The Danish Society for Biopharmaceutical Statistics Linear Mixed


The Danish Society for Biopharmaceutical Statistics Linear Mixed
The Danish Society for Biopharmaceutical Statistics
(detailed program will be presented later)
A DSBS Two-day Training Course
Linear Mixed Models for Correlated
and Repeated Measurements
9-10 March 2015 at Novo Nordisk, Søborg
Presented by
Julie Lyng Forman, Section of Biostatistics, University of Copenhagen
Søren Andersen, Biostatistics Anchor, Novo Nordisk
Registration by February 14 to
Marianne Harboe-Larsen
Price: 2000 kr.
[email protected]
The number of participants will be limited due to computer exercises.
This course is concerned with analysis of correlated quantitative data arising e.g. when taking observations
repeatedly over time on the same subjects or from clusters of subjects. The topics will encompass analysis
of longitudinal data and repeated measurements, linear mixed models, variance component models and
multilevel models. Focus will be on applications relevant for statisticians working in the pharmaceutical
As part of the course, there will be computer exercises. Participants will need to have SAS installed on their
laptop. Pre-knowledge of SAS is a requirement.
Recommended reading: G. M. Fitzmaurice, N. M. Laird & J. H. Ware: Applied Longitudinal Analysis (2nd
edition). John Wiley & sons, 2011
An additional course covering generalized linear mixed models, missing data, multiple
imputations and other advanced issues will take place 4-5 May.
Dansk Selskab for Biofarmaceutisk Statistik
Charlotte Hindsberger
Coloplast A/S, Holtedam 3, 3050 Humlebæk
Tlf.: 49 11 11 11
E-mail: , [email protected]
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