Annual Report 2011- Final Copy
Annual Report 2011- Final Copy
I Believe in My Community. The United Way of Fort McMurray’s 2011 Annual Report to the Community I BELIEVE IN MY COMMUNITY. I believe everyone deserves a safe place to sleep — including the 6,398 people who found shelter and hope with the Salvation Army Mat Program. 2 That everyone deserves compassion and support — including the 2,819 people whose calls were answered by the S.O.S. Crisis Line. That all kids deserve the best — including the more than 2,500 students that YMCA helped to see their bright futures through one-on-one career counseling and in-school workshops. Our mission is to improve lives and build community by engaging individuals and mobilizing collective action. We support a community impact strategy that invests funds into programs and services aimed at tackling the root causes of social issues and at creating long term, sustainable change. The United Way of Fort McMurray believes in this community — that’s why we support services that make a meaningful impact on the people of Wood Buffalo: our friends, neighbours and families. 3 Photo courtesy of the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. A Message to Our Community Our community is growing and as we reflect on the past year, we are pleased to report how, with your support, we’ve brought people and resources together to help build a vibrant and caring community. The United Way is inspired by genuine passion for social change and we are powered by people willing to share their time, talent, and resources in favour of the common good. Volunteers, donors, businesses, organizations, and our staff contribute to our success every day. You make the United Way dream possible. Our 2011 campaign was phenomenal... We shot for the moon and landed among the stars! Your dedication and generosity created an unprecedented total. Your investments have made a difference – to families without a home, to people who had lost hope of battling their addiction, to children who didn`t have school supplies, to youth who needed a positive role model, to seniors and new immigrants who were struggling to maintain or develop connections, and to many others affected by a wide variety of significant challenges. Our Community Investment Committee is a diverse group of volunteers that evaluate how to most effectively invest in programs that meet immediate needs while addressing root causes of social issues. We also continue to work toward our priorities of: Healthy people, strong communities; From poverty to possibility, and; All that kids can be. United Way continues to expand our participation in innovative partnerships aimed at building trust, strengthening the capacity of our community, and propelling us toward overall social prosperity in our region. We would like to recognize the Board of Directors for their outstanding leadership and support. They ensure solid organizational performance and have looked toward the horizon by beginning to establish a Tomorrow Fund that will ensure we are always able to respond to emerging needs. As you read the following pages you will share how we are improving lives, building resiliency, and creating lasting change in our community. Thank you for your continued trust and support, 4 Ray Floyd Diane Shannon President Executive Director Mayoral Address It’s no secret that our municipality is home to the biggest hearts in Canada. Thanks to the generosity of residents and businesses throughout the region, the United Way of Fort McMurray 2011 Campaign has raised over 7.1 million dollars. These funds will aid local agencies and programs that directly impact the lives of our residents. Each and every person who contributed to the 2011 campaign has shown Canada what Big Spirit looks like. It demonstrates that we are much more than our natural resources. We are a people who are concerned with the common good and committed to supporting our neighbours. We all aspire to be a community where every individual and family has access to the resources and programs that meet their needs. We are striving to improve our residents’ quality of life and to create a balanced future with opportunities for all. With each year of record breaking campaigns, the United Way of Fort McMurray helps make this a reality. On behalf of Council and all the residents of the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, I congratulate all of you on another successful campaign season. I would like the thank the campaign organizers, volunteers, and especially everyone who donated to the United Way of Fort McMurray for a job well done. Your efforts are an inspiration, and I look forward to your continuing support of the United Way for years to come. Mayor Melissa Blake Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo 5 Photo courtesy of Pogo Communications. We Volunteers! Thank you to all the amazing people who donated their time, their hearts 6 and their passion to making our community great. Whether you campaigned, participated in a Day of Caring or sat on a committee, thank you for your time, and your spirit. Board of Directors Raymond Floyd Leroy Van Wieren Barb Jewers Lorraine Demers Doug Simms Sudarshan Kalra Fred McDonald Norma Shaw Phil Meagher Roland LeFort Marty Giles Ben Dutton Christian Houle President Past President Vice President 2nd Vice President Treasurer Community Investment Committee Chair 2011 Community Campaign Chair Director Director Director Director Director Director Community Investment Committee Sudarshan Kalra, Chair Barb Jewers, Team Leader Craig Cachia, Team Leader John Evans, Team Leader Akash Gupta Alexander Gillingham Azhar Syed Darren Truscott Dereck Gibson Dominic Cachia Donald Scott Elias Leon Jordanna Lambert Kelly Neilands Liam Evans Mike Hurlburt Moe Farhat Norma Shaw Rebecca Ferguson Saharsh Shah Sagarika Joshi Shahroze Khan Staff *The United Way would like to issue a special Thank You to Maryellen Fenech for 10 years of exceptional commitment. 7 Diane Shannon *Maryellen Fenech Rita Makey Lindsey Walsh Lauren Cutler-McEachern Eric Leatham Stacey Keeping Executive Director Finance and Operations Manager Campaign Director Community Building Coordinator Community Relations Director Campaign Assistant Redpoll Administrative Assistant Photo courtesy of Dan Sorenson. Treasurer’s Report– Doug Simms It is with great pleasure that I present the United Way of Fort McMurray’s Annual Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2011. This year, United Way continued to provide leadership and empowerment to community agencies responsible for advocacy, training, education and support of initiatives focused on sustained and meaningful positive social change within the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. The United Way of Fort McMurray executive and staff – utilizing sound governance, effective fiduciary stewardship and execution of appropriate management controls – demonstrated an ongoing commitment to and have delivered consistently high standards of operational and fiscal responsibility. These Financial Statements – in part – support management’s continued efforts for fiscal transparency and accountability to donors. The statements were prepared in accordance with Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and United Way Canada – Centraide Canada Transparency and Accountability Financial Reporting (TAFR) standards, which are designed to ensure accurate and consistent financial reporting by all United Ways. Management also kept annual expenditures (fundraising and administration) below planned levels and to an overall minimum. The Expense vs. Donation Revenue ratio at 10% was very low and continues to reflect results consistent with the best performing charities within Canada. Continued outstanding support from Fort McMurray business organizations, other private / public enterprises, as well as, individuals resulted in achieving our largest fundraising campaign ever, generating $7.1 million in donor restricted and unrestricted campaign contributions. As a result, the 2011 United Way of Fort McMurray Statement of Financial Position provides continued financial strength and sufficient resources to meet it’s strategic and operational objectives. The full set of Financial Statements & Accompanying Notes are available on our website for readers who wish to gain deeper insight into the financial results of the organization. I encourage every stakeholder to “invest” time in reviewing this information. Respectfully, D.G. (Doug) Simms, BComm., CMA, CIA Treasurer, United Way of Fort McMurray 8 To the Members of United Way of Fort McMurray: We have audited the accompanying financial statements of United Way of Fort McMurray which comprise the statement of financial position as at December 31, 2011, and the statements of operations and changes in net assets and cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditors' Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors’ judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal controls relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statement. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our qualified audit opinion. Basis for Qualified Opinion In common with many charitable organizations, the Organization derives revenue from donations and fundraising, the completeness of which is not susceptible of satisfactory audit verification. Accordingly, our verification of these revenues was limited to the amounts recorded in the records of the Organization and we were not able to determine whether any adjustments might be necessary to contributions, excess of revenues over expenses, current assets, current liabilities and net assets. Qualified Opinion In our opinion, except for the possible effects of the matter described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph, the financial statements present fairly in all material respects the financial position of the United Way of Fort McMurray as at December 31, 2011 and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. Fort McMurray, Alberta March 14, 2012 9 Chartered Accountants United Way of Fort McMurray CONDENSED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION As at December 31, 2011 2011 Current assets 12,053,381 Capital assets 118,097 2010 9,197,150 153,280 12,171,478 Current liabilities Unamortized deferred capital contributions 9,350,430 1,070,115 114,834 101,259 141,329 1,171,374 256,163 NET ASSETS Invested in capital assets 16,838 11,947 General contingency reserve 18,859 82,320 Internally restricted funds 6,064,407 5,500,000 Tomorrow fund 3,400,000 2,000,000 Capital fund 1,500,000 1,500,000 11,000,104 9,094,267 12,171,478 9,350,430 United Way of Fort McMurray CONDENSED STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS As at December 31, 2011 2011 2010 Support revenue 7,155,940 6,763,924 Provision for uncollectible pledges (391,466) (323,765) 441,261 500,370 7,205,735 6,940,529 Other revenues Total support and other revenues Expenditures: Community investment 4,614,581 4,372,175 Campaign expenses 474,494 367,092 Redpoll Centre expenses 210,823 208,158 Other expenses 5,299,898 Excess of revenues over expenses 10 1,905,837 734 4,948,159 1,992,370 Please note: As of January 2006, all United Ways across Canada adopted the Transparency Accountability in Financial Reporting (TAFR) Policy. This policy is focused on supporting the Development of Standard statements between all United Ways in Canada. This is a condensed version of United Way of Fort McMurray’s financial statements. The complete documents can be obtained by contacting United Way of Fort McMurray or by visiting Because of you, the United Way was able to support community projects and partnerships including: Social Prosperity Wood Buffalo The Heart of Wood Buffalo Leadership Awards The Nonprofit Learning Consortium Alberta Nonprofit Voluntary Sector Initiative (ANVSI) MacDonald Island Nonprofit Shared Space Committee The C.O.W. Bus Day of Caring Projects Employee Assistance for Member Agencies Executive Director Roundtable Homelessness Initiatives Strategic Committee Leadership Wood Buffalo The Nonprofit Sector LINK The Redpoll Centre shared space project Tools for School 11 Photo courtesy of Girls Inc. Anzac Lil Lakers Family Resource Centre Resource Centre Early Childhood Program Boys & Girls Club Photo courtesy of JSYF. 12 All that kids can be Girls Night Out Program Organizational Support Tiny Toes Drop-off Day Care Subsidy Wavelengths ZAP ( Zany After School Program) Seeing the Potential We believe in supporting children and youth to be all they can be, and sometimes, this means looking deeper to the potential of our community’s youth-focused organizations. Your support has meant that local programs can thrive, helping the children of our community to grow into healthy adults. Take for instance the 117 girls in Fort McMurray, Fort McKay, Anzac and Fort Chipewyan that learned hands-on techniques for dealing with peer pressure through Girls Inc.’s Friendly PEERsuasion substance abuse prevention program. This training was made possible through your support. “The United Way has been a constant supporter of Girls Incorporated of Northern Alberta for a number of years,” said Development and Communications Director, Amanda Purcell. “If it hadn’t been for our grassroots supporters like the United Way that believed in us since our beginnings, we would never have been able to reach and help shape the minds we have over the past decade.” Girls Inc. isn’t the only agency that’s flourished from United Way support. Last year the Anzac Lil’ Lakers Family Resource Centre took on the community’s Early Childhood Program. However, a lack of financial resources meant the program was in jeopardy. That’s where United Way investment came into play. Children who attend have enhanced opportunities to prepare for the educational system, said Cindy McIntosh, Anzac Lil’ Lakers Executive Director. “(United Way’s support) helped us keep our early childhood education program because we were going to cancel it,” said McIntosh; but because United Way was there, Anzac Lil’ Lakers ran a program with a meaningful community impact. The year of funding also provided the organization with an opportunity to seek long-term program support. In the last year, they’ve been so successful in getting corporate sponsorship that they’ve grown past their need for United Way funds. Donating to United Way has meant that local organizations have enriched the lives of children in our community. Sometimes, like youth, all these programs needed was for someone to see their potential. You’ve made this possible. Girls Incorporated Justin Slade Youth Foundation (JSYF) Friendly PEERsuasion Girls Beware Media Smarts Organizational Support Project Bold-Action for Safety Summer Program JSYF Presents Open Arts Wood Buffalo Organizational Support Stepping Stones- Wood’s Homes Youth Services Operational Support Historical Society YMCA of Wood Buffalo Summer Camp Subsidy Youth Opportunities Program Youth and Child -- Healthy Adolescent Development 13 Our community is strong, because of you. Through our target area of Healthy people, strong communities, United Way supports an array of local agencies aimed at increasing the accessibility of local services. Your assistance has meant that agencies like the Fort McMurray Family Crisis Society have begun to see meaningful outcomes in our community. For example, in 2009 the Family Crisis Society had a three month waiting list for sexual assault victims seeking counselling. Today, because the United Way was able to help, that wait period has been eliminated and victims are able to receive aid immediately after an assault. What’s more, the organization’s Early Intervention Program has also seen great progress. The Early Intervention Program’s success is due to an educational component that teaches victims skills to increase their level of safety. This, combined with the Follow Up Program, means victims receive assistance early in the crisis. The result is that women have learned new skills and are not having to return to the shelter for supports; resulting in a significant decrease of the number of women re-accessing the shelter. “Without United Way support we wouldn’t have had the majority of programs even up and running,” said Executive Director Mary-Ellen Proctor. “It’s with your dollars we’ve been able to get things started, show the government there is a need and then to progress from there. ...Without United Way dollars, I don’t even know where we’d be. We are so grateful and we owe so much to United Way support.” Erica Hornsey, Executive Director of Volunteer Wood Buffalo (VWB), echoes Proctor’s sentiments about the Photo courtesy of Dan Sorenson 14 Healthy people, strong communities vital role United Way funding has played. The United Way funds VWB’s Inform Wood Buffalo service, which provides a direct connection between non-profits and the community. “United Way funding has given us the opportunity to connect more citizens to community agencies,” said Hornsey. “With a growing community, more and more people need to learn about the services our region has to offer. Without United Way funding it wouldn’t be possible.” Your donation has meant that the Family Crisis Society, Volunteer Wood Buffalo and 13 other organizations working under the area of Healthy people, strong communities have been able to succeed. Thank you for making programs like these a reality. Canadian Mental Health Association Advocacy for Mental Illness CAPPS (School Conflict Resolution Program) Family Support and Skills Training Organizational Support Suicide Prevention Training CNIB Community Awareness Multicultural Expo Nistawoyou Association Friendship Centre Capacity Development Organizational Support Youth Programs Coordinator Registration, Referral and Local Client Support Services Pastew Place Detox Centre Canadian Paraplegic Association Community Development Work Organizational Support Pre-Treatment Program Post-Treatment Program The Children's Centre Headstart Parent-Toddler Program Summer Community Action Program Organizational Support Search & Rescue Society Family Crisis Society Some Other Solutions Community Awareness & Special Events (CASE) Early Intervention Program Sexual Assault Program Crisis Line Grief & Loss Program Mentor Programs Organizational Support Students Assisting Students (SASP) Golden Years Society Prevention, Education & Awareness Training Organizational Support SPCA The Hub Family Resource Centre The Hub on Wheels Organizational Support Mark Amy Treatment Centre Capacity Development McMan Youth, Family and Community Services 15 Seniors Support Worker Multicultural Association Afterschool Program Animal Safe Haven Program Pet Therapy Program Volunteer Wood Buffalo Inform Wood Buffalo Coordinator Photo courtesy of The Centre of Hope. 16 From poverty to possibility It’s as simple as socks. There’s no easy solution to homelessness. But showing you care? That’s as simple as a pair of socks. In 2011, The Centre of Hope, Fort McMurray’s only day-time drop in centre for homeless or near homeless adults, was accessed 22,886 times. They provided shower and laundry facilities, a phone number and mailing address for individuals to use, first aid and medical referrals, snacks, access to a computer and emotional support. Oh yes, and socks. Last year The Centre of Hope gave out more than 15,000 pairs of socks. Not only are the socks warm, dry and sanitary for patrons, but they also reinforce the knowledge that someone cares about their well being. Because of you, the United Way has been able to help the Centre of Hope in its mission of “addressing homelessness by inspiring hope, encouraging change; through love, kindness and acceptance.” Not only do we provide funds to help the Centre with day-to-day operations, but United Way dollars also provided a Fund Development Coordinator to help the Centre grow, and a Housing First Coordinator, to help our community’s homeless take those first steps towards changing their life. “United Way ensures that the Centre of Hope can be a constant presence and place of support for people in their time of despair,” said Amanda Holloway, Executive Director of the Centre of Hope. “A place of compassion when it feels like no one can understand; a place of love when it seems like the world has turned its back; and most importantly a place of hope.” United Way Member Agencies work together to ensure the funds are used in the best possible way to avoid duplication of service, and to meet the needs of as many individuals as possible. The Support Through Housing Team, for example, works with a wide range of community agencies to help find homes for hard-to-house individuals, and to provide them with the support and skills they need to succeed. “Essentially we wouldn’t have a program if the United Way didn’t fund us,” said STHT coordinator Nicki Schweier. “There are so many people out there that have the desire, that have the ability to help themselves and to have a better life. Being able to give them the tools to do that is amazing. … And right now, (United Way) is the reason STHT is up and running.” In the last year alone, STHT has helped 42 individuals receive housing support. Additionally, they’ve also reunited five families, reducing the number of children in provincial care. Your support has meant we can take a collaborative approach to combating homelessness by supporting agencies — like The Centre of Hope and STHT — who work every day to make change a reality. Their successes are our community’s successes; made possible by you. The Centre of Hope Fund Development Coordinator Housing First Coordinator Organizational Support The Salvation Army Community Services Family Services Soup Kitchen Support Through Housing Team Organizational Support 17 People make the difference. “Passion, team work, dedication, caring, leadership, fun; these are some of the words that come to mind,” wrote Willis Doiron and Roslyn Darroch, co-chairs of Syncrude Canada’s campaign, in a letter about this year’s United Way drive. “It took many little successes to achieve such a great result and those successes (didn’t) come without the passion and leadership of the volunteers that make it all happen.” Whether a full-fledged campaign of 5,500 employees or a Day of Caring project with a team of six, volunteers are the essential element of United Way success. In 2011, thousands of people gave their time and energy to the United Way and our Member Agencies. They campaigned and they painted buildings, they held raffles and they attended board meetings; without them, there truly would be no way. But, it’s not just the time that matters — it’s also the passion to make a difference in our community. “When the message came out requesting volunteers for the 2011 United Way Campaign at Finning we hadn’t given it much prior thought,” said Jeff Maddison. “Neither Brian MacKinnon or I had ever been involved with the workplace campaign, but after a short discussion we decided to throw our names in the pot and take a chance. Going from never 18 Photo courtesy of Shell Albian. LEFT — Shell Albian Campaign Chair Jennifer Vale takes part in a Day of Caring project, helping out at the Family Crisis Society. RIGHT— Scott Sullivan congratulates a fellow employee at the Syncrude Campaign Kickoff. being involved to volunteering to chair the campaign of approximately 900 employees may not have been the most logical step but we are always up for a challenge. … “By relying heavily on all of the volunteers at Finning and asking a million questions of all our people who were involved previously we were able to pull it off. … One of the best ways Brian and I found to get motivated for the campaign was to attend one of the Seeing is Believing tours put on by the (United Way) office. This was eye opening as to what our donations were going to do for this community. “ Maddison and his co-chair MacKinnon were so motivated by the work of Member Agencies they ended up raising over half a million dollars. They also weren’t the only ones to use their compassion to overcome challenges in their campaign. “This year our office shrunk in size, but our goal grew,” said Shelley Youens, the workplace campaign chair for Energy Resources Conservation Board. “As a result this year’s campaign had its share of skeptics. But, the positive energy of those who believed prevailed and our goal was achieved. This year was the first year that direct employee contributions were a part of the overall office campaign plan.” Youens ended up leading the ERCB team to a Builder level achievement. Like so many volunteers, her spirit and belief in possibility made the difference — both for the ERCB campaign and our community. It’s the people behind United Way — people like Doiron, Darroch, Maddison, MacKinnon and Youens — that are creating positive change in our community, every day. 19 Photo courtesy of Syncrude Canada. Corporate Donations and Employee Campaigns Remember all those raffles and barbeques? Boy, did they ever add up. A core of our United Way funding comes from Corporate Donations and Employee Workplace Campaigns. Thank you to all the work places who took part in these initiatives! Corporate Millennium- Over $100,000 Corporate Benefactor- $25,000 - $49,999 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Finning Canada Nexen Inc. Shell Albian Sands Suncor Energy Inc. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Enbridge Pipelines Ledcor Industrial Maintenance Ltd. Corporate Builder- $10,000 - $24,999 Corporate Patron- $5,000 - $9,999 Bouchier Management Services CEP Union Local 707 Imperial Oil Ltd. North Star Ford RBC Financial Scotiabank Transalta Generation Partnership Williams Energy Canada Inc. Burnco Rock Products Ltd. Mobster Mechanical Tuccaro Group of Companies Corporate Sponsor- $2,500 - $4,999 Airsprint Inc. ATB Financial Bee-Clean Building Maintenance Inc. ConocoPhillips DB Kidd Transport McMurray Law Office Corporate Leader- $1,000 - $2,499 Acuren AMEC Bank of Montreal CIBC Manulife PCL Industrial T.A. Cooper Professional Corp TD Bank 20 Photo courtesy of the Fort McMurray Public School District. Employee Millennium Campaigns- Over $100,000 This year we had two Employee Campaigns that raised over a million dollars each. Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Finning Canada Nexen Inc. Shell Albian Sands Employee Platinum Campaigns- $50,000 - $74,999 Fort McKay Group of Companies Suncor Energy Inc. and Syncrude Canada Ltd. Thanks a Million! Employee Benefactor Campaigns- $25,000 - $49,999 Catholic Board of Education Enbridge Pipelines Hertz Equipment Rental Ledcor Industial Maintenance Ltd. North Star Ford Safway Services Canada Inc. Suncor In-Situ Employee Builder Campaigns- $10,000 - $24,999 Centre of Hope ConocoPhillips Diversified Transportation Energy Resources Conservation Board Fort McMurray Public School District FT Services Keyano College Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo Transalta Generation Partnership Williams Energy Canada Inc. Employee Patron Campaigns- $5,000 - $9,999 ATB Financial Burnco Rock Products Ltd. EPCOR Water Services Government of Alberta Servus Credit Union Spartan Controls Ltd. Tuccaro Group of Companies Employee Sponsor Campaigns- $2,500 - $4,999 A&W Restaurants Alberta Motor Association ATCO Electric Bee-Clean Building Maintenance Inc. Canada Post Corporation Cosyn Technologies Family Crisis Society Kenroc Building Materials Co. Ltd. The Salvation Army The Children's Centre United Way of Fort McMurray Employee Leader Campaigns- $1,000 - $2,499 Acklands Grainger AMEC Anzac Li'l Lakers BGE Services & Supply Canada Post Ottawa Canadian Mental Health Association Casman Construction/4 C's Holdings CAT The Rental Store CEDA Group of Companies CH2M HILL Canada Ltd. Fort McMurray Boys and Girls Club Gibson Energy 21 Incorporated of Northern Alberta Girls Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign Laird Electric MacDonald Island Park Corporation Manulife Noralta Lodge Pastew Place Detox Centre Quality Hotel and Conference Centre RBC Financial Smitty's Restaurant Stratos Inc. The Hub Family Resource Centre Wood's Homes Stepping Stones Youth Services Gift In Kind GIKs are a great way for small businesses or individuals with unique skills to get involved and make a difference. We’d like to say ‘thank you’ to the following groups for providing a GIK this year. Benefactor- $25,000 - $49,999 Builder- $10,000 - $24,999 Rogers Broadcasting Limited MacDonald Island Park Corp. Patron- $5,000 - $9,999 Sponsor- $2,500 - $4,999 Fort McKay Group of Companies Kelvin Sawatzky Original Oil Paintings Mix 103.7 Sawridge Inn and Conference Centre Debbie Hill Design Dunvegan Gardens Foto Source Leader- $1,000 - $2,499 Leader continued... Claude Giroux Coffee Time News Dale Unrah Sr. Donald Scott, McMurray Law Office Dreamline Promotions E&O Designs Grassland Trailer and Sales H. Wilson Industries LTD Joe's Custom Woodwork Michael Danis Microage Computer Centre Miskanaw Golf MXC Racing and Offroad Radisson Hotel RBC Financial Rona Sacred Art Tattoo Serediak Sales Sugar N Spice Catering Tim Hortons Fort McMurray YMCA of Wood Buffalo 22 FLORAL FABELA, left, was donated by eight-yearold painter Tarana Sharma to Art for Everyone, a multiexhibitor show held in support of the United Way, at the MacDonald Island Community Art Gallery. Tarana donated the entire proceeds of her work to United Way. Friends A & W Restaurant Alberta Motor Products ATB Investor Services Barb Jewers Belleza Hair & Tanning Studio Ben Moss Bob Barrett Men’s Apparel Bond-A-Ply Borealis Diamonds Brash Butterfly and Chelsey Hart Photography Brian Hatfield Budget Car and Truck Rental Burnco C.E.P., Local 707 Campbell's Computer Campbell's Music Canadian Jewellers Canadian Tire Caribou Flowers CAT the Rental Store Chateau Nova Hotel Chemco Electrical Contractors Clean Harbors CNIB Curves for Women Decorator's Choice Earls Restaurant Esso (Gregoire) Events Wood Buffalo Finning (Canada) Forever Inked Fort McMurray Golf Club Fort McMurray Oil Barons Hockey Club Franklin Dental Centre Gail Bibeau, Royal Lepage Golden Years Society Grand and Toy Gregoire Barber Shop Heather Thomas, Ananda Centre of Balance Helen Arong Fine Fashion Herbal Magic Hertz Equipment Rental Hertz-Young Rent-A-Car Home Hardware Hu's Pizza In Memory of Jeremy Kater 4 Komfort Keyano Theatre Kirschner Family Corp Landmark Cinemas of Fort McMurray Liebherr-Canada Ltd. M&M Meat Shops Marielle's Mark’s Work Warehouse Mayor and Council McMurray Aviation McMurray Business Machines Moxies North Star Pet Centre Northern Lights Health Region Nufloors Oilsands Discovery Centre Oilsands Expediting Outdoor Essentials Party & Wedding Essentials Penningtons Prestige Jewellers Printing Unlimited Pro Look Electrolysis pPus Quality Hotel Raven Truck Accessories Red Arrow Motorcoach Riviera Jewellers Rosenau Transport Ltd. Sands Carpet One Shaw Cable Spoiled Rotten Sportchek Suncor Energy Inc. Super 8 Motel Suzie Q's Quilt Shop Syncrude Canada Ltd Tamarack Physical Therapy Building Community– Roeland Baans helps23with a construction Day of Caring project at the Stepping Stones Youth Home. Tattoos on Franklin The Bone and Biscuit Co. The Chef's Table by Mitchell's The Keg Thickwood Veterinary Clinic True Love Design Tundra Physical Therapy Two Blondes and a Brunette Whispering Wind Mobile Esthetics Wood Buffalo Small Animal Hospital Wood Buffalo Transit Special Mentions Boston Pizza Keyano College McMurray Gospel Assembly Fort McMurray Public School District Sparksman Transportation Staples Business Depot A special thanks to the Canadian Labour Congress, which shares with United Way Centraide Canada a common vision of prosperous, inclusive, diverse and respectful communities, with a wide range of social and public services that are accessible, universal and of the highest quality. Photo courtesy of John Evans. Individual and Family Donors Every year the United Way gets the opportunity to step back, take a breath and stare in amazement… at the thousands of individuals and families who have decided to make change happen in our community. Take a peak, find your name and give yourself a pat on the back; none of this would have happened without you. Benefactor- $25,000 - $49,999 Allan Markin Builder- $10,000 - $24,999 Patron- $5,000 - $9,999 Patron continued... Blake, Melissa & Jurak, Peter Gregory, Scott *Jewers, Barbara Keele, Phil & Kartushyn, Kim Moore, Trish & McDonald, Scott Carter, Andy Dimm, Clifford & Ronda & Family Hall, Maureen MacKenzie, Nancy & Ken Mankowski, Monica & Anthony Mitchell, Dale & Bonnie Nordbye, Lee Saunders, Ken Slade, Trevor Smart, Naomi Sullivan, Scott The Cryderman Family The Keys Family The Little Family Young, Ross Sponsor- $2,500 - $4,999 Janes, Alban Joyce, Lynn Kachur, Patrick W. Kelly, Steve & Michelle Laseur, Reno Laubenstein, Glen Lawrence, Jesse *Lefort, Roland Lemesurier, Laurence MacDonald, Robert MacEachern, Charles Mageau, Marc *McDonald, Frederick Mcelroy, Ross & Jessica McLean, Terry Meses, Lubica Nayler, Denise O'Henly, Mark Peterson, Cindy Pinksen, Winston Polistena, Francesco F. Read, Lori Read, Peter & MacEachern, Carna Rumjan, James & Catherine Sabovitch, dutchess lynn Sales, Garth *Shannon, Diane & Hebblethwaite, Roger Spitzer, Tyler Stinson, Kevin Tapp, Dianne The Archibald Family The Hall Family The Powell Family Thompson, Owen Tucker, Wilson B. & Rose Turney, Wade *Van Wieren, Leroy Verge, Dwayne Vesak, Rob & Carol Walcer, Rick Whalen, Ellis White, Brian & Gail Wilson, Darcy Wilson, Jonathan Wilton, Floyd & Viola Wilton, Melissa Winsor, Ashley & Melissa Wiwchar, Kim Youens, Matthew Agnew, Mike & Jill Andrews, Larry Baddeley, Michael & Fitzgerald, Suzanne Beaupre, John Berridge, Lois Blanchard, Travis Booker, Garth Brogly, John Brown, Bradley Burns, Scott Bushey, Colin Colbourne, Megan Coote, James & Judy Corrigan, Matthew Daley, Michael Danis, Mike Demers, Susan Drover, Stephen Fairley, Brian Farwell, Kim Flynn, Kara Frycz, Dwayne Glendenning, Kim & Sean Gnyra, Adrian Graham, Kelly & Myers, Shawn 24Norena & Reynolds, David Hart, Jamieson, Murray Sponsor continued... Sponsor continued... Smith, Albert & Kathleen * Denotes a staff or board member Leader- $1,000 - $2,499 Abbott, Martin Abram, Amber Acheson, Sheri Adam, Georgette Adam, Jim Adams, Angela Adams, Barry & Family Adams, Daryl Adegoju, Peter Adey, Jerry Ahmed, Wasim Aho, Sarah Al-Dhaby, Osamah Alexander, David & Roper, Patty Alexander, Everett & Trista Alexander, Joel Alexander, Scott Alexanders, Nick Alexopoulos, Nikitas Allan, David Allan, Rory Allen, Jennifer Allen, Karla Shana Allingham, Bradley Altares, Ruel Amalraj, Joseph Amerongen, Robert & Cindy Amor, Alexdel J. Anderson, Bruce & Lisa Anderson, Drew Anderson, Kirstin Anderson, Michael Anderson, Michael Anderson, Neil Anderson, Paul Anderson, Russ Andres, Chris Andrews, Len Angelopoulos, Lee Anstey, Jody Aris, Gail Armstrong, Sandra Arthur, David Artymko, Dustin Ashley, Adam Ashraf, Faisal Au, William Aucoin, Dean Aucoin, Whitney Ault, Tyran Avery, Scott Aylward, Curtis Bachelder, Clinton Bacon, George Baggs, Greg Bailey, Charlene Bailey, Sherry Bairagi, Subrota Baker, Carla & Reaume, Barrett Baker, Janice Baker, Shawn Balaski, Brad Baldwin, Robert Balkam, Joel E. Ball, Gordon Balser, Jonathan Bambrick, Randall Banville, Jason Barclay, Robert Baridam, Singto Barnes, William Barr, Ian Barrett, Dawn Barrow, Kevin Barry, Chuck Bartlett, Blair Barwick, Kerry Bauer, Richard Beadle, Janet FAVOURITE COLOUR? UNITED 25 David and Armya WAY RED: practice their colours at The Children’s Centre. Beadle, Richard Bear, Rod Beaton, Neil Beaudoin, Richard Beaudry, Justin Beaulieu, Denis Bechard, Eric Bechard, Jim Behr, Shawna Behrisch, Kirk Belanger, Don Belanger, Kieth G. Bell, Colin Bell, Ken Beltran, Liliana & Quintero, Enrique Bembridge, Janet Bempong, Alexander Benio, Lloyd Bennett, Alexander Bennett, Brooke Bennett, Dwayne Bennett, Holly Bennett, Robert Bennett, Scott Bennett, William Bennett, Zack Benoit, Jeff Bentley, Randall Bergey, Keith Berridge, George Bertrand, Danielle Bezuko, Blair & Serena Biggeman, Joe Billington, Birgit Billington, Henry Black, Keith Black, Kelvin Blackmore, Kenneth Blackwell, Martin Blagdon, Jonathan Blair, Shawn Blanchard, Glen Blanchard, Nathan Blanchette, Guy Blandford, Warren Bliss, Damon Blumenschein, Jason Blundon, Gene Bohra, Sapna & Sudeep Boland, John & Janice Bole, Carrie Bond, Derek Bonvie, David Boos, Daryl Boos, Holly Bordeau, Mary-Kate Borjas, Fernando Borys, Kelly Bouchard, Ghislain Photo courtesy of the Children’s Centre. Boucher, Anne Bourassa, Ernest & Tracy Bourassa, Roland Bourque, Gary Bourret, Leonard Boutilier, Joanne Bowdridge, Brian Bowen, Devrey Bowman, Ann-Marie Bowron, Mike Boychuk, Tammy Brace, Charlene Bunning, Adeen Burden, Angela Burnett, Rick Burnside, Lori Burnside, Terry Burton, Robert Busby, John Bussey, Tony Butler, Lawrence Butler, Trevor Butt, Michelle Byrnes, David Because of you, the Canadian Mental Health Association provided mental wellness workshops to almost 1,400 people in the R.M.WB. Bradbury, Andrew & *Walsh, Lindsey Brady, David & Mary Brake, Thomas Brandle, Robert Brannan, Kellie Bratzke, Rainer Brauer, Thomas Breen, Ashley Breen, Dwayne Brenneis, Greg Brewer, Darrin Briegel, Douglas Briere, Brian Brisco, Robin Brittain, Murray Brodeur, Michael Broniewska, Kasia Brown, Allen Brown, Bradley & Barbara Brown, Daniel Brown, Gerard Brown, Jeremy Brown, Mathew Bruce, Gordon Bruce, William Buchanan, Gail Buchmann, Oliver Budgell, Calvin Budgell, Thomas Bulbeck, Christine Bulger, Shane 26 Cable, Andrea Cachia, Michael Cadegan, Chris Cain, Brittney Caines, Bryant Caldwell, Michael Caldwell, Rob & Marcelle Caldwell, Tyler Callahan, Catherine Callan, Sarah Callihoo, Trevor Cameron, Arthur Cameron, Bob Cameron, Trevor Campbell, Angus Campbell, Daniel Campbell, John Campbell, Mary Ann Canning, Brad Canning, Brent Canning, Rebecca & Brent Cap, Kelly Cap, Richard Carbert, Richard Carbery, Sean Cardinal, Kendra Cardinal, Virgil Esq Carmichael, Don Carroll, Greg Carroll, Mal Carson, Liam Carter Hicks, Sandra Carter, Brendan Carter, Edward Cartwright, Colin Case, Russell Caul, Brad & Mandy Caul, Jason Cestnick, Darcy Chabot, Josee Chafe, Ross Chai, Ginny Pee Fung Champagne, Thomas Chan, Patrick Changirwa, Robert Chaulk, Craig Chaulk, John Chaulk, Spencer Cheeseman, Brad Chiasson, Ferris Chilinski, Tara Chingombe, Daniel Chisholm, Lorne Chisholm, Travis Chrapko, Maria & McLean, Brad Christopherson, Caroline Christopherson, Peter Chugh, Satish Church, Vincent Chwelos, Mike & Laina Cicuttini, Alexander Ciupa, Andrew Clark, Kevin Clarke, Andrew Clarke, Brad Clarke, Clayton Clarke, David Clarke, Fran Clarke, Kevin Clarke, Robert Clarke, Rod Clements, Teresa Clift, Robin Cloutier, Jason Cochrane, John P. Coetzee, Christian Colbourne, Calvin Colbourne, Rick Colclough, Anthony Coleman, Gordon Coles, Jared Collings, Gary Collins, Blair Collins, Chris Collins, Danielle Collins, George Collins, Jeffrey Collins, Robert E Collins, Roger Collins, Sterling Collison, Anne Collison, Gordon Collison, Gordon D. Colville, Richelle Comeau, Pascal Comis, Trevor Compton, Luke Conley, Jim & Wanda Connor, Alan Connors, Blane Connors, Marianne Constant, Kirby Conway, Kim Cooke, Jo-Anne Coombe-Young, Tracy Cooper, Ramona Corbett, Matt Corcoran, Rick Corish, Peter & Bryan, Katherine Cormier, Jason Corriveau, David Corson, Shirley Cossa, Gianni & Family Coswan, Jeff Cote, David Courtney, Gerald Cousins, Robert Coventry, Ross Cowan, Jon Coyle, Jeff Craven, John & Linda Crilly, Casey & Sullivan, Katie Crisby, Michael Cross, Calvin Cross, Gordon Curtis, Al Curtis, Jim Cutler, Kristen & Mike Cyprien, Rita Cyr, Leslie Dallaire, Alain Dalton, Adam Danson, Todd Danson, Trent Darroch, Roslyn Davids, John Davidson, Donald Davie, Ryan Davis, Brent PICTURE PERFECT: Dawn Booth of SNAP Wood Buffalo, grabs a shot of Farah, Vicki, Sandra and Lisa in front of Lisa’s painting “Backup Buddy” at the Art for Everyone opening at MacDonald Island. Diebel, Brenda Dawson, Robert Dingwell, Gerald Day, Lionel de Haas, Patrick & Carolyn Dipasquale, Lawrence Disher, Ryan De Young, Paul Dittrich, Joshua Dechief, Joe Dixon, Brandee Decker, Ivan Doan, Kimberly Decoine, Joyce Deepak Jhanwar & Somani, Dobie, Angele Doerksen, Robert Tripti Doiron, Louis Delaney, Ian Doiron, Willis Delorme, Dominic Doleman, Patricia & Ted Denis, Isabelle Dominie, Brian Denney, Nicole Dominie, Denise Dennis, Kari Donald, Jonah Denton, Allan Donnelly, Andrew Deren, Tim Donnelly, Kari Derouin, Greg Dorcas, David Dewan, Greg Doryk, Kevin Di Fabio, Michael Doucette, Bruce Diamond, Carl Dow, Robert Dibbley, John Dowling, Larry Dick, Vincent Dowson, Kristofer Dicks, Anthony 27 Doyle, Casey Drake, Dwayne Dransutavicius, Alberto Draper, Darcy Draper, Kevin Draper, Kyle Draper, Todd Dray, Maria Drew, Glenn Drouin, Claudine Drover, Craig Du Plessis, Pierre Dubeau, Josh Dumonceaux, Alanna Duncan, Barry & Helen Duncan, Richard Dunn, Bob & Laurie Dunn, Terry C. Dunsworth, Ryan Dupont, Lucien Durieu, Christophe Duris, Chantel Durnford, Bruce Durocher, Lance *Dutton, Ben Dwork, Stefan Earle, David Eastwood, Jamie, Jennifer & Family Edmonds, Geoff Edmondson, Kevin Edmunds, Terry Edwards, Augustine Eggen, Brendan Eldridge, Christopher Elesin, Niyi Ell, Dean Elladen, Sharafe Mohamad Elliott, Michelle Ellis, Hope Ellsworth, Edwin Elms, Danny Elniski, Becky Emberley, Don Emberley, Johnny Emblau, Scott Endel, Shawn Enders, Joerg England, Paul Epp, Marjorie Etaghene, Nelson Evasiuk, Heather Eveleigh, Chris Eveleigh, Lorenzo Evoy, David Fabian, Xenia Farkouh, Elie Farley, Shawn Farrell, Judy Farthing, Greg Faruqi, Khurram Faucher, Chris Fayad, Tilly Fazal, Riz *Fenech, M. & MacDonald, D. Ferguson, David Fernando, Sithara Ferrara, Giuseppina Ferwerda, Thomas Finch, Nadine Finch, William 28 Photo courtesy of Dan Sorenson. Finley, John Finney, James Finnigan, Roger Fischer, Stephen & Cristina Fisher, Dion Fisher, Matt Fisher, Vern, Collette & Children Fiske, Kimberley Fitzgerald, David Fitzpatrick, Michelle Flanigan, Stephanie Flannery, Thora & Bill Flett, Dwayne Flett, Lester Flood, Sabrina *Floyd, Ray & Marsha Flynn, Bryan Focker, Jan Foley, Kenneth Fontaine, Eugene Foote, Jamie Forbister, Daniel Forrest, Steve Forrester, Brett Forrester, Leslie Forster, Kellyanne Fortier, Gerard Fortier, Leigh Fossi, Luis & Maria Fourhorns, Randy Foy, John Francis, Bonnie Frank, Darren Frank, Virginia-Ann Fraser, Candace Frederickson, Barbara Frenette, Realle Fridd, Daryl Friesen, Solomon Fudge, Chris Fulford, Stuart Fuson, Aaron Gagnon, Serge Gairdner, Michael Gale, Andrew Gallagher, Brent Galliah, Thomas Gallupe, David Garbin, Manuel Gardiner, Samuel Gaudet, Joanne Gaudet, Matthew Gauthier, Emilie Geddes, Anson George, Alphonsus Geraghty, John Germain, Danielle Germain, Sheldon Germain, Wes Gibson, Chris Giffin, Bruce Gilbert, Greg Gilbertson, Cameron Gill, Mike Gillard, Dwayne Gillingham, Dean Gillis, Lance Gillis, Matthew Girard, Roch Gladney, Ron Gladu, Annette Gladue, Connie Gladue, Robyn Glasgow, Ethelbert Goldie, Lisa Gondek, Tim Goobie, Andrew $5 A WEEK Goodman, John Goodyear, Andrea & Bradley Goodyear, Jennifer Gordon, Rachel Gosling, Robin Gosse, Barry Gosse, Tom Goudie, Kristen Goulet, Pierre Gousios, Penny Gouthro, Larry & Darlene Govender, Sagran Graham, Bruce Grant, Darryl Grant, Henry Grant, Leonard Gray, Daniel Graziotto, Dennis Green, Corey Green, Corey Greenhalgh, Eldon Greening, Leon Greening, Steve Greffard, Kelly Gretzan, Randy Grouchy, Jason Groves, Jedediah Grozelle, Jay Grycan, Brian Guerin, Kyrsti Guest, Tom Guglielmin, Don Gurman, Tami Guze, Chris Hackwell, Brandon Haday, Corwin Hagan, Christopher Haggerty, Nora Hall, Tammy Halter, Blayne Halter, Brad Halvorsen, Guy Hambora, Jeffrey Hamilton, Lynn Hamilton, Stan Hamilton, Tristan Hammill, Ryan Hammond, Mike Hanam, John Hansen, Robert Hanson, Stephen Harder, Eric Harder, Leon J Harding, Mr. & Mrs. A. & N. Hargreaves, James Harkissoon, Michael Haro, Marianto & Lopez, Edmundo Harpe, August Harpe, Decker Harper, Russ Harris, Chris Harris, Jim & Carolyn Harris, Len Harris, Leonard G. Harris, Robert Harrison, Robert Hartnell, Fred Harvey, Evan Harvie, Paula Hasan, Tauqir Haslett, Kelly Hatt, Peter Hawkins, Michael Hawley, Steven Headge, Dathan Heagy, Brent Hearsey, David Heasley, Brian Heath, Sandy Heck, Mike Hegholz, Michael Heinz, Douglas Heiser, Kristopher Hemstock, Garett Henderson, Christina Henderson, Jim Henderson, Randy Hennig, Elaine Henstridge, Larry Hewitt, Stephanie Hickey, Bryan Higdon, Brad Highfield, Mark Hilchey, Lisa Hildahl, Cory Hildebrand, Doug Hill, Lana Hill, Nelson Hill, Shawn Hill, Steve & Julie Hillier, Jason E. Hillier, Jody Hiscock, Dana Hobbs, Reshelda Hoddinott, Nolan Hodgson, Dwila Hodgson, Robert Hodson, Neil Hoehne, Randy Hoffos, Daryl Hokanson, Gladys Holland, William Hollander, Elco Holmes, Brian Hoogstraten, Jaclyn Hoskins, Jason *Houle, Christian Houlihan, Richard House, Jamie Houston, Randy Hrazdira, Filip Hrehirchuk, Troy Hycay, Tracy & Tanya Hryniewicz, Fabian Huang, Yen Hui Hudkins, Jordan Hudson, Terry Huffman, Anthony Huffman, Steve Hughes, James Hugo, Francois & Marina Hulberg, Anne Hull, Shayne Humby, Chadwick Hundessa, Waktola Huntley, Daniel Hurd, Mike Hurlburt, Michael Hurley, Eric Hurley, Fred Hurley, Patrick Hurtubise, Roland Huxter, David Hynes, Jerry Hynes, Katrina Hynes, Melissa Hynes, Misti Hynes, Neville Idland, Kevin Idle, Jaana Igesund, Garth Ikert, Len Ingram, Justin Ingram, Norman & Karen Jacinto, Crisan Jackson, Bryan Jackson, Kris Jackson, Randy Jacobson, Ken Jahelka, Thomas Jakubec, Jeff James, Stacey GIVING 29 BACK: Volunteers from The Golden Years Society show their appreciation for United Way by serving up pancakes at the Kickoff Breakfast. gives Mark Amy Treatment Centre a safe environment that included life skills training, nutritional aid, oneto-one counseling, discharge referral, and professional resource workshops. Jameus, Kris Janes, Tara Jankowski, Kent Janowsky, Kevin Jasim, Auof Jay, Kyle Jean, Neil Jeddry, Perry Jefferies, Bryce Jenkins, Shawn Jensen, Stephen Jensen, Susan Jerchel, Peter Johns, Shenandoah Johnsen, Kris Johnson, Doug & Sherry Johnson, Larry Joly, Brian Jones, Bonnie Jones, Dan Jones, James Jones, Jeremy Jones, Karen Jose, Kristina Bernadette Joyce, Christopher Joyce, Gary Junek, Dallis Jungkind, Ron Kabir, Bakhtiar Kaiser, Cole Kallaghan, Paul Kamps, Ed Kanarek, Janet Kazamel, Lois Kazamel, Michael Kazemi, Sholeh Kazmierczak, Edward Kean, Susan Kearney, Paul Keel, Chris Keeping, Maxwell Kelly, Dean Kendel, Sandra Kendell, Kevin Kennedy, Donald Kennedy, Melissa Kerr, Mariko & Fysh, Shaun Khan, Fahad A. Kidmose, Roy Kilar, Sharon Killam, Luke Kimpton, Steve Kin, Leo King, Adam King, Robert Kirkham, Dustin Kirkwood, Patrick Klassen, Jeffrey Konowalec, Bohdan Konski, Owen Koo, Wendy 30 Koops, Herman Kootenay, Bonnie Kootenay, Donald Kosik, Wayne Koutecky, Evan Krekoski, Randall & Debra Kunza, Barry & Webb, Vicki Kusmiadji, Danis Kuzmic, Fred Kynock, Rick Kynock, Scott Lacosta, Chad Ladouceur, Kelly Ladouceur, Linda Laing, Kirt Lajeunesse, Kyle Lalonde, Christopher Lalonde, Larry Lalonde, Mathieu Lamontagne, Robert Lamoureux, Ron Landry, Christine Landry, Louis Landry, Vincent Landsiedel, Cary & Michelle Lane, Marlene Langley, Chris Larkin, Adrian Larsen, Joan & Erelis, Bruno Laube, Dwayne Lavallee, Laureena Lavallee, Roy Lavoie, Richard Lawley, Annie Lawley, Thomas Layland, Paul Lays, Graham Lays, Raymond Lazaruk, Timothy Leblanc, Daniel and Family Ledrew, Tony Lee, Andy Lee, Shani Lees, Charlene Lefebvre, Syl & Leslie Leger, Julien Leger, Mathieu Legge, Ron Leighton, Michael Lennon, Ryan Leonard, Heidi Lepine, Bruce Lepine, Marcel Lerchs, John Lesko, Evelyn (Lynn) Leslie, Jim Letourneau, Dwayne Levesque, Cheryl Lewis, Robert Lewis, Ron Lidstone, Chris Linder, Corey & Shandra Lines, Dan Linklater, Cleo Linnen, Blake Little, Matthew Lodge, Kevin Loo, Darryl Loosemore, Jeff & Jaclyn Lord, Dave Lore, William Lorence, Larry Lorence, Rona Los, Jennifer Losier, Don Loveridge, Jonathan Lowe, Ryan Lowes, Kevin Loy, Carrie & Jason Luchenski, Lana Luke D Luker, Mike Lukin, Derrick Lund, Robert Lundquist, Lanette Lundrigan, Phil Lupien, Terrance Lusan, Julie Lush, Jeremy T Lynn, Harold MacDonald, Archie MacDonald, Brett MacDonald, Christopher MacDonald, Donald MacDonald, Jaimi MacDonald, Jamie MacDonald, John & Britany MacDonald, Jon MacDonald, Kyle MacDonald, Margaret MacDonald, Nathanael MacDonald, Ray MacDonell, Stanley MacDonnell, Daniel MacDougall, Naticia MacEachern, Bernard MacGillivray, Andrew MacGowan, John Maciborski, Caroline MacKay, Brent MacKeracher, Glenn & Denise MacKinnon, Blair MacKinnon, Brian MacLean, Jim MacLean, Keith & Karen MacLean, Lowell MacLeod, Jamie MacLeod, Jessica MacLeod, Matthew MacNeil, Christopher MacNeil, Colleen & Everett, Damien MacNeil, Craig MacPherson, Robert MacPherson, William MacRae, James Madden, Barbara Maddison, Jeff Madhuwanthi, Opatha & Kumarasinghe, Kris Magee, Brian Magowan, Rose-Alie Maidment, Stephen *Makey, Rita & Brian Maksymowicz, Andrew Maloney, Thomas Mann, Logan Manning, Vanessa Manulak, Dan Marceau, Mike Marcel, Aaron Marchesi, Matthew Marden, Tim Marler, Simone & Blaine Marrison, Colleen Marsh, Lynn Marshall, Michael Martel, James Martel, John Marten, Jerry Marten, Randy Martin, John Martin, Kathryn Martin, Wil Martindale, Darrell Masson, Jaimie Matchett, Garth Matchim, Jocelyn Matthews, Ryan Mattson, Robert Mayner, Eileen Mazerolle, Ron Mazzeo, Robin & Mike McAllister, Edward McAmmond, Levi McCall, Bill McCann, Shawn McCarthy, Shawn McClain, Tracy McCormack, Mark McCormick, John McCoy, Tim McDade, Peter McDonald, Aaron McDonald, Alan McDonald, David McDonald, Joseph McDonald, Randy & Carol McDonell, Brent McDougall, Darin McEwan, Robert McGale, John McGloin, Paul Mercereau, Tawana Metz, Donald Michaud, Bradley Michelin, Perry Middlebrook, Gary Millburn, Gerard Miller, Bill Miller, Chris Miller, Tom Miller, Wayne & Sarah Milligan, Brent Mills, Brian Mills, Susan This year at The HUB, over 900 children under the age of six learned to sing a song. That’s, of course, in addition to the 1,500 parents and caregivers who learned new parenting skills at the same time. McGrath, Brad & Tracy McGrath, Clarence Mcintyre, Frank McIntyre, Scott Mcisaac, Patrick McIvor, Corey McIvor, Ryan McKay, Louis Mckimmie, Ryan McLane, Tim McLean, Cassandra McLeod, Dennis McLeod, Mr & Mrs McLoughlin, Paul McMurray, Dennis McNeill, Stanley McPherson, Jerry McQuay, Peter McQueen, Ed Meade, Stephen Melanson, Ryan Mensah, Selorm Mercer, Carolyn Mercer, Denis Mercer, Dennis Mercer, Jason Mercer, Michael W. COMMUNITY: Renee Dibenedetto of the Children First: Community Childcare31Network and Lesley Pearcey of the Justin Slade Youth Foundation take part in the Community Block Cleanup as part of The Redpoll Centre team. Milner, Perry Mitchell, Lee Mitchelmore, Wyman Mjelve, Brice Mogollon, Cesar Mohr, Bill Moman, Lawrence Monaghan, Vicki Moore, Alain Moore, James Mootoo, Lennox Moreau, Gordon Moretto, Angela Morey, Keith Morin, Chrissy Morin, Edward Morin, Mike Morin, Rick Morrison, Bruce Morrison, Cal Morrison, Lenny Morrison, Stephen Mosher, Rod Moss, Maury Mrouwe, Fadi Mudzviti, Truman Muise, Don Muise, Renie Mullins, Archie & Morgan, Kataha Munn, Andrew Munro, Jonathan Murphy, John Murphy, Ken Mutch, Cecilia Mutch, Douglas Naca, Diana Naik, Mohan Nand, Alvin Nash, Richard Nash, Terry Nash, Thomas Navas, Freddy Neale, Scott Neiva, Jose Nelson, Patricia Nemirsky, Al Newbury, Gary Newbury, Mark Newell, Jen Newton, Gary Nice, Peter Nicholls, Kolleen Nicolle, David Nieuwenhuis, Scott Nishiyama, Rod Nixon, Christopher & Karen Nixon, Madeleine Noble, Ian Noer, Michelle Norcutt, Travis Nordhoff, Michael Northcott, David Noskiye, Jimmy 32 Photo courtesy of Syncrude Canada. Noskiye, Marilyn Nouta, Henry Nyen, Bob O'Brien, Daniel O'Brien, Pat Obrigewitsch, Jeffery O'Callaghan, Sean O'Donnell, Sanford Oehlke, Ryan Oje, Isaac O'Keefe, Matthew O'Keefe, Pamela Ollenberger, Rory Olynuk, William Olynyk, Ken Onciul, Dustin O'Neill, Justina (Marie) Oram, Chris Orr, Christopher Orvis, Chelsea Osman, Ismail Osment, Ken Oster, Travis Ostiguy, Lionel Ouellette, Warren Overland, Shawn & Roseanne Overton, Jud Owens, Jimmy Palmblad, Robin Palmer, Harry Papp, Michael Pardy, Kerry Parent, Leo Paridaen, Barclay Paris, William Park, Diane Park, Kailyn Parker, Rachel Parrott, Gayle & Vic Parsons, Roger Patel, Sanjaykumar K. Paton, Raymond Patrick, Walter Patten, Joey Patterson, Carla Patterson, David Paulson, Murray Payne, Benjamin Payne, Charles Payne, Paul Peach, Brent Peake, Jarvis Pearce, Andrea Pearce, Erin Peckford, Beulah Pelletier, Richard Perera, Quintus Perez, Dearest Paulina Perkins, James Perreault, Sheldon Perrier, Randy Perry, Jamie Perry, Morgan Peters, Ian Peters, Richard K. Peterson, Sean Petipas, Paul Petlyk, William Sandy Petrick, Brent Pevie, Colin Peyton, Dennis & Alison Philipow, Bob Philipow, Rick Phillips, Diane Piche, Brenda Piche, Larry Piche, Richard Pike, David Pike, Pearl Pillai, Shyam Pittman, Doug & Burke, Krista Pittman, Ed & Barb Pittman, Natasha Plamondon, Kenneth Plepelic, Daniel Pocsai, Stephen Poersch, Carol Pohl, Kerry Poirier, Adrien Poirier, Michele Polanco, Carlos Pongracz, Clint Pord, Mitch Posada, Mary Luz Pottle, Ryon Poutney, Conor & Jennifer Powder, Bradley Powder, Peter Power, Dwayne Power, Kim Power, Tom & Hilda Pratt, Brian Price, Bernard Price, Brad & Kristy Price, Wes Proudfoot, Jim Provencal, Andrew & Charmaine Prowse, Kayla & Geoff Pruden, Karen Publicover, Lorieann Pugh, Donald Punko, Alcide Purcell, Patrick Quarterman, Craig Quenneville, Luc Quilty, Derrick Quinn, Joe Rabadan, Ramon Rafferty, Kent Raike, Damian Rakochy, Jason Randhawa, Harmanjit Rankin, Josh Rao, Ashok Rathburn, Ryan, J. PRESIDENT’S CUP: Teams from Suncor and Syncrude line up for the annual President’s Cup in support of United Way. Ratkovic, Robert Ratz, Ronald Rector, David Reda, John Redmond, Robert Reed, Donald Reginato, Ivan Rehman, Tanveer Reid, Cameron Reid, Dawson Reid, Gary K. Reid, Gordon Reimer, Jason Rempel, Kathy Rempp, Amy Renaud, Russell Reyes, Rafael Reynolds, James Reynolds, Ron Ricard, Dan Rice, David Rice, Marcel Rich, Angela Richard, Mason Richards, Sean Richards, Trevor Richardson, Susan Richter, Crystal Rideout, Dwain Rideout, Michael Rideout, Raymond Rideout, Troy Riendeau, Garret Riggs, Amanda Rioux, Rene Ristau, Kenneth Roberts, Curtis Roberts, Trevor Roblee, Melvin Robson, Andy Roe, Thom & Alyson Rogers, Dennis Rogers, Jeff Rogers, Joshua Rohovich, Kimberly Rohovich, Trent Romero, Joy & Diego Ronald, Gord Rose, Brandon Ross, Douglas Ross, Marty Roth, Nonna Rowsell, Colin Roy, Dustin Ruby, Randolph 33 Rumjan, James & Catherine Ryan, Hubert Ryan, Jeff Sabrowsky, Blaine Sager, John Salazar-Alcala, Jose & Gladys Sale, James Sametz, Jason Samiei, Sepideh Samin, Jennifer Sammann, Darren Samms, Tony Sampson, Anthony Samson, Raymond Sanders, Skip Sangster, Marty Sarda, Dwarka Sarjeant, Ian Saunders, Dean Saunders, Mr Travis Saunders, Scott Savard, Pierre Saxton, Joseph Scantland, Travis Schad, John Schaffer, Darlene Schaufele, Alan Scheel, Christian Scheers, Darrell Schiewe, Bruce Schiewe, Dianne Schleckser, Brian Schoen, Clarice R. Schoen, Roy Schulz, Richard Schwarz, Brian Schwenning, Gary Scoble, Angela & Kevin Scott, Kyle Scott, Michael Scully, Ian Sedlak, Andrew Segato, Michael Semple, Anita Senuk, Lance Shafer, Justin Shannon, James Sharples, Todd Shaw, David *Shaw, Norma & Conrad Shea, Luke Shearing, Lorne Shears, Harry Shelley, Gerard Sheppard, Byron Sheppard, Shawn Sheremeta, James Sheridan, Troy Sholko, Kevin Shopik, Jeff Shopik, Kevin Shukin, Kurt Sieben, Jason Sieber, Roger Silk, Douglas Snow, Dino Solecki, Aaron Sonser, Douglas J. South, William Spagrud, Dallas Spangenberg, Michael Sparks, Christopher Spath, Ulrich Speidel, Brad Spracklin, Don Spracklin, Justin Spurrell, Richard Because of your support, CNIB was able to provide over 250 hours of local service for Fort McMurray clients. Simbi, Cristabell Simmons, Greg Simms, Darrell *Simms, Doug & Lynette Simms, Robert Dean Simpson, Anne Simpson, Christine Simpson, Craig Simpson, Craig Simpson, Meg Sinclair, Juanita Singer, Eric Sinnicks, Lloyd Sitko, Brenda Skanes, Aaron Skinner, Christopher Skinner, Mario Skinner, Travis Smart, Sheila Smith, Alvar Smith, Curtis J. Smith, Dale Smith, Floyd Smith, Jodie Smith, Robert Smith, Stephen Smith, Victor Smith, Wallace Sneddon, Dawn Sneddon, Robert Snelgrove, Randy Snook, Leon Squires, Mark Srinivasagam, John Staples, Tim Stark, Tammy Stebner, Darryl & Deborah Steele, Roger Steele, Susan Steeves, Blair Stepanuk, Ian L. Stevens, Sherill Stewart, Jennifer Stewart, Ted Stone, Stephen Stovall, Robert Stoyles, Dean Strand, Craig Strang, Tracey Strong, Chris & Lori Stronski, Mark & Karen Sturge, Jonathan Styles, Gerald (Todd) Sullivan, Jamie Sullivan, Trevor Sutherland, Fraser Swaney, Robert Swanson, Susan Sweeney, Raymond Sweet, George Swinhoe, Steven Szenti, Steven Tabbert, David Taghdis, Mohammad Tarbitt, Andrew Tarnowski, Dennis Taves, Heidi Taylor, Daniel Taylor, Jeanne Taylor, Paul Tellier, Kimberley Tellier, Real Temple, Tammy Ternier, Brenda The Ash Family The Polson Family The Pyle Family The Rolf Family The Rose Family The Santiago's The Smeltzer Family The Stephens Family The Toole Family The Trottier Family The Trottier Family The Verbonac Family The Wells Family Your support has meant that this year, Stepping Stones was able to provide shelter to 122 local homeless youth, while working to reconnect them with their families. The Baatjes Family The Blanchard Family The Bracho Paris Family The Brandt Family The Broderick Family The Cachia Family The Cairney Family The Carnochan Family The Carty Family The Caya Family The Da Silva Family The Dahl Family The Derksen Family The Diamond Family The Diamond Family The Dodds' Family The Fadden Family The Flores Family The Grande Family The Heinish Family The Hoots Family The Jimenez Family The Kaler Family The Kammermayer Family The Kennetts Family The Kenney Family The Kuntz Family The Lacey Family The Law Family The Levesque Family The Murphy Family The Pearce Family 34 Wilsenach Family Theberge, Carol Theberge, Kelleigh Thomas, Draper Thomas, John Thomas, Matthew Thompson, Chistopher Thompson, Tanya Thorne, Adam Ticas, Walter Tiedemann, Tammy Tilley, Gregory Timmons, Christopher Tobias, Elizabeth Tolman, Dirk Touchette, Shea Tourangeau, Robert Traverse, Jim Tremblay, Tyson Tremblett, Pam Trottier, Jason Troutman, Terry Trudeau, Justin Trufitt, Michael Tubrett, Michael Tucker, B. Alice Tulk, Iain Tupper, Robert Turcotte, Denis Turner, Dave Tustin, Robin Tutt, William Tuttle, James Ukrainec, Terry Umana, Oscar Umperville, Alyssa Unger, Mr. & Mrs. James Upshall, Scott Ure, Mavis Usher, Brad Ussyk, Georgi Vale, Jennifer & Moul, Samuel Van De Reep, Fred Van Genne, Dirk Van Ness, James Van Schalkwyk, Riaan Van Seters, John Van-Alstine, Vivian Vandendorpe, Dirk Vandergaag, Stefan, Karol, Isabella & Willem Vassallo, Nicole Veldman, Gerrit The Vendel, Sarah Verma, Paul Vienneau, David Vienneau, Nelson Vincent, Douglas Vincent, Martin Virus, Kendall Vloet, Ryan Vora, Ramesh Vorster, Hendri Vye, Gregory Wadden, Colleen Wagar, Edward Walker, Glen Walker, Murray Walker, Tim Wall, Susan Wallwork, Vince Walsh, Jared Walsh, Sean Wanagas, Don Wang, James Wansbrough, Jeremy Warner, Bradley Warren, Jason Warrier, Vish Waters, Paul Watson, Devon Watson, Jeffrey Watson, Jonathan Way, Kevin Wazir, Aly Weatherbee, Grant Weatherby, Cameron Webb, Douglas Webb, Lorna Webb, Riel Webb, Robert Webber, Anthony Welcher, Don Weldon, Tim Wellon, Peter West, Karl Westwood, Ken Wheating, Loyd Whelan, Joe White, Dawn White, Skyler Whiteknife, Dale Whitman, Michael & Penny Widenmaier, Herman Wiebe, Tommy Wiklun, Larry Wilcox, Jodi Wilcox, Lindsay Wilkinson, Christopher Willcott, David Willemsen, Jessica William-Rayner, Charles Williams, Christopher Williams, Derek Williams, Eric Williams, Jeff Williams, Peter & Julie Williams, Timothy Williamson, David Wilson, Bruce Wilson, Daniela Wilson, John Wilson, Stephen Wilson, Steven Winnington, Richard Winnington, Ryan Winsor, Dawson Winters, Howard Wiseman, Justin Wiseman, Wayne Wolbeck, Cory Wolf, Sarah Wong, Derek Wood, Carl Wood, Randy Wood, Timothy Wood, Travis Woodman, Mark PAINT OUR TOWN RED: Cindy Amerongen, Fred McDonald and Debbie Hahn celebrate the Community Campaign Kickoff. Wortman, Wayne Wouterse, Martin Wright, Brenda Wright, Terry Wright, Valerie Wyllie, Mark & Joanne Wynn, Jon Xia, Jiqing Xu, Da Peng Yewchuk, Andriy Young, Andrew Young, Dale Young, Leonard Young, Nelson Yurkiw, Ken Zemp, Sheri Ziegler, Russell 35 Photo courtesy of Dan Sorenson. The United Way of Fort McMurray 200-10010 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray, AB T9H 2K6 Cover photograph courtesy of Dan Sorenson. Printed in-house to reduce cost. 36 Edition: 12/03/22
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