THE BENEFIT FOR COLOPLAST • Better quality in management • Well-anchored management evaluation • Both local and global commitment COLOPLAST: BETTER MANAGEMENT STARTS WITH CLEAR MESSAGES A united Coloplast with proven better quality in management, a framework for feedback and more committed employees. With an eye to cultural diversity and the individual manager's development, the People and Communications Department, the CEO and local HR Business Partners are working to ensure that the entire organisation is working on its own development. Anders Monrad Rendtorff, Senior Vice President, People and Communications From People & Communications at the head the culture at Coloplast, and this also meant employee survey or a manager survey. While office in Humlebæk to large-scale production a shared understanding of management. We the employee survey investigates overall com- in both eastern and western parts of the world: had to identify what good leadership means mitment and wellbeing within the organisa- Coloplast operates across great distances, but for Coloplast.” So says Anders Monrad Rend- tion, the manager survey is an individual 270° differences in the understanding of manage- torff, Senior Vice President for People and evaluation of each manager. All managers are ment, culture and development have been Communications. evaluated by their own employees, colleagues shortened in recent years. The result is a uni- This was the beginning of what Coloplast now in management and themselves. Coloplast ted Coloplast, in which guidelines, quality and refers to as the People Cycle: an annual cycle has worked with Ennova to carry out two em- the system of manager and employee develop- which, along with the Leadership Principles, ployee surveys and one manager evaluation ment are the same all over the world. places the individual employee and manager's over the past three years. development in a system and forms the basis “We began in 2010 by implementing the initial Success requires leadership of the development and commitment of the processes, using our Leadership Principles as “Coloplast has almost always been a success- company's 8,500 plus employees. a starting point,” says Anders Monrad Rend- ful company. But years ago, we weren't getting torff. the results we should have done. Something Development based on facts “We've made it a priority for the entire organ- was wrong, and it was clear that it was time for One of the elements that helps to ensure deve- isation to understand that it is important to us to turn around and take the long way round lopment at Coloplast is surveys. Every spring, know where on the scale the individual man- to success. We had to build a cohesive idea of the HR annual cycle begins with either an Annual cycle for development of managers and employees at Coloplast People Survey People Review Review of Personal Development Performance Development Plan COLOPLAST'S MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES: • Set high ambitions and challenge your team • Give open and honest feedback about performance • Show visible and decisive leadership • Focus teams on delivering business results Salary & Bonus Process FACTS: How Coloplast measures its managers The Coloplast manager survey is a 270° evaluation. All managers at Coloplast are evaluated by their own employees, colleagues in management and themselves. In 2013, 822 managers received a result report. The survey is part of the annual People Cycle development programme. The questions in the employee survey and manager survey are comparable. The employee survey focuses on general management and job satisfaction at Coloplast, while the manager survey is an evaluation of the individual manager. We want to develop a performance culture in which all employees at Coloplast know exactly what they need to do to fulfil ambitious, high objectives. Anders Monrad Rendtorff, Senior Vice President, People & Communications ager is, so that results can be improved. This feedback, and so our challenge is to maintain honest feedback. Our Leadership Principles understanding has made implementing the an adequate level worldwide. If you're a busy are used and form the basis for many of our full HR annual cycle easier - including, for ex- salesman in Asia or South America, spending development tools.” ample, inclusion of the Leadership Principles most of your time on customer contact, it can What defines these tools is that they are in the survey.” be hard to understand why these internal generic, but can also be adjusted. This is Today, the quality of the organisation's work processes are now so important. This means important, because it must be possible to on development is already much better. we spend a lot of time explaining to the entire adapt the tools to the company's situation organisation why management and develop- and agenda, which determines where HR Mandatory management feedback ment are prioritised so highly. It's that under- should focus its attention. “All of our managers know that surveys standing which makes the difference.” Super-committed employees and feedback are a normal part of being a manager at Coloplast, and they have a very Expectations from senior management Coloplast has found the key to becoming an professional attitude to it. It's personal feed- The manager survey questionnaire is struc- evolving organisation. According to Dinusha back, which makes the managers even more tured around the four Leadership Principles, de Silva-Parker, who works in HR and or- excited about the results. Managers can't which should be key to managers' commu- ganisational development at Coloplast, the control the feedback from their employees, so nication. In addition, Coloplast's CEO, Lars keywords are simplicity, relevance and local it's like sitting an exam and getting judged.” Rasmussen, is keen to ensure that everyone, adaptation. As a manager at Coloplast, you automatically across national borders and cultures, gets the “Managers aren't born experts in manage- say yes to Nordic values and the Leadership message that leadership is on the agenda. ment, but they bear a great responsibility,” Principles. That is a prerequisite for succeed- “Lars Rasmussen repeats again and again she says. ing as a manager at Coloplast. According to that he has the same expectations of all ma- “So it's important that we make the manag- Anders Monrad Rendtorff: nagers, regardless of their level: they should er's development tools easy and simple to “In Denmark and other Nordic countries, be ambitious, focused on business results, work with. We involve our managers and cre- we're used to values such as honesty and visible and ensure that they provide open, ate understanding through local initiatives. The results show progress: How employees rated their managers 78[+3] Overall Leadership Principles index We can see that managers are working actively with the results. Those managers who were below standard have all developed. There can only be one reason - they are taking this seriously and working in a professional manner with the development tools. Anders Monrad Rendtorff, Senior Vice President, People and Communications 2012-2014 period, scale of 0 to 100 76[+2] 76[+3] Sets high ambitions and challenges the team Gives open and honest feedback about performance 79[+3] 80[+4] Focuses team on delivering business results Shows visible and decisive leadership Otherwise we don't have the entire organi- “We emphasise that they should be aware of both big and small chanes are taking place in sation on board.” and look after those managers who get a nasty departments.” The involvement of the entire organisation is shock when they get the results.” important to Anders Monrad Rendtorff: The local HR Business Partners are also re- Moving towards a performance culture “Earlier this year, I visited one of our depart- sponsible for helping managers to transform “We can see that managers are working ac- ments in the USA to pass on a clear message: results into development. Again, the keyword tively with the results,” says Anders Monrad participate in the survey and give open, is relevance. Coloplast's mantra is that only Rendtorff. honest feedback. Both we and your manager by making development efforts local and “Those managers who were below standard need your feedback in order to change.” relevant can development succeed globally. have all developed. There can only be one The local HR departments set local activities reason - they are taking this seriously and Coloplast is “glocal” and initiatives in motion, and there is an un- working in a professional manner with the Over 40 local HR departments in 18 coun- derstanding that there is no single template development tools. This is a clear example of tries are responsible for ensuring that the that can be used as a solution to management the great impact of leadership.” structure of a performance culture is local, development. It is also a step on Coloplast's path towards the present and adapted to cultural diversity. In “Over 800 managers receive a report contain- performance culture. other words, simplicity, relevance and local ing individual results, and I can see that there “We want to develop a performance culture in adaptation. is a huge difference in the evaluations,” says de which all employees at Coloplast know exactly “We ensure that the local HR Business Part- Silva-Parker. what they need to do to fulfil ambitious, high ners see the results of the managers' evalua- “There are as many different follow-up trajec- objectives,” he finishes. tion first,” says Dinusha de Silva-Parker. tories as there are reports and managers, and Ennova's partnership with Coloplast So far, Ennova has carried out three surveys for Coloplast: two employee surveys and one manager evaluation, covering around 8,500 managers and employees. The survey's questionnaire was developed by Ennova based on Coloplast's four Leadership Principles and input from relevant management models. Ennova is also responsible for the practical aspect of the survey, ensuring success by the fact that all employees and managers find the system and process to be simple and easy to work with.