B09 Molded-cupbra(Stage3) The B08 bra’s lift-and-separate designoffersexceptionalsupport andhigh-backcoverage.Thisbra islow-cutwithaneasyfront-clasp closurewithwire-freesupport. This full-coverage bra has slideadjustable, separating straps, adjustable 3-row hook-and-eye backclosure,andasoft1.5-inch elasticbandatthebottom. Availablein: Availablein: BackDetail BackDetail 5 Sizechartsonpage21 6 B08andPPGSshown Girdles ME-212 High-waistThongw/ suspenders(Stage3) PPGA Bikini-lengthGirdle (Stage3) PPGS Short-lengthGirdle (Stage3) This high-waist thong discreetly slimsandsmoothsthestomachand waistwithadoublelayeroffabric ontheabdomen.Thethongcomes withdetachablesuspendersandis easilyconcealedunderyourfavorite dressoroutfit. This girdle minimizes the hips and stomach and makes inches disappear. Features reinforced abdominalpanel,slide-adjustable detachableshoulderstraps,3-row hook-and-eye crotch flap and antimicrobialprotection. This thigh-length girdle provides slimming support for the hips, stomach and thighs. Features reinforcedabdominalpanel,slideadjustable detachable shoulder straps, an open crotch and antimicrobialprotection. Availablein: Availablein: Availablein: BackDetail PanelDetail Panel seams lightened for emphasis only. StrapDetail PanelDetail Panel seams lightened for emphasis only. StrapDetail 7 ME-850 Bodysuit(Stage3) Thissleekbodysuitfeaturesadeep v-neck,seamlesscupsandahighbackthatwillflatteranyfigurewhile givingcomfortablesupport.Features wideshoulderstrapsanda3-row hook-and-eyecrotchclosure. Availablein: ME-303shown Orderonlineatwww.VeraVasi.com BackDetail 8 Slimming Bodysuits ME-303 BodysuitMini-Short Length(Stage3) ME-307 Bodyslip(Stage3) This sleek bodysuit has you coveredfromtoptothigh.Ahigh backeliminatesanybackrollsand bralines.Featuresslide-adjustable shoulderstrapsandanaccessible crotch. This sleek bodyslip has you coveredfromtoptothigh.Ahigh backeliminatesanybackrollsand bralines.Withalow-cutfront,the bodyslipfeaturesslide-adjustable shoulderstraps. Availablein: Availablein: BackDetail BackDetail 9 Sizechartsonpage21 10 ME-810with ME-301shown Slimming Camis ME-810 SpaghettiStrap Camisole(Stage3) ME-800 V-NeckCamisole (Stage3) Thescoop-neckcamismoothes the stomach, love handles and backtomakeyoulookslimmer and more contoured. Features slide-adjustableshoulderstraps and a low-cut back. This cami looksgreatunderblazersorwith jeans. Thecamismoothesthestomach, lovehandlesandbacktomakeyou lookslimmerandmorecontoured. Sleek, with a high-cut back and deepv-neck,ourcamiassuresjust therightsupportandflattersevery figure.Cool,crispandclean. Availablein: Availablein: BackDetail BackDetail 11 ME-301 Mini-Shorts(Stage3) These mini shorts minimize the hips,stomachandthighs,making inchesdisappear.Theyworkgreat undershirts,shorts,dressesand skirts.Featuresafabricwaistband forultimatecomfort. Availablein: Orderonlineatwww.VeraVasi.com A8-100withME-301shown 12 BackDetail Low-waist & High-waist Shorts ME-401 Shorts (Stage3) ME-321 High-waistMini-Shorts (Stage3) ME-421 High-waistShorts (Stage3) These shorts are designed for slimming and toning from the waist to above the knee. Slip thesesuper-slimmingshortsunder pants,a dressor a skirtwithout sacrificingcomfortormovement. Thesehigh-waistmini-shortsare designed to minimize the hips, stomach and thighs and make inches disappear. With a fabric waistband,theyworkgreatunder shirts,shorts,dressesandskirts. These high-waist, body-shaping shorts are designed to slim and tone from the waist to above the kneeandfeatureafabricwaistband. Confidentlyweartheseflatteringhighwaistshortsaloneorforworkingout. Availablein: Availablein: Availablein: BackDetail BackDetail BackDetail 13 ME-501 Low-waistCapris (Stage3) These slimming capris slim and smooththehips,thighsandrear. Youcandressthemupordress themdownandaddalittlechicto allyourfavoritelooks.Featuresa fabricwaistband. Availablein: Sizechartsonpage21 ME-601shown BackDetail 14 Low-waistLeggings (Stage3) ME-521 High-waistCapris (Stage3) ME-621 High-waistLeggings (Stage3) Body-shaping leggings that slim and smooth the stomach, hips, thighsandrear.Featuresafabric waistband and pairs great with flatsorpumpsforacomfortable any-occasionlook. Wear them under your slacks, skirt or dress or combine them withyourfavoritetop.Thehighwaistcaprisslimandsmooththe stomach, hips, thighs, rear and abdomen. Body-shaping leggings that slim and smooth the stomach, hips, thighsandrear.Featuresafabric waistband. Wear these leggings withanoversizedknittopforgoanywherestyle. Availablein: Availablein: Availablein: BackDetail BackDetail BackDetail 15 Low-Waist & High-waist Capris & Leggings ME-601 Orderonlineatwww.VeraVasi.com 16 ME-211shown High-Waist Leggings & Pantastics ME-210 High-waist Pantastics(Stage3) ME-211 High-waistLeggings w/Suspenders(Stage3) These body-shaping pants slim and smooth the stomach, hips, thighsandrear.Adoublelayerof fabric on the abdomen provides additionalshapingpower.Comes with detachable suspenders that canbeusedinmultiplepositions. Thesebody-shapingleggingsslim and smooth the stomach, hips, thighsandrear.Adoublelayerof fabric on the abdomen provides additionalshapingpower.Comes with detachable suspenders that canbeusedinmultiplepositions. Availablein: Availablein: StrapDetail BackDetail StrapDetail BackDetail 17 VA-0001 VERA VASI PRESENTS Long-sleeveBodysuit(Stage3) LOVE YOUR BODY 24/7. This long-sleeve bodysuit provides full-body slimming andtoning,plusitlooksgreat withanoversizedtop.Features a molded bust, accessible crotch,andaclean-cutfinish onthelegs. Availablein: BackDetail 18 VA-0002shown Veramor Bodysuits VA-0002 SleevelessBodysuit(Stage3) VA-0003 VA-0004 Bodysuitw/Panels(Stage3) Bodysuitw/Panels(Stage3) Thissleevelessbodysuitslims and smoothes the stomach, hips,legsandrearandpairs perfectly with your favorite top.Featuresamoldedbust, accessiblecrotchandacleancutfinishonthelegs. Thiseasilyconsealedbodysuit slimsandsmoothestheabdomen, hips, thighs and back. Features a molded bust, accessiblecrotchandaclean-cut finishonthelegs. This sexy bodysuit slims the stomach, hips, upper thighs and back. Features 3-inch elastic finish on the thighs, a moldedbustandanaccessible crotch. Availablein: Availablein: Availablein: BackDetail StrapDetail BackDetail ElasticDetail BackDetail 19 SpecificSizing,SpecificResults Specific Bust - Measure at the widest point of the bust. Under Bust - Measure around the body under the arms and bust. Waist - Measure between the lowest rib and hip. Identify by bending the body to the side. Measure where a crease appears. Hip - Measure around the fullest part of the hip and buttock. Perform this from the side ensuring the tape doesn’t slip up or down. HowtomeasureforVeraVasigarments: • For bras, measure the under bust and bust. • For camisole and bodysuit, measure waist, hips and bust. • For bottoms, measure waist and hips. • If you measure in between sizes, use the larger size. Questions? Sizing question? Use our online sizing calculator at www.VeraVasi.com or call the MPACT team (1-888-462-7362). 20 Everyone experiences the feeling of compression differently, but in general, compression should not be the cause of pain. Your garment should feel snug but you should be able to slip a finger under the fabric. The seams are sewn on the outside of the garment for comfort. Give us a call if you have any questions. Size Charts Vera Vasi Bras 1. 2. Under-bust Band Measurement Size 27-29 in. 32 69-74 cm 29-31 in. 34 74-79 cm. 31-33 in. 36 79-84 cm. 33-35 in. 38 84-89 cm. 35-37 in. 40 89-94 cm. 37-39 in. 42 94-99 cm. 39-41 in. 44 99-104 cm. Bust Measurement 35 in. 31 in. 32 in. 33 in. 34 in. 79 cm. 81 cm. 84 cm. 86 cm. 89 cm. 33 in. 34 in. 35 in. 36 in. 37 in. 84 cm. 86 cm. 89 cm. 91 cm. 94 cm. 35 in. 36 in. 37 in. 38 in. 39 in. 89 cm. 91 cm. 94 cm. 97 cm. 99 cm. 37 in. 38 in. 39 in. 40 in. 41 in. 94 cm. 97 cm. 99 cm. 102 cm. 104 cm. 39 in. 40 in. 41 in. 42 in. 43 in. 99 cm. 102 cm. 104 cm. 107 cm. 109 cm. Use our convenient size calculator at www.VeraVasi.com. 42 in. 43 in. 44 in. 45 in. 107 cm. 109 cm. 112 cm. 114 cm. 44 in. 45 in. 46 in. 47 in. 112 cm. 114 cm. 117 cm. 119 cm. A B C D E Cup Size Vera Vasi Shapewear Point of Measure L XL 4XL XS S M bust 30-32 in. 76-81 cm. 32-34 in. 81-86 cm. 34-36 in. 86-91 cm. 36-38 in. 91-97 cm. 51-55 in. 47-51 in. 38-40 in. 40-43 in. 43-47 in. 97-102 cm. 102-109 cm. 109-119 cm. 119-130 cm. 130-140 cm. waist 22-24 in. 56-61 cm. 24-26 in. 61-66 cm. 26-28 in. 66-71 cm. 28-30 in. 71-76 cm. 30-32 in. 76-81 cm. hips 32-34 in. 81-86 cm. 34-36 in. 86-91 cm. 36-38 in. 91-97 cm. 53-57 in. 49-53 in. 38-40 in. 40-42 in. 42-45 in. 45-49 in. 97-102 cm. 102-107 cm. 107-114 cm. 114-124 cm. 124-135 cm. 135-145 cm. 32-35 in. 81-89 cm. 2XL 3XL 2XS 35-39 in. 89-99 cm. 43-47 in. 39-43 in. 99-109 cm. 109-119 cm. 21 Size Charts What to expect: How to put on Vera Vasi garments: For garments covering the mid and lower body: 1. Make sure the size label is on the inside of the garment, in the back. 2. Open zipper(s) and/or all of the hooks (if applicable). 3. Place your feet into the leg openings and gently pull the garment up your legs as if you were putting on pantyhose (be careful with sharp fingernails). 4. Align crotch opening as you pull the garment up (if applicable). 5. If the garment has shoulder straps, slide onto each arm and adjust them for best fit. For styles covering the chest and/or arms: 1. Make sure the size label is on the inside of the garment, in the back. 2. With the bra completely open, slide each arm into the arm holes/sleeves. 3. Close the hooks/zipper. The middle row is usually the best fit for hook-and-eye closures. 4. The shoulder straps, if applicable, may be adjusted as needed. We make ordering easy! How to order We strive to deliver a “WOW Experience” to each and every one of our customers and partners. Our Marena Professional Advocacy Care Team (MPACT) is highly trained and ready to fulfill your requests. We offer many ways to order high-quality compression garments by talking directly to an MPACT team member, online, or through distributors worldwide. Ordering is easy! In the USA: Online: Visit www.VeraVasi.com Phone: toll free: 1-888-462-7362 (1-888-4MARENA) or 770-822-6925 It is our pleasure to take your phone orders 8:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., EST. E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 770-822-1058 International: Please contact your local distributor or visit www.MarenaInternational.com to find a distributor near you. 22 We guarantee all garments for 30 days after receipt to be free from manufacturing flaw or defect. Unopened garments may be returned for a full refund. Opened garments may receive a partial refund (minus a 15% return fee). Please note: All returns are subject to inspection before refund or exchanges are issued. Refunds or exchanges WILL NOT be issued for garments that have been soiled, altered, washed, worn or damaged. If you have a warranty issue, follow the guidelines detailed below. Toreturnagarment Please contact the doctor, practice, website or distributor from whom you purchased your garments. All returns sent to Marena require a Return Authorization number (RA#). To obtain a RA#, please contact the Marena Professional Advocacy Care Team at 1-888-4-Marena or e-mail [email protected]. Garments returned without a return authorization will not be processed. When an RA# has been obtained, ship the item(s) back to Marena via the carrier of your choice (tracking number recommended for the shipment). Marena will not pay the shipping cost to return the garment for reasons other than flaw or defect. Returns are processed within 2 business days from receipt. Please mail the garment with your RA# to: the Marena Group, Inc. Attn: returns 650 Progress Industrial Blvd. lawrenceville, GA 30043 Garmentcare To preserve the special qualities of your Marena ComfortWear® garment and its patented ComfortWeave® fabric, please follow these laundering instructions: Marena’s ComfortWeave® fabric is made of 50% Tactel Nylon and 50% Soft Lycra and is formaldehyde-free, silicone-free and latex-free. 23 Garment Care & Returns Warrantyandreturnpolicy ™ 24/7 Luxurious Shapewear™ by ® The Marena Group, Inc · www.MarenaGroup.com 650 Progress Industrial Boulevard, Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Marena Professional Advocacy Care Team 1-888-462-7362
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